Intertidal Mollusks of Iquique, Chile: by Louie Marincovich, JR

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FEBRUARY 20, 1973



70*' 10'
7<T 11





Location of Iquique in northern Chile





FEBRUARY 20, 1973


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ABSTRACT: Collections of intertidal mollusks made in the area of Iquique, northern Chile,
in 1964 and 1970 were found to contain some new and many poorly known species of mollusks.
Because little work has been done on Chilean mollusks, this report gives a synonymy, distribu-
tion, habitat, and illustration of each species, with additional remarks about some.
One new genus, Salitra, and 10 new species are described: Nucula (Nucula) interflucta, Lyonsia
delicata, Tricolia macleani, Eatoniella (Eatoniella) latina, Eatonina (Saginofusca) atacamae,
Fartulum moorei, Aesopus aliciae, Salitra radwini, Iselica chilensis, and Iselica carotica.
Apparently undescribed species of Bittium, Triphora, and Cerithiopsis are only briefly described
for lack of good specimens. Two new species of Marinula will be discussed by another worker.

INTRODUCTION tions that make Orbigny's work so valuable. An

extensive work on the general zoology of Chile
Marine invertebrate faunas of the Peruvian by Gay (1854) includes much descriptive material
province along the west coast of South America on mollusks written by Hupe, but illustrates only
are of particular interest because they have not 39 species. Additional species were described by
been extensively collected and studied. The steep, Philippi (1860) in his account of a natural history
rugged coastline throughout much of the province trip through the desert of northern Chile. Most
is accessible by road at only a few places, so col- later workers have neglected to adequately illus-
lecting has mostly taken place at widely scattered trate their works on Peruvian province mollusks,
ports. One of the localities commonly cited in and the resultant difficulty in identifying speci-
reports on mollusks of the Peruvian province is mens has been one major reason for the notable
Iquique, on the coast of northern Chile at latitude lack of interest in this region.
20° 13'S, but even there the fauna has never been Dall's (1909) report on a collection of shells
thoroughly described. from Peru includes a checklist of all known littoral
The present report is based upon a collection of marine mollusks of the Peruvian province, with
intertidal mollusks made by me at Iquique from line drawings of a few common species, and is still
June to September of 1964 and from June to July the most useful reference for mollusks of this area.
of 1970. Although most of the species reported The Lund University reports on Chilean mollusks
here were found by carefully searching the inter- by Leloup (1956) on Polyplacophora, Marcus
tidal zone, many of the mollusks are too small to (1959) on Lamellariacea and Opisthobranchia,
be easily seen. Such small species were collected and Soot-Ryen (1959) on Pelecypoda include
by using the common micropaleontological tech- more up-to-date range and locality data, especially
nique of flotation in heavy liquids to separate the for the southern part of the Chilean coastline, plus
mollusks and sediment. photographs and line drawings of some species.
Neglect of the Peruvian faunal province by A review of Panamic-Pacific pelecypods by Olsson
modern molluscan workers is shown by a review (1961) deals mainly with species that occur to the
of the literature, since the principal works on this north of the Peruvian province, but does include
region are long out-of-date. The first important a few of the more common and widely ranging
work to mention Chilean mollusks was "Saggio Chilean forms. Olsson's work also gives a concise
sulla storia naturale del Chile" of Molina (1782), historical account of early zoological expeditions
in which many of the most common mollusk to western South America. Illustrations of several
species were described. The monumental "Voyage species and detailed distributional data are included
dans 1'Amerique Meridionale" of Orbigny (1834- in a report by Ramorino (1968) on pelecypods
1847) is the most useful early work to include from Valparaiso Bay. A recent checklist of Chilean
Chilean mollusks, giving a brief description and
colored drawing of each species, and also cata-
loging numerous species from Peru and Argen- R E V I E W COMMITTEE FOR THIS BULLETIN
tina. The reports by G. B. Sowerby, I, W. J. Bro- Eugene V. Coan
William K. Emerson
derip and others in the 1830's on the prolific James H. McLean
collecting of Hugh Cuming in western South 2
Museum Associate in Invertebrate Zoology, Natural History
America contain new locality data and descrip- Museum of Los Angeles County; and Department of Geological
Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif.
tions of many new species, but lack the illustra- 90007

pelecypods by Osorio and Bahamonde (1970) is USNM, United States National Museum of
a summary of species reported in the literature. Natural History.
The revised edition of the major work by Keen
(1971) on tropical west American mollusks includes
several species that range into the Peruvian prov-
ince. Pena (1970) gives a list of 203 gastropod Throughout the course of preparing this report
species collected by him in Peru, and Dell (1971) I have had the assistance of Dr. James H. McLean,
reports on mollusks of the Royal Society of London Curator of Invertebrate Zoology at the Natural
Expedition to southern Chile. History Museum of Los Angeles County, and here
A few shorter papers dealing with particular gratefully acknowledge his part in it. During its
groups of mollusks such as the Fissurellidae (Riv- early stages the text as a whole has been criticized
eros-Zuniga, 1951) and the Veneridae (Riveros- by Dr. Clarence A. Hall, Jr., of the University of
Zuniga and Gonzalez, 1950) or descriptions of new California at Los Angeles, and Dr. William H.
species (Stuardo, 1962) have also appeared, but Easton of the University of Southern California.
the Peruvian province still contains the least ade- I am particularly grateful to Dr. Eugene V. Coan,
quately described molluscan fauna in the eastern Research Associate at the California Academy of
Pacific. The high percentage of new species in the Sciences, and Dr. William K. Emerson, Curator
present collection, which almost exclusively con- of Living Invertebrates at the American Museum
tains intertidal mollusks, demonstrates the need of Natural History, for their helpful suggestions.
for more descriptive work in Chile and Peru. I have benefited greatly from help with identi-
The geographic and bathymetric ranges of mol- fication of some species, through correspondence
lusks from this region are especially poorly known, or discussion, with a number of workers. Dr. Myra
owing to sparse modern collecting and imprecise Keen of Stanford University was of particular
locality data in the early literature. Thus, major help with bivalves; Dr. James H. McLean with the
changes in our knowledge of the ranges of some acmaeid limpets; Dr. Donald R. Moore, University
species are to be expected as the fauna becomes of Miami, with the minute gastropods; and Mr.
more thoroughly studied. Spencer R. Thorpe, of El Cerrito, California, with
In this paper an attempt has been made to refine the chitons. Others who assisted with specific
the northern range limits of Peruvian province problems of determinations are: Dr. S. Stillman
species that are frequently cited as occurring in Berry, of Redlands, California; Dr. Richard K.
the Panamic province, particularly by Dall (1909). Dell of the Dominion Museum, Auckland, New
The Hancock collection of mollusks at the LACM Zealand; Mrs. Eveline Marcus of Sao Paulo,
contains sufficient material from Ecuador to sug- Brazil; Dr. Joseph P. E. Morrison of the U. S.
gest that absence in the collection of the questioned National Museum of Natural History; Dr. Winston
Peruvian province species is possibly evidence F. Ponder of the Australian Museum, Sydney;
that they do not occur there. Accordingly, some Dr. George E. Radwin of the San Diego Natural
ranges are restricted based on LACM records. History Museum; and Dr. Joseph Rosewater of the
More so than for most other areas, the early U. S. National Museum. Their contributions are
literature on Chilean mollusks abounds in biblio- mentioned in the text.
graphic inaccuracies, providing a serious problem Mrs. Dorothy Halmos, former librarian of the
in locating original species citations or constructing Allan Hancock Foundation Library, University
synonymies. The obscurity of many of the oldest of Southern California, and Miss Mary Ellen
works adds to the problem and means that an Pippin, the present librarian, greatly assisted in
interested worker must devote more time to un- locating older works on Chilean mollusks.
tangling the literature than to studying specimens. I especially thank my father, Louie Marinco-
In the present report the synonymies are not vich, Sr., for making possible my first trip to Chile
intended to be exhaustive, but give works that and helping me to collect specimens.
contain illustrations, name changes, or detailed
Repositories of type materials described herein
are as follows: AMNH, American Museum of Alternating rocky and sandy beaches form the
Natural History, New York; ANSP, Academy of coastline at Iquique (Frontispiece). The rocky
Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; CAS, California beaches are a series of broad shelves and ledges,
Academy of Sciences, San Francisco; LACM, unprotected from the full force of the sea except
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; for a few large nearshore rocks. I collected inten-
SDNHM, San Diego Natural History Museum; sively in the intertidal zone immediately west of

