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PART NO. 4034061 1300 SRM 1455

• The Service Manuals are updated on a regular basis, but may not reflect recent design changes to the
product. Updated technical service information may be available from your local authorized Hyster®
dealer. Service Manuals provide general guidelines for maintenance and service and are intended for
use by trained and experienced technicians. Failure to properly maintain equipment or to follow in-
structions contained in the Service Manual could result in damage to the products, personal injury,
property damage or death.
• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly fastened, and
that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and chains have the capacity to
support the weight of the load.
• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.
• Wear safety glasses.
• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair on electric lift
trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE LIFT
TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Use the correct tools for the job.
• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet or ex-
ceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using force to
remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or if the unit
needs repairs.
• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel are flamma-
ble. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels and when working
on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away from the
area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor
or moderate injury and property damage.

On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Table of Contents

Series Code / Model Designation Reference Table ................................................................................................ 1
General .....................................................................................................................................................................1
Description ...............................................................................................................................................................2
General ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Clutch .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Operation ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Hydraulic Operation ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Clutch Valve ....................................................................................................................................................7
Cooling and Lubrication ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Control System ....................................................................................................................................................9
Transmission Control Unit (TCU) ................................................................................................................. 9
Operating Modes .............................................................................................................................................9
Normal Mode .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Substitute Clutch Control ..........................................................................................................................9
Limp-Home Mode ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Transmission Shut Down Mode ...............................................................................................................10
TCU Shut Down Mode ............................................................................................................................. 10
Transmission Exceed Codes .....................................................................................................................10
Self-Test ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Fault Codes ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Description ................................................................................................................................................10
Fault Log Mode .............................................................................................................................................11
Access ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Exit ............................................................................................................................................................11
Clear ..........................................................................................................................................................11
Fault Log Memory ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Fault Rectification ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Hydraulic Control Valve ...................................................................................................................................12
Hydraulic Control Valve Repair .................................................................................................................. 14
Solenoid Replacement .................................................................................................................................. 14
Pressure Check ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Pressure Specifications .................................................................................................................................14
Speed and Temperature Sensors ..................................................................................................................... 16
Speed Sensors ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Test ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Temperature Sensors ................................................................................................................................... 17
Shift Lever .....................................................................................................................................................17
Pedal MONOTROL®..................................................................................................................................... 18
ZF Transmission Test and Calibration ............................................................................................................18
Transmission Test and Calibration ............................................................................................................. 18
Precautions ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Stall Test ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
Description ................................................................................................................................................18
Stall Test Procedure .................................................................................................................................18
Inch Pedal Calibration ................................................................................................................................. 19
Description ................................................................................................................................................19
Calibration ................................................................................................................................................19
Brake and Inch Pedal Adjustment .............................................................................................................. 19
Inch Sensor Adjustment ...............................................................................................................................19
Inch Pedal Calibration ................................................................................................................................. 20


Table of Contents


Preparation ...............................................................................................................................................20
Calibration Procedure Using the Calibration Switch ............................................................................ 20
Calibration Procedure Using the Testman software ..............................................................................21
Inch Pedal Calibration Fault Codes ........................................................................................................ 21
Clutch Calibration ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Description ................................................................................................................................................22
Clutch Calibration Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 22
Manual Clutch Calibration Procedure .................................................................................................... 23
Testman Clutch Calibration Procedure .................................................................................................. 24
Testman .............................................................................................................................................................24
Description .................................................................................................................................................... 24
Connection .....................................................................................................................................................24
Truck Configuration ......................................................................................................................................... 24
Configuration ................................................................................................................................................ 25
Limitations ....................................................................................................................................................25
Capacities and Specifications ............................................................................................................................... 26
Electrical Specifications ....................................................................................................................................26
Transmission Control Unit Diagram ............................................................................................................... 27
ZF Transmission Fault Codes ...............................................................................................................................28
Transmission Exceed Codes ............................................................................................................................. 28
Testman Fault Codes ........................................................................................................................................29

This section is for the following models:

1300 SRM 1455 Series Code / Model Designation Reference Table

Series Code / Model Designation Reference Table

This section is for the following models:

Series Code European Model Americas Model

A238 H16.00XM-9, H16.00XM-12, H360-36HD, H360-48HD
H18.00XM-7.5, H18.00XM-9
B238 H16.00XM-9, H16.00XM-12, H360-36HD, H360-48HD
H18.00XM-7.5, H18.00XM-9
H019 H13.00-16.0XM-6, H10.00-12.0XM-12EC H300-360HD2, H360HD2-EC
J007 H8.00-12.00XM-6 H190-280HD2
J019 H13.00-16.00XM-6, H10.00-12.00XM-12EC H300-360HD2, H360HD2-EC
K007 H8.00-12.00XM-6, H10.00XMS-6 H190-280HD2, H230HDS
K019 H13.00-16.00XM-6 H210-250-48HD2, H300-360HD2
K019EC H6.00XM-12EC3, H7.00XM-12EC4 H360HD2-EC4
L007 H8.00-12.00XM-6 H190-280HD2, H250HD2

This manual provides information on operation and Electrical system diagrams are shown in Diagrams.
diagnostics of the ZF ERGOPOWER (WG161)
Transmission as fitted on J007, K007, L007, H019,
J019, K019, A238 and B238 series trucks.

The repair procedures for the transmission and

control valve are shown in Transmission Repair
(ZF-WG161) 1300SRM1456.

Description 1300 SRM 1455

GENERAL The oil pressure generated by the transmission
pump is used for lubrication, internal cooling, and
The function of the transmission is to transfer en- hydraulic control of the transmission. Without oil
gine power from the engine flywheel to the drive pressure the transmission cannot function.
wheels and to the hydraulic pump(s) that are at-
tached to the transmission. The torque converter hydraulically connects the en-
gine flywheel with the transmission input shaft. It
The engine flywheel is connected to the torque con- functions as a fluid clutch to smoothly transfer
verter housing through a drive plate. See Figure 1. power from the engine to the transmission, and as
a torque multiplier when speed difference between
The flexing properties of the drive plate reduce engine and transmission input shaft increases. The
transfer of axial forces between engine crankshaft torque converter has a specific torque multiplica-
and torque converter. The torque converter drives tion factor that matches the engine power charac-
the transmission pump and the PTO drives the at- teristics. Speed difference between engine and
tached pump(s) for the hydraulic system of the transmission input shaft is a measure of engine
truck. The torque converter, transmission pump power being transferred. With increasing speed dif-
and hydraulic pump(s) turn at proportional engine ference, there is also an increased amount of heat
speed. generated in the converter. The heat generated is
removed by the transmission oil which flows
through the torque converter.



Figure 1. Torque Converter

1300 SRM 1455 Description

The different speed ratios between input shaft and for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd speed should not be en-
drive shaft are obtained by engaging and disengag- gaged at the same time. Erroneous clutch engage-
ing different clutches. See Figure 2. Three groups of ment is prevented by the transmission control sys-
gears are continuously engaged with each other: tem.
the input gears, the interconnecting gears, and the
output gears. See Figure 3. The different speeds are obtained by engaging ei-
ther the forward or reverse clutch, and by engaging
If clutches belonging to one group would be en- either one of the clutches for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
gaged simultaneously, the transmission would lock. speed. When the transmission is in NEUTRAL, all
The clutches Forward and Reverse should not be clutches are disengaged. See Figure 4.
engaged at the same time. Also, the speed clutches



Figure 2. Gear Assembly

Description 1300 SRM 1455


Figure 3. Gear Engagement


Figure 4. Gear Engagement for Selected Speeds

1300 SRM 1455 Description


The clutches consist of a drum which carries a pis-

ton and steel discs with external splines, and a hub
which carries friction discs with internal splines.
See Figure 5.

Friction discs and steel discs are installed in alter-

nate order.

By pressurizing the clutch piston, the friction discs

and steel discs are clamped together, which cause
the hub and drum to rotate as one unit. Also the
gears attached to the hub and clutch will rotate as
one unit to transfer engine power.

