Morphological Characteristics of Ant Assemblages (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Differ Among Contrasting Biomes
Morphological Characteristics of Ant Assemblages (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Differ Among Contrasting Biomes
Morphological Characteristics of Ant Assemblages (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Differ Among Contrasting Biomes
The environment is thought to strongly shape the ecology and evolution of species. Similar environments may cause
species to look the same or converge upon particular traits. Dissimilar environments can cause species to look different
or to diverge in their traits. These ideas have been explored at the single species level or within restricted geographic
areas for ants. We ask whether the signature of environmental filtering can be detected within ant faunas at the biogeo-
graphic scale. We quantify differences in the morphological traits of ant faunas between two contrasting biomes: a
rainforest in Costa Rica and a desert in Iran. Lists of species from each habitat type were compiled, and measurements
of ten functional traits were taken from scaled images. Body size, relative femur length, and tibia length were signifi-
cantly smaller in Costa Rica suggesting species in more complex environments are smaller in response to environmental
complexity. Relative eye width was also smaller in Costa Rica, and individuals were lighter in colour. Eye size and
body pigmentation showed differences which may be a result of altered foraging patterns or protection against UV-B
irradiance. The Costa Rican fauna also had a much wider trait space (higher functional richness), and Iranian species oc-
cupied a narrow range in terms of mandible and leg size suggesting species invest less in foraging specialism in un-
productive environments. Significant differences in morphological traits and their degree of overlap can therefore be
observed in ant faunas occupying contrasting biomes. We suggest that this is due to the environment influencing the trait
composition of these faunas at biogeographic scales.
Key words: Ants, biomes, Costa Rica, functional traits, Iran, morphology.
Myrmecol. News 23: 129-137 (online 14 July 2016); licensed under CC BY 3.0
ISSN 1994-4136 (print), ISSN 1997-3500 (online)
Received 7 January 2016; revision received 10 March 2016; accepted 23 March 2016
Subject Editor: Heike Feldhaar
Sophie F. Schofield, Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, L69
3GP, UK.
Tom R. Bishop (contact author), Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool,
L69 3GP, UK; Centre for Invasion Biology, Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria
0002, South Africa. E-mail: /
Catherine L. Parr, Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, L69 3GP,
UK; School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Wits, South Africa.
Environmental conditions play a critical role in shaping challenges will cause species to display divergent adaptive
the ecology and evolution of species. Species must be able traits between different environments. Evidence of this can
to cope with the prevailing temperature, rainfall, humidi- be seen in the different life history strategies of bee com-
ty, habitat structural complexity and disturbance regimes munities living at high and low elevations (HOISS & al.
at a location if they are to exist there. This idea forms the 2012). High elevation bee communities have a much greater
basis of community assembly theory – how is it that spe- proportion of large bodied and ground nesting species
cies come to exist in the places and combinations that they that are able to cope with the harsher conditions.
do (WEIHER & al. 2011)? It is thought that species must In this study, we use morphology as a proxy for ecol-
be able to pass through a series of hierarchical abiotic and ogy and ask whether the environment can control what as-
biotic filters if they are to survive at a site. The first filters semblages look like across biogeographic scales for an im-
a species must pass through are abiotic (temperature, rain- portant and dominant insect group – the ants. Ants are
fall, etc.). This suggests two related predictions. Firstly, a abundant, diverse and dominant across all terrestrial biomes
given environment should force species to converge on except the poles (DUNN & al. 2009). They make up to 15 -
similar adaptive strategies via their morphological, physio- 20% of all terrestrial animal biomass (SCHULTZ 2000) and
logical or behavioural traits; the trait composition of tro- up to 50% of invertebrate individuals in the tropics (C.L.
pical tree communities appears to be constrained in this Parr, unpubl.). Previous studies have explored the relation-
way (SWENSON & al. 2012). Secondly, different abiotic ship between ant morphology, local environment, and life
Tab. 1: Selected morphological traits measured in each ant assemblage, traits analysed and their suggested functional
Characteristic Trait measured Trait analysed Functional significance
Head size Head width Head width Head size may vary allometrically with body size, head size may
also be linked to predatory strategies, with wider heads allow-
ing for larger mandibles and therefore larger prey (KASPARI
Head length Head length 1993, SARTY & al. 2006).
