Effects of Credit Policy On Profitability of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

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IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF)

e-ISSN: 2321-5933, p-ISSN: 2321-5925.Volume 2, Issue 4 (Jan. 2014), PP 01-07


Effects of Credit Policy on Profitability of Manufacturing Firms

in Kenya
James N. Kungu1*, Kenneth L. Wanjau2, Anthony G. Waititu3,
Geoffrey M. Gekara4
Department of Business, Nyandarua Institute of Science and Technology, Nyahururu, Kenya
School of Human Resource Development, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya
School of Actuarial Science, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya
School of Business, East African University, Nairobi, Kenya

Abstract: This paper considered the effects of credit policy on profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya.
The study looked at the elements that constitute the credit policy; credit terms, collection efforts, credit period
and credit standards. A descriptive research design was used to collect the data from the field and a stratified
random sampling technique was used to come up with a sample of 81 manufacturing firms. A questionnaire was
used to collect data from 81 manufacturing firms in Nairobi industrial area and its environs in Kenya. However,
only 71 questionnaires were returned. The chief finance officers of the manufacturing firms were requested to
fill in the questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential analyses were done. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
and regression analysis were used to test the hypothesis. The results show that there is a positive relationship
between profitability and credit policy in the manufacturing firms in Kenya (0.304). Credit policy explains only
9.2% of the profitability in the manufacturing firms in Kenya. 90.8% of the variation in profitability is explained
by other factors. The findings of the study revealed that the way credit policy is designed impacts on the
profitability of manufacturing firms. Therefore, we recommend that the finance managers of manufacturing
firms regularly review the credit policy of their firms to ensure that they are ideal and result in increased
Key words: (Accounts Receivables, Credit Policy, Manufacturing Firms, Profitability, Trade Credit)

I. Introduction
Business enterprises today use trade credit as a prominent strategy in the area of marketing and
financial management. Thus, trade credit is necessary in the growth of the businesses. When a firm sells its
products or services and does not receive cash for it, the firm is said to have granted trade credit to its customers.
Trade credit thus creates accounts receivables which the firm is expected to collect in future. Accounts
receivables are executed by generating an invoice which is delivered to the customer, who in turn must pay
within and with the agreed terms. The accounts receivables are one of the largest assets of a business enterprise
comprising approximately 15% to 20% of the total assets of a typical manufacturing firm (Dunn, 2009).
Investment in receivables takes a big chunk of organization‟s assets. These assets are highly vulnerable to bad
debts and losses. It is therefore necessary to manage accounts receivables appropriately.
Trade credit is very important to a firm because it helps to protect its sales from being eroded by
competitors and also attracts potential customers to buy at favorable terms. As long as there is competition in
the industry, selling on credit becomes inevitable. A business will lose its customers to competitors if it does not
extend credit to them. Thus, investment in accounts receivables may not be a matter of choice but a matter of
survival (Kakuru, 2001). Given that investment in receivables has both benefits and costs; it becomes important
to have such a level of investment in receivables at the same time observing the twin objectives of liquidity and
To remain profitable, businesses must ensure proper management of their receivables (Foulks, 2005).
The management of receivables is a practical problem. Businesses can find their liquidity under considerable
strain if the levels of their accounts receivables are not properly regulated (Samuels and walkers, 1993). Thus
management of accounts receivables is important, for without it; receivables will build up to excessive levels
leading to declining cash flows. Poor management of receivables will definitely result into bad debts which
lowers the business‟ profitability.
Credit policy is the most popular medium of managing and regulating receivables. To ensure optimal
investment in receivables, a business is required to have an appropriate credit policy. Credit policy is designed
to minimize costs associated with credit while maximizing the benefits from it. Credit policy refers to
guidelines that spell out how to decide which customers are sold on open account, the exact payment terms, the
limits set on outstanding balances and how to deal with delinquent accounts (Krueger, 2005). According to
(Pandey, 2007; Atkinson, Kaplan & Young, 2007 and Brigham, 1985) credit policy is defined in the manner as

