No Immediate Face-To-Face Class Interaction
No Immediate Face-To-Face Class Interaction
No Immediate Face-To-Face Class Interaction
FROM: The Dean and the Associate Dean of the College of Law
We hope everyone is safe, sane, and healthy inside our respective homes.
In case you missed it, we have issued three revised guidelines since the start of the COVID-19
lockdown. These guidelines were issued under the expectation that we could return soon to our
“normal” lives after the lifting of the lockdown on April 30, 2020. However, it looks like we are
not going back to "normal" even if offices were to resume on May 4, or anytime soon.
Understandably, some members of our community may be anxious to return to school. Please
be assured that with your safety and well-being in mind, we are constantly monitoring the
situation and discussing ways how we can better adapt to our “new normal” so to speak. To
address some of our concerns, kindly note the following additional policies to be implemented
once the government orders the resumption of classes:
For at least a week after the declaration of resumption of classes, students and faculty
members will not yet be required to return to the classroom. Only the administrative staff
will return to supervise the general clean-up and disinfection of the school premises and
to perform other necessary health protocols.
With the help of our Law Executive Council, we will first perform a general assessment
and monitoring of all our students. For this purpose, we hope that the students have
properly filled up the Student Data Sheets with correct contact details and addresses.
To reduce the risks of COVID-19 infection, wearing of face masks and social distancing
inside the school shall be mandatory. We shall also adopt other DOH protocols designed
to fight COVID-19.
Mid-term examinations shall not be administered for the current semester. Except for
professors who have already given their mid-term examinations, the mid-term
examination will no longer be part of the grading system for the current semester.
Professors are advised to revise their grading system in accordance with paragraph 4
With the scrapping of mid-term examinations, student grades will now be computed
based only on his/her Class Standing (CS) and his/her Final Examination (FE) grade,
with the following breakdown: CS will be sixty percent (60%) and FE will be forty percent
(40%) of the Final Grade. CS is the average of the grades for recitations, quizzes, case
digests, and other academic requirements that the student may have earned before and
after the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ).
We will retain the numerical grading system (60% to 100%); and therefore will not adopt a
pass/fail grading system. Passing threshold shall remain at 75%. However, in case a
student fails to obtain a grade of 75% or higher, the student will not receive a failing mark,
and will only be considered “Dropped” from the roll.
Final Examinations will be administered on campus. For writing classes and other non-
core subjects1, professors may opt to conduct their final examination/submission of other
requirements online. The schedule of Final Examinations will be announced after the
official resumption of classes.
The deadline for dropping of subjects will be moved to the week before the Final
We will relax the pre-requisite subject requirement for purposes of enrolling for the
Summer Term, and possibly the 1st Term of AY2020-2021.
8. Alternative Classes
To reiterate, the holding of alternative synchronous online classes during the effectivity of
the ECQ is optional, and the participation of students therein will not be graded. The
student’s failure to participate during such alternative synchronous online classes will not
be taken against the student. However, the professor’s requirement for submission of
case digests and other homework must be complied with and will be graded accordingly.
9. Graduation Ceremony
The implementation of the foregoing policies is limited to the current semester only. These are
subject to change depending on quarantine conditions. We will review these guidelines from time
Philosophy of Law, Statutory Construction, Legal Research & Thesis Writing, Introduction to Study of Law, Legal
Technique & Logic, Legal Writing, SSC-R Seminar II, Advanced Legal Writing, Legal Forms, Practice Court 1, J.D.
to time, and will make the necessary adjustments as necessary. For any concerns and/or
suggestions, please send us an email at
Thank you.