A. Domain Expert D. Learning Systems

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This is a combination of software and

BSA 2-2 hardware that allows the computer to change
1. This refers to the person or group with the how it functions or reacts to situations based on
expertise or knowledge the expert system is feedback it receives.
trying to capture. A. Vision Systems
A. Domain Expert B. Natural Language Processing
B. Knowledge User C. Voice Recognition
C. Knowledge Engineer D. Learning Systems
D. Domain Engineer
7. It refers to the combination of information
2. It include persons who have training or technology with different kinds of discipline
experience in the design, development, such as medicine, natural science and even
implementation, and maintenance of an expert accountancy while considering the impact to
system. individual, society and organization.
A. Domain Expert a. Information Technology
B. Knowledge User b. Information Science
C. Knowledge Engineer c. Information Engineering
D. Domain Engineer d. Informatics

3. These refer to persons or groups who use and 8. Informatics is the link between:
benefit from the expert system. a. People, Information and Technology
A. Domain Expert b. People, Discipline, and Technology
B. Knowledge User c. Information, Discipline and Organization
C. Knowledge Engineer d. Information, Organization and Technology
D. Domain Engineer
9. Another specialized system which assists
4. These are hardware and software that permit people with disabilities perform their tasks.
computers to capture, store and manipulate a. Game Theory
visual images and pictures. b. Assistive Technology System
A. Vision Systems c. Virtual Reality
B. Natural Language Processing d. Rehabilative Devices
C. Voice Recognition
D. Learning Systems 10. Which of the following is not an example of
5. This involves the computer understanding, a. Text and Graphics
analyzing, manipulating and/or generating b. File conversion and Compression
natural languages such as English. c. Information Technology
A. Vision Systems d. Audio
B. Natural Language Processing
C. Voice Recognition 11. The science of how to use data, information
D. Learning Systems and technology, to improve human health and
delivery of healthcare services.
a. Biomedical Science a. Database for Telemarketing
b. Healthcare Science b. Expertise
c. Biomedical Informatics c. Standard Procedures
d. Healthcare Informatics
18. Which of the following is a benefit of
12. Which mathematical theory is used for knowledge management application?
developing strategies that minimizes losses a. Foster innovation by encouraging free flow of
while adhering to given set of rules and ideas
constraints? b. Leverage expertise of people across the
a. Information Theory industry
b. Strategic Theory c. Capture expertise of individuals after they
c. Game Theory retire
d. Developmental Theory
19. Type of a public feedback.
13. It comprises a range of practices concerned A. Mobile Government
with increasing awareness, fostering learning, B. Citizen Science
speeding collaboration and innovation, and C. Crowdsourcing
exchanging insights. D. Communities of Practice
a. Strategic Cost Management
b. Financial Management 20. Represents a knowledge source.
c. Knowledge Management A. Links
B. Metadata
14. This is knowledge that can be documented, C. Nodes
stored, and codified. D. Mapping Knowledge
a. Tacit Knowledge
b. Explicit Knowledge 21. Application of search technology to find
c. Formalized Knowledge information within an organization.
A. Enterprise Search Software
15. This is knowledge that is not documented B. Electronic Discovery
but is embedded in individual experience. C. Enterprise Search
a. Tacit Knowledge D. Predictive Coding
b. Objective Knowledge
c. Explicit Knowledge 22. Enables business users to define, deploy,
monitor and maintain organizational policies.
16. Which of the following refers to an explicit A. BRMS Components
knowledge? B. Enterprise Search
a. Knowledge C. BRMS
b. Skills D. Organizational Network Analysis
c. Patents
23. Which is not an enhancement of Web 2.0?
17. Which of the following pertains to a tacit A. Information Sharing
knowledge? B. Collaboration
C. Knowledge Source 28. It is the first commercially available
D. Functionality in the Web cognitive computing capability, a computer
capable of processing information like a human.
24. General Services Administration was a. Watson
established in b. Supercomputer
A. 1948 c. AI tool
B. 1959 d. IBM
C. 1949
D. 1958 29. Which of the following component of expert
system stores all relevant information, data,
25. Which of the following term is used to rules, cases, and relationship that the expert
describe a computer that has the ability to system uses?
mimic or duplicate the functions of the human a. Inference Engine
brain? b. Explanation facility
a. Artificial Intelligence c. Knowledge Base
b. Inference Engine d. User Interface
c. Brain-Computer Interface
d. Expert System 30. Which of the following component of expert
system allows a user or decision maker to
26. Which of the following consists of hardware understand how the expert system arrived at
and software that stores knowledge and makes certain conclusions or results?
inferences, enabling a novice to perform at the a. Inference Engine
level of an expert? b. Explanation facility
a. Artificial Intelligence c. Knowledge Base
b. Inference Engine d. User Interface
c. Brain-Computer Interface
d. Expert System BSA 2-7
1. A system that enables one or more
27. The main purpose of ___________ is to seek users to move and react in a computer
information and relationships from the simulated environment.
knowledge base and to provide answers, a. Virtual Imagery
predictions, and suggestions similar to the way b. Augmented Reality
c. Virtual Reality
a human expert would.
d. Virtual Reality System
a. Artificial Intelligence
b. Inference Engine
2. The following are forms of Virtual
c. Brain-Computer Interface
Reality except:
