Operator S Manual '

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Operator ’s Manual

Operator’s 12 Speed

Safety..................................... 1

Driving..................................... 2

Maintenance..................................... 3

Information..................................... 4

© 2017 PACCAR Inc. - All Rights Reserved

This manual illustrates and describes the operation of features or equipment which may be either
standard or optional on this vehicle. This manual may also include a description of features and
equipment which are no longer available or were not ordered on this vehicle. Please disregard any
illustrations or descriptions relating to features or equipment which are not on this vehicle. PACCAR
reserves the right to discontinue, change specifications, or change the design of its vehicles at any
time without notice and without incurring any obligation. The information contained in this manual is
proprietary to PACCAR. Reproduction, in whole or in part, by any means is strictly prohibited without
prior written authorization from PACCAR Inc.

Chapter 1 | SAFETY
In this Chapter:

Using this Manual..................................................................................................................................5

Safety Alerts..........................................................................................................................................5
Illustrations............................................................................................................................................ 6
General Safety Instructions...................................................................................................................7
Warnings and Cautions.........................................................................................................................9
A Special Word About Repairs..............................................................................................................9

4 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
SAFETY - Using this Manual

indicate that in a cross-reference like this:

Using this Manual NOTE
(See Safety Alerts on page 5). You won’t 1
have to go searching for more information.
Finally you’ll find a helpful Subject Index.
Please take the time to get acquainted with After you’ve read this manual, it should It’s in the back of the manual and
your vehicle by reading this Operator’s be stored in the cab for convenient ref- alphabetically lists the subjects covered.
Manual. We recommend that you read and erence and remain with this truck So if you want information on brakes, for
understand this manual from beginning to when sold. example, just look under Brake in the
end before you operate this equipment. Subject Index. You’ll find all the pages
This manual contains useful information for Your vehicle may not have all the features listed where brakes or braking are
the safe and efficient operation of this or options mentioned in this manual. discussed.
equipment. It also provides service Therefore, you should pay careful attention All information contained in this manual is
information, with an outline for performing to the instructions that pertain to just your based on the latest production information
safety checks and basic preventive vehicle. In addition, if your vehicle is available at the time of publication.
maintenance inspections. We have tried to equipped with special equipment or options Kenworth Truck Company Peterbilt Motors
present the information you’ll need to learn not discussed in this manual, consult your Company reserves the right to make
about functions, controls, and operation— dealer or the manufacturer of the changes at any time without notice.
and to present it as clearly as possible. We equipment.
hope you’ll find this manual easy to use. There are several tools built into this
There will be times when you need to take manual to help you find what you need
this manual out of the glovebox. When you quickly and easily. First is the Quick Table Safety Alerts
do, please be sure to return it when you of Contents. Located at the front of the
are finished using it. That way it will be manual, this lists the main subjects Please read and follow all of the safety
there when you need it the next time or covered and gives section numbers where alerts contained in this manual. They are
when you pass the vehicle on to the next you can find these subjects. Use the Quick there for your protection and information.
user. Table of Contents to find information on a These alerts can help you avoid injury to
large subject like “Maintenance.” Cross- yourself, your passengers and help prevent
referenced citations also help you get the costly damage to the vehicle. Safety alerts
information you need. If some other part of are highlighted by safety alert symbols and
the manual contains further information on signal words such as “WARNING”,
the subject you are reading about, we’ll

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 5
SAFETY - Illustrations

“CAUTION”, or “NOTE”. Please DO NOT The safety message following this symbol
1 ignore any of these alerts. and signal word provides a caution against
operating procedures which could cause
Warnings equipment or property damage. The alert
will identify the hazard, how to avoid it, and Pumping the accelerator will not assist
the probable consequence of not avoiding in starting the engine.
the hazard.

The safety message following this symbol

and signal word provides a warning against CAUTION
operating procedures which could cause Illustrations
death or injury. They could also cause Continuing to operate your vehicle with Some of the illustrations throughout this
equipment or property damage. The alert insufficient oil pressure will cause seri- manual are generic and will NOT look
will identify the hazard, how to avoid it and ous engine damage. Failure to comply exactly like the engine or parts used in
the probable consequence of not avoiding may result in equipment or property your application. The illustrations can
the hazard. damage. contain symbols to indicate an action
required and\or an acceptable or NOT
Notes acceptable condition.
The illustrations are intended to show
Hot engine oil can be dangerous. You repair or replacement procedures. The
could be burned. Let the engine oil procedure will be the same for all
cool down before changing it. Failure applications, although the illustration may
to comply may result in death, person- The message following this symbol and differ.
al injury, equipment or property dam- signal word provides important information
age. that is not safety related but should be
followed. The alert will highlight things that
Cautions may not be obvious and is useful to your
efficient operation of the vehicle.

6 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
SAFETY - General Safety Instructions

Standards applicable at the time of • Before beginning any repair,

General Safety manufacture. Even with these safety disconnect the battery (negative [-] 1
features, continued safe and reliable cable) and discharge any
Instructions operation depends greatly upon regular capacitors.
vehicle maintenance. Follow the • Put a “DO NOT OPERATE” tag in
Important safety notices about operating maintenance recommendations found in the operator's compartment or on
and servicing your engine. Preventive Maintenance section. This will the controls.
help preserve your investment. • Allow the engine to cool before
Make sure your vehicle is in top working slowly loosening the coolant filler
condition before heading out on the road, it cap to relieve the pressure from the
is the responsible driver's duty to do so. cooling system.
Improper practices, carelessness, or
Inspect the vehicle according to the
ignoring any warnings may cause
Driver's Check List.
death, personal injury, equipment or
• Use the proper tool for manually WARNING
property damage.
rotating the engine. DO NOT
attempt to rotate the crankshaft by Removing the fill cap on a hot engine
Before performing any repair, read and
pulling or prying on the fan. This can cause scalding coolant to spray
understand all of the safety precautions
practice can cause death, personal out and burn you badly. If the engine
and warnings. The following is a list of
injury, equipment damage, or has been in operation within the previ-
general safety precautions that must be
damage to the fan blades, causing ous 30 minutes, be very careful in re-
followed to provide personal safety. Failure
premature fan failure. moving the fill cap. Protect face,
to follow these instructions may cause
• Work areas should be dry, well lit, hands, and arms against escaping flu-
death or injury. Special safety precautions
well ventilated, free from clutter, id and steam by covering the cap with
are included in the procedures when they
loose tools, parts, ignition sources a large, thick rag. DO NOT try to re-
and hazardous substances. move it until the surge tank cools down
Keep in mind that even a well maintained
or if you see any steam or coolant es-
vehicle must be operated within the range • Wear protective glasses and
caping. In any situation, remove the
of its mechanical capabilities and the limits protective shoes when working.
cap very slowly and carefully. Be ready
of its load ratings. See the Weight Ratings • DO NOT wear loose-fitting or torn to back off if any steam or coolant be-
label on the driver's door edge. clothing. Tie back and/or tuck in gins to escape.
Every new vehicle is designed to conform long hair. Remove all jewelry when
to all Federal Motor Vehicle Safety working.

