Hacking The Essence of Software: Encoding and Decoding Turing Machines and Meta-Machines

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Kent D. Palmer, Ph.D.

Orange CA 92856 USA

Copyright 2012 K.D. Palmer.

All Rights Reserved. Not for distribution.
Started 6/9/2012; Version 0.11; 8/12/2012; th01a11.doc
Cut down for CSER2013 Conference 2012.09.29
Corrected for CSER2013 2012.10.01 as hes01a04.doc, edited 2013.06.27

Keywords: state machines, Turing machines, universal Turing machines, software essence,
agility, lean, hacking, C.S. Peirce, B. Fuller.


This paper is a condensation of second part of a monograph called “Tangled Hierarchies” which
has been cut down a briefer version for publication. The first part of the paper concerned the way
in which tangled hierarchies might be used to model the design of systems, and perhaps give us a
way to show the consistency of domain specific design languages like the Integral Software
Engineering Methodology (ISEM) first described in Wild Software Meta-systems1. In a
subsequent paper “Reworking the Integral System Engineering Method Domain Specific
Languages” at CSER11 the original language was expanded from 750 to 1700 some statement
templates based on research into General Schemas Theory in the dissertation of the author
Emergent Design2. This further part of the monograph looks again at the core of the realtime
minimal methods which is the State Machine along with its dual the Petrinet and attempts to look
at them in a new way based on the ideas of C.S. Peirce which are used to re-understand the notion
of the Turing Machine. In order to understand Software in its essence we must return to well-
worn concepts again and again and attempt to comprehend them more deeply. There are perhaps
more secrets for them to give up and sometimes what seems so familiar and commonplace have
aspects that are not recognized due to the assumptions we make about them that are unwarranted.
C.S. Peirce was the greatest American Philosopher, but is hardly known in many circles where is
ideas on Pragmaticism have not been fully appreciated. It could be that his work could give us a
new perspective on the Turing Machine and within it the state machine if we applied the
principles that he developed in his philosophy and semiotics to the Turing Machine to
comprehend it in a new way.

1 See http://works.bepress.com/kent_palmer
2 See http://about.me/emergentdesign
Hacking the Essence of Software Kent Palmer

Hacking The Essence of Software

It is clear that the core of software from a theoretical perspective is the Turing Machine. And
since this is the Turing centenary we should focus to some extent on this core and attempt to
understand it with respect to the problem we are attempting to solve which is how to represent the
design of software, and how to show that Design DSLs are para-consistent and para-complete and
para-clear. What has been suggested so far is that there are hierarchies of entities in the related to
requirements, agents, functions, events, data, and tests and that these become tangled in a
component hierarchy, and it is the relations and actions in this tangled hierarchy which is the
means of establishing the para-characteristics (clear, complete, consistent, verifiable, valid, and
coherent) related to the aspects (real, true, identical, present) of Being. We note that the
component hierarchy appears in the hole in the lattice of the methodological distinctions and
between the dual measures of linear order without distance and Partial Order with distance. These
two types of order stand as a way of talking about delocalization and decoherence as well as the
basis for the structure of the dualities of the minimal methods. So for instance linear order
without distance is a description of the Code we create when programming. Each statement in the
code is in a linear order, but the performance distance between each statement is unknown. We
have to make external measures of performance to determine that distance, and because there can
be context switching between statements it is not sure that a given statement will actually be
executed immediately after the next when considered from the point of view of actual timing, we
just know that if it executes at all it will be sometime later. The other type of order, partial order
with distance says that programming constructs that are being executed are not necessarily
ordered in a strictly linear way, and may if say they are being executed in different tasks, or by
different hardware infrastructures be such that they will actually execute in different orders
during different runs but the effects may be measureable on some background variable such as
time or memory or population (which are the sources of the hierarchies that represent the
viewpoints on realtime systems in Klir).