d. Expert System a. Augmented Reality
b. Immersive Virtual Reality
c. Not Fully Immersive Virtual Reality
d. Virtual Conservative Reality
3. An adaptive or rehabilitative device 8. Stores all relevant information, data,
designed to help people with disabilities rules, cases, and relationships that the
perform tasks that they were formerly expert system uses
unable to accomplish or had great a. Knowledge Base
difficulty accomplishing b. Inference Base
a. Rehabilitation devices c. Wisdom Base
b. Medicinal Virtual Reality d. Data Base
c. Assistive Technology Systems
d. Technological adaptation devices 9. A suite of software that allows
construction of a knowledge base and
4. A mathematical theory for developing interaction with this knowledge base
strategies that maximize gains and through use of an inference engine
minimizes losses while adhering to a a. Expert system shell
given set of rules and constraints b. Expert system hardware
a. Game Theory c. Software system shell
b. PROTECT Theory d. Software system hardware
c. Strategy-based Theory
d. Theoretical Tactics 10. Hardware and software that permit
computers to capture, store, and
5. Relays the sense of touch and other manipulate visual images and pictures
physical sensations in the virtual world; a. Visual system
least developed and most challenging b. Image system
virtual reality component to create c. Expert System
a. Touch Sensitivity Interface d. Server system
b. Haptic Interface
c. Tactual Interface 11. Branch of engineering that involves
d. Tactile Interface developing and manufacturing
mechanical devices
6. Informatics is the combination of the a. Mechanical engineering
following except for: b. Robotics
a. Information c. Electrical engineering
b. Technology d. Circuit Engineering
c. People
d. Devices 12. A person who has training or
experience in the design, development,
7. Hardware and software that stores implementation, and maintenance of an
knowledge and makes inferences, expert system
similar to a human expert a. Domain expert
a. Expert system b. Server
b. Data system c. Knowledge engineer
c. Collecting system d. System Developer
d. Processing system
13. Comprises range of practices concerned
with increasing awareness, fostering,
learning, speeding collaboration and b. Organized Net Authority
innovation, and exchanging insights. c. Organization Network Analysis
a. Knowledge Management d. Organized Net Analysation
b. Knowledge Control
c. Knowledge Technology 19. A term describing changes in
d. Knowledge Sorting technology and web site design
a. Web 1.0
14. Hard to measure and document. b. Web 2.0
a. Knowledge Management c. Web 3.0
b. Explicit Knowledge d. None of the above
c. Tacit Knowledge
d. Immeasurable Knowledge 20. Software used to define, execute,
monitor, and maintain the decision
15. Knowledge that is documented, stored, logic that is used by the operational
and codified systems and processes that run the
a. Tacit Knowledge organization
b. Explicit Knowledge a. Business Management System
c. Implicit Knowledge b. Business Administration System
d. Intra Knowledge c. Business Policies Management
16. Arrange the following in the correct d. Business Rules Management
order: System
I. Connect the KM Effort to e.
Organizational Goals and 21. The application of search technology to
Objectives find information within an organization
II. Exploit with small pilots a. Management Search
involving enthusiast b. Corporation Search
III. Identify Valuable Tacit c. Enterprise Search
Knowledge d. Google Search
IV. Get Employees to Buy In
22. refers to any process in which
a. I-III-IV-II electronic data is sought, located,
b. II-IV-III-I secured, and searched with the intent
c. IV-I-III-II of using it as evidence in a civil or
d. I-II-III-IV criminal legal case
a. Electronic Discovery
17. COP means b. System Discovery
a. Communities of Practice c. Software Discovery
b. Community of People d. Internet Discovery
c. Communities of Property
d. Community of Payment 23. Computers with the ability to mimic or
duplicate the functions of the human
18. ONA means a. Virtual Reality
a. Organization Network Authorization b. Supercomputers
c. Artificial Intelligence speech, that allows the user to speak to
d. Mainframe computers the computer at a normal pace without
pausing between words.
24. attempts to determine whether a a. Dragoon
computer can successfully impersonate b. Dinosaur
a human c. Devi-cue
a. Turing Test d. Dragon
b. Howell Test
c. Locke Test 29. After Google combined natural
d. None of the above language processing with learning
systems in its Android smartphone
25. A branch of engineering that involves operating system, it reduced word-
the development and manufacture of recognition errors by __ percent.
mechanical or computer devices that a. 24
can perform tasks requiring a high b. 26
degree of precision or that are tedious c. 25
or hazardous for humans. d. 20
a. Roboting
b. Mechanical Engineering 30. The ________________________can be
c. Robotics used to aid in classification and
d. Sci-Fi decision-making tasks, such as alarm
26. A suite of software that allows system malfunction diagnosis and sales
construction of a knowledge base and prospect selection.
interaction with this knowledge base a. Soul Translator
through the use of an inference engine. b. NerveGear
Expert system shells are available for c. Augma
both personal computers and d. NeuroShell Classifier
mainframe systems
a. Espert System
b. Expert System Shell
c. Expert System CHAPTER 11
d. Expert System Engine BSA 2-2
1. A process that helps managers identify
27. Facebook is developing an AI vision desired outcomes and formulate feasible plans
system called _______________, which to achieve their objectives by using available
creates 3D models of the faces in resources and capabilities.
photos. a. SWOT Matrix
a. Deepface b. Strategic Planning
b. Holoface c. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model
c. Myface
d. Project Management
d. Dearface

