Why Do We Fast?
Why Do We Fast?
Why Do We Fast?
flies in the ointment | recipes for fasting | Miracle testimonies | good for the body?
do we Fast?
What it Really Means to Develop a True Hunger for God
Purpose today
Why did Jesus fast? Why should we? Favorite juice and vegetable fasting recipes
from viewers and members of Free Chapel
GOOD For Our Body?
We know that fasting has spiritual benefits, but
what about physical benefits?
8 8 8 - 8 8 8 - 3 4 7 3 • P. O . B O X 3 1 5 • G A I N E S V I L L E , G A 3 0 5 0 3 W W W. J E N T E Z E N F R A N K L I N. O R G
a l l H e c a m e t o d o w it hou t fa sting ,
w h y did H e fa st ?
fasting, whether done corporately or done. Jesus fasted, and according to the He had formed. And out of the ground God with the best we have!
words of Peter, Jesus is our example in all the LORD God made every tree grow that
things (see 1 Peter 2:21). “A disciple is not is pleasant to the sight and good for food.
individually, is a private discipline. above his teacher, but everyone who is The tree of life was also in the midst of (Portions excerpted from Fasting:
perfectly trained will be like his teacher” the garden, and the tree of the knowledge The Private Discipline that brings
(Luke 6:40 NKJV). of good and evil…And the LORD God Public Reward, Jentezen Franklin)
commanded the man, saying, ‘Of every
There’s another vital point I want you tree of the garden you may freely eat; but
to see in Matthew 6. God delights in of the tree of the knowledge of good and
rewards. Not only that, when giving, evil you shall not eat, for in the day that
praying and fasting are practiced in your you eat of it you shall surely die.’”
life, He says He will “reward you openly.”
Jesus said, Whenever you fast, do not Seems straightforward enough, right?
put on a gloomy face as the hypocrites But the serpent was cunning, and
do, for they neglect their appearance so convinced Eve she should eat from the
that they will be noticed by men when forbidden tree, assuring her that she
Spirit to reveal areas of weakness.
Forgive all who have offended you and
ask forgiveness from those you may have
offended (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3-4).
Surrender your life fully to Jesus Christ
and reject the worldly desires that try to
hinder you (Romans 12:1-2).
P R E PA RING P H Y SIC A L LY study. That time with Jesus will produce
If you have health concerns, consult dramatic change in your life.
your doctor prior to beginning a fast and
explain what you plan to do. This
is especially important if you take DE CIDING HO W L ONG Most
prescription medications or have a chronic people can easily fast from one to three
ailment. Some people should never fast days, but you may feel the grace to go
without professional supervision. longer, even as much as 21 to 40 days. Use
wisdom and pray for guidance. Beginners
are advised to start slow.
HO W T O B E GIN Start with a
Quick Tips:
clear goal. Why are you fasting? Do you
need direction, healing, restoration W H AT T O E X P E C T When you
of marriage or family issues? Are you fast, your body detoxifies, eliminating
fasting for the salvation of loved ones? toxins from your system. This can cause
Are you facing financial difficulties? Ask mild discomfort such as headaches and
Mos t of t he fa s t s men tioned in t he the Holy Spirit for guidance. Pray daily irritability during withdrawal from
and read the Bible. caffeine and sugars. And naturally,
B ib l e w e r e p u b l i c fa s t s ini t i at e d b y t h e you will have hunger pangs. Limit your
p r ie s t s ; J e s u s g av e u s t h e m o d e l f o r activity as much as possible, and exercise
DE CIDING W H AT T O FA S T moderately. Take time to rest. Fasting
p r i vat e fa s t s in M at t h e w 6 : 1 6 -1 8 ; 9 : 1 4 -1 5 . What you fast is up to you. It may be a brings about miraculous results.
full fast in which you only drink liquids,
or you may desire to fast like Daniel,
W he t her you are b e g in nin g a p r i vat e who only abstained from breads and H O W T O E ND Don’t overeat when
fa s t, o r fa s t in g c o r p o r at e ly a s w e d o meats, and drank only water. There are the time comes to end your fast. Begin
a few other things to focus on during eating solid foods gradually and eat
e a c h y e a r at F r e e C h a p e l , y o u w il l f in d this time that will help you maintain a smaller portions or snacks.
t h e s e t ip s h e l p f u l . “clean vessel.” For example, you should
refrain from critical speaking, spreading
Eat no meat, no sweets and no bread. Eat fruits and vegetables
and drink only water.
This fast can be any type of fast (Full Fast, Daniel’s Fast, or you can
give up one item of food).
