The Trompowsky Attack - Move by - Cyrus Lakdawala

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First published in 2014 by Gloucester Publishers Limited, Northburgh House,

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Copyright © 2014 Cyrus Lakdawala

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Everyman Chess Series

Chief advisor: Byron Jacobs
Commissioning editor: John Emms
Assistant editor: Richard Palliser
Typeset and edited by First Rank Publishing, Brighton.
Cover design by Horatio Monteverde.
About the Author
Cyrus Lakdawala is an International Master, a former National Open and
American Open Champion, and a six-time State Champion. He has been
teaching chess for over 30 years, and coaches some of the top junior players
in the U.S.

Also by the Author:

Play the London System
A Ferocious Opening Repertoire
The Slav: Move by Move
1 ... d6: Move by Move
The Caro-Kann: Move by Move
The Four Knights: Move by Move
Capablanca: Move by Move
The Modern Defence: Move by Move
Kramnik: Move by Move
The Colle: Move by Move
The Scandinavian: Move by Move
Botvinnik: Move by Move
The Nimzo-Larsen Attack: Move by Move
Korchnoi: Move by Move

Many thanks to my ever-encouraging editor, GM John Emms, to IM Richard
Palliser for the final edit, and to Nancy for both proof reading and her tea
kettle turning-oning each morning. May your Tromps take on the attitude of a
mischievous child who pulled something over on the unsuspecting adults.
About the Author
Series Foreword

1 Quasi-Benoni Lines
2 2 ... Ne4 3 Bf4 d5
3 2 ... e6 3 e4 h6 4 Bxf6 Qxf6
4 2 ... d5 3 Bxf6
5 The Vaganian Gambit
6 Trompowsky versus King’s Indian
7 The Pseudo-Tromp
8 The Pseudo-Tromp: Second Move Alternatives
9 Unfinished Business

Index of Complete Games

Series Foreword
Move by Move is a series of opening books which uses a question-and-
answer format. One of our main aims of the series is to replicate – as much as
possible – lessons between chess teachers and students.

All the way through, readers will be challenged to answer searching

questions, to test their skills in chess openings and indeed in other key
aspects of the game. It’s our firm belief that practising your skills like this is
an excellent way to study chess openings, and to study chess in general.
Many thanks go to all those who have been kind enough to offer inspiration,
advice and assistance in the creation of Move by Move. We’re really excited
by this series and hope that readers will share our enthusiasm.

John Emms,
Everyman Chess
Dealing with 1 d4 Deviations
, John Cox (Everyman Chess 2007)
Fighting the Anti-King’s Indians, Yelena Dembo (Everyman Chess 2008)
Play the London System, Cyrus Lakdawala (Everyman Chess 2010)
Playing the Trompowsky, Richard Pert (Quality Chess 2013)
Secrets of the Trompowsky, Vol.1, Julian Hodgson (Hodgson Enterprises
Starting Out: The Trompowsky Attack, Richard Palliser (Everyman Chess
The Modern Defence: Move by Move, Cyrus Lakdawala (Everyman Chess
The Scandinavian: Move by Move, Cyrus Lakdawala (Everyman Chess 2013)
The Torre Attack: Move by Move, Richard Palliser (Everyman Chess 2012)
The Trompowsky, Joe Gallagher (Chess Press 1998)
The Trompowsky, 2nd edition, Nigel Davies (Everyman Chess 2005)
Winning with the Trompowsky, Peter Wells, (Batsford 2003)

Chess Today, with annotations by Viktor Moskalenko
ChessBase 10, with annotations by Alex Finkel and Julian Hodgson
ChessBase Live database, with annotations by Eric Prié and Aaron Summerscale
I see the bad moon arising. I see trouble on the way.

The Trompowsky: Dispenser of Abstractions

The DNA of every person on earth is virtually identical. Yet
infinitesimally slight differences in our species give birth to the vast array of
ugly and attractive, cruel and compassionate, idiotic and wise, those who take
and those who give, evil and holy. A chess game is the same way. The tiniest
shift gives rise to destinies as varied as winning, drawing and losing. The
Trompowsky is an opening very much like this as well, where we reach hair-
trigger positions which alter our destiny with one seemingly trivial inaccurate
or accurate move.
In most openings, the positions we reach are like one of those dreams
where the landscape always remains the same, no matter how far your dream
character travels. But most certainly not in the Trompowsky, a paradoxical
byway and an inexhaustible font for originality, a reality where ‘normal’ fails
to apply and the solution to our problems is often a paradox within a paradox.
It’s difficult to label that which lacks an abiding identity and in the Tromp,
accidental happenings – both terrifying and joyful – have a way of
unexpectedly shaping our futures.
Yet our opening is not a case of ambition outweighing rationality. Deep
down, we sense a stratum of rationality behind what appears to be purely
irrational. On our second move, our not-so-subtle message blares, as we issue
the ultimatum: Play in my backyard, or else!
Our bishop arises from nowhere, just itching to create unrest. Almost
instantly, we withdraw recognition of opening theory’s intimidating authority
and incite rebellion. 2 Bg5 stands outside the terms of a ‘normal’ opening’s
contract. Be warned: the Tromp is an opening of wild fluctuations and our
games rarely flow smoothly, in a consistently upward trajectory. We enter a
realm where measurement of known quantities isn’t so easy. The positions
often defy physical laws and we find ourselves faced with paralyzingly
difficult over-the-board choices and compromises.
People of cautious nature tend to live long lives, while graveyards are
filled with optimists. The Tromp, I’m afraid, falls under the latter category. I
tend to engage the Tromp when desperate for a win and unafraid of loss. For
three decades the opening has been my not-so-secret weapon of choice in
critical, must-win games. The Trompowsky is a very difficult opening system
to play with a degree of skill. Play it without full understanding and
familiarity, and we risk sounding like a Mozart symphony performed and
assassinated by a high school orchestra. I originally took up the Trompowsky
with a dreamer’s natural aversion to mathematical measurement. Today, 30
years later, all this has altered, and the opening originally intended to dodge
theory is now encircled by reams of it.
There are few things more depressing than the realization of your long
labours having been rendered null and void. In a way we do just this to our
booked up opponents, by engaging the Tromp. For King’s Indian, Grünfeld,
Nimzo-Indian, Queen’s Indian, Slav, Queen’s Gambit players, their
theoretical knowledge – and more importantly, the experience accumulated
from these lines – virtually vaporizes after our second move. With our second
move we may disarm a normally well-armed theoretician and toss him or her
into a world of partially-formed images, murky speculations, half-
recollections of positions which shift in and out of focus into writhing, alien
Each time I begin a book, it feels as if I am about to build the Great Wall
of China and have placed but a single stone. For all my anti-theory rhetoric,
this book will be an exceedingly difficult task for the reader to absorb, from a
theoretical standpoint, mainly because the positions reached are so bafflingly
alien and the convoluted variations so difficult to remember. Misunderstand
one slight shift, or forget a single move in a variation, and we risk flipping a
‘+-’ into its dreaded opposite, ‘-+’.
The logistical challenges of the Tromp remind us of Noah’s woes, when
he had to work out a way to fit a pair of every animal on earth into an ark,
300 cubits in length – rather a tight fit. Luckily he didn’t have to worry about
the fish. Also, I quite reasonably ask: why did he bring along mosquitoes,
wasps and venomous snakes?
Frustratingly many of the Tromp variations we contend with are like ones
in a dream, the memory of which fades to oblivion upon awakening. If this is
the case for our side, then I argue: how much more so for our opponents, who
I’m guessing, don’t spend all that much of their study time on the
Saying this, in our opening, the ability to retain one’s bearings within the
unfamiliar is perhaps every bit as important as memorizing and then spewing
out opening theory and its offshoot equations. But we must also recognize
our limitations. The human brain is incapable of housing and storing so much
data, unless your FIDE rating happens to exceed the 2700 mark. So prepare
yourself to get tossed into indecipherable situations where we play by feel,
rather than logic. And why not? When we were children, we all understood
that the only way to blow the Deathstar to smithereens was to feel the Force
and disengage the autopilot. Gaze at the vistas we may visit:
This innocuous-looking position, from Chapters One and Two often leads
to head-spinning complications. Black’s ambitious knight often lives with a
guilty feeling of intrusion on its advanced square, since it grows vulnerable to
various undermining devices and f3 tempo-gains.

The Pseudo-Tromp (actually, technically the Levitsky Attack) can also be

played on double queen’s pawn games, where Black has a tempting array of
second move responses:
a) 2 ... Nf6 gets us back to Chapter Four.
b) 2 ... c6 intends ... Qb6, attempting to punish us for our early bishop
jump by going after b2.
c) 2 ... f6!? 3 Bh4 Nh6 can lead to head-spinning complications.

Trompowsky Gambits
If we keep a full grown tiger as a pet, we had better make certain it is well
fed, or it may regard us as the next meal. The Trompowsky represents the
blurred synthesis of a player from Morphy’s era and one from the present. It
is an opening conducive to extremes and some of our lines look a bit like a
guy in a bar, having had one too many, warning another patron next to him,
twice his size: “Look at me like that again and I’ll take your head off,
Sometimes in the Tromp we conduct business on a cash-only basis, and
are required to pay up front. I speak of gambits, that altered reality where the
heart rules the head, where b- and e-pawns are given away like candy at
Halloween. It’s always a surreal feeling when we spontaneously deviate from
the predictable habits of a lifetime. I am not a gambiting kind of guy in any of
my other openings. Yet there are several lines of the Tromp, which seem to
hold a seducer’s sway with my chess personality, in which I am willing to do
just that. Even though every gambit in this book can’t be endorsed as a
construct of 100% unimpeachable soundness, I’m pretty certain they reach
the 99% mark.
Here is the Reversed Blackmar-Diemer Gambit (a full move up for our
side), Lakdawala-Ivanov, from Chapter Two.

This is a gambit we offer in Chapter Seven, Hodgson-Lalic. White gets a

development lead and a loosening of Black’s structure in exchange for a
This is Gareev-Mikhalevsky, from the final chapter, where Gareev
offered b2 to a fellow grandmaster.

The diagrammed position, Vaganian-Jansa, is from the dangerous – for

White and Black! – and is known as the Vaganian Gambit.
In Hodgson-Roeder we reach a Reversed Albin Countergambit, but a full
move up since we get it as White, not Black.

The Contamination Factor

A few tiny granules of sand are enough to clog a system of vast machinery.
One interesting feature of the Trompowsky is that we reach positions which
look like other systems, but with a contaminated alteration sneakily inserted.
This can play havoc on a rigid opponent who relies upon a theory-prescribed
counter – except it doesn’t apply, since we are not in his or her theory.
When chaos begins to morph into recognizable geometries, clearly some
hidden organizing principle is at play behind it. These significant alterations
have the power to render a confused opponent vectorless and directionless, a
drifting chunk of debris, floating in outer space. For example:
In Nakamura-Lie we see a kind of drunken Benoni, with a pair of
1. Black’s b6-queen is misplaced since she gets in the way of the
queenside pawn majority.
2. White’s g1-knight usurped c3. This allows White to later play a4 and
Na3, seizing control over c4, and also clamping down on Black’s ... b5 and ...
c4 breaks.
Lakdawala-Bruno reached a rather placid London System position, except
White is up a full move over a normal London, since Black took three moves
to play his knight to f6, while we only used two for our bishop to reach f4.

Finegold-Benjamin. Have you ever been this far ahead in development in

an Open Sicilian? White’s scary development lead probably means more than
Black’s bishop-pair and queenside attacking chances.
Hodgson-Del Mundo. We reach an Exchange Slav with Black’s knight on
the inferior d7-square. And here is the best part: Black probably intended to
enter a Queen’s Gambit Declined.

Lakdawala-Bruno. Have you ever been in a Grunfeld which looks like

this? ... Qa5+ would pick off my hanging g5-bishop, except for the fact that
White threatens f7.
Lakdawala-Cuarta. It’s a Dragon; well, sort of, with Black’s knight lured
to e6, rather than its normal c6-square and White’s knight remains on g1,
rather than on d4. Also White looks further ahead in development than in a
normal Dragon, and therefore retains the superior chances.

King Julian the First

Our opening was first played by Stepan Levitsky in the early 1900’s, but is
named after the Brazilian Champion Octavio Trompowsky, who bewildered
opponents with it in the 1930’s and 40’s. Then our opening fell into unused
disrepair for decades, until it was revived in the 80’s through GM Julian
Hodgson’s amazing interpretation of an obscure opening scheme, which he
single-handedly turned into a deadly and fully accepted theoretical weapon.
Today, the once rarity is commonplace, with super-GM Hikaru Nakamura’s
use of it in his repertoire.
Hodgson’s games are the benchmark, against which all other players’
Trompowsky skill throughout history will be compared. In fact, the opening
really should be named after him, since he was the first GM to employ it
exclusively with the white pieces. Hodgson’s chess nature is not one to lend
itself to conciliatory gestures and I would describe his style as never-back-
down absolutism. At times his interrogative attitude borders on open
bullyism. This book is a virtual Hodgson-fest, loaded up with his always-
entertaining games.
Here is a whopper of a homework assignment for any reader brave
enough to undertake it: fire up your database, and call up and study every
Hodgson Trompowsky (in case you were wondering, I did this in preparation
for this book). To start you off on this monumental project, here is a classic
Hodgson win with his opening:

Game 1
J.Hodgson-J.van der Wiel
Amsterdam 1994

GM Aaron Summerscale writes of this game: “The Hodgson Legacy: Julian

Hodgson has done more than anyone to revitalize the Tromp. For anyone
learning this exciting opening, his games are a treasure trove of interesting
and entertaining ideas. The following game highlights Hodgson’s creative
approach to the Tromp, as he happily sacrifices material for a fierce
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5
Bye, bye King’s Indian; adios Nimzo-Indian and Queen’s Indian; au
revoir Old Indian; godspeed Grünfeld ... you get the picture. On our second
move, we politely ask our opponents to leave their theoretical knowledge at
the door, wipe their feet, and enter our home: The Trompowsky.
2 ... c5
For the record, here is the earliest Trompowsky game in my database: 2 ...
g6 3 Bxf6 exf6 4 c4 Bg7 5 Nc3 0-0 6 e3 d6 7 Bd3 f5 8 Nge2 Nd7 9 Qc2 Nf6
10 0-0 c6 11 b4 Re8 12 Rab1 Qe7 13 b5 with a position remarkably similar
to ones we look at in Chapter Six, S.Levitsky-A.Burn, Breslau 1912.
3 Bxf6

Question: Don’t we cover 3 d5 and the Vaganian Gambit in this book?

Answer: Correct. I had no room for the variation Hodgson played in this
game (the normally easy-going folk at Everyman view your undisciplined
writer with enraged, bloodshot eyes of menace whenever I surpass a book’s
space quota – which is pretty much every book I write), and decided to sneak
it into the book’s introduction.
3 ... gxf6

Question: Why not recapture with the e-pawn, as Black does in Chapter

Answer: This position is very different than the Chapter Four version,
since Black already tossed in ... c5. Let’s look: 3 ... exf6 4 e3 and now if
Black follows logically with 4 ... Qb6 5 b3 (5 Nc3!? Qxb2 6 Nd5 cxd4 7 Rb1
Qxa2 8 Nc7+ Kd8 9 Nxa8 dxe3 10 fxe3 Bc5 actually looks at least equal for
Black, since he eventually picks up the a8-knight) 5 ... cxd4 6 exd4 Nc6 7 c3
d5 8 Bd3 Bd6 9 Nd2 Be6 10 Ne2 0-0 11 Nf1 Qa5 12 Ne3 b5?! (Black later
pays for this move strategically) 13 0-0 Rfd8 (13 ... b4 14 c4 favours White)
14 a3 g6 15 f4 f5 16 Qe1 Ne7 17 b4! Qb6 18 Nc1! (heading for c5, which
nullifies Black’s would-be pressure on c3) 18 ... Rac8 19 g3 Kg7 20 Nb3 Ng8
21 Nc5 White stood clearly better, since a4 follows, with queenside pressure,
Y.Zherebukh-A.Hambleton, Athens 2012.
4 d5 Qb6
Our Achilles heel in the Tromp: b2, which we often sacrifice.

5 Qc1
But not this time.
5 ... Bh6
Black utilizes a deflection device. He can also try the calmer:
a) 5 ... f5 6 c4 Bg7 7 Nc3 d6 may be Black’s best line. The unopposed
dark-squared bishop makes up for White’s space. An example: 8 e3 Nd7 9
Qc2 Qa5 10 Nh3 Nb6 11 Bd3 Bd7 (also possible is 11 ... Bxc3+ 12 bxc3 Qa4
13 Qb3 e5 14 f3 with approximate equality) 12 0-0 Bxc3 13 bxc3 e6 14 dxe6
fxe6 15 e4 fxe4 16 Bxe4 0-0-0 17 Ng5 Rhg8? (necessary was 17 ... Rdf8 18
Nxh7 Rf7 19 Qd3 d5 20 cxd5 exd5 21 Bg6 with great complications) 18 Nf7
(forking d8 and d6) 18 ... Nxc4 19 Nxd8 Qxd8 failed to offer Black enough
compensation for the exchange, L.Van Wely-E.L’Ami, Wijk aan Zee 2013.
b) 5 ... Bg7 6 g3 (what a loathsome feeling to clearly see a path and then
not take it out of cowardice; I wish I had the courage to jump through the
flaming hoop with 6 c4) 6 ... d6 7 Bg2 f5 8 c3 Nd7 9 Nd2 Nf6 10 Nh3 h5 11
Qc2 Bd7 12 a4 h4 13 Nf4 hxg3 14 hxg3 Rxh1+ 15 Bxh1 0-0-0 16 Nc4 Qa6
17 Qd3 Rh8 18 Bg2 Kc7!; ... e5 is in the air and Black already stood slightly
better, C.Lakdawala-H.Nakamura, US Championship, La Jolla 2004.
6 e3 f5 7 c4
The safer 7 g3 prevents the coming firestorm and ruins the fun for both
7 ... f4!? 8 exf4 Bxf4!?
Overloading White’s queen, whose services are required to cover b2. The
parties draw near to the inevitable collision course. We sense that Hodgson
feels restless and uneasy, a corralled horse before an approaching storm,
since Black’s last move fails to mollify White’s attacking ambitions.

9 Qxf4!?
Everyone wonders if White’s queen may soon require the services of a
tailor, to measure for a straitjacket. Clearly the new regime makes for fewer
allowances for insubordination than the old one. The greatest offence you can
give to a person of imperious nature is to challenge her authority. White’s
queen does just that with her b6 sister. The feeling of constraint which hung
over White now vanishes, to be replaced with reckless abandon. But this is to
be expected, since the Tromp’s nature is one which veers to extremes.
Question: Wait a minute! You just said “overloading White’s queen,
whose services are required to cover b2”, didn’t you?

Answer: Those words don’t ring a bell, but having reviewed the
transcripts, I see that you may be right. In this case, Hodgson accepts the
dare, offering a full exchange and pawn for a massive development lead and
dangerous attacking chances.
No one has tried 9 Qc3 Rg8 10 g3 Bh6 11 Qc2 d6 12 Nc3 Nd7 13 f4 Kf8
14 Nf3 Bg7 15 Bd3 h6 16 0-0 when I actually prefer White’s space and
attacking chances over Black’s bishop-pair and dark-square control.
9 ... Qxb2 10 Ne2
The beginning of a dual purpose plan to trivialize Black’s offside queen
and also unravel White’s kingside.
10 ... Qxa1
The queen realizes she sinned, thinking: “Ah, yes, that pesky eighth
commandment – that one about stealing ... I keep forgetting. Oh, well, I will
be forgiven.” Unfortunately, she is mistaken in her theory.
11 Nec3
Because of chess computers and databases, we now live in an age of
miracles, where 12-year-olds memorize theory into the middlegame. This is
all book so far. Be careful though. There lies a great divide between the
theoretical and actual performance of a task. Such positions should first be
practiced against the comps, before they are tried out against human
opponents. After all, would you hire a bodyguard if he had a black belt in
jujitsu, earned by a correspondence course? So test such ultra-sharp positions
first, before engaging them in tournaments.
Question: White remains down a massive amount of material. Didn’t he
past legitimacy’s borders and shouldn’t he be thinking about resigning

Answer: Not quite, although an enraged Houdini insists that Black is

winning. It certainly appears as if Hodgson courts his own destruction. Upon
closer inspection, we find that White actually accumulated enormous
compensation for the exchange:
1. Whenever we deliberately violate a principle, we essentially plead (to
ourselves) extenuating circumstances. In this instance Black violated the
E=MC squared of principles: don’t fall behind in development.
2. Black’s queen, who comes across as a bit of a half-portion when
compared to her powerful sister, takes an eternity to return to relevance.
3. If White is allowed to play d6, he generates serious attacking chances
along the devastated dark squares.
4. White scores 60.3% from this position – a higher average than most
white opening lines.
Conclusion: Let’s ignore the nay-saying comp’s assessment and test this
gambit, which looks sound to a human, like your writer. In fact, I think this
line is more than sound, and prefer White’s side.
11 ... Qb2!?
Van der Wiel, fearing for his queen’s life – since Qd2 may trap Black’s
queen – decides to get her out while he can, but at high cost to his king.
11 ... d6! is the true test of White’s speculation: for example, 12 Qd2
(threat: Bd3, 0-0 and Na3, trapping Black’s wayward queen) 12 ... Rg8 13 g3
Rg4?! (13 ... a6 looks safer) 14 f4 and I still prefer White’s attacking chances
over Black’s material, N.Vitiugov-D.Dubov, Khanty-Mansiysk 2013. At this
stage Houdini, getting cold feet about its earlier assessment, claims the
position is now in White’s favour.
12 d6!
This move punctures the dark squares around Black’s king, who endures
trial by ordeal in order to pay dues for past unpunished transgressions.
12 ... Nc6?
In such hair-trigger positions, even a seemingly trifling deviation from the
exact sequence brings with it fatal consequences. This knight is the awkward
best man who desperately searches for the misplaced ring, while the entire
wedding party awaits in expectation. It was awarded an exclam by
Summerscale, but Black’s position is so precarious that I think it may be a
losing move (although I must confess: sometimes when I criticize a player for
a move or plan, I suffer a guilty twinge, realizing that I may well have
followed exactly the same incorrect plan over the board; sometimes criticism
applies equally to the critic):
a) 12 ... Qc2?? (a paroled ex-convict, when faced with freedom’s
temptations, sometimes forgets her promises to her old jailers) 13 Qe3! and
Black is busted. 1-0, P.Wells-A.Shirov, Gibraltar 2006.
Question: I wonder if you care to elaborate on your outrageous
claim? Why didn’t Shirov spiel on when up so much material?

Answer: Upon review, Black’s position fails the examination with

multiple unsatisfactory elements. Black’s last move was a blunder. White
wins since Black can’t unravel and basically plays without the use of 80% of
his army: for example, 13 ... Nc6?! 14 Bd3 Qb2 15 0-0 b6 16 Be4 (threat:
Bxc6, followed by Qxe7 mate) 16 ... e6 17 Bxc6 dxc6 18 Qg5 (threatening
mate on the move) 18 ... Kf8 19 Qh6+ Kg8 20 Re1 f6 (20 ... a5 21 Re2! Qb4
22 Re3 forces mate) 21 Qxf6 h6 22 Qd8+ Kg7 23 Qe7+ Kg8 24 Ne4 Rh7 25
Nf6+ and Black must hand over his queen.
b) 12 ... Rg8! may be Black’s best move: 13 Be2! Rg6 (13 ... Rxg2?? 14
Qe4 Qc1+ 15 Bd1 Qg5 16 Kf1! wins the rook) 14 0-0! Rxd6 15 Bh5 Rf6 16
Qe4 d6 17 Nd5 Qe5 18 Nc7+ Kd8 19 Qxe5 dxe5 20 Nxa8 and Houdini
claims chances are even while I like White. It isn’t so easy for Black to trap
the a8-knight.
13 Bd3 exd6
An old landmark which turned into an eyesore, is finally taken down.
Gulp! Houdini assessment: +11.92 – completely resignable for Black.
However, Black can’t survive 13 ... e6 14 0-0 Rg8 15 Qh6 b6 16 Bxh7 Rf8
17 Qg5 Rh8 18 Nd5! Kf8 (18 ... exd5 19 Re1+ Kf8 20 Qh6+ Qg7 21 Re8+
forces mate) 19 Nf6. The threat of Qh6 costs Black his queen after 19 ... Qxf6
20 Qxf6 Rxh7 21 Nd2 when he has no chance to survive White’s coming
14 0-0

No rush. 15 Re1+ is a horrendous threat. A key element of martial arts is

that at certain stages of combat, the martial arts expert yields, rather than
resists, in order to throw the opponent’s equilibrium off balance. Hodgson
utilizes this strategy with a calm move, increasing his development lead.
14 ... Ne5
It isn’t easy for Black to retain defensive bearings while under a fusillade
of threats, both real and imagined.
15 Qf6
The black king begins to look exceedingly uncomfortable. Even more
crushing is the simple 15 Re1 f6 16 Nd5 0-0 17 Nxf6+ Rxf6 18 Qxf6 when
there is no good defence to the coming Be4, transferring to d5.
15 ... 0-0
The beleaguered king clutches at his f8-protector in a fervour of gratitude.
Black gets annihilated after 15 ... Rg8 16 Re1 Qb6 17 Nd5 Qd8 18 Qxd6 f6
19 Nxf6+.
16 Nd5
Threatening mate on e7.
16 ... Re8 17 Qg5+ Ng6
17 ... Kh8 (Black’s king, not feeling so well, notices an
uncharacteristically bitter aftertaste to his morning cup of tea; even more
disconcerting is the fact that his ambitious sister on g5 seems to be watching
him with unusual attention this morning) 18 Nf6 Nxd3 19 Qh6 is decisive.
18 Nf6+
White begins the final assault, driving Black’s king to the centre of the
18 ... Kf8
The king is forced to emerge from his hermitage, to face the dangers of
the outside world.
19 Qh6+ Ke7 20 Nd5+
Of course this knight is worth a lot more than Black’s rook.
20 ... Kd8

Exercise (planning): White’s attack flows with one mind, as a single

unit, free from independent parts or interrelated components of any
kind. One glance tells us that all is not well in Black’s world. We
sense a knockout, but where in the name of Alekhine is it?
Answer: Removal of a key defender/Interference.
21 Bxg6!
The black king’s depleting and weakly-armed garrison soon gets whittled
down to zero.
21 ... hxg6 22 Nbc3! 1-0
Shutting out the black queen’s influence over f6. Attackers stare in cold
cruelty at Black’s king. There is no reasonable defence to 23 Qh4+ or 23
Qg5+: for example, 22 ... f6 23 Qg7 Re6 24 Qf8+ Re8 25 Qxf6+ (“well, well,
well, what have we here?” gloats White’s queen, as she discovers Black’s
king cowering within a secret chamber; the queen voices popular sentiment
when she apologetically informs the king: “we took a vote and it was
unanimous: we all want you dead”) 25 ... Re7 26 Qxe7 is mate. With the fall
of the final defender, the black king’s isolation is rendered absolute.
Black played the entire game without the help of his a8-rook and c8-
bishop, so in effect, it was White, not Black, who was up material the entire

Summary: The exchange and pawn sacrifice looks completely sound for
White – at least to your writer’s Tromp-biased eyes!

Cyrus Lakdawala
San Diego,
February 2014
Chapter One
Quasi-Benoni Lines
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 c5

In this first chapter, the top diagram soon morphs into the one below after
4 f3 Qa5+ 5 c3 Nf6 6 d5 Qb6 7 Bc1.
In this position, both parties flagrantly violate a key opening prohibition:
Don’t move the same piece more than once in the opening. One would never
guess that White’s c1-bishop already moved three times in order to reach its
original square, c1, and that Black’s queen moved twice while his f6-knight
took three moves to reach f6.
After 7 ... e6 8 e4 exd5 9 exd5 d6 10 c4 we reach one of our key tabiya
positions of the chapter, a strange-looking Benoni, where White recaptured
with exd5, rather than the traditional cxd5.

On the surface it appears quite decent for Black, due to his developmental
lead, yet I believe this represents merely a symbolic gesture. In my research, I
concluded that the parties don’t suffer problems of parallel degree, and the
accumulation of evidence trends in White’s favour. Black’s main
predicament is lack of a target, and the ‘free’ queen’s move to b6 constitutes
a liability rather than a benefit since she blocks Black’s thematic ... b5 break.
In the games of this chapter, we observe White slowly building for a kingside
assault, based on our space advantage.
At the end of the chapter, we reach real Benoni positions (sort of!), with a
few hallucinatory changes, like White’s g1-knight usurping the c3-square
from his b1-brother, and also Black’s familiar, ‘free’ ... Qb6. In this case as
well, I prefer our Trompowsky version over normal Benoni lines. Since this
introduction has grown too long, I suggest we examine the games of this
chapter to determine if the writer’s claims are true.

Game 2
Moscow 2007

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4

With this move, Black agrees to play in our Trompowsky backyard. An

important transpositional note to be aware of is 2 ... c5 (we cover this move
in Chapter Four) 3 d5 Ne4 4 Bf4 Qb6 5 Bc1 and if 5 ... e6 6 f3 Nf6 7 e4 exd5
8 exd5 d6 9 c4. We reach the same position we get in most of the games from
this chapter.
3 Bf4

Question: Do we cover the 3 Bh4 line in this book?

Answer: I used to play this line in the 80’s, and loved the disorienting
positions which arose. Then as theory progressed, it felt as if the line grew
more and more shady, and quickly became the semi-criminal cousin who
inflicts unwanted visits from time to time. Today, the vast majority of
Trompers go with the sounder 3 Bf4 line. I would love to cover 3 Bh4, if just
for fun, but we don’t have room to cover both branches.
3 ... c5
Next chapter we look at 3 ... d5. More rarely played third move
alternatives are:
a) 3 ... d6 4 f3 Nf6 5 e4. We reach either a Pirc or Philidor style position
with White having the free move Bf4. This is because White’s bishop moved
twice to reach f4 and Black’s knight moved three times to reach f6. However,
the ‘free’ part goes away if Black regains the tempo with an eventual ... e5:
for example, 5 ... Nbd7 6 Nc3 e5 7 Be3 Be7 8 Qd2 0-0 9 0-0-0!? c6 10 g4 b5
11 Kb1 b4 12 Nce2 with a sharp mutual attacking position most Trompers
would enjoy as White, C.Bauer-Z.Kozul, Istanbul Olympiad 2012.
b) 3 ... e6 4 f3 Bd6 (4 ... Nf6 5 e4 d5 6 e5 Nfd7 7 Be3 transposes to a
position we examine in Chapter Two) 5 Bxd6 Nxd6 (Black’s knight makes
an odd impression on d6) 6 e4 f5 7 e5 Nf7 8 f4 d5 9 Nf3 0-0 10 Bd3 b6 11 c3
Ba6 12 Bc2 g5? (Black should be satisfied with a slightly inferior position
after 12 ... c5) 13 g4! fxg4 14 Nxg5 Nxg5 15 Qxg4 saw White regain his
piece with interest and Black was busted in N.Vitiugov-A.Deszczynski,
Warsaw 2008.
c) 3 ... g5!? (I love it when Black treats our Trompowsky with utter
disdain and tosses in weakening moves like this) 4 Bc1 (threat: f3 and Bxg5)
4 ... h6 5 f3 Nf6 6 e4 d6 7 Nc3 Bg7 8 Be3 Nbd7 9 Qd2 and we reach a Pirc
position where Black likely comes to regret the rash ... g5 decision,
C.Lakdawala-C.Milton, San Diego (rapid) 2007.
d) 3 ... g6 4 f3 Nf6 5 e4 d6 6 Nc3 Bg7 7 Qd2 Nbd7 (hoping to regain the
tempo with ... e5 next, which White’s next move cheats him out of) 8 Bh6 0-
0 (maybe Black should try 8 ... Bxh6 9 Qxh6 c5) 9 0-0-0 left White up a
valuable move in a Pirc opposite wings attack situation, F.Peredy-
C.Nwachukwu, Caleta 2012.
4 f3 Qa5+
We examine 4 ... Nf6 5 dxc5 in the final chapter of the book.
5 c3 Nf6
Amazingly, there are four games in my database with 5 ... g5??. In three
of them, White found 6 Bxb8! which won a piece.

6 d5
Sharpest and, in my opinion, best. Let’s stick with this line for the book.

Question: Why aren’t we covering 6 Nd2?

Answer: I thought about it and decided not to dilute the chapter. I actually
played this way all my Tromp life (until I wrote this book and became ever so
much wiser). Black gets dynamic equality in a variety of ways in this
opening/ending, the best of which may be: 6 ... cxd4 7 Nb3 Qb6 8 Qxd4 Nc6!
9 Qxb6 axb6 10 Nd4 e5! (this pawn sacrifice took all the fun out of the
ending for White) 11 Nxc6 dxc6! 12 Bxe5 Be6 when Black’s massive
development lead easily compensates White’s extra pawn, N.Nguyen-
T.Radjabov, Khanty-Mansiysk Olympiad 2010.
6 ... Qb6
The main line and Black’s best move. The attack on b2 is annoying and
forces a concession from White. The following two lines can have
independent significance if Black refuses to play ... Qb6:
a) 6 ... d6 7 e4 g6 8 Nd2 (heading for c4) 8 ... Bg7 9 Nc4 Qd8 10 a4 (note
that Black lacks easy access to ... e6 or ... b5 counterplay ideas) 10 ... 0-0 11
Ne2 Na6 12 g4! (planning a King’s Indian Sämisch-style attack with Ng3 and
h4) 12 ... Nc7 13 Ng3 b6 14 Qd2 Ba6 15 h4 Nd7 16 h5 and White effortlessly
built up a potent attack, since Black lacks either central or queenside
counterplay, H.Nakamura-V.Daskevics, Oslo 2010.
b) 6 ... e6 7 e4 exd5 8 exd5 (8 e5 Nh5 9 Bc1 also may come under
consideration; I prefer to avoid the e4-e5 adventures and recapture on d5
whenever possible) 8 ... d6 9 Qd2 (cited as best by IM Richard Pert in
Playing the Trompowsky) 9 ... Be7 10 c4 Qxd2+ 11 Kxd2 (White achieves a
slight yet nagging endgame edge due to his extra space) 11 ... Nh5 12 Be3 f5
13 Nc3 0-0 14 Bd3 Nd7 (maybe Black should bite the bullet, hand over e4
and play 14 ... f4!?) 15 f4! Ndf6 16 Nge2. White’s space edge continues to
nag Black, who has yet to fully equalize, J.Hodgson-P.Wells, York 2000.

7 Bc1!
White’s best scoring move in the position and a clear theoretical
challenge for Black. Now I realize that this undeveloping move increases
provocation levels, which would incite Gandhi, Mother Teresa and the
biblical Job to clench fists and froth at the mouth, if they played the black

Question: Why not cover the b-pawn some other way?

Answer: The trouble is the other ways fail to challenge Black. For
a) The logical looking move 7 Qd2? is actually a blunder. Black exploits
the overworked queen with 7 ... Nxd5!. Now if we take the dare with 8
Qxd5? Qxb2 9 Qb3 Qxa1 we are following A.Fernandes-A.Vasques,
Amadora 2010.

Question: Isn’t this winning for White?

There must be some way to trap Black’s queen.

Answer: The comps, who all hold PhDs in material grabbing, say it’s too
slow: for example, 10 Bc1 (or 10 e4 Nc6 11 Nh3 e5! 12 Be3 b5! 13 Kf2 – 13
Bxb5 Na5 14 Qc2 Rb8 wins – 13 ... Rb8 14 Be2 c4 15 Qc2 b4 and Black
extricates the queen) 10 ... Nc6 11 e4 b5! (White can’t afford to take the
pawn either way) 12 Nh3 Rb8 13 Be2 b4 14 Qc2 g6 15 Bc4 (threatening
Bb2) 15 ... bxc3 16 Nxc3 Nd4 17 Qd2 Bh6! 18 f4 d5! 19 exd5 Bxh3 when
White can’t recapture due to the fork on f3 and his position collapses. This is
involved stuff, but all we need to really remember is that 7 Qd2? fails.
b) 7 b3 is playable, but just strikes me as limp and unchallenging to Black
after 7 ... e6 8 e4 exd5 9 exd5 Bd6!. This exchange is desirable for Black,
who gains time. Following 10 Bg5 Be7 11 Ne2 d6 12 c4 Black reaches a
position superior to the ones he reaches in this chapter, A.Moiseenko-
A.Volokitin, Kharkov 2004.
7 ... e6
Black’s most critical response, playing on the principle: open the position
and create confrontation when leading in development. We examine 7 ... g6
in the last two games of the chapter.
8 e4
At the time of this writing, this move is generally considered to be
White’s best shot at an opening edge. We won’t have room to look at White’s
other main branch 8 c4 exd5 (also critical is 8 ... Qb4+!? 9 Nc3 Qxc4 10 e4
Qb4 11 Bd2) 9 cxd5 c4! which I believe offers Black full equality.
8 ... exd5 9 exd5
In my opinion, superior to 9 e5 Qe6 10 Qe2 Ng8 11 Nh3 Nc6 12 Nf4
Qxe5 13 Nxd5, H.Nakamura-D.Gormally, Internet (blitz) 2008. I don’t
believe in White’s full compensation after 13 ... Bd6!.
9 ... d6
We look at 9 ... Bd6 later in the chapter.
10 c4
One of our tabiya positions of this chapter. We arrive in a Benoni-like
position, but with White recapturing on d5 with the e-pawn, rather than the c-

Question: You say the position is Benoni-like, but don’t we

reach a favourable Benoni for Black, who leads in development?

Answer: I don’t think so. Optically, Black leads in development. When

we look closer at his queen on b6, we may need to re-evaluate, since it is
poorly placed, getting in the way of thematic ... b5 breaks. This means that
Black must at some point move the queen, costing time. When you play
through the games in this chapter, keep watch on the disassociated black
queen, who somehow just can’t seem to fit in.
10 ... g6!
I actually feel that fianchettoing here is Black’s best bet in this Tromp
line. Black, justifiably doesn’t like the looks of e7 for the dark-squared
bishop and seeks to claim a Benoni birthright on g7. We take a look in the
next few games at the more popular ... Be7 development scheme, and will
probably come to the realization that Black’s position is terribly passive.
However, there is a cost to the fianchetto plan.
Question: What cost?

Answer: Please see White’s next move.

11 Qe2+!
This disruptive move costs Black more time than it does White. White
can also bypass the check with 11 Bd3 Bg7 12 Nc3 0-0 13 Nge2 Nbd7 14 b3
Qd8 (ah ha – this is what I was talking about: Black’s queen, realizing she
isn’t needed or wanted on b6, retreats with loss of time back to her home
square) 15 Bg5 h6 16 Bh4 Ne5 17 Bc2 g5! (otherwise at some point, White
plays h3 and f4) 18 Bf2 Nh5 19 Qd2 Bd7 when Black’s piece activity on the
kingside compensates for the slight weakening of his king, D.Boros-
V.Kotronias, Hungarian League 2008.
11 ... Kd8!
11 ... Be7?! 12 Bh6 leaves Black wondering just why he weakened his
dark squares with ... g6.
12 Qc2
White’s queen quickly exits from her precarious perch on the e-file. I
would play the untried 12 Qd1!? to stay clear of ... Bf5. I prefer to avoid a
potential swap of light-squared bishops to keep Black cramped. After 12 ...
Bg7 13 Bd3 Re8+ 14 Ne2 Ke7! (Black’s king is safer on the kingside) 15
Nbc3 Kf8 16 0-0 Nbd7 17 b3 (in order to meet ... Ne5 with Bc2, without
hanging the c4-pawn) I prefer White, who can leisurely build for a kingside
attack. There is nothing really wrong with Black’s position, except a marked
absence of an active plan.
12 ... Bg7
Black’s light-squared bishop is traditionally a problem piece in Benoni
structures, so perhaps he should toss in 12 ... Bf5 13 Bd3 Bxd3 14 Qxd3
Nbd7 (C.Correa de Almeido-L.Alfredo, correspondence 2010) 15 b3 Kc7 16
Ne2 Re8 17 Nbc3 Bg7 18 0-0 Kb8, although I still prefer White, who plays
for an eventual Rb1, a3, Kh1 and, at some point, b4 plan.
13 Bd3 Na6!?
GM Eric Prié offers the line 13 ... Re8+ 14 Ne2 Nbd7 15 0-0! (15 f4 Ng4
offers Black enough counterplay) 15 ... Ne5 16 Nbc3 Nxd3 17 Qxd3 Bf5 18
Qd2! (trying to recover some harmony after the loss of the important light-
squared bishop) 18 ... Ke7 19 b3 Kf8 20 Bb2 Kg8 21 Ng3 Bd7 22 Nce4 with
a violent dark-square assault for White.
14 a3
Preventing ... Nb4; for a while, at least.
14 ... Re8+
14 ... Nd7 15 Ne2 Ne5 16 Nbc3 Bd7 (16 ... Nxd3+ 17 Qxd3 Bf5 18 Ne4
Re8 19 0-0 looks promising for White, who follows with N2g3) 17 0-0 Kc7
18 Be3 Rhe8 19 Bf2 Rac8 20 b4 Kb8 21 Rab1 was K.Muukkonen-U.Maffei,
correspondence 2009. In such opposite-wing situations, both sides invest
heavily in being faster than the other. Houdini says even. I don’t buy it
though and prefer White due to the pressure down the b-file and c6.
15 Ne2 Ke7!
Black’s king seeks to escape a Dostoyevskian destiny on the queenside,
and into one of normalcy on the kingside. Kotronias correctly perceives that
the walk over to f8 constitutes a sound tempi investment, since his king run
hobbles White’s queenside attack at its inception.
16 Nbc3
A new move in the position. 16 0-0 Kf8 17 Kh1 Qd8 (once again we
observe Black losing time with the queen) 18 Nbc3 Nc7 19 Ng3 Kg8 was
A.Girish-G.Akash, New Delhi 2010. I would continue 20 Nge4, intending
Bf4 or Bg5, with an edge for White.
16 ... Kf8
The king survived today and dares tomorrow to do its worst.
17 0-0 Nb4!?
Consistent, yet the venture proves to be economically lacklustre, yielding
no benefit for his labours. If we chart Black’s collapse, it begins with this
move, which hopes to transform a vice into a virtue by ridding himself of the
problem knight. In the end, Black’s game slightly worsens through this
18 axb4 cxb4+ 19 Kh1 bxc3 20 Nxc3 Nd7 21 Bd2
21 Ne4 also looks tempting.
21 ... Nc5?!
Black has better chances of holding the balance with 21 ... Ne5! 22 Ne4
a5 (22 ... Nxd3 23 Qxd3 clearly favours White since b2 is untouchable) 23 b4
Qd4 24 Be2 Bf5 25 Bc3 Qe3 26 Rxa5 Rxa5 27 bxa5 Bxe4 28 fxe4 Nd7 29
Bb4 Nc5 30 Bf3 Be5. It feels to me like Black’s dark-squared play may offer
compensation for the pawn.
22 Nb5!
Threat: Ba5. The black queen’s unfortunate placement, along with the
weaknesses of b6 and d6, are ineradicable evils, which prove impossible to
fully expunge.
22 ... Nxd3 23 Qxd3

23 ... Bd7

Question: Can Black get away with 23 ... Bxb2?

Answer: White retains an edge, and more importantly, Black’s coming

moves look exceedingly difficult to find. Houdini’s analysis runs: 24 Ba5
Qe3 25 Qd1. White threatens to clip d6 and Nc7 wins an exchange as well.
Now Houdini wants the nuclear option: 25 ... Bxa1!? 26 Qxa1 Qe5 27 Bc3
Qf4 28 Bb4 Kg8 (greed has its limits as shown by 28 ... Qxc4?? ! 29 Qh8+
Ke7 30 Qe5+! Be6 31 Qxd6+ Kf6 32 Bc3+ Kg5 33 Qe5+ Bf5 34 Bd2+ Kh5
35 g4+ Kh4 36 Qg3) 29 Nxd6 Bh3! (the only move; not 29 ... Re2?? 30 Ne4
Rxe4 31 fxe4 Qg5 32 Qd4! f6 33 h3, covering the back rank when Black’s
detritus and rubble-strewn kingside structure isn’t a pretty sight) 30 Nxe8
Rxe8 31 Re1! (certainly not 31 gxh3?? Re2) 31 ... Bd7 32 Rxe8+ Bxe8 33
Qe1 and White holds all the chances, since Black’s king will never be safe
with the unfavourable opposite-coloured bishops remaining on the board.
24 Ba5! Qe3
Alternatively, if 24 ... Qc5 25 Nc7 Re3 26 Qd2 Rc8 27 Bb4 Qd4 28
Bxd6+ Kg8 29 Qxd4 Bxd4 30 Rfd1 Bb6 31 Bf4 Rb3 32 d6 when I like
White’s chances.
25 Qxe3
Escape from the black queen’s company is out of the question, so White’s
queen heaves the tolerant sigh of one who must make allowances for the
behaviour of a boorish relative, now a permanent fixture, who overstays her
welcome and refuses to go home.
25 ... Rxe3 26 Nxd6
White commandeers d6 to black’s consternation.
26 ... Rb3
26 ... Bxb2 27 Rab1 Ba3 28 Rxb7 Bxd6 29 Rxd7 leaves White up a pawn
and winning.
27 c5! Rxb2 28 Rac1!

White’s plan is clear: ram the c-pawn down as far as it will go.
28 ... Bb5
Black decides to stage a protest, without much effect, but if 28 ... Be5 29
Nc4 Re2 30 Bb4 Kg8 31 Rfe1 Rxe1+ 32 Rxe1 Bf6 33 Nd6 Rb8 34 Ba3 and
the coming Rb1 will be decisive.
29 Rfe1 b6
After 29 ... Ba6 30 c6 I doubt Black can hold the position together.

Exercise (combination alert): With 29 ... b6 Black offered a pawn to

break up White’s central passers. How does White continue?

Answer: The scalpel gives way to the bludgeon. White ignores the threat
and keeps pushing, after which there is no way around the impenetrable mass
of central passers.
30 c6!
The hanging a5-bishop hopes to get through the war with all body parts
30 ... Ba6?
The experiment in tenacity abruptly comes to a conclusion. This makes
matters worse. The bishop approaches coverage of c8 with the mournful air
of resignation of a soon-to-be-bathed dog. Black had to try 30 ... bxa5 31 c7
Bd4 (if 31 ... Bd7?? 32 c8Q+ and the interference move mates in two moves)
32 Nxb5 Rxb5 33 c8Q+ Rxc8 34 Rxc8+ Kg7 35 Rd1 Be5 36 Rc6 Rb7 37 d6
Rd7 38 Rd5 Kf6 39 Rxa5 Ke6.
31 c7!
The c7-pawn tells Black’s rook and bishop: “You may be higher ranked
than me now, but at the end of the game, we all get put away in the same
31 ... Bh6
Or 31 ... bxa5 32 c8Q+! (interference) 32 ... Bxc8 33 Re8 mate.

Exercise (combination alert): Find White’s knock-out blow.

Answer: Attraction/interference/skewer.
32 c8Q+! 1-0
It is the nature of misfortune that it always arrives in torrents and rarely in
a single drop. Whether this is a trap or a cheapo probably depends on which
of the players you ask. 32 ... Bxc8 33 Re8+ Kg7 34 Bc3+ ends resistance.

Summary: Let’s take our chances in the quasi-Benoni territory of 6 d5 and

bypass the slower 6 Nd2 line.

Game 3
Sibenik 2009

1 d4
Compare 1 e4 Nf6 2 e5 Nd5 3 d4 d6 4 c4 Nb6 5 exd6 exd6 6 Nc3 Be7 7
Bd3 Nc6 8 Nge2 0-0 9 0-0 Bf6 10 b3 Re8 11 Be3 to what we get in our
Trompowsky position after 11 moves. I think we Trompers get the better deal
and our advantage is more substantial than White’s in the symmetrical
exchange variation of Alekhine’s Defence.
1 ... Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 c5 4 f3 Qa5+ 5 c3 Nf6 6 d5 Qb6 7 Bc1 e6 8 e4
exd5 9 exd5 d6 10 c4 Be7?!
Nothing fancy. Black decides he doesn’t have the luxury for a fianchetto
and develops the bishop rapidly to a less active square.

Question: Why would you give the bishop’s development

to e7 a dubious mark when it is the most played move?

Answer: Just because something is popular doesn’t automatically make it

wise. We examine the popular e7 development scheme in this and the next
game. Going over these games, we come to realize that Black’s lifeless,
counterplayless position hands White a sustaining, safe advantage.

Question: Last game you said Black’s light-squared bishop can be a

problem piece
in this line. If this is the case then why not play 10 ... Bf5 beating White
to Bd3?

Answer: Your move does activate a traditionally problem piece, but with
a hitch: After 11 Bd3 (White’s most common response; I would actually play
11 Nc3 Nbd7, as in A.Smirnov-R.Heimrath, Bad Wiessee 2011, and at this
point White can try 12 g4!? Bg6 13 Nge2, intending Nf4 and h4, going after
Black’s g6-bishop) 11 ... Bxd3 (11 ... Bg6 is unplayed, but also possible;
White will only swap on g6 after Black castles kingside) 12 Qxd3 (now
Black gets stuck with a bad remaining bishop) 12 ... Be7 (12 ... g6 13 Nc3
Nbd7 14 Qe2+ sees White disrupt the fianchetto plan, whereupon 14 ... Be7
15 Nh3 0-0 16 0-0 Rfe8 leaves Black solid but cramped, as in the game) 13
Ne2 Nbd7 14 b3 0-0 15 Nbc3 Rfe8 16 0-0 Bf8 17 Ng3 g6 18 Bf4 Bg7 19
Qd2 a6 20 Rae1 Rxe1 21 Rxe1 Re8 22 Nce4 Nxe4 23 Nxe4 (Black’s
difficulties in defending d6 induce a concession) 23 ... Be5 24 Bxe5 dxe5 (if
24 ... Rxe5 25 f4 Re8 26 f5! Re5 27 f6 Qb4 28 Qc1 h5 29 h3 when Black’s
king may be in serious danger) 25 g4 White’s protected, passed d-pawn gives
him a clear edge, S.Olsen-O.Sande, corrrespondence 2011.
11 Bd3 Nbd7 12 f4!
Oh, no you don’t! White cancels any ... Ne5 plans.
12 ... Qd8
In this variation, Black’s queen tends to play the role of the fairy tale
innocent, the princess duped into drinking the drugged potion.

Question: I very reasonably ask: did Paul Morphy lie to us about the
benefits of rapid development? What motivated Black to retreat?

Answer: Black felt his queen played a less-than-useless role on b6. We

take note: ... Qb6 and ... Qd8 turn out to be two wasted moves. In fact in this
line, both parties routinely violate the principle which states avoid moving
the same piece more than once in the opening:
1. White’s bishop took three moves to undevelop to c1.
2. White’s c-pawn took two moves to reach c4.
3. Black’s knight took three moves to reach f6.
4. As mentioned, Black took three moves to get his queen to d8, its
original square.
In the end, it tends to be a wash, with neither side gaining or losing time.
Black has a comp-like possibility with 12 ... Qb4+!? 13 Nc3 (nobody has
had the nerve to try 13 Bd2! which I think is an improvement – as long as
you are willing to sac: 13 ... Qxb2 14 Nc3 Qb6 15 Rb1 Qc7 16 Nf3 with
space, a development lead, an open b-file and attacking chances for the pawn;
I prefer White’s chances and would be willing to gambit this way if given the
chance) 13 ... b5! (Black’s disruptive point) 14 a3 Qa5 15 cxb5 Bb7 (15 ...
Nxd5 16 Bd2 N5f6 17 Nd5 Qd8 18 Nxe7 Qxe7+ picks off the bishop-pair) 16
Nf3 (16 Bd2! looks more accurate) 16 ... Nxd5 17 Bd2 Qb6 18 Nxd5 Bxd5
19 Bc3 Bf6 20 Qe2+ Kd8 21 0-0-0!? Bxc3 22 bxc3 Re8 23 Qb2 a6 24 Be2
Nf6 25 Ng5 h6 was C.Cruzado Duenas-M.Sadowski, correspondence 2009.
Now White can try 26 Nh7!? Nxh7 27 Rxd5 Nf6 28 Rdd1 with a totally
unclear position.
13 Nc3 0-0 14 Nf3 Ne8!?

A new move, but clearly no improvement.

Question: Why would Black retreat an already developed piece?

Answer: Black felt constricted and probably wanted to activate his dark-
squared bishop via f6. After 14 ... Re8 15 0-0 Nf8 16 Qc2 a6 17 a4 Bd7 18 b3
White enjoys a space advantage on both wings and it’s difficult to come up
with a constructive non-waiting plan for Black, Z.Papp-M.Csikos, Szeged
15 Qc2 g6?!
Consistent and probably incorrect. Black creates dark-square weaknesses,
for which he later pays. He avoided 15 ... Ndf6 since he had plans for his
bishop on the square, but this looks like a better try than the game
continuation. Black can play for an eventual ... b5 break with ... Nc7, ... a6, ...
Rb8 and ... Bd7.
16 f5!?

White hands over e5 to grab even more kingside territory. 16 0-0 is the
safer alternative.
16 ... Ng7

Question: If Black’s entire strategy revolved around activating his

dark-squared bishop on the a1-h8 diagonal, then why not occupy it now?

Answer: The trouble is the bishop gets chased with 16 ... Bf6 17 Ne4 Bg7
(Houdini suggests the inhuman 17 ... Ne5 handing over the dark squares; it
assesses at equal, but later on apologizes and gives White a clear advantage
after 18 Nxf6+ Qxf6 19 Nxe5 Qxe5+ 20 Qe2 Bxf5 21 Qxe5 dxe5 22 Bxf5
gxf5 23 Bh6 Ng7 24 0-0 f4 25 g3! fxg3 26 Rf6! Rae8 27 Re1 Kh8 28 hxg3
Nh5 29 Bxf8 Nxf6 30 Bxc5 with a clean extra pawn) 18 0-0 b5 19 Bg5 with a
dangerous initiative for White.
17 g4!?
An attacker past the point of no return must destroy in order to exist.
White ignores the prodding, stubbornly refusing to relinquish f5. I’m not so
sure about this move. White decides the moment is ripe to colonize the
kingside, rejecting the safer and probably stronger 17 0-0, after which White
gets to attack without much strategic investment.

17 ... Bh4+?!
Black finds the narrative not to his liking and hopes to radically alter it,
by press-ganging the once dormant bishop into service in a dubious venture.
Disruption of castling doesn’t bother White and Black loses more time later
moving the bishop from the danger zone. Black’s best hope is to disrupt, even
at the cost of his precious dark-squared bishop, with 17 ... Bf6 18 Ne4 b5!.
18 Kf1 Ne5?!
After this move, Black’s troubles grow in thickets and now he gets tied
down with some strategic jujitsu on White’s part. I think this move hurt more
than helped, since it stabilized the centre and handed White control over e4. I
would go into confusion/disruption mode with something like 18 ... Bf6 19
Bf4 (Black complicates after 19 Ne4 b5!?). White should still hang on to a
clear advantage after a line like 19 ... Bd4 20 Qd2 gxf5 21 Bxd6 fxg4 22 Qh6
f5 23 Bxf8 Qxf8 24 Nxd4 cxd4 25 Nb5 Ne5 26 Rd1. I still prefer White, but
this looks better than what Black got in the game.
19 Nxe5 dxe5 20 Kg2 Kh8
The frustrated king weaves his fingers into the wire mesh of the fence
which imprisons him, but after 20 ... Bg5 21 Rg1 Bxc1 22 Raxc1 Qh4 23
Kh1 Ne8 24 Rcf1 White is doing all the attacking.
21 Rf1
Manual castling complete. Black’s defensive leeway continues to
constrict. Notice the purposelessness of the h4-bishop, which actually gets in
the way.
21 ... b6 22 Kh1 Bd7 23 Qg2
I like 23 Qd2! which seizes control over g5 and also contemplates Qh6.
23 ... gxf5
Black, in the wake of punishing strategic losses, feels he has no choice
but to push forward, mounting a desperado assault. He tentatively intuits that
such a drastic measure is a necessary step for continued survival. So he takes
a gamble, however improbable, and prays his position, 90% submerged, still
retains a 10% survival leeway by mobilizing the open g-file against White.
An attempted resurgence – even a delusional one – is always born of hope. In
this instance, his position lacks sufficient energy to marshal even a final
stand, but 23 ... Bg5 24 Bxg5 Qxg5 25 Ne4 Qh4 26 Rf3!, intending Rh3,
looks like curtains for Black.
24 gxf5 Nh5
24 ... Rg8 25 Qe2! Ne8 (Black’s only chance) 26 Bd2 Qe7 27 Qh5 Ng7
28 Qh6 Qf6 29 Qxf6 Bxf6 30 Ne4 Bh4 31 Nd6 Raf8 32 Bh6 looks hopeless
as well.
Exercise (combination alert): Black’s last move,
24 ... Nh5, allows White a tactic. What is it?

Answer: Double attack.

25 Qe2! Nf6 26 Qxe5 Rg8
26 ... Re8 27 Qf4 Ng8 28 Ne4 is crushing as well.
27 Ne4
White threatens Bd2 and Bc3.
27 ... h5
If 27 ... Re8 28 Qc3.
28 Bd2 Kh7
Exercise (combination alert): Black’s king, who isn’t so
thrilled in his new job as crash-test dummy, escaped the pin
only to land into even more trouble. How did White respond?

Answer: Double attack on h6 and h4.

29 Qf4! 1-0
The ground before Black’s feet parts, only to display the terrifying face of
the abyss. 29 ... Ng4 would be a futile exercise, reminding us of Charles
Manson’s repeated applications for parole. The move is met with the simple
30 h3.

Summary: In the position after 10 ... Be7, White achieves a nagging space
advantage, akin but superior to what White gets in the Exchange Alekhine.

Game 4
Vitoria 2006

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 c5 4 f3 Qa5+ 5 c3 Nf6 6 d5 Qb6 7 Bc1 e6 8 e4

exd5 9 exd5 Be7?!
Question: Is there any difference between this move order and 9 ... d6?

Answer: The only difference is Black loses the fianchetto option, but if he
intends to play the bishop to e7, then there is no difference and we soon
transpose to 9 ... d6 positions.
10 c4 0-0 11 Bd3 Re8 12 Ne2 d6
There; no difference now between a 9 ... Be7 and a 9 ... d6 move order.
13 Nbc3 Nbd7 14 b3!
A new move in the position, and a good one. White avoids the rote 14 0-
0?! Ne5 15 b3 Nxd3 16 Qxd3 which allows Black to pick off the bishop-pair,
reduce the danger to his king and partially free himself from his previously
cramped lodgings, J.Garcia Gil-T.Learte Pastor, correspondence 2005.

Question: Last game White played an early f4 idea. Does that work here
as well?

Answer: Yes, the move is equally effective here. The weakening of e3

isn’t an issue since White has use of tactical tricks to deal with it: for
example, 14 f4 Ng4 15 0-0 Bf8 (White has no fear of invasion on e3) 16 Ng3
Ne3? 17 Bxh7+! Kxh7 18 Qd3+ g6 19 Bxe3 and now Black tried to regain
the lost pawn with 19 ... Qxb2? 20 Rab1 Qa3 21 Bc1! Qa5 22 Nce4 Qd8 23
Bb2 which gave White a crushing attack, V.Yemelin-D.Kovachev, Kallithea
14 ... Bf8 15 0-0

15 ... g6

Question: Didn’t you say earlier: “Black loses the fianchetto option?”

Answer: Black’s move comes under the better-late-than-never category,

despite the obvious loss of time with ... Be7, ... Bf8, ... g6 and ... Bg7. If this
is the case, then perhaps the entire development scheme of an early ... Be7,
even though often played, comes into question and the early fianchetto plan
may be Black’s best option.
I don’t much care for Black’s position if he keeps his kingside pawns
intact: for example, 15 ... Ne5 16 Bc2 Bd7 17 Ng3 a6 18 h3 Qd8 19 f4 Ng6
20 a4 b5 (or 20 ... Rb8 21 a5 with a space advantage on both wings) 21 axb5
axb5 22 Rxa8 Qxa8 23 cxb5 Qb7 24 Bd3 hangs on to the extra pawn since d5
is taboo. If 24 ... Nxd5?? 25 Qf3 Nge7 26 Bc4 Be6 27 f5 wins.
16 h3

Question: Why did White weaken the dark squares?

Answer: He intends f4, without allowing ... Ng4 counterplay.
16 ... Bg7 17 Bd2!

Question: If White played b3, then isn’t the logical course to fianchetto?

Answer: Not here. White’s strategically most vulnerable square is e3 and

he nurtures the square by retaining the bishop on the c1-h6 diagonal.
17 ... Qd8
Once again, Black’s queen finds no solace on b6 and returns home, at the
cost of time.
18 f4
As always in this chapter, the implementation of f4 divests all black e5-
pretenders of a good chunk of their authority.

Question: Are there any rules of thumb of when to play f4?

1. Play f4 after playing h3, to insure against ... Ng4 and ... Ne3 nuisances.
2. Play f4 only if you are certain that you will not lose control over the
e4-square later on.
18 ... a6 19 a4
Black lacks counterplay on either wing. Prié writes: “White has obtained
the optimal set-up. Black has no squares for his pieces and is condemned to
the role of defender against the forthcoming kingside attack.”
19 ... Nf8
It’s a bad sign to develop a knight to f8, with no real prospects from the
square. Black sees the coming kingside assault and digs in for a tough
20 Rf3 b6 21 Qc2 h6
Slightly weakening his kingside, but it’s hard to wait. Perhaps Black
should avoid this move and play 21 ... Ra7, intending to swing over to e7.
22 Raf1 Ra7 23 g4!
Here he comes. Force is the universal language all creatures understand.
The not-so-vague contours of White’s plan emerge: load up on the kingside
and play for mate. What White’s plan lacks in sophistication, it more than
makes up for with raw power.
23 ... Rae7 24 Ng3
Unbelievably Houdini, whose assessment rating in some positions is
equivalent to a below average intelligence oyster’s ability, rates the position
at virtually even. We humans know better. White is poised for a massive
kingside assault. So much so that Black lashes out in quasi-desperation on his
next move.
24 ... Nxg4!?
Well, why not? Who among us doesn’t resent coercion? Black, by now a
bit unglued by the unwanted scrutiny of White’s gathering attackers, tries a
quasi-sound pre-emptive strike before White’s kingside attack even begins.
And his fears are not without ample cause. He feels that incremental changes
won’t do the job, and his position requires a fundamental overhaul to
confront the crisis facing his king. Still, this counterattack, much like
prodding a particularly stubborn mule up a steep incline, goes nowhere.

Question: If you say that Black’s counter comes across as a poorly

wrapped gift, then how about a plan of doing nothing? When caught
in the grips of an overwhelming power, with no way to wiggle out,
sometimes the best defensive bet is to ride the wind and hope for the best.
How does White make progress if Black dithers about, marking time?

Answer: There are probably many attacking plans for White. A couple of
samples where I played White versus Houdini after 24 ... Qc7.
Plan A, play for a g5 break: 25 Kg2 Qd8 26 g5 hxg5 27 fxg5 N6d7 28
Nce4 Ne5 29 Rf6! (threats continue to flow into Black’s position in a steady
current; the rook experiences delightful emotions, similar to a dog who
inadvertently strays into a cat-infested backyard) 29 ... Rd7 30 h4 Nh7 31 h5!
b5 (Black can’t survive 31 ... Bxf6 32 Nxf6+ Nxf6 33 gxf6) 32 axb5 axb5 33
R6f2 bxc4 34 bxc4 Ra7 35 hxg6 fxg6 36 Nf6+. I bring the jury’s attention to
Exhibit A: Black’s king. White’s attack is decisive.
Plan B, play for f5: 25 f5 g5 26 Nce4 N8d7 27 Kg2 Nxe4 28 Nxe4 Nf6
29 Ng3 Qd8 30 Bc3 Re3 31 Rxe3 Rxe3 32 Qd2 Qe8 33 Kf2 Re7 34 Qb2 Qd8
35 Kf3 Re8 36 Rg1! Bd7 37 h4! b5 (37 ... gxh4?? 38 Nh5! is crushing) 38
Ne4 Nxe4 39 Bxg7 Qe7 40 Bxh6 f6 41 axb5 axb5 42 hxg5 bxc4 43 bxc4
Nxg5+ 44 Bxg5 fxg5 45 Qd2. White remains up a pawn and threatens Rh1
and Rh5. Black’s exposed king is easily recognized and his disguise is as
lame as Superman’s when he puts on a pair of glasses, thinking he has
everyone fooled, ‘disguised’ as Clark Kent.
25 hxg4 Bxg4

26 f5!
Clearly a ‘provoke-me-and-I-will-destroy-you’ reply. Initiative is
paramount and all other considerations are swept under the couch. 26 R3f2?
loses the initiative to 26 ... Bd4 27 Kg2 (or 27 f5? Re3! when, suddenly, it is
White’s king who finds himself in grave danger) 27 ... Bxf2 28 Rxf2 f5 when
Black looks fine.
26 ... Bd4+ 27 Kg2 Bxf3+ 28 Rxf3 Kh7
Black’s king slides over to h7 with the air of a martyr attempting to get as
comfortable as possible before the inquisitors toast him at the stake. Note
how Black’s absolute control over the e-file doesn’t help him even a bit. 28 ...
g5 29 f6 Re5 30 Rf1 Nd7 31 Nf5 Nxf6 32 Nxh6+ Kf8 33 Nf5 Nh5 34 Rh1 is
hopeless for Black.
29 Nce4 Be5

Exercise (planning): Black’s king remains in

desperate trouble. Which square should White target?

Answer: The h6-square, after which Black’s resistance reserves are

depleted to the point of empty.
30 Qc1! 1-0
The queen’s face grows crimson with hate, fuelled by lethal intention.
Now all hope for Black lies in shards. 30 ... h5 31 Bg5 is hopeless for him.

Summary: GM Eric Prié actually punishes Black’s bishop development to

e7 with a full question mark, claiming the fianchetto plan (which we looked
at in the first game of the chapter) is Black’s only playable plan against our
set-up. Looking at this game, I’m beginning to think his claim may be

Game 5
Vrnjacka Banja 2005

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 c5 4 f3 Qa5+ 5 c3 Nf6 6 d5 Qb6 7 Bc1 e6 8 e4

exd5 9 exd5 Bd6

Question: What is Black’s idea behind this artificial-looking move?

Answer: Two-fold:
1. Black, not liking either fianchetto or ... Be7 developing schemes,
decides to try an aggressive counterattack instead. He usually plays ... Qc7
soon, loading up on h2.
2. In some cases Black has options of ... Be5 and ... Bxc3+, followed by
... d6, ridding him or herself of a problem piece.
10 Na3!
The main idea in the position. The knight, seeking to exploit Black’s last
move, eyes both the b5- and c4-squares, taking aim at the queen and bishop-
pair. Next game we look at the more familiar set-up, 10 c4.
10 ... 0-0 11 Bd3!
More accurate than 11 Nc4 Re8+ 12 Kf2 Qc7, B.Predojevic-S.Dyachkov,
Moscow 2008.
Now White can go for 13 Bg5, but after 13 ... b5 14 Nxd6 Qxd6 15 Bxb5
h6 16 Bxf6 Qxf6 17 Ne2 Na6 Black’s development lead and the coming ...
Rb8 provide full compensation for the pawn.

Question: Why not bag the bishop-pair?

Answer: 13 Nxd6?! Qxd6 14 c4 Nc6! 15 Ne2 b5! leaves White

dangerously behind in development.
11 ... a6?
Black wastes a precious tempo, while leading in development. Prié
explains: “In addition to a6 being an important square for either his queen or
his queen’s knight, Black does not need this move as, in fact, White will soon
be forced to play Nc4 to blockade the c4-square from the discovered check if
he intends to castle kingside.”
Correct is 11 ... Re8+ 12 Ne2 Bf8 13 Nc4 Qd8 14 Ne3 d6 15 0-0 g6!?
(once again we see the belaboured fianchetto from Black’s side) 16 a4 Bh6
17 Nc4 Bxc1 18 Rxc1 b6 19 Ng3 Bb7 20 Ne4 Nxe4 21 fxe4, but even here,
Black struggles in a sour looking Benoni set-up. White’s open f-file ensures
an enduring edge, I.Ivanisevic-V.Kotronias, Kavala 2007.
Instead, 11 ... Nxd5?? hangs a piece to 12 Nc4 Qc6 13 Nxd6 Qxd6 14
Be4 Re8 15 Ne2.
12 Nc4 Qc7 13 a4 b6 14 Bg5
Black is in full retreat.
14 ... Nh5
14 ... Ne8 doesn’t look terribly appealing either.
15 Ne2

15 ... h6

Question: Since Black looks like he is in a bad way, why not gamble and
grab h2?

Answer: There is gambling and there is suicide. Taking h2 is firmly in the

latter category after 15 ... Bxh2?? 16 d6! when Black loses a piece (and
probably gets mated soon). Remember this tactical theme when an opponent
is tempted into taking h2.
16 Be3 Re8 17 Kf2
The safest spot for White’s king, who also adds support to e3.
17 ... Bb7
Now that d5 looks somewhat insecure, White deems it the proper time to
swap on d6.
18 Nxd6 Qxd6 19 c4
Black’s counterplayless wasteland isn’t a pretty sight:
1. White has an unassailable central space advantage.
2. g4 is coming, increasing White’s space and adding a kingside attack to
the equation.
3. White owns bishop-pair and control over the dark squares.
4. Black’s constipated queenside reminds us of the uncomfortable
‘before’ scene in a laxative commercial.
Conclusion: Black is strategically busted.
19 ... Qf6
Not very tempting is 19 ... b5 20 b3 bxc4 21 bxc4 Qe7 22 Qd2 d6 23 g4!
Nf6 24 Ng3, which looks like the Benoni from hell from Black’s perspective.
20 g4! Qh4+ 21 Ng3
21 ... Nf6

Question: Should Black consider giving up an exchange on e3 to attack?

Answer: The exchange sacrifice drives White’s king into the middle, but
there is a big catch: Black lacks attackers, so the sacrifice fails after 21 ...
Rxe3 22 Kxe3 Nxg3 23 hxg3 Qxg3 24 Qe1 Qe5+ 25 Kf2 Qxb2+ 26 Kg3.
White’s king is safe and Black, completely undeveloped, is the one about to
do the defending.
22 Qd2 d6 23 Kg2
Threat: Nf5.
23 ... Bc8
Exercise (planning): White either picks off material or forces Black
into a downward spiral of passivity. What would you play here?

Answer: Target Black’s weakest link, d6.

24 Bf4! Nxg4
Desperation. If 24 ... Rd8 25 Rae1 a5 (25 ... b5 is strongly met with 26
Qa5!) 26 Bf5! Ba6 27 b3 Ra7 28 Qe3 Ra8 29 Bxd6! and Black is crushed.
25 fxg4 Bxg4 26 h3
White easily rebuffs the attack, covering Black’s single entry point on h3.
26 ... Bh5
26 ... Bc8 27 Bxd6 is resignable as well.
27 Nf5 Qf6 28 Nxd6 Re5 29 Bxe5 Qxe5
Exercise (combination alert): Black refuses to resign. How did White
force it?

Answer: Targeting the weak back rank again.

30 Rae1! Qxd6 31 Re8+ 1-0

Summary: I like the 10 Na3 plan against the ... Bd6 set-up. White’s knight
has access to both c4 and b5, and I don’t believe Black equalizes here either.

Game 6
V.Moskalenko-D.Alsina Leal
Barcelona 2011

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 c5 4 f3 Qa5+ 5 c3 Nf6 6 d5 Qb6 7 Bc1 e6 8 e4

exd5 9 exd5 Bd6 10 c4
Play this move if you feel structurally more comfortable here, than in the
unfamiliar waters of 10 Na3!, which we looked at last game.
10 ... 0-0 11 Bd3 Re8+ 12 Ne2 Qc7 13 Nbc3
13 ... a6

Question: Is h2 still poison for Black?

Answer: It sure is: 13 ... Bxh2? 14 Nb5 Qe5 15 Kf1! (threat: f4!,
disconnecting the queen from the h2-bishop) 15 ... Nh5 16 f4! Nxf4 17 Nxf4
Bxf4 18 Bxh7+ Kf8 19 Bxf4 Qxf4+ 20 Qf3 Qxf3+ 21 gxf3 (queens may be
off the board, but this does little to help Black, who remains hopelessly
behind in development) 21 ... Na6 22 Bg6! leaves Black in huge trouble:
a) 22 ... fxg6?? 23 Rh8+ Kf7 24 Nd6+ wins.
b) 22 ... Kg8 23 Nd6 Re7 24 Bh7+ Kf8 25 Be4 Kg8 26 Kf2! and Black is
curiously helpless against the simple idea of doubling rooks on the open h-
14 Qc2 Be5
15 Bg5!?
A risky plan, conceding the dark squares for the initiative, yet, as it turns
out, quite dangerous for Black.

Question: What would you suggest instead?

Answer: Something like 15 a4 clamping down on ... b5 breaks: 15 ... h6

16 Bd2 d6 (Houdini suggests the greedy 16 ... Bxh2, but I don’t like Black’s
chances after 17 0-0-0) 17 0-0. Now castling is safe, once the heat from h2
disappeared. White prepares a kingside attack, pretty much the same way as
we have seen all chapter.
15 ... h6 16 Bxf6!?

Question: Didn’t White just hand over control of a

good chunk of dark-square control to his opponent?

Answer: I wouldn’t have played this and it was, indeed a risky, decision.
White’s plan looks untenable on strategic grounds alone. However, hidden
tactics are the x-factor which perhaps lifts Moskalenko’s plan into the realm
of playability.
16 ... Bxf6 17 Ne4 Be7
a) 17 ... Be5 18 0-0! Bxh2+ (otherwise White plays f4 next, attacking for
free) 19 Kh1 (threat: f4, trapping the bishop) 19 ... Bd6 20 Nxd6 Qxd6 21
Rae1 and suddenly White accrued a scary development lead. Just look at
Black’s dormant queenside. It feels like he plays without three quarters of his
b) 17 ... Bh4+! 18 g3 Be7 19 0-0 d6 20 Kg2 Nd7 21 f4. Now Black
should unravel his queenside as quickly as possible with 21 ... b5! 22 b3 (22
cxb5?! Nb6 23 N4c3 Bf6 24 a4 Bb7 offers Black considerable Benko
Gambit-like pressure) 22 ... Nf6 23 N2c3 b4 24 Nxf6+ Bxf6 25 Rae1 Bd7 26
Ne4 Bd4 27 f5. Houdini says even, while I slightly prefer White’s space and
monster light-square control over Black’s dominance over the dark squares.
18 0-0 d6 19 N2g3 Nd7 20 Rae1
White’s space and attacking chances easily compensate for his deficiency
on the dark squares.
20 ... b5?

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s innocent last

move walks into a computer shot. What did he miss?

21 b3?
White misses it as well.
Answer: Pin! The shot 21 Nxd6!! isn’t so deep. It’s just very hard for a
human to see, because the illusion of coverage is so complete over d6. And
yet it falls: 21 ... Qxd6 22 Nf5 Qf6 23 d6 and White regains the piece with a
dominating position.
21 ... bxc4 22 bxc4 Ne5 23 Be2
White can give up both bishops for knights in pursuit of attack after 23
f4!? Nxd3 24 Qxd3 Bd7 25 f5!. Opposing forces stalk one another: White’s
knights and kingside potential, versus Black’s bishops. In this case I believe
the scales should tip slightly toward White’s side: 25 ... Bf8 26 f6 g6 27 h4
Re5 28 h5 gxh5! (28 ... g5?! 29 Rb1 looks good for White, mainly due to the
entombed f8-bishop) 29 Nd2! and I still prefer White’s attacking chances.
23 ... f5?
White takes over the initiative after this gorgonzolaesque move, which
stinks up Black’s kingside. The impulsive lashing out runs counter to the
principles by which the defence is governed and violates the creed: secure
your own base before launching offensive action. Black keeps disadvantage
to a minimum with 23 ... Bh4 24 f4 Ng6 25 Bd3 Qd8 26 Qe2! (threat: Nf6+)
26 ... Bd7 27 f5! Ne5 28 Nxd6 Nxd3 29 Qxd3 Rxe1 30 Rxe1 Qc7 31 Nde4
Bxf5 32 d6, although even here, White’s chances look clearly superior.
24 f4! Nf7
Alternatives are grim as well:
a) 24 ... Ng6 25 Bh5! Rf8 (25 ... Kh7?? 26 Ng5+! hxg5 27 Nxf5 is
crushing) 26 Bxg6 fxe4 27 Nxe4 leaves White up a clean pawn.
b) 24 ... fxe4? 25 fxe5 dxe5 26 Qxe4 intending Bd3 is decisive.
Exercise (combination alert): After 24 ... Nf7 White sits on the threshold
discovery of a brilliant attacking idea, which is very difficult to spot.
What is it?