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 7
SAFETY - General Safety Instructions

• Always use wheel chocks or proper • When moving or lifting any heavy • When working on the vehicle, be
1 jack stands to support the vehicle equipment or parts, make sure to alert for hot parts on systems that
or vehicle components before use proper techniques and have just been turned off, exhaust
performing any service work. DO assistance. Ensure all lifting gas flow, and hot fluids in lines,
NOT work on anything that is devices such as chains, hooks, or tubes, and compartments. Contact
supported only by lifting jacks or a slings are in good condition and with any hot surface may cause
hoist. Before resting a vehicle on are of the correct load capacity. burns.
jack stands, be sure the stands are Make sure all lifting devices are • Always use tools that are in good
rated for the load you will be positioned correctly. condition. Make sure you have the
placing on them. • Corrosion inhibitors and lubricating proper understanding of how to use
• Before removing or disconnecting oils may contain alkali. DO NOT the tools before performing any
any lines, fittings, or related items, get the substance in eyes and service work. Use only genuine
relieve all pressure in the air, oil, avoid prolonged or repeated replacement parts from PACCAR.
fuel, and cooling systems. Remain contact with skin. DO NOT • Always use the same fastener part
alert for possible pressure when swallow. If ingested, seek number (or equivalent) when
disconnecting any device from a immediate medical attention. DO replacing items. DO NOT use a
system that contains pressure. NOT induce vomiting. In case of fastener of lesser quality if
High pressure oil or fuel can cause contact, immediately wash skin replacements are necessary. (e.g.,
death or personal injury. with soap and water. In case of Do not replace a 10.9 grade with
• Always wear protective clothing harmful contact, immediately 8.8 grade fastener.)
when working on any refrigerant contact a physician. Always keep • Always torque fasteners and fuel
lines and make sure that the any chemicals OUT OF REACH connections to the required
workplace is well ventilated. OF CHILDREN. specifications. Overtightening or
Inhalation of fumes can cause • Naptha and Methyl Ethyl Ketone under-tightening can allow leakage.
death or personal injury. To protect (MEK) are flammable materials and • Close the manual fuel valves prior
the environment, liquid refrigerant must be used with caution. Follow to performing maintenance and
systems must be properly emptied the manufacturer's instructions to repairs, and when storing the
and filled using equipment that ensure safety when using these vehicle inside.
prevents the release of refrigerant materials. Always keep any
• DO NOT perform any repair when
gas. Federal law requires capturing chemicals OUT OF REACH OF
impaired, tired, fatigued or after
and recycling refrigerant. CHILDREN.

8 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
SAFETY - Warnings and Cautions

consuming alcohol or drugs that California Proposition 65 Warning and lead compounds, chemicals
can impair your functioning.
• Diesel engine exhaust and some of
known to the State of California to 1
• Some state and federal agencies in cause cancer and reproductive
its constituents are known to the
the United States of America have harm. Wash hands after handling.
State of California to cause cancer,
determined that used engine oil birth defects, and other
can be carcinogenic and can cause reproductive harm.
reproductive toxicity. Avoid
inhalation of vapors, ingestion, and
• The catalyst substrate located in Warnings and Cautions
the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)
prolonged contact with used engine
contains vanadium pentoxide,
which has been determined by the
• DO NOT connect the jump starting State of California to cause cancer.
or battery charging cables to any Always wear protective clothing
A Special Word About
ignition or governor control wiring.
This can cause electrical damage
and eye protection when handling Repairs
the catalyst assembly. Dispose of
to the ignition or governor. the catalyst in accordance with
• Coolant is toxic. If not reused, local regulations. If catalyst
dispose of coolant in accordance WARNING
material gets into the eyes,
with local environmental immediately flood eyes with water
regulations. Do not attempt repair work without suf-
for a minimum of 15 minutes. Avoid ficient training, service manuals, and
prolonged contact with skin. In the proper tools. You could be killed or
case of contact, immediately wash injured, or you could make your vehi-
skin with soap and water. In case cle unsafe. Do only those tasks you
of harmful contact, immediately are fully qualified to do.
Corrosive chemicals can damage the
contact a physician.
engine. DO NOT use corrosive chemi-
cals on the engine. Failure to comply • Other chemicals in this vehicle are
may result in equipment, or property also known to the State of
damage. California to cause cancer, birth
defects or other reproductive harm.
• Battery posts, terminals, and
related accessories contain lead

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 9
SAFETY - A Special Word About Repairs

you back on the road quickly—and keep dealer from whom you purchased your
you there. vehicle.
Your vehicle is a complex machine.
Anyone attempting repairs on it needs
Modifying your vehicle can make it un- good mechanical training and the proper
safe. Some modifications can affect tools. If you are sure you have these
your vehicle's electrical system, stabili- requirements, then you can probably
ty, or other important functions. Before perform some repairs yourself. However,
modifying your vehicle, check with all warranty repairs must be performed by
your dealer to make sure it can be an authorized service facility. If you aren’t
done safely. Improper modifications an experienced mechanic, or don’t have
can cause death or personal injury. the right equipment, please leave all
repairs to an authorized service facility.
They are the ones equipped to do the job
CAUTION safely and correctly.

