Hendon Park Footbridge and The Waterview Shared Path Bridges Connecting Communities

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Hendon Park Footbridge and the Waterview Shared Path Bridges

Connecting Communities
Will Pank
Technical Director, Structural Engineering, Beca

Abstract: The Waterview Connection completes Auckland’s Western Ring Route and is NZ Transport
Agency’s largest ever motorway project which also includes a raft of community facilities to re-invigorate
the area including a new cycleway network. The shared path bridges connect neighbourhoods around the
new motorway linking up a cycle route from south Auckland to the CBD. Four bridges carry the cycleway
through parkland, over Oakley Creek, across rail and road to enable walking and cycling as an alternative
mode to the motorway.

The Hendon Park Footbridge is an architectural landmark that will be a recognisable feature of the area
for future generations. The southern approaches cross a wetland and the re-aligned Oakley Creek,
offering views into the re-invigorated environment. Beca’s design of the 100m steel arch structure
supporting a reinforced concrete deck appears simple in form but was complex to construct. The
diagonally-aligned deck helps to stabilise the slender arch in wind and seismic events. Nine approach
spans are supported on diamond-shaped piers integral with a post-tensioned concrete deck that is
continuous with the main span. The whole crossing is designed holistically combining architecture,
structure, lighting and urban design integrally with the reformed landscape.

Innovative construction techniques were used to fabricate and erect the arch. The deck was cast insitu to
allow alignment of outrigger girders with hangers. Tight tolerances were required for hanger rod
connectors so fabrication and installation of the steelwork was closely controlled. A stage-by-stage hanger
stressing sequence was devised to control internal forces and arch deflections. Construction quality was
followed through to the finer details of this landmark bridge to deliver a world class asset that will be
handed back to the community on completion of the Waterview project in early 2017. The shared path
links local communities as a legacy from the major project connecting Auckland’s motorway network.

Keywords: Shared Path, Footbridge, Architectural, Innovative Construction.

Figure 1. Architect’s render of Hendon Park Footbridge.

1. Waterview Shared Path Bridges
The Waterview Connection makes up the final link in the 48km Western Ring Route around Auckland
providing improved journey times, reducing congestion in the CBD and making business and commuter
travel safer and more reliable. The 5km of six-lane motorway, 2.5km of twin bored tunnels, 2km of multi-
level bridges are complemented by a major contribution to the local communities through which the
motorway has been constructed. There are over 9km of cycleways, new parks, sports fields, a skate park
and playground along the alignment of the motorway, linked by four new shared path bridges with a strong
focus on urban design. The project was delivered by the Well-Connected Alliance on behalf of the NZ
Transport Agency and will be opened in April 2017.

The Waterview Shared Path connects communities at each end of the road tunnel via a 2.5km overland
route mostly through existing parkland. The commitment to provide the shared path was made during the
planning stage of the project and was a $17.5M variation into the Alliance target out-turn cost through the
collaboration of the Agency and Auckland Transport (AT) with the design and construction partners.

A key aspect of the delivery of this section of the works was engagement with stakeholders where the
route passes through land belonging to a range of diverse community groups including iwi, Unitec Institute
of Technology, KiwiRail, Auckland Council, several sports clubs and residents. Each stakeholder held a
different view on what was important to them and had a say in what was delivered. The results are a great
example of what can be achieved through community liaison, collaboration and good design.

