0 - Introduction
0 - Introduction
0 - Introduction
(1) Everybody will be required to present proofs of theorems. You will have the
proof written out on paper and present it to the class.
(2) The audience (including the instructor) may challenge a statement made in
the course of the proof at any point.
(3) If the presenter is able to defend the challenged statement, he or she can
proceeds; if not, the presenter must sit down earning points based on the
rubrics for this problem.
(4) A proof of a theorem will be considered correct if no one has objections.
(5) While presenting proofs you may only refer to those axioms and which occur
before the one you are working on.
(6) The instructor has the final decision on determining whether an argument
may stand or not.
The Language of mathematics
Statements (true or false) are the bread and butter of mathematics. The
more important kind of statements are Axioms, Definitions, and Theorems
• Axioms- statement that is assumed to be true without proof. The axioms, in fact,
characterize the theory. Changing an axiom means to consider a different theory.
Euclidean geometry, for instance, relies on five axioms. One of them is the axiom of
parallels. After trying for centuries to infer the parallel axiom from the other axioms
mathematicians of the nineteenth century developed non-Euclidean geometries in which
the parallel axiom is replaced by something else.
1. Mathematical Statements and their Negation
2. Methods of Proof
3. Common Errors in Proof Writing
2.1 The Algebraic and Order Properties of R
2.2 Absolute Value and the Real Line
2.3 Open and Close set in R
2.3 The Completeness Property of R
2.4 Archimedean Principle and Density of Rational
2.5 Extended Reals
2.6 Mathematical Induction
3.1 Sequences and Their Limits
3.2 Limit Theorems
3.3 Monotone Sequences
3.4 Subsequences and the Bolzano-
Weierstrass Theorem
3.5 The Cauchy Criterion
3.6 Properly Divergent Sequences
3.7 Introduction to Infinite Series