The installation of electronic devices to Maintenance Manuals

the On Board Diagnostics (OBD) con-
If you do decide to do any complex repair
nector, the vehicle Controller Area Net-
work, you’ll need the maintenance
work (CAN), or their associated wiring
manuals. Order them from your authorized
is not permitted. Doing so can ad-
dealer. Please provide your Chassis Serial
versely affect vehicle performance
Number when you order, to be sure you
and/or cause fault codes to be record-
get the correct manuals for your vehicle.
ed. The OBD connector is provided for
Allow about four weeks for delivery. There
temporary connection of service tools
will be a charge for these manuals.
and for diagnostic purposes only.
Final Chassis Bill of Material
Your dealer’s service center is the best
place to have your vehicle repaired. You A complete, non-illustrated computer
can find dealers all over the country with printout listing of the parts used to custom-
the equipment and trained personnel to get build your vehicle is available through the

10 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
SAFETY - A Special Word About Repairs

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 11

Chapter 2 | DRIVING
In this Chapter:

Controls on the Right Hand of the Steering Column........................................................................... 13

Drive Neutral Reverse Selector...........................................................................................................13
Up or Down Shifting............................................................................................................................ 15
Engine Brake Operation for a Vehicle with Automated Transmission.................................................17
Using the Manual - Automatic Button..................................................................................................18
Start-Up and Power Down.................................................................................................................. 19
Transmission Power Take Off (PTO)...................................................................................................20
Snow/Ice Operation.............................................................................................................................21
Trailer Operation................................................................................................................................. 21
Features.............................................................................................................................................. 21

12 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
DRIVING - Controls on the Right Hand of the Steering Column

3 Engine Brake and Max Mode For Kenworth Vehicles

Controls on the Right 4 Manual (M) / Automatic (A) Mode Button

Hand of the Steering

Related concepts
Related tasks 2
This vehicle may be equiped with the
PACCAR Transmission. The lever on the
right hand side of the steering column will
Drive Neutral Reverse
operate the transmission functions in Selector
addition to operating the engine brake.

For Peterbilt Vehicles

Transmission mode is selected by rotating

1 Transmission D - N - R Function the lever's outer knob. There is a detent for
Drive, Neutral, Reverse.
2 Up (+) and Down (-) Shift and Low Mode
The instrument cluster will display the
corresponding mode.

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 13
DRIVING - Drive Neutral Reverse Selector

Reverse Mode causing damage to the

NOTE • Reverse mode selects the default
Reverse gear.
2 Selector (the transmission) must be in
N (Neutral) to start the truck.
If the driver attempts to select a non-
neutral mode without depressing the
If the driver attempts to select a non-
Neutral Mode service brakes the transmission will not
neutral mode without depressing the
shift into gear. The driver must re-select
• Selects Neutral. service brakes the transmission will not
Neutral and depress the service brakes
• Initial Gear position after Start-Up. shift into gear and you will have to return
before selecting the desired mode
to Neutral and depress the service
brakes before selecting the desired
WARNING mode again.
• If the start gear is changed using
Apply parking brake and follow vehicle the up/downshift request
• Each time Reverse is selected from
manufacturer parking instructions. Fail- procedure, it will remain as the
Neutral, the default Reverse gear is
ure to follow these instructions could default until the vehicle is powered
cause unintended vehicle movement re- down or the selection is changed.
sulting in death, serious injury or dam- However, conditions such as,
age to property. Drive Mode (Auto Mode) grade, may still override the default
• Intelligent Start Gear Selection will start gear selection.
automatically select the start gear • A shift can be advanced by using
NOTE depending on inputs such as, load, the up/downshift request procedure
grade, and axle/transmission ratio. when the transmission is near the
When attempting to start the engine and This start gear can be changed by shift point.
the engine does not crank, confirm Neu- using the up/downshift request
tral is selected, vehicle parking brake is procedure, as long as the selection
applied and service brake is depressed. still falls into a gear that would
allow the vehicle to launch without

14 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
DRIVING - Up or Down Shifting

For Kenworth Vehicle with Shift Assist

NOTE Up or Down Shifting
Multiple gear upshifts and downshifts
may be allowed when the up/downshift
request procedure is performed multiple
times (Each request equals one gear
change request).

• The transmission may also deny a

shift while ascending or
descending grades if the load of
the vehicle and grade of the terrain For Peterbilt Vehicles with Shift Assist
in combination with the drivetrain
ratio and engine torque will fall
outside of the acceptable range to
perform a shift. If the shift is denied
it will sound a tone.
When in the Manual mode, the
transmission gears can be manually
selected by pushing or pulling on the lever.
Pushing the lever forward will down shift.
Pushing and holding the lever forward will
engage the LOW gear range. Pulling the
lever towards the driver will upshift the
transmission. If the prompt appears in the instrument
Some vehicles may have a feature that cluster, use the manual gear selector lever
prompts the operator to shift for optimal to change gears.
fuel economy.

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 15
DRIVING - Up or Down Shifting

The instument cluster will illuminate with LOW Mode

the corresponding gear. LOW mode should be used any time you WARNING
want to maximize engine braking and
2 minimize the use of the brake pedal. For
example, when driving down long grades
On slippery surfaces minimize engine
braking in LOW mode. Excessive en-
or when coming to a stop. gine braking at higher engine RPM
• Selects lowest available gear for could cause a loss of traction and vehi-
start gear. The starting gear cannot cle control.
be changed in LOW mode.