For example the Alford Street Bridge forms a new gateway into Unitec that also provides access over
Oakley Creek to planned subdivisions on iwi-owned land. The 90m long structure crossing a well-loved
and preserved environment is elevated 16m over the stream to avoid impacting on the riparian
environment and protected trees. The location dictated by the entry points to Unitec offered significant
geotechnical slope stability challenges and large piled abutments and anchored palisade walls were
needed to protect the bridge foundations from slips during seismic events. Liaison with mana whenua led
to incorporation of tree-like tapered precast concrete piers embossed with cultural patterns designed by
local iwi providing cultural relevance to each side of the gully. Pou whenua (carved totem poles) mark the
entry points at each end of the bridge. While the beams are straight, the in situ deck has a wavy form
responding to the meandering stream below. Barriers reminiscent of taiapa (traditional Maori barrier
fences) create a complex three-dimensional form leaning out from the wave-shaped deck at varying
angles. The curved barriers create interest for users and soften the heaviness of the twin super tee girders
below. AT led the consultation with an iwi panel and local boards. The design team responded to a range
of stakeholder inputs during design development of this bridge. It is hoped that ownership of the urban
design and cultural elements make this a special community feature and helps to reduce vandalism.

Figure 2. Alford Street Bridge over Oakley Creek.

Further south at Harbutt Reserve the shared path crosses a steep gully on the side of Oakley Creek
linking two separate reserves which otherwise require a diversion around local roads. Two 35m spans
comprise super tee girders with a deck slab curved horizontally to avoid significant Mahoe trees and
achieve 5% gradients. The complex geometry challenged the precast fabricators who used the designers’
CAD files for setting out formwork.

The third bridge at Soljak Place crosses the railway on a curved parabolic vertical alignment to clear the
rail safety envelope. Post-tensioned girders are also curved in plan to enable a horizontal alignment that
connects the cycleway into Soljak Place with minimal impact on residents. While these are functional
bridges using cost effective structural forms, input from a range of stakeholders has been taken into
consideration in the design development and specific details are included to respond to their requests.

2. Hendon Park Footbridge Integrated Design Philosophy

The fourth bridge on the shared path carries the cycleway over the new motorway and future railway
corridor to connect two sides of Hendon Park. This bridge is intended to be a landmark structure for the
Waterview project, offering drivers a visual marker on their journey and creating an architectural feature
for the Owairaka neighbourhood in the revitalised public realm.
The design team liaised with community groups at an early stage to listen to views and preferences. The
Friends of Oakley Creek had concerns about the impact on the natural stream environment. Local boards
and neighbours did not want a brightly lit beacon in their back yards so the lighting was designed
accordingly. The bridge is integrated sensitively into the new environment on either side of the motorway.

The geometrical shape of the shared path springs directly from the site constraints. In order to rise over
the road and rail envelope with safe clearance a 120m long southern approach ramp climbs at 7%. Six
southern approach spans cross the re-aligned Oakley Creek twice and a new wetland. The arch footing is
actually located in the stormwater pond with planting over the submerged footing. The curve of the
southern approach ramp provides the maximum possible radius for cyclists that fits within the site
boundary. The northern ramp is aligned hard up alongside Oakley Creek with a green mechanically
stabilized earth (MSE) wall dropping onto the stream bank. On the west side an embankment slopes down
to a new football pitch. Figure 3 shows an aerial view of the bridge in its urban context during construction.

Figure 3. Aerial view of Hendon Park Footbridge under construction.

The architectural design of the main arch and suspended deck is integrated with its structural form and
developed in close collaboration between architect and engineer to respond to structural demands.
Architects from Warren and Mahoney designed the bridge with Beca engineers developing the three-
dimensional form to fit with site constraints. 3d models of the structure were created in Rhino software
with parametric modelling of geometric rules using Grasshopper to find a form that fitted over the
obstructions and confines of the plan. The 80m main span crosses the motorway, a future rail corridor and
shared path clearance envelopes without the need for intermediate piers allowing adaptability in future.

The arch spans 100m from footing to footing and is 25m high at mid-span – a limit requested by
constructors to enable access with standard cherry-pickers. The same outer cross section of the deck as
defined for the 20m post-tensioned approach spans is carried across the main span, but with a voided
reinforced concrete section internally for lightness. This reduces dead load allowing the arch structure to
be as slender as possible. The steel arch rib is a tapered trapezoidal box section fixed at the base.
Hanger rods are connected at regular spacing to support the concrete deck.

