Timing of Tracheostomy in Patients With Prolonged Endotracheal Intubation: A Systematic Review

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European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology



Timing of tracheostomy in patients with prolonged endotracheal

intubation: a systematic review
Ahmed Adly1 · Tamer Ali Youssef1 · Marwa M. El‑Begermy1 · Hussein M. Younis1

Received: 3 October 2017 / Accepted: 1 December 2017

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2017

The objective of this article is to evaluate the appropriate timing of tracheostomy in patients with prolonged intubationre-
garding the incidence of hospital-acquired pneumonia, mortality, length of stay in intensive care unit (ICU) and duration of
artificial ventilation. The study included published articles yielded by a search concerning timing of tracheostomy in adult
and pediatric patients with prolonged intubation. The search was limited to articles published in English language in the
last 30 years (between 1987 and 2017). For the 690 relevant articles, we applied our inclusion and exclusion criteria and
only 43 articles were included. 41 studies in the adult age group including 222,501 patients and 2 studies in pediatric age
group including 140 patients met our criteria. Studies in adult age group were divided into three groups according to the
methodology of determining the cut off timing for early tracheostomy, they were divided into studies that considered early
tracheostomy within the first 7, 14 or 21 days of endotracheal intubation, while in pediatric age group the cut off timing for
early tracheostomy was within the first 7 days of endotracheal intubation. There was a significant difference in favor of early
tracheostomy in adults’ three groups and pediatric age group as early tracheostomy was superior regarding reduced duration
of mechanical ventilation, with less mortality rates and less duration of stay in ICU. Regarding hospital-acquired pneumonia,
it was significantly less in adult groups but with no significant difference in pediatric age group (3 patients out of 72 pediatric
patient with early tracheostomy had pneumonia compared to 11 patients out of 68 with late tracheostomy). Studies defining
early tracheostomy as that done within 7 days of intubation had better results than those defining early tracheostomy as that
done within 14 or 21 days of intubation. In conclusion, early tracheostomy within 7 days of intubation should be done for
both adults and pediatric patients with prolonged intubation.

Keywords  Early tracheostomy · Tracheostomy timing · Prolonged endotracheal intubation · Tracheostomy

Introduction use of sedation and decreasing the duration of mechanical

ventilation and consequently length of ICU and hospital stay
Tracheostomy is a frequently performed procedure in about [1, 2]. Open surgical tracheostomy and percutaneous trache-
24% of ICU patients as it has many advantages over pro- otomy are methods of performing a tracheostomy in selected
longed endotracheal intubation as: reducing oropharyn- patients. Open surgical tracheostomy may be required if per-
geal and laryngeal trauma, reducing work of breathing by cutaneous tracheotomy technique is contraindicated due to
decreasing airway dead space and lowering the airway resist- anatomic or other patient-related problems [2].
ance, improving pulmonary secretion clearance, reducing the The optimal timing of tracheostomy in patients requiring
prolonged endotracheal intubation is still a debate despite its
advantages. The American National Association of Medical
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this Directors of Respiratory Care in 1989 stated that tracheostomy
article (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00405-017-4838-7) contains is indicated if mechanical ventilation is to be continued for
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
more than 21 days while patients requiring mechanical ven-
* Tamer Ali Youssef tilation for less than 10 days are candidates for endotracheal
tayoussef@yahoo.com intubation [3]. Other authors recommended early tracheostomy
[4] while others mentioned that the evidence of the benefits of
Department of Otolaryngology, Ain Shams University, 36 tracheostomy over endotracheal intubation is insufficient [5].
Ismail Whaba Street, Naser City, District 9, Cairo, Egypt