Clypeus Clypeus length Relative clypeus length Modified clypeus is more common in species that rely on liquid
food (EISNER 1957, DAVIDSON & al. 2004).
Mandible size Mandible length Relative mandible size (Man- Predation is linked to mandible size with larger mandibles allow-
dible length / Head width) ing larger prey (WEISER & KASPARI 2006).
Eye position Interocular distance Relative interocular dist- More dorsally positioned eyes (bigger interocular distance) are
ance; Relative eye position characteristic of visual predators (FOWLER & al. 1991).
= (Head width – Interocular
distance) / Head length
Eye size Eye width Relative eye width Wider eyes may be found in more predatory species, or alter-
natively may depend on foraging period, with nocturnal or low
light level foragers having bigger eyes (WEISER & KASPARI
2006, NARENDRA & al. 2013).
Leg length Hind tibia length Relative tibia length Leg length size increases locomotion speed in simple habitats;
where habitat is complexed smaller leg length allows exploita-
Hind femur length Relative femur length tion of crevices and manoeuvrability (SARTY & al. 2006, GIBB
& PARR 2010, 2013).
Mesosoma Weber's length Weber's length Indicative of overall body size and often linked to resource use
Pronotum width Relative pronotum width
Colour N/A Lightness index (v) Pigmentation may be an adaptation to thermoregulation and
exposure to solar radiation with lighter individuals occurring
where temperatures are higher (WILLMER & UNWIN 1981).
history, shedding light on potential environmental filters potential niches under more severe conditions (BROWN &
and the ways in which ants use their morphology. al. 1979).
For example, a number of studies have investigated the Given the large differences in abiotic and biotic condi-
link between body size, leg length and habitat complexity tions between these two biomes we expect there to be mor-
– an idea called the size grain hypothesis. This hypothesis phological differences between the ant faunas found in
suggests that ants in complex, interstitial habitats should them. Overall, we expect there to be a greater range of mor-
have relatively small legs in order to move around effici- phologies present in the rainforest due to the greater num-
ently. This limitation is removed in simple, planar environ- ber of opportunities that this environment offers. We also
ments and relatively long legs are favoured. Evidence sup- predict that there will be differences between individual
porting this has been repeatedly found (KASPARI & WEI- morphological traits based on specific hypotheses:
SER 1999, SARTY & al. 2006, GIBB & PARR 2010, 2013). 1. We predict that ants in desert habitats will be larger
There are also links expected between diet and morphology. and have relatively longer legs – in accordance with
Predacious ants tend to have small, laterally positioned eyes the size grain hypothesis (KASPARI & WEISER 1999).
(WEISER & KASPARI 2006, GIBB & al. 2014). Despite these 2. We expect that eye sizes will be smaller in the rain-
studies, however, there has not yet been a comparison of forest because many rainforest dwelling species forage
the relationship between ant morphology and the environ- within the leaf litter layer (FISHER 1999b), which is
ment across broad geographical scales. Do these same nearly always dark. Consequently, they may be se-
local relationships – indicative of environmental filters – lected to have a smaller eye size (WEISER & KASPARI
hold at the biogeographic scale? 2006). We call this the light level-eye size hypothesis.
We compare ant morphologies from assemblages in two 3. We predict that desert ants will be lighter in colour
contrasting biomes: deserts and rainforests. Tropical rain- than rainforest ants because of the necessity of reflect-
forests represent a highly productive environment. They ing the desert sun. One prediction of the thermal me-
have relatively consistent temperatures, high moisture, low lanism hypothesis is that lighter coloured ecotherms
light levels and a high diversity of plants and animals. The should occupy hotter environments to reflect incoming
constant layer of leaf-litter supports extensive diversity radiation and avoid overheating (CLUSELLA-TRULLAS
which may enable a range of survival strategies (GREEN- & al. 2008, Tab. 1). Single species examples exist of
SLADE 1983, SILVA & BRANDAO 2010). In contrast, deserts desert ants adapting to reflect light in order to thermo-
tend to have low resource availability and low surface com- regulate (SHI & al. 2015).