The deck includes steel outrigger girders which hold the hanger rods far enough out from the deck so that
the shortest pairs of end hangers provide at least 2.5m clearance above deck level for the safety of
cyclists. The deck passes through the single arch on a skewed alignment so the angles of the hangers
vary along the arch creating visual interest in a hyperbolic paraboloid arrangement shown in Figure 4.

All the elements of this composition are functional structural members and nothing is superfluous. The
design team’s aim was to create architecture from pure structural form without adornment or unnecessary
features. The shaping of the arch, girders, footings and deck is designed in response to the flow of forces
to the ground. The members are as slender as can be to resist the gravitational, seismic and wind load
effects on the structure. The connections and details are intended to appear as simple, uncluttered and
elegant as possible to contribute to the overall aesthetic.

Figure 4. Concept design of hanger arrangement compared with site photo.

3. Structural Design of Main Arch Span

The main span comprises a fixed steel box section arch rib suspending the deck on a curved alignment.
The three-dimensional structure was analysed using CSi Bridge software to calculate internal forces from
pedestrian, wind and earthquake load effects in combination with dead loads. A number of notable
outcomes were found to arise from the complex geometrical form. While the skew of the concrete deck
passing through the arch resulted in biaxial bending of the box section, the continuous deck also provided
stability to the arch under wind and seismic loading.

The lowe er arch segments are stra aight memberrs mainly for aesthetic rea asons, which h results in beending
effects frrom their geoometry, as we ell as hangerrs inclined bo
oth in and outt of plane of tthe arch, that are
additiona al to the axiall forces arisin
ng from tradittional parabo
olic arches. T
The lower stra aight segmen nts are
larger in cross section n than the up pper paraboliic curved porrtion, which enhances
e the
e visual slendderness of
the arch rib. Stress an nalysis of steeel box sectio
ons was carrried out at 3mm centres along the arch a at points
coincidinng with hange er locations. The
T steel trapezoidal boxx section tape ers from 1500mm depth a at the base
to 900mm m depth at th he crown as sshown in Figure 5. The diimensions off the tapered section and the
variation in plate thickkness from 2 25mm to 35m mm are driven n by structura
al demands.

ure 5. Eleva
ation of half arch structu
ure and typic ection.
cal cross se

Transverrse loading frrom wind and d seismic were both found d to be critica
al in differentt portions of the
t arch.
Wind loaads applied too arch, deck and hangerss were analyssed as equiva alent static lo
oads, while seismic
w applied in a response
loading was e spectrum a analysis of the
e 3d model, w with mass distributed acccording to
the weigh hts of each e
element. The horizontal lo oads are shared between the arch and d the approach span
piers, witth the end ve
ertical piers o e of the main span 1m x 2
on either side 2m diamond sections,
s larg
ger than
the typicaal 0.75m x 1..5m approach span piers to cater for tthe resultant lateral forcess. Overturnin ng effects
are resisted by 8m x 8m arch pad d footings andd widened pa ads to suit the
e transverse forces at end piers.

The mod dal analysis uused for seismmic design wwas used to in nform the asssessment of wind-induced
vibrationss of the wholle bridge. The tall lightweight arch wass found to re
espond in com mbination witth the low
heavy co oncrete deck in unusual w ways that result from the tthree-dimenssional geome etry. The stiff
continuous deck and the triangula ated angles o of inclined pa
airs of hangerrs act to limit lateral vibrattional
response e of the slend
der arch rib. Horizontal
H vib
brations of th
he deck weree found to be minimal. Ho owever, at
critical w
wind speeds a vortex-induced motion of o the arch ribb was assesssed as the do ominant aero odynamic
issue. In this case thee weight of th
he concrete d deck transmittted via tensiion in the han ngers had the effect of
damping a second orrder vibration nal response - with each sside of the arrch trying to mmoving up an nd down
but restraained by the deck. The am mplitude of vvibration and the associated acceleration was foun nd to be
acceptab ble in accordaance with BDD 49/01 Desig gn rules for a
aerodynamic effects on bridges.

The shap pe of the arch

h was design ned for both aarchitectural and structura
al reasons an
nd expressess the flow
of forces to the groun
nd. The alignm ment was va aried during d
design develo opment to pro
ovide optimaal structural
performaance. The ind dividual elements were tailored to suit the resultant design actio
ons. For the further
information on the mo odelling, structural analyssis and desig
gn refer to the
e paper prese
ented at the A
Bridge CConference inn 2014 entitleed “Hendon P Park Pedestriian Bridge – a Bridge for the Future”.

4. Construction Stages
Underlying the architectural engineering design philosophy described above the principle of design for
constructability was pursued from inception to detailed design. The design team liaised with constructors
in the Alliance during design development to tailor details for the most efficient construction processes and
to suit their timeframes. The bridge was constructed in three stages to fit with the overall Waterview
programme. First, the southern approach spans were accelerated to enable construction prior to re-
alignment of Oakley Creek. This allowed construction to proceed over the old creek alignment. Second,
the northern approach spans were built while the tunnel construction continued, with the spoil conveyor
system passing through the bridge site. Third, after demobilisation of the tunnel boring machine (TBM)
and spoil-handling system, the main arch span was installed. Each stage had its own challenges in
constructability and prefabrication. The designers worked from the concept stage towards structural
members that were efficient, able to be fabricated and installed to the constructors’ proposed
methodology. Great collaboration between Beca engineers and the Fletcher Construction and McConnell
Dowell site team enabled temporary works design for installation of the main arch and the suspended
deck to be carried out in a seamless process to achieve the required quality standards.
4.1 Southern Approach Spans
The first stage of construction of the bridge began with foundations for the southern approaches and the
arch footings. The site is underlain by a basalt flow which thins out towards the southern boundary. The
Oakley Creek was to be re-aligned from a Victorian era man-made trench structure to its old natural flow
path around the edge of the basalt. The bridge spanned the re-aligned creek and in order to make
construction most efficient the southern approaches were built first, allowing the stream works to follow on
under the bridge as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Oakley Creek being re-aligned under Southern Approach Spans.

The approaches comprise a shaped post-tensioned deck slab structure that is cast integrally with
reinforced concrete piers. Diamond-shaped piers are arranged on the curved alignment in locations
dictated by stream crossing points. The post-tensioned superstructure was chosen to achieve a slim deck
profile while spanning 20m between piers on the stream banks. The 20m span length was repeated for
the six southern approach spans and three northern spans. The deck has a structural depth of 600mm
with eight tendons draped from high points over piers to low points at mid-span.

Post-tensioning was designed for a construction sequence to allow continuity with as few tendon
anchorages as possible, and for maximised re-use of formwork and falsework for each span. There are
eight draped tendons in the deck. Four first stage tendons were stressed for the southern-most Span 1
which was cast integrally with Pier 1 up to a construction joint at the quarter point in Span 2. Span 2 was
then cast and four second stage tendons stressed to complete post-tensioning of Span 1. The end span
was temporarily propped. Falsework was moved to Span 3, deck reinforcement placed and the next four

continuous tendons stressed. The prop in Span 1 was removed at this stage revealing an uplift of less
than 10mm which was almost exactly as predicted – the draped tendons profiled to balance dead loads so
that the vertical alignment of the slender deck was undeflected in its final state. Span-by-span construction
proceeded in this methodology up to Pier 6 where there was an expansion joint between approach and
main spans. After Stage 1 constructors had access to the site underneath the bridge to re-align Oakley
Creek during summer months.

4.2 Main Arch Fabrication

A great deal of design effort went into making the arch rib as slender as possible to align with the
architectural vision for the bridge. The steelwork was detailed for ease of fabrication and transportation in
four pieces from the fabrication yard to site. The top section of the arch follows a parabolic profile but the
lower ends are straight for aesthetics, geometrical reasons and ease of fabrication.

