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Attachment A

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Attachment B

ORTEC GAMMA-X Coaxial N-type HPGe

Gamma-Ray Detector (PopTop), Model GMX3OP4
ORTEC®The Best Choice of High Purity
Germanium (HPGe) Detector
The choice of the best HPGe detector for your particular measurement situation is based on a few simple rules. The rules are given
below and are based on some basic concepts about how the detection process works, how gamma rays penetrate materials, and the
principles of gamma-ray spectroscopy. Unresolved choice issues can be reduced to a level where they have little or no impact on the
resultant performance of the spectrometry system. This document explains how you'can easily make a wise, well-informed choice. We
assume you already have a basic knowledge of HPGe detector terminology and that you also have a basic knowledge of gamma-ray
spectrometry. If you need to review these areas, refer to Reference 1 or 2 for a good introduction.
The purpose of an HPGe detector Isto convert gamma rays into electrical impulses which can be used, wit h suitable signal
processing, to determine their energy and intensity.
HPGe Detector Types
Let us briefly review the various types of HPGe detector available in order to make what follows easier to understand,
All HPGe radiation detectors are just large, reverse-biased diodes. The germanium material can be either "n-type" or "p-type". The
type depends on the concentration of donor or acceptor atoms inthe crystal. To connect the diode to an electrical circuit to amplify the
ýsignal, we need to put contacts on the crystal. These electrical contacts on the crystal are a thick, lithium contact, which is the N+
contact, and a thin, ion-Implanted contact, which is the P+ contact. The lithium contact Isthick because the lithium Isdiffused into the
The crystal can be cut or ground to any shape. However, the electrical field inside the crystal (diode) is very important. This limits the
useful shapes to a disk or a cylinder with a hollow core. The cylinders are closed at one end and called coaxial; the disks are called
planar. These are shown in Fig. 1.
Depending on the type of material used (N or P), the contacts are applied differently. For P-type material, the thick, lithium contact Is
on the outer surface and the thin, ion-implanted contact is on the inside. The ORTEC name is GEM. For N-type material the contacts
are reversed. The ORTEC name is GMX. Very short N-type coaxial detectors are called LO-AX detectors, largely for historical
reasons. Figure 2 shows the two N-types detectors: GMX and LO AX.
The recent development of the ORTEC PROFILE and PROFILE-FX series (Ref. 7) means that "LO-AX geometry" (short-coaxial) P-
type detectors are now available with the conventional 600 pm P-type contact and a new proprietary thin contact equivalent to about
10 pmn of inactive Ge. These are known as the PROFILE GEM F and PROFILE GEM FX series respectively.

-,500 Microns UDifo N-Contac

P-iype HP~e

o nlci

GEM HPGe Crystal Crystal


Figure 1. P-type HPGe crystal geometries.

0.3 Microns Uthum


N-iype HPGe LIim

Radiation Radiation

GAMMA-X Crystal contact

L.) rsa

Figure 2. N-type HPGe crystal geometries.

Coaxial construction also allows larger (deeper) detectors to be fabricated, but the large size means a higher capacitance. The higher
capacitance increases the resolution, which means there is in general a tradeoff to be made between having the best low-energy
resolution and having the highest efficiency at higher energies.
The ORTEC LO-AX geometry is a semi-planar (or maybe a semi-coaxial) geometry, with a good low energy resolution and better high
energy efficiency (deeper) than a planar. In the case of the NEW P-type GEM PROFILE-FX series, the use of a proprietary thin
contact and P-type germanium material means enhanced low energy efficiency in comparison to a planar detector and excellent
resolution at low and high energies.
The P-type coaxial (GEM) is the most commonly used HPGe incounting laboratories. Increasingly, PROFILE series GEM's are being
chosen to optimize the Ge crystal geometry to that of the sample itself. The N-type coaxial (GMX) has extended low-energy efficiency
because of the thin contact and has slightly worse resolution specifications at higher energies than a GEM.
The recently introduced PROFILE-FX series GEM detectors offer a unique combination of low energy efficiency and excellent
resolution across a broad range of energy, and are ideal for extended geometries such as filters. The largest GEM detectors are about
75% higher in relative efficiency than the largest GMX. LO-AX and planar (GLP) detectors have excellent low-energy resolution, but
reduced high-energy efficiency and resolution. PROFILE-EX series GEM detectors have excellent low and high energy resolution but
reduced high energy efficiency inthe smaller (thinner) sizes.
How Do You Select the Detector?
First, let- us present some measurements made on different types of detectors to show several features. We will show you how to
select the right detector for your application. The right detector is the detector that produces the most analyzable data in the shortest
time for the lowest cost. Most spectroscopy problems can be solved with simple detectors. There is no need to have exotic or overly
complex designs.
The Analyzable Spectrum: Good Data vs. BAD Data
"Good data" Is defined as being spectral data in which the peaks of interest are well shaped and have good "signal to noise." This is a
key consideration; just having more data doesn't make the data better.
One measure of the quality of a spectrum Isthe minimum detectable activity (MDA) of the detector system. The resolution,
background and efficiency of the detector are related to the MDA. This relationship may be simply stated as (Ref. 2):
NFR_(E) B(E)
MIDA (E) - e(E)(1

The MDA varies with energy because the quantities on which it depends vary with energy. Here we have separated out all the factors
in the MDA that only depend on the detector itself. The gamma rays per decay, the shield and count time affect the MDA, but will do
so in the same way for all detectors.
R(E) is the energy resolution of the detector as a function of energy; B(E) is the background counts per keV (unit energy) as a
function of energy and e(E) is the absolute efficiency of the detector as a function of energy.
This simple formula is highly significant in guiding us towards the right choice of detector, Let us examine it In more detail.
You can see that the MDA is linear in efficiency, but proportional to the square root of the resolution and the background. So you
would expect that the biggest detector will give the best MDA for a low-activity sample. Is it always the case that "Bigger IsBetter"
(Ref. 3)? Yes and nol More efficiency will always improve the detection limit reached ina given count time. However, you should
consider the sample to be counted:
*Does the spectrum have Interferences (multiplets) in which a gamma-ray peak of interest Is*obscured by a peak from another
nuclide? Equation 1lIs correct, but the resolution of a larger detector Istypically worse than the resolution of a smaller detector. This
could mean that a good resolution detector will give better MDAs than a larger efficiency detector.

The Best Choice of High Purity
Germanium (HPGe) Detector
*Does background increase as relative efficiency increases?
Certainly, as the efficiency increases, the background Background vs Detector Volume
increases, but data from a large number of all sizes of
-.5 keyV
detectors shows clearly that the background increases less ~ -1O0koVAverege
2500 keV
rapidly than the efficiency. Thus MDA improves on larger S5
ý-50keVVAVe 0
detectors. (Fig. 3)Cosmic background will also increase with
increasing detector size, but will increase no faster than
efficiency and thus MDA will improve. This background Isthe
general background in the detector when no sample activity
is present. As soon as a sample source with non-zero activity
is presented to the detector, this will also add to the general 2-
background in the form of source induced background.
As detectors increase in size (efficiency), the peak-to-
Compton ratio (p/C) increases, (Fig. 4.) which means that the
ratio of source related signal to source induced background 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
in the spectrum will increase, that is improve (Fig. 4). Figure Detector Volume (cc)
5 shows an example of this. Two GMX detectors were used
to count the same sources In the same geometry. The peak Figure 3. Background counts vs. detector volume for a large
areas for "4'Am and `3 Cs are shown. The ratios at the counts number of detectors.
in the spectra are not as large as the stated efficiency ratio
because the stated efficiency is for 1.3 MeV only. The PeakRto-Compton vs Efficiency
source-induced background is higher for the larger detector
(except in the 100 key region), but the ratio of the two 120 --------

backgrounds is never as high as the efficiency ratio for the Source-Induced Background
10- Halves fromhere to here
peaks. We talked earlier about cosmic and other non-source
background. If the Compton background has been produced
inthe spectrum because of a dense sample matrix, a high
p/C detector will not reduce this Compton background. For
example, in plutonium-in-human lung measurements, a high
contributor to Compton background is the natural 40K gamma
rays scattering from the person's bones. This cannot be 40 ~
reduced by the detector. 120

0 20 40 so 80 DO .120 140 160 180 200

Efflelanc (lEES 326)
Figure 4. Peak to Compton ratio vs. relative efficiency for coaxial
P-type detectors.

Is a More Complex Solution Likely to be a
Better Solution?
Compton Suppression Systems?
The large Compton background seen in Fig. 5 is due to
capturing only part of the original gamma-ray energy. Some
of the remaining or lost energy actually leaves the detector.
It we could capture these lost energy parts, we could reject 8
the part of the gamma-ray energy captured in the HPGe. In
a Compton Suppression System (CSS), (Fig. 6) the HPGe
detector is surrounded by a Nal(TI) annular detector which
detects photons escaping from the HPGe. The signals from
the HPGe and Nal are used in anticoincidence circuitry to
remove the Compton background events from the primary
gamma-ray spectrum. OSS systems are usually tested with
137Cs, and some systems have background improvements of Energy (key) ReAlThW:
a factor of 5 over the p/C ratio of the detector itself. F gure 5. Comparison of 1'7CsP"Am spectra obtained with 18 and
CSS Advantages: For a given HPGe detector, a CSS will 98% relative efficiency GMVX detectors, showing the effect of
always reduce Compton background. It is also called an. increasing P:C ratio, improving MDA.
.active shield.' It reduces the cosmic background because a
cosmic ray produces events (counts) in both detectors.
CBS Disadvantages: The sample size is usually small
because the sample must be placed inside the Nal annulus.
The system is complex: coincidence electronics require
careful adjustment and maintenance to ensure consistent
performance. CSS efficiency calibration is complex because
some nuclides naturally emit photons in coincidence with
each other and this reduces the full-energy peak areas for
these peaks as well as reducing the background. Most
importantly CSS systems are expensive. It is usually better
to spend your money on a larger HPGe detector, which may
be less expensive, work better, and be simpler than
Compton suppressing a smaller detector. Compton
suppression of large detectors is not as effective (not as
large an improvement) as small detectors because the large
detectors already have a high p/C ratio. High p/C HPGe
detectors have largely replaced CSS.

Figure 6. An ORTEC Compton Suppression System.

The Best Choice of High Purity
Germanium (HPGe) Detector
Detector Efficiency: e(E)
The detector efficiency in Eq. 1 will potentially have the most effect on MDA.
The IEEE-325 definition of relative efficiency (Ref. 4) at 1.33 MeV, Is not a good 10%RELATIVE EFFICIENCY
indicator of detector sensitivity in most of the sample geometries you want to GAIMA-X DETECTOR
use, It is defined at a single energy and for a point source at 2 cm distance to the
detector endcap; No real samples meet this criteria except a point 'Co source at
25 cm from the endcapi On the other hand, relative efficiency is often a good
place to start as a general indicator of detector performance. The efficiency for
various energies is shown in Figure 7.
In Eq. 1, E(E) is the absolute efficiency at the specified energy. e(E) will depend
on the detector-to-sample geometry, and many other energy dependent factors,
including gamma-ray absorption in matrix and detector dead layers and the 8 =2 KIcm DEEP
intrinsic efficiency of the detector. The IEEE-325 relative efficiency is no longer a THPG. LEPS DETECTOR
suitable indicator.
Counting Geometry has a Major Effect on Counting Efficiency HPtOeCOAXDETECTORE

Figure B illustrates how~ three detectors can have the same IEEE-325 efficiency, 0'10 1 0'
yet have different efficiencies for your samples and your nuclides. All three Enew~ (keV)
schematically represented detectors have the same IEEE-325 relative efficiency,
but for counting a flat disk-like sample (e.g., filter paper), it is obvious that the Figure 7. Point source efficiency curves for
long and thin detector will have poorer geometrical efficiency than the "shorter planar and coaxial detectors inarbitrary units.
and fatter" detectors. So if your samples are filter papers, disks or other large
area containers, your best selection will be a shorter and fatter detector, such as
the ORTEC PROFILE F series GEM. With the ORTEC PROFILE and PROFILE- *source "A"
FX GEM series, you can specify the crystal dimensions as well as IEEE-325
relative efficiency (Ref. 7).
Dead Layers, Windows and Absorption
Now you need to consider the gamma-ray range of energies to be analyzed. All
materials will absorb gamma rays. The materials between the emitting nuclide'
and the crystal can absorb (or attenuate) the gamma-ray flux. The absorption Source "B"
processes are a function of energy and described by the exponential attenuation
equation below:'
Detector 1
I= loe
-(E) (2)
Where lois the unattenuated gamma-ray flux, I is the flux after passing through
the material and p isthe linear attenuation coefficient of the absorber and x is the
This relationship determines both how deep a detector needs to be to stop the Detector 3
incident gamma rays and the reduction in efficiency due to the window thickness
and crystal dead layer thickness. The exponential function inthe equation means
there is no absolute cutoff length for absorption or stopping power, so that a thin Figure 8. Three different crystal geometries, all
planar detector will have reduced, but not zero efficiency at high energy and a with the same IEEE point source efficiency, but
thick contact coaxial detector will have reduced and not zero efficiency at low very different absolute efficiency for a puck
energy. The optimum choice of detector Is a tradeoff of all measurement sample on endcap.

Figure 9 compares absolute efficiency of two detectors, one
P-type (GEM) and one N-type (GMX). The crystals are of
Efficiency of GEM and GUX (-55%)
very similar diameter, but the GEM is 14 mm deeper than the E
GMX. As you look at the efficiency above about 150 keV,
there is little difference in efficiency. The efficiency curves are
diverging slightly with increasing energy because the deeper .5
GEM crystal will stop more gamma rays. Below 150 keV, the
GMX has higher efficiency and below 100 key, the difference
increases rapidly as you go down in energy. This is because
the dead layer of the GEM (-600 microns) is much larger
than that of the GMX (-0.3 microns). Any gamma rays
stopped inthe dead layer do not produce an output. At 60 A.

key (2"Amn) the GMX has about 1.7 times the absolute
efficiency of the GEM and a proportionately better detection w
limit for 241Am (Eq. 1). This does not mean the GEM cannot
measure "'Am, it simply means that it is not as good as the Energy (keV)
GMX. The GMX however would cost significantly more, and
for the measurement of higher energy gamma rays, for Figure 9. Comparison of absolute efficiency of an N-type (GMX)
example, 1370s at 661 keV, is no better. Don't forget the GEM and a P-type (GEM). (Point source at 25 cm.)
will have superior resolution and p/C, because it is a P-type
and has bigger dimensions. So the GEM will have better
MDA at the higher energies.
Figure 10 shows absolute efficiency curves for a 70 mm
diameter x 15 mm thick source on endcap for an 85 mm
diameter x 30 mm depth thin window PROFILE X series
GEM-FX8530, compared to a GEM8O 76 mm diameter x 87
mm depth. Note the much higher absolute efficiency of the
FX85 at all energies below 160 keV. At 59 keV, the FX is SIX
times more efficient, and below that the efficiency of the
GEM80 fails off due to the thick (-70 pm) contact. The FX
detector has an ultra thin contact (-10 pm Ge) allowing good
transmission at 22 keV and below.