the town and for one kilometer southward. Since fingers projecting seaward and separated by narrow
wave action is strong, only coarse sand and gravel (7-20 m wide) wave-cut channels that have boulder
are found in the tide pools, and the molluscan and gravel beaches at their heads. The rock walls
assemblage is typical of an open coast. The physical bounding the channels are vertical and up to 10 m
environment affecting intertidal organisms at high. Acanthopleura echinata (Barnes) and Scurria
Iquique has been described by Guiler (1959). viridula (Lamarck) are abundant on exposed sur-
The large brown alga Lessonia nigrescens Bory, faces and Diloma nigerrima (Gmelin) is clustered
1826, is common at Iquique, where its holdfasts in crevices and beneath boulders on the gravel
are attached in the area exposed at lowest tide beaches.
and below. The limpet Scurria scurra (Lesson)
lives exclusively in depressions that it excavates
on the algal stipes and holdfasts, and Hiatella
solida (Sowerby) is commonly nestled in the hold-
fasts, while Entodesma cuneata (Gray) is often The Peruvian faunal province includes 1800 kms
attached to holdfasts washed ashore. of coastline in Peru (south of 5°40'S) and 2800 kms
The sandy beaches near Iquique are also un- of coastline in Chile (to about 42° S) (Olsson, 1961).
protected and subject to heavy wave action. The On the basis of published records and personal
only mollusks found on them are Oliva peruviana observations, Olsson (1961:35) estimated a total
Lamarck, which lives shallowly buried in sand of of 386 species of shell-bearing mollusks from the
the swash zone, and Mesodesma donacium (Lam- region between Punta Aguja, Peru, and Chiloe
arck), which is buried just seaward of the area Island, Chile, of which only 292 were considered
exposed at low tide. The only protected beach near indigenous to the Peruvian province. At least
Iquique was on the rocky headland of Punta Morro, three times as many species are known from a
immediately west of the town. It was a small beach, region of similar size and environmental diversity
40 m deep by 15 m wide at low tide, consisting of along the coast of western North America from
sandy black silt with interspersed cobbles and Alaska to Baja California. This great difference
boulders. Many of the small gastropods not present in numbers of species between the two similar
elsewhere lived at this locality. When I revisited regions partly indicates the extent to which the
Iquique in June and July of 1970, this small beach, mollusks of the Peruvian faunal province have
unique in the Iquique area, had been destroyed by been neglected.
housing construction. Garth (1957) has emphasized that the geographi-
In addition to Iquique, less complete collections cal and hydrological similarities between the west
were made at Playa Blanca, Punta Gruessa, and coast of South America (below 6°S) and the west
Patillos, about 8, 17, and 65 kms south of Iquique, coast of North America from Punta Eugenia
respectively. Playa Blanca is an exposed low rocky (28° N) to the Bering Sea are reflected by the gen-
shelf of gently dipping shale beds uncovered at erally analogous development of the crustacean
low tide. The mollusks most common at Iquique faunas. Both the Peruvian province of South
are the only ones present at Playa Blanca, and America and the combined Californian, Oregonian
even these do not occur in large numbers. and Aleutian provinces of North America include
Punta Gruessa is a small point consisting of long stretches of rugged and exposed coastline
volcanic rocks that are distinctly green when seen with interspersed sandy beaches and occasional
from a distance, with outcrops that are massive, embayments. Both regions have relatively cool
steep, and fully exposed to heavy surf. Scurria currents that flow toward the equator, profoundly
viridula (Lamarck), Enoplochiton niger (Barnes), affecting the faunas. Upwelling cold water and its
and Acanthopleura echinata (Barnes) are common effects on the coastal faunas of the north temperate
on bare rock surfaces and along wave-cut channels region have long been recognized. Upwelling is
and ledges, especially around the holdfasts of also common in the south temperate region, but
Lessonia nigrescens, which seem to afford some the distribution of the mollusks there is still too
protection from the waves. On the south side of imperfectly known to show its effects.
the point, a small boulder and gravel beach is The occurrence of genera common to both
semiprotected by rock outcrops on both sides. northern and southern regions is striking and is
Many of the mollusks common at Iquique are well illustrated in the present collection, in which
found here and the small gastropod Tricolia 49 molluscan genera out of a total of 68 are also
umbilicata (Orbigny) is especially abundant. found in the combined Californian, Oregonian,
The fishing village of Patillos is another rocky and Aleutian provinces. Similarities between the
shore locality, consisting of many massive rocky molluscan faunas of the two areas can also be seen


Distribution in eastern Pacific latitudes of mollusks found at Iquique, Chile. Range data based on
museum specimens or reliable literature citations are given as solid lines, and less reliable data
are given as dotted lines.

Californian Panamic Peruvian Magellanic

Species Province Province Province Province
40°N 30°N 20°N 10°N 0° 10°S 20°S 30°S 40°S 50°S

Nucula interflucta, sp. nov.

Barbatia pusilla
Aulacomya ater
Brachidontes granulata
Lithophaga peruviana
Perumytilus purpuratus
Semimytilus algosus
Argopecten purpuratus
Carditella tegulata
Chama pellucida
Lasaea cf. L. petitiana
Kellia cf. K. tumbesiana
Eurhomalea rufa
Protothaca thaca.
Petricola rugosa
Mesodesma donacium
Gari solida
Semele solida
Hiatella solida
Lyonsia delicata, sp. nov.
Entodesma cuneata
Sinezona rimuloides
Fissurella costata
Fissurella crassa
Fissurella latimarginata
Fissurella limbata
Fissurella maxima
Collisella araucana
Collisella ceciliana
Collisella orbignyi
Collisella variabilis
Collisella zebrina
Scurria parasitica
Scurria scurra
Scurria viridula
Diloma nigerrima
Tegula atra
Tegula tridentata
Liotia cancellata
Prisogaster niger
Tricolia umbilicata
Tricolia macleani, sp. nov.
Littorina araucana
Littorina peruviana

TABLE 1 (continued)

Californian Panamic Peruvian Magellanic

Species Province Province Province Province
40°N 30°N 20°N 10°N 0° 10°S 20°S 30°S 40° S 50°S

