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English Supplement.......................... 1
Filipino Supplement....................... 37
Math Supplement........................... 97
1st Quarter
Female Diasporic Identity in Jessica
Hagedorn's Toxicology
uring the twentieth century, Judith Shakespeare was
born out of a woman's imagination. The woman
who gave birth to Judith was an English writer
named Virginia Woolf. In her essay titled A Room of
One's Own, Woolf exposes the fact that discourses and
scholarship on women had always been monopolized
by men. In history, there were little to no accounts
about the lived experiences of women. Hence, Woolf
invented Judith Shakespeare. The latter symbolizes the
lack of representation women are afforded in writing.
In another world, Judith is William Shakespeare's
sister; however, she is a much better writer than her
older brother. Woolf then asks a significant question:
Photo credit:
would Judith be as successful and well-known as William WikiMedia Commons.
The answer is blatantly obvious, unfortunately, as women back then did
not have the same opportunities as men (yet this issue still persists). Feminism
as a movement addresses the problem of inequality and violence experienced
by women and proposes solutions to these. It is also inextricably linked with
literature since it knows the significance of how women are portrayed in
literature, and the arts as a whole. The movement sees literature as vital in
combatting the misogynistic view and questioning patriarchal ideas imposed
on women. L'ecriture feminine, which translates to "feminine writing," is a
term coined by French feminist writer Hélène Cixous. The idea behind this
is stemmed from language as a construction centered around the male voice.
Cixous wants to deviate from this notion, and argues that women can write
about their experiences from their own bodies in their own ways.
There are several women writers who have made their marks on literature.
Even in the Philippine literary scene, women writers are thriving, and they are
audaciously speaking up about their own experiences. Among these Filipina
writers is Jessica Hagedorn, who is a novelist, poet, translator, and performance
artist. She moved to the United States when she was young, thus making her
narrative that of a member of the Filipino diasporic community. Her language
is a form of resistance and self-validation. As an illustration, she dares to
represent the assertive female in her latest novel titled Toxicology.
The Intoxicated Female in Toxicology
The novel is centered around the lives of two women who are neighbors
in Manhattan's West Village. Mimi Smith is a struggling filmmaker, while
Eleanor Delacroix is a legendary literary figure. Their personal and artistic lives
subvert and confront the traditional female roles.
Eleanor writes about her struggles as an 80-year-old woman who has
recently lost a lover. She lays bare her utter solitude,
and the relentless labor she had to stomach
so she could get recognized as a female
writer. Meanwhile, Mimi creates gore films
to signify the uncanny. She depicts the
persistent female figure, and the torments
she has to go through to survive in a bleak
and unfamiliar landscape. As they go about
their lives in New York City, these two
female artists transform their experiences
into powerful artworks.
Toxicology was published in 2011. It is a
playful and heartbreaking narrative about the
collision of art, fame, money, love, desire, and
mortality. It is also a critique of the modern
era, and Hagedorn's experimental technique
is witty enough to showcase the striking and Photo credit:
compelling stories of the female identities
included in her narrative.
Cixous, Helene. "The Laugh of the Medusa." In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism, by Vincent B. Leitch, 2035-2055. New York:
W.W.. Norton & Company, Inc., 2001.
Evangelista, Susan. "Jessica Hagedorn and Manila Magic." Oxford Journals 41-52. 1993.
Hagedorn, Jessica. Toxicology. New York: Viking, 2011.
Woolf, Virginia, A Room of One's Own. London: Hogarth Press, 1929.
1. What is the meaning of L'ecriture feminine? How does it change the landscape of literature?
2. Why is it important that women write about their own experiences?
3. The allegorical Judith Shakespeare exists until now. Cite an example of inequality experienced by
4. Who is the most recent female artist you have encountered and how has her work influenced you?
The Human Condition in
Love in the Cornhusks
ave you ever read a literary work where there is no single problem to be
found in any of its events? In fiction, conflict makes the story move. A
quote from Leo Tolstoy, a renowned Russian writer, may perfectly sum up
why there is a need for conflict in all fictional stories. According to him, “All happy
families resemble each other but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own unique
way.” Perhaps this explains why all stories worth telling are told with some sort of a
N8Allen, shutterstock..
Photo credit:
Yet the main issue lies in the man vs. self coflict that is prevalent in the story.
This one is seen in how all the hardships that Tinang had to go through as a
married woman eventually took a toll on her.
When Tinang visited the household where she used to work, she
reminisced and reflected on all the changes in her life. Evidently, her employers
valued her so much. Señora even asked, “When are you coming again?” before
Tinang left for the drugstore. In that sense, she took a lot of pride with how
she has lived her life compared to the others employed there, as implied in the
lines, “She thought herself above them for she was always neat and clean...she
had gone to school and had reached sixth grade.” But she is no longer “neat
and clean” as Señora remarked, “Even Tinang looks like a Bagobo now.” These
signify that the luxuries Tinang had while working for Señora were already
gone, and her aspirations of becoming someone more had almost completely
been altered.
The story ends with Tinang coming back to reality as she realized that the
life of her baby is threatened by a snake. The line, “Among the cornhusks, the
letter fell unnoticed,” show that Tinang had to let go of Amado, her lover and
the father of her child, because now, what truly mattered is her love for her
1. What are the two types of conflict? Differentiate them by providing examples.
2. Name a few factors that may cause internal conflict.
3. What are the kinds of external conflict? Give an example for each.
4. Explain the internal conflict that Tinang faced in the story.
5. What external conflicts are presented in the story?
Of Plots and Plans
hoosing a plot that is interesting and relatable is not as easy as it sounds. Before
jumping right ahead to your story, it is best that you create a plan that would
help you execute your plot in an exciting manner so as not to lose the attention
of your readers. A story, after all, fails if it is easily predictable or just plain confusing
without any explanation.
A good writer knows how to arrange the various events in a story in such a way
that it will keep the readers invested until the end. In short, a good writer is someone
capable of creating a good plot. Below are some tips that you may use in preparing your
plot outline:
Photo credit:
Kulakevych Anastasiia, shutterstock.
1 Start with a character profile. Coming up with a
protagonist (or a character, in general) is not just about
searching catchy names on the Internet. In a way, you
are already constructing a believable identity. Your
protagonist is not just a helpless pawn, but a human
with strengths and weaknesses, distinctive physical
attributes, achievements and aspirations, and past
experiences that play a major part in what they are now.
Photo credit:
Cyrsiam, shutterstock.
2 Place your protagonist in a certain situation
(EXPOSITION). Slowly unfold the situation that makes
your protagonist desire for something.
Photo credit:
StockSnap, Pixabay.
3 Consider what your protagonist will have to go
through to achieve their goal (RISING ACTION, CLIMAX,
and FALLING ACTION). The interplay of your protagonist's
desire to overcome all challenges and the consequences
of their failures create tension and excitement. Decide
on the effective balancing of your character's successes
and failures. Too many failures may become dragging
for the readers and too many successes may diminish
the relevance of your protagonist’s goal.
Photo credit:
Include characters that will either help or hinder 4 Duong Hoang Dinh, shutterstock.
Photo credit:
Provide a closure or resolution to your story 5 ultramansk, shutterstock.
Consider This
Below is a visual guide of the dramatic structure. You may cut it out and
place it on your notebook or writing area at home.
Exposition Denouement
Choose a character from a literary work that you have recently read. Think of a new story
for the character. Write your plot outline on a piece of paper.
Sorting Through the Past
erbs can be quite tricky. The first thing you learn about verbs is that
it is comprised of three tenses, namely past, present, and future.
Now, the trickier part is that the past tense has subcategories. Read
on to learn how to distinguish the past tense, the past continuous aspect, and
the past perfect aspect.
Simple Past
This is used to refer to completed actions in the past.
Photo credit:
joyfull, shutterstock.
Past Continuous
This is used to indicate that a longer action in the past was postponed.
The postponement is often caused by a shorter action in the Simple Past.
The action may be completely cancelled or postponed for the moment.
Photo credit:
SUKJAI PHOTO, shutterstock.
Past Perfect
This is used to express something that happened before another action in
the past.
Provide your own examples of sentences with verbs in the past tense, past continuous,
and past perfect.
Simple Past
Past Continuous
Past Perfect
o f Fe n i s m
•Ma. Doreen Evita L. Garcia
omen all over the world face various challenges both in domestic and social spheres. Traditions
and patriarchal views hinder women from pursuing personal ambitions. They are instead confined
into a restricting stereotype, one which expects them to remain voiceless and subservient despite
the violence inflicted upon them every day.
Exploitation, misogyny, and unwanted advances are some of the issues that hound women until now. The
aim of the feminist movement is to promote equality among sexes, and to educate everyone about respect,
consent, and the many sociopolitical issues that are tied to the oppression of women.
Read on to know more about the development of feminism, and how this worldwide movement is
integral in the continuous emancipation and advancement of women.
First Wave patriarchy, and heteronormativity (all intertwined
The first wave of feminism began in the late oppressors) were already widespread. Coined phrases
19th century and lasted until the early 20th century. such as, “Women’s struggle is class struggle” and “The
Women fought for the right to vote (suffrage), and personal is political” show that feminism is deeply
also for the right to enter politics in order to make rooted in the lived experiences of women.
reforms that would address issues on sexuality, family
life, reproductive health, and the economy. Women Third Wave
who took to the streets and let their voices be heard The third wave started during the 1990s. It went
during the first wave were called “suffragettes.” against the notion of universal womanhood; after
Photo credit:
all, women are different from one another. The third
Everett Historical, shutterstock. wave welcomed the multiplicity of perspectives, and
allowed women to redefine beauty for themselves.
Many women of color and members of the
LGBTQIA+ community made great discoveries and
advancements during the third wave.
A Fourth Wave?
The fourth wave is digital. Through hashtags
and fearless expositions, it has created empowering
campaigns continuously ridding the modern
landscape of toxic masculinity. Predators are held
Second Wave accountable for their crimes, and women are
The second wave, which lasted from the 1960s encouraged to speak out, take action, and help one
up to the 1980s, witnessed a massive influx of another. The fourth wave of feminism is also known
diverse voices ranging from the anti-war/civil rights for its sex and body positivity, and the safe spaces
groups to representatives and allies of gay and it provides for people of color and members of the
lesbian groups. By this time, critiques on capitalism, LGBTQIA+ community.
Dorey-Stein, Caroline. "A Brief History: The Four Waves of Feminism." Progressive Women's Leadership, 28 June 2018.
Rampton, Martha. "Four Waves of Feminism." Pacific University Oregon, 25 October 2015.
Sollee, Kristen. "6 Things To Know About 4th Wave of Feminism." Bustle, 30 October 2015.
Writing a Strong
Female Protagonist
•Ma. Doreen Evita L. Garcia
Photo credit: oming up with a protagonist for a story can be quite
Tuzemka, shutterstock.
challenging. It sure is fun to write snippets about their
past and their personality, but the overall construction
is one that requires a period of concentration. A writer must be able to spend some time with the
protagonist, getting to know them through a trial-and-error of scenes and dialogues. Research
(a staple of writing) is also a must, especially if your protagonist is someone whose reality is far
different from yours.
Chapman, Cameron. “Women Are People, Too: 6 Ways to Write Better Female Characters.” ScriptMag, 30 March 2017. https://www.scriptmag.
Henshey, Chelsea. “How to Create a Successful Protagonist.” Writer's Digest, 13 May 2016.
Grade 7 11
Photo credit:
KieferPix, shutterstock.
f Wo m e n
P r a i s e o
I n
ou are tasked to write a four-line, four-stanza poem about women from
all walks of life. You may mention prominent figures or women who are
personally close to you.
Happiness and Luck in Amy Tan's
The Joy
Luck Club
Photo credit:
thelefty, shutterstock.
he Greek philosopher Aristotle states that happiness is a central
purpose of human life and a goal in itself. Happiness can be attained
by the cultivation of virtue, as well as taking care of one's physical
and mental well-being. However, as one grows older, there are challenges
that might hinder one from achieving happiness.
Life is riddled with inevitable hurdles. Naturally, these can be a cause for
stress and might even contribute to the deterioration of one's mental health.
Mental health includes one's emotional, psychological, and social well-
being. It is imperative at every stage of one's life—from the delicate years of
childhood up until old age—as it affects how one thinks, feels, and acts.
There are tangible means, however, that may help ease the stress or pain.
One such example is reading a novel, since this can distract the mind from
everyday struggles and can even lead one to reflect. Then there are also
intangible means, such as positive thinking, engaging in spirituality, and
improving one's sense of humor. Following Aristotle's philosophy, happiness
is the final end which encompasses the totality of one's life. This means that
the ultimate value of one's life is how well one lived up to their full potential
as a human being. Echoing Aristotle's words, "For as it is not one swallow
or one fine day that makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short time that
makes a man blessed and happy."
The Pursuit of Happiness in Amy Tan's Joy Luck Club
Joy Luck Club sheds light on the lives of four Chinese immigrant women
and their relationships with their American-raised daughters. The mothers'
collective feeling of alienation owing to the fact that they were not born and
raised in America inspires them to create a joy luck club. This club is their
way of uplifting one another whenever they feel distressed, discouraged,
and dejected.
The novel also touches upon the experiences of the mothers with war and
poverty, and how they slowly developed a detachment from their homeland.
These mothers then form their own community, and they find solace with
one another. Eventually, they are able pursue their individual happiness.
Indeed, Joy Luck Club is a beautiful novel with a poignant story to tell.
More than war and conflict, it is also about tradition, sincerity, and the
reality of straddling two worlds. The journeys of these four families are
intertwined with one another as they do their best to find their purpose,
and consequently, their happiness.
Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. New York: Penguin Books, 1989.
Treddenick, Hugh. Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics. London: Penguin, 2004.
Photo credits:
Literary Hub.
1. Why is it important for a person to take care of their mental health?
2. What is the difference between the tangible and intangible means of easing pain?
3. Why do you think the Joy Luck Club mothers feel alienated in America?
4. Aristotle says that happiness is a central purpose of human life and a goal in itself. How will you
be able to achieve your own happiness?
Thabo Mbeki
Closed The Gap
Photo credits:
Lukasz Stefanski, shutterstock.
South African History Online.
ords have the power to divide and unite. If you do not think
so, then just look at the world's history so far. Wars and
genocide started as hate speeches given by tyrants to their
zealous followers. Revolutions and movements were ideas at first, which all
eventually made its way into speech and writing as well. Among those who
changed the tide is South African politician Thabo Mbeki (b. 1942), who
served as the second post-apartheid president of South Africa.
In his inspirational speech titled "I am an African," Mbeki dove into
the core of Africanness. With the passing of the new constitution of South
Africa on May 8, 1996, he wished for South Africans to begin anew while
bearing in mind that being an African has nothing to do with the color
of one's skin or being born in Africa. According to Mbeki, "Africanness,
here, is inscribed not through claims to autochthony, but with a sense of
shared history of existence in the native land." For him, South Africa is for
everyone who lives in it—migrants, victims of oppression and violence, and
so on.
What makes the speech convincing and interesting is how Mbeki
attempts to situate a new South African identity based on Africanness. His
speech is rich in references to Africa or African. In contrast, South Africa
as a territory and as something related to the African National Congress
(ANC) is mentioned only a few times. The speech itself has the obvious
intention of erasing the historically and culturally ingrained idea of South
Africa for South Africans alone. Mbeki's hope to unite Africans can be felt
in the words he was able to weave together.
According to Thabo Mbeki's biographer Mark Gevisser, "While classic
Africanism, from Garvey to Biko, fashions a Black African identity outside
of, and in opposition to, white European hegemony, Mbeki achieves the
supreme act of self-definition: he appropriates and assimilates the identity of
his oppressor and uses it to define himself." Therefore, Africanness no longer
possesses a trace of oppression and degradation imposed by the colonizers. It
now has a new meaning given by Africans who have learned to exercise their
right to forge their own identities.
Steve Biko (1947-1977), the leader of the Black Consciousness
Movement, shared Mbeki's sentiments. He once argued that,
"[T]hough Africanness belonged to Blacks alone, being Black was not a
matter of pigmentation." What he meant by this is that everyone who went
against the White oppressor's rule is Black. The color itself has become a
symbol of struggle as well as a symbol of emancipation.
Thabo Mbeki's speech is truly a source of inspiration, not only for
those who have experienced oppression, but also those who are struggling
with their identities. Most importantly, it serves as a beacon of hope and a
reminder of the importance of unity in times of turmoil and divide among
people of different genders, nationalities, or religions.
1. Synthesize the ideas of Thabo Mbeki, Steve Biko, and Mark Gevisser on Africanness.
2. Cite a specific historical event in which words highly influenced the decisions and actions
of the people involved.
3. What is "white hegemony" and how has the Philippines suffered from it as well?
Representing Mental
Health in Literature
•Anna Celina A. Desiderio
can't eat and I can't sleep. I'm not doing well in terms of being a
functional human, you know?" says Craig Gilner in It's Kind of A
Funny Story, Ned Vizzini's coming-of-age novel on how a young
man copes with depression. Most of the people today are like Craig
who have to deal with anxiety-inducing factors such as peer pressure
and societal expectations. If left ignored, these often cause long-term
negative effects on one's mental health and overall morale. Some
people are victims of abuse or trauma like Charlie from The Perks of
Being a Wallflower or Stevie of Paperweight. We are real-life Craigs,
Charlies, and Stevies. We all live through certain situations that make
day-to-day activities a bit harder, with some more challenging than
others. As long as these literary characters are portrayed properly and
break stereotypes, their experiences true-to-life and not romanticized,
we can find ourselves in them. This feeling of representation enables
us to escape from alienation and "otherness." Their thoughts and
emotions validate our own. By relating to the ups and downs of the
journeys of these fictional characters, we become more optimistic in
facing our issues in the real world.
Books on mental health help promote empathy. It allows us to put
ourselves in the position of those dealing with severe mental illnesses
and slowly erases the stigma around them. What we want is deeper
understanding on mental health to avoid tossing words such as, "bipolar,"
"psychotic," and "OCD" carelessly and derogatorily. Through these books,
we hope to be equipped with the ability to provide a sense of comfort
and understanding instead of distress in trying moments. Developing
this kind of sensitivity within us will lead to emotionally and mentally
healthier environments at home, at school, and at any give place and time.
Photo credit:
Rawpixel, shutterstock.
Photo credit:
BlurryMe, shutterstock.
Literature has its own role in spreading mental health awareness and
providing meaningful insights on tackling this issue. The visibility of
mental health as a subject in literature creates opportunities for it to be
discussed with family and friends, and also to establish a good support
system with them. Reading gives rise to important questions that may
help us find more solutions to today's problems surrounding mental
health. As literature helps us become more perceptive of mental health
risks, medical intervention then becomes easier.
Literature has always played its part in expanding our perspectives
especially on relevant issues such as mental health. It allows us to
experience the power of representation through relatable characters, to
practice empathy, and to open discussions.
How does literature (or the arts, as a whole) help you with your everyday struggles? Write an essay about
your experiences as a young adult. You may mention and/or tackle your favorite books, and also moments in
which you learned a valuable lesson that you would like to impart to others.
Elliptical Sentences
Which One Is Better?
n elliptical sentence is a structure with a word or phrase implied by
context that is omitted, usually because it is a repetition of a preceding
word or phrase. Using an elliptical sentence helps avoid wordiness and
ideas that just go around in circles. Check out this example:
Claire studies hard and so does Richard.
Photo credit:
Do these sentences express the same thought? How are they differently
Both sentences express the same thought. However, the first sentence repeats
the predicate, whereas the second one suggests a similar idea with the expression
rephrased and shortened.
See the other examples below.
II. Two negative statements that have the same predicate
A. Mom does not like smoking, and I do not like smoking.
1. Mom does not like smoking, and I do not either.
2. Mom does not like smoking, and neither do I.
B. The dog was not hungry, and the bunny was not hungry.
1. The dog was not hungry, and the bunny was not either.
2. The dog was not hungry, and neither was the bunny.
C. Eva did not go to the bakery, and Mico did not go to the bakery.
1. Eva did not go to the bakery, and Mico did not either.
2. Eva did not go to the bakery, and neither did Mico.
Photo credit:
Namart Pieamsuwan, shutterstock.
Write elliptical sentences based on the given statements. Use the sample elliptical sentences in this column as your guide.
1. Caryll speaks Bisaya fluently, and Jonas speaks Bisaya fluently.
2. Dad is hungry, and Mom is hungry.
3. You did not answer the question, and he did not answer the question.
4. I was excited for the film, and she was excited for the film.
from Nigeria
ou are probably familiar with expressions such as, "It's raining cats and dogs"
(which describes a downpour) and "I could eat a horse" (which is another way
of saying you are starving). Of course, these phrases should not be taken literally,
but rather figuratively because they are idioms. It is interesting to know that while idioms
in English are widely used, Africans, particularly Nigerians, have a unique take on these
words, phrases, and expressions. Check out some of them below!
• A cog (or clog) in the wheel of progress – Nigerians use this when referring to a
stumbling block or a hindrance.
• Life history – In educated Nigerian English, this means, "That man's life history
is inspiring."
• More grease to your elbow – When you want to compliment someone for doing
something good, you may use this expression. In Nigerian English, this means
"good job" or "well done."
• Quite an age – This means "long time no see."
• Spent horse – This refers to someone who no longer has influence or power.
• To blow grammar – This means to impress with flowery words.
• We are managing/surviving – Unlike in ordinary English where this expression
translates to, "just surviving," this means "not doing well" for Nigerians.
It is rather amusing that the aforementioned Nigerian idioms do not mean the
way we are accustomed to in English. This only shows that English is indeed a peculiar
language, but a dynamic one at the same time!
Read the following sentences and determine the appropriate idiom from above.
1. The showbiz reporter describes the once wealthy and influential actor as someone who faded through time.
2. Environmental activists fear that the recent catastrophe could stop the rehabilitation process of the forest.
3. I was moved by this documentary about an old woman who discovered her love and talent for photography.
4. He really loves to pepper his essays with words from the thesaurus much to the annoyance of his classmates.
A Different
Look at
Circe •Sarah Joy T. Sumulat
or so long, stories of ancient Greece
have successfully immersed a lot of
readers. One of these famous stories
is The Odyssey by Homer, in which a sorceress
named Circe plays a vital role in the journey
of the hero Odysseus.
Circe has drawn attention to herself as
various authors find her character unique.
Among them is Madeline Miller who wrote
the young adult novel Circe, which provides
an entirely new perspective of a woman in
the world of Greek mythology. The novel
won the 2018 ELLE Big Book Award and
was short-listed for the Women's Prize for
Fiction for 2019.
latter becomes her romantic rival. Eventually, Zeus, who is threatened by her
abilities, exiles her to the island Aeaea.
Living alone in the island allows Circe to hone her witchcraft. But she
is not completely isolated. By visiting other places and with men showing
up on her shores, Circe crosses paths with Daedalus and his son Icarus, the Photo credit:
Minotaur, the cruel Medea, and Odysseus. Amazon UK.
Odysseus rescues his men from Circe after she turns them into swines.
If it were not for the god Hermes who gave Odysseus a moly plant that can
deter Circe's spells, Odysseus would have met the same fate as his men. Later
on, Odysseus becomes Circe's lover and stays on the island Aeaea for a year
with his men.
As the story advances, Circe faces one of the most terrifying Olympians
and finds herself torn choosing between the gods and the mortals.
A Woman's View
Most readers may initially view Circe in a negative light for she used
her witchcraft against Odysseus's men. Yet one must take into consideration
the fact that Circe is only defending herself, given that she lives alone on
an island. And despite the power she holds, Circe is helpful, wise, and
As mentioned earlier, the novel offers the unique perspective of a woman
in an ancient era, who manages to live independently and at the same time
possess a power that even the gods are wary of. Circe living freely with such a
gift and a whole island to herself is already an advantage, knowing that other
women are expected to obey the orders dictated to them by their husbands or
Moreover, how Circe defies her stern family by pursuing her own
greatness shows progress in her character. Witchcraft is not something
handed to someone so easily or earned overnight. Circe worked hard for it.
Circe may have fled from home because her father deemed her strange
and unfit in the world of deities. Home, at first, was a foreign concept to
Circe. But she eventually creates one on her own.
Photo credit:
Nina Subin, Madeline Miller.
1. What were the expectations of the deities when Circe was born? How did those turn out?
2. Why does Circe have a strained relationship with her family, most especially her father?
3. Why do most of the readers who have encountered Circe in Homer's The Odyssey view her in a negative
light? In relation to this question, why do you think Madeline Miller decided to write about Circe?
"Circe." Madeline Miller. Accessed 03 June 2019.
Nicolaou, Elena. "How This Author is Rewriting The Odyssey To Place A Woman Front & Center." Refinery29, 11 April 2018. https://www.
Quinn, Annalisa. "'Circe' Gives The Witch Of The Odyssey A New Life." National Public Radio, 11 April 2018. https://www.npr.
s far as history goes, war is a
terrible time to live in. Nations
are divided, families broken,
We Cannot See, Anthony Doerr writes a
poignant story about two people on the
All The
opposing sides of the Second World War,
and how both responded to the "questions of
survival, endurance, and moral obligations"
in the time of war.
The Changing of Tides
Marie-Laure lives in Paris with her
father, Daniel LeBlanc, who works for the
Museum of Natural History as master of its
thousand locks. She goes blind at the age
of six, and her father builds her a miniature
of their neighborhood so that she could
memorize it and navigate her way home.
When she turns twelve, Paris succumbs
to the Germans, forcing Marie-Laure and
her father to flee to Saint-Malo, where
her reclusive uncle Etienne lives. Among
the things they bring with them is the Sea
of Flames diamond, which is the most
valuable and dangerous among the museum's
collections. Meanwhile, Nazi Sergeant Major
Reinhold von Rumpel sets out to find the
diamond after hearing that it has the power
•Ariana Marnel C. Laureta to grant eternal life to its holder.
In the mining town of Essen, Germany,
lives the orphan Werner Pfennig and his
sister Jutta. Fascinated by the intricacies of
Mironmax Studio, shutterstock.
Photo credit:
Photo credit:
a radio they found, Werner develops an interest in buiding
and fixing such devices. This talent earns him an admittance
to a brutal school known for training future members of the
Wehrmacht (the Nazi military). After he graduates, Werner
is tasked to use his skill in finding illegal radio transmissions.
While all this is happening, Werner reminisces the time
when science was used as an "instrument of wonder, not
1. Why is Reinhold von Rumpel determined to seize the Sea of Flames diamond?
2. What is Werner Pfennig's stance on science being used during a time of war? In connection to this, is the novel
merely black and white? If not, how is the complexity of sides portrayed?
