Chapter 2 MCQs

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Chapter 2 MCQs

1. According to Siegel at al. (2007) the technology transfer objectives of TTOs is to:
a) Seek profits
b) Share and disseminate their knowledge
c) To protect and generate revenue for IP
d) None of the above

2. The Linear Model of Technology Transfer:

a) Regards technology transfer as a process that can, and should, be planned
b) Emphasises multi-directional linkages, interdependency between hard technology and
softer issues of people, management and information flows
c) Regards technology transfer as something that should not be planned
d) Emphasises the relationship aspect of technology transfer

3. The Non-Linear Model of Technology Transfer:

a) Emphasises multi-directional linkages, interdependency between hard technology and
softer issues of people, management and information flows
b) Regards technology transfer as something that should not be planned
c) Emphasises the relationship aspect of technology transfer
d) All of the above

4. Technology Transfer can potentially:

a) Generate revenues for universities
b) Create research connections between academia and industry
c) Enhance regional economic growth and development
d) All of the above

5. According to Siegel et al. (2003) the role taken by most TTOs is:
a) To facilitate technological diffusion through the licensing to industry of inventions or
intellectual property resulting from university research
b) To facilitate ‘mega agreements’ between individual companies and universities
c) To facilitate the licensing of university-owned intellectual property to existing companies
d) To facilitate university support for start-up companies

6. The sequencing of events in terms of university technology transfer usually begins with:
a) Invention disclosure
b) Scientific discovery
c) Evaluation of the commercial potential
d) Filing a patent
7. Which of the following enabled universities and public reseach laboratories to patent their
own inventions?
a) The Bayh-Dole Act 1980
b) European Patent Convention
c) Patent Cooperation Treaty
d) US Patent and Trade Mark Office

8. Which of the following can influence whether TTO will patent a technology:
a) When there is a possible cost benefit
b) If the TTO has a high level of investment
c) If the TTO has the support of research councils
d) When there is a clear cost benefit

9. A spin-off company is:

a) A firm that includes among its founding members a person affiliated with the university
b) A firm that is not founded by a staff member of the university but is developing
technology originating at the university
c) A firm that has been granted the permission of a piece of intellectual property by the
d) A firm that includes only members from the university

10. Which of the following is not a macro level factor that influences technology transfer?
a) Proximity to industrial clusters
b) Support of developmental agencies/research councils
c) Quality of Technology Transfer Office
d) Government support and investment

11. Which of the following is not an inhabitor that is experienced by publicly funded principal
a) Political and environmental factors
b) Institutional inhabitors
c) Project inhabitors
d) Social and economic factors

12. IP valuations can have:

a) An insignificant influence for technology entrepreneurs during the company formation
b) A significant influence for technology entrepreneurs during the company formation
stage #
c) A significant influence for technology entrepreneurs during the scientific discovery stage
d) A significant influence for technology entrepreneurs during the invention disclosure

13. Administration and Power of Industry Partners are:

a) Political and environmental factors
b) Institutional inhabitors
c) Social and economic factors
d) Project inhibitors

14. An entrepreneurial university is a:

a) Natural incubator
b) Abnormal incubator
c) Convergent technology space
d) None of the above

15. According to Harman (2010) the most important perceived barrier by technology transfer
specialists was:
a) Distance from reseach clusters
b) Lack of funds to support commercialisation activities
c) Lack of governmental support
d) Competing stakeholder interests

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