1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1
Eatoniella latina, sp. nov.
Eatonina atacamae, sp. nov. -
Rissoina inca . ._ . . . . . .
Omalogyra cf. O. atomus _
Cyclostremiscus trigonatus
Turritella cingulata
Caecum chilense
Fartulum moorei, sp. nov.
Bittium, sp. indet. —
Cerithiopsis, sp. indet. _
Triphora, sp. indet. —
Calyptraea trochiformis
Crepipatella dilatata
Crucibulum quiriquinae
Priene rude
Xanthochorus buxeus
Crassilabrum crassilabrum
Thais chocolata
Thais haemastoma
Concholepas concholepas
Aesopus aliciae, sp. nov. _
Mitrella unifasciata
Cilara secalina _____
Salitra radwini, sp. nov. __
Nassarius dentifer ______ . . . .
Nassarius gayi
Oliva peruviana
Mitra orientalis
Agathotoma ordinaria _______
Iselica chilensis, sp. nov. _
Iselica carotica, sp. nov. _
Odostomia chilensis
One hide Ila marginata
Marinula, sp. A _B
Marinula, sp. B _
Sarnia frumentum
Siphonaria lessoni
Trimusculus peruvianus
Chiton cumingsii
Chiton granosus
Enoplochiton, niger
Acanthopleura echinata . . . .
Chaetopleura peruviana

in the like number of species of common genera. limit of about 5°40'S. An additional five species
For example, there are a similar number of species have their southern end-points at 45 °S. The south-
of Tegula reported" from the Peruvian province ern tip of South America is at about 55 °S, and is
and from the western North American provinces, the known end-point for several Peruvian province
and both areas have abundant and diverse acmaeid mollusks.
limpet assemblages. Fifty-two chitons are listed by Several of the common end-points of ranges are
Leloup (1956) from Chile alone, with more species artifacts of collecting, including Callao, Peru
living only in Peru, while over 100 are described (12°S), and Iquique (20°S), Valparaiso (33°S),
from the more thoroughly collected coast of west- and Bahia Conception and Talcahuano (37°S),
ern North America. Chile. These places have been visited more often
It is tempting to draw parallels in numbers and by collectors, and thus appear commonly as locali-
species of mollusks common to the cool-temperate ties in the literature.
regions of western North and South America, but Based on the 73 species discussed above, the
as Garth (1957) has noted for the crustaceans, following conclusions may be reached: 1) the
this would require a more detailed knowledge of presently known range end-points of many, and
the Chilean and Peruvian species than we have at perhaps most, Peruvian province mollusks are the
present. It is equally important to keep in mind the result of limited collecting rather than environ-
differences between the two regions, the most mental conditions; 2) the northern limit of the
obvious of which is the presence of numerous Peruvian province is much better documented
Fissurella species in the south and only one in the than is the southern limit; 3) the transition from
north, and the many Haliotis species in the north cool-temperate to tropical waters at the northern
compared to none in the south. In general, how- limit of the Peruvian province may be a more
ever, overall similarity between the two molluscan effective barrier to species dispersal than is the
faunas is apparent and will surely be emphasized transition from cool-temperate to subantarctic
as knowledge of the Peruvian province mollusks waters at the southern limit of the province.


Several species of mollusks are commercially
Table 1 lists the intertidal mollusks found at exploited for food in Iquique. Concholepas con-
Iquique, Chile, and graphically gives their distri- cholepas (Bruguiere) is called "loco" and is so
butions throughout eastern Pacific latitudes. popular a food that large specimens cannot be
Reliable range data, based on museum specimens found within 2 kms of Iquique, and discarded
or literature citations, are given as solid lines in the shells litter the local beaches. The various species
table, whereas less reliable data are given as dotted of Fissurella, collectively called "lapas", are also
lines. In the case of Sinezona rimuloides (Carpenter) popular and always available in outdoor markets.
the dotted line represents the apparent absence of Because even small specimens of these are collected
this species between two verified but widely separ- and eaten, they are also hard to find near Iquique.
ate occurrences. Of the 88 species of mollusks in Large individuals of Scurria viridula (Lamarck)
this report, 10 are new species, and five are identi- are occasionally eaten.
fied only to the genus level. Of the 73 remaining Protothaca thaca (Molina), Semele solida (Gray),
species, 46 have well-documented ranges entirely Gari solida (Gray) and Eurhomalea rufa (Lamarck)
within the limits of the Peruvian faunal province, are the clams most commonly sold in markets and
although some of these species have been doubt- are all called "almejas." Even though these species
fully reported from adjoining provinces. Only two are heavily harvested, they are still abundant near
of the 73 species are known to occur throughout Iquique. Mesodesma donacium (Lamarck) is
the entire province, with their northern and south- referred to as "macha" and appears in the markets
ern end-points at the provincial boundaries. Seven occasionally, while the large mussel Aulacomya
of the species overlap significantly into the Panamic ater (Molina) is sold in large quantities.
province, and 18 overlap into the Magellanic Large chitons such as Acanthopleura echinata
province. Based on reliable data, only seven of (Barnes) and Enoplochiton niger (Barnes) are not
the species have their southern end-points at about sold in markets, but are often eaten raw by people
42°S latitude, the traditional southern limit of the collecting food along the shore. They are not
Peruvian Province, whereas 15 species have their popular because the foot is very tough. Large
northern end-points near the accepted provincial specimens can still be found near Iquique.

— >*>

FIGURES 1-4. 1, Nucula (Nucula) interflucta sp. nov., Holotype, length 1.12 mm; 2, Barbatia (Acar)
pusilla, length 10 mm; 3, Aulacomya ater, length 70 mm; 4, Brachidontes granulata, length 11 mm.

SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT slightly elevated and gently rounded; ventral margin