Figure 10. Absolute efficiency vs. energy for a 15 mm thick x 70

mm diameter disk on endcap, FX85 and 80% coax compared.

Detector TYPE "Rules of Thumb"

P-type (GEM or PROFILE Series GEM) vs. N-type (GMX, 10-AX)
*-80 keV-3 MeV use a GEM or PROFILE series GEM (P-type) Coaxial detector
- Why? The GMX has no advantage above 80 keV, costs more and may have poorer resolution
- keV-3 MeV use a GMX (N-type) or GEM PROFILE-FX with a Carbon Fiber Window
- GMX is currently available with DEEPER crystals than PROFILE-FX meaning possibly better high energy efficiency, or
better efficiency for marineili geometry
- GMX is recommended if neutron damage to the Ge crystal is a possiblity. (See Ref. 7)
Carbon Fiber has 70% transmission at 10 keV. Beryllium (Be) has 23% higher transmission at 1.0 keV, but is toxic and fragile. Use
of a Be window with a PROFILE-FX detector will make little or no improvement in counting efficiency because the detector dead
layer is equivalent to about 10 pm of Ge. However, for an energy range of -3 keV-3 MeV use a GMX (N-type) with a beryllium
Window, but be careful!

The Best Choice of High Purity
Germanium (HPGe) Detector
Sample Presentation
Samples for gamma-ray spectrometry come Inall shapes, sizes, chemical and physical forms. The activity you need to measure may
be very low in a large sample, or it may be very high in a small sample or anywhere in between. The matrix of the sample may be
dense and have a high atomic number, therefore making accurate measurements difficult due to attenuation of the gamma rays.
You may be able to position the sample relative to the HPGe detector in a way to optimize the spectrum gathered, and therefore the
results. You may have external reasons which define or restrict the choice of how the sample Is presented to the detector. Some
reasons you may see are:
of the
A human being in a bioassay measurement is a fixed-format sample. There Is no opportunity to change the presentation
,subject into another geometry.
*Awide-area, uncollimated sol survey Isa very different counting geometry than a waste drum.
*While a 2 L Marinelli beaker and large detector might be the best choice, you may have already standardized on 1 L beakers, so be
sure any new detector will actually fit Inside your existing Marinelli beakers.
Filter vs. Bottle vs. Marineilli Beaker
Absolute Efficiency vs Energy for Large Samples
Remember the MDA (Eq. 1) depends on the absolute 02.2
efficiency and the absolute efficiency depends on the
geometry of sample and detector. You may select the sample
geometry from several different containers. Lets look at some
different samples counted on a single detector. In Fig. 7, the
filter paper was placed directly on the endcap and the filter
active area diameter is slightly smaller than the diameter of
the detector. Would a smaller diameter detector or a larger
diameter detector be better for this filter paper? The best
detector diameter for a disk source on endcap (that is, in
.close" geometry to the crystal) is about 1.2 times the
diameter of the disk (Refs. 5, 6, and 7). A larger crystal does
not increase the efficiency significantly and a smaller
detector reduces the efficiency. The form of the sample also o 200 400 000 Soo 1000 1200 1400 1000 10ow 2000
has an impact on the efficiency. Three different geometries Energy (kaV)
are shown in Fig. 11 and you can see the filter geometry is,
by far, the best of the three examples. So if you can, you Figure 11. Filter paper, Marinelli beaker and bottle geometries
should make disk samples rather than use the larger sample compared.
containers. The 1 L bottle Isa larger diameter than the filter
Efficiency for I Liter and 2 Liter Marinelli
The situation changes if you want to determine specific 0.040 -4lý
activity or activity per unit sample, such as pCi/kg. In such
practical cases, you should consider, itit is possible to use
the entire sample in that geometry. If only 1%of the sample ~0.040
could be put on the filter, but 100% of the sample could be
put inthe Marinelli beaker, then using the Marinelli beaker to
count the whole sample would be more efficient over-all in
terms of counts inthe spectrum per unit activity Inthe 0.010
original source.
In Fig. 12, 1 L and 2 L Marinelli beakers are compared on
the same detector. It may seem at first surprising, but the 1 L
beaker has a higher efficiency than the 2 L. The reason Is 0 no0 400 000 SO 1000 1200 1400 1000 1000 2000
back to simple geometry. The 1 L beaker puts a greater Energy ClwV)
proportion of the sample closer to the detector. Thus 1000 Bq
of activity in the 1 L beaker will produce more counts in the Figure 12. Comparison of 1 L and 2 L Marineilli beakers on the
spectrum than 1000 Bq in the 2 L beaker. However, and it is same detector.
important, if there is enough sample to fill the 2 L Marinelli,
then the 2 L beaker will produce lower MDC (minimum
detectable concentration MDA/volume) because of the larger sample.

Marineilli Beaker or a Bottle? I Liter and 2 Liter Marinelli with I Liter Battle
Figure 13 shows that a Marinelli beaker has about 3 times
the efficiency of a bottle geometry. The Marinelli beaker
utilizes the sides of the detector thereby gaining efficiency. At
low energies, however the aluminum endcap wall, (replaced
by beryllium or carbon fiber on the face of the GMX
detector), will attenuate the gamma rays, thus reducing the
advantage of the Marinelli.
What About "Wrap-Around" Geometries? 0M
Figure 14 shows that a small disk on endcap has a higher
efficiency than a sample wrapped around the curved surface
of the detector. This initially surprising result can be
explained as follows. Imagine a point source placed on the
curved endcap surface. Directly below the source, the 0 200 400 goo a00 IW0 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
germanium is as close to the sample as if it is on the face of Energy (U*V)
the endcap. However, when you consider gamma rays
emitted at an angle, the curved surface puts the sensitive Ge Figure 13. 1 L and 2 L Marinelli Beakers compared to 1 L bottle
further away from the source than it would be on the flat on endcap for a GMX detector.
endcap face. However, as inthe case of the 1 L and 2 L
Marinellis in Fig. 13, ifyou can make the sample as large as Absolute Efficiency vs Eniergy for Disk and Cylinder
the area of curved surface (much larger than the amount on
the front flat surface), the curved surface has the highest P c
s ost
efficiency in terms of counts Inthe spectrum per unit activity
of the source. The cylindrical surface area in the detector in
Fig. 11 was 15 times that of the flat disk on the end face of
the crystal, which would more than offset the differences
shown In the curves. S~0.10
"Well" Detectors
The well detector (GWL Series) has been around for some
years. A well detector has the highest geometric efficiency 0M.0
possible, but can only contain small samples and introduces
some other complexities. The geometry is so "close" that
coincident, summing complicates calibration. Software can 0.00
correct for coincident summing (TOC), but you must 0 000 1000 100 200 2M0 200
remember this if you are considering a well detector. Well Figure 14. Disk and "wrap-arou nd' geometries compared.
detectors are for use in cases where the quantity of sample
is very small, e.g., in some forensics applications.

GEOMETRY "Rules of Thumb"

"The closer the sample "activity center of gravity" is to the Ge, the higher the absolute
efficiency, and the better the MDA
"The higher the absolute efficiency and the more sample counted, the better the MDA
" If all of the sample can be made Into a small diameter disk on endcap, the only better
geometry is a well detector
" For a disk on endcap, the crystal diameter should be at least 1.2 times the filter
diameter for best efficiency

Figure 15. GWL series well detector

cut away.
The Best Choice of High Purity
Germanium (HPGe) Detector
Making the correct choice not only means you get the best 80% and 180% Efficiency for Po01gw
Source on Endoap
result, but can also save money. Look at the two detector US2
efficiency plots shown in Fig. 16. comparing an 81% and
18 1% efficiency detector.
Because both detectors greatly exceed the diameter of the
source, the sample-detector solid angle is large and there is
no difference inefficiency at medium to low energies. At low
energies, the thickness of the endcap and the dead layer 10.16
95mrm x 109 mm
make the 81 % more efficient than the 181 %. At medium 0.10
energies, because the 81% detector is already quite long, 82 mm x 57
the 181 % detector has little advantage. At high energies, the 0.06
larger detector will start to show real advantage
(>1 MeV). Despite very similar performance inthis geometry
and over the energy range of 50 to 1000 keV, the purchase 0 200 400 600 600 10WO Inc 1400 11=0 1i00 2=0
price of these two detectors will differ by a factor of two. Entray (key)
Count-Rate Considerations
In gamma spectrometry you want to obtain the best data Figure 16. 81% and 181% relative efficiency detectors compared
possible. In high count-rate applications, you have many With point source geometry.
counts inthe spectrum, but other issues become relevant in
making the choice of detector and the system electronics.
What Count Rates are We Discussing?
*Low - Below 100 cps
*High - Above 75,000 cps input rate
*Very High - Above 100,000 cps
High and Very High Count Rates
A high-rate system must be operated at short shaping times to Iminimize the processing time per pulse. This will decrease the dead
time and give maximum throughput. This shorter shaping time means the resolution Isworse (peaks get wider) but not always
significantly worse. Throughput is defined as the number of 'useful" events stored in memory per second. Pulses which are too close
.together to be separated are called "pileup,' and these can't be used becaulse you don't know the separate energies of the pulses.
The useful events (full energy peak area) is,of course, less than the total counts stored, but pileup events can't be used and even
degrade signal to noise ratio inthe spectrum. So when you consider high count rates, you must count just the good counts not all the
The HPGe detector preamplifier will ultimately limit the system performance throughput and may affect the resolution. Resistor
teedback preamplifiers have a limit on the amount of charge or power they can deliver and this is called the energy-rate product. The
maximum energy-rate product is specified in MeV/sec (for example, 1000 CPS at 1 MeV = 1000 MeV/sec). At rates higher than this
maximum rate, the preamplifier saturates, or freezes; no more pulses come out (Ref. 8).
Standard ORTEC GEMIGMX preamplifiers have an energy-rate limit of 145,000 Me.V/sec while the LO-AX/GLP preamplifiers have a
limit of 4000 MeV/sec. "Modified Resistor" GLP preamplifiers can be produced for special applications (e.g., safeguards) to a limit of
10,000 MeV/sec.
An alternative to the resistor feedback is the 'Plus" or Transistor Reset Preamplifier (TRP). The TRIP Is effectively limitless, that is
>1,000,000 MeV/sec.
It is important to realize that pulsed reset preamplifiers do not saturate and are therefore an excellent choice if wide ranges of count-
rate may occur (e.g., accident monitoring), but the reset process increases dead time. Thus, a reset preamplifier will produce fewer
counts to memory than a resistor feedback preamplifier operating below its point of saturation.

Throughput Limited Counting
Figure 17 shows a representative system throughput curve, Total Throughput Comparison at 2.2 ps
(Ref. 9). The shape is typical of most throughput curves. 50,000
Above the point of maximum throughput, pileup losses
increase and, in terms of time taken to get to a given MDA, 400
counting above the point of maximum throughput actually
increases the counting time. This is because less and less
data is being stored in memory as the input count rate 30,0001
increases. Ifyou can change the input count rate by
changing the counting geometry in some way, then the point 20,000.
of maximum throughput Isthe best place to operate. &Poftile MCA 1
However in some cases, e.g., post accident monitoring, wide 10,000. DPEPu
count rate variations "wide dynamic ranges" need to be ,DruPu
The combination of the digital or analog shaping time 0 50,000 100,000 150,000
chosen, the system processing dead time per pulse and theII
dead time due to the reset of the preamplifier (if not Figure 17. System throughput curves.
resistive), defines the system maximum throughput.
Misleading claims are sometimes made incommercial literature about maximum achievable throughput of various electronic systems.
However, the throughput limit is determined by the amplifier settings (or digital filter settings). These settings determine the dead time
and resolution. So you select the settings based on the resolution you need, and this determines the throughput you can achieve.
Getting the Best Data Whe'n the System Is Through put-Limrnited
By choosing the correct detector, you can improve the quality of the spectral data. You might think that choosing a small detector
would give superior high count-rate performance. This might be true for certain low-energy applications where very good resolution at
very short shaping times is Important (Ref. 9), but this is not always the case. Recall Fig. 4. In this figure, you see that the large
detector has 'higher peaks and lower valleys." Thus, for throughput-
limited work at intermediate to high energies, a collimated larger(b
detector will produce better quality data than a smaller detector, even
though both may have the same capability interms of throughput to
memory. The larger detector has a higher proportion of photopeak
(good) events inits pulse stream than Compton background (bad)
events incomparison to the smaller detector. - I
Figure 18 shows two spectra superimposed taken with a 120% X
relative efficiency and a 12% relative efficiency P-type (GEM) detector z
(Ref. 8). The 120% GEM was collimated to produce the same over-all 0
count rate as the 12% GEM. Peak net areas from the 120% are
almost 3 times as large as those from the 12% even though both are U EEG W

counting at the same count rate. Thus the 120% would have a
"throughput limited MDA" almost 3 times better than that of the 12%
for the same measurement time. Figure 18. 12% uncollimated and 120% collimated
detectors compared at the same count rate.

High Count-Rate "Rules of Thumb"

You will always have to make a trade-off between conflicting needs and performance.
-What is the "worst" tolerable resolution? This defines amplifier shaping time, and thereby throughput limits.
"Low energy only (planar)? Planar detectors can operate at short shaping times; special resistor option can trade resolution for
throughput with no reset losses as inTRP.
"High energy? Consider using a collimated large coax to improve the data quality.
"Fixed high rate situation? Adjust the count rate to operate at the point of maximum throughput.
"TRP (Pius) or resistive? TRP for wide dynamic count rate ranges (no saturation), but some loss of throughput.

