Key: (D) Sol: Horizontal Force Act On Vertical Surface: - ME - Objective Paper

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ESE 2017 |ME| Objective Paper

1. A section of a dam made of concrete, ρ = 2.6, total height = 35m, with topwalkway
width of 6m, is shown. The upstream bottom most point is called the Heel of the dam.
The sloped part ondownstream side is 3 vertical on 2 h orizontal. Water stands
till 2 m short of thetop of the dam section. The net resultant force acting on the base level of
the dam is nearly. 6m
2m ∇
(A) 1370 k kgf (B) 1385 k kgf
(C) 1400 k kgf (D) 1433 k kgf
Key: (D)
Sol: Horizontal force act on vertical surface Water on
upstream side 2
FH =ρghA 3
=1000 × 9.81 × 16.5 × ( 33 × 1) 2m
[∵1kgf = 9.81N ]
FH = 544.5K kgf
Weight of dam ( Fg ) = mg 2 Base width
Water on θ
Fg =ρ.∀.g upstream
θ 30m
1 
∀ = ( 6 × 35 ) +  × 20 × 30  FH
2 
∀ = 510m 3 Fg FR

So Fg = 2600 × 510 × 9.81=1326K kgf BaseWidth

( ) ( ) =1433K kgf
2 2
g + FH2

2.A Spherical water drop of 1 mm in diameter splits up in air into 64 smaller drops of equal size. The
surface tension coefficient of water in air is 0.073 N/m. The work required in splitting up the drop is
(A) 0.96×10-6 J (B) 0.69×10-6 J
(C) 0.32×10-6 J (D) 0.23×10-6 J
Key: (B) R
So, n =   ⇒ r = 1 3 =
(1 2 )
Sol: Given, ( 64 )
r  n
D =1mm ⇒ R = 1 2 mm
r =1 8mm
n = 64
Surface Energy before splitting, E1 = σ.4πR 2
σ = 0.073
Surface Energy after splitting, E 2 = 64 × ( σ.4πr 2 )
Volume before splitting = volume after splitting So, work require in splitting = E2–E1
4 3 4 = σ × 4π  64r 2 − R 2 
πR = n × πr 3
3 3
= 0.073 × 4 × 3.14
R = n×r
3 3

 − (1 2 ) 2 + 64 (1 8 ) 2  × (10−3 )
= 0.68 × 10−6 J
 
ESE 2017 |ME| Objective Paper

3.Consider the following statements pertaining

to stability of floating bodies:
1. A floating body will be stable when the centre of gravity is above the centre of buoyancy.
2. The positions of meta centres corresponding to different axes of rotation
are generally different for thesame floating object.
3. For cargo ships, the meta centric height varies with loading.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1 and 2 only (C) 1 and 3 only (D) 2 and 3 only
Key: (D)
Sol: Statement 1 is incorrect because stability of floating body is measured by metacenter
w.r.t center of gravity.
4. Water is coming out from a tap and falls vertically downwards. At the tap opening,
the stream diameter is 20 mm with uniform velocity of 2 m/s. Assuming steady inviscid
flow, constant pressure atmosphere everywhere, and neglecting curvature and
surface tension effects, the diameter of the stream 0.5m below the tap opening is nearly.
(A) 11.7 mm (B) 14.6 mm (C) 17.5 mm (D) 20.4 mm

Key: (B)
V1 = 2m / s
Sol: Apply Bernoulli’s equation between (1) & (2) apply continuity
P1 V12 P V2 equation between (1)&(2) 1 D1 = 20mm
+ + Z1 = 2 + 2 + Z2
ρg ρg ρg ρg A1V1 = A 2 V2 0.5m
P1 = P2 = Patm , V1 = 2 m s, Z1 − Z2 = 0.5m D V1 = D V2
2 2
1 2 D2
 V   4 

 + ( 0.5 )
V1 2
 =
2 V2
 D 2 = D1 = 20
 2 × 10   2 × 10  V2 3.74
V2 = 3.74 m s D 2 =14.6mm

5. C onsider the following statements regarding

Bernoulli’s equation:
1. It is assumed that no energy has been supplied.
2. The velocity of a steady stream of fluid flow will depend on the cross-sectional area of the stream.
3. Consider two sections 1 and 2 along a flow stream. In this reach, if q is work done by a pump, w is
work absorbed by turbine, ρ is density of water and g is acceleration of gravity, with p, v and z
carrying standard meanings, Bernoulli’s equation will read
p1 ν12 p ν2
+ + z1 = 2 + 2 + z 2 + w + g
ρ 2g ρ 2g
Which of the above statements are correct?
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1 and 3 only (C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1, 2 and 3
Key: (A)
Sol: Given that q is work done by a pump & also in third statement Bernoulli equation is wrong.
ESE 2017 |ME| Objective Paper

6. An oil flows through a pipe at a velocity of1.0 m/s. The pipe is 45m long and has150mm
diameter. What is the head loss dueto friction, if ρ = 869 kg / m3 and µ = 0.0814 kg / m s ?

(A) 0.61 m (B) 0.51 m (C) 0.41 m (D) 0.31 m

Key: (A)
VρD 869 ×1 × 0.15 =1601 < 2000 so laminar flow
Sol: Reynolds no. ( Re ) = =
µ 0.0814
32µ uL 32 × 0.0814 ×1 × 45
Head loss due to fluid friction in pipe ( h f ) = 2 hf = = 0.61m
( 0.15) × 869 × 9.81
D .ρ.g
h f = 0.61m

7. C onsider the following statements:

1. At low Reynolds numbers of any flow, viscous forces dominate over inertialforces.
2. Transition from laminar to turbulentflow occurs over a range of Reynolds numbers
depending on the surface presented to the flow.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only (C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2
Key: (C)
Sol: ∵ At low Reynold no. flow is laminar & depending upon the surface of flow, flow
changes from laminar to Turbulent for higher Reynold no.

8. In a steady laminar flow of a given discharge through a circular pipe of diameterD, the head loss is
proportional to
(A) D–1 (B) D–2 (C) D–3 (D) D–4
Key: (D)
Sol: Head loss, in a steady laminar flow, for a given discharge
hf = So, h f ∝ D −4
πD 4
9. A two dimensional flow field is defined as V = ix − jy. The equation of the stream line
passing through the point (1, 2) is
(A) xy + 2 =0 (B) x2y+2=0 (C) xy–2=0 (D) x2y–2=0
Key: (C)
Sol: Given, dx dy dx dy
 Streamlineequation, = =
v = xi − y j u v x ( −y) given x = 1, y = 2
So, u = x Intergrateequation, ln x = − ln y + lnc s o,c = 2 or xy = 2
v=− y xy = c so equation is xy − 2 = 0
ESE 2017 |ME| Objective Paper

10. Th e centre – line velocity in a pipe flow is 2m/s. What is the average flow velocity in the pipe if
the Reynolds number of the flowis 800?
(A) 2 m/s (B) 1.5 m/s (C) 1 m/s (D) 0.5 m/s.

Key: (C)
Sol: Given that centerline velocity = 2m/sec
v max 2
i.e., v max = 2m sec So, mean velocity v = =
2 2
∵Re = 800 < 2000 (∴Laminar flow ) v = 1m sec

38. Wh ich of the following statements are correct?

1. The specific speed of a turbine is the speed at which a homologous turbine develops 1
mhp under unit head at its maximum efficiency.
2. The specific speed is a dimensionless parameter used for the selection of turbines.
3. The function of guide vanes in reaction turbines is to minimize shock at entry ofthe fluid onto
the runner blades.
Select the correct answer using the code
given below.
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 2 and 3 only (C) 1 and 2 only (D) 1 and 3 only
Key: (A)

39. A centrifugal pump lifts 0.0125 m3/s of water from a well with a static lift of 30m. If the brake
power of the driving electric motoris 5 kW, what is the overall efficiency of the pump-set?
(A) 57.6% (B) 63.9% (C) 65.3% (D) 73.6%

Key: (D) ρ.g.Q.H m

Sol: Given, Overallefficiency ( ηo ) =
Discharge ( Q ) = 0.0125m3 sec 1000 × 9.81× 0.0125 × 30
H m = 30m 5 × 103
S.P = 5kW ηo = 0.736 ≈ 73.6%
ESE 2017 |ME| Objective Paper

42.A jet of water issues from a sharp-edged vertical orifice under a constant head of 0.51m.
At a certain point of the issuing jet,the horizontal and vertical coordinates measured from
vena contracta are 0.406 mand 0.085m, respectively. What is the value of the coefficient of
(A) 0.975 (B) 0.925 (C) 0.875 (D) 0.825
Key: (A)
Sol: Vact 3.08
Coefficient of velocity CV = So,CV = = 0.974
Vth 3.16
H = 0.51m
Vth = 2gH = 2 × 9.81 × 0.51 = 3.16 m s
y g  9.81  = 3.08m s
Vact = x = ( 0.406 )  
2y  2 × 0.085 
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I

40. Statement (I): Given a flow with velocity 32. Statement (I): Commercial airplanes save
 
field V,   V  0 if the flow is fuel by flying at higher altitudes during
incompressible. long trips.
Statement (II): Given a flow with velocity Statement (II): At higher altitudes, the
  ambient temperature and the Carnot

field V, .   V  0  efficiency are low.
Key: (D) Key: (B)
Sol: For incompressible flows .V  0. So, Sol: Commercial airplanes save fuel by flying a
statement 1 is wrong. higher altitudes during long trips so as to
For incompressible flows .V 0. So, minimize the drag forces.
statement 1 is wrong.
If any two vectors in the triple scalar 33. Statement (I): In a venturimeter, the
product are equal, then its value is zero: divergent section is much longer as
a.  a  b   a. b  a   a.  b  b   a.  a  a   0 compared to the convergent section.
 Statement (II): Flow separation occurs only in
Also,   V means vorticity or twice the the diverging section of the venturimeter.
angular velocity or twice rotational Key: (A)
component. Sol: In a venturimeter, the divergent section
.(  V)  0 This implies dot product of angle of divergence is less than 7o. The
vorticity is zero. diverging angle is never kept above 7o in
order to avoid flow separation.
42. If angle of contact of a drop of liquid is In diverging section, flow separation may
acute, then occur due to adverse pressure gradient, to
(A) Cohesion is equal to adhesion avoid this it is kept much longer then
(B) Cohesion is more than adhesion converging section.
(C) Adhesion is more than cohesion
(D) Both adhesion and cohesion have no 36. Statement (I): Non-dimensional performance
connection with angle of contact curves are applicable to any pump in the
Key: (C) homologous series.
Sol: Given,   90 Statement (II): Viscosity of water varies
with temperature causing cavitations on
Wetting of the surface takes place and
suction side.
adhesion is greater than cohesion.
Key: (C)
1. In a differential manometer, a head of 0.5 m Sol: Non-dimensional performance curves are
of fluid A in limb 1 is found to balance a applicable to any pump in the homologous
head of 0.3 m of fluid B in limb 2. The series; this is due to the reason that
atmospheric pressure is 760 mm of mercury. homologous means having same coefficients
The ratio of specific gravities of A to B is: namely
(A) 0.25 (B) 0.6 (C) 2 (B) 4 Q H
Capacity Coefficient: , Head Coefficient: and
Key: (B) ND3 ND
Sol: Given h a  0.5m, h b  0.3m P
Power Coefficient:
a gh a  b gh b N D5