essentially smooth, with trace of crenulations on
Phylum Mollusca
inner side. Sculpture of closely spaced concentric
Class Bivalvia
ribs with somewhat wrinkled appearance, and
Subclass Palaeotaxodonta
obsolete on beaks. Interior of shell smooth and
Order Nuculoida
glossy, with faint marginal crenulations; pallial
Family Nuculidae
line faint; adductor muscle scars subequal; chon-
Nucula Lamarck, 1799
drophore deep, elongate, triangular, with oblique
Subgenus Nucula, s.s.
axis. Hinge teeth long, well developed, pointed, and
Nucula ffWucufo}' interflucta, new species
slightly curved, with five in anterior series and
Figure 1
three in posterior series. Dimensions (in mm):
Diagnosis: Distinguished from other Chilean height 1.00, width 1.12.
Nucula species by its small size, rounded trigonal Type locality: Punta Morro, Iquique, Chile,
outline, and regular concentric ribs, and by having 20°13'S, 70°10'25 ,? W; lower intertidal zone, in
five anterior teeth and three posterior teeth In each black sandy silt among cobbles and boulders of a
valve. protected beach, August, 1964, 2069 specimens.
Description of holotype: Shell small for genus, Type material: Holotype, LACM 1581; 1968
buff to medium brown In color; valves thin, pol- paratypes, LACM 1582; 20 paratypes, USNM;
ished and semi-opaque. Anterior end produced 20 paratypes, CAS; 20 paratypes, AMNH; 20 para-
and rounded, posterior end shorter and more broad- types, SDNHM; 20 paratypes, ANSP.
ly rounded. Beaks small; anterior dorsal margin Discussion: Nucula interflucta is the smallest
recorded species of this genus from the eastern Aulacomya ater, Soot-Ryen, 1955:33-34, pi. 1,
Pacific, and seems to be the only one reported from fig. 6, text-figs. 17, 18; 1959:26-27.
the intertidal zone. It resembles N. schencki
Occurrence: Common in masses within the lower
Hertlein and Strong, 1940, from the Pacific coast
intertidal zone and subtidally, attached by byssal
of southernmost Mexico, more closely than it does
threads to exposed rocks. Iquique specimens: 144.
any other eastern Pacific species. However, the
Distribution: Callao, Peru, to the Magellanic
more trigonal outline, smaller size, lack of radiating
region and north to southern Brazil and the Falk-
exterior striae, and fewer hinge teeth of the present
land Islands (Soot-Ryen, 1959). Type locality:
species easily separate it from the latter. N. schencki
Straits of Magellan (Soot-Ryen, 1959).
also has marginal crenulations better developed
Remarks: The valves of this mussel commonly
than does N. interflucta.
bear attached specimens of Crepipatella dilatata
The species name is derived from the Latin
words inter, between, and fluctus, flood, referring
to the intertidal occurrence of this species.
Brachidontes Swainson, 1840
Brachidontes granulata (Hanley, 1843)
Subclass Pteriomorphia Figure 4
Order Arcoida MytilusgranulatusHanley, 1843:246,pi. 24,fig. 33.
Family Arcidae Hormomya granulata, Carcelles and Williamson,
Barbatia Gray, 1842 1951:330; Soot-Ryen, 1955:40, pi. 3, fig. 12,
Subgenus Acar Gray, 1857 text-fig. 26; 1959:27-28; Dell, 1971:172.
Barbatia (Acar) pusilla (Sowerby, 1833)
Figure 2 Occurrence: Attached by short byssal threads to
the undersides of rocks in the lower intertidal zone,
Byssoarca pusilla Sowerby, I, 1833:18-19. usually in clusters of 10-20 individuals, sometimes
Acar pusilla, Reinhart, 1939:39-45, pi. 3, figs. 2a-b; in clusters of several hundred. Iquique specimens:
Rost, 1955:191-192, pi. 12, fig. 13; Soot-Ryen, 284.
1959:20. Distribution: Lobos, Peru, to the northern part
Barbatia (Acar) pusilla, Noda, 1966:68-69. of Isla Chiloe (Canal Chacao) and in Seno Relon-
Occurrence: Attached to undersides of rocks cavi, Chile (Soot-Ryen, 1959). Type locality: South
and in crevices, usually in clusters of three to five, America (Hanley, 1843).
common. Shells oriented with ventral margins Remarks: Hormomya Morch, 1853, is considered
pressed firmly to the substrate by a short, ribbon- to be a junior synonym of Brachidontes by Kenk
like byssus originating from midway along the in Keen (1971:61). Individuals of B. granulatus
ventral margin, or slightly anteriorly. Iquique almost always have specimens of Lasaea cf. L.
specimens: 94. petitiana (Recluz) among their byssal threads.
Distribution: Dall (1909) records this species
from Ecuador south to Isla Blanca, Chile (23°37'S).
Lithophaga Roding, 1798
However, it is not known in the Panamic province,
Subgenus Labis Dall, 1918
and its northern range limit is probably in northern
Lithophaga (Labis) peruviana (Orbigny, 1846)
Peru. Type locality: Iquique, Chile (Sowerby, 1833).
Figure 5
Remarks: Barbatia pusilla has been considered
a fairly rare species with an imperfectly known Lithodomus peruvianus Orbigny, 1846, vol. 5:651.
habitat. The presence of this species at Iquique Lithophaga peruviana, Dall, 1909:259; Carcelles
confirms that its habitat is at least in part intertidal, and Williamson, 1951:328; Soot-Ryen, 1955:
and that it is not rare at all locations. 100-101, pi. 10, fig. 58; Olsson, 1961:135, pi.
15, figs. 2, 2a.
Order Mytiloida Occurrence: Boring into the thick portions of
Family Mytilidae the shell of Concholepas concholepas (Bruguiere),
Aulacomya Morch, 1853 as many as 8 borers living in the same large gastro-
Aulacomya ater (Molina, 1782)
pod shell. Iquique specimens: 101.
Figure 3
Distribution: Callao, Peru, to Conception, Chile
Mytilus ater Molina, 1782:202; Carcelles and Wil- (Carcelles and Williamson, 1951). Type locality:
liamson, 1951:329. Callao, Peru (Orbigny, 1846).
Mytilus magellanicus Lamarck, 1819, vol. 6, pt. Remarks: These specimens confirm the presence
1:119; Dall, 1909:151, 258, pi. 25, fig. 4. of this species in Chile, as Soot-Ryen (1959:23-24,

FIGURES 5-7. 5, Lithophaga (Labis) peruviana, length 32 mm; 6, Perumytilus purpumtus, length
25 mm; 7, Semimytihis algosus, length 21 mm, from Valparaiso.

28) noted that previous records from Chile have Remarks: This is the most common mussel in
unreliable locality data. Since L. peruviana is very the area studied and can be observed wherever
common at Iquique, its range probably extends there is suitable rocky substrate.
farther southward along the Chilean coast. Al-
though L. attenuata (Deshayes) has been reported
from Chile (Hertlein and Strong, 1946:74-75), I
did not find it at Iquique. The spinelike median Semimytilus Soot-Ryen, 1955
posterior projection on the Iquique specimens Semimy tilus algosus (Gould, 1850)
serves to identify them as L. peruviana. The largest Figure 7
specimen has the following dimensions (in mm):
My tilus algosus Gould, 1850:344.
length 33.5, height 10.5, diameter 10.3.
Semimy tilus algosus, Soot-Ryen, 1955:25-29, pi. 4,
fig. 17, text figs. 8, 9, 14-16; 1959:25-26; Olsson,
Perumy tilus Olsson, 1961
1961:114-115, pi. 14, fig. 8.
Perumytilus purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819)
Figure 6 Occurrence: Masses of individuals bound to-
gether by their interwoven byssal threads are com-
Modiola purpurata Lamarck, 1819, vol. 6, pt. 1:113.
mon in semiproteeted parts of the lower intertidal
Modiolus purpuratus, Dall, 1909:153, 258.
zone, especially along the walls of tide pools. Speci-
Brachidontes purpuratus, Carcelles and William-
mens collected at Iquique average about 10 mm in
son, 1951:328;Soot-Ryen, 1955:45, pi. 4, fig. 18,
length, while specimens taken from the bottom of
text fig. 30; 1959:28; Dell, 1971:172.
a fishing boat in drydock at Valparaiso average
Perumytilus purpuratus, Olsson, 1961:117, pi. 12,
about 20 mm in length. One of the Valparaiso
fig. 1, pi. 14, figs. 1, lb.
specimens is figured. Iquique specimens: approxi-
Occurrence: Attached by byssal threads, it occurs mately 500; Valparaiso specimens: 56.
throughout the intertidal zone, especially on the Distribution: Olsson (1961) indicates that this
outer portion of rocky reefs, where it forms densely species is probably confined to waters south of the
packed masses. Iquique specimens: 621. Panamic province. It is known at Paita, Peru
Distribution: Ecuador, south to the Straits of (LACM), and as far south as the Gulf of Arauco
Magellan, and north to Santa Cruz, Argentina (Soot-Ryen, 1959). Type locality: Valparaiso, Chile
(Soot-Ryen, 1959). Type locality: unknown. (designated by Soot-Ryen, 1959).

FIGURES 8-10. 8, Argopecten purpuratus, length 100 mm; 9, Carditella tegulata, length 4.5 mm;
10, Chama pellucida, length 44 mm.

