1999 Nicholas Smith Plato's Analogy PDF
1999 Nicholas Smith Plato's Analogy PDF
1999 Nicholas Smith Plato's Analogy PDF
ABSTRACT. In Part I of this paper, I argue that the arguments Plato offers for the tripar-
tition of the soul are founded upon an equivocation, and that each of the valid options by
which Plato might remove the equivocation will not produce a tripartite soul. In Part II, I
argue that Plato is not wholly committed to an analogy of soul and state that would require
either a tripartite state or a tripartite soul for the analogy to hold. It follows that the heart of
the analogy is not to be found in the comparison of the Kallipolis and its three parts to the
soul conceived as tripartite, but rather must be supposed to reside in some other connection
between the ways in which justice characterizes states and souls, and I will suggest what
this other connection consists in.
KEY WORDS: analogy, justice, moral psychology, Plato, political theory, Republic, soul,
Plato’s Socrates and his interlocutors accept from the outset and without
argument that justice in the state and soul are like the same letters inscribed
in a large and a small format, and this assumption has been widely chal-
lenged and questioned by Plato’s critics.1 In this paper, I will neither object
to this assumption nor defend it, but instead will show that the specific way
in which Plato articulates his analogy, and the way in which this analogy is
generally supposed by scholars to work – if it works at all – is irreparably
logically flawed.2 Specifically, I will argue in Part I that the arguments
Plato offers for the tripartition of the soul are founded upon an equivoca-
tion, and that each of the valid options by which Plato might remove the
equivocation will not produce a tripartite soul. The result of this argument,
plainly, is that the way in which Plato actually makes the analogy of state
and soul – by appealing to the similarities between a tripartite state of
rulers, warriors, and craftsmen, in the Kallipolis, to a tripartite soul of
reason, high spirit (or thumos), and appetite – cannot validly be made.
(In the remainder of this paper, I will call this specification of the soul-
state analogy the “3-3 specification”). In the second part of my argument,
however, I will argue that Plato reveals a lack of full commitment to the
3-3 specification of the analogy without thereby calling the analogy itself
into question. If this is so, then it follows that the heart of the analogy is
not to be found in the comparison of the Kallipolis and its three parts to
the soul conceived as tripartite, but rather must be supposed to reside in
1 For examples, according to David Sachs, “A Fallacy in Plato’s Republic,” The Philo-
sophical Review 72 (1963), pp. 141–158 and Gregory Vlastos, “Justice and Happiness
in the Republic,” in Gregory Vlastos (ed), Platonic Studies, second Edition (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1981), Plato equivocates on the conception of justice, though
they offer different accounts of the equivocation and come to different conclusions about
how serious such equivocations are to Plato’s overall argument.
2 Other criticisms of Plato’s psychology in the Republic may be found in the literature,
as well. For example, Christopher Bobonich, “Akrasia and Agency in Plato’s Law and
Republic,” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 76 (1994), 3–36 and Terence Irwin,
Plato’s Ethics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995), pp. 217–222, argue that Plato’s
conception of the parts of the soul mistakenly attributes to them a kind of agency which
belongs properly only to the individual of which they are parts. In this paper, I do not
address such concerns directly, but I would note that in so far as my arguments give some
reason to think that Plato was not wholly committed to his partitioning arguments, he
cannot either be regarded as wholly committed to the sorts of errors Bobonich and Irwin
have identified. Yet other problems regarding Plato’s psychological account (and thus its
application to the soul-state analogy) are noted in Mitchell Miller, “Platonic Provocations:
Reflections on the Soul and the Good in the Republic,” in D. J. O’Meara (ed.), Platonic
Investigations (Washington, DC: The Catholic University Press), pp. 163–193, and Lloyd
Gerson, “A Note on Tripartition and Immortality in Plato,” Aperion 21 (1987), pp. 81–96. I
regret that I cannot directly address or incorporate all of their arguments or the issues they
raise in this paper.
At 434b9–d1, Socrates and Glaucon agree that they have discovered what
justice is in the city:
For the three of these classes to interfere in one another’s business or to exchange with
each other, then, is the worst damage to a city and might rightly be called the worst evil.
And don’t you call injustice the worst evil to one’s city?
Of course.
So this, then, is injustice. Moreover, to say it the other way around, for the wealth-making,
auxiliary, and guardian classes to mind their own business and do their own in the city, is
the opposite – justice – and is what makes the city just.
It is this and nothing else, I agree, he said.
