Signals and Systems: Dr. Muayad

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Signals and Systems

Lecture 3

Dr. Muayad

3rd year

Discrete time systems
3.1 Introduction
In many applications of digital signal processing, we wish to design a
device or an algorithm that performs some prescribed operation on a discrete
time signal such a device or algorithm is called a discrete time system. A
discrete time system is a device or algorithm that operates on a discrete time
signal called the input or excitation, to produce another discrete time signal
called the output or response of the system. A discrete time system is
defined mathematically as a transformation or operator that maps an input
sequence x[n] into a unique sequence output y[n]
y[n]=T{x[n]} …(3.1)

x[n] y[n]

Figure (3-1) Representation of discrete time systems

The input-output description of a discrete time system consists of a

mathematical expression or a rule, which explicitly defines the relation
between the input and output signals. The exact internal structure of the
system is either unknown or ignored. Thus the only way to interact with the
system is by using its input and output terminals.

3.2 Block Diagram Representation of Discrete Time Systems
There are some basic building blocks that can be interconnected to form
complex systems:
1. Adder: - it is performs the addition of two signal sequences to form
another sequence as shown in Figure (3-2)

X1(n) Y(n)= X1(n)+ X2(n)



Figure (3-2) Graphical representation of an adder

2- Constant multiplier: - this operation is represented by applied a scalar

factor on the input X1(n). This can be illustrated in Figure (3-3)

X1(n) Y(n)=a X1(n)


Figure (3-3) Graphical representation of a constant multiplier

3- Signal multiplier: - it is represents the multiplication of two signal

sequences to form another sequence. Figure (3-4) illustrates the
multiplication of two signals.

X1(n) Y(n)= X1(n)  X2(n)


Figure (3-4) Graphical representation of a signal multiplier

4- Unit delay element: - it is a special system that delays the signals passing
through it by one sample. Figure (3-5) illustrates such a system. A symbol
z 1 denote the one unit delay

X1(n) Y(n)= X1(n-1)

z 1

Figure (3-5) Graphical representation of the unit delay element

5- Unit advance element: - It is moves the input x(n) a head by one sample
in the time to yield x(n+1). Figure (3-6) illustrates this operation

X (n) Y(n)= X(n+1)


Figure (3-6) Graphical representation of the unit advance element

We observe that any such advance is physically impossible in real time,

since, it involves looking for the future of the signal. On the other hand if we
store the signal in the memory of the computer, we can recall any sample at
any time. In such a nonreal – time application, it is possible to advance the
signal x(n) in time

Example (3.1): sketch the block diagram representation of the discrete time
system described by the input-output relation
1 1 1
y ( n)  y (n  1)  x(n)  x(n  1)
4 2 2

Where x(n) is the input and y(n) is the output

Solution: from the input- output relation ,the output obtained by multiply the
input by 0.5 and the previous input then adding them with the previous
output multiplied by 0.25 as shown in figure (3-8)

x (n) z 1
y (n)
+ +

z 1

Figure (3-8) Block diagram realization of the system in example (3.1)

3.4 Classification of discrete time systems

Discrete-time systems may be classified in terms of the properties that
they possess. The most common properties include linearity, time-
invariance, causality, stability.
1. Linear versus nonlinear systems:
The general class of systems can also be subdivided into linear
system and nonlinear system. a linear system is one that satisfies the
principle of superposition.
The principle of superposition requires that the response of the
system to a weighted sum of signals be equal to the corresponding
weighted sum of the responses of the system to each of the
individual input signal.
Hence the system is called linear if and only if
T{a1 x1[n]  a2 x2 [n]}  a1T{x1[n]}  a2T{x2 [n]}  a1 y1[n]  a2 y2 [n] … (3-2)
For any arbitrary sequence x1[n] and x2 [n] , and any arbitrary constant a1
and a 2 .
Example 3.2: Determine if the systems described by the following input-
output equation are linear or non linear
a. y(n)=n x(n)

b. y(n)  x 2 (n)
a. For two input sequences x1 (n) and x2 (n) ,the corresponding output are
y1 (n)  nx1 (n) , y 2 (n)  nx2 (n)