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Effects of Credit Policy on Profitability of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

the combination of such terms as credit period, credit standards, collection period, cash discounts and cash
terms. Therefore, despite the fact that organizations have different credit policies, the content of these policies
must touch on credit period, credit standards, collection period and credit terms.
Credit policy is either lenient or stringent. A lenient credit policy tends to give credit to customers on
very liberal terms and standards such that credit is granted for longer periods even to those customers whose
credit worthiness is not well known. A stringent credit policy on the other hand is restrictive and allows credit
only to those customers whose credit worthiness have been ascertained and are financially strong. There are no
two organizations with a similar credit policy. Whether lenient or stringent credit policy is adopted by an
organization, it must ensure that it attracts and retains good customers, without having a negative impact on the
cash flow (Kalunda, Nduku & Kabiru, 2012).
Miller (2008) argues that there are four reasons why organizations have written credit policies. First,
the undertaking of managing receivables is a serious responsibility. It involves limiting bad debts and improving
cash flow. Outstanding receivables become a major asset of a firm and therefore require a reasoned and
structured approach and therefore credit management is necessary. Second, a credit policy assures a degree of
consistency among departments. By written down what is expected, the aims of the company (whether
marketing, production or finance) will realize that they have a common set of goals. Also, a written policy can
delineate each department functions so that duplication of effort and needless friction are avoided. Third, it
provides for a consistent approach among customers. Decision making becomes a logical function based on pre-
determined parameters. This simplifies the decision process and yields a sense of fairness that will only improve
customer relations. Finally, it can provide some recognition of the credit department as a separate entity, one
which is worthy of providing input into the overall strategy of the firm. This allows the department to be an
important resource to top management (Kalunda et al., 2012).
According to Chee and Smith (1999) credit policy is multi-faceted. There are two basic forms of trade
credit: the simpler form, net terms, specifies that full payment is due within a certain period after delivery. For
example, „net 30‟ means full payment is due 30 days after invoice; after that the buyer is in default. Invoicing
normally occurs either around the delivery or at the end of a billing cycle. The more complex form of credit, two
part terms, has three basic elements: the discount percentage, the discount period and the effective interest rate.
The most common two part terms are „2/10 net 30‟. This means a 2% discount for payment within 10 days and a
net period ending on day 30. As with net terms; the buyer is in default if payment is not made by the end of the
net period.
Due to the speed in which technology is changing and the dynamics in business caused by changes in
their internal and external environment, the ways in which businesses are conducted today differ significantly
from yester years. Therefore, for a credit policy to be effective it should not be static (Szabo, 2005 and Ojeka,
2012). Credit policy requires to be reviewed periodically to ensure that the organizations operate in line with the
competition. This will ensure further that sales and credit departments are benefiting.
Organizations differ so do their credit policies. While most companies have their own policies,
procedures and guidelines, it is unlikely that any two firms will define them in a similar manner. However, no
matter how large or small an organization is and regardless of the differences in their operations or product, the
effects of credit policies usually bring about similar consequences. Effects of a credit policy are either good
enough to bring growth and profits or bad enough to bring declination and losses. This similarity is as a result of
the aim of every manager which is to collect their receivables efficiently and effectively, thus maximizing their
cash in flows (Ojeka, 2012).
The purpose of the study was to determine whether credit policy influences profitability of manufacturing
companies in Kenya. Both null and alternative hypothesis were tested:
H01: Credit policy does not significantly influence on the profitability of manufacturing
firms in Kenya
H11: Credit policy has a significant influence on the profitability of manufacturing firms
in Kenya

II. Literature Review

In this section, we summarize two relevant theories related to credit policy and three most recent
researches. The transaction motive theory of trade credit suggests that businesses should provide trade credit by
reducing the cost of administering invoices between suppliers and buyers undertaking regular exchanges of
goods and services (Nilsen, 2002). Manufacturing firms face strong seasonality and uncertainty in the demand
for their products and may have to build up large inventories in order to maintain their production levels. By
offering credit, firms may be able to manage their inventory positions better and reduce warehousing costs.
Financing advantage theories on the other hand suggest that the firm that provides credit to its customers has an
advantage over other credit providers in assessing the credit worthiness of his customers (Chee & Smith, 1999;
Nilsen, 2002).

