Impact of Social Capital, Harassment of Women and Girls, and Water and Sanitation Access On Premature Birth and Low Infant Birth Weight in India
Impact of Social Capital, Harassment of Women and Girls, and Water and Sanitation Access On Premature Birth and Low Infant Birth Weight in India
Impact of Social Capital, Harassment of Women and Girls, and Water and Sanitation Access On Premature Birth and Low Infant Birth Weight in India
1 Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, University of Iowa College of Public Health, IA,
United States of America, 2 Department of Community and Behavioral Health, University of Iowa College of
Public Health, IA, United States of America, 3 Department of Biostatistics, University of Iowa College of
a1111111111 Public Health, IA, United States of America
a1111111111 *
(NCAER), New Delhi by the National Institutes of sanitation, type of drinking water source, or time to a drinking water source. Harassment of
Health, grants R01HD041455 and R01HD061048. women and girls in the community was associated with both PTB (OR = 1.33; CI = 1.09,
Competing interests: The authors have declared 1.62) and LBW (OR = 1.26; CI = 1.03, 1.54). The data also showed a possible association of
that no competing interests exist. local crime with LBW (OR = 1.30; CI = 1.00, 1.68). Statistically significant (p<0.05) evidence
of effect modification was only found for collective efficacy on the association between type
of sanitation access and PTB. In addition, stratified analyses identified differences in effect
size for walking time to the primary drinking water source and PTB by crime, sanitation
access and PTB by harassment, and total hours per day fetching water and LBW by collec-
tive efficacy. Limitations of this observational study include risk of bias, inability to confirm
causality, reliance on self-reported outcomes, and limited sub-group sample sizes for testing
effect modification.
The relationship between adverse birth outcomes and sanitation access, domestic water
fetching, crime, and gender-based harassment suggests physical and psychosocial stress
are possible mechanisms by which WASH access affects PTB and LBW among Indian
women. Interventions that reduce domestic responsibilities related to water and sanitation
and change social norms related to gender-based harassment may reduce rates of PTB
and LBW in India.
Increasing the number of women who successfully carry a healthy, nourished infant to term is
critical for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Spontaneous preterm birth
(PTB), caused by onset of labor or rupture of the fetal membranes before 37 completed weeks’
gestation, is one of the leading global causes of death in neonates and children under five years
of age, as well as maternal complications (e.g. placental previa and mortality) [1]. An estimated
12.9 to 15 million PTBs occur each year, with 60 to 85% of these births occurring in Asia and
sub-Saharan Africa [2, 3]. Low birth weight (LBW), whether term or preterm status, is an even
more common public health issue. In 2012, an estimated 23.3 million infants were born small
for gestational age in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) alone, of which 12.2 million
infants were LBW (< 2,500 grams) [4]. Infants in LMICs who are born prematurely or at LBW
experience a high risk of death, and are more likely to experience gastrointestinal infections,
respiratory infections, growth stunting, and cognitive impairment in later childhood [5–12].
Critically, PTB rates appear to be rising [2], suggesting morbidity and mortality caused by PTB
and LBW may rise as well. Early implementation of preventive interventions with women who
are at high risk for PTB or LBW in the pregnancy period, before delivery occurs, could reduce
a substantial amount of morbidity and mortality among newborns in LMICs [13].
A broad range of risk factors have been linked to PTB and LBW outcomes, including but
not limited to maternal reproductive history, race, age, low antenatal care attendance, maternal
malnutrition, vaginal and urinary tract infections, history of still birth, and anemia [14–16]. In
LMICs, the struggle to address basic water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) needs may also
be a major contributor to adverse birth outcomes. Two studies have linked unsafe WASH con-
ditions with adverse birth outcomes. In Nigeria, women living in a house that shared a sanita-
tion facility were more likely to experience PTB or LBW compared to women not sharing a
facility, after adjusting for maternal obstetric conditions and maternal poverty indicators [17].
In India, women who defecated in the open or used available latrines infrequently, or who
bathed in surface water sources were more likely to experience PTB and LBW [18]. These sup-
port a role for WASH in the global burden of PTB and LBW disease, although the mechanisms
remain unclear.
