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Specification Sheet: Alloy 400/400AR: (UNS N04400) / W.Nr. 2.4360 and 2.4361

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Specification Sheet: Alloy 400/400AR

(UNS N04400) / W.Nr. 2.4360 and 2.4361

A Nickel-Copper Alloy with Resistance to a Variety of Corrosive Conditions
Alloy 400 (UNS N04400) is a nickel- Chemical Analysis
copper alloy with excellent resistance
to a wide range of corrosive Weight % (all values are maximum unless a range is otherwise indicated)
environments. It is resistant to
chloride stress corrosion cracking and Nickel (plus Cobalt) 63.0 min. – 70.0 max. Iron 2.50
has high strength and toughness over
Copper 28.0 min. – 34.0 max. Sulfur 0.024
a wide range of temperatures.
Carbon 0.3 Silicon 0.5
The alloy is used extensively in
many corrosive applications especially Manganese 2.0
in the marine and chemical
processing industries. Alloy 400 is
readily fabricated by conventional Physical Properties
processing operations. Density Specific Heat
Alloy 400AR is produced in the 0.318 Ib/in3 0.102 BTU/lb-°F (68°F)
as-rolled condition to meet higher 8.80 g/cm3 427 J/kg-°K (20°C)
strength requirements.
Electrical Resistivity Modulus of Elasticity
307 Microhm-ft at 70°F 26.4 x 103 ksi (68°F)
Applications 0.511 Microhm-m at 21°C 182 GPa (20°C)
•C  hemical Processing
Equipment — in fluorine, Melting Range Thermal Conductivity
hydrofluoric acid, hydrogen 2370 – 2460°F 150 BTU/hr/ft2/ft/°F (68°F)
fluoride, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric 1300 – 1350°C 22.0 W/m-°K (20°C)
acid, neutral and alkaline salt
solutions, caustic alkalies, non- Mean Linear Expansion
oxidizing halides and dry chlorine
Temperature Mean Linear Expansiona
°F °C in/in/°F x 10-6 μm/m•°C
• Marine Components — 
-320 -200 — —
shipbuilding valves, pumps,
shafts and in sea and brackish -300 -180 6.1 11.1
water -200 -130 6.4 11.4
-100 -70 6.7 12.1
• Oil and Gas Production — splash-
zones for offshore structures and 70 21 — —
sour gas applications 200 100 7.7 14.2

• Ore Processing — uranium refining 400 200 8.6 15.2

and separation in the production 600 300 8.8 15.7
of nuclear fuels 800 400 8.9 16.1
• Petroleum Refining — alkylation 1000 500 9.1 16.3
units, crude petroleum stills, 1200 600 9.3 16.6
piping and storage tanks 1400 700 9.6 17.0
• Power Generation — feed-water 1600 800 9.8 17.4
heaters and steam generators 1800 900 10.0b 17.7
• Water Treatment — brine heaters 2000 1000 10.3b 18.1b
and evaporators in seawater (a) annealed material, (b) extrapolated
desalination plants
Mechanical Properties
Standards Nominal Room-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Alloy 400 and AlloyAR
ASTM........................B 127
Yield Strength Tensile
ASME........................SB 127 FORM AND 0.2% Offset Strength Elongation, Hardness

CONDITION % Brinell Rockwell
AMS..........................4544 ksi MPa ksi MPa (3000-kg) B
Federal.....................QQ-N-281 Plate
Hot-Rolled, As-Rolled 40 – 75 276 – 517 75 – 95 517 – 655 45 – 30 125 – 215 70 – 96
Hot-Rolled, Annealed 28 – 50 193 – 345 70 – 85 482 – 586 50 – 35 110 – 140 60 – 76

O N E S A N D M E Y E R L A N E • P H I L A D E L P H I A , PA 1 9 1 1 6 - 3 5 9 8
8 0 0 - 5 2 3 - 3 6 6 3 • + 1 - 2 1 5 - 4 6 4 - 7 1 0 0 • FA X + 1 - 2 1 5 - 6 7 7 - 1 4 3 0

Alloy 400 06/2014 www.SandmeyerSteel.com

Providing Solutions, With Materials and
Value Added Products, for Process Industries
Nickel 200 – air-saturated

40 Nickel 200 – air-free (nitrogen saturated)

0 10 20 30 40
Corrosion Resistance
Acid Concentration, %/ wt. Effect of temperature on corrosion of Alloy 400
Alloy 400 is a very versatile corrosion resistant material. It exhibits resistance in sulfuric acid. Acid concentration, 5–6%.
Velocity, 15.5–16.5 ft/min.
to corrosion in many reducing environments, and it is generally more resistant
than higher
Corrosion copper
data alloysAlloy
for MONEL to oxidizing media. acid.
400 in hydrofluoric AlloyCorrosion
400 is one ratesofare
the few in mm/a
shown 120
materials that will withstand contact with fluorine, hydrofluoric acid, hydrogen

Corrosion Ratio, mpy

or their derivatives. The alloy has been found to offer 120
exceptional Saturated
80 with air
resistance to hydrofluoric acid in all concentrations up to the boiling point. Alloy
0.25 0.02 0.24
400 also resists
Corrosion sulfuric and hydrochloric inacids
Alloy 400 Atmospheric
0.23 under acid
reducing conditions. It has 60
212 of Nickel 200 and MONEL hydrochloric solutions
100 at 86°F (30°C)
outstanding –20mpy
resistance to neutral and alkaline
(–0.51mma) boiling salts and has been utilized for
point curve 40
many360 years as a material of construction for salt plants.
0.55 20 Air-free (saturated with nitrogen)