When hydraulic pressure is released, the clutch re-

turn spring pushes the piston back against the 1. CLUTCH ASSEMBLY BEARING
clutch housing, which allows hub and drum to ro- 2. CLUTCH SPRING
tate independently. The drum, steel discs, piston, 3. FRICTION DISC
and return springs rotate at the same speed. The 4. PISTON SEAL
hub rotates at the same speed with the friction 5. PISTON
discs. 7. STEEL DISC

Figure 5. Clutch Components

HYDRAULIC OPERATION mission controller. When the filter is clogged, the
transmission controller triggers a fault code and ac-
The transmission sump is the main reservoir for tivates the transmission warning light.
the transmission oil. The sump screen keeps large
particles from entering the transmission pump. The The Main Pressure Valve maintains a system pres-
pump is driven by the torque converter housing, sure of 16 to 18.5 bar (232 to 268.3 psi) by relieving
which connects directly through splines. excess oil through the torque converter, oil cooler
and lubrication system. Most of pump oil supply
A pressure relief valve in the pump supply line pro- volume is used for cooling and lubrication. This vol-
tects the system against pressures in excess of 35 to ume is about 105 liter (28 gal) per minute at an en-
45 bar (506.6 to 652.7 psi) . gine speed of 2000 rpm.

The pump transfers oil through the transmission System Pressure is used to pressurize the clutches.
filter, and further to the Main Pressure Valve and Applied pressure to the clutches is regulated by the
the Clutch Valves. Clutch Valves, which receive an electrical signal
from the transmission controller to activate the op-
The transmission filter is protected by a 5.5 to erating valve through pilot pressure.
8.5 bar (80 to 123.3 psi) bypass valve, which in-
cludes a sender that is connected with the trans- Pilot Pressure is maintained at 9 bar (131 psi) by
the Pressure Reducing Valve. See Figure 6.

Operation 1300 SRM 1455



Figure 6. Hydraulic Diagram

1300 SRM 1455 Operation

Clutch Valve

The function of the clutch valve is to transfer sys-

tem pressure to the clutches according the electri-
cal signal from the transmission controller. See Fig-
ure 8.

The varying signal from the transmission controller

operates the pressure regulator proportionally.
When activated, the pressure regulator closes,
causing pilot pressure at the operating valve to
rise, resulting in the transfer of system pressure to
the clutch. When de-activated, the pressure regula-
tor opens, causing pilot pressure to drain to tank,
which closes the operating valve and drains clutch

The clutch valve includes a flow restrictor, which

limits oil supply. This limited oil supply allows
pressure to drop quick enough when the pressure
regulator opens.
A hydraulic damper limits pressure peaks when the 2. PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE
pressure regulator closes. See Figure 7. 3. HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE

Figure 8. Hydraulic Control Valve


Figure 7. Clutch Valve

Operation 1300 SRM 1455

COOLING AND LUBRICATION To expedite the warming up process, a thermostat

valve is fitted between the torque converter outlet
Heat is primarily generated at the torque converter port and the transmission cooler. The thermostat
and at the clutch plates during transmission opera- starts opening at 70°C (158°F) and is completely
tion. The heat generated by mechanical friction at opened at 85°C (185°F). At temperatures below
gears, shafts and bearings is relatively low. 70°C (158°F), oil flow is directly returned to the
transmission. At temperatures above 85°C (185°F),
Heat generated in the torque converter relates di- the entire oil flow from the outlet port has to pass
rectly to the degree of stall, (i.e. the speed differ- the cooler before it is returned to the transmission.
ence between engine and turbine). In a stall situa-
tion most of the supplied engine power is transfer-
red into heat. This heat accumulates in the torque
converter because of the reduced oil flow during a
stall situation. With increasing turbine speed, the
volume of added heat reduces, while simultane-
ously, the increased oil flow more rapidly transfers
the accumulated heat.

Heat generated at the clutch plates varies with the

available engine power at time of clutch engage-
ment and the duration of clutch engagement. Dur-
ing normal operation, the transmission control sys-
tem determines the duration of clutch engagement.
During inching it is the driver who controls the
added heat in the clutch by varying engine power
and clutch engagement. The transmission control
system will close the forward or reverse clutch
when a certain amount of generated heat has been

Oil flow for cooling and lubrication passes through

the torque converter. To protect the torque con-
verter and the oil cooler, the converter safety valve
limits maximum pressure between 11 and
13 bar (159.6 and 188.5 psi). To prevent cavitation
during stall situations, the pressure back up valve
maintains a minimum pressure of about
2.5 bar (36 psi).

The maximum occuring pressure at the pressure

back up valve shoulde never exceed
7.3 bar (106 psi).

From the transmission lubrication port the oil flows

into channels in the different shafts, which lead to 1. OIL CHANNEL
the shaft bearings for lubrication, and to the inside
of the clutch packs where the oil absorbs the heat Figure 9. Cooling and Lubrication
that is generated at the clutch plates. See Figure 9.

1300 SRM 1455 Operation

CONTROL SYSTEM not comply with the programming of the TCU, the
TCU will record the fault and react by activating a
The control system of the ZF Ergopower Transmis- protection mode. All events recorded are stored as a
sion is based on inputs from different speed sensors fault code and/or exceed code and are shown on the
to the Transmission Control Unit (TCU). The TCU instrument cluster when the fault occurs. Faults
reacts to these signals by changing its output sig- can also be read at a later point in time, making it
nals to the pressure regulators for an adjusted possible to trace intermittent problems.
clutch pressure. Input signals from other compo-
nents such as the shift lever, parking brake or tem- Protection modes and self tests are part of the TCU
perature sender, apply certain limitations to these programming and cannot be influenced.
output signals.
The TCU is located in the side console of the cab.
During shifting the following criteria will be consid- The gauges and displays on the dashboard are used
ered: to read transmission related information. For diag-
nostics and settings, it is more convenient to use a
• Speed of engine, turbine, central gear train
laptop loaded with the Testman software.
and output.
• Transmission temperature. Operating Modes
• Shifting mode (up, down, reverse shifting,
and speed engagement out of neutral). Normal Mode
• Load condition (full or part load, traction
during shifting). There is NO failure detected in the transmission
system or the failure has little or no effect on trans-
Transmission Control Unit (TCU) mission control. The TCU will perform with little or
no limitations.
The TCU has software to control the operation of
the transmission and performs the following func- Substitute Clutch Control
The TCU CANNOT change the gears or the direc-
• Perform self-test and troubleshooting. tion under the control of the normal clutch modula-
• Functional control of the transmission. tion. The TCU uses the substitute strategy for
- Automatic shifting. clutch control, all modulations are time controlled.
The display will show t_SCC.
- Inching.
• Enter a protection mode when required. Limp-Home Mode
- Improper pressures, temperatures,
and speeds. The detected failure in the system has strong limi-
tations to transmission control. The TCU will only
- No operator present.
be able to engage one gear in either direction. In
- Parking brake applied. some cases only one direction will be possible. The
- Gear or direction change at improper display will show t_LMP.
When the system enters the Limp-Home Mode, the
• Logging a fault code when circumstances
controller shifts the transmission into neutral.
have exceeded certain values.
• Allow diagnostics and calibration with a lap- To continue driving, the operator must stop the
top (Testman). truck, move the gear selector into the NEUTRAL
position and then move the gear selector into travel
Depending on the signals of the shift lever and var- mode. For trucks with a MONOTROL pedal, make
ious switches and senders, the TCU activates or de- a direction change by using this pedal.
activates the pressure regulators in the control
valve, which transfer hydraulic pressure to the
clutches in the transmission. If an input signal does

Operation 1300 SRM 1455

When truck speed in Limp-Home Mode exceeds a • Error Mode (only shown if there are active
certain value, then the controller shifts into neutral errors)
again, requiring another full stop of the truck and • Calibration Mode (special entry condition)
another selector direction change.
• Error Log Mode (special entry condition)
Transmission Shut Down Mode
Under normal operating conditions the LCD will
show only the hour meter. If there are active errors
If there is a severe failure detected by the TCU,
it will scroll between Hour and Error Mode.
control of transmission will be disabled. The TCU
will shut off the solenoid valves for the clutches and
During TCU start-up the display will show te_NN.
the common power supply (VPS1). The TCU will
It verifies if all conditions are met before it allows
shift the transmission into NEUTRAL.
normal operation.
The operator must stop the truck. The transmission
During start-up the LCD can show 1,2 or 3 if some
will remain in NEUTRAL.
quick ignition ON is done or diagnostic switch is
pressed, this is part of the special entry condition
TCU Shut Down Mode
sequence for Error mode.
Occurs when the TCU has detected a severe failure
• Hourmeter Reading
that disables control of the system. The display will
show t_SHT. When the hourglass is shown, the LCD display is in
hour meter mode and is showing engine running
At this time the TCU will shut down all solenoid hours. See Figure 10.
valves and both common power supplies (VPS1 and

The transmission will stay in NEUTRAL.