which are basically non-dimensional

a 3
 a 0.5   b 0.3    0.6 parameters determining performance.
b 5
Viscosity of water decreases with
temperature and its pressure may not fall
below vapor pressure; hence cavitations
chance is less and may or may not occur.
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I
79. The oil with specific gravity 0.8, dynamic
100. The water level in a dam is 10m. The total viscosity of 8×10-3 Ns/m2 flows through a
force acting on vertical wall per metre smooth pipe of 100 mm diameter and with
length is: Reynolds number 2100. The average
(A) 49.05 kN (B) 490.5 kN velocity in the pipe is:
(C) 981 kN (D) 490.5 N (A) 0.21 m/s (B) 0.42 m/s
Key: (B) (C) 0.168 m/s (D) 0.105 m/s
Sol: Force acting on the wall by water Key: (A)
h Sol: Specific gravity (s) = 0.8
 F   A.x  9810  L  h  Density of oil  Po   e w  s  800kg / m 2
10 Dynamic viscosity     8  10 3 N  s / m 2
 9810  L  10 
Diameter = 100mm
F  50  9810  2
Reynolds number (Re) = 2100
Hydro static force per unit length on the
Average velocity (v) = ?
dam wall
We know that
VD 800  V  0.1
Re    2100
 8  103
61. A vacuum gauge fixed on a steam
2100  8  103
condenser reads 80 kPa vacuum. The V
barometer indicates 1.013 bar. The absolute 80
pressure in terms of mercury head is, nearly  210  103  0.21m / s
(A) 160 mm of Hg (B) 190 mm of Hg
(C) 380 mm of Hg (D) 760 mm of Hg 63. A 25 cm long prismatic homogeneous solid
Key: (A) floats in water with its axis vertical and 10
Sol: cm projecting above water surface. If the
Patm same solid floats in some oil with its axis
80 kPa
vertical and 5 cm projecting above the
Patm liquid surface, then the specific gravity of
the oil is
Pabs (A) 0.55 (B) 0.65 (C) 0.75 (D) 0.85
Key: (C)
Pvacuum  80kPa Sol:
10cm 5cm
Patm  1.013bar
Pabs  1.013  105  80  103 Pa  21300Pa water oil
15cm 20cm
m gh m  21300
h m  0.159m  160mm Let, s  density of solid
106. The condition for power transmission by w  density of water
flow through a pipeline to be maximum is A  Area of c / s, o  density of oil
that the loss of head of the flow due to
Case(i): s  gA  0.25   w  gA  0.15
friction throughout the pipeline length is:
(A) One-third of the total head at inlet end 5
s w ............(i)
(B) One-fourth of the total head at inlet end 3
(C) Three-fourth of the total head at inlet Case(ii): s  gA  0.25  o  gA  0.2
end 5
s  o ............(ii)
(D) One-half of the total head at inlet end 4
Key: (A) 4 5 o  w   750kg / m 3
 o    w
H 5 3 4
Sol: h L  for maximum power transmission.
3 3
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I
 3
Specific gravity is 0   0.75 66. A solid body of specific gravity 0.5 is 10 m
w 4 long 3m wide and 2m high. When it floats
64. Consider the following statements: in water with its shortest edge vertical, its
The increase in metacentric height metacentric height is:
1. Increases stability (A) 0.75m (B) 0.45 m
2. Decreases stability (C) 0.25 m (D) 0.15m
3. Increases comfort for passengers in a ship Key: (C)
4. Decreases comfort for passengers in a ship Sol: s  500kg / m3 , L  10m
Which of the above statements are correct? b = 3m, h = 2m
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 1 and 4
(C) 2 and 3 (D) 2 and 4
Key: (B) 2m
1m B  0.5m
2 3m
K g
Sol: T  2 10m
g  GM 
s gVs   w gV 'w
Where, Kg = least radius of gyration, GM =
500  10  3  2  1000  3  10  x '
metacentric height
 x '  1m I = least moment of inertia @ surface
If GM increases stability increases, but
hampers comfort. GM   BG  = volume of body submerged in water
65. An isosceles triangular lamina of base 1m 
and height 2m is located in the water in BG = distance between centroid to centre of
vertical plane and its vertex is 1m below the buoyancy
free surface of the water. The position of 10  33   0.5
  0.5 12
force acting on the lamina from the free 12  10  3  1
GM  0.25m
water surface is:
(A) 2.42 m (B) 2.33 m 67. For a steady two-dimensional flow, the
(C) 2.00 m (D) 1.33 m scalar components of the velocity field are
Key: (A) Vx = - 2x, Vy = 2y and Vz = 0. The
Sol: corresponding components of acceleration
1m ax and ay respectively are:
(A) 0 and 4y (B) 4x and 0
4  2m (C) 0 and 0 (D) 4x and 4y
h 1 m 3 G
3 Key: (D)
I Sol: u= - 2x
h cp  h  Gx
Ah v = 2y
 4 1  23 To find ax & ay
 1   
 3  36  1  2  1  4  u v
  a x  u  v  2x  2   0  4x
2  3 x x
 2.33  0.095  2.42m u v
a y  u  v  2y  2  0  4y
x x
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I

68. The velocity of flow from a tap of 12mm

 Total thrust force on bottom face ABFE
diameter is 8 m/s. What is the diameter of
of the tank
the jet at 1.5m from the tap when the flow
F1  Fb  Ax  b    h  F1    b    2b
is vertically upwards? Assuming that, the
jet continues to be circular upto the level. Hydro static thrust force on face BFGC
(A) 44 mm (B) 34 mm h h2
F2  Ax      h 
(C) 24 mm (D) 14 mm 2 2
Key: (D) F   b    h 2b
 1   1
Sol: Given, d1=12 mm, d2 =? F2     h  h h
V1=8m, h2=1.5m 2
70. A conical diffuser 3m long is placed
 2
vertically. The velocity at the top (entry) is
1.5m 4 m/s and at the lower end is 2 m/s. The
pressure head at the top is 2m of the oil
flowing through the diffuser. The head loss
1 in the diffuser is 0.4 m of the oil. The
12mm pressure head at the exit is:
V2 V2
P1  1  z1  P2  2  z 2 (A) 3.18 of oil (B) 5.21 of oil
2g 2g
(C) 7.18 of oil (D) 9.21 of oil
82 V2 Key: (B)
 0  2  1.5
2g 2g Sol:
V2  5.83m / s 1
Applying continuity 3m
 2
 d12  V1  d 22  V2
 d 2  14mm
E1  E 2  h L
99. A house-top water tank is made of flat  P1 V12   P2 V22 
plates and is full to the brim. Its height is  Z       hL
 g 2g   g 2g 
twice that of any side. The ratio of total
thrust force on the bottom of the tank to that 42 P2 22
3 2    0.4
on any side will be: 2g g 2g
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 0.5 P2 12
 5  0.4   5.2m of oil
g 20
Key: (C)
Sol: H G

D h

A B 

Let us take Height (h) = twice of any side

H = 2b
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I

p v2
71. Bernoulli’s equation   gZ 
 2
38. Statement (I): In a boundary layer formed
constant, is valid for:
by uniform flow past a flat plate, the
1. Steady flow
pressure gradient in the x direction is zero.
2. Viscous flow
Statement (II): In a boundary layer formed
3. Incompressible flow
by uniform flow past a flat plate, the
4. Flow along a streamline
pressure gradient in the y direction is
Which of the above are correct ?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1, 2 and 4
Key: (B)
(C) 1, 3 and 4 (D) 2, 3 and 4
Sol: Navier stokes- equation explains the
Key: (C)
statement I and II as hereby:
Sol: The assumptions of Bernoulli’s equation are
Boundary layer equations for a flat plate at
(i) Flow is along stream line
angle of attack of zero incidence in 2D
(ii) Flow is non viscous
steady, incompressible flow without effects
(iii) Steady flow
of gravity or other volumetric forces.
(iv) Incompressible flow
u v
(v) No energy interaction   0,
x y
95. The discharge through an orifice fitted in a
tank can be increased by: u u 1 dp e  2u 
u v   v 2 ,
(A) Fitting a short length of pipe to the x y  dx  y 
outside pe p
0 0
(B) Sharpening the edge of orifice x y
(C) Fitting a long length of pipe to the
(D) Fitting a long length of pipe to the
Key: (A)
Sol: An ori ce is a small aperture through which
the uid passes. The liquid from a tank is
usually discharged through a small ori ce at
its side. A drowned or submerged ori ce is
one which does not discharge into open
atmosphere, but discharge into liquid of the
same kind. The discharge through an ori ce
is increased by tting a short length of pipe 74. Two reservoirs connected by two pipe lines
to the outside known as external mouthpiece.
in parallel of the same diameter D and
The discharge rate is increased due to a
length. It is proposed to replace the two
decrease in the pressure at vena-contracta
pipe lines by a single pipeline of the same
within the mouthpiece resulting in an length without affecting the total discharge
increase in the effective head causing the
and loss of head due to friction. The
flow. a diameter of the equivalent pipe D in terms
H of the diameter of the existing pipe line,
H is:
A B 1
(A) 4.0 (B)  2  5
1 1
Pressure in an external mouthpiece
(C)  4  4 (D)  4  5
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I

Key: (D) Key: (D)

Sol: If pipes are parallel, Q  Q1  Q2 Sol: For a laminar flow through circular pipe
and h feq  h f1  h f 2 64
fLQ 2 fLQ12
 …(1) P fLV 2
12D5eq 12d 5 h 
g 2gD
if d1  d 2 so Q1  Q 2
LV 2  64 32  LV 2 32vL
or Q  2Q1   
R e  2gD VD  gD gD 2
 Deq  
by (1)   22/5 
 d  P  Vavg
75. A fluid jet is discharging from a 100 mm
nozzle and the vena contracta formed has a 77. The thickness of the boundary layer for a
diameter of 90 mm. If the coefficient of fluid flowing over a flat plate at a point 20
velocity of 0.98, then the coefficient of cm from the leading edge is found to be 4
discharge for the nozzle is: mm. The Reynolds number at the point
(A) 0.673 (B) 0.794 (adopting 5 as the relevant constant) is:
(C) 0.872 (D) 0.971 (A) 48400 (B) 57600
Key: (B) (C) 62500 (D) 77600
Sol: Given, CV=0.98, d1=100 mm, d2=90 mm, Key: (C)
A 5x  5x 
C c  vena Sol:    R ex   
A orifice R ex   
d2 90  90  5  20 
Cc  2
 