Both of these ordering types can have many different relations to each other and the result of that
is decoherence and delocalization that occurs in actual programmed, so called hacked, code. The
use of the term hacking highlights the very pragmatic nature of all our attempts to get things to
work in spite of decoherence and delocalization. Delocalization reminds us that references to
design elements may be spread out or smeared out in the code as a linear static organization.
Decoherence reminds us that just because something is near to something else in the code it does
not mean it will be executed in a way that we expect, discontinuities can occur between
statements when they are reduced to assembly code and executed, and the fact that there are
multiple hardware processing elements, or multiple tasks may mean that the order of actual
execution is not set, even though it can be measured so that we are dealing with probabilities and
not determinate results when we are talking about executing masses of binary executables. A lot
happens when code is compiled and what that compiled code does in actuality may be different
from what we expected it to do when we encoded it. In a sense the actual result of running code
must be used to decode what we encoded. So there is a continual interpretative process that
occurs as we write, execute and debug the code we are hacking. To say that code is decoherent
and delocalized is merely to say that it represents an example of what Merleau-Ponty called
Hyper Being, or what Derrida called DifferAnce, or what Heidegger called Being crossed out.
The pointers and accumulators in the hardware represent what Heidegger calls Present-At-Hand
(pointing) and Ready-To-Hand (grasping) in Being and Time and which are interpreted
psychologically in Phenomenology of Perception. Software is the only cultural artifact that has as
its essence Hyper Being or differAnce. DifferAnce means differing and deferring all the time,

Tangled Hierarchies Kent Palmer

which Paul Simon calls “slip-sliding away” and which Plato in the Timaeus called the Third Kind
of Being. Software is something written that executes and as it does so it can rewrite itself. And in
fact it is precisely a machine that can rewrite its own tape, and ultimately its own program, that
we call a Turing machine. And there are two types of Turing machines, the normal ones and
Universal ones that run other Turing machines which we now call operating systems. But we
should really call them operating [meta-]systems, because they go beyond the system of the
Turing machine and are actually models of its environment. The dual of differing and deferring of
software is effectiveness (agile) and efficiency (lean) which together give us efficacy. Software
can differ from itself as it institutes differences and its execution can be measured in terms of its
effectiveness and efficiency. And as humans that produce software as an allopoietic product, we
can be lean and agile in that production process, which together make up what Reinertsen calls
Flow. What we are saying is that there is some mirroring between the software product and the
software development process that we need to take into account when we consider it as a
pragmatic human activity. These computing infrastructures we build are far from autonomic, and
so we have to build them piece by piece and then we have to maintain them for them to continue
to work, and they are very fragile, and that is why the testing needs to explore as much as it can
the combinatoric order of testing possibilities in order to assure robustness to the extent we can.
But combinatorics are so vast that we need special ingenuity to make sure that systems are well
tested, because it is many times impossible to test all paths beforehand. So that means we really
need to understand the nature of software in order to produce good software. Part of that is
understanding each of the minimal methods that can be generated out of the duality between the
two orders as they are projected as bridges between viewpoints on the realtime system.

Hacking the Essence of Software Kent Palmer

Tangled Hierarchies Kent Palmer

So now in order to try to extend our understanding of the Turing machines and State machines
that are the core of Software, i.e. the place where Design meets Programming, which in its
pragmatic aspect can be called hacking which seeks ultra-efficacy in the development of working
software as seen in the Agile paradigm that emphasizes hyper-effectivity and the lean extension
that emphasizes hyper-efficiency. A key question in this regard comes up when we try to
understand the nature of Peirce’s Firsts (isolate, points), Seconds (relata, lines) and Thirds
(continua, surfaces) are in relation to the Turing machine and its state machine. A state machine
plus a list or queue or tape is a minimal Turing machine. When we look at a state machine we see
that it is normally a set of vectors composed of input, entry state, output, exit state. These can be
expressed as rules if input and current state then function producing output and new state.
Gurevich showed that we can use rules such as these to describe any system at any level of
abstraction and it would be Turing equivalent. Thus it is not necessary to reduce something to a
Turing machine to show it is computable. And Computability reduces to knowing the causality
running from outputs back to inputs through the system and knowing that all those threads of
functionality are complete and consistent and are well-formed. So that means we can abstract
from low level Turing machines and just use the Gurevich Abstract State Machine method as our
representation of the process of computing. Executing software ultimately reduces in its essence
to one syntactic construct which is the if…then… statement. Execution of software means to
execute rules. All software can be represented as a stepwise refinement of rulesets from any level
of abstraction down to the level at which the rule can be represented in a general purpose
programming language. And we can use the Pieter Wisse’s Metapattern method to understand
how to derive the objects that the rules are referring to at the various levels of abstraction.
Guervich ASM and Wisse Metapattern methods are duals of each other in this regard, one giving
the causal structure and the other the contextual basis for the identification of objects based on
their different behaviors in different situations, which amounts to the identification of
discontinuities in the identity and the behavioral response of objects.