During detailed design several geometrical curves were explored to find a shape that minimised out of
plane warping of the variable depth web plates. Fabrication was considered throughout design to make
details as easy to build as possible while seeking the apparent simplicity of form desired for the bridge
architecture. Hangers have forked end connectors pinned to welded cleats that protrude through the
bottom flange of the arch box section. Internal diaphragms align with the plane of the external hangers to
transfer forces evenly from hanger cleats to the box section, avoiding unwanted stress concentrations.
This looks simple from the outside but each diaphragm is unique to suit the changing angles of the
hangers and required great precision in fabrication. Another complication was the variable pre-camber
built into the arch so that after deflections during installation the designed curvature was achieved in the
field. In order to make the workflow from design to fabrication smoother three-dimensional models were
shared between the Alliance and steelwork fabricators Eastbridge. This enabled accurate checking of the
geometry of the Solidworks shop model used for steel plate cutting, and was the only way to confirm the
arch curvature envisaged by the designers was actually achieved in the fabrication process.

Box sections were seal welded and pressure tested to prove air-tightness in the yard. After painting, the
arch was transported by truck from Napier to Waterview in pieces weighing up to 40 tonnes. Two halves
of the central curved section were welded together on site ready for erection.

Figure 7. Fabrication of arch rib with internal diaphragms.

4.3 Arch Installation on Site
The arch was designed to be erected in three pieces supported on temporary towers and fully welded on
site. While design of the finished structure is the key deliverable, it is the designer’s responsibility to
produce a design that can be constructed. The steel box section has different vulnerabilities at various
stages of erection that were investigated to confirm stability and control geometry. The design team
carried out significant construction engineering in collaboration with the constructors to enable the safe
design of temporary works for supporting the arch during erection, and to confirm accurate installation.
The straight legs of the arch were lowered onto 40 Macalloy holding-down bolts cast into the reinforced
concrete footings. The arch segments were supported on temporary towers that served several functions:
• Support steelwork dead loads with temporary fixings to secure the segments
• Provide access for installation of central segment, welding and painting
• Resist transverse wind loads and provide restraint to the arch rib before the deck is suspended
• Allow continuous deck construction to pass through
• Accommodate adjustment for deflections during hanger stressing.

When the arch was erected and the three pieces welded together the 110 tonne steel structure had a
natural frequency that made it prone to excitation at relatively low wind speeds, which could develop a
galloping motion leading to damage of the unfinished bridge. Restraint forces were calculated by the
designers, and the contractors’ temporary works engineer designed the temporary works to ensure
stability at each stage.

Installation by crane was successfully carried out in December 2015 after the TBM had been removed
from site along the haul road through the bridge site. After the arch was up and secured in place, deck
construction commenced in 2016. The photo in Figure 8 shows the central arch segment being erected.

Figure 8. Arch segment being lifted onto temporary towers.

4.4 Hanger Stressing

After the main span deck had been cast on falsework the final stage of the structural works on site was to
install and stress the hanger rods which suspend the deck from the arch. Attention to minute detail was
critical in this operation to make sure that the loads in each hanger were as designed, and that the arch
and deck were installed to the intended geometry. As part of the Alliance, it was agreed that Beca were

best placed to carry out the analysis to determine the hanger stressing sequence and provide jacking
loads to achieve the required balance of stress and deflected profile. A planned process of hanger
installation and stressing was agreed between constructors and designers. The designers carried out a
stage-by-stage structural analysis of each step of the sequence using CSi Bridge software. The output
was a detailed plan showing jacking forces together with calculated arch and deck deflections at each of
the twenty-one stages.

