Propaganda - All Devices
Propaganda - All Devices
Propaganda - All Devices
Ad Hominem Attack: If you can't refute the argument, attack the person presenting the argument. The
intent is to discredit said person, as well as to distract you and make you think the argument has been
Apology: Sometimes a corporation will make a public apology for something it has done. If that
something is really bad, the technique may not work.
Appeal to Authority; Some "higher authority" is invoked as evidence in support of a claim. Always be sure
to check out that authority.
Appeal to Emotion: A common fallacy. A "sob story" is used to support a claim. The problem is that the
sad story doesn't really represent the whole picture.
Appeal to the People: A common fallacy of attempting to support a claim on the basis of popularity.
Remember that something that "everybody knows" can be wrong.
Arguing from Ignorance: A common fallacy of claiming that some hypothesis is true based on lack of
information. Think of claiming that something seen in the sky is an alien spacecraft because we have no
other explanation at hand at the time. If you have no information, all you can say is that you don't know.
Assertion: An Assertion is a simple statement of something as fact, usually with enthusiasm and without
regard for whether it is true or not. It is a common feature of modern advertising. An Assertion is usually
repeated often for maximum effect.
Astroturf: "Astroturf lobbying" is a term attributed to Senator Lloyd Bentsen (TX). It refers to "grass roots"
movements which are actually created and funded by corporate interests. This technique of lobbying can be
very effective but is also very expensive. See Sharon Beder's paper in Public Relations Quarterly, Summer 98.
Also see the Front Groups entry.
Bad Logic: This will include all logical fallacies.
Bad Science: This refers to research that is biased, poorly done, or containing major flaws. It can also
mean a "scientific" claim that is not based on research at all. Appropriate misrepresentation can distort good
science into bad science.
Bait and Switch: This is an old technique from both retailing and politics. In retailing it means advertising
a neat product at a low price, then saying it is "out of stock" before offering you a more expensive item. In
politics it can mean underestimating the cost of some program; it is also called lowballing. The technique is
very deceptive and not easy to detect in advance. It is not hard to find government programs that cost far
more than the initial estimates that were used to sell it.
Bandwagon: "Everybody is doing this." You've heard that before. The idea here is to convey the notion
that if you don't get aboard you will be left out.
Begging the Question: This is simple circular logic. You make a claim, then "support" with a reason
whose meaning is simply a restatement of the claim.
Big Lie: A Big Lie is an outright falsehood presented as fact. The conventional wisdom is that such a lie,
repeated often enough, will be accepted as truth. The harder it is to debunk the lie the better.
Buzz: Buzz is a cultural phenomenon used to promote a new product. The idea is to use word-of-mouth
campaigns to create "buzz" about the product (or idea) such that others will think that they absolutely must
know about it.
Card Stacking: This can also be called Cherry-Picking. The propagandist uses only those facts and details
that support their argument. The selected reasons are used to support the conclusion. You will get misled if
you do not notice that important details are missing. The worst part of card-stacking is that it can be very
difficult to detect if you are not really knowledgeable about the subject.
Cartoons: Cartoons can be used to convey a false impression. Consider a cartoon portraying some
politician as a demon of some kind; the visual impression can be influential.
Celebrities: It is helpful to make shrewd use of celebrities, like film stars or athletes. Having one
introduce and praise you at a public appearance is good. This will start you off with a favorable impression.
Having movie personalities endorse candidates is a good strategy.
Comic Books: A larger form of Cartoons. These can tell a story in cartoon form. The favored characters
can be portrayed as superheroes. Comic books are inexpensive to produce, which is one of their advantages.
Another is the visual nature of the medium.
Composition: A logical fallacy wherein an assertion is made about some part that is not true about the
Concision: Concision is an unfortunate result of the structure of broadcast journalism. The time
segments (between breaks) are short. Complex points simply cannot be made. Only simple and concise
statements can be accommodated. This tends to restrict the topics to very conventional subjects.
Controlling the Message: This is a strategy of planning exactly what the public message will be and then
sticking to it. "It is critical to develop a set of key message points: simple declarations of fact relevant to the
fact pattern. Once they have developed key message points, professionals practice them and keep delivering
them succinctly and repeatedly in response to media inquiries." (Ingrid Cummings) See PR students examine
crisis situations. The idea is to plan responses in advance and not deviate from them. All people speaking to
media follow the same line - no exceptions.
Demonizing the Opposition: This is done by portraying the "others" as something evil, disgusting, etc.
Example: Stating that anyone wanting to do X is a bigoted racist.
Disinformation: This technique is simply the release or planting of incorrect information for the specific
purpose of deceiving the audience. Disinformation can contain elements of truth, but the payload is the lies.