Now what we notice is that actually no matter how many inputs we have, and no matter how
many outputs we have, there is a three way relation between the inputs, the outputs and the states,
and that the two mentions of the state, i.e. the self-reference of the state machine providing a
pivot of identity still makes only a third element. And this is related to what Peirce calls the
structure of the sign. A semiotic relation is a Third, or continua that is an object, and interpretant
and the sign itself. In this case we have the object as seen in the input, and we have the
interpretation as seen in the output, and we have the sign in the state which is transitioning within
the state machine that produces an algorithm that converts from input to output based on state.
The transformation between input and output is performed by a function. Agency is represented
by the infrastructure that is performing that computation. For instance we might have the same
statement performed in different tasks or on different hardware platforms, and thus they can be
performed in parallel. It turns out that if you represent a simulation of a system with a refinement
of the Gurevich ASMs all the way down to the code what results is very inefficient, even though
it may be functionally effective. So, performance improvement comes from introducing
architecture which usually means distributing the functionality among various agents, i.e. into
tasks or among processors in a distributed system.

The state machine is in fact made up of a three way relation between inputs, outputs and states.
There is a triangular surface that connects these three elements and we call that a Third or a
continua. It is what Steven Wallis calls a robust theory3. One way to see a state machine is to
think of it as having anchors of functions between input and output, but that it changes the

3From Reductive to Robust: Seeking the Core of Complex Adaptive Systems Theory Steven E. Wallis 2008 DOI:
10.4018/978-1-59904-717-1.ch001 http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/intelligent-complex-adaptive-systems/24182

Hacking the Essence of Software Kent Palmer

functionality, based on its state and thus providing a different layering surface to the state
machine triangles. Data from input to output will flow a certain way until there is a state change,
in which case it will flow differently in dataflow systems. States change transformations from
inputs to outputs, but this can be seen as a three way semiotic relation with different
computational surfaces being actualized giving the state machine an identity as a single machine
as it executes on various input data transforming it into different output data based on the state of
the system. Now since this surface can be represented as a rule we will call the surface itself the
Rule. The arrow of functional transformation of inputs to outputs is complemented by an arrow
from input to state, and from state to output as the state machine determines its own state for the
next input session. The rule is a surface, and its boundaries are the functional transformation, the
if part (left hand side) queries the state to determine the function, and the then part (right hand
side) that sets its own state for the next round of inputs. We can then see that the data of input,
output and state are the discrete isolate of the First, and that the function, and the self-querying of
the If S and the response of the Then S’ are the seconds or the relata that bound the surface of the
rule R. Rules are surfaces or continua. I think this is a new way to look at them in terms of
Peircian principles that I have not seen in the literature yet. It also shows why states are signs, and
that state machines are semiotic machines. They take in objects (inputs) and they use signs
(states) to interpret them giving outputs via functions. If we understand that state machines are
semiotic machines then I think it clarifies why we call their production encoding and the
interpretation of their execution results decoding. And this way of looking at it probably came
directly from Turing’s working on codes during the Second World War. When we are coding we
are setting up a sign system and that involves taking in information and transforming it and
putting out our interpretations along with the product of the computations. The internal state of
the state machine is what gives it an identity. It is the identity that is preserved by the various
rules that make up the machine as its sensing-action vectors. It is sensing what is present, i.e. the
inputs it is given. When we combine the aspect of presence and identity with truth we get a
formal system. A formal system has the properties of completeness, consistency, and clarity
(wellformedness). The rule set of the state machine (its vectors as a set) need to be consistent and
complete for the state machine to function properly. Wellformedness comes from the fact that all
the vectors are expressed in rules. The lowest level of Truth with respect to Pure Being is
verifiability. That means that we can compare the reality of the results of execution to the
statements themselves and show that the statements do in fact express what the machine does. So
the truth of the state machine has to do with the gist of the statements and their mutual
interoperability and the wholeness of their organization indicating a singular unified totality, i.e. a
synthesis, which is complete (Truth related to Presence) and consistent (Truth related to Identity)
and clarity (Presence related to Identity).

