Filtro Racor 1000 PDF
Filtro Racor 1000 PDF
Filtro Racor 1000 PDF
5.0 in
11.0 in (12.7 cm)
(27.9 cm)
4.5 in
Adjustable to (11.4 cm)
13.5 in
(34.3 cm)
10.9 in
V (27.7 cm)
10° 10° Adjustable
by ±2.1 in.
90° (5.3 cm)
Note: Mount the filter assembly as close to vertical (V) as possible.
Do not exceed 10° from vertical or the assembly may not function properly.
Note: Fastener size 3/8" (M10) for Mounting brackets.
Installation Diagram
Optional Bypass Installation and Operation
Fuel Tanks Above Filter (allows user to service filter without shutting down engine.)
Do not exceed 39’ (11.9m) Maintain a clearance above the filter assembly
of head feet or 15 PSI. of 5 in. (12.7 cm) (900FH), Valves 1 2 3
and 10 in. (25.4 cm) (1000FH) Unit On-line Open Open Closed
for filter removal. Unit Off-line Closed Closed Open
Fuel Tank
(Pressure Side Installation)
Optional Vacuum Gauge:
Helps in monitoring system restriction
Pressure Side: and filter element life.
Fuel transfer pump not to
A shut-off valve is exceed maximum PSI
recommended when the or flow rate of filter.
fuel tank is mounted higher Not ideal - pumps emulsify
than the filter water hindering filter Suction (vacuum) Side:
performance. Primary (first) filter - use 30 micron.
If it is the only filter in the system,
use 2 or 10 micron.
Fuel Tank
(Ideal Vacuum
Side Installation)
Valve 1 Valve 2
Install a check valve
(with light or no restriction)
when tank is lower than filter
to maintain prime.
Fuel transfer pump
(IDEAL vacuum side installation)
Fuel Tank
(Vacuum Side Installation)
Valve 3
Fuel Tank Below Filter Maintain a service clearance below
Do not exceed 5’ (1.5m) of lift filter assembly of at least 2 in. (5.1 cm)
or 4 inches of mercury (inHg) for draining and servicing bowl.
of inlet piping restrictions
Installation Instructions
Adjustable, one-piece clamp-
type mounting brackets (with
Before Installation of two 45° elbow fittings where
one 90° elbow will work.
grade 5 fasteners) are included • O
btain good ventilation and
lighting. • W
hen routing hose, avoid
for ensured durability. The surfaces that move, have sharp
900FH uses one mounting • M
aintain a safe working edges, or get hot (such as
bracket and 1000FH uses two environment. exhaust piping).
mounting brackets, both can be
• The engine must be off for
adjusted for a secure fit.
installation. Priming
Positioning Filter
• D
O NOT smoke or allow open
flames near the installation.
• I nstall Turbine Series filter on
vacuum side of fuel transfer
Installing Filter 1. R
emove T-handle and lid from
top of filter.
pump for optimum water • Completely remove any
2. Fill filter with clean fuel.
separating efficiency. vacuum side filters in fuel
line between fuel tank and 3. L
ubricate lid gasket and
fuel pump. This is where filter T-handle O-ring with clean fuel
Note: See installation diagram.
assembly will be mounted. or motor oil.
• K
eep fuel line restrictions Leaving these filters in place
4. R
eplace lid and T-handle and
to a minimum. Locate filter will add to the fuel line
tighten snugly by hand
assembly between horizontal restriction. Filter heads cast
only - do not use tools.
planes of bottom of fuel tank into engine, or that are non-
removable, or hard piped 5. I f applicable, refer to
and inlet of fuel pump, if
should be serviced with a new equipment Operator’s Service
possible. If filter is installed
filter and left in place. Manual to complete fuel
in an application where the
priming procedure.
fuel tank is higher than the • Keep fuel flow restriction
filter, a shut-off valve must be values to a minimum. Always 6. S
tart engine and check for
installed between tank and use maximum size fuel hose fuel system leaks. Correct as
filter assembly INLET. This possible. Do not make sharp necessary with engine off and
will be used when servicing bends with flexible fuel hose pressure relieved from filter
replacement filter. as kinks may occur. Avoid use assembly.