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Effects of Credit Policy on Profitability of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

It may be noted that credit policy is a rare area of research. Kalunda et al. (2012) carried out a study on
pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Kenya and their credit risk management practices. They used a
semi structured questionnaire to solicit information from finance managers or credit controller. They found that
the most important factors considered in establishing a credit policy is the financial stability of the customer and
existing credit policy. Most widely used credit risk management practices are debt collectors, letter of credit,
and credit insurance and factor of debt. When dealing with difficult customers accounts are put on hold and stop
future sales till the account is settled
Ojeka (2012) studied four manufacturing companies in Nigeria. He used annual reports and accounts of
selected companies as well as questionnaire. His findings revealed that when a company‟s credit policy is
favourable, liquidity is at a desirable level. He further found that the companies that monitor and regularly
review their credit policy and reduce cash discount allowances perform quite well in terms liquidity position and
Uremadu, Egbido and Enyi (2012) carried out a study in Nigeria on working capital management,
liquidity and corporate profitability in the manufacturing firms that were quoted. The study used a cross
sectional time series data for the period 2005 - 2006. Debtors‟ collection period was used as proxy or credit
policy and represented the length of time it takes the companies to collect proceeds of sales from their debtors.
The study established a distorted and non significant relationship of debtors‟ collection period with the level of
corporate profitability cum liquidity among quoted companies in Nigeria

III. Methodology
The study used descriptive research design to discover the association between profitability and credit
policy. A stratified random sampling technique was used to come up with a sample of 81 companies from the
twelve sub sectors of manufacturing companies in Kenya. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data
from 81 chief finance officers of the sample companies. The SPSS program was used to analysis the data.
In order to ensure that the research tool was reliable, a reliability test was done. The results indicated
Cronbach‟s alpha of 0.828. This is more than the threshold of 0.7 as advocated by Nunnally and Berstein (1994)
and Sekeran (2008). Factor analysis was also done to ensure that all questions made sense. Factor analysis
ensured that questions that required further analysis had a factor loading of more than 0.4 as advocated by
David, Patrick and Philip (2010). All the questions had a factor load of between 0.538 and 0.873 and therefore
were considered for further analysis.
Two steps were followed in the analysis of the data; descriptive and quantitative. Descriptive analysis
was the first step in the analysis. This showed the percentages, mean and standard deviation of different items in
the study. The quantitative analysis followed. Pearson correlation, ANOVA and regression analysis were used.
Pearson correlation showed the degree of association between profitability and credit policy.

IV. Findings and Discussion

Descriptive Analysis
Table 1: Rate of Response by the Respondents
Response Respondents Percentage (%)
Returned 71 87.7
Not Returned 10 12.3
Total Distributed 81 100.0

Table 1 shows that a total number of 81 questionnaires were administered to the chief finance officers of
manufacturing firms, in Nairobi industrial area and its environs. 71 questionnaires were returned which
represents 87.7% of all questionnaires administered. 10 questionnaires were not returned and this represents
12.3% of all questionnaires.

Table 2: Length of time allowed to customers on credit sales has an influence on sales
Response Strong Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Total Mean Standard
Disagree Agree Deviation
Frequency 1 4 7 25 34 71 4.23 0.944
Per cent 1.4 5.6 9.9 35.2 47.9 100

The table 2 shows that 1.4% of the respondents strongly disagreed with the statement that the length of time the
customers are allowed on credit sales has an influence on sales, 5.6% disagreed 9.9% were unsure, 35.2%
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Effects of Credit Policy on Profitability of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

agreed and 47.9% strongly agreed with the statement. Majority were of the opinion that the length of time the
customers are allowed on credit sales has an influence on sales. The question had a mean of 4.23 and a standard
deviation of 0.944. This means that most of the responses were 4, indicating that respondents agreed to the
statement that the length of time the customers are allowed on credit sales has an influence on sales.