Order Pterioida Subclass Heterodonta

Family Pectinidae Order Veneroida
Argopecten Monterosato, Family Carditidae
Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819) Carditella Smith, 1881
Figure 8 Carditella tegulata (Reeve, 1843)
Figure 9
Pecten purpuratus Lamarck, 1819, vol. 6, pt. 1:166;
Reeve, 1852, vol. 8, Pecten, pi. 5, sp. 25; Dall,
Cardita tegulata Reeve, 1 843 (September), vol. 1,
Cardita, pi. 9, fig. 48; 1843 (December): 194.
Pecten (Aequipecten) purpuratus, Grant and Gale,
Carditella tegulata, Dall, 1909:262; Carcelles and
1931:207-212, pi. 4, figs. 2a-c, pi. 5, figs. 1, 4,
Williamson, 1951:334; Soot-Ryen, 1959:40, pi.
pi. 8, fig._3.
1, fig. 11.
Chlamys (Argopecten) purpurata, Grau, 1959:103-
105, pi. 34.
Occurrence: Attached by a thin byssal thread
Plagioctenium purpuratum, Soot-Ryen, 1959:31.
to the undersides of rocks in gravel of lower inter-
Aequipecten (Plagioctenium) purpuratus, Olsson,
tidal zone, abundant. Iquique specimens; 959.
1961:162-163, pi. 19, figs. 1, la-b.
Distribution: Callao, Peru, to the Straits of
Chlamys (Aequipecten) purpurata, Herm, 1969:
Magellan (Soot-Ryen, 1959). Type locality: Val-
107-109, pi. 4, figs. 1-5.
paraiso, Chile (Reeve, 1843).
Argopecten purpuratus, Waller, 1969:48-49, pi. 7,
Remarks: The byssal attachment of C. tegulata
figs. 7-10.
was noted as follows: a single thin and colorless
Occurrence: Sandy bottom, in 5 m depth near thread issues from the middle of the ventral shell
shore. Iquique specimens: 7. margin. This thread is flexible and can be stretched
Distribution: Sechura Bay and Paita, Peru three to four times its original length before break-
(Olsson, 1961), to Coquimbo, Chile (Dall, 1909). ing. At its attachment point on the substrate the
Grau (1959) gave the northern range limit as thread divides into three to five parts that branch
Corinto, Nicaragua, but Keen (1971) does not off at different points. I have seen this byssus in
mention this species from the Panamic Province. the field, and its more detailed nature was observed
Type locality; Callao, Peru (designated by Grau, on an individual attached to the inside of a plastic
1959). vial.
Family Chamidae ever, the northern species apparently differs from
Chama Linnaeus, 1758 C. pellucida in its form (S.S. Berry, personal com-
Chama pellucida Broderip, 1835 munication) and shell microstructure (H. Lowen-
Figure 10 stam, personal communication), and will be re-
named by others at a later date.
Chama pellucida Broderip, 1835b:302-303, pi. 38,
fig. 3; 1836:149; Soot-Ryen, 1959:40; Olsson,
Family Erycinidae
1961:225, pi. 33, figs. 2, 2a, pi. 34, fig. 5; Herm,
Lasaea Brown, 1827
1969:115, pi. 5, fig. 6.
Lasaea cf. L. petitiana (Recluz, 1843)
non Chama pellucida "Sowerby", Keep, 1888:182,
Figure 11
fig. 155.
Poronia petitiana Recluz, 1843:175.
Occurrence: Attached to cobbles firmly wedged
Lasaea petitiana, Dall, 1909:264; Keen, 1938:19,
into gravel-filled crevices in lower intertidal zone.
22; Hertlein and Strong, 1947:136; Carcelles
Iquique specimens: 22.
and Williamson, 1951:339; Soot-Ryen, 1959:
Distribution: Santa Elena, Ecuador (Olsson,
51-52, pi. 2, fig. 20; Dell, 1971:174, pi. 1, fig. 5,
1961) to Tocopilla, Chile, and the Juan Fernandez
pi. 2, fig. 7.
Islands (Soot-Ryen, 1959). Type locality: Iquique,
Lasaea helenae Soot-Ryen, 1959:52, pi. 2, fig. 21.
Chile (Broderip, 1835).
Remarks: Many previous workers have mis- Occurrence: Abundant among byssal threads of
takenly cited Broderip, 1836, as the original species Brachidontes granulata (Hanley), infrequently
description, but published compilations of dates associated with Perumytilus purpuratus (Lamarck).
for the Zoological Society of London (Waterhouse, A cluster of Brachidontes granulata may have 100-
1937; Peavot, 1937) show that their Transactions 200 Lasaea petitiana among the byssal threads.
volume appeared before their Proceedings volume. Iquique specimens: 133.
The authorship of this species has also mistakenly Distribution: Callao, Peru, to the Straits of
been attributed to Sowerby by many authors, begin- Magellan and the Juan Fernandez Islands (Dall,
ning with Keep (1888). 1909), and the Galapagos Islands (Hertlein and
A species long identified as C. pellucida also Strong, 1947). Type locality: Callao, Peru (Recluz,
occurs in the Californian province of western North 1843).
America, but not in the Panamic province. How- Remarks: The outline of the Iquique specimens



FIGURES I M 4 H, Lasaea cf. L. petitiana, length 2.8 mm; 12, Kellia cf. K. tumbesiana, length
8.9 mm; 13, same specimen, enlargement of right hinge; 14, same specimen, enlargement of left

varies from oval to quadrate. The minute wrinkling 1803), occurs in Europe, the western Atlantic, and
and pitting said to be characteristic of Pacific is reported in the eastern Pacific from British
species of Lasaea are not clearly seen in these Columbia to Peru (Olsson, 1961). However, the
specimens. The microscopic radial lines on the maximum size given for K. suborbicularis by
presumed type specimens in the British Museum Olsson (1961) is 5.5 mm, whereas several of the
(Dell, 1971) are not present on the Iquique speci- present specimens are larger. In addition, the right
mens. valves of the Iquique specimens bear a posterior
Lasaea helenae Soot-Ryen, 1959, was described lateral tooth which is shorter and deflects the hinge-
from Iquique specimens that are more quadrate in line more than in K. suborbicularis. The left valves
outline and have more wrinkled sculpture than of the present specimens have cardinal teeth that
typical L. cf. L. petitiana, but these two forms inter- are more vertically oriented, and have a less promi-
grade completely in the present collection. Hinge nent cardinal tooth than seen on K. suborbicularis.
dentition is identical between the two forms. Many The Iquique specimens are tentatively referred
individuals have somewhat distorted shapes because to Kellia tumbesiana on the basis of the hinge
of their nestling habit and high population density. sketch given by Soot-Ryen (1959) which, however,
The Iquique specimens are only tentatively referred lacks the prominent anterior cardinal tooth and
to L. petitiana for lack of comparative specimens has a straighter hinge than the left valve shown in
from other localities in Chile and Peru. the type drawing of Stempell (1899). Dell's com-
ments on the difficulty of identifying Kellia species
certainly apply to the present specimens, and no
Chilean Kellias can be identified with confidence
Family Leptonidae until the group has been reviewed.
Kellia Turton, 1822
Kellia cf. K. tumbesiana (Stempell, 1899)
Figures 12 to 14 Family Veneridae
Eurhomalea Cossmann, 1920
Diplodontina tumbesiana Stempell, 1899:232, Eurhomalea rufa (Lamarck, 1818)
figs. 18, 19, 19a. Figure 15
Tellimya (Diplodontina) tumbesiana, Carcelles
and Williamson, 1951:340. Venus rufa Lamarck, 1818, vol. 5:593.
Kellia tumbesiana, Dall, 1909:264; Soot-Ryen, Marcia rufa, Dall, 1909:269.
1959:50, fig. 4a; Dell, 1964:213. Protothaca rufa, Riveros-Zuniga and Gonzalez,
Occurrence: Nestling in massive heads of a Eurhomalea rufa, Keen, 1951:7; 1954:54; Soot-
colonial polychaete worm, middle to lower inter- Ryen, 1959:59; Herm, 1969:129, pi. 6, figs. 5, 6.
tidal zone. Iquique specimens: 48.
Distribution: Iquique (present report) to Cobija, Occurrence: In black sandy silt among cobbles
Chile (Stempell, 1899), is the most precise range and boulders intertidally at Iquique, and in sand
data known to me. Dell (1964) lists this species in 1-2 m depth at Patillos. Iquique specimens: 2;
from "southern South America." Type locality: Patillos specimens: 25.
Cobija, Chile (Stempell, 1899). Distribution: The northern range limit of this
Remarks: The largest Iquique specimen, figured species is not known, but is probably within the
here, is 7.4 mm high and 8.9 mm wide, and several cool waters of the Peruvian province. It is reported
other individuals are near to it in size. The sculpture as far south as Conception, Chile (Soot-Ryen,
is of fine, closely set growth lines covered with a 1959). Type locality: Peru (Lamarck, 1818).
thin, glossy, yellowish brown periostracum. The
right valve bears a small but prominent, vertically-
oriented cardinal tooth. The left valve has a pair Protothaca Dall, 1902
of divergent cardinal teeth. Each valve has a low, Subgenus Protothaca, s.s.
elongate posterior lateral tooth. The posterior Protothaca (Protothaca) thaca (Molina, 1782)
adductor muscle scars are oval, and the anterior Figure 16
muscle scars are slightly larger and more irregularly Chama thaca Molina, 1782:178.
rounded. The pallial line is broad and indistinct. Venus dombeii Lamarck, 1818, vol. 5:590-591;
Indistinct, irregular vertical wrinkling is often Philippi, 1844, vol. 1, Venus:\21, pi. 2, Venus,
present on the dorsal half of the internal shell fig. 1.
surface, although this feature is absent in some Paphia thaca, Dall, 1909:169.
specimens. Protothaca thaca, Carcelles and Williamson, 1951:
A similar species, K. suborbicularis (Montagu, 342; Soot-Ryen, 1959:57-58; Olsson, 1961:304-