Service Instructions
Draining Water Vacuum Side Pressure Side
Frequency of water draining is Applications Applications
determined by the contamination
1. C
lose inlet valve (or valve #1) 1. O pen self-venting drain
level of fuel. Inspect or drain
and open self-venting drain on on bottom of bowl. Head
collection bowl of water daily or as
bottom of bowl. pressure will push any water
necessary. Collection bowl must
and contaminants out of drain
be drained before contaminants 2. C
lose drain after all water
while keeping filter primed.
reach the top of the turbine or and contaminants have been
when Water Detection Module evacuated - DO NOT leave 2. Close drain after all water
(optional) indicates a drain is drain open too long as it will and contaminants have been
required. eventually completely drain evacuated - DO NOT leave
entire filter of water AND fuel. drain open too long as it will
eventually completely drain
3. Follow Priming Instructions. entire filter of water AND fuel,
and possibly drain entire tank.
Element Replacement
Frequency of filter replacement handles and slowly pulling
is determined by contamination upward with a twisting motion.
level of fuel. Replace filter every Dispose of properly.
10,000 miles, every 500 hours,
4. R
eplace old lid gasket and
every other oil change, when
T-handle O-ring with new
vacuum gauge (optional) reads
seals (suppled with new filter).
between 6 to 10 inches of mercury
Lubricate both seals with clean
(inHg), if power loss is noticed, or
motor oil or diesel fuel before
annually, which ever occurs first.
Note - always carry extra efer to Priming Instructions
5. R
replacement filters as one tankful of otherwise, fill filter with clean
excessively dirty fuel can plug a filter. fuel, then replace lid and
T-handle and tighten snugly by
1. B
ypass filter assembly with hand only - do not use tools.
bypass valves, if applicable.
ote - above ground tanks or
2. Remove T-handle and lid. transfer pump applications may
3. Remove filter by holding bail use head pressure to prime filter.
Heater Information
RK 11861 and RK 11862 Heater Relay Installation
Note: Heater options are for use with
diesel applications only.
Optional Items toggle switch is recommended to
control power to the heater relay.
1. H
eater power demand is 25 (Cuts power to heater for summer
In-filter heaters are a cold weather amps for 12 vdc and 13 amps use or servicing procedures.)
starting aid with an internal, non- for 24 vdc. Due to power
adjustable automatic thermostat 3. All wires should be 14 AWG min.
demands, Racor recommends
that turns heater ON when fuel
our relay kit for safest method
temperature drops below 50°F of installation. Racor offers two
(10°C) and turns OFF when fuel relay kits available from your 1. E
ither heater wire may be used for
reaches 80°F (27°C). Heat is Racor distributor. Part numbers Hot (+) or Ground (-).
supplied in the filter assembly just are RK 11861 (for 12 vdc) and
below replacement filter to melt RK 11862 (for 24 vdc). These kits 2. W
ire/terminal connections
wax crystals and allow fuel to pass include an in-line fuse holder should be soldered and crimped.
through the filter for quick, easy (and fuse). Use a 25 amp fuse with 3. R
un wires in protected locations.
starting. a 12 vdc system and a 15 amp fuse Avoid hot surfaces and places that
Follow directions to hook up heater with a 24 vdc system. could pinch or rub on wires.
wire and leads to your engine. 2. A customer supplied ON-OFF
1. E
nsure wiring diagram is closely 3. D
uring vehicle or equipment continuity (with power off )
followed and proper safety fuse servicing always ensure power across power and ground wires
is used. If fuse should fail, ensure to heater is shut off to avoid - current should be open - no
cause is found and corrected inadvertent heating of fuel in a continuity).
prior to using heater again. static condition. 5. F
or questions or assistance,
4. A
nnualy, or every 12,000 miles, please call Racor Technical
2. P
rime filter assembly with fuel
inspect all wiring for wear or Support at (800) 344-3286 or
before applying power to heater.
unsafe conditions. Inspect (209) 521-7860 ext 7555.
