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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region of Batangas

Municipality of Calaca

R. Concepcion Montessori School-Calaca Inc.

Calaca Batangas




Ma. Angel Luz V. Espinoza

R. Concepcion Montessori School, Calaca Batangas



This chapter presents the major elements and foundation of the study. This includes

some major information and description about the chosen topic where the proponents chose to

pursue the research. It also contains the Background of the Study, Conceptual Framework,

Theoretical Framework, Statement of the Problem, Hypotheses of the Study, Scope and

Limitation of the Study, and Definition of Terms.


Laziness is also termed as indolence or sloth and is defined as the failure to do what you

are supposed to do, despite having the ability to do it.

Laziness is a vice that slowly creeps in and begins to hold you captive. It interrupts your

life and prevents you from getting to where you are supposed to be. At first you feel as though

you are having a deserved rest, then gradually you start tolerating and entertaining laziness,

finally it fully sets in and becomes a part of who you are. Education is essential in order to live

our lives. It enables us to be knowledgeable in all aspects. It gives us opportunities, skills,

talents, trainings, experiences for a purpose mostly intended for a graduate to get a job, a

professional job for his or herself in order to earn wages can provide themselves their

physiological needs or satisfy their wants. Through education also,we can create the most able

and literate beings to build and develop a country into a more convenient and worthwhile nation

to live. And those beings would be the students. Students are the most important elements in

education for without them education is not valuable. If students are important, so as their

academic performance. And it is quiet linked to the development of a country.

A lazy person is one who is not aware of their thoughts, emotions and actions. One who is

aware of their thoughts as they occur, the feelings that pass through them and the actions they take,

are the ones who are not lazy. So, one can be very active and still be very lazy, or one can be not

active at all, but be very diligent. It is simply about being mindful and finely tuned in to the present

moment (Mehta, 2010)

Laziness is a condition that a person is unable to do something, not because he or she has

no ability to do it, but because of unwilling and psychologically unprepared. However, laziness

should not be confused with tiredness, mental disorder or schizophrenia, although there are few

similar character trait associated with each. Everybody at one time or another has experienced

laziness in his or her life, though it might not be possible to notice that you are lazy since nobody

wants to be associated with laziness.

Background of the Study

Education is essential in order to live our lives. It enables us to be knowledgeable in all

aspects. It gives us opportunities, skills, talents, trainings, experiences for a purpose mostly

intended for a graduate to get a job, a professional job for his or herself in order to earn wages

can provide themselves their physiological needs or satisfy their wants. Through education also,

we can create the most able and literate beings to build and develop a country into a more

convenient and worthwhile nation to live. And those beings would be the students. Students are

the most important elements in education for without them education is not valuable. If students

are important, so as their academic performance. And it is quiet linked to the development of a

The students’ academic performances play a vital role in creating the finest quality

alumni who will become leaders and manpower of a particular country, consequently responsible

for the country’s social and economic development.

  The academic performance is also important to fresh graduates especially in obtaining an

occupation. A good or a high academic performance would be a good impression to th employers

even if they don’t have any experience.

 It is one of the major factors that a manager sees in order to accept or hire them. For this

reason, students should put their priorities to their studies and observe high or even better

academic performance to prepare themselves for future opportunities and also for their future

profession at the same time, to decrease unemployment . For having a fine job is one step closer

to make your life better .Although education provide the things persons or students their longing

ambitions, It still need years of procedure, requires long suffering and a steadfast focus in order

to attain the diploma to mark that students are truly worthy and to certify them as alumni. But

sometimes there are just factors that distract and affect the students and cause their academic

performance commonly to fall or decrease.

Theoretical Framework

Laziness becomes a common behavior among students in the learning processes and

cognitive performance. This behavior appears with a person because of the failure in self-

regulation and he/she normally experiences lack of achievement goal orientations in studies.