Plainly, the same thing cannot do or undergo opposites in the same respect4 and in relation
to the same thing, at the same time. So, if this should ever happen in these things, we will
realize that they weren’t the same, but many.
Evidence that (O) and not (X) should be our interpretation of the parti-
tioning principle may be seen from Socrates’ subsequent list of examples
of the sorts of “opposites” that he has in mind: “assent and dissent, desir-
ing to have something and rejecting it, drawing in and thrusting away”
(437b1–5). This list, however, requires interpretation, as we shall soon see.
The problem comes when Plato seeks to apply his partitioning principle
to the specific cases he gives to divide the soul, for the relevant cases either
do not appear to fall under the above interpretations of the principle – or
if they do, the principle will turn out to do considerably more than Plato
seems to want it to do. To see that this is so, let us begin by reviewing
Plato’s first partitioning argument, which is intended to show that the soul
may be divided into at least two parts: reason and appetite.
4 For this reading of κατ ὰ τ αυτ óν at 436b8, see R. F. Stalley, “Plato’s Argument for
the Division of the Reasoning and Appetitive Elements within the Soul,” Phronesis 20
(1975), pp. 110–128.
5 Fred D. Miller, Jr. argues for this interpretation in Fred D. Miller, Jr., “Plato on The
Parts of The Soul,” in Jan Max van Ophuijsen (ed), Plato and Platonism (Washington, DC:
The Catholic University of America Press, forthcoming).
(Oe) The same part of the soul cannot be responsible for both desiring and also having an
aversion to the same object at the same time, even if the object is taken, in the desire and
the aversion, under different descriptions.
(Oi) The same part of the soul cannot be responsible for both desiring and also
having an aversion to the same object at the same time, taken under the same description.
Now, on the one hand, (Oi) looks like a very plausible principle – after
all, it is difficult to imagine how a person might both desire and also have
an aversion to the same thing at the same time, where the thing desired and
shunned was represented in both the desiring and in the shunning in the
very same way. If such cases are possible at all, it seems plausible to think
that they would only be possible for someone with a wholly bifurcated
desire system, as for example, we might find in someone suffering from
multiple personality disorder.
It is anything but obvious, however, that this is the sort of case Plato has
in mind here. He doesn’t tell us all the details about why his thirsty person
refuses to drink, but he does mention that the case he has in mind is one
where the person has some reason to avoid drinking, while what makes the
person desire to drink is “the result of affections of diseases” (439d1). It
looks as if the case, then, is one in which the person’s desire to drink takes
the intended object (say) as “thirst-quenching,” whereas the same object
is taken by the opposed reason as “unhealthy.” This, then, is more like the
case with Oedipus I mentioned earlier – the attraction and the repulsion
represent the relevant object in entirely different ways. If this phenomenon
falls under any principle, then, it must be (Oe).
But as a partitioning principle, (Oe) is too strong, and if it is this princi-
ple that Plato wishes to employ to divide the soul, his argument threatens
to atomize the soul. Plato wants it to turn out that all examples of thirst,
hunger, and lust – and perhaps also all desires for material acquisition –
will belong to the appetitive part of the soul. All anger, and presumably all
desires for honor, will belong to the high spirit. Calculation and reasoning
belong to the rational part. But cases may readily be found in which exam-
ples will fall under (Oe) that would require Plato to partition the soul into
more than three parts.
Consider our aversion to bodily pain, for example. To which part of the
soul would Plato think this belongs? Parity of reason would suggest that
it should belong to the appetitive part, since the desire for bodily pleasure
seems entirely to belong to this part. If this is so, then how would (Oe)
apply to this case: Jones finds himself caught between a strong desire to
drink the water he sees in front of him, on the one hand, and his aversion
to the pain he anticipates if he were actually to attempt to drink the water,
since he notices that it is boiling hot. He desires to drink, but holds back.
7 Terry Penner, “Thought and Desire in Plato,” in Gregory Vlastos (ed), Plato II: Ethics,
Politics, Philosophy of Art and Religion (New York: Anchor Books, 1971), pp. 108–111,
113–116 and J.F. Tiles, “The Combat of Passion and Reason,” Philosophy 52 (1977),
p. 322 discuss this case, with differing conclusions. Tiles appears to assume that Plato’s
partitioning principle is what I have called Oe.
on indefinitely. In any case, it certainly will not end after only Plato’s three
parts have been identified.8
As we have seen, the text makes it perfectly plain that Plato understood the
analogy of state to soul in a way that presumes what I have called the “3-3
specification” of the analogy. If I am right about the failure of Plato’s argu-
ments for the partitioning of the soul, however, Plato does not have a proper
claim to this specification of the analogy, for he has no good reasons for
dividing the soul into three parts, which is required by the analogy. But the
text (happily) also supplies us with compelling reason for supposing that
Plato did not think that the 3-3 specification of the analogy was required for
the analogy to succeed, since he shows that he is not completely committed
to either of the “threes” in this specification, in circumstances where the
analogy itself is not, thereby, called into question.