Table 3: Firms consider the production cycle when setting credit standards
Response Strong Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Total Mean Standard
Disagree Agree Deviation
Frequency 1 5 6 33 26 71 3.73 0.928
Per cent 1.4 5.6 9.9 35.2 47.9 100

Table 3 shows that 1.4% of the respondents strongly disagreed with the statement that the firms consider the
production cycle when setting credit standards, 7.0% disagreed, 8.5% were unsure, 46.5% agreed and 36.6%
strongly agreed with the statement. Majority were of the opinion that the firms consider the production cycle
when setting credit standards. The question had a mean of 3.73 and a standard deviation of 0.928. This means
that most of the responses were 4, indicating that respondents agreed to the statement that the firms consider the
production cycle when setting credit standards.

Table 4: Firms investigate credit worthiness of their customers

Response Strong Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Total Mean Standard
Disagree Agree Deviation
Frequency 0 7 4 32 28 71 4.14 0.915
Per cent 0 9.9 5.6 45.1 39.4 100

Table 4 shows that 9.9% of the respondents disagreed with the statement that firms investigate credit worthiness
of their customers, 5.6% were unsure, 45.1% agreed and 39.4% strongly agreed with the statement. Majority
were of the opinion that the firms investigate credit worthiness of their customers. The question had a mean of
4.14 and a standard deviation of 0.915. This means that most of the responses were 4, indicating that
respondents agreed to the statement that the firms investigate the credit worthiness of their customers.

Table 5: Firms set credit terms that stipulate credit period extension
Response Strong Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Total Mean Standard
Disagree Agree Deviation
Frequency 13 7 6 31 14 71 3.37 1.396
Per cent 18.2 9.9 8.5 43.7 19.7 100

Table 5 shows that 18.2% of the respondents strongly disagreed with the statement that their firms set credit
terms that stipulate credit period extension, 9.9% disagreed, 8.5% were unsure, 43.7% agreed and 19.7%
strongly agreed with the statement. Majority were of the opinion that the firms consider the production cycle
when setting credit standards. The question had a mean of 3.37 and a standard deviation of 1.396. This means
that most of the responses were 3, indicating that the number of respondents who agreed with the statement is
equal to the number of the respondents who disagreed.

Table 6: Firms allow cash discounts to their customers to induce them pay promptly
Response Strong Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Total Mean Standard
Disagree Agree Deviation
Frequency 2 3 16 29 21 71 3.9 0.973
Per cent 2.8 4.2 22.5 40.8 29.7 100

Table 6 shows that 2.8% of the respondents strongly disagreed with the statement that their firms allow cash
discounts to their customers to induce them pay promptly, 4.2% disagreed, 22.5% were unsure, 40.8% agreed
and 29.7% strongly agreed with the statement. Majority were of the opinion that their firms consider the
production cycle when setting credit standards. The question had a mean of 3.9 and a standard deviation of
0.973. This means that most of the responses were 4, indicating that firms allow cash discounts to their
customers to induce them pay promptly.
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Effects of Credit Policy on Profitability of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

Table 7: Period between credit sales and collection period is more than 30 days
Response Strong Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Total Mean Standard
Disagree Agree Deviation
Frequency 3 15 10 21 22 71 3.62 1.246
Per cent 4.2 21.1 14.1 29.6 31.0 100

Table 7 shows that 4.2% of the respondents strongly disagreed with the statement that the period between credit
sales and collection period is longer than 30 days, 21.1% disagreed, 14.1% were unsure, 29.6% agreed and 31%
strongly agreed with the statement. Majority were of the opinion that their firms consider the production cycle
when setting credit standards. The question had a mean of 3.62 and a standard deviation of 1.246. This means
that most of the responses were 4, indicating that the period between credit sales and collection period is more
than 30 days.

Table 8: Firm’s overall credit policy has the ability to increase sales
Response Strong Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Total Mean Standard
Disagree Agree Deviation
Frequency 1 3 9 28 30 71 4.17 0.910
Per cent 1.4 4.2 12.7 39.4 42.3 100

Table 8 shows that 1.4% of the respondents strongly disagreed with the statement that their firms‟ overall credit
policy have an ability to increase sales, 4.2% disagreed, 12.7% were unsure, 39.4% agreed and 42.3% strongly
agreed with the statement. Majority were of the opinion that the firms‟ overall credit policies have the ability to
increase sales. The question had a mean of 4.17 and a standard deviation of 0.910. This means that most of the
responses were 4, indicating that the firms‟ credit policies have the ability to increase sales.