Now we know in the Turing Machine that the state machine is related to a tape, and that the tape
is a series of places with symbols in them. The Turing machine takes in the symbols and produces
other symbols. There is a pointer that indicates what place with a symbol that we are talking
about at any given time. This is called the tape pointer. Tapes are finite on one end and infinite on
the other end in the original conception of the Turing machine so that it can handle infinite
computation. The tape is an extent and this is the representation of space. The pointed to symbol
is a gestalt on the background of all the other symbols on the tape. Now the input and output for
the state machine comes from the tape. So the symbol on the tape is a fourth entity producing a
minimal system with the input, output and state. So what we need to explore is what this fourth
entity gives us beyond the state machine. Since the other entities make up the formal system of
the state machine, then we would expect the symbols on the tape to stand in for reality. Reality is
related to the other aspects of Being by giving us verifiability, validity, and coherence
characteristics. The state machine can read and write symbols to and from the tape. So there is a
directional line from the tape to the inputs and from the outputs to the tape related to read and

Tangled Hierarchies Kent Palmer

write operations. This creates another triangle which is composed of read, function, write
operations. The focus of the read and write is where the tape pointer is pointing at any given time,
and this is the point in the extent where timing occurs. In other words the pointed to cell becomes
a spacetime nexus within the worldline of some agent. The surface that is defined by the triangle
of input, output and symbol in place on tape (gestalt) with the read, function write directional
relata (arrows) is an interactive flow.

Once we have defined another surface which relates the state machine to its tape which also
relates the formal system to reality and thus generates significance. We can verify the statements
of the state machine against the tape by watching what is written to the tape. And we can validate
the state machine by looking at the results of the execution of the state machine through the
results on the tape. By relating the state machine to the tape we also get coherence because the
state machine state is an identity and that identity gets reflected back onto the tape though the
outputs of the state machine operation which can be seen as coherent if it does what was intended
and so we start to see agency in the coherence of the operation of the state machine as reflected
on the tape. There are two other surfaces that related to this effect. The first is the surface related
to reading input. Associated with this input is the state we see in the left had part of the rule and
that is completed by an interpretation of the symbol on the tape that is the figure of the gestalt.
This surface is hermeneutical. On the other hand there is a surface related to writing output which
is associated with the right hand side of the rule and signifies intent. So interpretation takes the
symbol as a sign of some significance and the intent gives a sign of some significance. Both of
these semiotic characteristics are signs of agency, which is the dual of functionality. But the
interesting thing is that there is a duality between ‘interpret’ and ‘intent’, while functionality is
unified. The surface related to writing outputs and intent is causal. Now we have four surfaces
rule, interactive flow, hermeneutics and causal intent (or affect) that are all what Peirce would
call a third or a continua. Interactive Flows relates the state machine to the tape and thus relates it
to spacetime creating a worldline of an agent through the controlled and organized operation of
the functionality of the state machine as it relates to the contents of the tape which can contain
either encoded data or algorithms. The organization of the state machine is seen in the relations of
its rules to each other that reasserts its identity. So the State is related to identity and the Tape is
related to Reality. Presence is related to inputs and truth is related to outputs. Inputs are what is
present in input variables. Outputs are what show the organization of the system via the state
machine that is true, where true means going in a straight line based on criteria that are used to
determine that it is straight. So for instance any linear system is true. i.e. it is producing straight
line output. All non-linear output is judged on the basis of the true coordinates, i.e. orthogonal
straight lines.

This association of the isolate with the aspects of Being (tape=reality, state=identity,
input=presence, output=truth) comes from the fact that the various surfaces (interaction, rule,
hermeneutic, causal intent) intersect by threes.

