Amnesty International
Amnesty International
Amnesty International
Who We Are
Amnesty International is a global movement of 2.8 million supporters, members and activists in
more than 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights.
Our vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights and other international human rights standards.
We are independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion and are
funded mainly by our membership and public donations.
We believe human rights abuses anywhere are the concern of people everywhere.
So, outraged by human rights abuses but inspired by hope for a better world, we work to improve
people’s lives through campaigning and international solidarity.
Our mission is to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human
rights and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated.
Our members and supporters exert influence on governments, political bodies, companies and
intergovernmental groups.
Activists take up human rights issues by mobilizing public pressure through mass
demonstrations, vigils and direct lobbying as well as online and offline campaigning.
We now have more than 2.2 million members, supporters and subscribers in over 150 countries
and territories, in every region of the world.
The following short history highlights many of the campaigns and actions we’ve undertaken and
key human rights developments since we began all those years ago.
The 1960s
British lawyer Peter Benenson launched a worldwide campaign, ‘Appeal for Amnesty 1961’
with the publication of a prominent article, ‘The Forgotten Prisoners’, in The Observer
newspaper. The imprisonment of two Portuguese students, who had raised their wine glasses in a
toast to freedom, moved Benenson to write this article. His appeal was reprinted in other papers
across the world and turned out to be the genesis of Amnesty International.
The first international meeting was held in July, with delegates from Belgium, the UK, France,
Germany, Ireland, Switzerland and the US. They decided to establish "a permanent international
movement in defence of freedom of opinion and religion".
A small office and library, staffed by volunteers, opened in Peter Benenson’s chambers, in Mitre
Court, London. The ’Threes Network‘ was established through which each Amnesty
International group adopted three prisoners from contrasting geographical and political areas,
emphasizing the impartiality of the group's work.
On Human Rights Day, 10 December, the first Amnesty candle was lit in the church of St-
Martin-in-the-Fields, London.
In January the first research trip was undertaken. This trip to Ghana, was followed by
Czechoslovakia in February (on behalf of a prisoner of conscience, Archbishop Josef Beran), and
then to Portugal and East Germany.
The Prisoner of Conscience Fund was established to provide relief to prisoners and their
AI’s first annual report was published; it contained details of 210 prisoners who had been
adopted by 70 groups in seven countries; in addition, 1,200 cases were documented in the
Prisoners of Conscience Library.
At a conference in Belgium, a decision was made to set up a permanent organization that will be
known as Amnesty International.
Amnesty International now comprised 350 groups – there was a two-year total of 770 prisoners
adopted and 140 released.
Peter Benenson was named president. There were now 360 groups in 14 countries. In August the
United Nations gave Amnesty International consultative status.
Amnesty International issued its first reports – on prison conditions in Portugal, South Africa and
Romania – and sponsored a resolution at the United Nations to suspend and finally abolish the
death penalty for peacetime political offences.
There were 550 groups in 18 countries, and Amnesty International was working for nearly 2,000
prisoners in 63 countries – 293 prisoners had been released.
The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination was
The 1970s
There were now 850 groups in 27 countries; 520 prisoners had been released during the year.
Amnesty International launched its first worldwide campaign for the abolition of torture.
The first full Urgent Action was issued, on behalf of Professor Luiz Basilio Rossi, a Brazilian
who was arrested for political reasons. Luiz himself believed that Amnesty International's
appeals were crucial: "I knew that my case had become public, I knew they could no longer kill
me. Then the pressure on me decreased and conditions improved."
The new regime in Chile agreed to admit a three-person Amnesty International mission for an
on-the-spot probe into allegations of massive violations of human rights.
Amnesty International’s Sean McBride, Chair of the International Executive Committee, was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his lifelong work for human rights.
On the first anniversary of Chile's military coup, AI published a report exposing political
oppression, executions and torture under the regime of President Augusto Pinochet.
Mumtaz Soysal of Turkey became first ever former prisoner of conscience elected to the
International Executive Committee, Amnesty International’s most senior governance body.
There were now 1,592 groups in 33 countries and more than 70,000 members in 65 countries.