25 Nc3?!
Black is the blessed recipient of a heaven-sent semi-reprieve.
Answer: Luck’s fickle glance (some would call it a tactical geometrical
anomaly) sheds its light on the position, by bestowing upon White a startling,
hidden sequence – but only if he can find it. White can play the shocking 25
Nh5!! which is decisive. The immediate threat is 26 Qc3. Now if Black chops
with 25 ... fxe4 (25 ... Bh4 26 Qb2 Nh8 27 Nxd6! wins), there follows 26
Qxe4 (threat: Bd3) 26 ... Nh8 27 Nxg7!! (the knight brushes by Black’s king,
silent yet noticed) 27 ... Kxg7 28 Bd3 Kf8 29 Qh7, which leaves Black
completely helpless: 29 ... Nf7 30 Bg6 Bf6 31 Rxe8+ Kxe8 32 Qg8+ mates.
25 ... g6 26 Bd3 Bd7?
Black’s only chance lies in 26 ... Qd8!, and if 27 Nxf5!? gxf5 28 Bxf5
Bh4 29 Rxe8+ Qxe8 30 Be6! Kg7 31 f5 with chances for both sides.
Exercise (planning): It appears as if the defence bows before the raging
storm yet doesn’t break, but this just isn’t the case. The inherent
weakness of e6 and f5 has left indelible scars on Black’s defensive
and Moskalenko found a way to fan White’s attack. What did he see?

Answer: An interference/strategic exchange sacrifice. Take control over

the light squares by infiltrating e6. A GM would probably play such a move
intuitively, not worrying about the details until they arrive.
27 Re6!
“Noblesse oblige,” sighs the rook, whose honour requires that he give the
attack a helping hand. White’s rook openly defies the d7-bishop’s authority,
without fear of reprisal. What was once considered a minor glitch (the
weakness of e6 and f5), morphs into a life-threatening strategic impediment,
from which Black’s position teeters on the edge of collapse.
27 ... Nh8
27 ... Bxe6 28 dxe6 Nh8 29 Nd5 Qa7 (29 ... Qb7 30 Bxf5! gxf5 31 Nxf5
is crushing) 30 Bxf5! (the recurring theme: load up on f5 and sacrifice) 30 ...
gxf5 31 Nxf5 Bd8 32 Nxh6+ Kf8 33 Qf5+ Kg7 34 Rf3! forces mate.
Exercise (combination alert): Black’s last move, 27 ... Nh8, brings
only marginal relief and his core strategic troubles remain.
The key moment is close at hand. Continue White’s attack.

Answer: After the sacrifice on f5, Black’s hopes are thrust into oblivion.
28 Bxf5!
Both White’s bishop and g3-knight audition for the lead role of f5-sac’er
and both understand there is only room for one. This is the logical follow-up.
White’s Re6 weakened Black’s control of f5, which for so long severely
constrained White’s attacking ambitions. The key factor to White’s
interference sacrifice on e6 is that it weakened Black’s grip on f5 into a level
ripe for further sacrifices.
28 ... gxf5 29 Nxf5 Bf8 30 Nxh6+ Bxh6 31 Rxh6
In the sacrifice’s aftermath, Black’s chances evoke nothing but gloom.
His extra piece is no match for White’s attack and three extra pawns.
31 ... Re7 32 Ne4
32 f5 is also deadly.
32 ... Kg7
Neither can Black survive 32 ... Rf8 33 f5! Bxf5 34 Qc3! Rg7 35 Nxd6.
33 Rh5 Nf7 34 Qc3+ Kg8 35 Nf6+ Kf8 36 Qg3
Threatening mate on the move.
36 ... Re2 37 Rh7
The annoying rook continues to tread on everyone’s toes.
37 ... Ke7 38 Qh4 Rf8

Exercise (combination alert): White to play and force mate.

Answer: Death looms over g7.

39 Nh5+! 1-0

Summary: 10 c4 keeps us in more familiar territory. However, I still

encourage you to go for 10 Na3!, which we looked at last game, as it is
White’s objectively best shot at an advantage against the ... Bd6 set-up.

Game 7
V.Moskalenko-M.Llaneza Vega
Barcelona 2008

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 c5 4 f3 Qa5+ 5 c3 Nf6 6 d5 Qb6 7 Bc1 e6 8 e4

exd5 9 exd5 Bd6 10 c4
As we saw last game, Moskalenko prefers the normal c4 set-up over 10
10 ... Qc7

Question: Is there any real difference between

this move and castling, as we saw last game?

Answer: By putting castling on hold, Black immediately targets h2,

which isn’t such a tempting target once Black castles, since the open h-file
takes direct aim at his king in that scenario. But in reality, the ‘threat’ to h2
turns out to be a bluff, since White soon offers it and Black declines.
11 Bd3!
White happily offers h2, Black having castled or not.
11 ... b5

Question: What is wrong with grabbing h2 now?

Answer: It still looks exceedingly dangerous for Black: for example, 11

... Bxh2?! (Houdini-approved but no human, at least in my database, has
grabbed the pawn) 12 Ne2 Bd6 13 Nbc3 a6 14 g4 when g5 is coming and
Black’s position looks awful, with the extra pawn offering very little in the
area of consolation.
Instead, 11 ... 0-0 12 Nc3 a6 13 Nge2 b5 14 Bg5 Nh5 15 Ne4 Nf4 16
Nxd6 Nxd3+ 17 Qxd3 Qxd6 was Z.Rahman-P.Konguvel, Kolkata 2008. Now
White can try 18 Bf4 Qb6 19 0-0 bxc4 20 Qc3 a5 21 Ng3 when Black has yet
to develop a single piece besides his queen. White’s attacking and strategic
compensation easily outstrips Black’s rather forlorn extra pawns.
12 Nc3
White ignores it.
12 ... bxc4 13 Bxc4

13 ... 0-0

Question: I keep looking at h2 with longing. Can’t Black take the pawn

Answer: As always, White gets more than enough after 13 ... Bxh2 14
Qd3! (preventing both ... Ba6 and ... Na6) 14 ... Be5 (the check on g3 only
helps White move his king to f1, the square he wants for his king) 15 Nge2
d6 16 g4 when Black lags dangerously behind in development and has no
safe spot on the board for his king.
14 Nb5 Qb6 15 Ne2 Ba6?!
This innocent-looking, natural move leads to a complete tangle of his
Question: Shouldn’t Black strive to hang on to his dark-squared bishop?

Answer: White obtains a bind after 15 ... Be7 16 d6! Bd8 17 0-0. Now if
17 ... a6 18 Nc7! Bxc7 19 dxc7 Qxc7 20 Bf4 Qb6 21 Bd6 Re8 22 Nc3!,
intending Ne4!, or if 22 ... Qxb2? 23 Rc1 Nc6 24 Rf2 Qa3 25 Ne4! when
Black’s two extra pawns are not going to save him from White’s ferocious
16 a4!
The position has the look and feel of a Benko Gambit Declined, gone
wrong for Black. Black has huge problems in developing his queenside rook
and knight.

16 ... Bxb5 17 axb5 a6!?

Perhaps Black exaggerates the sacrifice’s effectiveness and
underestimates its negative implications. As it turns out, there remains the
deepest of gulfs between Black’s ambitions and their actual effectiveness.
However, 17 ... Re8 18 0-0 a6 19 Bg5 doesn’t give Black much cause for
encouragement either.
18 Qd3 Re8 19 bxa6
The a-pawn’s air is that of a criminal who pulled off the heist with
success. White is up a pawn, with no ill-effects.
19 ... Be5

20 Kd1?!
An overreaction. Moskalenko behaves contrary to expectations and such
labyrinthine musings aren’t necessary, since White’s king isn’t as safe on the

Question: White’s king dives for cover like a hunted hare.

But why? I don’t understand why White simply didn’t castle.

Answer: He avoided a trap: 20 0-0? walks into 20 ... Nxa6! when White
can’t recapture, due to the ... c4+ threat. Saying this, I add: a plan can’t be
founded on traps alone.
I think White is better off playing 20 g4! followed by manual castling
with Kf1 and Kg2. Then White just continues attacking on the kingside.
20 ... d6 21 f4
I’m not so sure about this move either.
21 ... Bd4?!
After this move, the once impassioned onslaught flounders without
purpose. Sometimes an impulsive move, when examined more closely, is
merely the logical tail justification of a previous series of inaccurate moves.
In essence, such moves are the natural expression of compiled frustration.
Black should play 21 ... Ng4! 22 Kc2! (Black obtains full compensation for
the piece after 22 Qf3 Bxb2! 23 Rb1 Qb4! 24 Qxg4 Qxc4 25 Bxb2 Qd3+ 26
Kc1 g6 27 Nc3 Nxa6) 22 ... Nf2 23 Qb3 Qxb3+ 24 Kxb3 Bxb2 25 Bxb2
Nxh1 26 Rxh1 Nxa6 when he should hold the game, since White’s position
remains loose and he struggles to cover several entry points.
22 Nxd4 cxd4 23 Re1 Nbd7 24 Rxe8+ Rxe8 25 Qb3
White has a winning position. His extra pawn, bishop-pair and deeply
passed a-pawn outweigh any attacking chances Black may have hoped for.
25 ... Qa7?!
White has the game under control in the line 25 ... Qc7 26 Qb5 Ne4 27
Qc6 Qa7 28 Ra5!. Still this was better than the game’s continuation.
26 Qb7
Destroying the a7 blockade.
26 ... Qc5
Black can’t survive a queen swap.
27 Bd3
Threat: a7 and a8Q.
27 ... Nb6 28 a7
White feels the a-pawns soothing influence, like a fountain’s spray on a
hot summer’s breeze.
28 ... Na8
This knight is destined to ferment in pained silence on a8 and the black
hole of strategic woes feels bottomless. It is in the nature of great
understatement when I declare that Black’s pieces are jarringly out of tune.
He hopes for the impossible: launch an attack when half his army is tied up
trying to halt the passed a-pawn.
29 Qc6 Qb4
Exercise (planning): Time to banish the superfluous and embrace the
elements. How did White press home his advantage in the most efficient

Answer: The reformation process begins: complete development by

offering the b-pawn.
30 Bd2! Qxb2
Suicide, but the ending is hopeless after 30 ... Qb3+ 31 Bc2 Qxd5 32
Qxd5 Nxd5 33 Ba4.
31 Rb1 Qa3 32 Rb8!
Ignoring the hanging d3-bishop and playing on Black’s weak back rank.
32 ... Kf8 33 Bb5
Simplest was 33 Rxa8 Rxa8 34 Qxa8+ Ne8 35 Ke2.
33 ... Qb3+
“Order! Order!” cries Black’s queen, banging a mallet in a futile attempt
to restore calm in her realm of turmoil. Black does his best to resist, but some
positions are so hopeless that salvation is beyond anyone’s best.
34 Qc2 Qxd5 35 Bxe8 Nxe8 36 Qc8 Qe4 37 Rxa8 1-0
White converts with languid grace after 37 ... Qb1+ 38 Ke2 Qe4+ (the
purple-faced frustration painted on the queen’s complexion is a far cry from
her normally attractive pink bloom) 39 Kf2 and there is no perpetual.

Summary: Be prepared to sacrifice h2, whether Black has castled kingside

or not. White always gets more than enough compensation.

Game 8
Gjovik (rapid) 2009

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5
Compare the position we get with the following Sämisch Benoni line 2 c4
g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 f3 0-0 6 Bg5 c5 7 d5 e6 8 Qd2 exd5 9 cxd5.
2 ... Ne4 3 Bf4 c5 4 f3 Qa5+ 5 c3 Nf6 6 d5 Qb6 7 Bc1 g6

Question: How do the positions here differ from the 7 ... e6 lines?

Answer: With 7 ... g6 Black doesn’t want early confrontation and

completes development with ... Bg7 and ... 0-0 before playing ... e6. Now the
difference in this line is that White has time for the traditional Benoni c4 and
cxd5 recapture, bringing the positions much closer to a real Benoni structure.
Question: So do we get a direct transposition to a Benoni?

Answer: Not quite. The difference is that Black gets the extra move ...
Qb6. Now this may sound like we are in a Benoni a move down, but this just
isn’t the case, since a strong argument can be made that ... Qb6 may actually
harm Black, since it blocks the natural ... a6 and ... b5 plan.
8 e4 d6 9 c4
Next game we examine 9 a4.
9 ... e6 10 Ne2!
More accurate than 10 Nc3 as we shall soon see.
10 ... exd5
Sometimes Black keeps White guessing if and when about the d5-swap.
Indeed, sometimes it is never played: for example: 10 ... Bg7 11 Nec3! 0-0 12
Be2 e5!? (now we enter a convoluted Sämisch King’s Indian) 13 g4! (this is
why it may be better for White to delay castling) 13 ... a6 14 Qc2 Qa5 15 Be3
Nbd7 16 Na3! (now the ... b5 break/pawn sacrifice won’t be very tempting
for Black since White may seize control over c4, along with the extra pawn)
16 ... Ne8 17 0-0-0 h6 18 h4 and I prefer White, who clamped down on both
the ... b5 and ... f5 breaks, G.Cuadrado Wentwort Hyde-P.Cutillas Ripoll,
correspondence 2004.
11 cxd5 Bg7 12 Nec3!
White’s most harmonious knight posting.

Question: What is the point of this move? It feels as if

both white knights are willing to share a single square on c3.

Answer: In the normal KID Sämisch Benoni set-up, White’s most

cumbersome, problem piece is the g1-knight, which searches for a home on
g3, or c1 via e2, or plays to f2 via h3. In all cases, the posts are sub-optimal.
In the Trompowsky version, White transfers his ‘bad’ g1-knight to c3 – a
good square – and preserves the other for a3, where it eyes c4 and also
Black’s ... b5 break.
12 ... 0-0 13 Be2 a6 14 a4
A new move, but perfectly logical. Nakamura’s move may be slightly
more accurate than castling, since it keeps g4, h4 and h5 attacking options on
the table a bit longer, keeping Black guessing to our intent.
14 ... Nbd7 15 Na3
Clamping down on both ... b5 and ... c4 ideas. I feel this position is more
favourable for White than one reached via the KID Sämisch Benoni.
15 ... Qd8
As nearly always in this line, Black’s queen retreats to its square of
origin. 15 ... Qc7 is the alternative. Lie probably felt it was better to return to
d8, where the queen might be transferred to the kingside. Also, he keeps c7
open for a knight, in order to fight for a ... b5 break.
16 0-0 Rb8
Black experiences great difficulties implementing either a ... b5 or ... c4
push, with White’s knights so perfectly placed to frustrate.
17 Be3
White can also try 17 Bg5 with a kingside attacking plan based on an
eventual f4.

17 ... Ne8

Question: Why did Black retreat voluntarily?

Answer: By retreating, Black keeps ... f5 options on the table and also
considers ... Nc7, in preparation for an eventual ... b5 break.
18 Qd2 Nc7
18 ... f5 hopes to generate activity at the cost of slight weakening. I still
prefer White’s game after 19 exf5 Rxf5 20 Rfe1, although I think Black
would have been better off going in this direction than the path he took in the
19 Rab1!
Nakamura reveals his intent: a queenside attack, with b4 to follow.
19 ... Qe7 20 b4
White rapidly gains a stranglehold over the queenside.
20 ... Re8 21 Bf2
A precaution, removing a vulnerable piece off the e-file, in case Black
contemplates ... f5.
21 ... b6 22 Nc4
22 ... b5?
An agitated wave of unrest shudders through the position. Once in a
while, we all make moves antithetical to our own survival. This misguided
attempt to seize the initiative violates the principle: don’t challenge the
opponent on your weak wing.
Black should stifle the urge to retaliate and continue with a milder version
with 22 ... cxb4 23 Rxb4. Black keeps his disadvantage to a minimum after
23 ... a5 24 Rb3 Ba6 25 Rfb1 f5 (this move has to be played, sooner or later,
if Black is to muster any counterplay) 26 Bd4 Bxc4 27 Bxc4 Bxd4+ 28 Qxd4
when his dishevelled structure may be a bit of an eyesore, but he bases hopes
on some compensating piece activity and dark-square control.
23 axb5
Houdini prefers retaining the pawn tension with 23 Na5 Qf6 24 Rfc1.
23 ... axb5 24 Na5
The knight hovers, poised to strike in waspish irritation on c6.
24 ... Qf6 25 Rfc1
Black’s peril remains at its most acute level.
25 ... Ra8
The rook sneaks away, as if from a creditor. Black’s last move drops
material and Houdini considers it a mistake. I’m not so sure, having played
through its suggested sequence 25 ... c4 26 Nc6 Ra8 27 Be3! (threatening
Bg5) 27 ... Bf8 28 Na7 Rb8 29 Ra1 Ne5 30 h3 Rb7 31 f4 Nd7 32 Bf3 Now
what? Black can barely move. If 32 ... Bg7 33 e5! dxe5 34 Nxc8 exf4 35
Bxf4 Rxc8 36 d6, which is crushing, since b7 and c7 hang simultaneously.
26 Nxb5 Nxb5 27 Bxb5 cxb4 28 Qxb4
Naka denudes the queenside with resounding success. He picked off a
pawn and now has eyes for d6.
28 ... Rd8
28 ... Rf8 29 Nc4 drops a second pawn on d6.
29 Nc6 Rf8

Exercise (Combination alert): White refuses to be placated with merely a

single pawn.
How did Naka win a second pawn by uprooting a defender from its
natural groove?

Answer: White drives the only defender of d6 away from its protective
30 Bd4!
The impolite bishop harrows the black queen’s delicate psyche beyond
the limits of her tolerance.
30 ... Qg5
The d6-pawn, emitting a sad groan, looks on in dismay at the rapidly
receding form of his last defender, who apologetically disclaims all previous
defensive commitments.
31 Bxg7 Kxg7 32 Qxd6
Black is down two pawns for nothing.
32 ... Ra2
Threatening mate on the move.
33 Qg3
White’s queen barely suppresses a yawn when musing upon her tiresome
sister’s unsensational labours to undermine her authority. Although White
bulges with prosperity, he still must deal with a final issue: consolidation.
33 ... Qe3+
Black’s queen quickly slides away from her sister, the way a seal exits an
ice flow and enters the frigid water upon spotting an approaching, dog-
paddling polar bear.
34 Kh1 Nf6 35 Re1 Qd2?
35 ... Qc5 prolongs the game, but doesn’t save it for Black.

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s queen arrives on the scene with

the suggestion of fresh peril for White’s king, but this simply isn’t the
reality. Black’s non-attack lost its force (which it lacked to begin with),
and has nothing left to offer. Black’s calculations sprung a leak and he
just blundered in a hopeless position. How did Nakamura exploit it?

Answer: X-ray attack. Black has no good way to cover the now loose a-
rook, and sac’ing the queen isn’t going to cut it either.
36 Re2 1-0

Summary: After 9 c4 we end up in a strange Sämisch Benoni, where Black’s

‘extra’ ... Qb6 move may actually harm more than help him. Also, keep in
mind the strange Ne2, Nec3, a4 and Na3 idea, which maximizes White’s
knight’s potential in this variation.

Game 9
British League 1998

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 c5 4 f3 Qa5+ 5 c3 Nf6 6 d5 Qb6 7 Bc1 g6 8 e4

d6 9 a4
This is for players who may not feel comfortable in the Sämisch/Benoni
structure of the last game.
Question: What is White’s idea of holding back on c4?

Answer: White holds back on c4 in the hope of occupying the square with
a knight. He tosses in 9 a4 to secure c4 from ... b5 ideas.
9 ... Bg7 10 Na3 0-0 11 Nc4 Qc7
This isn’t really a tempo loss, since Black normally moves the queen back
from b6 even when unprovoked, as we have seen throughout the chapter.
12 Ne2

Question: Where is this knight going?

Answer: As I mentioned last game, White’s problem piece in the

Sämisch/Benoni (and this is still a hybrid of one) is the g1-knight, which in
this case plans to roost on g3. Admittedly not the ideal square, but we make
do with what we have before us.
12 ... Nbd7
Note one benefit to our Nc4 set-up: Black has a much tougher time
engineering ... e6, since White directs heat at d6.
After 12 ... b6 13 g4!? (ambitious; 13 Ng3 is the safer alternative) 13 ...
Ba6 14 Ng3 Rd8, as in A.Almonti-P.Peto, correspondence 2000, I like the
look of White’s attacking chances after 15 g5 Ne8 16 f4 e6 17 Ne3.
13 Ng3

Question: What about posting a knight on f4?

Answer: I don’t like f4, because it loses White’s central pawn push
options: 13 Nf4 b6 14 Be2 a6 15 0-0 Rb8 16 Na3 (to halt ... b5) 16 ... Ne5
and now White had nothing better than moving the misplaced knight again
with 17 Nd3 Nxd3 18 Qxd3 Bd7 19 Qxa6 Ra8 20 Qd3 Rxa4, M.Lostuzzi-
D.Sermek, Pula 2001.
13 ... Nb6
Challenging White’s most annoying piece, at a cost of time for Black.
The position must favour White, who continues to enjoy a healthy space
advantage. Also, Black lost all three games from this position in the database
– not an auspicious omen for the anti-Tromp forces.
After 13 ... Ne5!? 14 Bg5 h5 15 Nxe5 dxe5 16 c4 Kh7 17 Qd2 Ng8 18
Bd3 Bh6 (eliminating Black’s worst piece) 19 0-0 a5 (Black feared an
eventual b4 and allows a hole on b5) 20 Ne2 Ra6 21 Nc3 Bd7 22 g3! White
looks slightly better, with extra space and f4 coming, N.Kabanov-
M.Ismailov, Pavlodar 2012.
14 Be3
A theoretical novelty. Previously White had preferred:
a) 14 Na3.

Question: Why would White retreat a well-placed piece?

Answer: Principle: the side with extra space should strive to retain pieces
on the board. 14 ... Bd7 was Duong The Anh-N.Vakhidov, Bandar Seri
Begawan 2010, and here White can continue 15 a5 Nc8 (15 ... Na4? should
lose to 16 Nb5 Qxa5 17 Rxa4 Qb6 18 Na3 Bxa4 19 Qxa4) 16 Nb5 Qd8 17
c4. I still like White, who looks like he entered a slightly favourable King’s
b) 14 Bf4 (striving to halt ... e6 by applying pressure on d6) 14 ... h5 (a
commonly played move in such positions, yet I am always happy to see it as
White in such KID/Benoni structures, since any pawn push by Black on the
kingside tends to weaken his king) was J.Maldonado Pacheco-J.Alvarez
Sabor, correspondence 2009. Play may go 15 a5 Nxc4 16 Bxc4 h4 17 Ne2
which looks dynamically balanced. Black’s advanced h-pawn could be a
curse or a blessing.
14 ... h5
Question: What is the point of ... h5?

Answer: As I mentioned in the above notes, this is a common occurrence

in Sämisch KID/Benoni structures. Black hopes to disrupt and gain tempi
with ... h4 and sometimes ... h3. On the downside, the pawn can become a
weakness later in the game, and Black’s king safety also becomes a shade
15 Be2 Ne8 16 0-0 e6
At long last, Black achieves the ... e6 break.
17 Qd2
Which White simply ignores.
17 ... h4!?
The less cautious your opponent, the more likely his or her defeat – and
yours as well. This move is consistent and bold, yet such semi-indiscriminate
decisions have a nasty way of haunting us later in the game if matters don’t
fall perfectly according to our plans.
18 Nh1
Not as bad as it looks, since h1 is just a temporary residence for the
18 ... exd5 19 exd5 Bd7?!
Possibly inaccurate. Black probably gets a better version of the game
continuation with 19 ... Nf6! 20 Nxb6 axb6 21 Nf2 h3 22 g4!? (maybe the
more restrained 22 g3 can be tried as well) 22 ... Re8 23 Bb5 (or 23 Bc4 Nd7
24 Rfe1 Ne5 25 Be2 f5 26 g5 when I like White due to his space and
potential to pick off h3, but Houdini thinks Black gets full compensation and
assesses at even; Black can speculate with 26 ... f4!? 27 Bxf4 Qf7 28 Ne4
Rf8 29 Bg3 Qxf3! 30 Bd1 which looks completely unclear) 23 ... Bd7 24 Bg5
Bxb5 25 axb5 c4 26 Bxf6 Bxf6 27 Rxa8 Rxa8 28 Ne4 Bg7 29 Kf2 Qe7 30
Kg3 Ra5 31 Re1 Rxb5 32 f4 Ra5 33 Kxh3 and it’s anybody’s game.
20 Nxb6 axb6 21 b3!
Freezing Black’s queenside pawns. White has earned an enduring edge.
21 ... Nf6 22 Nf2 Rae8 23 Bc4 Re5?
Black should play 23 ... Nh7 to prevent Bg5.
24 Bg5!
Targeting h4.
24 ... h3
Inciting a violent schism in White’s structure, yet not enough to actually
inflict any real harm.
25 g4!

The most ambitious move. White cuts off the f5-square from Black’s
pieces and also severs the connection to h3.
25 ... Nh7 26 Bf4 Re7 27 Nxh3
Simple assassination of a target requires much less energy than abduction.

Question: Did Black acquire compensatory play, since

White also weakened his kingside to grab the pawn?

Answer: I don’t believe enough, despite White’s rather loose-looking

kingside. Just watch how Kinsman consolidated in the game.
27 ... f5?
This strategic blunder is merely a symptom of the overall dysfunction in
Black’s ability to coordinate forces in offensive harmony. After this move,
any attacking chances Black may have grow cold. He passes the threshold of
effective resistance and his position grows utterly counterplayless, as his
aimless pieces float like dying suns, breathing out their last. From this point,
Black’s pieces await, poised motionless for an attack which never comes to
pass. Black had to try something like 27 ... Be5 when he remains in bad
shape, but better off than in the game continuation.
28 g5
Of course. White clogs attacking lines. With loss of territory also comes
restricted freedom of assembly for Black, who abruptly runs empty of
counterplay-producing ideas.
28 ... Be8
I don’t believe Black has any useful attacking plan at this stage.
29 Rae1 Bf7 30 Rxe7
Every swap helps White.
30 ... Qxe7 31 Re1 Qd8
Exercise (planning/combination alert): How does White earn a crushing

32 Bb5
Answer: The e6-square is the fountain of Black’s trouble. The strategic
exchange sacrifice idea, which we saw earlier in Moskalenko-Alsina, applies
here as well: 32 Re6!. The familiar exchange sacrifice begins with the
weakened d6-square as its catalyst, as well as the light squares and a deadly
passer if Black accepts with 32 ... Bxe6. The diagnosis corresponds with the
ailment: e6 must be surgically removed, or the patient (Black) will die. If
Black refuses the gift, then d6 falls and his position remains hopeless there as
well. After 33 dxe6 d5 34 Qxd5 Qxd5 35 Bxd5 Kh8 36 e7 Re8 37 Bd6 Black
has no good way to halt Bf7.
32 ... Kh8 33 Nf2 Be5
Desperation. Black is almost out of moves, other than random shuffles.
34 h4
34 Bxe5+ dxe5 35 c4 Nxg5 36 Qc3 is also decisive.
34 ... Bxd5
Life moved on and left Black’s hibernating, wished-for attack in Rip Van
Winkle fashion. So now warmer emotions prevail and Black decides upon a
futile set of sacrifices, bunging in a pair of pieces for the honours. Black
crossed a line he previously dared not cross, based on the philosophy: a
desperate person ceases to fear repercussions, since he or she faces another
equally distasteful set of repercussions upon failure to act. Neither can Black
survive 34 ... Bxf4 35 Qxf4 Bxd5 36 Rd1 Bxb3 37 Rxd6.
35 Bxe5+ dxe5

Exercise (combination alert): Here is the easiest combination alert

in the entire book. White to play and force the win of material.

Answer: Pin. So easy that the move isn’t really even worthy of an exclam
or a combination alert.
36 Rd1
“But, but, but you promised to spare me if I surrendered!” Black’s bishop
sputters to White’s queen. She responds: “At the moment, memory fails me
in regard to the exact agreement of our pleasant conversation.”
36 ... Qe7 37 Qxd5 Nxg5
Such a move betrays half-hidden resentments. Well, why not? Littlewood
obviously felt cheated out of his natural inheritance: an attack. So a
previously unauthorized action is now authorized, since desperation has its
own set of rules. The offending g5-pawn has been the cause of great
inconvenience to Black, who resolves to deal with the matter in the harshest
of methods.
38 hxg5 Qxg5+ 39 Kf1 Qg3
It is in the nature of grave understatement when I tell you that Black’s
non-attack and massive material deficit casts a gloomy shadow upon the
proceedings. Black’s queen feels a leaden sense of inferiority in comparison
to her radiant sister.
40 Qd6 1-0
Black’s decrepit king, too feeble to run, remains where he is, awaiting the

Summary: This line is for those of us who don’t feel comfortable in a pure
Sämisch/Benoni structure, so we leave open c4 for occupation by our knight.
Chapter Two
2 ... Ne4 3 Bf4 d5
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 d5

In this chapter Black avoids the Benoni-like positions of Chapter One and
decides to stake out a fair share of the centre with ... d5. Now we have a
choice of crazy or calm.
After 4 f3 Nf6 5 e4 it isn’t so difficult to guess the sequel. We earmark e4
as personal property and resent Black’s assertion to rights of any kind over
the disputed square. We decide upon disciplinary action, with just a shade of
rebuke added for good measure by entering a Blackmar-Diemer Gambit a full
move up. Our Bf4 is free since our bishop took two moves to reach the
square while Black’s knight required three to reach f6. I’m not a big believer
in the BDG, but sign me up if I get it a full move ahead of schedule.
If the gambit – even a move up – doesn’t appeal to you, then we can also
take the safer route with a London-like position with 4 e3.
Now this may look good for Black (reality always trails a few steps
behind illusion), but in my opinion this just isn’t the case and White seems to
arrive in a slightly favourable version of a London System.

Question: Why slightly favourable?

Answer: Black’s e4-posting for his knight may be a hindrance more than
the infliction of any injury to our side, since it allows us tricky undermining
efforts with Bd3 and Bxe4, or c4. We also retain f3 possibilities.

Game 10
Sao Paulo (simul) 2004

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 d5 4 f3

We look at 4 e3 in the final three games of the chapter.
4 ... Nf6
Later in the chapter we look at 4 ... Nd6.
5 e4
Question: Isn’t this a Blackmar-Diemer Gambit?

Answer: We enter the version you may want to play, since we are up a
full move (Bf4) over the normal BDG.

Question: What if playing this way isn’t my style?

Answer: You can always play the quieter 4 e3 line, which we look at later
in the chapter. Still, I encourage you to give this line a fair try. In such
favourable versions, the matter of one’s style is perhaps irrelevant.
Sometimes one should lay aside personal stylistic likes and dislikes, and
simply go with what may be the most favourable line. But saying this, I
sometimes chicken out and play 4 e3, even though I think 4 f3 is superior, if
the tournament situation requires caution.
5 ... dxe4
We look at the declined 5 ... e6 line later in the chapter.
Instead, 5 ... c5 6 Nc3 dxe4 7 d5 exf3 8 Nxf3 g6 9 Nb5! Na6 was
G.Hertneck-V.Gavrikov, German League 1993 (9 ... Nxd5?? hangs to 10
Qxd5!). At this point Houdini gives White a clear plus after 10 d6!.
6 Nc3
6 ... exf3!?
In the days of the great Romantics, the chivalric code dictated that the
defender was honour-bound to accept all sacs. Black opts for the bravest or
most foolhardy option. Black, clearly an optimist, thinks: “I will grab a pawn
against one of the greatest attacking players of all time, at the cost of
development. What could possibly go wrong?”

Question: Doesn’t Black nullify White’s development lead by declining

with 6 ... e3?

Answer: It is certainly a safer route and I think possibly Black’s best.

White loses his extra tempo if he captures e3 with his bishop: 7 Bxe3 (7
Qd3!? is an attempt to remain up a tempo: 7 ... e6 8 Qxe3 Be7 9 0-0-0 0-0 10
Kb1 and White is ready for g4 and h4 in this sharp, opposite wing attacks
position, J.Benjamin-A.Yermolinsky, Modesto 1995) 7 ... e6 8 Nge2 Nbd7 9
Ng3 Be7 10 Qd3!? 0-0 11 0-0-0 a6 12 Nge4 Nd5 13 h4 was V.Milov-
B.Gelfand, Biel 1995. The position resembles the Burn Variation of the
French Defence. I still like White’s chances and if a GM is willing to try this
line on Gelfand, it is a powerful testimonial to its inherent soundness.
Black can also try:
a) 6 ... Bf5 7 fxe4 Nxe4 (or 7 ... Bxe4 8 Nxe4 Nxe4 9 Qf3!?, which is the
nuclear option, offering a second pawn; after 9 ... Qxd4 10 Rd1 Qa4 11 Bd3
Nc5 12 Ne2!? – Hodgson isn’t interested in c7 and continues to increase
development lead – 12 ... Nbd7 13 0-0 Nxd3 14 Rxd3 White’s massive
development lead easily compensates for two pawns, J.Hodgson-A.Kalka,
German League 1994) 8 Qf3 Nxc3 9 bxc3 Qc8 10 Bc4 e6 was P.Cech-
E.Pinter, Czech League 2009. White gets ample attacking chances for the
pawn after 11 Ne2 Nd7 12 0-0.
b) 6 ... Nd5 (Black returns the pawn in this line) 7 Nxd5 Qxd5 8 Bxc7
Nc6 9 c3 Bf5 10 Be2 e5 11 Bxe5 Nxe5 12 dxe5 Qxe5 13 Qa4+ Bd7 14 Qxe4
Qxe4 15 fxe4 when Black’s bishop-pair and control over the dark squares
may compensate for the pawn. Still, queens are off the board and a pawn is a
pawn, R.Djurhuus-F.Elsness, Gausdal 1995.
7 Nxf3

Here we are: the BDG, a full move up for White.

7 ... Bg4
a) 7 ... e6 8 Bc4 c6 9 Qe2 Nbd7 10 0-0-0 Nb6 (ensuring that White will
never be allowed the thematic d5 break) 11 d5! (hey, I said “ensuring that
White will never ... “; oh, never mind) 11 ... Nbxd5 12 Bxd5 Nxd5 13 Rxd5!
cxd5 14 Nb5 and Black found himself in deep trouble in V.Jansa-G.Sosonko,
Amsterdam 1975.
b) 7 ... c6 8 Bc4 Bf5 (transposes to variation ‘a’) 9 0-0 e6 10 Ne5 (the set-
up 10 Qe2 Nbd7 11 Rad1 is also possible) 10 ... Be7? (Black should try 10 ...
Nbd7 11 Bd3 Nxe5 12 Bxe5 Bg6 13 Qf3) 11 Nxf7! Kxf7 12 Bxb8 Bxc2 (12
... Rxb8 13 Rxf5 is also terrible for Black) 13 Qe2! Rxb8 14 Bxe6+ Kf8 15
Qxc2 and Black is obviously busted, with his king trapped in the centre,
A.Almeida Saenz-S.Colli Lopez, Aguascalientes 2008.
c) 7 ... Bf5 8 Bc4 e6 9 Qe2 Bb4 10 0-0-0! Bxc3 11 bxc3 0-0 12 Ne5 Nd5
13 Bd2 Nd7 14 g4 Nxe5 15 dxe5 Bg6 16 h4 and White’s attack looks
exceedingly dangerous, C.Coco-H.Krueger, correspondence 1996.
d) Next game we look at 7 ... g6.
8 h3 Bxf3
8 ... Bh5?! allows White free attacking pawn pushes: 9 g4 Bg6 10 Ne5
Nd5 (as in V.Milov-S.Battesti, Bastia 2004; Black also looks like he is in
deep trouble after 10 ... c6 11 h4 e6 12 h5 Be4 13 Nxe4 Nxe4 14 Qf3) 11
Bg2! c6 (11 ... e6 12 Nxd5 exd5 13 Qe2 Be7 14 0-0-0 0-0 15 Qb5 looks
awful too for Black), and now White should respond with 12 Nxg6 hxg6 13
Nxd5 cxd5 14 c4. Black is in deep trouble, chronically behind in
9 Qxf3 c6 10 0-0-0 e6 11 Bc4 Nbd7?
11 ... Be7 12 Kb1 0-0 (even on the seemingly impregnable kingside,
Black’s king will find life full of incident and stress) 13 h4 Nd5 14 Ne4 b5 15
Bd3 Nd7 16 Ng5 N7f6 17 Be5 a5 18 Rdf1 a4? (Black looks clearly slower
even after the superior 18 ... h6 19 g4) 19 Bxh7+! Nxh7 20 Qh5 and 1-0 was
a terrifying example of what can happen to Black in this line, S.B.Hansen-
H.Olafsson, Reykjavik 1995.
Exercise (combination alert/planning): With 11 ... Nbd7 Black
committed the original sin, dating back to Morphy’s time:
don’t fall behind in development (especially against a world champion).
How did Kasparov destroy Black’s illusion of solidity in this position?

Answer: Principles: open the position and create confrontation when

(massively) leading in development. An avalanche of white attackers pours
12 d5!
Opposing forces dove-tail into one another, with d5 as ground zero.
12 ... cxd5 13 Nxd5 Nxd5?
13 ... exd5! was Black’s best hope: 14 Rhe1+ Be7 15 Bd6 (that extra
tempo sure comes in handy in the BDG) 15 ... dxc4! (after 15 ... 0-0 16 Bxe7
Qc7 17 Bxd5! is even stronger than taking on f8; 17 ... Ne5 18 Rxe5! Qxe5
19 Bxb7 Qxe7 20 Bxa8 leaves White up a clean pawn) 16 Bxe7 Qxe7 17
Qxb7 with clear advantage to White, but Black still hangs in there, unlike in
the game continuation.
14 Bxd5 a5?
Black’s pieces begin to scatter in all directions, like an audience emerging
from a movie theatre. 14 ... exd5 15 Rhe1+ Be7 16 Bd6 Ne5 17 Bxe5 0-0 18
Rxd5 Bg5+ 19 Kb1 Qb6 20 Bxg7 is obviously hopeless for Black, but still
infinitely superior to the game’s continuation.
15 Bxb7 Ra7

Exercise (combination alert): Long queues of agitated attackers form

Black’s king, each anxious to take his shot. Sprawlingly dysfunctional
black defenders do little more than exist, like unfortunate starfish washed
on the beach. Continue White’s attack in the most efficient manner.

Answer: Pin/mating net.

16 Rxd7! Qf6
Desertions can be a growing issue for a general leading an army in a
losing campaign.
16 ... Kxd7 17 Qc6+ Ke7 18 Qc5+ Ke8 (18 ... Kf6 19 Qg5 Mate!) 19
Qxa7 doesn’t look so healthy for Black, while 16 ... Qxd7 17 Bc6 wins on the
17 Rhd1 Be7 18 Rxe7+! Qxe7
Or 18 ... Kxe7 19 Bd6+ Kd8 20 Bc5+ Kc7 21 Qc6+ Kb8 22 Bd6 mate.
19 Qc6+ Kf8

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s dejected troops sit around

the encampment, sick, exhausted and hungry. To make matters
worse, it begins to rain. White to play and force mate in three moves.

20 Bd6
Oops, this forces mate in eight. Kasparov, burdened with multiple simul
games, misses:
Answer: 20 Qc8+! Qe8 21 Bd6+ Kg8 22 Qxe8 is mate.
20 ... g6 21 Bxe7+ Kxe7
“My dear friend, justice should be tempered with mercy and gentle
tolerance,” bleats the black king to White’s queen.
22 Qc5+ Kf6
Exercise (combination alert): The hurricane has yet to expend itself. Of
White can play the no-brainer rook grab on a7. But mate is so much better

23 Qxa7
The simul move: take whatever is hanging and move on to the next board.
Answer: White forces a quick mate with 23 Rf1+! Kg7 24 Qe5+ (the
stoic queen receives the enraged black king’s outpouring harangue in the
manner of a nurse absorbing a dementia patient’s angry outflow of complaint
each day) 24 ... Kg8 25 Rd1.
23 ... Rf8
Black interprets the position with a mind unclouded by orthodoxy’s
doctrine and refuses to resign, clinging to survival with leach-like
persistence. Endless, unfruitful defence is a spirit-clogging experience (I
mean for the winning side), which all of us endured. In this instance, Black
takes it to entirely new levels.
Back in the mid 1990’s I taught a student named Alina, rated at about
1650, who was also in her mid 90’s (she lived to the age of 103, which is
GM-strength longevity genetics). I was paired with her in the first round of a
local weekend tournament and didn’t want to consume a lot of energy. So, I
went for a quick kill with 1 e4 e5 2 f4!, King’s Gambiting her. After 15
moves she was down a rook with queens off the board, but she wouldn’t
resign and ate up all her time.
We reached move 40 (at this point she was down something like -35.00
according to Fritz), and then got an extra hour on her clock, which she also
used up. Alina’s bottomless will to play on was monotony, taking physical
form before my bewildered, swimming eyes. After the game, with agitation
sprouting like wild mushrooms, I demanded an answer from her in my most
righteously indignant tone: “Alina, why in God’s name didn’t you resign
when you lost a full rook to a player who outrates you by almost 1,000 rating
points?” She answered: “I paid good money for my entry fee and wanted to
get my money’s worth. See you on Thursday for our next lesson.”
24 Qd4+ e5 25 Qd6+ Kg7 26 Qxe5+ Kg8 27 Qf6 h5 28 Bd5 Kh7 29
Bxf7 1-0
Three ‘yeas’ and two ‘nays’ in favour of carrying out the black king’s
pending execution: The motion is carried. Meeting adjourned. Well, at least
he didn’t play on until mate, the way Alina did.

Summary: Don’t be afraid of the BDG if our side gets an extra move.

Game 11
Bern 1994

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 d5 4 f3 Nf6 5 e4 dxe4 6 Nc3 exf3

Criminals tend to feel remorse, not for the commission of the crime itself,
but in the bungling of its perpetration. Once again Black attempts a
dangerous smash and grab, entering the BDG a move down.
7 Nxf3 g6
The ... g6 line is considered to be one of Black’s best options versus the
normal Blackmar-Diemer Gambit. In this case Black’s position faces a much
sterner test, a full move down over normal BDG lines.

Question: Why is the ... g6 line considered one of Black’s optimal lines
versus BDG?

Answer: A couple of reasons:

1. Lines taking aim at h7 don’t work out as well for White since a bishop
posted on d3 hits a wall on g6.
2. Black’s bishop tends to provide greater coverage for Black’s king than
on e7.
8 Bc4
The f7-square is the logical target for White, who can pile up on it with
Bc4, Ne5 or Ng5, and with major pieces loaded up on the open f-file.
8 ... Bg7 9 Qe2
Hodgson prefers to keep watch over e5, rather than go 9 Qd2, which
challenges the fianchettoed bishop from h6: 9 ... 0-0 10 0-0-0 Bg4 11 Rhf1
Nbd7 12 Bh6 Nb6 13 Bb3 c6 14 Rde1 Nbd5 (I would reduce attackers by
chopping on f3) 15 Ne5 Nxc3 16 bxc3! (16 Bxg7 Nxa2+ picks off a second
pawn) 16 ... Bc8 17 g4 (going after the tender f7-square) 17 ... Nd5 18 Rf3
f6?! (Houdini suggests the defence 18 ... Bxe5 19 Rxe5 Bxg4 20 Rg3 Qd7 21
Bxf8, rating the position at dead even) 19 Rh3 g5? (Black’s last chance to
remain in the game was with 19 ... Bh8 20 Bxf8 Qxf8 21 c4 Nc7 22 Nd3
Bxg4 23 Rg3, although even here, White stands well, with attacking chances)
20 Qd3! f5 21 Bxg5 and White had a winning attack, P.Zielinski-S.Macak,
Presov 2004.
9 ... 0-0 10 0-0-0 c6
Also after 10 ... Bg4 11 h3 Bxf3 12 Qxf3 Nc6 13 d5 Na5 14 Be2 (threat:
b4) 14 ... b6 15 g4 Nb7 16 h4 Nd6 17 h5 White is the one doing all the
attacking, G.Benedetto-B.Belokopyt, correspondence 1996.
11 d5!

The same principle as in our last game: open the position and cultivate
confrontation when leading in development.
11 ... cxd5
After this move Black’s queen get harassed, but 11 ... Qe8!? 12 Rhe1
isn’t very tempting for Black either.
12 Nxd5 Nxd5 13 Rxd5 Qb6
With hindsight, Black has a better shot with the counterintuitive self-
pinning 13 ... Nd7! 14 Rhd1 e6 15 Rd6 Qf6 16 R6d4 (White threatens Bg5,
followed by Rxd7) 16 ... Qf5 17 g4! Qxg4 18 Be5 Nxe5 (forced- 19 Rxg4
Nxg4 when he obtains rook, bishop and two pawns for the queen – a fair
trade. His king looks safe enough, but he still experiences difficulty
developing his queenside. Houdini rates it at even.
14 Rb5!
Hodgson violates the principle: don’t bring your rook out in a crowded
middlegame. This is an exception since Black’s queen finds herself
uncomfortable, even on an open board.
14 ... Qc6
14 ... Qf6? walks into 15 Bg5, winning e7.
15 Ne5 Qe8
Black’s queen, a Rembrandt forced to paint houses for a living, feels
overworked and underused. I don’t think Black can afford to hand over his
dark-squared bishop for the e5-knight.
16 h4!

It becomes obvious that White’s massive development lead and upcoming

kingside attacking chances easily outweigh Black’s extra pawn.
16 ... Nc6
a) 16 ... a6 17 Rb3 Nc6 18 h5! Nd4 19 Qe3 Nxb3+ 20 Bxb3 leaves White
with a winning attack, despite Black’s extra exchange and pawn.
b) 16 ... h5?? walks into 17 Nxg6. Such a tactic is by now so common and
so hackneyed, that it really doesn’t warrant an exclam.
17 h5 g5?
Sometimes we just can’t say no to an ill-advised, impractical idea if it
catches our fancy. Black, clearly in acute discomfort, hopes this idea contains
the germ of something, anything, which permits renewal of counterplay. So
he places groundless aspiration on a scheme with which his king derives not
an iota of assistance. Imagination boggles with an open mouth at the
monumental defensive difficulties which lie ahead for Black.
This move feels too desperate and is perhaps an overreaction. I have
observed a subtle life principle, perhaps an offshoot of Murphy’s law, which
states: You only get things exactly when you don’t need them. Case in point:
when I don’t need a cab, at least three or four pass me by per minute.
Conversely, if I am desperately late to the airport to catch a flight, the cab
supply mysteriously shrivels to zero per minute. In just the same way,
Panchenko desperately needs a viable defensive plan, when none exists.
Black probably felt that the repair of his position was not a matter he
should leave to time, which was most certainly not on his side, with a prosaic
line like 17 ... e6 18 Qe3 b6 19 Kb1 Nxe5 20 Bxe5 Bxe5 21 Rxe5. I hate
Black’s position even here, but his chances to save the game are much better
than in the game continuation.
18 Nxc6 Qxc6
18 ... Bf6 19 Ne5 gxf4 20 Qe4 threatening Bd3 is also crushing.
19 Rxg5 Qf6
“We have been granted the great blessing of divine infallibility,” declares
Black’s queen who double attacks both f4 and b2. She soon begins to harbour
doubts about her theory, however, after White’s next move.
20 Qe5!
Interference. The quality and strain of the queen’s dark silences convey
sinister meaning to those around her. Hodgson makes good use of the pinned
g7-bishop, and Black’s pseudo-initiative unravels and diffuses in a single
20 ... h6

Question: Doesn’t 20 ... Kh8 short circuit White’s plan?

Answer: No. White responds with the countershot 21 h6! Qxe5 22 hxg7+
(a zwischenzug) 22 ... Qxg7 23 Rxg7 Kxg7 24 Bh6+ Kg8 25 Rh5!
(threatening a monster check on g5) 25 ... Rd8 26 Rg5+ Kh8 27 Bxf7 when
there is no defence to the coming mate on g7.
Exercise (combination alert): After 20 ... h6 White can simply
trade queens, with a superior ending. However, Hodgson
found something much stronger. What did he see?

Answer: Pin. An old grievance makes its tiresome return, as the pushy
rook continues to butt into everyone’s business.
21 Rg6! Qxg6
21 ... Qxe5?? 22 Bxe5 is an instant game-ender.
22 hxg6 Bxe5
Matters get rather awkward when opposing queens perish in the battle
and they inadvertently bump into one another in paradise.
23 Bxe5
Black, up a full exchange in the ending, is completely busted since
White’s attack rages on.
23 ... Be6 24 Rxh6
Threatening mate on the move. Black’s next move is forced.
24 ... f6 25 Bxe6+ Kg7
Double attack on h6 and e5.
26 Bf4
Double defence. White covers everything and Black’s rook is no match
for White’s bishops.
26 ... Rh8 27 Rxh8 Rxh8

Exercise (planning): Come up with a clear conversion plan for White.

Answer: Step 1: Let g6 go and utilize the queenside pawn majority.

28 c4!
Hodgson, oozing with philanthropic thoughts, wisely adds a pawn to his
charitable contributions. Much weaker is the line 28 Bf5? Rh1+ 29 Kd2 Rf1
30 g3 e5 31 Ke2 Rb1 32 Be3 Rxb2 33 Bxa7 Rxa2 when Black is still kicking.
28 ... Kxg6
Step 2: Freeze Black’s kingside pawn majority, rendering it worthless.
29 g4!
Hodgson’s conversion technique runs so smoothly that one gets the
impression that he conducts it an a blasé manner, almost as an afterthought.
His last move renders Black’s passed e-pawn, never much of a sprinter, into
the column of also-rans, well behind White’s surging queenside majority.
Also, White’s bishops continue to toil, side by side, to prevent Black king
29 ... Rh3 30 Kd2 a5 31 c5 a4 32 b4
The queenside majority slowly sifts and winds its way up the board.
32 ... axb3 33 axb3 1-0

Summary: The BDG ... g6 lines don’t fare as well when down a full move
against our souped-up Tromp, extra tempo version. This game is a model
example of how to attack in BDG style.

Game 12
Los Angeles (rapid) 2000

Question: Are you regifting this game, which appeared in your London

Answer: Well, yes. Having grown ever so much wiser over the last four
years, I decided to re-annotate the game from a Tromp perspective.
1 d4 Nf6

Question: How does the game position arrive from a London move

Answer: Like this: 1 ... d5 2 Bf4 c5 3 e4!? Nf6 4 e5 Nfd7 5 c3 Qb6 6 Qd2
e6 7 Be3 and we soon transpose to the game. Compare too the position we
get in the game to the French Tarrasch line 1 ... e6 2 e4 d5 3 Nd2 Nf6 4 e5
Nfd7 5 f4 c5 6 Ndf3 Nc6 7 c3 Qb6.
2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 d5 4 f3 Nf6 5 e4 e6
Black, not liking the look of a move-down Blackmar-Diemer Gambit,
declines and swerves the position in an odd, French-like situation.
6 e5
White scores a robust 63.5% from this position, according to my

Question: Can White retain the central tension?

Answer: White can, but then loses the central-supporting c3 option.

White tends to score better with 6 e5, as played in the game.
After 6 Nc3 Bb4 (now we get Winawer-like positions) 7 e5 Nfd7 8 a3
Bxc3+ 9 bxc3 c5 10 Be3 Qa5 11 Bd2 Qa4 12 Qb1 Nc6 13 Bb5 Qa5 14 Ne2
a6 15 Bxc6 bxc6 we have a tale of two colours. Black is weak on the dark,
and White weak on the light squares. Houdini rates at even. My French
intuition warns me that Black got the better of the bargain in P.Ponkratov-
N.Matinian, Uljanovsk 2012.
6 ... Nfd7
Question: Isn’t this a French from hell for White? Black’s
position looks like a normal Classical French, but White’s
looks silly, with a redundant f3 and a misaligned f4-bishop.

Answer: It does, indeed, appear that way, but games by top GMs taking
on White have convinced me otherwise and I’m not even convinced Black
can equalize. I actually argue that White gets a favourable French here. The
x-factor: White hasn’t played Nc3, which always allows Black the
undermining ... c5 and ... cxd4 in Classical French lines. In the case of our
Trompowsky version, we get to play c3, backing up our gargantuan centre.
Also, since White is up a tempo, our Be3 doesn’t constitute a loss of time.
Take a close look at this game and the next, and see if you still like Black
after about 15 moves into the game.
7 Be3 c5 8 c3 Qb6
I also faced 8 ... Nc6 9 f4 cxd4 10 cxd4 Qa5+ 11 Nd2 Bb4?! (a bad idea;
Black either wastes time after a future a3, or else hands White his good
bishop and control over the dark squares; however, 11 ... Qb4 12 Rb1 Nxd4
is met with 13 a3 Qb6 14 Kf2! f6 15 exf6 gxf6 16 Qh5+ Kd8 17 Ngf3 e5 18
g3! Be7 19 Bxd4 exd4 20 Qxd5 when Black is down a pawn and busted) 12
Ngf3 0-0 13 Bd3 f5 14 Rg1 (no need to castle; White plans to attack with g4
next) 14 ... Bxd2+?! 15 Bxd2 Qb6 16 Bc3 with a clear advantage to White
who owns extra space, the bishop-pair, dark-square control and has the
potential to attack down the g-file, C.Lakdawala-R.Aeria, San Diego 2004.
9 Qd2 f6
More normal is 9 ... Nc6 10 f4 a5, Black’s best scoring move in the
position (next game we look at 10 ... Be7). However, after 11 Nf3 a4 12 Be2
cxd4 13 cxd4 Bb4 14 Nc3 a3 15 b3 (the pin looks scary, but it is really just an
empty threat, as Kasparov too demonstrates in the next game) 15 ... 0-0 16
Rc1 Re8 17 0-0 Nf8 18 Bd3 Bd7 19 Qf2 Rac8 20 Na4 Qa5 21 Nc5 Bxc5 22
Rxc5 Black was strategically busted with weak dark squares, a massive
kingside space disadvantage and a looming white kingside attack,
C.Lakdawala-A.Pixton, Internet (blitz) 2000.
10 f4 g5!?

One is reminded of the Geto Boys rap from the movie Office Space:
“Damn it feels good to be a gangsta!” Such high-stakes risk is rarely
rewarded without negative consequences towing along. I add though, any
form of attack – even one born of unprincipled abandon – must be treated
with respect by the defender. We arrive in one of those positions of unease,
for reasons we have trouble defining.
My decades long friend, the late GM Igor Ivanov considered your writer a
bit of a donkey in dynamic positions (possibly correctly so), so he follows his
complicate-against-the-tactically-blind-man philosophy and unleashes chaos.
I’m not sure who is undermining whom here. This is exceedingly dangerous
for Black, since he has the potential to fall behind in development from his
cramped position.
I expected a quieter line like 10 ... Nc6 11 Nf3 Be7 12 Be2 0-0 13 0-0 a6
14 Na3 where I felt White still retained an edge.
11 Nf3
When in doubt, develop, but this is not White’s best option:
a) 11 fxg5?! fxe5 12 dxe5 Nxe5 when Black already stands better, having
wiped out my proud centre.
b) I strongly considered 11 exf6 gxf4 12 f7+ (this zwischenzug disrupts
and ensures that Black’s king can’t castle away to the queenside) 12 ... Kxf7
13 Bxf4 Nc6 14 Nf3. White looks better since he plans the simple Be2 and 0-
0, with the safer king.

Question: Why would you reject this line?

Answer: I was obsessed with maintaining a huge centre. With hindsight I

like this path better for White.
11 ... g4!?
Igor is intent on mucking the game up. I like Black’s position after the
simple 11 ... gxf4! 12 Bxf4 fxe5 13 Nxe5 Bg7 14 Be2 0-0 when Black
achieved his aim of dismantling White’s central dominance.
12 Nh4
Question: Didn’t you say “A knight on the rim is grim?”.

Answer: Well, yes, but I had to stomach it. I just didn’t like the look of 12
Ng1 and would rather take the knight on the rim than undevelop.
12 ... Nc6 13 Be2 fxe5!?
Black may be overplaying his hand, assuming too much that opening the
position favours his side. He should consider locking it up a bit with 13 ...
f5!? 14 h3 h5 15 Ng6 cxd4! (15 ... Rg8? 16 Nxf8 Rxf8 17 hxg4 hxg4 18 dxc5
gives White a winning position) 16 cxd4 Bb4 17 Nc3 Rg8 18 hxg4! hxg4 (18
... Rxg6?! 19 gxf5 looks terrible for Black) 19 Rh6 Kf7 20 Nh4 when I feel
that White still retains a strategic edge.
14 fxe5 cxd4 15 cxd4
I felt I stood clearly better here.
15 ... Ndxe5!?
A new crime must be committed to suppress the old. It’s a trying
experience to face an opponent who constantly jolts your psyche with endless
unpredictability. I overlooked this tactical idea, but Black’s new-found
freedom has been won at great cost and the position still favours White, no
matter how I play it.
16 0-0!
Simply increasing development lead. Igor expected 16 dxe5 d4 17 Bf2
Bb4 18 Nc3 Qc5 19 0-0 Qxe5 20 Bxg4 0-0 21 Rac1 dxc3 22 bxc3 Bd6 with
immense complications.
16 ... Ng6!
Black is hopelessly behind in development and busted after 16 ... Nc4? 17
Bxc4 dxc4 18 Qf2! Qc7 19 Nc3.
17 Nxg6 hxg6 18 Nc3 Bd6 19 g3
I didn’t fear his attack down the h-file, due to the principle: the
development-down side shouldn’t launch an attack.
19 ... Bd7 20 Nb5
I didn’t want him to castle away after 20 Bxg4 0-0-0, although Houdini
still likes White here.
20 ... Bb8?
I don’t understand Igor’s abstract desire to go after White’s king (well,
yes, I do, since Igor gauged extravagant value on a pure attack since he saw
that I was his opponent), when his own house is in such disarray. When
clocks begin to run low, abstract impressions and half-baked schemes crowd
out our bewildered consciousness’ ability to properly assimilate the data.
Black mistakenly continues to play for mate and pays a heavy price.
Retribution directed against the wrong target never fails to create headaches.
Two examples:
1. When I was eight years old, I bunged a snowball at the inviting target
of my neighbour Francois’ fat head, inadvertently clobbering his mother, who
lurked just behind him.
2. George W. Bush invaded Iraq as payback for the 911 attack.
Black can’t afford to contort like this. Now he never gets the chance to
castle long. He had to try 20 ... Bb4. At times, the only logical avenue open is
a dignified reappraisal of intent. I still, though, like White’s odds after 21
Qd3 0-0-0 22 a3 Bf8 23 b4.
21 a4!
The push of the a-pawn heavily disrupts Black’s plans of eventually
castling long.
21 ... a6
21 ... a5 22 Bxg4 and Black’s king is hopelessly stranded in the middle.
22 a5! Qd8
22 ... Nxa5?? hangs a piece to 23 Rxa5 when b5 doesn’t fall.
23 Bg5 Ne7
23 ... Qc8 24 Bd3 Ne7 25 Bxe7 is also hopeless.
24 Nc3 Bd6 25 Bf6 Rh7 26 Qg5
Targeting g6.
26 ... Rh5
26 ... Qc7 27 Bxe7 Rxe7 28 Qxg6+ Kd8 29 Rf8+ Be8 30 Bxg4 Bxg3 31
hxg3 Qxg3+ 32 Kf1 Kc7 33 Qf6 Rh7 34 Nxd5+! forces mate.

Exercise (combination alert): The tactless h5-rook smites White’s

queen between her shoulder blades with a congratulatory slap.
Your not-so-gifted writer is presented with a stroke of good fortune
which exceeds even his wildest dreams. White to play and win.

27 Qxg4?!
Even the hero of a story may have her off days. This wins, but much
stronger was:
Answer: The queen sacrifice 27 Bg7! when Black has no reasonable
defence to the f8-threat. Why is it that we are so wise after the fact and so
utterly dumbfounded before the event? Such is the nature of our mistakes in
life and also over the chessboard.
27 ... e5
Black can avoid the coming combination with 27 ... Rf5, but is still
busted after 28 Bd3.

Exercise (combination alert): The most painful, unpardonable injury one

inflict upon White’s queen is to her vanity. This is the second time she
gets buffeted
about and she has had enough. Okay, let’s try it again: White to play and

Answer: 28 Qxh5!
Hooray! Shower the board with gold coins! This move is clear proof of
the theory that if you place a monkey at a keyboard and allow him to peck
away an infinite number of words, he eventually types in the complete works
of Jane Austin.
To witness his half-wit sister bestowed with honours and praise
exasperates Black’s king beyond his measure of tolerance. For a technical
endings player like me, who normally only wins 98-move games by a single
tempo, such a sacrifice looks so achingly beautiful that I weep as I write these
words. White’s queen glances in admiration at her latest acquisition: Black’s
unfortunate king.
28 ... gxh5 29 Bxh5+
White’s queen can’t do the job by herself, so she sends the bishop to
murder Black’s king by proxy.
29 ... Kf8 30 Bxe7+! Kxe7
30 ... Kg8 (not all captains decide to go down with their sinking ship;
Black’s king decides to join the others in an already overcrowded lifeboat) 31
Bxd8 Rxd8 isn’t much of a save, since it leaves Black down a rook.
31 Nxd5+ 1-0
Igor smiled, pointed to the f7-square and offered his hand in resignation.
31 ... Ke6 32 Bf7 is mate. The old priest likes to give his blessings with a
crowbar. “I realize that you are in great pain,” he lectures the king, adding:
“but please understand that your suffering is merely a reflection of your own
past sins.”

Summary: Don’t be afraid to enter the French-like 6 ... e6 7 e5 line, after

which it isn’t so easy for Black to deal with his or her massive space deficit.

Game 13
Lisbon (simul) 1999

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5
Apparently the Tromp is a major simul weapon for Kasparov.
2 ... Ne4 3 Bf4 e6
Be aware that we can transpose to last game’s position from this move
order as well. Our normal order is 3 ... d5 4 f3 Nf6 5 e4 e6 6 e5.
4 f3 Nf6
We covered 4 ... Bd6 in the notes to the first game of Chapter One.
5 e4
5 ... d5

Question: Can Black transpose to a Chapter One-type position with 5 ...

c5 6 d5 exd5 7 exd5 Qb6?

Answer: There is no reason for us to play the retro Bc1 this time. We can
offer the b-pawn with 8 Na3!, which is even more powerful than
development to c3, which also favours White. We menace both Nb5 and Nc4.
Now if Black goes for it with 8 ... Qxb2 White takes over a powerful
initiative, starting with 9 Nb5 Na6 (9 ... Nxd5 10 Qxd5! Qxa1+ 11 Kf2 Na6
12 Bc4 Qf6 13 Nh3 Be7 14 Nd6+ Kf8 15 Bxa6 wins) 10 Qe2+! Kd8 11 Be5
Qb4+ 12 c3 Qh4+ 13 g3 Qh5 14 d6 Ne8 15 0-0-0. Although Black is up a
pawn, his entire army looks paralyzed in perpetual stasis.
6 e5 Nfd7 7 Be3
We transpose back to the last game’s position.
7 ... c5 8 c3 Nc6 9 f4 Qb6 10 Qd2 Be7
Black sensibly develops.
11 Nf3 0-0
12 Be2

Question: Why not develop the bishop to the more aggressive posting on

Answer: That is the move I would play. Perhaps Kasparov was concerned
about a ... cxd4 and ... Nb4 counter. 12 Bd3 cxd4 13 cxd4 Qa5 (13 ... Nb4
doesn’t seem so scary for White, who can simply back off with 14 Be2) 14
Nc3 b6 (preparing to swap away the bad French bishop via a6) 15 Rc1 Ba6
16 0-0 Bxd3 17 Qxd3 Rac8 (17 ... f5 18 exf6 Rxf6 19 a3 looks favourable for
White as well) 18 f5 Nb4 19 Qb1 Qa6 (White quickly builds up a winning
attack after 19 ... exf5 20 Qxf5 Nb8 21 e6 f6 22 a3 N4c6 23 Nh4 Rcd8 24
Qg4 Kh8 25 Nf5 g6 26 Bh6 Rfe8 27 Nxe7 Rxe7 28 Rxf6 and Black is
crushed) 20 Rcd1 Nc6 was V.Milo-L.Sandler, Suncoast 1999. Now 21 f6!
looks like a promising pawn sac: 21 ... gxf6 22 exf6 Bxf6 23 Bh6 and Black’s
king is in grave danger.
12 ... cxd4

Question: Shouldn’t Black be tossing in 12 ... f6?

Answer: I still like White’s chances after 13 0-0 Qa5 14 a3 fxe5 15 fxe5
cxd4 16 cxd4 Qxd2 17 Nbxd2. Black may have removed the queens from the
board, but hasn’t quite reached the level of full equality, due to White’s
nagging space advantage.
13 cxd4 Na5
Provoking White’s next move, which weakens him on the dark squares.
14 b3!

Question: Isn’t White concerned about ... Bb4?

Answer: If you go back to the last game and take a look at my game in
the notes against Pixton, we see that Black can’t make tangible gains with the
14 ... Nb8?!
A move suffused with idealism, rather than practicality. Black contorts in
the hopes of unravelling his queenside, wandering the periphery of the real
issue: his king’s safety or lack of it. Alternatives were:
a) 14 ... Bb4 15 Nc3 and then what? Black has no good way to exploit the
pin. Meanwhile, White continues to build for a kingside attack.
b) I would toss in 14 ... f5! which makes Black’s king a lot safer.

Question: How would White continue in that case?

Answer: Something like this: 15 Nc3 Nb8 16 Na4 Qd8 17 Qb2! (seizing
control over a3 and thereby preventing ... Ba3 shenanigans) 17 ... b6 18 Bd2
Ba6 (Black feels the squeeze after 18 ... Nac6 19 b4!) 19 Bxa5 bxa5 20 Bxa6
Nxa6 21 0-0 Rc8 22 Rac1 when White retains a slight edge due to his extra
15 Nc3 Bd7
15 ... f5 isn’t so effective if a black knight is unable to recapture on f6: 16
exf6 Rxf6 17 0-0. Black suffers strategically, due to the e5 hole and the
backward e6-pawn.
16 0-0 Na6 17 f5! Rac8?
Black had to try 17 ... Bb4 18 f6 Rfc8 (the correct rook: f8 must be kept
clear for the dark-squared bishop) 19 Rac1 g6 with at least some hope of
surviving White’s coming kingside onslaught.

Exercise (planning): If you are going to start an argument, then choose

time wisely. Black’s attempt at queenside confrontation couldn’t have
come at
a more mistimed moment, and reminds us of the officer who requested
for a raise in pay during the retreat from Moscow. Black’s last move gave
an opportunity to launch a devastating attack. What would you play here?

Answer: Demolition of the king’s position. Offer a pawn to pry open the
kingside. In such situations confrontation becomes the much needed drug for
the attacker’s side.
18 f6! Bb4
Black bleeds time and money on maintenance of his queenside concern,
which should be dissolved as painlessly as possible to see to the needs of his
king. This looks scary, but soon the volume of Black’s queenside threats
gradually diminish, until they reach zero. However, if 18 ... gxf6 19 exf6
Bxf6 (19 ... Bb4?? 20 Bh6 forces mate) 20 Ne5! (both f6 and d7 hang;
Black’s next move is forced) 20 ... Bxe5 21 dxe5 Qb4 22 Bh6 when Black’s
king has no chance of survival.
19 Rac1?
Kasparov misses a quick crush with 19 fxg7! Rfd8 (19 ... Bxc3 20
gxf8Q+ Kxf8 21 Bh6+ Ke8 22 Qg5 is slaughter) 20 Ng5! Rxc3 21 Bh5! Be8
22 Qf2 Qc7 23 Qh4! h6 24 Bxf7+ forcing mate. We must remember that this
is a simul game and White, in a sense is merely a facsimile Kasparov, who
frantically divides his brain-power to 25 or so other boards.
19 ... Qc7?
If 19 ... g6 20 Bf2 Rfd8 21 Ng5 (intending Qe3 and Qh3) 21 ... Bf8 22
Exercise (combination alert): The hanging
c3-knight is irrelevant. White to play and force the win.

20 Bf2
White touches upon the chord, but misses the combination’s full pattern.
Black’s structure is clearly susceptible to further degradation on the dark
squares. White’s bishop removes the camouflage, revealing true intent: Qg5,
which if allowed, forces mate. There is a fine distinction between making a
threat and actually taking action. Much stronger was:
Answer: 20 Bh6! (after the general plan is formulated, the ironing out of
details is never inconsequential) 20 ... g6 21 Bxf8 Bxf8 (this unfortunate
unpin is forced, since Black must cover against Qh6) 22 Nxd5 Qd8 23 Ne7+
Bxe7 24 fxe7 Qb6 25 Rxc8+ Bxc8 26 Qh6 mates.
20 ... h6 21 Qf4!
The queen approaches with sinister calm. So far her contribution to the
overall discussion hasn’t been much, but now her reticence is about to
change. For the first time in the game, Black’s king is reminded of the
queen’s existence, and she has the feeling he won’t soon forget her. Also
crushing is 21 fxg7 Kxg7 22 Bh4.
21 ... Qd8
If you spitefully toss a person into a body of water and then, thinking
better of it, rescue the person from drowning, this doesn’t make you a hero.
This is exactly what happened in this game to Black’s king. Black’s future
appears as endless grey, devoid of joy of any kind. Black philosophizes: it’s a
tough juggle to turn tail and run, and at the same time, keep one’s dignity
intact. But if there is a trade-off between loss of dignity and survival, we
should take survival every time. In this case, however, it’s too late for
Black’s king, who is beyond all saving.
Instead, 21 ... Bxc3 22 fxg7 Kxg7 23 Be3 Rh8 24 Qf6+ Kg8 25 Ng5 Bc6
26 Bh5! mates.
22 Qg3 g6 23 Qf4
Black’s king just can’t seem to rid himself of the hospitable queen’s
tiresome society.
23 ... Re8
23 ... Kh7 24 Be3 forces mate.
24 Qxh6 Bf8 25 Qh4

The embarrassed black king stammers incoherently at the queen’s

monstrous imputation: he will soon be mated. “Can we not let bygones be
bygones?” he asks the queen. Unfortunately, from her hateful expression, he
surmises her answer: “No!”. The threat is Ng5, to which there is no defence.
Black’s king reacts to the queen’s advances in much the same way I did at
age six, after being kissed repeatedly by a giant, great aunt. My cheeks twitch
involuntarily to this very day, in recollection of those wet, puffy lips.
25 ... Bg7 26 Ng5 1-0

Summary: White’s space advantage in this French-like declined line can

easily morph into a deadly kingside assault.

Game 14
Corinth 2000

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 d5 4 f3 Nd6

Question: Why would Black choose d6 over the more natural f6 retreat?

Answer: Black, as in the last two games of the chapter, plans to decline
the tempo-down Blackmar-Diemer Gambit. Which means we enter another
hybrid, French-like position. When White engineers e4 and e5, Black’s
knight heads for f5, rather than d7, which we saw in the last two games. I’m
not sure if this line is better or worse than the f6 alternative and I think it just
may be a matter of taste.
5 Nc3 c6
5 ... e6 6 e4 c6 transposes to our next game.
6 e4 dxe4?!
Black, seeking some freedom, agrees to a high cost by allowing White
central dominance. Next game we look at the superior line 6 ... e6.
7 fxe4 Qb6

Black banked on this disruptive move to justify his abandonment of

central control.
8 b3
A new move, and more logical than 8 Rb1, as in R.Wilczek-U.Reinartz,
Leverkusen 1998, since with b3, White can later try and build with c4.

Question: Can White offer a pawn with 8 Qd2?

Answer: No one has ever been brave enough to try it, but it looks logical
to me. White gets tons of compensation after 8 ... Qxb2 9 Rb1 Qa3 10 Nf3
with a massive development lead. Look, if your normally chicken-hearted
writer is willing to sacrifice the pawn, then everyone should as well.
8 ... Qa5 9 Qd2 e6

Question: Since White weakened the dark squares with b3,

should Black fianchetto to take aim at the d4- and c3-squares?

Answer: It’s not very effective after 9 ... g6 10 Nf3 Bg7 11 e5! Nb5 (11
... Nf5 drops a piece to 12 g4) 12 Nxb5 Qxd2+ 13 Kxd2 cxb5 14 Bxb5+ with
a clean extra pawn in the ending, along with the superior position as well.
10 Bd3 Na6
Houdini suggests the odd unravelling scheme 10 ... f6 intending ... Nf7,
which looks awfully slow to me.
11 Nge2 Nb4
He gets the bishop-pair at the cost of falling even further behind in
12 0-0 Nxd3 13 Qxd3

13 ... Nb5

Question: Black goes for more swaps, at the cost of yet

more time. Isn’t it high time he developed with 13 ... Be7?

Answer: The trouble is your suggestion is met with 14 Qg3! with a

deadly double attack on d6 and g7.

Question: Fair enough. Then what about 13 ... Bd7 intending to castle

Answer: White responds with 14 e5 Nf5 (14 ... Nb5 15 Ne4, intending c4,
is even worse for Black) 15 g4!, and if 15 ... Nh4 16 Bg5 Ng6 17 Ne4. Now
if Black tries to castle queenside, starting with 17 ... h6, White crosses up the
intention with 18 Qf3!. White’s queen flashes a smile in the black king’s
direction with calculated insincerity. Sometimes good, old-fashioned
conniving beats hard work on the chessboard. After 18 ... hxg5 19 Qxf7+
Kd8 20 Qxg6 Black can resign.
14 Nxb5 Qxb5
14 ... cxb5 15 Bd2 Qb6 16 Qf3 also looks rough for Black, who is grossly
behind in development.
15 c4 Qh5 16 Be3
Even stronger is the entrenchment plan 16 c5! f6 17 Bd6.
16 ... f6
More non-development. This move substantiates Black’s misgivings
about his early decision to fall so far behind in development. Black probably
feared 16 ... Be7 17 Nf4.
17 Nf4 Qf7 18 e5
Principle: create confrontation when leading in development.
18 ... Be7 19 d5!
Same principle applied.
19 ... 0-0

Question: Isn’t Black playing curiously without ambition?

Shouldn’t he try something more active like 19 ... exd5?

Answer: Black is unlikely to survive 20 cxd5 fxe5 21 Ne6 (“Her ladyship

will be most displeased,” laments the c8-bishop at the knight’s intrusion into
the queen’s chambers) 21 ... Bf6 22 Qc4 Bxe6 23 dxe6 Qc7 24 Rad1 (threat:
Rd7) 24 ... Rd8 25 Bxa7.
20 d6
Clogging Black’s bishops and erecting a deeply entrenched passed d-
pawn, which soon induce Black’s forces into a near-cataleptic state. The last
few moves have proven to be strategically profitable for White.
20 ... Bd8
The long suffering bishop’s great curse is that his profession doesn’t
allow scope for malicious slander, which he would so dearly like to do this
moment in the direction of the d6-intruder.
21 g4!?
After winning a war, the victorious general must soothe the simmering
anger of the conquered populace, who may be easily incited into insurgency.
Such a move feels antithetical to White’s goal of consolidation. I don’t see
the necessity for this potentially weakening move. Why not just the
weakness-free 21 Bd4 with a crushing bind?
21 ... Bd7
Black decides to humour the outburst and ignore it. Black can’t develop
or survive after 21 ... fxe5 22 Nd5 exd5 (or 22 ... Qe8 23 Rxf8+ Qxf8 24 Rf1
Qe8 25 Nc7 Bxc7 26 dxc7) 23 Rxf7 Rxf7 24 cxd5 Bxg4 25 dxc6 bxc6 26
Rf1. The d6-pawn is too cramping and White’s queen has access to multiple
pawn targets.
22 h3 b6
22 ... fxe5? 23 Nxe6! Qxe6 24 Rxf8+ Kxf8 25 Qxh7 gives White a
winning attack.
23 c5 bxc5 24 Bxc5 f5
Equally depressing is 24 ... fxe5 25 Ng2 Qe8 26 Rxf8+ Qxf8 27 Rf1 Qe8
28 Ne3 Bf6 29 Nc4 a5 30 Qe4.
25 gxf5 Qxf5
Black labours strenuously to keep White’s ambitious forces at bay, and
the defence manages to pull itself together – just barely – through a painfully
laborious process. Black agrees to enter a wretched ending, since even worse
is 25 ... exf5 26 Rae1 Be6 27 d7 Be7 28 Nxe6 Qxe6 29 Bxe7 Qxe7 30 e6.
26 Qxf5 Rxf5 27 Nd3 Rg5+ 28 Kh2 Bb6 29 Rf4 Rd8 30 Re1 Rf8 31
Ref1 Rgf5 32 Rxf5 exf5
The trouble is now White gets a stranglehold with his two deep passers.
33 h4!
An alert move, preventing Black from easily rolling his majority with ...
33 ... Re8 34 Rf4 Be6

Exercise (planning): A casual glance at White’s passers tell

us he is winning. Come up with a clear consolidation plan.