Let us consider, first, the tripartite division of the state. One of the
consequences of supposing that the analogy requires the 3-3 specification
is plainly that no state that is not divided up into three parts could satisfy
the analogy. The purpose of the analogy, recall, is to make it easier to
discern what justice is, by first trying to see it “writ large” in a state,
before looking for justice in written in the smaller letters of a soul. If Plato
supposed that this analogy required a 3-3 specification, then,9 we should
not expect to see him “looking for justice” in a state that is not divided
into three parts. And yet, this is exactly what we find him doing – long
before he has introduced the three parts of the Kallipolis – at 371e, when
Socrates and Adeimantus have completed what Glaucon later disparages
as no better than a “city of pigs” (at 372d4–5). Despite Glaucon’s disgust,
however, Socrates seems prepared to “look for justice” in this very basic
8 I have only given an example that would partition Plato’s appetitive part of the soul, if
we apply Oe. But I believe similar examples could be given to partition the other parts, as
well. For example, consider a case where one finds oneself attracted to the honor one could
win in some competition, but honorably repelled by the fact that the only hope of winning
one had would be by using banned performance-enhancing drugs. Or, one finds oneself
attracted to a certain philosophical doctrine’s explanatory potential, while also feeling
doubts about its foundational assumptions. Such cases, I suggest, would partition the high
spirit and the rational parts of the soul, respectively, if we applied Oe.
9 See Daryl H. Rice, A Guide to Plato’s Republic (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1998), p. 58: “Socrates argues that if his analogy between the city and the soul of the
individual is to be helpful, cities and individuals must be morphologically similar; that is,
they must have the same basic structure, or form.”
Annas concludes that, in fact, “Plato has not given the first city a clear
place in the Republic’s moral argument.”13 C. D. C. Reeve sarcastically
dismisses the first city as “the Kallipolis for money-lovers”, and says that
Plato did not mean for us to take it seriously because “it includes nothing
10 Julia Annas, An Introduction to Plato’s Republic and Ethics (Oxford: Oxford
Univeristy Press, 1981), p. 76.
11 Ibid, 78.
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid.
First, then, let’s see what sort of life our citizens will lead when they’ve been provided for in
the way we have been describing. They’ll produce bread, wine, clothes, and shoes, won’t
they? They’ll build houses, work naked and barefoot in the summer, and wear adequate
clothing and shoes in the winter. For food, they’ll knead and cook the flour and meal
they’ve made from wheat and barley. They’ll put their honest cakes and loaves on reeds
or clean leaves, and reclining on beds strewn with yew and myrtle, they’ll feast with their
children, drink their wine, and, crowned with wreaths, hymn the gods. They’ll enjoy sex
with one another but bear no more children than their resources allow, lest they fall into
either poverty or war. (372a5–c1)15
The citizens of Plato’s first state will eschew even the luxurious excess
of wearing shoes or clothing in the summers, and are careful to do noth-
ing that would strain their very modest resources, and so will avoid both
poverty (which Plato wishes to avoid even in the Kallipolis, as morally
corrosive – see 421d13–422a3) and war. If Plato wished to portray this
city as in danger of “the destabilizing effects of unnecessary appetites and
the pleonexia to which they give rise,” he has done a remarkably poor job
of it!
Annas’s final argument – that Socrates’ urging us to see the origins of
both justice and injustice in this state is a subtle sign of his lack of regard
for this state – is equally flawed. First, let us recall that Socrates stated that
this – the identification of the sources of justice and injustice in a city –
was the goal he was seeking in bringing the city into the discussion in the
first place (at 369a5–7). Second, from the fact that Socrates and his inter-
locutors are in a position to see what injustice in a state would be, it does
not follow that the state they have envisioned is one that is filled, to any
significant degree, with injustice. After all, it is precisely because Socrates
and his interlocutors reach the position where they can see the origins of
both justice and injustice that they are able to conclude the discussion of
the Kallipolis at 434b9–c10: justice in the state is where each element in
the state does its own, and injustice is where the elements meddle and
interfere in each other’s proper functioning. Third, Annas is wrong to say
that, unlike the first state, the Kallipolis “displays only justice.” If this were
true, there would be no need for lawcourts in the Kallipolis, and no need
for the philosopher-rulers to serve as judges for disputes that may arise
among the citizens of the Kallipolis; but Plato tells us that there will be
such needs, at 433e3–8.
