Sequence Impedances of Alternator Aim: Apparatus Required

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Experiment No:- Date:-


Aim: To Determine Positive, Negative and Zero Sequence Impedances of an Alternator.

Apparatus Required:

S. No Apparatus Type Range Quantity

1. Rheostats Wire wound 700Ω/1A 1
400Ω/1A 1
52Ω/5A 1
2. Voltmeters MI 0-500V 1
MI 0-250V 1
3. Ammeters MI 0-10A 1
MI 0-1A 1
MC 0-1A 1
4. Multimeter Digital 1
5. Tachometer Digital/Analog 0-10000RPM 1

Theory: -

For a power system during unbalanced operation, unsymmetrical faults such as single phase
to ground fault, phase to phase fault, double phase to ground fault, simple phase
representations leads to complicated calculations. The method of symmetrical components is
used for the analysis of unbalanced system.

The principle of symmetrical components is as follows. A set of n unbalanced phasors are

resolved into n sets of balanced phasors, each of which consists of n balanced vectors. These
balanced vectors are called symmetrical components of the original system phasors.

Symmetrical components of 3-phase system:-

An unbalanced systems of three vectors ( Va,Vb, Vc or Ia, Ib, Ic) can be resolved into
three balanced systems of vectors , the vectors of the resolved system are :

1. Positive sequence components:- [Va1, Vb1, Vc1 or Ia1,Ib1,Ic1] comprising three balanced
systems of vectors of the displaced mutually by 1200 and having the same phase sequence as
that of a original system.
2.Negative sequence components:- [Va2,Vb2,Vc2 or Ia2,Ib2,Ic2] comprising three balanced
systems of vectors of equal magnitude displaced mutually by 120 0 and having the opposite
phase sequence as that of a original system of vectors.

3. Zero sequence components:- [Va0, Vb0, Vc0 or Ia0, Ib0, Ic0] comprising three equal vectors
having zero phase displacement i.e., having same phase.

Symbolically, Subscript 1 is for the positive sequence entities. Subscript 2 is for the negative
sequence entities and subscript 0 is used for the zero sequence entities.

Va, Vb, Vc or Ia, Ib, Ic ------- Original system components

Va1, Vb1, Vc1 or Ia1, Ib1, Ic1 ------ Positive sequence components

Va2, Vb2, Vc2 or Ia2, Ib2, Ic2 ------ Negative sequence components

Va0, Vb0, Vc0 or Ia0, Ib0, Ic0 ------ Zero sequence components

Significance of the operator ‘a’:-

Letter ‘a’ is commonly used to designate the operator that causes a counter-clockwise
rotation of 1200. It has unit magnitude and an angle of 1200. The vector operator ‘a’ is defined

a =1ej2π/3 =Cos(2π/3)+jSin(2π/3) = -0.5 + j0.866 ;

a2=1ej4π/3 =Cos(4π/3)+jSin(4π/3) = -0.5 - j0.866 ;

a3=1ej2π= 1+j0; and 1+a+a2 = 0.

The original unbalanced system of vectors can be resolved into their symmetrical components
or the respective symmetrical components can be added to get the original system of vectors.


Va= Va0+Va1+Va2 ------- [1]

Vb= Vb0+Vb1+Vb2 ------- [2]

Vc = Vc0+Vc1+Vc2 ------- [3]

and Ia= Ia0+Ia1+Ia2 -------- [4]

Ib=Ib0+Ib1+Ib2 ------- [5]

Ic =Ic0+Ic1+Ic2 ------- [6]

From the equations, we can get symmetrical components of unbalanced systems of vectors.


 Va0  1 1 1   Va   Va  1 1 1  Va 0 
 Va   1  1 a a 2   Vb  Vb   1 a 2 a  Vb 
 1 3         0
 Va2   1 a 2 a   Vc   Vc   1 a a 2   Vc0 

In similar way,

 Ia0  1 1 1   Ia   Ia  1 1 1  Ia0 
 Ia   1  1 a a 2   Ib   Ib    1 a 2 a  Ib 
 1 3         0
 Ia2   1 a 2 a   Ic   Ic   1 a a 2   Ic0 

Zero sequence currents:-

In the three phase systems, when there is a neutral path for currents , then

We get Ia+Ib+Ic =3*Iao

Therefore Iao=IN/3;

Therefore in the delta connected load, the line currents do not find return path. Hence line
currents do not have zero sequence components.