FIGURES 15-19. 15, Eurhomalea rufa, length 62 mm; 16, Protothaca (Protothaca) thaca, length
63 mm; 17, Petricola (Petricolaria) rugosa, length 8.4 mm; 18, P. (P.) nigosa, specimen distorted
by nestling, length 5 mm; 19, Mesodesma donacium, length 86 mm.

305, pi. 41, fig. 1, pi. 53, figs. 1, la;Herm, 1969; Chonos Archipelago, Chile (Soot-Ryen, 1959).
122-123, pi. 10, figs. 11, 12. Type locality: Concepcion, Chile (Sowerby, 1834).
Occurrence: Buried 2-5 cm deep in silt, sand
Family Mesodesmatidae
and gravel of lowerjntertidal zone. Iquique speci-
Mesodesma Deshayes, 1830
mens: 212.
Mesodesma donacium (Lamarck, 18 8)
Distribution: Callao, Peru, to the Chonos Archi-
Figure 19
pelago, Chile (Soot-Ryen, 1959). Type locality:
unknown. Mactra donacia Lamarck, 1818, vol. 5:479.
Remarks: P. thaca is the type species of Proto- Donacilla chilensis Orbigny, 1845, vol. 5, Moll.:
thaca. 530.
Mesodesma donacium, Hupe in Gay, 1854, vol. 8;
352-353, Atlas, Malacologia, pi. 7, fig. 3; Reeve,
Family Petricolidae 1854, vol. 8, Mesodesma, pi. 2, fig. 11; Dall,
Petricola Lamarck, 1801 1909:161, 257, pi. 27, fig. 1; Soot-Ryen, 1959:
Subgenus Petricolaria Stoliczka, 1871 65; Herm. 1969:118-119, pi. 9, figs. 8-11.
Petricola (Petricolaria) rugosa (Sowerby, 1834) Occurrence: Buried at a depth of 1 cm or less in
Figures 17 and 18 sand on exposed beaches, lowest intertidal zone
and subtidally. Iquique specimens; 109.
Petricola rugosa Sowerby, I, 1834:47; Reeve, 1874,
Distribution: Sechura Bay, Peru, to Valparaiso,
vol. 19, Petricola, pi. 2, fig. 8; Dall, 1909:270.
Chile (Dall, 1909). Type locality: unknown.
Petricolaria rugosa, Carcelles and Williamson,
1951:343; Soot-Ryen, 1959:60.
Family Tellinidae
Occurrence: Nestling in massive heads of a
colonial polychaete worm in middle to lower inter- Thirty-five juvenile specimens of a tellinid spe-
tidal zone. Iquique specimens; 6. cies were found in the intertidal gravel at Iquique,
Distribution: Lobos Island, Peru, south to the but are not mature enough to be identified.

FIGURES 20-22. 20, Gari solida, length 76 mm; 21, Semele solida, length 80 mm; 22, Hiatella
solida, length 15 mm.

