Worksheet 10 Hiphil, Hophal, and Hithpael Verbs (Answers) PDF

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Translation Stem, Form, (P)GN, Pron. Suff. Root Word

you will speak Piel Impf 2mp rbd WrB.d:T. 1.

you walked Piel Pf 2ms $lh T'k.L;hi 2.
speak! Piel Impv mp rbd WrB.D: 3.
I spoke Piel Pf 1cs rbd yTir>B;DI 4.
he will atone Piel Impf 3ms rpk rPek;y> 5.
we will consecrate Piel Impf 1cp vdq vDEq;n> 6.
seek! Piel Impv ms vqb vQeB; 7.
are speaking Piel Ptcp mp rbd ~yrIB.d:m. 8.
let me praise Piel Coh cs llh hl'L.h;a] 9.
atone! Piel Impv ms rpk rPeK; 10.
you will Piel Impf 2fs vqb yviQb. ;T. 11.
you consecrated Piel Pf 2ms vdq T'vD. :qi 12.
he will reveal Qal Impf 3ms hlg hl,g>yI 13.
is consecrating Piel Ptcp ms vdq vDEq;m. 14.
she/you will seek Piel Impf 3fs/2ms vqb vQeb;T. 15.
they made Qal Pf 3cp hf[ Wf[' 16.
you stretched out Qal Pf 2fp hjn !t,yjin> 17.
he covered Piel Pf 3ms hsk hS'Ki 18.
he blessed Piel Pf 3ms $rb %rEBe 19.
he will reveal Piel Impf 3ms hlg hL,g:y> 20.
we revealed Piel Pf 1cp hlg WnyLiGI 21.
you cheered Piel Pf 2mp xmf ~T,x.M;fi 22.
they will praise Piel Impf 3mp llh WlL.h;y> 23.
he filled Piel Pf 3ms alm aLemi 24.
he healed me Qal Pf 3ms + obj suff 1cs apr ynIaep'r> 25.
he was old Qal Pf 3ms !qz !q;z" 26.
he will rejoice Qal Impf 3ms xmf xm;f.yI 27.
you will count Piel Impf 2mp rps WrP.s;T. 28.
are building Qal Ptcp fp hnb tAnBo 29.
we will write Qal Impf 1cp btk bTok.nI 30.
we will count Piel Impf 1cp rps rPes;n> 31.
judge me Qal Impv ms + obj 1cs jpv ynIjep.v' 32.
they consecrated Piel Pf 3cp vdq WvD>qi 33.
consecrate! Piel Impv mp vdq WvD>q; 34.
are cheering Piel Ptcp mp xmf ~yxiM.f;m. 35.
they provoked Hiphil Pf 3cp s[k Wsy[ik.hi 36.
you will provoke Hiphil Impf wc 3fs/2ms s[k s[ek.T;w: 37.
I will bless Piel Impf 1cs $rb %rEb'a] 38.
are blessing Piel Ptcp fp $rb tAkr>b'm. 39.
is remaining Hiphil Ptcp fs rav tr,a,v.m; 40.
I threw Hiphil Pf 1cs $lv yTik.l;v.hi 41.
you abandoned Qal Pf 2mp bz[ ~T,b.z:[] 42.
they threw Hiphil Pf 3cp $lv Wkyliv.hi 43.
I will plead Hiphil Impf 1cs [bv [;ybiv.a; 44.
I will stand Qal Impf 1cs dm[ dmo[a/ , 45.