The mechanisms through which WASH affects birth outcomes are potentially multifacto-
rial. Inadequate WASH access can increase the risk of diarrheal and helminthic infections, as
well as maternal malnutrition and mortality [19]. Yet, recent studies have expanded the scope
of WASH-related diseases to include other PTB and LBW risk factors: reproductive tract infec-
tion symptoms, musculoskeletal injury, and maternal psychosocial stress [20–24]. Maternal
psychosocial stress, depression, and anxiety, caused by both domestic and neighborhood-level
social and environmental deprivation, are considered leading causes of PTB in high-income
countries (HICs) [16, 25–29]. Evidence is lacking on the role of stress–especially community
rather than familial sources of stress–in birth outcomes of LMIC women. The causes of stress
are likely different than for women in HICs. Pregnant women in LMIC settings who live in
chronic poverty must regularly engage in physically demanding domestic labor related to their
gender, such as water fetching [24, 30]. The physical stress this places upon their bodies can be
amplified if they must travel over longer, rougher terrain to acquire water or to find a place to
defecate [24]. If water sources or defecation locations lie outside the home, women may also
have to navigate socially stressful environments where they experience crime or harassment, in
addition to the physical demands of labor [21, 22]. These physically and socially stressful living
conditions could cause women’s bodies to increase expression of corticotrophin releasing hor-
mone and immune inflammatory markers, which trigger secretion of prostaglandins and
interleukins that stimulate myometrium contractions and/or rupture of chorioamniotic mem-
branes resulting in premature labor [31].
Determining whether WASH-related stress affects birth outcomes for women in LMICs is
critical for understanding whether the global prevalence of PTB and LBW could be reduced by
improving WASH conditions for pregnant women. Studies in LMICs on maternal depression,
anxiety, and stress and birth outcomes have focused mostly on intimate partner violence,
stress, or abuse [32–35]. Only one study has linked premature labor to psychological stress
caused by social conflict and violence, but in an extreme political conflict [36]. A universal
index of PTB-inducing stress for LMIC women might be the daily physical demands of gen-
der-based domestic labor when resources lie beyond the home and the social conflict and vio-
lence that occurs because of inadequate WASH resources within a neighborhood or village.
If stressful WASH conditions increase the risk of adverse birth outcomes, then social capital
that reduces a woman’s domestic responsibilities, or exposure to social stressors while fetching
water or practicing open defecation, may buffer the effect of inadequate WASH conditions on
birth outcomes [37]. Past studies have shown that collective efficacy and social cohesion within
communities are negatively associated with violence, crime, and harassment [38, 39]. In the
social capital literature, collective efficacy and social cohesion are often referred to as the
“social cohesion” perspective [40] or cognitive social capital [41]. This form of social capital is
viewed as a collective attribute and is often subjectively verified by assessing attitudes and per-
ceptions about one’s community. Social capital can affect sanitation behaviors and water access
in several ways. First, social capital can enforce norms related to sanitation behaviors, such as
using a latrine to defecate instead of defecating in open spaces [42]. Second, if women prefer to
defecate in the open, social capital can reduce stress related to safety and privacy during open
defecation by going out in groups [43]. Third, communities with high levels of trust and collec-
tive efficacy are better able to mobilize a joint response to local water issues [44], whereas divi-
sive communities are not able to cooperate and mobilize resources to address water access
[45]. Fourth, social capital can help women who must walk long distances and are at risk of
assault and sexual abuse by creating a sense of solidarity and promoting collective action to
walk together [30, 37]. Therefore, WASH interventions that build upon collective efficacy and
social cohesion to reduce physical and psychosocial stress during pregnancy could reduce the
global PTB and LBW disease burden.
In spite of the overwhelming evidence that stress leads to PTB in high-income populations,
and evidence that poor WASH access causes stress for pregnant women, there are no studies
explicitly examining the effect of WASH-related stress on birth outcomes in LMIC women.
The objective of this study is to (1) investigate the relationship between WASH access and
social conditions before birth and PTB and LBW outcomes, and (2) test whether social condi-
tions modify the effect of WASH access on birth outcomes.
Outcome variables
The outcome variables for this study were extracted from the 2011/2012 survey on the birth
status of the most recent child born after 2005 (if multiple children born between survey
waves). Variables included (1) a binary variable for whether the participant reported prema-
ture labor during the birth of the child, and (2) a binary variable representing maternal percep-
tion that the birth weight of the child was small or very small, relative to a normal or above
average infant (S1 Table).
included (1) private household access to an improved sanitation facility (reference), (2) use of
shared facility within the building or compound, (3) shared facility outside the building or
compound or public latrine (combined due to small sample sizes), and (4) open defecation.