3. What prompted Marie-Laure to join the resistance?
"All the Light We Cannot See." Anthony Doerr. Accessed
03 June 2019.
Dodging the Pitfalls
of Language
his is the reality: written works can contribute to the perpetuation of divisiveness
and oppression of marginalized groups, just as it can bridge gaps and create more
safe spaces for understanding and acceptance. A responsible writer must be able to
communicate in a language that is inclusive and detached from archaic notions that promote
elitism, sexism, racism, and homophobia.
Such a skill takes practice. Even established writers and speakers sometimes fall prey
to a language that is biased and demeaning. Therefore, it is important to constantly educate
oneself with sociopolitical issues, and to also learn about various cultures, in order to become
more emphatic and informed. After all, what is perfect grammar and punctuation usage if the
content of the writing promotes a hateful ideology?
Consider the following points for your next writing task:
Avoid "othering."
Do not emphasize differences by
separating society into we (people like you)
and they (people different from you). Use we
only to be truly inclusive of yourself and all
your readers.
Photo credit:
Sweet Memento Photography, shutterstock.
Singling out is a big no-no.
Name a person's race only when it is
relevant. If you write, "The play stars three
ballet dancers and an Asian violinist," you
give more information about your own
stereotypes than about the play. In addition,
use the names people prefer for their racial
or ethnic affiliation. Consider, for example,
that African American is preferred to black;
Native American is preferred to American
Indian; Asian is preferred to Oriental, and so
on. Photo credit:
GoodStudio, shutterstock.
Then and Now,
Past and Present
ftentimes, present participles are confused with another verbal, the gerund, which
most people casually refer to as the 'ing' form of the verb. The gerund, however,
functions as a noun.
Participles come in two varieties: past and present. They are two of the five forms or
principal parts that every verb has. Study the table below:
Simple Present
Verb Simple Past Past Participle Infinitive
Present Participle
act act(s) acted acted acting to act
sing sing(s) sang sung singing to sing
bring bring(s) brought brought bringing to bring
Notice that each present participle ends in -ing whereas past participles do not have a
consistent ending. The past participles of all regular verbs end in -d or -ed; the past participles
of irregular verbs, however, may vary considerably. Observe how the words sing and bring
have sung and brought as their past participles. Both obviously do not follow the same pattern.
The present participle is commonly known as the -ing form of the verb. It is used to show
ongoing action. Consider these two examples:
The band is playing so loudly I cannot My mother's friends are discussing what
even hear my friend who is already shouting to do for her surprise birthday party next
in my ear. week.
The past participle is used in a similar manner as the present participle, except that the
action is in the perfect aspect. For instance:
Her father has flown from Dubai just to Joaquin has disappointed his friend
see her walk the stage and receive a medal on when he said he could not find the comic
her graduation. books they bought from a convention.
Write the phrase that correctly completes each sentence. Then write on the line before each
number whether the phrase is a present participle or past participle.
Grade 9 29
Preserving a Nation’s
George Orwell's
Animal Farm
iterature does not merely exist to entertain—it
also plays a vital role as a nation's memory keeper.
History can be easily altered, or even erased
altogether; the erasure of the past is to unnerve the
present. Literature preserves a nation's history, thus
consequently, the nation ceases to forget itself and how it
came to be.
English novelist George Orwell mentions that
telling the truth during a time of deceit is in itself a
Pho azon.
1. Why is literature necessary especially during times of great political conflict?
2. What has the English novelist George Orwell mentioned about telling the truth? Expound on his statement.
3. How does the dangerous line, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
translate into human society? Cite an instance as well.
Foucault, Michel. "From Truth and Power." In The Northon Anthology of Theory and Criticism, by Vincent B.
Leitch. 1667-1669. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2001.
Orwell, George. Animal Farm. New York: Penguin Group, 2003.
Dive Deeper: Introducing
the Levels of Reading
merican writer Ernest Hemingway coined the term “Iceberg Theory”
to explain that the literally-understood, readily available part of
a literary work is akin to the portion of an iceberg that is visible
above the water line. He also asserted that the part that must be accessed
through interpretation and inference is that far larger portion of the iceberg
extending deep below the surface of the water.
The Iceberg Theory reflects The Literal Level of Reading
Hemingway's writing, which This is where the text provides
is stark and straightforward all the answers, and they are usually
but nevertheless powerful. explicitly stated. Understanding
Such a style was gleaned a text on the literal level can be
iMedia Commons.
Descending Now
Reading a literary text requires
a certain amount of diving below
the surface of the water. There are
three levels of reading that will
each require varying degrees of
Photo credit:
Prath, shutterstock.
Photo credit:
posteriori, shutterstock.
A Plethora of Modifiers
hether in spoken or written form, the creative use of language is helpful
in delivering a message that is memorable and striking. Although
communicating a point is the main goal, being able to present that point in a
vivid and coherent manner calls for the effective use of language beyond the minimum
One way to form expressions that clearly get the idea across is to use structures of
modification. Structures of modification are word patterns that are used when a word is
to be modified, or given more detailed information. A typical structure of modification
involves a head and a modifier. A head can be a noun, verb, adjective, and adverb being
described or modified in a sentence, whereas modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that
provide description in sentences.
Noun as Head 2. Noun Head + Noun Modifier
1. Noun Head + Adjective Modifier In this case, a possessive or basic form
A single-word adjective precedes the of noun (noun adjunct) precedes the noun
noun it modifies. However, if the adjective being modified. The noun adjunct is always
is itself in the form of a structure, the head singular.
comes first. Example: Women's blouses come in
Example: The former dean of the many different colors.
college was a man tall in stature.
3. Verbal As Noun Modifier
The modifier here may be a present
participle, past participle, or an infinitive.
Typically, the same rules as adjective
modifiers apply (since participles generally
function as adjectives), but infinitives
always follow the head.
Example: Running shoes can be
5. Preposition or Prepositional Phrase Example: Andy is extremely dedicated
as Modifier to his alma mater.
Note that the object of the preposition 2. Noun or Verbal as Modifier
is not the head being modified.
It also acts as adjectives, appearing
Example: Her judgment is always before the main adjective or head.
above reproach. (Reproach is the object, but
the judgment is the head being modified) Example: All she left on the table was
a novel and a mug of stone cold tea.
VERB AS HEAD 3. Adjective as Modifier
1. Adverb as Verb Modifier
Some expressions use an adjective
The adverb may appear before or after instead of a noun or verbal.
the verb, or even between the auxiliary
verbs. Example: The light blue shirt was
Elio's favorite.
Example: He successfully completed the
2. Verbal as Verb Modifier 1. Adverbs as Modifier
Participles and infinitives typically Example: He decoded the note very
follow after the verb. quickly thanks to his training.
Example: The joggers came running
down the stretch. 2. Noun as Modifier
Example: She threw the ball a yard
3. Prepositional Phrases as Modifier away.
These commonly follow the verb.
3. Prepositional Phrase as Modifier
Example: I spoke about my experiences.
Example: Because of the fever, he soon
Adjective as Head fell behind in his project.
1. Adverbs as Modifier
Adverbs ending in -ly, or other
qualifiers, such as very or rather, tend to
appear before the adjective.
Different Kinds of Journalism
•Ma. Doreen Evita L. Garcia
ournalism plays an important role in society. It is through this discipline that people are able to form stances
and make decisions from disseminated information. The abundance of journalists who are free to pursue
whichever topic they want is clear proof of democracy. Once journalists—and even ordinary citizens—are
threatened to be silent regarding certain issues, then that is when censorship starts to creep in and regulate news
in favor of a tyrannical rule. Journalists, then, possess the daunting yet honorable responsibility of becoming the
watchdogs of institutions and the government.
Anyone can take photos and videos, or maybe write about an issue, event, or a public figure. What
distinguishes a journalist is the extensive research and fact-checking they do in every article put out for the
public. Misinformation often leads to conflicts and even wars, which is why it is crucial for a journalist to be
responsible and accurate. Are you aware of the different kinds of journalism? Read on to know more about these
Journalism Investigative Journalism
Journalists It takes months and sometimes even years
for an investigative journalist to
SimoneN, shutterstock.
assigned to tackle
politics must write a formidable article
rife with evidence and
Photo credit:
always keep track
of politicians, detailed sources. The
campaigns, and aim of investigative
political events. journalism is to shed
They are required to be light on an unsolved
well-versed in politics both in the local and case, or to probe
Microgen, shutterstock.
36 Lad, Kashmira. “Know About the Types of Journalism for a Rewarding Media Career.”
Penlighten, 26 March 2018.
1st Quarter
Mga Kuwentong-bayan
sa Mindanao
• Mary Rose B. Magcamit
ng mga kuwentong-bayan ay itinuturing na mga sinaunang salaysay
na bahagi pa rin ng ating kasalukuyang kultura at panitikan. Dahil
sa pasalitang paraan unang lumaganap, anonimo o hindi kilala ang
pinagmulan ng mga kuwentong-bayan na nagkaroon din ng iba’t ibang
bersiyon. Sa kabila nito, itinuturing na pamana ng lahi ang mga kuwentong
iningatan ng mga katutubong pangkat. Nakalangkap sa mga ito ang mga
sinaunang paniniwala tulad ng mga kuwentong-bayan sa Mindanao.
Ukol sa Pinagmulan
Isa sa mga layunin ng mga kuwentong-bayan ay maipaliwanag
ang pinagmulan ng isang lahi. Halimbawa na rito ang mga Bagobo
na naninirahan sa paligid ng Bundok Apo. Malaki ang kaugnayan ng
kinalakihang kapaligiran ng mga Bagobo sa kanilang paniniwala sa mga
Ayon sa isang kuwentong-bayan, sa simula ng panahon ay ginawa ng
diwatang si Pamulak Manobo ang mga katubigan at lupain. Nagtanim
din siya ng iba’t ibang uri ng puno. Mula naman sa kimpal ng lupa ay
lumikha siya ng dalawang hugis (na kawangis ng tao) na naging unang
lalaki at unang babae sa daigdig. Ang lalaki ay tinawag na Tuglay at ang
Larawan: Pixabay babae ay tinawag na Tuglibung. Nagpakasal ang dalawa at namuhay nang
magkasama. At nagsimulang magtanim si Tuglay gamit ang mga binhing
ibinigay sa kaniya ng diwata.
Ukol sa Pag-aasawa
May mga kuwentong-bayan din na naglalayong mabigyang-diin ang
mga pagpapahalaga ukol sa pag-aasawa. Halimbawa na rito ang isang
kuwentong-bayan tungkol kina Manik Buangsi at Tuan Putli ng mga Samal
na naninirahan sa Tangway ng Zamboanga.
Ayon sa kuwento, si Manik Buangsi ay isang nilalang mula sa langit
na umibig sa tagalupang si Tuan Putli. Sa simula ay sa panaginip lamang
dinadalaw ni Manik Buangsi ang dalaga. Kalaunan, nagpasiya na itong
bumaba ng langit. Nang magkita ang dalawang mangingibig ay agad silang
nagkasundong magpakasal.
Nanatili sa lupa si Manik Buangsi kapiling si Tuan Putli. Gayunman,
nagselos ang mga kapatid ni Tuan Putli sa kaniyang magandang kapalaran
kaya nilinlang siya ng mga ito. Kung ano-anong negatibong kaisipan ang
sinabi kay Tuan Putli ng mga nakatatandang kapatid hanggang sa naging
selosa ito at lagi nang inaaway ang asawa. Dahil dito, nagpasiya si Manik
Buangsi na bumalik sa langit.
Natauhan at nagsisi si Tuan Putli kaya nakiusap siya sa asawa na
isama siya sa langit. Pumayag si Manik Buangsi sa kondisyong kailangang
manatiling nakapikit ang asawa sa kabuoan ng kanilang paglalakbay
anuman ang mangyari.
Sakay ng puting kabayo ay dumaan sila sa bahaghari. Sa kalagitnaan
ng kanilang pag-akyat sa langit ay nagkaroon ng maraming pagsubok
para kay Tuan Putli. Nang kumidlat at kumulog ay kumapit lamang siya sa
asawa. Nang makarinig ng iba’t ibang nakatatakot na tinig ay lalo siyang
kumapit. Pero nang marinig niya ang tinig ng kaniyang ina na matagal
nang namatay, nasabik siyang makita ito at agad na dumilat. Kasunod ng
pagdilat ang kaniyang kamatayan.
Mag-isang nakaakyat si Manik Buangsi sa langit at ikinalungkot ang Larawan: Pixabay
nangyari sa asawang hindi nakinig sa kaniyang bilin.
Sagutin ang mga tanong sa ibaba at isulat ang sagot sa hiwalay na papel.
1. Batay sa itinampok na kuwentong-bayan ng mga Bagobo, bakit nagsimulang
magtanim si Tuglay? Ano ang kaugnayan nito sa heograpiya ng pamayanan ng
mga Bagobo?
2. Ano-anong pagpapahalagang Pilipino ukol sa pag-aasawa ang masasalamin sa
kuwento nina Manik Buangsi at Tuan Putli? Ipaliwanag ang bawat isa.
3. Sa iyong palagay, ano ang kahalagahan at sinisimbolo ni Pilandok sa pamumuhay
ng mga Mëranaw? Ipaliwanag.
Guhit ni Paul David D. Arcos
Ang mga
sa Pananaw ni Anina • Mary Rose B. Magcamit
atlong bata ang biglang sumakay naikuwento ni Evasco ang mga alamat, paniniwala,
sa sinasakyan kong dyip. May dala tradisyon, pangarap, at suliranin ng mga Badjao.
silang tambol na lata. Nagsimula
silang kumanta na hindi ko maunawaan Mga Anak ng Dagat
ang liriko. Pagkatapos, nag-abot sila ng Sa pagkakaalam ni Anina ay hindi siya
maliliit na sobre kung saan nakasulat doon ipinanganak sa dagat kaya pakiramdam niya ay
na sila ay mga Badjao at nanghihingi ng may kulang sa kaniyang pagiging Badjao. Bagama’t
kaunting barya. Ang ganitong eksena ay lagi niyang kinakausap ang mga alon ng dagat ay
malimit na maganap sa mga lansangan lagi pa rin niyang naiisip na hindi siya “anak ng
ng Metro Manila. Aaminin ko, minsan ay dagat.”
naiisip kong baka may sindikatong nasa Ang mga Badjao, kilala rin bilang Sama
likod ng kanilang pamamalimos. Dilaut, ay mga katutubong naninirahan sa mga
Gayunman, nagbago ang aking katubigan ng Dagat Sulu. Bilang mga anak ng
pananaw nang mabasa ko ang dagat, sila ay nakatira sa kanilang lepa (bangkang
maikling nobela ni Eugene Y. Evasco na bahay). Pangingisda ang kanilang pangunahing
pinamagatang Anina ng mga Alon (2002). ikinabubuhay. Ang mga lalaki ang kadalasang
Mag-anak na Badjao ang mga pangunahing pumapalaot sa dagat upang mangisda at ang mga
tauhan sa akdang ito ni Evasco na babae ay nangunguha ng mga kabibe o perlas.
sumesentro kay Anina Furayda, 12 taong Naghahabi rin ang kababaihan ng tepo (woven
gulang na anak nina Ummah (Tatay) at mat) kung saan ang mga disenyo ay nakabatay rin
Unggoh (Nanay). Sina Jainal at Dalpaki sa kanilang mga panaginip.
naman ang kaniyang dalawang kapatid. Dahil sa dagat nabubuhay, malaki ang kanilang
Gamit ang punto de bista ni Anina, pasasalamat sa yamang naibibigay nito sa kanila.
Bilang pasasalamat ay nag-aalay sila sa dagat. pangkat ang kanilang anak. Sa kabila nito, nanaig
Isinasakay nila sa pamatulukan (maliit na bangka pa rin ang kagustuhan ni Anina. Nakapasok siya
na ginagamit sa pag-aalay) ang kanilang mga alay bilang mag-aaral sa unang baitang.
na kanin, pabango, nganga, sigarilyo, at insenso. Si Tiya Palasia ang tumulong kay Anina sa
Paaanurin nila ang pamatulukan sa dagat habang kaniyang pag-aaral. Bagama’t isang Badjao,
ang kababaihan ay nagsasayaw ng igal (sayaw nakapag-asawa ng isang Tausug si Tiya Palasia.
sa dagat ng mga Badjao) sa saliw ng kulintang, Mababa ang tingin ng mga Tausug at ng iba pang
tambol, at agung. Tila alon ng dagat ang kanilang katutubong pangkat na Muslim sa mga Badjao.
mga galaw. Kay Omboh Dilaut, pinaniniwalaan Sa kabutihang-palad, natatangi si Tiya Palasia
nilang diyos ng dagat, nila iniaalay ang kanilang sapagkat nakapag-aral ito sa tulong ng mga madre
pamatulukan. at kalaunan ay naging isang guro. Dagdag pa rito
Hindi lamang nabubuhay sa isda ang mga ang husay niya sa pagsayaw ng igal.
kasamahan ni Anina. Ikinakalakal din nila ang Samantala, nangyari naman ang kinatatakutan
mga nahuling lamandagat sa bayan ng Bongao sa nina Ummah at Unggoh para sa anak. Nakaranas si
Tawi-Tawi. Ang kanilang mga tepo ay ipinagbibili o Anina ng matinding diskriminasyon sa pinasukang
ipinagpapalit din nila sa iba pang gamit. paaralan. Naikuwento naman ni Tiya Palasia kay
Sa kasamaang-palad, ilan sa mga Badjao ay Anina ang isa sa mga dahilan kung bakit mababa
naloloko dahil hindi sila marunong magbasa at ang tingin ng iba sa mga tulad nilang Badjao.
magbilang. Ayon sa kuwento, habang ang kanilang mga
Mga Alon at Pangarap ninuno ay nagdarasal sa mosque ay nakakita ang
Pangarap ni Anina na makapag-aral dahil ayaw mga ito ng maraming isda sa palibot ng pulo.
niyang matulad sa ibang Badjao na hindi nakapag- Naakit silang hulihin ang mga ito. Nagalit daw si
aral. Noong una ay hindi pumayag sina Ummah Allah dahil mas pinili ng mga Badjao na mangisda
at Unggoh sa hiling ng kanilang anak dahil alam kaysa purihin siya ng mga ito. Dahil dito, pinalayas
nilang mamaliitin lamang ng iba pang katutubong ang mga Badjao at naging lagalag sa dagat.
Mga Suliraning Kinahaharap
Naniniwala si Tiya Palasia na may magandang kinabukasan na naghihintay sa
pamangkin kaya lalo niya itong hinikayat na mag-aral nang mabuti. Sa kasamaang-
palad, pinauwi si Anina ng kaniyang Ummah sa kanilang bayan. Pinatigil din siya sa
pag-aaral dahil may matinding suliranin na kinahaharap at kahaharapin ang mga
Una na rito ang agad na pagkaubos ng mga lamandagat dahil marami nang
malalaking barko ang nanghuhuli ng mga isda. Nahuhuli nito ang malalaking isda
kaya napipilitan na ang mga Badjao na hulihin ang mga natitirang maliliit na isda.
Napipilitan na rin silang gumamit ng dinamita kahit labag ito sa kanilang mga
prinsipyo at paniniwala.
Namatay ang ama ni Anina dahil sa pagsabog ng dinamita. Naging hudyat din
ito upang ganap na magbago ang buhay ng kanilang pamilya. Nawala sa sarili ang
kaniyang ina ngunit nanatiling matatag si Anina.
Ilan din sa mga Badjao ay nahikayat na maging rebelde o pirata dahil nasira na ang
kanilang pangunahing kabuhayan. Higit sa lahat, inagawan o pinaalis sila sa dagat.
Isa rin ang mga Badjao sa mga naiipit sa giyera sa pagitan ng mga sundalo at
ng mga bandido sa Mindanao. Dahil sa mga digmaan, agawan ng teritoryo, away
sa politika, at pagsasapribado ng mga isla o dalampasigan na dating pook na wala
namang nagmamay-ari ay nawalan ng tirahan ang mga Badjao.
Nang wala nang ibang maisip na paraan upang makapagpatuloy ay naglayag pa-
Maynila ang pamilya ni Anina kasama ang iba pang mag-anak na Badjao. Naranasan
nilang mamalimos sa mga lansangan ng Kamaynilaan.
Naranasan din ni Anina at ng mga batang Badjao na suminghot ng rugby upang
makalimutan ang kanilang mga suliranin at upang magbalik sa kanilang alaala ang
paraisong kanilang pinagmulan.
Sa pagwawakas ng kuwento, may dumating na tulong upang sagipin ang pangkat
ni Anina. Hinanapan sila ng pamahalaan ng ligtas na lugar upang makapagsimulang
muli. At bago sila maglayag pabalik sa Mindanao, isinakay nila sa pamatulukan ang
kanilang mga alay at umawit ng panalangin kay Omboh Dilaut. Nagpatugtog sila ng
tambol, kulintang, at agung. Sumayaw ang kababaihan ng igal.
At muli silang naglayag upang hanapin ang pangakong dagat.
Larawan: Shutterstock
A. Sagutin ang mga tanong sa ibaba batay sa binasang lathalain sa mga pahina 4–6.
1. Ayon sa alamat, paano napadpad ang mga Badjao sa Tawi-Tawi?
5. Sa iyong pananaw, bakit kaya watak-watak ang mga Badjao? Magbigay ng isang
sanhi nito at ipaliwanag.
Ako ’y Isang
Larawan: Pixabay.coma
• Mary Rose B. Magcamit
a langit ako mapupunta kapag namatay ng singkuwenta mil ang imam. Aaminin ko,
ako na nakikipaglaban para kay Allah.” noon lang ako nakakita ng ganoong kalaking
Ito ang lagi kong sinasabi noon sa halaga. Huwag daw naming isipin na iyon ay
tuwing aasintahin ang mga sundalong utang kundi tulong para sa aming pamilya.
kalaban ng aming grupo. Huwag din daw kaming mahihiyang humingi
Kasama ang iba pang batang may sa kaniya ng tulong sakali man na muli
gulang sampu hanggang labinlima, kaming mangailangan.
ikinintal sa aming isipan ng aming lider Mula noon ay malimit na kaming
ang kahalagahan ng jihab o ang banal na bisitahin ng imam at makailang beses pa
pakikidigma ng mga Muslim. Itinuro ito sa siyang nagbigay ng tulong-pinansiyal sa
amin kasabay ng pag-aaral at pagbabasa aking pamilya. Pero noong huling punta
ng Koran. Ayon sa aming lider, kami ang niya sa bahay, sinabi niyang may kapalit na
mamamatay kung hindi namin uunahan ang ang perang ibibigay niya. At ako ang hiningi
aming mga kaaway. niyang kapalit upang maging bagong kasapi
Naging masaya naman ang unang buwan ng grupong nangangalaga at nakikipaglaban
ko sa piling ng aming grupo. Marami akong para sa kapakanan naming mga Moro.
natutuhan sa buhay kahit marami pa ring Walang puwersahang naganap nang
mga katanungang naglalaro sa aking isipan. ibigay ako ng aking mga magulang.
Natutuhan kong humawak ng armas na tila Kusang-loob ang nangyari ayon na rin sa
simbolo iyon ng isinusulong na paniniwala at paniniwala nilang higit itong makabubuti
paninindigan ng grupo. kaysa mamatay akong gutom dahil sa
Napasama ako sa grupo nang pumunta matinding kahirapan. Ang totoo, kahirapan
ang imam sa aming bahay. Kilala siya sa ang pangunahing dahilan kung bakit may
aming komunidad bilang isang matulunging mga batang Moro na hinahayaan ng kanilang
tao at siya ay aming iginagalang. Alam mga magulang na sumapi sa mga grupong
niya kung kailan nangangailangan ng lumalaban sa gobyerno.
tulong ang mga tao tulad na lamang ng Halos tatlong buwan kaming sinanay
pagbisita niya sa aming bahay na sumaktong humawak at gumamit ng iba’t ibang
nangangailangan noon ng kuwarta sina armas. Namalayan ko na lamang na
nanay at tatay. Kusang-loob na nag-abot
nakikipagbarilan at nakikipaghagisan na tumutulong sa mga kagaya ko. May oras para
kami ng granada sa mga sundalo na wari manalangin. May oras para kumain. May
ay wala nang katapusan ang mga putukan. oras para mag-aral. May oras para maglaro.
Marami sa mga kasamahan ko ang nakita May oras para magsaya. Ibang-iba ito sa
kong tinamaan ng bala at nasabugan ang grupong nakasama ko sa loob ng apat na
katawan. Marami ring sundalo ang namatay. buwan. Pakiramdam ko ay nasa langit na ako.
Sa kabuoan, maraming buhay ang nawala sa
isang iglap.
Nagising na lamang ako sa pangangalaga
ng isang non-governmental organization
(NGO) na tumutulong sa mga batang tulad
ko. Sabi nila, sinagip ako ng isang sundalong
tinangka ko raw barilin. Bigla raw akong (Paunawa: Ang tampok na salaysay ay kathang-isip lamang
ng may-akda na ibinatay sa mga balita ukol sa mga batang
nawalan ng malay nang may sumabog na ginagamit umano ng mga bandido sa Mindanao.)
bomba malapit sa aking puwesto. Ginamot at
pinakain din ako ng mga sundalo. Mga Pinagbatayan:
Toledo, Drei at Fabe, Mimi. “Terrorists recruiting child warriors form
Sabah and Marawi.” The Manila Times, 05 Enero 2018. https://
Ngayon ay nasa isang bahay-kalinga
ako kung saan tinutulungan ang mga marawi/372351.
Fonbuena, Carmela. “I met a former Maute soldier. He’s a child.”
batang biktima ng giyera sa Mindanao. Rappler, 14 Hunyo 2017.
Mababait ang mga tao rito na boluntaryong depth/172587-maute-child-soldiers-marawi.
Sagutin ang tatlong tanong sa ibaba batay sa itinampok na salaysay. Pagnilayan ang iyong
mga sagot.
3. Bakit nasabi ng bata na pakiramdam niya ay nasa langit na siya? Ano sa tingin mo
ang langit para sa bata?
Pangatnig na Panubali
alikan ang salaysay na tampok sa mga pahina 8–9 ng magasin. Napansin mo ba
ang mga naka-italikong kataga? Ang kapag, kung, tila, kundi, sakali, at wari ay mga
halimbawa ng pangatnig na panubali. Ang pangatnig na panubali ay ginagamit kung
magpapahayag ng alinlangan o kawalan ng katiyakan. Ilan pa sa mga halimbawa nito ang
disin o dapat sana, baka, at kapagka.