write them! Qal Impv ms + obj suff 3mp btk ~Bet.K' 46.
I will fall Qal Impf 1cs lpn lPoa, 47.
she/you will come near Qal Impf 3fs/2ms vgn vG:Ti 48.
he will lift Qal Impf 3ms afn aF'yI 49.
they believed Hiphil Pf 3cp !ma Wnymia/h, 50.
they will pray Hithpael Impf 3mp llp WlL.p;t.yI 51.
they informed Hiphil Pf 3cp dgn WdyGIhi 52.
we will silence Hiphil Impf 1cp vrx vyrIx]n: 53.
believe! Hiphil Impv ms !ma !ymia]h; 54.
he believed Hiphil Pf 3ms !ma !ymia/h, 55.
make me hear! Hiphil Impv ms + obj suff 1cs [mv ynI[ye miv.h; 56.
he will Hiphil Impf 3ms lcn lCey: 57.
you will look towards Hiphil Impf 2mp jbn ~T,j.B;hi 58.
he will be good Qal Impf 3ms bjy bj;yyI 59.
you will depart Qal Impf 2fs acy yaic.Te 60.
he did good / do good! Hiphil Pf 3ms / Impv ms bjy byjiyhe 61.
he will make (one) sit Hiphil Impf 3ms bvy byviAy 62.
are begetting Hiphil Ptcp mp dly ~ydIyliAm 63.
and we made (one) sit Hiphil Impf wc 1cp bvy bv,ANw: 64.
help! Hiphil Impv ms [vy [;veAh 65.
he revealed Qal Pf 3ms hlg hl'G" 66.
he will stand Qal Impf 3ms ~Wq ~Wqy" 67.
you revealed Hiphil Pf 2ms hlg t'yliG>hi 68.
you erected Hiphil Pf 2ms ~Wq t'Amyqih] 69.
they will make (one) rest Hiphil Impf 3mp xWn WxynIy" 70.
he will rest Qal Impf 3ms xWn x;Wny" 71.
seek me! Piel Impv mp + obj suff 1cs vqb ynIWvQ.B; 72.
are revealing Hiphil Ptcp mp hlg ~ylig>m; 73.
he will reveal Hiphil Impf 3ms hlg hl,g>y: 74.
he struck Hiphil Pf 3ms hkn hK'hi 75.
she/you will hide Hiphil Impf 3fs/2ms rts rTes.T; 76.
is raving Hithpael Ptcp ms abn aBen:t.mi 77.
he will thank Hiphil Impf 3ms hdy hd<Ay 78.
thank! Hiphil Impv mp hdy WdAh 79.
you came Qal Pf 2ms aAb t'aB' 80.
he will bring down Hiphil Impf 3ms dry dyrIAy 81.
is sending Piel Ptcp ms xlv x;Levi 82.
to take Qal Inf C xql tx;q; 83.
you spoke Piel Pf 2ms rbd T'r>B;DI 84.
let me call Qal Coh cs arq ha'r>q.a, 85.
she remained Hiphil Pf 3fs rav hr"yaiv.hi 86.
he was praised Pual Pf 3ms llh lL;hu 87.
he was made king Hophal Pf 3ms $lm %l;m.h' 88.
he will be atoned Pual Impf 3ms rpk rP;kuy> 89.
he will be thrown Hophal Impf 3ms $lv %l;v.y" 90.
1. Many are my persecutors (pursuers). (Ps 119:157)