M at t h e w 6 : 1 6 -1 8 1 S a m u e l 1 : 6 - 8 , 1 7-1 8 1 S a muel 7: 5 -6
THE type of fast you choose is between you and God. He M at t h e w 9 : 1 4 -1 5 Nehemi a h 1 : 4 2 Chronicl es 20 : 3 4
L u k e 1 8 : 9 -1 4 D a niel 9 : 3 , 20 E z r a 8 : 2 1-2 3
will honor your best sacrifice. You may want to include Joel 2: 12 Nehemi a h 9 : 1-3
Luke 2: 3 7 J o e l 2 : 1 5 -1 6
a combination of fasts. For example, you may want to
Acts 10:30 J o n a h 3 : 5 -1 0
Are you tormented by certain “flies” or
reoccurring problems and temptations
in your life? If you want the victory
once and for all, the Lord has given you a
IN THE OINTMENT strategy for triumph—fasting. If you will
consecrate a period of time for special
sacrifice and intimacy with the Lord, you
will experience deliverance from “flies”
you’ve tried to get rid of for years.
Fasting that Produces Results to get the attention of the Archangel, Q1: What are some of the “flies” (problems)
Michael (Daniel 10:2-3). It’s recorded that are tormenting you?
The Bible records many different that the apostle Paul was on at least
circumstances, types and lengths of two fasts, one for 3 days and one for
fasts. It was during a forty-day fast that 14 days. Peter fasted for 3 days. Judah,
Moses received the Ten Commandments Ezra, the people of Nineveh, Nehemiah,
(Ex 34:27-28). When Haman ordered the David and Anna are also among those
annihilation and plunder of all Jews, whose fasts are noted in the Word. God Q2: What other methods have you used to
Esther called for all the Jews of her city will honor the sacrifice made in His try to eliminate these problems?
to join her on a three-day fast from all Name.
food and water. As a result, the Jews
were spared, Haman’s vile plan was
exposed, and he was hanged on his
own gallows! (See Esther 4-7.) Hannah, Q3: Ask God to show you activities in your
greatly distressed over not being able life that should be laid aside during this
time of seeking Him.
to bear a child, “wept and did not eat,”
for the Body?
We know that fasting has spiritual benefits,
but what about physical benefits?
olomon said, “That which has been is what will be,
that which is done is what will be done, and there is
nothing new under the sun” (Eccl 1:9 NKJV).
Though men and women of God have fasted since ancient
times, today we have many new books on the shelves tout-
ing the healthy physical benefits of the practice. Even the
Greek physician Hippocrates (approximately 460-377 BC),
known as the “father of modern medicine,” and whose con-
cepts have influenced the development of medical practices
for centuries, believed fasting was very healthy for the body.
lent source of information and so under strict medical super- body that cause all of the dis-
cautions. He says, “Fasting not vision. At the conclusion of the eases that plague us as Ameri-
only prevents sickness, if done fast, he was much healthier. At cans because of our terrible
correctly, fasting holds amaz- age 60 he fasted 50 days. In diet, begin to be washed out.
f or fa s t i ng
ing healing benefits to those the middle of his fast he said [[Bob Rodgers, 101 Reasons
of us who suffer illness and he saw the unspeakable glo- to Fast, (Louisville, KY, 1995).]]
disease. From colds and flu ries of God. At age 77, Dr. Tan-
to heart disease, fasting is a ner fasted 53 days and among It is also proven that fasting
Pa rt ia l Fast
mighty key to healing the body.” other things, his once thin, sharpens your mental process- ( Da n iel Fast) Recipes
[[Don Colbert, MD (Lake Mary, gray hair was replaced by new es, aides and improves your
FL: Siloam Press, 2003) 155.]] black hair! It was the same sight, hearing, taste, touch, man y people have LENTILS WITH A TANGY
color that it was when he was smell and all sense faculties. TOM ATO SAUCE
Dr. Oda H. F. Birchinger, who a young man. What’s more, Dr. Fasting breaks the addiction
supervised more than 70,000 Tanner lived to be 93 years old. to junk food. Fasting can break share d their favorite
fasts, stated, “Fasting is a royal [[Bob Rodgers, 101 Reasons to the power of an uncontrollable LEMON AND GARLIC POTATO
road to healing, for anyone Fast, (Louisville, KY, 1995).]] appetite. Some are bound by
who agrees to take it, for re- nicotine, alcohol, drugs, but
j uice an d vegetable
covery and regeneration of Fasting slows your aging pro- fasting can help break those
the body, mind, and spirit.” He cess. Moses fasted often, in- addictions. [[Bob Rodgers, 101 fasting recipes with
went on to say, “Fasting can cluding two forty-day fasts, and Reasons to Fast, (Louisville, KY, Pinto B e a ns – Fa sting st y l e
heal and help rheumatism in the Bible said in Deuteronomy 1995).]] Clearly, fasting has
