Asrene (Hdpe SP4808)
Asrene (Hdpe SP4808)
Asrene (Hdpe SP4808)
Product Description:
Asreneo SP4808 is an HDPE resin which is supplied in natural pellet form and suitable for pressure pipes, water distribution pipes,
subduct conduit, sewerage and industrial pipes requiring high tensile properties, excellent stress cracking resistance and long term
hydrostatic strength.
Density :, : ' ' .' , AS-TMDJ505 , ' r: , .glcm.3,' ,.' ,,,,,, . 0,949
Melt lndex (190'C/2.16 kg) ASTM D 1238 g/10 min
Melt lndex (190 oc/5.0 kg) ASTM D 1238 gi10 min 0.25
Melt lndex (190 "c121.6 kg) ASTM D 1238 g/10 min 9.0
Brifl leness Ternperature ASTM D746 . .-.c < -70
ESCR [10% lgepal, Fsol ASTM D 1693 Hrs > 'l ,000
Tensilq S-lren gth @{ ield ASTM.D638 MPa 30
Tensile Strength @Break ASTM D 638 MPa
Hydrostatic Resislance @12.4 MPa, 2A o?"n ISO 1 167 Hrs
Hydrostatic Resistance @12.4 MPa, 20 "C* ISO 1167 Hrs > 1,000
Rapid Crack Propagation (S4 teit @0 oC)***
Slow Crack Grswth (notch test,@S0 oC, 9.2 barlt* , , ISO 13479 > 1,058
Longitudinal Reversion"** lso 2505 1&2 % 0.63
*Polyethylene tested per ASTM D 1928
Conversion: '1 MPa ='10.2 kgf/cm2
S-5, SDR-11, PN-16, OD,32 mm 1 kJ/mz = 0.01 kgf.cmlmmz
**PE-100, S-5, SDR-1 1, pN-16, OD-1 10 mm
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6r Chandra Asrt
srGne Petrochemrcal
. product(s) should be stored in dry and dust free location at temperature below 50 "c and protected from direct sunlight and/or
heat, well-ventilated area, away from incompatible materials, food and drink, as this may lead
to quality deterioration, wttich
physical properties of this product'
results in odor generation and color changes and can have negative effects on the
r must be carefully resealed and
Keep packaging tighfly closed and sealed until ready for us9. Packaging that has been opened
containment to avoid environmental
kept upright to prevent leakage. Do not store in ,nlrb"l"d pacxaging. Use appropriate
r The storage area should be stable and not be slopped.
. pleas6" refer to our Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for detaits on storage and handling of the product.
Product StewardshiP:
pT. chandra Asri petrochemical, Tbk- (cAp) has a fundamental concem for all who make, distribute, and use its products, and for
philosophy by wlrich we assess the
the environment in which rnre live. This concem is the basis for our Prsduct Stewardship
take appropriate steps to protect employee, public health
safety, health and environmental information on our products and then
program rests with each and every indMdual involved with CAP
and environment. The succ€ss of our Product Stewardship
products -from the initial concept and research, to manufacture, storage, sale, use and disposal of each
Jin" ,"*in"r p*ptrti"* reporteo herein are typical on the This document reports accurate and reliable information to
product of CAP but do not reflect normal testing variance the best of our knowledge on the products manufactured by
and therefore should not to be construed as CAP. Since CAP cannot anticipate or control the conditions
specifications. under which this information and its product may be used, each
user should review the information in the specific context of
cAP reseniei th} i'Ehti to hake'dny improvLrirent or the intended applixtion. CAP will not be responsible for
amendments to the composition of any grade or product damages of any nature resulting from lhe use of or reliance upon
without alteration to the product code. the information.
previously published.
This technical datasheet is effective as from July 2016 and supersedes all data
Head Office:
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