~yBir: = adjective br: (plu)

yp;d>ro = verb pdr Qal Ptcp mp + pron suff 1cs y

2. Stand firm and see! (Exod 14:13)

WbC.y:t.hi = verb bcy Hithpael Impv mp

War>W = conjunction w + verb bcy Qal Impv mp

3. I will make you dwell in tents. (Hos 12:10)

^b.yviAa = verb bvy Hiphil Impf 1cs + obj suff 2ms ^

~ylih'a\B' = preposition b + noun lh,ao (plu)

4. And he will not believe you. (Jer 40:14)

al{w> = conjunction w + particle al{
!ymia/h, = verb !ma Hiphil Pf 3ms
~h,l' = preposition l + pron suff 3mp ~h,

5. And I will make them lie down in confidence. (Hos 2:20)

~yTib.k;v.hiw> = verb bkv Hiphil Pf wc 1cs + obj suff 3mp ~

xj;b,l' = preposition l + noun xj;b,

6. to fight with Israel (Judg 3:20)

~xeL'hil. = preposition l + verb ~xl Niphal Inf C

preposition ~[i

name laer"f.yI
7. Deliver me (!) from the hand of my brother. (Gen 32:12)
ynIleyCih; = verb lcn Hiphil Impv ms + obj suff 2ms ^
particle an"

dY:mi = preposition !mi + noun dy"

yxia' = name xa' + pron suff 1cs y

8. In the shadow of your wings, you shall hide me. (Ps 17:7)

lceB. = preposition b + noun lce

^yp,n"K. = noun @n"K' + plural marker y + pron suff 2ms ^
ynIrEyTis.T; = verb rts Hiphil Impf 2ms + obj suff 2ms ynI

9. He made his sons cross on fire. (2 Chr 33:6)

rybi[h/ , = verb rb[ Hiphil Pf 3ms

direct obj marker ta,

wyn"B' = noun !Be + plural marker y + pron suff 3ms w

vaeB' = preposition b + noun vae

10. He brought them down to the water. (Judg 7:4)

drEAh = verb rdy Hiphil Pf 3ms
~t'ao = direct obj marker ta, + pron suff 3mp ~
preposition la,

~yIM;h; = definite article h + noun ~yIm;

11. and to establish Jerusalem (Ps 119:157)

dymi[h] ;l.W = conjunction w + preposition l + verb dm[ Hiphil Inf C

direct obj marker ta,

name ~il'v'Wry>
12. Honor me (!) in front of the elders of my people. (1 Sam 15:30)
ynIdEB.K; = verb dbk Piel Impv ms + obj suff 2ms ynI
particle an"

preposition dg<n<

ynEq.zI = adjective !qz (plu const)

yMi[; = noun ~[; + pron suff 2ms y

13. You will not hide from me your commandments. (Ps 119:19)
particle la;
rTes.T; = verb rts Hiphil Impf 2ms
ynIM,mi = preposition !mi + pron suff 1cs y
^yt,Ac.mi = noun hw"c.mi (plu) + plural marker y + pron suff 2ms ^

14. the ones hidden to the Lord our God (Deut 29:28)

tArT's.NIh; = definite article h + verb rts Niphal Ptcp fp

hw"hyl; = preposition l + name hw"hy>
Wnyhel{a/ = noun ~yhil{a/ + pron suff 1cp Wn

15. I will make all my goodness pass upon your face. (Ps 119:157)
rybi[a] ; = verb rb[ Hiphil Impf 1cs
lK' = verb lKo (const)
ybiAj = adjective bAj + pron suff 1cs y
preposition l[;

^yn<P' = noun ~ynIP' + pron suff 2ms ^

16. And you yourself will fall, and Judah with you. (2 Chr 25:19)
T'l.p;n"w> = verb lpn Qal Pf wc 2ms
pronoun 2ms hT'a;

hd"WhywI = conjunction w + name hd"Why>

^M.[i = preposition ~[i + pron suff 2ms ^
17. The one hiding his face from the house of Jacob. (Isa 8:17)
ryTis.M;h; = definite article h + verb rts Hiphil Ptcp ms
wyn"P' = noun ~ynIP' + pron suff 3ms w
tyBemi = preposition !mi + noun tyIB; (const)
name bqo[]y:

18. I separated your from the peoples. (Lev 20:24)

yTil.D:b.hi = verb ldb Hiphil Pf 1cs

~K,t.a, = direct obj marker ta, + pron suff 2mp ~K,
preposition !mi

~yMi[;h' = definite article h + noun ~[; (plu)

19. And I will cut her off from the midst of her people. (Lev 17:10)

yTir:k.hiw> = verb trk Hiphil Pf wc 1cs

ht'Aa = direct obj marker ta, + pron suff 3fs h
br<Q,mi = preposition !mi + noun br<q, (const)
HM'[; = noun ~[; + pron suff 3fs h

20. And Enoch wandered with God. (Gen 5:24)

%Leh;t.YIw: = verb $lh Hithpael Impf wc 3ms
name %Anx]

direct obj marker ta,

~yhil{a/h' = definite article h + noun ~yhl{a/

21. The Lord brought my soul up from Sheol. (Ps 30:4)

name hw"hy>
t'yli[h/ , = verb hl[ Hiphil Pf 2ms
preposition !mi

name lAav.