plexity, highly variable temperatures (from below freezing 4. Due to a wider range of available foraging options, we
to more than 40 °C) and low water availability (EDGELL predict that there will be more specialist predator spe-
2006). These factors will likely provide a smaller range of cies in rainforest habitats, manifested through larger
mandible sizes on average (DAVIDSON 1978, Tab. 1). In erial to this article, at the journal's web pages); Table 1 de-
contrast, desert ants will be largely omnivorous; omni- tails the measurements taken and the functional significance
vory and low levels of foraging specialism in arid bi- of each trait. This was done using scaled images from www.
omes have been documented for various taxa (e.g., ants,,,,,
mammals and birds) and may be the most successful and (Appendix S2). Measurements
strategy in unproductive, highly unpredictable biomes were only taken for worker or minor worker individuals.
(MORTON & BAYNES 1985). Consequently, the Iranian Six specimens per species were measured where possible.
fauna will have smaller mandibles on average. In addi- For the majority of specimens an image was available in
tion, this will result in the occupation of a greater range head, profile and dorsal views. The ImageJ measurement
of multivariate trait space for Costa Rica. We call this software (version 1.47) was used to obtain measurements
the foraging specialism hypothesis. of ten morphological traits (where possible). Trait meas-
We collected trait data from representative lists of ant spe- urements were standardised by head length. Head length
cies from Costa Rica and Iran. These two regions have well- was used to standardise the traits (trait value / head length)
documented faunas, high- resolution images of ants avail- as this was missing from the dataset the least frequently
able and represent two contrasting biomes. Ideally, an inter- and is highly correlated with overall body size (WEISER
biome comparison would be performed within the same & KASPARI 2006). This was for all traits except relative
biogeographic region. In this case, we are limited by data mandible size, which was standardised instead by head
availability. At a global scale, it is unknown how the dif- width. This was done in line with previously published work
ferent evolutionary histories of ant faunas have affected (BISHOP & al. 2015) and is intended to express the size of
their ecology. the mandible relative to what feasibly may fit inside the
mouthparts. Head width was deemed a better measure than
Methods head length in this instance. Colour values were assessed
Study sites for the head, mesosoma and gaster of each specimen based
We measured ant species from the Central Persian and on a colour wheel developed for the Global Ant Database
Southern Nubo-Sindian desert regions of Iran, and those (Appendix S3). Colour values were converted to the HSV
known to occur in the tropical rainforest region of Costa colour model which controls for light intensity variance
Rica. Costa Rica is a small country compared to Iran (UN- (RAJA & al. 1997), with analysis based on lightness value
ITED NATIONS STATISTICS DIVISION 2012). Approximately v, where black is 0 and white is 1. Measurable images
51% of the land-mass in Costa Rica is covered in tropical were available for 64.5% of the Costa Rican species and
forest (LINDQUIST & al. 2012) and despite its relatively 100% of the Iranian species (Appendices S4 - S7).
small size; the country is home to an estimated 4.5% of
global biodiversity, making it a biodiversity hotspot (KOHL- Statistical methods
MANN & al. 2010). The desert biomes of Iran are drier Univariate: We compared each trait across the two bi-
(annual precipitation = 122 - 127 mm) and cooler (aver- omes using a bootstrapped t-test with permuted p-values.
age annual temperature = 17.1 °C) than the rainforests of Bootstrapping allows us to circumvent the problem of dif-
Costa Rica (annual precipitation = 4000 mm, annual aver- ferences in regional species pool size by resampling from
age temperature ~ 25 °C) (HESHMATI 2007, WHITFIELD & the larger Costa Rican fauna with replacement (in this case
al. 2007, PAKNIA & PFEIFFER 2011b). The seasonal varia- 999 replications) (XING & al. 2014). The p-values were
tion in arid biomes, such as deserts, is more extreme than corrected for multiple testing using a Bonferroni adjust-
that in rainforests. Rainforests experience a reduced seaso- ment (WESTFALL & WOLFINGER 1997) from the coin pack-
nal and diurnal temperature fluctuation (HESHMATI 2007, age in R (ZEILEIS & al. 2008).