Factors that have previously been shown to be related to birth outcomes, and that may be con-
founders of the relationship between exposures and outcomes included: geography, household
wealth index rank, female education index, religion, mother’s age, age at menarche, parity, his-
tory of stillbirth, maternal utilization of antenatal checkups, and maternal use of iron supple-
ments during pregnancy (S1 Table). We intended to include caste in the analysis, but a
substantial number of responses were missing. Out of concern that many of the missing
responses might be persons of lower castes who felt shame or embarrassment at providing this
information, we decided to not adjust for caste in the analysis, rather than potentially skew
study effects by including only persons with caste data. Information on household-level socio-
demographic factors was extracted from the 2004/2005 surveys to represent conditions prior
to or at the time of pregnancy, while information related to parity, history of stillbirths, antena-
tal checkups, and iron supplementation was extracted from the 2011/2012 surveys to represent
the respondent’s care during her most recent pregnancy. Geography was assessed as rural,
urban, and urban slum. The household wealth index variable was created by factor analysis of
30 household assets to create a household asset score, which was then divided into the poorest,
lower-middle income, upper-middle income, and wealthiest quartiles. Female education index
was divided into no education, standards 1–9, and standard 10-college graduate. Religion was
divided into Hindu versus other. Mother’s age, age at menarche, and parity were continuous
variables. Recent history of stillbirth was a binary variable for a woman experiencing a stillbirth
between the 2004/2005 survey and the 2011/2012 survey versus no stillbirth. Antenatal care
was a binary variable for a woman reporting attending at least one antenatal care checkup ver-
sus no antenatal care. Iron supplementation was divided into no use, supplementation for less
than three months, and supplementation for greater than three months. Although venting in
the household cooking area is an important risk factor for PTB, we did not adjust for this con-
founder due to exceedingly large amounts of missing data that resulted in a 15% reduction in
our final sample size (from 7,926 to 6,716 eligible subjects) when combined with other vari-
ables with missing data. In a separate analysis (data not shown), we adjusted for venting of the
cooking area and did not find any substantive differences.
Statistical analysis
Descriptive statistics are reported as percent, medians, and counts. Strength of association
between WASH and social exposures on occurrence of self-reported PTB and LBW are esti-
mated using outcome-specific generalized linear mixed model (SAS Version 9.4, proc glim-
mix) for a binary outcome with logit link function, and a random intercept term to account
for variance between states. Effects are reported as odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence inter-
vals (95% CI). To assess the amount of variance in PTB and LBW outcomes that was
accounted for by variation between states, the intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) of the
final models were calculated for each outcome with random effect terms for state.
The modeling process involved three steps. First, separate PTB and LBW models were con-
structed with all four WASH variables and a priori selected confounders (Model 1: WASH
Only) to assess individual WASH-adjusted effects and confidence intervals. Second, the four
social exposure variables were added to each model (Model 2: WASH-Social) to assess whether
social conditions were associated with birth outcomes and whether they altered the associa-
tions between WASH exposures and outcomes. Third, interaction terms for social and WASH
variables were individually added and assessed for evidence of statistically significant (p<0.05)
effect modification. If interaction terms were not significant, they were removed from the fully
adjusted Model 2 WASH-Social Model. However, the statistical significance of interactions
product terms in nonlinear models can be misleading [47]. A simple summary measure of the
interaction effect can be difficult to interpret in nonlinear models because it may include dif-
ferent signs for different observations. Therefore, we also examined the stratified effects and
Bonferroni-corrected confidence intervals of interaction terms where there was a trend
towards significance (p<0.1) or theoretical potential for effect modification. However, we
limit conclusions of these subgroup results to changes in effect sizes and highlight situations
where effects may be false negatives or inaccurate due to lack of power for small group size.
Of 25,789 women who participated in both waves of the IHDS, 7,926 (30.73%) women deliv-
ered an infant between 2004/2005 and 2011/2012 and thus were eligible for this study (Fig 1).
PTB and LBW infants occurred in 14.86% (1,172 out of 7,889) and 15.52% (1,230 out of 7,926)
women, respectively. Both outcomes occurred jointly in 312 (3.95%) of women, which suggests
that PTB and LBW are distinct outcomes. Participating women lived in 2,098 villages and
urban blocks from across India (range 1–23 per village), in 360 Districts (range 1–87 per dis-
trict), in 22 States (22–1,097 per state). This represents 56.3% of India’s 640 Districts and
61.1% of 36 States in 2011.