The PACCAR Automated Transmission
If the driver attempts to select a non-
initiates upshifts from MANUAL and
neutral mode without depressing the
Gear Display LOW for engine overspeed protection.
service brakes the transmission will not
shift into gear. The driver must re-select
Neutral and depress the service brakes
before selecting the desired mode How to Deactivate MAX Mode
Vehicles with automated transmissions will
• If LOW is selected while moving, have the engine brake function integrated
the transmission will not upshift with the transmission controls. Follow
(except for the Transmission these steps to deactivate MAX engine
Override conditions noted on the brake mode.
previous page). The transmission 1. Accelerate with the throttle pedal.
system will downshift at the earliest 2. Upshift, see Up or Down Shifting
opportunity to enable higher than on page 15.
normal engine RPM to provide 3. Wait for the transmission coast
maximum engine braking. down gear to engage.

16 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
DRIVING - Engine Brake Operation for a Vehicle with Automated Transmission

4. Reduce engine brake level, see Position Amount of Engine Brake

Engine Brake Operation for a
Vehicle with Automated 4* 100% AND will engage
Transmission on page 17.
5. Re-initiate MAX mode, see Engine
transmission low gear

* This position is momentary

Brake Operation for a Vehicle with
Automated Transmission on page and will revert back to position
17. 3 when the lever is released.
6. Select Neutral N, see Drive Neutral
Reverse Selector on page 13. The corresponding engine brake level (or
7. Select LOW mode, see Engine MAX mode) will be illuminated in the
Brake Operation for a Vehicle with instrument cluster.
Automated Transmission on page

Moving the lever clockwise will engage the

engine brake. Increase the amount of
Engine Brake Operation engine brake by moving the lever further
clockwise. Each position has a
for a Vehicle with corresponding level of engine brake.
Automated Transmission
Position Amount of Engine Brake

Off 0%

1 33%

2 66%

3 100%

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 17
DRIVING - Using the Manual - Automatic Button

Related tasks For Peterbilt Vehicles of letting the transmission select them
• Driver manually selects the start

2 Using the Manual - gear and uses the up/downshift

request to shift.
Automatic Button

Multiple gear upshifts and downshifts

may be allowed when the up/downshift
request procedure is performed multi-
ple times (Each request equals one
For Kenworth Vehicles gear change request).

• If the driver attempts to select a

non-neutral mode without
depressing the service brakes the
transmission will not shift into gear.
The driver must re-select Neutral
and depress the service brakes
before selecting the desired mode
This button will put the transmission into
manual mode. Manual mode will allow the • System holds current gear unless
operator to select the gear. See Up or otherwise prompted by using up/
Down Shifting on page 15. downshift request, except for the
To activate, put the gear selector in the D “Transmission Manual Override”
(drive) mode and then depress the M/A MANUAL Mode conditions noted below.
button. The instrument cluster will display MANUAL mode should be used whenever
the corresponding selection. the driver wants to select the shifts instead

18 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
DRIVING - Start-Up and Power Down

tem is at normal operating range be-

fore attempting to start the vehicle.
NOTE Start-Up and Power Down
3. Start the engine.
For optimal vehicle performance, it is
recommended the vehicle be operated Start-Up
4. Allow vehicle air system pressure
to build to normal operating range.
in “D” Drive mode. 1. Ensure N, Neutral, is selected on 5. Apply service brake.
the Transmission Driver Interface
Transmission Manual Override NOTE
If the vehicle is being back-driven and the
engine is approaching a higher than NOTE If the service brake is not applied while
normal RPM level, the transmission system selecting a starting gear, the initial
will override the MANUAL position and The transmission will not allow the en- start gear will not be engaged and the
perform an upshift. gine to crank if a mode other than driver will have to reselect Neutral and
Neutral is selected, on Transmission press the brake while re-selecting the
Driver Interface Device, when attempt- desired mode.
NOTE ing to start the engine. 6. Select the desired mode and
The transmission initiates upshifts 2. Turn the ignition key to “ON” and starting gear on the Transmission
from MANUAL and LOW for engine allow the PACCAR Automated Driver Interface Device.
overspeed protection. Transmission to power-up.
If the start gear is changed and it causes
the engine to lug at takeoff, the The transmission will override inappro-
transmission system will override the priate start gear selections to avoid
Engine cranking is delayed until the
MANUAL position and select the best driveline damage.
transmission power-up is complete
available gear.
and the gear display shows a solid N. 7. Release the vehicle parking
If Neutral, N, is not shown in the gear brakes.
display, ensure that the vehicle air sys-
8. Release service brake and Urge to
Move will allow the vehicle to

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 19
DRIVING - Transmission Power Take Off (PTO)

automatically launch and creep at

constant engine idle. WARNING WARNING
• Upshifts and downshifts can be
Apply parking brake and follow vehicle Apply parking brake and follow vehicle
2 made while at constant engine
idle by utilizing the up/downshift manufacturer parking instructions. manufacturer parking instructions. Fail-
request procedure. The Failure to follow these instructions ure to follow these instructions could
transmission may deny a shift could cause unintended vehicle move- cause unintended vehicle movement re-
and sound a tone if the load of ment resulting in death, serious injury sulting in death, serious injury or dam-
the vehicle or grade of the or damage to property. age to property.
terrain falls outside the 3. Turn ignition key to OFF and allow 2. Select “N” on the Transmission
acceptable range to perform a the engine to shut down. Driver Interface Device.
shift. 3. Select the transmission PTO
Power Down 4. Raise engine speed as required to
Transmission Power Take operate PTO.
1. Select N Neutral on the
Transmission Driver Interface Off (PTO)
The transmission may have a PTO NOTE
• If gear display does not show installed. Engaging the PTO differs if it is
solidN , neutral has not yet operating in either a mobile or a stationary Use the transmission PTO switch to dis-
been obtained. application. engage the PTO.

NOTE Stationary PTO Operation Mobile PTO Operation

The transmission countershaft PTO is used
The transmission countershaft PTO is used
Neutral should always be reached be- in this application. To engage the PTO for
in this application and provides limited
fore initiating power down, except in stationary operation, perform the following
mobile operation in the start gears. To
cases of emergency. steps:
engage the PTO for mobile operation,
2. Set the vehicle parking brakes. 1. Bring the vehicle to a complete perform the following steps:
stop and apply the parking brake.