Transmission Exceed Codes

During operation of the truck, the TCU controller

may display transmission exceed codes on the LCD
of the instrument cluster. These exceed codes re-
flect that the request made by the operator will not 1. HOUR GLASS
be executed because of certain circumstances. See
the section Transmission Exceed Codes for a list of Figure 10. Hourmeter Display
transmission exceed codes and a description of the
encountered circumstances.
If the transmission controller detects a fault, the
Self-Test LCD will show a fault code instead of the engine
running hours.
At power up a series of checks is performed. If the
TCU fails these checks, it will shut off all outputs. Fault codes starting with "t" refer to transmission
The transmission cannot be operated until the exceed and fault codes. Refer to the section ZF
problem is rectified. The relevant fault code will be Transmission Fault Codes in this manual for a list
displayed. of exceed codes and fault codes.

Fault Codes When more than one fault occurs at the same time,
the fault codes will be displayed in succession.
Description When circumstances have changed, and all faults
have ceased to exist, the hour meter/fault code dis-
The LCD can show different modes: play will show engine running hours again.

• Hour Meter Mode

1300 SRM 1455 Operation

Fault code t_CON indicates a communication prob- Each number is shown for 3 seconds, after which
lem. the following number is shown. The faults will be
shown in the opposite sequence of occurrence: The
most recent fault first and the first occurred fault
last. When all recorded fault codes have been
shown, the display will continue to repeat these re-
corded fault codes until the user exists the fault log

Fault code t_CON is shown when the instrument To exit the fault log mode, turn the ignition OFF
cluster does not receive a cyclic message or receives and ON and leave ignition ON for more than 2 sec-
incorrect messages from the TCU. onds. The cluster will return to normal mode when
the parking brake is released or when the engine is
Fault Log Mode started.

Access Clear

The instrument cluster has a memory that records To clear the fault codes logged in the display, pro-
each fault when it occurs. These faults that have ceed as follows:
occurred can be reviewed at a later point in time by
entering into the fault log mode. Proceed as follows 1. Access into the fault log mode. See Access.
to enter into the fault log mode:
2. Clear the fault log by pressing the service
1. Apply parking brake. switch three more times (one second on, one
second off). This is a repetition of the procedure
2. Turn ON ignition, but do not start lift truck. to access the fault log mode. See Access.
3. Press service switch 3 times, press approxi- If the data-erasing process is successful, the display
mately for one second and release for one sec- will show ’clear’. If the data-erasing process is not
ond (this represents one cycle). After the first successful, the display will show the fault codes in
cycle, the display will show a 1. After the sec- the memory, shown in the order by the time of the
ond cycle, the display will show a 2. After the occurrence. To return to the normal mode, follow
third cycle, the display will show a 3. the procedure as described in Exit.
The display is now in fault log mode. When no
Fault Log Memory
faults have been recorded, the LCD display shows
"clear." When faults have been recorded, the dis-
Transmission fault codes are stored both in the
play shows a letter and 4 numbers for each fault
memory of the Instrument Cluster and in the mem-
code. For transmission fault codes, the letter is "t".
ory of the TCU, which have a limited capacity.
When the memory is full, it will delete the oldest
After the fault code, three further numbers are
fault recorded, to store the info of a new fault as it
The numbers represent the following:
To retain a maximum history of fault codes it is im-
• Fault code portant to NOT inadvertently trigger new fault co-
• Hourmeter reading at last occurrence des, that will remove fault codes of an existing
(real) problem from the memory. Inadvertently
• Hourmeter reading at first occurrence
triggered fault codes are more often caused by dis-
• Number of occurrences of current fault connecting components while the TCU is still pow-
ered ON (= key switch is in the ON position).

Operation 1300 SRM 1455

If removal or disconnection of components is consid- NOTE: The Testman software and the Diagrams
ered, first connect the Testman Program to diag- manual have wire and input references that relate
nose a problem. Perform an ‘Operation Data Read” to the TCU.
as indicated in the Testman Programme and save
the data in a file for further investigation. Further To determine the exact location of a harness prob-
information about the Testman Programme is in lem, look up the reference number of the compo-
‘ZF-Testman Project Related Help’ which is posted nent involved in Diagrams SRM. The legend of Dia-
on TRD under ‘Software’. grams SRM shows the related connector code and
wire harness.
Fault Rectification
Diagrams SRM shows the wire harnesses that are
Fault codes are listed in the section ZF Transmis- relevant for the TCU wiring. Actual location of the
sion Fault Codes, which provides a description of connectors can be derived from their position on the
the fault and the reaction of the TCU. Each fault harness and from their description. At the legend of
code represents a specific error or malfunction. the wire harness figures, pin location figures are
shown for connectors interconnecting between har-
In most cases the suggested rectification is by nesses.
checking electrical functionality between the TCU,
the wiring and the sensors, solenoids, or switches. To identify the harness problem, first determine
connectivity between the TCU and the connector of
Before disassembling components for test purposes, the component that was indicated in the ZF Trans-
connect the Testman software. The software allows mission Fault Codes. If an unsatisfactory result is
verification of the functionality of speed sensors, returned, measure connectivity from harness to
contamination switch, temperature sensor, shift harness.
lever, inch sensor, solenoids and throttle sensor. In
case several possible defects are indicated, the HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVE
Testman software may narrow down the number of
possible defects, preventing unnecessary removal of The hydraulic control valve is located at the left-
components that function correctly. hand side of the transmission and contains the
pressure regulator valves and check ports. Function
Be careful not to inadvertently trigger new fault co- of the hydraulic control valve depends on available
des, that may remove existing fault codes from the pump supply pressure and the activation of the
memory. Inadvertently triggered fault codes are pressure regulators. Activation of the pressure reg-
more often caused by disconnecting components ulators is controlled by the TCU. Hydraulic func-
while the TCU is still powered ON (= key switch is tion of the control valve is schematically shown in
in the ON position). See Fault Log Memory for fur- Figure 6.
ther explanation.
The location of the different pressure regulators are
To rectify problems with switches, solenoids and shown in Figure 11.
sensors, look up their actual location, and test the
component. For the location of the pressure regula- The location of the main components of the control
tors see Hydraulic Control Valve. For the location valve are shown in Figure 12.
of sensors and switches see Speed and Temperature
Sensors, and Figure 13. For test values of solenoids
and sensors see Electrical Specifications.

1300 SRM 1455 Operation



Figure 11. Solenoid Locations

Legend for Figure 12



Figure 12. Control Valve Components

Operation 1300 SRM 1455

Hydraulic Control Valve Repair None of the oil pressures are adjustable. If a pres-
sure is out of specification, the cause has to be es-
Repairs to the control valve, in most circumstances, tablished by further checking.
are limited to replacing solenoids and gaskets. Hy-
draulic components of the control valve may be in- The control valve includes the main pressure valve
spected, are available for replacement, but cannot and (pilot) pressure reducing valve.
be adjusted.
The check ports for various clutches can be pressur-
For details of control valve replacement see the ized with air. The amount of air pressure applied
manual Transmission Repair (ZF-WG161) should be approximately 14 bar (200 psi). When ap-
1300SRM1456. plying air pressure to the check ports, clutch en-
gagement and obvious leaks can be established. For
Solenoid Replacement the location of the ports see Figure 13.