The first Secret Policeman's Ball fundraising event in London featured John Cleese and Monty
Python, Peter Cook and other Beyond the Fringe comedians, Not the Nine o’Clock News, Fawlty
Towers and The Goodies. The series continued in later years starring comedians and musicians
such as Peter Gabriel, Duran Duran, Mark Knopfler, Bob Geldolf, Eric Clapton and Phil Collins
paved the way for benefits such as Live Aid.
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights entered into force. Together they are known as the
International Bill of Rights.
Amnesty International was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for "having contributed to securing
the ground for freedom, for justice, and thereby also for peace in the world".
Amnesty International won the United Nations Human Rights prize for "outstanding
contributions in the field of human rights".
List published of 2,665 cases of people known to have "disappeared" in Argentina after the
military coup by Jorge Rafael Videla.
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
was adopted by the UN General Assembly.
The 1980s
Thomas Hammarberg of Sweden took over from Martin Ennals as Secretary General.
On 10 December, Human Rights Day, an appeal was launched for a universal amnesty for all
prisoners of conscience. More than one million people sign petitions, which were presented to
the United Nations a year later.
Amnesty International launched the second Campaign Against Torture, which included a 12-
point plan for the abolition of torture.
Amnesty International published its first educational pack: Teaching and Learning about Human
The International Council Meeting in Helsinki, Finland, made a decision to broaden the statute to
include work for refugees.
There were now more than half a million members, supporters and subscribers.
Amnesty International USA launched the Conspiracy of Hope rock concert tour with U2, Sting,
Peter Gabriel, Bryan Adams, Lou Reed, the Neville Brothers and others.
AI published a report which said that the death penalty in the USA is racially biased and
arbitrary and violated treaties such as the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment enters into force.
Human Rights Now! concert tour, featuring Sting and Bruce Springsteen, among others,
travelled to 19 cities in 15 countries and was viewed by millions when broadcast on Human
Rights Day.
Amnesty International published a major new study on the death penalty, When the State Kills.
The 1990s
Membership increased to 700,000 members in 150 countries, with more than 6,000 volunteer
groups in 70 countries.
Amnesty International’s 30th anniversary saw the organization broaden its scope to cover work
on abuses by armed opposition groups, hostage taking and people imprisoned due to their sexual
The UN Declaration on the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance was adopted.
Amnesty International launched the campaign for a permanent International Criminal Court.
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court was adopted in July 1998.
Amnesty International launched the Get Up, Sign Up! campaign to mark the 50th anniversary of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – 13 million pledges of support were collected.
A concert was held in Paris on Human Rights Day featuring Radiohead, Asian Dub Foundation,
Bruce Springsteen, Tracey Chapman, Alanis Morissette, Youssou N'Dour and Peter Gabriel,
with special appearances by the Dalai Lama and international human rights activists.
The United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders was adopted in March 1999.
Our International Council Meeting agreed to expand Amnesty International’s remit to include:
the impact of economic relations on human rights; empowering human rights defenders;
campaigning against impunity; enhancing work to protect refugees; and strengthening grassroots
The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination
against Women was adopted, meaning the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women can receive and consider complaints from individuals or groups.
2000-present day
In its 40th anniversary year, Amnesty International changed its Statute to incorporate, into its
mission, work for economic, social and cutlural rights thus committing itself to advance both the
universality and indivisibility of all human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration.
Amnesty International’s Stop Torture website won a Revolution Award, which recognised the
best in digital marketing.
The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of
children in armed conflict was adopted (the Convention on the Rights of the Child itself having
been adopted in 1959).
The 60th ratification of the Rome Statute took place, paving the way for the International
Criminal Court to come into force on 1 July 2002.
Amnesty International launched a campaign in the Russian Federation against the widespread
human rights abuses committed in a climate of impunity.
Amnesty International, Oxfam and the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)
launched the global Control Arms campaign.
Amnesty International launched the Stop Violence Against Women campaign.
Amnesty International launched the Make Some Noise campaign – music, celebration and action
in support of Amnesty International’s work. Yoko Ono made a gift to Amnesty International of
the recording rights to Imagine and John Lennon's entire solo songbook.
