Optimization Design and Performance Analysis of Vehicle Powertrain Mounting System
Optimization Design and Performance Analysis of Vehicle Powertrain Mounting System
Optimization Design and Performance Analysis of Vehicle Powertrain Mounting System
(2018) 31:31
https://doi.org/10.1186/s10033-018-0237-2 Chinese Journal of Mechanical
The design strategies for powertrain mounting systems play an important role in the reduction of vehicular vibra‑
tion and noise. As stiffness and damping elements connecting the transmission system and vehicle body, the rubber
mount exhibits better vibration isolation performance than the rigid connection. This paper presents a complete
design process of the mounting system, including the vibration decoupling, vibration simulation analysis, topol‑
ogy optimization, and experimental verification. Based on the 6-degrees-of-freedom vibration coupling model of
the powertrain mounting system, an optimization algorithm is used to extract the best design parameters of each
mount, thus rendering the mounting system fully decoupled and the natural frequency well configured, and the
optimal parameters are used to design the mounting system. Subsequently, vibration simulation analysis is applied to
the mounting system, considering both transmission and road excitations. According to the results of finite element
analysis, the topological structure of the metal frame of the front mount is optimized to improve the strength and
dynamic characteristics of the mounting system. Finally, the vibration bench test is used to verify the availability of the
optimization design with the analysis of acceleration response and vibration transmissibility of the mounting system.
The results show that the vibration isolation performance of the mounting system can be improved effectively using
the vibration optimal decoupling method, and the structural modification of the metal frame can well promote the
dynamic characteristics of the mounting system.
Keywords: Mounting system, Optimization algorithm, Vibration simulation analysis, Topological structure,
Acceleration response, Vibration transmissibility
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Zhou et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:31 Page 2 of 13
method for investigating a powertrain system with spec- In previous studies, researchers only optimized the
trally varying mount properties, especially for torque mounting system according to the results of the vibra-
roll axis decoupling. Refs. [8, 9] established the 12-DOF tion decoupling, or only applied the structural topology
model of the mounting system using the ADAMS soft- optimization to the mount frame, and subsequently veri-
ware, and researched its vibration isolation performance. fied the validity of the design scheme via simulation or
Refs. [10–12] utilized the multi-objective topology opti- experiment. A comprehensive and complete process of
mization to modify the structure of the mounting sys- optimization design and performance analysis of vehicle
tem, considering the static and dynamic loads of the powertrain mounting systems has not been studied yet.
system. Shangguan et al. [13, 14] established the 13-DOF This paper presents a complete design process of the
dynamic model, which includes 6 DOFs of the power- mounting system, including the vibration decoupling,
train, 3 DOFs of the body, and 4 DOFs of the unsprung vibration simulation analysis, topology optimization, and
mass. Considering the vibration and left ear noise as experimental verification. According to the actual state
the objective function, parameter matching and opti- of the mounting system, the 6-DOF vibration model is
mization of the mounting system were carried out to established. The natural frequency and vibration mode
achieve better vibration isolation performance. In addi- are obtained using eigenvalue analysis. Considering the
tion, he also investigated the effect of different damage low-frequency vibration decoupling rate as the objec-
parameters on the prediction of fatigue life of rubber tive function, the design parameters (including mount
isolators. Angrosch et al. [15] investigated the dynamic hardness, thickness, and stiffness in all directions) that
performance of hydraulic mounting systems, considering render the mounting system fully decoupled and the
engine torque and road excitation comprehensively. Zhen natural frequency well configured are extracted, and the
et al. [16] established 1-DOF and 3-DOF models, con- optimal parameters are used to design the mounting sys-
sidering the influence of the stiffness ratio of the mount tem. Subsequently, the mounting system is simulated and
frame on the vibration isolation material. To ensure that analyzed to study the vibration response. The torsional
the natural frequency of the system is lower than the excitation of the shafting is calculated as the transmis-
first-order harmonic frequency of the engine excitation, sion excitation using the equivalent model, and the road
the stiffness of the mount frame should be 1–10 times excitation is simulated using the sinusoidal scanning sig-
that of the vibration isolation material. Wang et al. [17] nal based on the data of acceleration measured by the
considered the generalized force transmissibility (GFT) actual vehicle. A comprehensive analysis shows that the
and sum of GFT integrals as the vibration isolation index, strength and dynamic characteristics of the front mount
and proposed an optimization approach for powertrain should be improved, and hence, topology optimization is
mounting systems. applied to the metal frame. Finally, the vibration bench
In recent years, active and semi-active mounts have test of the mounting system is carried out to extract
become a hot topic in the research on powertrain mount- the acceleration signals in time domain and frequency
ing systems. Fan et al. [18] analyzed the configuration of a domain of the upper and lower parts of the mounts. The
new semi-active hydraulic mount with a variable-stiffness data is analyzed and the vibration transmissibility is cal-
decoupling membrane and tested its dynamic charac- culated using the corresponding root-mean-square val-
teristics. Chen et al. [19] researched the dynamic model ues of acceleration. The results showed that the design
and experimental testing of magnetorheological fluid process of the mounting system could well improve the
mounts, especially at a wide frequency. Ladipo et al. [20] vibration isolation performance.
