Sequence Impedances of Alternator Aim: Apparatus Required
Sequence Impedances of Alternator Aim: Apparatus Required
Sequence Impedances of Alternator Aim: Apparatus Required
Apparatus Required:
Theory: -
For a power system during unbalanced operation, unsymmetrical faults such as single phase
to ground fault, phase to phase fault, double phase to ground fault, simple phase
representations leads to complicated calculations. The method of symmetrical components is
used for the analysis of unbalanced system.
An unbalanced systems of three vectors ( Va,Vb, Vc or Ia, Ib, Ic) can be resolved into
three balanced systems of vectors , the vectors of the resolved system are :
1. Positive sequence components:- [Va1, Vb1, Vc1 or Ia1,Ib1,Ic1] comprising three balanced
systems of vectors of the displaced mutually by 1200 and having the same phase sequence as
that of a original system.
2.Negative sequence components:- [Va2,Vb2,Vc2 or Ia2,Ib2,Ic2] comprising three balanced
systems of vectors of equal magnitude displaced mutually by 120 0 and having the opposite
phase sequence as that of a original system of vectors.
3. Zero sequence components:- [Va0, Vb0, Vc0 or Ia0, Ib0, Ic0] comprising three equal vectors
having zero phase displacement i.e., having same phase.
Symbolically, Subscript 1 is for the positive sequence entities. Subscript 2 is for the negative
sequence entities and subscript 0 is used for the zero sequence entities.
Va1, Vb1, Vc1 or Ia1, Ib1, Ic1 ------ Positive sequence components
Va2, Vb2, Vc2 or Ia2, Ib2, Ic2 ------ Negative sequence components
Va0, Vb0, Vc0 or Ia0, Ib0, Ic0 ------ Zero sequence components
Letter ‘a’ is commonly used to designate the operator that causes a counter-clockwise
rotation of 1200. It has unit magnitude and an angle of 1200. The vector operator ‘a’ is defined
The original unbalanced system of vectors can be resolved into their symmetrical components
or the respective symmetrical components can be added to get the original system of vectors.
From the equations, we can get symmetrical components of unbalanced systems of vectors.
Va0 1 1 1 Va Va 1 1 1 Va 0
Va 1 1 a a 2 Vb Vb 1 a 2 a Vb
1 3 0
Va2 1 a 2 a Vc Vc 1 a a 2 Vc0
In similar way,
Ia0 1 1 1 Ia Ia 1 1 1 Ia0
Ia 1 1 a a 2 Ib Ib 1 a 2 a Ib
1 3 0
Ia2 1 a 2 a Ic Ic 1 a a 2 Ic0
In the three phase systems, when there is a neutral path for currents , then
Therefore Iao=IN/3;
Therefore in the delta connected load, the line currents do not find return path. Hence line
currents do not have zero sequence components.
In star connected system without neutral path or neutral grounding, zero sequence currents
are zero.
Sequence impedances:-
The impedance offered by a rotating machine to positive sequence
component of current, differ from those offered to negative sequence components of currents.
The impedance offered by a circuit to positive sequence component current is called positive
sequence impedance of that circuit (Z1).The impedance offered by a circuit to negative
sequence component current is called negative sequence impedance of that circuit (Z 2). The
impedance offered by a circuit to zero sequence component current is called zero sequence
impedance of that circuit (Z0).
The positive sequence network of 3-phase alternator consists of an e.m.f source Ea in series
with positive sequence impedance(Z1). Ea is the induced e.m.f of one phase, Z 1 is positive
sequence impedance Va1=Ea-Ia1Z1. The negative sequence network of a generator consists of
simply negative sequence impedance Z2 as there are no negative sequence e.m.f’s induced by
alternator. Only negative sequence currents flows through negative sequence impedance and
the voltage drop in the negative sequence network is given by Va2= - Ia2 Z2
Positive, Negative and Zero sequence impedances of alternator are measured. Z 1=____Ω,
_____pu; Z2=____Ω, _____pu; Z0=____Ω, _____pu;