 10    250   62500
d 100  100
1  4 
Cd  CV .CC  0.98  0.9  0.9
 0.7938  0.794 78. What is the ratio of displacement thickness
to boundary layer thickness for a linear
76. Consider fully developed laminar flow in a
u y
circular pipe of a fixed length: distribution of velocity  in the
1. The friction factor is inversely u 
proportional to Reynolds number boundary layer on a flat plate, where δ is
2. The pressure drop in the pipe is the boundary layer thickness and u  is the
proportional to the average velocity of free steam velocity?
the flow in the pipe (A) 0.5 (B) 0.67 (C) 0.75 (D) 0.8
3. The friction factor is higher for a rough Key: (A)
pipe as compared to a smooth pipe Sol: Displacement thickness

4. The pressure drop in the pipe is 
y  y2   
proportional to the square of a average   *   1   dy   y      
  2  2 2
of flow in the pipe
* 1
Which of the above statements are correct ?    0.5
(A) 1 and 4 (B) 3 and 4  2
(C) 2 and 3 (D) 1 and 2
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I

114. The pressure at a point in water column 2. Some control of period of roll is
3.924 N/cm2. What is the corresponding possible if Cargo is placed further from
height of water? the centric line of ship
(A) 8 m (B) 6 m (C) 4 m (D) 2 m Reason: If cargo is placed further from
Key: (C) centric line of ship or during
Sol: Pressure (p) = 3.924 N/cm2 loading/unloading of cargo ships, changes in
We know that, P = gh metacentric height and sometimes least radius
of gyration changes (due to parallel axis
P 3.924  10 4 theorem for moment of inertia calculation).
h 
g 1000  9.81 Hence, control of period of roll is possible.
39.24 (Formula same as given for statement 1 ‘T’).
  4m
9.81 3. In warships and racing yachts,
 Height of water column  h   4m metacentric height will be larger than
other categories of ships
Reason: Warships and racing yachts,
103. Consider the following statements
especially racing yachts, are designed to be
pertaining to the metacentric height of
stiff; meaning the distance between the
ocean-going vessels:
centre of mass and the metacenter is very
1. Increase in the metacentric height reduces
large in order to resist the heeling effect of
the period roll
the wind on the sails. In such vessels, the
2. Some control of period of roll is possible
rolling motion is not uncomfortable because
if Cargo is placed further from the centric
of the moment of inertia of the tall mast and
line of ship
the aerodynamic damping of the sails.
3. In warships and racing yachts,
4. For ocean-going vessels, metacentric
metacentric height will be larger than
height is of the order of 30 cm to 120
other categories of ships
4. For ocean-going vessels, metacentric
Reason: In actual practice, an optimum
height is of the order of 30 cm to 120 cm
value of metacentric height is selected.
Which of the above statements are correct?
Ranges of recommended values for
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (B) 1, 2 and 3 only
different ships are as below-
(C) 1, 2 and 4 only (D) 3 and 4 only
Merchant Ships: 0.3 m to 1 m or 30 cm to
Key: (A)
100 cm.
Sol: 1. Increase in the metacentric height reduces
Sailing Ships: 0.45 m to 1.25 m or 45 cm to
the period roll.
125 cm.
K 2g War Ships: 1 m to 1.5 m or 100 cm to 150
Reason: T = 2π
g(GM) cm
Where, Kg = least radius of gyration, GM = River Crafts: Up to 3.5 m or 350 cm
metacentric height, T is Time Period.
If GM increases stability increases and
reduces the period of roll. This reduces
comfort and continues to give undue strains
to structure of ship also.
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I

43. A tank of length, breadth and height in the ratio of 2:1:2 is full of water. The ratio of hydrostatic
force at the bottom to that at any larger vertical surface is
(A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) 3
Key: (A)
fb gh lb b
Exp: l : b : h  2:1: 2   2 
fv 1
gh lh h
Area of bottom = l × b 2
Force on bottom surface (fb) = ρgh × l × b  2
Max surface Area of vertical wall = l × h 2
1 1
Force on larger vertical surface  f v    gh  h  l fV
3. A jet of water issues from a nozzle with a velocity of 20m/s and it impinges normally on a flat
plate moving away from it at 10m/s. If the cross section area of the jet is 0.01m2 and the density
of water is taken as 1000kg/m3, then the force developed on the plate will be
(A) 100N (B) 200N (C) 1000N (D) 2000N
Key: (C)

Exp: F  A Vrel

 A  V  U   103  0.01  20  10   1000N

2 2

4. A two dimensional velocity field is given by

V   x 2  y2  x  i   2xy  y  j
The convective acceleration at (x, y) = (1, 2) is
(A) 0 (B) 14 units (C) 2 units (D) None of the above
Key: (D)   
Exp:  V V V V
Net acceleration a   Ux  Vy  Wz
t x y z

temporal Convective acceleration


a conv  x 2  y 2  x   2x  1 ˆi  2yjˆ    2xy  y  2yiˆ   2x  1 ˆj
at point 1, 2 

   
a conv  2  3iˆ  4ˆj   2   4iˆ  ˆj  2  ˆi  5jˆ 

a conv  2 26
 10.2 units
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I
Jet supply line
 motive force 
5. Jet pumps are often used in process industry for their Diffuser
(A) Large capacity Atmospheric chamber
(B) High efficiency pressure Suction line

(C) Capacity to transport gases, liquids and mixtures of both

(D) None of the above
Key: (C)
Exp: A jet pump has no moving parts. A simple jet pump, consists of a jet supply line, a jet or nozzle, a
suction line, a suction chamber, a diffuser, and a discharge line.
In a jet pump, pumping action is created as a fluid (water, steam, or air) passes at a
high velocity through a nozzle and into a chamber that has an inlet and outlet opening.

Principle of a jet pump: Upon starting up, the rapidly moving jet fluid pushes on and gives
sufficient motion to the air (or whatever substance may be in the suction chamber) to carry it
out through the discharge line. Displacement of the air from the suction chamber creates a
partial vacuum within the suction chamber, causing fluid to flow through the suction line.
The fluid entering the chamber from the suction line is picked up by the high velocity fluid,
thus providing continuous pumping action. Eductor (a kind of jet pump) is designed to pump
large volumes of water and Portable educator used for emergency dewatering of a flooded

6. Mainly hydraulic turbines are used to drive the electrical alternators which require maintaining
the peripheral speed constant even at part load conditions to avoid the change in frequency of
electric power. The governing of the hydraulic turbine is done by
(A) Controlling the flow area (B) Controlling the Velocity
(C) Using the fly wheel (D) Combined control flow area and velocity
Key: (A)
Exp: Governors in hydraulic turbine only controls & maintains the impeller velocity as required, by
only controlling the flow through spear which controls the area (or dia) of penstock.


Governor Live Internet Based Classesö

ö IES-
v Leaders in IES Preparation v

ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I
7. The a hydraulic coupling
(A) The magnitudes of input and output torques are equal
(B) The magnitude of input torque is greater than output torque
(C) The magnitude of input torque is less than output torque
(D) The magnitude of input torque is negligible as compared to output torque
Key: (A)
Exp: Hydraulic Coupling
Hydraulic coupling is used to transmit power from driving to driven shaft which consists mainly
of two elements i.e. centrifugal pump impeller connected to driving shaft and a turbine wheel
runner on driven shaft.
Power = Torque * Angular Velocity

45. What is the specific gravity of a marble stone, which weighs 400 N in air, and 200 N in water? (g
= 10m/s2)
(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 2

Key: (D) s Vg  400 1  0.5  l
Exp: Weight of stone in air  s  V  g s
 s  l  Vg  200
Weight of stone in water  s Vg  l V  g s
 s  l  200 l

s 400
46. What is the intensity of pressure in the following SI units, when specific gravity of mercury is
13.6 and the intensity of pressure is 400 KPa?
(A) 0.3 bar or 4.077 m of water or 0.299 m of Hg
(B) 4 bar of 5.077 m of water or 0.399 m of Hg
(C) 0.3 bar or 5.077 m of water or 0.599 m of Hg
(D) 4 bar or 4.077 m of water or 0.299 m of Hg
Key: (D)
Exp: Given that pressure = 400 Kpa & Specific gravity = 13.6 h  2.99 m of
P  gh 400   w gh
400  13.6  9.81  h h
400 9.01
h  40.77 m of water
13.6  9.81
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I
47. Consider the following statements:
(1) If a small upward displacement is given to a floating body, it results in the reduction of the
buoyant force acting on the body
(2) A slight horizontal displacement does not change either the magnitude or the location of the
buoyant force
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) Both 1 and 2 (B) 1 only
(C) 2 only (D) Neither 1 nor 2
Key: (A)
Exp: Buoyancy force  lbhg
If body is displaced upward h decrease hence Buoyancy force decrease
If body is displaced in Horizontal direction h remain same hence Buoyancy force and its location
remain same.
48. State whether following flow field is physically possible?
y  3xy2  2x  y2 and v  x 2  2y  y3
(A) Possible for Steady, incompressible flow
(B) Possible for unsteady, incompressible flow
(C) Possible for steady, compressible flow
(D) Not possible Only we are interested is 2-D
Key: (A) Vx Vy
 0
x y
   Vx   Vy
 
 
  Vz   0
t x y z   
 3xy 2  2x  y 2    x 2  2y  y3 
Let e = constant (Incompressible) x y

 V Vy Vz  3y 2

 
 2  2  3y 2  0
0   x   0
 x y z  Hence it is only incompressible flow

49. A steady incompressible flow field is given by u  2x 2  y2 and v  4xy . The convective
acceleration along x-direction at point (1, 2) is
(A) 6 units (B) 24 units
(C) -8 units (D) -24 units
  2  1  4   4iˆ  8jˆ    8   4iˆ  4ˆj
Key: (C)    
V V
Exp: In 2-D convective acceleration  Vx  Vy  24iˆ  48jˆ  32iˆ  32ˆj
x y
 8iˆ  16ˆj
  
 2x  y  4xiˆ  4yjˆ    4xy   2yiˆ  4xjˆ 
2 2
   Convective acceleration is equal to (-8) units
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I
50. Consider the following remarks pertaining to the irrotational flow:
 2  2
(1) The Laplace equation of steam function   0 must be satisfied for the flow to be potential.
x 2 y22
   2
(2) The Laplace equation for the velocity potential   0 must be satisfied to fulfil the
x 2 y 2
criterion of mass conservation i.e., continuity equation.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1 only (B) Both 1 and 2
(C) 2 only (D) Neither 1 nor 2
Key: (B)
 2  2
 0 continuity eqn
x 2 y 2
 2  2
 0 potentialflow or Irrotationalflow
x 2 y 2
51. In a two dimensional incompressible fluid flow field, the steam function at a point P (2, 1) is
given by an expression   2xy. The value of velocity potential at P is
(A) 3 (B) 2.5 (C) 4 (D) 5
Key: (A)
      
d  d x 2  y 2 
Exp: d    dx    dy
 x   y  at point  2,1
  2x  dx   2y  dy 3

52. In a stream line steady flow, two points A and B on a steam line are 1m a part and the flow
velocity varies uniformly from 2 m/s to 5 m/s. What is the acceleration of fluid at B?
(A) 3m s 2 (B) 6m s 2 (C) 9m s 2 (D) 15m s 2
Key: (D) If flow is along the stream line V s  5  2
  
 s s 1
V 
aV V a B  5  3  15 m s 2
s 3
Since velocity varies linearly with distance s