the joints and muscles, dis- 34:7, “Moses was 120 years benefits not only for your spir- us … so we wante d to
eases of the heart, circulation, old when he died and his eyes it, but for your body as well! L entil Stew
blood vessels, stress-related were not dim, nor his natural
exhaustion, skin diseases—in- vigor abated.” Doctor Tanner share them with y ou . KALE SOUP
cluding pimples and com- passed on some advice from (Portions excerpted from Fasting:
plexion problems, irregular his own experiences, stating, A Private Discipline that Brings
menstrual cycles and hot “When you fast, drink plenty of Public Reward, Jentezen Franklin)
flashes, disease of respiratory water.” Water is the great flush-
C a r rot C a bbag e G r e e n Cu i si n e
Ga zpach o B le n d
J u i ce R eci pe > You will need a vegetable/fruit
> This drink is good for cleansing. juicer for this recipe. > In blender combine:
Juice the following in your juicer and Juice Ingredients to obtain: • 1 medium tomato
drink immediately (cabbage juice loses its
• 1 cucumber, peeled & seeded
effectiveness almost immediately)
• 1 cup spinach juice • 1/4 small white onion
• 3 medium carrots • 1 cup cucumber juice • 1/2 - 1 serrano chile
(optional - depends on how hot you like it)
• 1/4 head of cabbage • 1/2 cup bell pepper juice
• 1 small 0r 1/2 large red or orange
• 1/2 cup celery juice bell pepper - cored & seeded
• 1 stalk of celery • 1/2 - 3/4 teaspoon salt
• 3/4 cup carrot juice
• 1/8 avocado
• 5 cherries, pitted • 1 teaspoon salt
• Blend together everything except the
• Avocado - as much or as little as you like avocado, then strain.
• Extract your juices, then blend • Add avocado and re-blend
all ingredients together
• Gazpacho can be diluted and is delicious
• Makes 1 quart - Dilute if you wish over ice (use small pieces).
| Miracle a f t e r M i r a cl e Th e An d in o
Th e r e Th e D e P i e t r o p o l o Fa mily | G r e at
P h y s ici a N ///////////////////////////////////////
Months of
Abundant Blessings
Let us know you are joining the
fasting movement today. For more
details, sign up on our website at
www.jentezenfranklin.org today!
This second insightful hardcover volume
offers a deeper understanding of God’s plan
for fasting and the benefits available to
ASK us about how you
those who participate. An excellent follow
can receive savings up
up study to Fasting Volume I, and a great gift!
Exclusively available
through Jentezen Franklin *Partners receive 20% off
ministry materials
Exclusively available through Jentezen
Franklin Ministries!
the power
For your Gift
of Any Amount
Jentezen Franklin
takes you through 21
of biblical fasting
days of fasting with
this new “Why Do We Fast”
CD & Devotional pak.
Fasting To Release
God’s Blessings in
Your Life Discover the keys to experiencing
Brand new CD teaching series transformation as you learn:
18 • The types of fasts described in the Bible and how
to choose which is right for you
Message 1:
A Heart for Fasting
• The connection between fasting and prayer
Message 2: • The essential components of a successful fast
Pass this Fasting Test
Message 3:
• What to expect physically, mentally, and spiritually
A Hunger Strike against Hell
National Channels
Station / Network Day/Time
TBN Sunday at 6:00 am PST
$ 28
Monday at 6:00 pm PST
M BO $ 0
& DVD D $ 14 The Church Channel Sunday at 2:30 pm PST
CD CD God TV USA Wednesday at 9:30 pm EST
Local Channels
Station / Network Day / Time
KAZQ: Sunday at 6:30 pm MST
Moving Forward Albuquerque, NM Saturday at 8:30 pm MST
Share in the experience! Moving Forward
captures the LIVE worship that concluded a 21-day WGCL 46: Sunday at 7:00 am EST
journey with tens of thousands seeking intimacy with God. Atlanta, GA (CBS)
This album was co-produced and co-written by the Grammy WNEG: Sunday at 7:00 am EST
Award winning, Israel Houghton, and national recording artist Northeast Georgia
and worship leader, Ricardo Sanchez. The original and fresh
new music will whet your appetite for more of God and get you Charter 23: Sunday at 7:00 pm EST
jumpin’ with some Rock, Latin, and R & B songs. If you like the
Hall County, GA
music of Hillsong United, Israel & New Breed, or Lakewood
Church, then you will absolutely love Moving Forward. Charter 23: Saturday at 8:30 pm EST
Gwinnett County, GA
“This is what worship looks like after a 21-day fast.”
WAGA: Sunday at 8:30 am EST
-Don Moen Atlanta, GA (FOX 5)
Order your Moving Forward DVD, CD, or both KCAL: Los Angeles, Sunday at 9:30 am PST
today at jentezenfranklin.org, or call 888-888-3473. CA (CBS 9)
* Partners receive 20% off ministry materials Comcast 25: Monday at 8:00 pm EST
Cherokee County, GA
International Channels
Station / Network Day / Time
ENLACE: Costa Rica Sunday at 4:00 pm PST