Surfaces: Interaction, rule, hermeneutic = input isolata -> Presence aspect

Surfaces: Interaction, rule, causal intent = output isolata -> Truth aspect

Surfaces: Interaction, causal intent, hermeneutic = symbol on tape isolate -> Real aspect

Surfaces: Hermeneutic, causal intent, rule = state isolata -> Identity aspect

Similar things can be done by looking at relata:

Hacking the Essence of Software Kent Palmer

Read, If clause, function = Input

Write, Then clause, function = Output

If clause, Then clause, semiotic = State

Read, Write, semiotic = Tape symbol

This is a minimal system as defined by B. Fuller. All the elements are informed by all the others
diacritically. It is a tetrahedron of concepts composed of four isolates (symbol, state, input,
output), six relata (function, read, write, if clause, then clause, semiotic), and continua (rule,
hermeneutic, causal intent, interactive flow). Now what is surprising about this extension of the
concept of the Turing Machine is that it is semiotic and thus connects directly with Peirce’s idea
of semiotics as a threefold relation. In it Rules as a surface mediates between the hermeneutic
surface and the causal surface. Both of these surfaces are based on and define the surface of
interactive flow, which is the basis for positing the gestalt of the symbol on the ground of the
whole tape. It also produces a double bridged line of agency existing in a tension between
interpreting (taking for a sign) and causal intent (giving a sign). This double action of the agency
is the dual of the orthogonal line of function, which is also a method for objects. It is interesting
that the agent line is composed of two oneway bridges while the function is a single oneway
bridge. There are various compositions of directional arrows bounding each surface. All the
isolata are variables of different kinds. All of the lines are directional. Two of the surfaces form
circuits around their parameters. The oneway arrows of the function and the clauses of the rules
forms a circuit with the tape. It is the dynamism of the tape that allows the machine to work. The
state machine itself is reactive. The dual of the state machine is the petri net which is proactive.

Tangled Hierarchies Kent Palmer

But also there are multiple petri net representations for a given state machine kernel. Petrinets are
more proactive but also more superficial. State machines are condensed representations that are
most efficient and effective. You can get this kind of proactive structure from two state machines
that are interlocked each feeding the other. Colored Petrinets are better at exhibiting control
structures that are self-starting. The colored Petrinets operate more like cellular automata using
markers in places to activate transitions. Petri Nets look at function from the point of view of
event, while State Machines look at events from the point of view of function. The event is a
triggering of the transition when the marker is in the place and the function occurs in the
transition. The colors of the markers are the inputs, and the colors of markers are the outputs too.
State machines on the other hand transform what functions are called given monadic state identity
operations whose differences can be used as a controller. In state machines function is central and
in petri nets it is event that is central created by the marker being in a place, like the symbol is in
the place on the tape. When we put together the petri net and state machine then we have the tape
as active, and the symbols being triggering mechanisms to change the colors of the symbols. So
the two dual mechanisms can both work together without interfering. The petri net merely colors
the symbol. This is an autopoietic symbiotic relation between the two archetypes of computation.

Once we have realized that the two archetypes of computing can coexist together manipulating
and using the same tape in an autopoietic symbiotic relationship where one manipulates the
symbol and the other manipulates the color of the symbol, one treats the symbol as an existent
maker with color which causes transitions to fire, a firing transition is just a function that takes
colored makers as input does a transformation with side effects and then places makers in their
output places. On the other hand the State Machine treats the symbol as a character and reacts to
its characteristics as a symbol which informs how the function will treat it as an input symbol

Hacking the Essence of Software Kent Palmer

which is read from the tape and then an output symbol is written back to the tape, perhaps after
moving the data pointer backwards or forwards. The state machine has a direct relation to the
place on the tape that is pointed to and it reads and writes symbols based on where the data
pointer is pointing. The petri net on the other hand has an indirect relation to the tape where
certain cells are treated as places into which existent markers are placed and these places form a
network that is activated by the existence of a symbol in a place of a given color. So there is a
superimposition of color on symbol such that the two computations can be separate yet indirectly
interact. What would happen if you had such a computational setup is unknown as each assumes
the stability of the tape but the petri net would be shuffling the symbols and tuning them different
colors behind the scenes from the point of view of the state machine, and from the point of view
of the petri net markers would be coming into and going out of existence suddenly. From the
point of view of the state machine symbols would be appearing and disappearing. What is
interesting about this is that Petri Nets are active and State Machines are passive and so they have
completely different characters, and the Petri Net could act as the controller for the State Machine
jump starting and boot strapping action by the State Machine. Also the Petri Net is better in
modeling protocols than the state machine. So it could be that the petri net could act as the
protocol between two state machines within the universal Turing machines that run separate
Turing machines. This thought of the Universal Turing machine (meta-machines) takes us into
the modeling of the meta-system by the addition of a capsule to the state machine minimal system
to form its dual.