54. The head loss in a sudden expansion from 8cm diameter pipe to 16cm diameter pipe in terms of
velocity V1 in the smaller pipe is
1  V12  3  V12  1  V12  9  V12 
(A)   (B)   (C)   (D)  
4  2g  16  2g  64  2g  16  2g 
Key: (D)
Exp: Sudden Expansion
V2   8   9  V2 
2 2 2
V2  A1  V2  1 
h1    1      1  h1   
  2g  4 
2g  A2  2g   16   16  2g 
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I

55. What is the ratio of momentum thickness to the boundary layer thickness  when the layer
velocity profile is given by
u  y 2
  ?
U   
(A) 0.133 (B) 0.333 (C) 0.166 (D) 0.136
Where u is velocity at height y above surface and U  is free stream velocity of flow.
Key: (C)
 
U  U     y  y  dy  2   1   1
Exp:     dy     
   0.166
 6
U  U   0  3 2
 

56. The boundary layer thickness at a given distance from the leading edge of a flat plate is
(A) More for lighter fluid
(B) More for denser fluid
(C) Less for denser fluid
(D) Less for lighter fluid
Key: (A) & (C)
Exp: *  Hence boundary layer thickness shall be more for lighter & less for denser fluid.

60. Consider the following statements pertaining to boundary layer on a flat plate:
(i) The thickness of laminar boundary layer at a distance x from the leading edge varies as x1/2
(ii) The thickness of turbulent boundary layer at a distance x from the leading edge varies as x4/5
(iii) Boundary layer is laminar when Reynolds number is less than 5 × 105
Which of the above statements are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1 and 2 only (C) 1 and 3 only (D) 2 and 3 only
Key: (A)
 4.91
Exp: Boundary layers thickness 
x R ex
Vx  1
1  4 For flat plate critical Reynolds number Re  5 105
 0.38 x  5 
 1
 x 5 Below thus volume it is laminar
 x V 5
 
 0.38 

x  Re  15
ESE’ 2016 |ME| Objective Paper-I

57. In laminar flow through a circular pipe, the discharge varies

(A) Linearly with fluid density
(B) Inversely with pressure drop
(C) Directly as square of pipe radius D 4 p
(D) Inversely with fluid viscosity 128 l
Key: (D) 1
Exp: Volume flow rate for fully developed laminar pipe flow 

58. A fluid is flowing over a flat plate. At distance of 8 cm from the leading edge, the Reynolds
number is found to be 25600. The thickness of the boundary layer at this point is
(A) 1.5mm (B) 2.5mm (C) 4.0mm (D) 5.0mm
Key: (B)
* 5x 58 or *  2.5 mm
Exp:     0.25 cm
Re 25600

59. Air is flowing over a flat plate with a free steam velocity of 24m/s, and its kinematic viscosity is
72 × 10-6 m2/s. If at a particular point, the Reynolds number is 30000, its location from the
leading edge is
(A) 0.05m (B) 0.07 m (C) 0.08m (D) 0.09m
Key: (D)
24  x
Velocity  x 3  104 
Exp: Reynold Number  Re x   72  106
Kinematives losely   x  0.09m

80. The laminar flow is characterized by Reynolds number which is

(A) Equal to critical value (B) Less than the critical value
(C) More than the critical value (D) Zero critical value
Key: (B)
Exp: Reynold number is a dimensionless quantity which comprises viscosity, density velocity &
geometry of flow which affect flow properly i.e.,
Re 

If it is lesser than critical value flow is laminar, if greater than critical value it may be transient or
turbulent depending on Range of Reynold number.
107. For a Fluid with Prandtl number Pr > 1, momentum boundary layer thickness
(A) Decreases rapidly compared to the thermal boundary layer thickness
(B) And thermal boundary layer thickness increases at the same rate
(C) Increases rapidly compared to the thermal boundary layer thickness
(D) And thermal boundary layer thickness decrease at the same rate
Key: (C)
Exp: If Pr  1, th  . This states that the momentum boundary layer thickness increases as compared
to thermal boundary layer thickness.

ESE 2014
1. Along the ‘triple line’ in a p–v diagram showing all three phases of water, which one of the
following statements is correct?
(A) A substance has the same pressure and temperature but different specific volume
(B) A substance has same temperature and specific volume but different pressure
(C) A substance has same specific volume and pressure but different temperature
(D) A substance has same specific volume, pressure and temperature
Key: (A)
Exp: P

Tripple point line

 pressure temp const
But volume  const

51. The pressure inside a soap bubble of 50mm diameter is 25 N/m2 above the atmospheric
pressure. The surface tension in soap film would be
(A) 0.156 N/m (B) 0.312 N/m (C) 0.624 N/m (D) 0.078 N/m
Key: (A)
Pd 25  50 103
Exp:    0.156 N / m
8 8

52. A Newtonian fluid is one which

(A) is viscous but incompressible
(B) has a linear relationship between the shear stress and the rate of angular deflection
(C) exhibits an increase in viscosity with increasing rate of deformation
(D) exhibits a decrease in viscosity with increasing rate of deformation
Key: (B) Exp: For newtonian fluids   which is linear relationship
ESE 2014 |ME| Objective Paper

53. Unlike the viscosity of liquids, the viscosity, of gases increases with increasing temperature.
This is due to
(A) Increased cohesive force between the molecules
(B) Increased momentum transfer in the molecules
(C) Decreased momentum transfer in the molecules
(D) Increase in both cohesive force and momentum transfer
Key: (B)
Exp: Viscosity of gases increases with increasing temperature due to increased momentum transfer
due to collision of gas molecules
55. When a dolphin glides through air, it experiences an external pressure of 0.75 m of mercury.
The absolute pressure on dolphin when it is 5 m below the free surface of the water is
(A) 0.10 N / mm2 (B) 0.5 N / mm2 (C) 1.0 N / mm2 (D) 0.15N / mm2
Key: (D)
P  gh  10  9.81 0.75 3.6  5   103  9.81  15.2  0.149 N / mm 2  0.15 N / mm 2
56. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(A) For a floating body, the stable equilibrium condition exists when position of metacentre
remains higher than the centre of gravity of the body
(B) For a floating body, the stable equilibrium condition exists when position of metacentre
remains lower than the centre of gravity of the body
(C) For a floating body, the neutral equilibrium condition exists when position of metacentre
remains higher than the centre of gravity of the body
(D) For a floating body, the unstable equilibrium condition exists when position of metacentre
remains higher than the centre of gravity of the body
Key: (A)
Exp: For stability of floating body, metacenter is higher than centre of gravity
  
57. A 2–D flow field is defined as V  ix  jy . The equation of streamline passing through the
point (1, 1) is
(A) xy  1  0 (B) xy  1  0 (C) xy  2  0 (D) xy  2  0
Key: (A)
dx dy xy  k at  x, y   1,1
Exp: 
x y xy  1  0
58. A flownet is a graphical representation of streamlines and equipotential lines such that these
(A) Intersect each other at various different angles forming irregular shaped nets
(B) Intersect each other orthogonally forming curvilinear squares
(C) Indicate the direction but not magnitude of vector
(D) Indicate the direction and magnitude of vector
Key: (B)
Exp: Stream lines and equipotential lines are orthogonal
ESE 2014 |ME| Objective Paper
59. Which one of the following statements is correct for the velocity potential?
(A) Existence of velocity potential is an indication of irrotational nature of the flow
(B) The velocity potential automatically satisfies the continuity equation
(C) Velocity potential can be defined only for 2–dimensional flow
(D) All of the above
Key: (A)
Exp: Velocity potential is defined for 3-D flow. And continuity is satisfied when velocity potential
satisfies poisson equation
60. Angle of diverging portion of the venturimeter is limited to 7°, because
1. Flow decelerates in the diverging portion and pressure increases in the downstream
direction. Hence, the fluid experience an adverse pressure gradient, if the divergence
angle is large
2. Flow separation takes place due to adverse pressure gradient when divergence angle is large
3. If the divergence angle is large, a negative pressure is created at the throat which obstructs
the flow of fluid
Which of the above reasons are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1 and 2 only (C) 1 and 3 only (D) 2 and 3 only
Key: (B)
Exp: For angle of diverging portion greater than 7° adverse pressure gradients are developed which
causes flow separation

61. V2  2.5 m / s

D2  300mm

V1  3m / s In the above layout of piping, what is the velocity in 200 mm diameter pipe?
D1  450 mm (A) 2.5 m/s (B) 5.55 m/s (C) 7.25 m/s (D) 9.56 m/s

Key: (D)
D3  200mm
Exp: Q1  Q2  Q3
3  4502  2.5  3002  V3  2002
V3  9.56 m / s
62. Bernoulli’s equation is applicable between any two points located in
(A) Rotational flow of an incompressible fluid
(B) Irrotational flow of compressible or incompressible fluid
(C) Steady, rotational flow of an incompressible fluid
(D) Steady, irrotational flow of an incompressible fluid
Key: (D)
Exp: Assumptions of Bernoulli’s equation
steady flow Irroational flow
incompressible fluid invisid fluid
ESE 2014 |ME| Objective Paper

63. Water flows through a smooth circular pipe of diameter D and length L because of a pressure
difference P across the length. The volume flow rate is Q and the flow is turbulent with
Reynolds number 105 . If the pressure difference is increased to 4P the volume flow rate
will be
(A) 2Q (B) A little more than 2Q
(C) A little less than 2Q (D) 4Q
Key: (A)
4fLV 2
Exp: hf   P
Q2  P
 P becomes 4P, then Q doubles
65. Consider the following statements pertaining to boundary layer on solid surfaces:
1. The boundary layer separation takes place if the pressure gradient is zero
 u 
2. The condition of boundary layer separation is    0
 y  y 0
3. Boundary layer on a flat plate is laminar if the Reynolds number is less than 5 105
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1 and 2 only (C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1 and 3 only
Key: (C)
Exp: Separation occurs when  0 , i.e., adverse pressure gradients.
66. For laminar flow through a round pipe, the shear stress
(A) Remains constant over the cross–section
(B) Varies linearly with the radial distance
(C) Must be zero at all points
(D) Varies parabolically with radial distance
Key: (B)
P r
Exp: Relation between shear stress and radial distance in laminar flow a pipe is given by  
x 2
Therefore linear variation with radial distance.
ESE 2014 |ME| Objective Paper