For details of solenoid replacement see the manual

Transmission Repair (ZF-WG161) Pressure Specifications
Temperature of the oil must be 80 to 90°C (180 to
Pressure Check 199°F) for correct pressure measurement.

All transmission oil pressures can be measured at In the cooling and lubrication circuit the torque
the side of the control valve by using M10X1 fitting. converter causes additional flow resistance with in-
See Figure 13 and Table 1 for list of check port creasing speed difference between engine and
numbers and their description. The port numbers transmission input shaft.
mentioned at each check point correspond with the
port numbers as shown on Figure 6.

1300 SRM 1455 Operation

Item Port Description Relief Pressure Normal Pressure

1 51 Torque Converter In 11-13 bar (159-188 psi) 5 bar (72.5 psi) @ 1500RPM
2 65 System Pressure 16-18.5 bar (232-268 psi) System Pressure
3 57 2nd Gear Clutch 16-18 bar (232-261 psi) System Pressure
4 53 Forward Clutch 16-18 bar (232-261 psi) System Pressure
5 58 3rd Gear Clutch 16-18 bar (232-261 psi) System Pressure
6 55 Reverse Clutch 16-18 bar (232-261 psi) System Pressure
7 56 1st Gear Clutch 16-18 bar (232-261 psi) System Pressure
8 52/63 Converter Pressure 4.3-7.3 bar (62-106 psi) 2.5 bar (36 psi)
Back Up Valve

Figure 13. Check Ports, Control Valve

Operation 1300 SRM 1455

SPEED AND TEMPERATURE SENSORS power being transferred through the

converter. This ratio is a major factor
Before disassembling components for test purposes, for the TCU to determine in the auto-
connect the Testman software. The software allows matic selection mode, if a next higher
verification of the functionality of several compo- or lower gear is to be selected. During
nents, preventing unnecessary removal. calibration, a sudden change in con-
verter speed ratio is used to determine
Speed Sensors the clutch piston position, at the mo-
ment the clutch starts clamping.
The function of the speed sensors is to determine • Transmission Ratio
the rotation speed of the different groups of gears. - Each selected transmission gear has a
The TCU calculates the speed ratios between the specific transmission ratio. When one
different groups and compares the calculated val- of the direction clutches is closed and
ues with the programmed values. If deviation ex- the output speed has reached a certain
ceeds an allowable value, the TCU generates a value for checking, then the actual ra-
fault code and eventually enters a protection mode. tio is compared with the specified ra-
See Figure 14. Below are a few examples of speed tio. If deviation exceeds limits, one of
inputs and ratios that are monitored by the TCU: the clutches is assumed to be slipping.
• Converter Speed Ratio A fault is flagged and the TCU enters
- The ratio between engine speed and the Shut Down Mode.
turbine speed is called the converter
speed ratio, which is a measure of the



Figure 14. Sensors and Switches

1300 SRM 1455 Operation

• Gear Ratio Shift Lever

- If the turbine, internal or output speed
sensor fails, then the TCU calculates The shift lever is mounted on the left side of the
the actual ratio’ based on the value of steering column and provides information to the
the remaining sensors. This allows TCU. The direction of travel is selected by moving
continued operation of the transmis- the lever from the middle neutral position to the up
sion. Speed sensor failure is indicated position to go forward or to the lower position to go
by a fault code. If the engine speed in the reverse direction. To select the desired drive
sensor fails, or if more than one speed program, rotate the selector handle to the desired
sensor fails, then the TCU will enter position 1 through 4. See Figure 15 and Table 2.
the Limp Home Mode and flag a fault.
• Maximum Torque During Inching
- The TCU programming interprets the
inching pedal position as the required
pressure for the inching clutch. The
heat generated in the inching clutch is
proportional to the power transferred
by the torque converter (= converter
speed ratio). When the power transfer-
red is at too high level during too long
a time, the TCU will release pressure
in the clutch and flag a fault.

Testman shows functionality of each of the speed Figure 15. Shift Lever
sensors under "Speeds/Torque Monitor". Electrical
functionality can be tested by checking resistance
over the sensors. See Electrical Specifications. Table 2. Gear Selection

Shift Lever Position Shifting Range

Temperature Sensors
J007, H019, J019, and A238
There are two temperature sensors which measure Position 1 1st Gear
the temperature at two different locations as fol-
lows: Position 2 2nd and 3rd Gear

• Sump Temperature (pump supply), Port 63 Position 3 1st to 3rd Gear

- This sensor is integrated in the control B238, L007 and K019
valve wiring harness and is connected Position 1 1st Gear
with the TCU. The signal to the TCU
Position 2 1st to 2nd Gear
is translated into a CANbus signal to
the dashboard and represents trans- Position 3 2nd and 3rd Gear
mission sump temperature. Testman Position 4 1st to 3rd Gear
indicates functionality of this sensor
under Speeds/Torque Monitor’.
• Torque Converter Out, Port 52
- This sensor is connected with the
TCU. The function is to trigger a pro-
tection mode. Testman indicates func-
tionality of this sensor under "Speeds/
Torque Monitor".

Operation 1300 SRM 1455

MONOTROL® Pedal See the Operating Manual for instructions on

how to add coolant and transmission oil.
The MONOTROL® pedal controls the speed of the
engine and the direction of travel. See Figure 16. Stall Test
There are two switches in the MONOTROL® pedal
assembly. When the parking brake is released, the Description
parking brake switch permits battery power to flow
The stall test provides indications for the condition
to the MONOTROL® pedal switches.
of the engine, transmission clutches, and torque
converter. The stall test is performed with the
When the MONOTROL® pedal is in the forward po- transmission engaged and operating the engine at
sition, the forward pedal switch is actuated. Bat- full throttle while blocking the drive wheels. The
tery power flows through the forward pedal switch stall speed should be between 1950 rpm and 2110
to the TCU. When the MONOTROL® pedal is in the rpm.
reverse position, the reverse pedal switch is activa-
ted. Battery power flows through the reverse pedal Stall Test Procedure
switch to the TCU. See Figure 16.

Do not hold the throttle open for more than 15
seconds at a time. Permit the engine to operate at
idle speed for two minutes between tests.

Release the accelerator immediately if the engine
speed increases to its governed speed:
Cummins Diesel Engine, 2425 rpm ±2%

Performing a stall test in 1st gear may damage the
Figure 16. MONOTROL® Pedal internal parts of the drive axle.

Perform the stall test in 2nd gear only (gear selec-

CALIBRATION 1. Connect a laptop computer to the diagnostic
connector in the side console. Select the screen
Transmission Test and Calibration (Speeds/Torque Monitor) to read the engine
2. Put a capacity load on the forks to prevent the
Before testing or calibrating the transmission, ver- wheels from turning.
ify the following:
3. Put the lift truck against an object that cannot
• Make sure the coolant level in the engine move.
cooling system is correct.
• Make sure the parking brake and service 4. Select 2nd gear forward by moving the gear se-
brakes operate correctly. lector forward in position 2.

• Make sure the oil level in the transmission is 5. Push the accelerator pedal to full throttle.
at "Full Level" when hot.
6. Read the engine (stall) speed and release the
• Make sure the transmission oil temperature
throttle pedal.
is at least 71°C (160°F).