The Best Choice of High Purity
,Germanium (HPGe) Detector
And Lastly:
Low and Very Low Count Rates. Low Background Detectors.
Reduced and low background detectors are available, constructed with different degrees of low background specification. The
background in the detector comes from natural emitters found in nearly all materials. By carefully selecting the materials used in the
detector, these natural radionuclides can be significantly reduced. No detectors (low or otherwise) have non-mode radionuclides in the
material. The background has both peaks and continuum. Ref. 11 describes the background and how to quantify it.
The Standard Options From ORTEC Are:
LB - Low Background
XLB - Low Background with lead backshleld.
LLB - Low Background with remote preamplifier
PLB - Reduced Background in PopTop
Low background (Ref. 7) options require specially selected materials, and therefore can add considerable cost to the detector. Before
deciding that such a step is necessary, consider the following:
What problem are you trying to solve or mitigate? The basic principle should be removal of INTERFERENCE LINES which degrade
the results. The background continuum is *not usually the problem.
In a lung burden system, the major source of background is the 41K Compton background from the subject. Ifuranium is being
measured, then some attention should be paid to removing sources of this line (including Compton-scattered events from the subject)
from the spectrum.
In an In-situ measurement, the source of background is not the detector itself. You should first shield the detector from external
radiation sources such as nearby containers.
Figure 19 shows the background in different detectors. Ifyou
are measuring uranium via the 186 keV line, then the Peak Areas In Background for Different Types
reduced background PopTop or low background option rather * P4IOO0%St
than the standard detector is needed. This is due to uranium 0 P40984A PL
being present in the standard detector aluminum endcap. low00 0 M4645A. LU
The LB and PLB detectors use selected magnesium 1400-
~1200. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
White an LLB configuration may represent the ultimate in low
background, you should discuss the measurement with a
detector expert, who may be able to offer a cost-effective
solution without extreme background reduction measures. In
most cases, your budget is fixed and It is important to spend 400
money where it will give you the best performance
Conclusion 2W2
It is hoped that this application note has helped you clarify
some of the issues surrounding the choice of your next
HPGe detector. Clearly, some choices are better than others
when it comes to choosing a detector to measure samples
with particular energy gamma rays, in a specific geometry Figure 19. Low background (LB), reduced background PopTop
and count rate regime. We are ready to discuss your needs (PILB), and standard detector.
at any time. Contact your local sales engineer or email
info@ ortec-online~com.

The Best Choice of High Purity
Germanium (HPGe) Detector
1. G.Gilmore and J.D. Hemmingway, 'Practical Gamma-Ray Spectrometry," Wiley 1995 ISBN 0 471 95150 1.
2. J.A.Cooper, 'Factors Determining the Ultimate Sensitivity of Ge(Li) Gamma-Ray Spectrometers", NucI Instr and Meth 82 (1970)
3. R.Keyser, T.Twomey, and S.Wagner, "Benefits of using Super-Large Germanium Gamma-Ray Detectors for the Quantitative
Determination of Environmental Radionuclides," Radioactivity and Radiochemistry, Vol 1 No 2 , pp 46-56 (Spring 1990).
4. "IEEE Test Procedures for Germanium Detectors for Ionizing Radiation," ANSI/IEEE Standard 325-1986
5. R.M. Keyser, T.R Twomey, P.Sangsingkeow, 'Advances In HPGe Detectors for Real-World Applications," ORTEC 1999.
6. R.M. Keyser, T.R Twomey, and P.Sangslngkeow, "Matching Ge Detector Element Geometry to Sample Size and Shape: one
does not fit aill!," Proceedings of the 1998 Winter Meeting of the ANS, Nov 1998.
7. ORTEC Charged Particle and Photon Detector Catalog CD-ROM available from
8. T.R Twomey, R.M. Keyser, M.L. Simpson, and S.E Wagner, ORTEC, 'High Count Rate Spectroscopy with Ge Detectors:
Quantitative Evaluation of the Performance of High Rate systems," Radioactivity and Radiochemistry, Vol 2 , No 3 (1991).
9. R.D. Bingham, R.M. Keyser, TR. Twomey, 'An Innovative, Portable MCA Based on Digital Signal Processing,' Conference
Proceedings, 23rd ESARDA meeting on Safeguards and Nuclear Materials Management, Brugge, May 2001
10. See, for example: R.Keyser, T.Twomey, S. Haywood, W.E. Parker, T.F Wang, D.Clark, K. Raschke, W.Romine, W.Buckley
and W.Ruhter, "Recent Developments in the MGA++ Codes," ESARDA Conference, Seville, Spain, May 1999.
11. "Test Methods for Spectrum Background Determination in HPGe Spectrometry," IEC 61976-2000.

Specifications subject to change


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ORTEC Detector Element - GAMMA-X Germanium (HPGe) Coaxial Detectors (in PopT... Page I of 5

OT C OD__ Home IApplicatiot

Germanium Detector Element

Stocklist GAMMA-X Germanium (HPGe) Coaxial Detectors
(in PopTop Capsule or Streamline Cryostats)

For Compton-suppressed gamma spectroscopy, for measurements involving

spectroscopy over the widest energy range, and in any situation where neutron dai
is likely.

* Efficiencies to over 100%

* PopTop flexibility
" Spectroscopy from 3 key to 10 MeV
" ULTRA thin, ultra stable boron ion implanted outer contact
" High resistance to neutron damage
" Customer- repa Ira ble for neutron damage (option)
" Excellent timing characteristics
" Ideal for Compton -suppressed gamma spectroscopy
* Be window supplied with protective cover; Al or carbon fiber window option available
additional charge
" High-rate indicator
* PLUS preamplifier option for ultra-high-rate applications
* Automatic high-voltage shutdown protects preamplifier input FET

The GAMMA-X detector Is a coaxial Germanium (Ge) detector with an ultra-thin entrance win
While most coaxial detectors have entrance windows from 500- to 1000-pm thick, the entrar
window of the GAMMA-X detector is a 0.3-pm-thick, ion-implanted contact. Ion implantation
results in a totally stable contact which will not deteriorate with repeated cycling.

Figure 8 compares ORTEC's GAMMA-X and GEM detector elements. The GAMMA-X detector
element depicted is different from that of the GEM detector because the former's starting mE
is n-type germanium.

The GAMMA-X detector is the only Ge spectrometer designed for both gamma- and x-ray
spectroscopy with high precision and efficiency for both. This point can be illustrated by com
the GAMMA-X detector with a LEPS and with an HPGe coaxial detector (Fig. 9). The GAMMA-'
detector offers a combination of the performance of the LEPS at low energies and a coaxial
) detector at high energies.

High- and Low-Energy Performance of the GAMMA-X Detector*

The high-energy performance of aGAMMA-X detector is defined by its relative efficiency,

resolution, and peak-to-Compton ratio at 6 0Co.

The low-energy performance of this detector is defined by its resolution at 5.9 keV, its activE
surface area, and the detector window thickness.

The thickness of the entrance contact of the GAMMA-X detector is described by the ratio of tI
are~as of two peaks of a readily available source. The peaks chosen are those of the B8-keV 2 _2 .htm 12/7/2007

ORTEC Detector Element - GAMMA-X Germanium (HPGe) Coaxial Detectors (in PopT... Page 2 of 5

gamma rays from the 10 9 Cd and of the 22.16-keV Ag K x rays from the same source. The
warranted window attenuation ratio

WE peak area at 22.16 key

peak area at 85 keV

is 20. Obviously, the ability to see and measure the resolution accurately at 5.9 key speaks
eloquently of the thinness of the entrance window.

Figures 10-12 show a comparison of the low-energy performance of a GEM HPGe coaxial det
(Fig. 10), a 5-cm active area, 10-mm-deep LEPS (Fig. 11), and a GAMMA-X detector (Fig. 1ý

In the GEM coaxial detector the thick ("-700 pm) lithium-diffused ou~ter contact completely a
the Ag K x rays of the ' 0 9 Cd source (Fig. 10). Only the 88-key gamma-ray line is visible. In
GAMMA-X detector, the entrance window of the detector element itself is 0.3 pmn thick. TheA
rays are perfectly visible, with excellent peak-to-valley ratios (Fig. 12). The very low-energy
escape peaks in Fig. 12 are totally missing in Fig. 10. Figure 11 shows the spectrum as obtai
with an HPGe detector expressly designed for work at energies below 100 key: a 5-cm activi
area, 10-mm-deep LEPS. The spectra of Figs. 11 and 12 are quite similar.

Beryllium Window

Detectors supplied with 2-3/4-in.-diam endcaps (10 to -~35%/) are supplied with 2-in.-diamI
windows; those supplied in 3-1/4-in.-diam endcaps (-.30 to 650/) are supplied with 2-1/2-in
diamn Be windows. These windows are 0.020 in. thick and have a transmission coefficient of',
at 5.9 keV. (Low-background carbon fiber windows are optional. See Figure 22 for transmiss
characteristics of the Be and carbon fiber windows.) Detectors in 3-3/4-in.-diam. endcaps(n
100%/) receive 3.3-in.-diam. Be windows which are 0.030, in. thick.

Guaranteed Performance at 5.9 keV

To achieve good energy resolution at 5.9 keV, the technology of this state-of-the-art detecto
must be well understood by the manufacturer. Resolution specifications stated only at 14 or
key can be misleading and may be indicative of having failed to master the technology.

High-Voltage Shutdown and High-Rate Indicator

GAMMA-X detectors have high-voltage shutdown and high-rate indicator protection features.
LN2 supply is exhausted and the detector begins to warm while high-voltage bias is applied(
using the Model 659 Bias Supply), the high voltage automatically shuts off, thus protecting t
FET from damage.

This is accomplished with a~temperature sensor (located on the mount behind the detector) I
shuts down the high voltage before the molecular sieve can outgas'and cause a dangerous h
voltage arc. Using the high-leakage current of a warming detector to shut down the high yolu
can result in FET and detector damage.

Neutron Damage Resistance

In the GEM detector, in which the outer contact is positively biased, hole collection dominate
charge collection process; in the GAMMA-X detector, electron collection is the dominant proc

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ORTEC Detector Element - GAMMA-X Germanium (HPGe) Coaxial Detectors (in PopT... Page 3 of 5

Fast neutrons generate hole-trapping centers; that is, negatively charged defects that trap h
but not electrons.

Therefore, the GAMMA-X detector, in which the hole collection process is of secondary impor
is basically less sensitive to radiation damage than coaxial Ge devices in which the hole colle
process is of primary importance. These theoretical considerations have been experimentally

Figure 13, a plot of the 1.33-MeV FWHM resolution as a function of fast neutron fluence for t
GAMMA-X and a GEM detector of the same efficiency, shows that the GAMMA-X detector is ft
more resistant to fast neutron radiation damage. 2 As noted, the detector temperature affect!
radiation damage resistance to fast neutrons.

It should be noted that once severe radiation damage has occurred, the "longest mileac
obtained by avoiding cycling the detector to room temperature. 3 This is true for either p- or;
Ge detectors. However, for slightly damaged GAMMA-X detectors ('-O.1 keV degradation), 4cý
or even leaving the detector warm for an extended period, will have no unfavorable effect.

GAMMA-X detectors should be maintained at a temperature as close to 77 K as possible to

minimize the extent of radiation damage. Therefore a streamline cryostat, with one less ther
connection, is a better choice than a PopTop for this purpose.

Custom er-Neutron-Da mage- Repa ira ble Detectors

Repair of neutron-damaged GAMMA-X detectors can be performed at any of our worldwide r(

facilities, or by you In your own laboratory. Contact us for information about our Customer-
Neutron-Damage-Repairable GAMMA-X detectors.

Options of Interest

" PLUS preamplifier option for ultra-high-rate applications.

". Carbon fiber window or all-aluminum endcap - on request, no additional charge.
" Non-PopTop low-background versions of the GAMMA-X detector are available.
* X-COOLER II option for practical LN2-free cooling.

Ordering Information

GAMMIA-X Germanium (HPGe) Coaxial Detector* (Non-PopTop or PopTop)

For GMX Detector in PopTop capsule, add "P4" to the model no. [e.g., GMX1OP4]
FW.02M/FWHM Specification is Typical, NOT Warranted

Relative Resolution Peak Shape

Photopeak @5.9 key (eV @1.33 MeY Peak-to- FW.1M/ FW
Model No. Efficiency ( /b) FWHM) (key FWHM) Compton Ratio FWHM I

GMX10 10 600 1.80 40:1 1.9

GMX15 15 635 1.85 44:1 1.9

GMX20 20 650 1.90 48:1 1.9

GMX25 25 690 1.90 48:1 1.9

GMX30 30 715 1.90 52:1 1.9

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ORTEC Detector Element -' GAMMA-X Germanium (HPGe) Coaxial Detectors (in PopT... Page 4 of 5

GMX35 35 730 1.95 55;:1 2.0

GMX40 40 760 1.95 59:1 2.0

GMX45 45 800 2.0 60:1 2.0

GMX50 50 800 2.2 58:1 2.0

GMX60 60 1.10 2.3 56:1 2.0

GMX70 70 1.10 2.3 60:1 .2.0

GMX8O 80 1.10 2.3 63:1 2.0

GMX90 90 1.20 2.4 64:1 2.1

GMX100 100 1 1.20 2.5 1 64:1 2.2

Options I______ _______________________


-A For PopTop Capsule with 1.3 mm thick Al Window, add "-A" to the model no. [e.g., GMX90P4
Table 3 for transmission data)

-C Carbon Fiber Window (see Figure 22 for transmission data)

-PLUS Ultra- hig h-cou nt-rate Preamplifier, add "-PLUS" to the model number [e.g., GMX9OP-PLUS fc
or GMX90-PLUS for Non-PopTop]
SMART-i-N SMART-i detector option for negative bias detector. To order, add SMART-i-N as a separate

-PLB Reduced Background PopTop Capsule with Carbon Fiber Endcap, add "-PLB" to the model nui
-PLB-BReduced background PopTop capsule with Be Window in Cu Endcap, add "-PLB-B" to the
[e.g., GMX1OP4-PLB-B]

*All GAMMA-X PopTop detector capsules include sealed detector element, preamplifier, high-
voltage filter, and a Be window 0.02 inches thick and with diameter >_that of the detector
element. Useful energy range is 3 key to 10 MeV.

tFWHM = Full Width at Half Maximum; EWi1M = Full Width at One-Tenth Maximum; FW.Q21%
Full Width at One-Fiftieth Maximum; total system resolution for a source at 1000 counts/s
measured in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std. 325-1996, using ORTEC standard electronics.

**Typical Value. Specification is in eV for efficiencies <60%/ and thereafter in key.

NOTE: For those familiar with HPGe detector specifications, you will notice that ORTEC now C
ONLY "first category" detector specifications. Recent process improvements now make this

2R.H. Pehi, N.W. Madden, J.H. Elliott, T.W. Raudlorf, R.C. Trammell, and L.S. Darken, Jr., "Radiation Damage
Resistance of Reverse Electrode Ge Coaxial Detectors," IEEE Trans. Nuci. Sci. NS-26, Ni1, 32 1-23 (1979).

3H.W. Kraner, R.H. Pehi, and E.E. Hailer, "Fast Neutron Radiation Damage of High-Purity Germanium Detector
IEEE Trans. Nuci. Scd. NS-22, Ni1, 149 (1975).