Consider flow of oil and water through a channel; the boundary conditions at the interface are
(A) Velocity and shear stress are continuous
(B) Shear stress is continuous and velocity is discontinuous
(C) Shear stress is zero and velocity is continuous
(D) Shear stress is zero
Key: (B) P1V1  P2 V2 Velocity discontinous
Exp: Interface boundary conditions du1 du
1.   2 2 , shear stress continuity
dy dy
68. Which one of the following statements is not correct in the context of laminar flow through a
(A) Shear stress is zero at the centre and varies linearly with pipe radius
(B) Head loss is proportional to square of the average flow velocity
(C) The friction factor varies inversely with flow Reynolds number
(D) No dispersion of die injected into the flow stream
Key: (B)
32 u L
Exp: hf  ; h f  u not u 2 B is correct option
69. Laminar flow between closely spaced parallel plates is governed by the consideration of
which one of the following pair of forces?
(A) Pressure and inertial forces (B) Gravity and inertial forces
(C) Viscous and inertial forces (D) Pressure and viscous forces
Key: (D)
P u
Exp: Laminar flow between closely spaced parallel plates is governed by the equation  ,
x y
Which is the balance of pressure and viscous forces.
ESE 2014 |ME| Objective Paper

73. Formation and collapse of vapour bubbles are believed to be the root cause for cavitations in
hydraulic turbines. Most favourable condition for the formation of bubbles is set in the
turbines at
(A) Penstock/Nozzle
(B) Guide vanes/Inlet of the runner
(C) Vanes receiving impact of jet
(D) Outlet of the runner/Entrance of the draft tube
Key: (D)
Exp: Formation of vapor bubbles is observed at Outlet of runner or entrance of the draft tube
because pressure is minimum at entrance
74. For fully developed laminar flow through a circular pipe with Reynolds number Re the
friction factor is
(A) Inversely proportional to Re (B) Proportional to Re
(C) Proportional to square of Re (D) Independent of Re
Key: (A)
64 1
Exp: f f 
Re Re
78. A pump is defined as a device which converts
(A) Hydraulic energy into mechanical energy
(B) Mechanical energy into hydraulic energy
(C) Kinetic energy into mechanical energy
(D) None of the above
Key: (B)
Exp: Pump converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy (in form of pressure energy)

79. The specific speed of a pump is defined as the speed of the unit of such a size that it
(A) Delivers unit discharge at unit head
(B) Requires unit power to develop unit head
(C) Delivers unit discharge at unit power
(D) Produces unit power with unit head available
Key: (A)
Exp: Specific speed is speed of geometrically similar pump which would deliver 1m3 / s as liquid
against 1m head.
82. A water jet 0.0015 m2 in area issues from a nozzle with 15 m/s velocity. It is made to impinge
perpendicular on to a plate that moves away from the jet with a velocity of 5 m/s. The force on
the plate due to this impact is
(A) 150 N (B) 1470 N (C) 340 N (D) 900 N
Key: (A)
Force on plate due to impact  F  A  v2  v1   103  0.0015 15  5  150 N
2 2
ESE 2014 |ME| Objective Paper

80. Negative slip occurs in reciprocating pumps, when delivery pipe is

(A) Long and suction pipe is short and pump is running at low speed
(B) Long and suction pipe is short and pump is running at high speed
(C) Short and suction pipe is long and pump is running at low speed
(D) Short and suction pipe is long and pump is running at high speed
Key: (D)
Exp: Negative slip occurs when delivery pipe is short, suction pipe is long and pump is running at
high speed.

81. Consider the following statements:

1. The wheel can be operated freely in air
2. Pressure at the exit of the nozzle is atmospheric
3. Pressure does not vary along the moving vanes
4. Change in direction of momentum imparts thrust over moving vanes
Which of the above statements are applied to impulse turbine?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 only (B) 1, 2 and 4 only (C) 3 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Key: (D)
Exp: As the water flows over the vanes, the pressure is atmospheric from inlet to outlet of the
Thrust over vanes is due to change in momentum of water jet
83. Consider the following statements with regard to hydraulic turbines:
1. Kaplan turbines are most efficient at part load operations
2. If n is the number of jets in a Pelton turbine, then the specific speed is proportional to n2
3. The flow ratio of Francis turbines are in the range of 0.1 – 0.3
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1 and 2 only (C) 1 and 3 only (D) 2 and 3 only
Key: (C)
Exp: Regarding hydraulic turbines
Kaplan turbines are most efficient at part load
Flow ratio of Francis turbine is in the range of 0.1-0.3
Specific speed  n
77. The ratio of power outlet of the pump to the power input to the pump is known as
(A) Mechanical efficiency (B) Static efficiency
(C) Overall efficiency (D) Manometric efficiency
Key: (C)
Power output as pump
Exp: Overall efficiency 0 
Power input to pump
ESE 2014 |ME| Objective Paper

105. Statement (I) : The coefficient of discharge for a mouthpiece is higher than that of
an orifice
Statement (II) : The discharge through an orifice varies as H1/2 whereas the
discharge through a mouthpiece varies as H2/3 (where H is the
head causing the flow in both cases).
Key: (C)
Exp: Statement II is false
108. Statement (I) : When a given body floats in different liquids, the volume
displaced will decrease with increase in the specific gravity of the
Statement (II) : The weight of the floating body is equal to the weight of the
volume displaced
Key: (A)
Exp: Both are correct
FB  Liq  Vol displaced  s  water  Vol. displaced
if s more  volume decreases
110. Statement (I) : A. small insect can sit on the free surface of a liquid though
insect’s density is higher than that of the liquid
Statement (II) : Liquids have viscosity
Key: (B)
Exp: Insect can sit over free surface because of surface tension forces.
Both statements are correct.
120. Statement (I) : An impulse turbine can run without change in its hydraulic
efficiency even if its casing is damaged
Statement (II) : An impulse turbine will not have draft tube
Key: (D)
Exp: Both statements are correct casing performs no hydraulic function

1. In a reciprocating pump, air vessels are used to

(A) smoothen the flow (B) reduce suction head
(C) increase delivery head (D) reduce acceleration head
Ans: (d)
ESE 2013 |ME| Objective Paper
2. Consider the following statements pertaining to centrifugal pumps:
1. The inlet to the impeller of a centrifugal pump is always axial, while the outlet may be
radial or inclined.
2. The impeller may be shrouded on both sides with an eye at the centre and vanes curved
3. Impeller of double entry type has a balanced radial thrust.
4. Un-shrouded and part shrouded impeller are used only where high efficiency is
Which of these statements are correct?
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (B) 1, 2 and 3 only
(C) 1, 2 and 4 only (D) 2, 3 and 4 only
Ans: (d)

3. A centrifugal pump is fully primed, but on starting it fails to deliver fluid. The probable
reasons are listed below:
1. Leaky foot valve or suction line
2. Suction head is very low
3. Insufficient motor speed
4. Damaged or closed delivery valve
Which of these reasons are correct?
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (B) 1, 2 and 3 only
(C) 2, 3 and 4 only (D) 1, 3 and 4 only
Ans: (d)

4. For a given centrifugal pump

(A) Head varies inversely as square of speed (C) Discharge varies directly as square of speed
(B) Discharge varies directly as speed (D) Power varies directly as fifth power of speed
Ans: (b)

5. A centrifugal pump is to discharge 0.118 m3 s at a speed of 1450 rpm against a head of 25m.
The impeller diameter is 25cm, its width at outlet is 5 cm and manometric efficiency is 75%.
The vane angle at outer periphery of impeller is
(A) 56.77C (B) 59.77C (C) 61.77C (D) 48.77C
Ans: (b)
6. A turbine is working under a head of 200m. The power developed by the turbine is 100
kW and discharge through the turbine is 0.125 m3/s. In such case, the ratio of unit power to
unit discharge for the turbine will be
(A) 4000 (B) 16000 (C) 160 x 103 (D) None
Ans: (a)

7. Two geometrically similar pumps are running at 1000 rpm speed (both). If one pump has
impeller diameter of 0.3m and discharges 20 LPM against 20 head, and the other pump
gives half of this discharges rate; calculate head and diameter of second pump
(A) 12.5 m and 0.12 m (B) 10.5 m and 0.12 m
(C) 10.5 m and 0.23 m (D) 12.5 m and 0.23 m
Ans: (d)
ESE 2013 |ME| Objective Paper
8. The component of torque converter that allows torque multiplication is
(A) Turbine (B) Impeller (C) Stator (D) Freewheel
Ans: (b)
46. In a differential manometer a head of 0.6 m of fluid A in limb 1 is found to balance a head of
0.3 m of fluid B in limb 2. The ratio of specific gravities of A to B is
(A) 2 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.3 (D) 0.18
Ans: (b)

47. The velocity at the exit of the pipe as shown in the above figure will be 5m

(A) 9.9 m/s (C) 17.1 m/s

(B) 14.0 m/s (D) 19.8 m/s

20 m

Ans: (a)

48. The centre of pressure of a plane submerged surface

(a) is a point on the submerged area at which the resultant hydrostatic force is supposed to act?
(b) should always coincide within the centre of submerged area
(c) should be at the centre of gravity of the plane surface
(d) is always below the centroid of area
Ans: (a)

49. A piece of metal of specific gravity 7 floats in mercury of specific gravity 13.6, what fraction
of its volume is under mercury?
(A) 0.5 (B) 0.4
(C) 0.515 (D) Fully immersed
Ans: (c)
50. The streamline equation passing through the point (2,3) will be (The two dimensional flow is
given by u = a and v = a)
(A) x + y = 1 (B) y = x + 1 (C) 2x + y = 1 (D) None
Ans: (b)

51. A right circular cylinder, open at the top, is filled with a liquid of specific gravity 1.2, and
rotated about its vertical axis at such a speed that half of the liquid spills out. The pressure at
the centre of the bottom is
(A) Zero
(B) one-fourth its value when the cylinder was full
(C) one-third its value when the cylinder was full
(D) three-fourth its value when the cylinder was full
Ans: (a)
53. The velocity potential function in a two dimensional flow field is given by   x 2  y2 . The
magnitude of velocity at point P (1, 1) is
(A) Zero (B) 2 (C) 2 2 (D) 8
Ans: (c)
ESE 2013 |ME| Objective Paper

52. Consider the following statements about velocity potential:

1. Velocity potential is a vector function similar to stream function
2. It is a fully three dimensional function and not limited to two coordinates.
3. Velocity potential does not exist at stagnation points
4. Velocity potential exists only if the flow is irrotational
Which of the statements are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1, 2 and 4 (C) 1, 3 and 4 (D) 2, 3 and 4
Ans: (d)

54. A tube is used (as shown in the above figure) as a siphon to discharge an oil of specific
gravity 0.8 from a large open vessel into a drain at atmospheric pressure. The velocity of oil
through the siphon will be
(A) 1.5 m/s (C) 8.8 m/s 1.5m