Family Psammobiidae white interior, a "fawn-white" exterior, and a more

Gari Schumacher, 1817 strongly developed hinge, whereas S. corrugata
Gari solida (Gray, 1828) has an orange interior, white exterior, and a less
Figure 20 strongly developed hinge. Both species are shown
with purple staining on the hinge. Specimens from
Solen solidus Gray, 1828:7, pi. 3, fig. 12.
Iquique have white exteriors with remnants of a
Psammobia crassa Hupe in Gay, 1854, vol. 8:364-
365, Atlas, Malacologia, pi. 7, fig. 1, la-c. dark brown periostracum, white interiors with
Psammobia solida, Dall, 1909:273; Carcelles and purple hinges, and relatively weakly developed
Williamson, 1951:344. hinges.
Gari solida, Soot-Ryen, 1959:61.
Occurrence: Buried in sand and gravel of lower Order Myoida
intertidal zone. Iquique specimens: 105. Family Hiatellidae
Distribution: Pucusana, Peru (LACM), to the Hiatella Daudin, 1801
Chonos Archipelago, Chile (Soot-Ryen, 1959). Hiatella solida (Sowerby, 1834)
Type locality: Arica, Chile (Gray, 1828). Figure 22
Saxicava solida Sowerby, I, 1834:88-89; Reeve,
Family Semelidae 1875, vol. 20, Saxicava, pi. 1, fig. 6; Sowerby, II,
Semele Schumacher, 1817 1884, vol. 5:133, pi. 471, fig. 12; Dall, 1909:
Semele solida (Gray, 1828) 275; Carcelles, 1944:293, pi. 13, fig. 107.
Figure 21
Saxicava tenuis Sowerby, I, 1834:88; Reeve, 1875,
Amphidesma solida Gray, 1828:6, pi. 6, fig. 6; op. cit., pi. 2, fig. 9; Sowerby, II, 1885, op. cit.,
Reeve, 1853, vol. 8, Amphidesma, pi. 21, fig. 10; pi. 471, fig. 11.
Hupe, in Gay 1854:359, Malacologia, pi. 7, Saxicava purpurascens Sowerby, I, 1834:88; Reeve,
fig. l;Dall, 1909:272; Schroder, 1916:101-129, 1875, op. cit., pi. 2, fig. 14; Sowerby, II, 1885,
figs. 1-13. op. cit., pi. 471, fig. 7; Dall, 1909:275.
Hiatella solida, Carcelles and Williamson, 1951:
Occurrence: Buried in sand and gravel among
346; Soot-Ryen, 1959:67-68; Olsson, 1961:425-
boulders in lower intertidal zone. Iquique speci-
426, pi. 77, figs. 6, 6a; Dell, 1964:224-226, pi. 7,
mens: 81.
fig. 11; 1971:177-178; Keen, 1971:271, fig. 698.
Distribution: Callao, Peru, to the Chonos Archi-
pelago, Chile (Dall, 1909). Type locality: Arica, Occurence: Nestling in rock crevices, middle to
Chile (Gray, 1828). lower intertidal zone, and in holdfasts of Lessonia
Remarks: This species is close to Semele corru- nigrescens Bory, in lower intertidal zone and sub-
gata (Sowerby, 1833), which is recorded from tidally. Iquique specimens: 11.
southern Ecuador (Olsson, 1961) to the Chonos Distribution: The range of this species is un-
Archipelago, Chile (Soot-Ryen, 1959). According certain, but is generally cited as extending from
to the drawings in Reeve (1853), S. solida has a the tropical Pacific coast of South America to
Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands, and north species separate it from L. fretalis Dall, 1915
on the Atlantic coast to about southern Brazil. (Talcahuano, Chile, to Straits of Magellan, 40 m),
Dell (1964) discusses the distribution of this spe- which tapers posteriorly and lacks beaded orna-
cies at length. Type locality: Santa Elena, Ecuador, mentation. Differences between L. delicata and
and Paita and Isla de Muerte, Peru, are given as L. elegantula Soot-Ryen (1957:3; 1959:36, pi. 1,
localities by Sowerby (1834). Santa Elena is prob- fig. 10; Golfo de Ancud, Chile, 45 m), are even
ably the type locality, as indicated by Dell (1964). more marked. Lyonsia delicata lacks the ridge on
Remarks: The disparate range citations in the the lithodesma possessed by L. elegantula; the
literature for this species are indicative of the con- umbones are set much closer to the anterior end
fusion in dealing with Hiatellas. Hiatella solida in L. elegantula; the posterior margin is truncated
and the more northern H. arctica (Linnaeus, 1767) on L. elegantula and broadly rounded on L. deli-
are very similar and the present specimens from cata. The present species is also much smaller than
Iquique could be assigned to the latter species. either of the other two: the type of L. fretalis has
Until this confusing group is thoroughly studied, the following dimensions (in mm): length 10, height
however, I follow Olsson (1961:425) in considering 7, whereas L. elegantula measures length 15,
H. solida a distinct South American species. height 8.
All of the specimens of L. delicata have sand
grains adhering to their periostraca, especially
Subclass Anomalodesmata
along the ventral valve margins.
Order Pholadomyoida
The specific name of L. delicata is a Latin
Family Lyonsiidae
adjective meaning delicate, and refers to the nature
Lyonsia Turton, 1822
of the fine, radial beading on the early part of each
Lyonsia delicata, new species
Figures 23 and 24
Diagnosis: A small shell, characterized by
beaded radial ornamentation on the prodissoconch, Entodesma Philippi, 1845
anterior end narrower than the posterior end, and Entodesma cuneata (Gray, 1828)
a lithodesma without a ridge. Figure 25
Description of holotype: Shell small, elongate,
Anatina cuneata Gray, 1828:6, pi. 3, figs. 14a-b.
thin, covered with thin brown periostracum extend-
Entodesma cuneata, Dall, 1909:259; Soot-Ryen,
ing slightly beyond posterior and ventral margins
1959:35; Osorio and Bahamonde, 1970:195;
and thickened at posterior margin. Dorsal margin
Dell, 1972:29-30, fig. 23.
very slightly convex, anterior margin narrowly
rounded, ventral margin slightly concave anteriorly, Occurrence: Nestling in holdfasts of Lessonia
becoming convex posteriorly, and posterior margin nigrescens Bory; dead specimens only. Iquique
broadly rounded. Umbones positioned near an- specimens: 3 complete specimens and 4 unpaired
terior end. Posterior dorsal part of shell narrowly valves.
compressed. Surface ornamentation of 15 thin, Distribution: Ecuador to the Magellanic region
radiating ridges more distinct toward the shell (Dall, 1909). Type locality: Arica, Chile (Gray,
margins with tufts of minute periostracal hairs 1828).
localized along them; early portion of exterior Remarks: The type description and line drawing
surface completely covered with fine, radiating for this species do not give diagnostic characters.
lines consisting of minute raised beads and extend- However, the Iquique specimens agree well with
ing only part way to shell margins. Lithodesma the photograph of Gray's type in Dell (1972).
about two and one-half times as long as wide and The largest specimen in the present collection,
tapering slightly to anterior. Dimensions (in mm): slightly broken off at the posterior end, measures
length 5.5, height 3.2, diameter 1.8. 36.2 mm in length and 17.6 mm in height at the
Type locality: Rocky beach at north end of umbo. An average specimen is about 25 mm long
Playa Cavancha, Iquique, Chile, 20° 13'S, 70° 10'W; and 16 mm high, based on the small sample at
lower intertidal zone, on undersides of rocks, hand. The lithodesma of an average specimen
August, 1964 (holotype and 33 other specimens) measures 5.6 mm long by 1.6 mm wide, is concave
and July, 1970 (3 specimens). dorsally, and straight or concave at its posterior
Type material: Holotype, LACM 1583; 29 end. The periostracum is thin, smooth and light
paratypes, LACM 1584; 2 paratypes, USNM; grayish brown at the anterior end of the valves,
2 paratypes, CAS; 2 paratypes, ANSP. but becomes thickened (to about 0.1 mm) toward
Discussion: The outline and sculpture of this the posterior end and medium to dark brown in

t X

- fv

FIGURES 23-25. 23, Lyonsia delicata sp. nov., Holotype, length 5.5 mm; 24, same specimen,
enlargement of early part of shell; 25, Entodesma cuneata, length 20 mm.

color. The periostracum extends beyond the shell and boulders, lower intertidal zone. Iquique speci-
margins and Is complete across the dorsal com- mens: 37.
missure. The valves are inflated and gaping ventrally Distribution; Farallon Islands, California, to
and posteriorly. Ornamentation consists of broad Mazatlan, Mexico, and Iquique, Chile (McLean,
concentric undulations, as the specific name Im- 1967). The southward range extension by McLean
plies, which become obsolete posteriorly. is based on the present specimens. Other specimens
The valves are nacreous and translucent within. In LACM collections extend the distribution along
The posterior adductor muscle scar Is slightly the Mexican coast 470 kms southward to Man-
larger than the anterior one, and both are oval in zanillo (20°N) and to the Chincha Islands, Peru.
shape. Irregular areas on the dorsal half of the Type locality: Mazatlan, Mexico (Carpenter, 1865).
valve interiors are minutely roughened by shallow
pits. The central portion of the interior of one
unpaired valve shows 20-25 shallow,- radiating Family Flssurellidae
grooves ending ventrally in shallow pits that are Fissurella Bruguiere, 1789
nearly round and the same width as the grooves. Fissurella costata Lesson, 1830
Entodesma cuneata seems to differ from E. Figure 28
chilensis (Philippi, 1845), which occurs from
Fissurella costata Lesson, 1830, vol. 2, pt. 1:410-
Valparaiso to Chiloe Island, Chile, by being smaller,
411, no. 170; Orbigny, 1841, vol. 5:474-475;
lacking a keel on the sides of the resilium, and
Pilsbry, 1890, vol. 12:148, pi. 30, fig. 10, pi. 35,
lacking radiating striae on the exterior of the
fig. 11; Dall, 1909:177, 241; Rlveros-Zuniga,
1951:108-111, fig. 21; Dell, 1971; 183-184, pi. 4,
figs. 7, 8.
Class Gastropoda
Fissurella chilensis Sowerby, II, 1835 (January),
Subclass Prosobranchla
Fissurella; 3, fig. 36; Sowerby, I, 1835a (March):
Order Archaeogastropoda
Family Scissurellidae
Sinezona FInlay, 1927 Occurrence; Lower intertidal zone of rocky
Sinezona rimuloides (Carpenter, 1865) reefs. Iquique specimens: 3.
Figure 26 Distribution; Mollendo, Peru (Dall, 1909) to
Talcahuano and Bahfa San Vicente, Chile (Lesson,
Scissurella rimuloides Carpenter, 1864:548 [nomen
1830). Type locality: Talcahuano and San Vicente,
nudum}; 1865:271 [described].
Chile (Lesson, 1830).
Sinezona rimuloides, McLean, 1967:408, pi. 56,
Remarks; The largest specimen of F. costata
figs. 13, 14 [complete synonymy]; Keen, 1971:
from Iquique measures 68 mm long, 55 wide and
309, fig. 5.
25 high. The outer surface Is light gray, tinted with
Occurrence; In black sandy silt among cobbles pink, on Its central portion and with violet on Its