Tangled Hierarchies Kent Palmer

We will think of the capsule as the encapsulated data of an object, but we can also think of it as a
functional programming monad. We do a get operation in order to take the contents from the
capsule and we do a put operation in order to place new contents in the capsule. This is a side
effect that is placed in the capsule or monad. The surface from surrounded by put, get and
function should be thought of as the side-effect surface which is different from the rule surface or
the interaction surface. Once we realize that there is another surface related to capsule side-effects
then we must ask what the other two surfaces represent.

Interestingly the other two surfaces impinge on a line between State and Capsule similar
to the line between State and Tape. This line is a two way bridge, so that there is one surface that
is Get, If, and Inform, and another surface which is Then Put, and Affect. Let us call the Get, If,
Inform surface Intentionality for the time being. Let us call the Then, Put, Affect surface
Causality tentatively. We note that since the capsule can either be inside the object or outside the
system as a monad it can be interpreted as either inward or outward, so we can think of the two
way bridge of inform and affect as either Subjective or Objective depending on whether the
capsule is inside or outside the system. So it is hard to interpret exactly what is the next higher
thing from agency that is being revealed here but let us call it Dasein following Heidegger who
was following Hegel. Dasein is the projective capability posited by Kant. Dasein informs and
then affects, just like agency interprets and then intends. The informing cycle is related to the
intentionality surface and the affective cycle is related to the causality surface. Intentionality and
Causality stand over and against the side-effect surface.

Hacking the Essence of Software Kent Palmer

These three new surfaces are meta-systemic, whether that meta-system is seen as within or
outside the state machine system region. Systems nest and Meta-systems nest. But they also
interleave in their nesting like Russian dolls where the dolls are the super-system, system,
subsystem and the interspaces between the dolls are the meta-systems. Meta-systems are
operating systems for applications and they are modeled as Universal Turing machines. A given
meta-system can run multiple applications. Those applications are all state machines, that
communicate with each other via protocols represented by the petri nets. The System as a bubble
between higher and lower Meta-systems can see the meta-system as within or on the outside, and
thus the capsule can be on either side, either within or on the outside. If it is on the outside then it
is a monad. If it is on the inside then it is an object. So, monads and objects are duals.

The point of these musings is that I have long wondered how to apply Peirce’s insights regarding
continua or thirds to fundamental structures, and there is no more fundamental structure than the
Turing Machine for Computer Science and Software Engineering. Gurevich generalized it so that
we can take arbitrary levels of abstraction and see whether they are computationally and thus
causally complete by expressing them as Rules. Here we see why this works which is because the
rule is the surface circumscribed by If, Then and Function. Notice that the If and Then arrows on
this surface are both go the same way as the function edge. This is an asymmetry within the
structure. The other three surfaces are bounded by circuits of arrows, and the line that is opposite
the function that stands for agency is a double bridge in order to allow these circuits to exist

Tangled Hierarchies Kent Palmer

within the structure of the tetrahedron. I was thinking about Steven Wallis’ idea of robustness
which counts Newton’s law and Ohm’s law as robust theories, and I realized that state appears
twice and that really the relation between input, output and state as a robust relation if we thought
about state in terms of identity. And then I realized that all we needed was the Tape to have a
Turing machine and that meant there was a minimal system. Between the tape and the input and
output variables the interactive flows were defined between the state machine and the tape. The
next step was to figure out the nature of the other two surfaces. Hermeneutical and Causal is what
came to mind. One surface is involved in interpreting the tape, and the other surface is involved
in reacting based on that interpretation. But it was surprising that agency was reflected in a dual
bridge of interpret and causal intent (or affect). It is even more surprising that if we extend this to
the meta-system beyond the Turing machine (the meta-machine) then we get something like
Dasein and there are surfaces for intentionality and causality, which are opposite the side-effect
surface. And this interpretation is forced on us by the fact that the capsule can either be seen as
inside or outside the system, because meta-systems can be nested within or as environments
outside the system. The interesting thing is how when we flesh out this robust structure we see
higher concepts come into play like agency and Dasein where we do not expect them. We also
see how double bridges arise as a result of asymmetries in the way that arrows are configured
along the edges of the tetrahedral diamond. It is only the octahedron that has perfect flow along
its arrowed edges, so there has to be asymmetries in the tetrahedral system.