A. Buoin ang mga pahayag sa ibaba na nakaugnay sa salaysay na tampok sa mga pahina
8–9 ng magasin.
1. Lagi kong napapanaginipan ang aking nakaraan bilang batang mandirigma sa
Mindanao na tila
2. Mauunawaan ko lamang ang tunay na mensahe ng Koran kung
3. Kung ako ay nagmula sa marangyang pamilya disin
4. Hindi na ako muling sasapi sa grupong nagturo sa aking humawak ng armas
5. Sa takdang panahon ay magbabayad ako ng utang-na-loob sa sundalong nagligtas
sa aking buhay kapagka
B. Sa mga nakalaang espasyo, sumulat ng limang pahayag na magsasaad ng limang
aral o salawikain na iyong natutuhan mula sa itinampok na salaysay ukol sa batang
mandirigma. Gumamit ng pangatnig na panubali sa bawat bilang. Isatitik ang bawat
pahayag sa malikhaing paraan.
ang Kabundukan
ng Mindanao ay tahanan ng pinakamataas na bundok sa Pilipinas—ang Bundok
Apo na may taas na 9,692 talampakan. Upang marating ang pinakatuktok nito,
tatlong araw ang kalimitang inilalaan ng mga turista sa pag-akyat dito. Sa
kasamaang-palad, may mga iresponsableng turista ang nakapagdudulot ng pinsala sa mga
likas na yaman nito. Halimbawa na ang pinsalang dulot ng kanilang mga basura na iniwan
sa bundok.
Kaugnay rito, mag-isip ng orihinal na islogan na mananawagan sa mga turista na
huwag sirain ang likas na kagandahan ng Bundok Apo.
ala raw “Pilipinas” sa sinaunang lipunang Ayon sa UP Diksiyonaryong Filipino, ang hadlika
Pilipino. Ang pangalan ng ating bansa ay ay nangangahulugang “pagiging maharlika o
nabuo sa impluwensiya ng mga banyagang dakila.” Ang timawa sa sinaunang lipunang Tagalog
nanakop sa ating bansa. at Bisaya ay nangangahulugang “tao na kabilang
sa uring malaya.” Ang maharlika naman ay may
Panahon ng Kolonyalisasyon pagpapakahulugan sa sinaunang Tagalog na “taong
Ang Pilipinas ay tinawag ng mga mananakop na malaya.” Samakatwid, isang bansang malaya ang
Espanyol na “Las Islas Filipinas.” Ipinangalan ito sa nais ipahiwatig ng ngalang “Maharlika.”
kanilang hari na si Haring Felipe II.
Sa pagdating naman ng mga Amerikano, tinawag Pagbabalik ng “F”
itong “Philippines” na halaw sa salin sa English ng Isa pa sa pinakamatunog na panukala sa
ngalan ng hari (King Philip II). pagpapalit-pangalan ng bansa ay ang ibalik ito sa
orihinal nitong baybay na “Filipinas.” Isinusulong
Ginawang Pilipinas naman ang salin nito sa ito ni Virgilio S. Almario, tagapangulo ng Komisyon
Tagalog dahil walang titik F sa lumaganap noong sa Wikang Filipino (KWF). Tatawagin namang
Abakada. Pilipinas din ang ginamit sa panahon “Filipino” ang mga Pilipino habang pananatilihing
ng mga Hapones kasabay ng pagtawag sa wikang “Filipino” ang wikang pambansa.
pambansa bilang “Pilipino.”
Ang Filipinas ay opisyal nang ginagamit ng
Sang-ayon naman sa Saligang Batas ng 1987, KWF sa lahat ng kanilang mga sulatin, programa, at
kinikilala ngayon ang ating bansa bilang “Republika transaksiyon kahit may mga negatibong reaksiyon
ng Pilipinas” at “Filipino” ang ating pambansang ukol dito. Hindi man sapilitang ipinagagamit,
wika. Sa kabila nito, may mga nagpapanukala pa rin hinihikayat ng KWF ang lahat na unti-unting
na palitan ang ngalan ng ating Inang Bayan. gamitin at tanggapin ang Filipinas upang lalong
Bilang Malayang Bansa pagtibayin ang pambansang pagkakakilanlan.
Nito lamang Pebrero 2019, naging kontrobersiyal Sa iyong pananaw,
ang pahayag ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte marapat pa bang palitan
ukol sa panukalang palitan ng “Maharlika” ang ang “Pilipinas?”
Pilipinas. Tatawagin naman ang mga Pilipino na
Guhit ni Jpyce Ann Melegrito
Sa Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala (1860)
nina Juan de Noceda at Pedro de San Lucar, ang Mga Pinagbatayan:
Argyll Geducos. “Duterte mulls changing Philippines to
lahok na libre (free) ay may pagpapakahulugan na ‘Maharlika.’” The Manila Bulletin. 12 Pebrero 2019. https://news.
“mahadlika” at “natimauá.” Ang salitang mahadlika maharlika.
Paterno Esmaquel II. “Kill 'Pilipinas,' language commission says.”
ay nagmula sa salitang ugat na hadlika habang ang Rappler. 29 Hunyo 2013.
natimaua ay timawa. Almario, Virgillio S., punong editor. UP Diksiyonaryong Filipino (Binagong
Edisyon). Quezon City: UP Sentro ng Wikang Filipino-Diliman, 2009.
a k i la n g L i n y a
Mga D g P i l i p i n o
l i k u la n
sa Pe Bakit Nananat i l i n g Pa t o k ?
agawa mo na rin bang humarap sa salamin at bigkasin nang madamdamin ang
isang linyang pampelikula? Kung may isang linyang nais mong bigkasin ngayon,
ano ito? Pamilyar ka ba sa dalawang linyang tampok sa ibaba?
Mga Walang Kupas na Linya
Maraming diyalogo mula sa mga pelikulang Pilipino ang hindi nawalan ng bisa kahit
ilang dekada na ang lumipas. Maihahambing ang mga ito sa mga salawikaing Pilipino na
bagama’t maikli ay nananatiling makabuluhan at nagagamit na patnubay sa buhay.
Basahin at unawain sa ibaba ang ilang makabuluhang diyalogo sa pelikulang Pilipino
at ang mga salawikaing Pilipino na masasalamin sa mga ito.
“Walang himala! Ang himala ay nasa Ang tunay mong pagkatao, makikilala
puso ng tao! Nasa puso nating lahat! sa gawa mo.
Tayo ang gumagawa ng himala! Tayo Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang
ang gumagawa ng mga sumpa at ng gawa.
mga diyos!” – Nora Aunor, Walang
Himala (1982)
“Totoo pala na ang ahas, sa lahat ng Kahit saang gubat ay may ahas.
hayop, ay walang sinasamahan kundi Hindi lahat ng ahas nasa gubat, ang
kapuwa ahas. Kaya pala magkakasama iba ay nasa tabi mo lang.
kayo rito ngayon!” – Fernando Poe Jr.,
Umpisahan Mo... Tatapusin Ko! (1983) Kung takot sa ahas, iwasan ang gubat.
“Ang mga tala... mataas, mahirap Kung gaano kataas ang lipad gayundin
maabot. Pero ipinapangako ko, ang lagapak pagbagsak.
Inay... bukas, luluhod ang mga tala!” Ang taong mainggitin, lumigaya man
– Sharon Cuneta, Bukas Luluhod ang ay sawi rin. (sa ibang perspektibo)
mga Tala (1984)
“Hindi ako matapang, Bitong. Duwag Sa taong walang takot, walang mataas
ka lang.” – Eddie Garcia, Tatak ng na bakod.
Kriminal (1993) Ang bayaning nasugatan, nag-iibayo
ang tapang.
Magbigay ng pansariling kuro hinggil sa pagkakaunawa sa mga kaisipang nakapaloob sa mga
itinampok na diyalogo sa pahina 5. Tukuyin ang pagiging makatotohanan o di-makatotohanan
ng bawat isa. Isulat ang paliwanag sa bawat espasyo sa ibaba.
ng salitang “bayani” ay tumutukoy ang kabataang Pilipino ay maituturing na
sa taong may kahanga-hangang bayani. Bayani rin ang mga magulang na
katapangan, abilidad, at may itinataguyod ang pamilya tungo sa maunlad
mahalagang naiambag sa lipunan. na pamumuhay. Bayani ang mga taong
gumagawa ng mga bagay na makatao,
Kabayanihan ng Bawat Pilipino makatarungan, at makabayan.
Hindi lamang sina Jose Rizal, Andres
Bonifacio, Apolinario Mabini, at iba pang Katutubong Mandirigma
nakipaglaban para sa ating kalayaan Bukod sa mga nabanggit, may mga
noong panahon ng Himagsikang 1896 ang bayani rin ang mga katutubong Pilipino
maituturing na bayani. na matutunghayan sa ating mga epikong-
Bayani rin ang magigiting na sundalo, bayan. Ang mga bayani sa mga epikong-
pulis, at iba pang lingkod-bayan na tapat sa bayan ay pinaniniwalaang nagmula
kanilang mga tungkulin. Maging ang mga sa lahi ng maharlikang angkan o may
guro at iba pang nagsisikap na maitaguyod proteksiyon mula sa kinikilala nilang
diyos. Matutunghayan din sa mga ito ang
mga paglalakbay at pakikidigma ng kani-
kanilang bayani upang mapangalagaan ang
kanilang komunidad.
Sina Lam-ang, Labaw Donggon, at Agyu
ay ilan lamang sa mga pangunahing tauhan
at itinuturing na bayani sa mga epikong-
bayan. Sila ay nagtataglay ng espesyal na
lakas, tapang, at abilidad.
• Si Lam-ang ay tampok na bayani sa
epikong Biag ni Lam-ang ng Hilagang
Luzon. Sa epikong ito ipinakita
kung paano nakipaglaban si Lam-
ang sa mga Igorot na pumaslang sa Ang Biag ni Lam-
kaniyang ama. ang ang kaisa-
isang Kristiyanong
• Si Labaw Donggon ay isa sa mga epikong-bayan
bayani ng Hinilawod, epikong- sa Pilipinas na
bayan sa Kanlurang Visayas. naitala ng isang
Pagkasilang ay agad na lumaki si pari noong 1889.
Labaw Donggon at naging makisig na
Larawan: Rodsan18 (Wikipedia)
mandirigma. Umiikot sa paghahanap o ang mga kasaping may kakayahang
ng mga asawa ang kaniyang mga magsagawa ng mga katutubong ritwal ang
pakikipagsapalaran at pakikidigma. tagapagsalaysay tagapag-ingat ng mga
• Si Agyu ang pangunahing bayani sa epikong-bayan. May tinatawag ding binukot
Olaging, epikong-bayan sa Mindanao. o ang babaeng napiling mang-aawit ng
Umiikot ang kaniyang kuwento sa epikong-bayan. Bilang bahagi ng pasalitang
pagtatanggol sa kaniyang bayan at tradisyon, ang mga tagapag-ingat ng mga
sa kaniyang mga ka-tribu na labis epikong-bayan ay may pambihirang talas ng
niyang pinahahalagahan. memorya.
Ang mga epikong-bayan ay kadalasan
Kultural na Pagpapahalaga ding inaawit o itinatanghal sa mahahalagang
Maituturing na natatangi ang mga
pagtitipon ng mga katutubo tulad ng kasal,
epikong-bayan sa bansa dahil kabilang ito
binyag, at lamay.
sa mga katutubong panitikan na nakaligtas
Mga Pinagbatayan:
mula sa impluwensiya ng mga banyagang 2000 Sagisag Kultura ng Filipinas, Edisyong 2013. Quezon City: Filipinas Institute of Translation, Inc.(pdf)
kultura. Samantala, kahit itinuturing ang Almario, Virgillio S., punong editor. UP Diksiyonaryong Filipino (Binagong Edisyon). Quezon City: UP Sentro ng
Wikang Filipino-Diliman, 2009.
Biag ni Lam-ang bilang epikong-bayan ukol
sa Katolisismo, nakalangkap pa rin dito ang
mga katutubong kultura ng mga Igorot.
Pinaniniwalaan din na ang mga babaylan
Ang Pang-ugnay
sa Pagbibigay
ng Sanhi at Bunga
a tuwing magpapaliwanag ukol sa isang pangyayari, kalimitang ipinakikita o
inilalarawan ang sanhi at bunga nito. Mahalaga ang papel ng pang-ugnay upang
maipakita ang sanhi at bunga sa isang pangyayari.
Pangatnig na Pananhi
Ayon sa UP Diksiyonaryong Filipino, ang pang-ugnay ay “bahagi ng pananalita na nag-
uugnay o nagdurugtong sa mga salita, sugnay, o pangungusap.” Halimbawa nito ang
pangatnig na pananhi.
Ang pangatnig na pananhi naman ay ginagamit sa pagbibigay ng katwiran o dahilan ukol
sa isang bagay o pangyayari. Ang daloy ng pangungusap na gumagamit ng pangatnig na ito
ay sumasagot sa tanong na “Bakit?” Ilan sa mga halimbawa ng pangatnig na pananhi ay ang
dahil sa, sapagkat, palibhasa, at kasi.
Mga halimbawa:
• Ang mga epikong-bayan mula sa Luzon, Visayas, at Mindanao ay may pagkakaiba-
iba dahil sa heograpikal at kultural na mga salik.
• Masasalamin sa mga epikong-bayan ang mga natatanging kultura ng mga
katutubong pangkat sapagkat inilalarawan sa mga ito ang mga sinaunang kultura at
• Ang pagbabasa ng mga epikong-bayan ay nagagawa na lamang ng kabataan bilang
bahagi ng pag-aaral palibhasa ay mas nalilibang silang maglaro ng mga computer
• Nararapat na magkaroon tayo ng kawilihan sa pagbabasa ng mga epikong-bayan
sapagkat ito ay makatutulong sa pag-unawa ng matatandang paniniwala o kaugalian.
Larawan: Shutterstock
A. Ibigay ang sanhi o bunga ng mga inilahad na pangyayari sa bawat bilang upang mabuo
ang diwa ng pangungusap.
1. Kahanga-hanga ang mga ninuno natin sa kanilang pagkatha ng mga
epikong-bayan sapagkat _____________________________________________________.
2. Kinikilala ng mga katutubo ang mga bayani sa kanilang mga epikong-bayan dahil __
3. Maaaring sa paglipas ng panahon ay tuluyan nang makalimutan ang mga epikong-
bayan kasi __________________________________________________________.
4. Malimit na buod na lamang ang nababasa nating mga halimbawa ng epikong-
bayan palibhasa _____________________________________________________________.
5. Makabuluhan ang pagbabasa ng mga panitikan, tulad ng epikong-bayan, dahil
B. Pag-ugnayin ang dalawang sugnay sa bawat bilang. Muling isulat ito gamit ang
pangatnig na pananhi upang maging isang malinaw na pangungusap.
1. a. ang pangunahing tauhan sa epikong-bayan ay nagwagi sa labanan
b. pagkakaroon ng kakaibang kapangyarihan
2. a. hindi kapani-paniwala ang ilang pangyayari sa mga epikong-bayan
b. punong-puno ng kababalaghan
3. a. tanging pasalin-dila lamang ang anyo nito noon
b. may iba’t ibang bersiyon ang isang epiko
4. a. mauunawaan natin ang mga pananampalatayang Kristiyano at Muslim
b. kasama itong tinatalakay sa mga epikong-bayan
5. a. naging libangan noon ang panonood ng mga pagtatanghal ng epikong-bayan
b. hindi pa uso ang radyo at telebisyon
ung pasusulatin ka ng iyong guro Mga halimbawa:
• Paano pinagyayaman ng mga Tagalog
ng isang sanaysay na pumapaksa
at Cebuano ang kani-kanilang wika
sa mga wika sa Pilipinas, paano mo • Iba’t ibang kahulugan ng wika sa
palalawakin ang paksa? pananaw ng iba’t ibang pangkat
Tunghayan sa ibaba ang ilang gabay sa
pagpapalawak ng paksa.
Magpakita ng mga Pagkakatulad
Magkakaugnay ang mga wika
sa Pilipinas. Ibig sabihin, may mga
Bigyang-diin ang Kahalagahan
pagkakatulad o pagkakahawig ang mga
Maaaring ituon ang sanaysay sa
ito na maaaring ugatin sa kasaysayan ng
kahalagahan ng pagkakaroon ng wika.
pandarayuhan ng mga sinaunang tao sa
Isaalang-alang kung ano ang naitutulong ng
Pilipinas. Maaari ding bigyang-diin ang
wika sa pang-araw-araw na pamumuhay ng
pagkakapareho ng iba’t ibang katutubong
tao. Maaari ding magpokus sa kung ano ang
salita na may magkakaparehong kahulugan.
kahalagahan nito sa ating kultura.
Mga halimbawa:
Mga halimbawa:
• Ang mga wikang Austronesian na dala
• Ang mga katutubong wika sa Pilipinas
ng mga sinaunang tao sa Pilipinas
bilang sisidlan ng mga karunungan ng
• Mga katutubong salita na may
iba’t ibang katutubong pangkat
magkatulad na tunog at kahulugan
• Kahalagahan ng pagkakaroon ng isang
wikang pambansa Sa pagsulat, tiyakin ang maayos na daloy
ng mga pangungusap o ang paglalahad ng
Magpakita ng Sanhi at Bunga
mga kaisipan. Malaki rin ang maitutulong ng
Kung maglalarawan ng sanhi at
pananaliksik at pagbabasa sa pagpapalawak
bunga, maaaring magbigay muna ng mga
ng anumang paksa na susulatin.
pangyayari o dahilan na nakaimpluwensiya
sa pagbabago ng katayuan ng mga wika sa
Pilipinas. Pagkatapos, ipakita o talakayin ang
mga naging resulta ng mga pagbabagong ito.
Mga halimbawa:
• Ang mga dahilan kung bakit may mga
Larawan: Shutterstock
nanganganib na katutubong wika sa
• Ang pag-usbong ng mga bagong salita
dulot ng teknolohiya
Ang Kultural na Ambag ng mga
• Nicko M. De Guzman
Larawan: Shutterstock
akagawian na ng pamilyang sa Kanluran, natural lang na may
Pilipino ang gabi-gabing pag- pagkakatulad ang mga ito. Gayunman,
antabay sa mga paboritong may natatangi at sariling estilo ang mga
teleserye. Isa ito sa mga pangunahing Pilipino sa pagbuo ng mga kuwento. May
libangan ng mga Pilipino. Gayunman, tema at damdaming unibersal ngunit litaw
libangan lang ba talaga ang ambag ng mga ang pagkakalapat ng mga ito sa realidad ng
teleserye sa buhay ng mga Pilipino? lipunang Pilipino. Mapa-fantaserye man o
kilig-serye, nananatili ang pagka-Pilipino
Saysay at Serye sa mga kuwento dahil sa mga itinatampok
Ang teleserye, mula sa mga salitang
na kaligiran, halagahan, at tema. Pansinin
“telebisyon” at “serye,” ay nagsimula sa
kung saan malimit umiinog ang teleseryeng
Pilipinas bilang mga radio drama noong
Pilipino: pamilya, kapalaran, at pag-ibig.
dekada 1950. Halos pareho ang pormula
sa paglikha ng radio drama at teleserye. Salamin ng Lipunan
Ang mga manunulat ay gumagawa ng mga Ang panonood ng teleserye ay naging
likhang-isip na palabas na episodiko ang parte na ng kulturang Pilipino. Malawak
pagkakalahad para sa mga manonood. at malakas ang impluwensiya nito sa
Karaniwang melodramatiko ang mga manonood. Bukod sa pagsasalamin
pagkakatanghal at pagkukuwento ng mga nito sa mga karanasan at mga kaganapan
ito—puno ng mga komplikasyon at “twist” sa lipunan, ang isa pang kapangyarihan
para sa mga tauhan ng teleserye. ng teleserye ay ang paghulma ng mga
Dahil inihalintulad ang teleseryeng pananaw ukol sa mga isyung panlipunan.
Pilipino sa mga teleserye ng mga bansa Malaki ang bahaging ginagampanan ng
teleserye at media sa pagbuo ng mga pang nagagawa ng mga teleserye ay ang
opinyon ng mga tao sa lipunan dahil sa naipakikita sa mga dayuhan ang kultura at
lawak ng nasasaklaw nitong populasyon. kaugaliang Pilipino. Sa ganitong paraan,
hindi na lamang naibabahagi ng ating bansa
Pagtangkilik ng Ibang Asyano ang talento ng mga Pilipino sa pagbibigay
Sa kasalukuyan, patok sa panlasang
ng aliw kundi hinahayaan nating silipin
Pilipino ang mga teleserye mula sa South
ng mga karatig-bansa ang mga gawi
Korea. Popular sa tawag na “Koreanobela,”
at kaugalian sa ating lipunan tulad ng
kabilang ang mga seryeng ito sa mga
pagpapahalaga sa pamilya, pagpupursigi sa
nagpakilala ng kulturang Koreano sa
pagtupad ng mga pangarap, at katapangan
mga Pilipino. Gayundin naman ang
sa pagharap sa mga pagsubok.
ibang bansang Asyano na umaangkat sa
Pilipinas ng mga teleserye, partikular na Ang paghabi ng mga kuwentong
sa Timog-silangang Asya. Katunayan, suki nagtatampok ng mga karanasang atin ay
na natin sa mga teleserye ang Malaysia, nagiging daan para matuklasan ng mga
Cambodia, Vietnam, at Thailand. Tatlo sa nasa ibang bansa—kahit pa iba-iba ang
mga teleseryeng Pilipino na naipalabas na ating mga wika, kulay, at kutis—lagi’t
sa ibang bansa ay ang Amaya, Dyesebel, at laging may pagkakatulad ang ating mga
Pangako Sa ‘Yo. damdamin at kaugalian.
Pagpapatatag ng ASEAN
Ang kalakalan ng mga teleserye sa Timog-silangang Asya ay alinsunod din sa mithiin ng
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) na magkaroon ng malalim na pagkakaunawaan at
integrasyong kultural ang mga bansa sa rehiyon. Sa pamamagitan nito, maitatatag ang
isang rehiyonal na pagkakakilanlan.
Paano nga ba makatutulong sa pagpapatibay ng mithiin ng AEC ang mga pag-aangkat
ng teleserye? Narito ang ilan sa mga salik:
• Ang mga manonood (ang bansang umangkat) at ang pinanonood (ang
pinagmulan ng teleserye) ay pinag-uugnay ng mga karanasang inilalarawan sa
bawat teleserye;
• Inilalarawan sa inangkat na teleserye ang isang natatanging kultura na maaaring
magbigay ng inspirasyon o aral sa mga dayuhang manonood; at
• Magkakaroon ng paghahambing ng mga kultura na maaaring maging ambag sa
patuloy na pagsusulong ng kulturang Asyano tungo sa pagpapatibay ng rehiyon.
Mga Ekspresyon sa
Pagsasabi ng Opinyon
• Mary Rose B. Magcamit
ikas sa tao ang magpahayag ng maganap ang pagsang-ayon, pagsalungat,
opinyon. Ang opinyon ay pansariling at pag-abala (interupsiyon). Sa tatlong
pananaw o paniniwala hinggil sa pagkakataong ito, magkakaiba ang mga
isang bagay o kaisipan. Gayunman, may ekspresyong ginagamit. Tunghayan ang
mga pagkakataon na nagiging sanhi ng mga halimbawa sa ibaba:
hindi pagkakaunawaan ang pagbabahagi
ng opinyon. Halimbawa na ang mga
Ekspresyon sa pagsang-ayon
komentong may magkakasalungat na
paninindigan na malimit mabasa sa social • Sang-ayon ako sa iyong sinabi...
• Nauunawaan ko ang nais mong
media. Maiiwasan sana ito kung angkop at
wasto ang paraan ng pagsasabi ng opinyon. • Lubusan kitang nauunawaan...
• Kapani-paniwala ang sinabi mong
Sa Palagay Mo? iyan...
Ang pagpapahayag ng opinyon ay
• Pareho tayo ng naiisip...
mahalagang bahagi sa pakikipagtalastasan.
Ekspresyon sa pagsalungat
Layunin nitong magkaroon ng
• May punto ka sa sinasabi mo
pagkakaunawaan ang dalawang
magkaibang panig at matutong maigalang • Isa iyan sa posibleng mangyari
ang opinyon ng isa’t isa. Ang pagiging pero...
mahinahon sa gitna ng bugso ng • Magkaiba tayo ng pananaw sa bagay
damdamin ay dapat ding isaalang-alang sa na iyan dahil...
pagpapahayag ng opinyon. • Sa tingin ko, hindi na kailangan...
• Sa tingin ko, magkaiba tayo ng
Sa pagpapahayag ng opinyon, kalimitan
nang ginagamit ang mga ekspresyong
Ekspresyon sa pag-abala
“Sa aking palagay” at “Sa tingin ko.”
• Paumanhin kung bigla akong
Maaaring gamitin ang dalawang halimbawa
magsasalita pero di ko mapigilang...
sa pormal o di-pormal na pag-uusap. • Sandali, maaari bang patapusin mo
Mahalaga rin ang paggamit ng magagalang muna ako...
na salita. Sikapin ding maging mahinahon • Patawarin mo ako pero sa tingin ko...
sa pakikipag-usap. • Hindi ko nais makialam pero sana...
• Bago ka magpatuloy, nais ko
May tatlong posibleng mangyari
munang sabihin...
habang nagpapalitan ng opinyon. Maaaring
A. Unawaing mabuti ang sumusunod na pahayag. Pagkatapos, isulat sa bawat patlang
ang iyong pananaw ukol dito. Isaalang-alang ang sitwasyon sa pagbibigay ng iyong
opinyon. Maging tapat sa sarili.
1. Naniniwala ako na ang masamang tao ay may pag-asa pang magbago. Para sa
akin, hindi dapat pahintulutan ng batas ang death penalty. Ano sa palagay mo?
2. Maraming likas na yaman sa ating bansa ang nasira dahil sa mga gawain sa
pagmimina. Dapat lamang na ipasara na ang malalaking minahan sa bansa.
Pero, paano naman ang mga maralita na umaasa sa pagmimina?