Answer: Apply heat to b6, after which the defence collapses. The b6-
defender clearly overstayed his welcome.
35 Rb4!
Nothing passes by with the white rook’s knowledge. In his terrible realm,
he is the all-seeing creature with 100 eyes. Until now, the opposing bishops
were resolved and their opinions coincided, both thinking: “b6 is mine!”.
35 ... Bd8
The shamed bishop, by his abandonment of b6, leaves his brother in
charge by default. White responds to 35 ... Rb8 with 36 a4.
36 Rb8 Kf7 37 Rb7+ Kg6
Now Black’s king comes under fire as well, but 37 ... Kg8 38 d7 is
38 Nf4+
The knight waves a fluttery adieu to Black’s king, who is too busy
running to notice.
38 ... Kh6
Black’s king, now all alone, attempts to make himself as small as
possible. It does him no good, since white attackers know the location of his
hiding place.
39 Be3
With a deadly discovery threat. “I find your answers to my questions ...
unsatisfactory,” White’s bishop tells Black’s king, with a terrifyingly long
39 ... g5 40 Nxe6 Rxe6 41 Bxg5+ 1-0
Removing the final defender to promotion of his d6-pawn.

Summary: If Black is going to enter the 4 ... Nd6 line, he should avoid 6 ...
dxe4?! which hands White central dominance.

Game 15
Hafnarfjordur 1997

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 d5 4 f3 Nd6 5 Nc3 e6

Question: Does it make any difference if Black plays 5 ... c6 first?

Answer: No. After 6 e4 e6 we transpose. Instead, 6 ... dxe4?! 7 fxe4 Qb6

transposes to the last game.
6 e4 c6
Black erects a Caro-Kann-like wall and dares White to attain something
tangible with his space advantage.
7 Qd2

Question: Is there any difference between this move and 7 Bd3?

Answer: The latter move allows Black to go pawn hunting with 7 ... Qb6
8 Nge2 Qxb2 9 Rb1 Qa3 10 0-0, E.Bricard-L.Bergez, Paris 1998. There have
only been two tests of this position (White lost both!), but it feels to me like
White gets loads of compensation for the pawn. Obviously, more tests are
needed – maybe one of your games?
7 ... Nd7
The trouble with this move is Black condemns himself to a bad c8-
bishop. One other reason to play Qd2 before Bd3 is that if Black plays 7 ...
b6! intending ... Ba6, we can take on a6 in one tempo, rather than two. I think
this is still Black’s best plan in the position. M.Granados Gomez-E.Camps
Tarres, Sant Cebria 1998, continued 8 0-0-0! (logical, since a future ... b5
now comes with tempo loss for Black) 8 ... Be7 9 g4 Ba6 10 Bxd6 Qxd6 11
Kb1 (I would consider taking on a6, which may slightly displace Black’s
knight) 11 ... Bxf1 12 Rxf1 b5 13 e5 Qd7 14 Nge2 c5 15 dxc5 Bxc5 16 Nd4
b4 17 Nce2 0-0 18 f4 with a Classical French-like position which looks
difficult to assess – perhaps dynamically equal. Such a position requires
Stone Age logic: I will kill you before you kill me.
8 Bd3 Be7 9 Nge2 b5!
A new move, and a good one, with dual purpose:
1. Black pretty much puts an end to speculations about White castling
2. Black seizes valuable queenside space.
Instead, after the 9 ... Nc4 10 Bxc4 dxc4 of I.Argandona Riveiro-J.Diaz
Rodriguez, Burgos 2003, perhaps White can try 11 e5!? intending to occupy
e4 with a knight.
10 0-0
White can also toss in the immediate 10 b3.

10 ... Nb6

Question: What happens if Black enters c4?

Answer: It looks to me like White maintains a tiny edge after 10 ... Nc4
11 Qc1!? b4 12 Nd1 Qb6 13 Bxc4 dxc4 14 Ne3 Ba6 15 c3.
11 b3 0-0 12 e5
Battle lines are drawn and White prepares a kingside attack.
12 ... Nf5 13 g4
The logical follow-up. With the expansion, the slow trend of the game is
about to alter sharply, as White begins to express designs on his neighbours
to the South.
13 ... Nh4 14 Bg3 a5
Black intends to keep expanding on the queenside.
15 f4 g6?!
Civility is a much overvalued commodity in the midst of raging war.
Suddenly, this is getting scary for Black, since malevolent, amorphous shapes
twist and blur, just outside the black king’s range of vision. Still, this move
feels wrong and Black should have held back. Not only does Black’s last
move create kingside pawn weakness (to suppress f5), but he also leaves his
knight dangling on h4, without a retreat square. Now Black’s robust
counterattack unexpectedly contracts a serious illness.
I think he was better off leaving the kingside pawns alone and pressing on
with a central counter with 15 ... b4 16 Nd1 c5 17 f5 exf5 18 gxf5 (threat: f6)
18 ... Bg5 19 Bf4 Be7 (Black threatens both ... c4 and ... Nxf5) 20 Ne3 cxd4
21 Nxd4 Bc5 22 c3 Re8 with a completely unclear situation, which Houdini
rates as even. It’s 50-50 if White’s pawns are overextended or a potent
attacking force.
16 Kh1
Just in case he needs Rg1 later on.
16 ... Kg7
If 16 ... b4 17 Nd1 Bb7 18 f5 Bg5 19 Nf4 c5 20 f6 Nd7 21 Bxh4 Bxh4 22
17 Qe3 h6 18 Rg1 Nc4?
This move only helps White. Black remains in the game after 18 ... b4 19
Nd1 a4 20 Rb1.
19 bxc4 bxc4
Exercise (planning/combination alert): If you find the correct idea,
Black’s plans are thrown violently off track into a losing position.
So far, White’s pieces assumed the easy attitude of one lying in wait
for a target’s approach. Now it’s time to push White’s game from
the angry rhetoric stage to open violence. What would you play here?

Answer: 20 Bxh4!
Step 1: Lure Black’s bishop to h4.
20 ... Bxh4
Now comes Step 2: Entomb the h4-bishop, who is doomed to live out his
days in isolation.
21 g5!
Black’s incongruous bishop, much like the uncle who shows up at your
wedding wearing a Hawaiian shirt, looks totally out of his element on h4.
21 ... cxd3 22 cxd3 Rh8 23 Rg4!
Forcing Black to open the f-file.
23 ... hxg5 24 fxg5
There is no good defence to Qf4.
24 ... Rh5
24 ... Ba6 25 Qf4 Bxg5 26 Rxg5 Bxd3 was also hopeless for Black.
25 Nf4! Rh7
25 ... Rxg5 26 Rxh4 picks off the bishop.

Exercise (combination alert): White to play and win the h4-bishop.

Answer: Simply attack it more than it can be defended.

26 Ng2
The trapped bishop lies still as a carcass, hanging in a meat freezer in the
back of the butcher’s shop. Black, with a lump in his throat, can do nothing
but mutely watch White’s open thievery.
26 ... Qh8
Black’s queen rapidly loses all authority in her shrinking realm.
27 Qf4
“It is your prerogative: die quickly or die slowly. It depends on your
answer to my question,” White’s queen informs the bishop.
27 ... Bf2
Black’s bishop, with little hope of engineering a reconciliation with his
team-mates, decides to plot one final (and not so hard-to-see) cheapo.
28 Rf1 1-0
The speechless bishop is hard pressed to fit an adjective to the white
army’s rudeness. Certainly not 28 Qxf2?? (it was Zoloft-seeking King Lear
who lamented: “O, that way madness lies!”) 28 ... Rxh2+ 29 Kg1 Rh1 mate.
Such fairy tale endings happen so very rarely in real life – especially against a

Summary: The 4 ... Nd6, ... e6, ... c6 formation is in my opinion one of
Black’s best choices verses the BDG line. The positions are French-like and,
I believe, a better version for Black than the ... Nf6 BDG declined lines.

Game 16
San Diego (rapid) 2007

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 d5 4 e3

“Clearly the best choice for White,” writes Tromp expert IM Richard
Pert. White seeks a quieter game and refuses the f3 tempo gain.

Question: Have we transposed to a London System?

Answer: Not quite. If Black’s knight were on f6, then we would be in a

Question: Does Black’s knight on e4 constitute a plus or a minus for our

Answer: I think a plus, since we can play to undermine Black’s knight, or

later gain a tempo with f3, or create imbalance with a timely Bd3 and Bxe4,
depending on circumstances.
4 ... c5
In this chapter we concentrate on this, Black’s main move. Alternatives:
a) 4 ... e6 5 Bd3 (5 Nd2 may be too milquetoast to offer White an edge,
although after 5 ... b6?! 6 Nxe4 dxe4 7 Bb5+ c6 8 Ba4 White leads in
development and has the superior structure, C.Lakdawala-D.Arutyunov 2010;
however, I doubt that White can make anything of his slight development
lead after the simple 5 ... Nxd2 6 Qxd2 Bd6 7 Bd3) 5 ... Bd6 and now:

a1) 6 Ne2 was given an exclam by GM Peter Wells, and is also Pert’s
choice. However, I think White’s best shot is with the move I played,
chopping on e4. I may be wrong, but the e2 posting in a London-like position
looks too sedate to produce an much of an edge for White.
a2) 6 Bxe4!? (the most combative; White creates a quick imbalance) 6 ...
Bxf4 7 exf4 dxe4 8 Nc3 Nc6 (8 ... f5 9 f3 Nc6 10 fxe4 Qxd4 11 Qxd4 Nxd4
12 0-0-0 – White enjoys a huge development lead in the ending – 12 ... c5 13
exf5 exf5 was C.Lakdawala-S.Ramanujam, San Diego (rapid) 2013, and now
after 14 Nf3! Nxf3 15 gxf3 0-0 16 Rhe1 Black has a devil of a time
completing development) 9 Nge2 f5 10 Qd2 b6 11 0-0-0 Ba6 12 d5! (opening
the position when leading in development) 12 ... exd5 13 Nxd5 Bc4. In this
position Mamed took a big gamble with 14 Qc3!? (the simple 14 Nec3! 0-0
15 Qe3 Qc8 16 f3 exf3 17 Qxf3 looks quite favourable for White, who once
again leads massively in development) 14 ... Bxd5 15 Qxg7 Rg8 16 Qxh7
Qd6 17 Qxf5 with a completely unclear position, S.Mamedyarov-Wei Ye,
Tromso 2013.
b) 4 ... Bf5 5 f3 (this move, far from weakening, can be a useful extra
tempo in this line as well) 5 ... Nf6 6 c4 e6 7 Nc3 (now Qb3 is in the air) 7 ...
Bb4 8 Qb3 Nc6 9 a3 Bxc3+ 10 Qxc3 0-0 (10 ... Nh5 11 Bg3 dares Black to
open the h-file) 11 Ne2 Bg6 12 h4!? (12 Bg3 would be the strategic route) 12
... Re8 was M.Carlsen-J.Polgar, Rishon Le Zion (blitz) 2006, where Polgar
played for a central ... e5 disruptive thrust. Carlsen should probably have
gone for 13 Rd1 and followed with g4, with an ultra-sharp battle ahead.
c) We examine 4 ... c6 in the final game of the chapter.
d) 4 ... g6 5 Bd3 Bg7 6 Bxe4 dxe4 7 Nc3 c5 8 Nge2 Bg4 9 Nxe4 cxd4 10
exd4 was G.Hernandez Guerrero-A.Martinez, San Luis 2013. Now if Black
wants his pawn back he must enter 10 ... Bxe2 11 Qxe2 Qxd4 12 c3 Qa4 13
Nd6+ Kf8 14 Ne4 with a clear developmental lead for White.
e) 4 ... Nd7 (Black keeps both ... g6 and ... e6 possibilities open) 5 Bd3
and then:
e1) 5 ... Ndf6?! (Black’s main move and in my opinion inferior to ‘e2’) 6
f3 Nd6 7 Nc3 e6 (Black may have been better off with 7 ... g6 8 e4 Nh5 9
Be3 c6 10 Nge2, although I still like White due to his extra central influence)
8 e4 Nh5 9 Be3 Be7 10 g4! (Black’s game just gets worse and worse) 10 ...
dxe4 11 fxe4 Bh4+ 12 Kf1 f5 (12 ... Nf6 13 e5 doesn’t look encouraging
either for Black) 13 e5 fxg4 14 Qxg4 0-0+ 15 Ke2 Nf5 16 Nf3 and Black has
precious little compensation for the piece he is about to lose, J.Hodgson-
D.Paunovic, Cacak 1996.
e2) After 5 ... g6 6 Bxe4 dxe4 7 Nc3 Nf6 8 Be5 Bh6 9 Nge2 0-0 10 Bxf6
exf6 11 Nxe4 Black’s bishop-pair may offer some compensation for the
pawn, I.Schneider-L.Gutman, Schwaebisch Gmuend 2010. If given a choice I
still take White, though, as his position looks solid enough and a pawn is a
f) 4 ... Nc6 (the Tromp Chigorin?) 5 Bd3 f5!? 6 Nc3!? e6 7 Bxe4 dxe4 8
Nb5 Bd6 9 Qh5+ g6 10 Qh6 Qe7 11 Nxd6+ cxd6 12 Ne2 and White’s dark-
square bind gave him the better chances, C.Bauer-J.Le Roux, Belfort 2003.
Returning to Black’s main choice, 4 ... c5:
5 Bd3
Our tabiya position for this line.
5 ... Nf6
The players assess and arrive at different conclusions. This is Black’s
main move in the position, which leads to a London System a full move
down for Black, since he took three moves for his knight to reach f6, while it
took us only two to get our bishop to f4.

Question: Is it a big deal to enter a London a move down?

Can White exploit an extra move in such a quiet opening?

Answer: I admit this isn’t exactly scintillating stuff, but I play the London
as White, so for me at least, it feels like Christmas day when I get a normal
position a full move up. I’m not so confident in Black’s alleged equality here.
In the coming games we look at 5 ... cxd4.
Instead, after 5 ... Nc6 6 Bxe4 dxe4 7 d5 Black’s knight loses time. The
position has the look and feel of an Albin Countergambit in reverse.
Question: How does our position differ from the Albin?

Answer: In the Albin, Black sacrifices a pawn for a development lead. In

the Tromp version, White remains materially even while retaining the
developmental benefits. We have:
a) 7 ... Nb4 8 Nc3 e6 (not much of a freeing move, but after the 8 ... Bf5 9
a3 Na6 10 Nge2 g6 of H.Nakamura-S.Mamedyarov, Moscow (blitz) 2010,
Houdini rates the position as substantially better for White after 11 Ng3 Bg7
12 0-0 Qd7 13 Ngxe4 Bxe4 14 Nxe4 Rd8 15 c4 Bxb2 16 Rb1 when d6 looms
over Black, who is desperately behind in development) 9 d6 (this move puts a
damper on Black’s development plans; White scores over 80% from this
position) 9 ... Nc6 10 Nge2 sees White leading in development.
10 ... f5 is multipurpose:
1. Black hangs on to his e4-pawn.
2. Black offers his king luft on f7, which becomes exceedingly important
after White’s next move.

Question: Why can’t Black just play 10 ... e5 and then pick off d6 next

Answer: Because White has no intention of moving his bishop and giving
up d6. White would play 11 Nb5! exf4 12 Nc7+ Kd7 13 Qd5! Nb4 (or 13 ...
Rb8?? 14 Qxf7+ Ne7 15 0-0-0 and Black could resign) 14 Qxf7+ Kc6 15 0-
0-0 Bxd6 16 Nxa8. Houdini rates the game at even, but we humans all
understand that in real life White has good practical chances to win since
Black’s defensive task isn’t easy.
After 10 ... f5 11 Nb5 Kf7 12 Nc7 Rb8 13 g4! Black’s king faced a fierce
kingside assault in V.Ivanchuk-B.Jobava, Havana 2005.
b) Also possible is the counterattacking 7 ... e5 8 Bg3 Ne7 9 Nc3 f6 (as in
H.Nakamura-J.Polgar, London (rapid) 2013; I also like White’s development
lead after 9 ... h5 10 f3 h4 11 Bf2 exf3 12 Nxf3). At this point Houdini offers
the line 10 Qh5+ g6 11 Qe2 with advantage to White, who will castle
queenside. Also Qb5+ is in the air.
Question: What if Black goes pawn hunting with 5 ... Qb6 6 Bxe4 Qxb2?

Answer: I would be overjoyed if Black went pawn hunting like this.

White gets loads of compensation after 7 Nd2 dxe4 8 Ne2 cxd4 9 Nxd4 f5 10
Rb1 Qxa2 11 Nb5 Na6 12 c4, E.Vegh-S.Torok, Hungarian League 2008; Be5
comes next, when Black can barely move. Black will be hard pressed to
survive the next 20 moves.
We now return to the much more solid 5 ... Nf6:
6 c3 Nc6 7 Nd2 e6
Instead, 7 ... Bg4 8 Ngf3 e6 9 0-0 (9 Qa4!? in Queen’s Gambit Declined,
Cambridge Springs style is interesting) 9 ... Bd6 10 Qb3! Qe7 (10 ... Rb8 11
dxc5! wins a pawn) 11 Bxd6 Qxd6 was B.Bogosavljevic-D.Boskovic,
Kragujevac 2013. Black fails to obtain compensation for the pawn after 12
Qxb7 Rb8 13 dxc5 Qxc5 14 Qa6 0-0 (14 ... Rxb2?? drops a rook to 15 Qc8+)
15 b4!.
8 Ngf3 Bd6 9 Bg3
Daring Black to open the h-file. Meanwhile, White plans a Stonewall
style attack with Ne5 and f4. Remember, I am used to this position a full
move down for White, so this feels like a crushing position from my
9 ... cxd4?!
A new move. This d4 capture is commonly played in London, Colle and
Torre Attack positions, but not-so-great for Black in all three.

Question: How does this move help White’s side?

Answer: It opens the e-file for White, which means Black’s thematic ...
e5 break becomes very difficult to achieve. Also, White’s control over e5
means it will be easier for our side to play Ne5, building up for a kingside
attack. Black should try something like 9 ... Bxg3 10 hxg3 Qd6 11 Qe2, but
not then 11 ... e5?!. Believe it or not, Black’s thematic last move was
premature, M.Rodshtein-A.Huzman, Beer Sheva 2013. In this position White
had 12 dxe5 Nxe5 13 e4!. Suddenly Black finds himself in danger: 13 ...
Nxd3+ 14 Qxd3 Qe7 15 e5 h6 16 0-0 Ng4 17 Qxd5 Be6 18 Qe4 0-0 and
Black doesn’t have enough compensation for the pawn.
10 exd4 Bxg3!?
It isn’t all that easy for White to make use of the open h-file. Black can
also consider 10 ... 0-0.
11 hxg3 h6 12 Qe2 Qc7 13 0-0!?
The sharper 13 0-0-0!? may be better, but doesn’t suit my style.
13 ... 0-0 14 Rfe1 b6 15 Rad1 Bb7 16 Bb1 Rfe8

17 Qd3!?

Question: Why did you allow your opponent to free his game
with ... e5, when you could clamp down on it with 17 Ne5?

Answer: It’s a stylistic decision. I preferred to play a favourable isolani

position rather than build for an attack with your suggested move.
17 ... e5!?
When I was in college, I was fascinated with the stars and toyed with the
idea of an astronomy minor. Then I took Astronomy 101, which was full of
maths, physics and other distasteful subjects, none of which had to do with
the important matters of stars, aliens or spaceships. Moral: just because you
are attracted to something, doesn’t mean you will like it when you get it.
Often our default reaction to strategic misfortune is to lash out at an uncaring
universe. Black’s freeing break is logical, yet I don’t believe fully equalizes.
If he doesn’t play it, though, White begins to build for a kingside attack,
based on occupation of e5, along with kingside pawn pushes.
18 dxe5 Nxe5 19 Nxe5 Rxe5 20 Rxe5 Qxe5 21 Nf3 Qh5
Black persists in his preoccupation of kingside activity. This ‘attack’ feels
too straightforward, too easy to refute – a two dimensional entity in a 3D
world. I would have played 21 ... Qc7 to keep queens on the board.
22 Qf5
An endgame favours White because of Black’s isolani and bad bishop.
The counterattack is met with a counter, counterattack. Black faces strategic
retribution for the presumption of initiative, when he never really owned it in
the first place.
22 ... Qxf5
The hoped-for attack evaporates.
23 Bxf5 Re8

Exercise (planning): Your writer, while not much of a man of action in

bar fights, when fists swing and bottles break, isn’t so bad in such static
which require logic and planning. Come up with White’s optimal piece

Answer: 24 Nd4
White’s plan: f3, Kf2, Bc2, Bb3, Nc2, Ne3 and Rd4, exerting maximum
pressure on Black’s already creaking position.
24 ... g6 25 Bc2 a6 26 f3 h5 27 Kf2 Kg7 28 Bb3 Re5!?
Lateral defence by a rook tends to be awkward. The trouble is d8 is
vulnerable to an eventual c4, playing on the pin.
29 Nc2 Kf8 30 Ne3 g5!?
Sometimes when our best policy is to simply wait, our tendency is to play
an ‘interesting’ move, even if it further erodes our defensive barrier. He
accepts a weakness at f5 in exchange for the more abstract notion of staying
‘active’. I would have left this pawn alone.
31 Rd4
Mission accomplished. This is the position I had in mind. Black, badly
tied down, faces a futureless future of eternal stasis. Also, contamination of
the weakened dark squares slowly leaks into every aspect of his troubles.
31 ... Ke7 32 Bc2
Eyeing f5. Also possible is the immediate 32 f4 gxf4 33 gxf4 Re4 34 Bc2.
32 ... Bc8?
32 ... Re6 was necessary.

Exercise (combination alert): Time pressure, mixed with frustration, is a

played too fast, with disconnected images and half-remembered
recollections of
surreal perspectives which veer from the truth. Black blundered on his
last move.
Now he doesn’t quite own d5; he only holds it in trust. How did White
exploit it?

Answer: Removal of a defender.

33 f4
It’s that simple: White wins a pawn. If we lacked the ability to forget our
blunders, the asylums of the world would be overcrowded with chess players.
33 ... gxf4 34 gxf4 Re6 35 Nxd5+ Nxd5 36 Rxd5
Black is oppressed with the enormity of his difficulties. Not only is he
down a pawn, but he also must deal with a weak h-pawn. We all blunder. The
trick though is to be quick to recover from the bombardment of complex
emotions which assail us immediately after we recognize our error.
Sometimes one can survive a double question mark move, just as long as it
doesn’t produce a secondary error, which Black now commits.
36 ... Rd6?
Black has no chance in the bishop ending. As psychologically difficult as
it is, Black should defend passively with 36 ... Rh6.
37 Rxd6 Kxd6

Exercise (planning): Come up with a multi-step winning plan for White.

Answer: 38 g3!
Step 1: Fix h5 as a permanent weakness. Now precious little buffer stands
between the h5 straggler and harsh reality.
38 ... Bg4 39 Bd3!
Step 2: Swing the bishop over to challenge g4.
39 ... a5 40 Be2
Ensuring the win of a second pawn or entering a pawn-up king and pawn
40 ... Be6
40 ... f5 41 Bxg4 fxg4 42 Ke3 Kd5 43 a4 Kd6 44 Ke4 Ke6 45 b4 Kf6 46
bxa5 bxa5 47 c4 is hopeless for Black, since White doesn’t need his king to
41 a3 Kd5 42 Ke3 Bg4
To a zealot, the desire to die for a cause overrides the will to live for it.
Black arrives at one of those: on the one hand/on the other hand, impasses.
Rather than enter a bishop ending two pawns down, he takes his chances
within the primal fear: a dreaded king and pawn endgame a pawn down. He
strives to circumvent White’s route to victory with a (temporary) superior
king position, but it just isn’t enough.
42 ... f6 43 Bxh5 Kc4 44 Kd2 Kb3 (in the background, we hear the
droning of Black’s king issuing commands and threats, which get him
nowhere) 45 Kc1 f5 46 Bd1+ Kc4 (or 46 ... Ka2 47 Ba4 Bc8 48 c4 Be6 49
Kc2! Bc8 50 Bc6 Be6 51 Bd5 and Black must resign, since 51 ... Bc8 is met
with 52 c5+) 47 Kd2 Bd7 48 b3+ Kd5 49 Bf3+ Kc5 50 Kd3 Bb5+ 51 c4 Bd7
52 Kc3 Be6 53 b4+ axb4+ 54 axb4+ Kd6 55 Kd4 Bd7 56 c5+ bxc5+ 57
bxc5+ Ke6 58 Bd5+ Kf6 59 c6 is hopeless too for Black.
43 Bxg4 hxg4 44 Kd3
44 ... b5
Black still has some cheapo draw potential with 44 ... a4 45 c4+ Kc6 46
Kc3 Kc5 47 f5 f6 48 b3 axb3 49 Kxb3 Kd4 50 a4! (Black should hold a draw
after 50 Kb4?? Ke4 51 Kb5 Kf3 52 Kxb6 Kxg3 53 c5 Kf4 54 c6 g3 55 c7 g2
56 c8Q g1Q+) 50 ... Ke4 51 c5! bxc5 52 Kc4 Kf3 53 a5 Kxg3 54 a6 Kf2 55
a7 g3 56 a8Q g2 57 Qc6! g1Q 58 Qxc5+ Kf1 59 Qxg1+ Kxg1 60 Kd5 and
White wins.
45 b3 a4 46 bxa4 bxa4 47 c4+ Kc5 48 Kc3 f5 49 Kd3 Kc6 50 Kd4 Kd6
51 c5+ Kc6 52 Kc4 Kc7 53 Kb5 1-0
“East? West? South? North? Which direction shall I conquer first?” asks
White’s power-mad king to himself.

Summary: I don’t believe in Black’s full equality after 5 ... Nf6, which
accepts a London System position a full move down.

Game 17
Oxford 1998

1 d4 Nf6
Compare 1 ... c6 2 e4 d5 3 exd5 cxd5 4 Bd3 Nf6 5 c3 Nc6 6 Bf4 from the
Exchange Variation of the Caro-Kann to the one White reached in the game.

Question: What is the main difference?

Answer: The difference is in the Trompowsky version, Black’s knight is

allowed to go to e4, without loss of tempo. But the key question is does this
represent a benefit or a liability for Black? In the Tromp version, White is
offered Bxe4 unbalancing options.
2 Bg5
There is nothing more disconcerting than to have an opponent employ
your own speciality against you. In this case, Tromp authority Hodgson plays
the Trompowsky against Tromp authority Wells.
2 ... Ne4 3 Bf4 d5 4 e3 c5 5 Bd3 cxd4
Unlike the last game, Black refuses to relinquish the e4-posting for his
knight and exchanges in the centre, in Caro-Kann, Exchange Variation
6 Bxe4

Question: Does White have to play this unbalancing option?

Answer: I think avoiding the e4 swap is too tame and allows Black
equality after 6 exd4 Nc6 7 c3 Bf5 8 Ne2 e6 9 f3 Nd6 10 Bxd6 Bxd6 11 Bxf5
exf5 12 f4 0-0 13 0-0 Re8 14 Nd2 Qc7 15 g3 Na5. White’s knights look
awkward and Black controls the e-file, with a slight edge, N.Vitiugov-
S.Karjakin, Moscow 2010.
6 ... dxe4 7 exd4

Question: Can White extract an edge in the ending after 7 Qxd4 Qxd4 8
Answer: Houdini says no; I say yes. Take your pick. After 8 ... Nc6 9 c3
b6 10 Nd2 Bb7 11 Ne2 0-0-0 12 Ng3 h6 13 h4 (I slightly prefer White at the
end of the variation 13 Ndxe4! g5 14 Be3 f5! 15 Nxf5 Nb4 16 f3! Nc2+ 17
Ke2 Nxa1 18 Rxa1; White got two healthy pawns for the exchange, perhaps
good enough for an edge) 13 ... g6 14 Ndxe4 Bg7 15 0-0-0 f5 16 Nd2 e5 17
dxe5 Nxe5 18 Bxe5 Bxe5 19 Nf3 Bf6 Black’s bishops should provide enough
compensation for the pawn, S.Lputian-M.Rytshagov, Istanbul Olympiad
7 ... Nc6 8 Ne2
I believe this is White’s best move in the position:
a) 8 d5 e5! 9 Be3! (9 Bg3 is met with 9 ... Qa5+ 10 c3 Ne7 11 Bxe5 Nxd5
when I prefer Black, who will soon lead in development) 9 ... Ne7 10 Nc3
Nf5 11 Qd2 Bb4 12 Nge2 Nd6 and I’m not crazy about White’s position ...
Nc4 is in the air, as well as ... f5.
b) 8 c3 e5! (we must be aware of this temporary pawn sac, a recurring
idea in this variation) 9 dxe5 Qxd1+ 10 Kxd1 was T.Hoang-J.Douwes,
Budapest 2003. Black leads in development and there is a high likelihood that
he will regain the lost pawn with advantage after 10 ... Bf5 11 Ne2 g5!. Now
if White bites with 12 Bxg5 then comes 12 ... Rg8 13 Bf4 Rxg2, and if 14
Bg3? 0-0-0+ 15 Ke1 e3! with a winning initiative.
8 ... Bg4
8 ... e5 isn’t as strong when White refrains from c3: 9 dxe5 Qxd1+ 10
Kxd1 Bg4 11 Nbc3 0-0-0+ 12 Kc1 h6 13 Re1 g5 14 Bd2 Bg7 15 Nxe4 Nxe5
16 Bc3 Rhe8 17 N2g3. I don’t believe in Black’s full compensation for the
pawn and Wells went on to win from here in P.Wells-Y.Visser, London
Crowthorne 2006.
9 Nbc3

9 ... e6
A theoretical novelty at the time. Practice has seen too:
a) 9 ... Qb6 10 0-0 0-0-0 11 Be3 e5 12 d5 Qa6 13 Qd2 (White intends
Ng3 next) 13 ... Bxe2 14 Nxe2 f5 15 Rfd1! Now if 15 ... f4? 16 Nxf4 exf4 17
Bxf4 leaves Black’s king in serious danger. If he wants to retain the extra
piece, he has to go for 17 ... Bb4 18 c3 Be7 19 Qc2 Nb8 20 Rd4 Bd6 21
Qxe4, but White gets three healthy pawns for the piece and stands at least
b) 9 ... Qa5 10 h3 Bh5 11 0-0 0-0-0 was J.Gallagher-M.Rytshagov, Elista
Olympiad 1998. I like the look of White’s attacking chances after 12 Qe1
Nxd4 13 Nxd4 Rxd4 14 Be3 Rd8 15 b4!.
10 h3 Bh5
After 10 ... Bf5 11 0-0 Bg6 12 Qd2 Nb4 13 Ng3 Nd5 14 Ncxe4 White
wins a pawn. If 14 ... Nxf4?! 15 Qxf4 Qxd4?? 16 Nf6+! Qxf6 17 Qa4+ Kd8
(or 17 ... Ke7 18 Qb4+) 18 Rad1+ White wins.
11 Nxe4 Bxe2
Black must give up the bishop-pair to regain the lost pawn.
12 Qxe2 Nxd4 13 Qd3 Nc6 14 0-0-0 Qxd3 15 Rxd3

Question: How would you assess the ending?

Answer: We have opposite wing pawn majorities. The factor which may
still offer White an edge is his slight yet nagging development lead.
15 ... Nb4 16 Rb3 Nd5 17 Bg3 b6 18 Rd1 Rc8 19 Kb1 Rc6
Black runs into delays and more interminable delays in the
implementation of defensive wishes. Wells is worried about d6 and takes a
precious tempo to cover the square. I suspect that White stands a microbe
better in the line 19 ... Be7 20 Rd4! 0-0 21 c4 Nf6 22 Nd6 Rc5 23 Nb5 e5 24
Rd1 Ne4 25 Nxa7 Nxg3 26 Rxg3 Rxc4 27 Re3 f6 28 a3 Bc5 29 Re2 Rf4 30
f3 Ra4 31 Nb5.
20 Rd4!
A fragile ceasefire isn’t the same as lasting peace. Black is just short of
the equilibrium he so desperately seeks. Those nasty white rooks prove to be
exacting bosses, difficult to please. Hodgson proves he still retains the edge.
Idea: c4. Principle: create confrontation when leading in development. The
agent provocateur on d4 does his best to sow anarchy and turmoil in Black’s
20 ... Be7 21 c4 Nf6 22 Nd6+

The knight continues to impose, violating the etiquette of social hierarchy

by usurping d6.
22 ... Bxd6
No choice. Now White’s bishop remains firmly anchored, with no way to
dislodge the intruder, but 22 ... Kf8? 23 Nb5 a6 24 Na7! wins.
23 Bxd6 Nd7
Black swaddles his king with defenders, yet in the end they are not
enough. Instead, if 23 ... Ne4 24 Bf4! Nc5 (24 ... Nxf2?? 25 Rf3 traps the
knight) 25 Ra3 a5 26 b4! (same principle: White creates confrontation when
leading in development – even in an ending) 26 ... Nb7 27 bxa5 Nxa5 28 Bd2
e5 29 Re4 f6 30 Bxa5 bxa5 31 Rxa5 when White wins a pawn and has all the
winning chances.
24 Rg3
Before attempting a strike, White requires preliminary work, softening
Black’s defensive barrier.
24 ... g6
If 24 ... Rg8 (intending ... f6) 25 Ra3 a5 26 Rad3 and if 26 ... f6 27 Bg3
Nc5 28 Rd6! Rc8 29 Ra3 and Black loses a pawn.
25 Rgd3
Even stronger was 25 b4! e5 26 b5 Rc8 27 Rd5 f6 (27 ... Rxc4 28 Ra3! is
winning) 28 Ra3 Ra8 29 Bb4, which leaves Black in a bad way.
25 ... f6?
Black’s only chance to resist was with 25 ... e5 26 Re3 f6 27 f4 Kf7 28
fxe5 Re8 29 b3 fxe5 30 Rd2.

Exercise (combination alert): White’s endless pressure is like a song you

just can’t get out of your head. Black has no way to excise the intruders.
His last move only compounds White’s opportunity for mischief.
cashed out on his development lead with a combination. What did he

Answer: Clearance/attraction.
26 Be7! Ne5
26 ... Rc7 is met with 27 Bxf6! Rf8 28 Bh4 when White wins a pawn
while retaining his bind.
27 Ra3!
White’s rooks, gibbons competing to attract a mate, swing from tree to
tree. Double attack: a7 and f6 remaining hanging, and White’s bishop is
27 ... Nxc4
After 27 ... Kxe7 Black’s king feels a nameless unease; he is alone yet not
alone. He reasons: “If I am in a terrible mess, then why not commit an
outrage? After all, my life can’t get any worse.” Unfortunately, it does get
worse: 28 Rxa7+ Ke8 (28 ... Kf8 29 Rd8 mate isn’t much of an
improvement!) 29 Ra8+ pops the rook in the corner.
28 Rxa7 e5 29 Rd8+ Kf7

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s king attempts to earn

the kidnapper’s trust, hoping a lowered guard may assist
in his escape attempt. What should White play here?

Answer: Zwischenzug/defensive move. This was a test of your alertness.

30 Bb4+! 1-0
The bishop compounds the treachery and now Black’s h8-rook really
does hang. “Did you really believe I would lack the resources to hunt you
down?” White’s bishop asks Black’s startled king. I hope everyone avoided
the greedy 30 Rxh8?? Nd2+. White’s secret embarrassment: he gets back
ranked after 31 Ka1 Rc1.

Summary: White retains a tiny yet enduring development lead after either 7
exd4 or 7 Qxd4. It feels like Black falls just a touch short of equality in both

Game 18
San Diego (rapid) 2004

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 d5 4 e3 c6

Question: What is Black’s idea behind his last move?

Answer: Black sees ... c5 as overly confrontational, so he takes a more

moderate Slav-like path, fortifying d5 and preparing to hit White in the soft
spot of b2.
5 Bd3 Nd6

Question: Why did Black retreat?

Answer: His dual purpose idea:

1. Black eliminates all Bxe4 tricks.
2. Black hopes to inhibit c4.
3. Black makes ... Bf5 possible, with the intention of swapping off his bad
Saying this, I suspect Black’s last artificial move isn’t the best. Safer is 5
... Qb6 6 Qc1 (White can also speculate with 6 Bxe4!? Qxb2 7 Nd2 dxe4 8
Ne2 f5 when he probably extracted full developmental compensation for the
pawn, M.Lopez-M.Do Prado, correspondence 2000) 6 ... Qa5+ 7 c3 Bf5,
M.Adams-P.Leko, Groningen 1995. Here White can try 8 Nd2 Nd6 (after 8 ...
Nxf2 9 Bxf5 Nxh1 10 Ngf3 g6 11 Bh3 White eventually gets around to
winning the stranded h1-knight, with the superior position) 9 Bxf5 Nxf5 10
Ngf3 e6 11 e4 Nd6 12 0-0 with only a tiny development edge.
6 Nd2

6 ... Qb6?!
A new move and not such a good one.

Question: It looks fine to me. Doesn’t Black’s last move produce

a concession of either Qc1 or a b3 weakening from White?

Answer: Not with a knight on d6. Indeed, b3 actually helps White, who
threatens an eventual c4 and c5, forking queen and knight. So in essence, the
move loses time for Black. Alternatives are:
a) 6 ... Nd7 was E.Prie-A.Istratescu, Nantes 2003. White stands a shade
better after 7 Ngf3 g6 8 0-0 Bg7 9 c4.
b) 6 ... g6 7 h4!? (this plan makes sense since Black is missing a knight
on f6) 7 ... Bg7 (after 7 ... h5 8 Ngf3 Bg7 White may even attempt queenside
castling and go after Black’s king on the other side) 8 h5 Nd7 9 Ngf3 Nf6 10
h6 Bf8 11 Ne5 Be6 12 c3 Nd7 13 Qc2 Bf5 14 Bxf5 Nxf5 15 0-0-0 and White
is ready to open the game with e4 while Black lags behind in development,
M.Richter-G.Lueders, Berlin 2003.
7 b3
Black can’t easily exploit the temporary weakening of the queenside dark
squares. Meanwhile, c4-c5 is in the air.
7 ... Qa5

8 Ne2?!
In order to keep an eye on c3. I fuss over an issue of little or no
importance, posting my knight on an inferior square in doing so.

Question: Why criticize the move?

Answer: The trouble is it weakens White’s grip on e5. I should have gone
for 8 Ngf3!. I feared 8 ... Qc3?, but the lone queen, a commander without an
army to command, is a dysfunctional attacker when going it alone. Houdini
dismisses this move after 9 0-0 e6 (or 9 ... Bg4 10 h3 Bh5 11 Bxd6 exd6 12
e4! when Black is in trouble; if 12 ... dxe4? 13 Nxe4 Bxf3 14 Qxf3 Qxd4 15
Bc4! d5 16 Rfe1! Kd8 17 Qxf7 with a winning attack for White) 10 a3!
(threat: b4! followed by Ra2 and Nb1, trapping Black’s queen) 10 ... Qa5
(“My friend! I rescind my previous threats and now wish you all the very
best!” Black’s queen tells White’s king, with a rather feeble Charlie Brown
smile) 11 c4 and Black’s c3-infiltration adventure is a failure, since he is
worse off here than in the game.
8 ... Nd7 9 c4?
9 0-0 was correct.

Exercise (planning): White’s last move was careless.

How can Black exploit it and free his game?

9 ... Nf6?
From time to time, I get the disquieting feeling that the vast majority of
my wins tend to arise from making fewer errors than my opponents, and not
from any form of brilliant play from my side. Now White gets the position he
was after. Black missed an opportunity here.
Answer: 9 ... dxc4! 10 bxc4 e5! 11 dxe5 (11 Bg3? e4 12 Bc2 Nxc4 wins a
pawn, and worse, Black threatens ... Bb4) 11 ... Nxe5 when Black achieved
an excellent position.
10 0-0 Bg4
After 10 ... Bf5 (it makes sense to try and swap light-squared bishops,
since White owns the good bishop) 11 Qc2 Bxd3 12 Qxd3 Qa6 13 Ng3 e6 14
Qc2 Be7 15 c5 Nc8 16 Nf3 White is in control of the position, threatening a
build up with a4, b4, Rfb1 and b5.
11 Qc2 Bxe2
He rids himself of his bad bishop.
12 Bxe2 e6 13 Bd3 Be7 14 b4! Qd8
Of course, it is suicide to take b4 and allow White’s pieces infiltration
into b7: 14 ... Qxb4?? 15 Rfb1 Qa5 (15 ... Qa3 16 c5 Nb5 17 Rb3 Qa5 18 a4
Nc7 19 Rxb7 Na6 20 Nb3 wins) 16 c5 Nc8 17 Rxb7 Qd8.

Exercise (combination alert): White to play and win.

Answer: Attraction/queen trap. 18 Bb5!! is not so easy to find over the

board. 18 ... cxb5 19 Bc7 Qd7 20 c6 traps the queen.

Question: Ah, but the question arises: would you have seen 18 Bb5!!?

Answer: To be honest: probably not. Of course, Houdini’s analysis is a

non-human construct, not very practical or useful to us flawed humans, who
rarely spot lines this anomalous over the board.
15 c5 Nc8
The surreal begins to supplant the commonplace; c8 is a God-awful
square for the knight. Houdini hates this move, but there are no good choices
a) 15 ... Nb5 16 a4 Nc7 17 b5 leaves Black strategically busted.
b) 15 ... Nde4 16 Nxe4 dxe4 17 Bxe4 Nxe4 18 Qxe4 Qd5 19 Qc2 when
Black is down a clean pawn for nothing.
16 b5!
This is stronger than taking time out to preserve the f4-bishop with 16 h3.

16 ... a5

Question: So why can’t Black pick off your f4-bishop with 16 ... Nh5?

Answer: Black’s last move follows a universal truth: I have what I don’t
want and you have what I want. The tactics fail for Black after 17 bxc6 bxc6
18 Be5, and if 18 ... f6? 19 Nf3!!. Now if 19 ... fxe5 20 Nxe5 Bf6 21 Bg6+
Kf8 22 Nf7 Qe8 (or 22 ... Qe7 23 Nxh8! and the g6-bishop is taboo due to a
knight fork) 23 Nxh8 hxg6 24 Nxg6+ Kg8 25 g4! e5 26 gxh5 exd4 27 exd4
Bxd4 28 Rae1 with a winning attack for White.
17 bxc6 bxc6 18 Qa4 Na7 19 h3!
It’s important to hang on to the powerful f4-bishop, who controls both the
e5- and b8-squares.
19 ... 0-0 20 Rab1

Even a cursory examination of the position reveals an obvious truth, that

Black is strategically busted:
1. White owns the only open file, which Black is unable to challenge due
to White’s control over b8.
2. Infiltration on b7 is a huge concern for Black.
3. White owns the bishop-pair against unimpressive black knights.
4. Both a5 and c6 pawns are targets.
20 ... Nd7
Black desperately hopes to achieve ... e5, with some kind of central
21 Nf3
Of course, White isn’t about to allow it so easily.
21 ... f6
Once again, angling for ... e5.
22 Qc2 h6
22 ... f5 23 Ba6 is also hopeless, since Bb7 is next.
23 Rb7
If I’m winning, I tend to play it safe, sometimes even if I see the
combination. I don’t remember if I saw the line 23 Bxh6! gxh6 24 Bh7+ Kh8
25 Qg6 Qe8 26 Qxh6 Rf7 27 Bf5+ Kg8 28 Qg6+ Kf8 29 Bxe6, winning. But
even if I saw this, I would probably still opt for the move I played in the

Question: Why on earth wouldn’t you have played this line, even when
you saw it?

Answer: Our irresistible stylistic compulsions (let’s admit it – we all have

them) make us simultaneously dangerous and vulnerable. My philosophy is:
in rapid games you maximize your score by avoiding unnecessary risk. The
move I played over the board, 23 Rb7, wins without risk of miscalculation.
23 ... e5
Black’s e-pawn, believing himself to be the saviour of the world, refuses
to be deflected from his intention and decides to intervene in places where he
shouldn’t. Dimitry tosses in this natural move which compromises his king’s
safety and slices the light squares into sashimi. It’s hard to criticize Black for
his last move, since passive play is simply slow death after 23 ... f5 24 Rfb1
Rf7 25 Rc7, intending to double rooks on the seventh rank.
24 Bh7+
White offered Black the ... e5 bait. Now it’s time to draw blood.
24 ... Kh8 25 Bf5
Attacking d7. Black’s light squares leak like a colander.
25 ... Nxc5 26 dxc5 exf4

Exercise (planning): This one isn’t so difficult. Always strike

when your opponent is off balance, since you never get a better
opportunity. How did White continue his light-square attack?

Answer: Infiltrate g6 with the knight.

27 Nh4
Too obvious to deserve an exclam. The knight manipulates public opinion
against Black’s king.
27 ... Rf7 28 Be6 1-0
Attackers race by as if at the Indy 500. 28 ... Qe8 (“No bickering!” demands
Black’s queen to her king’s disorganized, inept defenders) 29 Ng6+ Kg8 (or
29 ... Kh7 30 Nf8+ Kg8 31 Qh7+ when the queen plays her trump card:
herself; 31 ... Kxf8 32 Qh8 is mate) 30 Rxe7 is all over.

Summary: 4 ... c6 leads to Slav-like positions which slightly favour White,

since Black’s e4-knight tends to remain a liability.
Chapter Three
2 ... e6 3 e4 h6 4 Bxf6 Qxf6
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 e6 3 e4 h6 4 Bxf6 Qxf6

This chapter is a battle of imbalances. Our Trompowsky side hands Black

the bishop-pair – a required subsidy to feed our war effort – as early as the
third move. As compensation we seize central control and also a development
lead, made even more potent with Black’s exposed queen’s position. We
have a choice of plans:
a) In the sharper Yusupov rapid development plan, our vast ambition is
exposed: White plays Nf3, Nc3, Qd2 and castles long, usually leading to
violent opposite wing attacks. The coming assault is designed on a scale to
stagger and overwhelm the Black’s defenders, and often concludes with nail-
biting, hair-trigger finishes. Now if after examining the games from this
variation we develop a case of cold feet, then we can go for the safer Pert
line, examined at the end of the chapter.
b) Walls are erected to safeguard the population and keep the enemy out.
We do just that with the solid Pert Variation: White sets up with: c3, Nd2,
Bd3, Ne2, 0-0 and f4, with a pseudo Modern Defence, Austrian Attack(ish!)

Game 19
Munich 1990

1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 e6 3 Bg5

Question: Isn’t this a Torre Attack?

Answer: The Torre Attack and Trompowsky are linked opening systems
and in many cases one transposes to the other. Our Trompowsky move order
runs 2 Bg5 e6 3 e4 h6 4 Bxf6 Qxf6 5 Nf3 directly transposing to our game.
3 ... h6 4 Bxf6
In this chapter we hand over the bishop-pair to seize the centre, and more
importantly, lure Black’s queen to f6, from which she becomes a target,
resulting in future loss of time.
4 ... Qxf6 5 e4

Our starting position in this chapter.

Question: Didn’t we hinder our options with
an early Nf3, blocking out f4 ideas later on?

Answer: This is one flaw with the early Nf3 lines.

Question: Then why not study the early Nc3, lines, keeping open the f4

Answer: I don’t think the early 5 Nc3 is so wonderful for White, since the
... Bb4 pin becomes quite annoying. Later in the chapter, we look at an early
5 c3, replacing Nf3. This allows us f4 options.
5 ... d6
This flexible response is Black’s main choice in the position. Other
a) After 5 ... b6 6 Bd3 Bb7 7 Nbd2 d6 8 Qe2 a6 9 0-0-0 Nd7 10 Kb1 e5
11 c3 Be7 12 Nc4 0-0 13 Bc2 Rfe8 14 d5 c5?! (Black should hold off on this
move, retaining ... c6 options; the semi-closing of the queenside only helps
White) 15 Ne3 Bf8 16 g4! Black’s queen became an inviting target for h4
and g5. Korchnoi went on to crush his future World Champion opponent in
V.Korchnoi-A.Karpov, Hastings 1971/72. This game is annotated in the
forthcoming Korchnoi: Move by Move.
b) 5 ... d5 6 Nbd2 (White does best to retain the central tension since
Black is unable to play ... Be7) 6 ... g6 7 c3 Bg7 8 Bd3 0-0 was B.Macieja-
V.Anand, Calvia Olympiad 2004. In the game White castled with an
approximately even position. He might consider the sharper, untested idea 9
e5 Qe7 10 h4!? with h5 to follow. Here 10 b4!? hindering ... c5 is also an
unplayed, interesting idea.
c) I’m convinced 5 ... c5?! is inaccurate. Black rashly challenges in the
centre, not fearing a potential opening of the game with White leading in
development: 6 e5 Qd8 (6 ... Qg6 7 Nc3, with ideas of Nb5, d5, and even
Bd3!?, looks too dangerous for Black) 7 d5! d6 (or 7 ... Qb6 8 Nc3 Qxb2 9
Nb5 Kd8 10 Rb1 Qxa2 11 c4 a6 12 Nc3 Qa5 13 Qc1 when I would take
White here any day of the week: Black can barely move and two extra pawns
aren’t of much comfort if you get mated) 8 Bb5+ Bd7 was B.Malich-
H.Gruenberg, Leipzig 1973. At this point, Black lags dangerously behind in
development after 9 Nc3.
6 Nc3
Our rule of thumb: we play Nc3 only when Black is denied access to ...
6 ... Nd7
Black’s most flexible move and the main line:
a) 6 ... g5!? is a radical option. Black Reverse Grobs us, deciding that if
he refuses confrontation, the cost of silence is too high. Black hopes to
intimidate with ... g4 ideas later on and also inhibits White’s kingside
ambitions, at the cost of potential weakening. 7 e5 (principle: create
confrontation when leading in development) 7 ... Qe7 8 Bb5+ Bd7 9 0-0 d5
was J.Timman-A.Karpov, 9th matchgame, Holland 1993. At this point I
would play 10 Qe2 Nc6 11 Bxc6 Bxc6 12 Nd2. I like White’s space
advantage and the knights, which more than hold their own versus Black’s
unimpressive bishop-pair.
b) 6 ... g6 can easily transpose to our main line, but note too 7 Qd2 Qe7 8
0-0-0 a6 9 h4 Bg7 10 g3 b5 11 Bh3 b4 12 Nd5 exd5 13 Bxc8 0-0 14 Bb7 Ra7
15 Bxd5 c6 16 Bb3 Qxe4 17 Qd3 Qxd3 18 Rxd3 with a molecule of an edge
for White. Once again, Korchnoi managed to defeat Karpov, this time with
supernatural endgame play in V.Korchnoi-A.Karpov, 19th matchgame,
Moscow 1974. One wonders if he would have been World Champion if he
had taken up the Torre/Trompowsky more often in his legendary career. This
game is also annotated in Korchnoi: Move by Move.
7 Qd2
White prepares to castle queenside. Since queenside castling is not easy
(or even desirable) for Black to achieve, many of these Tromp/Torre
positions result in ultra-sharp, opposite-wing attacks.
7 ... a6
Dual purpose. Black covers against Nb5 tricks and also thinks about
future ... b5 ideas, in case of opposite wing attacks. Next game we examine 7
... Qd8.
8 0-0-0

At this point Black realizes that longing for peace is wasted hope when
facing an enemy intent upon destruction. White decides he has had enough of
tweaking here and pulling strings there, and unveils an openly hostile intent.
The time for subtlety has ceased and the will for total obliteration arises. In
castling long, we cross a dangerous marker, leaving ourselves with no
fallback position should our kingside attack fail.
8 ... Qe7

Question: Why did Black block in the dark-squared bishop?

Answer: Black plans to fianchetto, but this costs him more time and
allows White an obvious h4-h5 prying mechanism. 8 ... Qd8 is more
commonly played: 9 h4 b5 10 g4 is Finegold-Benjamin, which we look at
later in the chapter. Houdini claims the game is even. I don’t know about you,
but I prefer White here. Surely the massive development lead must take
precedence over Black’s theoretical advantage of the bishop-pair, if not
objectively, then perhaps with a position easier to navigate, since we are the
ones in command of the initiative.
9 Bd3 g6
Black wisely configures his structure to avoid confrontation of any kind.
10 Rhe1 Bg7 11 h4 0-0 12 e5
Yusupov (FIDE really needs to hold a conference and decide once and for
all: is it ‘Yusupov’ or ‘Jussupow?’, and the same goes for ‘Trompowsky’ and
‘Trompovsky’) seizes space and finally confronts Black.
12 ... d5
Following principle by closing the game when behind in development.
a) 12 ... b5 was J.Sutherland-M.Barlow, Auckland 1997. After 13 h5 g5
14 Ne4 Bb7 15 Kb1!? chances look about even in this sharp position.
Houdini analysis runs: 15 ... dxe5 16 Nxe5 Nxe5 (16 ... Bxe5 17 dxe5 Nxe5
18 Qc3 offers White enough initiative for the pawn) 17 dxe5 Bxe5 18 Nxg5
Bxb2 19 Nxe6 (or 19 Nxf7 Bg7 20 Nxh6+ Bxh6 21 Qxh6 Qb4+ 22 Kc1
Qa3+ 23 Kb1 Qb4+ with perpetual check) 19 ... Bh8 20 Nxf8 Qa3 21 Bh7+
Kxf8 22 c3 Bxc3 23 Qxh6+ Bg7 24 Qd2 (threat: Qd8+, mating) 24 ... Bc3
with a draw by repetition of moves.
b) 12 ... c5 13 Ne4 cxd4 14 Nxd6 Nxe5 15 Nxe5 Qxd6 16 f4 b5 17 h5
with clear attacking compensation for the pawn, K.Chernyshov-A.Volokitin,
Sochi 2005.
13 Ne2
Dual purpose: White transfers another attacker over to the kingside and
also prepares to meet ... c5 with c3.
13 ... c5 14 c3 cxd4 15 Nexd4
Natural, but it gives Black c5 for his knight. I would consider the
unplayed 15 cxd4!, which may be an improvement. I couldn’t find a way for
Black to equalize. Play might continue: 15 ... b5 16 h5 g5 17 Nh2 f6 18 f4
fxe5 19 fxe5 Nb6 20 Bc2! Nc4 21 Qd3 (threatening mate in two moves) 21 ...
Rf5 (after 21 ... Qb4 22 Qh7+ Kf7 23 Bb3 Ra7 24 Ng4 Ke8 25 Nxh6 Rc7 26
Kb1 Kd8 27 Qg6 Houdini gives a clear advantage to White) 22 Ng3 Qb4 23
Qb3! Qxb3 24 axb3 Rf2 25 bxc4 Rxg2 26 Nhf1 bxc4 27 Re2 Rxe2 28 Nxe2
and White’s extra knight is clearly superior to Black’s two extra pawns in this
15 ... Nc5 16 Bb1
This is likely better than the 16 Bc2 Bd7 17 h5 g5 18 Nh2 of A.Weindl-
K.Bischoff, Lenk 1993.

Question: What is the difference between b1 and c2?

Answer: I like Yusupov’s choice of b1 for the bishop, since it keeps Qc2
options open, going after Black via h7. That said, a bishop on c2 covers a4
and allows White’s king to slip away to b1, off the open c-file if necessary.
It’s hard to decide which of the two bishop postings is best. For the record,
Houdini favours 16 Bb1.
16 ... Bd7 17 h5
Utilizing the h5-prying mechanism.
17 ... g5 18 Re3
The rook may have designs upon the g3-square.
18 ... Rfc8 19 Nh2 b5?
This natural move may actually be inaccurate. Isn’t it strange how
sometimes your opponent possesses full comprehension of your intent and
still your plan works. This happened in Capablanca’s games all the time. GM
George Thomas complained: he always knew how Capa would beat him, but
there was nothing he could do about it. The reason this happens is the
defender overlooks some subtlety or detail, which seems unimportant at the
time, but as the game progresses, becomes critical to his or her defence. This
happened to Bischoff in this game when he missed a subtlety.
Black should toss in 19 ... Ba4! to gum up White’s Qc2 intention. Black
may not yet have committed to a sacrifice, but with his last move he certainly
signs a promissory note. The position remains sharp after 20 Rde1 (after 20
b3 Be8 White weakened c3 and Black gets a much better version than in the
game’s continuation) 20 ... b5! (self-trapping the bishop; Black agrees to part
with a thing of great value in exchange for a chance to go after an item he
considers of even greater value: White’s king) 21 b3 b4 22 bxa4 bxc3 23 Qc2
Ne4 24 Ng4 Rc4 25 Nb3. I have a feeling Black receives full compensation
for the piece. Houdini rates at 0.00 and agrees.
20 Qc2

Exercise (critical decision): If, if, if – the position is permeated with

so many ifs. Black, already in trouble, must find the correct
continuation. The candidate moves are 20 ... b4, 20 ... Ne4 and 20 ... g4.
one of these moves keeps him in the game. Which one would you play?

20 ... g4?
This attempt to circumnavigate the issue fails. Finding the correct defence
here isn’t so easy. Black’s last move fails to take necessary precautions
against White’s coming attack.
The natural 20 ... b4?? gets crushed by 21 Qh7+ Kf8 22 Ng4 bxc3 (or 22
... Qd8 23 Rf3 Be8 24 Nf6 bxc3 25 b4! and White wins since there is no
defence to Qg8+) 23 Nxh6 cxb2+ 24 Kxb2 is hopeless for Black.
Answer: He had to try 20 ... Ne4!, which is the best practical chance.
Sometimes a problem, no matter how dire, must be dealt with head on. After
21 f3 b4 22 fxe4 bxc3 23 bxc3 Rab8 24 Kd2 Qa3 25 Nb3 d4! 26 Rf3 Ba4 27
c4 Qb4+ 28 Ke2 Bxe5 29 Ng4 Rxc4 30 Qd2 Bg7 31 Qxb4 Rbxb4 White
stands clearly better with a piece for two pawns, but Black remains in the
21 Nxg4
The immediate queen check to h7 is the most accurate continuation of the
attack, after which White mounts a crushing offensive: 21 Qh7+! Kf8 22
Nxg4 Qg5 23 Nf6 Bxf6 24 Nf3! (a powerful zwischenzug) 24 ... Qg7 25 exf6
Qxf6 (25 ... Qxh7 26 Bxh7 leaves Black dealing with the threat of Ne5,
followed by Rg3 and Rg8 mate) 26 Ne5 Ke7 27 Rxd5! with a winning attack.
21 ... Qg5
White also forces a win after 21 ... Ne4 22 f3 Ng5 23 f4 Ne4 24 Rxe4!
dxe4 25 Qxe4 Kf8 26 g3, and if 26 ... Ke8 (or 26 ... b4 27 Qh7! bxc3 28
Nxh6 cxb2+ 29 Kxb2 Qb4+ 30 Nb3 Qc3+ 31 Ka3 Bxh6 32 Qxh6+ Ke8 33
Qh8+ Ke7 34 Qf6+ Ke8 35 Bg6! fxg6 36 Qh8+ Ke7 37 Qg7+ Ke8 38 Rxd7,
forcing mate) 27 Qh7 Qf8 28 Nf6+ Bxf6 29 exf6 b4 30 Bc2! bxc3 31 Nxe6!!.
Deception is second nature to the pure tactician. White wins.
22 Nf6+ Bxf6 23 Nf3!
White can also play 23 Qh7+! Kf8 24 Nf3! Qg7 25 exf6, which
favourably transposes to the note to his 21st move.
23 ... Qg7
Black can prolong the game after 23 ... Qf5 24 Qxf5 exf5 25 exf6, but
can’t save it.
24 exf6 Qxf6 25 Ne5 Kf8
Exercise (combination alert): How did Yusupov demolish Black’s king

Answer: Pin. Black king and queen’s bewilderment is finally put to rest.
Sometimes it’s more comforting to know for certain you are lost, rather than
speculating upon the fear of being lost.
26 Nxf7!
This shot marks the end of so many hopes. The knight is immune from
either recapture and Black’s king too exposed to survive. Houdini prefers the
alternative solution: 26 Qh7! (threat: Ng6+!) 26 ... Ke7 27 Rxd5! when Black
can’t effectively deal with the coming Ng6+.
26 ... Ke7 27 Ne5 Kd6 28 Qd2 b4 29 Nc4+!? Kc7 30 cxb4 Na4 31 Bc2
Kd8 32 Ne5 Nb6
Exercise (combination alert): How did White force the win of material?

Answer: Double attack/discovered attack. White threatens b6, as well as

Nc6+, winning Black’s queen.
33 Qd4! 1-0
Pretentions and false claims of power wither and die in the queen’s
presence. The psychotic, megalomaniac queen thinks to herself: “One method
of ruling the world is to eliminate everyone in it but me.”

Summary: The position we reach after White’s fifth move can arise from the
Torre, as well as the Trompowsky. Our development lead, coupled with
Black’s shaky queen position on f6, easily compensates for departing with
the bishop-pair. Expect an ultra-sharp, opposite-wing attack situation. Also,
think about the unplayed idea 15 cxd4!, which may be an improved version
for White.

Game 20
Moscow (rapid) 1995
1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 e6 3 Bg5 h6 4 Bxf6 Qxf6 5 e4 d6 6 Nc3 Nd7 7 Qd2 Qd8

Question: Why would Black back the queen

off when White hadn’t even attacked it yet?

Answer: The problem is at some stage Black’s queen gets hit with
something. Perhaps e5, or maybe h4, g4 and g5. So Black decides to move it
now, so he doesn’t have to worry about it on each move. Saying this, I feel
that d8 is perhaps an inaccurate retreat square. I would actually have played
the queen back to e7 instead.

Question: But on e7, you plug up the f8-bishop’s development, don’t


Answer: Just as Black did last game, the bishop can be fianchettoed.
8 h4
Informing Black as to just what is coming on the kingside should he
decide to castle on that side. The idea also may be to suppress ... g5.
8 ... g6 9 0-0-0 Bg7 10 e5!
Black can’t pick off the e5-pawn due to the pin on the d-file. This is
perhaps another reason why e7 was a superior retreat square for Black over
d8. To my mind Yusupov’s choice of 10 e5 (similar to the way he played last
game) is more logical than going for a light-squared strategy with 10 d5!?,
since this activates Black’s unopposed dark-squared bishop: 10 ... 0-0 11 Nd4
was J.Bellon Lopez-D.Garcia Ilundain, Madrid 1992. Now Black can play 11
... exd5 12 exd5 Re8 13 h5 g5 14 Nf5 Bxc3! 15 Qxc3 Qf6 when he stands at
least equal.

10 ... a6 11 Bd3
Offering e5.
11 ... Qe7
A clear admission that 7 ... Qd8 was inaccurate.

Question: Can Black get away with taking e5?

Answer: Yes and no. He can take the pawn if he is willing to hand White
a long-term attacking initiative after 11 ... dxe5 12 dxe5 Nxe5 13 Nxe5 Bxe5
14 Bb5+ Ke7 15 Qe3 Bd6 16 Bc4 Kf8 17 Ne4. Houdini assesses at dead
even. I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking on Black here, whose dangerous lag
in development looks difficult to navigate for just one pawn.
12 Rhe1
12 ... d5
Like last game, Black deems it wisest to keep the centre closed when he
lags so far behind in development.

Question: What happens if Black just castles and retains the tension?

Answer: Let’s look: 12 ... 0-0 13 h5 g5 14 Qe3 dxe5 (14 ... b5?? is met
with the killing double attack 15 Qe4) 15 dxe5 and Qe4 is in the air, although
maybe Black is okay here as well. Houdini rates the chances at even.
13 Ne2
To meet the coming ... c5 with c3.
13 ... c5
14 c3

Question: Since White remains ahead in development is 14 dxc5!?


Answer: Your idea looks playable since it clears d4 for a white piece: 14
... Nxc5 15 Kb1 b5 16 h5 g5 17 Nfd4 Qc7 18 f4 gxf4 19 Nf3 Bd7 (Black’s
king gets caught in the middle after the greedy 19 ... Bxe5?? 20 Nxe5 Qxe5
21 Nxf4 Qg7 22 Qb4) 20 Ned4 0-0-0 21 Qxf4 Rhf8 22 Nb3 with a sharp,
French-like position where I prefer White’s chances.
14 ... b5
Black wisely refrains from castling kingside this game.
15 Nf4
Eyeing g6 sacs.
15 ... Bb7?
The contradictory forces disrupting Black’s position must be resolved and
harmonized if he is to survive. Black retains even chances with 15 ... cxd4!
16 cxd4 Nb6 17 Kb1 (17 Bxg6?? fails to 17 ... fxg6 18 Nxg6 Qc7+) 17 ...
Nc4 18 Qe2 0-0 19 g4 and it’s anybody’s game. Here the g6 sacrifice doesn’t
look so great anymore for White: 19 Bxg6 fxg6 20 Nxg6 Qf7 21 Nxf8 Qxf8
and I prefer Black, whose minor pieces look at least the equal of White’s
rook and two pawns.
16 Bxg6!
Now White gets a good version of the g6-sacrifice. Moreover, it really
doesn’t qualify as a sacrifice if you attain a material surplus after the fact.
16 ... fxg6 17 Nxg6 Qf7 18 Nxh8 Bxh8 19 Qxh6
This is the difference. White picks off a third pawn, and his rook and
pawns outweigh Black’s two bishops, who don’t function well in the still
rigid structure.
19 ... 0-0-0?
19 ... Bg7 was necessary.
20 Ng5!

Now e6 falls.
20 ... Qf4+
20 ... Qxf2 21 Nxe6 Rg8 22 Rf1! Qg3 (or 22 ... Qxg2 23 Rg1 Qxg1 24
Rxg1 Rxg1+ 25 Kd2 and the h8-bishop is trapped) 23 Nxc5 Nxc5 24 dxc5
Bxe5 25 c6 Ba8 26 Rf3! Qg6 27 Qxg6 Rxg6 28 Rf8+ wins.
21 Rd2 cxd4 22 cxd4 Kb8 23 Qxe6 Rc8+ 24 Kd1
White’s king remains safe and Black’s minor pieces are unable to
24 ... Qxh4 25 Nf7 Nf8 26 Qh3
More accurate is 26 Qh6! Qg4+ 27 f3 Qe6 28 Qxe6 Nxe6, which is
winning for White, whose kingside passers decide the game.
26 ... Qe7!?
Hopeless, but Black felt he just couldn’t save the ending after a queen
27 Nxh8
Needless to say, Black doesn’t have sufficient compensation for an
exchange and three pawns.
27 ... Ne6 28 Ng6 Qf7 29 Nh4 Qh5+ 30 f3 Rc6 31 Nf5 Qg6 32 Qg4 Qh7
33 Nd6 Bc8 34 Nxc8
The more pieces off the board, the better for White.
34 ... Kxc8 35 Ke2 Kb7 36 Kf2 Qh6 37 Red1
White’s king is safe.
37 ... Nf4 38 Kg1 Rc7 39 e6?!
Mistakenly played with the thought: in war if you are unable to seize
control over a resource, then the next step is to destroy it, denying the enemy
control over it. From this stage, Yusupov begins to tire, mishandles the
position and sees ghosts (unfortunately, fatigue doesn’t absolve us from
fulfilling our tasks at the board). What is worse, this single incident becomes
the beginning of a negative pattern. There was no need to hand Black a pawn.
He missed 39 g3!, and if 39 ... Rg7 the simplifying 40 Rh2! wins on the spot.
39 ... Nxe6 40 Re2 Nf4 41 Re8 Qf6 42 Qg8!
Going after Black’s king via b8.
42 ... Kb6
Exercise (planning): White is up a huge amount of material. He may
have conquered, yet it isn’t so easy to rule due to a rising Black
kingside insurgency. How can White shut down Black’s counterplay?

43 Rf8?!
Answer: 43 b4! ends the game since Black’s king is denied an a5-escape
route: 43 ... Rb7 44 Rb8 squelches Black’s attack and threatens the
simplifying Qd8+.
43 ... Qh4
Exercise (critical decision): Should White go on the attack with 44
Rb8+, or
should he hand back more material with 44 Rxf4 to kill Black’s
Be careful. One of the decisions should win, while the other leads to a

44 Rb8+?
Violating the principle: when attacking, don’t chase the enemy king to
safety. White should hand back more material to regain the initiative.
Answer: 44 Rxf4! Qxf4 45 Qe6+ Rc6 46 Qe5 Qh4 47 b4! (threatening
mate on the move; White should co-opt the b-pawn as the leader of the
uprising) 47 ... Kb7 48 Re1 threatens Qe7+, which is decisive.
44 ... Ka5 45 Qd8 Ne2+!
As all programmers understand: firewalls can be pierced and the
information behind them hacked into. Also sufficient is 45 ... Nh3+! 46 Kh2
Ng5+ 47 Kg1 Nh3+ 48 gxh3 Qg3+ with an instant draw.
46 Kf1 Ng3+ 47 Kg1 Ne2+ 48 Kf1 Ng3+ 49 Kg1
49 Kf2 Ne4+ 50 Kg1 Qf2+ 51 Kh1 Ka4!! (threatening ... Rh7+) 52 b3+
Ka3 53 Qxc7 Qh4+ 54 Kg1 Qf2+ is perpetual check.
Exercise (critical decision): If a formally intractable enemy suddenly
friendship and peace, should we accept the offer, or regard it with
Nagging suppositions of the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Black’s
swirl in his mind. Fear and ambition tug at Black in turns. Should Black
bow to
his cautions side and take a draw, or should he listen to the raging inner
of ambition and go for the full point with 49 ... Qf4? What would you do?

49 ... Qf4??
Answer: Abandon hope for perpetuals or mates, all ye who enter here! In
the other direction, Black received his life; in this one a life sentence. GMs
seem to possess an inbred sense of self-confidence, which we non-GMs seem
to lack. The worst mistake in poker is to display signs of tremendous self-
confidence if you hold a barely playable hand. Double exclams and double
question marks tend to arise, not from cold calculation and logic, but from
impulsive, creative flashes. Vyzmanavin, without a fig leaf of a reason,
grossly overestimates his chances and plays for the loss. A seducer (that
awful thought: “Maybe I can win!”) holds tremendous sway over the seduced
(our ambition). He should have been satisfied with perpetual check.
50 Rc8
Of course. There is no mate and Black drops material for nothing, and
even worse, lacks the perpetual check resource he had just a moment ago.
50 ... Ka4 51 Qxc7 Qe3+ 52 Kh2
The chastened king escapes from the danger zone.
52 ... Ne2
52 ... Nf1+ 53 Rxf1 Qh6+ 54 Kg1 Qe3+ 55 Rf2 Qe1+ 56 Kh2! Qxf2 57
Qc3! simultaneously cuts off the perpetual attempt, while forcing mate.

Exercise (combination alert): Black threatens mate

on h6, but White beats him to it by mating first. How?

Answer: 53 Qc2+ 1-0

“That’s right. Let it all out. I’m here to take care of you,” comforts
White’s queen, with a wicked smile for Black’s weeping king. After 53 ...
Ka5 54 b4+! Kxb4 55 Rb1+ Ka5 56 Rxb5+! axb5 57 Qc7+ Kb4 58 Qc5+
White’s queen is obviously devastated by the black king’s sudden and
unexpected death: “Oh well, it won’t do to dwell on such unhappy matters,”
she declares, adding, “Musicians! Play us a merry tune!” 58 ... Ka4 59 Ra8 is

Summary: I suspect that chances are approximately even in this line when
Black and White castle on opposite wings. The trick is to understand the
dynamics of attack and defence better than your opponent.

Game 21
US Championship, Saint Louis 2010

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5
Finally, we get our position through a true Trompowsky move order.
2 ... e6 3 e4

3 ... h6
Besides this move, the main line, Black has a couple of options:
a) 3 ... Be7 (Black isn’t afraid of e5 and allows it) 4 Nd2 (after 4 e5 Nd5 5
Bxe7 Qxe7 6 c4 Qb4+ 7 Nd2 Ne7 the comps don’t think much of White’s
space advantage, but when it comes to us humans, Black doesn’t score well
from this point), and then:
a1) 4 ... d5 5 e5 Nfd7 6 Bxe7 Qxe7 7 f4!? (a pawn sacrifice; I would toss
in 7 c3 first) 7 ... c5 (perhaps Black should risk the pawn grab 7 ... Qb4!? 8
Ngf3 Qxb2 and make White prove his compensation) 8 Ngf3 Nc6 9 Bd3 Nb4
10 Be2 f6 11 c3 Nc6 12 0-0 0-0 13 a3 Rb8 14 b4 b6 15 Bd3 saw White reach
a favourable Classical French-like position, with space, a good bishop, and
kingside attacking possibilities, G.Kasparov-Centea, Deurne (simul) 2000.
a2) 4 ... b6 5 Ngf3 Bb7 6 Bd3 c5 7 c3 Nc6 8 a3! (an alert move,
preventing ... cxd4 followed by ... Nb4) 8 ... 0-0 9 0-0 Rc8 10 Re1 cxd4 11
cxd4 d5 12 e5 Ne8?! (Black should try 12 ... Ne4!? 13 Bxe7 Nxe7 14 Nxe4
dxe4 15 Bxe4 Bxe4 16 Rxe4 with some compensation for the pawn due to
control over d5) 13 Bf4 (principle: avoid swaps when you have a spatial
advantage) 13 ... Na5 14 Nf1 Nc4 15 Qe2 Rc7 16 Ng3 Qc8 17 h4 (Black’s
queenside counterplay is too slow and Kasparov builds a model kingside
attack) 17 ... h6 18 Rad1 Rc6 19 Bc1 Nc7 20 Nh5 a6? (20 ... Ne8 21 Nh2 f5
was forced) 21 Bb1! Re8 22 Qd3 g6 23 Nf4 1-0, G.Kasparov-A.Baptista,
Lisbon (simul) 1999. Black is defenceless to the coming Nxg6.
b) 3 ... c5 4 d5 (Pert’s choice, and I think White’s best; I have tried 4 e5
h6 5 Bh4 g5 6 Bg3 Ne4 in blitz and felt overextended here) 4 ... d6 (4 ... Qb6
5 Nc3 Qxb2 6 Bd2 transposes to a favourable version for White of the
Vaganian Gambit, which we look at later in the book) 5 Nc3 Be7 6 Bb5+
Bd7 (6 ... Nbd7 7 Bxf6!, and if 7 ... Bxf6 8 dxe6 fxe6 9 Qxd6 Bxc3+ 10 bxc3
Qe7 when I don’t think Black gets enough compensation for the pawn) 7
dxe6 fxe6 8 e5! dxe5 9 Bxf6 Bxf6 (it’s a stretch to believe Black can survive
White’s withering attack after 9 ... gxf6!? 10 Qh5+ Kf8 11 0-0-0 Qe8 12
Qh6+ Kf7 13 Bc4 Qg8 14 Qh3) 10 Bxd7+ Qxd7 11 Ne4 when White’s
domination of e4 and powerful knight offers more than enough for the pawn,
A.Moiseenko-Y.Kruppa, Alushta 2004.
4 Bxf6 Qxf6 5 Nf3 d6 6 Nc3 Nd7 7 Qd2 a6 8 0-0-0 Qd8
As I mentioned last game, my preference would be to develop the queen
to e7 and then fianchetto the dark-squared bishop.
9 h4
9 ... b5!?
Black aggressively seizes queenside space, even while lagging in

Question: Can he be punished for this?

Answer: Only if White manages to open the position, which isn’t so easy
to do here. On 9 ... Be7, I suggest 10 g4! with a position similar to our game,
Z.Klaric-M.Schlosser, Cannes 1990.
10 g4
White engages in a comprehensive set of radical alterations, without
gradations, and Black feels the constriction of tight boundaries.

Question: Isn’t this move rash if White

doesn’t know yet where Black’s king will end up?

Answer: I don’t think so. Black’s position is so passive that White can
easily get away with this Sicilian, Keres Attack-style kingside expansion.
Instead, 10 e5 follows our familiar strategy: 10 ... d5 11 Rh3 c5 12 dxc5
(White can’t allow ... c4, which would give Black a strong attack) 12 ... Bxc5
13 Rg3 Qb6 14 Rxg7 Kf8 15 Rg4 Bxf2 (threatening a cheapo on e3) 16 Kb1
h5 17 Rg5! (Black gets the better ending after 17 Rb4?! Qe3) 17 ... Be3 (17
... Qe3? fails to 18 Nxd5! Qxd2 19 Rxd2 Bc5 20 Nf6) 18 Qe1 was
H.Wunderlich-F.Velilla Velasco, correspondence 2009. White gets full
compensation for the exchange in the form of a dark-square attack. Houdini’s
analysis continues: 18 ... Bxg5 19 Nxg5 Qc7 20 Qf2 Nxe5 21 Qf4 Kg7 22
Nxf7! Qxf7 23 Qxe5+ Qf6 24 Qc7+ Qf7 25 Qg3+ Qg6 26 Qe5+ with
perpetual check.

10 ... c5!?
Benjamin decides to edit the queenside to his liking. Different players,
facing an identical crisis, rarely make the same decisions. Benjamin’s
philosophy: when you face an opponent who refuses to negotiate, sometimes
the solution is a pre-emptive strike of overwhelming force. Black, refusing to
go on the defensive, crosses a red line, after which war is inevitable. Logical
in that Black immediately commences a queenside attack against White’s
king. Yet the trustworthiness of this plan remains in question, since the move
violates the principle: avoid confrontation when lagging in development.
Black must balance the ends with the means. Just because we are capable of
an action, doesn’t mean we would be wise in initiating it.