Duru & Bakis (2014) in their research revealed that passive attitudes such as lazy or

procrastination affect self-regulation with relation to academic performance would make them

competent with themselves towards commitment and finally they would not achieve anything that
would make them satisfied. Hence, this low motivation in desire and self-regulation would involve

them in procrastination, social and disciplinary problems and finally would affect their

performance in academic attitude.

Beghetto (2010) Laziness is behavior describing the passive attitude of as person with th

tendency to avoid work although he/she is capable, unwilling to put forth and choosing not a work

hard and lack of will power.

Conceptual Framework

Applying the study of Nestor Ramos. My Conceptual framework is stand for input,

process, and output. On how to overcome the laziness in study and life.

Input Process Output

1. Profile variables of  Analyzing data

respondents in terms  Gathering data As a basis of manual

of:  Conduct a survey creaton fo overcome bad

1.1 Age habits.

 Construct a manuscript/
1.2 Gender
1.3 Section

2. Possible causes of


3. Prossible effects of

The input frame shows the main problem of this study which is the “Laziness of Senior

Highschool Students.”

The process frame indicates the steps by which the study was conducted. These

steps are as follow: Analyzing data, Gathering data, Conduct a survey, Construct a


The output frame indicates the outcome of this study which is the solution to Laziness of

senior high school students.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of? :

A. Age B. Gender C. Section

2. What are the Factors that cause Laziness that Affect the Academic Performance of the Senior

Highschool students?

3. What are the different impacts of laziness of Senior Highschool students?

4. What factor that causes Laziness greatly affects the academic performance of the respondents?

5. Are there significant differences between the Factors that cause Laziness and the Demographic

Profiles of the respondents?

Significance of the Study

This research study would help us to determine the laziness of Senior Highschool

students at R. Concepcion Montesorri School. Furthermore, this research will be significance

to the following:

For the Students -The main beneficiaries of this undertaking will help them to recognize of

what’s  the effect of the laziness in Academic Performance.

For the Teachers -This study will be helpful to the teachers to be an evidence ofthe demands to

perform an exceptional and enhanced skills in teaching.

For the Parents - The results of this endeavor will enlighten the parents on the academic

performance of their children and will be able to help them on the aspects that need to

be improved..

For the School Administrator -The result of this endeavor will guide them on what ways they

could handle the laziness of the students.


1. There is a significance relationship between the laziness of students to academic

performance of Senior highschool sudents.

2. There is no significant relationship between the factors that cause laziness and affect

the academic performance of the graduating students.

Scope and Limitations

This research study is all about laziness of the students and it’s effect in Academic

Performance of students. The respondents will answers survey will determine their laziness and it’s

effect of it in Academic Performance.

Definition of Terms

In order to fully understand this study, the following variables are defined operationally:

 Vice -a metal tool with movable jaws that are used to hold an object firmly in place while

work is done on it, typically attached to a workbench. Or an immoral wicked behavior  

 Crucial -Its a decisive or critical, specially in the success or failure of something.

Slackers. its a person who avoids work or effort.

 Indolence -its a avoidance of activity or exertion; laziness

 Sloth -its a reluctance to work or make an effort.

 Creeps -to move slowly with the body close to the ground, as a reptile or an insect,or a

person on hands and knees.

 Slackers -A person who avoid work or effort and It’s someone who while being

intelligent, doesn't really feel like doing anything.

 Curb -a type of bit that is widely used in western riding. In English riding it is usually

only used with a snaffle as part of a double bridle. Or a swelling on the back of a horse's

hock, caused by spraining a ligament.

 Captive -a person who has been taken prisoner or an animal that has been confined

This chapter presents the review of related literatures and studies that are closely

related to the present study. The highlight of these literatures and studies served as the frames of

reference on the conduct of the study.

A. Related Literatures


 Laziness is a mental state of an individual when it lacks energy and/or the desire to

perform tasks, which can have several causes (Steve, 2010).