1300 SRM 1455 Operation

If the stall speed is 50 to 200 rpm below the specifi- ibration procedure. The controller generates a fault
cation, the engine is not operating at full power. code when the actual value falls outside of the ac-
Check if engine fault codes are present and rectify cepted range.
any indicated problems.
Inch pedal calibration is required when a new con-
If the stall speed is higher than specification, the troller is installed, or when inching sensor adjust-
engaged clutch(es) may not be holding or the torque ment has been changed. If the inch pedal is not
converter is damaged. Check if transmission fault calibrated, the truck will not move and a fault code
codes are present and rectify any indicated prob- is shown on the LCD display.
NOTE: Apart from the inching signal itself, the in-
If no transmission fault codes are present and the ching sensor generates a second signal which is
stall speed is much higher than specification, re- 50% lower than the inching signal. The purpose is
move the torque converter for inspection or replace- to monitor correct functionality and avoid uncon-
ment. trolled pressurization of the inching clutch. If these
two signals are out of range, the LCD display will
If stall speed is only slightly higher than specifica- show fault code tP421, demanding replacement of
tion, consider service life of the torque converter the inching sensor.
and the option to replace the torque converter im-
mediately or at a later point in time. Calibration

Inch Pedal Calibration Before calibrating the inch pedal, the brake and
inch pedal, and the inching sensor must be adjus-
Description ted. See Inch Sensor Adjustment.

Inching is a controlled traction and braking mode. Brake and Inch Pedal Adjustment
It enables higher engine speeds for increased hy-
draulic function speeds, while truck travel speed re- 1. Turn the adjustment bolt for the brake pedal
mains low. The inching function is obtained by re- until there is no play between the bolt on the
lating the inching pedal position to clutch pressure. brake valve and the roller under the brake
This relation results in a natural reaction of the op- pedal. See Figure 17.
erator to depress the inch pedal further when ac-
2. Position the top of the inching pedal and the
tual truck speed is too high. Further depressing the
brake pedal at equal height. Adjust the adjust-
inch pedal increases service brake pressure and
ment bolt for the brake pedal coupling so that
also causes pressure to drop in the inching clutch,
the inching pedal has no free play.
which reduces truck speed independent of engine
Inch Sensor Adjustment
For correct inching operation the controller needs 1. Connect a laptop, loaded with Testman soft-
to have the exact sensor tension values entered for ware, to the diagnostic connector located in the
the inch pedal positions “completely released” and side console. See Figure 18.
“completely depressed”. The controller assumes
that the pedal position “completely released” will 2. Select Analog Inputs in Testman.
correspond with a value between 0.7 and 0.9 Volt
and the position “completely depressed” will corre- 3. Verify Inch Sensor 1 (AU1 [V]) voltage for the
spond with a value between 4.3 and 4.7 volt. The inching sensor is between 0.8-0.9V (800-900
actual resistance values are entered during the cal- mV).

Operation 1300 SRM 1455

4. Turn the ignition key in the OFF position.


Figure 18. Calibration Switch Location
Figure 17. Pedal Assembly

4. If voltage is incorrect, proceed as follows: Calibration Procedure Using the Calibration

a. Raise the Cab until the latch locks in the
partial open position. See Operator's Cab 1. Turn the calibration switch to the ON position
0100SRM1390 for proper procedure. (flip the switch to the down position) and sit in
the operator’s seat. See Figure 18.
b. Loosen the two mounting bolts of the inching
sensor. 2. Turn the ignition key switch to the ON posi-
tion, but DO NOT start the truck. The inch
c. Rotate the sensor in the slotted holes until pedal calibration mode is now active.
output voltage is between 0.8-0.9V (800-900
mV) in released pedal position. 3. The LCD display shows: tP_dn. Slowly press
the inch pedal all the way down to the end posi-
d. Tighten the two mounting bolts and verify tion in 2 to 3 seconds and hold.
output voltage is still correct.
4. The LCD display shows: tP_UP. Slowly release
Inch Pedal Calibration the inch pedal in 2 to 3 seconds to the com-
pletely released position.
5. When all values are within range the LCD dis-
1. Park truck on level ground and apply the park play shows: tPSEt, indicating inch pedal cali-
brake. bration is finished.

2. Make sure pedals and inch sensor have been 6. If inch pedal calibration is not successful, the
correctly adjusted. LCD display shows a fault code. See Inch Pedal
Calibration Fault Codes.
3. Verify the Forward/Reverse lever is in NEU-

1300 SRM 1455 Operation

7. After calibration is finished, switch OFF igni- 5. After calibration is complete, switch OFF igni-
tion and turn the calibration switch OFF (flip tion and disconnect laptop computer from the
the switch to the up position). Diagnostic Connector in the side console.

Table 3. Inch Pedal Calibration LCD Display Inch Pedal Calibration Fault Codes
Inch Pedal Down tP_dn
During the Inch Pedal calibration process an fault
Inch Pedal Up tP_UP code may be generated. The LCD display will show
Calibration Set tPSEt "tPrET" or "TPYXX".

Calibration Procedure Using the Testman “tPrEt” stands for: Transmission Pedal Retry.
When “tPrEt” is shown on the display, release the
pedal, turn the ignition switch to OFF, and proceed
1. Connect a laptop computer, with the Testman with step 2 of the calibration procedure.
software loaded, to the Diagnostic Connector in
the side console. See Figure 18. tPxxx” stands for: Transmission Pedal and a three
digit fault code. See Table 4.
2. Ensure that someone is sitting in the operator’s When “tPxxx” is shown on the display, look up the
seat. fault code in Table 4 and turn the ignition switch to
OFF. Rectify the problem as explained in Table 4
3. Turn the key switch to the ON position, but DO and proceed with step 2 of the calibration proce-
NOT start the truck. dure.
4. Select Inch Sensor Calibration from the Test-
man menu and follow the instructions on the

Table 4. Inch Pedal Calibration Fault Codes

Fault Code Explanation Rectifying Actions

tP410 Shift Lever NOT in Neutral and / or No Put shift lever in neutral and / or be
signal from Operator’s Presence Seat Switch. seated in the operator seat.
tP411 Sensor Supply Voltage is out of specified Check controller supply voltage on wire
range. 251. Repair wiring or replace controller.
tP412 Output Speed is not zero. Apply the park brake.
tP413 Sensor Voltage below specified range. Check Sensor Adjustment.
tP414 Sensor Voltage Above Specified Range. Check Sensor Adjustment.
tP415 Sensor Position for Released Pedal Out of Check Sensor Adjustment. Find reason for
Specified Range. deviating sensor position when pedal
tP416 Sensor Position for Pressed Pedal Out of Check Sensor Adjustment. Find reason for
Specified Range. deviating sensor position when pedal
tP418 Time-Out Calibration, Pedal not moved After Perform pedal movements within 5
Calibration Start. seconds after command is shown on LCD
tP419 Angle Between Pedal Positions Released and Find reason for limited sensor movement.
Pressed to Small.
tP420 Angle Between Pedal Positions Released and Check condition and adjustment of pedal
Pressed to Big. stops.

Operation 1300 SRM 1455

Table 4. Inch Pedal Calibration Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Code Explanation Rectifying Actions

tP421 Sensor Signal 1 and 2 don’t match. Replace inch sensor.

Clutch Calibration During clutch calibration the Testman software or

the LCD display will indicate the stage of the cali-
Description bration process. See Table 6.

The TCU is programmed to quickly fill the clutch When the clutch calibration is interrupted a fault
until the piston starts clamping the discs and only code is generated, which indicates at which stage
then raise clutch pressure further within a certain the calibration process was interrupted and the oc-
period of time until full engagement has been curring fault condition. See Table 5.
Clutch Calibration Procedure
When shifting up, the clutch to be released will
start relieving its pressure at the same moment NOTE: For clutch calibration, either the calibra-
when the engaging clutch starts clamping. For a tion switch or the Testman software may be used,
short period of time, these two clutches are both but never a combination of the two. If the Testman
partially engaged. This provides the feature to shift software is connected, the calibration switch CAN-
up a gear smoothly under full traction. NOT be used for calibration. The display will not
show calibration information.
As the clutch plates wear, they will get slightly
thinner. This implies that the piston of the engag- To raise the transmission oil temperature, run the
ing clutch will have longer travel until the piston engine while stalling the torque converter as fol-
starts clamping the discs. The releasing clutch lows:
would start slipping too early. The transmission
would no longer shift smoothly.
The TCU has a calibration program to readjust the Prior to performing this test establish a
clutch filling time and pressure to reach full en- 5 m (16.5 ft)perimeter around the lift truck without
gagement. Clutch filling time is determined by the barriers or obstacles.
elapsed time between clutch fill start and the mo-
ment when the turbine speed sensor detects a
change in speed (touch detection). The time to 1. Apply the brake pedal (not Inch Pedal) so the
reach full engagement is determined by the elapsed lift truck will not move.
time between touch detection and full clutch en-
2. Verify the shift lever / MONOTROL® is in
Perform clutch calibration after every 2000 hour oil 3. Select drive program 2.
change. Clutch calibration is also required after re-
placing the controller, the control valve or the en- NOTE: The transmission oil temperature gauge
tire transmission. Without clutch calibration the mid point is 75°C (167°F).
controller will generate a fault code which may pre-
vent the truck to move. 4. Run the engine at half throttle until the oil
temperature is at least 71°C (160°F).