Question: If not this move then what would you suggest?

Answer: Black can also try to lock the centre first, with 10 ... Bb7 11 d5
e5 12 g5 (the untried 12 Bh3! looks more logical to me: 12 ... Qf6 13 Qe2 b4
14 Nb1 Nc5 15 g5 Qf4+ 16 Nbd2 a5 17 Rdg1 Ba6 18 Qe1 h5 19 Bf1 and I
prefer White’s position; his control over the light squares looks more
important than Black’s domination on dark) 12 ... g6 13 Bh3 h5 14 Ne1 Bg7
15 Nd3 0-0 16 Ne2. This maybe contemplates a sacrifice on h5. The position
looks rather unclear to me, but I prefer White’s side, S.Rocha-A.Vitor,
Lisbon 2008.
11 Bh3

11 ... Qa5

Question: Can Black play the position like a pure

Open Sicilian with the bishop-pair, with 11 ... cxd4?

Answer: Houdini says chances are even here. To my mind the position
looks like a very favourable Najdorf for White. Black’s bishop-pair is small
change when contrasted with White’s nasty development lead. Indeed, after
12 Nxd4 b4 (or 12 ... Bb7 13 g5! b4 14 g6!! bxc3 15 gxf7+ with a winning
attack for White; I played out several scenarios and clobbered Houdini who
played Black) 13 Nce2 Bb7 14 g5 Bxe4 15 f3 Bd5 16 Nf4 Qa5 17 g6 Black is
12 Kb1 Bb7 13 d5 Nb6!?
After this natural move it feels like Black launches a rather inoffensive
offensive. He can also try his luck in the line 13 ... b4 14 Ne2! (after 14 dxe6
bxc3 15 exd7+ Kd8 16 Qf4 Qb4 17 b3 Qa3 18 Qc1 Qxc1+ 19 Kxc1 Bxe4 20
Bg2 Be7 21 Rhe1 Bc6 22 Re3 Rb8 23 Rxc3 Black looks okay in the ending)
14 ... c4 15 a3 c3 16 axb4 cxd2 17 bxa5 exd5 18 Nxd2 dxe4 19 Nc3 d5 20
Nb3 0-0-0 21 Nxd5 Ne5 22 Nb6+ Kc7 23 Rxd8 Kxd8 24 Bg2 when White’s
dangerous development lead still outweighs Black’s bishop-pair.
14 g5
Perhaps more accurate is to toss in the exchange on e6 first: 14 dxe6!
fxe6 15 g5 Nc4 16 Qd3 Qb4 17 b3 Na3+ 18 Kb2 Nc4+ 19 Ka1 Na3 20 Bxe6
c4 21 Qd2 g6 22 Kb2 Bg7 23 gxh6 Rxh6 24 Nd4 with enormous
complications, which Houdini claims favours White.
14 ... e5
After 14 ... b4 15 Ne2 Nxd5! 16 g6! f5 17 exd5 Bxd5 18 Nc1 Bxf3 19
Qe3! Bxh1 20 Qxe6+ Kd8 21 Rxh1 Qa4 22 Qxf5 I don’t think Black survives
those chronically weak light squares, despite the extra exchange. White has
attacking ideas like Nd3 and Nf4, adding to the black king’s insecurity.

Exercise (planning): With 14 ... e5 Benjamin logically attempts to close

the game.
The players may share similar goals, yet White’s means are significantly
potent in achieving them. Come up with a clear attacking plan for White.

Answer: Temporarily sacrifice a pawn, weakening g6, f7 and e6. White’s

attack is the faster.
15 g6! fxg6
15 ... f6 closes lines, but the era of freedom is over for the f8-bishop.
Black looks borderline strategically lost after 16 Be6 Nc4 17 Qc1 Kd8 18
16 Rhg1 Be7 17 Rxg6 Rf8?
Black has to try 17 ... Bf6 18 Rdg1, which Houdini assesses as favourable
for White, but Black still gets to attack on the other side.

Exercise (combination alert): There are times in a chess game

where whatever plans we concoct don’t play out exactly as we
envisioned. Up to this point, Black’s king operated in an environment
of impunity. This is about to change. After his last move, a blunder,
Black’s hopes skid into a muddy ditch. Proceed with White’s attack.

Answer: Offer the f3-knight in exchange for infiltration.

18 Rxg7!
At this point Benjamin must have contemplated the wreckage of his
position, now too painful to describe with words.
18 ... Bc8
Black grudgingly refuses the f3-offer in an attempt to appease the
unappeasable. So, undeterred, he rubs ointment into the gash and continues as
if nothing happened. Benjamin saw he wouldn’t survive 18 ... Rxf3 when the
knight turns out to be an indigestible lump in the rook’s stomach: 19 Qxh6
(threatening both Qe6 and Qh5+) 19 ... Bc8 (if 19 ... Rxh3 20 Qe6 Nc8 21
Rg8 mate) 20 Qh5+ Kd8 (the flustered king walks away quickly from the
white queen’s indecent proposal) 21 Qxf3 is completely hopeless for Black.
19 Bxc8 Rxc8 20 Qxh6 Rf6 21 Qh5+ Kd7

Exercise (combination alert): Find White’s knockout blow.

Answer: Pin(s)/double attack.

22 Nxe5+!
The knight’s entry into the attacking equation brings with it a sense of
finality of the end result.
22 ... dxe5 23 Qxe5
“Everything will turn out fine. You’ll see,” lies White’s queen in her most
soothing tone to Black’s worried king. White simultaneously threatens e7 and
23 ... Re8 24 Qxf6 1-0

Summary: Keep in mind that White can also go for a g4 plan, rather than the
e4-e5 strategy we have seen so far in this chapter.

Game 22
Southern California State Championship 2010

1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 e6 3 Bg5

In the 2010 Southern California State Championship (the U.S. Chess
Federation splits California into two states, since the Golden State is larger
than many countries), I temporarily emerged from retirement from long-time
control tournaments, but my accursed, Tony Miles-like bad back forced me
once again into the semi-retirement zone of one-day rapid events. So this was
my final long-control tournament. I posted a mediocre first weekend and my
opponent, IM Joel Banawa, surged a full point and a half ahead of the field,
going into the second weekend. To have any chance of first place, I had to
take down the leader in this game.

Question: If this is the case, then why on earth

would you play the rather sedate Torre Attack?

Answer: Your cruel words inflict excruciating mental anguish. The Torre
isn’t as boring as everyone thinks (as we have seen from the games in this
chapter). My choice of opening may strike you as the tell-tale sign of the
petty bureaucrat’s refusal to make an exception to the rule – even when logic
dictates it. But I argue: when you are desperate for a win, isn’t your best bet
to avoid an artificial opening choice and just go with the positions you feel
most comfortable? Sometimes on the chess board, obstinate predictability
represents a beneficial virtue, and flexibility a flaw. My opening choice
strikes me as the former.
3 ... h6 4 Bxf6 Qxf6 5 e4 d6 6 Nc3 Nd7 7 Qd2 c6
Question: What is Black’s defensive idea behind his last move?

Answer: Black replaces the traditional ... a6 with ... c6, which covers both
d5 and b5.

Question: Why does Black require coverage of d5 when his e-pawn does
just that?

Answer: Ah, but not for long. Black plans to challenge White’s central
space advantage with ... e5 at the appropriate moment.
8 0-0-0 e5
It’s possible this natural and most often played move may be mistimed.
However, I’m not so sure it helps Black to wait before allowing an opening
of the position:
a) 8 ... Be7 9 e5!? (a promising pawn sacrifice; safer is 9 Kb1 e5 10 h4,
J.Hodgson-B.Carlier, Stavanger 1989) 9 ... dxe5 10 dxe5 Nxe5 11 Ne4 Qf5
12 Nd6+ Bxd6 13 Qxd6 Nd7 14 Bd3 Qc5 15 Qf4 0-0 16 Rde1 a5 17 h4 a4 18
a3 Qxf2 19 Rhf1 Qa7 20 g4 and White got a ferocious attack for the two-
pawn investment in K.Chernyshov-S.Mishra, Chennai 2011.
b) 8 ... Qd8 9 Kb1 Be7 10 h4 a6 11 e5 d5 12 Rh3 b6 13 Rg3 Bf8 14 h5 a5
15 Ne1 Qh4 16 Rh3 Qe7 17 f4 Bb7 18 g4 0-0-0 when Black’s unimpressive
bishop-pair doesn’t compensate for White’s monster space advantage,
I.Rogers-D.Pikula, Baden-Baden 1999.

9 dxe5
Principle: open the position when leading in development.

Question: But what about Black’s bishop-pair?

Answer: Principle: a development lead normally takes precedence over

the bishop-pair.
9 ... dxe5?
Black had to try 9 ... Nxe5 10 Nd4 (intending f4; also possible is 10 Nxe5
Qxe5 – no choice, since 10 ... dxe5?? 11 Nb5! Qe7 12 Qa5! b6 13 Qc3 is
game over – 11 f4 Qa5 12 Bc4, which Houdini claims is even, but I don’t
trust Black’s position when so far behind in development, J.Plaskett-C.Ward,
Hastings 1989/90) 10 ... g5 when his position looks loose, but still playable,
J.Anguix Garrido-L.Comas Fabrego, Spanish Championship 1993.
Exercise (combination alert): After 9 ... dxe5 if Black is allowed ... Bb4,
he stands better. Opportunity is fast evaporating. White must act and
act now. Believe it or not, Black’s last move loses, since marching an
in formation against a shadowy, hidden enemy can be suicidal. Find
one powerful idea and White’s attack grows to winning proportions.

Answer: Pin. The knight inflicts havoc since Black can’t afford the high
cost of its capture.
10 Nb5!
Now Black walks perilously near to Morphy versus Count and Duke
territory. The knight acts as an intermediary between White’s attack and its
possible success or failure. Undesired problems well up in profusion for
Black. After the game I basked in the god-like afterglow of my tactical
abilities (at least to my deluded perspective), until I actually looked up this
position. To date this position has occurred 16 times in my database (this
game included), which downgraded a would-be masterpiece (somehow the
title ‘masterpiece’ is disqualified if 15 other people played the same way you
did) to merely a book trap.
10 ... Kd8!
Banawa finds the path of greatest resistance after a massive 40-minute
think. He hopes to damper White’s celebratory attitude down a notch with a
calm defensive move. His king, far from being a one-man chain gang,
languishing on d8, basically taunts White with the words: “Here I am. Come
and get me if you can!” Alternatives are:
a) 10 ... cxb5? 11 Bxb5 Qe6 12 Nxe5! and Black can resign, since 12 ...
Qxe5?? is met with 13 Bxd7+ Ke7 14 Bxc8 Rxc8 15 Qd7+, popping the c8-
b) 10 ... Rb8 11 Nxa7 (threatening to undermine the defender of d7) 11 ...
Qf4 (11 ... Qe6 12 Bc4! Qxc4 13 Nxc8 Qe6 14 Nxe5! is crushing as well) 12
g3 Qxd2+ 13 Rxd2 Nc5 14 Nxc8 Rxc8 15 Nxe5 and Black, unable to take e4,
found himself down two pawns for no compensation, I.Rogers-I.Glek, Linz
11 Qa5+!
A spasmed twitching at the corners of her mouth is as close to smiling as
the queen comes, as the black king’s proposal for peace is met with a
mirthless laugh from her. The combination fails without this indispensable
adjunct. White must replenish his initiative or watch it sag. After a lax move
like 11 Bc4? Bc5 Black remains alive and well.
11 ... b6
Once again the best response. If 11 ... Ke7? 12 Nd6 Nb6 13 Nxc8+ Rxc8
(13 ... Nxc8 14 Qc7+ mates next move) 14 Qxa7 and Black collapses.
12 Qc3
Targeting the two softest spots in Black’s position: c6 and e5.
12 ... a6
12 ... cxb5? is still out of the question, since 13 Bxb5 threatens Nxe5,
which leaves Black defenceless: for example, 13 ... a6 (13 ... Bd6 14 Qc6 is
an instant game-ender) 14 Bxd7 Bxd7 15 Nxe5 Ra7 (15 ... Bd6?? is met with
the crushing 16 Rxd6) 16 Rd5! (White must avoid 16 Nc6+ Kc7 17 Nxa7+??
Qxc3 18 bxc3 Ba3+ 19 Kb1 Ra8 and Black stands clearly better) 16 ... Rc7
17 Qd4 Qe6 18 Rd1 and game over.
Instead, 12 ... Bc5 was tried in E.Rozentalis-V.Nithander, Gothenburg
2012. Now White’s strongest follow up is 13 Qxe5! cxb5 14 Bxb5 when
Black has no good way to prevent the threatened Qd5!, and if 14 ... a6 15
Bxd7 Bxd7 16 Qd5 Ra7 17 Ne5 is curtains.
Exercise (combination alert): Black’s last move, 12 ... a6, attempts
to eject the unwanted b5-houseguest from the premises. Find the
shot which shatters Black’s earlier defensive handiwork to bits.

Answer: Interference/double attack.

13 Nd6! Bxd6
a) 13 ... Kc7?? isn’t much of a consideration due to 14 Ne8+ and Black’s
queen loses consciousness, as she gets whacked behind the ear with a
blackjack (do criminals still use blackjacks?).
b) 13 ... c5 14 Nxc8! Kxc8 15 g3! (threat: Bh3; Black can’t bear the
logistical strain of a two-front war) 15 ... Kc7 (15 ... Qe6 16 h4! changes
nothing, since Black can’t afford to take on a2) 16 Bh3 Rd8 17 Rxd7+ Rxd7
18 Bxd7 Kxd7 19 Rd1+ Bd6 20 Nxe5+, and if 20 ... Kc7 21 Rxd6! Kxd6 (21
... Qxd6 22 Nxf7 Qf8 23 Nxh8 Qxh8 24 Qe5+ is an easy win for White) 22
Qd2+ Ke7 23 Qd7+ Kf8 24 Qc8+ Ke7 25 Qc7+ Ke8 (“Woman, you forget
yourself! Know your place!” Black’s king lectures White’s queen; she
responds: “My place is on your throne”) 26 Nc6! When Black’s king is tried
in absentia and found guilty. Black must hand over his queen to avoid mate.
14 Qxc6
Double attack on a8 and d6.
14 ... Ke7
Defiance, when coming from a prisoner, represents the final remnant of
freedom. Black offers an exchange in desperation to unravel. After 14 ... Bb7
15 Qxb7 Ke7 16 Bc4 Rhd8 17 Bd5 when White dominates.
15 Qxa8 Nc5 16 Qa7+
A theoretical novelty. 16 Bc4 b5 17 Qa7+ Bb7 was S.Drazic-
B.Damljanovic, Podgorica 1996, and now the strongest is 18 b4!.
16 ... Bd7 17 Bxa6 Rb8
17 ... Bb8 is met with 18 Rxd7+ Nxd7 19 Qb7.

Exercise (combination alert): White can win even more material. How?

Answer: Removal of a key defender/deflection.

18 Rxd6! Qxd6 19 Rd1 1-0

Summary: The ... c6 and later ... e5 plan may be playable for Black, but even
when it is played correctly, I still like White’s attacking chances. Handing
Black the bishop-pair feels like a small price to pay for our development lead
and central control.
Game 23
Voronezh 2012

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 e6 3 e4 h6 4 Bxf6 Qxf6 5 c3

The Pert Variation. This line is a speciality of IM Richard Pert, who has
to be the world’s leading authority in this position, since his games
encompass around 17% of the entire database in this line.

Question: I realize that White avoided an early Nc3 because he

wanted to avoid the ... Bb4 pin, but the question is why avoid Nf3?

Answer: Unlike the earlier games of this chapter, White hopes to

engineer f4, or at least keep it on the table. So 5 c3 is in a way a compromise
move between the poles of 5 Nc3 Bb4 and the 5 Nf3 lines, which eliminate f4
ideas. One of the appealing things about this line is that White’s plan is very
simple: we play Nd2, Bd3, Ne2, 0-0 and f4, virtually every time. As a bonus,
Black’s queen is completely misplaced on f6 and later loses time retreating.
5 ... d6
By far the most popular response. Black sensibly plays for ... e5,
challenging White’s dominance in the centre.
Question: Are there other formations for Black besides a direct ... e5?

Answer: Black can also play for a French Defence formation with 5 ... d5
6 Nd2 (the capture on e4 costs Black time with his queen) 6 ... c5!? (in open
positions where the imbalance is development lead over bishop-pair, I always
put my money on the development lead) 7 Ngf3 cxd4 8 Nxd4 Bc5 was
I.Ivanisevic-M.Pavlovic, Zlatibor 2007. Now I would play 9 N2b3 Bb6 10
Bb5+ Bd7 11 Bxd7+ Nxd7 12 exd5 Qe5+ 13 Qe2 Qxd5 14 0-0 0-0 15 Rfd1.
White still has a touch of a development lead in this c3-Sicilian-like,
opposite-wing majorities position. Objectively it may be even, but I prefer
Possible too are:
a) 5 ... c5 6 Nf3 Qe7!? (or 6 ... Nc6 7 d5 Ne5 8 Be2 Nxf3+ 9 Bxf3 exd5
10 Qxd5 Qe6 11 Qd3 Be7 12 0-0 0-0 13 Nd2 b5! 14 Rfe1 Rb8 15 e5 c4?! 16
Qd4 Qb6 17 Qxb6 Rxb6 18 a4 a6 19 axb5 axb5 20 Ra7 when White
established a small but nagging edge, M.Hebden-M.Adams, Kilkenny 2006,
but the comp trick 15 ... d5! equalizes) 7 Bd3 g6 8 0-0 Bg7 9 Nbd2 0-0 10 e5
cxd4 11 cxd4 d6 12 Qe2 Bd7 13 Rac1 dxe5 14 dxe5 Bc6 15 a3 Rd8 16 Be4
Bxe4 17 Qxe4 Nc6 18 Nc4 with dynamically even chances, P.Harikrishna-
S.Karjakin, Lugo 2006.
b) 5 ... b6 6 e5 Qg6!? (6 ... Qd8 is safer) 7 Qf3! Nc6 (Black can also try 7
... Qc2!? 8 Nd2 Nc6 9 Rb1 Qa4, but his queen looks oddly placed on a4 and I
still prefer White) 8 Bd3 f5 (Black loses more time after 8 ... Qg5 9 Nd2 Bb7
10 Ne4) 9 exf6 Qxf6 10 Qh5+ Kd8 11 Nd2 with a pleasant edge for White,
due to Black’s disjointed king’s situation, J.Klinger-K.Bjerring, Liechtenstein
6 Bd3 e5
Black demands a fair share of the centre. Next game we look at 6 ... Nd7.
7 Ne2
Remember, e2 over f3 development for this knight. In doing so, White
stays away from possible ... Bg4 pins. The main reason is White’s plan: castle
and follow with f4, made all the more effective with Black’s queen stationed
on f6.
7 ... g6
Black’s main move. Instead, 7 ... Nc6 (hoping to induce d5, which places
all of White’s pawns on the wrong colour for his remaining bishop) 8 0-0
g5!? (a radical way of halting the coming of f4; as beginners we all once fell
for the tactical idea 8 ... exd4?! 9 cxd4 Nxd4?? 10 Nxd4 Qxd4?? 11 Bb5+) 9
Bb5 Bd7 10 Qa4 Qd8 was V.Milov-S.Tatai, Bratto 2003. Now White can
continue 11 Nd2 Bg7 12 d5 Ne7 13 Nc4! a6 14 Bxd7+ Qxd7 15 Qb4 0-0-0
16 a4 Kb8 17 Ng3. Both the attacking Na5 and the strategic Ne3 are in the
air, with a clear advantage for White.
8 0-0 Bg7 9 f4
The implementation of White’s main set-up in this variation, where he
hopes to redraw the map to his territorial advantage. Previously, the kingside
represented ungoverned land, until now when White makes his claim.
9 ... Qe7 10 Nd2 0-0 11 Nf3
11 ... Bg4!?
Black decides to hand back the bishop-pair, turning the game into an
opposite-coloured bishop fight.

Question: Why would Black give away his

main asset in the position, the bishop-pair?

Answer: I assume to reduce White’s kingside attackers. I knew a guy 30

years ago who drove a piece-of-junk jalopy of a car – if you could call it that.
He installed an elaborate alarm system to guard his precious treasure. Moral:
an object of little or no value to one person can be a treasure to another, to be
loved and cherished. We all have our prejudices concerning bishops over
knights. Most players – at least to my mind – tend to over-value the bishop-
pair. We Tromp players, on the other hand, tend to fall into the category of
knight lovers, since early on in the game we willingly play Bg5 and Bxf6 so
often. The problem with Black’s plan is that it violates the principle:
opposite-coloured bishops favour the attacker – in this case clearly White.

Question: I don’t see a good plan for Black. What would you suggest?

Answer: I would go for a plan based on ... exd4 and ... c5 for two reasons:
1. By doing so, Black increases the influence of his unopposed dark-
squared bishop.
2. Black follows the principle: counter in the centre when attacked on the
Play may continue: 11 ... Nd7 12 Qd2 c6 13 Rae1 exd4! and now perhaps
White can try a more radical approach with 14 Nexd4 (the natural move
allows Black counterplay after 14 cxd4 c5 15 Nc3 Nb6 16 f5 cxd4 17 Nd5
Qd8 18 f6 Bxf6 19 Nxf6+ Qxf6 20 Qxh6 Bg4 21 Ng5 Qg7 22 Qh4 Be6 23 b3
Nd7; Black looks like he defends here) 14 ... a6 15 h4!? Nf6 16 f5, which is
obviously dangerous for Black, but perhaps still better than the game
12 Qb3
Hitting b7, but more importantly, also f7, the point which represents the
origination of Black’s coming troubles.
12 ... b6?!
I’m not crazy about this move, which further degrades Black’s light
squares. Once again Black should think about 12 ... exd4!, following the
principle cited above. After 13 Qxb7 Nd7 14 cxd4 c5 15 Rab1 Rfe8 it feels to
me like Black gets full compensation for the pawn.
13 h3 Bxf3 14 Rxf3 Nd7 15 Raf1

White continues to build force against f7.

15 ... Nf6
When a person deliberately shuts you out by ignoring you and not
speaking to you, isn’t it in a strange way, focusing absolute attention on you
alone? Black, worried about the building pressure on the f-file, clings to f7,
as if the square was his only friend in the world. His barely-holding defence
appears constructed more for ornament than for efficiency. This time 15 ...
exd4 comes too late, since 16 Nxd4 Nc5 (maybe Black can try the more
radical 16 ... Bxd4+!? 17 cxd4 c5) 17 Nc6 Qd7 18 Qd5 gives White a light-
squared bind.
16 Qb5?!
Intending to add pressure to e5, but in doing so, White allows his intent to
decant for too long. After this inaccuracy the lustre of White’s initiative
threatens to fade somewhat. He should pursue the pressuring of f6/f7 strategy
with 16 fxe5! dxe5 17 Bc4 Rae8 18 Qa3! exd4 (18 ... Qxa3 19 bxa3 exd4 20
Rxf6 Bxf6 21 Rxf6 Kg7 22 Rc6 Rxe4 23 Nxd4 also favours White) 19 Qxe7
Rxe7 20 Rxf6 Bxf6 21 Rxf6 (threat: Rxg6+) 21 ... Kg7 22 Rc6 dxc3 23 Nxc3
with advantage in the ending.
16 ... exd4?!
The much demanded central counter is mistimed. This move hinders, but
doesn’t yet behead Black’s overall defensive plan. 16 ... c5! cuts off the white
queen’s access to e5: 17 fxe5 (17 dxe5 dxe5 18 f5 Rad8 also looks fine for
Black) 17 ... dxe5 18 d5 Ne8, intending ... Nd6, and Black looks fine.
17 e5! dxe5?
This move fails to meet Black’s kingside defensive obligations and cedes
White carte blanche to raid and pillage at will. Black had to take his chances
in the line 17 ... Nh7 18 Nxd4 (18 cxd4 c5 19 Bc4 cxd4 20 Nxd4 dxe5 21
Nc6 Qe8 22 fxe5 Ng5 23 Rd3 Rc8 24 Rd6 Ne4 25 Rxg6 Kh8 26 Rxg7 Kxg7
27 Bd5 also doesn’t look very healthy for Black, who finds himself under
light-square fire all across the board, with king safety issues added, but this is
still better than the game’s continuation) 18 ... dxe5 19 Nc6 Qd7 20 Qc4!
exf4 21 Bxg6 Ng5 22 Rd3 Qe6 23 Qxe6 Nxe6 24 Bh5 when Black continues
to struggle against the light-squared bind.
18 fxe5 Nh7
18 ... Nd7 19 cxd4 leads to crushing pressure on f7. Black essentially
can’t do much about the coming Bc4 and Qb3, or Qd5.
Exercise (combination alert): Black’s pieces mill about gravely, as if
an impending death in the family. Find White’s combinational
Hint: we can’t properly assess without viewing the idea through the prism
of f7, Black’s most vulnerable point. Vast attacking potential remains in
to be utilized only if and when the opponent allows a line-opening. This
happened. How would you continue White’s attack?

Answer: Double attack/pin: f7 isn’t as secure as Black imagined.

19 Rxf7!
An overwhelming force has no need to lie in wait.
119 ... Rxf7 20 Rxf7 Qc5
a) 20 ... Kxf7 is met with 21 Bc4+ Kf8 22 Qd5 with a deadly double
attack on g8 and a8.
b) 20 ... Qxf7 meets with the killing pin 21 Bc4.
21 Qd7!
Not fearing Black’s discovered check. White’s queen smoothly projects
herself into the argument.
21 ... dxc3+ 22 Kh1 Bxe5
If 22 ... Qxe5 and now the simplest is 23 Rxg7+ Qxg7 24 Qd5+. White
puts his fiscal house in order, picking up the a8-rook with check.
23 Rxh7
Threatening mate on the move.
23 ... Rf8

Exercise (combination alert): White to play and force mate in three


Answer: 24 Qe6+! 1-0

“I’m afraid you don’t get a vote in matter of your living or dying,”
White’s queen informs Black’s king. 24 ... Kxh7 25 Qxg6+ Kh8 “You! You
are the monster who brought me down,” rages Black’s king, as he points a
trembling, accusatory finger at White’s queen. She responds with a malicious
smile: “How can I bring down someone who was never up?” 26 Qh7 is mate.
An aerosol of the king’s blood spray-paints the wall, after the queen slices
open his jugular.
Summary: With 5 c3, White hopes to avoid both 5 Nc3 Bb4, and also 5 Nf3,
which blocks f4 ideas. Our set-up is easy to remember after 5 c3: Nd2, Bd3,
Ne2, 0-0 and f4.

Game 24
San Sebastian 2012

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 e6 3 e4 h6 4 Bxf6 Qxf6 5 c3 d6 6 Bd3 Nd7 7 Ne2 g6

Question: What is the difference between

Black’s plan in this game and the last game?

Answer: This game Black decides not to stake out a central claim with ...
e5, playing the position in Modern Defence (1 ... g6) style.

Question: How can avoidance of ... e5 benefit Black in any way?

Answer: Going ... e5 provokes confrontation, especially in this line after

White plays f4, which favours the better developed side – in this case White.
So in a way Black actually follows principle by avoidance of ... e5.
8 0-0 Bg7 9 f4
The position resembles a funky kind of Modern Defence, Austrian
Attack, with a pawn on c3, rather than a knight. White gave up the bishop-
pair. As compensation, he obtains both a development lead and a daunting
space advantage.
9 ... 0-0 10 Nd2 Qe7

11 e5
Cramping Black further. Now e5 proves to be a secure base, around
which White may build and launch a kingside attack. He can also swing the
queen to g3 first with 11 Qe1, Tromp guru Hodgson’s favourite plan in the
position: 11 ... b6 12 Qg3 Bb7 13 e5 Rad8 (opening the f-file only benefits
White: 13 ... dxe5?! 14 fxe5 Qg5 15 Qxg5 hxg5 16 Be4 Bxe4 17 Nxe4 Bh6
18 g4! c5 19 Rf2 cxd4 20 cxd4 Rac8 21 N2c3 a6 22 Raf1 Rc7 23 Nd6 Nb8
24 Nce4 Re7 25 Rc2 when White dominates across the board, J.Hodgson-
P.Saint Amand, Philadelphia 2000) 14 Ne4 b5! (Rowson does his best to
dismantle White’s imposing central dominance; I don’t like Black’s chances
if he switches to French Defence mode and closes the centre with 14 ... d5?!
15 Nf2 c5 16 Ng4 cxd4 17 cxd4 Qb4 18 Rab1 h5 19 Ne3 when an f5
sacrificial breakthrough is in the air) 15 Rae1 b4! 16 h4! bxc3 17 bxc3 Kh8
18 h5 gxh5 19 Qh3 h4 20 exd6!? cxd6 21 f5 d5 22 f6!? (I prefer White after
22 Nf2 e5 23 Bb5 Nf6 24 Qxh4) 22 ... Nxf6 23 Nxf6 Bxf6 24 Nf4 Rd6 25
Bc2 (White gets full attacking compensation for the two pawns) 25 ... Rg8 26
Nh5 Bg5 27 Qd3 f6 28 Nxf6!

28 ... Bxf6?? (it’s anybody’s game after 28 ... Rg7! 29 Nh5 Ba6 30 Qd1
Bxf1 31 Nxg7 Qxg7 32 Rxf1) 29 Rxf6 Qg7 30 Qf3! (there is no good
defence to Rf7) 30 ... Rc6 (30 ... Rd7 doesn’t help either: 31 Rexe6 and
White wins) 31 Rf7 Rxc3 32 Rxg7 Rxf3 33 Rh7 1-0 J.Hodgson-J.Rowson,
Oxford 1998.
11 ... b6 12 Be4
Question: What is the sense in such a move if
Black can simply play ... d5, gaining a tempo?

Answer: The problem is 12 ... d5 violates the principle: don’t close the
centre when attacked on the wing. By closing, Black reduces his central
counterplay and allows White’s kingside attack leisure time to build after 13
Bf3 (or 13 Bd3 c5 14 Nf3 and White can follow with the Hodgson plan of
Qe1, Qg3 and h4, when Black’s queenside and central play arrives slower) 13
... Bb7 14 c4 c6 15 Rc1 when Black’s sorry-looking bishop-pair is clearly
inferior to White’s space.
12 ... Rb8 13 Qa4
White gains a tempo on a7 to swing the a1-rook into the fight.
13 ... a6
Superior to 13 ... a5 which weakens the queenside light squares: 14 Bc6
and it’s not so easy to shake White’s queenside light square grip, R.Panjwani-
N.De Firmian, Calgary 2010.
14 Rae1 b5 15 Qc2 c5 16 Kh1
A new move. White’s king gets off the g1-a7-diagonal as a precautionary
measure. Instead, after 16 Bf3 cxd4 17 cxd4 Nb6 18 Ne4 dxe5 19 fxe5 Nc4
20 N2g3 White’s knight dangerously eyes the c5-, d6- and f6-squares,
J.Saada-C.Rihouay, French League 2009.

16 ... d5?!
Violating the principle we discussed earlier. This may be the inception
point of Black’s future difficulties and acts as a barrier to his wishes. It’s hard
to resist a tempo when it is there for the taking. Perhaps, though, Black
should consider 16 ... Bb7! 17 Bxb7 Rxb7 18 Ne4 d5! (this is the correct
timing) 19 Nd6 Rb6 20 Qd2 Rfb8 21 Qe3 c4 22 b4 Rxd6! 23 exd6 Qxd6. I
think Black is okay here with a pawn for the exchange and active pieces.
17 Bf3
The bishop and d5-pawn part amicably for now.
17 ... b4
Black labours intensely on the queenside without making much of a
difference. His queenside attack turns out to be a fiction. 17 ... c4 18 g4 Qh4
19 Ng3 intending f5, isn’t so tempting for Black, but is perhaps a better
chance than what he got in the game.
18 c4! Bb7?
This plan looks like a bad business model: too much work, with too little
reward. Black collapses on the kingside after this. It’s understandable that he
didn’t want to enter 18 ... dxc4 19 Nxc4 Bb7 20 Bxb7 Rxb7 21 Nd6 Rc7 22
Rc1 which leaves Black in deep trouble strategically, yet less so than the
game’s continuation.
19 cxd5 Bxd5
19 ... exd5 20 f5 gxf5 21 Ng3 f4 22 Nf5 Qg5 23 Bd1!, intending Nf3,
gives White a winning position.
20 Bxd5 exd5

Black’s objective will not come cheaply. White’s kingside attack is far
more dangerous than anything Black can muster on the other side, and we
sense a dissipated defensive force, slowly drained of function.
21 f5
Black’s shady strategic past rises to the surface, as Laznicka marshals his
thoughts into singular intent: strip Black’s king of protectors. Disruption at f5
is White’s ticket to Black’s king and White’s kingside majority proves to be
far more potent than Black’s worthless model on the other side.
21 ... gxf5 22 Ng3
Clearly there will be tough times ahead for Black’s king.
22 ... cxd4 23 Nxf5 Qg5 24 Nf3 Qd8 25 N3xd4 Rb6
One can’t forestall that which is inevitable. Black’s position lies in ruins:
1. White’s knights hover menacingly over Black’s king.
2. Black nurses three isolanis and a loose structure.
Exercise (planning): White to play and force the win of material.

Answer: Black can’t afford e7 and must fork over a full exchange.
26 e6!
This move keeps Black off balance.
26 ... fxe6
26 ... Bxd4? 27 Nxh6+ Kh8 28 Nxf7+ Rxf7 29 Rxf7 Nf6 30 Qd3 forces
27 Nxe6 Rxe6
Black burns through defensive resources at a much faster rate than he can
replenish. At the current rate, munitions deplete to near zero in just a few
28 Rxe6 Kh8 29 Rfe1 Bf6
Exercise (combination alert): Black’s remaining defenders are
mismatched remnants of a once powerful king’s guard. Houdini
announces mate after this move. How would you conduct White’s attack?

30 Nh4
Clever, but stronger is:
Answer: 30 Qd2!, and if 30 ... Bg5 31 Rxh6+! Kg8 32 Qxd5+ Rf7 33
Rg6+ Kf8 34 Rxg5! (deflection/weak back rank) 34 ... Qxg5 (34 ... Qb6 35
Re7! is also a pretty finish) 35 Qa8+ with mate in two moves.
30 ... Rg8 31 Ng6+ Kg7 32 Ne7
Threatening a queen infiltration via g6.
32 ... Nf8
Exercise (combination alert): There are two ways
for White to finish Black off. Find one of them.

Answer: Removal of a defender/pin.

33 Nf5+!
Even more effective is the obliteration of the king’s position with 33
Rxf6! (a terrible presence appears on the scene, in the wrathful form of
White’s rook) 33 ... Kxf6 (“Well, at least this is a character building
experience,” muses Black’s long suffering king) 34 Qf5+ (“You will reform,
if not by persuasion, then perhaps by the whip,” declares White’s queen to
Black’s king) 34 ... Kg7 35 Qg4+ Kf7 (Black’s king bellows futile orders to
defend him, which go unheeded) 36 Qxg8+. The queen firmly believes that
her enemies should be executed thoroughly and often.
33 ... Kh8 34 Rd6! 1-0
The rook arrives at the negotiating table with great leverage and bargaining
power. 34 ... Nd7 35 Qd2 Rg6 36 Rxd5 wins the knight.

Summary: When Black plays in Modern Defence style with 7 ... g6, he or
she hopes to avoid an early central clash while behind in development. If this
is the case, then let’s bring the confrontation to Black on the kingside, based
on our gigantic central space advantage.
Chapter Four
2 ... d5 3 Bxf6
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 d5 3 Bxf6 exf6

The diagrammed position may be the most important one for us in the
entire book. We deliberately disarrange Black’s once immaculate structure at
the cost of offending against the strategic aesthetic: we hand over the bishop-
pair, all in the name of generating an early imbalance.
At club level, most of our opponents hold merely glancing knowledge of
the Trompowsky and will strive mightily to avoid an ultra-sharp theoretical
fight. Black’s secret is exposed by implication when they play 2 ... d5, hoping
to steer the game into a normal Queen’s Gambit or Slav direction. We deny
them their wish by chopping on f6 and Black can either recapture away from
the centre, agreeing to a slightly degraded structure in compensation for
freedom of movement, or capture toward the centre. In the book you have the
option of psycho or strategic plans. Here is a glimpse of what can happen if
we decide to go Hodgson on our opponents, with a bombs-away, shock and
awe campaign:
This is Hodgson-Gokhale, where one side or the other is sure to get
Aggressive-minded opponents may try 3 ... gxf6, after which we may end
up in equally sharp positions like the following:

This is Hodgson-Martin, where once again, both kings appear to be in

grave danger. In either case, we the Tromp side give free-reign to our
imaginative impulses and force Black into a fight on our turf.

Game 25
British Championship, Dundee 1993

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 d5

3 Bxf6

Question: Oh, no! Not another variation where we hand Black the

Answer: As far as the Trompowsky is concerned, bishop lovers need not

apply. In this book we cover the 3 Bxf6 lines, but White isn’t obliged to take.
We can also play:
a) 3 Nc3 transposing to the Veresov.
b) 3 Nf3 transposes to Torre Attack, and can even morph into Queen’s
Gambit and Slav lines, depending on how both sides play it.
c) With 3 e3 White keeps all options open:
c1) 3 ... e6 4 c4 c6 5 Nc3 Be7 transposing to an old school QGD, or 5 ...
Nbd7 6 Nf3 (6 cxd5 exd5 7 Bd3 is the QGD, Exchange Variation) 6 ... Qa5,
which is the Cambridge Springs.
c2) 3 ... Ne4 4 Bf4 transposes to Chapter Two.
c3) 3 ... Nbd7 with a further choice:

c31) 4 Nf3 h6 (4 ... g6 5 c4 Bg7 6 Nc3 c6 7 cxd5 cxd5 8 Qb3 is a strange

Exchange Slav-like position where Black’s kingside fianchetto bites into a
wall on d4, C.Lakdawala-N.Arutyunov, San Diego (rapid) 2013; instead, here
5 ... dxc4?! 6 Bxc4 Bg7 7 Nc3 0-0 8 Rc1 c5 9 0-0 cxd4 10 exd4 is advantage
White, since we reach a classical isolani position where White reached a
QGD Tarrasch, a full two moves up from Black’s version, C.Lakdawala-
R.Bruno, San Diego (rapid) 2013) 5 Bh4 g6 6 c4 c6 7 Nc3 Bg7 8 Rc1 Qa5 9
cxd5 Nxd5 10 Bc4 with a Grünfeld-like position, C.Lakdawala-B.Baker, San
Diego (rapid) 2013
c32) 4 Nd2 h6 (4 ... e5 5 dxe5 Nxe5 6 Ngf3 is a kind of reversed Caro-
Kann-like position, a move up for White, which is probably still equal) 5
Bf4!? (now it’s a kind of London where Black gets the free move ... h6,
which White can use as grist for a future Rg1, g4, h4-style attack) 5 ... e6 6
Bd3 Bd6 7 Ngf3 Bxf4 (Black is probably better off avoiding this swap, which
gives White a grip over e5 and opens the e-file for his rooks) 8 exf4 c5 9
dxc5! Nxc5 10 0-0 Nxd3 11 cxd3 0-0 12 Nb3 Bd7 13 Nbd4 Qb6 14 Qd2
Rac8 15 Rfc1. Advantage White, whose knights roost along the central dark
squares, C.Lakdawala-B.Baker, San Diego (rapid 2007.
d) 3 Nd2 has pretty much the same idea as 3 e3, except White discourages
... Ne4 in this version. Here 3 ... Nbd7 4 Ngf3 e6 5 e3 Be7 6 Bd3 h6 7 Bf4 0-
0?! (Black shouldn’t commit to castling this early) 8 g4! was a new move at
the time and an improvement over 8 h3.

White, who may castle queenside, plans g5, opening kingside lines: 8 ...
g5!? (8 ... Nxg4?! 9 Rg1 gives White a ferocious attack) 9 Bg3 Kg7 (9 ...
Nxg4 10 h4 gives White more than enough for the pawn) 10 h4 Rh8 11 Ne5
c5 12 c3 cxd4 13 exd4 when White castled queenside and generated a
winning attack, C.Lakdawala-K.Arnold, San Diego (rapid) 2004.
3 ... exf6
GM Aaron Summerscale writes: “A fairly reliable method of defending
against the Trompowsky is to grab a share of central space with 2 ... d5. As
after 3 Bxf6 and c4, Black is forced to give up his central foothold, but in
compensation gains the bishop-pair.”
Question: Isn’t Black violating principle by recapturing away from the

Answer: The recapture away from the centre does indeed lessen Black’s
central influence, yet greatly enhances freedom of development and opens the
e-file – not such a bad deal for Black. Think about the Exchange Ruy Lopez:
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Bxc6 and now Black nearly always plays 4 ...
dxc6, recapturing away from the centre. Black’s Trompowsky version applies
the same logic. We examine 3 ... gxf6 later in the chapter.
4 e3
White’s most logical move, switching the pawn structure to the opposite
colour of our remaining bishop.
4 ... Be7?!
Inaccurate. This move is redundant to the mission, since Black normally
posts this bishop on the more active d6-square. Alternatives:
a) We examine Black’s most natural posting, 4 ... Bd6, in the next few
games. Here is a 5-3 blitz game I played against a GM, which followed
Hodgson’s attacking plan: 5 c4 dxc4 6 Bxc4 0-0 7 Nc3 f5 8 Nge2 Nd7 9 Qc2
Nf6 10 Bd3 g6 11 h3 c6 12 0-0-0 (yes, your writer was a braver man when he
was still young, thin and devilishly handsome) 12 ... Qe7 13 Kb1 Bd7 14
g4!? (in opposite-wing attacks, hesitancy is synonymous with failure; like it
or not, White must sacrifice material to open lines) 14 ... fxg4 15 hxg4 Nxg4
16 e4!? (clearly, Caligula would approve of White’s crazy excess; 16 Ne4
Bf5 17 N2c3 is a safer way to play the position) 16 ... Nxf2 17 e5 Bb4 18
Ne4 Nxe4 (Shipov wisely plays it safe, avoiding the terrors of 18 ... Nxh1 19
Rxh1 Kg7 20 a3 Ba5 21 Qc1 h5 22 Nf6 Rh8 23 Qg5 Rag8 24 Nf4 with a
scary strong attack) 19 Bxe4 Bg4 20 Rdg1 Bxe2? (Black strives to reduce
material to weaken White’s attack, but accomplishes the opposite; according
to Houdini Black had to try 20 ... Qg5! 21 Bf3 Bxf3 22 Rxg5 Bxh1 23 Nf4
Rad8 24 Rg1 Bd5 25 Nh5 Be7 26 Qd2) 21 Qxe2 f5 22 Bc2 Rad8 23 Bb3+
Kh8 24 Rxg6?! (stronger is to first insert 24 a3! Ba5 25 Rxg6) 24 ... Rxd4 25
Rgh6 Rg4 26 e6 Rg7 27 Qe5 Kg8 28 Bc2 Bd6 29 Qd4 c5 30 Qd5 Bf4 31
R6h5 Bg5 32 Bxf5 h6 33 Bc2 Rd8 34 Qe4 b5 35 a3 c4 36 Rxh6! Bxh6 37
Rxh6 Rg1+ 38 Ka2 b4 39 Qxc4 bxa3 40 Rh7? (40 Qc3! forced mate) 40 ...
Rg7 41 Rxg7+ Kxg7 42 Qg4+ Kf8 43 Qf5+ Kg8 44 Qg6+ Kf8 (44 ... Qg7??
loses instantly to 45 e7) 45 Qh6+ Kg8.

Exercise (combination alert): White to play and win material:.

Answer: Deflection/double attack: 46 Bh7+! Qxh7 (46 ... Kh8?? 47 Bg6+

Kg8 48 Bf7+ wins the queen) 47 Qg5+ Qg7 48 Qxd8+ Kh7 49 Qd3+? (49
Qd7! Kh6 50 Kxa3 wins) 49 ... Kg8 50 Qxa3. This may be a win for White
but Shipov managed to hold the draw on move 102, C.Lakdawala-S.Shipov,
Internet (blitz) 2001.
b) With 4 ... c6 Black plays in Slav formation and leaves options open for
his dark-squared bishop: 5 c4 (White can also avoid c4 and play 5 Bd3 which
we examine in Mamedyarov’s game later in the chapter) 5 ... Bb4+ (the rapid
development strategy means Black will probably later hand back the bishop-
pair) 6 Nc3 0-0 7 cxd5 cxd5!? (I expected 7 ... Qxd5 8 Nge2 followed by a3)
8 Nge2 Nc6 9 a3 Bxc3+ 10 Nxc3 (the d5-isolani gives White an edge, despite
Black’s development lead) 10 ... Re8 11 Be2 f5 (toying with ... f4
undermining ideas) 12 0-0 Be6 13 Rc1!? (I could also discourage Black’s
next move with 13 g3) 13 ... f4!? 14 exf4 Qf6 15 Nb5 (threatening a fork on
c7) 15 ... Qxf4 16 g3 Qb8 17 Bf3 Rd8 18 Rc5 (the pressure on d5 mounts) 18
... a6 19 Nc3 Qd6?! (Black decides to sacrifice d5 to generate piece play;
more prudent was 19 ... Ne7 20 Ne2 with only a tiny edge for White) 20
Bxd5 Bxd5 21 Rxd5 Qxd5!? (I expected 21 ... Qf6 22 Rxd8+ Rxd8 23 d5
Nd4 24 Qd3 when White had good chances of converting with a clean, extra
d-pawn) 22 Nxd5 Rxd5 23 Qb3 Rb5 24 Qc3 Rd8 25 Re1 h6 26 Re4 Rbd5 27
Kg2 Rxd4 28 Rxd4 Rxd4 and I managed to convert in the technical ending
which followed, C.Lakdawala-D.Kishnevsky, San Diego (rapid) 2013.
c) With 4 ... Be6 Black suppresses c4. Then 5 Bd3 (5 g3 is also possible)
5 ... Bd6 6 Nd2 c6 7 Qf3 is a set-up we examine later in the chapter.
5 c4 dxc4 6 Bxc4 0-0 7 Nc3
7 ... c6
Black’s most common structural set-up.

Question: Can Black try and open for the bishop-pair with 7 ... c5?

Answer: This isn’t played often, but it looks reasonable. White can
continue 8 Nge2 Nc6 9 0-0 cxd4 10 Nxd4 Nxd4 11 exd4 Bf5 12 Re1 Rc8 13
Bb3 when I like his position. The d4-pawn may be an isolani, but in essence
it’s extra, since Black’s extra pawn on the kingside gives him a crippled
majority. Black’s bishop-pair in the open position should compensate.
8 Nge2

Question: Why e2 rather than f3?

Answer: Here f3 isn’t such a great square since Black controls e5.
White’s knight greatly increases its options from e2, because it can later play
to g3, f4, or even a vacated c3-square.
8 ... Nd7
White can also play it safer and castle kingside. An example: 8 ... f5 9
Qc2 g6 10 0-0 Nd7 11 Rfd1 Bd6 12 g3 Nf6 13 a3 Qe7 14 b4 with
dynamically balanced chances, M.Adams-P.Thipsay, London 1992.
9 Qc2 Bd6 10 Bd3
More accurate than the immediate 10 0-0-0 f5! when 11 Qxf5?? Ne5 wins
10 ... g6

11 h3!
In order to meet ... f5 with the g4 prying mechanism.

Question: Why not the immediate 11 h4?

Answer: That is also possible, even though Black can deal with the
opening of the h-file: for example, 11 ... f5 12 h5 Nf6 13 hxg6 hxg6 14 0-0-0
Kg7 (leaving open ... Rh8 options) 15 f3 Be6 16 Qd2 Rh8 17 e4 fxe4 18 fxe4
Ng4 19 e5 Be7 20 Rxh8 Qxh8 21 Nf4 Bd7 22 Kb1 Qh6 23 Rf1. I prefer
White due to superior attacking chances, while Houdini rates it as dead even.
11 ... Qe7
11 ... f5 is met with 12 g4.
12 0-0-0
If one venomous snake swallows another live snake, equally venomous,
then who digests whom? To play such a move we must first push open a
psychological gate. Now the margin between abundant riches and bankruptcy
is razor thin. If you are familiar with such a position as White, this constitutes
a huge advantage over an opponent who is new to town.

Question: It appears to me like White’s king is exposed to greater danger.

Hodgson’s construct more of a risky abstraction, rather than a truly sound

Answer: Never, never take our patron Saint Julian’s name in vain, my
child, for it is a sin. If you play through the positions with a comp turned on,
you see that chances are approximately even under Houdini’s objective gaze.
12 ... a5 13 Kb1 Nb6
Understandable, since Black is anxious to avoid 13 ... f5 14 g4!.
14 h4!
This move is made all the more potent if Black lacks the ... Nf6 defensive
option. The menace which first merely appeared as attacking vapours, now
forms into concrete, very real threats. If Black can’t find a method to stem the
flow of the game, it will be the onset of certain ruin.
14 ... Be6
a) 14 ... f5?! 15 h5 Be6 16 g4! transposes to the game.
b) Black had to risk the weakening of g6 with 14 ... h5!, his best bet
against White’s coming attack: 15 e4 (15 Bxg6? is too early and unsound: 15
... fxg6 16 Qxg6+ Qg7 and White’s attacking chances are not worth the piece
he gave up) 15 ... a4 16 f3 Rd8 17 g4 hxg4 18 f4 c5 19 e5 c4 20 Be4. I still
like White’s chances, but this is better than what Black got in the game.
15 h5 f5?
Black had to risk 15 ... Rfe8 16 e4 g5 17 g3 Bb4 18 f4.

Exercise (planning): How would you proceed with White’s attack?

Answer: Target the soft underbelly: g6.

16 g4!
Hodgson, long past regrets, conducts the attack in the most forceful
manner. The poison has been ingested, which soon leaves Black’s king
wheezing and rasping, from a rapidly constricting throat.
16 ... Nd5!
Intending ... Nb4. Black finds the only path to stay alive. After 16 ...
fxg4? 17 hxg6 fxg6 18 Bxg6 kick-off is scheduled from g6 (18 ... hxg6?? 19
Qxg6+ picks up two pieces).
17 gxf5
Also quite promising is 17 Nxd5 Bxd5 18 hxg6 Bxh1 19 Rxh1 hxg6 20
gxf5 with a winning attack, since 20 ... g5? loses to 21 Rh6 f6 22 Qd1 b5 23
Qh1 when Black drops his queen.
17 ... Nb4 18 Qd2 Nxd3 19 Qxd3 gxf5!?
It’s hard to believe Black survives 19 ... Bxf5 (threats without military
power to back them up are no more than bluster) 20 e4 Be6 21 Rdg1, when
all of White’s pieces take aim at his king. Moreover, f4, f5, central pawn
disruptions are in the air.
20 d5!

Clearing d4 for his pieces and the a1-h8 diagonal for his queen. Now
Black’s king will never feel secure on h8.
20 ... cxd5 21 Nxd5
Most accurate is 21 Qd4! f6 22 Nxd5 Qd8 (or 22 ... Qf7 23 Rdg1+ Kh8
24 Ndf4 Bxf4 25 Nxf4 with a winning attack, since Ng6+ is coming) 23
Rhg1+ Kh8 24 Nb6! Be5 25 Qc5 Qc7 26 Qxc7 Bxc7 27 Nxa8, which is
hopeless for Black.
21 ... Qd8
21 ... Bxd5 22 Qxd5 Be5 23 f4 Bf6 24 Qxf5 looks pretty bad for Black as
22 Rdg1+ Kh8 23 Qc3+
Loosening Black’s defensive line further. The queen’s eyebrows rise in
arrogant arches at the sight of her almost-defeated enemy on h8.
23 ... f6 24 Ndf4 Qd7
What to do? Confronting White leads to disaster; avoiding confrontation
leads to disaster. Black’s array of unsatisfactory alternatives:
a) 24 ... Bg8?? is met with 25 Ng6+! hxg6 26 hxg6+ Kg7 27 Nd4 Qd7 28
Qd3 Rfd8 29 Nxf5+ Kf8 30 g7+ Kf7 31 Qd5+ Qe6 32 Nxd6+ Rxd6 33
Qxb7+, which finishes Black off.
b) 24 ... Bxf4 25 Nxf4 Qd6 26 Rd1 Qe7 27 Rd4 and now 27 ... Rfd8 is
met with 28 Ng6+! hxg6 29 hxg6+ Kg8 30 Rdh4 with a winning attack.
c) 24 ... Rc8?? 25 Nxe6 Rxc3 26 Nxd8 drops a piece.

Exercise combination alert: Black’s last move

loses on the spot. How did Hodgson continue?

Answer: Obliteration of the black king’s cover/fork.

25 Ng6+!
“Listen carefully to my coming threats, for they are nothing less than your
deepest, secret fears,” the knight instructs Black’s king.
25 ... hxg6 26 hxg6+ Kg8
“Sharper than a serpent’s tooth ... “ thinks Black’s king of the ingrates
around, who refuse to protect him.
27 g7 Rfc8
Otherwise, 27 ... Rf7 28 Rh8 is mate, and 27 ... Qxg7 is obviously futile
for Black, since getting mated or losing a queen is a distinction without much
28 Qxf6
There is no defence to Rh8.
28 ... Bxa2+ 29 Ka1 1-0

Summary: Hodgson’s queenside castling attacking plan leads to psychotic

mutual attacks. Specialize in this plan and you will likely turn to chutney
your unfamiliar opponents at the club level.

Game 26
London 1991

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 d5 3 Bxf6 exf6 4 e3 Bd6

Clearly the better square for the bishop, over e7, as we saw last game.
5 c4
5 ... dxc4

Question: It feels to me like this helps White develop. Why not play a
Slav formation with 5 ... c6?

Answer: Opponents try this formation on me from time to time, and to

the best of my recollection, I picked off d5 in every single encounter. Black
gets tied down to the defence of d5 after something like 6 cxd5 cxd5 7 Nc3
Be6 8 g3 (White’s simple plan: load up on d5 with everything you have) 8 ...
Nc6 9 Bg2 0-0 10 Nge2 (there is no rush to grab d5; if 10 Bxd5 then 10 ...
Ba3 offers Black counterplay) 10 ... Ne7 11 Qb3 Qd7 12 0-0 (most certainly
not 12 Nxd5?? Nxd5 13 Bxd5 Bxd5 14 Qxd5 Bb4+) 12 ... Bb8, as in P.Nidl-
J.Vavra, Czech League 2005. Play might continue 13 Nc1 b6 14 Nd3 Bc7 15
Nb4 Rfd8 16 Rfc1. This isn’t lost by any means for Black, but it certainly is
an unpleasant position, since his only plan is to just keep defending d5, while
White probes for weakness.
6 Bxc4 0-0 7 Nc3

7 ... a6
Black seeks to expand with ... b5, ... Bb7, ... Nd7 and ... c5.

Question: Why can’t Black play the immediate 7 ... c5?

Answer: A trap! White wins material after 8 dxc5 Bxc5 9 Bxf7+! Kxf7
10 Qh5+, regaining the piece with an extra pawn.
a) 7 ... c6 leads to the set-up we examined last game.
b) 7 ... f5 8 Nge2 Nd7 9 Qc2 is once again similar to what we looked at
last game, N.Vitiugov-Ding Liren, Sochi 2009.
c) 7 ... Nd7 8 Bd3 c5 9 Nge2 cxd4 10 Nxd4 (White’s knight gets a stable
outpost on d4; 10 exd4 is also completely playable) 10 ... Ne5 11 0-0 Bd7 (I
must be a bishop-snubbing Trompowsky player to the core, since I still like
White better after 11 ... Nxd3 12 Qxd3; his knights control key central
squares, and he also enjoys the superior structure and a slight development
lead) 12 Be4 Nc6!? (I would play 12 ... Rc8) 13 Nxc6 Bxc6 14 Bxc6 bxc6 15
Na4 Qa5 16 Rc1 Rac8 17 Rc4 Qe5 18 g3 Rc7 19 Qf3 sees White work a
clear target on c6 and the knight looks better than Black’s remaining bishop.
Later in the game White can play for b3, Nb2 and Nc4, with a grip on the
light squares, I.Miladinovic-D.Ivanovic, Mataruska Banja 2007.
8 a4

Question: Doesn’t this move create a hole on b4

and also ruin our queenside castling plans?
Answer: It does both. We must be flexible. White still controls a good
chunk of the centre and maintains the superior structure.

Question: I still don’t like weakening squares like this. Is there an


Answer: White can try messing up Black’s plans with 8 Qf3. White
avoids weakening b4, and at the same time prevents ... b5. After 8 ... c5 9
Nge2 cxd4 10 Nxd4 Nd7 intending ... Ne5. 11 Qe2 Ne5 12 Bb3 Houdini says
even, but I still like White a little more due to that influential d4-knight,
J.Wegerle-K.Spraggett, Arinsal 2009.
8 ... Nd7
A new move:
a) 8 ... c5? 9 dxc5 Bxc5 and we apply the same trap we looked at in the
above note, with 10 Bxf7+!.
b) 8 ... Be6 challenges White’s most powerful piece. I would continue
with 9 Qb3.
c) 8 ... Nc6 was I.Drogovoz-M.Putin, Khanty-Mansiysk 2011. I would
play this way as Black, who seizes control over the b4-hole. Chances look
approximately even after 9 Nge2 Nb4 10 0-0 f5 11 g3 Qe7 12 Nd5 Nxd5 13
Bxd5 c6 14 Bg2 Be6 15 Nc1, intending Nd3.
9 Nge2
Hodgson once again shows he prefers e2 development to f3 in this line.
9 ... c5
The break is fine now since our trap no longer works.
10 dxc5
I’m not crazy about this move, which violates the principle: don’t be the
one to release the central pawn tension without a sound strategic or tactical
reason behind it. He should let Black do the trading and simply castle here.

Question: Should White consider a bypass with 10 d5?

Answer: Your suggestion is untried. I wouldn’t play it since it violates the

principle: don’t fix your pawns on the same colour as your remaining bishop.
The move greatly reduces White’s influence on the dark squares and also
hands Black e5.
10 ... Bxc5
Arkell probably wanted to retain control over b4, and so recaptured with
the bishop.
11 0-0 Ne5 12 Bd5
Seizing absolute control over d5.
12 ... Qb6
Not really attacking b2, as much as clearing d8 for a black rook.
However, b6 isn’t a stable square for the queen and perhaps should be
substituted with 12 ... Qe7.
13 a5! Qc7
The queen backs off with foot-dragging resentment, realizing her
intended b2-project requires a heavy lift: 13 ... Qxb2 14 Na4! (White can also
take an immediate draw with 14 Ra2 Qb4 15 Ra4 Qb2 16 Ra2) 14 ... Qb4 15
Qc2 Ba7 16 Rfb1 Qe7 17 Nb6 Bxb6 18 Rxb6 leaves Black tied down. White
gets more than enough compensation for the pawn.
14 Nf4
Dual purpose:
1. The knight supports and enhances domination of d5.
2. White makes it harder for Black to play ... Be6.
14 ... Bd7 15 Qb3
Zoning in on f7 and b7, Black’s weakest points. The queen also clears the
path for either rook to d1.
15 ... Nc6
A schism appears on the queenside over ownership of White’s extended
a-pawn. Target: a5, which Black regards as a blot on White’s otherwise
pristine landscape. Arkell hopes to prove that White’s 13th move
overextended past structural tolerance.
16 Ne4!
After an East to West survey, we see Black’s troubles mounting. Hodgson
realizes a5 represents a sentimental memento, of no practical value, other
than to his heart.
16 ... Nxa5?
A blunder. Black’s pieces, drunk with a feeling of successful acquisition,
overreach by taking a bite from the forbidden fruit. He can’t afford the time
and resources for this rather optimistic grab. He had to play 16 ... Be7 17
Rfc1 when White continues to hold an edge.
17 Qc3! Bb6
Exercise (combination alert): Black’s forces feel out of synch. Their
mutual interests touch here and there, yet fail to coincide in harmony.
Hodgson found a crushing shot on his next move. Do you see it?

Answer: Demolition of the king’s position/double attack/knight fork. The

knight clips f6, as if a snipped-off thread off an old sweater. Now the fury of
White’s initiative refuses to ebb.
18 Nxf6+! Kh8
Arkell projects his king into the background, seeing he won’t survive the
acceptance with 18 ... gxf6 19 Qxf6. White’s queen regards her brother’s
failings with an indulgent smile. She instructs him: “Before you are paper,
ink and pen. I advise you to craft your confession carefully.” The threat is
Nh5, and mate on g7. Black’s defender-free kingside sways like a newly
planted aspen and it becomes clear that all is not well. Black’s current state of
enfeeblement is directly attributable to a pair of causes:
1. A lack of defenders around his king.
2. The weakened dark squares around his king.
After 19 ... Rae8 (or 19 ... Qd8 when the simplest is 20 Nh5! winning) 20
Rfc1 Qd8 (20 ... Bc6 is met with 21 Ng6! hxg6 22 Qxg6+ Kh8 23 Qh6+ Kg8
24 Rxa5! Bxa5 25 Rc4 forcing mate) 21 Nh5! Qxf6 22 Nxf6+ Kg7 (Black is
forced to shower wealth on his opponent) 23 Nxd7 the final double attack is
19 Qxc7
Too many Black pieces hang.
19 ... Bxc7 20 Nxd7 Rfd8

Exercise (combination alert): Many white pieces are loose and it feels as
if Black
should regain his material. In this instance one of life’s banana peels finds
its way
underfoot for Black. How can White escape with all his extra material

Answer: White’s knight returns from the dead and about now, Black must
have experienced similar emotions as Hamlet when his father’s disembodied
spirit popped up, bobbing along on the currents of the draughty castle.
21 Nc5! 1-0
The position conspires against Black, who suffers heavy material loss, no
matter how he continues: 21 ... g5 (or 21 ... Bxf4 22 exf4 Rxd5 23 Rxa5 b6
24 Rxa6! when White remains up a piece), and now the pretty shot 22 Nce6!
Summary: Unlike last game, where all thought of restraint was tossed into
the wind, in this game White played more prudently. We don’t have to castle
queenside and go crazy every game in this line. If Black tosses in an early ...
a6, then we should switch to positional play and castle kingside, the way
Hodgson did in the game.

Game 27
Abu Dhabi 2003

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 d5 3 Bxf6 exf6 4 e3 c6

Black opens with a Slav formation, keeping his options open.
5 Bd3

In this case White decides against an early c4.

Question: Why would White want to avoid c4?

Answer: By avoiding c4, White conforms to the principle: if your

opponent has the bishop-pair, don’t open the position. After 5 c4 Bb4+ 6 Nc3
0-0 7 cxd5 cxd5!? (we continue the discussion from the last game; in my
opinion Black shouldn’t take on this inferior isolani and I expected 7 ... Qxd5
8 Nge2 Re8 9 a3 Bxc3+ 10 Nxc3 Qd6) 8 Nge2 Nc6 9 a3 Bxc3+ 10 Nxc3 Re8
11 Be2 (to transfer the bishop to f3, later on if necessary) 11 ... f5 12 0-0 Be6
13 Rc1!? (13 g3 would discourage Black’s next move) 13 ... f4 14 exf4 Qf6
15 Nb5 (threatening a fork on c7) 15 ... Qxf4 16 g3 Qb8 17 Bf3 Rd8 18 Rc5
a6 19 Nc3 Qd6?! (this pawn sacrifice looks unsound; White is only slightly
better after the correct 19 ... Ne7 20 Ne2 Qd6 21 Nf4) 20 Bxd5 Bxd5 21
Rxd5 Qxd5! (probably a better practical try than 21 ... Qf6 22 Rxd8+ Rxd8
23 d5 Nd4 24 Qd3; White is up a clean pawn and should convert) 22 Nxd5
Rxd5 23 Qb3 Rb5 24 Qc3 Rd8 25 Re1 h6 26 Re4 Rbd5 27 Kg2 Rxd4 28
Rxd4 Rxd4 it wasn’t easy to break down Black’s attempted fortress, but I
eventually won the technical ending, C.Lakdawala-D.Kishnevsky, San Diego
(rapid) 2013.
5 ... Bd6
By far the most commonly played move, but in my opinion, perhaps not
Black’s best. I think Black’s most accurate move order is 5 ... f5! which
essentially forces White back into c4 channels after 6 Nd2 Bd6 7 Ne2.

Question: Why can’t White play the same way

Mamedyarov did in the game with 7 Qf3?
Answer: It’s playable, but White gets an inferior version to the
Mamedyarov game after 7 ... g6 8 Ne2 h5! 9 h3 Nd7 (now White, seeing his
g4 plan isn’t working this time, decided to toss in c4 anyway) 10 c4 Nf6 11
Nc3 Be6 when White’s queen looks misplaced on f3, N.Legky-V.Lazarev,
Cannes 1992.
After 7 Ne2 g6 8 c4 dxc4 9 Nxc4 Bc7 (on 9 ... Bb4+!? I would play 10
Kf1 and castle by hand) 10 0-0 0-0 11 Rb1 Black’s bishop-pair compensates
for White’s superior central and queenside influence, A.Grigoryan-
I.Kurnosov, Moscow 2011.
6 Nd2 0-0
Once again, 6 ... f5! is Black’s most accurate move order.
7 Qf3!

The correct timing. White suppresses ... f5 and increases his grip on the
kingside light squares.

Question: Is there a rule of thumb to follow about when to play Qf3?

Answer: Yes. Play Qf3 only if Black hasn’t played ... f5 and you can
prevent the move with g4 later on.
7 ... Na6
V.Georgiev-M.Mikavica, Bern 2004, saw 7 ... Re8 8 Ne2 Nd7 9 g4!. This
is the kind of attacking position we are after. White gets a fast, automatic
attack after h4, castling queenside and Rdg1.
8 c3
8 a3 Nc7 9 Ne2 Ne6 10 c4 Ng5 11 Qh5 g6 12 Qh4 Re8 13 cxd5 cxd5 14
Nc3 Be7 15 f4 f5 was J.Hodgson-M.Taimanov, Yerevan 1986. I still prefer
White after 16 Qf2 Ne4 17 Ndxe4 dxe4 18 Bb5 due to the passed d4-pawn.
Also, White’s bishop and knight hold their own versus Black’s bishop-pair in
the still rigid structure.

Question: Why not damage Black’s structure with 8 Bxa6?

Answer: That is also possible, but it’s risky to hand Black both of our
bishops for knights. I would actually consider playing this way, since we
inflict serious damage to Black’s structure. An example: 8 ... bxa6 9 Ne2 a5
10 0-0 (White shouldn’t castle queenside after opening the b-file for Black)
10 ... Ba6 11 Rfb1 a4 12 b4! Rb8 13 a3 Qc7 14 Ng3 Rfe8 15 Rc1 Bb7 16 c4
Qd8 (Black loses material after 16 ... dxc4 17 Rxc4 c5 18 Qg4 Bc8 19 Qd1
Be6 20 Rc3 c4 21 Qxa4) 17 Qd1 when Black is about to drop a pawn on the
queenside and I don’t believe the bishops fully compensate, A.Moskalenko-
R.Skomorokhin, Izhevsk 2013.
8 ... Nc7 9 Ne2
9 ... g6
9 ... Ne6 10 h4! (preventing ... Ng5 ideas) 10 ... Re8 11 0-0-0 a5 12 g4
and maybe I’m biased, but White’s attack looks faster than Black’s,
A.Delchev-V.Spasov, Bulgarian Championship 1995.

Question: Can Black force his way to ... f5 with 9 ... Qd7?

Answer: Wow, your suggestion never occurred to me. As ... f5 really

can’t be prevented, maybe White can try 10 h3. This has the benefit of
halting ... Qg4. After 10 ... f5 11 Rg1 (perhaps White should just switch to
positional play with 11 0-0, intending c4 next move) 11 ... g6 12 g4 fxg4 13
hxg4 Houdini rates the chances at even.
10 g4!
What was once a scuffle, now gravitates into a life and death struggle for
supremacy of the kingside. A critical adjunct to our set-up: don’t allow Black
... f5. White inserts this suppressing move at a moment calculated to confuse
and disrupt the smooth flow of Black’s defence.
10 ... c5!?
The fragility of Black’s position grows more marked after his last move,
since he hands White the d4-square. Perhaps Black should try 10 ... b5 11 h4
Qd7 12 Rg1 when at least he lures White’s rook off the h-file.
11 dxc5!
White can play this move since Black’s knight lacks easy access to e5.
Not only did White weaken and isolate d5, but he also opened d4 for his
11 ... Bxc5 12 h4
Intending to deliver checkmate down the h-file. Houdini grossly
misassesses this position as equal. In reality Black is borderline busted, if not
already there. I see no source of counterplay, while White’s attack plays
12 ... b5 13 h5
13 ... Ne6

Question: Shouldn’t Black try and shut down attacking

lanes and reupholster his broken kingside with 13 ... g5?

Answer: After your suggestion, Black’s king may be marginally safer,

but you created a huge gash on f5. Also, if White manages a queen and
bishop battery along the b1-h7 diagonal, I’m not sure how Black can defend:
for example, 14 Nb3 Bd6 15 Nbd4 (threat: Nc6! followed by Qxf6) 15 ... Be5
16 Nf5 Be6 17 Ned4 Qd7 18 0-0 Rfb8 19 Rac1 intending Rfd1, Bb1, Qe2
and Qd3, with a powerful attack. Black’s attempted queenside counterplay
just doesn’t cut it here.
14 Nf4!
Targeting d5 and inducing a knight swap, which eliminates one of
Black’s best defenders.
14 ... Nxf4
Alternatively, 14 ... Ng5 (the knight remains near his king, hoping to be
the poultice which relieves) 15 Qxd5 Qb6 16 Ne4! Bxe3 17 hxg6! Bb7 18
Nxg5!! (Black can’t seem to move without stubbing his toe on one of the
nettlesome white knights) 18 ... Bxf2+ 19 Kf1 Bxd5 20 Nxd5 Qd8 21 gxf7+
Rxf7 22 Bxh7+ Rxh7 23 Nxh7 Kg7 24 Nhxf6 Bc5 25 Rh7+ Kg6 (Black’s
mortally wounded king attempts to gather his spewing entrails and stuff them
back into the gaping hole, which was once his belly) 26 Kg2 (White threatens
to swing the a1-rook into the attack, with deadly efficiency; note how
remarkably safe his seemingly exposed king is) 26 ... Bf8 (26 ... Qxd5+ 27
Nxd5 Kxh7 28 a4 is also hopeless for Black, down two clean pawns in the
ending) 27 Rd7 Qc8 28 Rc7 Qd8 29 Rf1 Bg7 30 Rf5 (threatening mate in
two, starting with Nf4+) 30 ... Qd6 31 Ne4 Qa6 32 Rg5+ Kh7 33 Nef6+ Kh6
34 Rcxg7 forces mate.
15 Qxf4 b4?
This is not the way to remedy the gaping defect on h6. Black’s paralytic
aversion to ... g5 continues. He can still put up a fight with the lane-blocking
15 ... g5! 16 Qf3 b4 17 c4 dxc4! 18 Bxc4 Be6 19 Ne4 f5 20 Nxc5 Bxc4 21
Qxf5 Qd5 22 Ne4 Qxf5 23 gxf5 f6 when Black still has reasonable chances
to hold the game.

Exercise (planning): This side issue is immaterial to Black’s

overall defensive goals and now his tolerance for abuse reaches
a saturation point. How would you conduct White’s attack?

Answer: Infiltration. The h-file is the funnel through which Black’s

position leaks.
16 Qh6
“Unfortunately, there are limits to our friendship,” White’s queen tells
Black’s king.
16 ... Qc7?
16 ... Qd7 attempts to clean up the mangled fragments of his position,
prevents the coming combination, but fails to save the game after 17 Rd1!
Qb7 (or 17 ... bxc3 18 Ne4!!, and if 18 ... dxe4 19 hxg6 fxg6 20 Bc4+ forces
mate) 18 c4! Bxg4 19 hxg6 fxg6 20 Bxg6 Qg7 21 Bxh7+ Kf7 22 Qxg7+
Kxg7 23 Rg1 Kxh7 24 Rxg4 (threat: Ke2 and Rh1 mate) 24 ... f5 25 Rh4+
Kg7 26 cxd5 with two extra pawns and an easy win.
17 hxg6 fxg6

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s foundations begin to quiver and

and his abysmal position grows yet more abysmal. How did White finish?

Answer: Demolition of the black king’s position. The bishop gazes

pontifically at the heavens, as if seeking a sign and then martyrs himself with
a look of holy ecstasy on his face.
18 Bxg6! 1-0
If 18 ... hxg6 19 Qh8+ (at this stage Black’s queen dubiously chews her
lower lip, in anticipation of her sister’s treachery) 19 ... Kf7 20 Qh7+ Ke6 21
Qxc7 and after executing her sister, White’s queen nods in triumphant
vindication, telling herself: “I always knew I was the rightful heir.”

Summary: Give the non-c4 kingside attack plan a try, but only play it if you
achieve Bd3, Qf3 and g4! before Black plays ... f5.

Game 28
European Club Cup, Fuegen 2006

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 d5 3 Bxf6 exf6 4 e3

4 g3 is another move order for White. After 4 ... c6 5 Nd2?! (a dubious
move order; 5 e3 is correct) 5 ... Bd6 (Black equalizes with 5 ... Qb6! 6 Nb3
a5 7 a4 Qxb3! 8 cxb3 Bb4+, regaining the queen with a nice position) 6 Bg2
0-0 7 e3 Re8 (7 ... Bf5 8 Ne2 Na6 9 a3 Qd7 10 0-0 Bh3 was C.Lakdawala-
R.Richard, San Diego 2004, where I prefer White after 11 c4) 8 Ne2 Nd7 9
0-0 f5 10 c4 dxc4 11 Nxc4 Bc7 12 Rc1 Nf6 objectively the position may be
even. White can look forward to queenside gains later on, while Black
concentrates on control over the central light squares, C.Lakdawala-B.Baker,
San Diego (rapid) 2013.
4 ... c6 5 g3
Question: This set-up is radically different
from the e3 lines we have seen so far, correct?

Answer: Correct. This simulacrum falls short of our attacking glory from
the earlier games in the chapter. When White plays an early g3, we play in
pseudo-Catalan style, concentrating exclusively on the queenside in most
5 ... Bd6 6 Bg2 0-0
a) 6 ... Be6 (Black logically plays to suppress White’s c4-break) 7 Nd2
Nd7 8 Ne2 f5 9 0-0 Nf6 (9 ... b5!? has never been tried here; White should
slowly build for a c4 break, preceded with c3 and b3) 10 c4! dxc4 11 Qc2 0-0
12 Nxc4 Bc7 13 Rac1 g6 14 b4 Bd5 when Black’s central light-square play
compensates for White’s queenside space, M.Turov-Ju Wenjun, St
Petersburg 2009.
b) 6 ... f5 7 Nd2 Nd7 8 Ne2 Nf6 9 0-0 0-0 10 c4 dxc4 11 Nxc4 Bc7 when
the nature of the position is virtually superimposeable with ‘a’, J.Hodgson-
P.Leko, Moscow Olympiad 1994.
c) However, natural doesn’t always equate with good, as we can see with
6 ... Qb6?! . I have always felt that an early ... Qb6 versus the fianchetto line
harms more than helps Black.

Question: How so?

Answer: For the simple reason that b3 supports an eventual c4 and is

desirable for White. When White achieves c4, then Black’s queen tends to
lose a tempo when White achieves c5, or Nxc4, or bxc4 and Rb1. After 7 b3
0-0 8 Ne2 Bg4 9 0-0 Re8 10 Re1 Nd7 11 a3! (alert; White seizes control over
b4 before playing c4) 11 ... Qa6 12 Nd2 Nb6?! 13 Bf1! (giving notice to
Black that he can’t stall c4 for all eternity) 13 ... Nd7 14 c4 dxc4 15 Nxc4
Bf8 16 Qc2 (Black’s queen is clearly misplaced when compared to normal
lines) 16 ... b5 17 Nd2 Qb6 18 Bg2 Rac8 19 b4 a5 20 Qc3 axb4 21 axb4
White had a queenside bind and went on to squeeze Black in R.Pert-N.Povah,
British League 2011.