The sample population represented a diverse socio-economic background (Table 1).
Women were predominantly Hindu (79.22%) and rural (71.70%). Almost half (49.80%) lacked
Fig 1. Flow diagram showing selection process for women included in this study.
a primary school education. At least 87.38% of women attended one or more antenatal care
visits, and 78.71% of women reported taking iron supplements at some point while pregnant,
with 46.10% taking supplements for three or more months. Average age was 28, but women as
young as 15 and as old as 60 were included in the analytic sample. The average number of chil-
dren prior to the last pregnancy was two, with a range of zero to 15.
Most households (83.38%) had access to a piped tap, borehole, or tube well water source,
with only 1.06% reporting use of some form of surface water (Table 1). Seven percent had to
walk more than fifteen minutes each way to fetch drinking water and 7.66% spent more than
two hours per day fetching water. A third (38.28%) of women had access to an improved
household flush or Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrine, 2.18% shared a latrine in their com-
pound or building, 6.65% shared a communal or public latrine outside their building, and
52.89% relied on open defecation. Among social exposures that could cause physical harm or
stress for women, 6.50% reported having experienced theft, breaking and entering to the
household, or a violent attack or threatening behavior in the household. Harassment of girls
and women in the community was reported by 12.84% of women. More than half of women
(50.61%) reported lots of conflict within the community. Less than half of women (41.48%)
reported that when there are community problems, such as with the water supply, families
solved their problems by themselves, rather than bonding together with their neighbors to
solve the problem.
Table 2. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for associations between water, sanitation, and social conditions and PTB outcomes in 7,105 women
between 2004/5 and 2011/2012 waves of the IHDS.
Exposure Category (reference) Model 1: WASH Model 2: WASH— Model 3: Adjusted
Only Social Interactions
OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (Bonferroni 95% CI)
Environmental Variables
Drinking Water Source Piped Water Ref. Ref.
Ground water (hand pump or tube well) 1.06 (0.87, 1.30) 1.06 (0.87, 1.29) 1.06 (0.87, 1.29)
Hand dug well 0.93 (0.71, 1.21) 0.93 (0.71, 1.22) 0.94 (0.72, 1.23)
Stream, pond, river, canal 0.44 (0.17, 1.13) 0.45 (0.18, 1.15) 0.45 (0.18, 1.16)
Other (tanker truck, rainwater, other) 0.79 (0.40, 1.57) 0.83 (0.42, 1.65) 0.83 (0.42, 1.66)
Time spent fetching water 2 hours per day 0.89 (0.67, 1.18) 0.88 (0.66, 1.18) 0.87 (0.65, 1.16)
(<2 hours per day)
Walking time to water Water in home (0 minutes) Ref. Ref. Ref.
1–15 minutes one way to water 0.98 (0.83, 1.17) 1.00 (0.85, 1.19) 1.01 (0.85, 1.20)
>15 minutes one way to water 1.08 (0.78, 1.50) 1.09 (0.78, 1.51) 1.09 (0.79, 1.52)
Sanitation access Private household latrine Ref. Ref. Ref.
Shared latrine, within building or compound 1.50 (0.98, 2.31) 1.55 (1.01, 2.38) Family: 0.91 (0.39, 2.14)
Community: 2.52 (1.17,
Shared latrine, outside building or compound or 0.68 (0.46, 1.02) 0.67 (0.45, 1.01) Family: 0.61 (0.31, 1.19)
Public latrine Community: 0.71 (0.31,
Open defecation 1.05 (0.86, 1.28) 1.03 (0.84, 1.26) Family: 0.86 (0.60, 1.23)
Community: 1.16 (0.84,
Social Variables
Harassment of women and girls Yes (No) 1.33 (1.09, 1.62) 1.33 (1.09, 1.62)
Local crime Yes (No) 1.30 (1.00, 1.68) 1.29 (0.99, 1.67)
Collective efficacy Act with Family (Act with Community) 0.97 (0.84, 1.12) Effect Modifier
Social cohesion Conflict (No Conflict) 0.91 (0.79, 1.06) 0.91 (0.79, 1.06)
-2LogL (Generalized Chi- 36,716.32 (0.99) 35,399.20 (1.00) 36,358.10 (0.98)
• Premature birth model with spatial random effects only -2Log L = 39,736.04. Adjusted for geography, household wealth index rank, maternal education, religion,
maternal age, maternal age at menarche, parity, history of stillbirth, health care utilization for antenatal care, and use of iron supplements during pregnancy. Model 3
adjusted for interaction term between sanitation access and collective efficacy. Associations for confounders reported in S2 Table.
