Commentary: Bracket Slot Size Selection: After All A Matter of Taste?

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European Journal of Orthodontics, 2018, 1–2


Bracket slot size selection: after all a matter of taste?

Theodore Eliades

Clinic of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich

Correspondence to: Theodore Eliades, Plattenstrasse 11 Zurich 8032, Switzerland. E-mail:

The publication of the three-paper series on the effects of two slot sizes on treatment parameters
in this issue, targets a topic, which has attracted a lot of discussion based primarily on anecdotal
evidence. The conclusive evidence contribute to the lack of variation of treatment variables with
slot size selection, clarifies one of the traditional beliefs on this issue; several others still hold
strong however. This commentary has the objective of highlighting some points, which could be
taken into consideration in interpreting the results of this three-part trial.

The series of the three papers A randomized clinical trial of the effec- from the study of Kusy, demonstrates that wires with a cross-section
tiveness of 0.018-inch and 0.022-inch slot orthodontic bracket systems: of 0.016 × 0.022-inch, yield a torsional stiffness with a relative ratio
part 1—duration of treatment by Yassir et  al; A randomized clinical of 6, which means a variation of 600% among different alloys (when
trial of the effectiveness of 0.018-inch and 0.022-inch slot orthodontic comparing for example NiTi to stainless steel) (5). This implies that
bracket systems: part 2—quality of treatment also by Yassir et al; and although a rectangular cross-section is inserted, the effectiveness of
A randomized clinical trial of the effectiveness of 0.018-inch and 0.022- torque application may be poor when low modulus wires are selected.
inch slot orthodontic bracket systems: part 3—biological side-effects of Therefore, the notion that because of the introduction of new wires
treatment by El-Angbawi et al, all originating from the group led by with low modulus of elasticity, the slot-size could be reconsidered and
D. Bearn, contribute essential information for the informed choice of a 0.018-inch slot should be considered outdated (6) is fundamentally
slot size (1–3). This topic has rather been a matter of personal preference problematic, because larger slots would result in the necessity at some
and training influences, than an evidence-derived decision. Although point of time to insert larger rectangular stainless steel wires, to pro-
many attempts have been in the past to assign specific advantages or vide torque, which would in turn apply higher forces in second order
limitations to the 0.018-inch and 0.022-inch, the resultant statements misalignments, and show bracket positioning mistakes.
were largely confined within the anecdotal evidence—which is a kind The reader should appreciate that root resorption as studied in
of oxymoron since these do not qualify to be considered evidence, any- one of the paper series, might not be directly associated with the
way. The truth is that there have been efforts to look at the issue in slot size, rather, showing more relevance to the configuration of the
a more scientific manner by deducting elements of efficiency or other
parameters such as magnitude of forces, through indirectly studying the Table 1.  Torsional stiffness indices of rectangular wires of various
cross-sections and alloy compositions
forces and moments developing during engagement with various wise
sizes and compositions of alloys; duration of treatment; and torque con- Torsional stiffness index
trol. However conclusive hard data derived from RCTs are lacking and
hence the publication of the series of these papers is of high importance. Wire cross section (in) NiTi TMA Stainless steel
There have been different perspectives in examining the issue of
0.016 × 0.022 1.5 2.5 8.8
slot size picked (4). What one could identify as versatility provided
0.017 × 0.025 1.9 3.8 12
by the 0.022 slot owing to the ability of use of a larger selection of 0.019 × 0.025 3 5.2 18.1
wires that could fit, another could consider as inefficiency because of
the same reason. Moreover, there have been several misconceptions as Note that within the same size, there is a variation as big as 600% and thus
to the effect of the size of wire on its torsional performance. Larger a notable difference in efficiency is expected. Stiffness index is a number with-
cross-section wires do not necessarily possess higher efficiency in out units and provides an estimate of the relative stiffness of two wires (e.g. an
torque since the torsional stiffness is more affected by the alloy com- index of 2 implies that this wire has double the stiffness of another which has
position than the escalation to a larger size. Table 1 derived from data 1). Values derived from the nomograms proposed by Kusy (2).

© The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Orthodontic Society.
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2 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2018, Vol. XX, No. XX

Table 2.  Difference in bending stiffness index of wires utilized in the study. By escalating in size between first and second wire for the 0.018
and 0.022 slots, a 500% vs 800% difference in increase in bending stiffness is noted, respectively; corresponding difference between the
second and third wire for the two slots is 280% (0.018) and 500% (0.022)

Bending stiffness index 0.018 Bending stiffness index 0.022 Torsional stiffness index Torional stiffness index 0.022
WIRE used group group 0.018 group group

First wire 0.5 0.5 — —

Second wire 2.5 4 1.5 2.5
Third wire 7 20 7 18

Differences in torsional stiffness index by escalating between second and third wire between the 0.018 and 0.022 slots are similar, i.e. 530 versus 500%, respec-
tively. Stiffness index is a number without units and provides an estimate of the relative stiffness of two wires (for example an index of 2 implies that this wire has
double the stiffness of another which has 1). Values derived from the nomograms proposed by Kusy (5).