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

The aim of this study is to conduct a meta-analytic study 0–40%: unimportant heterogeneity; 30–60%: moderate
to verify the appropriate timing of tracheostomy in patients heterogeneity; 50–90%: substantial heterogeneity; 75–100%:
with prolonged intubation regarding the incidence of hospital- considerable heterogeneity.
acquired pneumonia, incidence of mortality, ICU length of
stay and duration of mechanical ventilation.
The literature search was performed on 12/2/2017 and
This study was conducted by searching medical literature in yielded 690 articles. Of these 690 articles, there were 647
the Medline database with the following keywords: timing of articles irrelevant to our study from the title and abstract
tracheostomy, early versus late tracheostomy and tracheostomy and 43 articles were relevant by meeting our criteria. These
after endotracheal intubation. 43 studies had 222,641 patients with 41 studies included in
The search was limited to articles published in the last adult age group with 222,501 patients and 2 studies included
30 years (between 1987 and 2017). in English language to in pediatric age group with 140 patients (Tables 1, 2).
identify prospective, randomized controlled studies assessing
the appropriate timing of tracheostomy in prolonged intubated
patients. Retrospective studies and studies without control Meta‑analysis of studies involving adult patients
group were excluded. Different tracheostomy techniques either
open surgical or percutaneous tracheostomy are included in Results of comparing early and late tracheostomy in adults
the study. regarding hospital‑acquired pneumonia:
Relevant articles were divided into adult and pediatric age
groups. Heterogeneity was found due to the difference in defin- 23 studies were involved including 154,048 patients were
ing early and late tracheostomy. So, a sensitivity analysis was divided into three groups according to the timing of early
conducted dividing the studies in adult age group into three tracheostomy.
groups according to the methodology of determining the tim- I-squared (I2) index was 83% denoting considerable het-
ing of early tracheostomy into studies that considered early erogeneity between studies.
tracheostomy within the first 7 days of endotracheal intuba- Pooling of estimates via random effects method (REM)
tion, studies that considered early tracheostomy within 14 days showed that all studies regardless of the definition of early
of intubation and studies that considered early tracheostomy and late tracheostomy showed an odds ratio (OR) of 0.68
within 21 days of intubation. (95% CI, CL = 0.6–0.77) which was statistically significant
Each article included was analyzed regarding the methodol- (p value < 0.01) favoring early tracheostomy over late trache-
ogy and results (type of study, age of patient, number of cases ostomy regarding incidence of hospital acquired pneumonia.
reported in the article, incidence of hospital-acquired pneumo-
nia, incidence of mortality, duration of mechanical ventilation 1. Studies defining early tracheostomy as that done within
and length of ICU stay). The data collected from each article 7 days Pooling of estimates via REM showed an OR of
were statistically analyzed utilizing ­MedCalc© version 15.8 0.53 (95% CI, CL = 0.42–0.66) which was statistically
(MedCalc© Software bvba, Ostend, Belgium). significant (p value < 0.01)
Studies included in meta-analysis were tested for heteroge- 2. Studies defining early tracheostomy as that done within
neity of the estimates using the following tests: 14 days Pooling of estimates via REM showed an OR
of 0.78 (95% CI, CL = 0.67–0.9) which was statistically
1. Cochran Q chi square test A statistically significant test significant (p value < 0.01).
(p value < 0.1) denoted heterogeneity among the studies. 3. Studies defining early tracheostomy as that done within
2. I-squared (I2) index which is calculated as follows: 21 days Only one study showed an OR of 0.29 (95%
CI, CL = 0.12–0.75) with statistically significant p
( ) value = 0.01.
Q − df
I2 = × 100%
Q All favoring early tracheostomy over late tracheostomy
regarding incidence of hospital acquired pneumonia.
(Q Cochran Q chi square test result, df degree of freedom.
Comparing the OR of the first two groups showed bet-
df = Number of studies − 1 ter OR in studies defining early tracheostomy as that done
within 7 days (Fig. 1).
3. The I-squared is interpreted as follows:
Under the random effects model, the point estimate and
95% confidence interval for the combined studies are 0.68

Table 1  Data collected from the articles involved in comparing early and late tracheostomy in adults
Author Type of study Patients with early tracheostomy Patients with late tracheostomy
NO_ at (Days) HAP Mortality MV ICU stay NO_ at (Days) HAP Mortality MV ICU stay
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD

Ahmed and kuo [6] Retrospective cohort 29 < 7 11 4 15.7 ± 6 19 ± 7.7* 107 > 7 14 1 20 ± 16 25.8 ± 11.8
Alali et al. [7] Retrospective cohort 62 < 8 – 48 10 ± 5.65* 13 ± 5.65* 59 > 8 – 39 16 ± 6.36 19 ± 7
Alhajhusain et al. [8] Retrospective cohort 39 < 9 5* 5 15.1 ± 8.2* 16.6 ± 7.6* 63 > 9 25 23 27.2 ± 10.9 27.2 ± 9.1
Arabi et al. [9] Prospective cohort 29 < 7 – 5 9.6 ± 1.2* 10.9 ± 1.2* 107 > 7 – 15 18.7 ± 1.3 21 ± 1.3
Armstrong et al. [10] Retrospective cohort 62 < 7 – 7 – 15 ± 12* 95 > 7 – 11 – 29 ± 26
Barquist et al. [11] Prospective cohort 29 < 8 28 2 8.57 ± 7.9 4.96 ± 6 31 > 28 28 5 8.83 ± 9 5.26 ± 6.5
Ben-Avi et al. [12] Retrospective cohort 90 < 14 – 16* 16 ± 11 27 ± 21 109 > 14 – 17 21 ± 14 31 ± 23
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Bickenbach et al. [13] Retrospective cohort 237 < 10 – 53* 20.1 ± 11.4* 25.5 ± 15.7* 59 > 10 – 24 29.5 ± 13.8 34.2 ± 24.1
Blot et al. [14] Prospective cohort 61 < 4 – 21 – – 95 > 14 – 20 – –
Bosel et al. [15] Prospective cohort 30 < 3 – 4 15 ± 4.94 17 ± 6.36 30 7–14 – 2 12 ± 5.65 18 ± 7
Chen et al. [16] Retrospective cohort 22 < 21 – – 44.4 ± 10.4* – 38 > 21 – – 59.5 ± 9.6 –
Choi et al. [17] Retrospective cohort 10 < 10 4* – 5.2 ± 6.5* 20.8 ± 6* 11 > 10 9 – 29.2 ± 22.9 38 ± 18.5
Devarajan et al. [18] Retrospective cohort 114 < 10 63* 24* – 526.5 ± 351.2* 114 14–28 71 46 – 698.7 ± 332.5
Flaatten et al. [19] Retrospective cohort 230 < 6 – 51* – – 231 > 6 – 75 – –
Ganuza et al. [20] Retrospective cohort 101 < 7 75 1 33.79 ± 29.62* 40.31 ± 26.49* 114 > 7 83 4 40.73 ± 22.71 49.42 ± 19.24
Gatti et al. [21] Prospective cohort 14 < 7 – – 12.6 ± 6.5* 15 ± 6.5* 10 > 7 – – 20.9 ± 10.7 27.1 ± 11.1
Gessler et al. [22] Retrospective cohort 39 < 7 19* 3* 17.4 ± 1.98* – 109 > 7 75 8 22.3 ± 1.77 –
Holloway et al. [23] Retrospective cohort 24 < 14 – 1 – 15 ± 7.5* 49 > 14 – 1 – 19 ± 11.8
Hossseinian et al. [24] Retrospective cohort 13,386 < 10 – 2837* – – 26,625 > 10 – 7147 – –
Huang et al. [25] Retrospective cohort 11 < 10 – 1* – 16 ± 8* 27 > 10 – 4 – 29 ± 13
Hyde et al. [26] Retrospective cohort 53 < 5 – – 16.7 ± 11.4* 21.4 ± 11* 53 > 5 – – 21.9 ± 12.9 28.6 ± 16.3
Jeon et al. [27] Retrospective cohort 39 < 10 2* 2 11.4 ± 5.6* 19.9 ± 10.6* 86 > 10 16 6 21.5 ± 15.5 31.1 ± 18.2
Keenan et al. [28] Retrospective cohort 5402 < 10 2479 568 – – 4260 > 10 2094 372* – –
Koch et al. [29] Retrospective cohort 50 < 4 19* 10 15.3 ± 5.4* 21.5 ± 7.5* 50 > 4 32 11 21.1 ± 7.24 30.6 ± 7.5
Mahafza et al. [30] Retrospective cohort 70 < 21 20* 13* – – 26 > 21 15 13 – –
Mehta et al. [31] Retrospective cohort 7595 < 7 – 831 – – 12,230 > 7 – 1850 – –
Moller et al. [32] Retrospective cohort 81 < 7 22* – 12.2 ± 0.9* 16.7 ± 1* 104 > 7 44 – 21.9 ± 1.3 26 ± 1.3
Pinheiro et al. [33] Retrospective cohort 11 < 8 6* 1* – – 17 > 8 12 8 – –
Puentes et al. [34] Retrospective cohort 32 < 7 – 8* – – 115 > 7 – 34 – –
Rizk et al. [35] Prospective cohort 1577 < 7 861* – – – 1527 > 7 1118 – – –
Rodrigues et al. [36] Prospective cohort 51 < 7 33* – 12 ± 1* 16 ± 1* 55 > 7 53 – 32 ± 3 37 ± 4
Rumback et al. [37] RCT​ 60 < 2 5* 19* 7.6 ± 4* 4.8 ± 1.4* 60 > 14 15 37 17.4 ± 5.3 16.2 ± 3.8
Scales et al. [38] Retrospective cohort 1081 < 9 – 426 – – 4773 > 13 – 1768 – –
Terragni et al. [39] RCT​ 145 6–8 30 – – – 119 13–15 44 – – –