A lazy person is one who is not aware of their thoughts, emotions and actions. One

who is aware of their thoughts as they occur, the feelings that pass through them and the actions

they take, are the ones who are not lazy. So, one can be very active and still be very lazy, or one

can be not active at all, but be very diligent. It is simply about being mindful and finely tuned in

to the present moment (Mehta, 2012).

The lazy man does not stand in the way of progress. When he sees progress roaring

down upon him he steps nimbly out of the way. The lazy man doesn't pass the buck. He lets the

buck pass him. We have always secretly envied our lazy friends (Morley, 2011).

Well, every one of us knows this feeling: we have a lot of work to do but a

momentary feeling of laziness, or even a habitual state of pure laziness prevents us from getting

motivated to perform our tasks. We do not feel energized and just don´t want to do particular

activities, either because we lack the inspiration or are not encouraged enough to start working.

there are types of lazy people: those who are thrill seekers who wait until the last minute so that
they get into a euphoric rush when they finish the work at the very last possible minute, those who

avoid work simply because they are too scared to fail. Doing it at the very last minute gives them

an excuse for the mediocrity of the job they did. They would just rather put the blame on time

rather on themselves and those who simply let go of the responsibility for outcomes so that they

avoid making the ultimate decisions. (Stephen, 2013)

According to Young (2011) there are three reasons why people become lazy. The

first one is low energy. A common source of laziness is simply being drained. This is a silent

cause of getting stuck, because humans aren’t equipped with a fuel gauge.

Sasson (2008) said that people can overcome laziness by being active, instead of

passive, by not procrastinating, by being aware of the importance of acting, instead of letting

laziness get the upper hand. Things don’t get done by being lazy and making no effort. Success

requires activity, doing, initiative, and taking advantage of opportunities. This requires an active

person, not a passive one. It requires the ability of resisting and overcoming laziness and


In effect laziness hinders us to do our work, but what is even worse: laziness reduces

our whole life-experience, as we pursue by far less hobbies and spare time activities than we

would, if we weren´t lazy. Let´s not allow laziness to reduce the quality of our lives (Miya, 2010)

 Estanislao (1997) added to work for people; know the reason for your being there.
Remind yourself that whatever job you have taken added that people should impose self

discipline. For most of us, the first minute of each day is one of the most difficult. When the time

comes to get up, the comfort of our bed tempts us to sleep on, even if only for a few minutes

more, at the time, we are still drowsy and often feel as if we have not sleep enough.
Timbreza ( 2003) also added to identify your goals. If you are is to fulfil your needs.

Work is associated with personal success and happiness, material prosperity in life, selfrealization

and self-fulfilment. Man does not work to satisfy his biological needs which man has in common

with the animals. Man works in the service of life. Work humanizes man


Laziness is a condition that a person is unable to do something, not because he or

she has no ability to do tiredness, mental disorder or schizophrenia, although there are few

similar character trait associated with each. Everybody at one time or another has experienced

laziness in his or her life, though it might not be it, but because of unwilling and

psychologically unprepared. However, laziness should not be confused with possible to notice

that you are lazy since nobody wants to be associated with laziness. Gonzalez (2013)

Technology is good for human life and has played a very significant role in human

development. However, on the other hand, technology is making people too lazy to do anything

without the help of the technology. Most people are unable even to do the simple calculations

without the help of calculator, not be they are not able but because they are unwilling and

unprepared psychologically to handle it. In fact, with the look of things at the present,

technology will make the future generations too lazy to do anything on their own.

Manalo (2014)

Ramon Tulfo (2010) rant against our supposedly lazy countrymen coupled with

unfair comparison with hardworking Chinese has reaped a whirlwind of online bashing from

the onion-skinned who felt alluded to, and those who take every opportunity to contradict

whatever Tulfo says or writes. Tulfo took refuge under the National Hero’s overcoat, tweeting:
“To those who have been bashing me. Read Jose Rizal’s essay about the indolence of the

Filipino in his time. Thank you!”