Approximately 11.1% of the variability in PTB prevalence (ICC = 0.111) was accounted for
by state-level factors, leaving 88.9% of the variability to be accounted for by other factors. In
the model assessing the effects of WASH conditions on PTB, type of water source, time spent
walking one way to a drinking water source, spending more than two hours per day fetching
water, and type of sanitation access were not significantly associated with premature delivery,
after adjusting for potential confounders (Table 2, Model 1). After adjusting for confounders
and social conditions, women who shared a toilet or latrine within their building or compound
were more likely to report their last child was premature than women with private facilities,
while women using a public or communal facility were less likely to report premature delivery
(Table 2, Model 2). The odds of premature delivery were similar for women relying on private
facilities versus open defecation. Women who reported problems with local crime in the com-
munity, or harassment of women and girls were also more likely to report premature delivery
compared to women who reported that crime or harassment were not community issues.
Social cohesion and collective efficacy were not associated with PTB.
Collective efficacy modified the association between sanitation access and PTB (p = 0.047,
S3 Table). Subgroup analysis revealed that sharing a within-building or compound latrine was
not significantly associated with PTB for women who solved problems with their families, but
was strongly associated for women who solved water problems with their community (Table 2,
Model 3). Weak interaction (p = 0.08) was observed between local crime and one-way time to
fetch water. Stratified analysis revealed that PTB was not associated with walking 1 to 15 min-
utes (adjOR = 0.97; Bonferonni-corrected 95% CI = 0.78, 1.22) or >15 minutes (adjOR = 1.00;
Bonferonni-corrected 95% CI = 0.64, 1.55) one-way to fetch drinking water in communities
where crime was uncommon. However, the association between PTB and walking 1 to 15 min-
utes (adjOR = 1.38; Bonferonni-corrected 95% CI = 0.74, 2.59) or >15 minutes (adjOR = 3.09;
Bonferonni-corrected 95% CI = 0.88, 10.86) one-way to fetch drinking water was much larger
for women in communities where crime was common. Another interesting subgroup analysis
found that harassment of women and girls and sanitation access was significantly associated
with PTB among women who practiced open defecation (adjOR = 1.49; 95% CI = 1.09, 2.05),
but not for women using private household latrines (adjOR = 1.12; 95% CI = 0.73, 1.73), or
within-building/compound shared latrines (adjOR = 1.49; 95% CI = 0.33, 6.71), or shared pub-
lic/communal latrines (adjOR = 0.92; 95% CI = 0.28, 3.00).
Approximately 5.6% of the variability in low infant birth weight prevalence (ICC = 0.056)
was accounted for by state-level factors, leaving 94.4% of the variability to be accounted for by
other factors. Spending more than two hours per day fetching water was associated with
increased odds of delivering a LBW infant, after adjusting for other WASH conditions as well
as potential confounders (Table 3, Model 1). Type of primary water source, time spent walking
to the drinking water source, and type of sanitation access were not significantly associated
with LBW. After adjusting for social conditions and other potential confounders, the direction
and size of effects and confidence intervals for WASH conditions and LBW remained similar,
although open defecation was more strongly associated with higher odds of LBW (Table 3,
Model 2). Among the social variables, harassment of women and girls was significantly associ-
ated with LBW, while general local crime, collective efficacy, and social cohesion were not
No statistically significant effect modification was detected for WASH and social conditions
on LBW, although weak interaction (p = 0.092) was detected between spending > 2 hours per
day fetching water and collective efficacy (S5 Table). Subgroup assessment of the association
between hours per day fetching water and LBW suggested that the association between
increased water fetching time (> 2 hours/day) and LBW was higher in households that solved
water problems as a community (adjOR = 1.54; 95% CI = 1.10, 2.14) than households that
solved problems as a family (adjOR = 1.02; 95% CI = 0.64, 1.62).
Preterm birth and low infant birth weight are among the leading causes of neonatal and early
childhood morbidity and mortality in LMICs, like India, and prevalence rates in Africa and
Southeast Asia are rising [1–3]. The rising rates of PTB and LBW in LMICs underscore the
importance of identifying targeted interventions that prevent these birth outcomes and subse-
quent child morbidity and mortality. However, the wide range of biological, environmental,
and social risk factors complicates identifying preventive interventions for PTB and LBW.