(B) 6.7 m/s (D) 10.4 m/s 1.5m

Ans: (d) A


55. Water flows through a vertical contraction from a pipe of diameter d to another of
diameter of . Inlet velocity at inlet to contraction is 2 m/s and pressure 200 kN/m2. If
height of contraction measures 2m, the pressure at exit of contraction will be nearly to
(A) 192 kN/m2 (B) 150 kN/m2 (C) 165 kN/m2 (D) 175 kN/m2
Ans: (b)

56. In flow through a pipe, the transition from laminar to turbulent flow does not depend on
(A) density of fluid (B) length of pipe
(C) diameter of pipe (D) velocity of the fluid
Ans: (b)

57. A 0.20 m diameter pipe 20 km long transports oil at a flow rate of 0.01m3/s. Calculate
power required to maintain flow if dynamic viscosity and density of oil is 0.08 Pas
and 900 kg/m3 respectively.
(A) 4.064 kW (B) 3.074 kW (C) 5.064 kW (D) 4.074 kW
Ans: (d)

58. Pressure loss for laminar flow through pipeline is dependent

(A) Inversely on flow of velocity (C) Directly on length of pipe
(B) Directly on square of pipe radius (D) Inversely on viscosity of flowing Medium
Ans: (c)
ESE 2013 |ME| Objective Paper

82. A 70 kg person walks on snow with a total foot implint area of 500 cm2
he exert on snow?
(A) 0.5 kPa (B) 12.5 kPa (C) 13.73 KN/m2 (D) 137.3 kN/m2
Ans: (c)
95. Statement (I) : In a fluid, the rate of deformation is far more important than the total
deformation itself.
Statement (II) : A fluid continues to deform so long as the external forces are
Ans: (a) applied.

98. Statement (I) : Cavitation occurs at the entrance of the turbine while it occurs at the
exit of the pump.
Statement (II) : In both the cases local pressure at these points falls below the vapour
Ans: (d) pressure of the flowing liquid.

14. By integrating Euler equation between two section 1 and 2 for flow of an incompressible in
viscid fluid through a pipe, we get
(A) steady flow energy equation (B) Bernoulli equation
(C) continuity equation (D) variable flow equation
Ans: (b)
65. At what depth below the free surface of oil having a density of 784kg / m3 will the pressure
be very nearly equal to 1 bar?
(A) 10 meters (B) 14 meters (C) 13 meters (D) 7.84 meters
Ans: (c)
66. The vapour pressure is the characteristic fluid property involved in the phenomenon of
(A) water hammer in a pipe flow (C) rise of sap in a tree
(B) cavitation (D) spherical shape of rain water drop
Ans: (b)
67. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists:
List-I (Fluids) List-II (Viscosity equal to)
a. Ideal fluid 1. Zero
b. Newtonian fluid 2. Non-zero
c. Inviscidc fluid du
3. 
d. Real fluid
(A) a(1), b(2), c(3), d(2) (B) a(2), b(3), c(3), d(1)
(C) a(1), b(3), c(1), d(2) (D) a(2), b(3), c(1), d(2)
Ans: (c)
ESE 2012 |ME| Objective Paper
69. The resultant of all normal pressures on a body immersed in liquid acts
(A) through the centre of gravity of the body (C) vertically upwards
(B) through the centre of pressure (D) at metacentre
Ans: (b)
70. A bucket of water is hanging from a spring balance. An iron piece is suspended into water
without touching any of the sides of bucket from another support. The spring balance reading
(A) increase (C) remain the same
(B) decrease (D) depend on the depth of immersion
Ans: (c)
71. The depth of centre of pressure of a rectangular lamina immersed vertically in water up to a
height h is given by
h h h 2h
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 4 2 3
Ans: (d)
72. A piece of wood of volume V and specific gravity 0.87 floats on the surface of a liquid of
specific gravity 1.31. The portion of the body which is submerged in the liquid will be
(A) 0.335V (B) 0.665V (C) 0.87V (D) 0.13V
Ans: (b)
73. During floods, water entered an office having wooden tables. The position of tables, if
floating, will be
(A) legs downwards (B) legs on sides (C) legs upwards (D) any position
Ans: (c)

74. The Lagrangian description of fluid motion is analogous to

(A) control volume analysis (B) transient analysis
(C) system analysis (D) None of the above
Ans: (a)
75. The flow in a pipe whose valve is being opened or closed gradually is an example of
(A) steady flow (B) nonsteady flow
(C) steady uniform flow (D) steady no uniform flow
Ans: (b)
78. A steady irrotational flow of an incompressible fluid is called
(A) streamline flow (B) creeping flow (C) shear flow (D) potential flow
Ans: (d)
80. The piezometric head is the summation of
(A) velocity head and pressure head (C) elevation head and velocity head
(B) pressure head and elevation head (D) velocity head, pressure head and elevation head
Ans: (b)
ESE 2012 |ME| Objective Paper
81. A venturi meter is a device based on the Bernoulli principal and is used for measuring
(A) velocity (B) pressure drop (C) total head (D) flow rate
Ans: (d)
83. The Reynolds number of a fluid flowing over a flat plate at a distance of 16cm from the
leading edge is 25600. The thickness of the boundary layer at this point will be
(A) 5mm (B) 7.5mm (C) 10mm (D) 10.5mm
Ans: (a)
84. Boundary layer separation is caused due to
(A) laminar flow changing to turbulent flow (C) reduction in pressure to vapour pressure
(B) velocity gradient being zero at the wall (D) decrease in boundary layer thickness to a negligible value
Ans: (b)
85. A flat plate of 4m length is kept parallel to air flowing at 5 m/s at 15C. Assuming the
density of air to be 1.2kg / m3 and dynamic viscosity to be 1.76 105 kg / m  s, and
knowing that the flow becomes turbulent when Reynolds number exceeds 5 105 , the flow
will become turbulent at
(A) 1.25m (B) 1.47m (C) 1.52m (D) 1.74m
Ans: (c)
86. Which of the following factors determine the friction for turbulent flow of incompressible
fluids in a rough pipe?
(A) Froude number and Mach number (C) Reynolds number and relative roughness
(B) Mach number and relative roughness (D) Froude number and relative roughness
Ans: (c)
87. Principles of similitude form the basis of
(A) performing acceptance tests (C) comparing similarity between design and actual equipment
(B) comparing two identical equipments (D) design and testing models of prototype based on results of models
Ans: (d)
93. The preferred type of pump for small discharge and high heads is
(A) centrifugal type (B) reciprocating type
(C) axial-flow type (D) radial-flow type
Ans: (b)
94. The specific speed of a hydraulic turbine depends upon
(A) speed and power developed (C) speed and head of water
(B) discharge and power developed (D) speed, power developed and head of water
Ans: (d)

95. When a hydraulic turbine is operated, it is found that it has high design efficiency and this
efficiency remains constant over a wide range of regulation from the design condition. The
turbine is
(A) Francis turbine (B) Propeller turbine
(C) Pelton turbine (D) Kaplan turbine
Ans: (d)
ESE 2012 |ME| Objective Paper
96. The specific speed Ns  3
for a double-suction pump is to be evaluated. The discharge
would be taken as H 4

(A) half the actual discharge (B) actual discharge

(C) double the actual discharge (D) square the actual discharge
Ans: (a)
97. An adjustable blade propeller turbine is called as
(A) Bank turbine (B) Pelton turbine
(C) Kaplan turbine (D) Francis-pelton turbine
Ans: (c)
98. The pump preferred to be used for pumping highly viscous fluids belongs to the category of
(A) Screw pump (B) Turbine pump
(C) Plunger pump (D) Centrifugal pump
Ans: (a)
108. In a compressible fluid flow field, the Mach number indicates the ratio of
(A) viscous force to elastic force (B) inertia force to elastic force
(C) inertia force to viscous force (D) viscous force to gravity force
Ans: (b)
114. Statement (I)
The pressure drop in circular ducts is less when compared to that in equivalent rectangular
Statement (II)
The mean velocity in a rectangular duct will be less than that in its circular equivalent.
Ans: (a)
115. Statement (I)
The hydraulic power transmitted by a pipe through certain distance by means of water under
pressure will be maximum when the loss of head due to friction over this distance is one-third
of total head supplied.
Statement (II)
The average velocity of flow should be less than the critical velocity which corresponds to the
laminar flow.
Ans: (b)
116. Statement (I)
Hydraulic jump is similar to normal shock in gases where supersonic flow becomes subsonic
across the shock plane resulting an increase in pressure
Statement (II)
In hydraulic jump, the Froude number is less than one and the sub critical flow changes to
supercritical across the jump.
Ans: (c)
ESE 2012 |ME| Objective Paper
120. Statement (I)
Radial-flow machines are used mainly for pumps where multistaging will be useful to
increase the delivery head.
Statement (II)
Axial-flow pumps are useful where the head is low and discharge is large.
Ans: (b)
14. The boundary layer separation occurs when
(A) Pressure gradient is positive (B) Pressure gradient is zero
(C) Pressure gradient is negative (D) None of the above
Ans: (d)
52. The centre of pressure of an inclined surface area
(A) Lies below the centroid of the surface (C) Lies above the centroid of the surface
(B) Coincides with the centroid (D) None of these
Ans: (a)
53. Newton’s law viscosity relates
(A) Velocity gradient and rate of shear strain (C) Shear deformation and shear stress
(B) Rate of shear deformation and shear stress (D) Pressure and volumetric strain
Ans: (b)
54. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
List - I List - II
(P) Capillarity (1) Cavitation
(Q) Vapour pressure (2) Density of water
(R) Viscosity (3) Shear forces
(S) Specific gravity (4) Surface tension
(A) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4 (B) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2
(C) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4 (D) P-4, Q-1, R-3, S-2
Ans: (d)
56. With increase in pressure, the bulk modulus of elasticity
(A) Increases (B) Decreases
(C) Remains constant (D) Increases and then decreases
Ans: (c)
57. Calculation of meta-centric height of a floating body involves second moment of area. The
axis about which this moment is to be calculated passes through the
(A) Top horizontal surface of the body (B) Bottom horizontal surface of the body
(C) Centre of gravity of the body (D) Centre of buoyancy
Ans: (a)
ESE 2011 |ME| Objective Paper
58. The pressure in Pascal corresponding to 3 cm column of Mercury is
(A) 7988.6 (B) 3994.3 (C) 2662.8 (D) 1331.4
Ans: (b)
59. Pascal’s law states that pressure at a point is equal in all directions in a
(A) Liquid at rest (B) Fluid at rest
(C) Laminar flow (D) Turbulent flow
Ans: (b)
60. As a ship enters into a river from sea, one can expect that
(A) It rises a little (B) It sinks a little
(C) It remains at the same level (D) Its level depends on the material used for construction
Ans: (b)
61. The buoyancy force is
(A) Equal to volume of liquid displaced
(B) Force necessary to maintain equilibrium of a submerged body
(C) The resultant force acting on a floating body
(D) The resultant force on a body due to the fluid surrounding it
Ans: (d)
62. The submerged body will be in stable equilibrium if the centre of buoyancy B
(A) Is below the centre of gravity G (B) Coincides with G
(C) Is above the meta-centre M (D) Is above G
Ans: (d)
63. The stability of a floating body is obtained when its
(A) Centre of gravity is below the centre of buoyancy
(B) Meta-centric height is negative
(C) Meta-centric height is positive (D) Meta-centric height is zero
Ans: (c)
64. If flow conditions satisfy ‘Laplace equation’ then
(A) Flow is rotational
(B) Flow does not satisfy continuity equation
(C) Flow is irrotational but does not satisfy continuity equation
(D) Flow is irrotational and satisfies continuity equation
Ans: (d)
65. The stream function of a two-dimensional flow is   2xy . The flow is
(A) Rotational (B) Irrotational
(C) Vortex flow (D) Unsteady pulsating flow
Ans: (b)
68. The flow past the cylinder with the vortex motion causes a net transverse motion. This
transverse force is known as
(A) Magnus effect (B) Robins effect
(C) D’Alembert’s Paradox (D) Rankine doublet
Ans: (a)
ESE 2011 |ME| Objective Paper
66. Consider the following statements pertaining to kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow:
(1) For   x 2  y2 , velocity at (1, 1) is 2 2 .
(2) For all types of flow, stream and potential functions exist.
(3) Bernoulli’s equation is not valid for real fluid flow.
Which of these statements are correct?
(A) 1,2 and 3 (B) 1 and 2 only (C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1 and 3 only
Ans: (d)
67. For an irrrotational motion
(A) The fluid element does not undergo any shear
(B) The fluid particles do not undergo a circular motion
(C) The circulation around any path is zero
(D) The viscosity may not be zero
Ans: (c)
69. The conditions is which Bernoulli’s equation applies are
(1) The flow must be inviscid
(2) The fluid may be compressible or incompressible
(3) The flow must be steady
(4) There should be only one stream line in the flow
(A) 1,2,3 and 4 (B) 1,2 and 3 only
(C) 1,3 and 4 only (D) 2,3 and 4 only
Ans: (c)
70. A pump, having an efficiency of 90%, lifts water to a height of 155 m at the rate of 7.5m3/s.
The friction head loss in the pipe is 13m. The required pump power, in kW, will be
(A) 13,730 (B) 1,373 (C) 137.3 (D) 13.73
Ans: (a)
71. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
List – I List – II
(P) Rotameter (1) Vena contracta
(Q) Venturimeter (2) Tapering tube
(R) Orifice-meter (3) Convergent-divergent
(S) Flow nozzle (4) Bell mouth entry
(A) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2 (B) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
(C) P-4, Q-1, R-3, S-2 (D) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4
Ans: (b)
72. Which one of the following instruments is a rate meter?
(A) Disk meter (B) Hot wire anemometer
(C) Pitot tube (D) Venturimeter
Ans: (b)
ESE 2011 |ME| Objective Paper