Ramirez (2015) The students are not having the proper sleep during the night they

will always feel lazy and dizzy while their studying. Many students are suck in game or

addicted the internet. They are awake all night to online, chat, surf facebook or do something

else relating the internet.

Santos (2009) Many students never think about future, plus they are involved in to

many activities having too much fun. Seventy percent of total students don’t know what they

are studying for; fifty percent of students don’t know what they will do in future; and almost

student have no aim for their life. Those are the reason wh they don’t effort to study hard. They

are lazy and rely on their parents.

Reyes (2014) The students may have the specialty which they are pursuing is nt in

line with their hobbies and dream. Therefore, they feel boring and uncomfortable on studying it.

Many students go to university because of their parents request, don not because they like it.

Almost people do not want to be obliged; they want to do what the like. So, some students are

lazy in studying subjects that they hate or do not like are easy to understand.

Cruz (2010) The students is lazy because the lesson is not interesting,

procrastination, more interested in playing and watching television than studying are also

reasons of being lazy in studying. Many students slept while teacher was teaching because they

feel insipid and sleepy with the lesson. Especially, studying for long continuous hours, their

body is tired and can not continue studying any more.

There are many objective and reasons of being lazy in studying of students.

Students should find out the causes and try to overcome them. We will have a good future if we

study hard and go on the right way. Bautista (2016)

Laziness is a controversial issue. Some people say that laziness is a negative and

destructive feeling, while others say that laziness helps one focus on the more important issues. I

will try to observe this problem from different sides in order to find the advantages and

disadvantages of this act. Laziness is associated with the negative disobedient behavior when one

refuses to fulfil his duties. A lazy person prefers leisure to work. Of course, from the point of

view of general social standards, laziness is a negative act. Ocampo (2016)

Laziness is a negative act in the process of education. A lazy student is often the worst

student. When a child prefers leisure to reading and writing, his knowledge will be poor and his

marks will be low. Parents always worry about the progress of their children, because they know

that only hard work can help one reach his goal. It is impossible to learn a new language or

understand mathematics or physics without hard work. If you want to succeed in any discipline,

you ought to devote much time to self-development and improvement of your background

knowledge. In my opinion, students ought to struggle against laziness, because it ruins their

potential. One can reveal his talents only when he works hard. Garcia (2016)

B. Related Studies


People get lazy all the time. If you stop and think about all the times you've

decided not to do something productive or to put something off that could have been

accomplished at that very moment, you'd realize how much time you actually waste in a single
day. Take a look at the bigger picture and you'll realize how much time you've actually wasted

in your entire life. George Orwell (2014)

The older you are, the harsher this reality becomes. Needless to say, the prime

characteristic of the most successful and productive people is that they're NOT lazy, so if you

want to become more successful and productive in life - and thus happier too - then tackling

laziness is a great place to start. J.K Rowling (2009)

You will learn how to get past those moments of passivity by understanding how

they happen and what you can do to overcome them. This means learning about the most basic

obstacles to productivity and knowing how to deal with them and manage yourself so that you

are able to make the most of your schedule and stick to whatever plan you make.

Gretchen Pillar (2011)

It is proven fact that in the first reading, some may be able to understand

moderately, a few may not be able understand anything, which completely depends on the

readers strength of the language used to communicate the subject. Hence, to understand the

subject clearly one must repeatedly read the lessons few times in an extensive manner then

followed by some intensive reading. So, if one is lazy to read the lessons it is highly impossible

to do well in academics. Garrix (2009)

First of all, one should understand that learning is a slow process that requires lot

of patience. The reason to underline this statement is that many students think they have the

self-belief to do last minute single reading and get through the subject. Getting through the

subject may not be a problem, but scoring high marks according to the potential one possesses

is much needed of a student. Kalvimalar Dinamalar (2013)

