Centralloy G4852 Micro R (Cast Austenitic Stainless Steel)

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Filing Code: SS-1137

CENTRALLOY Stainless Steel

G4852 MICRO R March 2013

Copyright © 2013, ASM International®. Published by: ASM International,
All rights reserved. Data shown are typical, Materials Park, OH 44073-0002, 440-338-5151
not to be used for specification or final design. MemberServiceCenter@asminternational.org
Fax 440-338-8542 www.asminternational.org
(Cast Austenitic Stainless Steel)
Centralloy® G4852 Micro R is a cast austenitic stainless steel with very good high temperature properties.
Centralloy is a registered trademark of Schmidt + Clemens GmbH.
Chemical Composition, wt.%: In addition to fillerless PAW, SMAW, TIG, and GMAW have
(Typical) been used satisfactorily for component fabrication or repair
welding. Preheating and postweld heat treatment of the joint is
not necessary.
Carbon 0.45 For dissimilar weld joints to austenitic materials, the same filler
Silicon 0.8 materials are recommended.
Manganese 1
Chromium 25 Machinability:
Nickel 35
In general terms, the machinability of Centralloy G4852 Micro R
Niobium 1
is similar to that of other heat resistant alloys.
Titanium Additions
Iron bal Oxidation Resistance:
Physical Properties: See Fig. 4.

Density, kg/m3 (lb/in.3) 7900 (0.28) Specification Equivalents:

Coefficient of linear thermal expansion, See Fig. 1
10–6/K (10–6/ºF)
Thermal conductivity, 20 ºC (68 ºF), 14.6 (8.4) General Characteristics:
W/m·K (Btu/h·ft·°F))
This alloy is a cast austenitic steel with 35% nickel, 25%
Mechanical Properties: chromium plus niobium, titanium, and others. The alloy possesses
excellent structural stability, very good high temperature stress
0.2% yield strength, MPa (ksi) 230 (33) rupture strength, and good oxidation resistance.
Ultimate tensile strength, MPa (ksi) 450 (65)
The presence of carbon leads to the formation of a series of carbides:
Elongation, l = 5d 8% for centrifugal tubes
6% for static castings During Solidification (“as cast” condition). Intergranular
Elastic modulus, 20 ºC (68 ºF), 160 (23) carbides of the M7C3, type (where M is mainly Cr) and carbides/
GPa (106 psi) carbonitrides of the M(C,N) type where M is mainly Nb. These
primary precipitates are visible in unetched micro specimens (see
SEM images from producer) – its coloring varying from light grey
Tensile properties (for wall thickness less than 25 mm, or 1 in.,
(MC-carbides) to dark grey (M7C3-carbides) and some smaller
in the as cast condition); minimum properties at 20 °C (68 °F).
orange/yellow cubic MC-carbonitrides (M being mainly Ti).

See also Fig. 1–3.
After Exposure to Operational Conditions (“aged”
condition). The primary M7C3-carbides are transformed to
M23C6-carbides and small intergranular secondary M23C6-
carbides are precipitated. Due to the balance of niobium and
For critical, highly stressed and corrosion resistant joints, coated
microalloying elements, secondary nanoparticles are precipitated
electrodes, flux cored wire, and non-coated filler material are
intergranularly. The uniform dispersion and size of such particles
commercially available. These welding consumables have high
leads to a hindered mechanism of dislocation movement with the
strength properties at elevated temperatures with good retained
result of significant strengthening of the material. The secondary
precipitates are visible in unetched micro specimens of dark grey
color, and the size of the nanoparticles can be detected in very
high magnification by TEM examination.
Fig. 1 Typical tensile strength and 0.2% yield strength vs. temperature Fig. 2 Young’s modulus of elasticity

Fig. 3 Parametric stress rupture strength Fig. 4 Oxidation weight loss vs. temperature for 10 thermal cycles
in air between indicated temperature and room temperature

Products Available: Producer:

Centralloy G4852 Micro R was designed as centrispun tube Schmidt & Clemens, Inc.
material to meet specific design criteria in terms of creep rupture Houston, TX 77046, USA
strength, oxidation resistance, and weldability. It is available as Tel: (713) 629-7770
centrispun tubes and statically cast product forms. Fax: (713) 629-7373
Schmidt + Clemens GmbH + Co. KG
The main applications for this alloy are: Steam reforming (max 51789 Lindlar, Germany
operating temp. 1050 °C, or 1922 °F) and use in the direct Tel: +49 2266 920
reduction of iron ore (max operating temperature 1050 °C, or Fax: +49 2266 92370
1922 °F). www.schmidt-clemens.de

ISSN: 002-614X SS-1137B

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