73. Navier – Stokes equations are useful in the analysis of

(A) Turbulent flows (B) Vortex flows
(C) Viscous flows (D) Rotational flows
Ans: (c)
74. In an experiment to determine the rheological behaviour of a material, the observed relation
du  du 
between shear stress,  , and rate of shear strain, , is   o  c   . The material is
dy  dy 
(A) A Newtonian fluid (B) A thixotropic substance
(C) A Bingham plastic (D) An ideal plastic
Ans: (c)
75. The measurement of flow rate in a pipe is done by a combination of venturimeter and
(A) V-notch (B) Pitot tube (C) Orifice-meter (D) Manometer
Ans: (d)
76. The loss of head due to sudden enlargement is attributed to
(A) Viscosity of fluid (B) Generation of heat
(C) Roughness of pipe (D) Production and dissipation of turbulent energy
Ans: (d)
77. A thin plate has been placed parallel to flow direction. The relative magnitude of friction and
pressure drags will be
(A) Negligible friction as well as pressure drag
(B) Negligible pressure drag and maximum friction drag
(C) Maximum pressure drag and negligible friction drag
(D) Pressure drag equals the friction drag
Ans: (b)
78. For laminar flow through a pipe, the discharge varies
(A) Linearly as the diameter (C) As the inverse of viscosity
(B) Inversely as the square of diameter (D) Inversely as the pressure gradient
Ans: (c)
79. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer using the code given below the
List – I List – II
(P) Coaxial cylinder viscometer (1) Hagen Poiseulle equation
(Q) Capillary tube viscometer (2) Stokes law
(R) Saybolt viscometer (3) Newton’s law of viscosity
(S) Falling sphere viscometer (4) Efflux viscometer
(A) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3 (B) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2
(C) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-3 (D) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2
Ans: (b)
ESE 2011 |ME| Objective Paper
81. For a given discharge in a channel at critical depth
(A) The specific energy is minimum (B) The specific energy is maximum
(C) The total energy is minimum (D) The total energy is maximum
Ans: (a)
82. Flow takes place at Reynolds number of 1500 in two different pipes with relative roughness
of 0.001 and 0.002. The friction factor
(A) Will be higher in case of pipe with relative roughness of 0.001
(B) Will be higher in case of pipe with relative roughness of 0.002
(C) Will be same in both pipes
(D) In the two pipes cannot be compared on the basis of data given
Ans: (c)
83. Weber number is ratio of square root of inertia force to
(A) Surface tension force (B) Gravity force
(C) Pressure force (D) Viscous force
Ans: (a)
86. Air vessels are used in reciprocating pumps in order to
(A) Increase the delivery head (B) Reduce suction head
(C) Minimize delivery head fluctuation (D) Reduce accelerating head
Ans: (c)
87. A reciprocating water pump delivers 100 litres of water per second against a suction head of
5 m and a delivery head of 15 m. The power required to drive the pump is near about
(A) 10 kW (B) 15 kW (C) 20 kW (D) 25 kW
Ans: (c)
88. In a reaction turbine
(A) It is possible to regulate the flow without loss
(B) It must be placed at the foot of the fall and above the tail race
(C) Work done is purely by the change in the kinetic energy of the jet
(D) Only part of the head is converted into velocity before the water enters the wheel
Ans: (d)
89. A Kaplan turbine is a
(A) Outward flow reaction turbine (B) Inward flow impulse turbine
(C) Low head axial flow turbine (D) High head mixed flow turbine
Ans: (c)
90. Which of the following hydraulic turbines are reaction turbines?
(1) Francis (2) Kaplan (3) Propeller
(A) 1,2 and 3 (B) 1 and 2 only (C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1 and 3 only
Ans: (a)
ESE 2011 |ME| Objective Paper

108. Assertion (A) : In fluid system model studies, a simple scaling-up of measurements
made on the model may not yield results accurately corresponding to
the prototype.
Reason (R) : Surface tension forces may be relatively much more significant in the
Ans: (b) model than in the prototype.

109. Assertion (A) : In non-Newtonian fluids, the shear stress at any point is not a linear
function of normal distance from the surface.
Reason (R) : This behaviour usually arises because the fluid molecules are very
large, like polymers or proteins.
Ans: (c)
110. Assertion (A) : The mercury level inside the tube shall rise above the level of mercury
Reason (R) : The cohesive force between the molecules of mercury is greater than
the adhesive force between mercury and glass.
Ans: (d)

111. Assertion (A) : At great depth, the vertical distance between the centre of pressure and
the centre of area of immersed surface become negligible.
Reason (R) : The depth of centre of pressure of any immersed surface is independent
of the density of the liquid.
Ans: (b)

112. Assertion (A) : Increasing the meta-centric height gives greater stability, but reduces
the period of roll, so that the vessel is less comfortable for passengers.
Reason (R) : Warships and racing yachts have larger meta-centric height as their
stability is more important than comfort.
Ans: (b)
113. Assertion (A) : After the fluid downstream of the orifice plate has re-established, it
will return to the same pressure that it had upstream of the orifice plate.
Reason (R) : According to Bernoulli’s theorem with usual assumptions, for flow
between two points, the sum of kinetic, potential and pressure energies
Ans: (d) remain constant.
118. Assertion (A) : A draft tube is used to reduce the pressure at the runner exit in order in
get the increased value of working head
Reason (R) : A portion of the exit kinetic energy is recovered which otherwise goes
waste to the tail race.
Ans: (a)

2. A jet of oil with relative density 0.7 strikes normally a plate with a velocity of
10 m/s. The jet has an area of 0.03 m 2 . The force exerted on the plate by the jet is
(A) 210 N (B) 2.1 kN (C) 20.6 kN (D) 206 N
Ans: (b)
ESE 2010 |ME| Objective Paper
10. An oil of kinematic viscosity 0.5 stoke is flowing through a pipe of 5 cm diameter. The flow
through the pipe becomes critical at a velocity of
(A) 0.2 m/s (B) 2 m/s (C) 2.5 m/s (D) 4 m/s
Ans: (b)
13. The head loss in a sudden expansion from 6 cm diameter pipe to 12 cm diameter pipe, in
terms of velocity V1 in the smaller diameter pipe is
3 V12 5 V12 7 V12 9 V12
(A)  (B)  (C) . (D) 
16 2g 16 2g 16 2g 16 2g
Ans: (d)
14. Consider the following statements regarding turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate with zero
pressure gradient:
1. The thickness of the boundary layer increases approximately as the power of the
distance from the leading edge.
2. The shear stress at the boundary is approximately inversely proportional to the square
root of the local Reynolds number.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) Both 1 and 2 (B) Neither 1 nor 2 (C) 1 only (D) 2 only
Ans: (c)
15. Air (density 1.2 kg/m3 and kinematic viscosity 15 centistokes) flows over a flat plate at zero
angle of incidence, at a velocity of 20 m/s. If Reynolds number at transition is taken as 2.5 x
105, maximum distance, from leading edge up to which the boundary layer remains laminar,
(A) 375 mm (B) 93.75 mm (C) 187.5 mm (D) 250 mm
Ans: ( c)

50 cm

SA  0.8 125 cm

mercury 
SB  13.6
(Where SA and SB are the specific gravities of the two fluids)
What is the absolute pressure at A measured by an open tube manometer as in the figure
above? Assume atmospheric pressure as 103 kN/m2
(A) 78.5 kN/m2 (B) 180 kN/m2 (C) 1030 kN/m2 (D) 103 kN/m2
Ans: (b)
ESE 2010 |ME| Objective Paper

17. The discharge, over a rectangular weir of width 100 m when the head of water over the weir
is 1.5 m and the head due to velocity of approach is 0.02 m, is given by
(A) 842.5 m3/s (B) 653.4 m3/s (C) 814.5 m3/s (D) 552.5 m3/s
Ans: (d)
18. In similitude with gravity force, where equality of Froude number exists, the velocity ratio