1300 SRM 1455 Operation

Manual Clutch Calibration Procedure NOTE: Do not interfere with calibration process.
Activating any controls or components will inter-
When the transmission calibration switch is on rupt the calibration process before completion.
(toggled in the DOWN position) the instrument
cluster LCD will be set to transmission clutch cali- 10. When the calibration process is complete, the
bration mode. The transmission warning light will LCD will display TC SET.
be ON and the hour meter mode will not show. 11. After calibration is complete, switch OFF igni-
LCD Transmission clutch pack calibration mode is tion and turn the calibration switch off (flip the
set on "LCD" when transmission service switch is service switch to the up position).
set active and the engine RPM is between 700-900
RPM (engine idle). If active error codes are present, Table 5. Clutch Calibration Fault Codes
the LCD will scroll between the error codes and the
transmission calibration mode. See Table 5. TCXXY
XX Y Description
1. Park truck on level ground with a minimum of
5 m (16.5 ft) clearance between the truck and 01 Y Calibrating Clutch 1
any object. 02 Y Calibrating Clutch 2

2. Apply the parking brake. 03 Y Calibrating Clutch 3

05 Y Calibrating Forward Clutch
3. Verify the forward/reverse lever is in NEU-
TRAL. 06 Y Calibrating Reverse Clutch
07 Y Calibrating Complete - Calibration Set,
NOTE: The transmission oil temperature gauge Display will show "TC SET"
mid point is 75°C (167°F).
08 Y Calibration aborted - Canceled
4. Make sure the transmission oil temperature is 09 Y Calibration Aborted While Adjusting
at least 71°C (160°F). Clutch 1
5. Turn OFF ignition. 10 Y Calibration Aborted While Adjusting
Clutch 2
6. Block the drive tires.
11 Y Calibration Aborted While Adjusting
7. Turn the calibration switch on (flip calibration Clutch 3
switch down) and sit in the operators seat. 13 Y Calibration Aborted While Adjusting
Forward Clutch
NOTE: You must start the truck. Turning on the
ignition only will activate the Inch Pedal calibra- 14 Y Calibration Aborted While Adjusting Re-
tion procedure. verse Clutch

8. Start the engine (leave the engine at idle XX 0 Default

(700-900 RPM) during the calibration process). XX 1 Fault Condition Present

9. The clutch calibration mode is now active. The XX 2 Shift Lever not in Neutral / No Signal
complete automatic calibration process takes 3 from Operator Presence Seat Switch
to 5 minutes. The screen will show TCXXY to XX 3 Park Brake NOT Applied
indicate which step of the calibration process is
XX 4 Output Speed NOT = 0
being completed. The engine speed will remain
at idle during calibration. See Table 6. XX 5 Transmission Oil Temperature Below
When clutch calibration is interrupted, a fault
XX 6 Transmission Oil Temperature Above
code is generated. Rectify the problem as indica-
ted in Table 5 and proceed with step 2 of the cali-
bration process. XX 7 Engine RPM below Specified Range

Operation 1300 SRM 1455

Table 6. Normal Clutch Calibration Sequence 11. After calibration is complete, switch off ignition
and disconnect laptop computer from diagnostic
Value Description Display Reading connector in the side console.
Reverse Clutch TC060
Forward Clutch TC050
Clutch 1 TC010 Description
Clutch 2 TC020
Be aware not to inadvertently trigger fault codes,
Clutch 3 TC030 that may remove fault codes of an existing problem
Calibration Set TCSET from the memory. See Fault Log Memory for fur-
ther explanation.
Testman Clutch Calibration Procedure
For convenient diagnostic troubleshooting, adjust-
1. Park truck on level ground with a minimum of ing software settings and TCU configuration, the
5 m (16.5 ft) clearance between the truck and ZF-Testman diagnostic software is available.
any object.
The Testman provides menu guidance for the diag-
2. Apply the parking brake. nosis of the ZF transmission. It can be used to in-
terrogate the electronic control units on the ZF
3. Verify the forward/reverse lever is in NEU-
transmission and then process any error messages
found by following troubleshooting tips provided.
4. Make sure the transmission oil temperature is
at least 71°C (160°F). The Testman system consists of a laptop computer,
diagnostic software, a USB (Universal Serial Bus)
5. Turn OFF ignition cable, Programming adapter, and an adapter cable.

6. Block the drive tires. Connection

7. Connect a laptop computer, with the Testman
Install the Testman software on a laptop per in-
software loaded, to the diagnostic connector in
structions delivered with the Testman software.
the side console. See Figure 18.
The help text contains all information required to
8. Ensure that someone is sitting in the operators work with the diagnostic software and also pro-
seat. vides the necessary guidance.

9. Start the engine, leave the engine at idle Connect the adapter cable to the truck. The truck
(700-900 RPM) during the calibration process. diagnostic connector is located in the side console of
the cab. See Figure 18. Start the Testman software
10. Select Transmission clutch calibration from the and establish communication. Make sure the igni-
Testman menu and follow the instructions on tion key is turned to the ON position.
the screen.

When clutch calibration is interrupted, a fault TRUCK CONFIGURATION

code is generated. Rectify the problem as indica-
ted in Table 5 and proceed with step 2 of the cali- To activate the correct drive program in the TCU,
bration process. the controller is configured at the end of the assem-
bly line.
NOTE: Do not interfere with calibration process.
Activating any controls or components will inter- Truck configuration is only required if the TCU is
rupt the calibration process before completion. The replaced or reprogrammed. The TCU needs to be
Testman will show when calibration process has configured with Testman, using the truck configu-
been completed. During calibration the Testman ration menu.
may show calibration condition messages or error

1300 SRM 1455 Operation

When the truck configuration data is not available are mandatory fields. All fields have to be set dur-
from the TCU a Testman Warning Screen indicates ing the configuration in order to activate the correct
the configuration is lost and truck configuration is drive program for the truck.
required. See Figure 19.
Inching is default enabled but can be disabled at
customer request. Disabling inching will activate
declutch mode in the controller.


Testman offers the ability to adjust certain default

maximum values to meet customer specific require-
ments. The values in the controller can be adjusted
within a fixed threshold.

The default values can be adjusted with Testman,

using the Limitations Tab in the Truck Configura-
tion menu. See Figure 20.

Figure 19. Testman Configuration Screen

NOTE: The truck configuration screen opens with

default fields and does not retrieve information
from the controller other than the truck serial num-
ber and Transmission serial number. Stored values
can be found in the Truck Information menu. Only
hit "ACCEPT" in the configuration screen
when a new controller is installed or the con-
troller is reprogrammed. Accepting incorrect
Configuration leads to wrong drive program selec-
tion or loss of TCU configuration.