Divide and Conquer: This tactic is a devious attempt to label the propaganda user as a reasonable and
moderate entity between competing groups. The tactic can be extremely sneaky and use a lot of
misinformation, distortion and outright lies. See Building Bridges and Splitting Greens from
Division: A logical fallacy in which an assertion is made about the whole which is not true for all of the
Doublespeak: This is the use of language and words carefully constructed to conceal the actual meaning.
Euphemisms work well here. For example, "enhanced interrogation" actually means torture.
Echo Chamber: The more sources there are for a claim or idea, the better it looks. An Echo Chamber is a
loose network of outlets that tend to copy each other's material, all of which (on one topic) is traceable back
to a single source. Bogus stories or information echoes through this system, seeming to come from multiple
reliable sources.
Either/Or Fallacy: This is the False Dichotomy fallacy. It consists of framing the issue to make it appear
that there are only two options. One option is made to look terrible, with th implication that the other option
presented is the only choice.
Evading the Issue: Did you ever see a politician who didn't do this? When asked a tough question, the
speaker gives an answer to something else. They may really emphasize "peace, justice and the American
Way," but the answer does not respond to the question. This is not hard to detect and is very annoying.
Extrapolation: This is simply making spectacular predictions on the basis of very few currently available
facts. Such predictions tend to be extremely unreliable. Physicist Niels Bohr is credited with "Prediction is
very difficult, especially about the future."
False Analogy: To facilitate explanation, a complex issue may be portrayed as similar to a simple issue
that everyone can understand. The trick with this technique is for the simpler issue to really not be a good
comparison, but rather be close enough to pass. With clever design, the misleading simpler model will
misdirect thought about the complex issue.
False Cause: The order of some sequence or set of events is confused with actual causation. In
propaganda the confusion is intentional. See Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc.
Fear: This technique is simple - warn the audience that some disaster will overtake them if they do not
do what is suggested. If this succeeds, the audience's attention will be deflected from details or merits of the
proposed action and toward what can be done to reduce the fear. When coupled with incomplete
information, uncertainty and doubt, the fear technique can be very effective. Fear, uncertainty and doubt
(FUD) take advantage of general ignorance.
Forged Documents: Forgeries are an excellent method of planting disinformation. The media will often
pick these up and circulate them widely. Governments will use this tactic to create a diversion or justify some
action. They can also have other uses; remember the Killian memos of the 2004 Presidential campaign.
Front Groups: These are organizations that purport to represent one agenda while in reality being funded
by someone with different ideas. The name of the front group is often Americans for _______. Fill in the
blank. It is usually interesting to find out who is bankrolling the group.
A good example was reported in the Dallas Morning News for 22 April 2011. A local-option election was
coming up in Mesquite to allow the sale of beer and wine in stores. The DMN reported:
Thre was fear that the large retail chains were strong-arming Mesquite when a group called Save Our Stores
invested six figures to back alcohol in the 2007 campaign. Meanwhile, the treasurer for the opposing group
Save Our Children was citing family values - only to be exposed as a beer and wine retailer in neighboring
Balch Springs who stood to lose Mesquite customers.
Glittering Generalities: These are vague, broad statements that will connect with the audience's beliefs
and values. They really don't say anything substantive. Slogans make great examples. The vagueness means
that the implications, though varying for different people, are always favorable. Think of peace, freedom,
justice, family values, etc.
Greenwashing"disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally
responsible public image." From Google's dictionary.
Guerilla Marketing There are a lot of ways to get a message, whether commercial, political or other, out
into the community. See 100 marketing weapons on Many of these methods have the
advantage of costing nothing.
Image Manipulation: Today's image manipulation software makes this easy. The tactic is to produce a
fake photograph by altering a genuine one, then release it into the wild. If the fake is well-done it can get a
lot of mileage (and effect) before the hoax is exposed. Photos can also be staged for effect. Pictures which
appear to tell a great story can be actually staged and posed.
Junk Science: This is a label applied to honest scientific and public interest groups, while the term "sound
science" is applied to "science" which is biased in the direction desired.
Misinformation: Sometimes a public statement contains information that is not true, although not by
design. It was not done deliberately. If propaganda contains untruth it is deliberate.
Name-Calling This is the use of negative words or labels to create prejudice against some person, group
or idea. If you fall for this you have been driven to reach a conclusion without examining the evidence.
Plain Folks: The person speaking will adopt a demeanor that makes them look like "everyman." They will
appear to connect with the audience and their point of view. Careful choice of clothing, vocabulary, and
mannerisms is necessary to make the identity connection.
Poisoning the Well: The "poisoned well" tactic is really a pre-emptive strike at the opposition. They are
labeled as evil, stupid, corrupt, criminal or something else bad. It is not necessary for the derogatory
information to be true. Once this is done, anything the target person or group says will be taken less
seriously. See the Wikipedia note.