What is lost, in views such as the ones we find Annas and Reeve giving,
is the recognition that none of the states that Plato’s Socrates and his
interlocutors conceive of are Forms. Stated so bluntly, this may seem just
obvious, but Annas’s claim that the Kallipolis will display only justice
and no injustice is one that Plato’s metaphysics could never support. Only
Forms are what they are and never can or do seem to be the opposite at the
same time (see 478e7–479b8). Accordingly, we should expect that both
15 To highlight the discrepancy between Reeve’s assessment of the first city, and Plato’s
actual description of it, I have used Reeve’s own translation here [G. M. A. Grube and C.
D. C. Reeve Plato: Republic Indianapolis and Cambridge: MA: Hackett, 1992, p. 47].
the first city and the Kallipolis will “display” both justice and injustice, for
both are only participants in, and not identical to the Form of Justice.16
This recognition, however, shows us a further thing about how Plato’s
metaphysics must inform his conception of the analogy of soul and state.
In so far as Justice Itself – the Form – is one thing, then we should expect
every one of its images (both in states and in individual people) to make
reference to the same thing. The analogy of justice in the soul and justice
in the state is secured, then, in virtue of the fact that the justice in each
will resemble one another, and they will resemble one another precisely
because both sorts of justice are images of Justice Itself. But it follows from
this that any image of Justice will resemble any other image of Justice, in
the relevant way. But states come in an indefinite number of varieties –
not all are divided into three parts. Some states will be more just than
others; some will have little justice in them to observe at all. Any state
with detectable justice in it, however, should serve to the same degree as
its justice is detectable, for Socrates and his interlocutors – and for Plato’s
readers – to be able to “read the large letters” of justice in the state, in
preparation for an attempt to discern the same message of justice written
in smaller letters within an individual. Plato’s Republic, I am claiming,
actually provides two distinct images of justice in states: in the first and
most basic city, and also in the Kallipolis.
Of course, as Plato tells us later – when he describes how images can
be used intelligently (in Books VI and VII), as they are in arithmetic and
geometry – some images are more useful as propaedeutics and heuristics
than are others. In seeking to achieve a grasp of what justice is, before
turning to the actual challenge itself, which was to show that justice is
always preferable to injustice, Plato’s Socrates must choose the most useful
images of justice. When Glaucon and Adeimantus seem so scornfully
unimpressed by the first city, Socrates acknowledges that a larger and more
luxurious city might provide a better view of what they are looking for:
Alright, I said. I understand. It is not just how a city comes into being that we are inves-
tigating, but rather how a luxurious city comes into being. Perhaps that’s not a bad thing,
either. For by investigating that, we might discern how justice and injustice grow up in a
city. (372e2–6)
Even if the Kallipolis provides a better image of Justice for the purposes
of their investigation, however, as it plainly does, we should not necessarily
16 This also, presumably, accounts for what would otherwise be the very strange quali-
fication Socrates makes, at 444a6, that in identifying the just man and the just city as they
have, they have not told a “complete falsehood.” There would be no falsehood at all, in
what they have said, if they had identified the Form of Justice, rather than merely good
images of it.
suppose that the first city was either unjust or in any absolute way a poor
or deeply flawed image of justice itself. An image may be poorly suited
for an inquiry into the nature of that which the image imitates, for reasons
other than that it is a poor image. Notice that in seeking to discern what
justice is, Plato’s Socrates insists on not looking first at individual human
beings, but at states, for fear that the justice they sought to grasp would
be too difficult to discern in individuals, without the help of the analogy
to states. It plainly does not follow from this, however, that no individ-
ual human beings could ever be good or reasonably accurate images of
At any rate, once justice is finally located and observed in the Kallipo-
lis, Plato has Socrates repeatedly remind us that it is nothing other than
the very same principle that was used in founding the first, most basic
city, as well as each subsequent development worked upon that city, in
transforming it into the Kallipolis: that each person in the city should do
that and only that task in the city, for which his or her nature best suits
them (see 370a7–b2, 374a4–e8, 432d7–433a6, 443b7–c7). Accordingly, it
turns out that there was justice in the first and most basic city, which now
presumably even Glaucon and Adeimantus are in a position to see: in that
city, no less than in the Kallipolis, each person did that for which they
were best suited by nature, and did not meddle in what others were better
suited to do. Despite proving clearly (in retrospect) to be a good image
of justice after all, however, the first city does not do so in virtue of any
obvious division into three parts. None the less, even if we granted Plato’s
arguments for the partitioning of the soul, we can see now what the analogy
of soul and state would consist in, if we compared Plato’s tripartite soul to
his first and most basic state: justice in each would be in each element or
part “doing its own” and not meddling in the proper business of any other
element or part. We do not have to presuppose the 3-3 specification of the
soul-state analogy in order to preserve the identity of justice, and thus, the
essential basis of the analogy.
