Assignment On: Case Study Evaluating The Returns On Leadership Development at BP
Assignment On: Case Study Evaluating The Returns On Leadership Development at BP
Assignment On: Case Study Evaluating The Returns On Leadership Development at BP
Kinza batool
MBA (1.5 year)
2nd Semester
Training and development
Ma’am. Iram batool
Through managers and acquisitions, BP, a global energy company, has doubled in size in just
five years. BP has more than 97,000 employees who work in over 100 countries throughout the
world, BP is involved in gas stations and the exploration and production of crude oil and natural
gas; in refining marketing, supply, and transportation; in the manufacture and marketing of
petrochemicals; and in solar power generation. You may be familiar with some of BP’s brands,
which include the Wild Bean Café, am/pm, Castrol, ARCO, Amoco and ARAL.
BP developed a First Level Leaders Development Program to provide a common skill set for
BP’s business, including retail operations, chemical plants, refineries, and drilling platforms.
They also lead different numbers of employees. Some lead teams of more than 10 employees,
others work with just a few employees in functional areas such as research and development.
Despite these differences, the decisions the first level leaders make influence BP’s turnover,
costs quality, safety, innovation, and environmental performance. The program includes a four-
day leadership course that focuses on how to lead teams, the role of first level leaders, and
expectations of leaders at BP. E-learning modules were used for helping first level leaders
understand safety, health, security legislation, ethics and financial decisions. A two and one half
course focused on performance goals, BP’s company structure, an understanding of the BP
brand, and BP’s global and regional strategy.
The effectiveness and returns of the first level leadership taken at BP can be evaluated by
looking at the following outcomes:
1- Knowledge management: that is if leaders are able to understand all global issues and
affairs that affect the strategy and performance of BP. Additionally, if they are more aware
and knowledgeable about the goals and strategy of their company in terms of goals,
objectives, and strategy.
2- Leadership in Demonstrating leadership: this is to know if the new leaders are able to
take decisions that will positively affect the performance of the company and weather
they have the ability to involve others in work ratherthan working by their own.
What evaluation design should it use?
Most leadership development programs can be assessed using a four- or five-step framework. The four
levels are:
• Level 2: Learning