Procedure A-Flat-Bottomed Hole Calibration Procedure 4. Apparatus
Procedure A-Flat-Bottomed Hole Calibration Procedure 4. Apparatus
Procedure A-Flat-Bottomed Hole Calibration Procedure 4. Apparatus
with Fig. 1, and the basic set shall consist of those blocks listed 16 [6.4] 1 [25] 13⁄4 [45] 2 [50] 16-0100
16 [6.4] 2 [50] 23⁄4 [70] 2 [50] 16-0200
in Table 1. When section thicknesses over 15 in. [380-mm] are 16 [6.4] 3 [75] 33⁄4 [95] 2 [50] 16-0300
to be inspected, an additional block of the maximum test 16 [6.4] 6 [150] 63⁄4 [170] 3 [75] 16-0600
thickness shall be made to supplement the basic set. 16 [6.4] 10 [255] 103⁄4 [275] 4 [100] 16-1000
16 [6.4] B B + 3⁄4 [B + 20] 5 [125] 16-B00B
4.3.4 Machined blocks with 3⁄32-in. [2.4-mm] diameter flat-
bottom holes at depths from the entry surface of 1⁄8 in. [3 mm], Tolerance 61⁄8 in. [3 mm].
Additional supplemental blocks for testing thickness greater than 10 in. [250
1⁄2 in. [13 mm], or 1⁄2 t and 3⁄4 in. [19 mm], or 3⁄4 t (where t =
mm], see 4.3.3.
thickness of the block) shall be used to establish the DAC for
the dual-element search units (see Fig. 2). dance with this practice shall be familiar with the following:
4.3.5 Each reference block shall be permanently identified 5.2.1 Ultrasonic terminology,
along the side of the block indicating the material and the block 5.2.2 Instrument calibration,
identification. 5.2.3 Effect of transducer material, size, frequency, and
4.4 Couplant—A suitable couplant having good wetting mode on test results,
characteristics shall be used between the search unit and 5.2.4 Effect of material structure (grain size, cleanliness,
examination surface. The same couplant shall be used for etc.) on test results,
calibrations and examinations. 5.2.5 Effect of test distance on test results,
5.2.6 Effect of nonlinearity on test results,
5. Personnel Requirements 5.2.7 Effect of thickness and orientation of discontinuities
5.1 The manufacturer shall be responsible for assigning on test results, and
qualified personnel to perform ultrasonic examination in con- 5.2.8 Effect of surface roughness on test results.
formance with the requirements of this practice. 5.3 A qualification record (see Note 2) of personnel consid-
5.2 Personnel performing ultrasonic examinations in accor- ered suitable by the manufacturer to perform examinations in
A 609/A 609M
accordance with this practice shall be available upon request. indication height for each of the applicable blocks on the
NOTE 2—SNT-TC-1A, Ultrasonic Testing Method, provides a recom-
cathode ray tube shield. Draw a curve through these marks on
mended procedure for qualifying personnel. Other personnel qualification the screen or on suitable graph paper. The maximum signal
requirement documents may by used when agreed upon between the amplitude for the test blocks used shall peak at approximately
purchaser and the supplier. three-fourths of the screen height above the sweep by use of the
attenuator. This curve shall be referred to as the 100 % distance
6. Casting Conditions amplitude correction (DAC) curve. If the attenuation of ultra-
6.1 Castings shall receive at least an austenitizing heat sound in the casting thickness being examined is such that the
treatment before being ultrasonically examined. system’s dynamic range is exceeded, segmented DAC curves
6.2 Test surfaces of castings shall be free of material that are permitted.
will interfere with the ultrasonic examination. They may be as 8.3 The casting examination surface will normally be
cast, blasted, ground, or machined. rougher than that of the test blocks; consequently, employ a
6.3 The ultrasonic examination shall be conducted prior to transfer mechanism to provide approximate compensation. In
machining that prevents an effective examination of the cast-
order to accomplish this, first select a region of the casting that
has parallel walls and a surface condition representative of the
7. Test Conditions rest of the casting as a transfer point. Next, select the test block
whose overall length, C (Fig. 1), most closely matches the
7.1 To assure complete coverage of the specified casting
section, each pass of the search unit shall overlap by at least reflection amplitude through the block length. Place the search
10 % of the width of the transducer. unit on the casting at the transfer point and adjust the
7.2 The rate of scanning shall not exceed 6 in./s [150 mm/s]. instrument gain until the back reflection amplitude through the
7.3 The ultrasonic beam shall be introduced perpendicular casting matches that through the test block. Using this transfer
to the examination surface. technique, the examination sensitivity in the casting may be
expected to be within 630 % or less of that given by the test
8. Procedure blocks.
8.1 Adjust the instrument controls to position the first back 8.4 Do not change those instrument controls and the test
reflection for the thickness to be tested at least one half of the frequency set during calibration, except the attenuator, or
distance across the cathode ray tube. calibrated gain control, during acceptance examination of a
8.2 Using the set of reference blocks spanning the thickness given thickness of the casting. Make a periodic calibration
of the casting being inspected, mark the flat-bottom hole during the inspection by checking the amplitude of response