If the argument of the last section is correct, Plato actually offers more
than one model of the city which satisfies the analogy of justice in states
and souls. Plato does not, however, provide any clear alternatives to the
conception of the soul that he offers in Book IV, and so it might seem that
he is as deeply wedded to his conception of the soul as tripartite as he could
be to any theory he offers. But in several places in the Republic – including
immediately before and after giving us his partitioning arguments – Plato
Later, in Book IX, just when we might expect Plato’s Socrates to remind
us of the tripartite nature of the soul, we find him arguing, instead, that
we must not suppose “that in its truest nature, the soul is this way – as
embroidered in many colors and dissimilarities, and at odds with itself”
(611b1–3). Socrates goes on to say that the condition in which he and
Glaucon have been examining the soul is a condition much like that of the
sea-god Glaucus, damaged and encrusted, as it were, in its association with
the body (611b9–d8), whereas only if we could observe it in its true nature
could we really discern “whether it has many parts or just one, and how and
in what way it truly is” (612a3–5). Only a few pages before comparing the
17 I owe this observation to Mitchell Miller, who makes a similar point in Mitchell
Miller, “Platonic Provocations: Reflections on the Soul and the Good in the Republic,”
in D.J. O’Meara (ed), Platonic Investigations (Washington, DC: The Catholic University
Press of America, 1985), p. 169.
however, we will see that this worry is no real threat to his conception.
Justice in a composite thing – either soul or state – is all along conceived
as nothing other than the overall harmony that is achieved in the composite
in which each element of the composite “does its own.” States are just,
Plato tells us, when and in so far as each element within the state “does
its own.” In the first and most basic state, and also in the Kallipolis, this
ultimately amounts to the situation in which each individual does what he
or she is naturally best suited to do, and does not meddle in others’ affairs.
Any single individual in the state, therefore, will be civically just in so far
as he or she “does his or her own.” After all, it is not as if the state can
somehow be just in which the citizens themselves act unjustly. Similarly,
just as we might talk about certain impulses and motives being unjust and
others being just, Plato can say that each part of a soul is just when and
only when that part is doing its own, and he can even say that individual
desires and motives are just when and only when they are symptomatic of
the soul or its relevant part “doing its own.” Since the justice of a composite
consists in the harmony resulting from the justice of each of its component
(including, presumably, its indivisible) parts “doing its own,” it follows
that indivisible simples are just when and to the degree that they “do their
But the “doing one’s own” formula ordinarily applies to activities that
are, as the Greeks would say, πρóς τ ι, or “in relation to something.” For
a carpenter in Plato’s Kallipolis to “do his own” is not just for him to
do carpentry, but also for him not to meddle in others’ work. For one’s
“spirited part” to be just, it must not only provide the right motivations, it
must also not interfere in one’s reasoning or appetites. A single individual
stranded on a desert island, accordingly, would not have the opportunity to
engage in the civic form of justice (even if she might still be psychically
just), since she would have no “other” relative to whom she could “do her
own.” Similarly, it might be supposed, if we conceive the soul as a simple,
we lose any opportunity to characterize it as just, because there are no
longer any others (in this case, parts of the soul) for the soul to be just in
relation to.
But Socrates gives an argument in Book I that neutralizes this concern,
proclaiming that the soul has a function, and that the virtue of a soul would
consist in the soul performing its function well. The function of the soul
is “management, rule, deliberation, and all other such things” (353d4–6),
and to this list Socrates immediately adds “living” (at 353d9). Justice is the
virtue of the soul, and so the just soul will be one that performs these func-
tions well (353d11–e11). The “doing one’s own” formula, accordingly,
may refer to the ways in which one functions in regard to others, but it
can also, we must suppose, apply to the proper functioning of the soul in
regard to the soul’s most basic functions, which include most importantly
the management of one’s own life.