Larawan: Pexels
Mga Katutubong Wika
sa Timog-silangang Asya
Paunlarin at Pangalagaan
• Mary Rose B. Magcamit
ng taong 2019 ay idineklara
ng United Nations (UN) bilang Organization (UNESCO), 43 porsiyento
Pandaigdigang Taon ng mga ng tinatayang 6,000 wikang sinasalita
Katutubong Wika. Ang pangunahing sa buong mundo ay nanganganib nang
dahilan ng pagsusulong nito ay ang pagtaas mawala.
ng bilang ng mga katutubong wika sa buong
mundo na nanganganib nang mawala. Malalakas na Wika
Maituturing na pangunahing sanhi
Nanganganib na Wika kung bakit may mga nanganganib na
Nanganganib ang wika kung kaunti wika ay ang paglaganap ng malalakas
na lamang ang bilang ng mga taong na wika, tulad ng English, Chinese, at
nakapagsasalita at nakauunawa nito. Spanish, kung saan ginagamit sa maraming
Karaniwan din na ang mga ganitong wika rehiyon o bansa. Sa kaso ng English at
ay hindi na naituturo sa mga batang kasapi Spanish, ang paglaganap nito ay dulot ng
ng isang katutubong pangkat kaya mas kolonyalisasyon. Ang Chinese naman ay
malaki ang posibilidad na hindi na ito dahil sa malaking bilang ng populasyon na
maipasa sa susunod na salinlahi. nakapagsasalita nito.
Ayon sa estadistika ng Atlas of the
World’s Languages in Danger ng United Wika ng ASEAN
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural English ang opisyal na wika na
ginagamit ng Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN). Sa tuwing may ang Sa’och ng Cambodia, ang Arem ng
pagtitipon, wikang banyaga sa Asya ang Laos, ang Kintaq ng Thailand, at ang
kanilang ginagamit upang maipamalas Penan ng Brunei dahil kaunti na lamang
diumano ng mga Asyano ang pagiging ang mga nakapagsasalita ng mga wikang
globalisado. Gayunman, hindi ito ito. Bumaba rin ang bilang ng mga
katutubong wika sa Timog-silangang Asya tagapagsalita ng Orang Seletar sa Singapore.
kahit pa naging bahagi na ito ng kulturang Nabawasan naman ang bilang
Asyano sa panahon ng kolonyalisasyon. ng mga tagapagsalita ng Cristang
Naisasantabi kasi ang mga wikang likas (Melaka Portugese) sa Malaysia dahil
sa rehiyon at tila naitatakwil din ang mga sa impluwensiya ng English, Malay, at
katutubong kaisipan. Mandarin na ginagamit bilang wikang
panturo sa mga paaralan doon.
Patay na Wika
Samantala, itinuturing nang patay Pagninilay sa Wika
ang isang katutubong wika kung wala Kalimitang matatandang kasapi na
nang nakapagsasalita nito. Kadalasan, lamang ng isang katutubong pangkat ang
ang kamatayan ng huling taong naitalang nakapagsasalita ng kanilang katutubong
nakapagsasalita nito ang siya ring batayan wika. Kung hindi matututuhan ng isang
upang ituring na itong patay na wika. bata ang kaniyang unang wika (ang
Halimbawa na rito ang Indonesia katutubong wika ng kaniyang mga
kung saan may naitalang 10 katutubong magulang at ng kaniyang komunidad),
wika na tuluyan nang nawala. Kabilang hindi nga malayo na maglaho ang isang
dito ang Moksela na sinasabing namatay katutubong wika.
noon pang 1974 ang huling katutubo na Kung gayon, malaki ang gampanin at
nakapagsasalita nito. maiaambag ng mga bata ng ating panahon
May isang naitalang wika rin sa sa pagpapanatili ng ating mga katutubong
Myanmar ang tuluyan nang nawala sa wika. Kailangan lamang na matutuhan
huling dekada ng ika-20 siglo, ang Wewaw. nilang pahalagahan ang kanilang unang
Ang Tay Boi naman ng Vietnam ay noong wika at matutuhan kung paano ito
1954 namatay ang huling tagapagsalita. pauunlarin sa kanilang paglaki.
Habang sa Pilipinas ay may dalawa: ang Sana ay magkaroon ng pagkukusa ang
Agta Dicamay na namatay noong dekada bawat isa upang palalimin ang kaalaman
1960 ang huling tagapagsalita at ang Agta hinggil sa sariling wika.
Villa Viciosa na sinasabing noong 1990
Mga Pinagbatayan:
namatay ang huling tagapagsalita. “2019: UN International Year of Indigenous Languages,” Time and Date, accessed 10 Mayo 2019,
Samantala, malapit na ring mawala “Ethnologue: Languages of the World,” Ethnologue, accessed 10 May 2019,
“Wikang Katutubo: Tungo sa Isang Bansang Filipino” ang tema ng Buwan
ng Wikang Pambansa 2019. Kaugnay rito, mag-isip ng isang proyekto o
programang pangwika na sa iyong palagay ay makatutulong sa pangangalaga
ng mga katutubong wika sa Pilipinas. Isulat ito sa anyong sanaysay kung
saan nakasaad din ang mga mithiin at pamamaraan na nais mong gawin sa
pagpapatupad nito. Gawing kompyuterisado ang sanaysay.
ASEAN Integration
Ikaw at Ako Bilang Asyano
• Mary Rose B. Magcamit
Sa isang malinis na papel, sumulat ng sanaysay na magsasaad ng iyong opinyon
tungkol sa impluwensiya o epekto ng ASEAN Integration sa edukasyon sa
Pilipinas. Iugnay ito sa iyong paghahanda sa nalalapit mong pagtuntong sa
senior high school.
Ako si
Athena • Mary Rose B. Magcamit
anaw ko mula rito ang pamayanang itinatag ng aking amang si
Zeus. Ang aking ama ay kilala sa buong lupain, maging sa ibayong-
dagat, dahil sa taglay niyang lakas at kapangyarihan. Maayos niyang
pinamunuan ang Kaharian ng Acropolis, na kaniya namang ipinamana sa
akin nang siya ay pumanaw.
Labis akong nagdalamhati nang pumanaw ang aking ama. Siya lamang
ang nag-aruga sa akin mula nang ako ay isinilang. Kailanman, wala akong
kinikilalang ina kahit pa nag-asawa ng iba ang aking ama. May mga naging
kapatid ako, pero sa ibang lugar sila pinatira ng aming ama. Binigyan din sila
ng sariling kabuhayan, ng sariling tahanan, ng sariling kaharian.
Ngayon, tinatamasa ko ang karangalang taglay ng pangalan ng ama kong
si Zeus, maging ng buong angkan. Gayunman, nagsisikap akong maging
katangi-tangi. Nais ko silang higitan sa ibang bagay kaya pinagyaman ko ang
aking sarili sa pamamagitan ng puspusang pag-aaral at pagbabasa.
Mas mahalaga sa akin ang karunungan kaysa pisikal na kagandahan.
Maingat kong pinag-aralan at sinuri kung paano pamunuan ang
Acropolis. Lumabas ako ng kaharian at nakisalamuha sa mga tao upang
higit kong matiyak kung ano ang mga dapat kong gawin para sa aking
mga nasasakupan. Inalam ko ang kanilang mga kagustuhan at mga
pangangailangan. Tinimbang ko ring mabuti ang mga desisyong binitawan
Larawan ni Ma. Elaine D. Vidal / disenyo mula sa Freepik
hari ng malawak na karagatan, masaganang tubig ang kaniyang inialay sa mga taong aking
nasasakupan. Gayunman, nang tikman nila ang tubig na handog ni Poseidon ay hindi nila ito
nagustuhan sapagkat sobrang alat.
Nagtanim naman ako ng mga buto sa kalupaan. Lumago ang mga iyon at naging mga
puno ng olibo. Mula sa ugat, katawan, at dahon ay napakinabangan ito ng mga tao. Dahil dito
ay higit akong minahal ng mga mamamayan ng Acropolis. Hindi rin nasakop ni Poseidon ang
aking kaharian.
Bahagi rin ng aking mga tungkulin bilang pinuno ang paglalakbay sa iba’t ibang kaharian
upang mapanatili ang pagkakaunawaan at kapayapaan sa pagitan ng bawat isa. Malawak
na karagatan ang lalakbayin kaya pinagbuhusan ko ng pansin ang paggawa ng sasakyang-
pandagat. Tumulong ako sa paghahanap ng mga materyales, partikular sa mga kahoy na
gagamitin. Tinawag ang sasakyang-pandagat na Argo.
May mga pagkakataon man na hindi ako nakakasama sa mga paglalakbay ng aking mga
tauhan, lagi kong tinitiyak ang kanilang kaligtasan. Gabay nila ang aking kapangyarihan.
Sa sobrang pagmamahal ko sa mga tao ay hindi na ako nag-asawa o nagkaanak. Ang mga
mamamayan ng Acropolis ang itinuturing kong pamilya at naniniwala akong malaki ang
pagpapahalaga nila sa akin bilang kanilang reyna.
atalik na magkaibigan sina Ang mga tao ay nahikayat na makipag-
Katotohanan at Parabula. Kapuwa usap kay Parabula habang naglalakad.
sila maganda. Isang araw, Masaya rin silang nakipagkuwentuhan.
nagkasundo ang dalawa na alamin kung sino Nagulat si Katotohanan dahil mas
sa kanila ang higit na kaaya-aya sa paningin nagustuhan ng mga tao ang kaniyang
ng mga tao. Nagkasundo silang maglakad matalik na kaibigan. Napahiya man sa sarili,
nang solo sa isang nayon. niyakap pa rin ni Katotohanan ang papalapit
Naunang maglakad si Katotohanan na kaibigan. Kailangan niya si Parabula
papasok sa nayon. Buo ang kaniyang upang tanggapin siya ng mga tao.
paniniwala na ang mga tao ay laging
naghahangad na malaman ang katotohanan
kaya nakatitiyak siyang lahat ng tao ay
susunod sa kaniya.
Magiliw niyang nginitian at binati ang
mga taong nakasasalubong. May ilang
lumapit sa kaniya at tinugunan ang kaniyang
mga pagbati. Gayunman, laking pagtataka
niya nang makita na karamihan sa mga tao
ay umatras papalayo sa kaniya at nagtago sa
kani-kanilang pamamahay.
Nang matanaw ni Parabula na nasa dulo
na ng nayon si Katotohanan ay siya naman
ang naglakad. Malumanay siyang naglakad
upang hintayin ang mga tao na lumabas ng
kani-kanilang pamamahay.
NATIN Ang Katotohanan sa Likod ng Parabula
Ang parabula ay isang maikling katha na naglalahad ng aral o ng kaisipang moral. Malimit ding
nakatampok dito ang mga kuwento ukol sa paniniwala o pananampalataya na mahalagang
maunawaan ng mga tao.
Ang salitang “parable” sa wikang English ay nagmula sa salitang Greek na parabole, ang tawag
ng mga mananalumpating Griyego sa anumang likhang-isip na kuwentong naglalarawan sa tao. Sa
pagtagal, naidagdag sa kahulugan nito ang paglalarawan sa mga likas na pangyayaring maaaring
maghatid ng espiritwal at moral na aral sa tao.
Malikhaing Salaysay
Payak ang naratibo ng mga parabula. Inilalarawan nito ang isang payak na tagpuan at payak na
kilos ng mga tauhan. Nagpapakita rin ito ng isang resulta ukol sa itinampok na suliranin. Malimit
ding nakasentro ang salaysay nito sa isang tauhan na nahaharap sa isang suliraning moral na naging
sanhi upang danasin ang mga paghihirap ng kalooban.
Sa mga bansang pangunahing relihiyon ang Kristiyanismo, tulad ng Pilipinas, marami sa mga
popular na parabula ay ang mga ikinuwento ni Hesukristo na hango sa Bibliya.
Isa sa mga maituturing na karaniwang katangian ng parabula ay ang pagiging matalinghaga nito
dahil sa hindi nito tahasan o tuwirang sinasabi ang tinutukoy. Ang mga nagkukubling kahulugan ay
malimit na nagmumungkahi sa tao ng mga wastong gawi o asal. Upang ganap na maunawaan ang
ibig ipakahulugan ng parabula, ang mga pangyayaring isinasaad dito ay maaaring ihambing sa mga
karaniwang bagay o pangyayari. May kaugnayan din ang parabula sa paghahayag ng katotohanan.
sa Pagsasalaysay
Larawan: Shutterstock
ng sanaysay ang pinakaangkop na isang maluwag, maguni-guni, pansarili, di-
anyo ng panitikan upang ikaw ay tapos, at di-ganap na pamamaraan.”
magbahagi o magkuwento ng iyong
makulay na karanasan sa ibang tao. Dalawang Uri ng Sanaysay
May dalawang uri ng sanaysay: ang
Alam mo bang ang salitang sanaysay
pormal at di-pormal.
ay salitang nilikha ni Alejandro G. Abadilla
na kinuha niya noong 1938 sa pariralang Kung ang sanaysay ay nakatuon sa
“salaysay ng isang sanay?” Sanaysay ang pagbibigay ng impormasyong sistematiko
ating panumbas sa salitang English na o lohikal, gumagamit ng mga salitang may
essay na hango sa lumang French na essai, kalaliman, at nakasulat nang organisado,
nangangahulugang “subukin.” ito ay isang pormal na sanaysay. Pormal
o seryoso ang tono ng ganitong sanaysay.
Salamat kay Abadilla! Marahil, kung
Mahalaga rin ang pananaliksik ukol sa
hindi niya nalikha ang salitang sanaysay
paksang napili para sa pormal na sanaysay.
ay baka ginagamit pa rin natin ang salitang
Kung nakatuon naman sa paghahayag
“essay” sa asignaturang Filipino.
ng sarili ang sanaysay, ito ay di-pormal
Paglalahad ng Karanasan na sanaysay. Hindi tulad ng pormal na
Sa isang sanaysay, ang mismong may- sanaysay, ang di-pormal na sanaysay ay
akda ang nagkukuwento o naglalahad ng maaaring sumunod sa malayang daluyan
kaniyang karanasan na sa palagay niya ng pagbibigay ng impormasyon o malayang
ay kagigiliwan o pakikinabangan ng mga pagpapahayag ng damdamin o karanasan.
mambabasa. Dahil dito, karaniwan itong ginagamit sa
Ayon kay Gonsalo del Rosario sa akda pagsulat ng isang personal na sanaysay. Ang
niyang Ang Sining ng Sanaysay: “Ang tono sa pagsulat ng di-pormal na sanaysay
sanaysay ay tuluyang kathaing naglalahad ay maaaring nakabatay sa damdamin ng
ng kaalaman, kuro-kuro, o damdamin ng manunulat.
ugnay upang magkaroon ng kaisahan ang
Gabay sa Pagsulat kabuoan ng sanaysay. Sikaping magkaroon
Ang sanaysay ay binubuo ng tatlong ng ugnayan ang mga pangungusap at
bahagi: ang introduksiyon, katawan, at walang ideyang naliligaw o naisama na
wakas. Narito ang ilan sa mga gabay sa magpapalabo sa gustong ipahayag.
1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________
Mga Angkop
na Pahayag sa Pagbibigay
ng Sariling Pananaw
ng mga Pilipino ay mahilig magbigay ng sariling pananaw sa anumang balita na
nabasa o narinig. Bilang isang mamamayan na nakatira sa isang demokratikong
bansa, madali nating naipahahayag ang ating mga nararamdaman o naiisip.
Sa kabila nito, ang malayang pagpapahayag ay may kaakibat na responsibilidad tulad
ng paggalang sa opinyon ng iba at pag-alam kung kailan dapat magsalita o kung kailan
dapat manahimik. Halimbawa, kung ikaw ay nakikinig lamang sa mga nag-uusap at hindi
naman hinihingi ang iyong saloobin, mainam na manahimik na lamang. Kung nais ka
naman nilang tanungin, maging magalang pa rin sa pagbibigay ng sariling pananaw.
1. Dahil hindi lamang batay sa nararamdaman ang pagbibigay ng opinyon, tiyaking may
sapat na kaalaman sa paksang pinag-uusapan bago magpahayag ng sariling pananaw.
Mag-isip muna nang mabuti o magsaliksik bago ibulalas ang sariling pananaw. Kapag
may pinagbatayang impormasyon ang iyong pananaw, maaaring gamitin ang mga
pahayag na “Batay sa aking nabasa...” o “Ayon sa napanood ko...”
2. Maging mapili sa mga salitang gagamitin sa pakikipag-usap. Kung sakaling hindi mo
nagustuhan ang pananaw ng iyong kausap, sagutin pa rin ito sa malumanay na boses.
Gumamit ng mga pahayag na “Paumanhin, pero may nais lamang akong linawin...” o
“May punto ka sa iyong sinabi ngunit hindi pa rin ako sumasang-ayon dahil...”
3. Igalang ang opinyon ng iba. Iparamdam sa iyong kausap ang paggalang sa kaniyang
paniniwala kahit magkaiba kayo ng pananaw. Maaaring sabihin ang “Okay ang iyong
sinabi higit na kung…” o “Mainam ang iyong sinabi ngunit may nais akong idagdag...”
4. Gumamit din ng “po” at “opo” kung matanda ang kausap. Maaaring magtanong
muna o humingi ng pahintulot bago magsalita tulad ng “Maaari ko bang sabihin ang
aking naiisip?” o “Maaari ko po bang dagdagan ang inyong sinabi?”
5. Makinig nang mabuti sa sinasabi ng kausap. Kung sakaling hindi mo nagugustuhan
ang sinasabi niya ay huwag ipakita sa ekspresyon ng iyong mukha ang pagkadismaya.
A. Unawaing mabuti ang sumusunod na pahayag. Pagkatapos, isulat sa mga nakalaang
espasyo ang iyong pananaw ukol dito. Magsaliksik kung kailangan.
1. Ang mga basurang ilegal na ipinadala ng Canada sa Pilipinas noong 2013 ay nito
lamang Mayo 2019 nabigyang-solusyon. Ano sa iyong pananaw ang dahilan kung
bakit tumagal nang ilang taon ang suliraning ito sa basura?
3. Noong Mayo 2019, kinilala ang isang rehistradong nars na si Danilo M. Favor bilang
kauna-unahang Pilipino na nahalal bilang mayor sa isang bayan sa United Kingdom.
Ano sa tingin mo ang implikasyon nito sa ating mga Pilipino?
4. Maraming Pilipino ang biktima ng rasismo sa mga Kanluraning bansa. Bakit kaya
hindi pa rin mawala ang ganitong kaganapan?
B. Bumuo ng pangkat na may limang kasapi. Pagkatapos, talakayin ng bawat pangkat ang
mga binanggit na sitwasyon sa itaas. Kailangang maipalamas ng bawat isa ang wastong
paraan sa pagpapahayag ng opinyon.
1st Quarter
Cover Story
are rich in natural resources. China, Indonesia, and Malaysia are
However, these resources are popular for exporting wood. These countries
not well-distributed among “make up more than half of the forested
them. Some countries have fertile soil, while lands in Asia” (McDaniel et al., 2012).
others are sources of different minerals and China exports wood products, topping the
oil. Listed below are the most abundant list globally in wood-based panel production,
natural resources found in Asia. paper, and wood furniture. Meanwhile,
Rice Indonesia and Malaysia produce valuable
Known as the major food staple in timbers, such as teak, which are also used
Asia, rice is usually grown in Southeast in processing furniture and flooring. The
Asian countries namely Brunei, Cambodia, Philippines also produces high-quality
Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, hardwoods and the soft Philippine mahogany.
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Despite the laws and policies prohibiting
Leste, and Vietnam, since “high temperatures illegal logging and timber smuggling, Asian
and precipitation levels of Southeast Asia are countries suffer the most from deforestation.
the perfect conditions for the production of These wrongdoings also threaten the
rice,” according to McDaniel et al. (2012). existence of high-value species, especially in
As an important agricultural commodity, Southeast Asia. In addition, the increasing
it “occupies more land area than any population in Asia causes higher demand for
other crop” (Narasimhan, Leinbach, and forest products.
Chapman, 2017). Producing 90 percent of Fish
total global rice harvest, Asians consume a Among the top producers of fish in the
large amount of rice with an average of more world are China, Indonesia, Japan, India,
than 79 kilograms per year. This results in low the Philippines, and Myanmar. According
international trade rates since majority of the to Narasimhan, Leinbach, and Chapman
rice harvest stays in Asia. (2017), “China catches the world’s greatest
tonnage; however, Thailand has become Continuous mining activities could
one of the world’s most important fish result in environmental damages, such
exporters, largely because of its shrimp and as loss of biodiversity; erosion; and
prawn farming.” Freezing and canning fish contamination of surface water, ground
products help in preserving the quality water, and soil (Chepkemoi, 2017).
of fish, therefore, paving the way for Oil
international trade. Majority of oil products developed
However, a few years back, Japan was in Asia come from the countries in the
accused of environmental insensitivity Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East,
by creating “a well-organized fishing fleet such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran,
that can go nearly anywhere in search Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. The
of catches,” because instead of catching oil found in these areas is light sweet crude,
tuna, the technique killed several dolphins which is of high quality and “is used to
and turtles (Narasimhan, Leinbach, and make gasoline, kerosene, and diesel fuels”
Chapman, 2017). (McDaniel et al., 2012). Meanwhile, in
Minerals Southeast Asia, Malaysia is the lone oil-
Asia is also abundant in several minerals, producing country.
which are mined to boost the economies of Similar to mining, petroleum refineries
several countries. Some of these countries also threaten the environment since they
are China, India, Russia, and Indonesia. contaminate surface and ground water
McDaniel et al. (2012) pointed out that and pollute the air by releasing carbon
“China is the world’s largest producer monoxide, particulate matters, and sulfur
of aluminum, gold, tin, and coal.” India dioxide.
produces a large amount of aluminum, iron Despite the abundant natural
ore, barite, chromium, and manganese. Russia resources in Asia, consumers and owners
produces tungsten, diamonds, iron, and steel, of companies developing the products
while Indonesia produces gold, copper, and mentioned in the article should fulfill
tin. Both Russia and Indonesia are also rich their responsibility of taking care of the
sources of coal. environment to maintain a safe place where
living things can thrive.
Chepkemoi, Joyce. 2017. “What Is the Environmental Impact of the Mining Industry?” Last modified April 25, 2017.
Gourou, Pierre, Thomas R. Leinbach, Graham P. Chapman. 2017. “Economy.” Last modified May 12, 2017.
McDaniel, Melissa, Erin Sprout, Diane Boudreau, and Andrew Turgeon. 2012. “Asia: Resources.” Last modified January 4, 2012.
Misachi, John. 2017. “What Is the Environmental Impact of the Petroleum Industry?” Last modified April 25, 2017.
Narasimhan, Chakravarthi V., Thomas R. Leinbach, and Graham P. Chapman. 2017. “Resource Development.” Last modified May 12, 2017.
Photos: (
Study Enrichment
A. Concepts B. Questions to Answer
1. natural resources 1. What are the natural resources that Asian countries are
2. abundant most abundant in?
3. minerals 2. What are the natural resources that the Philippines is
4. economy most abundant in? In what ways do you use these natural
3. How can you help in preserving these natural resources?
This is Asia
What About
Indonesia? • Astrud P. Bernales
HEREAS THE K-POP is known to the world as the largest Muslim
phenomenon has moved nation with nearly 9 out of 10 citizens
young Filipinos to speak claiming Islam as their faith. As a secular
Korean and eat samgyupsal, country, however, other religions, such as
most Filipinos only know Indonesia through Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism, and
a packet of noodles branded in red and white. Hinduism, are allowed to thrive.
But there is more to know about the largest Indonesian cuisine varies per region
archipelago in the world than its famous but generally fuses Middle Eastern, Indian,
Mi Goreng. Chinese, and Malay influences to create
Unity in Diversity dishes that pack flavor and spice. One of
The discovery of the Java Man in the the most famous dishes in Indonesia is Nasi
island of Java in the early 1890s established Goreng, a type of fried rice that is cooked with
Indonesia as one of the places where humans sweet, thick soy sauce. Other famous dishes
first lived. Ultimately, waves of migration and include rendang, a type of curry; satay, the
Western colonization introduced diversity take of Indonesia on grilled meat; and sambal,
that made the culture of the country rich. a chili-based sauce that is usually served in
More than 300 languages are spoken by many Indonesian homes.
the 269 million inhabitants in Indonesia, Despite the variety in language, religion,
with Bahasa Indonesia being the official and food, Indonesians are nationally united
language used for business, administration, as evidenced by their official motto “Bhinneka
and education. In terms of religion, Indonesia Tunggal Ika,” meaning “Unity in Diversity.”
Everything in One Place Indonesia is also known
Tourists who wish to explore the exotic for its natural landscapes
islands of Indonesia often opt for the beaches teeming with wildlife. The
of Bali. In 2018, the Global Destination Komodo National Park
Cities Index of Mastercard declared that houses 5,700 Komodo
over 8.3 million foreigners poured into dragons endemic to
Bali, earning the city the 20th spot in the Indonesia. The pristine
list of most-visited cities in the world. Also Ujung Kulon National Park
known as the “Land of the Gods,” Bali offers is home to the one-horned
tourists exclusive beach resorts, charming Javan rhino, considered to be
surfing spots, majestic temples, and vibrant one of the rarest mammals
souvenir markets. in the world. As for marine
For history and culture enthusiasts, life, the islands of Raja
Indonesia is a haven of centuries-old temples Ampat hold 540 types of
and ancient attractions. Most famous of these corals, more than 1,000 types
structures will have to be the Borobudur, the of coral fish, and 700 types
biggest Buddhist monument in the world, of mollusks.
built between the 8th and 9th centuries. Indo pop may have
Despite a thousand years of neglect, it was yet to become the next big
rediscovered in 1815 under layers of volcanic thing in the Philippines,
ash, restored with help from the United but it is undeniable that we
Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural can all learn about unity in
Organization (UNESCO), and is currently diversity and caring for both Fast Facts
regarded as a World Heritage site. cultural and natural heritages
Long-form Country Name:
from our Southeast Asian
Republic of Indonesia
neighbor Indonesia. Capital: Jakarta
Location: Southeastern
References: Asia, archipelago between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean
indonesia-population/ Total Area: 1,904,569
Religions square kilometers Population: 262,787,403
pf_15-04-02_projectionstables74/ (July 2018)
national-symbols/ Languages: Bahasa Indonesia (official); English;
one-most-visited-places-world-2018/1538964006 Dutch; local dialects,
such as Javanese; among
Photos: others
Indonesian Flag | Creative Photo Corner Currency:
Nasi Goreng | Ariyani Tedjo ( Indonesian Rupiah
Religions: Muslim (87.2
percent), Protestant (7
percent), Roman Catholic
(2.9 percent), Hindu (1.7
percent), others (0.9
Source: The Central
Nasi Goreng, one of the most Intelligence Agency World
famous dishes in Indonesia, is a Factbook
type of fried rice that is cooked
with sweet, thick soy sauce.