According to Virginia Woolf (2014) Laziness becomes a common behavior among

students in the learning processes and cognitive performance. This behavior appears within a

person because of the failure in self-regulation and he/she normally experiences lack of

achievement goal orientations in studies. As a result, lazy students have low enthusiasm in their

way of thinking, tendency, habits and behavior. Thus, this study measured laziness through self-

regulation by using heart rate variability (HRV) biofeed back technique. The objectives of this

research are to design and test the biofeed back script as a measurement of their self-regulation's

ability and to compare the HRV coherence score between low and good academic performances

Samples consisted of 20 students at the age of sixteen with different background of academic


The t-testrevealed that the low academic performance failed to achieve the

targetedgoal which explained their low level of self-regulation. The LF activity was higher for

the good academic performance in the biofeedback training using diaphragmatic breathing

technique, zikr and self-regulation script. As a summary, low academic performances group

demonstrated higher level of laziness compared to the good academic performances. Their

performance and effort enhancement in the clinical experimental explained the levels of self-

regulation which described their laziness. Wan Rusyaini Wan Mohd (2015)

Time, energy and money-saving advances have mechanised our way of life and reduced

the amount of time we spend moving. Opportunities to sit are virtually everywhere: at work,

school, during transportation and at home. Since most people blame lack of time as their main

excuse for not being active, it is ironic that on average we waste over three hours watching

television per day. We have not been educated that it doesn't cost anything to be more active in
everyday life. For example use the car less, walk more, walk up the escalators and use the stairs

instead of the lift. Ernest Hemingway (2016)

We procrastinate for a wide variety of reasons, such as fear or simply laziness. However,

there’s also an evolutionary motivation behind laziness. Our ancestors lived in a world where

food sources were nowhere near as plentiful as today. As such, they conserved energy for the

times when they entered survival mode: hunting, foraging, exploration, building and so on. If an

ancestor of ours wasted his energy on useless tasks, he wouldn’t be able to cope with the

hardships of food gathering. So, in a counterintuitive evolutionary twist, laziness has proven to

be an important trait in keeping our species alive. Cyril Parkinson (2012)

Call it laziness, sloth, ineptitude, idleness, or whatever you like but the idea of doing

nothing when things need to be done is often considered to be a sign of weakness or shirking.

Sometimes laziness happens when you don't want to face something, like a boring chore or a

difficult confrontation with someone. Other times, it might be because you feel overwhelmed

and think the task needs a whole team rather than just you. And then there are those times where

you really just can't be bothered. In any case, it's simply not a desirable trait. Paul Chernyak



A person is being lazy if he is able to carry out some activity that he ought to carry out,

but is disinclined to do so because of the effort involved. Instead, he carries out the activity

perfunctorily; or engages in some other, less strenuous or less boring activity; or remains idle. In

short, he is being lazy if his motivation to spare himself effort trumps his motivation to do the

right or expected thing. De la Cruz (2012)

According to Villanueva (2013) Synonyms for laziness are indolence and sloth.

Indolence derives from the Latin indolentia, ‘without pain’ or ‘without taking trouble’. Sloth has

more moral and spiritual overtones than laziness or indolence. In the Christian tradition, sloth is

one of the seven deadly sins because it undermines society and God’s plan, and because it invites

sin. The Bible inveighs against slothfulness, for example, in the Book of Ecclesiastes: 'By much

slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house drop peth

through. A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answer all the things.'

Laziness should not be confounded with procrastination or idleness.To procrastinate is to

postpone a task in favour of other tasks, which, though perceived as easier or more pleasurable,

are typically less important or urgent.To postpone a task for constructive or strategic purposes

does not amount to procrastination. For it to amount to procrastination, the postponement has to

represent poor and ineffective planning, and result in a higher overall cost to the procrastinator,

for example, in the form of stress, guilt, or loss of productivity. It is one thing to delay a tax

return until all the figures are in, but quite another to delay it so that it upsets plans and people

and triggers a fine. Rivera (2011)

Accoding to Thomas (2013) Laziness and procrastination are similar in that they both

involve a lack of motivation. But, unlike a lazy person, a procrastinator aspires and intends to

complete the task and, moreover, does eventually complete it, albeit at a higher cost to himself.

