Volvo FH12 With Engine D12A Fault Codes PDF

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Volvo FH12 with engine D12A - fault codes
Code Description Cause and reaction.

Accelerator pedal sensor is defective or damaged wiring between the

Accelerator pedal
11 motor control unit and foot pedal. Incomplete pressing the accelerator
pedal may have a sharp increase in engine speed.

Accelerator pedal sensor is defective or damaged wiring between the

Idling speed
12 motor control unit and foot pedal. The accelerator pedal is not
switch pedal.
responding to pressing.

Vehicle speed Damaged wiring, faulty dash, faulty Tachograph. Cruise control does not
signal. work until the fault code is active.

Power relay
14 engine control The relay is defective or damaged wiring.

malfunction of the
21 Defective engine control unit. Cruise control does not work.
engine control

A programming
Not programmed or programmed with a buggy engine control
22 error in the engine
unit. Engine will not start.
control unit.

Coolant The sensor may be faulty, damaged wiring, water pump works with
23 temperature incomplete effectiveness, crammed with honeycomb radiator or
sensor. defective thermostat.

The sensor may be faulty, damaged wiring, clogged honeycomb

intercooler (an intercooler), mechanical failure of the engine. At
Charge air temperatures above 91° air discharge with "Check Engine" lamp will
temperature. light up continuously when the engine power will be reduced. In the
event of a fault in the wiring harness or defective sensor "Check Engine"
lamp will blink.

The sensor may be faulty, damaged wiring, defective, damaged or

Charge air
25 clogged the turbocharger intercooler cooler, mechanical failure of the
engine.Reduced engine power increased the toxicity of exhaust gases.

Faulty speed sensor camshaft, damaged wiring, broken synchronization

between signals from speed sensor camshaft and crankshaft sensor. In
Speed sensor
26 case of violation of synchronization will be active codes 26 and 27 at
the same time.Engine runs for a long time or may not start for the first

Faulty speed sensor, crankshaft damaged wiring, broken synchronization

between signals from speed sensor camshaft and crankshaft sensor. In
Speed sensor the
27 case of violation of synchronization will be active codes 26 and 27 at
the same time.Engine runs for a long time or may not start for the first

Defective pump-injector, damaged wiring between the motor and the

31 control unit pump-injector, mechanical failure in the engine. Engine is
cylinder No. 1.
not exactly possible increased exhaust gas smokiness.

Defective pump-injector, damaged wiring between the motor and the

32 control unit pump-injector, mechanical failure in the engine. Engine is
cylinder No. 2.
not exactly possible increased exhaust gas smokiness.
Defective pump-injector, damaged wiring between the motor and the
33 control unit pump-injector, mechanical failure in the engine. Engine is
cylinder # 3.
not exactly possible increased exhaust gas smokiness.

Defective pump-injector, damaged wiring between the motor and the

34 control unit pump-injector, mechanical failure in the engine. Engine is
cylinder # 4.
not exactly possible increased exhaust gas smokiness.

Defective pump-injector, damaged wiring between the motor and the

35 control unit pump-injector, mechanical failure in the engine. Engine is
cylinder # 5.
not exactly possible increased exhaust gas smokiness.

Defective pump-injector, damaged wiring between the motor and the

36 control unit pump-injector, mechanical failure in the engine. Engine is
cylinder # 6.
not exactly possible increased exhaust gas smokiness.

Informational codes (not fault codes)

Code Description Reaction

Checking the brakes failed or

41 Not working cruise control and "RESUME" function.
defective brake pedal sensor.

The signal lamps interrupts the cruise control and

Active signal lamps to warn
42 preventing the installation of a constant speed of rotation
you that you are braking.
of the engine to PTO.

The signal from the sensor interrupts the cruise control and
Active signal from the brake
43 preventing the installation of a constant speed of rotation
of the engine to PTO.

Idling speed switch active

44 accelerator pedal (accelerator
pedal fully depressed).

Contact the clutch pedal is The signal from the clutch pedal interrupts the cruise
45 open (the clutch pedal fully or control installed on and off manually a constant rotation
partially depressed). speed of the engine.

The signal from the brake is Signal is the condition of possibility to set manually a
active. constant rotation speed of the engine to PTO.

With active security signal, engine not responding, force

the engine goes into idle mode at a speed of 0 km/h or
47 Security signal is active.
engine off (depends on the security modes, programmed in
engine control unit).

The signal from the cruise control switch is a prerequisite

51 Cruise control is switched on. for cruise control and install manually a constant rotation
speed of the engine to PTO.

Active signal from buttons "ON" When the vehicle cruise control is activated. When the
52 and "SET" on the cruise control stopped car is activated the option to install manually a
switch. constant rotation speed of the engine to PTO.
Active signal from buttons "ON" During the movement resumes speed, specified
53 and "RESUME" at the cruise previously. When the stopped car motor speed increases or
control switch. decreases to about 1000 rpm.

61 ABS active signal. Does not operate the motor brake (VEB).

Communication with control

62 If there is no signal Geartronic is not functioning.
unit gearbox Geartronic.

VSP active signal (the engine

63 control unit is in the Engine will not start.
programming mode).

1. Switch off the ignition for at least 10 seconds;

2. Press and hold the "Check Engine" button;
3. Switch on the ignition;
4. Keep the "Check Engine" button pressed for approximately 3-4 seconds;
5. Release the button.

The registered codes in the memory of the engine control unit will be erased and will not
appear until the malfunction occurs.

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