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

(0.60, 0.77). Using Trim and Fill, these values are unchanged

NO_ number of patients included in the study, at timing of tracheostomy, HAP number of patients developed hospital acquired pneumonia, MV duration of mechanical ventilation in days, ICU
26.27 ± 0.73
Mean ± SD
showing no publication bias.

20.8 ± 9.2
13.1 ± 8.2
33 ± 11.6
36.8 ± 26
ICU stay
Results of comparing early and late tracheostomy in adults

39.33 ± 1.33 regarding incidence of mortality:
Mean ± SD

16.7 ± 8.3
22.1 ± 7.6
32 studies were involved including 219,727 patients which
were divided into three groups according to the timing of
at (Days) HAP Mortality MV

early tracheostomy.

I-squared (I2) index was 83.36% denoting considerable


heterogeneity between studies.

Patients with late tracheostomy


Pooling of estimates via random effects method (REM)



showed that all studies regardless of the definition of early



and late tracheostomy showed an odds ratio (OR) of 0.8


(95% CI, CL = 0.7–0.9) which was statistically significant (p

value < 0.01) favoring early tracheostomy over late tracheos-
> 10
> 10
> 10
> 10

> 3
> 7

tomy regarding incidence of mortality in adults.



1. Studies defining early tracheostomy as that done within

7 days Pooling of estimates via REM showed an OR of
0.76 (95% CI, CL = 0.62–0.93) which was statistically
17.52 ± 1.38*

16.9 ± 13.2*
29.1 ± 24.4*
Mean ± SD

significant (p value 0.01).

13 ± 5.46
24 ± 9.6*
ICU stay

2. Studies defining early tracheostomy as that done within

14 days Pooling of estimates via REM showed an OR of

0.85 (95% CI, CL = 0.72–0.99) which was statistically

21.47 ± 1.86*

significant (p value 0.04).

Mean ± SD

13.3 ± 9.6*
14.9 ± 8.9*

3. Studies defining early tracheostomy as that done within

21 days Only one study showed an OR of 0.23 (95%
Mortality MV

CI, CL = 0.09–0.61) with statistically significant p

value < 0.01.
Patients with early tracheostomy


All favoring early tracheostomy over late tracheostomy


regarding incidence of mortality in adults.

at (Days) HAP

Comparing the OR of the first two groups showed bet-


ter OR in studies defining early tracheostomy as that done

within 7 days (Fig. 2).
16 < 10
Retrospective cohort 53,749 < 10
Retrospective cohort 5591 < 10

Under the random effects model, the point estimate and

256 < 3
315 < 4
128 < 7

58 3

95% confidence interval for the combined studies are 0.80

*Statistically significant difference between both groups

(0.70, 0.90). Using Trim and Fill, these values are unchanged

showing no publication bias.