2. A strategic planning process that defines the

28. The Naturally Speaking application from
organization’s vision and values and then
_______________ Systems uses
continuous voice recognition, or natural
identifies projects and initiatives to achieve the opportunities are available, and what
vision while adhering to the values. environmental factors threaten the future of
a. Issues-based strategic planning the organization.
b. Organic strategic planning a. SWOT Matrix
c. Goals-based strategic planning b. Gantt Chart
d. Entity-based strategic planning c. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model
d. SMART goals
3. A multiphase strategic planning process that
begins by performing a situation analysis to 7. A widely accepted principle that guides how
identify an organization’s strengths, people behave and make decisions in the
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. organization
a. Issues-based strategic planning a. mission statement
b. Organic strategic planning b. core value
c. Goals-based strategic planning c. vision
d. Entity-based strategic planning d. objective

4. The following is a set of frequently cited 8. A statement that communicates an

benefits of strategic planning, except organization’s overarching aspirations to guide
a. Provides a framework and a clearly it through changing objectives, goals, and
defined direction to guide decision strategies.
making at all levels throughout the a. mission statement
organization. b. core value
b. Ensures the most effective use is made c. vision
of the organization’s resources by d. Both a and c
focusing those resources on agreed-on
key priorities. 9. The principal advantages of SMART goals are
c. Enables the organization to be that they are easy to understand, are easily
proactive and take advantage of tracked, and contribute real value to the
opportunities and trends, rather than organization. The SMART acronym stands for:
passively reacting to them. a. Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
d. Identifies projects and initiatives that Relevant, Time constrained
are consistent with those strategies. b. Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Reliable, Traceable
5. A model that identifies the fundamental c. Sound, Measurable, Achievable ,
factors that determine the level of competition Relevant, Transferrable
and long-term profitability of an industry. d. Special, Measurable, Achievable,
a. SWOT Matrix Representation, Timeliness
b. Gantt Chart
c. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model 10. A plan that describes how an organization
d. SMART goals will achieve its vision, mission, objectives, and
6. A simple way to illustrate what a company is goals.
doing well, where it can improve, what a. project
b. strategy b. five
c. goals c. seven
d. objective d. nine