Figure 20. Testman Limitation Screen
In the Truck configuration menu, Unit Code,
Model, Tire Size, Direction Control Option, Truck
Serial Number and Transmission Serial Number

Capacities and Specifications 1300 SRM 1455

Capacities and Specifications

ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Working Range - 2 Hz to 5000 Hz
Supply Voltage - 24 V
Inductive Speed Sensor (engine, turbine, and inter-
mediate): Proportional Clutch Valves:
Resistance - 1050Ω (±10%) at 20°C (68°F) Resistance - 19Ω (± 10%) at 20°C (68°F)
Temperature Range - −40°C (−40°F) to Current - 100 to 500 mA
150°C (302°F)
Pressure Range - 0.8 to 8.3 bar (11.6 to
120.4 psi)
Hall Sensor (output speed):
Temperature Range - −40°C (−40°F) to
150°C (302°F)

1300 SRM 1455 Capacities and Specifications


Figure 21. Transmission Control Unit Wiring Diagram

Capacities and Specifications 1300 SRM 1455

Legend for Figure 21



ZF Transmission Fault Codes

Fault Code Explanation Operator Action
Te_nn Not Neutral, waiting for neutral after To engage a gear, first move shift lever to
power up or a severe fault. neutral position and again to F (forward)
or R (reverse) position.
tcold Transmission temperature is below Operate engine until tcold warning has
-10°C (14°F) and gears will not be cleared.
tERPm Warning high engine speed. Changes between actual gear / direction
while driving, in neutral only displayed if
no fault is detected.
tE101 The vehicle speed is too high to make the Be aware that the controller has put the
requested direction change. transmission into neutral. Slow down the
vehicle to allow the controller to change
tE201 The engine speed is too high to make the Lower engine speed.
requested direction change or re-
tE300 Reduced vehicle speed is active. Be aware.
tE301 The reduced vehicle speed limitation is Reduce vehicle speed below the maximum
active, however, the vehicle speed is vehicle speed.
above the speed limitation.
tE302 The vehicle speed is above the maximum Reduce vehicle speed below the maximum
vehicle speed limit. vehicle speed.
tE600 Operator is not seated and shift lever is Shift lever to neutral and/or apply
NOT in Neutral and/or parking brake is parking brake.
NOT activated.

1300 SRM 1455 ZF Transmission Fault Codes

Fault Code Explanation Operator Action

tE400 Abnormal acceleration is detected. One or both drive wheels are skidding.
Automatic shifting is disabled. Adjust
braking effort to floor conditions.
tE401 Abnormal acceleration is detected. One or both drive wheels are spinning.
Automatic shifting is disabled. Apply
throttle according driving conditions.
tE501 Transmission needs recalibration. Contact Maintenance to have the
transmission recalibrated.
tE701 Turbine speed exceeds the limit. Reduce vehicle speed. The controller has
reduced engine speed to idle.


Fault Code Description Reaction From TCU
t0100 Logical error at directional select signal TCU shifts transmission to neutral if
for 3rd gear shift lever position. selector is active.
t0101 Logical error at gear range signal. TCU shifts transmission to neutral.
t0102 Logical error at direction select signal. TCU shifts transmission to neutral.
t0103 Logical error at Engine Derating Device. After selecting neutral, TCU changes to
Limp Home mode.
t0104 Logical error at park brake status. TCU shifts transmission to DCO-State.
t0105 Logical error at direction select signal TCU shifts transmission to neutral if
2nd gear shift lever position. selector active.
t0106 Logical error at axle connection. Operational mode remains normal.
t0107 S.C. to ground at customer specific No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
function no.1.
t0108 S.C. to battery voltage at customer No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
specific function no.1.
t0109 O.C. at customer specific function no.1. No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
t0110 S.C. to ground at customer specific No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
function no.2.
t0111 S.C. to battery voltage at customer No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
specific function no.2.
t0112 O.C. at customer specific function no.2. No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
t0113 S.C. to ground at customer specific No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
function no.3
t0114 S.C. to battery voltage at customer No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
specific function no.3.
t0115 O.C. at customer specific function no.3. No reaction from TCU, customer specific.

ZF Transmission Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1455

Fault Code Description Reaction From TCU

t0201 S.C. to battery voltage at clutch cutoff / Clutch cutoff / inching function is
inch pedal input. disabled.
t0202 S.C. to ground or O.C. at clutch cutoff / Clutch cutoff / inching function is
inch pedal input. disabled.
t0203 S.C. to battery voltage at load sensor Retarder function is affected.
t0204 S.C. to ground or O.C. at load sensor Retarder function is affected.
t0205 S.C. to battery voltage or O.C. at No reaction.
transmission sump temperature sensor
t0206 S.C. to ground at transmission sump No reaction.
temperature sensor input.
t0207 S.C. to battery voltage or O.C. at No reaction.
retarder / Torque converter temperature
sensor input.
t0208 S.C. to ground at retarder / Torque No reaction.
converter temperature sensor input.
t0209 S.C. to battery voltage or O.C. at Parking TCU uses default value.
brake sensor input.
t0210 S.C. to ground Parking brake sensor TCU uses default value.
t0211 Inch sensor signal mismatch. During inching mode, TCU shifts to
t0212 S.C. to battery voltage or O.C. at DLM TCU uses default value.
Traction Adjust dashboard device input.
t0213 S.C. to ground DLM Traction Adjust TCU uses default value.
dashboard device input.
t0214 S.C. to battery voltage or O.C. at DLM TCU uses default value.
Steering Angle Sensor input.
t0215 S.C. to ground DLM Steering Angle TCU uses default value.
Sensor input.
t0301 S.C. to battery voltage or O.C. at engine TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
speed input. Control mode.
t0302 S.C. to ground at engine speed input. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0303 Logical error at engine speed input. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0304 S.C. to battery voltage or O.C. at turbine TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
speed input Control mode.
t0305 S.C. to ground at turbine speed input. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.

1300 SRM 1455 ZF Transmission Fault Codes

Fault Code Description Reaction From TCU

t0306 Logical error at turbine speed input. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0307 S.C. to battery voltage or O.C. at internal TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
speed sensor. Control mode.
t0308 S.C. to ground at internal speed input. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0309 Logical error at internal speed input. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0310 S.C. to battery voltage or O.C. at output TCU enters special mode for gear
speed input. selection.
t0311 S.C. to ground at output speed input. TCU enters special mode for gear
t0312 Logical error at output speed input. TCU enters special mode for gear
t0315 Output speed Zero doesn't fit to other TCU enters special mode for gear
speed signals. selection.
t0400 FCAN message Gear Range Select Gear range is set from 1st to 5th.
(ZF_3_IDENT) contains invalid data.
t0401 TCU receives messages Gear Range TCU ignores FWD commands.
Select (ZF_3_IDENT) and Front Wheel
Drive Status (V_IDENT_FWD) although
configuration states that FWD controller
is not installed.
t0500 FMR1 time out. TCU operates like jake brake is off and
exhaust brake is off.
t0501 FMR2 time out. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0502 EA Module 1 time out. TCU shifts to neutral and uses substitute
gear selector.
t0502 SSM1 time out. TCU closes Park Brake if output speed is
below 0.5 km/h.
t0502 Instrument time out. AEB about if active.
t0503 ABS time out. No reaction.
t0504 MDU1 time out. TCU keeps old auto downshift
information and old manual downshift
t0504 DCT1 time out. TCU enters Normal operational mode.
t0505 DNS1 time out. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0505 SCT1 time out. TCU enters Normal operational mode.
t0505 FLC1 time out. TCU keeps old auto/man selection, old
Clutch cutoff selection and old Clutch
Cutoff Setting.