In most cases, it is deemed painful to expend effort on long-term goals that do not

provide immediate gratification. For a person to embark on a project, he has to value the return

on his labour more than his loss of comfort. The problem is that he is disinclined to trust in a

return that is both distant and uncertain. Because self-confident people are more apt to trust in
the success and pay-off of their undertakings (and may even overestimate their likely returns),

they are much more likely to overcome their natural laziness. Flores (2014)

Many lazy people are not intrinsically lazy, but are lazy because they have not found

what they want to do, or because, for one reason or another, they are not doing it. To make

matters worse, the job that pays their bills may have become so abstract and specialized that they

can no longer fully grasp its purpose or product, and, by extension, their part in bettering other

peoples' lives. A builder can look upon the houses that he has built, and a doctor can take pride

and satisfaction in the restored health and gratitude of his patients, but an assistant deputy

financial controller in a large corporation cannot be at all certain of the effect of his labour.

Castro (2012)

Navarro (2011) Other factors that can lead to laziness are fear and hopelessness. Some

people fear success, or do not have sufficient self-esteem to feel comfortable with success, and

laziness is one way in which they can sabotage themself. Shakespeare conveys this idea much

more eloquently and succinctly in Antony and Cleopatra: 'Fortune knows we scorn her most

when most she offers blows.' Conversely, some people fear failure, and laziness is preferable to

failure because it is at one remove. "It's not that I failed," they tell themselves, "it's that I never


Andrada (2015) Other people are lazy because they see their situation as being so

hopeless that they cannot even begin to think through it, let alone address it. Because these

people do not have the ability to think through and address their situation, it could be argued that

they are not truly lazy, and, to some extent, the same could be said of all lazy people. In other
words, the very concept of laziness presupposes the ability to choose not to be lazy, that is,

presupposes the existence of free will.

There are connections to laziness and our ability to survive, and we are wired to only take

on tasks that ensure survival. Humans may be lazy at our core because we tend to do actions that

have immediate results. This goes back to our primitive days, where we would have to do those

things that brought results right away. It could have been hunting, preparing food, or seeking

shelter. Today, most of us don’t have to worry about those things, so nothing is driving us for

immediate results for survival. Salazar (2013)

Having Low Energy This will be the main cause of laziness for most people. Since we

don’t have to worry as much about survival, it makes modern life much easier. But that’s not to

say modern life isn’t draining. There are still many things that require our attention, and day-to-

day life can zap you of your energy. When your gas tank is on empty, it’s much more appealing

to be lazy. If this is the case, you need to correct this by looking at your lifestyle. Castillo (2009).


Steve (2010), Stephen (2013), Gonzalez (2013), Ramirez (2015), Reyes (2014),

Ocampo (2016), George Orwell (2014), Garrix (2009), Kalvimalar Dinamalar (2013), and Ernest

Hemingway (2016).


This chapter presents the methods and procedures that will be using by the researchers in

accomplishing this study. It covers the research design, the respondents of the study, the data

gathering instruments and procedures and the statistical treatment that will be used in this study.

Research Design To Be Used

This study determines the laziness of senior highschool students at R. Concepcion

Montesorri School, using the descriptive design. It involves gathering data, analysis and

interpretation to come up with a valuable set of information as a tool for this study. The

researchers will be usingbooks, studies and articles as the references and broad information in

the internet to tackle things that will clarify the questionsto be answered. Data gathered must be

accurate to answer questions in the study and to provide sufficient information relevant to this


Descriptive research does not fit neatly into the definition of either quantitative or

qualitative research methodologies, but instead it can utilize elements of both, often within the

same study. The term descriptive research refers to the type of research question, design, and

data analysis that will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is, while

inferential statistics try to determine cause and effect.