In the first part of this paper, I claimed that Plato’s arguments for the parti-
tioning of the soul are unreconstructable failures. If the analogy of justice
in the state and in the soul required what I have called the 3-3 specification
of that analogy, this failure would infect and ruin much of the argument of
the Republic. In fact, however, I have argued that it does not do so, and I
gave reasons, in the second and third parts of the paper, respectively, why
even Plato himself was not committed in any deep way (in the Republic, at
least) either to the necessity of a tripartite state, for the state to be just, or
to the theory of the tripartite soul, or for this conception of the soul to be a
requirement for the soul to be just. I have not claimed that Plato remained
non-committal about his tripartite analysis of the soul, which shows up
prominently again in the Phaedrus and the Timaeus, though even in these
dialogues, I believe his commitment to the analysis may be doubted. An
argument for this claim, however, must wait for another day. Even if Plato
did come to accept his partitioning arguments without reservation, it would
not count as evidence against my argument in this paper, for I have claimed
only that we should not accept them, that Plato does not actually require
such arguments to succeed in order to defend his soul-state analogy, and
that various things he says show that Plato himself was aware that the parti-
tioning of the state and soul were not required by the soul-state analogy in
the Republic.
At base, my argument is founded upon my claim that Plato’s meta-
physics required that there be a single, unitary, and unequivocal conception
of justice, which Plato would tie to his idea that there was a single pure
Form of Justice. Even this part of my argument is not uncontroversial,
however, for scholars have often talked of there being two conceptions of
justice in Plato’s Republic. The most troubling case of this attribution was
made in the famous paper by David Sachs,19 in which Sachs argued that
Plato’s defense of justice rests on a fallacious equivocation between the
two senses of justice, which Sachs called the “vulgar” and the “Platonic”
conceptions. But even those who have sought to defend Plato against
Sachs20 have allowed that there are two distinct conceptions of justice
19 Sachs, “A Fallacy in Plato’s Republic.”
20 See, for examples, R. Demos, “A Fallacy in Plato’s Republic?,” The Philosophical
Review 73 (1964), pp. 345-398; L. Galis, “The State-Soul Analogy in Plato’s Argument
basic state that makes these citizens and their state just, in Book II. It is the
proper functioning of each of the citizens in the much expanded state, the
Kallipolis, and each of the classes of this state, that we are told make the
citizens and classes of this state – and the whole state itself – just, in Book
IV. Also in Book IV, we are told that it is the proper functioning of the parts
of the soul that make these parts and the activities they motivate just, and
which makes the whole soul and the person just. In every case, justice as
proper functioning can be understood under the formula “doing well what
the thing is naturally suited to do, and not attempting to do what only some
other thing is better suited to do.” But in all of its instantiations, justice is
proper functioning, for Plato. There may appear to be many distinct charac-
terizations of this, just as Plato recognizes many images of the single Form.
There is a unity that runs through all of the characterizations, however, and
the metaphysical basis for this unity is none other than the Form.21
Department of Philosophy
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824
21 I presented various earlier versions of this paper as one of the Patricia Crawford
lectures at San Diego State University (September, 1998), at the Third Arizona Colloquium
in Ancient Philosophy (February, 1998), and as colloquia presentations at the University
of Toronto (December, 1997) and at Michigan State University (September, 1998). I am
indebted to my hosts in San Diego (especially Angelo Corlett and Mark Wheeler) and
to those in Toronto (especially Brad Inwood and Lloyd Gerson) for their searching ques-
tions and criticisms. I gratefully acknowledge, as well, the assistance I have received from
Mitchell Miller, my commentator at the Third Arizona Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy,
who provided in private correspondence several detailed suggestions, in addition to those
he read at this conference, several of which I have incorporated into the current version
of the paper. I am also grateful to my colleagues at Michigan State University, and to
the members of my Fall 1997 seminar there – Timothy O’Neill in particular – for their
many comments and suggestions. I have also benefited from long discussions of this topic
with Fred D. Miller, Jr. and with Michael Fiebig, both of whom were especially helpful in
leading me to sharpen my criticisms of Plato’s partitioning arguments. Finally, I acknowl-
edge the help I have received from Rachana Kamtekar and Ellen Wagner, who read and
commented extensively on the version of the paper I gave in Arizona. None of the above
can be assumed to agree with my arguments, and all remaining errors in the paper are mine