Question: Since White is committed to kingside castling in

the fianchetto line, can Black attempt to intimidate with 6 ... h5?
Answer: Your suggestion is rarely played, but scores well for Black. I
wouldn’t allow ... h4, and would continue 7 h4 and stall kingside castling,
possibly considering f1 as a home for White’s king: for example, 7 ... Bg4 8
Ne2 Qb6 9 b3 a5 10 a3 a4 11 b4 Qa6, which was Duong Thanh Nha-
S.Gravel, Montreal 2005. Here I would continue with 12 Qd3 0-0 13 Qxa6
Nxa6 14 Nd2 b5 15 Bf3 which looks even, although I still like White due to
the knights in the blocked position.
7 Ne2 Be6
Black goes for the c4-suppression plan, which as we have seen from the
notes, is just a temporary fix, since White nearly always manages to engineer
the move later on.
8 0-0 Nd7 9 Qd3!
More accurate than the immediate 9 Nd2. White’s queen keeps an eye out
for both c4 and even possibly e4 pawn breaks in the future.
9 ... f5 10 b3
I really like this idea and have never cared much for White’s position
when c4 is played without b3-backup. This is a reason Black shouldn’t play
an early ... Qb6?!. In this case Georgiev plays b3 without provocation, to
retain bxc4 options in case Black trades on c4. White can also forego b3 and
go for 10 Nd2 Nf6 11 c4, D.Andreikin-E.Tomashevsky, Khanty-Mansiysk
10 ... Nf6 11 c4 Qd7
Black decides not to take on c4, not liking the fact that White gets greater
control over the centre and an open b-file after 11 ... dxc4 12 bxc4.
11 ... Qa5?! makes very little sense to me, since Black’s queen simply
hands White a tempo when he plays b4: 12 c5 Be7 13 a3 b5 14 b4 Qc7 15 a4
was N.Sedlak-M.Vukic, Subotica 2008. Now if 15 ... a6 16 Nd2 Ne4 17 Ra2
when White can double or even triple on the a-file, with a clear edge.
12 Nbc3

GM Eric Prié writes: “This is the ideal set-up for White, and having
bypassed the concern ... d5xc4, he now has the pleasant choice of fixing the
opposing structure with an isolated pawn on d5 or continuing to expand on
the queenside.”
12 ... Rac8 13 c5
The queenside expansion plan looks even more promising than the isolani
13 ... Bc7 14 b4
White plans to double rooks and break through on b5.
14 ... h5
Black hopes to generate compensating kingside counterplay.
15 h4!
White easily suppresses the attempted uprising with the quiet strength of
one who possesses abundant resources. As it turns out, Black’s kingside
threats are ephemera, morning dew on the rose petal.
15 ... Rfe8 16 Nf4 Bxf4!?
Black compromises with a half-measure and one is reminded of the
saying: you can’t have it both ways. He eliminates White’s powerful knight
at a steep cost.
17 exf4

Question: Isn’t the position even here?

Answer: Houdini rates at 0.00, which I believe is a misassessment. It

appears as if Black enjoys the trappings of a solid position. When examined
deeper, though, we also discover troubling issues. I rate it as an undisputed
advantage for White, for the following reasons:
1. White owns a huge queenside space advantage and can leisurely build
for a b5 pawn break.
2. Black has a bad bishop.
3. Black, although quite solid, still lacks an active plan and must simply
await White’s intentions.
17 ... Ne4 18 Ne2
Principle: the side with space should avoid swaps. White plans to eject
the e4-intruder with f3 next.
18 ... b5
This eliminates White’s b5-break, but doesn’t absolve Black from his
queenside troubles, since White simply goes for an a4-break.
19 a4 a6 20 f3
Back into your cage, buddy.
20 ... Nf6 21 Ra3
White plans to take full control over the a-file.
121 ... Qb7 22 Qd2 Ra8 23 Rfa1 Reb8 24 Bf1 Ne8 25 Nc1
The knight has the pleasant choice between the d3 and b3 posts.
25 ... Nc7 26 Nd3 f6 27 Be2 Qc8 28 Nc1 Bd7 29 Bd3
White probes for weaknesses.
29 ... Qf8 30 Ne2 Qe8 31 Kf2 g6 32 Nc3 Kg7 33 Nd1
Heading for e3.
33 ... Be6 34 Ne3! Qd7 35 Qc2!

A move which Black fails to properly appreciate. White unexpectedly

improves his position with this single, furtive motion and Black’s position,
almost imperceptibly streams in a downward trajectory. White eyes f5
sacrifices and g4 breaks, working his way into the g6-underbelly.
35 ... Rh8 36 axb5 axb5 37 Ra7 Rxa7 38 Rxa7 Ra8?
38 ... Bf7 39 Qa2 is unpleasant but necessary, when Black has a chance of
39 Rxa8 Nxa8

Exercise (planning): How did White now make progress?

Answer: Pawn breakthrough/undermining. White’s g-pawn rams the

kingside amidships, knocking the wind out of her captain on g7.
40 g4!
A fist sometimes persuades easier than rational argument. The salient part
of White’s idea emerges. This well-timed break offers to open negotiations
for the rights to g6.
40 ... hxg4
Alternatively, 40 ... fxg4 41 Bxg6 gxf3 42 Bxh5 Bf7 43 Bxf7 Qxf7 44
Qf5 Nc7 45 Qc8 Kh7 46 Nf5 Kg6 47 Nd6 Qg7 48 h5+ Kh7 (48 ... Kxh5 49
Qh3+ Kg6 50 f5+ Kg5 51 Kg3! forces mate) 49 Kxf3 when White
completely dominates.
41 fxg4 Qc7
If 41 ... fxg4 42 Bxg6 Nc7 43 f5 Bg8 44 Nxg4 with an extra pawn and
winning position for White.
42 Ng2
The human move. Houdini prefers White in the complications after 42
Kg3!? g5, which no human would ever allow.
42 ... fxg4 43 Bxg6
Black is busted: f5 artificially isolates the g4-straggler and his position
seeps copiously along the light squares.
43 ... Qa7
Almost in unison, Black’s defenders begin to withdraw their support for
their king.
44 f5
Joyful tidings flow from f5. This move dooms Black’s g4-pawn.
44 ... Bf7 45 Qe2! Bxg6 46 Qxg4

Black’s king offers his hand, yet White’s queen makes no motion to
shake it. “I consider your very existence an impertinence,” she informs her
brother. “Hold your tongue, Madame!” demands Black’s king. She, however,
has a lot more to say on the matter. Black’s king loses his source of
protection and power, and walks about with a Macbeth-like taint.
46 ... Qa2+
The queen, late for her appointment with counterplay, finally arrives, her
face a glowing pink with exertion. Hurtful words tumble forth from her pouty
lips, with ill-concealed malice at White’s cocky king. 46 ... Qf7 47 Nf4 is
completely hopeless as well.
47 Kg3 1-0
The insurgency’s goal is to quick-strike, and then recede into the darkness
and anonymity of the masses. White’s smirking king murmurs hasty
apologies and hides on h2.

Summary: This is a much safer line for White than the ones we looked at
previously in the chapter. I like Georgiev’s idea of playing b3 first, before c4,
in the fianchetto line. This means that Black’s standard ... dxc4 can be met
with the strategically desirable bxc4.

Game 29
British League 2001

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 d5 3 Bxf6 gxf6

4 c4
A challenging continuation for Black.

Question: How else can White play the position?

Answer: The position often transposes into a Veresov after 4 e3 c5 5 Nc3

e6 6 Bb5+ (it’s an ordeal to get old; I forgot my own suggestion from A
Ferocious Opening Repertoire of 6 Qh5!) 6 ... Bd7 7 Bxd7+ Qxd7 8 Nge2
(sigh ... ; 8 Qh5! was still correct) 8 ... Nc6 9 0-0 cxd4 10 exd4 Be7 11 f4 f5
12 Nc1 b6 13 N3e2 Bf6 14 c3 h5 15 Nd3 h4 16 Kh1 Na5 17 b3 Nb7 18 Ne5
Qc7 19 Rc1 by when the game was dynamically balanced, C.Lakdawala-
P.Graves, San Diego (rapid) 2013.
4 ... dxc4
In the next two games we examine 4 ... c5 and 4 ... c6. With 4 ... e5!?
Black blasts open in the other direction. This move isn’t played very often,
yet looks quite playable: 5 Nc3 Bb4 6 e3 exd4 7 Qxd4 Be6 8 cxd5 c5 was
V.Kotronias-I.Stathopoulos, Vrachati 2013. At this point White can play 9
dxc6 (9 Qf4 Qxd5 10 Qxf6 Rg8 11 Nge2 Nd7 12 Qh4 Qf5 13 Rc1 Rg4 14
Qh6 Ne5 15 Nf4 Bxc3+ 16 bxc3 0-0-0 is evaluated at even by the comps, but
looks quite dangerous for White, who lags dangerously behind in
development) 9 ... Qxd4 10 exd4 Nxc6 11 Nge2 0-0-0 12 0-0-0 Ne7 13 Nf4
Bxc3 14 bxc3 Bxa2 when he obtains more than enough compensation for the
pawn and Houdini prefers our side.
5 e3
Hodgson experimented with the ultra-sharp 5 e4!? Nc6! 6 d5 Ne5 7 f4
Nd3+ 8 Bxd3 cxd3 9 Qxd3 Qd6 10 Ne2 f5 11 e5 Qb6 12 Nd2 e6 13 Nc3 Bb4
14 Nc4 Qa6 in J.Hodgson-H.Sonntag, Benidorm 1989. I don’t trust Black’s
development lag, despite his bishops, and prefer White’s chances after 15 0-
5 ... c5

Question: Can Black try 5 ... b5, hoping to hang on to c4?

Answer: Not a good idea. White plays 6 a4 and Black is already in deep
trouble, since 6 ... c6? 7 axb5 cxb5?? 8 Qf3 wins on the spot.
6 Bxc4 cxd4 7 exd4
Welcome to the Trompowsky version of the Queen’s Gambit Accepted.

Question: Isn’t White exceeding the speed limit here? This looks to me
a nice anti-isolani position for Black, since he also has the bishop-pair?

Answer: Just what exactly is it that makes White’s position so terrible? If

we examine the constituents individually, we discover that his game isn’t as
bad as it first appears. I actually favour White for the following reasons:
1. Unlike a normal QGA-style isolani position, in this version, blockade
of d5 looks very difficult for Black to achieve.
2. I think Black’s king is less safe than in a normal QGA isolani position,
since ... gxf6 airs out the kingside.
3. White continues to lead slightly in development, which is more
dangerous than it looks since we are in an open position.
Pert suggests an interesting unplayed idea: 7 Nc3!? Nc6 (most certainly
not 7 ... dxc3?? 8 Bxf7+) 8 Qh5 e6 9 0-0-0 Qa5 10 Qxa5 Nxa5 11 Bb5+ Ke7!
(my suggestion over Pert’s 11 ... Nc6) 12 Rxd4 Bg7 and Black looks okay to
me, with the bishop-pair.
7 ... Bg7 8 Nc3 Nc6 9 Nge2 f5
After 9 ... 0-0 10 0-0 f5 11 d5! Ne5 12 Bb3 a6 13 Qd2 Qd6 14 Qf4 Kh8
15 Rfe1 Qf6 16 Rad1 Rg8 17 Nd4 Ng6 18 Qc7 Qh4? (18 ... Qd6 19 Qxd6
exd6 looks okay for Black, whose dark-square control compensates for
White’s space and superior structure) 19 Nf3 Qg4 20 h3! (luring Black’s
queen to an unfavourable square) 20 ... Qf4 (20 ... Qh5 21 d6! is also awful
for Black) 21 Rxe7! White was up a pawn with a winning position,
R.Palliser-K.McPhillips, Millfield 2004.
10 d5!

Question: In earlier games in the chapter, you said d5 handed Black

the dark squares. Here you praise the same move. What changed?

Answer: In both cases, d5 cramps Black at the cost of losing more control
over the dark squares. The difference here is Black’s e7-pawn will be
eternally weak along the open e-file.
10 ... Ne5 11 Bb3
11 Bb5+ should be met with 11 ... Kf8!.
11 ... Bd7
I’m not crazy about this move. Black needs his light-squared bishop to
keep control over f5.

Question: How does his last move affect this issue?

Answer: It leaves Black vulnerable to Ba4!, forcing the bishops off the
board. 11 ... Qd6 seizing more control over the dark squares looks logical.
12 0-0 Qb6
I prefer the immediate castling over this coming adventure.
13 Rc1

13 ... Qh6?!
Once again, castling looks better. Black’s plan for now appears somewhat
incoherent, so he fishes about for substance and meaning on the kingside.

Question: Is this move to safeguard his king after

castling kingside, or in preparation for an attack?

Answer: I think it’s a little of both. Black may have ... Rg8 ambitions and
so swings the queen to h6, which also keeps his king better defended in case
he decides to castle in that zone.
14 Ba4!
Dual purpose:
1. White finds a clever method of severing Black’s diplomatic
relationships with f5, by eliminating the pawn’s key defender.
2. White follows the principle: when your opponent owns the bishop-pair,
swap one of them off if possible.
I like White’s move better than 14 d6!? Qxd6 15 Qxd6 exd6 16 Rfd1 Rc8
17 Rxd6 Nc4 18 Bxc4 Rxc4 19 Rcd1 Bc6 20 Nd4 0-0 21 Nxf5 Bxc3 22 bxc3
Rxc3 23 f3, although here I like White’s structure and that powerful knight.
Still, it looks like Black should hold the game.
14 ... 0-0
After 14 ... Rd8 15 Nd4 Ng4 16 h3 Qf4 (if 16 ... Ne3? 17 Bxd7+ Rxd7 18
Qa4! Qg5 (18 ... Nxf1? 19 Nce2! Kd8 20 Nxf5, and if 20 ... Qg6 21 Qxa7
mates)) 17 Bxd7+ Rxd7 18 hxg4 Qxd4 19 gxf5 White wins a pawn.
15 Bxd7 Nxd7 16 Ng3
Targeting f5, both the pawn and the square.
16 ... Be5 17 Qf3 Bf4
Black clearly begins to contort, in order to hang on to his material. The
trouble with 17 ... e6 is that it hangs a pawn to 18 dxe6 fxe6 19 Qxb7.
18 Rce1 Ne5
18 ... Rfe8 19 Qd3 picks off f5.

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s clumsy pieces trip over

each other. Find one accurate move and Black drops a pawn.

Answer: Overload.
19 Qh5!
Now we see White’s underlying premise: f5 can’t be defended.
19 ... Qf6?!
Allowing White to retain queens on the board looks wrong and now
Black’s king has the look of an office worker who slept in the suit he wears
After 19 ... Qxh5? 20 Nxh5 Ng6 21 Nxf4 Nxf4 22 Rxe7 Black’s game is
a wreck. Relatively best was 19 ... Qg6 20 Qxf5 Bxg3 21 Qxg6+ Nxg6 22
hxg3 when Black can fight on a pawn down.
20 Nxf5
White is winning, up a clean pawn, with an attack.
20 ... Ng6
Houdini hates this move. But its suggestions didn’t seem to help Black’s
cause much either.
21 g3
Even stronger is 21 Ne4! Qxb2 22 Re2 Qh8 23 Ng5 Rae8 24 Rfe1.
21 ... Bg5

Exercise (combination alert): One may still feel that with

luck, Black may yet survive. But luck doesn’t seem to be
trending Black’s way these days. How should White continue?
Answer: Double attack. Black’s kingside collapses when White’s knight
reaches g5.
22 Ne4!
The Trojan horse enters the compound.
22 ... Qxf5 23 Nxg5 Rfd8
23 ... Nh8 24 Rxe7 is also resignable.
24 Qxh7+
The queen mastered the art of hiding her feelings – mainly due to the fact
that she has no feelings to hide.
24 ... Kf8
Black’s king, knowing what is good for him, edges away to the safety of
the shadowed nook on f8. “An evasive zig here and a conniving zag there,
and my escape is complete,” thinks the optimistic king to himself.

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s king plays to a capacity

audience of white attackers. White has access to a shot
which visibly discomposes the black defenders. Do you see it?

Answer: Overload/deflection.
25 Re5!!
The rook flies down the board, as if on a bobsleigh run, and Black’s
queen and knight are left to ponder his audacity with marvelling shakes of
their heads.
25 ... Qf6 26 Ne6+! 1-0
White plays a second combination for an encore. This deflection shot
purees Black’s kingside. Black resigned here, since repeated pain has a
marvellous way of dulling even the most powerful of our survival instincts.
After 26 ... fxe6 (or 26 ... Ke8 27 Rf5! when the rook’s overwhelming
presence engulfs the room, like a gas explosion) 27 Rxe6 Qg7 28 Qxg6 Qxg6
29 Rxg6 Rxd5 White consolidates with 30 Re1 Rd2 31 Re4! (threat: Rf4+,
followed by Rg8+, winning the a8-rook) 31 ... Kf7 32 Rge6 Re8 33 Re2.

Summary: I like White’s isolani position in the 3 ... gxf6 line for two
1. Black’s king is less safe than in normal isolani lines.
2. Black has trouble blockading d5, unlike normal isolani lines.

Game 30
Kecskemet 1988

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 d5 3 Bxf6 gxf6 4 c4 c5!?

Question: Are we going to arrive in the same
position we did last game with this move?

Answer: We can, but not necessarily.

5 cxd5!?
This move gives the game an independent flavour. Instead, 5 e3 cxd4 (5
... dxc4 6 Bxc4 cxd4 7 exd4 transposes to the position we looked at last
game) 6 exd4 Nc6 (we enter a funky sort of Panov-Botvinnik Attack) 7 Nc3
dxc4 8 d5 Ne5 9 Bxc4 Nxc4 10 Qa4+ Bd7 11 Qxc4 Rg8 was P.Anisimov-
A.Aleksandrov, Aix-les-Bains 2011. The position is a battle between Black’s
bishop-pair and White’s superior attacking chances, since Black’s king lacks
a safe haven. Play might go 12 g3 Qb6 13 Nge2 f5 14 0-0 Rc8 15 Qd3.
5 ... Qxd5 6 Nf3 cxd4 7 Nc3!
White gains a tempo with this move and it becomes a battle between his
development lead and Black’s bishop-pair.
7 ... Qd8
Black decides to return home to keep his queen out of harm’s way.
Instead, after 7 ... Qa5 8 Nxd4 Bd7 9 Qb3 Na6 10 e3 Nc5 11 Qc4 Ne6?!
(perhaps Black should try 11 ... e5 12 Nb3 Nxb3 13 Qxb3 Bb4 14 Bc4 Ba4
15 Bxf7+ Kf8 16 Qc4 Bb5! 17 Qb3 Ba4 with a draw) 12 Nxe6 fxe6!? (Black
should consider the inferior ending after 12 ... Bxe6 13 Qb5+ Qxb5 14 Bxb5+
Kd8) 13 Rd1 Bg7 14 Be2 Rd8 15 0-0 Black found himself in deep trouble
and blundered on his next move: 15 ... Kf7? 16 Nd5!, V.Georgiev-
A.Beliavsky, Gothenburg 2005.
8 Nxd4 e6
A new move. After 8 ... a6 9 g3 (I like this Catalan-style posting for the
light-squared bishop, who soon exerts pressure down the h1-h8 diagonal) 9 ...
e6 10 Bg2 Bg7 11 0-0 0-0 Black has yet to solve his queenside development
issues, N.Eliet-C.Marzolo, Mulhouse 2004. I would go for 12 e3 intending
Qe2, Rfd1 and Rac1, with irritating strategic pressure along Catalan lines.
9 e3
I would opt for 9 g3 a6 transposing to the above note.
9 ... a6 10 Qh5!?

A Hodgsonian move which opens Pandora’s box and leads to

consequences neither side could possibly have foreseen.

Question: What is White’s idea?

Answer: Possibly three-fold:

1. White sets up Bc4 and Nxe6 tricks.
2. White clears d1 for a rook, possibly even allowing for queenside
3. White discourages ... Rg8, since h7 would then hang.
10 Be2 is the quieter, more strategic course.
10 ... Bb4 11 Rc1 Qa5
Black threatens ... Qxa2, as well as a welcome queen swap.
12 Qf3!?

Hodgson is having none of it and offers two pawns.

12 ... Nd7
Black adopts a submissive posture to placate a powerful enemy. After this
move Black suffers without even a pawn as payment for his troubles.

Question: Can Black get away with 12 ... Qxa2?

Answer: He can and I think he should have grabbed the pawn, since
White holds the initiative anyway when a2 is declined. From my experience,
the best chance for an underdog to upend a powerful opponent is to
understand his or her motivations and desires. In Hodgson’s case, it is an
almost worshipful reverence for the initiative. When I face similar-minded
GMs, I take what they offer, knowing their generosity doesn’t always equate
with success. Still, Black must endure a long initiative after 13 Bd3 Nd7 14
0-0 Qa5 (Black is too far behind in development to survive 14 ... Qxb2? 15
Rc2 Qa3 16 Rfc1 Ba5 17 Qh5 Ne5 18 Be4 Ke7 19 Nf5+! exf5 20 Nd5+ Kd6
21 Bxf5 when the coming Rd1 will be decisive) 15 Be4 Rb8 16 Rfd1 Be7 17
Qh3. It isn’t so simple to interpret the conflicting data. My guess is that
White still retains full compensation since Black’s king will know no peace,
with no safe haven and undeveloped forces.
13 Be2!?
Hodgson is a bold guy. I would have played 13 a3 and heaved a sigh of
13 ... Qg5!?
I still think Black’s best chance was 13 ... Qxa2 and make White prove
the compensation.
14 0-0 f5 15 Qh3

Question: What is the purpose of this odd-looking move?

Answer: Hodgson wants to toss in f4, to take back some of the centre and
seize control over e5. This way he can play Bf3, without worry of ... Ne5.
15 ... Nb6 16 Rfd1 Bd7 17 f4!
There we go.
17 ... Qe7
17 ... Qg7 was also a thought, perhaps enabling kingside castling in the
18 Bf3 Rb8 19 Kh1!
White is ready for e4!.
19 ... Bxc3?!

Past strategic sins create new ones for the present. Black hands over his
only advantage in the position to reduce the attacking force. Yet by doing so,
he creates fresh weaknesses on the dark squares, a colour he formally ruled
with this bishop.
20 Rxc3 Na4 21 Rc7!?
More aggressive than 21 Rc2 0-0 22 e4 fxe4 23 Bxe4 f5 24 Bf3, which
also looks quite pleasant for White, who can go after e6.
21 ... Nxb2 22 Rb1 Nd3
Threatening a fork on f2.
23 Qh6 Rc8 24 Rcxb7 Qa3
Hoping for back-rank tricks and also ... Nf2+ followed by ... Qxe3.
Hodgson gives little credence to Black’s counterattack and pushes on as if
nothing happened.
25 h3
Removing Black’s threats.
25 ... Nf2+ 26 Kh2 Qxe3
Black does his best to hamper and obstruct, yet White’s position steadily
continues to improve.

Exercise (combination alert(s)): White’s swarming attackers begin to

the defensive barrier which once protected Black’s king, like
holographic images, configured over a blank screen. The markers for
combinational geometry lay all around and White has no less than three ways
to win. But we
can’t beat an opponent x 3, so all you need to do is to find one of them:

Answer: Demolition of the king’s position.

27 Nxf5!
Also good were:
a) The same theme: 27 Qg7! Rf8 28 Rxd7! Kxd7 29 Rb7+ Rc7 30 Bc6+
and mates.
b) 27 Rxd7! Kxd7 28 Qf6 with monster threats on f7 and b7. The black
king’s anguish grows with each passing move. If 28 ... Rhf8 29 Rb7+ Rc7 30
Rxc7+ Kxc7 31 Qe7+ Kb6 32 Qd6+ Ka5 33 Qc5+ Ka4 (such life situations
tend to give rise to Hobbesian – please note the clear difference between
Hodgsonian and Hobbesian – fears about life being “nasty, brutish and short”
34 Bc6 mate. The coroner draws the chalk outline around a4.
27 ... exf5

Exercise (combination alert): Now finish Black off.

28 Qd6?!
A soldier must obey a commanding officer’s order, even if it’s unwise.
The solution lies just outside the periphery of Hodgson’s analytical focus. In
my games I find it prudent to budget for one or two lapses in concentration.
This move is just such an example. We sense a loosening of the grip which
was once around the black king’s throat. White wins instantly with:
Answer: 28 Rxd7! Kxd7 29 Rb7+ Ke8 30 Bc6+ Rxc6 31 Qxc6+ Kf8 32
Qc4! Qe8 33 Qc5+ Kg7 34 Qd4+ Kg8 35 Qxf2 h5 36 Qb2 Kh7 37 Qf6 ends
28 ... Qe6 29 Qd4!? 1-0
We Trompers must brace ourselves since my words may wound some of
us: Hodgson, our king, isn’t infallible and remains human. This move only
clouds the issue further and Hodgson continues to miss his morning bus by
seconds. How odd that the ‘winning’ move is actually perhaps not his best
choice. Our most vulnerable moment in a chess game is the one where we are
engulfed in an overconfidence of triumphant inevitability. Fortunately for
Hodgson, Lukacs believed him and resigned. 29 Rxd7! still works and is a
clearer path to the win.

Question: Did Black resign prematurely?

Answer: I believe so. The position may actually be lost for Black, but I
certainly would play on and make White prove it. He may have been
discouraged by White’s endless threats. After 29 ... 0-0 Black’s king escapes
with merely a flesh wound and still clings to his life: 30 Qxf2 Bb5 31 Rb3!
(threat: Qb2 and Bd5!, a clearance shot, followed by Rg3+) 31 ... Qf6 32 Bd5
Kh8 33 Rg3 Rcd8 34 Bxf7! and overloads. White wins. But Black should
probably play on to this point, since these moves are not so obvious for White
with a clock ticking away.

Summary: After 4 c4 c5!? I believe White’s development lead means more

than Black’s bishop-pair. Also, think about a g3, Catalan set-up as an
alternative to Hodgson’s ultra-aggressive e3/Qh5 idea.

Game 31
British Championship, Plymouth 1992

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 d5 3 Bxf6 gxf6 4 c4 c6

A sensible approach. Black refuses to fall behind in development – a clear
danger, as we have seen from the last two games – and decides to adopt a
Slav formation with the bishop-pair.
Question: How does this compare with a real Slav position?

Answer: It’s a Slav, with one huge difference: Bg5 and Bxf6 has been
tossed in which means Black gets the bishop-pair at a cost of structural
damage and king safety – perhaps a fair deal for both sides.
5 e3 e6!?
Playing in Semi-Slav style.

Question: Why would Black voluntarily block in

his light-squared bishop when 5 ... Bf5 is possible?

Answer: I think the main reason is Black wants to preserve his bishop-
pair. By playing to f5, he allows White options of future Nh4 and Bd3 ideas,
swapping away Black’s bishop: for example, 6 Nc3 Qb6 7 Qd2 e6 8 Nf3 Nd7
9 Nh4 and there it is. White can pick off the bishop, although Black looks
okay to me here, K.Georgiev-D.Castillo Sanjuan, Zaragoza 2011.
6 Nc3
6 ... f5
Now it’s a funky sort of Stonewall Dutch.

Question: How do we proceed if Black avoids the Stonewall set-up?

Answer: If Black avoids the Stonewall, then White’s most logical plan is
to play on our development lead and work in an e4-break: for example, 6 ...
Nd7 7 cxd5 cxd5 8 Bd3 a6 9 Nge2 b5 10 0-0 (10 e4 at this point looks safer)
10 ... Bb7 11 e4!? (a piece sac) 11 ... Nb6 (Black declines; after 11 ... b4!? 12
exd5! bxc3 13 dxe6 fxe6 14 Nf4 White gets a dangerous attack for the
investment) 12 Nf4! Bd6 (White offers it once more, in the form of 12 ... b4
13 exd5!) 13 Nh5! b4 14 Na4 when Houdini likes White’s chances, and so do
I, K.Rusev-A.Dragojlovic, Bar 2008.
7 Nf3 Bg7 8 Qc2 Nd7
A new move, deviating from:
a) 8 ... a6 9 h3! (taking up Hodgson’s prying mechanism idea) 9 ... h5 10
b4 Nd7 11 a4 Nf6 12 c5 when White can eventually play for the b5 break,
S.Kartsev-C.Regert, Dortmund 2001.
b) 8 ... 0-0 9 h3! (also following Hodgson’s lead) 9 ... dxc4 10 Bxc4 was
L.Konrad-M.Stockmann, German League 2009. If 10 ... c5 11 0-0 (I have a
feeling Hodgson would play 11 0-0-0!? followed by g4) 11 ... cxd4 12 exd4 I
like White’s isolani position because Black, once again, experiences
difficulty fighting for d5.
9 h3!

Question: What is the idea behind the move?

Answer: White plans to castle long and then smash open the kingside
with g4. This plan essentially leaves Black worried about where to place his
king for the remainder of the game.
9 ... dxc4!?
Not even waiting for Be2, or Bd3. I also prefer White after 9 ... Nf6 10 0-
0-0 h5 (10 ... Ne4 11 Kb1 Qa5 12 g4 Nxc3+ 13 bxc3 fxg4 14 hxg4 Black’s
bishop-pair looks rather unimpressive here) 11 Kb1 Ne4 12 Ne5.
10 Bxc4 Qc7 11 0-0-0!?
Forcibly altering the plot and opting for a policy of full disclosure, laying
forth his aggressive intent for all to see. Clearly, suppressed inhibitions are
not an issue for Hodgson, who isn’t a castle-kingside kind of player. White
invites opposite-wing castling, realizing he is fast with the g4 break.
11 ... b5 12 Bb3?!
Threat: Nxb5. This placement turns out to be of a dubious construct, since
the bishop is vulnerable to future ... c5 and ... c4 ideas. White’s attack looks
clearly the more dangerous one after 12 Bd3! a6 13 g4 fxg4 14 hxg4 c5 15
Be4 Rb8 16 d5!.
12 ... Ba6?!
This form of a queenside campaign turns out to be ineffective. The
bishop’s attitude reminds us of when the general orders his chief officer to
sound the attack and is told: “Sorry, I’m not in the mood.” Black should play
12 ... a6! 13 e4 c5 (threat: ... c4; faint signs of life begin to appear in Black’s
once drab position), when perhaps Hodgson had planned for the sacrifice 14
exf5!? (14 dxc5 Nxc5 15 exf5 Nxb3+ 16 axb3 0-0 offers Black dangerous
compensation for the pawn) 14 ... c4 15 fxe6 fxe6 16 Qe4 cxb3! 17 Qxe6+
Kf8 18 Qxb3, but I prefer Black in this admittedly unclear situation.
13 g4

The thematic break arrives, shaking up the illusion of solidity in Black’s

13 ... f4?!
Black begins to crack under the strain of the wicked cross examination
and finds himself salving wounds across his kingside. Now White seizes a
clear strategic advantage. For the time being, Black’s king refuses to commit
himself to either wing and his strategy is to remain close to a door just in case
fate necessitates a quick exit. Perhaps Black should consider a more forceful
approach with 13 ... c5! 14 gxf5 c4 15 fxe6 fxe6 16 Qe4 0-0-0 17 Bc2 Bb7 18
Qg4 b4 19 Ne4 b3 20 Bb1 and it’s anybody’s game.
14 Ng5
Rabble rousing begins on the kingside. Hodgson prefers to complicate
rather than the strategic choice of clamping down on the ... c5 break with 14
14 ... Nf8
Covering against e6-sacs, at the cost of discombobulating his knight.
Black finds himself outnumbered, and decides to settle into a single spot and
dig in.
15 Nce4 h6

Exercise (critical decision): Black’s visibly distressed king shifts

on his throne. White holds a clear strategic advantage if he retreats his
back to f3. But is there more in the position? We must also consider the
sacrifice on f7. Is it sound? Calculate its consequences and make a

Answer: Black’s king position is structurally unsound, made painfully

evident by the falling plaster from the ceiling. The sacrifice gives White a
winning attack but its ramifications are not at all easy for work out.
16 Nxf7!!
White is in the market for a good assassin to eradicate the e8-nuisance,
who from this point gets yanked about like a gaffed swordfish.
16 ... Kxf7 17 d5!
A nasty line opening. Only with this addition does White’s combination
find itself on the credit side of the ledger.
17 ... Be5
After 17 ... Bc8 18 d6 Qb6 19 Nc5 the trouble for Black is 19 ... Bd7? is
met with 20 Nxd7 Nxd7 21 Bxe6+!, which is even stronger than the check on
18 dxe6+ Kg7 19 Qc5!
Another consignment of fresh attackers is ready for delivery.
19 ... Bc8

Exercise (combination alert): Black walked into a mating

net on his last move. How would you continue the attack?

Answer: Interference. White’s attack clearly doesn’t suffer a cash-flow

20 Rd7+! Bxd7
20 ... Kg6 21 Qe7 also forces mate.
21 Qe7+ Kg8 22 Qf7 mate 1-0

Summary: Black can also adopt a Slav/Stonewall Dutch Formation in this

variation. Remember the h3 and g4 prying idea.
Chapter Five
The Vaganian Gambit
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 c5 3 d5 Qb6 4 Nc3

Don’t get nervous about that “gambit” word in the chapter title. GM
Aaron Summerscale describes the Vaganian Gambit as “one of Black’s most
ambitious lines against the Tromp, but at the same time, one of the riskiest.
Black loses significant time getting his queen back to safety.”
Here we go: the old immovable object versus irresistible force argument
again. White offers b2, yet this isn’t a case of Black sipping the poisoned
Kool-Aid. Black can and often does accept, handing us space and initiative
for a long time to come. After feigning polite incomprehension at Black’s
‘threat’ to take b2, we offer a dangerous gambit for a massive development
lead. This is what we get in a few moves:
Let’s gambit and subject our opponent’s greedy streak to a rigorous
behavioural modification regimen. Not only do we get to chase Black’s
queen with Rb1 later on, we threaten a King’s Indian Four Pawn (three in our
case) Attack with f4 and e5. I, for one, think the sacrifice is sound, since we
receive a sustained initiative/attack for the pawn.

Game 32
Alushta 2005

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 c5
3 d5
I wish we had room in the book for 3 Bxf6 gxf6 4 d5 Qb6 5 Qc1. My
haunting regret from the 2004 U.S. Championship was that I had an
opportunity to try the Vaganian Gambit on super-GM Hikaru Nakamura, and
I chickened out and played this way:
a) 5 ... Bg7 (in the book’s introduction we covered the psycho line 5 ... f5
6 e3 Bh6 7 c4 f4 8 exf4 Bxf4 9 Qxf4 Qxb2 10 Ne2 Qxa1 11 Nec3) 6 g3 d6 7
Bg2 f5 8 c3 Nd7 9 Nd2 Nf6 10 Nh3 h5 11 Qc2 Bd7 12 a4 h4 13 Nf4 hxg3 14
hxg3 Rxh1+ 15 Bxh1 0-0-0 16 Nc4 Qa6 17 Qd3 Rh8 18 Bg2 Kc7!. Now both
... b5 and ... e5 are in the air and Black already stands slightly better,
C.Lakdawala-H.Nakamura, U.S. Championship, La Jolla 2004.
b) 3 Nc3 cxd4 4 Qxd4 Nc6 5 Qh4 leads to Open Sicilian/Veresov-style
play, which we don’t cover in the book.
3 ... Qb6
A reminder:
a) 3 ... Ne4 can transpose to Chapter One after 4 Bf4 Qb6 5 Bc1 (we
examine 5 Nd2 in the final chapter of the book; instead, 5 b3?? walks into the
embarrassing tactic 5 ... Qf6!).
b) 3 ... g6 and 3 ... d6 can lead to Schmidt Benoni structures: for example,
3 ... g6 4 Nc3 (4 c4 Ne4 looks risky for White, who may be vulnerable along
the a1-h8 diagonal, in conjunction with ... Qa5+) 4 ... Bg7 5 Nf3 d6 6 e4 0-0
7 Be2 Na6 8 0-0 Nc7 9 a4 b6 10 Re1 Bb7 11 Bc4 Nd7 12 Qd2 Re8 13 Rad1
Qc8 14 Bf4 and White’s central space gave him the edge, since e5 is coming,
R.Siddharth-Ni Hua, Kolkata 2012.
4 Nc3

Our starting position in the line.

Question: You just allow Black to chop b2?

Answer: When we engage in the Vaganian Gambit, we scatter temptation

like bird seed by offering b2. Clint Eastwood would agree with our
sentiments: “Go ahead. Make my day!” It’s easy to endure a little suffering
when our cause is just. In this case I believe in White’s compensation and am
willing to back it up with hard currency.
4 ... Qxb2
Black accepts the challenge. We examine the declined line at the end of
the chapter.
5 Bd2
With the deadly threat of Rb1, followed by Nb5, winning on the spot. So
Black’s next move is forced.
5 ... Qb6
Question: How do we proceed if Black plays 5 ... Qb4?

Answer: Keep chasing her around! After 6 Rb1 Qg4 7 f3 Qh4+ 8 g3 Qh5
9 e4 Black has lost a huge amount of time and the queen looks far more
vulnerable here than on c7 or d8.
6 e4

Question: Earlier White wasted a tempo, taking two moves

with his bishop to reach d2. What do we get for the pawn?

Answer: Black’s queen also moved three times and will most certainly
move again, since she is vulnerable on b6. Let’s not underestimate the fact
that Black’s game suffers grave defects:
1. We are essentially up two extra tempi in an open position, which
means Black’s king may be in grave danger in the coming moves.
2. White, if given time, plans to overwhelm Black in King’s Indian Four
Pawns (well, okay, three in our case) Attack-style, with f4 and e5.
3. White gets the open b-file pressure which ensures Black’s king won’t
castle queenside.
Conclusion: White enjoys a sustaining initiative and, in my opinion, full
compensation for the pawn.
6 ... e5
A popular set-up, suggested by Yelena Dembo in Fighting the Anti-
King’s Indians. Black, behind in development, wisely attempts to block the
position in Czech Benoni fashion. Black often plays the move order 6 ... d6 7
f4 e5 8 f5, transposing.
7 f4 d6 8 f5!
This paradoxical option hands Black difficult strategic problems to solve
and the precedents are encouraging for our side. White’s last move is judged
best by GMs Peter Wells and Eric Prié, and for what it’s worth, your writer as

Question: Wait a minute! We sac’ed a pawn to attain a

development lead, and then abruptly violated the principle:
don’t close the game when leading in development. Why?

Answer: Well, I did say “paradoxical option”. Admittedly, at first glance,

our brain reels from such a flagrant breech of opening protocol. You are
correct in that it violates the principle stated, yet I think the move is fully
justified for the following reasons:
1. Black’s king will either remain in the centre or castle kingside, since
the b-file is open and in our possession. This means we plan to follow with
g4, if allowed, increasing our territorial advantage to alarming (for Black)
levels and also make Black’s king very, very nervous if he decides to castle
into it.
2. Playing f5 and g4 renders Black’s light-squared bishop nearly
3. Black lacks an obvious site of counterplay. If he or she tries ... c4!?
later on, to clear c5, then we regain our sacrificed pawn.
Wells writes of your concerns: “I think it is quite possible that the only
barrier to White scoring very heavily here is the gambiteer’s psychological or
stylistic aversion to this type of blocked position!”
Here is an example of White playing to open the game: 8 fxe5 dxe5 9 Nf3
Bd6 10 Rb1 Qd8 11 Bb5+?! (this is White’s main move in the position, but
today I consider it superficial, since White eventually wastes a tempo,
moving it back to d3; I think White should play the immediate 11 Bd3! which
saves a tempo) 11 ... Nbd7 12 a4 0-0 13 0-0 a6 14 Bd3 Qc7 15 Qe2 b6 16

This probing move creates dark-square weakness in Black’s camp. After

16 ... g6 17 Bh6 Re8 18 Nd1 (transferring force to the kingside) 18 ... Nh5 19
g3 Ndf6 20 Ne3 Bh3 21 Rf2 c4 (Black returns the pawn to activate his dark-
squared bishop and win material; the trouble is White still stands better at the
end of the line) 22 Nxc4 Ng4 23 Nxd6 Qxd6 24 Be3 Nxf2 25 Qxf2 (White
has enormous compensation for the exchange, since b6 falls, handing him
two central passed pawns) 25 ... Reb8 26 Nf3 (threatening a cheapo on g5) 26
... Bd7 27 Bxb6 Nf6 28 a5 Ng4 29 Qd2 Bb5?! (Black should disrupt with 29
... f5 30 c4 fxe4 31 Bxe4 Nf6) 30 c4 Rxb6 (desperation) 31 axb6 Bxc4 32 b7
Rb8 33 Bxc4 Qc5+ 34 Kg2 Qxc4 in C.Lakdawala-G.Hernandez, Internet
(blitz) 2000, your incompetent writer missed the simple and crushing 35 Rc1!
and later allowed a perpetual check.
8 ... Be7
Black’s last move may not be correct, since it allows White’s space
advantage to get completely out of control.

Question: How can Black prevent the coming g4?

Answer: Black can try 8 ... h5, semi-thwarting our plan, may be a better

I still prefer White after 9 Nf3 Be7.

Question: Why doesn’t Black continue to undermine with 9 ... g6?

Answer: A strategic error. White seizes control over e6, starting with 10
Bb5+! Bd7 11 Rb1 Bxb5 12 Rxb5 Qc7 13 fxg6, as in J.Bellon Lopez-
M.Rodriguez Costa. Black is busted, since 13 ... fxg6 is met with 14 Ng5 a6
15 Ne6. With the seizure of e6, White takes control over the power grid: 15
... Qc8 16 0-0! Nbd7 17 Rb1 b5 18 Bg5 Be7 19 Qe1 menacing both Qh4 and
Qg3, with crushing pressure.
After 9 ... Be7, 10 Bc4 (I like this square for the bishop since it
discourages ... c4 ideas) 10 ... Nbd7 11 Qe2 Qc7 12 a4 Nb6 (going after c4,
but this move misaligns the knight) 13 Bb5+ Bd7 14 a5 Nc8 15 a6! (now
White retains eternal control over b5) 15 ... bxa6 16 Bxd7+ Nxd7 17 Qxa6
Ndb6 18 Qb5+ Qd7 19 Ke2! (after this flexible decision, White decides there
is no worthwhile objective to be achieved on the kingside and begins to shift
focus to the weakened queenside; White doesn’t always have to play for mate
in this line and sometimes we don’t fear a queen swap, even a pawn down)
19 ... Bd8 20 Rhb1 g6 21 fxg6 fxg6 22 Bg5! Rf8 23 h4 Be7 24 Ra6 Kd8 25
Qxd7+ Kxd7 26 Nb5 Bd8 27 Bxd8 Kxd8 28 Ng5 Hello e6! 28 ... Rf6 29 g3
Kd7 30 Rba1 Ke7 31 Ne6 the a7-pawn is doomed, after which Black hangs
on by a thread, S.Soors-N.Navalgund, Chennai 2011.
Otherwise, after 8 ... a6 9 g4 h6 10 h4 Qd8 11 a4 Be7 12 Qf3 Nfd7?!
(even worse a square than h7, since a future g5 break can’t be held back) 13
Qg3 f6 14 Nf3 Black’s tangled mess of a position isn’t worth a lone pawn,
C.Lakdawala-R.Mendoza, Internet (blitz) 2013.
9 g4!
Our philosophy: I want more!; our thuggish plan: steamroll Black off the
9 ... h6 10 h4
The pawns continue to flow upward, as if a seeping gas leak.
10 ... Qd8
The queen returns from her one-woman war on the queenside in disgrace,
and probably shouldn’t have had her heart set on a 21-gun homecoming
11 Qf3! Nh7
Black, refusing to be out-paranoided by anyone, attempts a dark-square
fortress, with the g5-square at ground zero.
12 Qg3 Rg8 13 Nf3
Intending g5, which induces Black’s awful-looking next move.
13 ... f6
Gulp! Even the e7-bishop’s and h7-knight’s own mothers don’t claim
they are handsome children. Houdini suggests 13 ... g6!?, challenging
White’s kingside hegemony. After 14 Qh3 a6 15 a4 gxf5 16 exf5 it claims the
game is dead even, but I still like White’s chances. At least in this version,
Black loosened White’s central grip and has some chances of overextending
his opponent.
14 Bh3?!
The wrong diagonal. An ugly smear stains the once pristine landscape.
White’s superior options:
a) 14 Be2 (keeping an eye on Black’s ... b5 and ... c4 breaks) 14 ... Na6
15 Rb1 Nc7 16 a4 b6 17 Kf2 Rb8 18 Rbg1 a6 19 g5 fxg5 20 hxg5 Nxg5 21
Nxg5 Bxg5 22 Bxg5 Qxg5 23 Qd3 Qf6 24 Rg6 Qf8 25 Qg3 Kd8 26 Rhxh6
Ne8 27 Rh7, although maybe Black can still hang on here.
b) 14 Rb1 a6 15 a4 Nd7 16 Nd1! b6 17 Ne3 Rb8 18 Be2 (the correct
diagonal) 18 ... Ndf8 19 Kf2 Qd7 20 Nc4 Qxa4? (wretched as it seems, Black
had to grovel with 20 ... Qa7) 21 Rxb6 Rxb6 22 Nxb6 Qxc2 23 Nxc8 Qxe4
24 Bxa6 Qxd5 25 Bb5+ Kd8 26 Nb6 Qb3 27 Bc4 and Black’s three extra
pawns don’t even come close to compensating for the lost rook, D.Sahovic-
L.Degerman, Biel 1990.
14 ... Nd7?!
After this rote move Black’s plan is a little bit here, a little bit there, a
little bit everywhere, and now harbours little chance of achieving ... b5. Black
should go for the plan mentioned in the above note with 14 ... Na6.
15 Kf2
The long submerged king re-emerges, like a pond’s bullfrog coming up
for a breather.
15 ... Rb8 16 a4
Oh, no you don’t. Of course, White must at least stall the ... b5 break.
16 ... Nb6
Threatening to sneak into c4.
17 Bf1
An admission that his 14th move was inaccurate. At last, White, sensing
misgivings about his earlier dubious decision to post to h3, regains the
mandate of heaven by re-routing the light-squared bishop back to its proper
17 ... Na8
Boy, that is a convoluted pathway to c7. Black decides the ... b5 plan
repays inspection. The oddball knight isn’t going to retrieve a portion of her
lost status by moving a few notches down to a8.
18 Be2

18 ... b6 19 Rag1 Nc7

Eric Prié comments that this knight wishes it could reach f7.
20 g5 fxg5 21 hxg5 Nxg5 22 Bxg5 Bxg5 23 Nxg5 Qxg5 24 Qxg5 hxg5
25 Rxg5 Ke7
25 ... Kf8 26 Nb5 Nxb5 27 axb5 Rb7 28 Rg6 Rd7 29 Rh7 is zugzwang.
For example:
a) 29 ... Rd8 30 f6 Rd7 31 Bg4 Rc7 32 Be6 wins.
b) 29 ... Bb7 30 Bh5 Bc8 31 Re6 g6 32 Rf6+ Ke8 33 fxg6 Kd8 34 Bg4
Rdg7 35 Rxg7 Rxg7 36 Rf8+ and the c8-bishop falls.
c) 29 ... Ke8 30 Bg4 with the nasty threat of f6 next, and Black collapses.
The greedy bishop demands a hefty tithe from an already cash-strapped black
26 Rhg1 Kf8
26 ... Ne8 27 Bh5 Bd7 28 Bxe8 Bxe8 29 Rxg7+ Rxg7 30 Rxg7+ Bf7 31
Nb5 a6 32 Nxd6 gets the job done too.
27 Bh5 Rb7

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s king looks uneasy with those three
white gargoyles staring at him on the kingside. All but a single plan is
tailored to fit the position’s requirements. How did White proceed?

Answer: Pin.
28 f6 Ne8 29 Bxe8 Kxe8
Exercise (combinational alert): White can pick off g7, but he has
something even better. What is it?

Step 1: Lure Black’s rook to the defence of d6.
30 Nb5! Rd7
Step 2: Take control of the seventh rank.
31 Rxg7 Rf8
Step 3: Knight fork.
32 Nc7+! Rxc7
Or 32 ... Kd8 33 Ne6+.
33 Rxc7 Rxf6+ 34 Ke3 1-0

Summary: Black’s ... e5 plan always bothered me in the Vaganian Gambit –

until now. I am switching to the counterintuitive 8 f5! and I urge you to do
the same.

Game 33
Angora 2010
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 c5 3 d5 Qb6 4 Nc3 Qxb2
If you swallow a poisoned pawn, you run the risk of vomiting the
decision later in the game. The strange fact that Black doesn’t get mated
100% of the time is one of the mysterious vagaries of this line.
5 Bd2 Qb6 6 e4 d6 7 f4 e6

With this move Black gives a direct challenge to our impressive pawn
centre, but at a cost.

Question: What cost? How can challenging an opponent’s central space

be wrong?

Answer: Black’s move is in direct violation of the principle: don’t allow

the position to open when behind in development.
8 Rb1
White’s most common move. GM Viktor Moskalenko considers 8 Nf3 an

Question: Why would White want to avoid the tempo-gaining Rb1?

Answer: It’s not a matter of avoiding the move, since it’s always there for
us. The reason Moskalenko prefers the immediate Nf3 is to keep Black’s
queen on b6, where she may be vulnerable to Nxd5 later on, after chasing
Black’s knight from f6 with e5: 8 ... exd5 9 e5 (White’s point) 9 ... dxe5 (9 ...
d4 10 exf6 dxc3 11 Qe2+ Kd7 12 Bxc3 gxf6 13 Qd2 doesn’t look very
healthy for Black’s king) 10 fxe5 Ne4 (Black fell too far behind in
development after 10 ... Qe6 11 Bb5+ Nfd7 12 0-0 h6 13 Ne2 g5 14 h4; I
don’t like Black’s chances to survive the next dozen moves, M.Thuesen-
P.Munck Mortensen, Denmark 1988) 11 Nxd5 Qd8 12 c4 Bg4 13 Qb1
(double attack on e4 and b7) 13 ... Nxd2 14 Qxb7 Nxf3+ 15 gxf3 Bxf3 16
Nc7+ Ke7 17 Nd5+ Ke8 18 Nc7+ Ke7 19 Nd5+ with perpetual check,
L.McShane-Ni Hua, Bled Olympiad 2002.
8 ... Qc7!

Question: Why would Black retreat to c7, rather

than d8, when White’s knight has access to b5?

Answer: First, Nb5 isn’t a real tempo gain since after ... Qd8, Black
regains the tempo with a future ... a6. Secondly, Black fights for e5, since
after 8 ... Qd8?! 9 Bb5+ (or 9 dxe6 fxe6 10 Bd3 Nc6 11 Nf3 Be7 12 e5 Nd5
13 Ne4 Nd4? 14 Nxd4 cxd4 15 Qh5+ g6 16 Qh6 Bf8 17 Qh3 a6 18 0-0 b5 19
Ng5 Ne7 20 Nxh7! Bg7 21 Qg4! Kd7 22 Ng5 Qg8 23 exd6 Nf5 24 a4 Nxd6
25 axb5 axb5 26 Rfe1 Kc7 27 Nxe6+ when Black’s king is fried,
C.Lakdawala-J.Humphrey, San Diego (rapid) 2013) 9 ... Bd7 10 dxe6 fxe6
Hodgson disrupted with 11 e5!. This move is only possible if Black plays 8 ...
Qd8. After 11 ... Nd5 12 Qh5+ (weakening the dark squares around Black’s
king) 12 ... g6 13 Qg4 (threat: Qxe6+) 13 ... Nc6 14 Ne4 dxe5 15 fxe5 Qc7
16 c4 Qxe5 17 Nf3 Qf5 18 cxd5! (White’s queen isn’t really hanging due to
the f6-fork) 18 ... exd5 19 Qxf5 Bxf5 20 Nf6+ Kf7 21 Nxd5 Bxb1 22 0-0
amazingly, White’s attack rages on, despite the absence of queens on the
board and White down the equivalent of a full rook. Hodgson goes on to give
us a grandmasterful demonstration of how to conduct a queenless attack: 22
... Bf5 (22 ... Bxa2 23 Nc3 Bb3 24 Nd4+ picks off the bishop) 23 g4! Rd8 24
gxf5 Rxd5 25 Bc4 Ne7 26 f6! b5 27 Ng5+ Ke8 28 Bxb5+ Kd8 29 Ne6+ Kc8
30 Nxf8 Nf5 31 Ba6+ Kd8 32 Ba5+ (clearly Black’s long-suffering king is in
urgent need of first-aid attention) 32 ... Ke8 33 Ne6 (with a fork threat on c7)
33 ... Kd7 34 Nf4 Rd6 35 Bb5+ Kc8 36 Bc3 Rf8 37 Be5 Rb6 38 Bc4 Ne3 39
Be6+ Kb7 40 Re1 g5 41 Rxe3 gxf4 42 Bd5+ 1-0, J.Hodgson-P.Glavina
Rossi, Spanish Team Championship 1993.
9 Nf3

9 ... a6
Covering b5. Wise, as we can see from:
a) 9 ... Be7 10 Bb5+ Bd7 11 0-0 0-0 12 Qe2 a6 13 Bxd7 Qxd7 14 dxe6
fxe6 15 e5 Nd5 16 Nxd5 exd5 17 e6 Qc7 18 Qd3 d4 was A.Kinsman-
F.Kwiatkowski, British League 1999. I like the look of White’s position after
19 f5 Nc6 20 Ng5 Ne5 21 Qe4 Qc6 22 Rxb7 Qxe4 23 Nxe4 d5 24 Ng3 Nc6
25 Rfb1.
b) 9 ... exd5?! is strongly met with 10 e5 dxe5 11 fxe5 Ne4 12 Nxd5 Qd8
13 Bf4 Be6 14 c4 Qa5+ 15 Nd2 Nxd2 16 Qxd2 Qxd2+ 17 Kxd2 Na6 18
Rxb7 with a clear advantage to White, who retains a massive development
lead and a rook on the seventh rank.
10 dxe6 fxe6

Question: Since Black is so dangerously behind in development, can he

try 10 ... Bxe6?

Answer: Your suggestion has never been tried. Let’s look: 11 f5 Bd7 12
Bg5 Be7 13 Bxf6 Bxf6 14 Nd5 Qa5+ 15 Kf2 Bd8 16 Rxb7 Bc6 17 Rb3 Nd7
18 Bc4 and Houdini assesses at even. So perhaps your suggested theoretical
novelty is playable.
11 e5
Thematic and strong.
11 ... dxe5 12 fxe5 Ng4
A new move:
a) 12 ... Nfd7 was P.Chakov-T.Todorov, Varna 1995. At this point, I
would offer e5 and continue 13 Ne4 Nxe5 14 Bc3 with a scary development
lead for the two-pawn investment.
b) 12 ... Nd5 is unplayed so far. I would continue 13 Nxd5 exd5 14 c4 d4
15 Bd3 Nc6 16 0-0 Be7 17 Qc2 with a strong attack.
13 Bd3!
Moskalenko, who has been known to express himself in acts of violence
from far lesser provocations, increases his fervour to attack, and raises the
stakes to dangerous levels – both for himself and for his opponent. His level
of generosity refuses to ebb. So he correctly enhances his already
considerable development lead with a secondary pawn sacrifice. His move
looks better than the passive 13 Bf4.
13 ... Nxe5
The knight, who is resolved to proceed with his fiscal dreams, despite the
fearful risk involved, seeks redress to what he considers White’s sacrificial
14 Be4!

The bishop radiates strength from e4.

14 ... Nbd7 15 0-0 Nf7?
After this move there is no pathway for Black to pre-empt inevitability. It
wasn’t any of his multiple murders which tagged Al Capone. He was sent to
prison for tax evasion, like some white-collar criminal. Moral: inattention to
details can be as fatal as messing up on the big plans. Houdini suggests 15 ...
Nf6 16 Nxe5 Qxe5 17 Bxb7. I still think Black is in trouble here, but less so
than in the game.
16 Ng5
Black finds himself too far behind in development and can’t survive the
coming assault.
16 ... Nf6 17 Bf4!
Moskalenko is determined to enforce the law on what was previously
thought to be ungovernable territory.
17 ... e5
Black’s options:
a) 17 ... Bd6? 18 Nxf7 Bxf4 19 Nxh8 Be5 20 Qf3 Bxc3 21 Bg6+! hxg6
22 Qxc3 Bd7 23 Qd3! 0-0-0 24 Nf7 with killing threats on d6 and d8.
b) 17 ... Qd8! (Black’s best chance) 18 Bxb7 Bxb7 19 Nxe6 Qxd1 20
Rfxd1 Bc6 21 Nc7+ Ke7 22 Nxa8 Bxa8 23 Rb6 Nd7 24 Rxa6 Bb7 25 Ra7
Bc6 26 Rc7 winning.

With his last move, Black hopes to nudge the intruder with a sharp elbow
to the ribs. Is it just me, or does Black’s dishevelled position remind you of
Keith Richard’s hair?
Exercise (combination alert): Air surveillance photographs
indicate the continued presence of hostiles in the area.
We sense a winning combination for White. Where is it?

Answer: Principle: create confrontation when leading in development.

The knight compels obedience, as if to a violated international treaty.
18 Nd5! Qd7
After 18 ... Nxd5 19 Bxd5 Nd8 20 Bxe5 Black can resign.
19 Nxf7 Kxf7 20 Bxe5
The attackers work hard, chipping away at f6 like industrious beavers.
20 ... Be7 21 Qh5+
The queen only enforces the laws which act against her own interests. “I
am a liberator,” she declares, when she knows perfectly well she is merely a
conscienceless oppressor.
21 ... Kg8
The wobbly-legged king, who feels as if he has just been kicked in the
head by a mule, backs into a wall and slowly slides to the ground, in a
symbolic ‘I-give-up’ gesture.
22 Bxf6 gxf6 23 Rxf6! 1-0

Defenders flutter every which way, like startled sparrows upon sighting
the neighbourhood hawk.
Summary: 7 ... e6 is a popular idea. I don’t trust it since it allows White to
open the game favourably, when leading in development, and the resulting
positions are an attacker’s paradise.

Game 34
Kragujevac 1974

GM Rafael Vaganian’s eye-opening games were my first exposure to the

Trompowsky. As I recall, this was the first Trompowsky game I ever played
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 c5 3 d5 Qb6 4 Nc3 Qxb2 5 Bd2 Qb6 6 e4 d6 7 f4 g6?!

Question: Why would you denounce this

most natural of moves with a dubious mark?

Answer: With his last move Black refuses to meet us halfway. His move
essentially proclaims: I have stolen a pawn, so “Now do your worst!” Black
is un-intimidated by the coming e5 and plays leisurely, in pure Pirc/King’s
Indian Four Pawns Attack-style. In reality, his last move is one of the worst
methods of meeting the Vaganian Gambit and I would place it in the category
of the barely playable.
8 e5!
Vaganian is a man constitutionally incapable of remaining calm under
such provocations. The good news: this is not some wild lunge from our side.
White scores a whopping 78.6 percent from this position.

8 ... Nfd7

Question: Shouldn’t Black exchange first on e5?

Answer: I think swapping on e5 is overly optimistic. By trading, Black

opens the game further and hands White the f-file to attack: 8 ... dxe5?! 9
fxe5 Nfd7 10 Nf3 Bg7 11 Rb1 Qd8 12 e6 (of course) 12 ... fxe6 13 Ng5! Nf6
14 Bb5+ Kf8 15 dxe6 a6 16 Be3! Qa5 17 0-0! h6 (Black gets slaughtered if
he accepts the gift: 17 ... axb5 18 Rxb5 Qc7 19 Nd5 Qd8 20 Bxc5 Nc6 21 c4
Rxa2 22 Nf7 Qe8 23 Nxf6 Bxf6 24 Rxf6 and Black is crushed) 18 Qd3!!
(going after g6) 18 ... Kg8 19 Qxg6 Bxe6 20 Nxe6 Rh7 21 Rxf6! Nd7 (21 ...
exf6 22 Qe8+ Bf8 23 Qxf8 is mate) 22 Bxd7 1-0, R.Vaganian-V.Kupreichik,
USSR Championship, Leningrad 1974. This game is annotated in Play the
London System.
9 Nf3 Bg7 10 Rb1 Qd8
Black remains one move away from castling, so Vaganian disrupts the
flow of events just in time.
11 e6! fxe6
Black also has a devil of a time unravelling after 11 ... Nf6 12 Bb5+ Kf8
13 Ng5 fxe6 14 dxe6, as in A.Pixton-P.Stefano, Philadelphia 2000. Black
remains in a terrible bind after 14 ... Nc6 15 0-0 Nd4 16 f5! gxf5 17 Bc,4 but
this is far more survivable for Black than the version he got in the game.
12 Ng5!

The knight realizes e6 is arable land, ripe for occupation.

Question: Is this attack sound? It looks to me as if White pushes

to the fringes of reason and is in grave danger of overextension.

Answer: It is no easy matter to overcome our natural prejudices. In some

positions we are obliged to play a move which contradicts our natural style. I
realize that this is jarring stuff and White’s play may remind us of a one-year-
old’s random pecks at a toy piano keyboard. If we examine it through the
unbiased lens of the computer, it tells us that White stands clearly better.
Such positions get less and less scary, the more we play them and the more
we familiarize ourselves with the position’s consequences.
12 ... Nf8?!
Jansa is utterly unprepared for his opponent’s unrehearsed infusion of
chaos. His last move fails to square matters in conjunction with e6. Black had
to transpose to the Pixton-Stefano variation with 12 ... Nf6 13 Bb5+ Kf8 14
dxe6 when White’s advantage was less marked than in the Vaganian-Jansa

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s knight flops and tumbles loudly,

like our
dryer with a pair of tennis shoes in it. By posting the knight to f8, Jansa
agreed to contort to retain control over e6. How did Vaganian cross up
this plan?

Answer: Pin/interference.
13 Bb5+! Bd7 14 dxe6 Bxb5 15 Nxb5 Qc8
The dazed queen sprawls on c8, a woman who hears voices in her head
and sees terrible visions of her own death.

Question: It feels to me like Black is overreacting to White’s Nf7 threat.

Why not just give up the exchange and bring out pieces with 15 ... Nc6?
Answer: The scent of impending danger permeates the air around Black’s
king and queen couple, and Black’s extra pawn isn’t much of a consolation
prize when we examine his numerous problems:
1. Black is tangled up and behind in development and enveloped with
2. It’s not just an exchange Black is worried about. White forces the win
of the queen with 16 Nf7 Qb8 (16 ... Qc8?? hangs the queen to 17 Nbxd6+)
17 Nbxd6+! exd6.

Now let’s turn this position into an exercise.

Exercise: (combination alert): White to play and force the win of

Black’s queen.

Answer: Attraction/knight fork: 18 Rxb7! and Black’s queen runs out of

safe havens.
16 0-0 a6
Alternatively, 16 ... Qc6 17 f5 Na6 18 Bc3 Bxc3 19 Nxc3 Nc7 20 f6! exf6
21 Rxf6 d5 22 Qf3 Nfxe6 23 Nxe6 Nxe6 was A.Zubarev-Y.Zinchenko,
Rethymnon 2011. Now White’s strongest move is 24 Nxd5! threatening
Rxe6+, followed by Nc7+. If 24 ... Rc8 25 Re1 ends all resistance.
17 Bc3!
Removing Black’s only active piece from the board. Vaganian skilfully
weaves his way through a baffling capillary system of side streets, back
alleys and hidden passages, always inching closer to Black’s king.
17 ... axb5
No choice, since 17 ... Bxc3 18 Nxc3 h6 19 Nge4 Nxe6 20 Nd5 Nd7 21
Nxe7! Kxe7 22 Qxd6+ Kf7 23 f5 is crushing.
18 Bxg7 Rg8 19 Bxf8
The human move. Houdini uncovered the impossible-to-see 19 f5!! Rxg7
20 f6 exf6 21 Rxf6 Re7 22 Qf3 Nbd7 23 exd7+ Nxd7 24 Ne4! (threatening a
king/queen fork) 24 ... Ra6 25 Nxd6+ Rxd6 26 Rxd6 when Black has no
chance of survival.
19 ... Rxf8 20 Nxh7 Rg8

21 f5
Not the best method of continuing the attack. Possibly more accurate was
21 Rxb5!, and if 21 ... Qxe6? 22 Re1 Qc4 23 Qxd6 Nc6 24 Rxb7 Qd4+ 25
Qxd4 cxd4 26 Nf6+ ending the game.
21 ... gxf5 22 Qh5+ Kd8
This turns out to be a bloodless coup, as Black’s king flees the borders of
the kingside, and deposits himself to the relative safety – or so he hopes – of
the queenside.
23 Qf7 Re8 24 Rxf5?!
Threat: Qxe8+!. However, White missed the stronger continuation 24
Rxb5! Na6 25 Rb6! (threat: Nf6!) 25 ... Nc7 (after 25 ... Kc7 26 Rxa6! bxa6
27 Nf6 Rb8 28 h4! Kc6 29 Nxe8 Qxe8 30 Qxf5 White’s kingside passers
decide the game) 26 Nf6! Qxe6 27 Qxe6 Nxe6 28 Nxe8 Kxe8 29 Rxf5 and,
again, White’s kingside passers decide the game.
24 ... Qc6!
Jansa fights back. Desperation is that invigorating tonic which jolts our
apathy back to normalcy and beyond. Undoubtedly, Vaganian prayed for 24
... Nc6?? 25 Qxe8+! when Black is unable to recapture.
25 Re1
For now, the position resembles an abstractionist painting and hovers in a
definitionless, neutral grey zone, free from clarity – until Black’s next move.
25 ... Rxa2?
If Black had found 25 ... Ra4! the position would have remained an
unclear mess.

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s last move walks into a tactic. Do

you see it?

Answer: Discovered attack.

26 Nf6! Rxc2
Otherwise, 26 ... exf6 is met with 27 e7+ Kc7 28 Qxa2, while 26 ... Rh8?
is met with 27 Qg7 Rh4 28 Qf8+ Kc7 29 Nd5+! which wins the house.
27 Qxe8+ Qxe8 28 Nxe8 Kxe8 29 h4!
As it turns out, White is faster in the queening race, since his e1-rook can
sacrifice for one of Black’s passers.
29 ... Rc4
The roving rook hopes to sabotage enemy installations, behind the lines.
The trouble with 29 ... b4 30 h5 b3 31 h6 b2 32 h7 is, of course, that White
queens with check.
30 h5 Nc6
30 ... Rg4 31 Ref1 Kd8 32 R1f4! and the h-pawn promotes.
31 Ref1
Threatening mate on the move.
31 ... Kd8 32 R5f4!
Vaganian blocks out Black’s rook and won’t even allow a sacrifice for
the surging h-pawn.
32 ... Nd4 33 Kh2
Avoiding a cheapo on e2.
33 ... Nxe6 34 Rxc4 bxc4 35 h6 Ng5

Exercise (planning/critical decision): No time for dry runs or

rehearsals. A decision must be made immediately, upon which
our future hangs in the balance. White has two available plans:

A) Chase Black’s knight down with 36 Rf5.

B) Leave the rook where it is to defend against Black’s surging passers
and hunt down the knight with White’s king, with 36 Kg3 and Kg4.
Think carefully before you decide. Only one of the plans works and the
margin is razor thin; White wins by a single tempo.
Answer: Only plan B is correct. Now all issues resolve into perfect
solutional fits, as if by magic.
36 Kg3!
36 Rf5? allows Black a draw after 36 ... Nh7 37 Rf7 c3 38 Rf3 (38
Rxh7?? loses to 38 ... c2 39 Rh8+ Kd7 40 h7 c1Q 41 Rd8+ Kxd8 42 h8Q+
Kc7) 38 ... b5 39 Rxc3 b4 40 Rc1 Ke8 41 Rf1 c4 42 Kg3 b3 43 Kf3 d5 44
Ke3 e5 45 Kd2 d4 46 Re1 Kf7 47 Rxe5 c3+ 48 Kd3 b2 49 Rb5 Nf6 50 Kc2
Kg6 51 Rb6 Kf5 52 g4+ Kg5 53 Rb4 Kxh6 54 Rxd4 Kg5 55 Rb4 Nxg4 56
Kxc3 is drawn, since rook and king can’t beat king and knight.
36 ... b5 37 Kg4 c3
White wins by one tempo after 37 ... Nh7 (seeds of disenchantment with
the knight’s lot in life take root on h7) 38 Kh5 c3 39 Kg6 Nf6 (the powerless
knight can do nothing more than spew muffled oaths at the king’s rude
intrusion into his personal space) 40 Rxf6! exf6 41 h7.
38 Kxg5 1-0

Summary: Surprisingly, the comps worked out the position after 7 ... g6?! 8
e5! to a clear advantage for White, who enjoys a kind of KID Four Pawns
Attack on steroids.

Game 35
British Rapidplay Championship, Bradford 2001

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 c5 3 d5 Qb6 4 Nc3 Qxb2

Once again we reach a state of unbridgeable philosophical differences:
our side believes it is better to give than to receive, while Black’s camp takes
the opposing view. Once again, Black openly violates Morphy’s terms of the
opening contract: don’t fall behind in development in an open position.
5 Bd2 Qb6 6 e4 d6 7 f4 Bg4?!

This natural move, played often at the club level, is actually quite rotten
for Black and may actually deserve a full question mark.
8 Be2!
The best response. White, by swapping bishops, actually increases the
energy potential of his position, since his queen on e2 is perfectly placed to
enforce a coming disruptive e5 break. In a weird coincidence, White wins at a
78.6 % ratio from this position – exactly to the decimal the same as the stats
last game after White’s 8th move!

Question: Isn’t 8 Nf3 stronger, since Black hands

over the bishop-pair when White later plays h3?

Answer: This position requires not a strategic tweak, but a sledgehammer

blow. Hodgson’s choice is far more energetic and also just stronger. After 8
... Nbd7 9 Rb1 Qc7 10 h3 Bxf3 11 Qxf3 g6 I don’t believe White gets full
compensation for the pawn, since the e5-break is going to be very difficult, if
not impossible to achieve, S.Grimm-D.Sermek, Passau 1998.
8 ... Bxe2 9 Qxe2
9 ... a6?!
One gets the impression that Black’s king certainly doesn’t appreciate his
defender’s laid-back management style. This is just too slow and Black soon
gets pushed off the board.

Question: Why would Black take time out to

play ... a6 when so far behind in development?

Answer: The trouble is White threatens to regain the lost pawn with a
clear advantage with Rb1, followed by Qb5+. Black shuts down this
possibility, at the cost of further lagging, which he just can’t afford:
a) 9 ... e6?! 10 Nf3 Be7 (10 ... exd5? 11 e5 dxe5 12 fxe5 Nfd7 13 Nxd5
Qc6 14 e6! fxe6 15 Nf4 with a winning attack for White) was N.Tavoularis-
T.Kett, Budapest 2010. Now White should continue with 11 Rb1 Qc7 12
Qb5+,regaining the pawn with clear advantage. Following 12 ... Qd7 (12 ...
Nbd7 13 dxe6 fxe6 14 Ng5 is not going to be comfortable for Black) 13
Qxb7 Qxb7 14 Rxb7 exd5 15 exd5 Nbd7 16 0-0 0-0 17 g4! Rfb8 18 Rfb1
Rxb7 19 Rxb7 Rb8 20 Rxa7 Black is the one down a pawn and hanging on
for dear life.
b) 9 ... Nfd7?! 10 Nf3 g6 11 Rb1 Qc7 12 e5 dxe5 13 fxe5 Bg7 14 d6! Qc6
15 dxe7 Kxe7 16 0-0 h6 was V.Vaisman-G.Miralles, French League 1992.
Black is hopelessly busted after 17 Ne4 intending Nd6.
c) 9 ... e5! is Houdini’s recommendation, which restores some measure of
composure to Black’s otherwise rapidly destabilizing situation. After 10 Rb1
Qc7 11 Qb5+ Nbd7 12 Qxb7 Qxb7 13 Rxb7 exf4 14 Bxf4 a6 15 Nf3 Black
stands clearly worse, but at least he can play on, unlike with other choices.
10 Rb1 Qc7 11 e5
Of course. Principles: open the position and create confrontation when
leading in development. The thought of Hodgson swearing off attacks is a
little like the alcoholic asking the bartender for one ‘last’ drink.

11 ... dxe5

Question: Why open the game further when lagging

in development? Can Black get away with 11 ... Nfd7?

Answer: Black landed in one of those dreaded, damned-if-you-do-and-

damned-if-you-don’t contradictions. He gets killed here as well after 12 Nf3.
Now if 12 ... g6 13 Ne4! (threat: Nxd6+) 13 ... dxe5 14 fxe5 e6 (14 ... Nxe5??
15 Nxe5 Qxe5 16 Bc3 spears a rook) 15 Bc3 h6 16 dxe6 fxe6 17 Nd6+ Ke7
18 Rxb7 Qc6 19 Nh4 when Black can comfortably resign.
12 fxe5 Nfd7 13 Nf3 e6
Alternatively, 13 ... g6 14 0-0 Bg7 15 e6 fxe6 16 Ng5 Qe5 17 Nxe6 Ra7
18 Ne4 when White’s numerous threats overwhelm Black, N.Povah-
S.Jackson, British League 2000.
14 0-0
White’s development lead has gotten completely out of control.
14 ... exd5
Opening further, but the problem is 14 ... Be7 is met with 15 d6.
15 e6!
A move which dispels all remaining doubt of the colossal wretchedness
inherent in Black’s position, after which the defence droops in distress. The
coming weakness of the light squares is merely the symptom of Black’s
concern, but not the cause, which was his seventh move, which traded away
the defender of that colour.

15 ... fxe6
If 15 ... Nf6 16 Nxd5! (a strong gust of the knight’s petulance comes
Black’s way) 16 ... Nxd5 17 exf7+ (Houdini announces a forced mate in
seven moves from this point) 17 ... Kd7 (17 ... Kxf7 18 Ng5+ Kg6 19 Qe6+
Nf6 20 Qf5+ Kh5 21 Nf3+ g5 22 Qxg5 is mate) 18 Qe8+ Kd6 19 Bf4+! Nxf4
20 Rfd1+ Nd5 21 Rxd5+! Kxd5 22 Rd1+ Kc4 23 Qa4+ Kc3 (White’s queen
and the black king have a difference of opinion: Black’s king is anti-
execution, whereas White’s queen, unfortunately, remains firmly entrenched
in the pro-execution camp) 24 Qb3 mate.
16 Qxe6+ Be7 17 Nxd5
The incision along the central light squares grows in the wake of the
surgeon’s scalpel.
17 ... Qd6 18 Ng5!
The knight infestation continues, and the black king and queen’s faces
simultaneously register deep anguish. Less flashy but just as effective is 18
Rxb7! Qxe6 19 Nc7+, and if 19 ... Kf7 20 Ng5+ Kg6 21 Ngxe6.
18 ... Nc6
Otherwise, 18 ... Qxe6 19 Nxe6, and if 19 ... Ra7 side-stepping the fork,
then comes 20 Ndc7 mate.

Exercise (combination alert): The possession of an overwhelming

isn’t a written guarantee of a point on the wall chart. White must still deal
with the dangling loose end of actually forcing the win. Tortured shapes,
demons sent to the corporeal world on an errand, float menacingly over
Black’s king. White has two methods of winning. Find one of them:

Answer: Attraction/knight fork.

19 Nc7+!
Black’s queen finds herself at the mercy of White’s irrational knights,
who continue to make outrageous ransom demands. Also crushing was 19
Qf7+ Kd8 20 Bf4 Nde5 21 Bxe5 Nxe5 22 Ne6+ Kd7 23 Rxb7+ (the attacking
debauch continues unabated) 23 ... Kc8 24 Nxe7+ Kxb7 25 Rb1+ forcing
19 ... Qxc7 20 Qf7+
The point. White forces Black’s king to the fork square on d8.
20 ... Kd8 21 Ne6+
The knight stares raptly at Black’s queen, the way a homely, pimple-
faced high school teen gazes lovingly at the cheerleader who walks by in the
21 ... Kc8 22 Nxc7 Kxc7 23 Bf4+ 1-0
“Soon, very soon, you will be no more than an unpleasant memory,”
White’s bishop tells his brother on c7.

Summary: The natural 7 ... Bg4? (yes, I downgraded the move to the full
question mark it deserves) comes close to being labelled a losing move for
Black. More good news: the move is commonly played at the club level, so
be ready for it.

Game 36
San Diego (rapid) 2007

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 c5 3 d5 Qb6

My old student, John Funderburg, is a three-time San Diego Chess Club
Champion and maintains a solid master’s rating.
4 Nc3
Civil disobedience commences, proving that your writer is indeed a
worthy son of Gandhi. From time to time, annoying religious pamphleteers
ignore the ‘No Solicitors’ sign prominently displayed on my front door and
ring the doorbell, in their efforts to save me from eternal damnation. I
normally politely send them on their way. But some days, when in an ornery
mood, I welcome them in with: “Om mani padme hum! May universal
blessings bring peace upon you, brothers and sisters!” It was in one of these
latter moods that I offered to play the Vaganian Gambit. The b2-pawn is once
again the unwanted infant left on Black’s doorstep.
4 ... e5!?

Any citizen of Troy will tell you: sometimes a gift is no gift.

Question: Speaking of chicken, why play ... Qb6 and then not take b2?

Answer: I wouldn’t call it chicken, as much as caution battling ambition,

and winning. It beats me why players bother with ... Qb6 and then don’t take,
but I have had two masters do just that against me. So we have to be ready
for the declined line as well. Also, GM Timur Gareev – ranked fourth in the
U.S. – who now lives in San Diego, showed up one morning at our Saturday
Gambito rapid tournaments. We started a blitz game and he played 4 ... e5 on
me as well. Gareev plays the Trompowsky as White so this was a deliberate
choice on his part. Unfortunately, the round began and we had to abandon the
blitz game, so I don’t know what he intended against our approach.

