Dll-Diss Week 2
Dll-Diss Week 2
Dll-Diss Week 2
3. Textbook pages Tatel, C. P. (2016). Tatel, C. P. (2016). Tatel, C. P. (2016). Tatel, C. P. (2016). Disciplines Tatel, C. P. (2016).
Disciplines and Ideas in the Disciplines and Ideas in the Disciplines and Ideas in the and Ideas in the Social Disciplines and Ideas in the
Social Sciences. 1st Edition. Social Sciences. 1st Edition. Social Sciences. 1st Edition. Sciences. 1st Edition. Quezon Social Sciences. 1st Edition.
Quezon City: Rex Book Quezon City: Rex Book Store, Quezon City: Rex Book City: Rex Book Store, Inc. pp Quezon City: Rex Book
Store, Inc. pp 12-16 Inc. pp 12-16 Store, Inc. pp 20-22 20-22 Store, Inc. pp 20-22
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource Portal
B. Other Learning Resources 1. prezi.com/.../disciplines- 1. prezi.com/.../disciplines- 1. prezi.com/.../disciplines- 1. prezi.com/.../disciplines- 1. prezi.com/.../disciplines-
and-ideas-in-social-sciences and-ideas-in-social-sciences and-ideas-in-social-sciences and-ideas-in-social-sciences and-ideas-in-social-sciences
A. Reviewing previous lesson Let the students do the Say/Ask: Yesterday, you Let the students play! Say/Ask: Yesterday, you
or presenting the new lesson word match-Social Science learned how different 1. Students will be clustered learned Social Science
Disciplines and their disciplines in Social Sciences in to six groups. The group disciplines and their fields.
Etymologies were conveyed and engaged. will assign a leader and a What do you think is the
What do you think is reporter. emphasis of the Social
“science” and the “social” 2. The students will try to Sciences or the main areas of
behind the study of society? connect the specific concepts inquiry?
and ideas normally tackled in
the various disciplines of
social science. How do they
all interact and link to each
other? Knowing that there are
various social science
disciplines, where do
disciplinal lines end and
begin? Can you think of a
central theme from which all
social sciences could emerge?
Is a unified social science
ever possible?
3. Students will develop their
own model or image, say, a
circle, web, boxes linked to
each other, and many others,
that you think could best
represent how social sciences
approach the same problem in
different angles and using
different perspectives.
4. Students are free to
develop this visual
representation and discuss it
with their classmates in class.
B. Establishing a purpose for Ask the students to define Say: Today, we will establish How did the social Sciences
the lesson social science disciplines the framework of Social emerge? How does it link to
based on their linguistic Science. the Natural Sciences?
C. Presenting examples/ Paying attention to key Table of fundamental concepts
instances of the new lesson terms in each discipline and that social science theories
their corresponding collectively emphasized was
etymologies. presented for students to learn.
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the different social 1. Students will be clustered Compare and contrast the Discuss the fundamental
practicing new skills #1 science disciplines that in to six groups. The various Social Science concepts that social science
enable us to comprehend group will assign a leader disciplines and their fields theories collectively
the complexity of social and a reporter. through powerpoint emphasize and the various
phenomenon. 2. The students will try to presentation and group framework and disciplinal
imagine the given discussion. standpoint.
disciplines in a box in a
form of a diagram, say, a
kinship tree or a
genealogical tree or a web
of interconnected subject
matters based or how it
was developed.
3. Ask: How would a
diagram look like? What
various forms of
connections and
interactions can you draw
up? Metorhodwise, where
do they converge and
diverge? What kind of
model society is created
by each and every
discipline based on what
it does and studies?
4. Group reporters share
their responses.
I. Evaluating learning
Oral recitation
J. Additional activities for Study and prepare for the Study and prepare for the Study and prepare for the Study and prepare for the Study and prepare for the
application or remediation next lesson next meeting. next lesson next meeting. next lesson next meeting. next lesson next meeting. next lesson next meeting.
V. REMARKS The topics scheduled for The lesson on the
the day’s session was framework of Social Science
covered. Lesson log will be and its disciplines were
reviewed and continued on covered. Additional learning
the following day. experiences for the students
were given.
VI. REFLECTION 1. 95% of the students 80% of the students scored
were present during the 75% and above in the
class. summative assessment.
2. Lessons will be reviewed
and continued on the
following day.
A. No. of Learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who have
caught up with the lessons
D, No. of Learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other