20 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
DRIVING - Snow/Ice Operation

1. Bring the vehicle to a complete select MANUAL mode. MANUAL mode • Avoid repeat attempts if the sliding
stop and depress the service holds the current gear position under most axle is not moving.
brake. operating conditions- the transmission will
only shift when the driver uses the up/
2. Select “N” on the Transmission
Driver Interface Device. downshift request. Once road conditions NOTE 2
3. Select the transmission PTO improve, the driver should revert back to
Drive mode. If repeat attempts are made and the au-
switch. tomated clutch starts to overheat, the
4. Select “Drive” or "Reverse" as display will indicate “CA” along with a
required for vehicle movement. warning tone.
5. Release the service brake to Trailer Operation
engage the clutch and the PTO.
6. Raise engine speed as required to
operate PTO. Trailer Connecting
• Prior to backing under the trailer,
ensure proper trailer height.
• Use Low mode (1st gear) for Hill Start Aid Operation (HSA)
Use the transmission PTO switch to forward direction and Reverse (R1)
Hill Start Aid defaults to the “On” position.
disengage the PTO. for reverse direction.
In PACCAR Automated Transmissions, it
can be turned “Off” by pressing and
Sliding Trailer Axle releasing the Hill Start Aid switch, however,
• Ensure axle rails and locks are it will turn back on after the first successful
Snow/Ice Operation properly maintained. launch. If the switch is turned off, the lamp
in the Hill Start switch will flash.
The PACCAR Automated Transmission is • Follow proper procedure for
The grade at which Hill Start Aid is active is
designed to work in coordination with the unlocking and sliding the trailer
defaulted to 1% but can be configured to
ATC system to ensure optimal operation. axles.
activate on a 2% or 3% grade.
However, if the driver observes low friction • Use Low mode (1st gear) for
road conditions (snow, rain, ice, etc.) and forward direction and Reverse (R1) Vehicle Facing Uphill – Forward
does not want the transmission to shift, for reverse direction. Mode
risking wheel slippage, the driver should

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 21
DRIVING - Features

1. Vehicle must be on incline greater Hill Start Aid disengages. (Use

than 1% and in a forward mode. WARNING Service Brakes and then relaunch).
2. Bring vehicle to a stop and depress • If the PACCAR Automated
Apply the vehicle service brakes or
2 the service brakes then release the
service brakes to launch the launch the vehicle using the accelerator
Transmission clutch does start to
overheat, the display will show
vehicle. pedal after Hill Start Aid releases. Fail- “CA” along with a warning tone. If
ure to do so could result in unintended “CA” is active in the gear display,
vehicle movement resulting in death, se- immediately discontinue the
WARNING rious injury or damage to property. operation that is being performed
which is causing the clutch to
Apply the vehicle service brakes or overheat.
launch the vehicle using the accelerator Clutch Abuse Protection • If the driver continues abusive
pedal after Hill Start Aid releases. Fail-
operation, the system will either
ure to do so could result in unintended
CAUTION open the clutch if the
vehicle movement resulting in death, se-
accelerator pedal is not applied
rious injury or damage to property.
The PACCAR Automated Transmis- or close the clutch if the
sion clutch can overheat and slip with accelerator pedal is applied.
Vehicle Facing Downhill - Reverse improper use. • If the abuse continues, the
Mode system will open the clutch and
1. Vehicle must be on a decline • DO select the lowest possible start take away accelerator pedal
greater than 1% and in Reverse gear for the application. If moving control for a short period of time
mode. slowly is required, select 1st or R1. to allow the clutch to cool down.
2. Bring vehicle to a stop and depress • DO use the Service Brakes and let Urge to Move may be
the service brakes then release the Hill Start Aid assist you when inoperable when the clutch is
service brakes to launch the launching on an incline. overheated.
• Do NOT use the accelerator pedal
to hold the vehicle on an incline. Engine Overspeed Protection
(Use Service Brakes). • The transmission system will
• Do NOT use the accelerator pedal upshift if necessary to prevent
to stop roll back on an incline after

22 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
DRIVING - Features

engine overspeed in Drive, Auto Neutral transmission system may not

MANUAL and LOW modes. • The transmission system will downshift into lower gears. This
automatically shift to neutral if the allows the transmission to coast to
a stop.
Shuttle Shifting
• Shuttle shifting from Reverse to
vehicle is left in Drive and the
parking brakes are set. 2
any forward mode is only allowed if • “AN” will appear in the gear display. Cruise Control
the vehicle speed is approximately The driver must then select the • This transmission system is
zero. desired forward or reverse mode compatible with cruise control.
with the service brake applied.

Intelligent Start Gear Selection Neutral Coast Mode

Load Based Shifting
• Intelligent Start Gear Selection will Neutral Coast Mode allows the
automatically select the start gear • The transmission system will adapt transmission to disengage the driveline by
depending on inputs such as load, to the conditions of the vehicle to pulling out of gear on slight downhill
grade and axle/transmission ratio. change the shift points based on grades, where little to no engine power is
• The start gear selection can be the followings inputs: required, when the vehicle is in cruise
changed using the up/downshift • Vehicle grade control and the transmission is in Drive
request, however, if the selection • Engine RPM mode.
requested could cause damage or • Accelerator pedal position • When Neutral Coast Mode is
engine lugging the request will be • Vehicle load active, the engine will drop to idle
denied and an audible tone will • After changing loads or powering speed and the transmission will
sound. up the transmission system needs disengage.
to relearn these inputs for the first • The gear display may flash a gear
Skip Shifting few shifts to make the proper number or indicate Neutral when
adjustments. Neutral Coast Mode is active,
• The Automated Transmission will
depending upon specific OEM
shift multiple gears at one time implementation.
(skip shift) with moderate to high Coast Mode • If a flashing number is indicated in
accelerator pedal input while in • When coasting to a stop, in Drive the gear display, this represents the
Drive mode, up to 8th gear. mode, on level terrain the gear that the transmission will

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 23
DRIVING - Features

select when it is necessary to at a constant speed at engine idle without

engage a gear. the need to apply the accelerator pedal.
• The transmission will exit Neutral The configuration is useful for stop and go
applications allowing the vehicle to launch
2 Coast Mode and reengage an
appropriate gear under any of the and creep without applying the accelerator.
following conditions:
• Vehicle brakes are applied Creep Mode
• Driver depresses accelerator Creep allows the vehicle to be driven at a
pedal constant speed at engine idle without the
• Cruise control is canceled need to apply the accelerator pedal. The
• A mode other than Drive is configuration is useful for slow speed
selected applications where steady vehicle speed is
• Driver performs up/downshift required. Upshifts and downshifts can be
requests requested to increase or decrease vehicle
• Cruise high or low set speeds
are exceeded
• Maximum vehicle grade is
• Request by an adaptive cruise
• Various brand names may be used
for Neutral Coast systems.

