Module 2 - Collaborative Learning

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1. What is the delay for the following types of 64-bit adders? Assume that each two-input gate delay
is 150 ps and that a full adder delay is 450 ps.
(a) a ripple-carry adder
(b) a carry-lookahead adder with 4-bit blocks
(c) a prefix adder

2. The prefix network shown in Figure uses black cells to compute all of the prefixes. Some
of the block propagate signals are not actually necessary. Design a “gray cell” that receives G
and P signals for bits i:k and k -1:j but produces only Gi:j, not Pi:j. Redraw the prefix
network, replacing black cells with WHITE cells wherever possible.


1. Convert the following MIPS assembly code into machine language.Write the instructions
in hexadecimal.
add $t0, $s0, $s1
lw $t0, 0x20($t7)
addi $s0, $0, -10
2. Consider I-type instructions.
(a) Which instructions from question 1 are I-type instructions?
(b) Sign-extend the 16-bit immediate of each instruction from part (a) so that it becomes a 32-
bit number
3. Convert the following program from machine language into MIPS assembly language. The
numbers on the left are the instruction address in memory, and the numbers on the right give
the instruction at that address
0x00400000 0x20080000
0x00400004 0x20090001
1. Explain the steps for translating and executing this program

Hint: refer text

1. Determine the values of the control signals and the portions of the datapath that are
used when executing an or instruction for single cycle architecture and explain.
Solution(hint): Figure illustrates the control signals and flow of data during execution of the
or instruction. The PC points to the memory location holding the instruction, and the
instruction memory fetches this instruction. The main flow of data through the register file
and ALU is represented with a dashed blue line. The register file reads the two source
operands specified by Instr25:21 and Instr20:16. SrcB should come from the second port of
the register file (not SignImm), so ALUSrc must be 0. or is an R-type instruction, so ALUOp
is 10, indicating that ALUControl should be determined from the funct field to be 001. Result
is taken from the ALU, so MemtoReg is 0. The result is written to the register file, so
RegWrite is 1. The instruction does not write memory, so MemWrite =0. The selection of the
destination register is also shown with a dashed blue line. The destination register is specified
in the rd field, Instr15:11, so RegDst =1. The updating of the PC is shown with the dashed
gray line. The instruction is not a branch, so Branch =0 and, hence, PCSrc is also 0. The PC
gets its next value from PCPlus4.

2.Write short note on performance analysis of computer systems

Refer text

Submission date:- College reopening day

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