This study contributes to the limited evidence related to environmental causes of PTB and
LBW by demonstrating that lack of household WASH infrastructure and social factors, like
crime and harassment of women and girls, are risk factors for adverse birth outcomes in
women in LMICs. In particular, this study uses a large, nationally representative cohort of
Table 3. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for associations between water, sanitation, and social conditions and low birth weight outcomes in
7,177 women between 2004/5 and 2011/2012 waves of the IHDS.
Exposure Category (reference) WASH Only Full Model
OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)
Environmental Variables
Drinking Water Source Piped Water Ref. Ref.
Ground water (hand pump or tube well) 1.18 (0.98, 1.42) 1.17 (0.97, 1.41)
Hand dug well 0.85 (0.66, 1.09) 0.82 (0.64, 1.05)
Stream, pond, river, canal 0.64 (0.32, 1.31) 0.63 (0.31, 1.28)
Other (tanker truck, rainwater, other) 1.24 (0.72, 2.14) 1.28 (0.74, 2.21)
Time spent fetching water 2 hours per day 1.31 (1.03, 1.67) 1.33 (1.05, 1.70)
(<2 hours per day)
Walking time to water (0 minutes to water [water in home]) Ref. Ref.
0–15 minutes to water 0.95 (0.80, 1.12) 0.95 (0.81, 1.12)
>15 minutes to water 0.96 (0.72, 1.28) 0.97 (0.72, 1.29)
Sanitation access Private household latrine Ref. Ref.
Shared latrine in building/compound 0.84 (0.50, 1.39) 0.86 (0.52, 1.44)
Shared latrine, outside building/compound or Public latrine 1.05 (0.77, 1.44) 1.02 (0.74, 1.40)
Open defecation 1.23 (0.72, 1.49) 1.22 (1.00, 1.48)
Social Variables
Harassment of women and girls Yes (No) 1.26 (1.03, 1.54)
Local crime Yes (No) 1.13 (0.87, 1.48)
Collective efficacy Act with Family (Act with Community) 0.96 (0.84, 1.11)
Social cohesion Conflict (No Conflict) 0.93 (0.81, 1.07)
-2 Log L (Generalized Chi-Square/DF) 35,753.11 (1.00) 35,396.46 (1.00)
• Low birth weight model with spatial random effects only -2Log L = 38,860.76. Adjusted for geography, household wealth index rank, maternal education, religion,
maternal age, maternal age at menarche, parity, history of stillbirth, health care utilization for antenatal care, and use of iron supplements during pregnancy.
Associations for confounders reported in S4 Table.
Indian women to demonstrate the importance of the lack of access to nearby water sources,
lack of access to a toilet, crime, and harassment as risk factors for PTB and LBW. Additionally,
the findings suggest that gender norms that sanction harassment of women and girls and place
the burden of household water fetching on women are key determinants of vulnerability to
PTB and LBW among Indian women.
The lack of water and sanitation in the household forces women to navigate challenging,
and even personally threatening social and environmental public conditions to fetch water and
to find a safe, private place to defecate, bathe, or manage menstruation, leading to psychosocial
stress [21, 22, 43]. Our findings reinforce evidence from two prior studies that open defecation,
shared sanitation, and infrequent latrine use increase the risk of adverse birth outcomes in
Indian and Nigerian women, but provides new potential explanations for the mechanism of
these associations [17, 18]. Our results suggest a role for both physical and psychosocial stress
as mechanisms for adverse birth outcomes. We found that increased time daily spent fetching
household water increased women’s risk of a LBW outcome. Spending over two hours per day
carrying water from sources outside of the home may increase the risk for injury, physical
exhaustion, and maternal and fetal nutrient restriction, or psychosocial stress, depression or
anxiety [24, 30]. Work itself is not necessarily dangerous for pregnant women, although physi-
cal labor, standing for many hours per day, working an unusually high number of hours per
day, occupational fatigue, and having many domestic dependents with no domestic support
increase PTB and LBW risks [48–50]. Regardless, this finding suggests reducing the water-
fetching burden could reduce LBW prevalence in Indian pregnant women, a condition
resolved by providing a reliable household water source.