Making Sense of the Concept
Pangiyak Ki!
Environmental Advocates in the Philippines
• Nicko de Guzman
businesses have been targeting You may have seen the viral
Southeast Asia because of the hashtags #StopLumadKillings and
diverse wildlife and natural #StandWithTheLumad on social media.
References: resources found in the area. Environmental Since 2015, the Lumad and the Moro of
com/2009/10/17/dam-nation- advocates and activists, as a response, have Mindanao have been fighting to protect the
against-dams/ also been staunch in their fight to defend their Pantaron Mountain Range, home to their
macli-ing/ natural environment, their ancestral land and tribes and their schools. They have also
https://www. source of livelihood. Here are three Filipinos been calling out for the pull-out of military
https://www.bulatlat. who were not afraid to pangiyak ki (“shout out” groups in their area. Bai Bibyaon Bigkay, the
in Manobo) in adversity. lone woman chieftain of the Manobo tribe,
distinguished-awardee/ Macli-ing Dulag leads this march. She tells stories of military
com/2018/12/14/ In the 1970s, the international financial harassment, killings of her fellow Lumad,
institution World Bank sponsored a power and multiple evacuations because of their
project along the Chico River that would protests. From logging companies to mining
require the construction of dams. This could industries, she has seen and fought them all;
potentially drown villages and homes in the her spirit never falters.
Cordillera region. Macli-ing Dulag united Wilma Quierrez
the different warring tribes in his region to The news of the Chinese-funded
https://www.bulatlat. fight for their rights to their land and life. Kaliwa Dam project in Sierra Madre rattled
asias-environment-defenders- He was allegedly killed by state forces for the Dumagat indigenous people. At the
https://www.bulatlat. leading the protest, but his death only made forefront of these protests is a woman named
among-deadliest-countries- the resistance stronger. Eventually, the World Wilma Quierrez, a prominent leader of the
international-ngo/ Bank withdrew its funding, cancelling Dumagat. Quierrez and her tribe are against
the project. the building of mega dam projects, such as
Kaliwa, because they can be destructive to
nature and will endanger and displace the
Dumagat and their livelihood.
Up to this day, Quierrez continues to fight
for her tribe’s right to self-determination.
The right to freedom of speech and
the right to organize to defend ancestral
lands are wrongfully tagged as “acts of
terrorism.” These advocates are willing to
face challenges because they know that their
fight for environmental preservation serves
a bigger purpose: the inheritance of the
next generation.
78 Photo: Glynnis Jones (
Asian Culture
A Briefer on
Minimalism in Asia
• Gabrielle Iryn S. Yatco
ODAY, AROUND THE world, the Chinese philosopher Confucius, promoted the
principles of minimalism have been principles of the concept. Gandhi lived a life
applied to many different aspects of owning a small number of possessions and eating
life. It has permeated art, architecture, simple food moderately, while Confucius was
material consumption, information consumption, famously quoted as saying, “Life is really simple,
food consumption, fitness, and both the work and but we insist on making it complicated.”
home life.
Devoid of the term “minimalism,” the
Solving Negative Consumerism? principles of the concept were embodied by early
Many say that the boom of modern minimalism Asians to live simply and practically.
may be a response to consumerism and the
Japanese Marie Kondo has propelled the
negativity that this concept has been bringing to
clutter-free concept globally through her
humans and their environment.
book titled The Life-changing Magic of Tidying
Consumerism, or the concept that states that Up (2011). She emphasizes her method of
“a country that consumes goods and services in decluttering and tells readers to get rid of the
large quantities will be better off economically,” things that do not “spark joy” for them.
has been enjoying its heyday in recent years as big
However, more than as a guide to
companies launch new products each year under the
decluttering homes, minimalism has become a
presumption that they are releasing them to benefit
way of life, wherein you welcome fewer, more
the market. Consumerism thrives despite ongoing
intentional things into your life so that you can
economic turmoil in several countries across
focus on the things that are really important.
the globe.
Adopting the lifestyle would not mean that you
To counteract that, a considerable number of would deprive yourself; instead, you would be
people have adopted minimalism. It is a concept challenged to be more mindful of the things that
that suggests that a person can attain a level of you consume.
contentment in life if he or she has less things—less
Minimalism also helps followers reap various
material things and less mental clutter to bother
benefits, such as having less expenses, more
himself or herself with.
physical and mental space, less things to clean,
Asian Roots and more time for oneself and loved ones.
The roots of minimalism can be traced back Minimalism encourages you to ask yourself: “Do I
from centuries ago in several parts of the world. really need this?” Perhaps answering this question
Several great historic thinkers in Asia, such as can help bring you peace of mind in this fast-
Indian lawyer and activist Mahatma Gandhi and paced, pleasure-driven world.
Kenton, Will. "Consumerism." Investopedia, 06 April 2018. Accessed 22 May 2019.
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. "Minimalism." Encyclopaedia Britannica, 19 April 2017. Accessed 22 May 2019.
Chayka, Kyle. "The Oppressive Gospel of 'Minimalism.'" The New York Times, 26 July 2016.
of-minimalism.html. Accessed 22 May 2019.
Yusof, Helmi. "The Pursuit of Less." Business Times, 19 January 2018. Accessed 22 May 2019.
Laalit. "10 Lessons From Mahatma Gandhi That Will Help You Lead a Happier Life." India Times, 02 December 2014.
lessons-from-mahatma-gandhi-that-will-help-you-lead-a-happier-life-228722.html. Accessed 23 May 2019.
Save the Earth
Save Paper,
trash. Besides, online statements and bills
are convenient and accessible anytime.
• Instead of greeting cards and handwritten
• Patch Salarzon creativity by adding moving graphics and
videos in your messages.
AVE YOU EVER wondered how many sheets of
• Take notes using your electronic gadgets.
paper are produced from a single tree? According
Typing or taking photos of notes on the
to estimations by the University of Maine, a
board saves you time compared to jotting
university in the United States, an average tree
them down in your notebook. This way,
can produce 8,333 sheets of paper. If that is not surprising
it is easier to search for your notes in case
enough for you, the local Department of Trade and Industry
you need to review them.
states that the annual paper consumption in the Philippines
per capita is 19 kilograms—around two reams or 1,000 sheets • Buy e-books instead of printed books if
of letter-size paper. you can. This is going to save you from
bringing too many books on a trip as you
While industry players have discovered ways of reusing
can put all the e-books you need in a
wastepaper, paper production still poses threats on the quality
single gadget.
of air, water, and land in the country due to paper pollution.
Not all schools allow the use of gadgets in
To combat these harmful effects, environmentalists
class. If you cannot help but use a notebook
are encouraging people to join the paperless revolution, a
or a pad paper in school, make sure to
movement that aims to reduce and eventually eliminate
maximize each use. Write or print on both
the use of paper. Going paperless does not only benefit the
sides of each piece of paper if needed.
environment, it effectively cuts down expenses and reduces
waste in companies and homes. Instead of disposable toilet papers and
paper towels for when you wash your hands,
The advent of technology has made the paperless
why not use hand or bath towels for drying
movement feasible, providing convenient and accessible
or cleaning? They are cheaper, reusable, and
alternatives to traditional communication, data storage, and
file management, among others. More companies have gone
paperless to hasten transactions, cut down expenses on paper The next time you feel like using paper,
and ink as well as staple wires, avoid delays in delivery, and remember these guidelines to help reduce
reduce the carbon footprint that paper production leaves. paper pollution.
Several service providers, such as Meralco and Sky Cable, References:
have also rolled out their own paperless schemes, encouraging Levin, Heather. “How to Go Paperless at Home – 11 Tips & Solutions.“ Money
Crashers. Accessed May 3, 2019.
Values to Live By
RE YOU FAMILIAR with the Filipino saying “Ang
hindi marunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi
makararating sa paroroonan?” This quote has been
discussed in school, debated upon by many, and is said
to have even inspired some of the writings of Filipino national
hero Jose Rizal. Among many interpretations, it simply reminds
Filipinos to remember their roots in their journey through life.
Your roots could refer to your family or your experiences, the
good and the bad. Your roots could also be the impact that other
people have made in your life and vice versa. To remember your roots
is to show appreciation for your family and friends by giving them the
same quality of time and effort they have provided you with.
Remembering and being proud of your roots can help you recognize the importance of your
past and its contributions to the person that you are today. The places that you have come from,
the people who have helped shape you, and the experiences that have molded you—these are part
of your history and the things that you have learned from them are part of your identity. Your roots
make you unique, so you must embrace where you came from to be able to live a progressive and
truthful life.
Remember your roots by believing in people who dream to become successful. You were once in
their shoes, in need of guidance throughout their journey. Encourage and help them in any way you
can when they ask for assistance.
Remember your roots by staying grounded, no matter how far you go in life. Some people tend to
forget their roots when fame and fortune greet them, and some, unfortunately, fall down as a result. If
that happens, a good place to start all over again is home, wherever home is for you.
Life is not just about becoming better, getting stronger, and outgrowing your past. It is also about
bringing your past learnings with you to the present and letting them inspire you to become the
person you want to be.
Save the Earth
Gibbens, S. (2018). “How HINKING ABOUT THE state The Environmental Protection Agency
the environment has
changed since the first
of the natural environment (EPA) is one of these organizations, seeking
earth day.” https://news.
throughout the decades, people to enhance human health and safeguard the
would realize that it has changed natural environment through research and
“Protect our species.” (n.d.)
drastically. Over time, have people seen implementation of environmental laws and
the environmental threats that they have standards. The EPA also strives to have clean
Andes, C. (2018). “List: brought about? Or have they become used to water, save endangered species, and regulate
Environment orgs in the
Philippines you may volunteer brushing these issues off? the use of chemicals and other pollutants.
In the Coming Years In the Philippines, people may volunteer
The effects of climate change have been for Save the Philippine Seas, which
alarming, as natural disasters pound different focuses on public awareness on marine life;
parts of the Earth. The pollution of soil, air, Haribon Foundation, which advocates for
and water is evident, endangering humans the conservation of biodiversity; and the
and wildlife and contributing to the decline Philippine Animal Welfare Society, which
of renewable resources, such as fish and wood. promotes the humane treatment of animals;
Humans have played a huge role in among others.
the deterioration of nature. The waste Today, the production of plastic has
generation and a great demand for energy become rampant. Because of this, the global
are the outcomes of rapid population growth environmental organization Earth Day
and economic development. The impacts Network focused on the theme “End Plastic
experienced are the wake-up calls that need Pollution” last 2018 to raise awareness on
to be answered. the disadvantages of plastic, such as water
Environmental Activists pollution and wildlife endangerment. In
Since the first Earth Day in 1970, 2019, the organization chose the theme
different movements aiming for the “Protect Our Species.”
protection and the preservation of the Preservation efforts contribute massively
environment gradually took form. Today, in the reduction of environmental threats.
more people are taking interest in being a Sadly, many are still unaware of them, or
part of various organizations that help in choose to turn a blind eye. What humans
spreading environmental awareness. need now, aside from education, is to take
World Geography
A Taste
and a Sight
of Italy
• Nicanor C. Lajom
HAT DO YOU know about Italy? If you are
interested to learn about the boot-shaped
country on the European map, read on.
Italy is officially called the Italian
Republic. It is a European country located in the middle
of the Mediterranean Sea. It shares its land borders with
France, Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland, Vatican City, and San
It was in Italy, where the Renaissance (14th century–17th
century) began and spread to the rest of Europe. The Italian
culture at the time flourished and produced well-known
scholars and artists, such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci,
Raphael, Galileo, and Machiavelli.
In the Middle Ages, great Italian explorers such as Marco
Polo, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, John Cabot,
and Giovanni da Verrazzano found their way to the Far East
and the New World using uncharted routes in the sea. It was
also marked as a time of great discovery.
Italy in modern times can be considered as one of the
most culturally and economically advanced countries in
the world. It is now ranked among the wealthiest countries
and boasts of both regional and global cultural, economic,
and military prominence. Italy is the largest wine producer
in the world. It is also home to influential and high-quality
automobiles, machinery, food, design, and fashion.
With a collection of 54 World Heritage Sites, the most
in the world, Italy has under its belt a basketful of cultural
wealth. It is the fifth most-visited country in the world,
having over 52 million international arrivals in 2016. The
most famous landmarks in Italy include the Colosseum
which had 7.4 million visitors in 2018, Pompeii, Galleria
dell’Accademia, Uffizi Gallery, Turin Egyptian Museum, the
Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Excavations of Hercolaneum, and
the Venice National Archaeological Museum, among others.
Italy is also famous for Pasta is another staple food in Italian
its food. Italian cuisine is cuisine. As part of tradition, Italians prepare
known to be diverse and pasta in three ways. The first is as pasta
tasteful yet simple and asciutta, or cooked pasta that is plated and
easy to prepare. It is a served with a complementary side sauce or
kind of cooking that is condiment; second, as pasta in brodo, or pasta
very much suited for the served as part of a soup; and third, as pasta
home. Italian cuisine is al forno, where pasta is part of a dish that is
heavy on the use of pasta, baked in the oven.
bread or dough, and olive Desserts are very much part of Italian
oil. However, fish, fruits, and gastronomic traditions, too. They merge
vegetables such as potatoes, local flavours, such as citrus fruits, pistachios,
tomatoes, olives, bell peppers, and almonds, with sweet cheeses or exotic
and herbs are always complimentary. tastes, such as cocoa, vanilla, and cinnamon.
Recipes are more generally traditional rather Popular Italian desserts include gelato and
than professional. Emphasis lies much on the tiramisu. Italy is famous for their coffee, too.
quality of ingredients used rather than in the
preparation. Cheese, wine, and cold cuts also References:
play a major part in Italian cooking. Knights, Melanie F., et. al. "Italy." Encyclopaedia Britannica, 22 May 2019. https://
National Geographic. "Italy."
Pizza is a famous dish of Italian origin, countries/italy/#italy-coliseum.jpg.
My Kitchen Memories. "Pasta Ascuitta." https://mykitchenmemories.
usually made of round flat bread topped with com/2016/03/09/pasta-asciutta/.
Roe, Alex. "Try Pasta in Brodo, a Tasty, Easy to Cook, Italian Winter Dish." Italy
cheese, tomatoes, olives, and a variety of Chronicles, 14 December 2012.
other ingredients. Many variations of this Parulski, Emily Racette. "Pasta al Forno: 50 Baked Pasta Recipes." https://www.
dish now exists around the world.
World Profile
Pope Francis
Bringing Unity and Hope
to the Church
• Cesar C. Inocencio
N THE MORNING after Poor Church for the Poor
being proclaimed pope, Pope At the time of his election, the
Francis slipped through Vatican Pope gained support from both Church
security and settled his bill at conservatives and reformers, “being seen
a hotel booked for the clergy in the middle as orthodox on sexual matters but liberal
of the Italian capital. This signaled the new on social ones.” His supporters liked
pope’s simpler, direct style unlike that of his his “common touch” and his zealous
predecessor. This, along with his focus on determination to reform the Curia (Vatican
the poor and the marginalized, makes Pope bureaucracy), root out corruption in the
Francis loved by the masses and the world. Vatican bank, and deal with the horrific
No More Pomp legacy of child sex abuse within the Church.
Pope Francis clearly had no appetite The central theme of his pontificate
for the traditionalism and pomp of Church is to build a “poor church, for the poor”
power. He dispensed with the red cape, shoes focusing on “the poorest, the weakest, the
and hats, preferring instead a simple white least important.” This has dominated Francis’
cassock and the plain iron cross he wore in public speeches since his inaugural Mass on
Buenos Aires, Argentina. He never relaxed March 19, 2013.
on his sober approach or his strict lifestyle, Pope Francis challenged his fellow
which some have defined as almost “ascetic.” clergymen to leave their comfort zone and
Pope Francis abandoned the roomy reach out to those who live at the margins
penthouse apartment used by popes for the of society. He repeatedly denounced
past century in favor of a tiny suite in the consumerism and the “culture of waste” of
Vatican guest house. He also turned his back modern economies, making it known that his
upon the palatial papal summer residence at priority is environmental protection.
Castel Gandolfo. He will not isolate himself He condemned runaway capitalism
from the people working for him and with and exclusive focus on profit, berating the
him—Pope Francis loved mingling with the “dictatorship of an economy that is faceless
common people, talking with them, and and lacking any truly humane goal.” Money,
listening to their stories. for Pope Francis, must “serve” man, not “rule”
over him.
Ideas Made Simple
and Its Impact on Life • Angela Catanghal
RELIGION IS A system of belief Religion encourages altruism. Many
and worship of a higher being. individuals become altruistic in their daily
Several religions are widely lives, as religion guides them when dealing
practiced around the world, with with the challenges they face every day.
each person having his or her own personal Religion gives them a sense of direction and
relationship with a god or gods he or she purpose in spreading kindness to everyone.
believes in. Religion serves as a support system.
Humans revere sacred objects and places People are more motivated to practice acts
associated to their religion. They practice of kindness due to the teachings in their
various religious ceremonies, helping religion. Various fund-raising activities are
establish among themselves a sense of organized by different religious organizations,
closeness and connectedness. helping contribute to the common good.
It is evident that religion has a great Negative Impacts
impact on culture, laws, and human life. Its Religion may promote close-mindedness.
influence can be observed in various holidays, Some believers tend to close their minds off
customs, and traditions across the globe. on things outside their own religious beliefs,
Humans are naturally curious individuals, causing misunderstanding with people who
inquisitive of their surroundings, eager to find believe differently and narrowing their
answers to questions puzzling their minds. A perspectives on certain matters.
sense of well-being, structure, and security Religion may instill fear in its followers.
is being given by religion to its followers, People may follow certain religious practices
helping them find reasons for their existence. not because they agree with them, but for fear
However, organized systems often have of being excommunicated or excluded from
both positive and negative impacts. What are salvation.
the effects of religion on daily human life? Religion may cause conflict with oneself.
Positive Impacts Confusion happens when believers become
Religion promotes healthier habits. It undecided and torn between their personal
encourages people to take care of their physical values and religious beliefs and teachings.
and mental health for them to be the best
versions of themselves. Some religions forbid
their followers from eating certain kinds of
food and consuming alcoholic drinks.
SD Board
Another Pair of Shoes?
Distinguishing Your Wants
from Your Needs
• Abigail B. Tabuzo and Gabrielle Iryn S. Yatco
OU WERE IN the mall and you
saw that the pair of shoes you have
been eyeing for a long time is now
on sale for half its original price.
Then, you remembered that you just bought
a new pair a few weeks ago. Getting another
pair this time would surely ruin your budget.
What would you do next?
Wants versus Needs
Deciding whether or not to buy the
pair of shoes that you really want may feel
like a battle of wills between your head and Bring the cash you only need. If the product
your heart. It may have happened to you you need to buy costs just ₧200, put only
many times before with clothes, gadgets, ₧200 and some coins for your travel fare in
food— you name it! But, have you ever asked your wallet. In that way, you would not be
yourself: Are these things really necessary? tempted to purchase unplanned products.
Understanding the difference between your
wants and your needs is important. Prepare a shopping list. Write down only
the things you need to buy and stick to that
On the one hand, a need is defined as list when shopping.
something you have to acquire to survive,
such as shelter, food, and clothing. On the Ask your family or friends to help you.
other hand, a want is something you desire Everyone needs help once in a while. Your
or wish to have, such as—will you look at family and friends can remind you about your
that?—those half-priced pair of shoes you saw financial priorities.
at the mall! Commit. Nothing is easy on the first :secnerefeR
.sv stnaW“ .nirE ,reltetsffuH
Tips to Curb Impulse Buying try. Beating impulse buying is also about hsiugnitsiD ot woH :sdeeN
Let us admit it. We all window-shop to awareness and commitment. You have to ehT ”.owT eht neewteB
.6102 rebmetpeS 42 ,ecnalaB
satisfy ourselves by at least getting a glimpse maintain a certain level of consciousness /moc.ecnalabeht.www//:sptth
of the products that are attractive to us. But, when dealing with each situation. gniwarD“ .evaD ,hceerC
dna tnaW neewteb eniL eht
81 ,redaetS nredoM ”.deeN
there would always be the desire of actually You must recognize that impulse buying //:ptth .6102 rebmevoN
owning them. To help you combat impulse can lead to many problems, such as clutter ./deentnaw-enil
spiT 9“ .madA ,namregaH
buying, here are some tips you can live by: and becoming low on cash. daB ruoY kciK ot skcirT dna
amadA ”.stibaH gnidnepS
Think before you buy. Ask yourself these So, think twice before you buy 72 .PFC ,namregaH
//:ptth .6102 rebmeceD
questions: Do I really need this? Do I have seemingly promising products. Money saved -ot-woh/moc.namregahmada
the money for this? Would I have to give up now can be spent on things you could really thgiNdniW :otohP
something in order to buy this? need later. )moc.kcotsrettuhS(
Natural Economics
Shopping for
and Selling Second-hand
Helps You Save!
• Sandra Thea G. Omar
The Purpose
Behind Your Business
• Jennilyn S. Zuniega
HY DO YOU You also believe that you are giving your time
need to know and effort for meaningful work.
your business Questions to Ask Yourself
purpose? It is Below are questions that you need to
what keeps you focused, motivated, ask yourself and use for reflection to figure
and grounded. When out your purpose if you decide to establish
you are discouraged a business.
and unable to get your
act together, your “why” 1. Am I doing it all for money?
will remind you that you have a Businesses are known to bring in the
goal to achieve and that you are doing it not big bucks. If you play your cards right, you
just for yourself but for a more meaningful can hit the jackpot and become a successful
reason. entrepreneur. However, establishing a good
According to a 2013 article business takes hard work and perseverance. It
titled “The Purpose-Driven Business: Why is not all about glamour and money. If you are
Your Mission Matters,” the following three doing it just for the fortune, there is a huge
levels of employee engagement exist: chance that your business would not take off.
Level 1. You are there for the paycheck 2. What is it that I value the most?
and benefits and you are at least involved. If your business becomes a success, make
Level 2. You are there for the work that sure that you always have something to keep
you love and the people that you enjoy you grounded. What are your values and
working with. beliefs? Would they still remain intact when
you are faced with difficult challenges? What
Level 3. You are there for a reason. You do you think would happen if you do not
know what your mission is and that it is follow your values?
aligned with what you do.
3. Will I contribute positively to society? References:
Bruce, Jan. "The Purpose-
Observing these levels, as they get driven Business: Why Your
higher, the level of connection with the Making a living every day takes up Mission Matters." Forbes,
24 September 2013. https://
mission of the company and your a good amount of your time away
own purpose is relative. Perhaps, from family and loved ones. the-purpose-driven-
even if you feel stressed or This is why you should spend matters/#4c2b913b2bc2.
burned out in some way, after your time with your business Zagrodzky, Kyle. "7 Reasons
resting, you know you still wisely. Aim to contribute to Why the 'Why' is so Important
in Business." Entrepreneur,
want to give it a go. You the development of society 29 December 2015. https://
form resilience knowing that and good things will return article/253360.
Consumer’s Corner
How Can I Be
a Better Consumer?
• Benj V. Caluscusin
VERY DAY, YOU have many The things you do, no matter how big or
responsibilities as a child, as a student, small, affect others. As a consumer, it is your
and as a Filipino. However, do you responsibility to be mindful of the effects of
know that as a consumer, you also your consumption on people from all walks
have responsibilities that you need to fulfill? of life.
1. Critical Awareness 4. Environmental Awareness
You saved up money to buy a new toy for You dispose of plastic materials
your younger sibling. Little did you know that improperly. Eventually, your plastic wastes
the toy you purchased poses a health risk. accumulate and end up being consumed
It is the responsibility of every consumer, by animals.
such as yourself, to find out everything there You must be conscious of the impact
is to know about the products and services of your consumption on the environment
you avail of. You only have to research, as materials to make products are primarily
read, and ask. Then, evaluate all the pieces sourced from nature. You have the important
of information you would have gathered to responsibility of contributing to the lessening
ensure that you get what you pay for. or the eradication of harmful environmental
2. Action effects brought about by different products
and services.
Before going home from school, you
bought a snack to eat along the way. As you 5. Solidarity
were eating, you saw a dead insect in your You are not fully aware of what being a
food. You immediately threw your snack away consumer totally means. Instances wherein
and ate at home instead. your rights are being neglected but you
Consumers should take action whenever remain clueless may exist. And you may
they feel that their rights and welfare are sometimes be unconsciously insensitive
violated. Keeping mum and not doing toward others.
anything will only result in more problems. It is the responsibility of a consumer to
3. Social Concern form or join groups or organizations that will
serve as avenues for you to learn together,
A shortage in water has occurred in your assert your rights, know your responsibilities,
"The Five (5) Consumer
Responsibilities.” Department
community. Fortunately, your family was able and voice out your concerns and opinions on
of Trade and Industry Region
to prepare for it by stocking up on water, so certain matters.
ph/index.php/progs-sevces/ you use your limited stock without much
responsibilities. concern. However, you hear in the news that Knowing your responsibilities as a
Accessed 24 April 2019.
people at a disadvantage are begging to have consumer is a step closer to being a better
Photo: Olena Yakobchuk
( at least a pail of water. one. Now, it is time for you to fulfill them!