WHITFIELD & al. 2007). Rainforest biomes support a com- Multivariate: A convex hull volume estimation method
plex surface environment of leaf litter, deadwood and detri- was used to describe the minimum multidimensional vol-
tus which varies in depth with season (WOOD & al. 2005). ume that includes all species in each of the ant assem-
This contrasts with arid biomes that have a planar and sparse blages (CORNWELL & al. 2006). From this, the multidimen-
environment with little vegetation (P AKNIA & P FEIFFER sional overlap between the two biomes was calculated.
2011b). Not all species had a complete list of traits due to missing
images or obscured appendages. Volume estimation meth-
Species lists
ods, however, may struggle with incomplete datasets (LA-
A list of rainforest dwelling species from Costa Rica was LIBERTÉ & LEGENDRE 2010). To counter this, we esti-
compiled by combining a comprehensive list from LON- mated the missing trait values based on those of the other
GINO & al. (2002) with additional species from the same species in the dataset using multiple imputation with
location catalogued online ( For chained equations (MICE version 2.22 in R) (BUUREN &
Iran, a list of species was compiled from two studies (PAK- GROOTHUIS-OUDSHOORN 2011). This method has a rela-
NIA & PFEIFFER 2011a, b). The first provided a compre- tively small error compared to others. In addition, alter-
hensive list of all species found in Iran, whilst the second native solutions such as removing incomplete records can
was used to determine which species lived in the desert. lead to bias, reduced statistical power and an incomplete
All species names were validated and amended if neces- understanding of the ecology in question (PENONE & al.
sary using the website. 2014). Principle coordinates analysis (PCoA) was con-
ducted on six traits from the dataset (including the im-
puted values) for the analysed traits shown in Table 2.
Measurements were taken of morphological traits related The traits were relative eye width and position, relative
to life history (Appendix S1, as digital supplementary mat- femur length, relative mandible length and head length.
Fig. 1: Trait value differences by
region for statistically significant
relative traits, showing lower val-
ues for Costa Rica across all size
traits, as well as lighter pigmenta-
tion across individuals. A plot for
relative mandible length is also in-
cluded for illustration, although for
this trait there was no significant
Tab. 2: Bootstrapped estimated differences of traits between biomes including standard deviation of the difference, 95%
confidence intervals, the test statistic Z and permuted p- values. Statistically significant results are shown in bold for
Weber's length, relative eye width, relative femur length, relative tibia length and for colour, indicated by the lightness v.
Relative eye width -0.06 0.01 -0.07 -0.04 -4.71 < 0.010
Relative femur length -0.30 0.07 -0.43 -0.17 -3.67 < 0.010
Relative tibia length -0.34 0.08 -0.50 -0.17 -4.91 < 0.010
Lightness index (v) 0.23 0.05 0.14 0.33 3.93 < 0.010
These were chosen a priori as potentially relating to dis- 25 species 999 times without replacement and the functi-
tinct functional adaptations (Tab. 1) and also because they onal volume recalculated in order to generate confidence
were the most complete prior to the MICE procedure. intervals. These analyses used the FD and betapart pack-
The PCoA produced six synthetic axes that were used to ages in R (LALIBERTÉ & LEGENDRE 2010, B ASELGA &
compute the convex hull. A PCoA was used as it has be- ORME 2012, LALIBERTÉ & al. 2014).
come the standard ordination method in the functional Data subsets: The same analyses (univariate and multi-
traits literature (e.g., BISHOP & al. 2015, GRIFFITHS & al. variate) were also performed on a subset of the data where
2015) and easily allows a set of orthogonal traits to be species in Costa Rica that were known to occur in the can-
created using a variety of distance matrices (VILLÉGER & opy were excluded (Appendix S8). We did this to ensure
al. 2008). A similar bootstrapping procedure as above was that there was no bias introduced by the Costa Rican ar-
used to control for the much greater number of species in boreal fauna since the Iranian desert fauna is epigaeic.
Costa Rica. The Costa Rican dataset was subsampled to
275 species and 2 specimens per species on average for
Costa Rica (Tab. 3, Appendix S4).