Retrospective cohort
Retrospective cohort

Results of comparing early and late tracheostomy in adults

Type of study

regarding duration of mechanical ventilation:

Case series

stay duration of ICU stay in days

22 studies were involved including 4424 patients which were


divided into three groups according to the timing of early

tracheostomy. I-squared (I2) index was 98.79% denoting con-
Villwock and Jones [42]

siderable heterogeneity between studies.

Table 1  (continued)

Villwock et al. [41]

Pooling of estimates via random effects method (REM)

Young et al. [44]
Wang et al. [43]

Zagli et al. [46]

Tong et al. [40]

showed that all studies regardless of the definition of early

Yue et al. [45]

and late tracheostomy showed a standardized mean differ-


ence (SMD) of − 1.06 (95% CI, CL = − 1.3 to − 0.82)

which was statistically significant (p value < 0.01) favoring

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Table 2  Data collected from the articles involved in comparing early and late tracheostomy in pediatric age group
Author Type of study Patients with early tracheostomy Patients with late tracheostomy
NO_ at (Days) HAP MV ICU stay NO_ at (Days) HAP MV ICU stay
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD

Holscher et al. [47] Prospective cohort 11 < 7 2* 9 ± 4.5* 13 ± 6* 18 > 7 9 23 ± 5.5 25 ± 4.5
Lee et al. [48] Retrospective cohort 61 < 14 1 8.9 ± 3.66* 17 ± 13* 50 > 14 2 32.2 ± 21.25 42.5 ± 30.8

NO_ number of patients included in the study, at timing of tracheostomy, HAP number of patients developed hospital acquired pneumonia, MV
duration of mechanical ventilation in days, ICU stay duration of ICU stay in days
*Statistically significant difference between both groups

Fig. 1  Forest plot for the incidence of hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) in adults

early tracheostomy over late tracheostomy regarding dura- of − 2.94 (95% CI, CL = − 3.95 to − 1.93) which was
tion of mechanical ventilation in adults. statistically significant (p value < 0.01).
2. Studies defining early tracheostomy as that done within
1. Studies defining early tracheostomy as that done within 14 daysPooling of estimates via REM showed an SMD
7 daysPooling of estimates via REM showed an SMD

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Fig. 2  Forest plot for mortality in adults

of − 0.82 (95% CI, CL = − 1.09 to − 0.55) which was Under the random effects model, the point estimate
statistically significant (p value < 0.01). and 95% confidence interval for the combined studies are
3. Studies defining early tracheostomy as that done within − 1.06 (− 1.3, − 0.82). Using Trim and Fill, these values are
21 daysOnly one study showed an SMD of − 1.53 (95% unchanged showing no publication bias.
CI, CL = − 2.12 to − 0.93) with statistically significant
p value < 0.01. Results of comparing early and late tracheostomy in adults
regarding length of stay at the intensive care unit:
All favoring early tracheostomy over late tracheostomy
regarding duration of mechanical ventilation in adults. 27 studies were involved including 143,506 patients which
Comparing the SMD of the first two groups showed bet- were divided into two groups according to the timing of
ter SMD in studies defining early tracheostomy as that done early tracheostomy.I-squared (I2) index was 98.99% denoting
within 7 days (Fig. 3). considerable heterogeneity between studies.