Urge to Move
Urge to Move allows the vehicle to
automatically start moving when the
transmission is in gear and the driver
releases the service brake. After the
vehicle has launched the vehicle will creep

24 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
DRIVING - Features

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 25

In this Chapter:
What is a Maintenance Program?.......................................................................................................27
What is the Air System?......................................................................................................................29
Air Dryer Maintenance........................................................................................................................ 32
Proper Transmission Lubrication.........................................................................................................32
Vehicle Towing.................................................................................................................................... 33
How to Drain Fluid...............................................................................................................................33
How to Fill Fluid...................................................................................................................................34

26 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
MAINTENANCE - What is a Maintenance Program?


al injury, equipment or property dam- or “OFF-HIGHWAY” after the description.
What is a Maintenance age. These tasks are differentiated because
Program? they are dependent on the vehicle’s
operating environment. On highway is
WARNING defined for applications where the vehicle
Preventive maintenance program begins
with the daily checks. Routine vehicle
checks can help avoid many large,
When working underneath the vehicle
without appropriate safety stands but
is NOT used off of a paved road during
normal operation. City Delivery is defined 3
for applications where frequent start and
expensive, and time consuming repairs. with the wheels on the ground (not stopping is required during normal
The vehicle will operate better, be safer, supported), make sure that (1) the ve- operation and the highway is used
and last longer. Neglect of recommended hicle is on hard level ground, (2) the infrequently and for short periods of time.
maintenance can void your vehicle’s parking brake is applied, (3) all wheels Off highway is defined for applications
warranty. Some maintenance operations are blocked (front and rear) and (4) re- where the vehicle may be driven off the
demand skills and equipment you may not move the ignition key so that the en- pavement on a regular basis, even if it is
have. For such situations, please take your gine cannot be started. Failure to com- an infrequent basis and/or for a brief time
vehicle to an authorized Service Center. ply may result in death, personal in- period. Please contact an authorized
jury, equipment or property damage. service dealership if there are questions
WARNING regarding which interval to follow. Consult
The following pages contain a table of the supplier for specific recommendations
maintenance tasks with the related where discrepancies develop between
Always support the vehicle with appro-
intervals for each task on the right side of these recommendations in this table and
priate safety stands if it is necessary to
the table. The top of the table displays a component supplier recommendations.
work underneath the vehicle. A jack is
guide to a maintenance interval and its
not adequate for this purpose. Failure
schedule. Some tasks are dependent on
to comply may result in death, person- PACCAR Transmission
the vehicle application. These tasks will be
shown as separate tasks and will have the Maintenance Schedule

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 27
MAINTENANCE - What is a Maintenance Program?


At first 15,000 mi/ 15,000 mi/24,000 30,000 mi/48,000 60,000 mi/96,000 120,000 mi/ 192,000 240,000 mi/ 384,000
24,000 km or at first km/Monthly km km/ 6 Months km/ Annually km

System Component Task I A B C D E

Air Air Compressor Governor Replace air strainer. •

Air Lines Check condition and routing to prevent


System Lubricate; see What is the Air System?

on page 29.

Inline Filters Replace elements or clean with solvent. •

Air Dryer Perform the checks listed. •

Air Dryer (Oil-Coalescing Desiccant Replace Cartridge

Annually regardless of mileage

28 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
MAINTENANCE - What is the Air System?

System Component Task I A B C D E

Main and Main and Auxiliary Transmission and Inspect for visible damage, signs of
• •
Auxiliary Transfer Case overheating, and leaks.
Check the drain plugs for tightness. •

Mounting Brackets and Fasteners Check the condition of the fasteners and 3
their torque. Tighten to the specified •
torque value as required.

Oil Cooler Clean the fins (air-to-oil type) and body.

Check the hose condition and for leaks: •
replace as required.

Main and Auxiliary Transmission Check the oil level: refill as required. •

Main and Auxiliary Transmission (ON Drain lubricant while warm. Flush each
500,000 miles/ 800,000 km
HIGHWAY) unit with clean flushing oil.

Main and Auxiliary Transmission (OFF Drain lubricant while warm. Flush each
• •
HIGHWAY) unit with clean flushing oil.

Related concepts The operation of the vehicle’s braking

Related reference system and many vehicle accessories
depends upon the storage and application
of a high-pressure air supply.
What is the Air System?
Important safety information about your
vehicle's air system.