4T.W. Raudorf, R.C. Trammell, and Sanford Wagner, "Performance of Reverse Electrode HPGe Coaxial Detecto
Light Damage by Fast Neutrons," IEEE Trans, Nuci. Scl. NS-31, Ni, 253 (1984).

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ORTEC . Search
Home IApplicatioi
Products ISe

Detector Element



10I 102 103
Energ (key)
Figure 9. Comparison of the Efficiency- Energy Curve of
the LEPS, HPGe Coaxial, and GAMMA-X Detectors.


10, '0"Cd SPECTRUM


I 101I




Figure 10. 109 Cd Spectrum Observed with a

10% Relative Efficiency GEM Coaxial Detector. htm 12/18/2007

ORTEC Detector Element - GAMMA-X Germanium (HPGe) Coaxial Detectors (in PopT... Page 2 of 3

- 22.16 keV '09Cd SPECTRUM
Ge ESCAPE 24.96 keV
88 keV-


Eneigy tk&VI

Figure 11. '0 9 Cd Spectrum Observed with a 5-cm2 Active

Area, 10-mm Active Depth HPGe LEPS Detector.

Ag K X Rays
-j 10.5
Ge ESCAPE 24.96
-PEAKS 88 keV
'.10. COAEMIALDef(Cyos I- IO

-j 103



. J()

Encogy IkeV)

Figure 12. ' 0 9 Cd Spectrum Observed with a

100/ Relative Efficiency GAMMA-XI Detector.

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ORTEC Detector Element - GAMMA-X Germanium (HPGe) Coaxial Detectors (in PopT... Page 3 of 3

1UI : P I 1 14.. -11 1 I *I 1 4 hj

1h1- hl


10 7:

3 ~

S 0 0 c00o

0 OQ0o 0


Figure 13. Effect of Neutron Fluence on the energy resolution
(FWHIM) of the 1332-key 6 Co Line for. both conventional and
reverse-electrode config uration Ge coaxial detectors.
(Electronic noise has not been subtracted.)

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Copyright @ 2007 Advanced Measurement Technology, Inc.

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Attachment C

DSPEC ir 2.0

The Latest Digital MCA Innovation..

.. from ORTEC

High-Performance, Digital Signal.

Processing for Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
DSPEC ir 2.0 Benefits
DSPEC jr 2.0 is the fifth-generation integrated gamma spectrometer from ORTEC based on digital signal processing.
This unique product combines the latest in digital filter technology (Low Frequency Rejector) and the fastest, most
up-to-date data transfer available (USB 2.0) with the proven performance of the ORTEC DSPEC line.

New Performance Enhancements

* Innovative ZDTTM1 "loss-free counting' correction 2 including the uncertainty associated with the ZDT spectrum
, Enhance your spectral quality with the NEW Low Frequency Rejector (LFR~l technology
*Automate - Improve your laboratory productivity with integrated Sample Changer connections and controls
*Fastest data transfer capability available with USB 2.0

Proven Performance Features

*Maintains DSPEC11 qualities including rock-solid stability
*Easy setup features including Automatic Pole Zero, Automatic Baseline Restorer, and "Optimize" features
*Front panel display of detector status and state-of-health information 1T intelligent HPGe support

*Simple installation with true plug-and-play on USB

*Excellent temperature and count rate stability
*Full computer control of every function
*Support for HPGe and Nal detectors

OSPEC ir 2.0 New Feature Highlights

Zero Dead Time (ZDT) - Loss Free Counting Correction
Got rapidly changing count rate? Need to calculate the uncertainty? You need ZDTI
ZDT is an alternative to conventional live time extension to correct for dead time .3 It is especially beneficial to
applications where the count rate is significantly decaying during the acquisition, such as in Neutron Activation Analysis,
or where there is a rapid spike of activity ~during a long acquisition, as in the case of hot particles in stack monitoring.
Live-Time Clocks expand the counting time of the electronics to compensate for dead time. Loss-free counting methods,
like our ZDT, correct the actual number of counts in the spectrum for those counts "lost" while the system was
processing other pulses. The ZDT method uses ORTEC's highly accurate Gedcke-Hale clock to determine how many
events should be added for the time that the electronics were "dead."
In the ZDT Mode, the DSPEC jr 2.0 automatically stores the corrected spectrum and the variance spectrum. Both
spectra are also stored In the ORTEC SPC format file structure to allow comparisons to be made at anytime in the
future. The user can easily switch between the corrected and uncorrected spectra through simple menu commands in
GainmaVisionO-32 and MAESTROO-32.
The ORTEC ZDT mode includes an uncertainty estimation algorithm to further enhance our ZDT method. Unlike other
"loss-free counting" methods which cannot calculate the uncertainty associated with counts added to the spectrum, the
ZDT mode in the DSPEC jr 2.0 simultaneously generates the corrected spectrum and the uncertainty as data is
collected. See Application Note 56, "Loss-Free Counting with Uncertainty Analysis Using ORTEC's Innovative Zero
Dead-Time Technique" for more information on ZDT.

'Patent Pending
'Patent No. 6,327,549
'Ron Jenkins, R.W. Gould, end Dale Gedcke, Quantitative X-Ray Spectrometry (New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.), 1981, pp 266-267.

Low Frequency Rejector...
LFR Results Are In!
New Digital Filter Improves Resolution for Mechanically-Cooled Systems!
The LFR is designed to remove microphonic noise from the output signal of high purity germanium detectors. What kind
of results can you expect? If you have mechanically-cooled systems with degraded resolution, the LFR can improve your
resolution significantly. Here are some examples.

Test Case 1: X-COOLER Test Case 2: Stirling Cooler Test Case 3: X-COOLER
Laboratory Based Resolution Portable "Detective" Resolution Laboratory Based Resolution
System (FWHM, keV) Type System (FWHM, keV) System (FWHM, key)
Detector Energy (key) LFR ON LFR OFF Detector Energy (keV) LFR ON LFR OFF Detector Energy (key) LFR ON LFR OFF
GEM65 59.5 0.75 0.85 GEM15 59.5 1.2 1.6 GMX15 59.5 0,75 0.76
662 1.30 1.34 662 1.5 2.0 662 1.28 1.25
1173 1.65 1.73 1173 1.9 2.3 1173 1.59 1.63
1332 1.74 1.79 1332 1.8 2.3 1332 1.69 1.74
Improved Resolution Improved Resolution No Microphonic Noise

What Does the LFR Do?
The LFR is a new digital filter that can improve the resolution
of your system. The innovative design was developed NNN
specifically to remove periodic low frequency electronic noise
from the output of high purity germanium detectors. Sources of Figure 1.
electronic noise that cause spectral degradation Include
mechanical coolers, ground loops, and other environmental
sources. A, M

LFR works with the digital filter to remove such periodic A.

noise from the output signal of the detector. A typical digital
filter integrates the height of the pulse (energy of the photon)
from a detector preamplifier using a well-known trapezoidal
filter (Fig. 1),1 Typical digital filters assume the baseline is I
flat, but when there is low frequency noise present, the
baseline has a slope due to cyclic noise (as in Fig. 2). The
LFR filter uses the slope to estimate the cyclic noise and
subtracts that from the trapezoid output.L
Voila... Improved Resolution!

'D.L. Upp, RM. Keyser, T.R. Twomey, ORTEC, 'New Cooling Methods for
HPGe Detectors and Associated Electronics," Presented at MARC VI Figure 2.
Conference, April 2003

FAST Communications with USB 2.0
Universal Serial Bus, or USB, is a computer standard designed to eliminate the guess work in connecting peripherals to
your PC. With the DSPEC Jr 2.0, ORTEC keeps your laboratory current with the fastest and easiest way to manage data
transfer in the industry. With the introduction of USB 2.0, the standard boasts a 40 fold improvement in data transfer rate!
Don't waste a microsecond'

How Does USB Work With My Systems?

Cur rently, the USB Specification, Revision 2.0, covers three speeds: 480 Mbps, 12 Mbps, and 1.5 Mbps. This means that
the DSPEC Jr 2.0 is backward compatible with earlier versions of USB.
The plug-and-play feature makes Installation simple. A nearly unlimited number of DSPEC jr 2.Os can be connected
simultaneously using USB hubs. As an ORTEC CONNECTIONS-32 compatible instrument, IDSPEC Jr 2.0 works in a
networked and a stand-alone configuration, ORTEC CONNECTIONS-32 means: any hardware, any software, anywhere
in the laboratory with full seamless control and built-in security.

Need to Automate your Routine Counting?

Add a Sample ChangerW.
When you are ready to automate your process with an integrated
sample changer, DSPEC Jr 2.0 is ready and able, with built-in
Sample Changer connections and controls.


SimpleASCtopl SetShpignarmeer

IDSPEC Jr 2.0 helpudsyou mitain coneftro of ytsopulrdigitalesystem. ThErise tie andrfatntopr

you to "fine tune" spectrometer performance to the application. Optimizing your resolution and throughput has never
been easier!
In DSPEC Jr 2.0 there are 112 rise times (from 0.8 to 23 ps in 0.2 increments) and 22 flat top widths (from 0.3 to 2.4 lps
in 0.1 increments), in addition to tilt parameters, giving you well over 2,000 combinations of parameters.

_____ _____ ____ DSPEC fr 2.0
Don't worry ...we still include the automated "Optimize" feature in the control panel to allow you to choose the best fit!
This means that improvements for the resolution capability of your detector and better throughput are just a click of a
mouse button away.

SMA T-1TM Support for Quality Data - all the time, every time
ORTEC's unique SMART-i detectors are indeed smart. They monitor and store the detector state-of-health (detector
temperature, preamp power, bias overrange, bias on/off state). A single check by the DSPEC jr 2.0 will verify the
detector is ready and remains ready to perform acquisition. During acquisition, the
SMART-i detector continually monitors the state-of-health (SOH) to ensure the
integrity of the acquired data. At the end of acquisition a quick check of the SOH
flag in the SMART-i detector shows if any parameters deviated from specification
during the measurement. This is vitally important for environmental samples that
must be counted for long periods of time and regul atory-d riven samples where
data integrity is important.
Another big advantage is the SMART-i detectors have the recommended bias
value preset at the factory. You no longer have to look through paperwork or for
tags on the detector to find the right bias setting. Simply turn on the DSPEC Jr 2.0 SAT1Dtco ihDtco nefc
and the SMART-i detector automatically senses the detector temperature, Module (DIM).
determines the right high voltage bias, and turns it on.

Simple, Single-Cable Connection to Detectors

DSPEC Jr 2.0 uses the unique ORTEC DIM (Detector Interface Module) to connect the DSPEC Jr 2.0 and the detector
with only a single cable. The DIM provides for bias close to the detectors so that only signal and low voltage power are
carried in the cable. Potential hazards due to high voltage being carried on long cables is now eliminated.

Display of Vital Parameters

The DSPEC Jr 2.0 shows vital system parameters on the front panel LCD display. The FY
DSPEC Jr 2.0 displays the instrument ID,name, serial number, preset count
conditions, current live and real time, dead time percentage, input count rate, HV
status and value, and the serial number for SMART-i detectors.

Small Size DSPE Cjr 2.0 Display.

With a footprint the size of a desk diary, DSPEC jr 2.0 can sit right on the desktop. Lightweight and rugged, multiple
DSPEC jr 2.0 can be stacked on top of one another, their cases interlocked, without fear of sliding or tipping.

Mix-and-Match with Your Existing MCBs

ORTEC CONNECTIONS-32 software supports any combination and number of USB devices connected to any
computer. For example, two digiDARTs may be combined with two DSPEC Jr 2.Os to the same PC using a USB hub. And
any number of other ORTEC MOBs can be connected to the same system by network, printer port, RS-232, or Dual Port

Ballistic Deficit Correction
No need to worry about ballistic deficit with the patented digital
signal processing of the DSPEC product line from ORTEC. In
larger HPGe detectors, a characteristic known as ballistic deficit
is sometimes exhibited. This typically results in poor resolution
especially for high energy peaks. In analog systems, the ballistic
deficit is corrected with either a gated integrator amplifier or
through a resolution enhancer module. In digital systems,
however, a simple adjustment to the flat top width of the digital
filter is all that is necessary.
Using the InSight mode in the DSPEC Jr 2.0 allows the operator
to make adjustments to the flat top width (and tilt) and
immediately see the effects of the signal processing. In most
cases with extremely large detectors (such as the 207% efficient
one used in this example!), a flat top setting of 0.8 ps is more
Insight Oscilloscope Mode.
than sufficient to recover excellent resolution.

.. And Still as Easy to Set Up as Ever!

The DSPEC instruments are easy to set up and use. With the intelligent MCA control, no manual
configurations or even so-called Wizards are needed. Simply install the software (such as GammaVision-32 or
MAESTRO-32) and the software "just knows" what control panels to show. The tabular design of the panels
uses logical groupings of the controls and features available on the DSPEC jr 2.0.
The DSPEC jr 2.0 includes the ORTEC patented Digital Automatic Pole Zero5 circuit, Digital Automatic
Baseline Restorer 6, and the Optimize feature 7 which chooses the optimum flat top/tilt settings for the detector
currently connected to the DSPEC jr 2.0, making setup I ,"
and enhancement of your spectroscopy system as easy 7~ 7 -7.ct
77 MDPt~
as possible. I IAr~,~ D tb

Of course, one of the most innovative features provided 6v18 ::~eRes~-'

- 0
in our products is InSight TM , the built-in virtual digital
oscilloscope. With the InSight feature, you can easily see k a4700 ,~~swe~ n~~li
the effects of changing the flat top width, baseline restore
setting, or check the effects of Ballistic Deficit Correction
(see side bar). No longer is it necessary to have a heavy,
cumbersome, external oscilloscope around. No special
software is necessary. Simply open the control panel and
turn InSight mode on.

