Course and Syllabus Design
Course and Syllabus Design
Course and Syllabus Design
Although courses may vary in size, subject matter or level, a systematic process will help you plan
and structure your course and syllabus to effectively reach desired instructional goals. This page
provides information that will guide you from the initial design phases of your course to polishing
and distributing your syllabus.
Course design
Effective course design begins with understanding who your students are, deciding what you
want them to learn; determining how you will measure student learning; and planning activities,
assignments and materials that support student learning. For all interactions with students plan
ahead by ask yourself:
1. Who are the students?
2. What do I want students to be able to do?
3. How will I measure students’ abilities?
By asking yourself these questions at the onset of your course design process you will be able to
focus more concretely on learning outcomes, which has proven to increase student learning
substantially as opposed to merely shoehorning large quantities of content into a quarters worth
of class meetings.
1. Who are the students?
Before the class begins, find out as much as you can about the students. Consider the level of
your course and the type and level of student that typically enrolls in this course. If you are new
to teaching the course you may want to consult with colleagues who have previously taught the
course to gather some of this information. It is also helpful to review your class roster before the
quarter starts.
• Are your students new to the university? Are they new to the topic of the course or the
• What are students’ motivations for taking the course?
• What might you expect students to know before the first class? Consider previous
courses they may or may not have taken. Are the students majors in your department or
are they fulfilling a distribution credit?
• What range of backgrounds and previous experience is typically represented among
students in this class?
• What problems do students typically have with this material at this level?
2. What do I want students to be able to do?
Once you have considered who the students in your course are, ask yourself what they should
be able to do at the end of the course. Try to answer this question as specifically as you can by
using terms that emphasize student abilities you can measure or easily recognize. For example,
it can be more challenging to measure students’ abilities based on what they may know or
understand as opposed to measuring their abilities to perform tasks such as identify,
differentiate, apply or produce. This process will help you solidify your course goals.
Tools that can help you design course objectives:
• Understanding by Design (Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt): Describes the Backward
Design process as outlined in Understanding By Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
• Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
• Course Design Tutorial although this tool draws examples from geoscience, its basic
principles can be applied to a wide range of fields
3. How will I measure students’ abilities?
Designing your course around activities that are most likely to lead students towards the goals
you have defined will help them acquire and retain skills longer. Some goals can be achieved
through listening to lecture or reading assigned texts. Others may require more active
experimentation, practice or discussion. For example, writing, discussions, field work, service
learning, problem solving or small group collaboration. No matter what combination of activities
you choose always keep in mind how the core activity, as opposed to subject content, will
progress students’ abilities. What will provide you with reliable evidence during the course that
your students are learning and at the end of the course that they have obtained/mastered the
abilities you envisioned at the beginning of the course? This is the part where you choose
assignments, activities and other methods of assessment. For example, will you have weekly
quizzes? objective tests? original research papers? presentations? performances? group or
individual projects? Assessment is an important aspect of student learning. Make sure to think
carefully when pairing assessments with learning objectives.
Syllabus design
The syllabus provides the instructor and students with a contract, a common reference point that
sets the stage for learning throughout the course. Make sure that your students have easy access
to the course syllabus by handing out hard copies on the first day of class and (if applicable)
posting a digital copy on the course website.
Common components included in a syllabus
The form and content of a syllabus vary widely by discipline, department, course and
instructor. However, there are common components that most successful syllabi contain. These
components communicate to your students an accurate description of the course including the
topics that will be cover, assignments and assessments students will be responsible for, as well
as a clear source for policies and expectations.
Course description
• Course content: What is the basic content of the course and what makes it important or
interesting? How does the course fit into the context of the discipline?
• Learning objectives: What should students be able to do by the end of the
course? Objectives are most helpful when they are expressed in terms of knowledge and
skills that can be readily identified and assessed. For example, the ability to recognize,
differentiate, apply or produce is much more readily identifiable than the ability to
appreciate or understand.
• Characteristics of class meetings: What types of activities should students be prepared
for? Discussion? Lecture? Small groups? Student presentations?
• Logistics: What are the instructor’s and TAs’ names? How can they be contacted? How
are course materials obtained? When and where does the class meet?
Course topics and assignments
• Schedule of topics and readings: What will the main topics of the course be and when will
they be addressed? What will students need to do to prepare for each class? Most
instructors include a weekly or daily schedule of topics they intend to address, along with
a list of assigned readings and other course materials.
• Assignments, projects and exams: How will students demonstrate their learning? Include
learning goals, estimated scope or length, assessment criteria and dates. Instructors
typically include a breakdown, in point values or percentages, of how much each
assignment or test contributes to a student’s final grade.
Course policies and values
What values will shape your teaching in the course and what policies will guide you? Policies and
values that you might want to communicate through your syllabus include:
• Inclusiveness: How can your syllabus help you create an inclusive atmosphere that
welcomes all students? Some instructors include statements inviting participation from
all students, honoring student diversity and differing points of view, or inviting requests
for disability accommodations.
• Integrity: What are policies and procedures regarding academic integrity and misconduct
in relation to materials and assignment for this course? For example, considering the
types of work you are asking students to do, what do you want to communicate about
working with data? representing original sources? accountability for contributions to
group projects?
• Responsibility: What do students need to know about your expectations regarding
assignments, attendance, online participation or classroom interactions? Other
possibilities include policies regarding late work, make-up exams and preparation for class
• Expectations for success: How can students learn most successfully in your course? In
your syllabus, you can express confidence that all students are capable of doing well and
you can suggest strategies for success. For example, what strategies for learning are
particularly important for this material? What resources — such as study centers, web
tutorials or writing centers — are available to help students succeed in your course?