Temperature, °C

176 0.42 0.42 0.05 0.13 0.16 180

Alloy 400
320 0.27 is one of the most widely
0.30 0.01 used MONEL Alloy
materials 400 – air-saturated
for marine applications, 0
Corrosion Temperature,

shipbuilding and seawater desalination plants. The alloy exhibits very low rates of 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Rate, mpy

140 0.15 0.25 0.23 0.30 0.22 0.05 0.15 60
corrosion in flowing MONELunderAlloy 400 – air-free conditions,
240 0.25 0.27 0.38sea or brackish 0.48 water.0.71
However, stagnant
(nitrogen saturated)
Temperature, °F
the alloy
can 0.15
encounter crevice and pitting corrosion. Alloy 400 resists stress
104 0.15 40
corrosion cracking and0.32 pitting in0.45
most fresh and industrial water applications.
160 0.10 0.05
65 0.04 of
120 nickel alloys
0.002 0.10 to impingement
0.002 attack by seawater
20 at Fabrication Data
0.02 0.04006
150 ft/sec
80 (45.7 m/s) Nickel 200 – air-saturated
Nickel 200 – air-free (nitrogen saturated)
Alloy 400 is readily fabricated by
40 Corrosion/Erosion 0 Rate
10 20 30 40 50
70 60
80 90 100 conventional processing operations.
0 mpy mm/a
0 Hydrofluoric
10 Acid20Concentration,
30 % 40 Hot Working
Alloy 625 Nil
Acid Concentration, %/wt. Nil Effect
Alloyof400 is a relatively
temperature soft material
on corrosion that
of Alloy 400
Alloy 825 0.3 0.008 isinreceptive to hot
sulfuric acid. Acidforming into almost
concentration, 5–6%. any
shape. 15.5–16.5
The range ft/min.
of hot forming
Alloy K-500 0.4 0.01
Effect of temperature on corrosion of Nickel 200 and Alloy 400 in 5% hydrochloric acid. temperatures is 1200 – 2150°F
for MONEL Alloy 400 in hydrofluoric
0.4 acid. Corrosion rates are0.01
shown in mm/a 120
(649 – 1177°C). For heavy reductions the

Corrosion Ratio, mpy

440 Nickel 200 40 1.0 recommended
100 temperature range is
248 120 Nickel 200 – 1700 – 2150°F (927 – 1177°C).
with air Light
400 air-saturated 80
0.25 0.02 0.24 reductions are possible with temperatures
corrosion tests in the storage
0.23 ofAtmospheric
commercial 60-65% 60
212 100 as low as 1200°F (649°C). Working at lower
acida (–0.51mma) boiling point curve
Alloy 400 – 40
320 temperatures will result in higher
rate, mpy

0.55 air-saturated 20 Air-free (saturated with nitrogen)

Temperature, °C

mechanical properties and smaller grain


280 0.42 0.42 0.05 0.13 0.16 Corrosion Rate,
180 mpy (mm/a)
0.27 0.30 0.01
size. 0

240 Alloy 400 22 (0.56) 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
140 0.15 0.25 0.23 0.30 0.22 0.05 0.15 60
Cold Working

200 Nickel
0.38 0.48 0.71 > 200 (> 5.08)b Temperature, °F
0.25 Alloy 400 – Alloy 400 is readily cold worked by
104 Alloy 600
160 0.15 150 40(3.81) air-free
0.32 0.45
virtually all cold fabrication methods. Cold
120 AISI0.10 304 Stainless Steel 0.05 Nickel> 210
200 – (> 5.33) saturated) working should be performed on annealed
65 0.04 0.002 20
80 0.10Steel
AISI 316 Stainless 0.02
0.002 air-free
0.04006 (nitrogen
>190 (> 4.83)b material. The alloy has a somewhat higher
saturated) work hardening rate than carbon steel, but
40 Mild Steel 170 (4.32)
32 0 not as high as 304 stainless steel.
(a) A
 cid contains
0 101.5 – 2.5%
20 fluosilicic
30 40 acid,
500.3 –1.25%
60 70sulfuric
80 acid,90 and1000.01– 0.03% iron.
Test specimens
80 immersed
100 in solution
Hydrofluoric inConcentration,
Acid storage tank.
140 Temperature,
% 160 60 – 80°F (15 – 27°C);
180 200 Machining
duration of test, 28 days. Temperature, °F Alloy 400 can be machined at standard
(b) Specimen completely destroyed during test. rates with conventional machine tools.
Surface cutting speeds should be low
Effect of temperature on corrosion of Nickel 200 and Alloy 400 in 5% hydrochloric acid.
compared to those used for carbon steel
due to the alloy’s high work-hardening rate.
440 Welding
Nickel 200 –
400 air-saturated Alloy 400 can be welded to itself or
dissimilar metals by utilizing conventional
welding processes. These include
320 Alloy 400 –
conventional or hot wire GTAW (TIG),
Corrosion rate, mpy

280 plasma arc, GMAW (MIG/MAG) and SMAW
(MMA). The choice of welding product is
dependent upon the materials being
200 welded and the environment in which it
Alloy 400 –
160 air-free occurs.
120 Nickel 200 – saturated)
air-free (nitrogen
80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Temperature, °F

The information and data in this product data sheet are accurate to the best of our knowledge and
belief, but are intended for informational purposes only, and may be revised at any time without
notice. Applications suggested for the materials are described only to help readers make their own
evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees nor to be construed as express or implied SANDMEYER
warranties of suitability for these or other applications. S T E E L C O M PA N Y

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