11. __________ includes communicating the 15. The application of knowledge, skills, and
organization’s mission, vision, values, techniques to project activities to meet project
objectives, goals, and strategies so that requirements.
everyone can help define the actions required a. Project Management
to meet organizational goals. b. Functional Decomposition
a. Analyze situation c. Project Integration Management
b. Define strategies d. Scope Management
c. Set direction
d. Deploy plan 16. A frequently used technique to define the
scope of an information system by identifying
12. A graphical tool used for planning, the business processes it will affect.
monitoring, and coordinating projects; it is a. Project Management
essentially a grid that lists activities and b. Functional Decomposition
deadlines. c. Project Integration Management
a. SWOT Matrix d. Scope Management
b. Gantt Chart
c. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model 17. A critical date for completing a major part of
d. SMART goals the project, such as program design, coding,
testing, and release (for a programming
13. A clear example of a tangible benefit is : project).
a. the increase in employee morale from a. Time Management
implementing a self-service employee b. Project Deadline
benefits software package c. Project Milestone
b. the reduction in headcount in the d. Project Schedule
accounting organization resulting from 18. A set of activities that includes defining an
improvements in the payroll processing achievable completion date that is acceptable
system to the project stakeholders, developing a
c. the increase in customer satisfaction workable project schedule, and ensuring the
from modifications to the timely completion of the project.
organization’s Web site a. Time Management
d. the value of improved decision making b. Project Deadline
resulting from self-service analytics c. Project Milestone
tools d. Project Schedule