Filipino Entrepreneur
T 24, RACHEL de Villa is already Magazine under the Finance and Venture
the Chief Technology Officer and category last year.
co-founder of Cropital, and she Cropital wants to break the cycle of how
wants to bring back agriculture, poor farmers always end up with a significant
this time, more attractively. amount of debt. Farmers pay interest rates
She wants to educate people on the for their lands for up to 50 percent a month.
challenges and opportunities in farming. In Not much is left from their income after
a 2017 interview with Forbes, de Villa said, that. Farmers are also taken advantage of by
“Many young people are entrepreneurs, and traders, people who buy the farmers’ produce
maybe not all of them will go into farming for a cheaper price then resell it for a bigger
but they can create tools and innovations price to get profits. Above all, farmers face the
that will help make farming more sustainable challenges brought about by climate change.
and attractive to younger generations.” Her De Villa added that Filipino farmers
team found out later that even older investors experience up to 20 typhoons a year, which
and overseas Filipino workers were helping could sometimes even wipe out an entire
the farmers. harvest. As the farmers try to pick up the
Along with Ruel Amparo and Lester pieces again, they have to keep borrowing
Pile, Rachel created Cropital, a crowdfunding money to start over and end up with an Flores, Helen. “Cropital:
Connecting farmers and
platform that connects anyone to help even larger debt. However, Cropital was investors for the future
of Philippine agriculture.”
finance Filipino farmers. Basically, people can established to help stop that cycle. Philippine Star, 24 June 2017.
invest their money as a way to support poor In a 2017 interview with the Philippine world/2017/06/24/1712933/
farmers who are victims of predatory lending Star, de Villa shared that Cropital is a social
of materials used in farming. impact investment. One can help farmers and
Hynes, Casey. “For poor
Filipino farmers reliant on
Investors can choose a farm they would at the same time earn for oneself. “We give predatory lending, this
startup offers an alternative.”
like to invest their money in. Cropital you an alternative medium for investment Forbes, 19 June 2017.
manages the funds for the farmers and makes with faster and higher return of money to add sites/chynes/2017/06/19/
sure that they get all the resources they need to your source of income for living,” she said. alternativeinvesting-to-spark-
to tend their lands. The investors receive the The amount of investment is from 2c663ca46d80.
Lopez, Elyssa. “Cropital:
return on their investment once the produce ₧5,000 to ₧50,000, while the rates of the Modern ‘bayanihan’ aims
of the farmers has been sold. return for the investors range from 3 percent
to make local farming more
profitable.” Entrepreneur,
28 December 2015. http://
The company is globally recognized to 30 percent in less than six months.
and supported by institutions in the United All their returns have been 100 percent cropital-modern-
States, the Netherlands, and Malaysia. It has successful so far. farming-more-profitable.
Ruiz, Michelle. “Raising
been awarded Philippine Social Enterprise of Cropital now has $120,000 (around funds for farmers via
crowdsourcing.” Philippine
the Year at the Philippine Rice Bowl Startup ₧6,216,000 as of press time) worth of Daily Inquirer, 19 October
2016. http://
Awards 2016. De Villa herself was included in investments and has managed loans for 600
the 30 Under 30 entrepreneurs list of Forbes farmers in six provinces in the country.
and Its Effects
• Nicanor C. Lajom
SD Board
the Modern American
Pop Culture Fever
• Gabrielle Iryn S. Yatco • Illustration: Joyce Ann I. Melegrito
to a 2014 paper by Claire McAdams titled they have already changed a person’s life? McAdams, Claire. “Definition
of American Pop Culture.”
eHow. Demand Media, 1999-
“Definition of American Pop Culture,” Whether American pop culture is good or 2014. Web. 30 Dec. 2014.
American pop culture “functions to bind bad for a person ultimately depends on how
together large masses of diverse individuals the person interprets it, reacts to it, and uses
English, Thea Theresa.
into a unified cultural identity.” it in his or her daily life. However, no one
“Influence of American Pop
Culture.” eHow. Demand
Media, 1999-2014. Web.
Today, Hollywood films, television (TV) can deny the pandemic that is the American 30 Dec. 2014. https://www.
series, commercial brands, social media pop culture. Culture%20Articles.pdf.
AKING A LIVING can be Additionally, the social class that the
difficult. Many reasons for job unemployed person belongs to is also a
loss exist, such as resignation, consideration. A person who comes from a
redundancies, mass lay-offs, high-class family might not have a financial
and the closure of a business. Unfortunately, problem if he or she becomes unemployed.
the next phase of losing a job can be more However, a person from lower classes may
difficult. need to financially sacrifice and cut down on
Without savings and an emergency fund, many unnecessary expenses if he or she loses
an unemployed person can have a hard time his or her job. These unnecessary expenses
keeping up with monthly expenses, such as may include new clothes, gadgets, night-outs
food, electricity, and water. This is why it is with friends, and out-of-town trips.
highly recommended that after getting hired, Cutting down on spending helps an
people should create a budget plan and divide unemployed person avoid getting into
their income among necessary expenses and debt. His or her standard of living might be
savings. If a recently unemployed person was affected, but at least he or she would not
not financially prepared for job loss, he or she suffer more because of the pressure of debt
would have to borrow money from his or her apart from the pressure of landing another
family, or ask banks for loans. That is, if he or job.
she would not be able to land a job soon. Unemployment does not only affect
people financially. It can also affect them
emotionally, socially, physically, and mentally,
especially if they turn to spending their
savings and see their money reserved for their
future melt away.
To help prevent all of this from
happening, aside from building their savings,
people must also build good relationships
at work and exhaust learning opportunities
when presented to them.
Ganong, Peter, and Pascal Noel. "How Does Unemployment Affect Consumer
Spending?" Yale University, 04 November 2015.
sites/default/files/jmp_0.pdf. Accessed 06 June 2019.
Simpson, Stephen D. "The Cost of Unemployment to the Economy."
Investopedia, 07 May 2019.
Photo: Red Confidential ( the-cost-of-unemployment-to-the-economy.aspx. Accessed 06 June 2019.
On Globalization
1. Economic growth. Globalization opens the United States. When companies opt
up opportunities for international and to outsource services to cut operational philippine-business-and-
free trade, reduces tariffs and prices of costs, they may be depriving locals of management-bpm.
Collins, Mike. “The Pros and
products and services, allows simplified potential jobs. Cases of labor exploitation Cons of Globalization.” Forbes.
exportation and importation, and boosts and unfavorable working conditions Last modified May 6, 2015.
2. Industrialization. Industrial innovations 2. Loss of culture. The emergence of new “Globalization Benefits and
Challenges.” Lumen. Accessed
increase productivity and efficiency, cultures may also pose threats to the May 17, 2019. https://courses.
produce higher output rates for cheaper identity of a country with the possible spring2016/chapter/reading-
costs, and lower prices of products for the loss of indigenous customs and traditions. challenges/.
Lombardo, Crystal. “9 Huge
consumers. These also help developing Despite these, you cannot deny that Globalization Pros and
Cons.” Future of Working.
countries to catch up to the technological globalization has contributed to the Accessed May 17, 2019. https://
advances that may benefit businesses and Philippine economy and global competency. globalization-pros-and-cons/.
Remo, Amy R. “Manila
ways of life. The challenge now for governments around Reclaims Spot.”
Last modified October 20,
the world is to find ways to mitigate its 2018. https://business.inquirer.
potential negative impacts while maximizing spot.
Development Responsible
Production and
Goal 12 Consumption
• Angela Floralyn B. Catanghal
Carl Gauss
‘‘ T
he greatest mathematician since antiquity” befits Carl Gauss as his influence is so
extensive, it goes beyond the discipline of mathematics. With his impressive roster of
accomplishments and contributions, he is considered to be one of the most influential
mathematicians in history.
Gauss’ Younger Years
According to many anecdotes, Gauss manifested many signs of being a genius at a very early age.
At the young age of 12, he was already attending gymnasium and criticizing Euclid, the founder of
Gauss’ intellectual precocity set him apart from other children, attracting the attention of a duke
who so much as sent him to two of the most prestigious institutions of knowledge then in Germany,
Collegium Carolinum and University oof Göttingen. It was around his teenage years that Gauss
made several significant discoveries, which were all primarily in the fields of geometry and algebra.
At the age of 24, Gauss wrote his most influential output, “Disquisitiones Arithmeticae,” laying
down the foundations for the modern number theory. This was also the pinnacle of his desire to
concretize the development of his favorite area of mathematics, number theory. Aside from this,
his experimental manipulations in number theory led him to making his own version of modular
arithmetic and discovering the first proof of the law of quadratic reciprocity.
His Years in the Academe and Society’s Circles
In the latter years of his intellectual pursuits, Gauss collaborated with the physics
professor Wilhelm Weber on a project about magnetism. They successfully constructed the first
electromechanical telegraph that connected the institute for physics in the University of Göttingen
with the observatory.
Because of his discoveries and developments, Gauss was famous among the societal circles. He
was a member of various reputable scientific societies, and even became a foreign member of the
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Mastin, Luke. “Gauss - 19th century mathematics.” The Story of Mathematics, n.d. Accessed on 21 March 2019.
I. In each diagram below, write the name of each person, depending on their
characteristics. Remember to write the names that do not fit any of the characteristics
Power Test
outside the circles.
Girls 14 years
old and
Like Weighs
volleyball below 30 kg
II. Deteremine the answers to the following statements based on the table above.
Radical Insights
of Asia
ph/sexystats/2013/ any countries use English to connect the ever globalizing world. Knowing English
seems to make it easier for people, especially those from different countries, to
communicate with one another. Despite this, many countries in Asia still use and
subcommission- preserve their own languages.
language-of-the- Languages of Asia
philippines The Arabic language has 221 million
http://www,rappler. In Cambodia, its national language,
com/newsbreak/ speakers in many Asian countries such as
iq/66819-evolution- Khmer, is spoken by at least 15 million people
Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Oman, and
in the country and also by minorities in
http://www. Tajikistan. The language is also spoken outside Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam.
sealanguages/khmer/ the continent, thus having 30 different
hhtp://blogs. An estimated 126 million people mainly varieties of colloquial Arabic including
indian-speaks-780- in Japan as well as in Palau and Taiwan speak Egyptian and Sudanese.
the Japanese national language, Nihongo.
Although there are more than 1700 In Indonesia, Bahasa Indonesia serves languages in the Philippines, the 1987
archive/2012/07/ as a common language to almost 30 million Constitution officially made Filipino the
languages-of- people who speak it as their first language and national languge, which has been further
to almost 140 million who speak it as their developed and enriched on the basis of
second. existing Philippine and other languages over
http://www. Iran's official language, the Modern the centuries.
Persian language, is called Farsi by native Aside from their national languages,
speakers as it is related to the Middle and many countries such as the Philippines have
Old Persian language. It is written in Arabic other languages and dialects. Indonesia
characters and has many Arabic loanwords has approximately 538 and India has
and an extensive literature. approximately 780.
According to academics, Baybayin is said to be
influenced by writing systems of Indian origin
that were already present in Malaysia and
Indonesia in the 13th century.
The Bane of Languages
Because of globalization, the extinction
of some languages seems to be inevitable as
they disappear alongside the extinction of old
In India, the Bo language has been extinct
for eight years since its last speakers died in
2010 at the age of 85. The Bo speakers are
said to be the descendants of one of the oldest
human cultures on Earth. Unfortunately,
the loss of the Bo language is just one of
Ancient Brahmi script of South India the 220 Indian languages that have already
disappeared in the last 50 years.
Writing Systems of Asia The Ainu language of Japan, with fewer
As Asian countries have different than 10 speakers, and Manchu language of
languages, they also have different systems China, with fewer than two dozen, are also in
of writing. Some may have been derived from danger of demise.
older writing systems, but they are ultimately
distinct. So what can we do to preserve these
beautiful and historic yet endangered
Thailand's alphabet is said to have languages? Welll, learning more about them
probably been from the Old Khmer alphabet. seems like a good start. Eventually, you might
The Cambodian script or Khmer letter are, in even make some new foreign friends.
turn, said to have been derived from many
forms of the ancient Brahmi script of South Trivia: There are three writing systems that seem
India. indistinguishable to many people, namely the Chinese hànzì
Nepal's national language, Nepali, is (汉字), the Korean han'gŭl (한글), and the Japanese kanji
written using the Devanagari alphabet, which (漢字) and katakana (かたかな).
is also said to have been developed from the
Brahmi script in the 11th century A.D.
Some writing systems such as Myanmar's
Burmese script and the Philippines'
precolonial writing system, Baybayin, include
syllabic alphabets wherein each consonant has
an inherent vowel with the usage of separate
letters or diacritics for other vowel words.
Baybayin was the Philippines' form of
writing before Spain colonized the country
and taught the natives the Latin alphabet.
ou may now have completely grasped the concept of simple intersection and union of
sets in Venn diagram. As discussed in “Chat about Math,” a Venn diagram is a visual
representation of sets of given elements and their relationships with one another.
However, there is more to a Venn diagram than determining simple set
relationships. A Venn diagram could also help you solve some math problems. You have to use
the given clues to draw a correct Venn diagram and figure out the remaining information. Below
is an example of this problem.
Out of 50 students in a class, 22 are taking English Literature, 26 are taking Philippine
Literature, and 6 are taking both.
a. How many students are taking English Literature but not Philippine Literature?
b. How many students are taking Philippine Literature but not English Literature?
c. How many are in either or both subjects?
d. How many are in neither subject?
Draw two overlapping circles, labelled Six students are taking both classes, so
with the total in each. put "6" in the overlap.
Accounting for six of the 22 English Then, to get the total of students that are
Literature students leaves 16 students in either English Literature and Philippine
taking English Literature but not Philippine Literature subjects add the numbers you have
Literature. Put 16 then in the "English just calculated:
Literature" part of the circle. 16 + 6 + 20 = 42
English (22) (26) Philippine Because there are 50 students in the class,
Literature Literature
this leaves eight students who are taking
neither subject. Put then 8 inside the box, but
outside the two circles.
16 English (22) (26) Philippine
6 Literature Literature
16 20
Accounting for six of the 26 Philippine
Literature students leaves 26 students
taking Philippine Literature but not English 8
Literature. Put 20 then in the "Philippine
Literature" part of the circle. So, to answer the given questions:
English (22) (26) Philippine a. There are 16 students who are
Literature Literature taking English Literature but not Philippine
b. There are 20 students who are
taking Philippine Literature but not English
16 20
6 Literature.
c. There is a total of 42 students who are
taking one or both subjects.
d. Eight students are taking neither
Purplemath. "Venn Diagram." n.d. Accessed 17 May 2019.
Econ 101
oday, business transactions are integrated into almost all our everyday activities. These transactions have
fundamental effects called credit and debit, and both are used to keep track of changes in an individual’s
fiscal value. These two are recorded against each other when accounting one’s finances. For each
recording of one, there is a corresponding equal amount of the other. The total of debits must always be
equal to that of the credits to yield a balanced accounting transaction.
Credit and its Meanings
The term credit is used to refer to an accounting entry that indicates a decrease of assets or an increase
in liabilities and equity. In basic accounting terms, it refers to the borrowed money an individual can use for
purchasing and to be paid at a later date to its lender. An individual’s credit history is used as an assessment tool
to rate an individual's creditworthiness or ability to pay.
Good and Bad Credit
For some people, using credit through payment cards (or also known as credit cards) has provided them
great convenience in meeting their emergency needs. However, as mentioned earlier, one’s credit history will be
used to determine that person's credit risk.
A low credit rating indicates that an individual has bad credit. This happens when an individual fails to
repay debts according to a previously agreed schedule with the lender. Good credit is marked with a high credit
rating, which means the borrower has a safe credit risk and is capable of paying all liabilities. The chart below
shows indicators of good and bad credit.
Good credit Bad credit
1) Paying on time and in full amount 1) Late and incomplete payment
2) Abiding by one's agreement with the lender 2) Mounds of unpaid debt
3) Never missing a payment date 3) Missing payment dates too many times
4) Never going over your credit limit 4) Going over your credit limit
Accounting Tools. “Debits and credits.” 31 January 2018. Accessed 1 April 2019.
Kenton, Will. “Credit.” Investopedia, 24 March 2019. Accessed 2 April 2019.
Hands on Banking. “Good credit vs. bad credit.” n.d. Accessed 2 April 2019.
Wosley, Ben. “Good vs. bad credit: Why is this important?” CreditCards.Com, 20 August 2005.
Accessed 2 April 2019.
Grocery Shopping
Radical Insights
Around the World • Venus Alleah Nuñez
rocery shopping is one of the most mundane chores most people do. It is an activity so
normal to many of us, we tend to think that grocery shopping behaviors are the same
throughout the world. However, much of our grocery shopping habits are shaped by
culture and physical environment. In fact, a grocery store can tell quite a lot about a
country. Its products speakvolumes about the culture and traditions of the people living nearby.
Shopping habits are also shaped by cultural traits that allow people to get by with everyday
To gain insights into how the socio-economic and cultural aspects of a country affect
something as ordinary as grocery shopping, here are some countries around the world with
very unique grocery shopping habits.
In addition, to the utter disgruntlement Like the Japanese, the Chinese also use
of environmental groups, American grocery eco-bags lest they shell out 10 cents for an
stores use plastic bags so much that most additional bag. As Chinese have high value for
houses end up with heaps of them stored in the quality of their food and are remarkably
cabinets. Fortunately, some cities have already frugal, they also do their grocery shopping
banned plastic bags and their citizens are very lightly, just enough for their daily budget
required to pay an extra 10 cents to have one. and necessities.
Japan Aside from east-meets-west
In Japan, there are chain stores for supermarkets, online shopping is also
particular inedible home goods and toiletries. booming and popular now for Chinese
Thus, their grocery stores often only sell food shoppers. According to a 2019 study, China
products. Japanese grocery stores also have has the world’s largest online grocery market.
a wide range of selection of seasonal produce South Africa
with limited sections for imported goods. In South Africa, open-air markets are
Since most Japanese do not have cars, common but more and more supermarkets
they tend to shop for what they need for a are built to make them accessible to a larger
day so that they could carry their purchase number of people. However, recent studies
in their bikes or in their arms. Also, with the show that online grocery shopping is now
general concession that reducing plastic use more preferred than open-air markets and
would help the planet, people carry durable supermarkets, even though online grocery
foldable eco-bags with them wherever they shopping in South Africa is still in its infancy.
go. If shoppers happen to forget their bags, South African shoppers want to save on
Japanese grocery stores can only provide one transportation expenses, but compared with
heavy-duty plastic, regardless of the quantity the United States, it is much more expensive
a shopper buys. to buy online than in physical stores due to
China added delivery fees.
As the forerunning economy in Asia,
China has all kinds of international
supermarkets. They are all markedly different Mitrokostas, Sophia. “What grocery shopping looks like in 10 places around
the world.” Insider, 21 September 2018.
compared with their European counterparts grocery-shopping-around-the-world-2018-9. Accessed 4 April 2019.
as they seem to be modeled after local open- Bennett, Page. “10 grocery shopping habits from around the world that
could save time and get you fresher food.” Insider, 11 February 2019. https://
air markets or unorganized bazaars. However,
try-2018-11. Accessed 4 April 2019.
their stores have an abundance of fresh local
Econ 101
The Good and the Bad
• Venus Alleah Nuñez
oday, business transactions are integrated into almost all our everyday activities. These transactions have
fundamental effects called credit and debit, and both are used to keep track of changes in an individual’s
fiscal value. These two are recorded against each other when accounting one’s finances. For each recording
of one, there is a corresponding equal amount of the other. The total of debits must always be equal to that
of the credits to yield a balanced accounting transaction.
Credit and its Meanings
The term credit is used to refer to an accounting entry that indicates a decrease of assets or an increase
in liabilities and equity. In basic accounting terms, it refers to the borrowed money an individual can use for
purchasing and to be paid at a later date to its lender. An individual’s credit history is used as an assessment tool
to rate an individual's creditworthiness or ability to pay.
Good and Bad Credit
For some people, using credit through payment cards (or also known as credit cards) has provided them
great convenience in meeting their emergency needs. However, as mentioned earlier, one’s credit history will be
used to determine that person's credit risk.
A low credit rating indicates that an individual has bad credit. This happens when an individual fails to
repay debts according to a previously agreed schedule with the lender. Good credit is marked with a high credit
rating, which means the borrower has a safe credit risk and is capable of paying all liabilities. The chart below
shows indicators of good and bad credit.
Good credit Bad credit
1) Paying on time and in full amount 1) Late and incomplete payment
2) Abiding by one's agreement with the lender 2) Mounds of unpaid debt
3) Never missing a payment date 3) Missing payment dates too many times
4) Never going over your credit limit 4) Going over your credit limit
Accounting Tools. “Debits and credits.” 31 January 2018. Accessed 1 April 2019.
Kenton, Will. “Credit.” Investopedia, 24 March 2019. Accessed 2 April 2019.
Hands on Banking. “Good credit vs. bad credit.” n.d. Accessed 2 April 2019.
Wosley, Ben. “Good vs. bad credit: Why is this important?” CreditCards.Com, 20 August 2005.
Accessed 2 April 2019.
Power Test
1. 20a5b3
10x2y – 10y3
3. 6x y + 12xy2 + 6y3
3 7 5
1. 8x – 8x + 8x
n2 81
2. –
2n – 18 2n – 18
11a a
3. a2 –
+ 3a + 28 a–7
m+1 5
4. 4m – 1 – m – 3
x5 8y2
5. 7 •
4y x3y
b2 – 3b – 10 3b + 24
6. •
b+8 7b – 35
x2 – x – 30 32 – 8x
7. •
x – 10x + 24 3x – 15
15m2 2m2 + 5m – 12
8. •
4m – 9
7m + 28
a2 + 2ab + b2 ÷ 7a2
a –b
2 2
a b – ab2
y2 – 2y – 3 ÷ 3 – y 6y2 + 15y
10. 3 •
4y + 25
(2y – 5) 2y2 – 3y – 5
Brain Teasers
olve the Sudoku puzzle by filling in the blank spaces with numbers
between 1 and 9. Make sure no numbers appear twice in the same row,
column, or 3 × 3 square.
4 5 9 1 7 3 2 8 6
3 1 6 8
6 5 9 1
6 3 4 2 9 5 7
5 8 3
8 1 7 4 6
1 4 7 3 6 9
9 5
6 3 1 7
Top Grocery Items Filipinos Buy
Lucky Me
Country: Philippines
Percentage of buying households: 98.3%
1 Company: Monde Nissin
ith today’s Estimated times bought per year: 812,000,000
Launch year: 1989
of product
brands Nescafé
Country: Switzerland Percentage of buying households: 88.0%
in the market, it 2
Company: Nestlé Estimated times bought per year:: 686,000,000
makes one wonder Launch year: 1938
which among them
is the most sought Surf
after by Filipino 3
Country: United Kingdom Percentage of buying households: 91.3%
consumers for Company: Unilever Estimated times bought per year: 593,000,000
Launch year: 1952
their households. A
survey of shopping
decisions of 23 Silver Swan
Country: Philippines Percentage of buying households: 81.3%
million Filipino 4
Company: NutriAsia Estimated times bought per year: 506,000,000
households Launch year: 1975
covering 530 on-
the-shelves brands Palmolive
was conducted in Country: United States Percentage of buying households: 82.6%
Company: Colgate-Palmolive Estimated times bought per year: 503,000,000
2017. Learn more Launch year: 1898
about product
brands and see if
Bear Brand
you have them as Country: Switzerland Percentage of buying households: 87.4%
well at home. 6 Company: Nestlé Estimated times bought per year: 471,000,000
Launch year: 1976
Great Taste
Country: Philippines Percentage of buying households: 73.5%
7 Company: Universal Robina Estimated times bought per year: 459,000,000
Launch year: 1970s
Country: Australia Percentage of buying households: 81.4%
Company: Nestlé Estimated times bought per year: 443,000,000
Launch year: 1934
Country: Indonesia Percentage of buying households: 74.2%
9 Company: PT. Mayora Indah Tbk. / Estimated times bought per year: 441,000,000
Tridharma Marketing Corporation
Launch year: 2005
Duterrage, Alexander.
“Philippines’ most chosen Ajinomoto
brands 2018.” Kantar Worldpanel,
Country: Japan Percentage of buying households: 82.8%
19 June 2018. https://www. 10 Estimated times bought per year: 415,000,000 Company: Ajinomoto
brand-footprint-2018. Accessed Launch year: 1909
on 22 March 2019.
Econ 101
Venture 101 • Venus Alleah Nuñez
Types of business entities
he Philippines has been reported by
many news outlets as having one of the 1. Sole proprietorship - This involves only
fastest-progressing economies in Asia, one owner who shoulders all liabilities
and financial experts have predicted and keeps all profits.
that the country will have an unprecedented 2. Partnership - This has two or more
economic growth this year if all things owners, separately recognized but not
continue to go well. Undoubtedly, this legally disjointed from the business for
tax purposes.
positive outlook would attract more investors,
and this year is probably the best time to start 3. Corporation - This is a separate and
legal entity owned by at least five
a business venture.
shareholders whose liabilities are
If you want to start a business here in capped based on their investment.
the Philippines in the future, here are some
details you must remember. Important agencies for legal business
Key Steps You Should Do Before requirements
Starting a Business 1. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
- This is the government’s executive
1. Figure out your business identity or
department that oversees the overall
brand. You should prepare everything economic catalysts that affect both
before engaging in any kind of business. public and private sectors.
Conduct a project study if need be, to
2. Securities and Exchange Commission
scope out the most marketable business (SEC) - This government agency is
idea and to profile its potential buyers. tasked to regulate the securities industry
Develop whatever idea you draw from that and maintain the company registry in the
study and make it your own. Make a very country.
unique business, something so catchy 3. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) -
that could make people curious. Knowing This government agency handles the
these and your business funds will help collection of total revenues of the
you make a good business plan. government from the private sectors.
A. Fill in the blanks to transform the expression into a perfect square trinomial.
4. x2 – 3x + ________ = (_____________)2
B. Solve the following quadratic equations in two ways: (a) geometrically, using the
Babylonian strategy, and (b) algebraically, by manipulating the equation to contain a
perfect square trinomial.
x2 + 6x = 40
Geometric (Babylonian) strategy Algebraic strategy (completing the square)
x2 + 5x =
Geometric (Babylonian) strategy Algebraic strategy (completing the square)
Best Business
Radical Insights
Ideas Today • Venus Alleah Nuñez
espite the downward trend experienced by the Philippine economy in the last quarter of 2018, it appears that
it has revitalized itself in the first quarter of the year. Last year’s 6.7% inflation rate, the highest then among
ASEAN countries, has decreased to 3.3% as of March 2019, making the investment climate in the country less
risky to international and local business ventures.
However, even with this economic comeback, the World Bank has forecasted that the country’s economic
growth would slow down as national problems remain unsolved such as the current budget delay in Congress and
the onslaught of El Niño in many agricultural regions. These put public investment on the decline, while private
consumption and investment are on the rise due to lower inflation.
Philippine economic experts, though, maintain an optismistic outlook as they bank on several external
conditions to take a big role in offsetting the country’s public and private investments. Government financial
managers seek to make amendments to the Retail Trade Liberalization and to quickly pass the second round of
Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion law. They propose that these would yield improvements in small and
medium-sized enterprises and foreign investments measures in the country.
