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6600 Series

Input Power hp (kW) Input Torque lb-� (N.m) Turbine Torque lb -�( N.m)
Gross Net Gross Net Net
Hauling Applica�ons 760 (567) 710 (529) 2500 (3390) 2270 (3078) 3790 (5139)
General 760 (567) 710 (529) 2500 (3390) 2270 (3078) 3790 (5139)
Agricultural Tractor 700 (522) 650 (485) 2000 (2712) 1860 (2522) 3340 (4528)
Aircra� Rescue (ARFF) Vehicle 1025 (764) 975 (727) 3300 (4474) 3000 (4068) 5200 (7050)
Oil Field General 760 (567) 710 (529) 2500 (3390) 2270 (3078) 3790 (5139)
Oil Field Dual Mode 900 (671) 850 (634) 2750 (3729) 2300 (3118) 4000 (5423)
Oil Field Sta�onary 900 (671) 850 (634) 2750 (3729) 2300 (3118) 4000 (5423)

Acceptable full load engine governed speed (max) 1900 - 2500 rpm
Minimum engine idle speed range (with transmission in drive) 550 rpm

SAE No 1 automa�c flywheel housing with flex plate drive. Side pads on transmission rear cover plus front trunion mount.
Cradle moun�ng using engine flywheel housing moun�ng pads
and rear cover moun�ng pads with 0.625-11 inch series bolts.


Type Single stage, Three element , Polyphase (Gear ra�os do not include torque converter mul�plica�on)
Model Stall Torque Ra�o Kp-Factor* at Stall First 4.00:1
TC - 680 2.08 54.6 (46.9) Second 2.68:1
TC - 682 1.77 43.7 (37.5) Third 2.01:1
TC - 683 1.85 35.1 (30.1) Fourth 1.353:1
Kp-Factor defines torque converter capacity Fi�h 1.00:1
Kp= the ra�o of converter pump speed (rpm) divided by the Sixth 0.67:1
square root of the pump [lb-� (N.m)]. Reverse 1 -5.15:1
Reverse 2 -3.46:1
Ra�o Coverage
Forward 5.97

AVTEC 6600 Series Transmission 1

Electronic, Other Op�ons available - Manual electric, Manual hydraulic


Type: SAE 5/32 Heavy Duty Type: Coupling type rotor between fixed stator
Straight Thro’ Models: Output speed ra�o 0.51:1 Torque Power
Drop Box Models: Output speed ra�o 1:1 1500 lb-� (2034N.m) 600hp(447Kw)
Electronic Speedo Meter Provision
Descrip�on LS: TTL Signal, 39 pulse per output sha� revolu�on
Loca�on: Output signal from transmission TCM


Side Mount
Loca�on 5 o'clock posi�on as viewed from rear
PTO drive gear ra�ng Intermi�ent 46 tooth drive gear, 149kW (200hp)
Con�nuous 46 tooth drive gear, 93kW (125hp)

Top Mount
Loca�on 12 o'clock posi�on as viewed from rear
PTO drive gear ra�ng Intermi�ent 46 tooth drive gear, 149kW (200hp)
Con�nuous 46 tooth drive gear, 93kW (125hp)

PTO ra�ngs apply to both top and side. Combined total cannot exceed individual ra�ngs.

SIZE: Depth (below horizontal centerline) STRAIGHT-THRU: 20.1 in (511mm)

Basic With Retarder
Length (direct mount)* 43.1 in (1095mm) 46.6 in (1182 mm)
Width 28.6 in (726 mm) 31.7 in (805 mm)
Height Dry Weight
Basic model 31.0 in (788 mm) 2200 Ib (988 kg)
With top engine driven PTO drive Gears 2230 Ib ( 1012kg)
With park Brake (12” x 5”) 2260 Ib (1025 kg)
With Remote Mount 2255 lb (1023 kg)
With Retarder 2365Ib (1073 kg)

*Length is approximate from engine/converter moun�ng surface to face of typical output flange.
For remote moun�ng add 10-11in (254-279mm) depending on flange selec�on.