Note: Never power heater on until heater for proper operation (at
fuel is fully primed within filter. temperatures above 85oF, check
red 14
Ignition + - black 14
Replacement Parts
900FH 1
Part No. Description
T-handle and O-ring Kit
1. RK 11-1945
(includes A) 2
2. RK 11-1927-01 Lid Kit (includes B)
Replacement Filter (2 Micron)
(includes A & B)
Replacement Filter (10 Micron) 3
3. 2040TM-OR
(includes A & B)
Replacement Filter (30 Micron)
(includes A & B) 4
12 vdc, Heater Body Feed-thru Kit
RK 11-2002
(includes A, B, & 6)
4. 5
24 vdc, Heater Body Feed-thru Kit
RK 11-2001
(includes A, B, & 6)
Available Options:
(water detection kit) 2 Yes
(12 or 24 vdc heater) 2 Yes
(vacuum gauge) Yes
(12 or 24 vdc primer pump) Yes
Water Removal Efficiency 99%
Replacement Parts 1
1000FH A
Part No. Description
T-handle and O-ring Kit B
1. RK 11-1945
(includes A)
2. RK 11-1927-01 Lid Kit (includes B)
Replacement Filter (2 Micron)
(includes A & B)
Replacement Filter (10 Micron)
3. 2020TM-OR
(includes A & B)
Replacement Filter (30 Micron)
(includes A & B)
12 vdc, Heater Body Feed-thru Kit 4
RK 11-2002
(includes A, B, & 6)
24 vdc, Heater Body Feed-thru Kit
RK 11-2001
(includes A, B, & 6) 5
5. RK 11815-103 Mounting Bracket Kit
RK 21067 Body Feed-thru Heater Assembly Kit 6
RK 11-1679 Body Feed-thru Plug Kit
Conical Baffle and Turbine Centrifuge
7. RK 11-1939
Kit (includes B, C, D, & E)
Available Options:
(water detection kit) 2 Yes
(12 or 24 volt dc heater) 2 Yes
(vacuum gauge) Yes
(12 or 24 vdc primer pump) Yes
Water Removal Efficiency 99%
Damaged, worn, or dirty seals will allow air ingestion.
Inspect and replace all seals as needed. Clean the sealing
surfaces of dirt or debris every time the filter is replaced.
Hand tighten T-handle only! Do not Replace T-handle o-ring and lid
use tools for leverage. gasket with each filter element
If filter is changed or assembly Replace filter every 10,000 miles,
drained for any reason, reprime 500 hours, every other oil change,
assembly. Fill to just above top annually, or at first indication of
of filter before replacing lid. It is power loss, whichever occurs first.
normal for the fuel level to drop For Construction and Agricultural
during use. This is especially use, change filter every 300 hours.
apparent at filter element change-
Filter Safety Valve
Note - Correct external fuel leaks plug a filter. When clogged to the is an extremely reliable option,
immediately! These conditions maximum capacity, filters will but MUST be powered via a relay
will result in reduced engine have a brown to black color or tar switch due to initial amperage
performance such as: hard starting, like contaminants may be present surge at start-up: 25 amps at 12 vdc
stalling, reduced power, and other - this is normal. An appearance of and 12.5 amps at 24 vdc. They do
associated problems. a multi-colored slime (which may not activate unless the fuel is below
have a foul odor) is an indication 50°F (10°C) and automatically
New filter installations must be
of microbiological contamination. deactivate at 80°F (28°C).
filled with fuel and fuel system must
This condition must be treated
be adequately primed following Heater Testing - Heaters can only
the engine manufacturer’s be tested when the thermostat is
recommendations, if applicable. Severe conditions must be closed (fuel temperature is below
Existing installation difficulties are corrected by a repair facility. 50°F or 10°C). With a ampmeter
usually associated with improper attached to external wiring, and
priming procedures or damage to Note - Never operate Racor unit engine off, amperage should
the unit or fuel system. The result without the filter in place - the increase when heater is switched
is either internal air suction or 'filter safety valve' will not expose on. (Option - remove heater
external fuel leakage. Diagnosis outlet hole on fuel return tube if and place it in a freezer until the
should be in these following steps: filter is removed and fuel will not temperature is under 50°F (10°C).
flow to engine. Instead, punch Remove heater and repeat the
1. C
heck fuel tank level and make
emergency tab on the top of filter above test).
sure any fuel delivery valves are
and leave in place. Puncturing
in open position, as applicable.
emergency tab will bypass all All Racor FH filter assemblies
2. E
nsure T-handle, bowl fasteners, filtration and send unfiltered fuel are 100% tested to ensure a
and fuel fittings are tight. Also to your engine. Service filter as leak‑proof, quality product.
verify that bowl drain is closed. soon as possible to avoid harmful Note - Correct external fuel
3. I f filter is new, check potential contaminants flowing downstream leaks immediately! In the event
restriction at fuel tank draw to engine. difficulties are experienced with
tube. An in-tank strainer may be your filter assembly or a problem
Water Sensors - This feature alerts
plugged. appears to prevent the engine
operator of a high-water condition.