From balanced vector to symmetrical components:-

Positive sequence Negative sequence Zero sequence

Va1 Va2 Va0

Vb1=a2 Va1 Vb2=a Va1 Vb0=Va0

Vc1=a Va1 Vc2=a2 Va2 Vc0=Va0

From the sets of the equations,

Va = Va0+Va1+Va2
Vb = Va0+a2Va1+aVa2
Vc = Va0+aVa1+a2Va2

In star connected system without neutral path or neutral grounding, zero sequence currents
are zero.
Sequence impedances:-
The impedance offered by a rotating machine to positive sequence
component of current, differ from those offered to negative sequence components of currents.
The impedance offered by a circuit to positive sequence component current is called positive
sequence impedance of that circuit (Z1).The impedance offered by a circuit to negative
sequence component current is called negative sequence impedance of that circuit (Z 2). The
impedance offered by a circuit to zero sequence component current is called zero sequence
impedance of that circuit (Z0).

Sequence Impedances and networks of the alternator:-

The positive sequence network of 3-phase alternator consists of an e.m.f source Ea in series
with positive sequence impedance(Z1). Ea is the induced e.m.f of one phase, Z 1 is positive
sequence impedance Va1=Ea-Ia1Z1. The negative sequence network of a generator consists of
simply negative sequence impedance Z2 as there are no negative sequence e.m.f’s induced by
alternator. Only negative sequence currents flows through negative sequence impedance and
the voltage drop in the negative sequence network is given by Va2= - Ia2 Z2

Zero sequence network of an alternator consists of the zero sequence impedance of

alternator per phase plus three times the impedance in neutral to ground circuit i.e.,
Z0=Zgo+3*Zn; Voltage dropVa0 = - Ia0 Z0;

Voltage equations: We observe that the currents of a particular sequence produces

voltage drop of line sequence. The equations are
Va1= Ea-Ia1*Z1;
Va2= -Ia2*Z2;
Va0= - Ia0*Z0;
Z0= Zgo+3*Zn;


Measurement of Positive Sequence Impedance:-

1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram1.

2. Switch on the supply circuit after checking connections.
3. Bring the motor to rated speed by using motor field regulator.
4. By varying the field regulator of the alternator the open circuit voltage varies.
5. Vary the open circuit voltage until the rated voltage of the alternator is reached.
6. Tabulate the values.
7. Reduce the field current to a minimum value.
8. Now close the TPST switch, to make the armature terminals short circuited.
9. Vary the short circuit current until the rated current alternator current is reached.
10. Tabulate the values and Draw the open circuit and short circuit characteristics.
11. At any field current, measure open circuit voltage and short circuit current from
12. The ratio of open circuit voltage to short-circuit current gives the value of the
positive impedance of the alternator.
13. Positive sequence impedance (Z1) =Open circuit voltage / Short circuit current
Measurement of Negative Sequence Impedance:-

1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram2.

2. Switch on the DC supply to circuit after checking connections.
3. Bring the motor to the speed by using field regulator of motor.
4. Apply voltage to the alternator by using 1- variac till the ammeter reads the
rated current.
5. Note down the readings of voltmeter and ammeter.
6. Negative sequence impedance is given by Z2=V/(3I) Ω;
Measurement of Zero Sequence Impedance:-

1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram3.

2. Keep the field terminals of the alternator open circuited.
3. Apply reduced voltage to alternator through the 1-  variac.
4. Note down the values of voltage (V) and current (I).
5. Zero sequence impedance is given by Z0=V/(3 I);

1. Loose connections must be avoided.

2. TPST switch contact should come to touch in a simultaneous manner.
3. The single phase variac should be at minimum position before starting the
4. Motor field regulator must be at minimum resistance position.
5. Connections must be checked thoroughly before giving supply.

Positive sequence impedance:-

a)Open circuit test b) Short circuit test

S. no Field current Short circuit Field Terminal
If Amps current Isc in
current voltage
If Amps V volts

Negative sequence impedance:- Voltage V in Current I in Z2 = V

Volts Amps -----
3 I

Average Z2= ___ Ω

Zero sequence impedance:- Voltage V in Current I in Z0 = V

Volts Amps -----
Average Z0= ___ Ω

Positive, Negative and Zero sequence impedances of alternator are measured. Z 1=____Ω,
_____pu; Z2=____Ω, _____pu; Z0=____Ω, _____pu;


1. What is meant by positive, negative, zero sequence currents?

2. Define symmetrical components transformation matrix.
3. What is meant by positive negative, zero sequence impedances?
4. What are the advantages of pu quantities?
5. List out the assumptions made in fault studies of power system network.
6. Draw the interconnection of sequence networks for all shunt faults on power system
7. Draw zero sequence network of Y-G/∆ transformer.
8. What is the order of sequence impedances of (a) Turbo alternator (b) Hydro alternator.
9. What is short circuit MVA?

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