Working from the centre of the span outwards hangers were stressed two pairs at a time in a coordinated
sequence so as to control the geometry of the flexible arch. Because of the varying angles of the inclined
hangers this sequence caused incremental horizontal movements as well as vertical deflections of the
steel arch. The construction team installed a monitoring system using targets that had been fixed to the
arch prior to erection and survey points along the deck. An innovative measuring system was applied to
record the position of each survey point along the structure that could be downloaded directly to a
spreadsheet for comparison with the table of predicted displacements. After each set of four hangers was
stressed a check on the resultant geometry was made before proceeding to the next stage.

The stressing proceeded without hitch and deflections at each stage confirmed the intended behaviour of
the structure and final geometry. A round of load take-offs and re-stressing of some of the outer hangers
that were found to have lower than predicted tensions completed the operation. At this stage the deck
could be seen to have just lifted off supporting falsework with tiny gaps appearing. So when the falsework
was removed the design and construction team was confident that there would be no significant

Figure 9. Hanger stressing and arrangement after removal of deck falsework.

The final stages of construction included installation of pedestrian barriers, construction of access stairs at
Pier 5, electrical wiring and handrail lighting fitting, planting and landscaping around the bridge.

5. Conclusions
The Waterview Shared Path bridges and Hendon Park Footbridge comprise a suite of high quality
structures for walking and cycling paths around the final link in Auckland’s Western Ring Route. The
Alliance partners of this major road project have delivered on the NZ Transport Agency’s promise to
connect communities along the route of the new motorway. A significant contribution of new sporting,
recreational and social facilities has been handed back to the affected communities. These are linked by
the shared path bridges aiming to revitalise the neighbourhoods of Owairaka and Waterview after

The focus of the Alliance on urban design, planned in consultation with local community groups has meant
that shared goals have been achieved through the collaboration of a range of stakeholders. Sustainability
principles were applied to achieve triple bottom line outcomes with a balance of social, environmental and
economic benefits. These include provision for alternative modes of transport in and around the
neighbourhoods, improved environments such as Oakley Creek and the Valonia Wetland, new sports
grounds, parks and recreational assets for the area.

The Hendon Park Footbridge is a landmark architectural feature of the project that is integrated into the
revitalised environment. Conceived as a simple geometrical form, considerable design input was needed
to deliver the bridge through close collaboration of engineers and architects and to follow the vision
through to the final details for construction. The aim was to make the structure slender and elegant, while
performing efficiently in transferring loads across the motorway and rail corridor. A holistic design
approach meant integrated architecture and engineering combined seamlessly right down to the finer
details of hanger connections, outriggers, shaped concrete deck, piers, barriers and lights.

Staging of the bridge works enabled alignment with the overall project programme for tunnel and road
construction. Complex engineering and innovative construction techniques were applied to make the
structure as sleek and simple as the conceptual vision. Working in an Alliance form of contract enabled
designers and constructors to collaborate closely, and provide the most appropriate expertise to manage
risks during fabrication and installation of complex steel structures. Innovative monitoring tools were used
to deliver the accuracy and quality of construction needed to meet the design intent. Erection of the arch
and suspension of the deck were successfully completed to the required tolerances for structural
purposes and to produce the desired architectural outcome.

The success of the bridges will be judged during the coming years, if the community start using the new
facilities in their neighbourhood, if more people are encouraged to ride their bikes for recreational trips and
commuting, and if drivers passing beneath the Hendon Park Footbridge enjoy a dramatic moment on their
journey through this gateway to Waterview.

Figure 10. Hendon Park Footbridge viewed across Valonia Wetland.

6. Acknowledgement
The author acknowledges NZ Transport Agency and the Well-Connected Alliance for the opportunity to
present this paper. In particular thanks for design contributions from Warren and Mahoney architects,
Boffa Miskell urban and landscape designers, Tonkin and Taylor geotechnical engineers and the
combined Beca team, together with collaborative input from the construction team of Fletcher
Construction, McConnell Dowell and steelwork fabricators, Eastbridge.

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