Correct Application - It is very The bowl is then drained of water from running smoothly, refer to
important that filter is not ‘under at earliest convenience. Note - a the procedures on the previous
specified’ for the application. The Racor water detection module is page. Note - Apply Parker Super
maximum fuel flow rating of filter needed to work with the in-bowl O-lube (part number RK 31605)
must not be exceeded and engine sensor. The unit should activate or equivalent to all seals at major
manufactures maximum fuel inlet when water reaches sensor tips attachment points to maintain
restriction, must not be exceeded. (and when they measure between integrity, seal elasticity, to fill small
Doing so will reduce efficiency and 47,000 and 100,000 ohms of voids, and to provide protection
de-gas (pull air from) fuel. resistance, depending on detection from degradation.
module used.) If not, tips may be
Filter - Replacement filters fouled with a coating. Remove Perform all checks with engine
are available in 2, 10, and 30 water sensor and clean tips with a OFF (and applicable valves
micron ratings. Filtration needs cloth. Run a jumper wire between closed). For replacement parts,
are based on application, fuel tips with ignition ON to test system. refer to the Replacement Parts
quality, maintenance schedules, Difficulties usually lie in the wire section of this manual.
and operating climates. A simple connections, power source, or an
rule to remember is - the finer independent ground.
the filtration, the more frequent
the filter change. Always carry Heaters - In-filter heaters are
extra replacement filters with starting aids, but may be left on
your equipment as one tankful of during cold operations to continue
excessively contaminated fuel can to supply heat. The 300 watt heater
Limited Warranties Statement
All products manufactured FLOWING FROM THE USE OF and/or system options for
or distributed by Racor are ANY DEFECTIVE PRODUCT further investigation by users
subject to the following, and OR BY REASON OF THE having technical expertise.
only the following, LIMITED FAILURE OF ANY PRODUCT. It is important that you
EXPRESS WARRANTIES, and RACOR SPECIFICALLY analyze all aspects of your
no others: For a period of DISAVOWS ALL OTHER application and review the
one (1) year from and after WARRANTIES, EXPRESS information concerning the
the date of purchase of a new OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, product or system in the
Racor product, Racor warrants WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL current product catalog. Due
and guarantees only to the WARRANTIES OF FITNESS to the variety of operating
original purchaser-user that FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE conditions and applications
such a product shall be free (EXCEPT FOR THOSE WHICH for these products or systems,
from defects of materials APPLY TO PRODUCT OR the user, through its own
and workmanship in the PART THEREOF THAT IS analysis and testing, is solely
manufacturing process. The USED OR BOUGHT FOR USE responsible for making the
warranty period for pumps and PRIMARILY FOR PERSONAL, final selection of the products
motors is specifically limited FAMILY, OR HOUSEHOLD and systems and assuring that
to ninety (90) days from date of PURPOSES), WARRANTIES OF all performance, safety and
purchase. A product claimed to DESCRIPTION, WARRANTIES warning requirements of the
be defective must be returned OF MERCHANTABILITY, applications are met.
to the place of purchase. Racor, TRADE USAGE OR The products described
at its sole option, shall replace WARRANTIES OR TRADE herein, including with
the defective product with a USAGE. limitation, product features,
comparable new product or specifications, designs,
repair the defective product. availability and pricing, are
This express warranty shall be subject to change by Parker
Warning Hannifin Corporation and
inapplicable to any product not
properly installed and properly Failure or improper selection its subsidiaries at any time
used by the purchaser-user or improper use of the without notice.
or to any product damaged or products and/or systems
impaired by external forces. described herein or related The following statement
items can cause death, is required pursuant to
THIS IS THE EXTENT OF personal injury and property proposition 65, applicable
WARRANTIES AVAILABLE damage. This document and in the State of California:
ON THIS PRODUCT. RACOR other information from Parker ‘This product may contain a
SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY Hannifin Corporation, its chemical known to the State of
WHATSOEVER FOR subsidiaries and authorized California to cause cancer or
CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES distributors provide product reproductive toxicity’.