Univariate analysis
The bootstrapped t-tests showed significant differences be-
tween the biomes for five traits: Weber's length, relative
eye width, relative femur length, relative tibia length and
lightness (Tab. 2). Trait values for Costa Rica were con-
sistently smaller than those in Iran. Iranian ants have re-
latively larger legs, eyes and overall body size compared
to Costa Rica. Costa Rican ants were lighter in colour than
those in Iran (Fig. 1). There were no significant differen-
ces between the biomes for the remaining traits (Tab. 2).
Multivariate analysis
The first two PCoA axes represented ~ 60% of the mor-
phological trait variation in the dataset, with 40% of the
variation being described by axis 1 (Tab. 3). The resul-
tant biplot is shown in Figure 2. From the trait loadings
Fig. 2: Biplot outlining the morphological trait space for (Tab. 3), we can interpret axis 1 as a gradient of ecolo-
the first two PCoA axes (those showing the most vari- gies relating to habitat structure and openness, tempera-
ation) for all species combined. The traditional x and y ture regime and possibly predation. Negative scores on
axes describe the assigned trait scores from the analysis, this axis described species with large heads, relatively
while the right hand and top axes describe the correlation long legs, darker pigmentation, and dorsally positioned
of synthetic trait scores to the original traits. These cor- eyes. Leg length and head size are traits associated with
relations are shown with red labels and arrows, depicting foraging in planar, open and less complex habitats (PARR
relative eye width (EW), relative eye position (EP), rela- & al. 2003, GIBB & P ARR 2013, B ISHOP & al. 2015).
tive femur length (FL), head length (HL), relative mandible Dorsally positioned eyes are often associated with preda-
length (ML), and lightness (Li) positions. tory behaviours (SILVA & BRANDAO 2010), while darker
pigmentation may be associated with lower ambient tem-
peratures (CLUSELLA-TRULLAS & al. 2007, 2008). The
Tab. 3: Eigenvalues and trait loadings of a PCoA, repre- opposite was true of positively scoring traits on this axis,
senting the morphology of both Costa Rican and Iranian indicating individuals were smaller sized and had smaller,
ant communities. Eigenvalues quantify the role of each more laterally positioned eyes and lighter pigmentation:
axis in explaining the morphological variation. Trait load- Traits largely related to foraging in more dense and com-
ings are inferred for the traits where the main variation plex habitats (GIBB & PARR 2013), reflectance of heat in
emerges, indicating the strength and direction of correla- higher temperatures and potentially less predatory behav-
tion of the traits with each axis. iours.
Axis 2 represents a gradient of predatory specialism,
Eigenvalues Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4 negative scores represent species with small heads, rela-
Eigenvalue 711.67 381.34 254.67 204.95 tively short legs and relatively short mandibles; traits which
largely relate to more generalised foraging. Negative scores
Relative eigenvalue 0.39 0.21 0.14 0.11 on axis 2 represent species with larger mandibles, longer
Cumulative eigenvalue 0.39 0.60 0.74 0.85 legs and large heads; traits which in the main part seem to
correlate with predatory specialisation (SILVA & BRAN-
Trait loadings
DAO 2010) although longer leg length does not tend to be
Head length -0.42- -0.49- 0.29 0.36 characteristic of predatory specialism (WEISER & KASPARI
Relative femur length -0.45- -0.32- -0.36- -0.14-
The convex hull (Fig. 3) volume of Costa Rica is much
Relative eye position -0.48- -0.06- -0.42- 0.22 larger than that for Iran (11.52 for Iran, with a mean ±
Relative mandible size 0.20 -0.69- 0.13 -0.60- standard error bootstrapped volume of 29.86 ± 0.39 for
Costa Rica). The average ± standard error (following boot-
Relative eye width -0.43- 0.39 -0.10- -0.66- strapping) shared volume was 3.65 ± 0.043. Rainforest
Lightness index (v) 0.41 -0.17- -0.76- 0.07 species had a much larger volume of unique traits, almost
entirely encompassing the desert-dwelling fauna.
With axis 1 representing traits within the Costa Rican
volume associated with habitat structure (with larger in-
dividuals being represented by negative values), there ap-
pears to be substantially more small rainforest species re-
Results presented at the positive end of the axis, with Iranian desert
Functional trait measurements were taken from the avail- species tending to occur at the negative end with larger
able species in each list used. This amounted to 25 spe- body and leg size (Fig. 3). This matches our univariate
cies and 3 specimens per species on average for Iran and results. For the predation gradient of axis 2, desert dwel-
extreme and generalist morphologies. We suspect that these
differences in univariate and multivariate trait descriptions
are a consequence of the strongly contrasting environments
of Costa Rica and Iran.
