A.M.I. Ecoport: Product Group Infusion Ports - Issue 03/2012

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® EcoPort
Product Group Infusion Ports | Issue 03/2012

> A.M.I. EcoPort -

economise on cost, not quality
A range of ports offering a high level of patient comfort
and convenience:
– Latex-free system comprising lightweight titanium
port and polyurethane catheter with soft tip
– Available as standard-height, slimline or compact model
with F6 or F8 catheter
– Special design features prevent catheter punctures
and guard against needle slippage

IN ;
5 m psi
A.M.I.® EcoPort

he A.M.I. coPorts are infusion ports for the venous supply of he A.M.I. coPorts are M-compatible and latex-free. he
pharmaceuticals, fluid and nutrient solutions. catheter is made of the bio-compatible material polyurethane
and has a soft, blue catheter tip.
hey are suitable for power inection at a maximum
recommended flow rate of 5 mls and pressure not se of the special A.M.I. Port eedle prevents damage to the
exceeding 325 psi (2240 kPa). silicone septum.

Silicone septum io-compatible materials

designed for safe, (titanium and silicone)
repeated puncturing

adiopaue catheter
with length markings

Dual safety edges Metal sleeve protects catheter

29 mm
ensure the needle only from punctures and facilitates
punctures the septum uick -ray confirmation
and does not slip into of the ports position
surrounding tissue

EcoPort in all shapes and sizes

A.M.I. offers a wide range of EcoPorts to meet the individual
requirements of surgeon and patient, and ensure the highest
patient comfort.
- A.M.I. EcoPort in standard design
Height of port: 13 mm Slimline A.M.I. EcoPort with special compact design for small
incisions and port beds. The lower height combined with
- A.M.I. EcoPort in low-profile “slimline” design flattened sides make the port ideal for smaller patients includ-
Height of port: 9.8 mm ing children.

- Catheter of polyurethane in F6 or F8 size Height of port: 9.8 mm, flattened sides

EcoPort EcoPort slimline EcoPort compact

A.M.I.® EcoPort

Port for venous cutdown

1 Port with catheter protection 6
2 Single-lumen catheter of polyurethane
3 Vein hook
4 Tunneller
5 Rinsing needle 3
6 A.M.I. Port Needle
7 5 cc syringe 2

Technical details
Diameter of silicone membrane: 12 mm
Length of catheter: 500 mm 1

Standard design Slimline design

Height of port: 13 mm Height of port: 9.8 mm
Catheter sie F6: CPS6871
Catheter sie F8: CPS6811 EcoPort slimline
Catheter sie F6: CPS6891
Catheter sie F8: CPS6831

EcoPort compact
Catheter sie F6: CPS6281
Catheter sie F8: CPS6241

Port for venous cutdown or Seldinger technique

1 Port with catheter protection
2 Single-lumen catheter of polyurethane 2
3 Vein hook
4 Tunneller 1 10
5 Rinsing needle 4
6 A.M.I. Port Needle
7 5 cc syringe
8 Seldinger puncture needle 18 G 9
9 Dilator / peel-away sheath for F6 or F8 catheters
10 Guidewire 8

Technical details
Diameter of silicone membrane: 12 mm
Length of catheter: 500 mm

Standard design Slimline design

Height of port: 13 mm Height of port: 9.8 mm
Catheter sie F6: CPS6861
Catheter sie F8: CPS6801 EcoPort slimline
Catheter sie F6: CPS6881
Catheter sie F8: CPS6821

EcoPort compact
Catheter sie F6: CPS6291
Catheter sie F8: CPS6271
A.M.I.® EcoPort

Order Code A.M.I. Infusion Port System Technical Details

CPS6941 Catheter F6 Introducer Set 1 set

Consists of: Delivered sterile
- Seldinger puncture needle 18 G
- Dilator / peel-away sheath for F6
- Guidewire

CPS6951 Catheter F8 Introducer Set 1 set

Consists of: Delivered sterile
- Seldinger puncture needle 18 G
- Dilator / peel-away sheath for F8
- Guidewire

Order Code A.M.I. Infusion Port System Technical Details

CPS6871 EcoPort F6 1 set of 7 pieces (Cutdown)

- Standard-height infusion port with F6 catheter Delivered sterile
CPS6811 EcoPort F8 1 set of 7 pieces (Cutdown)
- Standard-height infusion port with F8 catheter Delivered sterile
CPS6891 EcoPort slimline F6 1 set of 7 pieces (Cutdown)
- Low-profile infusion port with F6 catheter Delivered sterile

CPS6831 EcoPort slimline F8 1 set of 7 pieces (Cutdown)

- Low-profile infusion port with F8 catheter Delivered sterile
CPS6281 EcoPort compact F6
- Low-profile infusion port in compact design 1 set of 7 pieces (Cutdown)
with F6 catheter Delivered sterile
CPS6241 EcoPort compact F8
- Low-profile infusion port in compact design 1 set of 7 pieces (Cutdown)
with F8 catheter Delivered sterile
CPS6861 EcoPort F6 kit
- Standard-height port with F6 catheter 1 set of 10 pieces (Cutdown or Seldinger)
- Catheter F6 Introducer Set Delivered sterile

CPS6801 EcoPort F8 kit

- Standard-height port with F8 catheter 1 set of 10 pieces (Cutdown or Seldinger)
- Catheter F8 Introducer Set Delivered sterile

CPS6881 EcoPort slimline F6 kit

- Low-profile infusion port with F6 catheter 1 set of 10 pieces (Cutdown or Seldinger)
- Catheter F6 Introducer Set Delivered sterile

CPS6821 EcoPort slimline F8 kit

- Low-profile infusion port with F8 catheter 1 set of 10 pieces (Cutdown or Seldinger)
- Catheter F8 Introducer Set Delivered sterile
CPS6291 EcoPort compact F6 kit
- Low-profile infusion port in compact design 1 set of 10 pieces (Cutdown or Seldinger)
with F6 catheter Delivered sterile
- Catheter F6 Introducer Set
CPS6271 EcoPort compact F8 kit
- Low-profile infusion port in compact design 1 set of 10 pieces (Cutdown or Seldinger)
with F8 catheter Delivered sterile
- Catheter F8 Introducer Set

A.M.I. Headquarters:
A.M.I. GmbH
Im Letten 1
6800 Feldkirch . Austria
t +43 5522 90505-0
f +43 5522 90505-4006
e info@ami.at

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