Course Syllabus PDF
Course Syllabus PDF
Course Syllabus PDF
Course Description:
This course covers the nature, importance and techniques on sales management. The organization and the different aspects of organizing and strategic
planning for selecting applicants for an effective sales force are also emphasized. This also discusses planning for effective marketing.
Program Objectives:
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Learning Goals:
Upon completion of the course, the student shall be expected to:
Learning Objectives:
1. Affective
1.1 Develop marketing insights to work on marketing issues and concerns.
1.2 Inculcate the values of truth , nationalism, integrity and service to others in engaging to various
marketing activities
2. Cognitive
2.1 Describe marketing for the Twenty-first Century.
2.2 Explain marketing management concepts , theories and principles.
2.3 Recognize the interdependencies of today's marketing environment to the business.
3. Psychomotor
3.1 Formulate marketing strategies and plans.
3.2 Analyze and solve marketing issues confronting the management today.
3.3 Prepare a marketing plan.
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Course Outline
Learning Outcomes Subject Matter Outcome- Based Assessment LPU Core Values No. of hrs/Week
- Demonstrate to the students the Orientation Love of God 1.5 hrs.
policies of the school, grading system, Nationalism Week 1
course requirements and preparation of Unity
seat plan
Chapter 3. Gathering Market - Lecture -Case Analysis and Nationalism 1.5 hrs.
- Identify the components of modern Information and Understanding the - Discussion Presentation Professional Week 3
marketing information system. Environment Brainstorming -Assignment (Lists Integrity
- Describe some important 1.Marketing information system of Macro-
macroenvironment developments. 2. Macroenvironmental forces environmental
forces and its effect
to the organization)
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Learning Outcomes Subject Matter Outcome- Based Assessment LPU Core Values No. of hrs/Week
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Learning Outcomes Subject Matter Outcome- Based Assessment LPU Core Values No. of hrs/Week
- Define brand equity and explain how Chapter 9. Brand Equity and Positioning -Video Presentation -Recitation (Debate: Professional 3 hrs.
does branding works. 1.Building brand equity -Power point Are line extensions Integrity Week 8-9
- Discuss important decisions in 2. Managing brand equity presentation good or bad? Perseverance
developing a branding strategy. 3. Branding strategies -Class discussion Nationalism
4. Positioning strategies -Group Seatwork
5. Product life cycle strategies (developing brand
- Differentiate the competitive forces Chapter 10.Dealing with Competition - Lecture -Essay Quiz Perseverance 3 hrs.
and identify competitors. 1.Competitive forces -Class discussion Justice Week 9
- Enumerate the steps in analyzing 2. Analyzing competitions -Recitation Unity
competitors. 3. Competitive strategies -Case Analysis
- Design competitive strategies Presentation
- Discuss the ways on balancing
customer and competitor orientation.
- Describe the characteristics of Chapter 11. Developing Product - Lecture -Quiz Professional 3 hrs.
products and its classifications. Strategy - Class discussion -Group Activity Integrity Week 10
- Discuss how a company build and 1.Product characteristics and (designing of product Perseverance
manage its product mix and product classifications package and labeling)
lines. 2. Product and brand relationships Presentation
-Explain how packaging, labeling, 3. Packaging, labeling, warranties and
warranties and guarantees enhance guarantees
product value.
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Learning Outcomes Subject Matter Outcome- Based Assessment LPU Core Values No. of hrs/Week
- Define how consumers process and Chapter 13. Deciding Pricing Strategies - Lecture -Interview (Product Professional 3 hrs.
evaluate prices. and Programs - Class discussion prices) Integrity Week 11-12
- Identify how companies set prices. 1.Setting the price Perseverance
- Explain how companies respond to 2. Adapting the price -Group Activity
competitors' price change. 3. Initiating and responding to price
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Learning Outcomes Subject Matter Outcome- Based Assessment LPU Core Values No. of hrs/Week
decisions be made. 1.Developing and managing an Campaign)
- Explain how public relations and advertising program Presentation
publicity can be used for company's 2. Media effectiveness
advantage. 3. Decisions in sales promotion
4. Events and experiences
5. Decisions in public relations
6 hrs.
- Describe how companies integrate Chapter 18. Managing Personal -Lecture -Quiz Professional Week 16-17
direct marketing for competitive Communications: Direct Marketing and -Discussion -Recitation Integrity
advantage. Personal Selling -Video Clips Role Playing Perseverance
- Explain how to make an effective 1.Direct marketing presentation Unity
interactive marketing and word of 2. Interactive marketing
mouth technique. 3. Word of mouth
- Discuss major decisions in designing 4. Designing and managing the sales
and managing a sales force. force
5. Principles of personal selling
Best, Roger J (2013) Market-based management : strategic for growing costumer value and profitability. Pearson
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Kotler, Philip (2012) Marketing Management. Person
Luther, William M. (2011) The marketing plan: how to prepare and implement it. AMACOM
Password: discovery
Username: Lyceum79 Password: E928G37
Electronic Sources
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6. Affective telephone selling
7. Art of nonverbal selling
8. Gamer 3 CD-Rom to accompany marketing management
Course Requirements:
1. Class Recitation
2. Quizzes
3. Examination
Preliminary Examination
Midterm Examination
Final Examination
4. Class Project
5. Case analysis
6. Seminars (in-house and outside)
7. Educational Tour
8. Research Output and Presentation
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Prelim Period PPG% Midterm Period MPG% Final Period FPG% Final Grade
Examination 40% Midterm Examination Final Examination 40%
Creative Academic 33.33% Creative Academic 33.33% Creative Academic 33.34%
Performance 60% Performance Performance
60% 60%
Sheena Queen Portic-Peñafiel Dr. Maria Victoria M. Ac-Ac Dr. Conrado E. Iňigo, Jr.
Corporate Management Chairperson Dean Vice President for Academic Affairs
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