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Fig. 3  Forest plot for the duration of mechanical ventilation (MV) in adults

Pooling of estimates via random effects method (REM) Comparing the SMD of the two groups showed better
showed that all studies regardless of the definition of early SMD in studies defining early tracheostomy as that done
and late tracheostomy showed a standardized mean differ- within 7 days (Fig. 4).
ence (SMD) of − 0.82 (95% CI, CL = − 1.06 to − 0.58) Under the random effects model, the point estimate
which was statistically significant (p value < 0.01) favor- and 95% confidence interval for the combined studies are
ing early tracheostomy over late tracheostomy regarding − 0.82 (− 1.06, − 0.58). Using Trim and Fill, these values
length of stay at the ICU in adults. are unchanged showing no publication bias.

1. Studies defining early tracheostomy as that done within

7 daysPooling of estimates via REM showed an SMD Meta‑analysis of studies involving pediatric patients
of − 2.61 (95% CI, CL = − 3.44 to − 1.77) which was
statistically significant (p value < 0.01). 2 studies were involved including 140 patients. 11 patients
2. Studies defining early tracheostomy as that done within had early tracheostomy during the first week while 18
14 daysPooling of estimates via REM showed an SMD patients had late tracheostomy after the first week and 61
of − 0.66 (95% CI, CL = − 0.91 to − 0.41) which was patients had early tracheostomy during the second week
statistically significant (p value < 0.01). while 50 patients had late tracheostomy after the second
Both favoring early tracheostomy over late tracheos-
tomy regarding length of stay at the ICU in adults.

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Fig. 4  Forest plot for the length of stay at the intensive care unit (ICU) in adults

Results of comparing early and late tracheostomy definition of early and late tracheostomy showed a stand-
in pediatric patients regarding hospital‑acquired ardized mean difference (SMD) of − 0.99 (95% CI, CL
pneumonia: = − 1.45 to − 0.52) which was statistically significant (p
value < 0.01) favoring early tracheostomy over late trache-
I-squared (I 2) index was 0% denoting no heterogene- ostomy regarding duration of mechanical ventilation in
ity between studies.Pooling of estimates via fixed effects pediatric age group.
method (FEM) showed that all studies regardless of the
definition of early and late tracheostomy showed an odds
ratio (OR) of 0.27 (95% CI, CL = 0.06–1.15) which was Results of comparing early and late tracheostomy
statistically insignificant (p value = 0.08).Therefore, early in pediatric patients regarding length of stay
tracheostomy is comparable to late tracheostomy regarding at the intensive care unit:
incidence of hospital-acquired pneumonia in pediatric age
group (Fig. 5). I-squared (I 2) index was 81.27% denoting considerable
heterogeneity between studies. Pooling of estimates via
Results of comparing early and late tracheostomy random effects method (REM) showed that all studies
in pediatric patients regarding duration of mechanical regardless of the definition of early and late tracheostomy
ventilation: showed a standardized mean difference (SMD) of − 1.65
(95% CI, CL = − 2.85 to − 0.46) which was statistically
I-squared (I 2) index was 0% denoting no heterogeneity significant (p value 0.01) favoring early tracheostomy over
between studies.Pooling of estimates via fixed effects late tracheostomy regarding length of stay at the ICU in
method (FEM) showed that all studies regardless of the pediatric age group.