Oil Type Hydraulic Transmission Fluide, Type C-4 (Based on Ambient opera�ng condi�on SAE oil grade needs to be selected)
Capacity excluding external circuit 18.0 galons (68 litres)
Drop box 13.0 galons (49 litres)
Main circuit Oil Filter
Standard Direct-Mount full-flow, remote mounted, replaceable element
Cooler circuit filter (op�onal ) Remote mounted, Replaceable element

*Informa�on or specifica�on subjected to change without no�ce or obliga�on.

2 AVTEC 6600 Series Transmission

• Designed for use with diesel engines ranging between 710 nhp (529 kW) to • Manual electric controls are available for use in non-hauling applica�ons
975 nhp (727 kW). Six forward ranges and a choice of two reverse ra�os. This including: oil field, sta�onary equipment and agricultural tractors.
transmission is typically used in on/off highway applica�ons.
• An op�onal parking brake (Bendix 12 x 5)is available.
• Clutches are mul�disc design, oil-cooled, hydraulically -operated, spring
released and self-compensa�ng for normal wear. Spur-type planetary gears • Main circuit oil filters are available with the transmission with remot
are designed for strength and long life. mountprovision. The remote mount configura�on is a single element filter
which can be mounted wherever convenient.
• The three-element torque converter provides smooth, shock-free opera�on.
A choice of converters permits matching the transmission to a wide variety of • A selec�on of op�onal driveline flanges is available.
• A speedometer drive is supplied with the transmission. The transmission
• Electronic Controls provide: programmable features to perform vehicles and output speed ra�o is 0.51:1.
voca�onal requirements; built-in-diagnos�cs which constantly monitor
opera�on and facilitate the detec�on of problems if they occur; improved • Electronic speedmeter, neutral start and reverse signals are available with
fuel economy; specific vehicle and voca�onal needs. Electronic Controls.

• Manual hydraulic controls are available for usein oil field applica�ons where
electrical equipment use is prohibited.


To be sure that you get the most efficient engine transmission matching for your opera�on, with your preferred vehicle, AVTEC offers SCAAN.

SCAAN stands for System for Computerized Applica�on Analysis and helps eliminate guesswork from vehicle buying decisions. It can compute a wide variety of vehicle
performance parameters. SCAAN will also check your powertrain specifica�ons against AVTEC voca�onal experience to ensure sa�sfactory vehicle performance. SCAAN
is user friendly. Interac�ve opera�on allows vehicle configura�ons to be quickly evaluated to ensure op�mized powertrain selec�on.

6600 Transmission Cross Sec�on

AVTEC 6600 Series Transmission 3

• The only Indian player with the capability to design and Manufacture Complete Transmission Aggregates and spares for the
Off Highway industry.

• The business operates out of its modern manufacturing facility at Hosur and Chennai in Tamil Nadu, India.

• Supplies complete Hauling and Cycling, Powertrain and Automa�c Transmission Aggregates in 50-3300 HP range for mining,
construc�on, material handling, railways and Defence Applica�on.

• Serves a broad array of applica�ons including Loaders, Dump trucks, forkli�s, Railway OHE cars, Cranes and Oil rigs.

• Significant experience in exports especially intricate components like sha�s, planetary systems and large housings.

• All plants are accredited with interna�onal quality cer�fica�on such as TS 16949, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and TPM excellence

AVTEC Limited (CK Birla Group) Poonapalli Village, Mathagondapalli Post, Hosur-635 114. Tamil Nadu, India.
Tel: +91 (4344) 405208/289/352/354 (Marke�ng), 405270/268 (Parts and Sales Admin), 405242 (Service) I Email: marke�ng.ppd@avtec.in I Website: www.avtec.in
Informa�on and specifica�ons are subject to change without prior no�ce or obliga�on. For more informa�on visit our website.

4 AVTEC 6600 Series Transmission

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