14. According to the Project Management 19. Something that a firm can do well and that
Institute (PMI), project managers must provides customer benefits, is hard for
coordinate _______ areas of expertise. competitors to imitate, and can be leveraged
a. three widely to many products and markets.
a. Project Variables d. Subject Matter Expert
b. Project Scope
c. Sponsoring Business Unit 25. Which of the following is NOT a
d. Core Competency responsibility of a project sponsor?
a. Ensures that the business unit’s
20. A set of activities that include the expectations and needs are clearly
development and management of the project communicated and understood.
budget. b. Works to overcome resistance to
a. Procurement Management change and prepare the organization to
b. Quality Management embrace the new system and way of
c. Human Resource Management doing things.
d. Cost Management c. Identifies workers from the business
unit to be assigned on a full- or part-
21. The evaluation of the progress of the project time basis to project
on an ongoing basis to ensure that it meets the d. All of the above are responsibilities of a
identified quality standards. project sponsor.
a. Quality Management
b. Quality Planning 26. A deliberate and systematic process
c. Quality Assurance designed to identify, analyze, and manage
d. Quality Control project risks.
a. Procurement Management
22. Activities designed to make the most b. Time Management
effective use of the people involved with a c. Risk Management
project. d. Communications Management
a. Procurement Management
b. Quality Management 27. The generation, collection, dissemination,
c. Human Resource Management and storage of project information in a timely
d. Communications Management and effective manner.
23. Procurement management is divided into a. Procurement Management
the following processes, except: b. Time Management
a. Plan purchase and acquisition c. Risk Management
b. Contract closure d. Communications Management
c. Select seller
d. Make-or-buy decision 28. A set of activities related to the acquisition
of goods and/or services for the project from
24. A well-respected manager with a passion to sources outside the performing organization.
see a project succeed and who removes barriers a. Procurement Management
to the success of the project. b. Time Management
a. Project Champion c. Risk Management
b. Project Sponsor d. Communications Management
c. Project Manager
29. A contract that requires the buyer to pay d. I don’t know
the provider an amount that covers the 4. There are five highly interrelated
provider’s actual costs plus an additional parameters that define a project:
amount or percentage for profit. Scope, Cost, User Expectation, Quality
a. fixed-price contract and
b. cost-reimbursable contract a. Timing
c. time and material contract b. Theme
d. contract of sale c. Time
d. Team
30. The coordination of all appropriate people, 5. It is the key determinant of other
resources, plans, and efforts to complete a project factors and must be carefully
project successfully. defined to ensure that a project meets
a. Project Management its essential objectives.
b. Strategic Planning a. Cost
c. Project Integration Management b. User Expectation
d. Scope Management c. Scope
d. Quality
BSA 2-7 6. The rationale behind ___________ is to
1. It is a temporary endeavor undertaken enable sound economic decisions about
to create a unique product, service or whether employees should be assigned
result. to project work or to operational
a. Project activities.
b. Object a. Capital
c. Subject b. Expenses
d. Strategy c. Sponsoring business unit
2. It is something a firm can do well and d. Internal cross-charges
that provides customer benefits, is hard 7. It creates a competitive advantage that
for competitors to imitate, and can be enables the organization to earn a
leveraged widely to many products and greater than normal return on
markets. investment than its competitors.
a. Pure Competency a. Innovation
b. Core Competency b. Development
c. Care Competency c. Breakthrough
d. Pore Competency d. Maintenance
3. If any one of those project variables 8. It explores the use of technology (or a
changes, there mustn’t be a new technology) in a new way. Risk can
corresponding change in other be managed by setting cost limits,
parameters as well. establishing an end date, and defining
a. True criteria for success.
b. False a. Maintenance
c. Maybe b. Development
c. Innovation a. Functional decomposition
d. Breakthrough b. Fractional decomposition
9. This upgrades an existing system to c. Functional composition
provide new capabilities that meet new d. Functional breakdown
business needs. 15. It is an outline of the work to be done
a. Breakthrough to complete the project.
b. Enhancement a. Work breakdown structure
c. Maintenance b. Work breakdown system
d. Development c. Gantt chart
10. It implements changes to an existing d. Functional decomposition
system to enable operation in a 16. It is determining which quality
different technology environment (e.g., standards are relevant to the project
underlying changes in hardware, a.Quality planning
operating systems, or database b.Quality assurance
management systems) c. Quality control
a. Development d.Quality management
b. Enhancement 17. Human resource management includes:
c. Breakthrough a. Organizational planning
d. Maintenance b. Staff acquisition
11. The number of staff before and after c. Team Development
the completion of an initiative is an d. All of the above
example of 18. It involves comparing the pros and cons
a. Virtual Benefits of in-house production versus
b. Tangible Benefits outsourcing of a given product or
c. Physical Benefits service.
d. Intangible Benefits a. Buy-and-sell decision
12. An increase in customer satisfaction b. Acquisition-and-disposal
due to an initiative is an example of decision
a. Virtual Benefits c. Make-or-buy decision
b. Tangible Benefits d. Pros-and-cons comparison
c. Physical Benefits 19. Managers draw on results of the SWOT
d. Intangible Benefits analysis and consider the following
13. It is a graphical tool used for planning, questions: How can we best capitalize
monitoring, and coordinating projects. on our strengths and use them to their
a. Gantt Chart full ______?
b. Grant Chart a. Population
c. Work breakdown structure b. Polution
d. Functional decomposition c. Potential
14. It is a frequently used technique to d. Pollutant
define the scope of an information 20. ________of various organizational units
system by identifying the business develop more detailed plans for
processes it will affect. initiatives, programs, and projects that
align with the firm’s objectives, goals, formulate feasible plans to achieve
and strategies. their objectives by using available
a. Employee resources and capabilities
b. Managers a. Tactical planning
c. CEO b. Managerial planning
d. Supervisors c. Production planning
21. Alignment ensures that the efforts will; d. Strategic planning
EXCEPT 26. Defines the organization’s vision and
a. Draw on the strengths of the values and then identifies projects and
organization initiatives to achieve the vision while
b. Capitalize on new opportunities adhering to the values
c. Fix organizational weaknesses a. Issue-based strategic planning
d. Maximize the impact of b. Goals-based strategic planning
potential threats c. Specific strategic planning
22. The amount of effort, the process used, d. Organic strategic planning
and the level of creativity that goes into 27. Begins by identifying and analyzing key
the creation of a business unit _____ issues that face the organization,
plan can vary greatly across an settings strategies to address those
organization. issues, and identifying projects and
a. Strategic initiatives that are consistent with those
b. Business strategies
c. Floor a. Goals-based strategic planning
d. Action b. Organic strategic planning
23. The strategic plan of the IS organization c. Specific strategic planning
must identify technologies, vendors, d. Issue-based strategic planning
competencies, people, systems, and 28. Used to analyze an organization’s
projects in which the organization will internal assessment and study of its
______ to support the corporate and external environment
business unit objectives, goals, and a. Michael Porter’s Five Forces
strategies. Model
a. Identify b. SMART goals
b. Invest c. Environmental Analysis
c. Interupt d. SWOT Analysis
d. Initiate 29. It concisely defines the organization’s
24. All of the following are examples of IT fundamental purpose for existing
investments except: a. Vision Statement
a. Technologies b. Goals
b. Systems c. Objectives
c. Projects d. Mission Statement
d. Time 30. A specific result that must be achieved
25. It is a process that helps managers to reach an objective
identify desired outcomes and a. Objectives
b. Vision
c. Mission
d. Goals

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