yvip.n: = noun vp,n< + pron suff 1cs y

22. And bring your little brother to me. (Gen 42:19)
Waybih'w> = conjunction w + verb aAb Hiphil Impv mp
direct obj marker ta,

~k,yxia] = noun xa' + pron suff 2mp ~k,

!joQ'h; = definite article h + adjective !joq'
yl;ae = preposition la, + pron suff 1cs y

23. I will wander before the Lord in the land of the living. (Ps 116:9)
%Leh;t.a, = verb $lh Hithpael Impf 1cs

name hw"hy>

#r<a,B. = preposition b + noun #r<a, (const)

~yYIx; = adjective yx; (plu)

24. And bury your father as he made you promise. (Gen 50:6)

rboq.W = conjunction w + verb rbq Qal Impv ms

direct obj marker ta,

^ybia' = noun ba' + pron suff 2ms ^

rv,a]K; = preposition k + relative rv,a]
^[,yBiv.hi = verb [bv Hiphil Pf 3ms + obj suff 2ms ^

25. For you said, “We made (cut) a covenant with death.” (2 Chr 25:19)

conjunction yKi
~T,r>m;a] = verb rma Qal Pf 2mp
Wnt.r:K' = verb trk Qal Pf 1cp
noun tyrIb.

preposition ta,

noun tw<m'
26. The priest made the woman stand in the presence of the Lord. (Num 5:18)
dymi[h/ , = verb dm[ Hiphil Pf 3ms
!heKoh; = definite article h + noun !heKo
direct obj marker ta,

hV'aih' = definite article h + noun hV'ai


name hw"hy>

27. I will cut off the names of the prophets from the land. (Zech 13:2)

tyrIk.a; = verb trk Hiphil Impf 1cs

direct obj marker ta,

tAmv. = noun ~ve (plu const)

~yaiybiN"h; = definite article h + noun aybin" (plu)
preposition !mi

#r<a'h' = definite article h + noun #r<a,

28. Proclaim all that you are seeing to the house of Israel. (Ps 119:157)

dGEh; = verb dgn Hiphil Impv ms

direct obj marker ta,

lK' = noun lKo (const)

relative rv,a]

pronoun 2ms hT'a;

ha,ro = verb har Qal Ptcp

tybel. = preposition l + noun tyIb; (const)
name laer"f.yI
29. And the Lord repented that he made Saul king over Israel. (1 Sam 15:35)
hw"hyw: = conjunction w + name hw"hy>
~x;nI = verb ~xn Piel Pf 3ms
conjunction yKi

%ylim.hi = verb $lm Hiphil Pf 3ms

direct obj marker ta,

name lWav'

preposition l[;

name laer"f.yI

30. For you made me reign over people as many as the dust of the earth. (2 Chr 1:9)

conjunction yKi
pronoun 2ms hT'a;

ynIT;k.l;m.hi = verb $lm Hiphil Pf 2ms + obj suff 1cs ynI

preposition l[;

noun ~[;

adjective br:

rp;[]K; = preposition k + noun rp[ (const)

#r<a'h' = definite article h + noun #r<a,
31. Hilkiah the priest found the book of the Law of the Lord in the hand of Moses. (2
Chr 34:14)

ac'm' = verb acm Qal Pf 3ms

name WhY"qil.hi

!heKoh; = definite article h + noun !heKo

direct obj marker ta,

noun rp,se (const)

tr:AT = noun hr"AT (const)

name hw"hy>

dy:B. = preposition b + noun dy" (const)

name hv,mo

32. And now O Lord my God, you made your servant reign, in place of David my
father. (1 Kgs 3:7)

hT'[;w> = conjunction w + particle hT'[;

name hw"hy>

yh;l{a/ = noun ~yhil{a/ + pron suff 1cs y

T'k.l;m.hi = verb $lm Hiphil Pf 2ms
direct obj marker ta,

^D>b.[; = noun db[ + pron suff 2ms ^

preposition tx;T;

name dwID"

ybia' = noun ba' + pron suff 1cs y

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