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Fig. 5  Forest plot for the

incidence of hospital-acquired
pneumonia (HAP) in pediatric
age group

Discussion organ failure. As early tracheostomy decreases length of

stay in the ICU, it will decrease the incidence of these ICU-
Although tracheostomy is one of the most frequently per- associated complications (which may lead to multisystem
formed procedures in ICU patients due to its advantages organ failure) leading to a reduction in the mortality rate if
over prolonged endotracheal intubation, its timing is still a compared to late tracheostomy in adults [8, 12, 14, 17, 20,
controversy among different authors. There is limited evi- 21, 29–35]. This agrees with our study where themortality
dence to guide tracheostomy practice. rate was significantly less in patients who had early trache-
Many authors found that early tracheostomy reduces the ostomy compared to those who had late tracheostomy.
incidence of hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) in adults Other authors stated that there is no difference between
because of the reduced airway resistance, which acceler- early and late tracheostomy regarding the mortality rate in
ates the weaning process of patients from the ventilator adults [6, 10, 11, 14, 18, 19, 23–25, 28, 36–43]. Again, the
decreasing tracheobronchial colonization and incidence of study done by Ahmed and Kuo [23] had insufficient number
ventilator-acquired pneumonia [6–22]. This agrees with our of patients that lead to the insignificant difference between
results where the incidence of HAP was found to be signifi- the two groups and Barquist et al. [24] had small sample
cantly less in patients who had an early tracheostomy done size. The low mortality rates reported in the studies done
when compared to those with late tracheostomy. Whereas by Arabi et al. [37], Blotet al. [39] and Guanzaet al. [25]
other authors stated that there is no difference between early considerably reduced the probability of demonstrating the
and late tracheostomy in the incidence of HAP [23–28]. effect of early tracheostomy on prognosis. Only one study
This may be explained by many factors in different studies. done by Keenanet al. [26] suggested that early tracheos-
In the study done by Barquist et al. [24], there was a very tomy increases mortality rate. This study had a selection
high incidence of pneumonia in both groups as most of the bias regarding different types of injuries and unknown other
patients included in the study acquired pneumonia (96.5% comorbidities. Study design, severity, and pattern of the dis-
in early and 90.3% in late tracheostomy groups) which may order, as well as differences in the specialty of the ICUs,
have masked the differences between both groups. While caused the debate on the effect of early tracheostomy on
the study done by Ahmed and Kuo [23] had insufficient mortality.
number of patients that decreased the ability to observe a Early tracheostomy decreases the need for sedation,
significant difference between the two groups, Zagliet al. decreases airway resistance and allows more effective air-
[28] considered tracheostomy done after three days to be late way secretion suctioning and mouth care; it enhances patient
tracheostomy; this timing is still considered early by most mobility, comfort and ability to speak and eat orally and pro-
of the studies in this analysis. While in the study done by vides more secure airway control through quicker and safer
Keenan et al. [26], all the participants were trauma patients tube replacement and fixation. This reduces the duration of
with different severity and all of them had respiratory failure mechanical ventilation than those with late tracheostomy
with unknown comorbidities. in adults [6, 7, 9–11, 13, 16–18, 21, 25, 28, 30, 32, 36, 37,
Early tracheostomy reduces the rates of aspiration pneu- 44, 45]. This goes with our meta-analysis where the dura-
monia, bacteremia, septic shock, ARDS, and multisystem tion of mechanical ventilation was found to be significantly