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 29
MAINTENANCE - What is the Air System?

one. Failure to comply may result in

WARNING WARNING death, personal injury, equipment or
property damage.
Do not attempt to modify, alter, repair After completing any repairs to the air
or disconnect any component of the air system, always test for air leaks, and
system. Repairs or modifications to the check the brakes for safe operation WARNING
3 air system, other than what is descri-
bed in this section, should only be per-
before putting the vehicle in service.
Failure to comply may result in death, Never attempt to disassemble a com-
formed by an authorized dealer. Fail- personal injury, equipment or property ponent until you have read and under-
ure to comply may result in death or damage. stood recommended procedures.
personal injury. Some components contain powerful
springs and injury can result if not
WARNING properly disassembled. Use only prop-
WARNING er tools and observe all precautions
Never connect or disconnect a hose or pertaining to use of those tools. Failure
Prior to the removal of any air system line containing air pressure. It may to comply may result in death, person-
component, always block and hold the whip as air escapes. Never remove a al injury, equipment or property dam-
vehicle by a secure means other than component or pipe plug unless you are age.
the vehicle's own brakes. Depleting air certain all system pressure has been
system pressure may cause the vehi- depleted. Failure to comply may result
cle to roll unexpectedly resulting in an in death, personal injury, equipment or
accident causing death or personal in- property damage.
juries. Keep hands away from cham-
ber push rods and slack adjusters,
they may apply as system pressure WARNING
Never exceed recommended air pres-
sure and always wear safety glasses
when working with air pressure. Never
look into air jets or direct them at any-

30 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
MAINTENANCE - What is the Air System?

valve to allow air to flow into the brake

compliance to FMVSS 121 could chambers. Contamination of the air supply
WARNING cause loss of vehicle control and may system is the major cause of problems in
lead to death or serious personal in- air-operated components such as brake
Completely bypassing a Bendix® jury. valves, and suspension height control
ADIS air dryer will bypass the system’s valves. To keep contaminants to the lowest
pressure protection valves. This could
lead to loss of air pressure or damage
to the vehicle’s air system, which could
possible level, follow these maintenance
procedures. 3
cause an accident involving death or If the supply and service air tanks are Daily Checks
personal injury. Always adhere to the not drained at the recommended fre-
• Drain moisture from the supply and
manufacturer’s procedure if it is nec- quency, water could enter the air lines
service air tanks.
essary in an emergency to temporarily and valves. This could cause corrosion
bypass an ADIS series air dryer. Fail- or blockage, which could compromise • Operate air devices to circulate
ure to comply may result in death, per- the brake system safety and potential- lubricants within the unit.
sonal injury, equipment or property ly cause an accident. Failure to comply Periodically
damage. may result in death, personal injury,
equipment or property damage. • Clean filter screens ahead of the
valves by removing the screens
WARNING Your vehicle’s compressor takes outside air and soaking them in solvent. Blow
and compresses it, usually to 100-120 psi them dry with pressurized air
If a different air dryer brand or model is (689-827 kPa). The compressed air then before reinstalling them.
installed on the vehicle other than goes to the reservoirs to be stored until
what was originally installed, it could needed. When you operate your air
Twice a Year
cause the air system to not perform brakes, the stored compressed air flows • Maintain the air compressor to
correctly unless the full air system de- into the chambers where it is used to apply prevent excessive oil by-pass. See
sign is reviewed and modifications your truck and trailer brakes. That is why, your maintenance manual for
made to comply with Federal Motor when you push down on your brake pedal, details.
Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) you don’t feel the same amount of • Replace worn seals in valves and
121 AirBrake Systems. Failure to pressure on the pedal that you do when air motors as they are needed.
abide by this warning and maintain you apply the brakes on your car. All you
are doing on your truck is opening an air

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 31
MAINTENANCE - Air Dryer Maintenance

maintenance procedures are not going to of the lubricant and affect component
keep the transmission running or assure performance. When switching between
Air Dryer Maintenance long transmission life. types of lubricants, all areas of each
Vehicles equiped with a PACCAR Transmission internal parts are amply affected component must be thoroughly
Transmission will have an air dryer fitted lubricated if these procedures are closely flushed.
with an oil-coalescing desiccant cartride. followed:

3 This air dryer cartridge must be replaced

every 1 year regardless of mileage.
1. Maintain lubricant level and inspect
2. Follow maintenance intervals, see For a list of Approved Synthetic Lubri-
Transmission Lubrication Change cants, see vehicle operator manual.
CAUTION Intervals on page 33.
3. Use the correct grade and type of
Replace oil-coalescing desiccant air lubricant, see PACCAR
dryer cartridge every 1 year regardless
Transmission Lube Specification on
of mileage. Only use oil-coalescing page 37. Additives and friction modifiers must not
desiccant replacement cartridge when
4. Buy lubricant from an approved be introduced.
replacing. Failure to perform this main-
tenance task will void the PACCAR
Transmission warranty and may result
in expensive transmission damage. Mixing of Oil Types Proper Transmission Lubrication
Make sure the transmission lubricant is
level with the bottom of the fill opening.
Proper Transmission Being able to reach the lubricant with your
Do not mix engine and gear oil in the
finger does not mean the lubricant is at the
Lubrication same transmission. Mixing engine and
proper level.
gear oils could cause damage to the
Proper lubrication procedures are key to a transmission.
good all-around maintenance program. If
the lubricant is not doing its job or if the Engine oils and gear oils may not be
lubricant level is ignored, all other compatible; mixing can cause breakdown

32 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
MAINTENANCE - Vehicle Towing

operating angle is the transmission interval should not exceed 60,000 mi /

mounting angle in the chassis plus the 96,000 km / 6 Months.
NOTE percent of upgrade (expressed in degrees).

Before checking the oil level, the en-

gine must be idling and the transmis- Transmission Lubrication Change Vehicle Towing
sion in neutral for at least 2 minutes. Intervals
Lubricant temperature must be be-
tween 60 °F and 120 °F (15.5 °C and
Lubricant changes should be based on a
combination of the intervals shown in
When towing the vehicle, the output shaft
of the transmission must not be allowed to
48.8 °C). vehicle operator manual Lubrication spin or turn. If the vehicle is towed with the
Specification Manual, and user judgment drive wheels still in contact with the road
based on the application and operating surface, the vehicle axle shafts or driveline
environment. Extending drain intervals must be removed or disconnected.
beyond those shown in the tables is not
recommended and will put warranties at
Inspect the transmission exterior for leaks.
Always follow proper manufacturer
Look around the oil filter and exterior seals
towing procedures. Failure to follow
for damage and replace as necessary.
proper towing procedures could result
On-Highway in damage to the transmission.

