Jun Liu, Yuchen Wang, Baoshuang Shi, Daoming Wang, Liquan Wang, Xiangjuan Xu
Jun Liu, Yuchen Wang, Baoshuang Shi, Daoming Wang, Liquan Wang, Xiangjuan Xu
Jun Liu, Yuchen Wang, Baoshuang Shi, Daoming Wang, Liquan Wang, Xiangjuan Xu
Abstract: the paper has researched the relevant authority standards of domestic and
international such as ISO 10423, ISO 13628, API SEPC 17D, ISO 13679, ISO 21329, API
Spec 6A, then determined the designed parameters of the temperature pressure test connector.
And, the test device was designed according to the test requirement. The device is consist of
heating unit, cooling unit and insulation unit. Finally, select heating the oil tank as the heating
method, vaporization of the liquid nitrogen as the cooling methods, insulation materials and
temperature compensation as the heat maintaining method. Ansys simulation was performed
for the testing procedure. Reliable temperature gradient of the testing was obtained. At last,
some suggestion was presented for the temperature control difficulty in the testing.
Underwater production system is the main stream of underwater oil and gas field
development model[1], the deep water pipeline connection technology is need to be solved in
subsea production system research[2~4].For deep water oil and gas pipeline connection,
mechanical connection is most used. Mechanical connection techniques commonly contains
bolted flange connection, the clamp connection and the jaw type connection, etc.[5] .As part of
the Christmas tree or underwater oil and gas pipeline, Underwater connector is mainly used
for pipe manifold connection and quick repairing[6].In the internal of Connector is often high
temperature and high pressure liquid, or vapor liquid mixture, Outside of the connector is the
low temperature water, so the temperature and pressure performance is the core of connector.
The performance on temperature and pressure must be carried out [7].
The temperature test device of underwater connector. The temperature of the device
working mode has four kinds: high temperature heating, cooling, constant temperature and
low temperature constant temperature mode. The start of the work model is controlled by the
testing steps and process designing, but the end of model is controlled by the achievement of
the tasks.
Due to the temperature test was conducted with pressure test, so to use hydraulic oil heat the
test sample; Due to the high and low temperature difference is too big, the general refrigerator
machine can't work, so to use liquid nitrogen vaporization to cool sample; The Principle of
temperature testing device is shown in figure 1.
1.liquid nitrogen storage tank 2.cryogenic liquid pump3.carburetor 4.two two-way solenoid valve 5.sealing
temperature test box 6.fan 7.heat exchanger 8.nitrogen temperature sensor 9.air temperature sensor
10.connector temperature test sensors 11.oil entrance 12.heater 13.the connector under test 14.oil export
15-thermometer 16.tank
Figure 1 temperature testing device schematic diagram
Heating mode: open the internal heater 12 of connector in order to improve the hydraulic
oil temperature, to rise the temperature of test sample through convection heat transfer .To
control test temperature not to exceed the requirements of testing standard. To control the high
temperature of hydraulic oil range 121 ℃ to 131 ℃ by controlling the heater power. To turn
off the heating mode while the underwater connector reach to test temperature.
The high temperature insulation mode of temperature testing device should start in the high
temperature and pressure maintaining phase, namely when the temperature falls, opening the
internal connector heater 12, make the test sample temperature stable by controlling the heater
power to meet its heat loss.
To open variable pump 2 and nitrogen vaporizer 3 in the cooling mode, and to control low
temperature nitrogen flow into the cooling pipe through two-way solenoid valve 4. Real-time
monitoring of cooling pipe import and export temperature and the air temperature in the
cabinet and the test sample temperature, to Control variable pump flow at low temperature, in
order to control cooling mode of power. When the temperature of test sample reach to the low
temperature, to close the solenoid valve 4, the variable pump 2 and nitrogen gas vaporizer 3.
The pressure test device of underwater connector. There are five kinds of working modes
in pressure system: Oil supply mode, pressure mode, the holding pattern, Control pressure
mode and pressure relief model. The start of the work model is controlled by the testing steps
and process designing, but the end of the model is controlled by the achievement of the tasks.
Pressure control system's main goal is two points: the pressure transformation inside the test
sample. While the temperature change, to complete the corresponding pressure change. Oil
supply mode has two purposes: one is supply oil into system in the pressure test, the
connector and the hydraulic system will be filled with hydraulic oil; another is to provide
hydraulic oil to test sample, improve the pressure of the test sample in the press test. Pressure
model is used to apply pressure to the test sample in the pressure test, to ensure that the
internal pressure of connector reaches a certain pressure. The holding pattern refers to the
working pressure reaches the required test pressure and into the stable state. The Test samples
and pressure system power disconnect at this time. Pressure control mode is used for
temperature and pressure cycle test stage, the pressure control system is 50% ~ 100% of the
test pressure. Pressure relief model is used for the system goes to zero after pressure test and
then the hydraulic oil recovery to the tank.