ZF Transmission Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1455

Fault Code Description Reaction From TCU

t0505 JSS time out. TCU shifts to Neutral while Joystick
Steering is active.
t0505 Front Wheel Drive Statues time out. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0506 ENGINE CONF time out. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0507 EEC1 time out. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0508 EEC3 time out. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0509 AEB-Request and Park Brake Test No reaction.
Signals ON at the same time.
t0510 Park brake status signal. No reaction.
t0512 Auto downshift signal. Last selection is kept.
t0513 Manual downshift signal. Last selection is kept.
t0514 CCO request signal. Last selection is kept.
t0515 Shift lever signal. TCU shifts to Neutral and uses
information from substitute shift lever.
t0515 Transmission Neutral Request signal. TCU enters Normal operational mode.
t0515 Can message Front Wheel Drive TCU shifts to Neutral.
Status (V_IDENT_FWD) contains invalid
t0600 Additional brake status signal. No reaction.
t0601 AEB request signal. No reaction.
t0602 PTO torque signal. No reaction.
t0603 Driving mode signal. No reaction.
t0604 Starting gear signal. No reaction.
t0605 Engine torque signal. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0609 Reference engine torque signal. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0610 Actual engine torque signal. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0611 Nom friction torque signal. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t0614 EEC2 time out. No reaction.
t0701 S.C. to battery voltage at clutch K1. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0702 S.C. to ground at clutch K1. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0703 O.C. at clutch K1. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0704 S.C. to battery voltage at clutch K2. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0705 S.C. to ground at clutch K2. TCU shifts to Neutral.

1300 SRM 1455 ZF Transmission Fault Codes

Fault Code Description Reaction From TCU

t0706 O.C. at clutch K2. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0707 S.C. to battery voltage at clutch K3. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0708 S.C. to ground at clutch K3. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0709 O.C. at clutch K3. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0710 S.C. to battery voltage at converter No reaction.
t0711 S.C. to ground at converter clutch. Converter lock up clutch solenoid
connected at ADMx.
t0712 O.C. at converter clutch. No reaction.
t0713 S.C. to ground at derating device. Engine derating will on until TCU power
down, even if fault vanishes (loose
t0714 S.C. to battery voltage at derating device. No reaction.
t0715 O.C. at engine derating device. No reaction.
t0801 S.C. to battery voltage at clutch K4. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0802 S.C. to ground at clutch K4. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0803 O.C. at clutch K4. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0804 S.C. to battery voltage at clutch KV. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0805 S.C. to ground at clutch KV. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0806 O.C. at clutch KV. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0807 S.C. to battery voltage at clutch KR. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0808 S.C. to ground at clutch KR. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0809 O.C. at clutch KR. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t0810 S.C. to ground at DLM transversal Output will be on until TCU power down,
output. even if fault vanishes (loose connection).
t0811 S.C. to battery voltage at DLM No reaction.
transversal output.
t0812 O.C. at DLM transversal output. No reaction.
t0813 S.C. to ground at DLM Indicator Lamp Output will be on until TCU power down,
output. even if fault vanishes (loose connection).
t0814 S.C. to battery voltage at DLM Indicator No reaction.
Lamp output.
t0815 O.C. DLM Indicator Lamp output. No reaction.
t0901 S.C. to ground at relay reverse warning Output will be on until TCU power down,
alarm. even if fault vanishes (loose connection).
t0902 S.C. to battery voltage at relay reverse No reaction.
warning alarm.
t0903 O.C. at relay reverse warning alarm. No reaction.
t0904 S.C. to ground at relay starter interlock. No reaction.

ZF Transmission Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1455

Fault Code Description Reaction From TCU

t0905 S.C. to battery voltage at relay starter No reaction.
t0906 O.C. at relay starter interlock. No reaction.
t0907 S.C. to ground at park brake solenoid. TCU enters Shutdown mode.
t0908 S.C. to battery voltage at park brake TCU enters Shutdown mode.
t0909 O.C. at park brake solenoid. TCU enters Shutdown mode.
t0910 S.C. to ground at converter lock up clutch Converter lock up clutch solenoid
solenoid. connected at ADMx: TCU switch off
t0911 O.C. at converter lock up clutch solenoid. Converter clutch always open, retarder
not available.
t0912 S.C. to battery voltage at converter lock No reaction.
up clutch solenoid.
t0913 S.C. to ground at retarder solenoid. No reaction.
t0914 O.C. at retarder solenoid. No reaction.
t0915 S.C. to battery voltage at retarder No reaction.
t1001 S.C. to ground at difflock or axle No reaction.
connection solenoid.
t1002 S.C. to battery voltage at difflock or axle No reaction.
connection solenoid.
t1003 O.C. at difflock or axle connection No reaction.
t1004 S.C. to ground at warning signal output. No reaction.
t1005 O.C. at warning signal output. No reaction.
t1006 S.C. to battery voltage at warning signal No reaction.
t1007 S.C. to ground at customer specific No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
function no.4.
t1008 S.C. to battery voltage at customer No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
specific function no.4.
t1009 O.C. at customer specific function no.4. No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
t1010 S.C. to ground at customer specific No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
function no.5.
t1011 S.C. to battery voltage at customer No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
specific function no.5.
t1012 O.C. at customer specific function no.5. No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
t1013 S.C. to ground at customer specific No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
function no.6.

1300 SRM 1455 ZF Transmission Fault Codes

Fault Code Description Reaction From TCU

t1014 S.C. to battery voltage at customer No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
specific function no.6.
t1015 O.C. at customer specific function no.6. No reaction from TCU, customer specific.
t1101 Slippage at clutch K1. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t1102 Slippage at clutch K2. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t1103 Slippage at clutch K3. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t1104 Slippage at clutch K4. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t1105 Slippage at clutch KV. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t1106 Slippage at clutch KR. TCU shifts to Neutral.
thotS Overtemp Sump. No reaction.
t1108 Overtemp Retarder. TCU disables Retarder
t1109 Over speed engine. Retarder applies if configured.
t1110 Differential pressure oil filter. No reaction.
t1111 Slippage at converter lockup clutch. Lockup Clutch is disabled immediately.
After fault code was displayed while
transmission is in Neutral the lockup
clutch will be enabled again.
t1112 Over speed output. No reaction.
t1113 S.C. to ground at Engine Brake Solenoid. No reaction.
t1114 S.C. to battery voltage at Engine Brake No reaction.
t1115 O.C. at Engine Brake Solenoid. No reaction.
t1200 Engine Torque or Engine Power TCU enters Normal operational mode.
t1201 Transmission output Torque overload. TCU enters Normal operational mode.
thotc Overtemp converter output. No reaction.
t1204 S.C. to ground at Joystick Status No reaction.
t1205 S.C. to battery voltage at Joystick Status No reaction.
t1206 O.C. at Joystick Status Indicator. No reaction.
t1207 S.C. to ground at Overtemp Neutral No reaction.
t1208 S.C. to battery voltage at Overtemp No reaction.
Neutral Indicator.
t1209 O.C. at Overtemp Neutral Indicator. No reaction.
t1210 Engine Retarder Config_timeout. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.

ZF Transmission Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1455

Fault Code Description Reaction From TCU

t1211 ERC1 time out. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.
t1301 S.C. to battery voltage at power supply See fault codes t0201 to t0212.
for sensors.
t1302 S.C. to ground at power supply for See fault codes t0201 to t0212.
t1303 Low voltage at battery. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t1304 High voltage at battery. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t1305 Error at valve power supply VPS1. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t1306 Error at valve power supply VPS2. TCU shifts to Neutral.
t1307 S.C. to ground at DLM longitudinal Output will be on until TCU power down,
output. even if fault vanishes (loose connection).
t1308 S.C. to battery voltage at DLM No reaction.
longitudinal output.
t1309 O.C. at DLM Longitudinal output. No reaction.
t1403 S.C. to battery voltage at display output. No reaction.
t1404 S.C. to ground at display output. No reaction.
t1405 DISPID1 time out. TCU select parameter set with ID0.
t1406 Illegal ID request via CAN. Transmission to stay in Neutral.
t1501 General EEPROM fault. No reaction.
t1502 Configuration lost. Transmission to stay in Neutral.
t1502 FWD configuration lost. Gear range set from 1st to 4th.
t1503 Application error. Transmission to stay in Neutral.
t1504 Limp home request. Shift into Neutral.
t1505 Clutch failure. Transmission to stay in Neutral.
t1506 Clutch Adjustment Data lost or Inch Default values = 0 for AEB offsets used.
Pedal Calibration Data lost.
t1507 Substitute Clutch Control. TCU changes to Substitute Clutch
Control mode.


1300 SRM 1455 6/17 (7/16)(6/16)(12/15)(8/15)(4/14)

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