Business Uncertainties and Ideas
Considering everything above, the economic climate of the country may seem very precarious at the moment to
a novice in the business world. Nevertheless, the Philippines continues to be among the top Asian countries in the
economic-growth race, but one must be aware of all the ever-changing possibilities before venturing into business
and follow the key steps in establishing one that could withstand the instability of the country’s economy.
For aspiring business owners, here are some trendy ideas that could help you bring your best foot forward in
your entrepreneurial journey with minimal risks and small capital.
2. Jewelry Making
Starting Capital: ₱5,000
When it comes to jewelry, people nowadays
appreciate less expensive yet aesthetically pleasing
ones. If you are into arts and crafts and love fashion
at the same time, let your creative talent shine and
design something personal for your customers.
Pre-operational basic requirements:
– Pliers, glue gun, scissors
– Jewelry materials (e.g. sequins and hoops)
and supplier
– Physical or online shop
Sample basic materials in jewellery making
Expected income: ₱75-₱100 per item/jewelry
Atienza, Wendy. “Small business ideas in the Philippines starting at 5000 (part 1).” Infinite Solutions, 19 September 2018.
philippines-starting-at-php-5000-part-1/. Accessed 08 April 2019.
Rivas, Ralf. “Inflation eases further to 3.3% in March 2019.” Rappler, 05 April 2019. Accessed 08
2019._________. “9 reasons why the Philippines is ripe for business in 2019.” Rappler, 27 February 2019.
business-2019. Accessed 08 April 2019.
Lines of cars stuck in heavy traffic in a street in Moscow, Russia
Radical Insights
Traffic Jams
Around the World
• Venus Alleah Nuñez
ilipinos might already have adapted themselves to the mad jungle of vehicles that
is the metropolitan traffic. You might have experienced this, getting stuck once in
a while in the infamous Philippine traffic. Even in the sweltering heat and smoggy
air, commuters would jump and cling to the first ride they see just to get to their
Little do we know, other countries endure the same everyday stressful commute, and
some are even much worse.
Moscow: The Capital of Traffic Jams
Among the cities in 38 countries analyzed by INRIX, Moscow, the capital of Russia, is
named as the city with the worst traffic in the world. Moscovites are said to be losing an
average of 210 hours to traffic queues, and drivers' travel averaged around 18 kilometers
per hour in 2018.
In the 2017 report, Moscow was outranked by Los Angeles. Los Angeles drivers spent
an average of 102 peak hours in congestion. Now, traffic there has improved its rating, and
the city has dropped to 47th place in the recent report.
Several Russian vehicular and road specialists have already acknowledged the
shortcomings of the country’s road and transportation planning. Unlike Los Angeles,
Moscow does not have wide roads and meticulous road networks. In addition, Moscow’s
cobweb-like roads, together with traffic law negligence, have long been blamed for the
constant road accidents. About 15,000 deaths resulted from vehicular accidents in 2018.
Worsening World Traffic
Unsurprisingly, with the burgeoning population and ever-increasing volume of vehicles,
people around the world seem to be in the same predicament, carrying the bane of traffic
on a daily basis. Flourishing metropolises are inundated by vehicles to transport rushing
commuters, a sequential result of modernity and industrialization.
A study on traffic equilibrium in 2018 shows that road systems and infrastructures have
immense effects on travel choices, and vice versa. People’s travel choices today are mainly
motivated by their desire to be part of the world’s fast-paced modernization.
However, dilapidated road infrastructures in cities seem to be one of the obvious
impediments in a country's socio-economic progress as they exacerbate the traffic situation,
choking and creaking when streams of cars pass over. Road infrastructure must be improved so
that people could live efficiently without constantly being in a jammed race to success.
Top 15 out of 38 Analyzed Cities with the Worst Cities for Traffic Congestion, 2018
(with hours lost in traffic congestion adjusted to the city’s population)
1. Moscow, Russia - 210 hours
2. Istanbul, Turkey - 157 hours
3. Bogota, Colombia - 272 hours
4. Mexico City, Mexico - 218 hours
5. São Paulo, Mexico - 154 hours
6. London, United Kingdom - 227 hours
7. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 199 hours
8. Boston, Massachusetts - 164 hours
9. Saint Petersburg, Russia - 200 hours
10. Rome, Italy - 254 hours
11. Anakra, Turkey - 128 hours
12. Izmir, Turkey - 154 hours
13. Sydney, Australia - 138 hours
14. Singapore - 105 hours
15. Berlin, Germany - 154 hours
Matousek, Mark. “Cities with most worst traffic in the world.” Business Insider, 12 February 2019.
the-world-2019-2. Accessed 05 April 2019.
Inrix. “Inrix 2018 Global Traffic Scorecard.” 11 February 2019. Accessed 08 April 2019.
Gaus, Annie. “Moscow is a terrifying city for drivers. So what if a car doesn’t have one?” The Guardian, 02 January 2018.
technology/2018/jan/02/moscow-russia-self-driving-car-challenge-hackathon. Accessed on 08 April 2019.
Philippine Traffic Congestion
in Numbers
• Venus Alleah Nuñez
he Philippines is famous and
recognized for many things around
the world, including the troubling
distinction of having the third worst
traffic in Southeast Asia, according to a study
by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in
2017. Metro Manila’s transportation system References: “Metro Manila
was even dubbed by the Guardian, a reputable has 3rd worst traffic in
Southeast Asia - study.” 30
European news outlet, as the world’s worst Other Traffic Woes November 2017. Retrieved
from https://www.rappler.
commute in 2016 as the transport of Filipinos Should there be no action done and com/business/190016-metro-
were captured in pictures. Perhaps the recent the volume is not reduced by 2022, the manila-traffic-southeast-asia-
study-bcg-uber. Accessed on
efforts of the government have not yielded country’s outdated railway system would no 28 March 2019.
CNN Philippines. “PH traffic
the expected results to remedy this ever- longer be capable of meeting the commuter may worsen, to cost ₱5.4
worsening problem. The overly-congested requirements. billion daily —JICA.” 19
September 2018. http://
traffic in Metro Manila continues to have a Neglected road infrastructures in some
crippling domino effect over several sectors. cities also lend many safety issues and traffic study-traffic-5-billion.html.
Accessed on 28 March 2019.
To have a grasp of how concerning this is, obstructions, oftentimes causing road traffic Dancel, Raul. “Filipinos spend
read on and learn how heavy traffic affects the deaths and injuries. The reported number of
16 days a year stuck in traffic:
study.” The Strait Times, 28
entire country in numbers. deaths is 10,000 annually, and if the apparent November 2017. https://www.
Economic Woes and Boons road issues are not immediately addressed, asia/filipinos-spend-16-days-
A survey conducted in 2018 by the Japan this will continue to increase in succeeding Accessed on 28 March 2019.
Power Test
1. x3 + 6x2 – x – 30 = 0
3. 6x3 – 49x2 + 6x + 16 = 0
1. x3 + x2 – 32x – 60
2. A box has dimensions 3 cm, 5 cm, and 7 cm. If the first two dimensions are increased
and the third dimension is decreased by the same amount, a second box is formed with a
volume that is 9/5 of the volume of the first box. Determine the dimensions of the second
3. Identical squares are cut from each corner of a rectangular piece of cardboard, 15 cm by
11 cm. The sides are then folded up to make a box with an open top. If the volume of the
box is 144 cm3, how long is the side of each square?
1st Quarter
Evolving World
Making the Philippines a Pro-Environment
and Pro-People Mining Zone
Dolly Anne L. Idlisan
ne cannot live a day without using pit mining. He expressed his concern about
things that contain metals. From the the mining operations in the Philippines, as
wires that distribute electricity to they cause destruction to the environment
our homes, the gadgets we use, up to the and marine life. The president also calls on
common things we touch, such as coins, mining companies and groups to replace
cutlery, pens, and keys, it is certain that and replant trees that were cut due to their
metals are valuable materials. mining activities.
The Philippines’ rich resources are not Landslides are among the threats
only found on its fertile land and oceans. caused by mining. After the Itogon
Minerals and metals are also mined Landslide in Benguet in September 2018
underneath lands and seas. The country that was triggered by Typhoon Ompong,
Photo: Shutterstock
to compensate for the damages to the Moreover, according to Republic Act No.
environment, and the loss of lives when 7942, or the Philippine Mining Act of 1995,
disasters strike. There has to be a balance the ancestral land of indigenous peoples
between achieving economic requirements must be protected. It states, “No ancestral
and protecting the environment. land shall be opened for mining operations
Sustainable mining is the development without prior consent of the indigenous
of minerals and energy resources in a way cultural community concerned.” If the
that maximizes the social benefits while community approves, then they shall be
minimizing environmental impact. given royalty that will be used to fund their
In an ideal setting, a country practices socioeconomic well-being.
sustainable mining when environmental Mining companies may also put more
policies and safety regulations are firmly effort in improving the quality of life of
imposed. Moreover, the mining companies the indigenous peoples. Take for example,
are prioritizing the welfare of the the social responsibility program of Philex
communities that are directly affected by Mining. They prioritize qualified IPs in
their operations. filling job vacancies.
On Social Responsibility It takes a strong political will to change
The Philippine constitution has the existing policies on mining. Ideally,
various laws that recognize the right of the policies should create a huge impact
its indigenous peoples to their ancestral to businesses while also eradicating bad
domain. These laws should ensure that mining practices and distributing mining
the host communities will greatly benefit wealth fairly to host communities and
from mining. According to the Mines and indigenous people. Above all, billions of
Geosciences Bureau (MGB), there should money will never undervalue the blasted
be a “fair and equitable sharing of benefits mountains, destroyed rainforests, polluted
among the company, the government, and rivers, and lives lost from mining disasters
host communities.” and landslides.
Sources: Avendaño, Christine O. "Duterte firm on stance to stop mining in PH.", 19 September 2018. https://business.inquirer.
Rivas, Ralf. "DENR: Itogon landslide not caused by mining." Rappler, 19 September 2019.
Rivas, Ralf. "Cimatu orders 'minahang bayan' review after Itogon tragedy." Rappler, 18 September 2018.
Cullen, Shay, SSC. "Mining – The good and the bad." Manila Times, 09 August 2014.
"Sustainable mining." Department of Industry, Innovation, and Science - Australian Government.
Sustainable-mining/Pages/default.aspx. Accessed 09 April 2019.
Science Words
• open-pit mining – the method of removing the surface of a large area of land to get a mineral
or other material that can be extracted
• excise tax – a tax imposed on products or things that are made, sold, or used within a country
• royalty – a share of the product or profit of a company to the rightful land owners, especially
of an oil and mining lease
Guide Questions
1. What is the stand of the current administration on open-pit mining in the Philippines?
2. What is sustainable mining? How can it be achieved?
3. Do you think it is reasonable to ban open-pit mining in the Philippines? Why?
Beyond the Textbook
Casting Knowledge
about Alloys John Carlo D.C. Oliquino
Photo: Shutterstock
ne of the most important human of metals. Alloys, by definition, is a combination
innovations is the capability to go to of metals and of a metal or another nonmetal
space. Spaceflight demands its vessels element.
to be tough, durable, and rigid despite having The titanium alloys used in the space
a very light airframe. These properties allow shuttle exhibit high tensile strength and
spacecrafts to survive reentry back into the toughness. It is also resistant to corrosion.
Earth’s atmosphere while also allowing them to These are important properties especially
use a comparatively small amount of fuel. These when returning to Earth after a mission.
vessels consist of a titanium frame; however, pure
Methods of Alloying
titanium alone is weak. The pure metal cannot
Different methods of making alloys exist
withstand the pressure and the heat caused
for specialized purposes. Traditional alloying
by atmospheric reentry. What do you think is
consists of melting both metals and mixing them
done to titanium so that it can withstand the
in their liquid form. The mixture is then cooled
extreme heat and pressure? What other metals
down to form a solid solution.
have been configured in such a way that it has
become indispensable to our daily lives? Another method is pulverizing the metals
and combining them into a powder mixture. The
What Is an Alloy? metallic powder is set under high pressure and
The space shuttle is not made of a pure temperature to create an alloy. This method is
titanium airframe, but rather a combination called powder metallurgy.
of titanium and trace amounts of aluminum
There is also a more complex method that is
and vanadium, 6% to 4% respectively. In large
commonly used to manufacture semiconductors
furnaces, these metals are liquified to form a
used in electronic circuitry. It is a process of firing
homogeneous mixture in a solid to solid solution.
beams of atoms into a piece of metal, known as
These solid solutions are called alloys. Alloying
ion implantation.
can reconstruct the properties of certain types
Structural Composition
Metals under the view of a powerful electron microscope are arranged in a Examples of Alloys
uniform structure called the crystalline lattice. You can imagine this akin to a
cardboard box with a layer of marbles. To visualize its structural composition,
the marbles are the main metals.
There are two main types of alloys based on how the metal elements arrange
their atoms: the substitution and interstitial alloys. Substitution alloy is similar
to dropping plastic balls as small as marbles to the cardboard box. They begin to
arrange themselves uniformly alongside the marbles. Usually, elements that are Alnico, a combination of
structured this way are relatively near to each other on the periodic table. aluminum, nickel, and cobalt, is
used in pickups of electric guitars
Alloys may also form if the alloying agents are smaller than the main metal. and in magnets of loudspeakers.
These interstitial elements blend and slip in the main atoms in the gaps. This
structure is called an interstitial alloy. Steel, a common construction material, is an
example of interstitial alloy. Trace amounts of carbon slip in the main crystalline
Photos: Shutterstock
lattice of iron.
Science Words
• crystalline lattice – a regular, repeated, three-dimensional arrangement of atoms, ions, or
molecules in a metal or in another crystalline solid
• interstitial – inside a small space between structures and objects
• homogeneous – same kind, alike
Guide Questions
1. What are the different structural compositions of alloys?
2. What is the difference between solid solutions and solid mixtures?
3. By conducting your own research, what are the other alloys that are not mentioned in the
Organized Ideas
Materials Needed
Iron ore
furnace gas
Molten Molten
slag iron
Blast furnace
Scrap metal
Shaping and Finishing
The major
processes involved
in steelmaking
varies depending
on the starting
materials to be
Steel Products
If a specific grade or quality of
Oxygen is blown inside a furnace
steel is required, the liquid steel
that contains molten iron (from
may still be refined in a process
the blast furnace), which may
called secondary steelmaking.
also include metal scraps. The
chemical reaction of oxygen with
the elements present in metal
scraps and molten iron produce
the steel liquid mixture.
Basic Oxygen Furnace
The current from the electric Ladle car containing liquid steel
arc melts the scrap metal
following the appropriate
temperature to produce liquid
t’s now or never.” The team iNON definitely wasted no time in making
How ISDApp Works a community application that can benefit the fishermen, one of the
underprivileged sectors in our country. Recently, our representative to
A town official the 2018 Space Apps Challenge hackathon stole the global spotlight. The National
installs the app on his Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced ISDApp, iNON’s concept
or her smartphone.
app, as the Global Winner of the said competition in the “Best Galactic Impact”
The team gave S&T Digest a chance to interview them. Here are some insights
Using the app, the they shared about their team, and the ISDApp.
town official will
have to input all the S&T: Who are the developers of ISDApp? giving them more accurate and localized
details (name, birth How was the team formed? weather and sea information, vital to their
date, age, gender, iNON: Uniting two diverse fields, Team day-to-day work.
address, and mobile iNON consists of creatives Revbrain Martin
and emergency and Marie Jeddah Legaspi, who both work S&T: What is the most challenging
contact numbers) of at ABS-CBN, and IT professionals Julius part or problem that you have faced in
fishermen. creating the app?
Czar Torreda, Matthew Concubierta, and
Leandro Miguel de Guzman from Globe iNON: Winning the competition is just the
[Telecom]. Martin encouraged Torreda beginning. The real challenge is finding
The app will collect and Legaspi to form a hackathon team, investors who believe in the vision of our
vital data from while Torreda referred Concubierta and team—giving the less privileged access
NASA and other to data and information to help them
de Guzman to the group.
weather Application improve their lives.
Programming The creative members conceptualized
Interface (API). The the core of the app and the storytelling, S&T: What is the next for ISDApp? Do
app will interpret them while the IT members complemented the you have plans to fully implement it?
to useful information, idea with technical design and feasibility.
such as weather and Together, the team collectively crafted a iNON: Currently, ISDApp is still in the
cloud coverage, the creative technical solution to address an prototype stage, and team iNON is set to
time of sunrise and
existing problem—ISDApp. meet with different organizations that can
sunset, and wind help in the incubation of the app.
S&T: What inspired the concept and
development of ISDApp? S&T: What is your message to young
students who also aspire to be successful
iNON: With two of the members (Martin in the fields of science and community
ISDApp will transmit and Legaspi) growing up in the coastal development?
weather updates towns of Obando and Malabon, the team
and other data thought of helping the underprivileged iNON: To the young students who also
to registered fishing community through the app. aspire to succeed, remember to always
fishermen’s analog put your heart in what you do. Without
phones through SMS S&T: What do you think is the major it, we’ll always have average results. With
via cellular signals. factor that made ISDApp the Global passion, we can always create amazing
Real-time localized things and help others by keeping in
Winner? What set ISDApp apart from
weather updates mind the broad impact of what we do.
other competitors?
will be sent two to
iNON: ISDApp presented the country with And our commitment to community
three hours before
fishermen set off to a simple solution, but with a deep purpose, development should not only be
the sea. which we believe helped it swim to success. about money, it should be about
This is proof that even technology needs a responsibility.
heart. When ISDApp comes to full fruition,
it will help our less privileged fishermen by
Iron Buster
Dolly Anne L. Idlisan
etals are interesting materials. They have strong
physical characteristics, but they can also be weak
or corrode easily when exposed to some substances.
Try this simple experiment to observe how metal reacts with
common household items.
You need… You will...
• Three pieces of small iron nails (2.5 1. Clean and wipe dry the nails and jars (or
cm or one inch long) beakers.)
• 50 ml cup white vinegar 2. Label each jar or beaker A and B with the use
• 50 ml bleach of masking tape and marker.
• two small clear jars or 100 mL 3. Place one piece of iron nail in each jar.
beaker 4. Put 10 drops of vinegar in jar A. Do the same
• two droppers with jar B.
• tissue 5. Place the samples where you can observe
• masking tape and marker changes for three days.
6. Write your observations on the table below.
Setup Observations
After one day After two days After three days
Jar A
Jar B
Safety First!
Do not mix bleach and vinegar. The mixture releases toxic chlorine vapor
that can cause chemical burns to eyes, as well as the lungs when inhaled. It is
important to dispose chemicals properly after an experiment.
Answer these:
1. Which substance reacted to the nail faster?
2. What happened to the nail after three days? Did both vinegar and bleach
accelerate the rusting of the nails?
3. Do you think the chemical composition of rust from bleach and vinegar are the
same? Support your answer by conducting your own research.
Curiosity in Action
onducting an experiment is the most exciting part of any science class. However, this kind of fun
requires a great level of responsibility, especially when you are dealing with fragile laboratory
tools and chemicals. As early as now, you should develop the right attitude toward safety
through planning and risk assessment. Performing science experiments in the school laboratory is
an opportunity to instill good safety habits. As you read along, learn some precautionary measures
that you can undertake before, during, and after experiments.
Evolving World
Beam of
Happiness Dolly Anne L. Idlisan
hat makes you happy? Most often, to light, especially sunshine, is one way to
people say that their possessions, get a dose of serotonin. Exercise and happy
career, or their special someone thoughts also stimulate this brain chemical.
makes them happy. Dopamine, in contrast, is also called the
In terms of neuroscience, happiness is “chemical of reward.” It is released when we do
largely a chemical experience. There are four acts of kindness. Do some volunteer work to
main neurochemicals generated in the brain experience that different kind of happy mood
that are responsible in giving the feeling induced by dopamine.
or emotion that can be associated with Lastly, oxytocin is the chemical that
happiness. Thus, if the sources of happiness is triggered by a loving touch and close
do not come to us in the way we want them to, relationships. This can also be felt when
there can still be other ways to produce these people cuddle with their pet.
brain chemicals to alter our mood.
Let There Be Light
Light is one of the many natural reasons
Light is important to our wellness. We
why we are happy. We cannot survive without
Filipinos are fortunate because we receive
it, even other organisms. There will be no
abundant natural light throughout the year.
rainbows, fireworks, or colors to see if there is
no light. People who live near the poles experience
days up to months with no sunlight at all.
Happiness Inside the Brain Some people experience seasonal affective
Endorphin, serotonin, dopamine, and disorder (SAD) because of their short exposure
oxytocin are the four main brain chemicals to natural light. SAD is a type of depression
that make us feel happy, but in varied ways. that occurs at a certain time of the year,
Endorphins are produced by the central especially during fall and winter.
nervous system that help us deal with physical The symptoms of SAD include loss of
pain. One can induce endorphins naturally by pleasure and energy, feeling of worthlessness,
regular exercise. inability to concentrate, and uncontrollable
Serotonin is the best-known happiness urges to eat food high in sugar. It can be
chemical because it can be naturally triggered treated with light therapy or phototherapy.
with the things we do every day. Exposure People who have SAD do not need to
visit or live near the equator to treat their Natural and Artificial Light
condition. There are nondrug therapeutic In most parts of the world, people do not
interventions to treat it such as using a light get enough natural light during the day, but
Sources: "Light therapy." Mayo
Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic. box. The light box imitates natural sunlight. get too much artificial light at night.
light-therapy/about/pac- A patient needs to be exposed to the light The kind of light that passes through our
Roman, Kaia. "The Brain in right amounts of time. However, using eyes also impacts our hormones and mood.
Chemicals That Make You
Happy (And How To Trigger
this could cause mild risks such as eyestrain, In addition to the cones and rods that we use
Them)." Medium. https://
headache, nausea, irritability, or aggression. to see, we also have a third class of photo-
The light will pass through the retina and receptors called intrinsically photosensitive
American Psychological
stimulate the brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus retinal ganglion cells (IPRGC). It senses the time
Association. "Bright Lights, Big
Relief." 26 June 2006. https://
(SCN). SCN is a part of the hypothalamus, of the day and synchronizes it to our hormone which generates circadian rhythms in rest and cycles. For example, the bright blue light
light. Accessed 09 April 2019;
Glatter, Robert MD. "Is Blue activity that primarily affect our sleep-wake during the day tells our body to be awake. Blue
Light From Your Smart Phone
Harmful To Your Eyes?." cycle. light enables us to see fine details and colors
Forbes, 31 August 2018. The illumination from the light box should accurately. Soft and warmer colors of sunset
2018/08/31/is-blue-light-from- enter the eyes indirectly. Patients should not and candlelight, in comparison, signals the
your-eyes/#3243e5de5c75. stare directly to the bright light because it will body to sleep, recover, and relax. Thus, light
damage their eyes. therapy should also consider the kind of light
that should be administered to patients.
Moreover, this means that we should
avoid too much exposure to blue light at night.
Smartphones and computers emit blue light.
Screens that are too bright can be hazardous
to retinal cells.
Light is a ubiquitous energy we see and
feel. It greatly affects many aspects of our life.
Make sure you get enough doses of natural
light to keep your mind and body healthy and
Science Words
• induce – causing something to exist
• eyestrain – tired or weary state of the eyes
• nausea – stomach distress that causes a person to feel the urge to vomit
• circadian rhythm – any behavior or activity that is regularly recurrent among animals and plants,
which is controlled by the biological clock
Guide Questions
1. What are the four main chemicals responsible in the feeling of happiness?
2. What is seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? Why does it happen in a specific season?
3. Why do you think excess brightness from a smartphone or computer screen is dangerous?
Organized Ideas
The Working
Eye Dolly Anne L. Idlisan
ur eyes are our windows to reality. Without light, our sense of sight will become useless.
Do you know how the eyes work? Let us trace the path of light as it travels from the eyes
to the brain in this illustration.
light source
te d
The light coming from a source, the Sun, for example, travels as a wave. As the light strikes an object, three
things might happen: it can be absorbed by the object and be transformed into heat; it can be reemitted as a
light wave; or it can be reflected or bounced off.
When the light is bounced off, the light may travel further into the eyes of an observer. Reflection is the
return of all or part of a beam of particles or waves when it encounters the boundary of two media. In physics,
one of the two laws of reflection states that the angle of incident ray is always equal to the angle of the reflected
Section of Retina
Amacrine cell Bipolar cell Retinal Pigment
cone cells
rod cells
When the light enters the cornea, it slightly bends. This process is now called refraction. It happens when
light passes obliquely to a medium. It changes its direction and slows down.
From the cornea, it travels further to the pupil, the dark circle in the middle of the iris or the colored portion
of the eye. The pupil regulates the amount of light that will enter the eye. It will grow bigger to collect more light
in a dark environment, and shrink in response to bright light.
Then, the light will pass through the lens. The lens is a flexible, transparent structure that allows us to focus
our vision on near or far objects.
The light will continue to the photoreceptor cells in the retina. Photoreceptor cells are responsible for the
details we see in an object.
Curiosity in Action
Scientific Models
Dolly Anne L. Idlisan
ou can find many scientific models in your
school. Because you cannot observe a real cell
without a powerful microscope, and keeping
real human bones inside a laboratory can be quite
fearsome, scientific models are made as an alternative
to make learning less complicated. A model is a
representation of an object or system. Models have
limitations, but they are very useful and can always be
updated when new knowledge comes.
The model of the Earth, globe, is an example of a
scientific model. The first known globe constructed
in Greece did not include some of the countries, such
as Australia and China. However, as the years went
by and more knowledge was gained, the globe was An example of an interactive, physical scientific model
continuously updated until there is no noticeable that cannot be experienced directly. These comparisons
difference between the model and the real thing. make complex ideas simpler. An example is predicting
Types of Scientific Models the behavior of animals. Scientists can predict the
There are three types of scientific models: response of an animal in a specific situation or an
the physical model, mathematical model, and action based on the behaviors that have already been
conceptual model. observed.
The physical model can be two or three Qualities of a Good Scientific Model
dimensional. Plastic models of skeleton and the Scientific models are not just made for display
popular plum pudding atomic model are examples of purposes. If you plan to create a scientific model, then
physical models. They do not act like the actual object, they should possess the following:
but they are useful for visualizing and explaining how a • Explanatory power - A model that contributes nothing
thing works. to the learning community is of very little value.