27 28

FIGURES 26-28. 26, Sinezona rimuloides, diameter 0.9 mm; 27, Fissurella crassa, length 57 mm,
with specimen of Scurria parasitica; 28, F. costata, length 68 mm.

outer third. Ornamentation consists of low, irregu- lines. The interior is glossy white, with the central
lar radial ribs that bear slightly raised nodes. The portion stained violet, and has a narrow brown
nodes are aligned among the ribs to form concentric margin. Most of the interior surface, including
sculpture. The sculpture is somewhat eroded in the muscle scar, is textured with irregular radial
the Iquique specimens. The interior is glossy white wrinkles.
with a marginal band of alternating light and dark
gray. Fissurella latimarginata Sowerby, 1835
Figure 29
Fissurella crassa Lamarck, 1822
Fissurella latimarginata Sowerby, I, 1835a: 126;
Figure 27
Pilsbry, 1890, vol. 12:153, pi. 32, figs. 36-38;
Fissurella crassa Lamarck, 1822, vol. 6, pt. 2:11; Dall, 1909:242; Dell, 1971:187, pi. 3, figs. 12-14.
Orbigny, 1841, vol. 5:472-473; Pilsbry, 1890, Fissurella latemarginata [sic], Riveros-Zuniga,
vol. 12:154, pi. 34, figs. 51-53; Dall, 1909:177, 1951:125-126, fig. 33.
241, pi. 24, figs. 5, 6; Riveros-Zuniga, 1951:93-
Occurrence: Lower intertidal zone of rocky
95, fig. 14; Carcelles and Williamson, 1951:255;
reefs. Iquique specimens: 53.
Dell, 1971:184.
Distribution: Peru (Dall, 1909) to Concepcion,
Occurrence: Lower intertidal zone of rocky reefs. Chile (Carcelles and Williamson, 1951). Type
Iquique specimens: 25. locality: Valparaiso and Iquique, Chile (Sowerby,
Distribution: LACM collections contain speci- 1835).
mens from the Chincha Islands, Peru (13°38'S Remarks: The figured specimen of F. latimargi-
latitude) and from Coquimbo and Talcahuano, nata is 68 mm long, 47 mm wide, and 12 mm high,
Chile. Carcelles and Williamson (1951) record and is of average size for an Iquique specimen.
this species from the Galapagos Islands and the However, the largest specimen in the present col-
Magellanic region. Type locality: unknown. lection is 101 mm long, 76 mm wide and 24 mm
Remarks: The figured specimen of F. crassa high. These shells are almost always completely
measures 57 mm long, 32 mm wide, and 12 mm covered with red algae. The outer surface is purple
high, and is of average size for the species. When and ornamented with low, fine, closely spaced
not tinted green by encrusting algae, the glossy radial ribs and minute concentric growth lines.
outer surface is caramel brown and ornamented The interior surface is glossy white with a broad
with very fine, closely spaced concentric growth purple border.
Fissurella limbata Sowerby, 1835 Family Acmaeidae
Figure 30 This review of Acmaeidae has been prepared
Fissurella limbata Sowerby, I, 1835a: 123-124; with the collaboration of Dr. James McLean, who
Orbigny, 1841, vol. 5:474; Pilsbry, 1890, vol. has further work in progress on the eastern Pacific
12:149-150, pi. 32, figs. 26, 39; Riveros-Zuniga, species of the family. The Systematics of the Peru-
1951:114-116, fig. 24; Dell, 1971:188, pi. 5, vian province species have not been reviewed since
fig. 5. the treatment by Pilsbry in the "Manual of Con-
chology" in 1891. The collections available to us
Occurrence: Lower intertidal zone of rocky
are not adequate to give a clear picture of species
reefs. Iquique specimens: 11. distributions, nor is sufficient anatomical material
Distribution: Laguna Grande, Peru (LACM), on hand. On the basis of LACM material, we feel
to Valparaiso, Chile (Dall, 1909) and the Straits of that the following eight species, which are all
Magellan (Dell, 1971). Type locality: Valparaiso known at Iquique, include all of the Chilean repre-
(Sowerby, 1835). sentatives of this family. As in acmaeids from
Remarks: The figured specimen of F. limbata other provinces, the species are highly variable
is 50 mm long, 34 mm wide and 14 mm high, and and several unallocated names remain in the litera-
is of average size for an Iquique specimen. The ture, particularly some described by Philippi.
central and outer portions of the exterior surface
are white and separated by an irregular band of Generic allocation of the species presents prob-
purple. Rays of purple emanate from the purple lems that are not fully resolved at this time. The
band and extend faintly to the shell margin. The genus Scurria Gray, 1847 [type species S. scurra
inner surface is glossy white and the margin has (Lesson, 1830)], is characterized by a branchial
an inner purple band and an outer white one. cordon, which is a secondary gill structure of leaf-
like flaps located just inside the mantle margin.
The branchial cordon is absent in Collisella Dall,
1871, the type of which is the west American C.
Fissurella maxima Sowerby, 1835 pelta (Rathke, 1833). Unlike North American
Figure 31 Collisellas, Chilean species show partial develop-
Fissurella maxima Sowerby, I, 1835a: 123; Pilsbry, ment of a branchial cordon, consisting of a swollen
1890, vol. 12:145-146, pi. 30, figs. 8, 9, pi. 33, ridge. This ridge is best developed in C. zebrina
figs. 46, 47; Dall, 1909:242; Riveros-Zuniga, (Lesson, 1830), which has evenly spaced constric-
1951:102-104, fig. 18; Dell, 1971:188, pi. 4, tions along the ridge, instead of projecting leaflike
figs. 1-3. flaps as in true Scurrias. The assignment of the
"Fissurella maxima Young, 1834, Sowerby," Chilean species to one of these two genera is
Orbigny, 1841, vol. 5:475-476; vol. 9, Moll.,
pi. 64, figs. 4-7. Scurria and Collisella have a similar radular
formula consisting of three pairs of lateral teeth,
Occurrence: Lower intertidal zone of rocky of which the middle lateral is the largest, and one
reefs. Iquique specimens: 93. pair of vestigal marginal teeth or uncini. In Acmaea
Distribution: LACM collections contain speci- Eschscholtz in Rathke (1833) the three laterals
mens from localities ranging from Laguna Grande, are of equal size and the marginals are absent. No
Peru, to Valparaiso, Chile. Type locality: Valparai- radular distinction is apparent between Scurria
so (Sowerby, 1835). and Collisella.
Remarks: The figured specimen is the largest in
the present collection and measures 62 mm long,
36 mm wide and 10 mm high. Several other speci-
mens are near to it in size. However, several Collisella Dall, 1871
specimens in LACM collections from Coquimbo Collisella araucana (Orbigny, 1839)
and Valparaiso are much larger and one measures Figure 32
134 mm long, 93 mm wide and 42 mm high. The
Patella araucana Orbigny, 1839, vol. 5:482 (1841),
outer surface is covered with alternating cream
vol. 9, pi. 65, figs. 4-6 (1839); Reeve, 1855, vol. 8,
colored and purple rays and ornamented with
Patella, pi. 26, figs. 66a-c; Keen, 1966:2.
numerous noded radial ribs and minute concentric
growth lines. The inner surface is glossy white, Collisella araucana, Dall, 1871:257.
and the margin has an inner cream colored band Acmaea araucana, Pilsbry, 1891, vol. 13:35, pi. 16,
and an outer cream and purple band. The muscle figs. 21-23 [copy of Orbigny]; Dall, 1909:237.
scar is very faint. Occurrence: Middle and lower intertidal zone,

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