Question: What kind of a set-up is Black looking for with his last move?

Answer: The idea is to play a kind of Czech Benoni where the white
bishop on g5 may later be vulnerable to swaps for Black’s e7-bishop and also
... Nxd5 tactical shots. However, in the normal Czech Benoni, White’s c-
pawn is already on c4. In this version c4 is available for our pieces, especially
a knight, so I think we get a decent deal in this trade-off: 4 ... d6 5 e4 g6 6
Bb5+ Bd7 (possibly inaccurate since the swap of light-squared bishops only
helps White; after 6 ... Nbd7 7 a4 Qa5 8 Bd2 Qc7 9 Nf3 Bg7 10 0-0 0-0 11
h3 a6 12 Be2 b6 13 Bf4 Bb7 14 Re1 Rad8 15 Bc4 Black has yet to neutralize
White’s extra space, M.Orr-K.Jorrit, Bled Olympiad 2002) 7 Bxf6! (or 7 a4
Bg7 8 Nf3 a6 9 a5 Qc7 10 Be2 b5 11 axb6 Qxb6 12 Ra2 h6 13 Bd2 0-0 and
White’s central space gave him the edge, S.Lputian-Wang Zili, Moscow
Olympiad 1994) 7 ... exf6 8 a4 (a new move and I believe an improvement
over the previously played 8 Bxd7+ and 8 Qd3) 8 ... Bg7 9 Nge2 (if Black
catches up in development and achieves ... f5 he stands better; fortunately, he
can’t achieve it) 9 ... 0-0 10 0-0 Qc7 11 Ng3! (preventing ... f5) 11 ... a6 12
Be2 (he is cramped, so exchanges only help Black) 12 ... b6 13 f4 Qc8
(intending ... f5) 14 f5!.

Question: Doesn’t this move violate two principles? It:

1. Fixes pawns on the same colour of your remaining bishop.
2. Creates a gaping hole on e5.

Answer: All true, but this is secondary to the cramping effect of f4-f5: 14
... Be8 (more accurate was 14 ... Bh6, activating his dark-squared bishop) 15
Qd2 Nd7 16 h4! Ne5 17 h5 g5?! 18 h6! Bh8?? (strategic suicide, as Black is
effectively down a piece from this point on; he had to brave the white attack
down the h-file and take with 18 ... Bxh6 19 Nd1 c4 20 Nh5 Qc5+ 21 Nf2
Bg7 22 b4 Qc7 when I planned an eventual Kh2 and maybe even Kg3!?,
followed by doubling rooks on the h-file, with a strong attack) 19 b3 (Black
is hopelessly busted; all White has to do is to open the position on the
queenside and he is effectively a piece up) 19 ... Qb7 20 Nd1 b5 21 axb5
axb5 22 Nf2 (idea: Nh3 and Nxg5) 22 ... Bd7 23 Nh3 (perhaps it was better
to remove his only good piece with 23 Nd3!? Nxd3 24 Bxd3) 23 ... Rxa1 24
Rxa1 Ra8 25 Ra5 c4 (a cheapo, threatening ... Qb6+) 26 Kh2 Rc8 27 b4 Kf8
28 Qe1 Qb6 29 Qg1 Qxg1+ (29 ... Qd8 30 Ra6 is also hopeless for Black) 30
Kxg1 Ke7.

Exercise (planning): Come up with a clear winning plan for White:

Answer: Target b5, the weak link, by transferring the knights to c3 and
d4, and then picking off b5: 31 Nf2! Ke8 (Black has nothing better to do than
wait) 32 Nd1 Ke7 33 Nc3 Rb8 34 Kf2 Ke8 35 Bh5! (intending Ne2 and Nd4
without allowing Black ... Ng4+ tricks) 35 ... Ke7 36 Nge2 Be8 37 Nd4 1-0,
C.Lakdawala-K.Wagner, San Diego G/15 Championship 2010.
Returning to 4 ... e5:
5 Rb1
Played with a huge sigh of relief.

Question: Can you play 5 e4 here?

Answer: Sure, but the chicken in me returned and I eagerly protected b2.
Play may transpose after 5 ... Qxb2 6 Bd2 Qb6 7 f4 d6 8 f5 which we looked
at in the first game of the chapter.
5 ... Be7 6 e4 d6 7 Nf3 Nbd7

Question: Why would Black block in his bishop like this?

Answer: Black’s light-squared bishop is his good model, and he doesn’t

want to risk swapping it away after 7 ... Bg4?! 8 Be2 0-0 9 Nd2, when he
either agrees to an unfavourable trade or loses time backing off the bishop.
8 Nd2 a6
9 Be3!

Question: This move makes no sense to me. Didn’t you just lose a

Answer: I avoided the line 9 Be2?! Qd8! 10 a4 Nxd5! (we must watch
out for this dirty trick when our bishop sits unguarded on g5) 11 Bxe7 Nxe7
12 Nc4 0-0 13 Qxd6 Nc6. Right or wrong, I felt Black equalized here.
9 ... Qc7 10 a4 b6 11 Bd3 Nf8
Strategic threat: ... Ng4. After 11 ... 0-0 I intended 12 g4!? continuing my
kingside expansion ambitions.
12 f3 Ng6 13 g3 h6 14 Qe2
Suppressing the ... c4 and ... b5 breaks, while keeping Black tied down to
the defence of a6.
14 ... Nh7
Intention: ... Bg5.
15 h4!
Oh, no you don’t! Black walks into work one day and discovers his once
spacious office converted into a broom closet. He contrives to ignore the
white elephant in the room: the fact that his solidity doesn’t make up for
cramped quarters and a lack of counterplay.
15 ... Nf6 16 Bf2
Clearing e3 for a knight.
16 ... h5 17 Nc4 Nd7 18 Ne3
The knight tacks and weaves his way to its optimal square on e3. Note
that Black’s ... b5, ... c4 and ... f5 breaks have all be squelched.
18 ... Bf8!
Black realizes his pieces sprawl awkwardly and reroutes, planning: ...
Ne7, ... g6, ... Bg7 and, maybe one day, ... f5.
19 Kf1
The king roams about as if he owned the place. I walk my king to g2,
since the rook already belongs on h1, in case Black tries ... g5 breaks.
19 ... Ne7 20 Kg2 g6
Exercise (planning): Your writer, although a bit of a buffoon
in open games, is surprisingly competent in such blocked
situations. White’s position looks wonderful. But now what?
I looked at two viable plans for White. Identify both plans:

21 Rbf1
Answer: Plan A: Play for f4 after due preparation.
The alternative was Plan B: Play for a b4 break, like this: 21 Nc4 Bh6 (21
... Rb8 22 b4 b5 23 axb5 axb5 24 Nxd6+! Qxd6 25 bxc5 Nxc5 26 Nxb5
leaves Black busted) 22 b4 0-0 23 bxc5 bxc5 24 Be3 Bxe3 25 Qxe3 Kg7 26
a5 with queenside pressure.
21 ... Bg7 22 b3 Nf6 23 Be1!
Heading to c3 to magnify the effect of f4.
23 ... Bh6 24 Bd2 Kf8
Played with the same logic applied to my earlier Kf1, Kg2 sequence.
25 Rf2 Kg7 26 Rhf1 Qd7!
What a nuisance. I must cover the infiltration threat to h3.
27 Rh1 Ne8 28 Nb1
Heading for a3 and clearing c3 for my bishop.
28 ... Nc7
Hoping to achieve ... b5 someday.

Question: Black has enough force to engineer ... f5. Why not play it now?

Answer: White still retains a clear strategic advantage if Black decides to

open the position after 28 ... f5! 29 Nc4 Qc7 30 a5 b5 31 Nb6 Rb8 32 c4 b4
33 Nxc8 Rxc8 34 f4! fxe4 35 Bxe4 when Black’s exposed king remains in
grave danger.
29 Na3 Rb8 30 c4
I wanted to seal the queenside to concentrate my fire on the other wing
without distraction. My opponent carefully retains the tension, however.
30 ... Bb7 31 Bc3 f6 32 f4
At long last. Plateaus can turn into comfortable, unchanging prisons if we
let them. White finally takes action and achieves the desired break.
32 ... Rbf8

Question: Can Black generate central counterplay with 32 ... exf4 33

gxf4 Rbe8?

Answer: White’s centre remains stable and Black’s king looks like he is
in a bad way after 34 Rg1, intending an eventual f5 break.
33 Nac2 Bc8 34 f5
Weakening f5 and h5.
34 ... Qe8 35 Rhf1 g5 36 Rh1! Rfg8

Question: Your last move looks like an error to me. Why can’t Black seal
the kingside with 36 ... g4?

Answer: By doing so, Black swaps one problem for another. I would
respond with 37 a5!, blasting open the queenside when Black isn’t prepared
for it, and if 37 ... b5 38 b4!. With this frictionless pivoting, we seamlessly
swap Plan A for Plan B, with zero wasted motion.
37 hxg5 Bxg5 38 Kf1
Threat: Rfh2, going after h5.
38 ... Rh6 39 Rfh2 Rgh8
Black searched every avenue for counterplay – the maybes, the probables,
the possibles, and even looked into the highly unlikelies and even the
impossibles – without finding a solution, since none exists.

Exercise (planning): White has access to two

methods which increase advantage. Find them:

Answer: Transfer the knight to f3. Not only is h5 weak, but X-rays spot a
secondary metastatic growth appearing on g5. Black, who had hopes of
containing the chronic weakness, is doomed by the appearance of a malignant
40 Ne1!
The key to victory is to eliminate Black’s ‘bad’ bishop, who happens to
be the steward of the kingside dark squares. Also strong is 40 a5! b5 41 b4!,
favourably prying open the queenside.
40 ... Bxe3
We now add weak dark squares, denoting Black’s growing list of phobic
stressors. 40 ... Bd7 41 Nf3 nails the bishop anyway.
41 Qxe3 b5
I give little credence to this attempted distraction and proceed on course
on the kingside.
42 axb5 axb5 43 Nf3 Bd7

Exercise (planning): Black’s position nears the breaking point.

Find the expedient which pushes it over the edge:

Answer: Pin. The coming g5 destroys Black’s resistance.

44 g4 bxc4 45 bxc4 Qf7 46 Bd2
Queen and bishop remain at a distance, yet involved in the proceedings
on the kingside, in a kind of supervisory contact. Your business savvy writer
rarely applies a combinational solution in a rapid game when the simple,
mundane one will do – even if I see the flashy one over the board. White can
also play 46 g5! fxg5 47 Bxe5+! dxe5 48 Nxe5 Qe8 49 Qxg5+ Kf8 50 Rxh5!,
and if 50 ... Rxh5 51 Qf6+ Kg8 52 Rg1+ forces mate.
46 ... Kf8 47 g5
The g5-square is the distillation point, from which all which is rotten in
Black’s position spews forth. 47 Qxh6+ Rxh6 48 Bxh6+ Kg8 49 Rxh5 is also
hopeless for Black.
47 ... fxg5 48 Qxg5
The queen broods over g5 like an overbearing mother. 48 Nxg5,
intending to eventually sink the knight into e6, was also awfully tempting.
48 ... Qf6

Exercise (combination alert): I missed a

combination here. How can White win the exchange?

49 Qxf6+
Still winning, but slightly stronger was:
Answer: Overload/zwischenzug: 49 Qh4! Qxh4 50 Bxh6+ Rxh6 51
Rxh4. This is one of those combinations which shows little evidence of
design, and just happens to be there.
49 ... Rxf6 50 Rxh5 Rxh5 51 Rxh5 Kg7 52 Bg5 1-0
One look at the bishop and we are reminded of the spider who hangs
upside down, patiently awaiting the neighbourhood fly’s arrival in his net.
After 52 ... Rf7 53 f6+ Rxf6 54 Bxf6+ Kxf6 Black’s fortress dreams are
ruined by the line 55 Rh6+ Ng6 56 Nh4 Be8 57 Nf5 when d6 falls.
Here 52 Ng5!, intending Rh7+, may be even stronger than winning material.
The knight leaves a trail of slime in his wake, like your now standard movie
alien while in pursuit of Sigourney Weaver.

Summary: If Black declines the Vaganian Gambit, then squeeze your

opponent with your territorial advantage.
Chapter Six
Trompowsky versus King’s Indian
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 g6 3 Bxf6 exf6

Structurally, this chapter is similar to and may even transpose to the

positions we examined in Chapter Four, so it isn’t exactly a leap into the
darkness of the unknown – for us. On the other hand, for your KID-loving
opponent, this will probably be all new territory for him or her. We once
again exert our will upon the position and force our opponents to play in our
backyard, not theirs.

Game 37
New York (simul) 2000

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 g6
A move which declares: “I’m a King’s Indian player, and your second
move isn’t going to change that!” Yet with our third move, we do indeed alter
3 Bxf6
This is the most Trompowskyish move you can play. Of course, you have
a million other choices, like Torre Attack and transposition to normal KID
lines which include Bg5.
3 ... exf6 4 e3
I have thought about pre-empting ... d5, by tossing in an immediate 4 c4.
Play may follow with: 4 ... Bg7 (4 ... Bb4+ 5 Nd2 doesn’t bother White) 5
Nc3 f5 6 e3 0-0 7 Nge2 (keeping an eye out for ... f4 tricks) 7 ... d6 8 g3 (we
can also play the Catalan-Trompowsky against the KID) 8 ... h5 9 h4 Nd7 10
Bg2 Nf6 11 0-0 Ng4 12 Nf4 Bh6 13 b4 Re8 14 Rb1, S.Ionov-R.Mamedov,
Loo 2013. It’s easy to see that White will continue to make queenside spatial
gains, and I’m not really sure how Black proceeds on the kingside.
Question: How do we defend if Black goes psycho on us and lashes out
with 14 ... g5?

Answer: We should have adequate resources to defend against the attack

after 15 hxg5 Qxg5 (or 15 ... Bxg5 16 Nxh5 Rxe3 17 Nd5! Re6 18 Qd3 Rh6
19 Ndf4 c6 20 b5 Qc7 21 bxc6 bxc6 22 Rb2 and at this stage I don’t see how
Black continues with the attack; meanwhile, White seriously damaged
Black’s structure and earns queenside gains) 16 Ncd5 h4 17 Nxc7 hxg3 18
Nxe8 Qh4 19 Nf6+! (deflection) 19 ... Qxf6 20 Qf3 gxf2+ 21 Rxf2 (I don’t
believe in Black’s attack if he or she refuses f2) 21 ... Nxf2 22 Kxf2 when
Black’s pawn structure is a wreck and White dominates d5, with a clear
4 ... Bg7

Question: How is the position any different from the

3 ... exf6 lines of Chapter Four, after Black plays 4 ... d5?
Answer: Not much different. In fact, we may directly transpose. The only
slight alteration is that in this chapter’s version, Black commits to an early ...
g6, which he or she doesn’t necessarily have to play in the Chapter Four
versions. We examine ... d5 lines later in this chapter, but with Black’s
bishop on g7, rather than on d6, which we covered in Chapter Four.
5 h4
The thought of delivering checkmate acts upon us all as a potent
stimulant. This may be the most annoying move for Black if he or she is a
KID purist. Black can either weaken the kingside with ... h5, or allow us the
potential to open the h-file if we are allowed h5.
5 ... d6
Black refuses to alter course and sticks with a pure KID set-up. We
examine 5 ... h5 later in the chapter.
6 h5 f5 7 Ne2
This move scores 100% from four games in my database.

Question: Why e2 rather than f3?

Answer: For the same reasons we normally play to e2 in the 3 ... exf6
lines of Chapter Four: e2 is the knight’s most flexible square, from which it
may head for f4.
7 ... 0-0!?

Question: Castling into it?

Answer: One does get the feeling that Black is a man of a carefree
disposition. Have you noticed that Kasparov’s simul opponents in this book
don’t seem to believe in his attacking powers? Black’s confident, some
would proclaim overconfident move is obviously a high-risk proposition,
made even more so with Kasparov at the attacking end.

Question: What does White do if Black bypasses with ... g5?

Answer: Going ... g5, now or later, loosens Black’s kingside structure. An
example: 7 ... Nd7 8 Nf4 c6 9 Nd2 Qe7 10 c3 Nf6 11 Be2 g5 12 h6! Bf8 13
Nh5 Bxh6 14 Ng3 Bg7 15 Qc2 f4 (Black falls too far behind in development
after 15 ... Qe6 16 Bd3 f4 17 Nf5 Bf8 18 0-0) 16 exf4 gxf4 17 Nf5 Bxf5 18
Qxf5 Qe6 19 Qxf4 0-0-0 20 Kf1 h5 21 Bd3 when White stood better due to
superior pawn structure and better bishop, A.Girish-V.Antonio, New Delhi
8 Nd2 Nd7 9 Nf4 Nf6 10 g3
Kasparov switches to the more positional Catalan-Trompowsky version,
seeing his bishop is better off on g2, rather than d3, where it hits a wall on f5.
10 ... Re8 11 Bg2 Ne4
Black makes use of his trump: control over e4. Now ... Bxd4 is in the air.
12 c3 Nxd2?!
Black’s knight inexplicably weakens its adhesive grip over e4. This looks
rather convenient for White. Black’s unnecessary concession violates the
principle: don’t be the one to release the central tension without good reason.
Black looks okay after 12 ... c6 13 hxg6 hxg6 14 Nxe4 (Black also looks fine
after 14 Qc2 Qe7) 14 ... fxe4 15 Qc2 Qe7 16 Bh3 a5 17 Bxc8 Raxc8 18 0-0-0
b5 19 Kb1.
13 Qxd2 c5?!
Enthusiasm alone isn’t enough to overlook a strategic sin. Black passes a
demarcation point between need and desire. He weakens d5 in an abstract
desire to remain active, for no good reason. He should play 13 ... c6 14 hxg6
hxg6 15 0-0-0 a5 with a sharp position.
14 Kf1 Rb8 15 Bd5
The result of Black’s ... c5 outburst: White’s pieces roost on d5, placid
and content as well-fed cows in their bovine happiness.
15 ... Be6?
Exercise (combination alert): Black, already in deep strategic trouble,
just blundered on his last move. White to play and win material:

Answer: Deflection, so that g6 hangs.

16 hxg6 hxg6 17 Rd1?!
Hey, I said “g6 hangs”. Ah, yes, the simul disease – lack of alertness,
mingled with inexplicable assessments – afflicts even the Kasparovs of the
world. He either missed the simple combination in a distracted, simul state of
mind, or, unmoved by sordid mercenary motivations, deliberately declined
the pawn in order not to fix Black’s structure. Whatever the motivation, it
looks mistaken. 17 Bxe6 fxe6 18 Nxg6 simply picks off a pawn. Who knows,
perhaps Kasparov liked the position he got in the game better than this pawn-
up version.
17 ... Bxd5
Black eliminates the combination and we reach a classic dominant knight
versus not-so-wonderful bishop situation.
18 Nxd5 Rc8?!
Black would be much better off closing the d-file with 18 ... cxd4 19
19 dxc5 dxc5 20 c4
Now the knight’s radial authority extends in surrounding spokes of
20 ... Re4
I’m not sure what the rook is fishing for here. I would play 20 ... Qd6 and
just wait.
21 b3 Qg5?

Exercise (combination alert): The white queen’s dark analogue

mistakenly decides to assert her authority upon the kingside.
Black’s last move, which indulges in an oblique gesture, more for
show than substance, hangs material. White to play and win material:

22 Kg2?!
Answer: We don’t always have to win our Tromps with mating attacks,
ending with a cascade of sacs. Vulgar as it sounds, sometimes we can just
steal a pawn or two to get the job done. Kasparov, probably focused on
Black’s king, missed 22 Qa5! a6 23 Qb6 Rb8 24 Qxc5 winning an important
22 ... Bf6??
Exercise (combination alert): Black’s bishop gets ahead of himself, like
an overeager singer who finds himself three bars ahead of the musician’s
accompaniment. After Black’s last move, a monster error, the Houdini
evaluation rockets to +15.66, and Black’s assertion – whatever it may be

receives a jarring behavioural modification. What did he miss?

Answer: Queen trap/fork.

23 f4!
What luck. Kasparov must be the king of kismet to have such good
fortune fall before him. The f-pawn expresses his feelings with generous
portions toward the g5-pest, and now the solid earth begins to crumble, crack
and open beneath Black’s feet.
23 ... Bc3
There is no worse feeling in chess than that euphoric/dysphoric manic
swing, from a playable (even worse is when you are winning! to a losing
position in the space of a single move. The bishop’s craving for justice is
denied, so he settles for simple vindictiveness. The surly bishop reminds us
of the Chihuahua, robbed of his bone by the Great Dane, but still up for a
fight against his infinitely larger foe. Somehow I get the feeling this won’t
get Black off the hook and I freely admit this game falls short from being
described as a feast of reason.
After 23 ... Qg4 24 Nxf6+ the knight decides that the time has come to
abolish the monarchy, execute Black’s queen and install a democratic
republic, with himself in the role of dictator for life. “How peaceful she
looks,” murmurs the knight, upon viewing his freshly murdered sister’s
bloody corpse on g4 after 24 ... Kg7 25 Nxg4.
24 Qxc3 1-0

Summary: A quick h4 is generally effective versus a die-hard KID

opponent, since most of them refuse to respond with ... h5. This in turn
allows us h5, with slight but nagging pressure.

Game 38
San Diego (simul) 1997

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 g6 3 Bxf6 exf6 4 e3 Bg7 5 h4 0-0!?

Question: Could it be that the good people

of San Diego don’t fear your attacking skills?
Answer: Yes, that exact thought crossed my mind as well. Once again,
Black allows h5. Next game we look at 5 ... h5.
6 h5 h6?!
This potentially weakens g6 and the light squares around Black’s king.
Superior options are:
a) 6 ... f5 and now White should avoid 7 c4? discouraging ... d5 but also
weakening the central dark square:. 7 ... c5 8 Ne2 Nc6 9 Nbc3 cxd4 10 Nxd4
was A.Gulko-Y.Vovk, Internet (blitz) 2009. Now Black should continue 10
... Nxd4 11 exd4 Qb6, double attacking b2 and d4, with a clear advantage.
One of the tricks of this line is to know when you can get away with c4, and
when you can’t. This is a clear case of can’t.
b) 6 ... d6 7 Ne2 c5 8 Nbc3 Nc6 9 hxg6 hxg6 10 Qd2 f5 11 0-0-0 cxd4 12
exd4 d5 13 g3 Be6 14 Bg2 Rc8 15 Kb1 b5 16 Nf4 Nxd4 17 Nxe6 Nxe6 (17
... fxe6 18 Qe3 Qb6 19 Nxd5! Qc5 20 c3 also favours White) 18 Nxd5 and I
like White’s chances due to that powerfully posted d5-knight, D.Lima-
N.Delgado Ramirez, Rio de Janeiro 2004.
7 Bd3 f5 8 Ne2 Qg5?!
Our recourses in any crisis: fight or flight. In this instance, Black
mistakenly chooses the former as my opponent’s newly found belligerence
telepathically wafts over to the kingside. Yet this plan swerves from the
position’s core truth. A vaguely aggressive, scattershot strategy won’t do in
such a position, which clearly doesn’t warrant it. Black’s last move, although
externally attractive, lacks functionality, loses the ... g5 option, walks into a
future Nf3 and actually endangers Black’s queen if ... Nf6 follows later on.
Black should play 8 ... d5.
9 Kf1!?

Question: Why move your king when you can play 9 Nf4?

Answer: I feared 9 ... Bxd4?, but missed the fact that the line favours
White after 10 hxg6 Bxb2 11 Rh5 Qe7 12 Nd2. Your suggested line is not a
line conducive for a simul.

Question: Are you suggesting that the player

giving the simul should alter his or her style?

Answer: Exactly correct. I tend to score very well (better than my rating)
in simuls because I avoid the mistake other titled players make, which is to
complicate. My simul philosophy has always been:
1. Keep it simple and play like a chicken. Miscalculation due to
complications is the great enemy of the simul-giver.
2. Don’t hang anything. Add fatigue to the equation and number two isn’t
so easy to achieve – unless, of course, the positions remains simple. So the
rule is to distil your opponent’s attempt to invoke chaos into recognizable
patterns, in order to keep disorientation at bay.
3. Technique them out. I have found that even exhausted, I can still beat
even strong players in a simul, as long as the situation is strategically clear, or
it’s a technical ending.
4. Ingest huge quantities of that blessed nectar, caffeine.
9 ... b6 10 Nd2 Bb7 11 Rh2!?
Once again, I avoid 11 Nf4 fearing 11 ... Bxd4?? and miss that White
wins after 12 Nf3.
11 ... d6 12 c3 Nd7 13 Nf4 Nf6?
Black should backtrack and play 13 ... Qf6.

Exercise (combination alert): On his last move, a blunder,

Black clearly came down with a case of concentratus
interruptus. This one is easy. White to play and win material:

Answer: Deflection/knight fork. Black can’t recapture, since e6 bulges

herniatically, in an otherwise healthy structure.
14 hxg6 Rae8
If 14 ... fxg6?? (a lurking presence remains on f4, just outside the black
queen’s line of sight) 15 Ne6 Qg4 and now the simplest is 16 Be2! when
Black must hand over even more material to save his queen.
15 gxf7+ Rxf7
Exercise (combination alert): White can win even more material. What
did I miss?

16 Nf3
White still has a completely winning game after this move, but slightly
stronger was:
Answer: 16 Bc4! d5 17 Nf3! (the hostile witness on g5 is instructed to
answer unpleasant questions under cross examination) 17 ... Qg4 18 Bb5 c6
19 Rh4 trapping the queen.
16 ... Bxf3
This move certainly doesn’t help, since weak light squares embody
Black’s woes, but the problem is 16 ... Qg4 is met with 17 Bc4 d5 18 Bb5 c6
19 Rh4, trapping the wayward queen.
17 gxf3
Black’s game is a wreck.
17 ... Rfe7 18 Qd2
Admittedly paranoid (keep in mind, though, that paranoia represents a
virtue in a simul game), but I was watching for sacrifices on e3.
18 ... c6 19 Re1 d5
Question: Can Black put up a fight an exchange down after
19 ... Qxf4 20 exf4 Rxe1+ 21 Qxe1 Rxe1+ 22 Kxe1 Nd5?

Answer: I was hoping for that line. The simplifying 23 Bc4 is also lost for
20 Rg2 Qh4 21 Bxf5 Nh5

Exercise (calculation): Analyze 22 Ng6. Does it work?

Answer: It sure does.

22 Ng6 Qh1+ 23 Rg1 Ng3+
Black fires the final shot in his clip. The knight bursts upon the scene
with an entrance which would warm the heart of any scene-stealing stage
actor. In situations of utter desperation, sang froid tends to enjoy an extended
holiday and the sober keeping of accounts also sneaks out through the back
door. Black keeps sac’ing in the vague hope of keeping his initiative alive.
Clearly, the capering knight’s diminishing circles to nowhere is some kind of
modern interpretative dance, the meaning of which is only understood by my
opponent. This desperado shouldn’t have come as a surprise to you, and the
hoped-for shot fails to detonate upon contact.
23 ... Qxf3 24 Bg4! Also wins.
24 fxg3
I continue to feed with a voracious appetite.
24 ... Qxf3+ 25 Qf2 Rxe3 26 Rxe3 Rxe3

Exercise (combination alert): White to play and win.

Answer: Simplification/ knight fork.

27 Qxf3! Rxf3+ 28 Ke2 1-0
28 ... Rxf5 (Black’s disoriented rook asks: “Am I dreaming you, or did
you dream me?”) 29 Ne7+ forks king and rook with a pickpocket’s
surreptitious agility.

Summary: I think Black is better off tossing in ... h5 in response to h4, as he

does next game.

Game 39
Stare Mesto 2005

Enough of simul games! This is the first tournament game of the chapter.
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 g6 3 Bxf6 exf6 4 e3
At the next opportunity, I will try 4 c4!?, and if 4 ... Bg7 5 e3 0-0 6 Nc3
c5 7 dxc5 f5 8 Nge2 when I prefer White, who looks structurally great, but
still lags in development.
4 ... Bg7
Also possible is 4 ... d5 5 h4 h5 6 c4 dxc4 7 Bxc4 Bd6 8 Nc3 c6.

Question: Doesn’t this position look an awful

lot like the ones we covered in Chapter Four?

Answer: Correct. Positions from this chapter can even directly transpose
to the 3 ... exf6 lines of Chapter Four. Following 9 Qc2 Qe7 (one can only
pray for 9 ... 0-0?? 10 Qxg6+) 10 Nge2 Nd7 11 0-0-0 Nb6 12 Bb3 Be6 13
Kb1 Bxb3 14 Qxb3 0-0-0 (an interesting plan by my opponent, who cheated
me out of an opposite-wings castling position) 15 Rc1 Kb8 16 Ka1 f5 17 g3
Rhe8 18 Rhd1 Bc7 19 Na4 Nxa4 20 Qxa4 Qe4 21 Qc2 Qf3 22 Nc3 Bxg3?
(overly ambitious; 22 ... f6 is equal) 23 fxg3 Qxg3 24 d5! cxd5 25 Rxd5?!
(Houdini claims 25 Nxd5! Rc8 26 Qa4 is stronger) 25 ... Rc8?! (Black had
better chances to hold the game after 25 ... Qxe3) 26 Rd7 Rc7 27 Rxc7 Qxc7
28 Qf2 a6 29 a3 Qc5 30 Re1 Rd8 31 Qf4+ Ka8 32 e4 Rd3 33 exf5! Rxc3 34
Re8+ Ka7 35 Qb8+ Kb6 36 Qd8+ Ka7 37 bxc3 Qxa3+ 38 Kb1 Qb3+ 39 Kc1
Qxc3+ 40 Kd1 Qf3+ 41 Re2 White evaded perpetual check and won a
queening race by one tempo (it is my fate in life that my victories always
come on move 100, by a single tempo; I look with eyes of longing toward
players who are able to win miniatures), C.Lakdawala-B.Baker, San Diego
(rapid) 2013.
5 h4 h5

6 Ne2

Question: Is 6 c4, which discourages Black’s next move, the more

accurate choice?

Answer: It’s fine, as long as you correctly factor in early ... c5 ideas: 6 ...
d6 (after 6 ... c5 7 Ne2 0-0 8 dxc5 f5 9 Nbc3 Na6 10 g3 Nxc5 11 Bg2 I prefer
White’s structure and control over d5, over Black’s bishops) 7 Nc3 Nd7 8
Nf3 (I would have developed this knight to e2) 8 ... c6 9 g3 0-0 10 Bg2 Nb6
11 b3 Bg4 12 0-0 Re8 13 Re1 Nd7 14 Qd3 Bxf3 15 Bxf3 f5 16 b4. It feels
like White’s queenside chances are slightly preferable to Black’s on the
kingside, A.Botsari-M.Kouvatsou, Volos 1996.
6 ... d5 7 c4 c6
A new move in the position, but 7 ... dxc4 looks more logical: 8 Nf4 c5 9
d5!? (this move looks strategically incorrect, but the mysterious property of
genius tends to play by its own rules; perhaps better was 9 Bxc4 cxd4 10 Qb3
Qd7 11 0-0 Nc6 12 Rd1 Na5 13 Qb5 Nxc4 14 Qxc4 f5 15 Nc3 Qc6 16 Rxd4!
Qxc4! 17 Rxc4 0-0 18 Rd1, which Houdini says is even, while I prefer
White’s development lead over Black’s bishops) 9 ... f5 10 Nc3 b5! 11 d6!?
(I would have broken up the queenside pawns with 11 Nxb5!? Qa5+ 12 Nc3
Bxc3+ 13 bxc3 Qxc3+ 14 Ke2) 11 ... 0-0 12 Be2 (I don’t trust White’s
position if he gets greedy with 12 Qd5 Qa5) 12 ... b4 13 Nb5 with an unclear
mess which, intuitively, appears to favour Black, H.Nakamura-G.Ginsburg,
Internet (blitz) 2006.
8 cxd5 Qxd5
In Chapter Four we discussed the demerits of the inferior ... cxd5
9 Nbc3 Qa5 10 Nf4 f5
After 10 ... 0-0 11 Bc4 Kh8 12 Qb3 Qc7 13 a4 a5 14 d5 Na6 15 d6! Qd7
16 Rd1 f5 White enjoys enduring pressure due to the cramping pressure of
his deeply advanced d-pawn.
11 Qb3 Qb6
Always be on the lookout for 11 ... 0-0?? 12 Nxg6, just in case your
opponent is napping.
12 Qc2 Nd7 13 Bc4 Bh6 14 Nd3 0-0 15 0-0 Kg7 16 g3 f4?!

Treachery loves a power vacuum. Black, dissatisfied with his position,

mistakenly attempts to reshape it to his will. He may have felt his game was
starved of expressions of protest and now seeks to remedy the issue. Yet
there is no sense in starting handicapped by picking a fight while ill-equipped
and understaffed. In my younger days I had a friend, who although in his late
teens, looked like a 12-year-old. To alleviate the dilemma he grew a beard,
which in turn, made him look like a 12-year-old with a beard. Moral:
sometimes we make a problem worse by attempting to fix it.

Question: Why did Black give away a pawn?

Answer: It isn’t a real sacrifice since Black regains the pawn in every
version. But just because a tricky move is playable, doesn’t necessarily mean
it is also wise. At the end of the variation, Black allows White open lines to
his king.
17 gxf4!
The most devious variety of traps is to deliberately misunderstand and
‘fall’ into the opponent’s ‘trap’, having perceived that it is flawed in some
17 ... Qd8
The queen sticks her oar into the argument, the point being that Black
regains the sacrificed pawn. The trouble is Black’s position deteriorates from
its pre-sacrifice levels.
18 Kg2 Qxh4 19 Rh1 Qg4+ 20 Kf1
Houdini assesses at equal, but I feel White enjoys a clear edge due to his
central dominance and the open g-file for his rooks.
20 ... Re8 21 Rg1 Qh3+ 22 Ke1 Nb6?
22 ... Re7 looks necessary, but even then I still like White’s attacking
chances on the kingside: 23 Kd2 Qf5 24 Rg2 a5 25 Rag1! (threat: Bxf7!) 25
... Kf8 26 Bb3, although Houdini stubbornly insists the game remains even.
Exercise (combination alert): Black inadvertently pushes a button which
a vast machinery in motion. A seemingly trivial cause may trigger a huge
transformation. This move induces a chain reaction, similar to billiards,
when one
ball hits another, which hits another. What did Black overlook on his last

Answer: Demolition of the king’s position. The bishop sacrifice bores

into the now gelatinous defensive barrier.
23 Bxf7!
The bishop slides uninvited into the chair next to Black’s king and it
becomes obvious that Black’s counterattack goes off course, with pieces
veering erratically in jagged directions and without a sense of unified intent.
23 ... Rxe3+
The greatest of delusions is the slave who believes he or she is free. Do
you sense a marked increase in Black’s decrease about now? This move is
absolute desperation, but who can blame Black for going with the maximalist
argument and engaging in an act of arson over the board? I suppose when we
are in need, excess always appeals as a cure.
23 ... Bf5 24 Bxg6! Bxg6 25 Ne5 is also a game-ender, as is 23 ... Kxf7
24 Ne5+ (White’s gaze of displeasure is painfully emblazoned upon g6) 24 ...
Ke7 25 Qxg6 Qe6 26 Qh7+ Kd8 27 Rg6.
24 fxe3 Qxe3+ 25 Ne2
Conveniently covering g1, while blocking Black’s check. The knight
entwines, blocking Black’s counterplay avenues, like a garter snake wrapping
itself around a tree branch.
25 ... Bf5

Exercise (combination alert): It appears as if Black mustered

quite a ferocious attack for his investment. However, find
one powerful idea and Black’s ‘attack’ is a spent force.

Answer: X-ray defence/pin.

26 Bxg6!
The wizard makes a spell-casting flourish with his hands in the direction
of Black’s king, who, a few hours later, mysteriously sickens to fatal levels.
26 ... Bxg6 27 f5
Black’s initiative is a car’s engineless hull, destined to go nowhere.
27 ... Re8
After 27 ... Bg5 28 Ndf4! is the most efficient consolidation method.
28 Rxg6+ Kh7 29 Ne5 1-0

Summary: When Black responds to an early h4 with ... h5, be on the

constant lookout for sacrifices which undermine g6.

Game 40
German League 2000

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 g6 3 Bxf6 exf6 4 e3 Bg7 5 h4 h5 6 Ne2 d6

This tends to be the choice of the King’s Indian purist who avoids ... d5.

7 c3

Question: Could White do without this move and

proceed as he did in the game, but play c4 in one go?

Answer: White probably directed the reinforcing c3 against ... c5. Let’s
see what happens if he avoids c3: 7 g3 0-0 (7 ... c5?! is premature: 8 dxc5
Qa5+ 9 Nbc3 dxc5 10 Qd6! f5 11 0-0-0 Qb6 12 Nb5! Qxd6 13 Nxd6+ Ke7
14 Bg2 Nc6 15 e4! fxe4 16 Nxe4 c4 17 Nf4 Bh6 18 Rhe1 Bxf4+ 19 gxf4
with a scary looking development lead) 8 Bg2 c5. At this point, it feels like 9
c4 is loosening and gives Black excellent dark-square counterplay after 9 ...
Nc6 10 Nbc3 Bg4 11 Qd2 Qa5. Houdini rates this position at even, but I
prefer Black, who applies unpleasant pressure on the dark squares.
7 ... f5 8 Nd2 Nd7 9 g3
If you will recall, this is the Catalan-Trompowsky plan we looked at in
Chapter Four.
9 ... Nf6 10 Bg2 0-0 11 a4

Question: What is the point of a move like this,

which seems vague and attacks nothing?

Answer: White’s general plan in the Catalan-Trompowsky is to simply

increase queenside gains. With his logical last move, White does just that.
11 ... Re8 12 a5 Rb8 13 0-0 Ne4 14 Qc2 Qe7 15 Nf4 c6 16 c4
Finally, White feels comfortable enough to play this space-gaining, yet
slightly loosening move, since he no longer fears ... c5, as his knight is ready
for occupation of d5.
16 ... Bd7

Question: Why didn’t Black go for the tempting sacrifice with 16 ...

Answer: It isn’t so tempting, since the move violates the principle: an

extra piece generally outweighs three pawns in a crowded middlegame, since
pawns tend to have lesser influence in this part of the game.

Question: So are you saying that a piece for three pawns

in an ending is normally okay for the sac’ing side?

Answer: Correct. Pawns gain, while the piece tends to decrease in value
as the ending nears, since pawns begin to generate promotion threats in an
After 17 fxg3 Qxe3+ 18 Kh2 Qxd4 19 Rab1 White stands clearly better.
17 Ra3
Question: You just said that the ... Nxg3 sacrifice was virtually
unplayable for Black, and yet here we clearly note that White played
his last move to prevent it. How do you reconcile this contradiction?

Answer: I think White played his last move, not because he was afraid of
the sacrifice, but because he didn’t want to deal with the bother of calculating
its consequences on every move. Sometimes a move is played not for its
inherent strength, but for its practical value.
17 ... Bh6 18 Nf3 Qd8 19 Rfa1 Bg7
Black seems to be out of ideas and decides to simply wait. Piket tacks
about as well before committing to a plan.
20 Nd2 Qe7 21 Rd1 Bh6 22 Nf3 Bg7 23 Nd3
Contemplating c5.
23 ... Qd8 24 c5
White finally abandons his isolationist policy and engages the enemy by
altering the structure and breaking the queenside stasis.
24 ... dxc5
24 ... d5 25 a6 b6 26 cxb6 Rxb6 27 Nfe5 looks slightly unpleasant for
Black, who must worry about c6, and also potential problems on c5 and e5.
25 Nxc5 Nxc5 26 dxc5
White managed to rid himself of the e4 pest.
26 ... Qc7 27 Ng5

Piket accrued strategic gains and his position looks a tad better than
27 ... Re7 28 Rad3 Be8 29 Qd2 Bf6?!
Black should strive to chip away at the bind with 29 ... b6.
30 Rd6! Be5
‘Threatening’ to not take the rook. Black finds he can’t rid himself of the
annoying d6-rook, who remains where he is, like an overly tight ring on an
obese person’s finger.
31 f4?!
An impractical idea, reminding me of the time I ordered ice cream
through the mail. This looks hasty. White continues to apply queenside and
central pressure after 31 b4! b6 32 Qa2 (threat: Rxg6+) 32 ... Kh8 33 Nf3
Bg7 34 Nd4.
31 ... Bg7
Now e3 is a target. Of course d6 remains immune.
32 b4 b6
Black correctly takes action and attempts to dissolve the bind through
33 cxb6 axb6 34 a6!
The queenside becomes a vast breeding ground of White’s vast ambition.
Good judgement. The artificially isolated yet passed a-pawn is more a source
of strength than a weakness.
34 ... b5 35 Kh2?!
Black’s position grows critical after 35 Qa2! Kh8 (if 35 ... Kf8?? 36
Rxg6!, and if 36 ... fxg6?? 37 Nh7 mate) 36 Bxc6! Bxc6 37 Qc2 Rc8 38
Rxc6! Qxc6 39 Rd8+. Deflection, and wins.
35 ... Ra8 36 Qa2 Qb6 37 Rxg6
The beast drips slaver, just imagining the taste of the black king’s tender
flesh and succulent marrow.
37 ... Qxa6

Black decides to co-opt White’s queenside ambitions and make them his
own. This is a much better version for Black than the line mentioned in the
above note.
38 Qxa6?!
In such critical positions, even a trivial-looking inaccuracy may lead to
unwanted ramifications. This move looks like a misguided winning attempt
(although Piket did win in the end!).
Objectively, White should enter the forcing line 38 Rxg7+! (a flaring
eruption smites the black king’s eyes) 38 ... Kxg7 39 Qc2 f6 40 Qxf5! fxg5
(40 ... Bg6? is met with 41 Qc5) 41 Qxg5+ Kf8 42 Qf6+ and Black must
accept perpetual check: 42 ... Rf7 (42 ... Bf7?? 43 Qh8+ Bg8 44 Qh6+ Kf7 45
Bf3! wins) 43 Qh8+ Ke7 44 Qe5+ Kf8 when Black’s king rocks back and
forth between f8 and e7.
38 ... Rxa6 39 Rgd6 Rxe3
Black is up a pawn and the one with the winning chances.
40 R1d3 Re2 41 Rd2 Rxd2 42 Rxd2 Bc3 43 Rd8 Kf8 44 Bf3 Ke7 45
Rb8 f6?!
Black’s energy begins to invert from hot to cold. I don’t think White
survives the passers after 45 ... Ra7! 46 Bxh5 Bxb4.
46 Ne6!
After many painfully abstinent moves on the defensive, Piket finally
engages in a vigorous attempt to snatch the initiative. Threat: Rxe8+. The
knight begins to insinuate himself into the proceedings.

46 ... Ra2+ 47 Kh3 Bxb4

47 ... Kxe6 48 Rxe8+ Kd7 49 Bxc6+! Kxc6 50 Rc8+ Kd5 51 Rxc3 Rb2
52 Rc5+ Ke4 53 Rxb5 Rb1 54 Kg2 Rb2+ 55 Kh3 Rb1 is drawn.
48 Nd4
Piket aligns his forces in harmony. All of a sudden, many of Black’s
pawns dangle en prise.
48 ... Bc5?!
Now Black risks losing. 48 ... Ra6! 49 Rb7+ Kd8 50 Rb8+ Ke7 51 Rb7+
Kd6 52 Nxf5+ Kc5 53 Ng7 Ra8 54 Re7 Ra3 55 Be4 Be1 56 Nxe8 Bxg3 57
Kg2 Bxf4 58 Nxf6 Rg3+ 59 Kf2 Rh3 should be drawn.
49 Nxf5+ Kd7 50 Ng7 Ra3 51 Be4

Exercise (critical decision): A frantic battle for sole rights

to ever after erupts. Let’s tackle a rigorous analytical challenge.
Black has the choice of the following candidate moves:
a) 51 ... Bf7, removing the bishop from harm’s way.
b) 51 ... Bf2, going after g3.
c) 51 ... Bd6, threatening both b8 and f4. The elemental
step in fixing a problem is to first identify its source.
Two of the choices lose; Black draws in the other. Which one would you

51 ... Bd6??
Black fails to discover a plan which maximizes utilization of available
resources, without an iota of redundancy.
Answer: 51 ... Bf2! is the only move. The sectors in the sliced pie all
converge with lines of force to g3. After 52 Kg2 Bxg3 White’s kingside
structure has that denuded, plucked chicken look: 53 Rxe8 Bxf4 54 Bf5+ Kc7
55 Ne6+ Kd7 56 Rh8 Be5 57 Rxh5 Ra2+ 58 Kf3 Ra3+ 59 Ke4 Ra4+ 60 Kd3
Ra3+ 61 Kc2 Ra2+ 62 Kb3 Rb2+ 63 Ka3 Kd6. Black’s pieces radiate super-
activity and his pawns are ready to roll forward. I don’t think White holds an
advantage here and either side may win.
For the record, 51 ... Bf7?? hangs the bishop to 52 Rb7+.
52 Bf5+
Black’s harassed king is forced to mingle with the common rabble with
dignified distaste.
52 ... Kc7 53 Rxe8 Bxf4 54 Nxh5
The knight is the lever which tips the balance White’s way. How
annoying. The geometry conspires against Black, since g3 is held and the
extra piece proves decisive, with White’s h-pawn ready to roll forward.
54 ... Be5 55 Kg4!
Unravelling, in preparation for Nf4 and h5. White’s king, sick and tired of
a subordinate position in the firm, decides to assert himself.
55 ... b4 56 Nf4 b3 57 h5 1-0

57 ... Ra2 58 h6 Rh2 59 Nh5 ends the discussion.

Summary: The Catalan-Tromp plan works in this chapter, as well as the

fourth. Also, one of our most difficult opening decisions is if White can
improve and save a tempo by omitting c3 and later playing for c4 in one
Chapter Seven
The Pseudo-Tromp
1 d4 d5 2 Bg5

Our bishop reaches g5 like a nervous teen at a high school dance, who
valiantly approaches the terrifying prom queen in the pink chiffon dress, for a
dance. This chapter comes with a warning label: Danger – Play at your own
White’s task of securing an edge is more difficult here than in the 1 ...
Nf6 2 Bg5 lines. In fact, some Trompowsky authorities, like GM Eric Prié,
hint that the Trompowsky may actually be dubious against 1 ... d5 and view it
as a dangerous, irrevocable venture. I don’t believe this is correct, and the
parties should emerge from the complications with equivalent potentialities
for success or disaster. However, I do agree that 1 ... d5 represents our
biggest theoretical challenge of the book. Our expectations should be
lowered, to just disarrange and confound, rather than insist on an opening
If you don’t like the positions we reach from this chapter, then you may
consider playing Trompowsky only on the 1 ... Nf6 move order, and on 1 ...
d5, go for the Queen’s Gambit, London System, Torre Attack or Colle
System. In my opinion, there is nothing disreputable or unsound about
White’s side in the Pseudo-Tromp – but we do come close.
Key battlegrounds we reach in this chapter:

Another gambit, where we receive development lead and a loosening of

Black’s structure for the pawn.
Black can also play in Slav-fashion, with theoretically balanced chances.

With 2 ... f6 3 Bh4 Nh6, Black simply intends to hunt down our wayward
bishop with ... Nf5 and pocket the bishop-pair. We respond with f3, offering
air to our bishop, which leads to structurally alien landscapes.

Game 41
British Championship, Scarborough 1999

1 d4 d5 2 Bg5

Question: The Pseudo-Tromp may come with a warning label, but are
there any black systems where should we avoid the Trompowsky?

Answer: I would avoid the Trompowsky against 1 ... f5, 1 ... g6, 1 ... d6,
1 ... c6 and, of course, 1 ... e6, since 2 Bg5?? Qxg5 works out quite well for
Black. When not to play the Trompowsky is explained in the book, The
Modern Defence: Move by Move.

Question: I see. And who is the author of that book?

Answer: Modesty prevents me from mentioning the writer’s name, but I

would like to add that many consider him one of the great chess thinkers of
our era.
2 ... h6
Black can also reach our position with the move order 2 ... c6 3 Nf3 h6.
3 Bh4
3 ... c6

Question: Won’t this just transpose to some kind of Slav?

Answer: Probably not. Black plans ... Qb6 next, targeting b2, which
makes the game Slav-like, but not a real Slav.
Instead, after 3 ... c5 4 dxc5 (principle: open the game when leading in
development) 4 ... Nc6 5 c3 g5 6 Bg3 e5 7 Nf3 f6, as in A.Fier-B.Grachev,
Jurmala 2013, I would try 8 b4. The position is a kind of wigged out,
Reversed Slav Geller Gambit: 8 ... a5 9 b5 Na7 10 e4! dxe4 11 Nfd2 h5 12 h4
with complications favouring White.
4 Nf3
I prefer this move order over 4 e3, for the simple reason that it makes it
harder for Black to achieve the ... e5 break.

Question: How does Black achieve ... e5 after 4 e3?

Answer: Like this: 4 ... Qb6 5 Qc1 e5! 6 Nf3 (Black’s clever tactical
point is that e5 is untouchable, since 6 dxe5?? hangs a piece to 6 ... Qb4+ 7
Nd2 Qxh4) 6 ... e4 (if Black always played this move I would be okay with
the 4 e3 move order; the position I want to avoid is this one: 6 ... exd4 7 exd4
Be7 which essentially turns the game into a dry Exchange French-like
position) 7 Nfd2 Be6 8 c4 Nd7 9 Nc3 Ne7 10 c5 Qa5?! (a waste of time,
since b4 follows with tempo) 11 Rb1 Nf5 12 b4 Qc7 13 Bg3 Nxg3 14 hxg3
b5 15 a4 a6 16 Ra1 Rb8 17 axb5 axb5 18 Be2 Be7 19 Ra6 0-0 20 0-0 f5??
was C.Lakdawala-R.Scherbakov, Internet (blitz) 2000.

Exercise (combination alert): In this position, your

innocent-minded writer missed a simple win. Do you see it?

Answer: Deflection/clearance: 21 Nxb5! wins on the spot. Instead I later

sac’ed on b5 and the game was drawn.
4 ... Qb6 5 Qc1!?
5 b3 is a lot safer, but we don’t have room in the book to cover both lines,
so let’s go with the riskier choice.

Question: What is so unsafe about 5 Qc1?

Answer: 5 Qc1 is actually a gambit. Please see Black’s next move to

discover why. After 5 b3 Bf5 6 e3 e6 7 Bd3 Bxd3 8 Qxd3 Be7 9 Bg3 Nd7 10
0-0 Ngf6 11 c4 0-0 12 Nc3 a5 13 Rfd1, as in V.Kramnik-B.Gelfand, Moscow
(blitz) 2008, Black looks fine after 13 ... Qa6.
5 ... g5!?
Ambition is synonymous with risk. Prié calls this move “the critical
continuation”. Black undermines the defender of d4 and places the burden on
us to prove compensation.
6 Bg3 g4 7 Ne5 Qxd4
A tyrannical authority doesn’t require hard evidence to convict. Mere
suspicion is enough to condemn. Black’s point: he snatches a pawn, to the
detriment of development and structure. In this line we push past the
boundaries of eccentric idiosyncrasy and enter just plain weird.
8 c4
A critical tabiya position for us in this chapter. There is no benefit in
negotiation with an implacable foe. Black’s risky (for us as well as our
opponent) pawn grab is an open declaration of war, and our job is to destroy
him before he does the same to us. Principles: open the position and create
confrontation when leading in development. Our starting position in the
gambit line, where we enter a grey area, somewhere between substance and

Question: How would you assess the sacrifice?

Answer: White gets the following compensation for the pawn:

1. A big development lead in an open position, with chances to increase
it, since Black loses even more time with a vulnerable queen.
2. In order to win the pawn, Black defaced his kingside structure, which
ensures our side a rich supply of confrontation targets and prying
mechanisms, like h3 or even f3.
3. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that Black actually controls a
greater chunk of the centre. If we allow him or her to catch up in
development, consolidate and achieve ... f6 and ... e5, then we are in danger
of losing.
Houdini assesses at about even, so the better prepared side (us, of
course!) will be the favourite to take the point. The world isn’t big enough for
two Caesars or two Alexander the Greats. In this variation, one must conquer
the other. To my mind, this looks like a 50-50 proposition – a rock in a river,
which either gets worn down by time and water, or emerges the winner after
a few millennia when the river runs dry.
8 e3 can lead to similar play: for example, Qc5 9 c4 Bg7 10 Nc3 d4!?
(after 10 ... Nd7 11 Nxd7 Bxd7 12 cxd5 cxd5 13 Qd2 e6 14 Rc1 Rc8 15 Be2
Nf6 16 0-0 0-0 17 Be5 Black’s loose kingside structure offers White full
compensation for the pawn) 11 exd4 Qxd4 12 Qc2! Na6 (12 ... Bxe5!? 13
Rd1 Qc5 14 b4! Qxb4 15 Bxe5 looks very dangerous for Black, who gave up
control over the dark squares for a second pawn) 13 Rd1 Qc5 14 a3! Qa5 15
c5! Be6 was I.Miladinovic-M.Godena, Bratto 2004. White gets a vicious
attack for the material after (if 15 ... Qxc5?? 16 b4, and if 16 ... Qb6?? 17 Bc4
Bxe5 18 Bxe5 Nf6 19 0-0! and Black has no hope to survive the coming
assault) 16 Bc4! Bxc4 17 Nxc4 Qxc5 18 Ne4 Qh5 19 Qb3 b5 20 0-0! Nf6 21
Ncd6+! exd6 22 Qc3 with a powerful initiative in the works.
8 ... Nd7
Black logically strives to swap, since he is up a pawn. Other options:
a) 8 ... Bg7 9 e3 Qc5 transposes to the Miladinovic-Godena game from
the note above. Instead, 9 ... Qb6 10 cxd5 Nd7 11 Nc4 Qb4+ 12 Nc3 cxd5 13
Nd2 Ngf6 14 Nb5 0-0 15 a3 Qc5 16 Qxc5 Nxc5 17 Nc7 Rb8 18 Nxd5 Nxd5
19 Bxb8 Bxb2 20 Ra2 Bc3 21 Bxa7 Ne4 22 Bd4 Ba5 23 Bd3 Nxd2 24 Rxd2
Rd8 25 Ke2 Bxd2 26 Kxd2 Nf4 27 exf4 Rxd4 28 Ke3 Ra4 29 Rc1 Bd7 30
Rc3 led to an even ending in A.Stefanova-M.Chiburdanidze, Elista 2004.
b) Next game we look at 8 ... Nf6.
9 e3 Qc5 10 Nd2
10 Nxg4? is too slow, since White loses the initiative after 10 ... Bg7
(threat: ... h5) 11 h3 h5 12 Nh2 Qb6 13 Nc3 h4 14 Bf4 e5 15 Bg5 f6 snagging
a piece.
10 ... Bg7 11 Nd3 Qb6 12 a4!
A novelty at the time and probably White’s best move. The disruptive a5
is in the air, and White also plans cxd5 and, after Black recaptures, the a4-
pawn may be utilized as a hook, with Bb5+. White has a quieter option with
12 Be2 h5 13 cxd5 cxd5 14 Qc2 e5 15 Bh4 Ne7 16 Bxe7 Kxe7 17 0-0, but I
have a bad feeling White just doesn’t have enough for the pawn, since Black
owns strategic trumps like central control and bishop-pair.
12 ... Nc5!
Black seeks to undermine b2. Lalic actually punished his own move with
a question mark, but I don’t understand why. It looks to me like it’s Black’s
best move. Lalic’s suggestion 12 ... a5 is still untried. Play may continue 13
Be2 h5 14 cxd5 cxd5 15 0-0 e5 16 Bh4 Ne7 17 Bxe7 Kxe7 18 e4 d4 19 b4!
axb4 20 Nc4 Qh6 21 Qb2 Kf8 22 Nxb4. It feels like White gets full
compensation for the pawn, since Black’s game remains scattered and White
can think about f3, prying open the f-file.
13 cxd5 Nxd3+ 14 Bxd3
14 ... Bxb2!?
Rather than this optimistic capture, Black can put the gambit to the test
a) 14 ... cxd5 15 Bb5+ Kf8 16 0-0 Bf5 (the 16 ... a6 of J.Hodgson-
M.Krasenkow, German League 1998, should be met with 17 Bc7 Qf6 18
Qc5!! with compensation; amazingly, if 18 ... axb5 19 axb5 Rxa1 20 Rxa1
Qxb2 21 Ra8 Bc3 22 Bg3 Qxd2 23 Qxc8+ Kg7 24 Qxg4+ Kh7 25 Qf5+ ends
in perpetual check) 17 Bc7 Qg6 18 Qc5 and Houdini rates this position at
dead even, J.Hodgson-M.Godena, Mondariz 2000.
b) 14 ... Qxb2 15 Qxb2 Bxb2 16 Rb1 Bg7 17 dxc6 bxc6 18 Ke2 followed
by Rfc1, with loads of targets for a mere pawn.
15 a5!
Now we see yet another clever point behind 12 a4. In positions of this
level of complexity, we can’t possibly know how things will turn out. So just
ride the currents and go where fate takes us.
15 ... Qb4!
15 ... Bxc1?? fails to 16 axb6 Bxd2+ 17 Kxd2 a6 18 Bxa6!! bxa6 19 dxc6
when Black loses massive material after the coming b7.
16 Qb1 Nf6
16 ... Bc3?! is met with the nonchalant 17 dxc6!! Bxd2+ 18 Ke2 Qxb1 19
Raxb1 bxc6 20 Kxd2 Nf6 21 Rhc1, and if 21 ... Bd7? 22 Rb8+! Rxb8 23
Bxb8. Black’s a-pawn falls, leaving him busted.
17 Ra4!

Very few of our plans are ironclad on the chessboard. An uncertainty

principle – the anomaly factor – is the great disrupter of our most cherished
futures. This startling shot wrests control over the initiative and offers White
full compensation for the sac’ed material. However, White achieves his aim
at frightful cost materially. Also possible is the calmer and safer line 17 dxc6
bxc6 18 0-0 Be6 19 Nc4! Bc3 20 Rc1 Bxc4 21 Qxb4 Bxb4 22 Rxc4 c5 23
Be5 when White gets full compensation for the pawn.
17 ... Qxa4!
Black looks worse if he chickens out with 17 ... Qc3!? 18 dxc6 bxc6 19 0-
0! Qxd2 20 Ra2 0-0 21 Rd1 Qc3 22 Rxb2 Qxa5 23 e4, with a strong attack to
18 Qxb2 Qxa5
It’s difficult to put a finger on who is winning or losing, since in the midst
of such chaos, we lack standards of comparison to rational patterns. Options:
a) 18 ... cxd5?? 19 Bb5+ winning the queen.
b) 18 ... 0-0! may be Black’s best move, but it takes a comp to know why:
19 d6 Nd5 20 dxe7 Re8! (20 ... Nxe7 21 Bf4 offers White full compensation
for his investment) 21 Bd6 Qxa5 22 h3 g3 23 0-0 Qc3 24 Qxc3 Nxc3 25 fxg3
with a position very difficult to assess. White’s attack rages on, despite the
absence of queens. I played out several Houdini scenarios and for some
strange reason they all worked out to draws.
19 d6!

So shrewd is Hodgson’s plan, that even deep into it, we find difficulty
discerning any evidence of deliberate design. What first appeared as crude
bluster on White’s part, now transforms into something far more subtle and
dangerous: Black’s dark squares border on collapse, but then again, he enjoys
a massive surplus of material.
19 ... Bf5?
This move loses the initiative. Black’s only chance to survive lay in 19 ...
Qd8! 20 Bb1 Rg8 21 0-0. I like White’s attacking chances in what is
objectively a dynamically balanced game.
20 e4 Bxe4
Neither can Black survive 20 ... Be6 21 dxe7 Qg5 22 Qxb7.
21 Bxe4 Nxe4
Exercise (critical decision): Our collective heads spin from the
complications. From what feels like innumerable potential constructs
and plans, there hides White’s only path to victory. He has three choices:
a) 22 d7+, going after Black’s king.
b) 22 Qxh8+, grabbing the free rook.
c) 22 0-0, nonchalantly castling before undertaking anything else.
This is not the time to waver. Only one line wins, but which one?

Answer: After castling (‘c’), all of White’s tactics work to perfection.

22 0-0!!
Despite arithmetically impossible odds, Hodgson clarifies that which is
outwardly indefinable into luminous transparency. This was the only way:
a) If 22 d7+?? Kxd7 23 Qxb7+ Ke6 24 Qxc6+ Nd6 White’s attack runs
out of gas and he is completely busted.
b) 22 Qxh8+? Kd7 23 Qd4 Qxd2+ 24 Qxd2 Nxd2 25 Kxd2 exd6 when
White is the one struggling, with only one piece for Black’s four pawns.
22 ... Nxg3
More alternatives:
a) 22 ... Nc3?? 23 dxe7! Kxe7 24 Nc4 disconnects the queen’s connection
to the c3-knight.
b) 22 ... Nxd2?? 23 Qxh8+ Kd7 24 Qxa8 Nxf1 25 Qxb7+ Ke6 26 dxe7
forces mate.
c) 22 ... 0-0-0 23 Nxe4 and Black has very low chances to survive the
coming assault.
23 Qxh8+ Kd7
The king has no time to mourn and hastily buries his loved ones in
unmarked graves on h8 and a8.
24 Qxa8 Ne2+
24 ... Nxf1?? 25 Qxb7+ Kxd6 26 Nc4+ forks.
25 Kh1 Qxd2 26 dxe7 Kxe7 27 Qxb7+ Kf6 28 Qxc6+ Kg7 29 Qe4!
Houdini thinks this move is even stronger than 29 Qa4!, double attacking
g4 and a7.
29 ... h5 30 Qe5+
Slightly more accurate is 30 f4!.
30 ... Kg6 31 f4! gxf3 32 Qe4+ f5 33 Qc6+ Kg5 34 Qxf3 f4 35 g3?!
Perhaps a time trouble inaccuracy. Much stronger is 35 Qa3! Qe3 36
Qxe3 fxe3 37 Re1 which is decisive.
35 ... h4! 36 gxf4+ Nxf4 37 Rd1 Qa5?!
Better is 37 ... Qb4!.
38 Rg1+ Kf5 39 Qg4+ Ke4
Exercise (critical decision): Should White take time out to grab h4?

40 Rf1?!
An inaccuracy.
Answer: No: 40 Qxh4?? is met with 40 ... Qd5!! 41 Qg5 Qc6! 42 h4
Ke3+ 43 Kh2 Qc2+ 44 Kh1 Qe4+ and the pieces lock in an eternally
recursive loop, resulting in perpetual check.
According to Houdini, White’s most accurate move was 40 Rc1! Qd5 41
Re1+ Kd3+ 42 Kg1 Qc5+ 43 Kf1 Qc4 44 Kf2 Qc5+ 45 Kf3 Kd2 46 Qg1!,
forcing queens off the board. Now Black’s initiative – like a neighbour who
drops in for a minute to say hello – came and went: 46 ... Qxg1 47 Rxg1 and
Black drops a7 after the coming Ra1.
40 ... Qd2! 41 Qf3+ Ke5 42 h3 a5 43 Rf2 Qd4 44 Rf1 Qb4!?
Lalic divulges a dark secret one normally reserves for the diary: he may
be playing for the win. A more pragmatic player would repeat with 44 ...
Qd2, asking White how he intends to make progress.
45 Qe3+ Kf5 46 Kh2 a4 47 Rf2 Qe4!
47 ... a3? is decisively met with 48 Qe8! intending Qh5+ and Qxh4.
48 Qxe4+ Kxe4 49 Ra2 Kf5 50 Rxa4

This is not going to be so easy to win, since White is tied down to h3.
50 ... Kg5 51 Ra5+ Kg6 52 Ra1 Kh5 53 Rg1 Ne6 54 Rg4 Ng5 55 Kg2
Ne6 56 Kf3! Ng5+ 57 Kf4!
Otherwise White is unable to make progress. A similar plan would be 57
Kg2! Ne6 58 Re4 Ng5 59 Re8 Nf7 60 Kf3 Ng5+ 61 Kf4! Nxh3+ 62 Kf5 Kh6
63 Rh8+ Kg7 64 Rxh4 Nf2 65 Rd4 when the knight is trapped.
57 ... Nxh3+ 58 Kf5 Nf2 59 Rg8
Threatening mate.
59 ... Kh6 60 Rh8+ Kg7 61 Rxh4

Houdini announces forced mate in 29 moves.

Question: Earlier in the book you said rook versus knight is an

easy draw for the knight side. What changed in this position?

Answer: Endgame principle: a knight easily holds off a rook, but only if
it is near its king. When the knight and king get separated by huge distances,
as in this case, the king/rook team may further isolate and finally trap the
knight. The remaining moves are instructive.
61 ... Nd3 62 Rd4 Nc5 63 Rc4 Nb3
Or 63 ... Nd3 64 Rc3 Nb4 65 Ke4 Kf7 66 Rc7+ Ke6 67 Rc4! Na2 68
Ke3! Kd5 69 Kd3 (zugzwang) 69 ... Ke6 70 Kd2 Kd5 71 Ra4 trapping the
64 Rc7+ Kf8 65 Rc3!
White king and rook watch the frantic knight’s ill-concealed efforts to
escape their clutches with vast, malicious amusement.
65 ... Nd4+ 66 Ke5 Nb5
After 66 ... Ne2 67 Re3 Nc1 68 Kf6! Kg8 69 Rg3+ Kh7 70 Rg7+ Kh6 71
Rg1! both the knight and mate are simultaneously threatened.
67 Rc5 Na3 68 Kd4 Ke7

Exercise (combination alert): “That which does not kill me, makes me
declares the knight. Ironically, these were the final words of his life.
lengthy ministrations finally bear fruit. The knight is trapped. Work out
the finish.

Answer: 69 Kd3!
Also highly effective is 69 Ra5! Nb1 70 Kd3 Kd6 71 Ra1.
69 ... Kd6 70 Ra5 1-0
“My mercy has its limits,” says the rook to the knight.

Summary: The crazy position which arises after 5 Qc1 g5!? may be one of
our biggest tests of this chapter. If you don’t like it, you can always switch to
the quieter 5 b3 line.

Game 42
Guernsey 1991

1 d4 d5 2 Bg5 h6 3 Bh4 c6 4 Nf3

I beat GM Ziatdinov in 1999 in a wild game with the line 4 e3 Qb6 5 Qc1
e5 6 Nf3 e4 (as mentioned last game, the killjoy move 6 ... exd4 ruins this
line for White if we looked forward to a fight) 7 Nfd2 which we don’t cover
in this book.
4 ... Qb6 5 Qc1 g5
With a venture like this comes an irrevocability clause: There is no
turning back and there is only one certainty: both parties won’t win.
6 Bg3 g4 7 Ne5 Qxd4 8 c4 Nf6

Question: What is Black’s reasoning behind his last move?

Answer: Unlike last game, where Black immediately issued a challenge

to the e5-knight, in this case Black ignores it, calmly developing, while
reinforcing d5.
9 Nc3

Question: Is 9 cxd5 possible, since Black can’t recapture with his c6-

Answer: Your suggestion has never been tried. Houdini approves and
assesses at even after 9 ... Nbd7 (or 9 ... Nxd5 10 e3 Qb4+ 11 Nd2 Bg7 12
Qc2 when, intuitively, it feels like White gets full compensation for the
pawn) 10 e3 Qxd5 11 Nc3 Qe6 12 Nd3. Black’s position is loose and he
continues to lag behind in development. These two factors should give White
enough for the pawn.
9 ... Be6

Question: Isn’t Black’s last move unnatural, since it gums up his e-pawn?

Answer: I think the move is fine. Black’s dark-squared bishop emerges

on g7, so blocking the e7-pawn isn’t much of a factor.
10 e3 Qb6 11 cxd5
More accurate than 11 Be2, since after Hodgson’s move, White’s bishop
may check on b5. Here 11 ... h5 12 0-0 Bh6?! (12 ... Bg7 looks better) 13
cxd5 cxd5 was T.Clarke-D.Guthrie, Edinburgh 2003. I prefer White’s game
after 14 Na4, intending Nc5, with nagging pressure.
11 ... cxd5 12 Bb5+
White also looks slightly better after 12 Nb5 Na6 13 Nd4 Qb4+ 14 Qc3
Qxc3+ 15 bxc3 Bd7 16 Rb1 Nc5 17 Nb5 Ne6 18 c4 Bc6 19 cxd5 Nxd5 20 e4
Nb6 21 Nxa7 Rxa7 22 Nxc6 bxc6 23 Rxb6.
12 ... Nc6 13 a4
Just like last game. Threat: a5 and a6. Apparently this move is Hodgson’s
favourite idea in this variation.
13 ... a5 14 Ne2

Intending to transfer to d4, adding pressure to the pin, but perhaps also
leaving open Nf4 options.
14 ... Bd7!?
Ziatdinov has had enough of the pin and agrees to a clear concession. The
alternative: 14 ... Rc8 15 Qd1 Bg7 16 Nf4 0-0 17 Nxe6 fxe6 18 Ng6 Rfd8 19
0-0 Kf7 20 Bxc6 Kxg6 21 Bb5 with a ‘0.00’ assessment from Houdini. I
actually slightly prefer White, who owns the bishop-pair, control over the
light squares and potential attacking chances against Black’s wandering king.
15 Nxd7 Nxd7 16 0-0 Bg7 17 Nf4
White can also try 17 Nd4!? Bxd4 18 exd4 Nxd4 19 Bxd7+ Kxd7 20 Qe3
f6 21 Rad1 e5 22 Bxe5! Nf3+! (Black can’t survive 22 ... fxe5?? 23 Qxe5) 23
gxf3 Qxe3 24 fxe3 fxe5 25 Rxd5+ Ke6 26 Rb5 gxf3 27 Rxf3. White has all
the winning chances, but Black should probably hold the game.
17 ... Nf6
17 ... e6 18 Nh5 Be5 19 Bxe5 Ndxe5 20 Qc3 looks quite dangerous for
18 Bh4 e6 19 Qc3! Nh5 20 Qa3!
With a sneaky mate threat on e7. The queen nears with silent yet
dangerous reproach, acting as a pestle, which grinds away at the dark squares.
We get the feeling that over the last ten moves, White achieved more than his
probable expectations, while Black got stuck with a lot less than he hoped
20 ... Bf6

Question: Why not kick the queen off the diagonal with 20 ... Bf8?

Answer: It’s a trap. In fact, let’s turn this into an exercise:

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s last move

is a major blunder. White to play and win.

Answer: Knight fork: 21 Nxh5! Bxa3 22 Nf6+ and White forks, regaining
the queen with interest, no matter which square Black picks for his king.
21 Bxf6 Nxf6 22 Rac1
The comps say the position is even. I disagree and prefer White for the
following reasons:
1. Black’s king lacks a safe haven anywhere on the board.
2. Black continues to lag badly in development, mainly because he has no
easy way to connect his rooks.
3. White’s queen dominates the dark squares and continues to heckle
Black’s king from a distance.
4. Black suffers an unpleasant pin on c6.
Conclusion: This looks like too much suffering for only one pawn.
22 ... Ne4 23 Rc2 Rc8 24 Rfc1 Rc7 25 Nd3
I don’t see Black surviving 25 b4!: for example, 25 ... 0-0 (Black is
busted after 25 ... axb4? 26 Qxb4 Kd8 27 Qb2 Rh7 28 Nh5) 26 bxa5 Qxa5 27
Qb2 Kh7 28 Bd3! (threat: f3) 28 ... Rfc8 (28 ... Kg8? 29 Bxe4 dxe4 30 Rc5
Qa8 31 Qf6 Qd8 32 Qxh6 e5 33 Nd5 wins) 29 f3 Ne5 30 Rxc7 Rxc7 31 fxe4
Nxd3 32 Nxd3 Rxc1+ 33 Qxc1 dxe4 34 Nc5 when White should be able to
convert the extra piece.
25 ... f6 26 Nf4 Kf7 27 Qd3
Threat: Nxd5!.
27 ... Rd8
Exercise (planning): Black’s position looks awfully loose and our
intuition indicates
that his king is in grave danger. Find White’s best method of continuing
the attack:

28 Qe2?
After this move the glow of attack which sustained White’s optimism,
grows dim. This looks like a distorted echo of the correct idea. White
declines an attainable goal to chase a mirage and now his intended attack
never really gets past the larval stage of development. Why utilize subtlety
when you possess overwhelming force?
Answer: White can expedite the process with 28 f3!. Before we work out
a plan or sort variables, we must first identify a strategic or tactical marker
which gives us direction. In this case, White’s queen is granted entry to g6,
from which her intended mischief grows exponentially: 28 ... gxf3 29 gxf3
Ng5 30 Qg6+ Ke7 31 Rc5! Rf8 (or 31 ... Nxf3+ 32 Kh1 Ng5 33 Qg7+ Nf7 34
Bxc6 bxc6 35 Ng6+ Kd6 36 Qxf6 Re8 37 e4! with a winning attack) 32 Qxh6
Nxf3+ 33 Kh1 (a criminal on the run sees a crowd as a means of making
himself invisible to the authorities) 33 ... Nfe5 34 Rxd5! (the rook is
untouchable) 34 ... Rf7 35 Qh3! (the queen’s enemies are forced to exist in a
state of eternal vigilance from her assassination attempts) 35 ... Nd4 (35 ...
Nd8 36 Rcd1 is curtains for Black, since 36 ... Rc8 walks into mate after 37
Rd7+ Ke8 38 Qh8+ Rf8 39 Rxd8+) 36 Rd1! Nxb5 37 Rxe5! fxe5 38 Qh4+
Rf6 39 Ng6+ Kf7 (Black’s king writhes in agitation, under the heel of his
sister’s tyranny) 40 Qh7+ Ke8 41 Qg8+ Rf8 42 Qxf8 mate.
28 ... Rg8 29 f3 gxf3 30 Qxf3 Rg5!
Alertly covering h5 infiltration.
31 Kh1 Re7 32 Bxc6
Or 32 Qh3 h5 33 Rf1 f5 34 Qh4 Re8 35 Be2 Rh8 when chances remain
32 ... bxc6 33 h4?!
Necessary was 33 Rxc6 Qxb2.
33 ... Rg3 34 Qh5+ Kg7 35 Rxc6 Qxe3?!
Now the game should be drawn. Black missed 35 ... Nf2+! 36 Kh2 Qxe3
37 R1c3 Ng4+ 38 Qxg4+ Rxg4 39 Nh5+ Kg6 40 Rxe3 Kxh5 41 Rexe6 Rxe6
42 Rxe6 Rxh4+ 43 Kg1 Rxa4 44 Rxf6 when White is the one struggling for
the draw.
36 Nxe6+

Exercise (critical decision): Black is presented with a narrow window of

opportunity. His choices: a) 36 ... Rxe6, eliminating the pest to begin his
own attack.
b) 36 ... Kh7, exercising patience. What should Black play here?

36 ... Rxe6??
It’s never a pleasant meeting when we confront our own powerlessness.
Apparently the fact that Black’s nervous system hasn’t completely been
restored is made manifestly clear by this jittery action. Now Ziatdinov’s
dreams of mate bubble up on himself. All we can do is play the hand we are
dealt. Go past what natural resources and limits can bear, and we court self-
Answer: Correct was ‘b’: 36 ... Kh7! 37 Qf5+ Rg6! (threat: ... Ng3+,
forking king and queen) 38 Nf8+ Kg8 39 Qxd5+! Rf7 40 Nxg6 Nf2+ 41 Kg1
Ng4+ 42 Kh1 Nf2+ with perpetual check.
37 Rc7+!
White’s mating attack, now in full swing, has no need for the assistance
of faith or hope, when it so obviously works to capacity. It is Black who gets
mated. Ziatdinov, undoubtedly in time pressure, hoped for 37 Rxe6?? Rh3+
38 gxh3 Qxh3+ 39 Kg1 Qg3+ 40 Kh1 Nf2 mate.
37 ... Kh8 38 Rc8+ Kh7 39 R1c7+ 1-0
It’s mate with 39 ... Rg7 40 Qf5.

Summary: We must also be prepared to deal with 8 ... Nf6, where Black
refuses early confrontation and simply hopes to catch up in development
while retaining the extra pawn.