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

less in patients who had an early tracheostomy done when age might be related to the infrequency of tracheostomy in
compared to those who had a late tracheostomy. critically ill children as clinicians prefer more conservative
In spite of this, some authors found no effect of the timing management of the pediatric airway due to the tracheos-
of tracheostomy on the duration of mechanical ventilation tomy-related complication rate which is approximately 39%
[23, 24, 29, 40]. Ahmed and kuo [23] declared less ventila- [49, 50].
tion days with the early group (15.7 ± 6.0 versus 20.0 ± 16.0) This meta-analysis has some limitations. One of them is
but statistically insignificant (p value = 0.570) which may be the heterogeneity of the data which resulted from the dif-
due to the small number of patients contributed in the study. ferent inclusion and exclusion criteria of each trial, varying
The study done by Barquistet al. [24] had small sample size patients’ characteristics, tracheostomy techniques, and par-
and high rate of pneumonia (96.5% in early and 90.3% in late ticularly the different definitions of early and late tracheos-
tracheostomy groups) which may influence weaning from tomy.We have tried to overcome this heterogeneity through
mechanical ventilation. The study done by Ben-aviet al. [29] doing a sensitivity analysis according to the methodology
was performed at a tertiary single centre; therefore, these of defining early tracheostomy but there were an inevitable
conclusions may not represent global practice. The study overlap between studies defining early tracheostomy within
done by Boselet al. [40] had heterogeneous small sample 7, 14, and 21 days of intubation. A second limitation of our
size and generalizability was restricted by the single-centre analysis is that not all randomized and quasi-randomized
design. trials that compare the outcomes of early tracheostomy with
Since early tracheostomy accelerates weaning from late tracheostomy are included though a thorough search
mechanical ventilation and reduces aspiration and ventila- was conducted to minimized missing relevant studies but
tor-acquired pneumonias, then it enhances the possibility to our search was limited to articles in English language, so,
mobilize patients from the ICU and decreases length of ICU articles in other languages may have been missed. A third
stay than those with late tracheostomy in adults [6–8, 10, limitation is the inability to accurately predict the need for
11, 13, 16–21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36–38, 45, 46]. In our prolonged mechanical ventilation on scientific bases so most
meta-analysis, the length of ICU stay was also found to be of the studies are based on the clinical judgement of the
significantly less in patients who had an early tracheostomy investigators which may carry a selection bias. Another limi-
done when compared to those with late tracheostomy. tation in assessing the pediatric age group was the inability
While Younget al. [43], Barquistet al. [24], Boselet al. to analyze the mortality rates as there were no sufficient data
[40] and Ben-aviet al. [29] found that the timing of trache- for conducting a meta-analysis due to paucity of studies.
ostomy did not affect the length of ICU stay, Younget al. Finally, the patients’ comorbidities and the reason for ICU
[43] only included patients at very high risk of prolonged admission were not available from the studies and could not
mechanical ventilation due to the absence of a predictive be analyzed. Future studies on the effect of different trache-
tool to estimate the individual duration of mechanical venti- ostomy techniques on the morbidity in early and late tra-
lation, which affected recruitment to the study and the results cheostomies are needed to guide us for the better technique.
regarding ICU length of stay. In addition, the study did not
recruit its intended sample size due to recruitment fatigue
and exhaustion of funding. Again, the small sample size of
Boselet al. [40] and Barquistet al. [24] affected their results. Conclusion
In pediatric age group, Holscheret al. [47] and Leeet al.
[48] both suggested a reduction in duration of mechanical Our meta-analysis suggests that in adult patients with pro-
ventilation and length of ICU stay in patients with early tra- longed intubation, early tracheostomy is significantly asso-
cheostomy than those who had late tracheostomy due to the ciated with reduction in incidence of hospital acquired
reduction in the amount of sedatives required, increasing pneumonia, incidence of mortality, duration on mechani-
patients’ comfort and allowing faster weaning from mechan- cal ventilation and length of stay in ICU, especially when
ical ventilator by maintaining more favorable respiratory early tracheostomy is performed within the first 7 days of
conditions. However, both studies agreed about no signifi- intubation (according to our sensitivity analysis), while in
cant difference between both groups regarding incidence of pediatric age group, early tracheostomy is associated with
HAP as the incidence of post-tracheostomy pneumonia was decreased duration of mechanical ventilation and length of
similar in both groups. There was a difference in defining stay in ICU but does not affect the incidence of hospital
early tracheostomy between the two studies as Holscheret acquired pneumonia.
al. [47] considered tracheostomy to be early if performed
before 7 days of intubation, while Leeet al. [48] considered Compliance with ethical standards 
it early if performed before 14 days of intubation. Less num-
ber of studies found concerning tracheostomy in pediatric Funding None

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Conflict of interest  The authors declare that they have no conflict of 18. Tong C, Kleinberger A, Paolino J et al (2012) Tracheotomy tim-
interest. The entire work was approved from Ain Shmas University ing and outcomes in the critically Ill. Otolaryngol–Head Neck
ethical committee. Surg 147(1): 44–51
19. Villwock J, Villwock M, Deshaies E (2014) Tracheostomy
Ethical approval  This article does not contain any studies with human timing affects stroke recovery. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis
participants or animals performed by any of the authors. 23:1069–1072
20. Villwock J, Jones K (2014) Outcomes of early versus late trache-
ostomy: 2008–2010. Laryngoscope 124:1801–1806
21. Wang H, Lu K, Liliang P et al (2012) The impact of tracheostomy
timing in patients with severe head injury: an observational cohort
study. Injury 43:1432–1436
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