F 'I .~p
:U.S. Patent No. 5,872,363
'U.S. Patent No. 5,912,825
'U.S. Patent No; 5,821,533

Display: 240 x 160 pixel backlit LCD provides status Pulse Pile-Up Rejector: Automatically set threshold.
information, instrument ID, bias information, live and real time. Pulse-Pair Resolution: Typically <500 ns.
Concurrent Connections: Limited by the computer and Automatic Digital Pole-Zero Adjustment: Computer
supportingUSB3 hubs. ORTEC CONNECTIONS-32 software controlled. Can be set automatically or manually. Remote
supports up to 127 USB-connected devices per computer. diagnostics via InSight Oscilloscope mode. (Patented.)
System.Gain Settings: Digital Gated Baseline Restorer: Computer controlled
Coarse Gain: 1, 2, 4, B. 16, or 32. adjustment of the restorer rate (High, Low, and Auto).
Fine Gain: 0.45 to 1. (Patented.)
The available range of gain settings supports all types of HPGe LLD: Digital lower level discriminator set In channels. Hard
detectors. Specifically the following maximum energy values are -cutoff of data in channels below the LLD setting.
achievable using the standard ORTEC preamplifier (max gain to
min gain): ULD:_ Digital upper level discriminator set in channels. Hard
COAX 187 keV to12 MeV cutoff of data in channels above the ULD setting.
LO-AX 94 keV to 6 May Ratemeter: Count-rate display on MCA and/or PC screen.
GLP/SLP 16.5 keV to 1 MeV Battery: Internal battery-backed up memory to maintain
IGLET-X 8 keV to 500 key settings in the event of a power interruption.
Preamplifilers: Computer selectable as either resistive or TRIP Inputs and Outputs
Detector: Multipin connector (13W3) with the following:
System Conversion Gain: The system conversion gain is Preamp Power: 1 W maximum (+12 V, -12 V, +24 V, -24 V,
software controlled from 512 to 16k channels. 2 GND).
Digital Filter Shaping-Time Constants: Amp In: Normal amplifier input.
Rise Times: 0.8 ps to 23 ps in steps of 0.2 ps. TRIP Inhibit.
Flat Tops: 0.3 to 2.4 in steps of 0.1 ps. Power for SMART-i or DIM.
Control of HV and SMART-i Detector (2 wires).
Dead-Time Correction: Extended live-time correction
according to Gedcke-Hale method. USB: Universal serial bus for PC communications.
Accuracy: Area of reference peak changes <±3% from 0 to Power: Connection to supply power from a wall mounted dc
50,000 counts per second. supply. (+12 V dc <1.25 A).
Low-Frequency Rejector: When set to ON, removes low- Electrical and Mechanical
frequency (<3 kHz) input noise from spectrum. Change Sample Out: Rear panel BNC connector, TTL
Linearity compatible.
Integral Nonlinearity: <±0.025% over top 99.5% of spectrum, Sample Ready In: Rear-panel BNC connector, accepts TTL
measured with a mixed source (" Fe @ 5.9 keV to 11Y @ level signal from Sample Changer. Software selectable polarity.
1836 key). Dimensions:
Differential Nonlinearity: <±1% (measured with a BNC pulser OSPEC jr 2.0: 8.1 H x 20.3 W x 24.9 D cm
and ramp generator) over top 99% of range. (3.2 H x8W x9.8 D in.)
DIM: 11.2 x3.13 x6.5 Wcm
Digital Spectrum Stabilizer: Controlled via computer, stabilizes
(4.4 x 1.25 x 2.6 W in.)
gain and zero errors.
System Temperature Coefficient OSPEC Jr 2.0: 1.0 kg (2.2 lb)
Gain: <50 ppm/OC. [Typically <30 ppm/ C.]
DIM: <240 g(0.5 lb)
Offset: <3 ppm/*C of full scale, with Rise and Fall times of Operating Temperature Range: 0 to 500C, including LCD
12 ps. and Flat Top of 1 ps. (Similar to analog 6 p~s shaping.) display.
Overload Recovery: At maximum gain, recovers to within 2% U.S. Patents No.s: 5,872,363, 5,912,825, 5,821,533.
of rated output from X1000 overload in 2.5 non-overloaded
pulse widths. (Measured using the InSight Oscilloscope.) Operating Systems: Windows" 2000/XP.
Maximum System Throughput: >1 00,000 cps with LFR off.
>34,000 cps with LFR on. Depends on shaping parameters.

DSPEC fr 2.0
Detector High Voltage Supplies Ordering Information
Detector Interface Module (DIM): DSPEC jr 2.0 offers Model Description
high voltage supply flexibility in the form of a DSPEC Jr 2.0 DSPEC Jr 2.0 with MAESTRO-32
microprocessor controlled module, which connects the Software, No DIM, for use with
specific detector to the MCA. On a SMART-i1 HPGe SMART-i equipped detector.
detector, the HV module is integral with the detector itself. DSPEC Jr 2.0-POSGE DSPEC Jr 2.0 with MAESTRO-32
For "legacy' or "non-SMART-i'" detectors, the HV supply Software and DIM-POSGE for
is in the form of a Detector Interface Module or "DIM" with use with Non-SMART-i1 detector.
2 m cables. The DIM has a mating connector for the
traditional detector cable set: 9-pin D preamp power DSPEC jr 2.0-NEGGE DSPEC Jr 2.0 with MAESTRO-32
cable, Analog In, Shutdown In, Bias Out, and Inhibit In. Software and DIM-NEGGE for
use with Non-SMART-i1 detector.
DIMS for non-SMART-i1 detectors are available with the Software and DIM-POSNAI for
following high voltage options: use with Nal detector.
DIM-POSGE: Detector Interface Module for ANY Non- DSPEC jr 2.0-296 DSPEC Jr 2.0 with MAESTRO-32
SMART-i1 positive bias HPGe detector.
Software and DIM-296 for use
DIM-NEGGE: Detector Interface Module for ANY Non- with Nal detector.
SMART-i1 negative bias HPGe detector.
Additional DIMS
DIM-POSNAI: Detector Interface Module for ANY positive
DiM-POSGE Detector Interface Module for ANY Non-
bias Nal detector. SMART positive bias HPGe detector
DIM-296: Detector Interface Module with Model 296
DIM-NEGGE Detector Interface Module for ANY Non-
Scinti Pack tube base/preamplifier/bias
supply for Nal detectors with 14-pin, 10 SMART negative bias HPGe detector
stage photomultiplier tubes. DIM-POSNAI Detector Interface Module for ANY
positive bias Nal detector
DIM-296 Detector Interface Module with Model 296
Front Panel Display: In all cases, Bias Voltage Setting
ScintiPack tube base/preamplifier/bias
and Shutdown polarity are set from the computer. The supply for Nal detectors with 14-pin, 10
DSPEC Jr 2.0 can monitor the output voltage and stage photomultiplier tubes.
shutdown state; Detector high voltage value (read only);
and Detector high voltage state (on/off) (read/write) which Example System Order:
are displayed on the front panel LCD. In addition, the DSPEC jr 2.0
SMART-i1 detector provides additional state-of-health GEM8OP4
information by monitoring the following functions: Detector SMART-i -P
element temperature (read only); Detector overload state; CFG-X-COOL-ll-i 15
Detector authentication code (read/write); and Detector Specifies a DSPEC Jr 2.0; 80% GEM PopTop, detector
,serial number (read only). with SMART-i technology; and an X-COOLER 11.

SpecificationsSsubjeCt to Change

Tel. (865) 482-4411 * Fox (865) 483-0396 -
801 South Illinois Ave., Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0895 U.S.A.
For International Office Locations, Visit Our Website TECHNOLOGY
Attachment D

Lead Shield, Model No.HPLBS1

ORTEC H igh-Performance, Low Background Shields and Accessories for Germanium (H... Page I of 2

ORTEC QD Home I Applicatior

roducts I Se

High-Performance, Low-Background Shields and

Accessories for Germanium (HPGe) Detectors
HPLBS Series Specifications
HPLBS1 Shield
The HPLBS1 shield is designed to accommodate ORTEC 'vertical dipstick" Model CFG-PV4,
CFG-PV-1 or CFG-SV cryostat Ge detectors. Detectors incorporating other cryostat models rr
require a custom plug - contact the factor in that instance.

HPLBS1F Front-Loading Shield

The HPLBS1F7 Shield is similar to the HPLBS1 Shield function, material, and appearance with
additional benefit of a hinged-front door to allow easy access to the sample chamber.

Detailed Technical Specifications (Models HPLBS1 and HPLBS1F)


SHIELDED CAVITY DIMENSIONS 28-cm i~d. X 40-cm high (11-in. i~d. X 16-in, high).

SHIELDING TYPE Solid-cast virgin lead with steel casing and graded-Z liner.

9.5 mm (3/8 in.) low-carbon steel casing
101 mm (4 in.) certified Doe Run, lead
0.5 mm (0.02 in.) tin sheet liner
1.6 mm (0.064 in.) soft-copper sheet liner

SUPPORT STAND MATERIAL Low-carbon steel square tubing and plate.

WEIGHT Total Assembled 1,134 kg (2,500 Ib). Shipping 1,270 kg (2,800 Ib).

Shield 51-cm diameter X 63-cm high (20-in. diam X 24-5/8-in, high).
Stand 61-cm square X 77-cm high (minimum) (24-in, square X 30-1/8-in, high (minimum)]
Assembled Height 139 cm (minimum) to 154 cm (maximum) [54-3/4 in. (minimum) to 6C
in. (maximum)].

The HPLB52F Shield is similar to the HPLBS1F7, in that it combines front loading with the spli.
shield. It differs, however, in that it is designed for use with an ORTEC "J"Type cryostat Moc
CFG-SJ or. CFG-PJ. A compact design results in the need for only 2-ft X 4-ft floor space [61-c
117-cm], plus clearance for opening of lids and the front door.

Detailed Technical Specifications in addition to those listed above (Model HPLBS2,


SHIELDED CAVITY DIMENSIONS 28-cm i.d..X 40-cm high (11-in. i~d. X 16-in, high).

http://www.ortee-online. com/detectors/photon/b7-l -specs.htm 12/7/2007

ORTEC High-Performance, Low Background Shields and Accessories for Germanium (H... Page 2 of 2

SHIELDING TYPE Solid-cast virgin lead with steel casing and graded-Z liner.

9.5 mm (3/8 in.) low-carbon steel casing
101 mm (4 in.) certified Doe Run lead
0.5 mm (0.02 in.) tin sheet liner
1.6 mm (0.064 in.) soft-copper sheet liner

SUPPORT STAND MATERIAL Low-carbon steel §quare tubing and plate.

DETECTOR ACCESS SLOT WIDTH 4.5 cm (1-3/4 in.).

WEIGHT Total Assembled 1,134 kg (2,500 Ib). Shipping Weight 1,270 kg (2,800 Ib).

Shield 51-cm diam X 63-cm high.(20-in. diameter X 24-5/8-in, high),
Stand 61 cm X 117 cm X 77-cm high (minimum) [24 in. X 46 in. X 12-in, high (minimum)].
Assembled Height 94 cm (minimum) to 109 cm (maximum) [37 in. (minimum) to 43 in.

Ordering Information

Model Description
HPLBS1 Lead Shield for CFG-PV-1, CFG-PV4 or CFG-SV Cryostat
H-PL5S1F Lead Shield for CFG-PV-1, CFG-PV4 or CFG-SV Cryostat, Front Loading
HPLBS2 Lead Shield for CFG-SJ or CFG-HJ Cryostat
HPLBS2F Lead Shield for CFG-SJ or CFG-HJ Cryostat, Front Loading
DS30 Dewar Leveling Stand

L21 Table-Top Leveling Option (for HPLB51 only)

Alliance Partners IPress Release IConf, & Mpeeling Schedule I Careers I Qiwlity Po'Icv Privacvy S~atemrno
Copyright !,*,j2007 Advanced 'leasL:ren-enit Technology, ~c


http://www.ortec-online. com/detectors/Photon/b7_1 -specs .htm12707 12/7/2007

ORTEC High-Performance, Low Background Shields and Accessories for Germanium (H... Page 1 of 3

Home I Applicatior
.Products ISe

High-Performance, Low-Background Shields

and Accessories for Germanium (HPGe) Detectors
HPLBS1 Drawing

http://www.ortec-online. com/detectors/photonlb7_1_hplbsl1.htm
ORTEC High-Performance, Low Background Shields and Accessories for Germnanium (H... Page 2 of 3

(Y' (7.6cmn) Sq., 4-Pics.)_________

Door Swingjs
Approx. 1800

Top View With Lids And Front Door Oevned

floor Loading: 70 Lbs./sq.ln. (5Kg9/

vLid Height Adju~ttng Screw

Lid Stop-.,\
(Opening) \

020.00" AD

http://www.ortec-online. com/detectors/photon/b7-l-hplbs I .htm 12/7/2007

Attachment E

A66-B32 GammaVision-32 Gamma Ray IIPGe

Spectral Analysis Software
ORTEC GammaVisione-32 V6.06
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Software

Validated and Compliant

with ANSI and ASME Standards
Get it done faster...

IUbsr ~24 Sill fl

I P~. I~q~2~ 11fl21W ~ @84
wMawn WNWUMI-m -

Get it done right!

" NEW ROI-32 Analysis Engine for users who wish to define specific Region s-of-Interest
" NEW Total Uncertainty Algorithm
* NEW "Hot Buttons" on the toolbar - saves time and resources
* NEW Enhanced User Manual - easy to understand explanations of functionality
* Multiple detector, high-productivity graphical user interface
" Enhanced calibration versatility
" Full-featured annotated analysis results display
* Optional embedded DataMaster: Import/Export any spectrum in any format
" Proven PC-based data acquisition and MCA controls
* Patented True-Coincidence Summing Corrections
* Time-Tested Job Streaming to automate your acquisition and analysis routines
" Impeccable Quality Assurance features to validate your data integrity
GammaVision-32 Version 6.06 - The Finest Gamma Spectrometry
Software In The World Just Got. Better!
ORTEC continues to bring the finest in radioactivity acquisition, analysis, and reporting software - with the
latest release of GammaVision-32. This latest release extends the capability of the world standard in gamma-
ray software to provide an even more advanced tool to simplify and reduce effort in your counting laboratory.
This version of GammaVision-32 builds on the powerful platform and tools provided with the previous '
versions. Additions to V6.06 include an Analysis Engine, two "Hot Buttons," and a PBC drop down menu
function, as well as a flexible Total Uncertainty Algorithm. Most importantly, the engineers at ORTEC have
performed an extensive Validation and Verification on this new version. GammaVision-32 V6.06 meets the
following performance standards: ANSI/lSO/ASQ 9001:2000, ASME/NQA-1 -1989, and ASME/NQA-2a- 1990.
If you demand the best, you should demand Gamma Vlsion-32 V6.06!

New Features of GammaVision-32

R0132 Analysis Engine

The R0132 Analysis Engine operates on the entire spectrum, performing an ROII ZoomOut

analysis on user marked ROls and a modified WAN32 analysis (no peak
stripping or directed fit) on the unmarked regions. ROls can be marked on a live ClewROT
or retrieved spectrum and the marker settings saved, then the Analyze/Entire Info

Spectrum in Memory command, the Analyze/Spectrum on Disk command, or Sum

the new Analyze Spectrum hot button is used to perform the spectral analysis. MNBPrcoerbes

Results are quickly evaluated and then using some of the functions described
below, the necessary changes made and the data re-analyzed.