Open defecation and using a shared latrine within a woman’s building or compound were
also associated with higher odds of LBW and PTB, respectively, compared to having a private
household toilet. Lack of access to a private toilet forces women to cope with urination, defeca-
tion, and menstruation needs in public areas, which increases the amount of time they could
experience harassment [21, 30]. The time and energy spent seeking a safe, private place to
open defecate could increase the risk of LBW through physical stress, injury, or fatigue. Due to
the proximity of compound-shared latrines, this relationship with PTB is not likely due to
physical stress, unless women relying on shared latrines use them infrequently (only 2% of our
sample population reported using a compound-shared latrine) and experience similar expo-
sures as women who rely on open defecation [51, 52]. The infrequent use of latrines in India is
due, in part, to the stigma associated with handling feces [53]. Therefore, there may be con-
founding socioeconomic or cultural factors associated with the use of a shared latrine. For
example, in urban Nigeria where sharing a sanitation facility was also found to be a risk factor
for PTB, shared sanitation was used as an indicator of poor housing conditions [17]. Alterna-
tively, sharing a within-compound latrine requires cooperation among families in maintaining
those latrines, and this association might reflect stress from negotiating latrine management
relationships or increased workload for women in maintaining shared latrines. Oddly, the rela-
tionship between sharing public or community latrines and PTB trended in the opposite direc-
tion. An extensive array of factors (e.g. urban/rural geography, wealth, crime) were examined
and ruled out as confounders or modifiers of this effect. Our theory is that while reliance upon
public or community latrines does cause stress to women [21, 22], perhaps it significantly alle-
viates the stressors that trigger PTB. For example, public latrine users may bear less responsi-
bility to clean and maintain infrastructure or experience less social conflict over their upkeep
[43]. Further research is needed to understand the underlying reason for the association
between shared latrine use and PTB in the Indian context.
Our findings demonstrate that poor community-level social conditions are independently
associated with both PTB and LBW outcomes, regardless of household WASH conditions, and
modify the impact of WASH access on those outcomes. Women who reported that gender-
based harassment was common in their community had higher odds of PTB and LBW, and
those who reported issues with local crime (i.e., an attack/threat, break-in, or theft) were trend-
ing towards statistically higher odds of PTB. This expands the evidence in LMICs on the asso-
ciation between maternal stress and birth outcomes beyond intimate partner violence [54].
Although harassment and crime (often perpetrated by strangers) are different from violence
committed by an intimate partner, both forms of abuse lead to increased levels of psychosocial
stress, which is a known risk factor for PTB and LBW [33, 35]. More research is needed to bet-
ter understand the impact of harassment on maternal stress and adverse birth outcomes, espe-
cially in areas where harassment towards women is common and often considered socially
acceptable [55, 56].
To elucidate the mechanisms through which sources of physical stress and psychosocial
stress affect birth outcomes, we examined the interaction between WASH access and a variety
of social factors. We found trends suggesting that fetching water outside the household and
open defecation were associated with adverse birth outcomes only when community-level
crime and gender-based harassment were common, respectively. The effect size for time to a
primary drinking water source on PTB grew with increases in one-way walk time compared to
women with a household source among women who reported crime, but had a null effect on
women who did not report crime in their community. The effect size for harassment on PTB
was 33% larger for women sharing a building/compound latrine or practicing open defecation
compared to women with private sanitation, suggesting lack of sanitation increases women’s
vulnerability to harassment. These relationships were not statistically implicated, due, in part,
to small sample sizes for some WASH categories caused by subgroup analysis. Effect sizes for
harassment and LBW did not vary across sanitation categories, suggesting that physical stress
or open defecation-related risks (other than harassment) contribute to fetal growth restriction.
Although coping with uneven terrain, monsoon conditions, and wildlife may further contrib-
ute to the set of stressors experienced by women who open defecate, ultimately harassment
plays a dominant role in how sanitation affects birth outcomes in this study.