biomechanical scheme followed. In that sense, it could be that iden- to 9.3). The use of sliding mechanics to bypass the problem of high
tical slots and wires used with different techniques with variation forces, generates a difficulty in controlling torque, and is also not
in intrusion, tipping, double trip, jiggling, or persistent tooth move- favouring the 0.022 option: in a 0.018-inch slot, a 0.017 × 0.022-
ment, on patients with different metabolic or root anatomy, might inch archwire requires a power arm of 9  mm to achieve bodily
yield unpredictable resorption extent. At any rate, this hypothesis movement, whereas the corresponding figure for the 0.022 slot with
was legitimately handled in this RCT. a 0.019 × 0.025-in archwire, is 11.5 mm (8). This makes it uncom-
Some comments are nonetheless due on the accompanying studies: fortable for the patient as it perhaps impinges in the vestibular area,
the first relates to the fact that the authors, in an attempt to standardize which shows a decreased height as the tooth is being distalized.
the stages of treatment and mechanotherapy, have selected three wires The authors of the laborious series of papers have undertaken the
per group with identical initial wire. This has resulted in essentially task of monitoring a relatively large number of patients throughout
negating the concept of smaller slot size, which was utilized to attain the entire treatment time and focused on an issue, for which a lot of
control of the spatial orientation of the tooth with less wire changes discussion based on empirical evidence and opinions has been gener-
and smaller cross-section wires; or correspondingly, that of a larger ated, with a notable absence of hard facts. Within the limitations of
slot, which is employed to initiate treatment with a larger cross-section the given design, which inevitably surface anytime an investigation
wire. By doing so, the authors introduced a difference in the step-wise pertinent to treatment variables is undertaken in a specialty, which
escalation of wire stiffness in bending (Table 2), which might be more primarily does not manage an objectively-defined pathological
essential parameter than just the number of wires used. A closer look at entity, they have contributed a lot by setting their objectives simple
the increase of stiffness shows that there is a jump of 500% in bending and clear. Their dedication to the process of systematically examin-
stiffness between the first and second wires in the 0.018 slot whereas ing fundamental treatment parameters, should be acclaimed.
the corresponding figure in the 0.022 slot is 800% owing to the fact
that, while the two groups started with the same wire, the 0.022 slot Conflicts of Interest
one received a larger cross-section as a second wire. Moreover, these None to declare.
figures for the second and third wire are 280 versus 500% for the
0.018 and 0.022 slots, respectively, which means that the standardi- References
zation of the number of wires produced an imbalanced effect on the 1. Yassir et al. A randomized clinical trial of the effectiveness of 0.018-inch and
stiffness (and forces) applied. In torsional stiffness things look fairly 0.022-inch slot orthodontic bracket systems: part 1–duration of treatment.
balanced and despite the big jump, it seems that wire changes produced European Journal of Orthodontics, 2018, 1–10. doi:10.1093/ejo/cjy037
similar increase in stiffness. Therefore the generalizability of the results 2. Yassir et al. A randomized clinical trial of the effectiveness of 0.018-inch and
is a bit limited, however the slack or free play was effectively normal- 0.022-inch slot orthodontic bracket systems: part 2–quality of treatment.
ized since the two terminal wires used in the two slots possess identical European Journal of Orthodontics, 2018, 1–11. doi:10.1093/ejo/cjy038
lack (about 14 degrees). In fairness to the authors, any selection of wire 3. El-Angbawi et al. A randomized clinical trial of the effectiveness of 0.018-
sequence, would have generated a discussion about its appropriateness inch and 0.022-inch slot orthodontic bracket systems: part 3–biological
side-effects of treatment. European Journal of Orthodontics, 2018, 1–11.
or acclamation, as there are no specific guidelines and the multiplicity
of wires available (sizes and composition) allows for a wide selection.
4. Epstein, M.B. and Epstein, J.Z. (2002) Benefits and rationale of differential
Secondly, a parameter which has not been assessed is the case
bracket slot sizes: the use of 0.018-inch and 0.022-inch slot sizes within a
of retraction of anteriors in extraction cases. In this scenario, the single bracket system. The Angle Orthodontist, 72, 1–2.
0.022 size shows some disadvantages in the conventional ligation 5. Kusy, R.P. (1983) On the use of nomograms to determine the elastic prop-
mode, arising from the use of larger wires, and the resultant higher erty ratios of orthodontic arch wires. American Journal of Orthodontics,
forces, which should be taken into consideration and managed by 83, 374–381.
using complex configurations or exceedingly large loop heights. 6. Peck, S. (2001) Orthodontic slot size: it’s time to retool. The Angle
A  0.017  ×  0.025-inch stainless steel archwire with a tear drop- Orthodontist, 71, 329–330.
shaped loop, when activated produces a force of 1020 g for a 6 mm- 7. Sumi, M., Koga, Y., Tominaga, J.Y., Hamanaka, R., Ozaki, H., Chiang, P.C.
and Yoshida, N. (2016) Innovative design of closing loops producing an opti-
height loop, and 265 g when the height is increased to 10 mm. The
mal force system applicable in the 0.022-in bracket slot system. American
corresponding values for the 0.019 × 0.025-inch wire, are 1420 and
Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 150, 968–978.
470 g, respectively, which are exceedingly high (7). Yoshida has pro-
8. Tominaga, J.Y., Ozaki, H., Chiang, P.C., Sumi, M., Tanaka, M., Koga, Y.,
posed alternative designs such as the keyhole loop or modifying Bourauel, C. and Yoshida, N. (2014) Effect of bracket slot and archwire
existing shapes by reducing for example the thickness of the wire in dimensions on anterior tooth movement during space closure in sliding
the dome of the loop, thereby reducing the magnitude of force by mechanics: a 3-dimensional finite element study. American Journal of
50% and increasing the moment-to-force ratio by 80% (from 5.5 Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 146, 166–174.

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