presented the simulation of magnetorheological elasto-
mers (MREs) as engine mounts. A four-parameter model 2 Dynamic Model of Powertrain Mounting System
was used to model the MRE mounts and the performance The mounts of the integrated transmission system are
was compared with those of passive or rubber mounts. divided into left, right, and front mounts (see Figure 1).
Zheng et al. [21, 22] used the aforementioned model to The powertrain device is regarded as a rigid body with
control the engine mount system with concurrent con- elastic support, and a simplified model of the three-point
sideration of random road input and engine excitation. mounting system is established as shown in Figure 2. A
Pan et al. [23] designed the fuzzy-proportional-integral- Cartesian coordinate system G0-xyz is defined as the
derivative switching control strategy for the magnetorhe- global coordinate. G0 is the center of mass in static bal-
ological semi-active mounting system. Farjoud et al. [24] ance; the x-axis is parallel to the output axis of the inte-
developed a detailed mathematical model of semi-active grated transmission system; the positive y-axis indicates
magnetorheological engine and transmission mounts the vehicle driving direction; the z-axis is determined
using multi-physics modeling techniques for physical using the right hand rule.
systems with various energy domains.
Zhou et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:31 Page 3 of 13
ki = kvi , (4)
1 0 0 0 zi −yi
E i = 0 1 0 −zi 0 xi , (5)
0 0 1 yi −xi 0
Figure 1 Left mount, right mount, and front mount
cos αui cos βui cos γui
T i = cos αvi cos βvi cos γvi , (6)
cos αwi cos βwi cos γwi
where ki is the stiffness matrix of the mount i, and kui,
kvi, and kwi indicate the stiffness along the elastic axes of
the mount i. According to the empirical formula, Ei is
the coordinate matrix of the mount i obtained from the
position of each point. Further, Ti is the orientation angle
matrix of mount i, and the elements in the main diagonal
of the matrix are 1.
The eigenvalues and eigenvectors obtained from eigen-
value analysis are employed in the vibration decoupling
Figure 2 Simplified model of the three-point mounting system
as described below.
are considered as design variables. Therefore, there are Table 1 Ranges and initial values of design variables
three design variables in the optimization model: Hardness and thickness of the rubber mount Min Initial Max
f Hsr (HS) 10 50 80
X = Hsr , Hf , Hs , (7)
Hf (mm) 10 21 40
where Hsr is the hardness of the left and right mounts; Hs Hsf (HS) 10 50 80
is the hardness of the front mount; Hf is the thickness of
the front mount. of the natural vibration of the system can be calculated
using the quality matrix and mode shapes, and when it is
3.2 Constraint Conditions expressed in the form of a matrix, it can be defined as the
3.2.1 Configuration Range of Natural Frequency energy distribution matrix.
The natural frequency of the mounting system is guar- The maximum kinetic energy of the integrated trans-
anteed to be in a reasonable range when matching the mission system in the nth natural vibration is
mounting system.
The natural frequency of√ the direction around the
Tmax = ωn2 [φn ]T [M][φn ] 2, (11)
y-axis should be less than 1/ 2 of the engine idling vibra-
tion frequency, and hence, the natural frequency of the
y-axis should be 6 6
Tmax = φnl φnk mkl , (12)
nNmin 1 2
fθy ≤ √ , (8) l=1 k=1
Z · 60 2
where ωn is the nth natural frequency of the mounting
where n is the number of cylinders; Nmin is the engine system, mkl is the element in the kth row and lth column
idle speed; Z is the number of strokes. The engine of the of the mass matrix, φnl is the lth element of the mode
vehicle is a V type 12-cylinder engine, and the idle speed shapes [φn ], and φnk is the kth element.