(B)  Lr  (D)  Lr 
1 3
(A) 1.0 2
(C) 1 2
Where Lr = ratio of model to prototype linear dimension.
Ans: (b)

xy3 x3 y
19. The velocity potential function is given by an expression     x2   y2 . The
3 3
velocity component in x direction is
x3 y3
(A) xy 2   2y (B)  2x  x 2 y
3 3
(C) 3x 2 y  2x  xy2 (D) x 3 y2  2x 2  y2 x
Ans: (b)
24. Stream and velocity potential functions for a 2D flow field given by u = 2x and
v = -2y are
(A)   2xy,   x 2  y2 (B)   x 2  y2 ,   2xy
(C)   x 2 y2 ,   x 2  y2 (D)   x 2  y2 ,   x 2 y2
Ans: (a)
25. The stream function in a two-dimensional flow field is given   x 2  y2 . Then the
magnitude of velocity at point (1, 1) is
(A) 2 (B) 2 2 (C) 4 (D) 8
Ans: (b)
27. Consider the following:
The components of velocity u and v along X and Y directions in a 2D flow problem of an
incompressible fluid are
(1) u  x 2 cos y; v  2x sin y (3) u  xyt; v  x 3  y2 t / 2
(2) u  x  2; v  1  y (4) u  ln x  y; v  xy  y / x
Which of these will satisfy the continuity equation?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 only (B) 1, 2 and 4 only
(C) 2, 3 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Ans: (a )

21. The velocity potential in a flow field is   2xy . The corresponding value of stream function
(A) y 2
 x 2   cons tan t (B) x 2
 y2   cons tan t

 x  y2   cons tan t
1 2
(D) 2  x  y   cons tan t
Ans: (a)
ESE 2010 |ME| Objective Paper

31. The components of rotation for a three-dimensional flow field

V   y2  z2  ˆi   x 2  z 2  ˆj   x 2  y2  kˆ at (1,2,3) are

(A) w x  1 rad / s, w y  2 rad / s, w z  1 rad / s

(B) w x  1 rad / s, w y  1 rad / s, w z  2 rad / s

(C) w x  2 rad / s, w y  1 rad / s, w z  2 rad / s

(D) w x  2rad / s, w y  2 rad / s, w z  1 rad / s

Ans: (a)
39. Consider the following statements:
1. Piezometer is used to measure small variation of pressure above of below ambient
2. Thixotropic fluid exhibits decrease in viscosity with time.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1 only (B) 2 only (C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: (c)
45. Consider the following statements:
1. Increasing the metacentric height of a ship causes increase in the period of rolling.
2. The frequency of pitching can be reduced by adding more loads along the length of a
ship below its centre of gravity.
3. A ship has different metacentres in rolling and pitching
4. Stability can be improved by increasing the width and reducing the draft.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (B) 1, 2 and 4 only (C) 1, 2 and 3 only (D) 2, 3 and 4 only
Ans: (d)
51. Consider the following statements related to the stability of floating bodies:
1. The metacentre should be above the centre of gravity of the floating body for stable
equilibrium during small oscillations.
2. For a floating body, stability is not determined simply by the relative positions of
centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy.
3. The position of metacentre of floating body is fixed irrespective of the axis of
4. Large value of metacentric height reduces the period of roll of the vessel.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(A) 1 and 3 only (B) 2 and 4 only (C) 1, 2 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Ans: (c)
ESE 2010 |ME| Objective Paper

54. Consider the following statements:

1. A small bubble of one fluid immersed in another fluid has a spherical shape.
2. The droplets of a fluid move upward or downward in another fluid due to unbalance
between gravitational and buoyant forces.
3. Droplets of bubbles attached to a solid surface can remain stationary in a
gravitational fluid if the surface tension exceeds buoyant forces.
4. Surface tension of a bubble is proportional to its radius while buoyant force is
proportional to the cube of its radius.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (B) 1, 2and 4 only (C) 1 and 3 (D) 2, 3 and 4 only
Ans: (a)
63. The centre of buoyancy is
(A) Centre of gravity of the body
(B) Point of intersection of the buoyant force and the gravitational force
(C) Point of intersection of the buoyant force and the centre line of the body
(D) Centre of the volume of the displaced fluid
Ans: (d)
65. A circular area of 1.2 m diameter is immersed vertically in a liquid of unit weight 800 N/m3
with its top edge just on the liquid surface. The depth of centre of pressure on one side,
measured below the liquid surface, is
(A) 0.80m (B) 0.75m (C) 0.60m (D) 0.64m
Ans: (b)
68. A curved surface has the shape of one-quadrant of a 3 m long 2 m diameter cylinder with two
edges parallel to the axis. The curved surface is immersed in a stationary liquid of unit
weight 10 kN/m3 such that one straight edge is on the liquid surface and the other 1 m below
the surface. The moment of vertical component of hydrostatic thrust on one side of the
surface, about the axis of circular arc, is
(A) 7.854kNm (B) 10.0kNm (C) 11.781kN/m (D) 15.708kNm
Ans: (b)
71. If a fluid flows through a capillary tube of length L and diameter D, and the mass flow rate
and the pressure drop are measured, the viscosity of the fluid can be estimated from the
(A) Euler equation (B) Bernoulli’s equation
(C) Hagen-Poiseuille equation (D) Dittus-Boelter equation
Ans: (c)
73. The tube of an inclined tube manometer has its upper end open to air and the lower end
connected to vertical cylinder trough having a diameter 4 times that of the tube. The slope of
the tube is 1 in 4 and specific gravity of manometer liquid is 0.72. The space above the liquid
in the trough is connected to a gas chamber. When the movement of meniscus in the tube is
8 cm, change in gas pressure, in height of water column, is
(A) 1.35 cm (B) 1.44 cm (C) 1.80 cm (D) 1.53 cm
Ans: (b)
ESE 2010 |ME| Objective Paper

78. The annular space between two co-axial vertical cylinders, of equal length, is filled with an
incompressible liquid of constant viscosity. The outer cylinder is held fixed and the inner
cylinder is slowly rotate about its axis at a uniform rotational speed. Assuming that Newton’s
law of viscosity holds good
(A) The tangential velocity of liquid varies linearly across the gap
(B) Viscous shear stress in liquid is uniform across the gap
(C) The tangential velocity of liquid varies non-linearly across the gap
(D) Viscous shear stress in liquid varies linearly across the gap
Ans: (c)
82. A thin plane lamina, of area A and weight W, slides down a fixed plane inclined to the
vertical at an angle  and maintains a uniform gap  from the surface of the plane, the gap
being filled with oil of constant viscosity  . The terminal velocity of the plane is
 cos  W W cos  W sin 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
WA A sin  A A
Ans: (c)
89. In a quiescent sea, density of water at free surface is o and at a point much below the
surface density is  . Neglecting variation in gravitational acceleration g and assuming a
constant value of bulk modulus K, the depth h of the point from the free surface is
K  1 1 K    0 
(A)    (B)
g  o   g    0  2

K  1 1 K o
(C)    (D)
g  0   g   0
Ans: (c)
92. Pseudo plastic is a fluid for which
(A) Dynamic viscosity decreases as the rate of shear increases
(B) Newton’s law of viscosity holds good
(C) Dynamic viscosity increases as the rate of shear increases
(D) Dynamic viscosity increases with the time for which shearing forces are applied.
Ans: (a)
95. Specific speed of a turbomachine
(A) Is the speed of a machine having unit dimensions
(B) Relates the shape rather than size of machine
(C) Remains the same under different conditions of operations
(D) Depends only upon the head under which the machine operates
Ans: (d)
ESE 2010 |ME| Objective Paper
99. Consider the following statements regarding a draft tube used in water turbines:
1. It reduces the discharge velocity of water to minimize the loss of kinetic energy
at the outlet.
2. It permits the turbine to be set above the tail race without any appreciable drop in
available head
3. It is used in both impulse and reaction type of water turbines.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1 and 2 only (C) 2 and 3 only (D) 1 only
Ans: (b)
106. Assertion (A) : When a thin flat plate is held parallel to a fluid stream, both pressure
drag as well as viscous drag will be negligible.
Reason (R) : The total drag will be entirely due to shear stress and pressure drag
Ans: (d) will be negligible

108. Assertion (A) : The important property for a liquid to use it as manometric fluid is its
colour for visibility.
Reason (R) : Inclined manometers are used to measure low pressures.
Ans: (d)

109. Assertion (A) : An air filled balloon released from the ground goes up and up till it
reaches a certain elevation and floats in the air.
Reason (R) : With increase in elevation the temperature of the atmospheric air
Ans: (c) increases and so the density decreases.

110. Assertion (A) : Stability of a floating body is determined by the relative position of
the centre of gravity and the centre of buoyancy.
Reason (R) : If metacentre of the floating body is above the centre of gravity of
Ans: (d) the body, then the floating body will be in stable equilibrium.

111. Assertion (A) : A floating body of spherical shape shall always be in neutral
equilibrium condition.
Reason (R) : For a spherical floating body the centre of gravity is always above
Ans: (b) the centre of buoyancy.

112. Assertion (A) : In free cylindrical vortex about a vertical axis, pressure increases
with distance from axis and this increase is proportional to square of
the radial distance.
Reason (R) : Tangential velocity is inversely proportional to radial distance and
Ans: (d) energy of fluid element is conserved in a free cylindrical vortex.
ESE 2010 |ME| Objective Paper

113. Assertion (A) : The velocity potential provides an alternative means of expressing
velocity components.
Reason (R) : The existence of velocity potential in a flow field ensures that the
Ans: (b) flow must be irrotational

114. Assertion (A) : A pitot tube works on the principle of converting kinetic energy into
potential energy.
Reason (R) : The oncoming upstream velocity of fluid decelerates and comes to
Ans: (d) rest at the stagnation point at the tip of the pitot tube.

115. Assertion(A) : For a fully developed laminar flow through a pipe, velocity
distribution across any section is parabolic in shape.
Reason (R) : The shear stress distribution from the centre line of the pipe up to the
Ans: (a) pipe surface increases linearly.

116. Assertion (A) : When a circular cylinder is placed normal to the direction of flow,
drag force is essentially a function of the Reynolds number of the
Reason (R) : As Reynolds number is about 100 and above, eddies formed break
away from either side in periodic fashion, forming a meandering
Ans: (a)
street called the Karman Vortex street.

35. A 50 cm diameter spherical vessel is completely filled up with a liquid of specific gravity 0.8;
the vessel and the liquid are then rotated about the vertical axis, without relative motion, at a
rotational speed of 20 rad/s. The points of maximum pressure lie on a horizontal plane below
the centre of sphere by
(A) 12.5 cm (B) 6.96 cm (C) 2.45 cm (D) 1.96 cm
Ans: (c)

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