Cognos11.10.2.2 Business Author Role

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IBM Business Analytics

IBM Cognos BI 10.2.2 - Business Author Role


Yes Do you have basic No

knowledge of IBM
Cognos BI?

IBM Cognos BI for Consumers Overview of IBM Cognos BI

(v10.2.2) (v10.2.2)

B5A88 B5A08
eLearning (2 hours) Instructor-led (1 day)
Self-paced virtual class

Yes, using
Will you be Query Studio &
analyzing data & building Analysis Studio
ad hoc reports?

Yes, using IBM Cognos

Workspace Advanced

IBM Cognos Workspace IBM Cognos Query Studio:

Advanced: Author Self-Service Build Ad Hoc Reports
Reports (v10.2.2) (v8.4/v10.2)
B5A81 OR B5150 OR
Instructor-led (2 days) Instructor-led (1 day)
J2A81 B5227
Self-paced virtual class eLearning (6 hours)


IBM Cognos Workspace

IBM Cognos Analysis Studio:
Advanced: Introduction
Analyze Data (v10.1/v10.2)
B5A83 B5151 OR
eLearning (6 hours) Instructor-led (1 day)
B5220 (English)
B52F0 (French)
IBM Cognos Workspace eLearning (6 hours)
Advanced: Intermediate
eLearning (6 hours)

on the following page...
from the previous page...

Will you be Yes, from my

performing analysis desktop
using Cognos PowerPlay

Yes, from the


IBM Cognos PowerPlay Client:

IBM Cognos PowerPlay Studio:
Explore and Build Reports
Web Exploration (v8.4/v10.2)
B5174 OR B5173 OR
Instructor-led (1 day) Instructor-led (2 days)
B5178 J2173
eLearning (6 hours) Self-paced virtual class

Will you be
using IBM Cognos
Analysis for Microsoft
Excel to analyze


IBM Cognos Analysis for

Microsoft Excel: Analyze BI Data
eLearning (1 hour)

Prerequisite Path
Recommended Path

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trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or
service marks of others. References in this publication to IBM products or services do not imply that IBM intends to make them available in all countries in which IBM operates.

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