The tetrahedrons we have uncovered are the three dimensional and thus related to a philosophical
principle beyond those that Peirce adhered to which are fourths which signify synergy and fifths
which signify integrity developed by B. Fuller in Synergetics. Synergy is the reuse of parts within
a whole. We see that in the reuses of state to emphasize identity across the changes of state.
Integrity is tensegrity which is flexible and inflexibility mixed to give resilience. We see then that
the Turing machine and the Universal Turing meta-machine tetrahedral have synergy by the reuse
of the rule surface, we also get reuse of the state variable within the rule and reuse of the agent
and Dasein asymmetric paths by their doubling. The capsule gets reused because it can appear as
an object inside or a monad outside the system. So there are many aspects of reuse showing
synergy in the diamond of the Turing machine with capsule configuration that unites system with
meta-system. Integrity specifically appears as the combination of replicated and non-replicated
elements in the Turing meta-machine representation. Via repetition some give or dynamism is
allowed in the structure that can allow it to be dynamic and thus give software the adaptability or
resilience we find in its essence. This diamond is a picture of the essence of software and is
founded on the ability of software to rewrite itself and thus on the differAnce of Derrida. By
using Peirce to understand the essence of software anew we are in effect hacking the essence of
software itself by changing our concept of it and reaching more deeply into what it means by
using the principles of Peirce and Fuller to understand this unique cultural artifact that embodies
Hyper Being and that is changing our world profoundly by its incorporation into all manner of
devices that are in turn change the available affordances and thus transform our world.

Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. in his famous article on the Essence and Accidents in Software
Engineering called “No Silver Bullet” identifies what he believes is the fundamental and essential
characteristics of software which are Complexity, Conformity, Changeability, and Invisibility.
Our new view of the diamond of the System and Meta-system interface between the tetrahedral of
the Turing machine and the capsule that share the rule surface does not change any of these
characteristics. But what it does is explain the structure of the building blocks that when put
together in ingenious ways result in complexity, and have the ability to conform, and control
changeability, and inform the invisibility of the conceptual and theoretical structure of software as
well as the praxis producing source code that embodies that structure effectively and efficiently.
Software only seems werewolf like because it appears alien to our conceptual apparatus. But Kant

Hacking the Essence of Software Kent Palmer

placed rules at the center of reason in his first and second Critiques. But he maintained in the
third critique that there are no rules for formulating rules. And when we can put this together with
the idea of Wilden that The Rules are No Game. Then we see at least three levels, that of the
game, i.e. the rule governed activities, the rules themselves and that which produces the rules
which escape representation by them. The essence of software points to the non-representability
of software design a subject that I cover in my dissertation on Emergent Design4. The
characteristics of software come from the relation of the theory of design to the delocalization and
decoherence of the code as we attempt to play the game by the rules we make up as we attempt to
continue to indicate the non-representables. The point made in Scrum is that we can always
change the rules and thus get an emergent event that transforms the nature of the work we are
doing and the means of achieving our goal. This is the pragmatic aspect of our play of the game
in practice where we seek hyper efficiencies and effectivities and thus ultra-efficacy.
Understanding the essence of software synthetically rather than analytically via the philosophical
principles of Peirce and Fuller give us a better appreciation of how the various characteristics of
the software essence interact to produce its intrinsic difficulty for which there is no Silver Bullet.
Now we can think not just about variables within our source code and how they are
algorithmically connected to each other, but we can think in terms of lines of flow, surfaces that
are bounded by these flows, and the solids that bring together these surfaces into System and
Meta-system spanning models. Thinking about the essence of software in this more elevated way
should help us deal with the problems of decoherence and delocalization that make the essential
characteristics of software intractable.


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Tangled Hierarchies Kent Palmer

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