New "Hot Buttons" Sample

The Sample Type Settings hot button allows you to very quickly make changes to your Type Analyze
Settings Spectrum
sample settings. Simply click the hot button and all of your Sample setting dialogue
boxes appear. Just edit and close. PRESTO! You are ready to, count or re-analyze your II
Save even more time with the Analyze Spectrum hot button. One click of the mouse
and your spectrum (either archived or live) is analyzed and the reports are generated
and displayed. GammaVision-32 V6.06 has re-defined the word "fast" when it comes to*
spectral analysis.

Create PBC Function

A Create PBC function has been added to the peak Search
Analyze/Settings/PBC drop down menu. When you need to 6tte-uajon CoeffclmiO
create Background Correction files, simply select the function Entiespectum in memory.. goeateP30.

and a dialogue box appears. You can browse .UFO files, select alsplay Arvilysis
Re%&t... Avrw~eg SelecPBC...

a name for your PBC file, and save the file, all in an instant. jAcieEcw)n

Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Software

Total Uncertainty Algorithm

Is it a Random or Systematic Uncertainty? Is it a Normally or Uniformly distributed function?
GammaVision-32 V6.06 gives you the option of deciding how to define the additional Uncertainties. No longer
are you stuck with the software creators statistical evaluation of uncertainty measurement. You classify how
additional. unce rtainties are distributed, and the software applies the correct mathematical formula. You get an
accurate Total Uncertainty with GammaVision-32 V6.06!

Multiple Detector Interface (MDI)

your entire gamma spectroscopy laboratory can
be visible within the GamnmaVision-32 program
The Multiple Detector Interface allows viewing up
to 8 Detector and 8 Buffer windows
simultaneously for a total of 16 interactive
windows. Controlling multiple detectors, visually
comparing spectra, and viewing multiple MCB
properties is now easier than ever! Up to 250
detectors can be connected to GammaVision-32.

Simple Simultaneous Acquisition

The MDI interface not only allows viewing and
comparing of spectrum windows, but also for
maximizing sample throughput in your lab. You can begin
acquisitions of multiple samples or select one detector at a time. Acquisition Settings for: Mcb(l) - BENNETT

Synchronizing data acquisition on multiple detectors simultaneously

is now a snap! Acquisition options allow for automatic acquisition for
a group or single detector. The analyst can be prompted for "Fie -'f RfcxF
acquisition options when acquisition is stopped and started, or the
preferred option can be selected. The new features are sure to
improve the performance of your lab... and FAST!

Simplify... Automate... Reduce Costs PVSaieer

7 SaSaw6 P6


rSairgiliialDate I T v w [
Tbw. F77-7


Precise Spectral Reports in GammaVision-32 and Winpiots

More Robust Spectral Display Options

The Analysis Results Display

You now have more power to create the display
you want with peak nuclide identification,
absolute and relative residuals, and a variety of
flexible display properties for every aspect of the
spectrum display. Zoom in to view an expanded
region of the spectrum with a click of the mouse.
Display residuals and axes or choose to turn
them off. It has never been easier or faster to
identify a full-energy peak than with the new
Analysis Results Display!

Now a Precise Spectral Reporting

GammaVision-32 improves not only your ability
to quickly and easily identify and highlight energy
peaks on screen, but also to quickly create a Zoom
precise spectral report for the region of the
spectrum that you need.. . and that is just the
beginning with the new Winplots!
With Winplots, you will make more informative
plots: change fill properties for identified, E3-Jx
unidentified, multiplet, and composite peaks;
display spectrum data in points, line, or filled
formats; navigate easily with peak information 32.5

pop-ups; and toggle quickly between manual or

automatic scaling of all axes. These same
features are available not only within WinPlots,
but also within the GammaVision-32 Display
Analysis Results! 3.283

1.5611592.54 F91501.85. VW(155)M2.177
C,-S *11111,21;5279.105eq U5SwyCa,-SOa01132.50:5291318aSq
Learning the simple controls of one transfers L183881

Npima08 455T5tP1134 9.291,: 4504551,735

directly to the other, saving time and money. I
1,10 1,01915~0 117.70j, .
Grosaftie CourdRd@:144.101137.09
120 2M 2M 1-7
021,85.7 CoISI5.1: 735.548727.52cP-
.2 380 13P9=J 1350375 73 18410 1IM


iMu5 79. 112.42. 0*22291 IRSIM 1

.. t N- ,5 8oA4975 Bk~d23289 60 5-7..

GammaVisione-32 V6.06
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Software

Any Spectrum Format - Anytime!

Embedded DataMaster for Spectrum Format File Settings

When you need to analyze spectra from various data formats, Ex se Dla;;
you need to do so quickly and easily - with as few steps as
possible. An option is available for GammaVision-32 that Lrs~~ PudcsyhIF~~i i. 61]
includes a fully-embedded application which makes reading and
writing in numerous spectral formats a snap! Run 0puoms-
DataMaster is a powerful spectrum conversion utility that is NO P
supported as an add-in for GammaVision-32. This program
allows superior flexibility in converting between a wide variety of -'HotM _ _ __ _ _ _

spectrum formats for use in GammaVision-32 and other software

products. Switching between different formats is now as simple
as opening or saving a file!

The Ultimate in Calibration Versatility

With the New Interactive Calibration ?I X1
165.8530 838.3598 5.0081
Manual Energy Calibration 255.0600 1289.0787 4.9318
279.1967 1411.1904 5.5670
When the time comes to import a spectrum from another format, 391.6880 1979.6229 6.2011
563.2460 2846.0996 7.1578
you need to fine tune, the energy calibration of your spectrum 569A3310 2877.2285 7.0047
and you. need to get it done without delay. The newly enhanced 604.7210 3055.7671 7A1132
calibration features in GammaVision-32 include a Manual 661.6600 3343,3760 7.8261 J1
Energy Calibration dialog that offers greater flexibility in fine
tuning calibrations and ensuring compatibility with other
spectrum formats. The Channel and FWHM associated with *FWHM.(chk
Ensigjr .
each energy peak can now be manually defined to match data 880341 1403
pairs from other system spectra and precisely duplicate their
calibrations. Calibrations performed using the interactive and I ,~ ~ ~

automatic methods offered in earlier versions of GammaVision-

32 can also be adjusted easily to meet specific needs.

Proven, Patented - Time-Tested and True... GammaVision-32
Analysis and Reporting Software for Ge Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy

The GammaVision-32. Approach

GammaVision-32 V6.06 provides a wide array of analytical tools ______

to handle any spectral analysis problem with ease -all in aK

'!seam less" design. GammaVision-32 is a fully-functional E

Windows program for the PC environment to help reduce your -

costs and increase productivity. The features and functions of
GammaVision-32 are intuitive and simple to operate with the
click of a mouse. Automating the daily routine is made simple
using "Job Streaming." And now, with the high-productivity multi-
detector user interface, your daily workload is managed more E.N
quickly and with less effort. This version builds on a Time-Tested Ecktrwg Sbkaitc Edt Efflc~
product with proven capability and enhancements that span over __ 7_____
30 person years of continuous development. The product ýH*
includes patented True Coincidence Summing Corrections and ý

Auto Calibration, and compatibility with a _b

complete range of electronics and detectors for
High-Purity Germanium gamma-ray spectrometry
measurements, including advanced digital signal
processing electronics, such as the ORTEC
DSPec line of products that include patented ei24.=1723V+
Zero Dead Time (ZDT) corrections and the USB ..... bafC-0a 132:5475B
interface. ORTEC, with GammaVision-32, has GosAe:133

continuously lead the way inbringing the rse CutRe:26.4cp

innovations and technology advances that are

most needed in the field of gamma-ray D~i,-OS4je,,tC!ý C

spectroscopy. __________________________

Remote Control Made Easy! Get Connected with CONNECTIONS-32

All ORTEC spectroscopy hardw 'are is supported within the CONNECTIONS-32 abrt
architecture, with the entire sample analysis process controlled from a single scree n, Energy',;.
and remote PC workstations controlling, analyzing, and scrutinizing data collected in ~E~inY,
the counting room. GammaVision-32 V6.06, a true 32-bit implementation, operates Descri
securely, either standalone or networked under Windows 2000/XP.Rcl albain.
Reale Calib~rati~on....
Analysis Engines Tuned for Applications PitClbaon.
GammaVision-32 employs time-tested application-specific analysis engines for
meeting any gamma-ray measurement challenge. Rather than using a single method
to analyze different types of samples, GammaVision-32 includes four separate algorithms designed to handle
even the most complex analysis applications. All the flexibility that you need at your fingertips!

GammaVision. -32 V6.06
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Software

GammaVision-32 Analysis Engines SapeTp Setting f.or10 eIA

WAN32 The original GammaVision-32 engine using library- SampleIysytem IDeey I Reporn /sis CorrectionslIsotopesl
directed peak search for general purpose and research-type AnalysisMAW ......... AditionalError

spectral data. Prgm . . emt

GAM32 Mariscotti-type peak search for "pre-f ilte ring" large___

libraries to reduce false positives in environmental samples. .. MO
Rn %__
NPP32 Library-directed peak search with comprehensive L~ ----. .

peak identification matrix for accurately determining quantitative r-PekSrpig

results from complex spectra (specially designed for fission.- F
product analyses of samples commonly found in Nuclear Power Second~jbrWq Fiti00 %
Plants). ~ ~ o CoincidenceF
ENV32 Mariscotti-type peak search with "directed fit" for 'db[ \Creo
forced peak area determination of singlet and multiplet peak z.-
regions. Produces activity (including negative values) and MDA
values for every nuclide in a library. Designed specifically for the 1K E= ce Help

needs of the environmental-level counting laboratories.

R0132 Allows the user to define a specific Region-of -interest (ROI1) for a particular energy peak. Designed
for experienced users who desire a hands-on approach to spectral analysis.

True Coincidence Summing Correction_____________

GammaVision-32 includes not only the time-tested analysis engines N, N,-N,,
described above, but also a patented analysis algorithm to correct for 6,Q= 1-E Y(0]
the presence of true coincidence summing effects on spectral data.
the well-known phenomenon in which radionuclides emit two or more P'ý 2.505
photons in succession from a single decay, such as the 1173 and
1332 keV gamma rays in Co-60. The successive gamma-rays are said Ni
to be "in cascade." When these cascading gamma rays are fully __________________

absorbed by the detector within a time frame less than the

resolving time of the detector or electronics, they will
"appear" to have an energy equal to their sum (2505 keV in
this case). This summing causes a peak to occur at 2505FF
keV rather than at 1173 and 1332. This results in (1)a loss
of counts in the peaks and thus an underestimation of the 4h

true activity for Co-60 in the sample, and (2)another peak in F.

the spectrum to be identified. GammaVision-32 corrects for H

true coincidence summing using a simple calibration that you

can accomplish during your normal calibration process. You Sv ~enE~ ~l~nij
need only a calibration source including nuclides that Ee~__________

produce the coincidence summing effect, GammaVision-32 < .k H4t

does the rest! ______________________

This means that isotopes with coincidence sum peaks such as Co-60, Eu-154, and Cs-i 34 can now be
accurately determined through the use of a simple calibration process and a comprehensive coincidence
library applied to every spectral analysis. Simply check the "TOC" box in the analysis settings and
GammaVision-32's algorithms will apply the correction factors to the results.

Easy Corrections for Any Spectral Distortion

Several correction routines to deal with distortions inthe sample spectrum are provided:
*Peaked Background Correction (presence of a sample nuclide in the spectral background)
*Peak Interference Correction for "total overlap' problems - implement automatically or manually,
for user-selectable interference corrections
*Attenuation Correction (ANSI N42.14 and ASTM El 81-82 compliant), using a materials database
of absorption coefficients of materials; alternatively, a standard absorber may be used to produce
the absorption calibration curve
*Geometry Correction, allowing multiple sample geometries to be referenced to a single standard


aeak Search
ROIRepolt.. &tterwaton Coefficients AtnainWorkshee[:F
geometry Correction Fief Rlate: 750
Entire spectrum ti memory..
create PBC..
Spectrum on Disk. Seect PBC. Cur Raite&600
Qisplay AnalysisResuits...
Edtmtc. 6y: 2.702
IDn~s kn

AC Stab~ziie Abou t I Reseta MDA. -1se

.~ 1*m
r Mats.*- __;
C:er .Ue\
Wi~dth 1168 -Widtift 10.ia000 :"V
Adjustmednt:7. ,$i;* pnt
lr~natjz I ntseGae

ý29: Energies':ý-
n.. ..
Zeebrb~-~~ -Current


Correct for it..

with GammaVision-32

GammaVision -32 V6.06
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Software

Reports the Way You Need Them

GammaVision-32 includes a variety of detection
limit formalisms, regulation -derived calculations, ______________________~ am~lTp,.
and reporting formats, including the ability to
provide custom report formatting. A "directed fit" *Peak Search.
option permits reporting negative activity values if
calculated, as required in some effluent situations. Ent.ire. Pec rum. In.memory.. ekBcgoudCreto
The standard GammaVision-32 reports are in a5~tu ..rnn~ reisk..,.
simple text format that can be read into LIMS Aayis Re
Dipa C b..
information databases or otherwise manipulated iodine' Equivalence
easily. Add the Report Writer option to incorporate Int6eractie in Viewed Area.,..MP,)K
an MS AcceSSTm database for data storage and
powerful Seagate Crystal ReportSTM (A44-1332,
Report Writer) into your reporting procedures.
Crystal Reports are versatile, flexible, and can be
modified to meet your needs.