Description of the Respondents

To have efficient answers for the given questions regarding the main problem which is

the financial problem among the junior high school students, the respondents of the study are the
Senior High School Students of R. Concepcion Montesorri School. The researchers will be using

cluster sampling wherein, there will be 15 students from each section who will be answering the

given questionnaire.

Instruments to be used

In order to provide and gather the information, the researchers will be using books,

different studies and internet to gather some data. Also, there will be questionnaire made by the

researchers that will be needed in conducting the survey. In constructing the questionnaire, it will

contain five options such as Strongly Agree, Agree, Moderately Agree, Disagree and Strongly

Disagree. Moreover, it should be passed to the thesis adviser for some corrections and the

experts will validate the questionnaire in order to achieve a better outcome.

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to gather the needed data and information to answer the problem presented in

this study, it started in the proponents’ formulation of questionnaire. The questionnaire will

obtained by submitting the questionnaire to the researchers’ thesis adviser for approval and to

pass the judgement on each term. The respondents are able to check their answers if they are

strongly agree, agree, moderately agree, disagree and strongly disagree. The response of the

respondents will be validated through the statistical treatment applicable to the information.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To analyze and interpret the data, the researchers tally the answers of the Junior High

School and use various statistical treatment including the following:

1. Weighted Mean

It is use to know the average of all the answers of respondents regarding the

statements given in the questionnaire.

2. Scale Interval

It is use to analyze the answers of the respondents and interpret the result of the

survey which uses the following conditions:

1.0 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree

1.50 – 2.49 Disagree

2.50 – 3.49 Moderately Agree

3.50 – 4.49 Agree

4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

3. Frequency Distribution

It is a table that shows the distribution of the respondents depending on their

profile variables.

4. t – Test for Independent Samples

This test is use to indicate the answer to the hypothesis given previously.

5. F – test (ANOVA)

This test will be used to compare and identify the significant differences between

the answers of the respondents from three or more group

Laziness of Senior High School Students at
R. Concepcion Montesorri School

Dear Respondents,

May the blessing of the lord be with us!

I, student of Grade 12- Ballard ABM at R. Concepcion Montessori School is conducting
a study entitled “Laziness of Senior High School Students at R. Concepcion Montesorri School”
In line with this, we are asking for your kind consideration in accomplishing the
questionnaire. The result of this survey will be the basis of finding for my study.
Thank you very much!

Respectfully Yours,
Angel Luz Espinoza

Directions: Put a check ( ) in the information needed on each black. Please answer only
1. Age
( ) 15-16 years old ( ) 17 and above
2. Gender
( ) Male ( ) Female
3. Section
( ) 11- Stem ( ) 11- 12 Abm ( ) 11- 12 Humss

Part II. Questionnaires about the Laziness of Senior High School Students at R. Concepcion
Montesorri School
Directions: Put a check ( ) based on what you actually think in given statements using
the following scales.
1 - SA - Strongly Agree 2 - DA – Disagree
3 - MA – Moderately Agree 4 - A – Agree
5 - SD –Strongly Disagree

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
Causes of Laziness of Senior High School
1. Poor lifestyle choices
2. Lack of motivation
Effects of Laziness of Senior High School
1. Failing grades
2. Undergraduate
3. May affect your future
Ways can do to prevent Laziness of Senior High
School Students
1. Make a study plan.
2. Remove all distractions
3. Discipline yourself
San Rafael Village, Brgy. 4 Poblacion, Calaca, Batangas


SHS Principal, RCMS
Calaca, Batangas

Mr. Sacdalan:
The researcher would like to conduct a study to your institution entitled “Laziness of
Senior High School Students at R. Concepcion Montessori School”, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of Accountancy, Business & Management.
In this regard, the researcher would like to ask permission to study in your Senior High
School learners.
Rest assured that the information to be gathered will be held confidential and it will be
used exclusively for academic purposes.
Thank you in advance!

Respectfully yours,

Research Teacher


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