Antennas PDF
Antennas PDF
Antennas PDF
Each antenna in the base station has an input power (b) Compute the frequency response of |S1,1 |dB by
P in =15W. Considering as receiver a handset equipped using the transmission line model with reference
with an antenna having G = −1dB and impedance 50Ω impedance R0 = Rin (patch input impedance at
and a maximum polarization mismatch of -3dB, com- resonance) in a band ±10% around the resonant
pute the minimum open terminal voltage at the receiv- frequency above. What is the 10dB-bandwidth (in
ing antenna (i.e. voltage amplitude of the equivalent percent)?
generator considering that Friis equation assumes per- (c) Compute and plot the resulting pattern when the
fect receiver matching). patch designed is used as basic element in the array
of the previous exercise.
4. Compute by direct integration the radiation pattern of
a half-wavelength dipole lying along ẑ and centered at 7. [1, Exc 2.50] A transmitter, with an internal impedance
the origin. Assume that the z-directed current is given Z0 (real), is connected to an antenna with input
by I(z) = I0 cos(kz), |z| < λ/4. impedance Zin through a lossless transmission line of
length ℓ and characteristic impedance Z0 . Find a sim-
5. It is required to design an antenna for broadcasting in ple expression for the ratio between the antenna gain
horizontal polarization that has almost omni-directional and its realized gain.
coverage in the horizontal plane and directive pattern in
the vertical plane. 8. [1, Exc 2.89] A series of microwave repeater links oper-
ating at 10 GHz are used to relay television signals into
(a) Design a broadside array with minimum com- a valley that is surrounded by steep mountain ranges.
plexity (i.e. minimum number of elements) hav- Each repeater consists of a receiver, transmitter, anten-
ing FNBW ≤ 15◦ and avoiding grating lobes at nas, and associated equipment. The transmitting and
850MHz. Use a computer to plot the array factor receiving antennas are identical horns, each having gain
in a relevant plane to check conformance to specs. over isotropic of 15 dB. The repeaters are separated in
distance by 10 km. For acceptable signal-to-noise ra- Derive an expression for the directivity.
tio, the power received at each repeater must be greater
than 10 nW. Loss due to polarization mismatch is not
expected to exceed 3 dB. Assume matched loads and
free-space propagation conditions. Determine the min-
imum transmitter power that should be used.
9. [1, Exc 2.94] A radar antenna, used for both transmit-
ting and receiving, has a gain of 150 (dimensionless) at
its operating frequency of 5 GHz. It transmits 100 kW,
and is aligned for maximum directional radiation and
reception to a target 1 km away having a radar cross
section of 3 m2 . The received signal matches the po-
larization of the transmitted signal. Find the received
power. Figure 1: Figure for exercise 10 [2].
10. [2, Exc 1.8-7] An airplane is flying parallel to the ground
(in the z-direction). For a surface search radar an an-
tenna is required that uniformly illuminates the ground
over some region. The so-called cosecant pattern will References
do this. From the figure we see that h = r cos(π/2 − θ),
hence r = h csc θ. This expresses how much farther the [1] C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design,
radiation must travel to reach the ground as θ is de 3rd ed. Wiley-Interscience, April 2005.
creased. The radiation pattern:
[2] W. L. Stutzman and G. A. Thiele, Antenna Theory and
F (θ) = csc θ Design, 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998.
will just compensate for the 1/r field variation with dis-
tance. If, in addition, the ϕ variation is a sector pattern [3] R. S. Elliot, Antenna Theory and Design. IEEE press,
of small angular extent ϕ0 , then: 2003.
csc θ θ1 < θ < π2 [4] J. D. Kraus, Antennas for All Applications. McGraw-Hill
F (θ, ϕ) = Education, May 1988.
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