GammaVision 06 8015S Illinois4ye
03k. Ridge.TNl37830
Anallsl ORTFC .11 2441 ; 1'M
SampleName.GamnmSarnple Spectrumn
t1 'nalysisg1

Sample SampleVolume Yi00L
Samtple 316:21PM
Date:8113120015 1.3bPrepaialion.&I132001 to11iPIAl
Customer tnfo
Description: ClientName.DemoCompany
IDECNTI F IE D P EA K Calibration
Name:Demo 5 10,1,3a
1**OO*O* S U4M MA RY .....
Nuclid e Peak CentroDid Backgrounld Net Area Inltensity Uncert Vt1 24OI
channel Energy Counts counts Dale:ailIJ200t
Ca~li~allon 2:3 56PIA
cts/Sec 1 sigma % key
C5-137 44.23 36.26 29517. 0. 0.000 0.00 .057
cd-109 148.96 88.03 396840. 0. 0.000 0.00 1. 084D
Co-5'7 217.78
CD- 57 24 6.84 S U M MARY 0OF LI BR A RY P rA K USA G E
sn-113 48B7.91 -NUClide - Average Peak--------------- --------
Hg-203 536.48 Name code Activity Energy Activity code MDA value
Sn-113 763. 98 BecquereiS key Becquerels Becqluerels commnents
Y-88 1004.62
Cs -137 1309.81 cd-109 0.0000E:+00 88.03 0. 0005-I
1594. 00 22.16 0.000EA OF N UCL I DES IN SAMPLE .....
cs-137 SU MM
of count Time corrected uncertainty 1 si Wa
Y-88 17837.85 24. 94 0.00DEý
NLUClide Activity Activity counti ng
co-60 2344.32 co-57 0.OOOOE+DD 122.07 0.ODOMi eq eqt
CO-60 2666.44 135.43 0.0005-4
Y_88 368 5.10 14.42. 0.DooP.,Cd-109 < 2.8954E+02 2.2387r+02
co-57 < 8.0451E+00 1.0690E+01-
C60 3.5645E+03 1173.24 3. 355Eý CO-60 3.5645E+03 3.7100E+03 1.94326-01%
1332.50D 3. 574Eq. CS-137 3.06305+03 3.0845E+03 2,6807E-01%
llg-203 5.40615+02 2.8202E+03 5.5184E-01%
cs-137 3.0630E+03 661.66 3. 063 Ei Y-88 3:5672E+03 7 3466E 03 3.0B08E-O1%
32.19 0. 000Eq Sn-123 1.7925E+03 3.49972*+03 3.1633E-01%,
31.82 0. 00054 < mDA value printed.
36.40 0.OOOEI A -Activity printed, but activity < MIDA.
802.00 0.000EI 8 Activity< MDA and failed tent.
C -Area < critical level.
F -Fail ed fraction or key line tent.
H -Haiflife limit exceeded
Reports made your way... ---- ---- ---- ---
Total Activity (
S U M4 M A R Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
34.2 to 1966.9 key) I.2527937E+04 eq
Total Decayed Activity C 34.2 to 1966.9 key) 2.0461029E+04 eq
with GammaVision-32

Seamless Compatibility
ALL ORTEC "multichannel buffer" hardware (all 26 types from circa 1983 on) is supported. This means
compatibility with the DSPec line of products (DSPec, DSPec Plus, DSPec jr, DSPec Jr 2.0, and DSPec Pro),
as well as the rugged and portable digiDART. In addition, GammaVision-32 supports the LANL M3CA,
Rossendorf MiniMGA-166 and the ORTEC TRUMP-PCI interface card and DPM-USB converter.

Single-Click High-Productivity Operation with Password Protection

For the "production environment" where large numbers of similar samples must be proce'ssed, the
acquire/store/analyze sequence may be reduced to simply clicking an icon by the use of the built-in .JOB
facility. This may be made highly secure by the use of the MultiTasker-32 option (A45-B32 V2), which gives
GammaVision-32 "one click" procedures from pre-configured, but fixed, user-entry screens. Password
protection can secure both operator menus and access to hardware controls.

Safe and Secure... Settings..
Menu Passwords'..
LockjUnlock.Dettctor.. Export...
Edit Detector List-'., Import.Paswrd
iJ~ Print.
Print Interactive Graph
ZA4 i.petectbri About GamrraVision..
Stest~start-clear Acquisition Settings...-

VeriicatiorV el
FRI Disptay' Select
ISe-berect'Of 30
SetDetectorll Az

Automate with GammaVision-32 "Job Streams"

GammaVisiono-32 V6.06
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy- Software

Self -Cal ibration! Really?!

The process of routinely calibrating detectors with GammaVision-32 has developed into an extremely simple
operation, for both first-time calibration and recalibrations. In fact, ORTEC's patented method (U.S. Patent No.
6,006,162) allows the initial energy/shape calibration to be totally automated regardless of the hardware
settings. The only input required is a library, representative of the calibration constituents and the calibration
spectrum. No longer need you adjust the gain to be 'approximately correct!"

Calibration Wizard Automates the Calibration Process

How has GammaVision-32 simplified the calibration process? GammaVision-32
comes complete with a step-by-step calibration wizard with integrated .,,4dciency..
certificate file editor. This means that the process of performing an efficiency lýeqcrpton
calibration has now been simplified even more; just fill in a few dialog boxes ..

and GammaVision-32 does the work. Automation of both standard calibrations

and True Coincidence Correction calibrations allows even first-time operators to
perform the task error free. Print Calibration...
For manual or automatic energy or efficiency calibration, operator viewing of
the calibration fit to the data provides clear assurance that the calibration is--
Inthe case of efficiency calibration, flexibility of fit method means that a wide variety of sample types may be
accurately calibrated. Efficiency recalibration may be totally automated from stored standard-source data files.

r1 tlho
iptoooloct cobtwn
dpoo topý..fon

Ca~beotmof Kee;

TCCCca~ation C eo oooo.h oongoooolttoowgy rxib,afion -7

L -~Lbtoy ICUootMy~oYL~ .. J.U~.a: ýi!J
SU birce
Lobo ~th l.o.noofioocct oh.ton
~jc7 I~~'
__________ý i6

_____ ____ ~S~t~~.e'~et - ~it r

The GammaVision
Calibration Wizard
makes it easy!

Analysis Library Manager
With GammaVision-32, managing libraries is a snap! Not ~ ~ . 5Cbt ~63Z
only is there a full-featured nuclear data library editor -Nucide Flagr. r .
1.137 Edt Cu-57...
included with the software, but you may also
Peak;lg. ..
choose the optional Nuclide Navigator Ill. Associated NuclieFk .7 KiI~K 8..wg,.6***~. I
The GammaVision-32 library- editor allows Epi [Ck.-- nrciv
E~ns er
you to cut and paste nuclides and peaks Gaimmwper 100 is8iraeqet l"9.5400E-00 2 136.43

from master libraries, add flags to individual ho lg

peaks for identification (single escape peak, X
X-ray, or other) and analysis (key line5 or rCýO~pa
exclude from activity calculation), and save E&Q;I
the library as any name. In addition,....................... . .

GammaVision-32 also includes full r"keyLim0VJ 1..**-. ....

integration of the Nuclide Navigator IIlIA

library tool (sold separately as model C53- 7 ] C-1
B32). GammaVision-32 will (1) start Nuclide
Navigator III if installed, (2) read the Nuclide Navigator Ill libraries in Microsoft Access Database format (no
conversion necessary), and save libraries in database format for use by Nuclide Navigator Ill. The Nuclide
Navigator Ill option is required for incorporation of the True Coincidence Summing correction method.

Zero Dead Time Analysis with Error Propagation

Are you counting high activity samples where the count rate changes rapidly during counts? GammaVision-32
is compatible with the unique OSPec family, which implements the patented Zero Dead Time (ZDT)
technology (U.S. Patent No. 6,327,549).
The ORTEC DSPec-Plus was the first instrument to utilize a completely digital ZDT method for loss free
counting (LEO) that is fully automatic and also gives the uncertainty for each channel in the ZDT spectrum.
The innovative technology in this method allows ZDT to be used in any spectroscopy system by operators of
any experience level. The time you save and the improvement in data integrity that can be achieved through
use of the ZDT method can have significant benefits for your radiochemical and process- monitoring
spectroscopy systems. No other LEO method gives you the ability to calculate uncertainty on your results.

Why Do I Need ZDT Corrections?

In the past, dead time losses during data collection, due to pulse processing in the electronics, were inherent
to gamma-ray spectroscopy systems. Several methods have been developed to recover from dead time
losses. These include live-time clocks and loss-f ree counting. The live-time clock (LTC) extension technique
(where the counting time is extended to compensate for the lost counts) gives accurate results for samples
where the total count rate (dead time) is constant during the measurement. The Harms-Westphal loss-free
counting (LFC) method gives better results than LTC when the counting rate varies significantly during the
acquisition period. However, this LEO method does not give the uncertainty of the spectral counts. Thus, the
analysis of the spectral data with uncertainty calculations can't be done. In addition, the Westphal
implementation of LFC requires calibration by the user and often needs re-adjustment. The ZDT method from
ORTEC overcomes these shortfalls and surpasses all previous solutions to dead-ti me 'losses for spectroscopy

GammaVision -32 V6.06
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Software

Specif ications
GammaVision-32 Integrates acquisition control, "Smart' MCA and quantitative analysis functions for use in
conjunction with PC-based gamma spectroscopy workstations. On-line help and Operator Menu password
protection are included.
Operating Systems
Windows 2000/XP network capabilities; support for preemptive multitasking; and ORTEC CONNECTIONS-32
Spectroscopy Hardware Support
All ORTEC MCBs (past and present) and all other devices supported by ORTEC CONNECTIONS-32 (see
CONNECTIONS-32 literature). Built-in support for advanced operations (where supported in hardware):
amplifier gain/shaping control, Auto-PZ, DSPec "optimize" and InSight TM mode, DART field mode, SMART-i
detector, graphical setting of MOB spectrum stabilizer and statistical uncertainty peaks. Detector Locking
password protection is supported.

ADC .1Stabjizer About Pireseats


ISlab~ierl Abojt
AC Preuet MPAPr~t
Sample ree N c ~.± ...
---- ---- pg*~ tloj_1

j12i303Thw!7y:, Ap7,20

NuId lcd 109 :J-' '9 l 00000

0 M&,dr beb
77rv ... 7on
._ .7een
. 7et7o m
k (~S,~e~eendedoerv~etro C Plee.o

Nod>.r anl -Holp

Properties for: MC8 129 ý:' *4 ý;ifl
=Lý. IWX -1

_____ D~ 06tai A' .C er

TI~at *Vtabinet- 'I Ri. . .
Jl20. f:I~~';.~ Up~m- ~edDa About I Stetui I Peieti MDA Prnet I N 1o6deepr
r -wnl004 -L irestoe--
Be':nB Fed at fie pot
04 .0 ~ ~ t~t mprrtier pfinlier:2 AD ta i I IghVontago
~-InS,~ht.J Porn e Tye-- ...... ate Co 'sion Gain.l~ 84
sr I
t tAI ie 059 eeeast~eedbac.J [rinput PaLý. LowerLevel Nce -150
W 7Fi
____~ aee --------------- ~-* I . . eLevel Docý116383
U PC' i
N. Aiuto OPti

Real.Tirne.- L"Jeime:
.Fiai2 ... j21a0 C2 Rate .


File Formats Supported
qeneali Erpcrl ImpwtI Duectolies
ORTEC .SPC and .CHN are
supported as standard in file save,
SON" Progranu
Expqrt Fes\DtaM ser\Datoa~ateiFl axe
recall, and compare functions. Most Recall,'..;
2r,:'1[ýPtl T
non-ORTEC file formats are Save,
supported by loadable modules, in
a "set and forget" fashion for save .7Rwr0plrurn
and recall. Check for availability of
specific modules.
Optional DataMaster spectrum file Comnpare.
import/export software can be
added for easily converting and - ASCI dlt'

reading any spectrum format.


Semi-Quantitative "Smart" MCA Functions

"Instant" Mariscotti peak search, with AOl marking and "nearest match" suspected nuclide identification.
Net/Gross peak areas with uncertainty calculation, peak centroid, and shape
Spectru~m Strip
Spectrum Smooth
Spectrum Compare

Quantitative Analysis Methods

Default Mode
Peak search by library direction for specified nuclides; plus Mariscotti peak search for non-specified nuclides,
referenced to "suspected nuclides" list. Recommended for routine samples; lowest detection limits.
Isotope Identification Mode. Mariscotti peak search followed by library peak qualification and reanalysis based
on reduced library. Recommended for unknowns. False- positive- resistant.
Interactive Reanalysis Mode
Iterative refitting of multiplets, additionf or deletion of deconvolution peak centroids, adjustment of energy
calibration with visual display of residuals. Recommended for the most complex analysis problems.

GammaVision -32 v6.06
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Software

Deconvolution Method
Both peak finder AND library are used to direct the deconvolution process. Automatic recalibration of
Energy/Channel based on identified peaks where possible.

Background Methods
Wide range of background methods: automatic, multi-point, parabolic, directed fit, and stepped. Selection by
user or automatically applied to improve analysis results.

Multi-Peak Activity Averaging

Peaks are averaged on the basis of their relative abundance in the nuclide to produce the lowest possible
uncertainty in the calculated activity.

Detection Limit Formalisms

ORTEC Critical Level
No MDA (report zeros if less than MVDA)
Detection Limit 2 sigma-Japan
Detection Limit 3 sigma-Japan
Curie Limit
Peak Area
Air Monitor-Gimrad method
Nureg 4.16 Method
Counting Lab-USA
DIN 25482.5 Erkennungsgrenze
DIN 25482.5 Nachweisgrenze
GTN5/CEA/EDF (France)
"Directed Fit" Reporting of Negative Activities
User-selectable alternative method of calculating and reporting of small peaks which can result in negative
-peak areas (and negative activity values). The use of negative activities is useful in complying with regulations
on environmental releases.

Decay Corrections
- Decay correct to any date/time, either back or forward
e Decay corrections for losses during acquisition'
*Decay during sample collection

Spectral Corrections
*Peaked Background Correction
eGeometry Correction
*Absorption Correction ANSI N42.14 and ASTM E181-82 compliant from materials database,
and/or from physical standards
*Random Summing (high-rate counting losses)
*True Coincidence Summing Correction
*Library-Based Peak Interference Correction

Choose any ORTEC standard report option:
" Unknown peaks
" Library peak list by energy
*Library peak matrix by isotope
*Activity summary
Uncertainty reporting options:
* Percent or activity
* Counting or total
* 1, 2,or 3sigma
* Propagation of additional systematic or random uncertainties
Derived quantity Isotope reporting:
" Average Energy (EBar), to TOD 14844
" Iodine Equivalence, to TID 14844
" DAC (maximum permissible concentration)
Totally custom reporting:
- From Access-compatible results database, and/or via optional A44-B32 Report Writer.
Energy Calibration:
" Multi-point, quadratic for energy and FWHM
" Automatic Energy Calibration (U.S. Patent No. 6,006,162)
Efficiency Calibration fit options:
" Single Function Polynomial
" Interpolative
" Quadratic above or below user-set "knee"
" Linear above or below user-set "knee"
" TCC polynomial

GammaVision®-32 V6.06
Gamma- Ray Spectroscopy Software

QA and Flexible Reporting Ensure Regulatory Compliance

The latest Quality Assurance features combined with the capability of reporting in a wide variety of limit-of-
detection formalisms make regulatory compliance easy. All hardware parameters are saved with the spectral.
data to ensure traceability.