We find biogeographical support for the size grain hy-
pothesis in ants. Our univariate analysis showed differ-
ences in body size and relative leg length (Tab. 2) between
the two biomes. The size grain hypothesis predicts that
there is a threshold at which large legs no longer provide
efficient movement to smaller organisms, and that while
increased leg size is advantageous in simple environments
(speed and efficiency), the cost of restricted access to in-
terstices outweighs the benefits as environments become
more complex (KASPARI & WEISER 1999). The implica-
tion of this is that ants foraging in more planar environ-
ments would be larger with greater relative leg length (PARR
& al. 2003, FARJI-BRENER & al. 2004, SARTY & al. 2006,
& al. 2012, GIBB & PARR 2013). Our finding of larger and
Fig. 3: Convex hull projection of functional trait space longer-legged ants in the deserts of Iran supports this idea
for Costa Rican rainforest community ants (larger dashed and our initial prediction.
black line) and Iranian desert community ants (smaller Our data also find support for the light level-eye size
dashed red line); species for each region are represented hypothesis. We predicted that eye sizes would be smaller
by the same colours. Axis 1 defines a gradient of traits in Costa Rica as a consequence of many species foraging
responding to habitat structure (negative: long leg, large within the dark environment of the leaf litter (F ISHER
body, large dorsal eyes; suited to planar environments. Po- 1999a, WEISER & KASPARI 2006). We find significantly
sitive: shorter leg, small body, small laterally positioned smaller eye sizes, on average, in Costa Rica but this dif-
eyes; suited to complex environments). Axis 2 defines a ference is relatively small (Tab. 2). A more detailed ana-
gradient of traits responding to predatory specialism (ne- lysis of species' microhabitats may be able to directly link
gative: small head and leg length, small relative mandible eye sizes to lower light conditions.
size; generalist forager; positive: large head and leg length, Contrary to our prediction, we found that ants in Iran
large relative mandible size; predatory specialist). The right were darker, on average, than those in Costa Rica. We ex-
hand and top axes describe the correlation of synthetic pected that ants would be lighter in colouration in order
trait scores to the original traits. to reflect more radiation (e.g., SHI & al. 2015). Differ-
ence in ant colour (pigmentation) may be related to dif-
ling species appear to occupy the central portion of trait ferences in the thermal environment mediated by a ther-
space, suggesting they are less specialised than the Costa moregulatory mechanism such as that proposed by the
Rica ants. thermal melanism hypothesis (CLUSELLA-TRULLAS & al.
2007). The thermal melanism hypothesis suggests that
Data subsets
darker pigmentation is an advantage in lower temperatures
The same qualitative results were found when excluding as low body surface reflectance allows faster heating
ants from the Costa Rican canopy (Appendix S9). In the (CLUSELLA-TRULLAS & al. 2007, 2008). It may be that the
univariate analysis Weber's length, relative eye width, re- desert ants of Iran are avoiding peak temperatures and
lative femur length, relative tibia length and lightness were foraging seasonally (during the day in cooler months) or
significantly different. In the multivariate analysis the vol- at the cooler parts of the day in summer. This could ex-
ume of trait space occupied by the Costa Rican fauna still plain their darker colouration compared to the Costa Rican
dwarfed that of the Iranian fauna (Iran = 11.52, Costa ants. Under this idea, desert ants could actually encounter
Rica mean ± standard error = 21.56 ± 0.29) and the over- lower ambient temperatures than those in the rainforest
lap was similar in magnitude to the full analysis (2 ± 0.03). and have adopted a darker body colour to gain heat more
The removal of the Costa Rican canopy fauna did not af- effectively. This idea, however, is unlikely to explain the
fect the direction of magnitude of our results. lighter colouration of the rainforest ants. The thermal me-
lanism hypothesis relies on solar radiation reaching the
Discussion organisms bodies. Under the canopy of the Costa Rican
For the first time, we show that there are broad differen- rainforest, solar radiation will be limited. We suggest,
ces in the morphology of ant faunas that occupy different therefore, the thermoregulatory benefits of being dark are
biomes and geographic areas. We find that ants in the being used by the Iranian ants but are not applicable to
deserts of Iran are, on average, larger with longer legs, the Costa Rican fauna. In Costa Rica the variation in light-
bigger eyes and darker cuticle colours than the ants of ness values around 0.5 (on a scale of 0 - 1) may represent
Costa Rica (Tab. 2, Fig. 1). We also see that the Costa adaptations to completely different selective pressures, such
Rican ant fauna occupies a much larger morphological as disease resistance (WILSON & al. 2001), or could simply
space which almost entirely encompasses that of Iran. The be the result of historical artefacts.