Amnesty International's report, Cruel. Inhuman. Degrades us all – Stop torture and ill-treatment
in the ‘war on terror’, challenged the claim that, in the face of terrorist threats, states need not be
bound by previously agreed human rights standards.
Amnesty International’s report, Partners in crime: Europe’s role in US renditions, detailed the
involvement of European states in US flights used to secretly seize and imprison terrorist
suspects without due process.
The millionth person to post a picture of himself on the Control Arms Million Faces web petition
calling for an Arms Trade Treaty presented the petition to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. A
further quarter of a million people signed the petition before the year was out.
Amnesty International and its partners in the Control Arms campaign achieved a major victory
when the UN voted overwhelmingly to start work on a treaty.
The UN adopted the International Convention For The Protection Of All Persons From Enforced
The United Nations General Assembly (GA) adopted the Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples.
Following intense campaigning by Amnesty International and its partners in the World Coalition
Against the Death Penalty, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Third Committee's 62nd session
adopted resolution L29 calling for a global moratorium on executions.
Amnesty International has more than 2.2 million members, supporters and subscribers in over
150 countries and territories in every region of the world.
Our people
Amnesty International’s International Executive Committee (IEC) is elected
democratically by our biennial International Council Meeting.
The IEC provides guidance and leadership for the Amnesty International movement worldwide
and meets regularly throughout the year.
The IEC members’ four-year terms are staggered, with half the members up for re-
election at each ICM. Each member is eligible for re-election for a maximum of two
consecutive terms.
The IEC may not include more than one member from any Amnesty International
national body or more than one member of Amnesty International from any country,
state or territory in which no Amnesty International body exists.
In 2009, the IEC decided to co-opt one additional member to serve as an IEC
member until the 2011 ICM, in accordance with the Statute of Amnesty
The IEC meets at least two times during any one year and in practice meets at least
four times a year.
The IEC's role is to provide guidance and leadership for the Amnesty International
movement worldwide. Its chief functions are set down by the statute and include to:
The IEC issues the wider Amnesty International movement with regular reports on
its priorities, deliberations and decisions and includes financial reports and budget
Salil Shetty joined Amnesty International as the organization’s eighth Secretary General in July
The Secretary General is the operational leader of the Amnesty International movement, acting
as the movement's chief political adviser and strategist, its chief spokesperson and the chief
executive officer of the International Secretariat. As such the Secretary General is responsible for
developing and coordinating Amnesty International's strategies to promote and protect human
rights, representing the movement to governments, inter-governmental and other organizations,
the worlds media and the general public. The Secretary General is appointed by and reports to
the International Executive Committee.
Salil Shetty is a renowned expert on human rights and poverty. Previously, Salil Shetty was the
Director of the United Nations Millennium Campaign from 2003 to 2010. During his time at the
United Nations, he played a pivotal role in building the global advocacy campaign for the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals - eight goals to fight poverty, illiteracy and
disease, agreed at the UN in September 2000, with specific targets to be achieved by 2015.
Through the Millennium Campaign, Salil Shetty was able to galvanise strong faith-based, civil
society, media, private sector and local government support for the achievement of the
Millennium Development Goals.
Prior to joining the U.N., Salil Shetty was the Chief Executive of ActionAid, an international
development NGO. As Chief Executive, from 1998 to 2003, Salil Shetty led the transformation
of ActionAid into a leading global campaigning and advocacy NGO. He rose to the position of
Chief Executive after 10 years as director of ActionAid India in Bangalore and then 3 years as
Director of ActionAid Kenya in Nairobi.
By the time he left, ActionAid had become the third largest international development NGO in
the UK and among the foremost poverty-focused NGOs in the world.
Salil Shetty first became involved in campaigning for human rights when growing up in
Bangalore, India. With his mother active with women’s groups and his father with the
Dalit movement, his home became a hub for local and national activists. From his student days
when a state of emergency was declared in 1976, Salil Shetty has been actively campaigning
against the curtailment of human rights.
An Indian national, Salil Shetty earned a distinction in a Masters of Science in Social Policy and
Planning from the London School of Economics and has a Masters in Business Administration
from the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad.