Assignment 9 - Chapter 9 Summary - Short Informal Reports
Assignment 9 - Chapter 9 Summary - Short Informal Reports
Assignment 9 - Chapter 9 Summary - Short Informal Reports
Online Reports-Reports can be easily sent across many digital platforms. The benefits of doing so
include speed, financial savings, confirmation of receipt, ease of filing, and online help tools.
Types of Reports-Reports generally fall into specific categories, which will be broken down in this
Criteria for Writing Reports-Reports can cover a wide variety of demands, most share common traits.
• Purpose and Examples-Focuses on why the event occurred and the causes leading up to
that event.
• Criteria- In addition to the five units of organization also include information about
location, personnel, authorization, review of observations, contacts, techniques used,
difficulties encountered, and tests performed.
Lab Reports (also referred to as test reports)-Documents the status or findings of work done in a
• Purpose and Examples-Written after lab activity has been completed to share findings
with colleagues.
• Criteria- In addition to the five units of organization, also include information about the
purpose of the work being done and describe specifically how the tests were performed.
• Purpose and Examples-Feasibility is not always certain. These reports help explore the
efficacy of a plan and determine the next course of action.
• Criteria- In addition to the five units of organization also include information about plan
objectives, personnel, criteria the recommendations are based on, and analysis
comparing your findings against the criteria.