A linear combination of two input sequences results in the output

y3 (n)  T [a1 x1 (n)  a 2 x2 (n)]  n[a1 x1 (n)  a 2 x2 (n)]  na1 x1 (n)  na2 x2 (n) … (3.3)
On the other hand, a linear combination of the two output result in
a1 y1 (n)  a2 y2 (n)  na1 x1 (n)  na2 x2 (n) … (3.4)
Since the right side of equation (3.3) and (3.4) are identical, the system is
b. the output of the system is the square of the input
y(n)  x 2 (n)

The responses of the system to two separate input signals are

y1 (n)  x12 (n)  [ x1 (n)] 2
y 2 (n)  x 22 (n)  [ x 2 (n)] 2

The response of the system to a linear combination of these two input signals
y3 (n)  [a1 x (n)  a 2 x (n)]2
1 2
y3 (n)  a1 x1 (n)  2a1 a 2 x1 (n) x2 (n)  a 22 x22 (n)
2 2

Since y3 (n)  y1 (n)  y 2 (n) ,The system is non linear

2. Time invariant versus time variant systems:
A system is called time invariant if its input- output characteristics do not
change with time. To determine if any given system is time invariant,
basically we excite the system with an arbitrary input sequence x(n), which
produce an output denoted as y(n). Now suppose that the same input is
delayed by k unit of time to yield x(n-k) , and again applied to the same
system. If the characteristic of the system do not change with time, the
output of the system is y(n-k). That is, the output will be the same as the
response to x(n),except that it will be delayed by the same k units in time
that the input was delayed.
Hence the system is called time invariant or shift invariant if and only if
x(n) y(n)
Implies that
x(n-k) y(n-k)
For every input signal x(n) and every time shift k. the time invariant system
can be seen in Figure (3-9)

S(t) y(t)

S(t) y(t)
0 LTIS 0
T1 t T2 t

S(t) y(t)

S(t) y(t) 0.5
0  T1   t 0  T2   t

Figure (3-9) Illustration of time invariant system

Where   amount of delay or time shift

S(t)= input signal

y(t)= output signal

LTIS= linear time invariant system

Example (3-2): Determine if the following system is time Invariant or not
Now if the input is delayed by k unit in time and applied to the system, the
output will be
if we delayed y(n) by k unit in time , we obtain
since y(n,k)=y(n-k) then the system is time invariant

3. Causal versus noncausal systems:
A system is said to be causal if the output of the system at any time n [i.e.
y(n)] depends only on the present and past input ( i.e. x(n), x(n-1),x(n-2)…], but

does not depend on future inputs [i.e. (n+1),x(n+2)…]

The output in causal system satisfies an equation of the form
Where f(.,.) is an arbitrary function
The system does not satisfy this definition is called non causal.
For example
Y[n]=x[n+1]-x[n] not causal
Y[n]=x[n]-x[n-1] causal

Example (3.3): Determine if the following system are causal or not

a. y(n)   x(n) b. y(n)=x(2n)
n 

a. y (n)  x()  x(  1)  x(  2).......
For n=2
y (2)  x( )  x(  1)  ........  x(2)

it is depend on the past and present value of inputs ,then the system is
b. y(n)=x(2n)
The output is depend on the future value of input

4- Stable versus unstable systems: a system is said to be bounded input -
bounded output (BIBO) stable if and only if every bounded input sequence
produces a bounded output sequence. The input x[n] is bounded if there
exists a fixed positive finite value Bx such that
x[n]  Bx   for all n … (3.5)
Stability requires that, for every bounded input, there exists a fixed positive
finite value By such that
y[n]  B y   for all n … (3.6)
For some bounded input sequence x(n), the output is unbounded( infinite ),
The system is classified as unstable.

Example (3-4):- check if the following system is stable or not

y(n)  y 2 (n  1)  x(n)

Solution: - let the input x(n)  c (n)

Where c=constant
Then the output will be
y (0)  y 2 (1)  c (n)  c
y (1)  y 2 (0)  0  c 2
y (2)  y 2 (1)  0  c 4

We can see that the output is unbounded, the system is unstable

1. For each of the following system, determine whether the system is
linear, causal, time invariant, static or dynamic and stable.
a. T ( x[n])  e x[ n]
b. T ( x[n])  ax[n]  b
c. T ( x[n])  x[n]

2. Determine whether each of the following signals is periodic. If the

signal is periodic ,determine its period
a. x[n]  e j (n / 6)
b. x[n]  e j (3n / 4)


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