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The key takeaways are about submitting Proof of Concepts (PoCs) for solutions developed to address problems identified. PoCs will be evaluated based on various criteria and can address different themes.

The different types of PoCs that can be submitted are: introduction of new or improved services, introduction of new method of production/process, opening of new market, exploration of a new source & supply, and reengineering/organization of business management process.

The criteria used to evaluate the PoCs are: relevance and validation of problem & solution, feasibility of solution, applicability of solution. PoCs need to score a minimum of 25 to be considered for the next level.

IIC National Innovation Contest 2020

Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), MHRD’s Innovation Cell

All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi
Guideline and Evaluation Criteria Sheet for Proof of Concept (PoC) Submission

Proof of Concept (PoC) Title:

Team Leader Name: Email:
PoC Type: (Multiple Select, Tick Appropriates) Contact no:
�Introduction of new or improved services
�Introduction of new method of production/ process
�Opening of new market
Theme Name:
�Exploration of a new source & supply
�Reengineering/ organization of business management
Sl. Marks
Parameters Total Marks
No. Obtained
Relevance and Validation of Problem & Solution 15 Marks
(a) Is the proposed Solution/Concept having ability
(is effective) to address the Identified problem to 10 Marks
1. a major extent?
(b) Is the proposed Solution/Concept considered to
be one of best alternative (or) Only Solution to 5 Marks
the Identified Problem?
Feasibility of solution (SMART)
25 Marks
(to Check the appropriateness of the proposed
(a) Specific- Does the PoC set the objectives and
delineate the objectives of solutions clearly? 5 Marks
(b) Measurable- Does the PoC explained the
approach or method with milestones to
5 Marks
achieve objectives mentioned above to
develop the Solutions?
(c) Attainable- Does the solution with objectives
2. and millstones provided by PoC team is
5 Marks
attainable/doable if enough time and
resources will be provided?
(d) Realistic- Does the solution with objectives
and millstones provided by PoC team is
5 Marks
attainable in the time, with available resource
and skillset of the team?
(e) Timeline- Does the time period for
millstones give is realistic and level of
confidence of team to complete the stages to 5 Marks
reach prototype/Innovation in the given time
period. (TRL 2 or TRL 3 in 2-3 months)
Applicability of Solution 10 Marks
(a) Usability: Level of acceptance of
2.0 Marks
Solution/Features among target group
(b) Scalability: Adoption Potential of Solution as
2.0 Marks
Business Model/Startup
(c) Economic Sustainability: Potential of solution to
3. 2.0 Marks
Become profitable or financially viable
(d) Environment Sustainability: Potential of solution
to become environment friendly or address 2.0 Marks
environment problems
(e) Existence of Intellectual Property Component, if
2.0 Marks
Total 50 Marks
Important Note:

 IIC-institute and members are requested to disseminate and encourage students to take part
in submission of PoCs for the solutions developed for the problem encountered/identified
by students during their visits to Society, market industry etc.
 Please note that, submissions of solutions or PoCs developed for the problems for various
programs such as SIH, internal Hackathons and other campus hackathons/competitions can
be considered.
 Ideas submitted at Ideation Stage with minimum score of 25 or above (as per the evaluation
criteria provided to evaluate ideas) can be considered for PoC level participation. i.e. IIC-
Institute can upgrade/select the ideas for POC level.
 If any interested students’ teams have not participated at Idea Level, still they can
participate. If student team have developed PoC and want to participate directly at PoC level
can submit their Solution/PoC directly at PoC stage. (Both Idea and PoC submission portal
will remain open till May 2020). i.e. IIC-Institute can accept entries directly at POC stage
if any team missed submission at Idea stage.
 PoC may be technical and (or) non-technical solution of an Idea and can be fit into any one
or multiple themes and also can be fit into different PoC types (as given in evaluation page).
 IIC Institute need to organize PoC validation workshop for participants and evaluate the
PoCs received.
 No limit on number of PoCs and student teams and team size. No gender reservation but
gender balance is encouraged.
 All PoCs need to be carefully evaluated by committee setup by IIC Institute for next level of
hand holding and support through IC institute. IIC Institute should consider external experts
of IIC – Institute and (or) member’s representation incubation and startup in the committee
to evaluate.
 Above evaluation criteria can be used to evaluation and PoCs and Pocs which receives a
minimum score of 25 or above can be considered for next level (Prototype/innovation
 At the end, the detail of PoCs received with evaluation score allocated to each POC need to
be uploaded in the link named as Innovation Contest tab on portal.
 PoC Validation workshop can be reported as MIC driven activity in IIC portal and eligible to
obtain certain reward points for it.

1. Healthcare & Biomedical devices.
2. Agriculture & Rural Development.
3. Smart Vehicles/ Electric vehicle/ Electric vehicle motor and battery technology.
4. Food Processing/Nutrition/Biotechnology
5. Robotics and Drones.
6. Waste management/Waste to Wealth
7. Clean & Potable water.
8. Renewable and affordable Energy.
9. IoT based technologies (e.g. Security & Surveillance systems etc.)
10. ICT, cyber physical systems, Block chain, Cognitive computing, Cloud computing, AI & ML.
11. Other Emerging areas of Innovation/Startup
Please make students and faculties aware about Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs).

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