Daily Schedule - Friday, June 5: Dorm Rooms Available After 2pm
Daily Schedule - Friday, June 5: Dorm Rooms Available After 2pm
Daily Schedule - Friday, June 5: Dorm Rooms Available After 2pm
10:15am Class of 1960 – Tour of Samuel B. Morse followed by lunch at Shadows on the
Meet behind Jewett for bus
Putting it all back together, the role of estrogens following traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Kelli Duncan, Associate Professor of Biology and Director of Neuroscience & Behavior
What happens after a TBI and what can be done to help? This talk will focus on
Professor Duncan’s research examining the role of steroid hormones, specifically
estrogens, on recovery from brain damage.
Rockefeller Classroom 212
2pm-4pm Tours
Walkway Over the Hudson
Take a bus from campus to the renovated Poughkeepsie Railroad Bridge, now the
longest elevated pedestrian walkway (1.28 miles) in the world.
Bus departs from Main Circle
Pratt House: A New Hub for Religious Life and Contemplative Practices at Vassar
Rev. Samuel Speers, Associate Dean, RSLCP; Elizabeth Aeschlimann, Rachlin Director for
Jewish Student Life and Assistant Director, RSLCP; and Nora Zaki, Advisor for Muslim
Student Life, Vassar College and Muslim Chaplain at Bard College
Come learn about the new home for Religious and Spiritual Life and Contemplative
Practices in Pratt House. The presentation will include an overview of the
human-centered design approach that office staff have used to plan their move and
expand the range and type of students they serve.
Rockefeller 212
4-5pm Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center (FLLAC) Members Only “Curator’s
Art Center Pavilion, Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center
6-7pm Faculty and Faculty Emeriti reception open to all reunion attendees
Rose Parlor, Main Building
12:15-1:30pm Lunch
Gordon Commons
An intergenerational conversation across a half-century of life and activism at Vassar
with alumnae/i.
New England, TBD
SAT 1:45-2:45pm
A Walking Tour of the Vassar College Arboretum
Enjoy a leisurely walk, discover fascinating fun facts about trees, and learn about the
increasing importance of campus trees for our efforts to be more sustainable and
achieve carbon neutrality. Our itinerary will include visits to the reuning classes' class
trees. Please wear comfortable walking shoes and dress for the weather. Led by
Professor of Biology and Arboretum Committee co-chair Mark Schlessman.
Meet at the entrance to Main in front of Main Circle
2-4pm A. Scott Warthin Museum of Geology & Natural History, Ely Hall, is open
2-4pm Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center Tours
The Times They Are A-Changin: S ocial Change through Group Action, Then and Now
Robert Brigham, Professor of History on the Shirley Ecker Boskey Chair; Katherine
Hite, Professor of Political Science on the F. Thompson Chair and Director of Research;
Justin Patch, Assistant Professor of Music; and David Schalk, Professor Emeritus of
During the 1960s, many students took to the streets to protest the war in Vietnam or to
voice their support for women’s rights, gay rights, Black power, and environmental
protection. Those who did not still experienced the reverberations of this forceful
anti-establishment spirit. By the time Class of 1970 graduated in 1970, such efforts had
begun to have an impact on public policies and public opinions. Though the soundtrack
has changed, the last two decades have seen a resurgence of group action related to
foreign wars, climate change, immigration reform and women's reproductive and
workplace rights. Former and current Vassar faculty members will join in to discuss how
the turmoil of these movements affected alumnae/i, a half century ago and perhaps to
this day.
Rockefeller, 300