Correlation Analysis
Table 9 indicates that there is a positive significant linear relationship between credit policy and
profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya. This relationship has been illustrated by correlation coefficient of
0.304 at 0.01 significant levels. This implies that there is a weak significant positive relationship between credit
policy and profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya. The results conform to the previous studies done by
(Gill, Biger&Mathur, 2010) who found that firms that maintain accounts receivables at optimal level are able to
create and maximize their profits.

Table 9: Correlation between Credit Policy and Profitability

Profitability Credit Policy
Profitability Pearson Correlation 1
Significant (2 tailed) -
Credit Policy Pearson Correlation 0.304** 1
Significant (2 tailed) 0.010 -
** Correlation is significant at 0.01 level (2 – tailed)

Regression Analysis
Table 10 provides the R and R2 value representing the sample correlation. In this case, R 2 was 9.2% which
indicates that credit policy explains the 9.2% of variation in profitability. The other 90.8% of the variation in
profitability is explained by other factors not in the regression.

Table 10: Model summary for Credit Policy

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .304 .092 .079 5.66293

a. Predictors: (Constant), Credit Policy

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Effects of Credit Policy on Profitability of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

ANOVA results in Table 11 indicate that regression model predicts the profitability significantly well. This
indicates the statistical significance of the regression model that was applied. An F statistic of 7.028 indicated
that the model was significant. This was supported by the p-value of 0.010a. It indicates thatthe overall model
applied can statistically predict the profitability.

Table 11: ANOVA for Credit Policy and Profitability

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 225.366 1 225.366 7.028 .010a
Residual 2212.745 69 32.069
Total 2438.111 70
a. Predictors: (Constant), Credit Policy
b. Dependent Variable: Profitability

Table 12 provides the information needed to predict profitability from credit policy. Both the constant and credit
policy contribute significantly to the model. The regression equation is presented as follows:Profitability =
11.765+ 0.232 (Credit Policy)
From table 12 below there is a positive unstandardized beta co-efficient of 0.232 as indicated by the co-
efficient matrix. For the regression line to be significant, the following alternative hypothesis has to be true:
H0 : β1 = 0
H1 : β1 ≠ 0
Table 12 shows that the p-value is less than 0.05. Therefore, in this case the null hypothesis was rejected and
concluded that the alternative hypothesis that; β1 ≠ 0, which implies that credit policy has a significant influence
on profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya.

Table 12: Prediction of Profitability from Credit Policy

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 11.765 3.137 3.751 .000
Credit Policy .232 .088 .304 2.651 .010
a. Dependent Variable: Profitability

V. Conclusion and Recommendations

Most of the manufacturing firms companies in Kenya have credit policies. It can therefore be expected
that the way in which credit policy is designed will have a significant impact on profitability of these firms. The
study a significant positive relationship between credit policy and profitability for the sample of Kenyan
manufacturing firms exists. These results suggest that managers can create value for their shareholders by
designing, implementing and managing ideal credit policies.
Regarding the hypothesis, it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis (H 1) that credit policy
significantly influence profitability of manufacturing firms in Kenya is accepted and thenull hypothesis (H0) is
rejected.The conclusions are in confirmation with (Ojeka, 2012) who found a strong positive relationship
between credit policy and profitability.
There is much to be done about credit policy in Kenya in future. It is suggested that further research be
conducted on the topic with different manufacturing firms and extending the sample size. The scope of the
research may be extended to other components of working capital management; accounts payable practices,
working capital levels, liquidity and inventory control.

Suggested Areas of Further Research

 Research on other areas that affect profit making in manufacturing firms
 Effect of credit policy on economic growth
 Credit policy and information technology in cost minimization in manufacturing firms

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Effects of Credit Policy on Profitability of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

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