Game 43
Istanbul Olympiad 2000

1 d4 d5 2 Bg5 h6
As mentioned earlier, it makes no difference if Black plays ... c6 or ... h6
first. After 2 ... c6 3 Nf3 Qb6 4 Qc1 Bf5 5 e3 h6 6 Bh4 e6 7 Be2 Nd7 8 0-0
Ngf6 9 c4 dxc4!? (Black is better off avoiding this swap, since it hands White
a slight central edge) 10 Nbd2 Be7 11 Nxc4 Qd8 12 a3 0-0 (12 ... c5?! looks
premature: White stands clearly better after 13 Rd1) 13 b4 (clamping down
on both ... a5 and ... c5) 13 ... Ne4 14 Bxe7 Qxe7 15 Qb2 (our queen often
ends up on b2 in this line) 15 ... a6 16 Rac1 Rfd8 17 Na5 White exerts slight
yet nagging pressure, C.Lakdawala-’DeadManWalking’, Internet (blitz)
3 Bh4 c6 4 Nf3 Qb6 5 Qc1 Bf5
This move is what you are most likely to see from most of your club-level
opponents, who know little to zero Trompowsky theory and just bang this
move out because it looks natural and sound. Black wants no part of ... g5, ...
g4 and ... Qxd4 adventures (or more likely, the concept never even occurs to
our opponents), and trusts in the solidity of a Slav-like set-up.

Question: Why Slav-like? Isn’t the position essentially a Slav?

Answer: Almost, but with these differences:

1. White’s queen sits on c1, not a normal Slav square.
2. Black’s queen posts on b6, a vulnerable square.

Question: Why vulnerable? Black’s queen looks like she exerts pressure
from b6.

Answer: The trouble is White’s main plan in this Tromp version is to

blanket the queenside with a pawn storm with c4 and c5, which happens to
directly hit Black’s current queen’s position. This means Black loses time,
usually heading back to d8, handing back tempi. White, on the other hand,
when he moves his queen, doesn’t necessarily have to move to d1. That
means White essentially earns a tempo in this trade off.
6 c4 e6 7 Nc3
After 7 c5 Qa5+ 8 Qd2 Qxd2+ 9 Nbxd2 Nd7 10 e3 Ngf6 11 b4 g5 12 Bg3
Nh5 13 Nb3 Nxg3 14 hxg3 Be7 15 Be2 Kf8 16 Na5 Rb8 17 b5 cxb5 18 Bxb5
Bd8?! (Black looks okay after 18 ... b6 19 Bxd7 bxa5 20 Ne5 Rb2 21 0-0
when his active rook and control over b1 should compensate for White’s
protected passed c-pawn) 19 Nb3 Nf6 20 Nxg5 White picked off a pawn and
converted, M.Turner-M.Ferguson, Tromsø 2010.
7 ... Be7 8 Bg3 Nf6 9 c5

Question: Doesn’t this move violate the principle:

don’t relieve central tension without good reason?

Answer: No, because there is a good reason. As mentioned earlier, our

plan against Slav set-ups is nearly always c5, followed by b4 and eventually
the b5-break. The reason is that our awkward queen conveniently transfers to
b2 or c3, where it helps our b5 break and also watches over the important e5-
square, since Black often generates counterplay with an ... e5 central counter.
Chances tend to be balanced, but having played these systems, I prefer White
stylistically, mainly because our plan is so straightforward and easy to follow.
9 ... Qd8
9 ... Qa5?! makes no sense since White gains another tempo with 10 a3
intending b4.

10 e3

Question: Since Black may plan an eventual ... Nh5, or ... Ne4 and then
... Nxg3, should we toss in 10 h3 to preserve our dark-squared bishop?

Answer: That would be desirable, but the move looks premature and we
don’t have time; h3 has to be timed correctly. Black looks better after 10 ...
b6! and if we insist on maintaining our queenside space edge with 11 b4,
Black responds with 11 ... Ne4, and if 12 Bh2? bxc5 13 dxc5 (13 bxc5??
loses to 13 ... Qa5) 13 ... Bf6 14 Nxe4 Bxe4 15 Ne5 Qc8, intending ... Nd7
next, when White is behind in development and under pressure from the e5-
10 ... Nbd7
a) 10 ... 0-0 11 h3 (now the move is okay) 11 ... b6 12 b4 a5 13 a3 Qc8 14
Be2 Nbd7 15 0-0 and perhaps White can claim a tiny edge due to the extra
queenside space, J.Hodgson-U.Boensch, German League 2002.
b) No one has tried your suggestion 10 ... Nh5, which does look playable
for Black, although after 11 Be5 Nd7 12 Be2 0-0 13 0-0 Nxe5 14 dxe5 g5 15
h3 Ng7 16 b4 Qc7 17 Qd2 b6 18 Na4 f6 19 exf6 Bxf6 20 Nd4 I still prefer
White in this sharp position.
11 h3
Correctly timed to alleviate ... Nh5 worries.
11 ... 0-0 12 b4 Ne4
12 ... a6 13 Be2 Ne4 14 Nxe4 Bxe4 15 0-0 g5!? was D.Kosic-R.Simic,
Sveti Sava 1994. This isn’t just bluster, and we must give such attacks (even
shady ones) due respect, and counterattack with accuracy: 16 a4 and dare
Black to do his worst on the kingside. Such attacks are vulnerable to strong
queenside counters, since White owns a sound structure around his king.
Let’s look at an attacking scenario against Houdini: 16 ... Bh7 17 b5 f5 18
bxc6 bxc6 19 Bd3 h5 20 Rb1 Bf6 21 Bd6 Rf7 22 Qc3 g4 23 hxg4 fxg4 24
Nd2 h4 25 Rb7 Qe8 26 Rc7 Rc8 27 Ra7 e5 28 Bxa6 Rd8 29 dxe5 Nxe5 30
Rxf7! Kxf7 (30 ... Nf3+? 31 Nxf3 Bxc3 32 Ng5 Bg7 33 Be2 gives White too
powerful an initiative for the queen) 31 Qb4 h3 32 Be2 hxg2 33 Kxg2 when
White is up a pawn and his king looks safer than Black’s.

13 Nxe4 Bxe4
The bishop attaches itself to the now vacant e4-square, going after a piece
which controls the key e5-square.

Question: Can Black recapture with the pawn?

Answer: 13 ... dxe4!? is untried, but may be playable: 14 Ne5 (or 14 Nd2
intending Nc4; now Houdini likes 14 ... e5!? 15 dxe5 a5 16 a3 axb4 17 axb4
Rxa1 18 Qxa1 b6 19 Qc3 bxc5 20 b5! cxb5 21 Bxb5 Qb6 22 Bxd7 Bxd7 23
0-0 Qc6 24 Qc2 Bf5 25 Rc1 when the game looks even) 14 ... Nxe5 15 Bxe5
Bf6 16 Bd6 Re8 17 Qc3 Be7 18 Bh2 and White may have a microbe of an
edge, since Black has yet to achieve ... e5 and White can play for the b5
14 Nd2
14 Be2 allows Black an immediate 14 ... e5! break: 15 dxe5 a5 16 a3
Bxf3 17 Bxf3 Bh4 18 Bh2 Re8 regaining the pawn, with equality.
14 ... Bh7
Leaving open ... g5!? potential. After 14 ... Bg6 15 Qc3 Bf6 16 Nb3 Re8
17 Bd3 Bxd3 18 Qxd3 e5 19 0-0 a6 20 a4 Qe7 21 Na5 exd4 22 exd4 Nf8 23
Bd6 Qd7 24 Rae1 it’s a balanced game. The weakness of d4 makes up for
White’s b5 potential, J.Hodgson-A.Naumann, German League 2003.
15 Qc3
Intending Bd3.
15 ... Re8

16 Bd3

Question: Agreeing to swap away his good bishop?

Answer: The trouble was Black’s h7-bishop controlled the key b1-square,
which White needs for a rook to enforce b5 and hopefully infiltrate down the
file later on.
16 ... Bxd3 17 Qxd3 Bh4 18 Bd6 e5
Black achieves his thematic central break.
19 0-0 Bf6
Black has conducted a model defence and equalized.
20 a4 a6
Played under the theory that the more queenside pawns traded, the better
for Black. However, I think White may actually hold a tiny edge after this
move. Black achieves absolute equality with the plan 20 ... Re6! 21 b5 Be7!
22 Bxe7 Qxe7 23 Rab1 exd4 24 exd4 b6!. The game is soon drawn when
Black clears away the queenside pawns: for example, 25 Nb3 bxc5 26 dxc5
Nxc5 27 Nxc5 Qxc5 28 Rfc1 Qb6 29 bxc6 Rxc6! 30 Qxd5 Rxc1+ 31 Rxc1
Rd8 with a near certain draw.
21 b5 axb5 22 axb5 Rxa1 23 Rxa1 exd4 24 exd4
So far the queenside has proven to be a somewhat barren playground for
White’s dreams. Black is under no more than just a shade of pressure there,
since his pawns remain safe, outside the jurisdiction of White’s queen. Also,
the presence of the weak d4-pawn places an awkward constraint upon
White’s queenside ambitions. So far, it feels as if both sides drift about, doing
this and that, navigating the position in a peaceful trance, and nobody can
claim the game has been prolific with incident. All that is about to change.
24 ... cxb5?
When we play directionless moves, without an overall plan, our tendency
is to simply react, from crisis to crisis. Even worse though, is when we follow
an incorrect plan with great determination, as we see in this case. The
enemy’s gate opens just a crack and this concession turns out to be far more
than just a minor amendment. Black, at the slightest encouragement goes off
like fireworks, in his eagerness to stay active. So he mistakenly self-
vandalizes his queenside pawns, under the impression he may be able to pull
off a swap of all of them and earn a draw. Black’s once perfectly playable
game goes haywire, as if two or three key actors in the middle of a play,
suddenly stop acting, sit on the stage couch and enjoy a leisurely coffee
break. Now b5, b7 and d5 are grievous wounds which time refuses to heal.
Black only stands a shade worse after the correct 24 ... Nf8 25 Nf3 Ne6
26 Ra7 Qc8 27 b6 Ng5.
25 Nf3 b6?
Opportunity swirls, now circling the drain. Black continues to become
inextricably entwined in a misconstrued side issue, to the detriment of his
overall position. Now he allows White an unblockable, passed c-pawn. His
last chance lay in 25 ... Qc8 26 Qxb5 Qc6 27 Rb1 Qxb5 28 Rxb5 Nb8 29
Rxb7 Nc6 30 Rb1! when White hangs on to his extra pawn.
26 Ra7 bxc5 27 Qxb5
“A woman’s work is never done,” sighs the queen, as she realizes that she
neglected to sign the freshly executed b5-pawn’s death warrant. The bully
continues to pick on Black’s now wiped out queenside, her pickee of choice.
27 ... Nf8 28 dxc5
Material is even; the position is not. White’s surging, passed c-pawn
proves impossible to blockade.
28 ... Qc8 29 Rb7
Threat: Rb8.
29 ... Qa8
29 ... Qe6 is met by 30 Rb8 Nd7 31 Rxe8+ Qxe8 32 c6 Ne5.

Exercise (combination alert): White to play and win.

Answer: Overload/deflection/pawn promotion. 33 Bxe5 Bxe5 34 c7!

(what a visually stunning shot, overloading Black’s queen) 34 ... Qxb5 35
c8Q+ Kh7 36 Qf5+ picks off a piece.
30 c6 Qa1+
The queen, feeling hedged in by what she deems her social inferiors,
decides to part company, and the population of able defenders grows sparser
on the queenside. This last move appears rather random, like a person who
picks a vacation destination by closing her eyes and tossing a dart at a wall
map. The problem is nothing works: 30 ... Rc8 31 c7 and now what? White
threatens Rb8.
31 Kh2 Ne6 32 c7 1-0

The passed c-pawn gazes at the c8-promotion square with a wistfully

loving look, similar to when Moses, thirsty and craving both milk and honey,
caught a fleeting glimpse of the Promised Land in the horizon. There is no
good answer to the coming Rb8. Note how autopilot and easy White’s play

Summary: The solid Slav line should be even if both sides understand their
respective plans: our plan is c5, and eventually b5, while Black’s is to play
for an ... e5 central counter.

Game 44
Kilkenny 1999

1 d4 d5 2 Bg5 h6 3 Bh4 c6 4 Nf3 Qb6 5 Qc1 Bf5 6 c4 e6 7 Nc3 Be7! 8 Bg3

Nf6 9 c5 Qd8 10 e3 0-0 11 h3 Nbd7 12 b4 Ne4 13 Nxe4 Bxe4 14 Nd2 Bg6
15 Qc3 Bh4
Question: Is there much difference between this move and last game’s 15
... Re8?

Answer: Not much, if any at all. Play proceeds pretty much the same way
in both games.
16 Bd6 Re8 17 Bd3 Bxd3 18 Qxd3 e5 19 0-0 a6 20 a4 e4?!
Of course, such a move can’t be interpreted as anything but an open
declaration of war. Turner lays the foundation of a future kingside assault,
but the trouble is it may be too slow. Black’s infatuation with attack passes a
barrier and enters into the danger zone. A move based on the premise:
rebellion, if gaining a foothold on the population, tends to spread quickly
across the map. The ambitious plan looks strategically suspect.
Safer and probably superior is the 20 ... exd4 21 exd4 plan we looked at
last game. I actually love it when Black plays for ... e4, rather than ... exd4.

Question: Why? ... e4 looks dangerous to White’s king.

Answer: True, it slightly increases danger to our king, but I think more
importantly, it removes all the pressure off our d4-pawn, which isn’t the case
in ... exd4 lines. This in turn allows us to attack the queenside without fear of
dropping d4. And from my experience, White’s queenside attack arrives
faster than Black’s corresponding kingside attack. For this reason, I debate
against the advisability of a direct kingside assault for Black. 21 ... Nf8
following last game’s pattern should keep White’s minuscule edge at bay.
21 Qe2 Re6
Here they come.
22 b5 Rg6
Alternatively, 22 ... axb5 23 axb5 Rg6 24 Rfb1 Rxa1 25 Rxa1 Qg5 26 g3!
(go ahead, make my day!) 26 ... Qf5 27 Ra7! Qxh3 28 Rxb7 cxb5 29 Nf1 Nf6
30 Qxb5.

Question: Shouldn’t White be thinking about resigning about now?

Answer: Houdini assessment: +3.69! – completely busted for Black. It is

easy to misassess such a position. White’s king may not be much to look at,
but at least he remains alive. Black’s pieces do indeed hover ominously over
our king, but when we ask the essential question: “Where is Black’s knockout
combination?” we find it difficult to come up with an answer. I see no way
for Black to increase the power of this attack. Meanwhile, White’s passed c-
pawn rams through. Houdini’s analysis continues: 30 ... h5 31 Rb8+ Kh7 32
c6 Ng4 33 c7 (one move away) 33 ... Nxe3 34 Nxe3 Bxg3 35 Bxg3 Rxg3+ 36
fxg3 Qxg3+ 37 Ng2 and there is no perpetual check.
23 bxc6 bxc6 24 Rab1
As often in this line, b7 is an inviting infiltration square.
24 ... Nf8
Black really can’t backtrack and defend here with 24 ... Ra7, since White
simply plays 25 Rb3 intending to double. Black’s queenside is doomed and
the only defence is to deliver checkmate on the other side of the board.
25 f3!
White acts vigorously to defend his borders. After this move Black’s
potential for the creation of mischief has been reduced. Principle: meet a
wing attack with a central counter. Hodgson times f3 perfectly, since Black’s
knight no longer has access to f6.
25 ... exf3
25 ... f5?? fails miserably to 26 fxe4, winning material, no matter how
Black plays it.
26 Nxf3
Threat: Ne5, targeting g6, f7 and c6.
26 ... Bf6 27 Rb7!
To a person of honour, the keeping of secrets is an objectionable practice.
Yet we as chess players do just that in virtually every game we play. This
sneaky move in reality invites Black to fall into a cheapo.
27 ... Qc8
Double attack on b7 and h3. Or is it?
28 Rfb1!
A move which thrusts Black’s hopelessness upon him.
28 ... Nd7
Black’s game takes a turn for the worse and relapses into its old state of
sickly passivity. One senses the out-of-synchness in Black’s game, which
would tax the abilities of the ablest of attackers. The long-mute black would-
be attackers strive for utterance yet still fail to express themselves. There
simply is no method to progress the kingside attack.

Question: This doesn’t seem like the right time for

kindly forbearance. What was wrong with 28 ... Qxh3?

Answer: The hoped-for rich source of counterplay begins to languish for

Black. The trouble is White has his own, more potent threat with 29 Rb8
Rxb8 30 Rxb8. Black’s king takes deep breaths, mainly to clear his mind of
violent thoughts about White’s mocking rook and bishop. Black’s knight
hangs and there is no way to gin up his kingside threats.
29 Rc7
The rook, upon viewing Black’s queen (and c6), experiences that baffling
yet exhilarating feeling: love at first sight.
29 ... Qe8 30 Rxc6
The degradation of Black’s queenside pawns spreads like a flu-
contaminated sneeze in a crowded bus. Even stronger may be 30 Rbb7.
30 ... Qe4 31 Rf1
The kingside is a country at civil war between multiple autonomous
republics, all striving for dominance. Hodgson decides not to get greedy with
31 Rb7 and plays for consolidation.
31 ... Re8 32 Rxa6 Nf8
The ending is completely resignable after 32 ... Qxe3+ 33 Qxe3 Rxe3 34
c6 Nf8 35 Ra8 Be7 36 c7.
33 Bxf8
The more pieces off the board the better.
33 ... Kxf8 34 Rb6 h5
The e3-pawn still remains taboo: 34 ... Qxe3+ 35 Qxe3 Rxe3 36 a5 Ra3
37 Rb8+ Ke7 38 Re1+ Kd7 39 Rb7+ Kc6 40 Reb1! ends the discussion.
35 a5 Rg3

An empty gesture. It becomes obvious that the attack is about as lively as

the actor who played the corpse in Weekend at Bernie’s.
36 a6
Threat: a7 and Rb8.
36 ... Ra8
Black plays on, but with an increasing feeling of desolation. His attacking
attempts max out and there is no way to even make it close. If the attacking
side is forced into a move like this, then it’s time to resign.
37 Qf2 h4 38 Ne5! 1-0
The weakness of f7, like a flare-up of an old injury, resurfaces: 38 ... Kg8
39 Ng4 Bg5 40 Qxf7+ Kh8 41 Rf2 Bxe3 42 Nxe3 Qxe3 43 Qh5+ Kg8 44
Qxd5+ gets the job done.

Summary: Surprisingly, the ... e4 plan is ineffective, since White is given a

free hand on the queenside and Black’s kingside attack appears slower.

Game 45
Kirishi 2007

1 d4 d5 2 Bg5 f6

We arrive at our next giant challenge of the chapter. Be warned:

Trompowsky expert Eric Prié actually thinks Black may stand slightly better
at this point. Also IM Richard Pert gave Black’s move an exclamation mark
in his Trompowsky book.

Question: Do you agree?

Answer: No. This is the line I play against Trompowsky as Black, but I
believe White’s game is fully playable and there are sneaky methods for
White to turn the position into an unclear mess, in which we will most likely
seize the familiarity advantage.
3 Bh4

Question: Why not turn it into a London where

Black’s ... f6 may be a hindrance, if we play 3 Bf4?

Answer: Unfortunately, ... f6 may help Black more than harm, after 3 ...
Nc6 (3 ... c5 is also very playable: 4 c3 Nc6 5 Nf3 Qb6 and now Morozevich
saw nothing better than the lame retreat 6 Bc1, which wasn’t exactly
inspirational stuff for team Trompowsky, A.Morozevich-H.Nakamura, Biel
2012; 4 e3 looks better, but I’m not crazy about White’s position after 4 ...
Nc6 5 Nf3 g5! 6 Bg3 h5 7 h3) 4 Nf3. Now 4 ... Bg4 is normally played, but
Black has an attractive option in 4 ... g5!. This move is also given Pert’s seal
of approval (4 ... e5!? 5 dxe5 is also dangerous for our side since we directly
transpose to a line of the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, as we conveniently hand
Black ... f6 for free), and after 5 Bg3 h5 6 h3 Nh6! 7 Nc3 (7 e3 Nf5 8 Bd3
Nxg3 9 Bg6+ Kd7 10 fxg3 Rh6 11 Bd3 e6 is an unclear mess; White’s
damaged structure and lack of a dark-squared bishop are compensated by
Black’s shaky king’s position) 7 ... Nf5 8 e4! dxe4 (8 ... Nxg3 9 fxg3 dxe4 10
Nxe4 Qd5 11 Qe2 Rh6 12 Nc3 Qd6 13 0-0-0 gives White dangerous
attacking chances) 9 Nxe4 Ncxd4 10 Bd3 Nc6 11 c3 Bh6 12 Qc2 Kf8 13 Rd1
Houdini says even, but I’m not so sure White gets full compensation for the
pawn in the form of attacking chances, H.Kruse-D.Lafarga Santorroman,
correspondence 2007.
3 ... Nh6
Question: What is Black’s idea behind this strange move?

Answer: Black’s move isn’t so strange when we realize that Black’s

knight intends to chase our bishop down, with ... Nf5 next, bagging the
4 f3
Thwarting Black’s plan by offering our bishop a home on f2. 4 e3 is more
common, but having played Black’s side, I don’t really want to enter the line
4 ... Nf5 5 Bg3 (I think Black stands better after 5 Bd3 Nxh4 6 Qh5+ g6 7
Qxh4 Bg7 when he obtains the bishop-pair and eventually plays for the ... e5
break after due preparation) 5 ... h5!. I tried to make this position work for
White, but finally gave up. After 6 Be2 h4 7 Bh5+ Kd7 8 Bf4 g5 9 e4 dxe4
10 Bc1 Prié calls this line “inadequate” for White.
Question: Do you agree with him?

Answer: Unfortunately I do. I just don’t believe in White’s compensation

for the pawn after 10 ... c6, although I do admit White gets practical chances
due to Black’s rather odd king’s position. So let’s bypass the main line 4 e3
and go with the lesser-known 4 f3 line, which may be White’s best (or
perhaps least worst?) choice.
4 ... c5
We look at 4 ... Nc6 a couple of games later in the chapter. Instead, 4 ...
Nf5 5 Bf2 Nc6 6 c3 e5 7 e4 dxe4 8 fxe4 Nd6 9 Nd2 exd4 10 cxd4 Nf7 11
Ngf3 Bg4 was J.Bonin-M.Grinman, New York 2003, where I like White’s
strong centre after 12 Bc4.
5 dxc5!?

Question: Why do we give up the centre like this?

Answer: We take on c5 with the intention of gaining time, since Black

expends energy to regain the pawn, or failing that, remains down a pawn. 5
c3 is passive and playable as well, if somewhat un-inspirational: 5 ... cxd4 6
cxd4 Nc6 7 e3 e5 8 Nc3 Nf5 9 Bf2, Y.Lapshun-H.Nakamura, New York
(rapid) 2002. I would rather take Black after 9 ... Bb4.
5 ... e5
Black dominates the centre and threatens to regain c5 with the superior
6 Bf2 Nc6
Next game we look at 6 ... d4.
7 e4
We seize our fair share of the centre, free our position and deny Black’s
pieces the use of f5.
7 ... dxe4
No one has tried 7 ... d4. We can respond with 8 Bc4 (or 8 c3 Bxc5 9 b4?!
Bb6 10 b5 Ne7 11 cxd4 f5!, playing on the development lead by following
the principle: create confrontation when leading in development; Black
stands better) 8 ... Bxc5 9 Ne2 Qe7 10 0-0 Be6 11 Bxe6 Qxe6 12 c3 dxc3 13
Nbxc3 Bxf2+ 14 Rxf2 Rd8 15 Nd5 0-0 16 Qb3, with an even position.
8 Qxd8+ Kxd8
His unnatural sister’s creepy touch makes the black king’s skin crawl.
9 Nc3!
9 fxe4?! walks into 9 ... Ng4.
9 ... exf3 10 0-0-0+ Ke8

11 gxf3!?
White recaptures with the pawn to retain some central influence.

Question: Can White recapture with the knight, relying on his

development lead?

Answer: That is the route I would have taken. Let’s take a look: 11 Nxf3
Be6 12 Bd3 Be7 13 h3 Kf7 14 Be4 g6 15 g4 Rhd8 16 Nd5 Rac8 17 g5!. At
this point Houdini likes White after 17 ... Nf5 18 Nxe7 Kxe7 19 gxf6+ Kxf6.
11 ... Be6 12 Bb5 Kf7 13 Nge2 Be7 14 Nd5 a6
This brand of baffled fury does nothing to harm White and exerts a
corrosive effect on Black’s dark squares. Black may be better off without this
15 Ba4 Nd4!?
An interference trick.
16 Nxd4
White can also try the risky exchange sacrifice 16 Rxd4!? exd4 (16 ...
Bxc5!? 17 Rb4 Bxf2 18 Rxb7+ Kg6 19 Ne7+ Kh5 20 Bd7 looks playable for
Black too, despite the strange positioning of his king) 17 Nxe7 Kxe7 18
Nxd4 Bd5 19 Bg3 g6 20 Bd6+ Kf7 21 Rd1 when it feels like he achieves full
compensation with a pawn and bishop-pair for the exchange.
16 ... Bxd5 17 Bb3! Rhd8 18 Bxd5+ Rxd5 19 Nb3 Rxd1+ 20 Rxd1
Question: Isn’t Black better? After all, he owns the healthy majority.

Answer: We shouldn’t refuse to sign a lucrative contract simply because

a single clause is not to our liking. I don’t believe Black stands better. His
kingside pawn majority may look pleasing to the eye, but Black’s queenside,
especially b7, looks vulnerable to Na5 tricks.
20 ... Ke6?!
Inaccurate. Black has a better chance to hold the balance after 20 ... Ke8
21 Na5 Rb8.
21 Na5 Rb8?!
Exercise (planning): How did White increase the pressure?

Answer: 22 Rd3!
White’s rook creeps forward, insinuating himself into Black’s business
like an advancing tide. There is no good defence to the coming Rb3.
22 ... f5!
A souring position has a way of acting as a stimulant, urging us to action.
Black activates his kingside pawn majority, hoping to repackage something
new from the wreckage of the old, and avoids the trap 22 ... Nf7 23 Rb3
Nd8?? 24 c6! (pin/double attack). White wins since Black can’t defend both
b7 and the c7 threat.
23 Rb3
White’s rook and knight eye b7 with intense disfavour.
23 ... Bg5+ 24 Kb1 Rd8
Threatening a back-rank mate.
25 Rb6+!
A necessary nuance.
25 ... Kf7 26 Rxb7+ Ke6 27 Rb6+
The rook continues to shadow Black’s king, never allowing him a
moment’s peace.
27 ... Kf7 28 b4!

If you make your escape untraceable, you become impossible to kill. A

multipurpose move:
1. White avoids the back-rank cheapo.
2. White activates his queenside majority.
The war doesn’t end. It simply relocates to separate killing fields, now in
the form of a queening race.
28 ... e4
28 ... Rd2? is too slow: 29 c6! Bd8 30 Rb8 e4 31 fxe4 fxe4 32 Bh4! and
the deflection wins.
29 Nc4!
29 fxe4? Ng4 allows Black back into the game.
29 ... Rd1+
29 ... exf3 is met with 30 Ne5+ Ke8 31 Re6+ Kf8 32 Nxf3 Bf6 33 Kc1,
30 Kb2 Bf6+
White is faster in the queening race after 30 ... exf3 31 Ne5+ Ke8 32
Rxa6! Bc1+ 33 Kb3 Ng4 34 Nxg4 fxg4 35 b5 Bf4 36 Ra8+ Rd8 37 Ra4
Bxh2 38 Rxg4 Rd2 39 Bh4 Kf7 40 Bg3!.
31 Kb3 exf3 32 c6
Threat: c7. It’s impossible to quarantine a disease once it reaches
epidemic proportions. Black is forcibly reminded of the open sore on c6.
32 ... Ng8
32 ... Bd8 33 Ne5+ Ke8 34 Rb8 Ke7 35 Nxf3 Ng4 36 Bh4+ Nf6 37 Rb7+
Ke6 38 c7 wins.
33 c7
The salivating c-pawn is a lion, entering a den of many Daniels, each of
whom has his faith sorely tested.
33 ... Ne7
The knight agrees to be harnessed to the yoke of c8.
34 Bc5
It becomes apparent that the flimsy defenders are woefully unequal to the
task of halting White’s ambitious c-pawn.
34 ... Rd7 35 Rb7 Nc8 36 Nb6
White ruthlessly targets all would-be blockaders.
36 ... Be7
Black agrees to pay an extortionate cost, hoping to avoid White’s
promotion attempts.
37 Nxc8 Bxc5

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s last move fulfils an unfortunate

the last straw, after which his game collapses. Previous to this point,
White was
just warming up. Now comes time for the finishing touch. White to play
and win.

Answer: Clearance/pawn promotion.

38 Nd6+! 1-0
White’s c-pawn passes the stage of mere ambition and enters the early
phase of megalomania.

Summary: At the time of writing, White’s main line, 4 e3, doesn’t seem to
cut it. So let’s take up the lesser-known, unclear alternative 4 f3.

Game 46
Belgrade 2013

1 d4 d5 2 Bg5 f6 3 Bh4 Nh6 4 f3 c5 5 dxc5 e5 6 Bf2 d4

Black cuts off our bishop’s communication to c5.

7 e3
The gargantuan centre must immediately be challenged.
Question: Can White think about 7 b4 to hang on to c5?

Answer: Not good. White can’t hang on to the extra pawn and such a
move is a self-inflicted wound to our structure: for example, 7 ... a5 8 e3 dxe3
9 Qxd8+ Kxd8 10 Bxe3 Nf5 11 Bf2 axb4 and Black regained the pawn, while
retaining the vastly superior pawn structure.
7 ... Bxc5

Question: Has anyone tried 7 ... Nf5?

Answer: Your suggestion is a theoretical novelty and may be playable for

Black: 8 exd4 Nxd4 (after 8 ... exd4 9 Qe2+ Be7 10 Nd2 Nd7 11 g4 Ne3 12
Bxe3 dxe3 13 Qxe3 0-0 14 0-0-0 Bxc5 15 Qb3+ Kh8 16 Ne4 I don’t think
Black’s bishop-pair and dark-square control fully compensate the missing
pawn, mainly since White isn’t behind in development and the e4-knight is
excellently posted) 9 c3 Ne6 10 Qxd8+ Kxd8 11 Nd2 (White may be
overextending after 11 b4!? a5 12 a3 axb4 13 cxb4 b6 14 Nd2 bxc5 15 b5
Nd4 16 Bd3 Bd7 17 b6 Nbc6 18 Nc4 Be6 when the b6-pawn is in grave
danger) 11 ... Bxc5 12 Rd1 Kc7 13 Bc4 looks about even.
8 exd4 Bxd4
Otherwise, 8 ... exd4 9 Bc4 Nf5 10 Ne2 Nc6 11 c3 Ne3 12 Bxe3 dxe3
was G.Chepukaitis-V.Milov, Internet blitz) 2002. After 13 Qxd8+ Kxd8 14
Na3 Bxa3 15 bxa3 Ne5 16 0-0-0+ Kc7 17 Bb3 I’m not sure if e3 represents a
liability or a strength for Black. Houdini rates it around even.
9 Bxd4 exd4 10 Bb5+ Nc6 11 Qe2+
Instead, 11 c3 0-0 12 Ne2 Re8 13 cxd4 Nf5 14 0-0 Ne3 15 Qb3+ Kh8 16
Rf2 Nxd4 17 Nxd4 Qxd4 18 Rd2 Qc5 19 Bxe8 Nc2+?? (played in S.Drazic-
M.Geenen, Milan 2002; instead, 19 ... Ng4+ 20 Kf1 Ne3+ should end in
perpetual check, since 21 Ke2!? Nxg2 looks awfully risky for White, despite
the extra material) 20 Kh1! Nxa1 21 Qd1 Be6 22 Bd7 Bxa2 23 Nc3 wins a
11 ... Kd7?!

Threat: ... Re8.

Question: What the hay!?

Answer: Sometimes we make deliberately stupid-looking moves to

extract a perverse delight in challenging our opponent’s sense of incredulity.
Yet one senses that Black, caught up in a sense of theatre, gets ensnared with
the details. Do you get the feeling that the Trompowsky – a system conducive
to extremes – isn’t your standard-issue opening repertoire? In a strange way,
Black’s unhinged-looking last move is perfectly natural, since he strives to
keep queens on the board, due to his isolated d-pawn, but the king travelled
in the wrong direction. This is not simply an isolated outbreak of crazy.
Indeed, crazy begins to spread across the board, to both sides.
I think it’s more logical to go the other direction with 11 ... Kf7! 12 Bc4+
Kf8 13 Nd2 Nf5 (Black’s isolani clearly has its strong points; in this case e3
is a tender square for White, who must guard entry from hostiles) 14 Nf1 g6
15 0-0-0 Kg7 16 g4 Re8 17 Qd2 Nd6 18 Bd5 and Houdini likes Black, while
I feel it’s anyone’s game here.
12 Qd2 Kc7 13 Na3 Nf5 14 Ne2 Qd5 15 0-0-0!?
Risky. I would deny Black play against the king, castle the other way
with 15 0-0! and then play on the weakness of d4. Houdini gives White an
edge with this plan.

15 ... Rd8

Question: Why can’t Black grab a2?

Answer: Firstly, it doesn’t even win anything since Black drops d4.
Secondly, Black’s king is fatally exposed after 15 ... Qxa2?? 16 Bxc6 Qa1+
17 Nb1 bxc6 18 Nxd4 (threat: Nxf5 and Qf4+). Now if 18 ... Nxd4 19 Qf4+
Kb7 20 Rxd4, threatening a nasty check on b4, as well as Ra4, trapping
Black’s queen.
16 Nc3
After 16 Bxc6! bxc6 17 Nf4! Qc5 (17 ... Qxa2?? 18 Qa5+ wins; White’s
queen visits her brother, when he dearly hoped for the separation to continue)
18 Rhe1 a5 19 g4 Nh4 20 Qf2 Ng6 21 Nxg6 hxg6 22 c3! White wins a pawn.
16 ... Qe5?
Black should try 16 ... Qc5 17 Bxc6 bxc6 18 Ne4 Qd5 19 c4! Qe5 20
Rhe1, although even then, White holds the initiative.
17 Bxc6 bxc6 18 Nc4 Qc5 19 b3
Even stronger is 19 Ne4! Qxc4 20 Qa5+ Kd7 21 Qxf5+ Ke7 22 Qxh7 Kf8
23 Qh8+ Qg8 24 Qxg8+ Kxg8 with a solid extra pawn.

19 ... Ne3!?

Question: Doesn’t this simply drop a pawn?

Answer: Reality jars Black, as if colliding with a telephone pole while

daydreaming on a walk. He comes to the conclusion that little profit can be
derived from his present path, and so switches direction to a difficult, if not
lost ending. I agree that it isn’t exactly a judicious decision, but I ask: can a
move be a mistake if everything else loses?
Black rationalizes: to await a powerful enemy’s approach without
preparatory measures is tantamount to leaving a disease untreated and
allowing it to progress to terminal levels. So he offers a pawn to remove
queens from the board, worrying that White’s attack may get out of control. It
looks like an attempt to locate a silver lining to a plan gone sour. The trouble
is the solution to one predicament can be the direct causal factor for another,
equally serious one. If 19 ... Be6 20 Ne4 Qd5 21 Qf4+ Kc8 22 Rhe1 c5 23 g4
g5 24 Qd2 Nh4 25 Nxf6 when Black won’t survive.
20 Nxe3 Qxc3 21 Qxc3 dxc3 22 Rxd8 Kxd8 23 Rd1+
“Actions speak louder than words,” declares the rook, as he prepares to
hand the c3-pawn a swift kick to the nether regions. There is nothing wrong
either with the simple 23 Nd1.
23 ... Kc7 24 Rd3

Black must bid adieu to c3.

24 ... Ba6 25 Rxc3 Re8 26 a4 Kb6 27 b4
Denying Black’s king dark squares and following the principle: if you
have a wing majority, push it.
27 ... Rd8 28 Rc5 Be2 29 Nf5
White seeks to provoke pawn weakness in Black’s camp. Black can’t
allow White’s knight to roost on f5 forever, and is soon induced into ... g6.
29 ... Rd7 30 Kb2 g6 31 Ng3 Ba6 32 Kc3
Covering d2.
32 ... Rd1
Black attempts a kingside raid with his rook.
33 Ne4

33 ... f5

Question: Can Black skip this move and

immediately go after White’s kingside with 33 ... Rh1?

Answer: White looks faster in the race after 34 Nxf6 Rxh2 35 Nd7+ Kc7
36 Ra5 Kxd7 37 Rxa6 h5 38 Rxa7+ Kd6 39 a5 Rxg2 40 a6 Rf2 41 Rf7 Rf1
42 Kb2 (cutting off ... Ra1) 42 ... Re1 43 Rg7 and wins.
34 Ng5 Bf1 35 g3 Bg2 36 a5+ Kb7
36 ... Kc7 is met with 37 b5.
37 Re5
Threatening a nasty check on e7.
37 ... h6 38 Ne6 Bxf3
Regaining the lost pawn doesn’t mean much of a victory, since
everything else in Black’s game swirls in a downward spiral.
39 Nc5+ Kc8 40 Re8+ Rd8 41 Re7 Kb8
Black’s monochromatic position runs at 50% capacity as White’s
efficiently ordered forces press down with brutal logic. An assessment:
1. White’s rook, knight and king all outwork their counterparts.
2. White dominates the seventh rank.
3. Black’s kingside pawns are loose and remain in grave danger.
4. Security is unusually heavy around the black king’s walled compound
and rightly so, since White’s pieces have designs on Black’s king, who isn’t
entirely safe from White’s attacking ambitions, because there exist dangerous
attacking geometries with rook, knight and a-pawn.
Conclusion: The time for bubbly happiness ends for Black, as a new era
of misery begins. Even a novice entering his or her first tournament can tell
us that everything that could possibly go wrong, has gone wrong for Black.

Exercise (planning): Come up with a clear plan

for White, based on number four on our list:

42 a6
Answer: Simpler is 42 Na6+! when the knight and rook send a wave of
bad vibes in the direction of Black’s ill-tuned king: 42 ... Ka8 (if 42 ... Kc8
43 Rc7 mate) 43 Nc7+ Kb8 (43 ... Kb7?? hangs material to 44 Ne6+) 44 Ne6
Rc8 45 a6! (threatening Rb7+, followed by Nc7+; at this point, the black king
surveys his rapidly shrinking kingdom with a fatalistic sigh and his sense of
despair reaches the equivalent level of Napoleon’s clinical depression during
his stay at Elba) 45 ... c5 46 Nxc5 when Black’s pieces, devoid of purpose,
continue to loaf aimlessly.
42 ... Bd5 43 Rb7+ Ka8 44 Rh7 g5
Black has no way to hang on to his pawns: for example, 44 ... h5 45 Nd3
Rg8 46 Ne5 Be4 47 Rh6 and Black crumbles.
45 Rxh6 f4 46 gxf4 gxf4 47 Rf6 f3 48 Nd7
Threat: Ne5 and Nxf3. Of course, the knight is immune due to the loose
back rank.
48 ... Re8 49 h4

Black, hamstrung by a fatally weak back rank, can’t do a thing.

Meanwhile, White leisurely pushes his passed h-pawn. There is nothing
wrong too with the immediate 49 Ne5.
49 ... Be6 50 Ne5 Bc8 51 Nxf3 Bxa6 52 h5 Be2 53 h6 c5 54 Ng5
What’s the rush? I would take time out to munch on a pawn first with 54
54 ... cxb4+ 55 Kxb4 Rb8+ 56 Kc3 Rc8+ 57 Kd2 Bc4 58 Nf7!
Another winning plan is 58 h7 Rh8 59 Kc3 Ba2 60 Kb2 Bd5 61 Rd6 Bg2
62 Rd7 Bc6 63 Rg7 Bd5 64 Nf7.
58 ... Rf8
If 58 ... Bxf7 59 Rxf7 and there isn’t much Black can do about h7, Rg7
and Rg8.
59 h7 Bxf7

Exercise (combination alert): Competence in finding combinations

is simply pattern recognition, mixed with the art of spotting
anomalies. In this instance we have the most elementary of combinations

in fact, maybe the easiest one in the book. White to play and win.

Answer: Overload.
60 Rxf7
Black’s rook can only watch helplessly as White forces promotion.
60 ... Rxf7 1-0

Summary: Black can also go for an isolani position, where it’s difficult to
decide whether the d4 isolani is more a strength than a weakness.

Game 47
Voronezh 2007
1 d4 d5 2 Bg5 f6 3 Bh4 Nh6 4 f3 Nc6
This may be Black’s best move in the position, as it now feels like our
side barely maintains equality.

Question: Why does Black avoid ... c5?

Answer: In this version Black seeks to play in Reversed Veresov fashion.

Question: What are the moves to the Veresov?

Answer: White gets the Veresov after 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nc3 d5 Bg5. Now in
the Veresov, White often expends a tempo with f3, building for an e4-break.
In the Trompowsky version, note that we gave Black the corresponding ... f6
for free. So in a sense, Black, up a tempo, plays a real Veresov, not merely a
reversed facsimile.
5 c3
White reinforces d4.

Question: True, but why not develop and reinforce the centre with 5 e3?
Answer: That is also possible. The reason White played c3 over e3 is that
he hoped to engineer e4 in one go, without wasting a tempo on e3. 5 e3 is
playable as well, though: for example: 5 ... Nf5 6 Bf2 e5 7 Nc3 Bb4 8 Qd2 0-
0 9 a3 exd4 10 exd4 Re8+ 11 Nge2 Bxc3 (perhaps better is 11 ... Ba5! 12 0-
0-0 b5 13 Nf4 b4 14 axb4 Nxb4 15 Kb1 c6 16 g4 Nd6 17 Na4 with a very
sharp situation where Black clearly stands no worse due to the open b-file) 12
Qxc3 Qe7 13 0-0-0 with a tricky Exchange French/opposite-wing attack
position where I favour White due to his strength on the dark squares,
L.Rojas Keim-W.Pohl, Schwaebisch Gmuend 2010.
However, after 5 e4?! dxe4 6 d5 Nf5 7 fxe4 Nxh4 8 Qh5+ Ng6 9 dxc6, as
in J. Acers-E.Sveshnikov, Kamena Vourla 2012.,Black looks clearly better
after 9 ... Qd4!.
5 ... e5

6 dxe5
White captures on e5 at a stage where Black can’t recapture with his f-
pawn. 6 e3 is more solid, if uninspiring: 6 ... Nf5 7 Bf2 exd4 8 exd4 with
equal chances, A.Sidenko-N.Knudsen, correspondence 2000.
6 ... Nxe5 7 Bf2
This move is new and probably improves upon 7 e4?!, N.Ajrapetian-
S.Surov, Anna 2012. Simplest for Black may be to swap into a pleasant
ending with 7 ... dxe4 8 Qxd8+ Kxd8 9 fxe4 which saddles White with an
isolani and gives Black control over e5.
7 ... Be7 8 Nd2 0-0
8 ... Bf5 hoping to suppress e4, doesn’t succeed in its aim after 9 Qa4+ c6
10 e4 dxe4 11 Nxe4.
9 Qc2
White plans to unwind by castling queenside, followed by e4.
9 ... c5 10 e4

White finally challenges Black’s centre.

10 ... Kh8

Question: Should Black consider taking on an isolani with 10 ... d4?

Answer: The isolani quickly grows unstable after 11 cxd4 cxd4 12 Ne2!
d3 13 Qb3+ Nhf7 14 Nf4. Houdini still thinks the game is pretty close to
equal, but I feel like that advanced d-pawn is about to fall.
11 0-0-0
In this chapter, chaos is our gospel.
11 ... dxe4

Question: Okay, now that White committed to queenside castling, I don’t

care if I lose the isolani. How about 11 ... d4?

Answer: Timing is everything in chess. And this time offering the isolani
looks fine for Black after 12 Nb3 Be6 13 Kb1 Rc8 14 Nh3 a5 15 Nf4 Bg8 16
cxd4 cxd4 17 Qd2 Bb4 18 Qxd4 Bxb3 19 axb3 Qc7 with reasonable
compensation for the sac’ed pawn.
12 Nc4
The knight’s erratic swayings are designed to confuse. This looks more
accurate than 12 Nxe4 Qa5 13 Kb1 Be6 when Black holds a mild initiative.
12 ... Nd3+ 13 Bxd3 exd3 14 Rxd3 Qe8 15 Ne3
Covering against ... Bf5.
15 ... Qf7 16 c4!
Now follows a pitched battle for rights to d5.
16 ... b5!
The ominous sounds of an approaching attacker’s echo in the distance.
17 Ne2! bxc4 18 Qxc4 Be6
This looks quite bad for White, but everything is under control as long as
he controls the d5-square.
19 Nd5
Played with a cheery optimism for one in a possibly inferior position. If
the e6-bishop is the superhero, then White’s d5-knight is the counterpart evil
genius. A plan like this jars those of us (including your writer) with
strategically orderly minds. Normally when one side is forced to self-pin, it is
a key indicator that all may not be well. White, having been pushed around
for so long, decides that silence on the matter is unendurable, and so takes the
nuclear option and embraces a treacherous path. He manages to juggle
simultaneous defensive issues, so far keeping each one at bay.
19 ... Rfd8
19 ... Bd6! looks better, since the bishop may later play to e5 and chop the
back-up knight on c3: 20 g4 Qb7 21 Rhd1 Nf7 22 Rb3 Qc6 23 h3 and Black
looks slightly better here.
20 Rhd1
20 Nef4! is more accurate.
20 ... Rd7
After 20 ... Bd6 21 Bg3 Nf5 22 Nef4 Nxg3 23 hxg3 Bxf4+ 24 gxf4 Rd7
25 Qxc5 I like White. A pawn, even a devalued one, is a pawn.
21 R3d2 Nf5?!
Missing the final opportunity for 21 ... Bd6!.
22 Nef4
Pointing out an uncomfortable truth: the light-squared pest is removed
from e6 and now the advantage swings to White who begins to take over on
that colour. Frustratingly for Black, d5 creaks under its burden yet fails to
22 ... Rad8?!
This inaccuracy loses material. Black had to enter an inferior ending with
22 ... Bxd5 23 Nxd5 Bf8 24 Ne3 Nxe3 25 Qxf7 Rxf7 26 Bxe3 when c5
presents an inviting target.
23 Nxe6 Qxe6
Exercise (combination alert): White exploited the geometry
to force the win of a pawn. How did he accomplish it?

Answer: Removal of a key defender/overload. White’s queen rejects the

menial role allotted to her on c4 and demands a more prominent position on
24 Qe4!
Suddenly, Black’s initiative freezes in mid-stride, as if the victim of an
evil spell.
24 ... Qxe4
No choice in the matter. Black’s queen leaves in disgrace, followed by
the cold glares of the townsfolk. Now Black loses material.
25 fxe4 Nd4
Once again forced, since 25 ... Nh6?? is met with 26 Nxe7 when Black
cannot recapture.
26 Bxd4 cxd4
27 Nxe7!?
Clearly, Belikov subscribes to the belief that the worst bishop is better
than the best knight.

Question: Why would White trade off his dominant knight for Black’s

Answer: White traded perhaps for three reasons:

1. Black’s bishop isn’t such a bad piece and in endings, bishops tend to
take on greater value than knights.
2. White’s knight, although visually pleasing, really serves no function on
d5 other than to impress, like a trophy won in a chess tournament.
3. Maybe White was concerned that Black could play for an ... f5
undermining plan.
Let’s take a look and see what happens if White avoids the swap: 27
Rxd4 Bc5 28 Rc4 Bf8 29 Kc2 f5 30 Nc3 Rxd1 31 Nxd1 fxe4 32 Rxe4 Kg8.
Obviously White retains good winning chances, but I’m not sure if he would
be better off in a pure rook ending or this one, which risks Black’s bishop
outperforming the knight at a later stage. At the moment, the knight’s
competency or incapacity is not apparent when matched up with Black’s
27 ... Rxe7 28 Rxd4
Having been around dogs all my life, I have my finger on the pulse of
their motivation and even consider myself a breed of honorary dog. Their
universal philosophy: “What’s mine is mine and I’m not sharing!”. White
wins a pawn and now in a spirit which would warm the greedy hearts of dogs
worldwide, hangs on to it like a hard-won bone. When such turnarounds
occur, there is a sense of overwhelming relief, the way a terminally ill patient
discovers that her cancer inexplicably went into spontaneous remission.
28 ... Rc8+ 29 Kd2
Endgame principle: centralize your king if you judge that there is no
mating attack danger.
29 ... h5 30 Rc1

Exercise (critical decision): Is Black better off with four rooks on the
board or two? One path may lead to the draw, while the other looks
very difficult to save. Make a decision: should Black swap rooks or not?

30 ... Rb8?!
Answer: Black may have been better off in a rook versus rook ending
with 30 ... Rxc1! 31 Kxc1 Kg8 32 Kd2 Kf7 33 b4 Rb7 34 Kd3 Ke6 35 a4 a6
36 Rc4 h4 37 Kc3 Ke5 38 Rc6 Ra7 39 Kc4 Kxe4 40 a5 h3 41 gxh3 f5 42
Re6+ Kf3 43 Kc5 Ra8 44 Kb6 Rb8+ 45 Kxa6 Rxb4 46 Rb6 Ra4 47 Rb3+
Kf2 48 Rb7 f4 49 Rxg7 f3 50 Kb6 Rb4+ 51 Kc6 Ra4 52 Kb5 Ra2 53 a6 Ke2
54 a7 f2 55 Re7+ Kd2 56 Rf7 Ke2 57 Kb6 f1Q 58 Rxf1 Kxf1 59 h4 Rb2+ 60
Kc6 Ra2 61 Kb7 Rb2+ with a draw. Of course none of this is forced, but,
intuitively, I feel that entering a single rook ending was Black’s best drawing
shot, since this path enables his king to help out on the queenside, unlike the
game’s continuation.
31 b3 Kh7 32 Rc5 Kh6 33 Kd3 Rb6 34 Rdd5 g6 35 Rc4 g5 36 Rdc5
Rd6+ 37 Rd5 Rb6
Black can’t afford to hand White a passer with 37 ... Rxd5+? 38 exd5.
38 h3 Kg6 39 Rcd4 Ra6 40 a4
Ah, good, he heard me. White begins the process of advancing his
40 ... Rb7 41 Kc3 Rc6+ 42 Rc4 Re6 43 b4
At last, White begins to roll forward his queenside pawn majority. The
fact that Black’s king is unable to help out on the queenside is the decisive
43 ... Rbe7 44 Kd3 h4 45 b5 a6
This makes matters worse. Why hand White a passer without making him
work for it?
46 Rb4
Endgame principle: post your rooks behind your passed pawn. Note the
decisive factor: Black’s king remains removed from the queenside sphere and
may as well be the resident of another dimension.
46 ... Rb7 47 Kd4 axb5 48 axb5 Rbe7
Exercise (planning): How did White now make decisive progress?

Answer: Push the passer. The e4-pawn is meaningless since White is

miles ahead in the queening race, which in reality is no race at all.
49 b6! Rxe4+ 50 Kc5 Re2 51 b7 Rc2+ 52 Kd6 1-0
Question: Did Black resign prematurely? After all
he will be up two pawns which threaten to queen.

Answer: The extra rook easily beats the pawns, like this: 52 ... Rxb7 53
Rxb7 Rxg2 54 Rd3 f5 55 Rb6! (Black’s king hears the muffled voices of
conspirators all around him, since he virtually advertises his presence to the
surrounding attackers) 55 ... g4 56 hxg4 fxg4 57 Rd5! (White’s rooks decide
to perform a duet, serenading Black’s king) 57 ... Kf7 (57 ... h3 58 Kc7+
forces mate in two moves) 58 Rf5+ Kg7 59 Ke6 (threat: Rf7+ followed by
mate next move) 59 ... Re2+ 60 Re5 Rxe5+ 61 Kxe5 g3 62 Rb4 and wins.

Summary: 4 ... Nc6 is an attractive option for Black. The best our side has
may be equality.

Game 48
Mogliano Veneto 2000

1 d4 d5 2 Bg5
We continue to embrace a line in defiance of theoretical disapproval.
2 ... f6 3 Bh4 Nh6 4 f3 Nf5
This move may be the worst of Black’s fourth-move options.

Question: Why? It looks logical since it gains a tempo on White’s bishop.

Answer: Does it? White’s bishop wants to roost on f2 anyway. Also, e4

and g4 are in the air, so it may be White, not Black, who actually gains time.
5 Bf2 e6
Better is 5 ... e5 6 dxe5 fxe5 7 e4 dxe4 8 Qxd8+ Kxd8 9 fxe4 Nd4 10 Bd3
when White may have a microbe of an edge due to his superior development
in the ending, C.Depasquale-L.Jackson, Auckland 2010.
6 e4 Nd6 7 Nc3 c6 8 Bd3 b6
Question: Didn’t we already look at this position in Chapter Two?

Answer: Not quite. The structure is similar, with two differences, both in
our favour:
1. In this version we induced ... f6, which in turn weakens e6.
2. In this version, White’s bishop sits on f2, supporting d4, and is a
superior square to f4, as seen in Chapter Two, where the bishop tends to get
in the way.
9 Nge2 Ba6?
Sometimes in life we despise someone and then when they leave our lives
we realize we desperately needed them. Black allows himself to get distracted
with preoccupations, when he should strive to get his house in order.

Question: Why would you punish this natural French Defence move,
where Black rids himself of his bad bishop, with a question mark?

Answer: This is not a French, since Black tossed in the now highly
undesirable ... f6, which weakens e6. Black actually needs the theoretically
bad bishop to defend the tender square. While Black fights a cosmetic battle
on the queenside, the real enemy continues to gather power and resources in
the direction of e6.
10 Nf4
The most difficult affair to conceal in a war is troop movements. The
knight glares at e6 with ill-concealed contempt.
10 ... Kf7 11 0-0 Be7 12 Re1 Bxd3
If 12 ... g5 13 Nh5 Qd7 14 Qe2 Bxd3 15 Qxd3 and Black’s position is too
loose to survive.
13 Qxd3 Nd7
After 13 ... g5 14 exd5! gxf4 15 Rxe6 cxd5 16 Rae1 Bf8 17 Nxd5 Nd7 18
Nxf4 White threatens both Qb3, and also Rxd6 followed by Qb3+ and a then
a knight fork on e6.

Exercise (combination alert): A creeping sense of chill apprehension

envelops the area around Black’s king and long disuse renders the
defenders barely operational. Find White’s crushing breakthrough.

Answer: Attraction/double attack/demolition of king’s structure.

14 Nxe6!
To the king’s consternation, this shot sends a jarring note into his
formally tranquil world.
14 ... Kxe6
Obviously the king resents the intrusion into his personal space. This is a
little like a man who marries a woman he doesn’t love, solely for her money,
and then discovers she is broke. It’s too late to turn back now, with belated
expressions of remorse for an irrevocably made past decision. I bet at this
point Black very much missed his light-squared bishop.
15 exd5+ Kf7 16 dxc6 Nb8
Possible too was 16 ... Nf8 17 Nd5 Nc8 18 Qb3 Kg6 19 Nf4+ Kh6 20 Qf7
(threatening mate on the move) 20 ... g6.

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s king swirls around like a

storm-driven ship. How do we track him down in his hiding place?

Answer: Attraction. It becomes apparent that the knight/queen attacking

pair is the true power behind the throne. 21 Nh5!! (threat: Qg7+) 21 ... Kxh5
(do you think it’s possible that just a touch of anxiety weighs upon the black
king’s mind?) 22 Qg7! entering g7, merely an annex to Black’s king, forces
mate. Principle: in a king hunt, don’t chase him. Instead, encircle and cut off
the flight squares.
17 c7!
The pawn’s summons are commands, not to be tossed off lightly. Moves
like this tend to hand our sense of propriety a bit of a jolt. The deadly point of
the combination: the c-pawn lures Black’s queen to a tactically unfavourable

17 ... Qxc7
When we arrive at hopelessness, we intuitively realize that we can’t think
our way out of our troubles. So our only recourse is to embrace the irrational.
Clearly, emotions inflame past the point of fearing consequences. 17 ... Qd7
18 cxb8R (who among us doesn’t crave the sweet bliss of underpromotion?)
18 ... Raxb8 leaves Black two pawns down, and hopelessly busted.
18 Nd5 Qc4 19 Rxe7+ Kf8 20 Qxc4 Nxc4 21 Rc7 Nd6
21 ... Nxb2?? 22 Rc8+ pops the h8-rook.
Exercise (combination alert): White to play and win material:

Answer: Removal of a key defender.

22 Bg3 1-0
22 Bg3 Ne8 23 Rc8 Kf7 24 Bxb8 wins a piece.

Summary: 4 ... Nf5 may be Black’s weakest fourth-move option.

Chapter Eight
The Pseudo-Tromp: Second Move
1 d4 d5 2 Bg5

We take a look at some of Black’s lesser played second-move options,

just in case some of our opponents, unwilling to pit their feeble theoretical
wiles against ours (yes, we Trompers are that cocky within our realm of
expertise), decide to get sneaky and throw us off the main lines. In this
chapter, we deal with opponents who wish to steer clear of Trompowsky
theory and insist on some other opening. The trouble is they never quite make
it to their intended line, because we invariably contaminate the position with
Tromp propaganda, within other systems. On our second move, once again
we proudly fly our regimental colours.
It’s no easy task to collect one’s wits in a position with such a staggering
array of offbeat choices. After the second-move main lines, the position sub-
divides further:
a) With 2 ... Nd7 Black seeks to remain within Queen’s Gambit Declined
lines. Instead, we force our opponents into a slightly favourable (for us, of
course) Exchange Slav, where Black’s knight doesn’t really belong on d7.
b) 2 ... Bf5. Black probably intends a Slav-like position, but we make life
uncomfortable after 3 c4!, intending Qb3, going after b7.
c) 2 ... c5. Our opponent is probably one of those initiative-first QGD
Tarrasch players, who toss in a quick ... c5 to all double queen’s pawn games.
We surprise him or her with 3 e4!?, entering an Albin Countergambit a full
move over normal, which most certainly removes our opponents from their
intended game plan.
d) 2 ... g6 sees Black insist on a Grünfeld, but our move order won’t
allow a real Grünfeld after 3 c4, which retains a Tromp twinge, despite
Black’s efforts to avoid it.
e) With 2 ... f5 Black plays in Stonewall Dutch style. We meet it with a
Veresov, with 3 Nc3!, or 3 e3! intending 4 c4.

Game 49
J.Hodgson-A.Del Mundo
World Open, Philadelphia 2000

1 d4 d5 2 Bg5 Nd7
One of Black’s most popular second-move responses in the Pseudo-

Question: What is the point of 2 ... Nd7?

Answer: Black wants to avoid the 2 ... Nf6 3 Bxf6 line. So he or she
precedes the idea with ... Nd7, intending ... Ngf6 and ... e6, essentially
circumventing Trompowsky theory and forcing the game into normal
Queen’s Gambit Declined waters.

Question: Is there any way we can force Black back into Trompowsky

Answer: Yes and no. We can’t quite force a true Trompowsky position.
However, we can perhaps trick Black into a slightly inferior version of an
Exchange Slav, with our next move.
3 c4!

Question: You aren’t exactly sweetening the pot for us, by encouraging
us into an Exchange Slav. Why would this be a favourable version?
Answer: Normally in the Exchange Slav, Black’s b8-knight is developed
to the superior c6-square. In this instance, we trick Black into a premature d7
version, which isn’t the end of the world, but also keep in mind that most 2 ...
Nd7 players seek to reach QGD positions, not Slav ones. So this is an added
bonus for our side as well.
3 ... c6
Okay, let’s forget about the QGD. Black abandons his original intention
at its threshold and grudgingly enters Slav territory.

Question: Can Black avoid the Slav by playing 3 ... h6 4 Bh4 g5 5 Bg3

Answer: Black did manage to avoid Slav, but I question the wisdom of
the ‘free’ ... h6 and ... g5, which provides us tempting prying targets later on.
Black can also go for a Queen’s Gambit Accepted-style game (albeit a
lousy version for him) with 3 ... dxc4 4 e4 Ngf6 5 Nc3 Nb6 6 Nf3 c6 7 a4 a5
8 Be2 g6 9 b3! cxb3 10 Qxb3 (White gets massive compensation for one
measly pawn sac’ed, since the b6-knight and b7, behind it, are both wobbly)
10 ... Be6 11 d5! cxd5 12 exd5 Bf5 (if 12 ... Bxd5?? 13 Bb5+ Bc6 and now
the double attack 14 Ne5! is crushing) 13 0-0 Bg7 14 d6! (in such positions
Hodgson is completely unrepentant, continuing to spend, as if tapping into a
bottomless supply of investment funds) 14 ... Nbd7?! (Black had to try 14 ...
Qxd6 15 Nb5 Qb8 16 Nfd4 0-0 17 Nxf5 gxf5 18 Bf3, which gives White a
monstrous initiative, for the two pawns invested) 15 dxe7 Qxe7 16 Nd5 Qc5
17 Nxf6+ Bxf6 18 Bxf6 Nxf6 19 Bb5+ Kf8 20 Ng5 Nd5 21 Bc4 Rd8 22 Rfd1
Be6 23 Qb2 Kg8 24 Bxd5 Rxd5 25 Ne4 Qb4, J.Hodgson-S.Videki,
Kecskemet 1988. White wins a full rook after 26 Nf6+.
4 cxd5 cxd5 5 Nc3 Ngf6
6 e3
After 6 Rc1 a6 7 e3 Qa5 8 Bd3 e6 9 Nge2 Be7 10 0-0 0-0 11 f3 Re8 12
Bb1 Nf8 13 Bh4 Bd7 14 Bg3 Bc6 15 Nf4 Rac8 16 Nd3 Bb5!? 17 Nxb5 (I
realize this is his bad bishop, but it still hands White the bishop-pair) 17 ...
Qxb5 18 Qd2 I admit this is nothing like a Hodgson game, but your dullard
writer did manage to attain a slight but enduring edge due to the bishop-pair,
and the sense of mild oppression is difficult for Black to lift, C.Lakdawala-
P.Graves San Diego (rapid) 2010.
6 ... Ne4!?
Black isn’t satisfied with defending a slightly inferior Exchange Slav, and
decides to muck it up and go with the more aggressive ... Ne4 version. 6 ... e6
7 Bd3 Be7 8 Rc1 a6 9 Nf3 0-0 10 0-0 is the safer, if more tedious method of
playing the position, I.Miladinovic-S.Medghoul, Cap d’Agde 2003.
7 Bf4!?
This looks better than 7 Nxe4 dxe4 8 Qd2 Nb6 9 Ne2 f6 10 Bh4 e5 11
Nc3 where Black looks okay.
7 ... Ndf6
After 7 ... Nxc3 8 bxc3 g6 9 Qb3 Qa5 10 Nf3 Bg7 11 Bd3 0-0 12 0-0 Nb6
13 Rfc1 Be6 14 a4 Black has nothing to do but wait for White to try and
make progress on the queenside.
8 Bd3 e6 9 Nf3
A more strategically-minded player would perhaps pick the flexible 9
9 ... Bd6 10 Ne5
More ambitious than 10 Bxd6 which gives Black a bad remaining bishop.
10 ... 0-0 11 0-0 a6 12 Rc1 Nxc3
Otherwise an eventual f3 forces the trade.
13 Rxc3 Qe7?
Black should try 13 ... Ne4 14 Bxe4 dxe4 15 Qc2 f6 16 Nc4 Bxf4 17 exf4
with a nagging strategic edge to White. Here Black can’t play 17 ... Qxd4? 18
Rd1 Qa7 19 Nd6, since he is busted and unable to develop: for example, 19
... Bd7? 20 Rc7 Bc6 21 Qb3 is decisive.

Exercise (planning): We can’t afford to squander a precious opportunity.

Come up with a clear plan which proves Black’s last move was a strategic

14 Bg5!
Answer: The pin issues a challenge and forces Black into unpleasant
structural concessions. White threatens Ng4 and Qf3, so Black’s next two
painful moves are forced.
14 ... h6 15 Bh4 g5 16 Bg3 Bd7 17 f4
The human move. Also strong is the counterintuitive 17 Nxd7! Nxd7
(Black is also in desperate trouble after 17 ... Qxd7 18 f4) 18 Bxd6 Qxd6 19
f4!. The correct timing. After the coming Qh5, Black’s king will never feel
secure in such proximity to White’s queen.
17 ... Bb5
The bishop, atrophied from disuse, takes an initial, painful step. Black
logically rids himself of one of White’s best attackers, yet it fails to slow
White down.
18 fxg5 hxg5 19 Bxb5 axb5

Exercise (combination alert): Continue White’s attack:

Answer: Elimination of a key defender/fork. The defensive foundation

splinters and collapses.
20 Rxf6!
White concentrates his fire on the defenders of the dark squares around
Black’s king.
20 ... Qxf6 21 Nd7 Qf5
a) 21 ... Qe7 22 Bxd6 Qxd6 (22 ... Qxd7 transposes to ‘b’) 23 Qh5, and if
23 ... Qxd7 24 Qxg5+ Kh7 25 e4 forcing mate.
b) 21 ... Qd8 22 Bxd6 Qxd7 23 Qh5! Rfc8 24 Qxg5+ Kh7 25 Qh5+ Kg7
26 Bc5! and the threat of e4 followed by Rg3+ is decisive.
22 Bxd6
Bishop and knight weave themselves inextricably, deep within the
position’s fabric, so that dislodging both becomes a near-impossibility for
22 ... Rfd8

Exercise (combination alert): You lead the white pieces. Keep attacking.

Answer: 23 e4!
Clearance. White’s last move allows the decisive participation of his
23 ... dxe4
23 ... Qg6 24 Ne5 is also crushing.
24 Rc5!
The moody lateral/horizontal menace roams at large and decides to enter
from the other angle.
24 ... Qg6 25 Ne5 Qg7
Exercise (combination alert): White attackers continue to run riot. Find
killing shot and we choke the life from Black’s resistance. Do you see it?

Answer: Demolition of the king’s cover. The most ineffective – one

could safely say moronic – war strategy of all time is to attack in human
waves, World War I style, where hundreds of soldiers were inexplicably
ordered to charge an enemy’s single-man machine-gun nest. 300 lives would
be sacrificed to take out a single enemy soldier and gain 100 yards. Yet here
we see Hodgson do just that and all his human-wave attackers magically
survive to live happily to a ripe old age. Moral: there are exceptions to
26 Nxf7! 1-0
If I ever decide to bargain away my soul, the very first clause I would
insist upon in my contract with the devil is Hodgson-like tactical ability and
attacking instincts, so that I too produce games like this one. It’s remarkable
how often Hodgson rains down a fusillade of shots upon his often bewildered
opponents, so that games like this feel almost routine.
There is no defence to be found. For example:
a) 26 ... Rxd6 27 Rxg5.
b) 26 ... Kxf7 27 Rc7+.
c) 26 ... Qxf7 27 Rxg5+ Kh7 28 Qg4! forces mate. The queen smiles as
beatifically as her acting skills can muster.

Summary: 2 ... Nd7 allows us to force a slightly favourable Exchange Slav,

since Black’s knight may be misplaced on d7.

Game 50
Biel 1997

1 d4 d5 2 Bg5 Bf5

Question: Shouldn’t this move be an equalizer, since it

will lead to Slav-like positions we looked at last chapter?

Answer: I’m not so sure about either claim. Black may experience
difficulties defending b7. Also, the fact that Black can’t easily play ... e6,still
plagues him, similar to Black’s difficulties last game.
3 c4!
Just like last game, this combative move places maximum pressure on
3 ... c6

Question: Can Black escape troubles with the e7 pin if he plays 3 ... Bxb1
4 Rxb1 e6?

Answer: A clever developing idea, yet White retains an edge if he avoids

simplification with the unplayed 5 Bd2!, hanging on to the bishop-pair.

Question: How does the Queen’s Gambit Accepted version work out for

Answer: Not well. White gets a clear advantage after 3 ... dxc4 4 Nc3 Nf6
5 f3! (White forces e4, with tempo) 5 ... h6 6 Bh4 g5 7 Bf2 Bg7 8 e4 Bg6 9
Bxc4. White dominates the centre and also induced kingside pawn weakness
in Black’s camp, L.Nedimovic-S.Stanic, Postojna 2009.
4 Nc3

Threat: cxd5, followed by Qb3, which double attacks d5 and b7.

4 ... h6
Black decides he has had enough of the annoying pin and goes for the
aggressive but potentially weakening ... h6 and ... g5. Alternatives:
a) 4 ... Nf6 5 Bxf6 gxf6 6 Qb3 (6 e3 leads to a position we discussed in
Chapter Four) 6 ... dxc4 7 Qxb7 Qb6 8 Qxb6 axb6 9 e4 Bd7 10 Bxc4 b5 11
Bb3 Na6 was B.Abe-M.Grah, Slovenia 2010. Maybe this is stylistic bias, but
I prefer White’s strong centre over Black’s bishop-pair after 12 Nge2.
b) 4 ... f6 5 Bf4 (played in every game in the database, but Houdini
prefers 5 Bd2! e5 6 Nf3 e4 7 Ng1, with a strange-looking reversed Advanced
French structure where I prefer White’s game), and at this point, Black can
play the untried 5 ... e5!? 6 e4!? dxe4 7 dxe5 Nd7 8 Nge2 fxe5 9 Be3 Nc5 10
Ng3 Bg6 11 Be2 Nd3+ 12 Kf1 Nf6 13 h4. Indeed, here I don’t trust White’s
position and would go for the 5 Bd2! Houdini suggestion.
c) 4 ... dxc4. This move never seems to work out well for Black if the
bishop is already posted on f5, since it entails tempo loss after 5 e4.
d) With 4 ... Qb6 Black pre-empts Qb3 by tossing in a quick ... Qb6. At
this point White can try 5 cxd5 Qxb2 6 Qc1 Qxc1+ 7 Rxc1 Nf6 8 Bxf6 exf6 9
e4. Now if 9 ... Bg6?! (the depressing 9 ... Bc8 may actually be Black’s best
move) 10 f4! f5 11 e5 Bb4 12 Kf2 Nd7 13 d6 with a clear structural plus for
White in the form of the entrenched and passed d6-pawn.
5 Bh4 g5 6 Bg3 e6
After 6 ... Nf6 7 e3 Bg7 8 Qb3 Qb6 9 c5 Qxb3 10 axb3 Nbd7 11 b4
White stands better since b5 is coming, J.Bonin-S.Foisor, U.S. Online League
7 Qb3
The queen is accustomed to applause when she enters a room.
7 ... Qb6 8 c5!
Thematic. The ending is slightly in White’s favour.
8 ... Qxb3 9 axb3
I accumulated a lot of London System experience in such structures and
feel White stands slightly better, since the coming b4-b5 is a serious problem
for Black.
9 ... Nd7 10 b4
Now b5 is in the air. White also stands better after 10 e3 Bg7 11 b4 e5 12
10 ... e5!?
Played on principle, and when I figure out just what principle it is, I will
let you know. Black displays a deep seated antipathy to dull defence and
lashes out. Initiative lust is a kind of temporary madness which at times
afflicts us all. Its nature is to hop in the car and drive off, without taking the
destination’s address, or directions of how to get there. This move, which
fails to act as a restorative, smacks of over-optimism and I’m not sure it is a
necessary adjunct. Black may well be exaggerating his difficulties and
overreaching by establishing a central break, even if it costs him a pawn.
Black keeps disadvantage to a minimum with 10 ... Bg7 11 e3 Ne7 12
Nf3 Bg4 13 h4 Bxf3 14 gxf3 e5 (this looks like the correct timing) 15 dxe5
Nxe5 16 f4!? gxh4 17 Bxh4 Nf3+ 18 Ke2 Nxh4 19 Rxh4.
11 Nf3
Cautious. Chernin avoids 11 dxe5 Bg7 12 Nf3 Ne7 13 e3 0-0 when Black
eventually regains the sacrificed pawn, but White may still retain an edge due
to control over d4.
11 ... Bg7!?

I insist! Black refuses the final chance for 11 ... exd4 12 Nxd4.
12 Nxe5 Nxe5 13 Bxe5 Bxe5 14 dxe5 d4?!
White faces a payback-seeking, revenge-hungry wave of aggression. We
soon discover its effects are merely temporary. He should settle for 14 ... Ne7
15 e3 Ng6 16 Ne2 Nxe5 17 Nd4 Bd3 18 Kd2 with just an edge for White.
15 Nb1?!
In such positions of abstract manoeuvring, it’s easy to allow our forces to
go leaderless and rudderless. We begin to speculate: ‘this may happen’ or
‘that may happen’, all without really understanding what will really happen.
The knight has eyes for d6, but it looks too positional and too slow for the
needs of an open game. Better was 15 Nd1! Ne7 16 h4 g4 17 e3 0-0-0 18
Rxa7 Kb8 19 Ra3 with an edge for White.
15 ... Ne7?!
A serious inaccuracy. White’s unassuming knight soon takes on
enormous authority once it reaches d6. Black foils White’s intention with 15
... Bxb1! 16 Rxb1 Ne7 17 g3 Ng6 18 Rd1 Rd8 19 b5 cxb5 20 Bg2 b6 21 cxb6
axb6 when he should be okay.
16 Nd2
Threat: Nc4 and Nd6.
16 ... Nd5 17 Nc4 0-0
17 ... Nxb4 18 Nd6+ Kd7 19 Ra4 Nc2+ 20 Kd2 Bg6 21 g3! looks rough
for Black as well.
18 b5!
After 18 Nd6 Be6 19 0-0-0 a5 20 b5 f6 21 Rxd4 fxe5 22 Rd2 Rxf2 23 e4
Rxd2 24 Kxd2 Nf6 25 Nxb7 cxb5 26 Bxb5 Nxe4+ 27 Ke3 Nf6 28 Nd6 Black
stands worse, but may be able to hold the draw due to the reduced material
count on the board.
18 ... Nb4 19 Kd2
No more knight fork. White’s king is surprisingly safe in his new home.
19 ... cxb5
If Black chips away at the central bind and activates with 19 ... f6 20 h4
cxb5 21 Nd6 fxe5 22 hxg5 hxg5 23 g4! Bh7 24 Bg2 Rxf2 25 Bxb7 Raf8 26
Rxa7 Bd3 27 Re1 even here Houdini claims he is hard pressed to hold the
game, since White’s passed c-pawn threatens to surge forward.
20 Nd6
White’s knight dominates, attacking b5 and b7, and also keeping Black
rooks away from c8 and e8. It becomes obvious that Black’s intended
rebellion ebbed quickly.
20 ... Bg6?
Black had to try 20 ... Be6.
Exercise (planning): White is up on positional trumps, but lags in
Find a crucial consolidating idea which initiates a Draino-like unclogging

Answer: 21 g3!
Consolidation. Order begins to emerge from disorder:
1. White prepares to back up e5 with f4.
2. f5 may follow, smothering Black’s disconsolate bishop.
3. The coming Bg2 completes development, while taking aim at b7, c6
and d5.
White’s newly freed forces break out like a rash on Black’s position,
which morphs into a grey study of despair, a character from a Dostoyevsky
novel, who finally gets around to hanging himself after 899 pages of musing
life’s suffering. And speaking of suffering, I played GM Alex Chernin twice
and can tell you from painful experience that he is a scary strong strategist. I
got strategically squeezed in the first game and held a draw by the narrowest
of margins after six miserably exhausting hours of defence in the second.
21 ... Nc6 22 f4 a6 23 Bg2 Rab8?!
White’s pressure proves to be overwhelming. The bottom drops out of the
market and Black’s stock plummets. His last move drops pawns, but also
hopeless was 23 ... Ra7 24 Bxc6 bxc6 25 f5! Bh7 26 g4 a5 27 h4 f6 28 e6 a4
29 hxg5 hxg5 30 Kd3.
24 Bxc6 bxc6 25 f5 1-0
The f-pawn puts the question to the bishop, who at this stage regards the
prying, the way Yoko likes being asked: “So why do you think the Beatles
broke up?” After 25 f5 Bh7 26 Rxa6 Black’s bishop is entombed and c6
hangs as well.

Summary: I don’t believe 2 ... Bf5 equalizes, since Black experiences

trouble defending both b7 and d5 after 3 c4!. In fact, Black’s second move
may actually deserve a ‘?!’ mark.

Game 51
Bad Wörishofen 1995

1 d4 d5 2 Bg5
The positions we reach are similar to this one:
a) 2 Bf4 c5 3 e4!? dxe4 4 d5.

This position is covered in Play the London System (your best bet is to
immediately order this excellent book, recognized by many to impart the
wisdom of the ages). White gets an Albin Countergambit with the free move
Bf4 as a bonus. The only difference between this line and the Tromp version
is that in the Tromp, our bishop is posted on g5, rather than f4.
Here is an example of a high-level Albin Countergambit outing: 2 c4 e5 3
dxe5 d4 4 Nf3 Nc6 5 Nbd2 Nge7 6 a3 Be6 7 g3 Qd7 8 Bg2 Bh3 9 0-0 Bxg2
10 Kxg2 0-0-0 11 b4 Ng6 12 Bb2 h5 13 b5 Ncxe5 14 Bxd4 Nxf3 15 Nxf3 h4
(Black has sufficient compensation for the pawn; White now goes astray) 16
Bxa7? (16 e3 Qf5 is just unclear) 16 ... Qg4! 17 Qc2 hxg3 18 fxg3 b6 19 a4
Bd6 20 e3 (20 a5?? walks into 20 ... Rxh2+! forcing mate in three moves) 20
... Rh3! 21 Kh1 (or 21 Qf2 Bxg3! 22 hxg3 and now the beautiful deflection
shot 22 ... Rd2!! is crushing; 23 Nxd2 Nh4+ 24 Kg1 Rxg3+ mates) 21 ...
Rdh8 22 Rf2 Bxg3 23 Rg1.