1. stop valve 2.the fuel tank 3.level gauge 4.air filter 5&21 thermometer 6.filter 7, 25, 26, 27.electromagnetic
valve 8.two-way solenoid valve 9.motor 10.hydraulic pump 11.check valve 12.throttle valve 13.gas-liquid
booster pump 14,15.two-position three-way solenoid valve 16.pressure regulating valve 17.driven air 18.air filter
19.proportional pressure regulating valve 20,22.pressure gauge 23.connector 24.temperature regulator
28-straight moving type relief valve 29-electromagnetic relief valve
Figure 2 hydraulic principle diagram of temperature pressure test device
This system has two parts demand for pressure control. Firstly, the system needs a variety
of stable pressure. Secondly is to control the pressure within the scope of the requirements.
In figure 3, 28 as the system relief valve, it can ensure the system pressure does not exceed
the scope; The hydraulic solenoid valve 27 as outlet switch, is used for unloading of the test
sample. In figure, one-wayvalve 12 can provide protection to dosing pump 10 , avoid
high-pressure gas-liquid booster pump 13 make its inversion; In addition, in order to achieve
the control of pressure and temperature in the corresponding position, place the pressure
gauge and thermometer.
Large flow rate high pressure pump set by a large and medium pressure flow quantitative
pump 10and gas-liquid booster pump 13.The two pump is used for oil supply, pressure supply
two actions in order.
The system in oil supply mode. Quantitative pump 10 work, 13 gas-liquid booster pump does
not work. The system start for pressure mode at the end of the oil supply mode, the
electromagnetic valve 8 closed at this point. The oil mass pump group provide to the system is
quantitative pump 10 flow.
When the system at the end of the oil supply mode, start for pressure mode. the
electromagnetic valve 8 open at this point, Quantitative pump 10 oil flow back into the tank,
does not supply oil to system; Gas-liquid booster pump 13 work, provides pressure to the
system, increases the system pressure; Until the system pressure reaches the test pressure and
turn off the pressure model, closed the electromagnetic valves 25. The system goes into the
holding pattern.
Figure 3.The test sequence diagram of temperature and pressure cycle test
Corresponding variable temperature discontinuous stress tests in figure 3 is made up of a high
temperature and pressure test and a low pressure test, but the temperature and pressure are not
coupled together for testing. The working process is shown in figure 4.
Figure5.The flow chart of variable temperature continuous pressure test
Figure7.The mesh of test sample
The simulation of heating process. Easy for calculating, hypothesis the temperature of
hydraulic oil inside the test sample is constant, 130 ℃, without considering the heat
conduction between the test sample and the outside air. The initial temperature is set to -
18 ℃ .The test sample temperature rises from - 18 ℃ to 121 ℃ ; The calculation result is
shown in figure 8.The highest temperature and minimum temperature time curve of the test
sample is obtained at the same time, as shown in figure 9.
Can be clearly seen from the figure 8 and 9, in the 40350s, the temperature of all parts above
121 ℃, showing that temperature rising test completed.
The simulation of cooling process. Easy for calculating, hypothesis the temperature of
outside test sample is constant, keep at - 29 ℃, and without considering the heat conduction
between the test sample and the outside air. the temperature of the sample reduce from 121 ℃
- 18 ℃ in cooling test, set the initial temperature to 121 ℃;The calculation results is shown in
figure 10.The highest temperature and minimum temperature time curve of the test sample is
obtained at the same time , as shown in figure 11.
Figure10.The temperature nephogram in cooling process
Can be clearly seen from the figure 10 and 11, in the 36522s, all parts of the test sample are
reach to the test low temperature, below 18 degrees. It showed that the test in cooling stage
was completed.
The high technology marine scientific research project of ministry, "underwater connection
system and key equipment"
This paper has studied the domestic and international standards of underwater connector. It
has determined the underwater connector testing temperature range and testing requirements.
According to the standard, we have carried out the detailed design for underwater connector
temperature test device. Firstly, the temperature testing device is divided into heating unit,
refrigeration unit and heat preservation unit: There are also 4 kinds of working mode: Heating,
cooling, high temperature and constant temperature, low temperature constant temperature
mode And temperature testing principle was analyzed and the way of their work; Secondly it
put forward 5 kinds of working mode, the oil supply mode, the pressure supply mode, The
holding pattern pressure, the pressure control and pressure relief model; this paper has also
carried on the finite element analysis to variable temperature process of test sample, it has
determined the temperature test process temperature load is determined.
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