A mathematical model is another type of scientific • Predictive power - Scientific models used in predicting
model. It uses mathematical concepts to explain a should be tested to measure its effectiveness and
certain phenomena. For example, the Punnett square robustness.
can show the probability of offsprings inheriting
• Consistency across contexts - The scientific model
the recessive and dominant traits of their parents.
should be consistent when it is used on various
Computers are also effective in creating mathematical
objects. For an instance, the model of an atom is
models. They can make fewer mistakes, and can handle
the same considering an atom of lead or an atom of
more variables than humans can. They can also be
interpreted into visual data that will make drawing
conclusions or predicting easier. However, complex • Consistency with other scientific models - A scientific
computer models are also prone to errors because one model should aim to be complete and accurate. For
wrong input may give erroneous data and distort the example, an animal cell and a plant cell are different,
information or the experiment itself. but the appearance of chromosomes is the same.
The conceptual model, in contrast, may represent Sources: “Modeling.”
systems of ideas. Scientists use familiar things to “Scientific Models.” State Government of Victoria, Australia.
teachers/teachingresources/discipline/science/continuum/Pages/scimodels.aspx. Accessed 25 March
represent unfamiliar things and explain phenomena 2019.
Jelly Lens
Dolly Anne L. Idlisan
he kitchen is a place for cooking, but you can sometimes use it as your mini laboratory.
In this activity, you will use kitchen tools as laboratory apparatuses. This will
demonstrate how light travels in concave and convex lenses.
Answer these:
1. What happened with the beams of light in jelly biconvex lens? What about in biconcave
2. What behavior of light can be observed when it passes through biconcave and biconvex
3. What did you observe with light when you bend the rectangular jelly?
Agham Pinoy
Shaping Light
Dolly Anne L. Idlisan
Sources: Panela, Shai.
lbert Einstein once said that light slowing down the speed of light from traveling “Asia’s Rising Scientists:
Nathaniel Hermosa
travels at constant speed, marking from one point to another. They simply altered II.” Asian Scientist, 23
the beginning of the famous formula its path so it takes longer time to travel. The February 2018. https://
E=mc , in which c is the speed of light. We all
potential applications of this discovery is com/2018/02/features/
know that light slows down when it passes a much more exciting. nathaniel-hermosa-ii/;
Macdonald, Fiona.
medium, such as water or a prism. However, Optics to Telco Systems “Physicists Have Found
a Way to Slow Light
slowing down light with its own structure LG beams are already applied in Down by 'Twisting'
It.” Science Alert, 31
is different and much more challenging to telecommunication systems and earlier May 2016. https://
demonstrate. computer applications. This technology physicists-have-found-a-
Filipinos Challenge Einstein devised by Filipino scientists can be used by-twisting-it;
Resume of Nathaniel
A team of researchers from the University to control and manipulate the flow of Hermosa II. Retrieved
via the UP Photonics
of the Philippines (UP) National Institute of information to make telecommunication Research Laboratory.
Physics has discovered a new way to slow down systems more efficient.
light, simply by changing the way it twists Hermosa also said in an interview story CV_nhermosa_20161208.
around itself. by Asian Scientist that concepts of photonics, DOSTv: Science for
the People. “DOSTv
The researchers, led by Dr. Nathaniel a branch of physics that deals with properties Episode 308 - Interview
with 2017 Outstanding
Hermosa II, have been working on a special of protons and their applications, have many Young Scientist Dr.
Nathaniel P. Hermosa
kind of laser called Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) uses such as cancer diagnosis. II”. YouTube video, 29:41.
Posted 21 August 2017.
beams. LG beams are known to carry orbital Who would have thought that
angular momentum (OAM), which is a quantity manipulating light will open many com/watch?v=
that measures how much light is rotating. possibilities? Well, that is the product of
Simply put, you can imagine the light “playing with light to seek the universe’s
traveling in the shape of a corkscrew in empty secrets,” as Hermosa describes their research
space instead of a wave. This has gained the work.
attention of scientists across the globe.
This concept does not mean they are
ast year, the world-famous Boracay was and tourists also noticed the abundance
closed for six months to give way for of green algae at the shoreline. Traffic and
its rehabilitation. President Rodrigo R. construction of many leisure establishments
Duterte ordered the temporary closure of also contribute to the problems that Boracay
the island to help it recover from its poor has had to bear.
environmental condition. President Duterte then ordered full
When Boracay reopened in October 2018, closure of Boracay island after calling it a
President Duterte targeted the murky waters “cesspool.” This meant no income for half a
of Manila Bay in an attempt to bring back year for locals and businesses. However, this
its old glory. Massive cleanup drives were temporary closure would also benefit them
conducted in Manila Bay, and it became visibly and their businesses. Noncompliant resorts
clean. Let us review what has happened to the were also demolished to implement the “no-
rehabilitation efforts of the government in build zone” 30 meters from the shoreline.
Boracay and Manila Bay. The Department of Environment and
A Better Boracay Natural Resources (DENR) vowed to continue
The beauty of the island has not only the rehabilitation of the island and strictly
attracted tourists to visit the paradise, but enforce the regulations now that the island is
also local and foreign entrepreneurs to back in operation. Moreover, the government
establish businesses. However, this kind of has limited the daily tourist entrance to 6,405
development has taken its toll. One of the that are presumed to stay two to three days.
evident negligence is the sewer lines going The island is only limited to host 19,000
right out into the water on the beach and visitors at any given day.
directly pumping waste into the sea. Residents The recovery is not only limited to the
shore, but also in Boracay’s deep waters. Water
activities such as diving are still prohibited
because the DENR will assess the condition
of the coral areas and rehabilitate them by
putting up artificial corals or coral aquaculture.
Photo: Shutterstock
support from the people.
Oil spills, lack of solid waste management,
poor urban planning, and weak government
intervention are the main reasons why Manila
Bay has become polluted for decades. In the
1990s, Manila Bay experienced 45 oil spill
incidents, 11 of which happened in 1995. A
group of scientists also found that its waters
contain a significant amount of dissolved
metals, such as copper, cadmium, and zinc.
After two decades, several operational plans
have not succeeded, and the bay remains
Volunteers remove garbage that accumulated along Manila Bay’s shore
In January 2019, President Duterte made
Sources: Rey, Aika.
a bold announcement. Instead of closing down coliform levels in a way that the water can be “Which tourist spots will
Manila Bay to make way for rehabilitation, used for recreational purposes. be rehabilitated after
Boracay?.” Rappler,
21 June 2018. https://
he threatened to close down establishments Next in Line
that continuously pollute the bay. In fact, they The environment agency is targeting
have temporarily closed the Manila Zoo after tourism hotspots, such as Palawan, Zambales,
it has been discovered that the facility pumped La Union, Puerto Galera, Panglao in Bohol, Haynes, Suyin. “Boracay
Islanders Feel the Pinch
untreated waste to open water. and Siargao for rehabilitation. Apart from After the Philippines
Shuts Down a Top
Other major polluters are the informal these beaches, Baguio and Tagaytay, two cities Tourist Destination.”
Time Magazine, 16
settlers residing in beachfronts. The often packed with tourists, are also being eyed May 2018. http://time.
government has provided five hectares of land for rehabilitation. island-philippines-
in Tondo, Manila to relocate 2,000 informal Our country is gifted with many Rey, Aika. “Manila
Bay Rehab: The
settler families. picturesque beaches. We go to these places challenge of cleaning
up the nation's waste.”
After the massive cleanup drives, the when we are exhausted from traffic and other Rappler, 16 March
2019. https://www.
bay has become visibly cleaner, but the stresses. But, these destinations should also be
quality of water is still far from the “clean” taken care of, since they also suffer from our houses-manila-bay-
standard. Fecal coliform is still high, with 35 destructive activities. part-1;
million most probable number (mpn) for every Ranada, Pia. “Duterte
threatens closure of
100 milliliters (mL) as of January 28, 2019 establishments polluting
Manila Bay.” Rappler, 08
compared to the safe level of 100 mpn per 100 January 2019. https://
mL. The government is committed to lower nation/220548-duterte-
Press Release. “DENR:
High Coliform Levels
Render Manila Bay
Unsafe for Bathing.”
Science Words DENR, 06 February
2019. https://www.denr.
• cesspool – underground container that holds liquid waste
• coral aquaculture – method of propagating and growing corals using fragments from denr-high-coliform-
donor colonies levels-render-manila-
• coliform – a kind of bacteria found in our environment, including human and animal waste, Accessed 11 April 2019.
and is commonly used as sanitary quality indicator
Guide Questions
1. What are the first two places that were rehabilitated through the initiative of the
government? What is your opinion about their rehabilitation?
2. What are the rules that have been implemented in Boracay since its close down?
3. As a student, what will you do to help Manila Bay recover?
Organized Ideas
Busting Pollution
Dolly Anne L. Idlisan
ou have learned about bioremediation in Beyond the Textbook. It is one of the natural ways of the Earth
to heal and recover from pollution, and a waste management technique that uses microbes and plants to
process the harmful chemicals without releasing hazardous by-products. Let us learn more about how
these eco-friendly microbes bust pollution in this illustration.
Microbial Bioremediation
Injection (Microbes)
During the microbial bioremediation, the
microbes are injected into the contaminated contaminant
water. They consume the contaminants, particle
such as petroleum and oil, as their source of
nutrients. They use their enzymes to convert enzymes
chemicals into energy. In the process, carbon
dioxide and water are released into the air as
Phytoremediation is a sustainable cleanup technique that directly uses plants to contain, remove, or
degrade contaminants from soil, groundwater, and surface water. “Phyto” is a Greek word which means
“plant.” Plants have evolved to have genetic adaptations to handle accumulated pollutants, such as
pesticides, petroleum hydrocarbons, metals, and chlorinated solvents that occur in the environment. They
act as filters or traps, which are also effective in treating deeper contamination.
The uptake of contaminants primarily occurs in the plants’ root systems. The roots are used to extract
contaminants that come from groundwater, soil, or surface water. Apart from nutrients, they are capable
of absorbing chemicals and some heavy metals.
There are various processes that may occur in the plants’ roots and leaves, as shown in the diagram.
occurs when a plant
takes the contaminant
Path of contaminants from roots to leaves
Phytoextraction Phytodegradation
Phytostimulation is also
known as plant-assisted
bioremediation. The
plant roots, particularly
the rhizosphere, is
Phytoextraction an ideal habitat for
microbes. Thus, the
increased microbial
activity in plant
roots helps degrade
Phytoextraction is a subprocess contaminants of the soil
of phytoremediation in in the area.
which the roots absorb and
accumulate contaminants, and Some chemicals may not Otherwise called phytotransformation,
store them in stem and leaf penetrate the plant roots, phytodegradation is the ability of
tissues. These contaminants are but some plants are able to plants to break down contaminants
not degraded, but extracted concentrate and reduce the through their metabolic processes.
again when harvested. mobility of heavy metals in soil. Similar to microbes, plants use
This is important in keeping enzymes to degrade the contaminants.
contaminants from interfering
with the food chain and getting
into wind-dust or eroding soil.
Sources: University of Hawaii. Phytoremediation (Bioremediation Technologies).;
"In Situ Bioremediation: How does it Work?". National Research Council (US). Retrieved via National Academy of Sciences.
read/2131/chapter/1. Accessed 14 May 2019.
Curiosity in Action
ll research papers start with a question or a problem. Research advisers and coaches often
say, “if you do not have a problem, then you have a problem!” Deep thinking to produce an idea
is the very start of an investigatory project, and the most difficult part of it. It requires
weeks to months of pondering to come up with a topic. Moreover, if you aim for a bigger stage, then
you have to really make the most out of your knowledge in science to choose a topic that is worthy
of an exhibit in prestigious science fair competitions, such as the Intel International Science and
Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) and Google Science Fair.
Read along to get some insights on how to ignite your inner Einstein and bring that idea to life.
• Keep a lab notebook. True scientists value their thoughts. They always keep a
notebook where they jot down their ideas no matter how random they might be. It is
a good thing to record thoughts and ideas. If you are developing ideas, then you can
just scan through the pages if you need to go back to your thoughts or ideas.
• Choose a discipline that greatly interests you. The new curriculum exposes
the junior high school students to various fields or branches of science, such as
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Sciences. You may also focus on robotics or
electronics if you already have skills in programming. The most important factor is
your familiarity with the scientific concepts applied on the topic you are about to
develop. Above all, the science project itself should have a purpose.
• Go local. Explore the things that are unique in your hometown. For example, you
can validate folk medicines that need scientific validation. You can also think of
ways on how science can help your community or explore things that have rarely
been studied.
• Choose a SMART topic. Ensure that the topic you are about to develop is
feasible; meaning, it is observable, not open-ended, and can be completed in a
few months. In short, it is Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, and Time-
bound. Also, do not choose a very broad topic unless you are an expert about it or
have a very extensive knowledge about the subject matter. According to Popular
Science, judges from Intel ISEF and Google Science Fair said that they do not need
sophisticated topics. It only has to be novel or has not been thought of before.
• Do not be afraid of exploring new topics. Do not get discouraged if in the middle
of your background research, you found out that your science project looks
very difficult to understand or contains many concepts that are new to you. It
is normal if it takes you three or 10 times reading a scientific article before you
could fully understand it. You may ask your teacher or someone who has the
expertise for help. Moreover, such details will make your science investigative
project more impressive and scholarly.
• Read every day. There is nothing more efficient in keeping new ideas surging than
reading science journals and useful websites every day. You can get inspiration
from what you have read. You may also get ideas from the past winners of local
or international science fairs so you will have an idea on what is expected at such
Sources: Diep, Francie. “Science Fair Projects: Winning Tips From Intel And Google Judges.” Popular Science, 28 August 2013.
Hess, Amber. “Science Fair Tips for Success.” Science Buddies.
Vectors: Flaticon
Agham Pinoy
Photo: Shutterstock
Seeing Health in Cells
Dolly Anne L. Idlisan
ave you ever observed a healing wound? as heavy metals and other toxic substances,
It is one of the proofs that our cells can which may also cause chronic illnesses.
regenerate and repair itself. However, MetaMetrics also promotes personalized
people are exposed to a highly stressful and health diagnosis. They conduct food sensitivity
toxic environment. Most of the food we eat tests and food and inhalant allergies test to
are also processed. As a result, the body and determine which kinds of food are harmful to
cells cannot fully replenish because of lack of a person.
nutrients, which may also lead to acquiring Apart from the various state-of-the-art
diseases. equipment, the laboratory also uses a cloud-
Asia’s First Nutrient-Focused Lab based laboratory information system to ensure
Most of the clinical tests today involve the efficiency in managing patient data and test
analysis of the organs. However, cells tell more results.
about our health. MetaMetrics Laboratory, the MetaMetrics Pioneers
first comprehensive nutrient diagnostics in The MetaMetrics facility is headed by
Asia, is operating now in the Philippines. The Dr. Charina Paras De Silva. She earned
laboratory is located in Mandaluyong City, and her Doctorate Degree in Chemistry at the
is registered with the Department of Health University of Florida. As a Balik-Scientist
(DOH). awardee and scholar of the Department
The special laboratory focuses on of Science and Technology (DOST), she
metabolomics, a branch in biochemistry that is determined to give back and share the
focuses on studying metabolites, which are the expertise she acquired abroad for the
chemicals produced as a result of metabolism. development of this field in our country.
It includes all the chemical reactions that take Meanwhile, Filipino chemists operate the
place within cells to provide energy for vital laboratory. Some of them were financially
body processes. challenged and were able to complete their Sources: “DOST
scholars run
Inside the Laboratory college degrees with the help of DOST nutrient-testing lab”.
Manila Standard, 04
Micronutrients and macronutrients scholarship grants. Some were also financed by December 2018. http://
testing is one of the ways to determine if a the agency to train abroad. The MetaMetrics news/national/282132/
person has nutrient deficiency. The laboratory laboratory is proof that government support dost-scholars-run-
provides data on the levels of vitamins, can truly empower Filipino scientists to excel “About Us.” MetaMetrics
Laboratory. https://
minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids in cells. in their fields.
The laboratory also provides testing for the analytical-instruments.
Curiosity in Action
or a country that has rich biodiversity and holds a community with diverse culture,
there is always a need to create papers that will document these objects and
knowledge. Science investigatory projects allow the youth to fill this demand, while
also preparing them to do indepth research work for their thesis in the collegiate level.
Most Grade 10 students are tasked to create a Science Investigatory Project. Some
of these works are exhibited in science fairs organized by the school and even by huge
technology companies, such as Intel and Google.
Since the school year has just started, you might still be in the initial stages of your
project. Read the checklist below to get an insight on what is expected from a good
investigatory project. Then, after finishing your paper, you may go back to the checklist
and evaluate your own work. Put a check mark on the “yes” column if you agree, and “no”
if you disagree. Then, count the number of checks under the yes column to find out how
good your research is.
Description Yes No
Is your topic based on the work of others?
Is there any exisiting, verified literature that discusses your topic?
Can your project be replicated?
Is your project generalizable to other settings?
Is it based on logical rationale and tied to theory?
Does it suggest directions for future investigations?
Does it generate new questions or cyclical in nature?
Does it address some real-world problems? Is it practical?
Does it clearly state the independent and dependent variables?
Is the methodology clearly described?
Are the findings valid and verifiable?
Does it discover anything or update an existing knowledge?
Does it not mislead information?
What Does Your Score Mean? to pursue your study on a higher level. Take time
13 checks on Yes column = You have done a to discover things that were not covered by your
great job! If you think it is really a good topic, project.
then you can continue and deepen the research 8 below= You may have missed some of the most
during your senior high or collegiate years. If you important traits of a well-done investigatory
believe in its potential, discuss with your teacher project. You may need to review your work and
the possibility of joining division to national level identify what went wrong. There are lots of
science fairs. chances to improve. Just be patient and work
12 to 9 = You have done an outstanding work. harder.
Take note of areas for improvement if you plan
Agham Pinoy
Photo: Pixabay
Dolly Anne L. Idlisan
he El Niño phenomenon makes dry The bacteria S. mutabilis was grown in a broth
spells frequent this year. Soils dry up filled with nutrients. It was then added to a
because of lesser rainfall and water soil sample in which the rice seedlings will
scarcity. When a long dry spell occurs, the be sown. The seedlings have grown more and
agriculture sector suffers the most. It limits longer root hairs compared to the untreated
the production of crops, especially rice on seeds.
uplands that rely mostly on rainfall to support In another experiment, the researchers
rice production. also mimicked the drought stress to test the
You may think that the best solution resilience of treated rice plants. They found
in this crisis is to hasten precipitation by out that the inoculated seeds developed longer
science-based processes such as cloud seeding. shoots than the untreated ones. Therefore,
However, Filipino researchers recently devised an improved root system aids the seedling in
a way to boost the growth of rice plants and getting more water and nutrients from the
make them more resilient to drought. Their soil.
paper is published in the Philippine Journal of
To measure the plant’s development,
The researchers studied the effects of researchers weighed the dry matter of the
adding rhizobacteria Streptomyces mutabilis in shoot parts of the inoculated rice. Dry matter
a germinating rice plant. It was found capable is the mass of a plant or animal material
of producing growth-promoting compounds, excluding water. The researchers figured
and thus classified as a plant growth out a unique trade off between the plant
promoting bacteria (PGPB). and the bacteria—the repeated inoculation
Useful Bacteria produced less dry mass. The reason is the high
Researchers from the Philippine Rice population of bacteria that creates unbalanced
Research Institute (PhilRice), led by Dr. competition for soil nutrients between the
Roel R. Suralta, along with students of plant and bacteria.
Muñoz National High School revealed that
a rice plant given a dose of the bacteria S.
mutabilis showed drought tolerance because it
developed longer, larger roots and had more
root hairs.
They used a method called inoculation. It
is the method of placing a small sample of a
microorganism into a medium (this time, the Actual photo of rice plant specimens’ root system, (A)
uninoculated; (B) inoculated
rice plant) so that it can grow and proliferate. Photo: Philippine Rice Research Institute/DOST
Sources: Suralta, Roel R., et al. “An Enhanced Root System Developmental Responses to Drought by Inoculation of Rhizobacteria (Streptomyces
mutabilis) Contributed to the Improvement of Growth in Rice”. Philippine Journal of Science.
pjs2018/1stQtr/an_enhanced_root_system_developmental_response_to_drought.pdf. Accessed 06 March 2019;
Gopilan, David Matthew C. “Bacteria help rice grow more roots to fight drought, research says”. DOST, 31 January 2019.
Evolving World
Hidden Dangers
of Melting Permafrost
Dolly Anne L. Idlisan
ooking at photos of glaciers on polar ice metal was discovered locked up in the
caps or Arctic Tundra on the Internet, northern hemisphere permafrost in massive
you may describe them as calm, cold, and amounts. According to a recent study that
quiet. But what lies beneath those icy lands was published in Geophysical Research Letters,
are vast and deep frozen dirt called permafrost. scientists have found that the permafrost
Despite their name, permafrosts are not contains mercury, a neurotoxin.
permanently frozen. These tranquil soil holds If the permafrost containing these
a great mystery of the past and threats, which mercury reserves continuously thaws,
can only be revealed when they melt. then, the liberated chemical may severely
Climate Time Bomb affect ecosystems around the world. It
When animals and plants die, the may accumulate in marine and terrestrial
microbes decompose their remains. The food chains and affect the neurological and
decomposition releases greenhouse gases, such reproductive systems of animals and even
as carbon dioxide and methane, as the by- humans.
products of the metabolic process. Permafrost More Jagged Roads
contains dead plants, dead animals, and moss In Alaska, there are deformed roads. In
that have been buried by snow and dust for northern Russia, the buildings crumble. We
a very long time. The deep freeze pauses the know that when water turns into its solid
decomposition, and preserves the microbes form, it expands. When the underground
and the gases they emit. When the soil melts, water turns into permafrost, it expands and
the microbial process resumes. Thus, the becomes solid. Then, the ground contracts
increase of greenhouse gases released to the when permafrost thaws. This results to the
atmosphere will directly contribute to climate movement of the surface and softening
change. of the solid ground, making buildings,
Apart from greenhouse gases, a toxic infrastructures, and roads very unstable.
This can also happen in natural
ecosystems. It may alter landscapes and
create shallow ponds. Thawing of permafrost
may also increase the risk of soil erosion and
landslides. In addition, softened soil may also
introduce new sediments to waterways, which
can change the flow of rivers and streams
and affect water quality and impact aquatic
Rise of Zombie Diseases
In 2016, an anthrax outbreak happened
in Siberia, which was believed to come from
Photo: US Geological Survey
a decades-old deer carcass infected with
the bacteria, and was exposed by melted
A chunk of permafrost gradually melts in the Arctic permafrost.
It is believed that, apart from greenhouse
gases, permafrost can trap and preserve
Science Words
• neurotoxin – a chemical that destructs nervous tissues
• thaw – softening of ice or snow as a result of warming climate
• anthrax – a bacterial disease of sheep and cattle that can be transferred to humans, causing
severe skin ulceration or a type of pneumonia called woolsorter’s disease
• pathogen – a virus, bacterium, or other microbe that can cause diseases
• virion – an entire virus particle that consists of protein shell capsid, and an inner core of nucleic
acid (either ribonucleic or deoxyribonucleic acid)
Guide Questions
1. What is permafrost?
2. What are the causes of melting permafrost?
3. What are the threats or risks that may happen when permafrost thaws in a rapid rate?
4. What are the ways to preserve permafrost?
Beyond the Textbook
Polar Vortex
The Supreme Squall of Winter
Sandra Thea G. Omar
olar vortex—it sounds like a name of a solar radiation. The vortex makes it to the
gigantic white monster blowing a frosty stratosphere up to the mesosphere, the next
puff, right? Apart from Santa Claus, a upper layer where the air starts to become
polar vortex is also a momentous guest from frigid.
North Pole. However, the breeze it brings is How It Works
literally (and allegorically) chilling! As claimed by scientists, the polar vortex is
In January 2014, several states in the US a structure of powerful winds called jet stream.
experienced extremely cold weather due to this This air current surrounds a bitter-cold cluster
phenomenon and early this year, it occurred of Arctic air.
again. The counterclockwise flow of air keeps
What Is a Polar Vortex? the colder air close to the poles. Most often,
In simpler terms, a polar vortex is a during winter in the Northern Hemisphere,
low-pressure system that interlocks cold air the polar vortex widens, transmitting cold air
from the Arctic and Antarctic regions. When southward with the jet stream.
the vortex coming from the Arctic becomes When the part of the jet stream
irregular, it can stream further the southern disintegrates, a polar vortex occurs. But in
regions of the Earth. The term “vortex” refers actuality, it rises when the vortex is weaker
to a mass of swirling of cold air circulating and not when it is strong. How does this
in the middle to the upper level of our make sense? Naturally, when the vortex is
atmosphere. strong, it is considered “normal.” It just aids in
It begins around the bounds of the maintaining the jet stream moving around the
troposphere, the lowest level of the Earth’s planet in a circular track. This maintains the
atmosphere and the zone where our weather cold air up to the north and the warm air to
transpires; and to the next atmospheric the south.
layer, the stratosphere, which holds the ozone
or the gas that protects the Earth from In contrast, when the vortex is weaker, it
Lake Michigan
partially frozen with
the famous South
Haven lighthouse
Photo: bennobok8908/Pixabay
Sources: "The science behind the polar vortex." National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.;
Jones, Judson and Miller Brendon. "Polar Vortex: Your Questions Answered." CNN, 30 January 2019.
"What is the polar vortex – and how is it linked to climate change?". The Guardian, 31 January 2019.
Flis, Andrej. "Polar vortex: What is it, and why you should care?". Severe Weather Europe, 31 October 2019.;
"What is Polar Vortex?" SciJinks.
Organized Ideas
Polar Vortex
and Wind Science Dolly Anne L. Idlisan
ou have learned about the cold phenomenon called polar vortex and how it affects people
and the climate in Beyond Textbook. There is a scientific explanation behind the extreme
cold that people experience even in tropical countries like the Philippines. Deepen your
understanding about polar vortex in this illustration.
The counterclockwise
circulation of wind is caused
by Earth’s rotation from
west to east
The strong jet stream holds the cold Arctic air from going far south. It makes the polar vortex
stable and keeps warm air from moving upward.
When the jet stream is weak, it causes a wave-like pattern of Arctic air. The cold air
moves south, while the warm air is pushed upward. Because of this, some places have freezing
temperatures, especially during winter season.
Winds in Motion
Air is a fluid matter, and it is always moving. On a large scale, like the winds moving in our
atmosphere, the wind directly affects the weather. Polar vortex is one of the examples of
how winds influence it. Understanding how the wind moves and what causes it gives a hint
on why this phenomenon occurs.
No deflection in the Equator
The direction of the Earth's rotation How the wind path bends as an effect of Coriolis force
Polar cell