Policy Laundering A tactic of excusing unpleasant government actions on the grounds that "the
internation treaties require it."
Politics of Personal Destruction: This is the practice of attempting to neutralize opposition be destroying
it via fallacious reasoning, false accusations, omitted informatiuon, and any other useful fallacy (see
extensive list).
Political Code Words: Words which, on the surface, look reasonable enough, but call on an unstated
assumption to promote some agenda. Example: The idea that the President's job is to "Protect America."
Sounds good. If, however, you check the President's oath of office you will find that the President swears to
"preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United State of America." Very different.
Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc: A common fallacy. It confuses temporal relation with causation. The fallacy is
that since B came after A, then A must have caused B. Consider that there may be several possibilities for
what caused B and the time relationship could be just coincidence.
Product Placement: How many times have you seen a TV show or movie in which you saw recognizable
products? An April 19, 2006 bulletin from Broadcasting and Cable opened with "Two thirds of advertisers
employ 'branded entertainment' -- product placement -- with the vast majority of that in commercial TV
Public Service Announcements:
Push Poll: This is far less a poll than a propaganda technique. It will use a "question" which actually
implies something unfavorable about the subject of the question. A push poll question is often used to
spread misinformation about someone or something. Suppose a pollster asked you "Would you be inclined
to vote for Senator Fiddle if you knew he had a drinking problem?" Your answer to the question is not
important; your ultimate reaction to the drinking problem allegation is.
Quote Mining: This can also be called Quoting out of Context. It is often possible to lift a short quote out
of a speech, essay, etc. and make it appear to say the opposite of what the speaker/writer meant. The real
meaning is obvious when the quote is seen in its full context, but that context is conveniently omitted. Be
wary when you see short quotes, particularly on controversial subjects, that are standing outside of their full
context. You don't know what has been omitted. Political campaigns can produce some of the worst
examples of quote mining.
o Taliban Dan ad from Florida campaign"
o Don McLeroy's quote mine - a good example.
Repetition: Did you ever see a TV commercial run twice in a VERY short time period? Advertisers know
that a message must be repeated many times for it to be absorbed. The same goes for propaganda (see Big
Lie above). Pres. Bush (G.W.) is quoted as saying "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things
over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." In propaganda, truth is
squishy and hard to find. See The Ostrich Approach, 6th paragraph.
Straw Man: The user of this tactic invents some misleading picture of an opponent's views in order to
attack it. The straw man tactic involves misstating an opponent's ideas so that the fake view can be knocked
down easily. Since the original idea has been misrepresented and distorted, the audience may think that the
original idea has been knocked down when only the fake straw man view has been hit.
Swiftboating: This originated in 2004 with an anti-Kerry campaign that undermined Sen. Kerry. The idea
is to concoct a story with just enough truth in it to use as a smear campaign.
Talking Points: A talking point is a simple key message or idea. A number of these can be compiled and
used whenever dealing with reporters. The user will stick to the listed messages and focus attention on
them. They are to be used to answer any tough question in one form of Evading the Issue. They are also very
Testimonial: This technique has a well-known someone endorse, recommend or approve of a product,
cause or program. Pop celebrities can work well here. Remember that testimonials aren't worth much,
particularly if the endorser is not an authority in the field.
Transfer: This is an effort to transfer your approval of something you respect and approve of to another
something that the propagandist wants you to approve of. Flag-waving helps.
Vagueness: Watch for this everywhere, even in news reporting. It can be a form of disinformation.
"Remember the first rule of disinformation analysis: truth is specific, lie is vague. Always look for palpable
details in reporting and if the picture is not in focus, there must be reasons for it." (Greg Sinaisky)
See Detecting Disinformation Without Radar.
Video News Releases: This relatively recent trick involves preparing a message (often an ad) in a video
sequence which looks exactly like a news item. TV outlets will often pick these up and use them in news
programs because it saves production cost.
Viral Marketing
Age of Propaganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion ; Anthony Pratkanis & Elliot Aronson
Propaganda and Persuasion; Garth Jowett & Victoria O'Donnell
Goebbels' Principles of Propaganda , Leonard W. Doob, Public Opinion Quarterly, Fall 1950 pp. 419-442
Excellent and comprehensive reference from Sourcewatch
Direct link to Sourcewatch techniques index
Deep archive of Nazi propaganda from Calvin College
Principles of Propaganda per Josef Goebbels
Propaganda at
Recognizing Propaganda Technique from Cuesta College
Propaganda techniques with examples
Types and examples of Propaganda from Glendale Community College on front groups examines front groups and astroturf marketing
Skepticsfieldguide list of fallacies is useful for fact-checking is VERY useful for fact checking
Politifact is another fact-checker
Truth or Fiction is good for checking out email rants