Net Present Value: Examples From Notes: Capital Budgeting I
Net Present Value: Examples From Notes: Capital Budgeting I
Net Present Value: Examples From Notes: Capital Budgeting I
Rate Required input. The rate of discount over the length of one period
Value1, Value2, ... Value1 is required, subsequent values are optional. 1 to 254 arguments representing the payments a
If n is the number of cash flows in the list of values, the formula for NPV is:
Description Year Data
Annual discount rate (r) 8.00%
Initial cost of investment CF0 $ (40,000.00)
Return from first year CF1 $ 8,000.00
Return from second year CF2 $ 9,200.00
Return from third year CF3 $ 10,000.00
Return from fourth year CF4 $ 12,000.00
Return from fifth year CF5 $ 14,500.00
Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows represented by the numbers in values. T
not have to be even, as they would be for an annuity. However, the cash flows must occur at regula
monthly or annually. The internal rate of return is the interest rate received for an investment consis
(negative values) and income (positive values) that occur at regular periods.
values Required input. An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers for which you want to calcula
[guess] Optional. A number that you guess is close to the result of IRR.
Description Year Data
Initial cost of investment CF0 $ (70,000.00)
Return from first year CF1 $ 12,000.00
Return from second year CF2 $ 15,000.00
Return from third year CF3 $ 18,000.00
Return from fourth year CF4 $ 21,000.00
Return from fifth year CF5 $ 26,000.00
ers for which you want to calculate the internal rate of return.
CF0 $ (165,000.00)
CF1 $ 63,120.00 NI1 $ 13,620.00
CF2 $ 70,800.00 NI2 $ 3,300.00
CF3 $ 91,080.00 NI3 $ 29,100.00
Avg BV $ 72,000.00
Year 0 $ 165,000.00
Amount to Recover
Year 1 $ 101,880.00
Year 2 $ 31,080.00 > 0 ==> Project does not pay back within 2 years
Year 3 $ (60,000.00) Project pays back in Year 3
If A & B are mutually exclusive, then Project B is still better even though it has a lower PI
Rate NPV
0.00% $ 60,000.00 NPV Profile
5.00% $ 38,010.30
10.00% $ 19,323.97
15.00% $ 3,308.51 $60,000.00
20.00% $ (10,525.00)
25.00% $ (22,559.04) $40,000.00
30.00% $ (33,096.13)
35.00% $ (42,377.96) $20,000.00
0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00%
Required Rate
40.00% $ 641.40
45.00% $ (605.60)
50.00% $ (2,000.00)
55.00% $ (3,496.02)
Required Rate
00% 35.00%
0 50.00 55.00
% %
% %
00 .00
Sample Quiz Questions from Notes: Capital Budgeting I
(5th, Q8.3) [Payback]
Payback Cutoff 3 years
Year CF (A) Amt to Recover (A) CF (B) Amt to Recover (B)
0 $ (45,000.00) $ (90,000.00)
1 $ 17,000.00 $ 28,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 70,000.00
2 $ 20,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 45,000.00
3 $ 18,000.00 $ (10,000.00) $ 30,000.00 $ 15,000.00
4 $ 9,000.00 $ (19,000.00) $ 250,000.00 $ (235,000.00)
Payback 2.44 3.06
In year 3, Project A is fully recovered within the required payback cutoff period, it should be accepted.
However, Project B is not fully recovered within the required payback cutoff period and should be rejected.
(c) As the crossover rate is 16.82%, we would be indifferent between Project A and B if the discount rate is 16.82%
As shown by the crossover rate chart, if the discount rate is below 16.82%, select Project B.
Also, if the discount rate is between 16.82% and 18.72%, then select Project A.
(a) As the profitability index is higher for Project B, it should be selected over Project A.
(b) Based on the NPV decision rule, Project A should be selected as it has a higher NPV.
(c) When the magnitude of the cash flows for the two projects are different in scale, using the
profitability index for comparision can be ambinguous.
As given, Project A's cash flows are roughly 3x larger than those for Project B and it produces
a larger NPV, but under the profitability index criteria, Project B is still selected.
(a) Payback Criterion: Choose Project B as it has a shorter time required for payback
(e) In this case, Project A should be selected based on the NPV criterion.
Although the other criterias all suggest the selection of Project B, the final decision should be based
on the NPV since it does not have the ranking problem associated with the other capital budgeting
The crossover rate is 7.89% and at higher discount rates, Project A becomes more valuable.
Book Value
$ 14,000,000.00
$ 10,500,000.00
$ 7,000,000.00
$ 3,500,000.00
$ -
$ 7,000,000.00
to zero, the Average Book Value is 1/2 of the initial investment.
Rate NPV(A) NPV(B)
0.00% $ 12,000.00 $ 18,000.00
2.00% $ 10,339.27 $ 15,316.14 $20,000.00
4.00% $ 8,789.84 $ 12,848.59
6.00% $ 7,341.72 $ 10,575.55
8.00% $ 5,986.03 $ 8,477.84
10.00% $ 4,714.84 $ 6,538.49
12.00% $ 3,521.07 $ 4,742.48 $10,000.00
14.00% $ 2,398.34 $ 3,076.48
16.00% $ 1,340.94 $ 1,528.63
18.00% $ 343.71 $ 88.33
exclusive projects. 20.00% $ (597.99) $ (1,253.86)
22.00% $ (1,488.38) $ (2,506.42) $-
24.00% $ (2,331.27) $ (3,676.94) 00
0. 4. 8. 12
26.00% $ (3,130.12) $ (4,772.26)
unt rate is 16.82% 28.00% $ (3,888.09) $ (5,798.54)
30.00% $ (4,608.03) $ (6,761.32)
32.00% $ (5,292.58) $ (7,665.63) $(10,000.00)
Rate NPV(A) NPV(B)
0.00% $ 68,100.00 $ 70,000.00
2.00% $ 59,247.85 $ 60,584.38 $80,000.00
4.00% $ 51,053.29 $ 51,886.38
Crossover Rate
$60,000.00 %
Crossover Rate
$60,000.00 %
% 0% 00% 00% 00% 00% 00%
0. 4. 8. .0 . . . . .
12 16 20 24 28 32
nancial Calculator: Uneven Cash Flows
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