Vanish by Thread Behind Hand

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Vanish by Thread behind Hand

Several different thread setups have been developed over the years to accomplish
the same core function. W.H.J. Shaw described one such system in Magic Up to
Date; or, Shaw's Magical Instructor, 1896, p. 71. In it, a thread was run along the
back of the performer's hand, up the sleeve and down into the vest. By having
coins drilled through their edges, they could run up and down the thread as
needed. Adding slack to the thread allowed the stack of coins to swing around to
the palm of the hand for their appearance, and the reverse for their vanish.

A much simplified version appeared without a byline in Tricks, Vol. 1 No. 1, June
1901, p. 3. A penny with a hole drilled into its edge was strung with a loop of light-
colored thread that hung around the magician's thumb. To effect the vanish, the
coin wasn't hung over the back of the hand—as would be later developed—but
instead, the penny was allowed to fall between the first and second fingers where
it would dangle undetected.

The over-the-hand approach was introduced by Frank Ducrot in Mahatma, Vol. 7

No. 7, Jan. 1904, p. 77. Drucot's gimmick was made more versatile than the
permanently threaded penny by using a suction cup that would allow a ball to be
attached and detached when needed. Connecting the ball to the cup allowed the
performer to flip the ball over the back of the hand where it would hide from view.
C. H. Tickell later changed the gimmick to a thread anchored to the performer
in The Magical Bulletin, Vol. 10 No. 8, Mar. 1923, p. 117. This anchored approach
would be reinvented several times over the next half century.

John Cornelius's “Fickle Nickel” is the most used and best-known version of this
vanish. In The Award-Winning Magic of John Cornelius by Lance Pierce, 2001, p.
146, the date of invention is given as 1972. The trick was marketed c. early 1977;
see Genii, Vol. 41 No. 2, Feb. 1977, p. 76. Cornelius and Pierce mention that, after
the marketing of “Fickle Nickel”, it was learned that Ronnie Gann had come up
with a similar handling in 1968, “Dime on My Hands”; see The Linking Ring, Vol.
53 No. 4, Apr. 1973, p. 121. Subsequently, when Cornelius learned of Gann's
work, he listed Gann as co-inventor of “Fickle Nickel”.

In his book, Cornelius mentions an even earlier handling based on the same idea.
This was described by T(erje) Nordnes of Norway in Magie, Vol. 21 No. 1, Jan.
1938, p. 23. However, Nordnes publicly gave credit for the vanish to his friend
Arthur Sanders, also from Norway. The vanish was published again, in the
Norwegian journal Magiens Verden, Vol. 2 No. 14 (misnumbered as No. 12), Dec.
1947, p. 7, where it is titled “Sanders Mynt-Trick” (Sanders's Coin Trick).

In MAGIC, Vol. 23 No. 11, July 2014, p. 36, it is stated that Nordnes was taught
this coin vanish by Swedish magician Zandor, who invented it in the 1920s. The
name is incorrect and probably comes from misinformation published in the
Norwegian magic book Mystikk som underholdning, 2000, p. 36, where Sanders is
misspelled Sandor(s). It is also reported that Nordnes published the vanish in a
German journal, Der Zauberkunstler, in the early 1930s. (Cornelius and Pierce
mention 1933 as the year of Nordnes's invention or publication of the trick.) This
citation seems to be an error, as no such journal is known to have been published
in Germany during that time. The January 1938 issue of the German
magazine Magie cited above is what was probably being remembered. In any
event, credit for this coin vanish using a thread goes to Arthur Sanders.

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