This Is The Foremost Need of The Hour
This Is The Foremost Need of The Hour
This Is The Foremost Need of The Hour
Today, our homes can be created as “altars” for God. It is the way to dwell in the
secret place of the Most High God and abide under His shadow (Psalm 91:1). And
this is the foremost need of the hour.
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, the fathers of our faith, all built altars for Jehovah, the
Great I Am God. Each one of them prioritized to find that special, God-ordained
place to offer a sacrifice and meet with God .
You shall build the altar of the LORD, your God of uncut stones, and
you shall offer on it burnt offerings to the Lord your GOD,
- Deuteronomy 27:6
Praise God! He has offered once and for all, HIS choicest LAMB to become the
greatest and ultimate sacrifice - HIS ONLY SON, JESUS CHRIST for every Filipino
family, starting with you and me.
Everything has been prepared for us today, in order that our homes become ONE with
HEAVEN specially in this perilous time.
This is what our lives are all about after we trumpeted and declared Jubilee 500 for
our land and people. Jubilee gives us a fresh start and a totally new beginning for
a renewed Covenant with Jesus Christ.
Let the Spirit of God point out and convict us to remove (destroy or burn)
every filth, dirt abominable to Him and His eyes.
Let God cut off every allegiance from all forms of idols and gods in your life
and family. Remove every token, emblem related to ungodliness.
Every family member (specially the adults) has his/her own spiritual journey. Parents
must be patient to walk with each one. Emphasize God as the final authority and the
Holy Spirit as the Enabler. Some members maybe quick to obey God, others may not.
Others may take a day or two or weeks to accomplish all. It is okay. Jesus is the
Author and Finisher of our Faith.
But be steadfast to make your home and every member an altar for God. Keep
moving as a family towards God and His righteousness. No place for both
condemnation and compromise.
Surely , this stage is difficult but important to be able to proceed to Step two.
II. Welcome the One True God in your home offering it as an ALTAR to Him,
as, a fresh dedication and sweet aroma for Him.
Renew your COVENANT OF LOVE and COMMITMENT to the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit. Use your own words and speak from your heart. You have no
other audience but Him.
Let every family member express his/ her renewal of covenant of love to the
God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
As we enthrone the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit in our homes as
the One True God- the heavens of His abode is opened wide to us. A wide access to
the realm of supernatural, spiritual, angelic activities shall become a reality to our
homes and family members. EXPECT and EXPERIENCE His Kingdom and Will
in Heaven come down and BE DONE IN OUR HOMES.