Check fluid levels and inspect for leaks at

regular PM maintenance intervals, not to
exceed 12,000miles. Drain and replace
lubricant every 500,000 miles / 800,000 How to Drain Fluid
Off-Highway 1. Use a drain pan under the
transmission drain plug to collect
If the transmission operating angle is more Check fluid levels and inspect for leaks oil from the bottom of the
than 12° (or roughly a 21% grade), every week. Drain and replace lubricant transmission.
improper lubrication will occur. The

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 33
MAINTENANCE - How to Fill Fluid

2. Make sure the oil temperature is 1. Note the driving condition under
cool. which the problem occurred. WARNING
3. Clean around drain plug and 2. Note the condition of the
remove plug. transmission under which the Apply parking brake and follow vehicle
4. Allow transmission oil to drain out. problem occurred (i.e. operation manufacturer parking instructions. Fail-
mode (Drive, MANUAL, LOW), ure to follow these instructions could
5. Clean drain plug and torque as
3 required.
current gear, engine speed, etc.).
Reset system.
cause unintended vehicle movement re-
sulting in death, serious injury or dam-
age to property.

Transmission Reset Procedure 4. Turn the vehicle ignition to the “off”

How to Fill Fluid position.
In some cases, proper transmission
operation can be restored by “resetting” the 5. Wait at least 2 minutes.
1. Remove transmission oil fill plug. Transmission Control Module (TCM). Use 6. Restart the engine.
2. Make sure drain plug is properly the following procedure to reset the TCM. 7. If the problem continues, contact a
installed. 1. Continue to drive the vehicle to a service facility to have the vehicle
3. Fill with approved oil until the oil safe location before selecting “N” and transmission system
starts flowing out the fill hole. NEUTRAL. evaluated.
4. Clean, install, and properly and
torque fill plug. Transmission Air Supply
For optimal performance, the PACCAR
Once “N” NEUTRAL is selected, a gear Automated Transmission requires a
Troubleshooting engagement may not be allowed de- nominal air supply operating range
pending on the nature of the problem. between 90 psi (5.9 bar) and 130 psi (9.0
2. Place the Transmission Driver
Diagnostics Interface Device in Neutral “N”.
In the event there is a problem with an 3. Set the vehicle parking brake.
Automated Transmission, there are three
primary tasks the driver should perform:

34 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
MAINTENANCE - Troubleshooting

(ISPs) near you and lists types of

services offered, hours of operation
WARNING and contact information.
• They can assist with jump and pull
Maintain specified transmission air sys-
starts, tires, trailers, fines and
tem pressure range between 90 psi (5.9
permits, chains, towing, hazardous
bar) and 130 psi (9.0 bar). Failure to
maintain proper air system pressure
could result in degraded or complete
clean-up, out of fuel (roadside),
mechanical repairs and preventive 3
maintenance services.
loss of transmission engagement and
shift capabilities resulting in death, seri- • They have multilingual agents and
ous injury or damage to property. access to a translation service to
ensure quality assistance for
customers in any language.
• They can’t answer your warranty
Roadside Assistance
questions, but can get you in
What to do in an emergency and roadside contact with an authorized dealer
assistance information. who can.
Call toll-free to talk to someone at the • The PACCAR Customer Center
PACCAR Customer Center: service is FREE.
• Kenworth customers call: 1-800-
KW-Assist (1-800-592-7747) |
Peterbilt customers call:
1-800-4Peterbilt (800-473-8372)
• Open 24-7-365 days a year.
• They can help you get roadside
• They have a custom mapping
system which locates authorized
PACCAR engine dealers and
Independent Service Providers

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 35

In this Chapter:

General Model Information..................................................................................................................37

4 PACCAR Transmission Lubricant Capacities......................................................................................37
PACCAR Transmission Lube Specification.........................................................................................37

36 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
INFORMATION - General Model Information

All transmissions are identified by the

model and serial number. This information
General Model Information is stamped on the transmission
identification tag and affixed to the case. PACCAR Transmission
Lubricant Capacities
Following is a nomenclature tree that
describes the multiple configurations of the Transmissions equipped with Power Take
transmission model numbers: Off (PTO) or oil coolers are great than the
capacities listed here. These values are
approximate. Always use the fill hole as a
finale reference.

Do not remove or destroy the trans- Pints (US) Liters

mission identification tag.
1 PACCAR Transmission 16 7.5
2 Overdrive The blank spaces provided below are for
recording transmission identification data.
3 Torque Capacity (ft-lb) # x 100 +50
Have these reference numbers handy
4 Design Level when ordering replacement parts or
requesting service information:
5 Forward Speeds
PACCAR Transmission
6 Ratio Set
Lube Specification
n Model PACCAR approves the PACCAR Genuine
Transmission Identification PS-386 (Eaton approved) synthetic
Nomenclature Transmisiso transmission fluid to ensure the highest
The blank spaces provided below are for n Serial performing lubricants for maximum
recording transmission identification data Number performance. All other approved
and part numbers of maintenance items.

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 37
INFORMATION - PACCAR Transmission Lube Specification

rebranders for PS-386 are also acceptable.

38 Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17)
INFORMATION - PACCAR Transmission Lube Specification

Y53-1272-1B1 (08/17) 39

Air Dryer Maintenance 32 LOW Mode 16
Lube Interval 33
Lube Specification 37
Column Mounted Transmission Control 13, 15, 18 M
Maintenance Schedule 27
E Manual Mode 18

Engine Brake 13
Engine Brake Column Mounted Transmission Control 17 O
Engine Brake PACCAR Transmission 17
Override 19

Fluid Level 32
PACCAR AMT Shifting gears 15
G PACCAR Transmission 27, 33
PACCAR Transmission Controls 13
Gear Display 16 PACCAR Transmission Lubrication Specification 37
General Safety Instructions 7 PACCAR TransmissionAir Dryer 32
PACCAR TransmissionDrain Fluid 33
PACCAR TransmissionFill Fluid 34
I Power Down 20

Illustrations 6

Roadside Assistance 35

Safety 5
Safety Alerts 5
Start up 19

Transmission 32

What is the Air System 29
P.O. Box
x 1518
vue, WA
A 98009 Y53-1272-1B1

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