Quality Assurance
Complies with the demands of ANSI N1 3.30 and for each detector allows tracking of:
* Total detector background
- Total (decay corrected) activity for all calibration nuclides
* Average FWHM ratio (spectrum to calibration standard)
*Average FW1/1OM ratio (spectrum to calibration standard)
*Average peak shift from library values
*Actual peak centroid energies

Automation Features
* Multiple detector Start/Stop/Clear functions for up to 8 detectors
" Extensive built-in Job Streaming (Macro language), allowing "one-click" analysis from a user-built icon.
" MultiTasker-32 (option A45-1332 V2).

Developer's Support - "Step In" and "Step Out" With Your Own
Programs. Use GammaVision-32'and Your Own Custom Programs

All -B332 CONNECTIONS-32 Programmer's Toolkit with ActiveX TM Controls

The CONNECTIONS-32 Programmer's Toolkit is a set of software modules that simplifies the task of
accessing the ORTEC CONNECTIONS-32 hardware when custom software is written. This toolkit offers such
a large improvement in programming efficiency that the ORTEC programmers all use it to write the standard
ORTEC software. The toolkit is for use with 32-bit applications running under Microsoft Windows 2000/XP.
The toolkit has two options for programming. For programmers familiar with Dynamic Linked Libraries (DLLs),
it provides, DLLs and supplemental Windows applications programming interfaces, which can be called from
C, C++, or Visual Basic. For programmers using ActiveX Controls, all the functionality can be accessed more
conveniently through ActiveX methods, properties, and events. The ActiveX capability makes it easy to,
program the ORTEC products from LabVIEW (Version 5.1 or later), Visual C++, and Visual Basic. Simple
example programs are supplied with both programming options.
The ORTEC models use a variety of interface options such as plug-in ISA and PCI bus cards, dual-port
memory interfaces, printer ports, direct Ethernet connections, and direct USB. Al 1l-B32 supports all of these
hardware interfaces. It also supports the LANL MICA and Rossendorf MiniMCA-166 hardware via the serial
port. Al 1-1332 performs all of the network communication, and supports multiple protocols. The application -
program uses the same interface for local and remote hardware. Special features, such as gain stabilization,
are under complete control of the application program. Al 1-1332 is transparent to the commands specific' to
the application program. Complete error reporting is provided for ease in diagnosing programs.
An automatic configuration program is included. The program will search the network for hardware and
produce a list, including the hardware type and the PC node to which it is connected. Also included' is a
,Hardware Server program for remote access to the hardware.
Al1l-B32 is used by all the programs in the CONNECTIONS-32 family of ORTEC software. Properly written
applications using All -1332will be able to run concurrently with these ORTEC programs. It is not necessary.
for ORTEC programs to be running in order for Al 1-B32 to operate.
ORTEC and user-written software may be profitably combined by having the ORTEC standard software setup
and calibrate the hardware, followed by implementation of the special operations of your program. For
example., MAESTROO-32 , GammaVision-32, or MCS-32 can be used to configure the system and perform
most of the interactive functions. Your program can step in to handle the other unique functions of the system.
The run time components of Al 1-B32 may be included on a royalty-free basis for programs written to support
operation of ORTEC hardware.

GammaVision®-32 V6.06
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Software

A12-1332 UFO/SPC Results Toolkit System Prerequisites

Like the Al 1-1332 Toolkit for controlling instruments, Operating Systems
the Analysis Results Programmer's Toolkit (A12-
B32) provides 32-bit Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) As a CONNECTIONS-32 product, GammaVision-32
of functions which can be used to create custom V6.06 requires a Windows 2000/XP platform.
programs to interface with the spectrum and Interfacing of MCB hardware to the system may be
analysis results files used by GammaVision-32 for by Ethernet, printer port, serial port, or ORTEC
the analysis of gamma-ray spectra from germanium Dual-port Memory. (Check hardware literature for
detectors. The data collection can be controlled details). Note that USB instruments are compatible
from the user program or by GammaVision-32 itself. with Windows 2000/XP.
The analysis is done by the WAN32 or other
analysis engine of GammaVision-32. A useful
combination of ORTEC and user-written software
would be to use the ORTEC software to set up and Ordering Information
calibrate the MOBs and then implement the special
operations in a user-written program. For Model Description
spectroscopy applications it is expected that A66-1332 Single-User Copy of
MAESTRO-32 or GammaVision-32 will be used to 6am maVision-32
configure and perform most of the interactive A66-G32 Documentation for A66-632
system functions. User-written programs can then
perform any other system functions. Support and A66-K32 Upgrade from A66-BI to A66-B332
examples are given for Microsoft C and Visual A66-K32- D Upgrade from A34-BI or B30-BI
Basic, both of which are supported for Windows (DOS) to A66-B332
2000/XP. A66-N32 Network Copy of A66-1332
(Prerequisite: First licensed copy of
A44-1332 Custom Report Writer Option
A66-U32 Update of for A66-1332
GammaVision-32 continues to support the use of
Crystal Reports and Access Databases. The Report
Writer option comes with an Access report Options
compatible database that allows you to create Al 1-B332 CONNECTIONS-32 Programmer's
queries or custom reports using Crystal Reports or Toolkit with ActiveXTM Controls
MS Access. Simply and quickly. A12-B332 Analysis Results File (UFO) Toolkit
A44-B332 Custom Report Writer Option
A45-1B32 MultiTasker-32 Option
A49-1332 DataMaster
C53-632 Nuclide Naviqator" Ill

GammaVision® -32 V6.06
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Software

The ORTEC Advantage -Leadership and Customer Focus

Get the Finest in High Purity Germanium
World's largest manufacturer of high purity germanium gamma-ray detectors.
For over 30 years, ORTEC has combined the world's best germanium crystals (all
grown in-house at our manufacturing facility in Oak Ridge, TN U.S.A.), and superior'
manufacturing methods to ensure our detectors, meet specifications
that no other manufacturer can match in resolution, peak shape, peak--
to-Compton ratio, and eff iciency. ORTEC not only produces the finest <
quality in germanium detectors for all applications in high resolution
gamma-ray spectroscopy, but we also lead the industry in the
development of electronics, software and systems.

Patented Electronics and Mechanical Cooling

for Gamma-Ray Measurements
Simple, Secure, Efficient day-to-day operations through superior
'Automatic Pole Zero Adjustment Circuit - No more manual
"Auto-Calibrating Multichannel Analyzer - Automate the daily routine
'Zero Deadtime Correction Method - Calculates uncertainties where
other methods cannot
Gated Baseline Restorer - Superior spectral stability at high count
'SMART-i1 Technology -The ultimate in data validation
'X-COOLER - Economical mechanical cooling reduces cost and
eliminates liquid nitrogen

Complete Gamma-Ray Measurement Systems

for Personal Computers
The cost-effective way to complete your system needs with the
industry leader in PC based gamma-ray spectroscopy systems.

Detectors, Electronics, Software and Systems,

ORTEC Leads the Way!

Specirications subject to cha nge


O RTEC Tel (85*8-41-Fx(6)4309

801 South Illinois Ave., Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0895 U.S.A.
For International Office Locations, Visit Our Website
Attachment F

Annual Radiation Dose Calculations for Item E.2

1) Cs-1 34 (T,/2 = 2.06a)
Ey /keV n/% kk.xn

30.9 14 0.8 0.112

127.4 18 0.55 0.099
563.3 8.4 1.55 0.1302
569.3 15.4 1.65 0.2541
604.7 97.6 2.2 2.1472
795.8 85.4 4 3.416
801.8 8.73 4.2 0.3666

kx n = 6.5269

a) Distance 0.5 cm from skin surface

Do5= (Amci/ cm) x~ kx nx = (9 X 10-8/ 0.25) x 6.5269 =23.5 x 10-7 R/h

4~ Dose rate of a 5ct Topaz in jewelry with maximum

allowed Cs-I 34 Radiation of 3.33 Bqlgr is

less than 2.5 jiR/h

b) Distance 4.0 cm from skin surface
D4.0 = (Am01 /rem) x4k~xx x = (9 x10-8/ 16)x 6.5269 =0.37x 10-7 R/h

-* Dose rate of a 5ct Topaz in jewelry with maximum

allowed Cs-I 34 Radiation of 3.33 Bq/gr is

less than 0.04 ;uR/h

c) Total maximum Partial Body Dose for permanent

exposure during the first period of 2.06 (= 1 T,, 2) years of a
Topaz of 5ct with the above maximum Bq/g in a permanently
worn ring or pendant is less than:

33.4 mRem
2) Ta-182 (T 1 /2 = 115d)
Ey IkeV n% kkxn

59 23 0.38 0.0874
67.5 49 0.38 0.1862
100.1 11.9 0 .5 0.0595
222 8 1.05 0.084
1121 37 6.3 2.516
1189 17.1 6.7 1.1457
1221 28.9 7.1 2.0519

-x knxn
x = 6.1313

a) Distance 0.5 cm from skin surface

Do. 5 =(Amci /1cm) x~ kxx nx = (4x 10-7 /0.25) x 6.13.13 =98.1 x 10-7 R/h

-4 'Dose rate of a 5ct Topaz in jewelry with maximum

allowed Ta-I 82 Radiation of 14.8 Bq/gr is
less than 1~j~
b) Distance 4.0 cm from skin surface
D4 .0 = (Amc 1 1c,) x"5 E kx flx (4 x 10-7/ 16) x 6.1313 =1.533 x 10-7 R/h

4~ Dose rate of a 5ct Topaz in jewelry with maximum

allowed Ta-I 82 Radiation of 14.8 Bq/gr is
lessthan 0.1611R/h

c) Total maximum Partial Body Dose for permanent

exposure during the first period of 115 (= 1 TI/2) days of a
Topaz of 5ct with the above maximum Bq/g in a permanently
worn ring or pendant is less than:

21 mRem
3) Sc-46 (TI/2 = 83.8d)
Ey / keV n% kkxn

889.3 100 4.5 4.5

1120 100 6.3 6.5

Kx nx= 11.0

a) Distance 0.5 cm from skin surface

DO.5 = (Amoi / rm) x kx xn,= (4 x 10-7 / 0.25) x 11.0= 176 x 10-7 R/h

-~ Dose rate of a 5ct Topaz in jewelry with

maximum allowed Sc-46- Radiation of 14.8 Bqlgr

less than 18 xuR/h

b) Distance 4.0 cm from skin surface
D 4.0(Amci/rcm) xlk),x fx = (4 x10-7 /16) xl 2.75x 10-7 R/h

-* Dose rate of a 5ct Topaz in jewelry with

maximum allowed Sc-46 Radiation of 14.8,Bqlgr

less than 0.3 )iRfh

c) Total maximum Partial Body Dose, for permanent

exposure during the first period of 83.8 (= 1 T1/ 2) days of
a Topaz of 5ct with the above maximum Bq/g in a
permanently worn ring or pendant is less than:

27.5 mRem
4) Mn-54 (T,12 = 312.5d)
Ey /keV n/% kk.xn

834.8 100 4.7 4.7

4 k.,x n,,= 4.7

a) Distance 0.5 cm from skin surface
Do5=(~i/r m xxn = (1lx 10-6/ 0.25) x4.7= 18.8 x 10-6 R/h

-4 Dose rate of a 5ct Topaz in jewelry with

maximum allowed Mn-54 Radiation of 37 Bqlgr is

less than 19 AiR/h

b) Distance 4.0 cm from skin surface
D 4. 0 = (Am01 cm) x,ý-kx nx = (1 X 10-6/ 16) x 4.7 = 0.3 x 10-6 R/h

-* Dose rate of a 5ct Topaz in jewelry with

maximum allowed Mn-54 Radiation of 37 Bqlgr is

less than O.3,UR/h

c) Total maximum PjartaI Body..Dose for permanent

exposure during the first period of 312.5 (= 1 T1/2 ) days
of a Topaz of 5ct with the above maximum Bq/g in a
permanently worn ring or pendant is less than:

107 mRem
5) Na-22 (T,,2 = 2.601 a)
Ey /keV n% k kxn

511 181 1.8 3.26

1274.5 90 8 7.2

-4 kx x n~ = 10.46

a) Distance 0.5 cm from skin surface

DO.5 = (Amc 1 / r2cm) x~ kxXnx, = (9 x10-8/O.25) x10.46 =37.66 X.10-7 R/h

-~ Dose rate of a 5ct Topaz in jewelry with

maximum allowed Na-22 Radiation of 3.33 Bq/gr

less than 3.8M&R/h

b) Distance 4.0 cm from skin surface
D.= (Amc 1 ! ecm) xýJkxxn.l = (9 X10'8/ 16) x10.46 =0.588x 10- 7 R/h

-* Dose rate of a 5ct Topaz in jewelry with

maximum allowed Na-22 Radiation of 3.33 Bqlgr

less than 0.06 uR/h

c) Total maximum Partial Body Dose for permanent

exposure during the first period of 2.60 (= 1 T,, 2) years of
a Topaz of 5ct with the above maximum Bq/g in a
permanently worn ring or pendant is less than:
64 mRem
Calculation of Bq/g for major nuclides after decay for a given time
(one year = 360 days)
Formula used:

At = AO x e(0 9 /12

At activity at time t in days

A0 activity at time 0
T1/2 haiflive of respective nuclide

I) Cs-1 34 : AO 3.33 BqIg A360 = 2.38 Bq/g

2) Ta-182 : A0 = 14.8 BqIg A360 = 1.69 BqIg
3) Sc-46 : AO = 14.8 Bq/g A 360 = 0.753 Bq/g
4) Mn-54 : AO = 37 Bq/g A360 = 16.65 Bq/g
5) Na-22 :A 0 = 3.33 Bq/g A360 = 2.55 Bq/g

Resulting Dose in worst case scenario:

1) Cs-I 34 : ((2.5+1 .68)12)x360x24 = I8O58PuRem

Resulting first year partial body dose is smaller than 18 mRem

2) Ta-I 82 :((1 0+5)12+(5+2.5)12+(2.5+1 .25)12))xllI5x24+

((1 .25+1.14)12)xl 5x24 = 36655jzRem
.Resulting first year partial body dose is smaller than 37 mRem

3) Sc-46 :((1 8+9)12+(9+4.5)124-(4.542.25)12+(2.25+1 .125)12)x83.8x24+

((I .125+0.994)12)x24.8x24 = 51539yuRem
Resulting first year partial body dose is smaller than 52 mRem

4) Mn-54 :((1 9+9.5)12)x31 2.5x24+((9.5+8.55)12)x47.5x24 = 1171 63)uRem

Resulting first year partial body dose is smaller than 117 mRem

5)+ Na-22 : ((3.8+2.91)12)x360x24 = 28987pýAem

Resulting first year partial body dose is smaller than 29 mRem


State Agreements and Industrial Safety Branch

Division of Materials Safety'and State Agreements
Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental
Management Programs
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

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