Iranian ants have relatively generalist combinations of An alternative, and not mutually exclusive hypothesis,
traits, whilst the Costa Rican ants have representatives of is that ants in Iran may be darker as melanin helps protect
against harmful UV-B irradiation (HODKINSON 2005). In Morphological differences were not seen across the
areas where there are high levels of UV-B, organisms two biomes in all traits. Relative clypeus length has been
have been observed to have higher levels of melanin (CARO proposed to relate to reliance on liquid food (S ILVA &
2005, BASTIDE & al. 2014, KOSKI & ASHMAN 2015). It BRANDAO 2010). From the results, there was no differ-
may also be that this protective role explains the differ- ence in clypeal size between the two biomes (Tab. 1).
ences in the colour of ants between the desert and rain- While low levels of specialisation may be expected in the
forest biomes. Under the forest canopy, ants are unlikely dry desert biome, some level of specialisation may be ex-
to require UV-B protection. The opposite is likely to be pected from the rainforest species. It may be that where
true in the desert. Therefore, a protective role of UV-B rainforest species do utilise liquid resources, specialisation
may provide a better explanation of our observed differ- is unnecessary as resources are plentiful or easy to ac-
ences in ant colour between biomes. Our data are unable to cess. Similarly, there was no difference in measurements
tease apart these competing hypotheses (thermal melanism of relative pronotum width between the two biomes, mean-
versus UV-B protection), yet preliminary data from other ing that body width changes no more than body size across
studies (T.R. Bishop, M.P. Robertson, H. Gibb, B.J. van the two regions.
Rensburg, B. Braschler, S.L. Chown, S.H. Foord, C.T. Overall, this study has documented the level of mor-
Munyai, I. Okey, P.G. Tshivhandekano, V. Werenkraut & phological trait overlap between two contrasting biomes;
C.L. Parr, unpubl.) suggest varying UV-B irradiance, am- it is likely this is a result of adaptation to two contrasting
bient temperatures and melanin levels tied with ant as- environments. Our results confirm a greater range of phe-
semblage information may be able to provide a clearer notypes in rainforest habitats but suggest that certain
picture as to the relative roles of these two hypotheses. traits may be similar even where environments are large-
Initially, we predicted that due to the greater oppor- ly different. The use of the PCoA and functional trait
tunities present in the Costa Rican rainforest there would based analyses allows us to see the important sources of
be more specialist predators living there. We termed this variation in each community. We reiterate that the effect
the foraging specialism hypothesis. We expected this to of the different biogeographical contexts of Iran and Costa
be indicated by longer mandible lengths. We did not find Rica on the results presented here is unknown. We em-
this in our univariate analysis (Tab. 2). Either there is no phasise that this first look at biome-level differences is a
difference between the biomes in the numbers of preda- valuable step toward understanding global variation in ant
tory specialists or our use of mandible length as a proxy morphology. Future comparisons of similar biomes in dif-
for this kind of behaviour is inappropriate. We do find ferent biogeographic areas and of different biomes within
differences in the multivariate space occupied by the bi- the same biogeographic area would go much further in al-
omes, however. This suggests that there are differences in lowing us to assess exactly how the environment filters
the proportions of predatory specialists in each biome and shapes the morphology of ant faunas.
(Fig. 3). Costa Rica occupies a much wider range of axis 2
(which relates multiple traits to predatory behaviour) than
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