We found effect modification by collective efficacy of sanitation for PTB as well as trends
that suggested that collective efficacy modified the effect of water fetching on LBW. Specifi-
cally, using a within-compound shared latrine was a risk factor for PTB among women who
relied on their community to resolve water problems (an indicator of collective efficacy), but
not among women who solved problems within their own family. This finding was unex-
pected, but has two possible explanations. First, it could indicate unmeasured benefits from
support by one’s family in managing a shared latrine. Family-level support could reduce the
likelihood of depressive symptoms in women, and therefore likelihood of PTB [57, 58], or it
could represent better marital relationships and better access to care [59] and a lower likeli-
hood of domestic violence [60]. Second, women who relied on their community to resolve
water problems may be an indicator of women living in communities with more water prob-
lems instead of an indicator of collective efficacy. In a previous study on the measurement of
social capital, it was found that questions about collective action were correlated with negative
community attributes due to the way the question was asked [61]. This is a limitation of the
study since we do not have the capacity to change the way the question was asked. Similarly,
the association between water fetching and LBW occurred only among women who solved
problems with their community rather than their own family, potentially reflecting unmea-
sured benefits of family support for water access.
Additional limitations of our study, beyond power to conduct subgroup analysis, include
the use of self-reported birth outcomes, which may be subject to recall or courtesy bias, and
limited information on women’s social experiences related to water and sanitation. Despite the
data limitations, this is the only data set would allow us to examine environmental and social
aspects of WASH access and birth outcomes. Another limitation was the lack of information
on potential maternal confounders, such as maternal BMI and reproductive tract infections.
Alternative mechanisms associated with unsafe WASH access that could explain our findings
include higher risks of malarial, helminthic, or diarrheal infections due to increased contact
with public soils and surface waters, or contact with environmental chemical pollutants. Addi-
tionally, women with limited WASH access may practice unsafe hygiene behaviors that
increase their risk for intrauterine infection by foreign microbes (e.g. Gardnerella vaginalis,
Candida spp. or Mycoplasma spp.) that can stimulate myometrium contractions and/or the
rupture of chorioamniotic membranes [23, 62]. Information on these health conditions were
not available in this dataset. Gender-based harassment may have been underreported [63], but
we believe this would be non-differential misclassification and would not affect our findings.
Caste may have been an important confounder, but we could not adjust for caste without
excluding a large number of participants who may be from socially-marginalized groups. Last,
this observational study cannot confirm causality and is vulnerable to bias and residual
Maternal psychosocial stress, anxiety, and depression—due to a combination of environ-
mental and social factors—are preventable risk factors for PTB and LBW. In HICs, stress has
been linked to domestic conditions like unemployment, poverty, and domestic violence, as
well as community-level social conflict and environmental resource deprivation [28, 29].
There is very little research on stress risk factors and maternal reproductive health outcomes
in LMICs, although physical and psychosocial stress is an omnipresent part of daily life where
extreme levels of poverty require households to cooperate in sharing infrastructure, like water
sources and toilets. Women’s ability to meet sanitation needs is limited by both domestic labor
constraints and by capacity to find places outside the home that are safe and private, and gain-
ing access to a latrine may not eliminate stress, so much as exchange one set of stressors for
others [43]. Based on our findings, there is a need to more closely examine the pathways
through which lack of WASH access and harassment interact to impact maternal stress and,
subsequently, birth outcomes. Additionally, interventions that build social capital and change
social norms related to gender-based causes of maternal stress in the context of WASH behav-
iors need to be evaluated, especially in locations with high levels of gender inequity.
Supporting information
S1 Table. Variables used in this analysis.
S2 Table. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for confounder variables
included in Table 2 analysis of associations between water, sanitation, and social condi-
tions and preterm birth outcomes in 7,105 women between 2004/5 and 2011/2012 waves of
the IHDS.
S3 Table. Interaction term effects tested in the Model 2 analysis of water, sanitation, and
social conditions and premature birth outcomes in 7,105 women between 2004/5 and
2011/2012 waves of the IHDS. Did not converge (NC).
S4 Table. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for confounder variables
included in Table 2 analysis of associations between water, sanitation, and social condi-
tions and low birth weight outcomes in 7,177 women between 2004/5 and 2011/2012 waves
of the IHDS.
S5 Table. Interaction term effects tested in the Model 2 analysis of water, sanitation, and
social conditions and low infant birth outcomes in 7,177 women between 2004/5 and 2011/
2012 waves of the IHDS. Did not converge (NC).
We wish to thank the team of Community Health Volunteers who collected this data, data
entry staff, and study participants.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Kelly K. Baker, William T. Story.
Data curation: Kelly K. Baker, William T. Story, Evan Walser-Kuntz, M. Bridget Zimmerman.
Formal analysis: Kelly K. Baker, William T. Story, Evan Walser-Kuntz, M. Bridget
Funding acquisition: Kelly K. Baker, William T. Story.
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