is 800 r/min. The calculated natural frequency in the tor- The energy allocated to the kth generalized coordinates
sional direction should be less than 57 Hz. is obtained as
In order to ensure the service life of the mounting
system, the natural frequencies of the system are gener- 6
ally greater than 5 Hz; in order to avoid the resonance Tk = φnl φnk mkl . (13)
of the mounting system, the general requirement of the l=1
minimum difference between the natural frequencies is In the nth natural vibration, the percentage of energy
approximately 1 Hz. According to the engine speed and allocated to the kth generalized coordinates in the total
sensitive area for the vibration of human body, the vibra- energy of the system is
tion frequency ranges of each direction are given by
5 Hz ≤ fx ≤ 57 Hz, 5 Hz ≤ fy ≤ 57 Hz,
φnl φnk mkl
(9) Tk
6 Hz ≤ fz ≤ 57 Hz, Tnk = =
× 100% . (14)
Tmax 6
φnl φnk mkl
5 Hz ≤ fθx ≤ 57 Hz, 5 Hz ≤ fθy ≤ 57 Hz, l=1 k=1
5 Hz ≤ fθz ≤ 57 Hz. The percentage Tnk is defined as the vibration decou-
pling rate of the DOF k. If Tnk = 100%, the energy of the
3.2.2 Range of Rubber Hardness and Thickness mounting system in the nth natural vibration is concen-
According to the mechanical design manual and related trated in the kth DOF, i.e., the kth DOF is completely
literature, we can determine the range and initial value of decoupled from the other DOFs.
the rubber hardness. According to the vehicle arrange- In summary, the objective function of the energy
ment space, we can determine the range and initial value decoupling method can be set to
of the rubber thickness of the front mount, as listed in
Table 1. 6
100 − max T k .
Cr (X) = n (15)
3.3 Objective Function n=1
According to the 6-DOF dynamic equation of the sys- 3.4 Optimization Results
tem, the natural frequencies and vibration modes can Based on the integrated analysis program of iSIGHT
be calculated. Subsequently, the energy distribution and MATLAB, the mounting system parameters are
Zhou et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:31 Page 5 of 13
4 Vibration Simulation Analysis of the Mounting 4.2 Vibration Response Analysis of the Mounts
System 4.2.1 Response Analysis of the Transmission Excitation
In this paper, the integrated transmission box and the The root-mean-square values of the reaction forces at
mounts are analyzed separately. First, the transient six bolt holes extracted as described above are applied to
dynamic response of the integrated transmission box is the corresponding six bolt holes in the front mount. The
analyzed. Subsequently, the dynamic response force of
Zhou et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:31 Page 6 of 13
4 Vibration decoupling rate of the system
before and after optimization
Direction Original (%) Optimized (%)
x 98.69 99.93
y 31.22 71.41
z 53.65 72.25
θx 65.42 61.50
θy 92.67 89.35
θz 86.65 90.99
Figure 7 Deformation and stress nephograms of the mounts under the transmission excitation
Zhou et al. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. (2018) 31:31 Page 10 of 13
Figure 8 Deformation and stress nephograms of the mounts under the road excitation
Figure 12 Vibration transmissibility of the front mount before and
2 after the optimization
6 5 4 3 4 5 6
decreases slightly and that of the right mount before reduction technology of vehicle transmission system. E-mail: gaopu1989@126.
and after the optimization is not significantly changed. Chang-Le Xiang, born in 1963, is currently a professor at Beijing Institute
The vibration isolation performance is not significantly of Technology, China. He received his PhD degree from Beijing Institute of
improved because only the parameters of the rubber are Technology, China, in 2001. His research interests include vehicle dynamics and
electromechanical drives. E-mail: xiangcl@bit.edu.cn.
optimized, whereas the other parts remain unchanged.
In summary, the mounting system has an appar- Competing Interests
ent attenuation effect on the vibration generated by the The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
transmission system. The vibration optimal decoupling Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate
and topology optimization have significantly improved Not applicable.
the vibration isolation performance of the front mount
and proved the effectiveness of the design scheme. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.
51375047, 51775040).
7 Conclusions
In this study, based on the 6-DOF coupling vibration Publisher’s Note
model of the mounting system, an optimization algo- Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub‑
lished maps and institutional affiliations.
rithm was used to extract the best design parameters
of the mounts, thus rendering the mounting system Received: 23 June 2017 Accepted: 16 April 2018
fully decoupled and frequency well configured, and the
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