The First Commercialready'' Direct Air Capture (DAC) Plant Recently Opened in Hinwil, Switzerland On May 2017

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Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is broadly recognised as having the potential to play a key role in meeting
climate change targets, delivering low carbon heat and power, decarbonising industry and, more recently, its
ability to facilitate the net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. However, despite this broad consensus and its
technical maturity, CCS has not yet been deployed on a scale commensurate with the ambitions articulated a
decade ago.

we extend the remit of this study to include the key negative

emissions technologies (NETs) of bioenergy with CCS (BECCS), and direct air capture (DAC).

The first ‘‘commercialready’’

direct air capture (DAC) plant recently opened in Hinwil,
Switzerland on May 2017.


The CCU (Carbon capture unit)industry already exists mainly in current applications of CO2

and can be boosted by cheap CO2 capture technologies. Power to

Liquid could be the largest pathway for CCU, contributing to energy

transition. It should be considered in a circular economy context: each

tonne of CO2 recycled to make transportation fuel can avoid one

tonne of fossil CO2 to make the same fuels. It could be competitive

versus biofuels if we can resolve the challenges of its incorporation

and compatibility with fuels (from drop in to new fuels). The longterm horizon for CCU is the
transformation of CO2 using energy from

the sun, and micro-algae could probably be the earliest pathway.


Thanks to Atmiya university, Department of industrial chemistry and Hardy Creation for helping us.

There are Four hundred parts per million: that's the approximate concentration of CO2 in the air
today. we have the technology today to remove CO2 out of the air using a chemically
manufactured approach. This plant is called as a synthetic forest. For a synthetic forest, you don't
have to build it on arable land, so there's no competition with farmland or food, and there's also
no reason to have to cut down any real trees to do this. . Negative emissions require that the CO2
separated be permanently removed from the atmosphere forever, which means putting it back
underground, where it came from in the first place.
This is called an air contactor. You can see it has to be really, really wide in order to have a high
enough surface area to process all of the air required. The contactor is filled with packing
material. The contactor sucks air in it and From the top capture solution is added in it. The CO 2
dissolves in it and collects out at bottom.

Contactor:- 2NaOH + CO2 Na2CO3 + H2O (Eq.1)

Causticiser:- Na2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 2NaOH + CaCO3 (Eq.2)

Calciner:- CaCO3 + heat CaO + CO2 (Eq.3)

Slaker:- CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2 (Eq.4)

The basic example of the approach is illustrated in the first cycle, known as absorption, ambient
air is brought into contact with sprayed sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as the solvent in the
absorption column, with the aid of fans or natural airflow. CO 2 molecules react with NaOH and
form a solution of sodium carbonate (Na 2CO3) soda ash(Eq.1). The absorption happens at room
temperature and ambient pressure. This solution is transported to the regeneration cycle and CO 2
depleted air leaves the column. In the second cycle, known as regeneration, Na 2CO3 is mixed
with calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 in the causticiser unit, where solid calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
is formed and NaOH is regenerated (Eq.2). NaOH is sent back to the contactor and ready to start
another absorption cycle. Meanwhile, in the most energy intensive step, CaCO 3 is heated up to
around 900 _C in the kiln (calciner unit) to release CO 2., according to literature and based on the
level of heat integration, the overall heat demand is in the range of 1420e2250 kWhth per ton
CO2. The outputs of this reaction are calcium oxide (CaO) and a pure stream of CO 2 (Eq.3). CO2
is collected and CaO is mixed with water in the slaker unit for Ca(OH)2 regeneration (Eq.4).
Carrier gas in bars and restaurants for draft beer and soft drinks
Inert gas for packing fresh meat and vegetables
Dry ice used for freezing or chilling food

Farmers use greenhouses to create finely tuned conditions to ensure optimum yield from
their crops. Raising CO2 levels within these greenhouses increases the rate of
photosynthesis which can boost the crop yield by up to 20 per cent.

Microbial platforms for CO2 reuse processes in the low-carbon economy.

manufacturing of urea.


CO2 back out of the air, and produces a pure CO2 gas which can be combined
with H2O (water) to create fuel, as well as other carbon-based products such
as plastics.

Instead of releasing more CO2 from fossil fuels, we recycle CO2 that has
already been released into the air. We close the carbon cycle.
CO2 conversion for energy storage and fuels.

Co2 use in cement industry.

Co2 as feedstock of polymer.

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