Exercise (combination alert): It’s Black to play and force mate.

Answer: Removal of a key defender/queen sacrifice: 23 ... Qxf3+! 0-1,

L.Van Wely-A.Morozevich, Nice (blindfold) 2008.
2 ... c5
For many years I feared this line and never really liked the positions
White got – until I saw the way Hodgson dealt with the move.
3 e4!?
If an addict is clean, we must always factor in the possibility of relapse.
There is no way a player like Hodgson is going to turn down a gambit like

Question: Oh, no! You certainly seem to be

gambit-happy on behalf of your readers in this book?

Answer: The Trompowsky is a bit of an anachronism, harking back to the

Romantic era, when largesse was the societal norm.

Question: Is the gambit sound?

Answer: In the immortal words of Richard Nixon: “Let me make myself

perfectly clear”. The gambit is sound. White gets a Reversed Albin
Countergambit, but with the free move Bg5, since an Albin is normally
played by Black, not White.

Question: But doesn’t the Albin have a shady reputation?

Answer: Perhaps so, but even the shadiest of gambits becomes appealing
a full move up from normal. For this reason it’s absolutely sound in our
Tromp version. White can also chicken out with:
a) 3 e3 Qb6 4 Nc3 e6 5 Qd2 Nc6 6 Na4 Qb4 7 Qxb4 Nxb4 8 0-0-0 Nxa2+
9 Kb1 Bd7 10 Nxc5 Bxc5 11 dxc5 Nb4 12 Bf4 Nf6 13 f3 0-0 14 c3 Nc6 15
e4 when I prefer White due to the bishop-pair and control over the dark
squares, C.Lakdawala-R.Richard, San Diego 2004.
b) 3 Nc3 (the Veresov route) 3 ... Nc6 4 Nf3 Nf6 5 e3 a6!? 6 Bxf6 exf6 7
dxc5 Be6 8 Na4 Qa5+ 9 c3 Bxc5 10 b4!? (10 Nxc5 was the safe route) 10 ...
Bxb4 (after 10 ... Nxb4? 11 Nxc5 Qxc5 12 cxb4 Black doesn’t have enough
for the piece) 11 cxb4 Qxb4+? (11 ... Nxb4 12 Nc3 Bf5 13 Kd2! is
completely unclear according to Houdini) 12 Nd2 b5? 13 Rc1 Ne5 14 Nc5
when Black didn’t have enough initiative for the sac’ed piece and White
consolidated, C.Lakdawala-G.Singh, San Diego (rapid) 2013.

3 ... dxe4
Black bravely takes up the challenge. Alternatives:
a) After 3 ... h6 4 Bh4 Nc6 5 dxc5 d4 6 c3 g5 7 Bg3 Bg7 8 e5!? Bf5 9
Bb5 Qd5 10 Nf3 Bxb1 11 Qxb1 dxc3 12 0-0 Qxc5 13 bxc3 White’s massive
development lead proved to be more dangerous than Black’s extra material,
L.Winants-H.Jonkman, Haarlem 1998.
b) 3 ... cxd4 4 Qxd4 Nc6 5 Qxd5 Qxd5 6 exd5 was E.Heyken-C.Schmidt,
Travemuende 2002. Play might go 6 ... Nb4 7 Na3 f6 8 Bd2 Nxd5 9 Nb5! a6
10 c4 e5 11 cxd5 axb5 12 Bxb5+ when Black is left struggling.
c) 3 ... Nf6 4 Bb5+ Nc6 (White looks slightly better after 4 ... Bd7 5
Bxd7+ Nbxd7 6 exd5 Nxd5 7 Nf3) 5 Bxf6 gxf6 was P.Pizarro-M.Grassi,
Internet (blitz) 2003. It becomes a battle of development lead versus the
bishop-pair after 6 dxc5 dxe4 7 Qxd8+ Kxd8 8 Nc3 f5 9 0-0-0+ Kc7 10 f3.
4 d5 h6 5 Bf4
5 Bh4 Qb6 6 Na3 Qxb2 (brave!) 7 Nb5 Qb4+ 8 c3 Qa5 9 Bg3 Na6 was
E.Torre-P.Roca, Makati 2002. White gets full compensation for the material
after 10 Bc4.
5 ... Nf6 6 Nc3 a6
6 ... e6?! is a known Albin trap. White can play 7 Bb5+ Bd7 8 dxe6 fxe6
ripping apart the integrity of Black’s structure.
7 a4

White shouldn’t allow the undermining ... b5 and eventually ... b4.
7 ... e6!?
Black wants to unravel, but this move violates the principle: don’t open
the position when lagging in development.

Question: What is Black’s alternative developing scheme?

Answer: Something like this: 7 ... Nbd7 8 f3 g5 9 Bg3 Qa5 10 Qd2 exf3
11 Nxf3 followed by ... Bg7 and ... 0-0.
8 Bc4 Bd6 9 Nge2!?
A more technical player like me would cop out with 9 Bxd6 Qxd6 10
dxe6 Qxd1+ 11 Rxd1 Bxe6 12 Bxe6 fxe6 13 Nge2 Nc6 14 Ng3. White
regains the sac’ed pawn and remains with the slightly superior structure.
9 ... exd5 10 Nxd5 Bxf4 11 Nexf4 0-0
More accurate was 11 ... Nc6 before castling.
12 Ng6!
Hodgson finds a sneaky way to interrupt the natural narrative with a
violation of the demilitarized zone.

12 ... Nxd5!
Black retains his bearings and finds the best defence:
a) 12 ... fxg6 13 Nb6+ Kh7 14 Qxd8 Rxd8 15 Nxa8 Bf5 16 Nb6 e3 17
fxe3 Bxc2 18 Rc1 Bf5 19 Be2 and Black doesn’t quite have enough for the
b) 12 ... Re8 13 Nde7+ Kh7 14 Bxf7 sees White regain the lost pawn and
stand better.
13 Nxf8 Qa5+ 14 c3 Nb6?
But this was not best:
a) 14 ... Nf4! 15 g3 (15 Qd6 Nxg2+ 16 Kf1 Bh3 17 Rg1 Nc6 18 Qg3
Nf4+ 19 Ke1 Ng2+ forces a draw after 20 Kf1 Nf4+) 15 ... Nd3+ 16 Bxd3
exd3 17 Qxd3 Kxf8 18 Qh7 Nc6 19 Qh8+ Ke7 20 Qxg7 is completely
b) 14 ... Nxc3 15 Qd2 Nc6 16 Qxc3 Qxc3+ 17 bxc3 Kxf8 18 Bd5 with
advantage to White.

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s knight lands on b6 with

that nauseating ‘plop’ sound a misdirected golf ball makes when
ending up in the lake, rather than on the intended green.
It allows White a surprising combination. What did Hodgson play?

Answer: Queen trap.

15 Bxf7+!
The bishop flies into a rage, the way I do when a student dares to
interrupt one of my fascinating, yet lengthy stories during a chess lesson,
with a cavernous yawn.
15 ... Kxf7 16 Qh5+ Kxf8?
Black can reduce his pain a bit with 16 ... Kg8, but I can’t give you the
rest because I would give away the answer to the exercise.
This capturing path leads to capitulation.

Exercise (combination alert): Hodgson envisions an outcome, the way a

sculptor views a shapeless chunk of marble. Black, in obvious shock,
compounds the problem and does actually lose his queen. How?

Answer: Queen trap (and this time I really, really mean it!). White’s
queen despises her sister with the stored up malice accumulated over a
lifetime. She conspires with her b-pawn to construct an escape proof prison.
17 b4!
After walking headlong into a trap, we endure the dazed incredulity
which surrounds us in an uncomfortably soggy mist. This move is made all
the more shocking, since it arrives in the silent watches of the night. Who
would have guessed that Black’s woes fall on the other side of the board?
17 ... Bg4 18 Qe5! Qxa4
A path to reconstruct the majestic ruins of Black’s position isn’t easy to
plumb, but when expectations fall short and we are deprived of the real thing,
the substitute always disappoints us. 18 ... N8d7?? is met with 19 Qd6+
followed by bxa5.
19 Rxa4 Nxa4
Exercise (combination alert): White to play and win more material.

Answer: Double attack.

20 Qf4+ Kg8 21 Qxg4 Nc6 22 Qxe4
The aftermath leaves Black down a queen for only two knights.
22 ... Kh8
22 ... Nxc3?? drops another piece to 23 Qc4+.
23 Qe3!?
Hodgson prefers to sacrifice a pawn to secure his king. A greedier man,
like your writer, would possibly play 23 Qc2 Re8+.
23 ... cxb4 24 cxb4 Nxb4 25 0-0 a5
Destination: a1. Black prays for a future headline, reading: ‘Miracle
occurs; 100 to 1 shot wins race by a nose’.
26 h3
First things first. No back-rank cheapos.
26 ... b6 27 Rd1 Nc5 28 Rd6 a4
Exercise (combination alert): It feels as if White has no worlds left to
but we would be mistaken in that assumption. Black hopes to make a
of it with his passed a-pawn. However, White’s counterattack is too swift.
White has a tactic in the position which wins even more material.

Answer: Double attack. Both b4 and h6 are en prise.

29 Qd4!
The sight of White’s tyrannical queen is enough to send otherwise
courageous black pieces diving for cover under furniture.
29 ... a3
Why not? Black lunges with his a-pawn, hoping for a promotion miracle.
29 ... Kh7 fails to 30 Qxb4 a3 31 Qb1+ Kg8 32 Rxb6 a2 33 Rb8+ Rxb8 34
Qxb8+ Kh7 35 Qa7.
30 Rxh6+ Kg8
Exercise (combination alert): One need not be a clairvoyant, a palm
reader, or an adept in Tarot cards to foretell the result of the game
anymore. How did White win material and halt the a3-passer for good?

Answer: Attraction.
31 Qc4+! Kf8
The king’s clumsy attempt at escape painfully reminds us of the time
Tiger’s Wood’s enraged ex-wife chased him down the driveway with a nine-
iron, for cheating on her with 23 other blondes.
32 Rh8+
Oops. Black’s Zen master rook sits motionless on a8, contemplating the
32 ... Ke7 33 Rxa8 1-0

Summary: 2 ... c5 can be met with 3 e4!?, which leads to a move-up Albin

Game 52
San Diego 2004
1 d4 d5 2 Bg5 g6

Black opts for a Grünfeld structure.

3 c4!
White’s sharpest and also highest-scoring move:
a) 3 Nf3 may lead to the Torre Attack versus Grünfeld structure.
b) 3 e3 Bg7 4 c4 Nf6 5 Nc3 Ne4 6 Bf4!? (6 Bh4 is normal) 6 ... Nxc3 7
bxc3 c5 8 cxd5 cxd4 9 Bb5+ Bd7 10 Bxd7+ Nxd7 11 cxd4 Qa5+ 12 Qd2
Qxd5 13 Nf3 saw Black emerge with a satisfactory Grünfeld position,
J.Hodgson-S.Fairbairn, Winnipeg 1997.
3 ... dxc4

Question: Why did Black give up the centre like this?

Answer: ... dxc4, at some point, is common in Grünfeld structures. Also,

it may be Black’s best move since alternatives tend to land Black in inferior
versions. For example:
a) 3 ... c6 4 cxd5 Qxd5 (4 ... cxd5 leads to an inferior Exchange Slav for
Black, where the bishop, once fianchettoed, hits a pawn wall on d4) 5 Nf3
Bg7 6 Nc3. White reached a favourable Grünfeld/Slav position since he
gained a tempo on Black’s queen, R.Hasangatin-V.Volodin, Cartak 2003.
b) 3 ... Bg7 4 cxd5 Qxd5 (or 4 ... Nf6 5 Bxf6 Bxf6 6 Nc3 c6 7 Rc1! 0-0 8
dxc6 when I don’t believe in Black’s compensation, no matter which way he
recaptures; here 7 ... cxd5 is met with 8 Nxd5!) 5 Nf3 Nf6 6 Nc3 and once
again, White gains a move over normal Grünfeld lines, A.Schirbel-J.Newald,
German League 1998.
4 e3

This is actually a pawn sacrifice on your very brave writer’s part.

4 ... c5?!

Question: Why criticize when ... c5 is such a natural move in the


Answer: ... c5 should only be played in a Grünfeld after Black catches up

in development. In this instance Black violates the principles: don’t open the
game and create confrontation when behind in development.

Question: Can Black win a pawn with 4 ... c6, since it threatens the
... Qa5+, followed by ... Qxg5, and also ... b5, hanging on to the extra
Answer: Correct. However, White gets loads of play for the pawn after 5
Nf3 b5 6 a4 when the undermining b3 is in the air. Houdini analysis runs: 6
... Qa5+ (Black’s greediest move) 7 Nc3 b4 (Black gets into trouble after 7 ...
Qb4?! 8 Qd2 Bb7 9 axb5 cxb5 10 b3!) 8 Ne4 Bf5 9 Ned2 c3 10 Nc4 Qd5 11
bxc3 bxc3 12 Qb3 and White regains the pawn with a development lead.
5 Bxc4 cxd4
A new move. Previously seen was 5 ... Bg7 6 Qb3! Qa5+ 7 Nc3 and now
Black backed down with 7 ... e6 in E.Meduna-G.Dizdar, Trencianske Teplice
1985, since 7 ... cxd4? is met with 8 Bxf7+ Kf8 9 Bxg8 e6 (9 ... Rxg8?? loses
to 10 Bxe7+!) 10 exd4 Qxg5 11 Bxe6 when Black is in deep trouble.
6 Qb3!
The god/queen breathes life into the c4-bishop’s corpse reanimating a
once dead creature into something very different from what it was before.
White’s development lead reaches alarming proportions. Neither player
knows what the future holds, yet one senses that White is in a position to take
advantage of any situation which arises.
6 ... Qa5+ 7 Nd2

7 ... e6
This reminds me of a man who proposes to the love of his life, then
getting cold feet, retracts the proposal and asks for his ring back.
Question: Why the vacillation? Can’t Black get away with 7 ... Qxg5?

Answer: Self-preservation is not vacillation. White gets a wicked attack

after 8 Bxf7+ Kd8 9 Ngf3 Qc5 10 Bxg8 dxe3 11 Ne4! Qa5+ 12 Ke2 Nc6 13
Rac1. I have grave doubts about the black king’s ability to survive the
coming wave.
8 Ngf3 Bb4?!
The bishop turns to his queen with the air of a man in secret pain. If you
are going to suffer, then at least get paid for it. Now Black doesn’t even have
a single pawn to compensate for his sub-optimal position. He should enter 8
... dxe3 9 Bxe3 Nf6 10 0-0 Nc6 (10 ... Bg7 is met with 11 Bb5+ Bd7 12 Nc4
Qc7 13 Rac1) 11 Bb5 Bd7 12 Nc4 Qb4 13 Qd3! Nd5 14 Rad1 Rd8 15 Rfe1
Bg7 16 a3 Qe7 17 b4 (threat: Bc5) 17 ... Nxe3 18 Nd6+ Kf8 19 Qxe3 when
White still enjoys huge compensation for the pawn, since Black’s out-of-play
pieces linger on the outskirts, away from all the fun.
9 exd4 h6 10 Bf4 g5?
Unfaltering resolve to seize initiative when the position clearly doesn’t
call for such measures is synonymous with suicide. The charitable
explanation for this move is exasperation; the unsympathetic one would be
temporary madness. Why is it so easy to make the most awful moves with the
most pure motives in our hearts?
Black finds it difficult to restrain his enthusiasm by banging out a move
born from frustration. So he takes a wild gamble, and his king’s health and
welfare tremble in the balance. This attempt to seize the initiative is a form of
hara-kiri and a violation of the principles: don’t provoke the opponent or
create confrontation when lagging in development.
It’s important to remain calm in a rotten position. Black desperately
attempts to unearth a resource to meet the emergency, which only makes
matters much worse. Lashing out is exactly what the better developed side
wants. Black demands a second chance at a good first impression. The move
is based on the philosophy: if a novelist inserts a gun into the hero’s hand in
Chapter I, then it should be used in Chapter II. Now what was once hope of
counterplay becomes a travesty of its former self.
11 Be5 Rh7
11 ... f6 12 Bxe6 is also hopeless for Black.
Exercise (combination alert): White’s initiative amplifies and his entire
is out and about, while Black’s wanders about aimlessly, afflicted by a
of the spirit. So it isn’t surprising that White has a forcing method to win
material. Find one key idea and Black’s resistance snaps like an old

Answer: Trapped piece. Black’s rook isn’t as secure as he thinks.

12 Bd3 g4
Here Black realized that 12 ... f5 is met with the crushing 13 Bxf5!.
13 0-0-0 gxf3 14 Nc4 Qd5 15 Bxh7
The bishop decides to trample on the knight’s corpse for good measure.
15 Qxb4 was also tempting and just as strong.
15 ... fxg2 16 Rhg1
This isn’t quite the tomorrow Black envisioned a few moves ago. He can
resign, since g8 and b4 hang, which means White will soon be up a full rook
for zippo compensation.
16 ... Nc6
Hey, I said: “He can resign!”
17 Bxg8 Ke7
The captain shoves and tramples his way past the women, children and
elderly, in a race to be the first one in the lifeboat.
18 Bh7 f6 19 Bf4 Bd7 20 Bc2
Home sweet home.
20 ... Rc8 21 Ne3 Qh5
21 ... Qf3?? is met with 22 Nf5+.
22 d5

Prying open the centre.

22 ... exd5 23 Nxd5+ Kf7
The incoherent king attempts to impart a final message, drowned out by
the sound of gurgling blood in his mouth. 23 ... Kf8 24 Nxf6 isn’t of much
24 Nxb4+ 1-0

Summary: It looks like White gets a nice-looking Grünfeld after 2 ... g6 3


Game 53
Y.Shulman-Wen Yang
Ningbo (rapid) 2013
1 d4 f5

Question: Didn’t you earlier advise us against playing the Trompowsky

against a pure Dutch?

Answer: Correct. Our position would be reached from the move order 1
... d5 2 Bg5 f5. This move may well deserve a dubious mark, in view of 3
Nc3, as we shall see. Also quite pleasant for White is simply to switch to
Queen’s Gambit style with 3 e3! Nf6 4 Bxf6 exf6 (this is similar to structures
we looked at earlier in the book, except in this case, Black’s ugly f6-pawn
gets in the way of ... Nd7 and ... Nf6 ideas) 5 c4 Bb4+ 6 Nc3 0-0 7 Qb3
Bxc3+ 8 bxc3 dxc4 9 Bxc4+ Kh8 10 Ne2 with advantage to White, who leads
in development, controls the centre and owns the superior pawn structure,
V.Moskalenko-L.Karlsson, Sitges 2009. White can even invert the move
order with 3 c4! followed by 4 e3.
2 Nc3!
I think the Veresov/Tromp is one of the best ways to meet a pure Dutch
move order. It’s all explained in that excellent book, A Ferocious Opening
Repertoire, a book many have called ... oh, wait, never mind, I think I already
used that line when describing one of my other books.
2 ... Nf6 3 Bg5 d5

There we go, back to Tromp territory.

4 Bxf6
The pure Tromp is over. In this position I normally play in Veresov style
with 4 f3! c5 (Black probably shouldn’t be opening the position when lagging
in development; more accurate is 4 ... Nc6 5 Qd2 e6 6 0-0-0 Bb4 7 Nh3) 5 e4
Nc6 6 Bb5 fxe4 7 fxe4 Bg4 8 Nge2 cxd4?! (8 ... Nxe4 was necessary) 9 Qxd4
dxe4 10 Bxf6! gxf6 (10 ... exf6?? hangs a bishop to 11 Qxe4+) 11 Qxe4 Bd7
12 0-0-0 (Black fell too far behind in development) 12 ... Qc8 13 Kb1 a6 14
Ba4 b5 15 Bb3 Rb8.
Exercise (combination alert): Continue White’s attack.

Answer: Elimination of a key defender, which decimates Black’s light

squares: 16 Rxd7! Qxd7 17 Rd1 Qc7 18 Qe6 (threatening mate on the move)
18 ... Ne5 (Black has no hope of surviving 18 ... Nd8 19 Qg4 e6 20 Bxe6) 19
Nd5 1-0, C.Lakdawala-B.Baker, San Diego (rapid) 2007 This game is
annotated in A Ferocious Opening Repertoire.
4 ... exf6 5 e3 Be6
After 5 ... c6 6 Bd3 Be6 7 Qf3 g6 8 Nge2 Nd7 9 0-0-0 Qc7 10 h3 0-0-0
11 g4 fxg4 12 hxg4 Be7 13 Nf4 Bf7 14 Rh6 White exerts kingside pressure
and, for now, Black’s bishop-pair doesn’t mean much, A.Grischuk-P.Svidler,
Riga (rapid) 2013.
6 Bd3 Qd7 7 Nge2 Nc6

Question: Why block his c-pawn?

Answer: This line is a slightly different pigment from earlier chapters

with similar structures. The c6-development for the knight is actually Black’s
most common set-up in the position.
8 a3
Preventing ... Bb4, ... Nb4 and maybe thinking about b4.
8 ... g6
8 ... g5!? seems unwise, since White turned the structure rigid with 9 f4!
Bd6 10 Qd2 h6 11 0-0 g4 12 Rfc1 a6 13 Nd1 Ne7 14 b3 Kf7 15 c4 c6 with
advantage, since he can expand on the queenside, while the kingside remains
closed to Black, E.Iturrizaga Bonelli-H.Nakamura, Istanbul Olympiad 2012.
9 0-0 Ne7 10 b3!

Question: White’s last move almost looks like a random gesture. What is
the intent?

Answer: Well, I wouldn’t quite describe White’s plan exactly as the

dawning of the Age of Aquarius, but at least it’s a start. White plans Na4 and
c4, expanding on the queenside, similar to what we saw in the Catalan Tromp
lines of Chapters Four and Six.
10 ... Bh6
Hoping to finagle ... f4 at some later date.
11 Na4 b6 12 c4
There we go.
12 ... c6
Black isn’t so tempted to capture on c4 if White can recapture with his b-
pawn, which in turn increases White’s central control.
13 cxd5
Shulman looks for central counterplay but this looks premature. Instead,
13 c5 b5 14 Nb2 a5 doesn’t offer much for White, but 13 Nac3 before
capturing on d5 looks correct.
13 ... Nxd5 14 Nac3 0-0
Black can also speculate with 14 ... Nxc3 15 Nxc3 f4!? 16 exf4 0-0-0! (16
... Bxf4? works out horribly for Black after 17 Qf3 Bg5 18 Bb5! Rc8 19 d5!
with a winning position) 17 Ne2 Rhe8. I think Black gets full compensation
for the pawn, with his active pieces, bishop-pair, and the d4-target.
15 Nxd5 cxd5?!

Up until now, each side managed to neutralize the other’s strengths. After
this decision, heavy defensive work lies ahead for Black, who must mend
what is broken and tighten that which has grown slack. As I mentioned
earlier in the book, this kind of isolani rarely works out well for Black, yet is
commonly played – even by GMs.

Question: Why did he deliberately hand himself an isolani?

Answer: Black wanted to avoid 15 ... Bxd5 16 Bc4, which eliminates his
bishop-pair, but by taking on an isolani, Black also gives himself a somewhat
bad light-squared bishop.
16 Qd2
I would play the immediate 16 Ba6.
16 ... Rfe8
16 ... a5! does weaken b5, but prevents White’s coming grip.
17 Rfc1 Bf8

Exercise (planning): One might feel as if the fruitless internecine

battle of the queenside depletes resources without either player
improving his position. This is just not the case. The d5-burden continues
to impede Black’s hoped for recovery. How would you continue as

Answer: Seize control over c8, and therefore the c-file.

18 Ba6!
Ordeal by light squares. The bishop settles in with a proprietary air.
White’s last move offers him a clear field on the queenside.
18 ... Bd6 19 Qd3 Rf8 20 b4 Rad8 21 Rc3 Bb8 22 Rac1 Bf7 23 Rc6
Qe7 24 g3 h5
Exercise (planning): Shulman now came up with a simple yet
effective plan to better his position. What would you play here?

Answer: 25 Rc8!
White probes the defensive barrier from another angle. Shulman
essentially gives away his control over the c-file. He realizes that with rooks
off the board, d5 will be very difficult to hold, since White can attack the
pawn three times.
25 ... Kg7 26 Rxd8 Rxd8 27 Rc8! Rxc8 28 Bxc8 Qc7 29 Qc3 Qc4?
This attempted extenuation fails. So far, the defence has been tossed
about like a sailboat in a squall, which hasn’t yet capsized – until now.
Black’s last move calls into question his ability to successfully defend. He
puts up greater resistance by keeping queens on the board, hoping to stir
something up against White’s king, with 29 ... Qe7 where the queen’s body
may reside on e7, but her mind rests near g1, with obsessive thoughts of
30 Qxc4! dxc4 31 Ba6!
The scheming bishop thinks to himself: “This isolated spot is perfect for a
murder.” Shulman presses his argument against c4 with single minded
31 ... Kf8 32 Kf1 h4 33 Ke1 g5 34 Kd2 Ke7 35 f4!
Time to recite a catechism. Principle: if your opponent owns the bishop-
pair, it is in your best interest to force a rigid structure.
35 ... Bh5 36 Nc3 Bf7 37 Nd1 1-0

White’s plan hangs upon a simple point: attack and win c4. It’s very rare
to see a decisive game between two GMs which is completely devoid of
tactics. The Tromp can be a technical opening as well.

Question: An empiricist would cringe at such a leap of faith.

I realize that for the c4-pawn, there is imminent doom, but
that’s only one pawn. Isn’t this a premature resignation?

Answer: It may have been a time loss. Houdini assesses at +0.48, only
half a pawn. White’s win isn’t so easy. One example: 37 ... Bd5 38 Kc3 Kd6
39 Bxc4 (nourishment is slowly absorbed into White’s bloodstream) 39 ...
Bf3 40 Nb2 hxg3 (not 40 ... h3? 41 Nd3 g4 42 Ne1 Bb7 43 Bd3 Bc8 44 Nc2
Ke6 45 d5+! Kxd5 46 Nd4 a5 47 Nxf5 axb4+ 48 axb4 Bd7 49 Nh6! Bd6 50
e4+ Kc6 51 Be2 winning more pawns) 41 hxg3 Bc7 42 b5 Bb8 43 Nd3 Kd7
44 Nb4 Bd6 45 Bd3 (Black is tied down to f5) 45 ... Ke6 46 a4 Bb7 47 Kc4
(threat: d5+, followed by Bxf5) 47 ... Bxb4 48 Kxb4 Bf3 49 Bc4+ Kd6 50
Bb3 Be4. From this point, I couldn’t beat Houdini, who defended Black and
always held the draw.

Summary: If Black plays 1 d4 d5 2 Bg5 f5, just take the knight when it
reaches f6, to reach positions of familiarity we examined in the earlier part of
the book. However, White’s best shot at an edge may lie in 4 f3, as
mentioned in the notes, playing in pure Veresov fashion. If, instead, you want
to keep it simple, then play 3 e3 and 4 c4, to achieve a good version of lines
we looked at in Chapter Four.

Game 54
World Open, Philadelphia 2001

Chess, like chickenpox, measles and mumps, is better caught in our early
youth. Players who take up the game at a later age somehow miss the
required wiring, the missing imprints to become top level players. I met kid-
Ben Finegold at the 1983 U.S. Open and played a few blitz games with him. I
realized that my then annoying kid-opponent (but a very kind adult in this
present day and age) was destined to become a GM.
1 d4 Nc6
Our move order usually runs: 1 ... d5 2 Bg5 Nc6.
2 Bg5

Question: So it’s okay to play Trompowsky on 1 ... Nc6?

Answer: Yes, the Tromp works out okay on 1 ... Nc6.

2 ... d5
Black plays the Reversed Veresov versus our Trompowsky. We cover 2
... Nf6, the Two Knights Tango versus the Trompowsky, in the final chapter
of the book.
3 e3

Question: Why not play 3 Nf3 instead?

Answer: By stalling the g1-knight’s development, Finegold denies Black

the standard Chigorin plan: ... Bg4 and eventually ... Bxf3. Your plan is also
possible: 3 Nf3 Nf6 4 Bxf6 gxf6 5 e3 Bg4 6 Be2 e6 7 0-0 Ne7 8 c4 c6 9 Nc3.
I prefer White’s structure and extra space over Black’s bishops, J.Ehlvest-
J.Dubois, French League 1991.

Question: Shouldn’t White worry about that open g-file?

Answer: Maybe we should, but I trust White’s king safety, based on the
principle: the side with less space shouldn’t launch a direct attack upon the
opponent’s king. I think White should generate excellent central counterplay
with a coming e4.
3 ... Bf5 4 Nf3 f6
4 ... Nf6 5 Bxf6 exf6 was A.Kartsev-J.Mundorf, Recklinghausen 2005. I
would play 6 a3 intending c4 next.
5 Bh4
5 ... e6

Question: Black’s last move looks like he gave up on

... e5 too soon. What if he plays 5 ... Qd7 intending ... e5?

Answer: Your plan can be met with 6 a3 e5 7 Bb5 e4 8 Nfd2 Nge7 9 c4

with a reversed French situation which looks favourable for White, since his
‘bad’ French bishop is on the outside of his formation on h4.
6 a3 Nge7 7 c4 Bg4
A new move. This represents a tempo loss for Black, yet the move is
somewhat logical, since he intends ... Nf5 hunting down White’s bishop. 7 ...
Qd7 8 Nc3 was played in J.Bellon Lopez-J.Furhoff, Stockholm 1993.
8 Nc3 a6 9 cxd5
Turning it into a Queen’s Gambit Declined Exchange structure, but with
Black’s knight on the awkward c6-square.
9 ... exd5 10 Bd3 Qd7 11 Rc1 Bf5?!
The bishop wavers in mid-air, not knowing in which direction to land.
Black’s resolve begins to stray from the original purpose – whatever it was.
The third move with the same piece in the opening and a violation of
principle. Black should settle for 11 ... Nf5 12 Qc2 Nxh4 13 Nxh4 g6 14 h3
Be6 15 Na4 with an edge to White.
12 Bg3 Bg6!?
Move number four with the same piece in the opening. White’s d3-bishop
sighs tolerantly at his strange g6-brother, thinking: “I’m open minded of his
unorthodox beliefs, but that pointy hat with moon and stars has got to go!”
Clearly Black loses his sense of direction in the trackless wild. Preferable was
12 ... g6 hoping to someday castle kingside.
13 0-0 Nf5 14 Bxf5!
Excellent judgement. Finegold realizes his dark-squared bishop contains
more latent power than the light-squared model.
14 ... Bxf5 15 Qb3!

White requires a pretext to go to war, forcing Black to castle queenside,

into an open c-file.
15 ... 0-0-0
Black’s unfortunate king transfers to flammable living quarters. He hopes
to broker a peace to which his white counterparts take a dim view.
16 Na4 Re8

Question: Black keeps goofing around. Since we are in an

opposite-wings castling situation, why not go for 16 ... g5?

Answer: I have doubts about the feasibility of a direct race, since Black’s
earlier time-wasting manoeuvres ensure that White’s attack comes first: for
example, 17 Rc3 h5 (threat: ... h4) 18 Rfc1! (hey, I said “threat ... h4!”; to
Black’s king, the c-file persecutors feel like an invariant fixture, destined to
intrude upon his peace of mind, forever and ever) 18 ... h4 19 Nb6+! cxb6 20
Qxb6 hxg3 21 Rxc6+ bxc6 22 Rxc6+ Qxc6 23 Qxc6+ Kb8 24 Qb6+ Kc8 25
Qxf6 and the final double attack wins.
17 Nc5 Bxc5 18 Rxc5 Rd8
Hi, I’m back again. 18 ... Be6 19 Rfc1 Re7 20 Ne1 g5 21 Nd3 h5 22
Rxc6! bxc6 23 Nc5 wins.
19 Rfc1 Rhe8

Exercise (planning): Black’s queenside is a stage crowded with hopeless

in some amateur production, who continually botch timing, lines and their
delivery. The black king’s illness is permanent and incurable. Finegold
up with a powerful winning plan. How would you continue with White?

Answer: Load up on the c-file, and prepare b4, a4 and b5. Black can’t do
much about this, and his previously well-ordered life soon turns upside down.
20 Qc3!
Threat: b4, a4 and b5. The ugly shape of White’s intent is revealed.
White’s major pieces are the annoying downtown street corner nuisances,
who endlessly preach the coming of Judgement Day to the sinners who pass
by. The only difference is in this case they are right and the Apocalypse
really is just around the bend.
20 ... Qf7
20 ... Re7 21 b4 Kb8 22 a4 Rc8 23 b5 axb5 24 axb5 Nd8 25 Qa5 forces
mate with the coming Ra1.

Exercise (combination alert): Black’s teetering structure threatens to

crashing down from the disturbance generated by the breeze of a
wings. All which is required is to give one tiny nudge. Continue the

Answer: Removal of a key defender/demolition of the king’s structure.

21 Rxc6! bxc6 22 Qxc6 Re7 23 Qxa6+
“Have the traitor drawn and quartered,” Black’s queen orders. Then she
reconsiders her command, adding: “Wait! Have him drawn and eighthed!”
23 ... Kd7
Inevitability is written on the exhausted king’s face as he trickles out of
his bunker. I realize now that Marcus Aurelius was talking through his toga
when he wrote: “Nothing happens to anybody which he is not fitted by nature
to bear.” To that I respond: “Ha!”. Whenever I lose in particularly horrible
fashion, I leave the tournament hall shuffling like a clinically depressed
Frankenstein, desperately in need of at least a 25 milligram (if I lose in under
20 moves, then 50 milligrams are required) dose of Zoloft, which clearly
disproves Aurelius’ theory.
24 Bxc7 1-0

Summary: I think our Tromp extracts an opening edge against a Chigorin

Chapter Nine
Unfinished Business
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5

I normally title the final chapter to an opening book ‘Odds and Ends’,
covering not-so-critical sidelines, but not this time. In this chapter we cover
lines to which I normally would devote an entire chapter, but the
Trompowsky is so vast in scale that I ran out of room, and so smuggle them
in here.
After 2 ... Ne4 3 Bf4 c5 4 f3 Nf6 5 dxc5 Na6 6 Nc3 Nxc5 7 e4 Ne6 8 Be3
d6 9 Qd2 g6 it can quickly feel like the editor accidentally cut and pasted in
material from The Dragon: Move by Move. Relax, we are still in
Trompowsky territory. This is the Tromp/Dragon, a dark changeling,
disturbingly similar to a normal Dragon, except for these differences:
1. Black’s clunky knight somehow ended up on e6, rather than on c6, the
normal Dragon square. On e6 it gets in the way of Black’s bishop when if
White plays Nd5 and there follows ... Nxd5, then exd5 gains a tempo on the
2. Black is slightly behind in development when compared to a normal
Dragon, mainly because he took so much time transferring his knight to e6.
Now it’s one thing to fall behind in a blocked position, and quite another in a
Sicilian Dragon structure.
Conclusion: White reached a favourable Dragon and we must adjust our
faculties to the altered course of events.
Black can play the Dragon/Tromp with many different set-ups. This is
simply one example.
Bravery, when pushed too far, mimics suicidal behaviour, but not in the
case of 2 ... Ne4 3 Bf4 c5 4 d5 Qb6 5 Nd2.

We see at our final gambit of the book. Black can either take first on d2,
or even play the immediate 5 ... Qxb2, since a following ... Qb4+ regains the
temporarily sac’ed piece. I always considered this gambit somewhat fishy –
perhaps a level below the other gambits in the book. Yet in working on this
book, I acquired faith in this one as well, and on scout’s honour (yes, in his
youth, your writer was a dutiful, if short-lived, member of the Cub Scouts of
Canada), I promise to engage the gambit at the next chance in a tournament
game. And hopefully you will give it a go as well.

Game 55
San Diego (rapid) 2011

1 d4
Compare the position White got in the game to the mainline Sicilian
Dragon: 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 g6 6 Be3 Bg7 7 f3 0-
0 8 Qd2 Nc6. I think White gets a better version in our Tromp.

Question: Is the non-Dragon-playing reader able to navigate a

Dragon position over the board, just based on study of this game?

Answer: I realize that reading a book on some opening line and then
immediately playing it in a tournament game is the equivalent of the non-
swimmer reading a ‘How to Swim’ book and then immediately jumping off
the dock into the ocean. This line, however much it resembles a Dragon,
simply isn’t a real Dragon. Instead it’s Dragon-like, and all we need is a basic
understanding of a few key Dragon ideas, which hopefully are included in the
notes to this game.
1 ... Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 c5 4 f3 Nf6

5 dxc5
This move veers toward Sicilian Dragon territory.
Question: This doesn’t sound so great to me. Can we opt out with 5 d5?

Answer: Sure, if you want to enter more familiar realms then play it: 5 ...
Qb6 (or 5 ... g6 6 e4 Bg7 7 Nc3 0-0 8 Qd2 d6 9 Bh6 a6 10 Bxg7 Kxg7 11
Nge2 b5 12 Nf4 Nbd7 13 h4 h5 14 a4 b4 15 Nd1 Ne5 16 Ne3 with balanced
chances, G.Kamsky-J.Polgar, Monaco (blindfold) 1994) 6 Bc1 (6 Nc3 Qxb2
7 Bd2 Qb6 8 e4 is a Vaganian Gambit with the extra move f3, which
probably doesn’t mean much since White may play f4, transposing to a real
Vaganian Gambit) 6 ... e6 7 c4 leads to the Benoni with Black’s queen on b6,
which we looked at in Chapter One.
5 ... Na6
Rather than waste time with the queen, Black wants to continue
developing and recapture c5 with a knight. The trouble is Black’s knight isn’t
particularly well placed on c5, since it temporarily blocks the open c-file lane
for Black’s rooks, and also Black is more vulnerable to e5 tricks, because his
knight is AWOL from the normal c6-square, as in the Sicilian Dragon.

Alternatives are:
a) 5 ... g6 6 Qd2 Bg7 7 Nc3 Qa5 8 e4 Na6?! 9 a3 0-0? (now White just
gets to keep the extra pawn; Black had to play 9 ... Qxc5) 10 Be3! Rd8 (10 ...
Nxc5?? drops a piece to 11 e5! Ne8 12 b4 Qc7 13 Bxc5 Qxe5+ 14 Nge2) 11
Nb5! Qxd2+ 12 Kxd2 Ne8 13 Rb1 Nac7 14 Nxc7 Nxc7 15 Bd3 d6 16 cxd6
Rxd6 17 Ne2 Ne6 18 Rhd1 b6 19 Ke1 Bb7 20 Bc4 Rad8 21 Bxe6! Rxd1+ 22
Rxd1 Rxd1+ 23 Kxd1 fxe6 24 Bd4 e5 25 Be3 Kf7 26 a4 Ke6 27 c4 Kd6 28
b4 Bf8 29 Nc1 e6 30 Nd3 Bc6 31 b5 Bb7 1-0, C.Lakdawala-J.Humphrey,
San Diego (simul) 2007.
b) 5 ... Qa5+ 6 Qd2 (6 Nc3 Qxc5 7 e4 is White’s most common move
order) 6 ... Qxc5 7 e4 d6 8 Nc3 Nc6 9 Be3 Qa5 10 Bc4 g6 11 Nge2 Bg7 12
Bb3 Bd7 13 0-0-0 0-0 14 Kb1 Rfc8 15 h4 h5 16 Bg5 Ne5? (16 ... Kf8 was
necessary) 17 Bxf6! Bxf6 (he was better off playing 17 ... exf6 when at least
Black hangs on to his dark-squared bishop) 18 Nd5 (remember this trick;
Black’s structure gets shredded) 18 ... Qa6 19 Nxf6+ exf6 20 Nf4 and Black
found himself strategically (and soon tactically as well) busted, C.Lakdawala-
K.Griffith, San Diego (rapid) 2011.
6 Nc3 Nxc5 7 e4

7 ... Ne6!?
A strange square for the knight, but it isn’t easy for White to exploit it.

Question: Can Black hunt for b2, as in the Vaganian Gambit with 7 ...

Answer: 7 ... Qb6 is a mistake since taking b2 allows White’s

attack/initiative to spiral out of control. And if he doesn’t take b2, then the
queen gets in the way of Black’s thematic ... b5 push. For example: 8 Qd2
Qxb2? 9 Rb1 Qa3 10 Nb5 Qxa2 11 Nc7+ Kd8 12 Rd1 Rb8 13 Nb5 d6 14
Qc3! and White’s initiative is out of control, since he threatens to take on c5
and also opens possibilities of Ra1 and Bc4.

Question: Can Black avoid a Dragon set-up and play for ... e5 instead?

Answer: That is also possible, but it hands White a big hole on d5. For
example: 7 ... d6 8 Qd2 e5 9 Bb5+ Ncd7 10 Bg5 a6 11 Bxf6 Qxf6 12 Nd5
Qd8 13 Qc3! Rb8 14 Nc7+ was J.Hodgson-D.Reinderman, Leeuwarden
1993. I don’t like Black’s position after 14 ... Ke7 15 Bxd7 Bxd7 16 0-0-0
Rc8 17 Nd5+ Ke8 18 Qb3 b5 19 Kb1 Be7 20 Ne2. Advantage White, since
Black lost castling privileges. White owns d5, and d6 remains a sitting target.
Also, White’s knights for now outshine Black’s lethargic bishop-pair.
8 Be3 d6 9 Qd2 g6 10 Nge2
A new move. Normal is 10 g4 Bg7 11 g5!? (11 0-0-0 is more common)
11 ... Nh5 (11 ... Nd7 12 f4 0-0 13 Nge2 b5! looks unclear) 12 Nge2 Qa5 13
a3 Bd7, as in M.Gurevich-A.Yap, Jurmala 1985, where Black stands worse:
for example, 14 0-0-0 0-0 15 Nd5 Qxd2+ 16 Rxd2 Rfe8 17 Bh3! (threatening
to take on e6, followed by Nc7, forking) 17 ... Rac8 18 Bxa7.
10 ... Bg7 11 0-0-0 0-0
The challenge to the duel has been issued. The only question remaining:
pistols or rapiers?
12 Kb1
12 ... b5!?
The goal of delivering mate moves from the stage of whimsical daydream
to a potential reality. This pawn sacrifice idea is borrowed from the Chinese
Dragon lines. Black dispenses with ... a6 or ... Qa5 and offers the b-pawn to
open lines.
After 12 ... a6 13 g4 b5 14 h4 Bb7 15 h5 and while I’m no Dragon expert,
White’s attack looks faster to me. Instead, 12 ... Qa5?! is met with the trick
13 Nd5 when Black simply loses time after 13 ... Qd8.
13 e5!?
Jittery nerves are often the precursor to outright fear. I had only played
my Cuban Master opponent once before, didn’t know his repertoire, or
strengths and weaknesses, and suffered paranoid visions that I had
inadvertently stumbled into this position versus a Dragon expert. Still, I
should accept the challenge: for example, 13 Nxb5! Rb8 14 Ned4
(threatening to fork on c6) 14 ... Bd7 15 Nxe6 fxe6 16 Nd4 Qc7 17 c4 a6 18
Rc1 I don’t believe in Black’s full compensation, although I do cede practical
chances, especially in a game/40.
13 ... b4!?
Black attempts a linear solution to a constantly shifting, multi-
dimensional problem. Attack-lust is that place where we entertain mad
speculations, which would be rejected with a laugh when in a more sober
mood. This riotous attempt at upheaval falls short according to the comps, yet
is quite dangerous within the human realm. Black decides to take the pace of
a mad gallop, when he would be better served with a steady march. Black is
determined to follow his risky inclinations to the letter. Sometimes a move
can produce ‘Ooohs’ and ‘Aaahs’ from the spectators and still not be a good
The desire to attack, by itself, is often an insufficient vehicle for the
delivery of ambitions. My opponent has a disconcerting habit of
endeavouring to concoct new problems for me, rather than take time out to
solve his own troubles. This decision teeters between opportunity and pain.
He engages in another sharp – but this time somewhat unsound – pawn
sacrifice which admittedly does offer Black practical chances. He should
settle for 13 ... dxe5! 14 Qxd8 Rxd8 15 Rxd8+ Nxd8 16 Nxb5, which the
comps say is an approximately even ending.
14 exf6 bxc3 15 fxe7
This zwischenzug wins a pawn but allows Black open lines to my king.
15 ... Qxe7 16 Nxc3 Rb8

Exercise (planning): There is nothing like an existential threat to rouse

us into
vigorous action. Black generated a dangerous attack for his pawn (and
investment. At this point I considered two plans: a) 17 Bc4, intending to
up Black’s b-file pressure with 18 Bb3. b) 17 Bh6, intending to eliminate
most potent attacker. Only one of the plans works for White. Which one?

Answer: Removal of a key attacker.

17 Bh6!
The mysterious h6-guardian with flaming sword in hand must first be
challenged and defeated, before Black is allowed passageway to White’s
king. Now Black’s previous contradictions begin to manifest. The g7-
bishop’s doppelganger, a dark presence, suddenly makes his existence known
on h6. In such Dragon positions, Black’s dark-squared bishop is the emblem
of his or her power and must be forcibly removed (or at least be made to pay
a steep fee for its continued existence).
Why is it that nothing ever unfolds the way you imagined it earlier? I
originally intended 17 Bc4?, but then saw that White drifted into a gigantic
tangle after 17 ... d5! threatening the c4-bishop, and also ... d4. After this
move the activity gap between Black and White widens to dramatic
a) 18 Bxd5 Rd8 (White’s pocked, ugly pieces, trip into the centre in a
vast tangle of pins) 19 Na4 Bd7 20 Bxa7 Bxa4 21 Bxb8 Rxb8 22 Bb3 Qf6
leaves White in deep trouble.
b) 18 Bb3 d4 19 Nd5 Qd8 20 Bh6 Bxh6 21 Qxh6 Rxb3 22 axb3 Qxd5
also clearly favours Black.
c) Suicidal is 18 Nxd5?? Rxb2+ 19 Kc1 Qa3 20 Qe1 Rb4+ 21 Kd2 Rxc4.
17 ... Bh8!?
Well, I guess I didn’t remove the key attacker after all. This is the human
move, since attempting to attack White without the services of the all-
important g7-bishop is a bit like being a colour-blind painter. Black engages
radical measures to eradicate growing fears that his initiative is on a
downward spiral. I was afraid of this thematic exchange sacrifice at the
board, yet the comps laugh it off as unsound. It’s difficult to fault Black for
playing such a move, which signs a binding agreement: he is willing to pay a
steep price for the privilege of retaining attacking rights.
After 17 ... Bxh6 (abandoning the attacking project like this is similar to
the religious farmer, who after seeding his fields, refuses to water the soil,
stating: “Why bother when the Apocalypse will come upon us any day now?)
18 Qxh6 Qf6 19 Qe3 Black lacks compensation for the pawn.
18 Bxf8
There go my dark squares. Luckily I have a huge material advantage to
console me. Black’s king demands to know the whereabouts of his beloved
rook. As an answer, my guilty bishop can only stare at the ceiling and whistle
through his teeth.
18 ... Kxf8 19 Bc4 Qc7?!

Exercise (combination alert): The queen, a blind woman attempting to

fend off an attacker with her cane, slashes out randomly in all directions.
Black’s last move was an error. Can you find the trick that I missed at the

20 Bb3?!
We both missed the comp trick.
Answer: 20 Nb5! Qe7 21 Qxd6 Qxd6 22 Rxd6 a6 23 Bxe6! Bxe6 24 Nd4
Be5 25 Nxe6+ fxe6 26 Rxa6 Rxb2+ 27 Kc1 leaves Black down too much
material and with his initiative at an end.
20 ... Be5 21 Nd5 Qc5
The queen continues to move about with a stage actor’s dramatically
exaggerated motions.
22 Rhe1
I wanted to eliminate the e5-pest in the worst way.
22 ... Bg7
22 ... a5 23 Rxe5! (after the removal of this key piece, Black’s king finds
himself in an unenviable position, as his kingside is left rotting, without
defenders) 23 ... dxe5 24 Qh6+ Ke8 (the king hopes to elude the vigilance of
his would-be jailers and makes a run for it; 24 ... Kg8?? 25 Nf6+ Kh8 26
Qxh7 is mate) 25 Ba4+ Kd8 26 Qh4+ g5 27 Qxh7 is crushing for White.

Exercise (planning): The passage of time, mixed with Black’s

violent intentions, still leaves White’s king untouched. Come
up with a clear plan to consolidate and take over the initiative.

Answer: Principle: centralize when attacked on the wing.

23 Re4!
The colony revolts against the mother country.

Question: What is the idea behind your last move?

Answer: The ideas behind White’s multipurpose move:
1. White eliminates ... Nd4.
2. White keeps an eye on the a4-square, which is important, since Black
intends ... a5 and ... a4.
3. White opens possibilities of Rb4, challenging Black’s control over the
4. White, pushing hard to reclaim lost central domain, opens possibilities
of Nf4.
23 ... a5
Preventing Rb4.
24 Nf4!
Challenging e6 and threatening d6.
24 ... Kg8
The nervous king decides to absent himself from the proceedings. After
24 ... Nxf4 25 Rxf4 Bf5 26 Rc4 Qb6 (26 ... Qa7 27 Qxd6+ Kg8 28 Rc7 is
hopeless for Black as well) 27 Qxd6+ Qxd6 28 Rxd6 Black can’t play ... a4,
since White’s fourth-rank rook prevents it.
25 Qxd6 Qb5
25 ... Qxd6 26 Rxd6 Nxf4 27 Rd8+ Bf8 28 Ree8 is game over.
26 a4
No more ... a4, and no more back rank mate threats.
26 ... Qb7
The queen removes herself with a noticeable glow of righteous
27 Nxe6 Bxe6 28 Rxe6
This effervescent rook buzzes about, taking a nibble here and a sip there,
like a feeding humming bird. Principle: opposite-coloured bishops favour the
attacker. In this case White, who now holds the initiative, along with his extra
28 ... fxe6 29 Qxe6+ Kh8 30 Rd7 Qb4
Exercise (planning): The eye aches in sympathy with Black’s numerous
It’s clear that the fever of Black’s attack passed, burning itself out. In a
position, our main task is to stay clear of intrigue and upheaval. The
pursuit of
clarity is our pathway to consolidation. Find White’s easiest path to the

Answer: Simplification. The queen, having arrived at the end of her great
journey, plants the flag and kisses the ground.
31 Qe7 1-0
Queens come off the board and Black is left three pawns down after 31 ...
Qxe7 32 Rxe7.

Summary: The Tromp Dragon looks like a favourable version for our side,
when compared to a normal Dragon for White.

Game 56
Dresden Olympiad 2008

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 c5 4 f3 Nf6 5 dxc5 b6!

There is no stimulant as restorative as offering your opponent an opening

gambit. This pawn offer allows the Tromp/Dragon lines back into realms of
playability for Black.

Question: Why an exclamation mark? Isn’t Black just giving away a


Answer: Black offers a promising pawn sacrifice, which if accepted,

offers strong Benko Gambit-like pressure along the newly opened b-file.
6 e4
Our best bet is to decline, making Black waste time recapturing.

Question: What happens if White goes for it with 6 cxb6?

Answer: Black gets loads of compensation after 6 ... Qxb6 7 e4 (not a

single player has dared to try the super-greedy 7 b3 Nc6 8 Nc3 e5 9 Na4 Qd8
10 Bg3 d5 11 e3 when Black obtains lots of compensation for the pawn, with
a strong centre and White’s awkward postings) 7 ... e6 (7 ... Qxb2 is
unplayed, yet perhaps playable: 8 Nd2 e5 9 Rb1 Qc3 10 Ne2 Qc7 11 Bg5
Be7 12 Ng3 g6 13 Bh6 Bf8 14 Bxf8 Kxf8 15 Nc4 Ba6 16 Qd6+ Qxd6 17
Nxd6 Bxf1 18 Nxf1 Ke7 19 Nc4 Nc6 20 Nfe3 looks approximately even) 8
Nc3 Nc6 (8 ... Qxb2?! 9 Nge2 Bb4 10 Rb1! Bxc3+ 11 Kf2 Qa3 12 Rb3 Qc5+
13 Be3 favours White, who regains the piece with control over the dark
squares and bishop-pair) 9 Qd2 e5 10 Bg5 Qxb2 (at last, Black decides to
reclaim his previous investment) 11 Rb1 Qa3 was D.Collier-V.Gashimov,
Gibraltar 2009. I prefer White due to his grip on d5, after 12 Bc4 Bb4 13
Instead, 6 Nc3 bxc5 7 e4 Nc6 8 Qd2 e5 9 Bg5 (I would play the
immediate 9 Be3) 9 ... Be7 was D.Fridman-V.Gashimov, Mainz (rapid) 2010.
Chances look even after 10 Nh3 0-0 11 Nf2 d6.
6 ... bxc5

This is dangerous for us since Black may generate future b-file pressure,
because we essentially swapped away our d-pawn for Black’s b-pawn.
7 e5!?
White’s most ambitious try. 7 Nc3 leads to positions from the Fridman-
Gashimov note, above.
7 ... Ng8?!
Such an incongruous retreat is a strange way to transact business.
Structure aside, after this move White’s development lead becomes a serious
concern for Black. 7 ... Qc7! is the critical test of White’s ambitions: 8 Qd2
Nh5 was E.Torre-E.Ghaem Maghami, Manila 2010. At this point White can
speculate with the unplayed 9 Be3! Qxe5 10 Nc3 e6 11 0-0-0 when his
development lead should offer full compensation for the pawn, since the
coming g4, g5 and f4 gains even more time.
8 Nc3 Nc6 9 Bb5 Nd4 10 Nge2! Nxb5 11 Nxb5
In case you didn’t notice, Black is distressingly behind in development.
11 ... Qa5+?!
Black had to try 11 ... Rb8 12 Qd3 g5!? 13 Bxg5 Qa5+ 14 Nbc3 Rxb2 15
0-0 when White remains with a daunting development lead.
12 Nec3! a6
Around here, I bet Nedev almost certainly had a chilling presentiment
that his opponent was up to no good, and that dirty deeds had passed the
planning stages, to full implementation.
13 Nd6+!

Genius is a principle impossible to teach. Either one has it, or doesn’t.

Mamedyarov is king in the realm of pure chaos and represents the Tal of our
era. This is the move of a gambler who places every one of his chips on red
eight on the roulette wheel, and then murmurs a prayer as the white ball
tumbles into the correct slot.
Question: Is this sacrifice sound?

Answer: Circumstantial evidence can still convict and shouldn’t be

discounted as unscientific. At first impression it appears as if White’s
supposition, a moth trying to reach the stars, has no underlying independent
reality. At first the comps frown upon the idea, but when you go a few moves
deeper they all change their minds, apologize and hail the sacrifice as
brilliant. For the sac, White gets:
1. One pawn, but what a pawn: d6 chokes Black’s kingside piece
coordination and eternally endangers his king.
2. Black’s king remains in grave danger. He seeks to cling to something –
anything – solid, in what has become an impermanent, shifting existence.
3. White hopes to mine rich potentialities along the newly opened e-file.
Conclusion: The sacrifice is sound and from a practical standpoint,
Black’s survival odds remain low.
The simpler and safer 13 Na3! looks objectively best, though: 13 ... Qb4
14 Bd2! e6 15 g3! (threat: Ncb5) 15 ... Qxb2 (15 ... Qb8 16 Nc4 is clearly
better for White, who didn’t even need to sacrifice a pawn to achieve
strategic dominance) 16 Nc4 Qb7 17 Rb1 Qc7 18 Ne4 when White
dominates the dark squares and leads overwhelmingly in development. Black
looks busted, despite his extra pawn.
13 ... exd6 14 exd6
The entrenched d6-pawn isn’t merely a random unit in a crowded
warehouse. It chokes Black’s ability to bring out his kingside pieces.
14 ... Qb4?
“I will not remain silent, shunned and ignored!” screams Black’s queen,
who is about as scary as a villain in a Disney movie. Black’s counterplay is
late and growing later with each passing move:
a) 14 ... f6?? 15 Qe2+ Kf7 (or 15 ... Kd8 16 0-0-0 Bb7 17 Rhe1 Kc8 18
Qe8+ Qd8 19 Qf7 when there is no answer to the threat of Re8) 16 Qc4+ Ke8
17 Qe4+ pops the a8-rook.
b) 14 ... Bb7! (Black’s best chance of survival) 15 Qe2+ Kd8 16 0-0-0
Nf6 17 a3 Rb8 18 Rhe1 Bc6 19 Qc4 and Houdini rates this position at dead
even. I still like White’s attacking chances since Black’s kingside remains
15 Qe2+ Kd8 16 Bd2!
The other Vaganian Gambit!.
16 ... Bb7
a) 16 ... Bxd6?? 17 Ne4 Qb6 18 Nxd6 Threat: Nxf7, and if 18 ... Qxd6 19
Ba5+ ends it.
b) 16 ... Qxb2?? 17 Rb1 Qa3 18 Rb3 Qa5 19 Nd5 Qxa2 and now White
wins with the surprising transfer 20 Re3!, with a devastating threat on e8.
c) 16 ... Qb7 17 0-0-0 Nf6 (after 17 ... Bxd6 18 Ne4 Bc7 19 Rhe1! Rb8 20
b3 White has too many threats; if 20 ... d5 21 Nxc5 Qc6 22 Bg5+ f6 23
Rxd5+ Bd6 24 Red1 is crushing) 18 Bg5 Rb8 19 b3 and now what? White
threatens Rhe1, winning.

Exercise (combination alert): White to play and win.

17 0-0-0?!
The complications spin out of control and shoot past the limits of human
comprehension – at least over the board. This natural move allows Black
back into the game. Mamedyarov missed a discovered attack.
Answer: 17 Nd5! Bxd5 (or 17 ... Qa4 18 b3 Qa3 19 Ne3! Qb2 20 Ba5+
Kc8 21 Nd1! when Black’s delicately nurtured queen gasps before the
knight’s coarse proposal; double attack, with a mate threat on e8 and against
Black’s hanging queen on b2) 18 Bxb4 cxb4 19 Qd2 Be6 20 Qxb4 Ke8 21
Qb7 Rd8 22 Qxa6 with queen and way too many pawns for three minor
pieces. Houdini evaluation: +2.93 – losing for Black.
17 ... Nf6 18 Rhe1 Bxd6?
Now the defence wilts like oversteamed asparagus. Black had to enter 18
... Qb6! 19 Na4 Qb5 20 Qe5! Qxa4 21 Qxc5 Qc6 22 Ba5+ Kc8 23 Qe5!
(threatening a back-rank mate; the queen is accustomed to the finest seat in
the house and makes her way to the front row) 23 ... Bxd6 24 Rxd6 Qb5 25
Rd5! (double attack/discovered attack) 25 ... d6 26 Rxd6 Qxe5 27 Rxe5 Kb8
28 Re7 Rf8 29 Bc7+ Ka7 30 Bb6+ Kb8 31 Bd4 Kc8 32 Bxf6 gxf6 33 Rdd7
Bc6 34 Rc7+ Kd8 35 Rxf7 h5 when White stands better, but Black still
retains hopes of saving the game.
19 Ne4 Bf4!
The only move. After 19 ... Qb6?? 20 Nxd6 Black can’t recapture due to
the discovered check on a5.
20 Bxf4 Nxe4 21 fxe4
White regained his piece and his attack rages on.
21 ... Re8

Exercise (combination alert): How would you continue White’s attack?

Answer: Double attack.

22 Qg4!
White’s queen, although of a genial nature, grows darkly dangerous when
even mildly offended.
22 ... Re6
Neither can Black survive 22 ... Bc6 23 Qxg7.
23 Qxg7 Bc6 24 Qf8+ Re8 25 Qxf7 1-0

Summary: 5 ... b6! presents us with our biggest theoretical challenge in the
Tromp/Dragon lines. I would decline and continue as Mamedyarov did in this
game, which leads to messy positions, often requiring bold sacrifices on our

Game 57
Moscow 2005

1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 c5 3 d5 Ne4

3 ... Qb6 4 Nc3 enters the Vaganian Gambit.
4 Bf4 Qb6 5 Nd2!?

Question: Another gambit?

Answer: Correct, but a voluntary one for our side. If you don’t feel
comfortable gambiting b2, then simply enter 5 Bc1 e6 6 f3 Nf6 7 e4 which
enters territory similar to what we looked at in Chapter One. Here the line 7
c4!? exd5 8 cxd5 c4! 9 e3 Bc5 10 Kf2 0-0 11 Bxc4 Re8 is no longer popular
for White, and with good reason: two decades of analysis have proven that
Black obtains more than enough compensation for the pawn.
5 ... Qxb2
Next game we look at 5 ... Nxd2.
6 Nxe4 Qb4+
Black regains the lost piece and remains up a pawn, at cost to
7 c3
7 Qd2 Qxe4 8 e3 e6 9 c4 e5 10 f3 Qf5 was J.Hodgson-M.Chandler,
Hastings 1991/92. Here White should hold full compensation for the pawn
after 11 Bg3 (in the actual game, our hero, perhaps not having ingested his
normal dose of caffeine that day, flubbed things with 11 Bd3?? which hung a
piece to 11 ... Qf6 12 Bg3 e4! – oops, bishop and rook hang simultaneously;
Hodgson fought on, but it’s tough to begin a game offering your GM
opponent piece odds) 11 ... d6 12 Bd3 Qf6 13 Rb1.
Question: Is this enough for a pawn?

Answer: I believe so. For the pawn, White receives:

1. A development lead.
2. A territorial advantage.
3. An open b-file.
7 ... Qxe4 8 e3

Question: This particular gambit looks pretty shaky

to me. Is this line as sound as the Vaganian Gambit?

Answer: I retain faith, even when surrounded by heretics. An attack’s

virtues don’t always correspond with its present levels of viciousness. Have
faith. The viciousness is yet to come. My wishy-washy answer is: probably
but perhaps just slightly less so than the Vaganian Gambit. I still believe
White gets enough: we receive space, an open b-file, a development lead and
a vulnerable black queen for the pawn – enough for an enterprising
8 ... b5?!
Behind every deliberate theoretical novelty, comes the astoundingly
presumptuous thought: “What if they are all wrong and I am the one who is
right?” A new move, but be warned: clever doesn’t always equate with good.
Black utilizes a clever tactical expedient to seize queenside space while he
can. The trouble is it violates the principle: avoid confrontation when lagging
in development. Other options:
a) 8 ... g5.

Question: Why is Black offering to return the material?

Answer: It’s a faux sac, since taking g5 is met with ... Qe5, double
attacking g3 and c3. In reality, Black gains time with the move, but at the
price of loosening his kingside pawns: 9 Bg3 Bg7 10 Rc1 d6 11 h4
(Radjabov immediately tries to take advantage of the kingside pawn target to
open lines) 11 ... g4 12 Ne2 Nd7 13 Nf4 Nb6 was T.Radjabov-M.Vachier
Lagrave, Moscow (blitz) 2010. At this point White should continue 14 c4!
Qf5 15 Bd3 Qd7 16 Nh5 Bh6 17 0-0 0-0 18 Bf4 Bxf4 19 exf4 when his
attacking chances and superior development easily make up for the missing
b) 8 ... e5 9 dxe6 (principle: open the game when leading in development)
9 ... Qxe6 (played in every game in the database; Black hopes to remove his
queen from harm’s way).
Question: How do we proceed if Black plays 9 ... dxe6?

Answer: Something like this: 10 Nf3 Nc6 11 Bd3 Qd5 12 Qc2, and if 12
... h6?! (Black should try 12 ... Be7 13 Rd1 Qh5 14 Be4 0-0 15 h3!, although
White looks better since Black has trouble developing his queenside and his
queen doesn’t look all that safe either) 13 Be4 Qd8 14 Rd1 Qa5 (14 ... Qb6?
15 Qa4 Bd7? 16 Rxd7! Kxd7 17 Ne5+ gives White a winning attack) 15
Bxc6+ bxc6 16 Ne5 Black may well be strategically busted.
After 9 ... Qxe6 10 Nf3 Be7 11 Bd3 Nc6 12 0-0 d6 (Black probably
avoided 12 ... d5!? to dodge game-opening ideas from White; still, this is how
I would play it as Black) 13 Bc2 Bd7 was R.Pert-M.Hebden,M Hastings
2005/06. White earns full compensation for the pawn after 14 Bb3 c4 15 Bc2
0-0 16 Qd2.
c) 8 ... e6 9 dxe6 transposes to the last note.
d) 8 ... d6 9 Nf3 (threat: Bd3, winning Black’s queen mid-board) 9 ... Qf5
10 a4 g6 11 Bd3 Qf6 12 Qb3 Nd7 13 Nd2 Bg7 14 Ne4 Qh4 (the poor queen
is getting chased all over the place) 15 0-0 0-0? (15 ... h6 should be played,
when White gets ample compensation for the pawn, in the form of Black’s
insecure queen’s position, along with the normal compensations) 16 Bg5 Qh5
was M.Popovic-D.Bojovic, Senta 2009. Black is the one who goes down a
pawn after 17 Bxe7 Re8 18 Bxd6.
Returning to the dubious 8 ... b5:

9 Nf3
Now b5 really is hanging.

Question: I don’t get it. Why not just 9 f3 and then pick off the b5-pawn?

Answer: Black continues to hang on to b5, since White’s bishop must

guard g2 after 9 ... Qg6!.
9 ... c4
A move like this does little to inspire confidence in Black’s survival
chances. Areshchenko navigates his precarious position with the grim
concentration of a tightrope walker, who for authenticity, performs the act
without the security of a net below. White extracts a huge concession from
his opponent since this move opens d4 for White’s pieces and also enables
a4, prying open the position. Black’s options:
a) 9 ... Qa4!? 10 Qxa4 bxa4 11 Bb5 looks depressing since White soon
regains the pawn, while retaining his development lead.
b) 9 ... a6? 10 a4 b4 11 Ng5! Qf5 12 cxb4, and if 12 ... cxb4? 13 g4! Qf6
14 Rc1 Bb7 15 Rc7 Ra7 16 Qc1 when Black can resign, since both Rc8+ and
Rxb7 are simultaneously threatened.
c) 9 ... Ba6! (without this indispensable necessity, Black can’t survive
White’s withering assault) 10 Rb1 d6 11 Bxb5+ Bxb5 12 Rxb5 Nd7 13 0-0
Qc4 14 Rb7 h6 15 e4 Nb6 16 Qb3 Qa6 (Black would love to swap queens,
but I don’t think he survives the opening of the a-file after 16 ... Qxb3 17
axb3) 17 Rc7 g5 when Black is just barely hanging on.
10 Be2
Radja prefers to increase his development lead before undertaking action.
Also strong was 10 a4. Principle: create confrontation when leading in
development. Indeed, 10 ... b4 11 Ng5! (perhaps he only analyzed 11 cxb4?
e5! when it is Black who stands better) 11 ... Qf5 12 Bxc4 looks pretty awful
for Black.
10 ... d6 11 0-0!
11 a4 is met with 11 ... Bb7.
11 ... Bb7 12 Nd2! Qf5
12 ... Qxd5?? hangs everything to 13 Bf3.
13 Rb1 Qd7 14 Bg4!
Hoping to entice Black into further weakening.
14 ... Qc7
Black just couldn’t stomach either:
a) 14 ... f5? 15 Bh3 Bxd5 16 e4 e5 17 exd5 exf4 18 Re1+ Kd8 19 Nf3
b) 14 ... e6 15 e4 Be7 16 a4 a6 17 Nf3 when Nd4 is threatened and Black
15 Rxb5 a6 16 Rb4 Bxd5 17 Bf3!
White tailors the position to his changing needs, the way a rapidly
growing teenager needs new clothes each year. Brutal efficiency. White
eliminates Black’s only developed piece.
17 ... Bc6
Black won’t survive 17 ... Bxf3? 18 Qxf3 Nc6 19 Rfb1.
18 Nxc4 Nd7 19 Bxc6 Qxc6 20 Na5! Qxc3
Once our eyes are exposed to a truth, it’s impossible to close them again.
No need for lengthy explanation. One glance tells us Black is busted. Gulp.
More open lines for White, while Black remains woefully behind in
development, to the point of non-existent. It’s pretty safe to declare: that
which came about bears little resemblance to Black’s original intent. Do you
still think the gambit is unsound?
21 Qa4 g5!?
The mind of desperation works in ingenious, conniving ways. Why not?
A dying man doesn’t think much about wealth, however if your wobbly
position is in dire need of repair, then going on the attack fails to absolve you
from defensive obligations. In this case Black judges that his urgency
demands swift action.
22 Bxg5
Even stronger is 22 Rc4!. A combination lies before Radjabov, but in a
language he doesn’t speak: 22 ... Qb2 23 Qc6 Rd8 24 Nb7 Qb6 25 Nxd8
Qxc6 26 Nxc6 gxf4 27 Rxf4 and White is winning. I suspect Radja saw this
line and quite reasonably desired to keep queens on the board.
22 ... Rg8 23 Bh4 f5 24 h3
Perhaps to avoid future back-rank cheapos.
24 ... Ra7?!
24 ... Rc8 was forced.
25 Nc6
White misses the devastating 25 Rc4! Qg7 26 g3 Kf7 27 Nc6 Ra8 28
Nxe7! Bxe7 29 Qxd7.
25 ... Rc7 26 Nd4 Kf7
26 ... Qd3 27 Ne6 is crushing.
27 Nxf5 Nc5 28 Qa5
When you attempt to set your opponent up in a sneaky trap, your forces
should appear non-threatening and sincere. In this instance, White’s forces
look about as honest as Richard Nixon, when he delivered his teary-eyed
Checkers the dog speech.
28 ... Rd7?!
28 ... Nb7 is Black’s best shot to resist. White wins anyway after 29 Qd5+
e6 30 Qf3 Rxg2+ 31 Kxg2 Qxb4 32 Nd4+ Kg8 33 Nxe6 Rf7 34 Bf6 Nc5 35
Exercise (combination alert): Find White’s breakthrough combination.

Answer: Discovered attack.

29 Nxd6+!
There follows a deep sense of betrayal at walking into a cheapo, as when
we lovingly pat the bug-eyed head of the neighbour’s Chihuahua, and the
obnoxious bugger repays our act of kindness by biting our hand and then
gloating about it with a yapping bark.
29 ... Ke6
Black’s defenders interpret it as a bad sign that their king begins softly
singing: “Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to talk to you again.”
Defenders weave and undulate in perplexing patterns. To what end, no one
can say.
29 ... Rxd6 30 Rf4+ nets Black’s queen.
30 Ne4!
Winning a piece, since the discovered attack remains.
30 ... Rd5
It is the nature of time pressure that we see through a distorted lens and
interpret aberrations as normal. This hangs a queen, but 30 ... Qg7 (the
queen’s eyes are ablaze with the fury of a woman scorned) 31 Nxc5+ arrives
with check.
31 Nxc3 1-0

Summary: I always considered the 5 Nd2!? gambit a tad more risky than the
Vaganian Gambit. But having studied it in writing this book, I am suffused
with new faith in its inherent soundness. So I resolve to abandon formally
chickenish ways and vow to play it the next chance I get – even if it’s in the
final round and a draw earns first place.

Game 58
National Open, Las Vegas 2012

Timur Gareev is one of the strongest pure positional players (and also
strongest players, period!) in the U.S. today. When I told Timur I was writing
a book on the Trompowsky, he emailed me this game, which is a model
example of White’s play when the gambit is declined.
1 d4 Nf6 2 Bg5 Ne4 3 Bf4 c5 4 d5!?
This is another move order to reach our gambit position. 4 f3 Qa5+ is
covered in Chapter One, while 4 ... Nf6 5 dxc5 leads to the Tromp/Dragon
lines we looked at earlier in this chapter.
4 ... Qb6 5 Nd2 Nxd2 6 Bxd2

This is the same gambit, part II.

6 ... e5!?
Mikhalevski declines the gambit and enters a kind of Czech Benoni

Question: What happens after 6 ... Qxb2?

Answer: We get Vaganian Gambit-like compensation after 7 e4:

a) 7 ... g6 8 Rb1! Qe5 (8 ... Qxa2?? 9 Bc3 Rg8 10 Ra1 traps the queen) 9
Bd3 c4 (or 9 ... Bg7 10 c4 Qc7 11 h4 d6 12 h5 Nd7 13 f4 0-0 14 Nf3 Nf6
when White gets dangerous attacking chances for a pawn, due to the open h-
file, J.Hodgson-B.Jonsson, Reykjavik 1989) 10 Nf3 Qc7 11 Be2 Bg7 12 0-0
d6 13 Rb4 Bg4 (Black would be better off playing 13 ... Na6 14 Rxc4 Nc5 15
Be3 with approximate equality) 14 Rxc4 when White, having regained his
previous investment, stands better due to his extra space and development
lead, S.Ernst-C.Scholz, German League 2007.
b) 7 ... Qe5 8 Bd3 Qc7 was D.Gormally-J.Hawkins, Hastings 2009/10. At
this point we can launch our Vaganian Gambit plan with 9 Qe2 e5 10 f4 d6
11 f5.
c) 7 ... Qb6 8 f4 e6 9 Rb1 Qc7 10 c4 Be7 11 Nf3 0-0 12 Bd3 d6 13 0-0
exd5 14 exd5 Nd7 15 g4!? (I like it!) 15 ... Bf6 16 Qc2 g6 17 f5 Bg7 18 a4
Qd8 19 Kh1 Ne5 20 Nxe5 dxe5 21 Be4 by when White earned full
compensation for the pawn and chances may be about even, S.Conquest-
A.Kolev, Vrnjacka Banja 1990.

7 Bc3

Question: Can White keep offering b2 and just develop?

Answer: Sure, you can play 7 e4, but if Black didn’t take it the first time,
he or she probably won’t on the second offering: 7 ... d6 (I wouldn’t want to
take on Black’s side after 7 ... Qxb2!? 8 Rb1 Qa3 9 Ne2 d6 10 Rb3 Qa4 11
Nc3 Qa5 12 Bb5+ Nd7 13 Bxd7+! Kxd7!? 14 0-0 with a monstrous
development lead and obvious attacking potential for White for the pawn) 8
Nf3 Be7 (no thanks; 8 ... Qxb2?? 9 Rb1 Qa3 10 Rb3 Qxa2 11 Qc1! traps the
queen, since there is no defence to Ra3) 9 Bd3 Bg4 (after 9 ... Qxb2? 10 Rb1
Qxa2 11 Bc3! c4 12 Ra1 Qxa1 13 Qxa1 cxd3 14 cxd3 Black doesn’t have
enough for the queen) 10 b3 (at long last, White protects b2) 10 ... Qd8 11 h3
Bxf3 12 Qxf3 Bg5 13 Bb5+ Kf8 14 Bc3 a6 was L.Winants-M.Turner, French
League 2001. White’s extra space and light-square control give him the edge
after 15 Bd3.
7 ... d6 8 e4
Or 8 f4!? f6 (maybe 8 ... exf4 9 Qd2 Nd7 10 Qxf4 f6 11 Nf3 Ne5 12 e4
Be7 when Black’s position looks passive but playable) 9 e4 exf4 10 Ne2 Bg4
11 Qd3 Nd7 12 Nxf4 Ne5 13 Qg3 Bd7 14 Be2 and White’s space gives him
the edge, W.Bode-H.Anhalt, German League 1991.
8 ... Be7 9 Nf3 0-0 10 Bd3

Hoping to suppress ... f5.

Question: How does this suppress ... f5? Black can play it right now.

Answer: Sure, Black can play it ,but it hands White the e4-square after 10
... f5 11 exf5 Bxf5 12 Bxf5 Rxf5 13 Nd2. White may stand a shade better
since he controls the e4-square.
10 ... Na6 11 a3 c4!
This move ruffles White’s dignity, more than inflicts harm. Mikhalevski
indulges in a bit of extemporaneous speculation and sacrifices a pawn (I
believe soundly) to increase piece activity and take over the initiative. 11 ...
f5 12 Nd2 Bg5 13 0-0 Bxd2 14 Qxd2 fxe4 15 Bxe4 c4 is a safer alternative.
12 Bxc4 Nc5 13 Qe2 f5 14 0-0!
White’s worries may outweigh the benefits if accepted: 14 exf5 Bxf5 15
b4 Na4 16 Bxe5 Rae8 17 Bb5 dxe5 18 Bxa4 e4 19 Nd2 e3! 20 0-0! exd2 21
Bxe8 Rxe8 22 Qxd2 Rc8 which Houdini rates at dead even.
14 ... fxe4!
14 ... Nxe4? is met with the tactic 15 Bxe5.
15 Nd2

15 ... Bh4
Multipurpose: Mikhalevski targets f2, while sidestepping White’s
annoying Bxe5 cheapos by removing his bishop from the tactically
vulnerable e7-square. 15 ... Na4? walks into 16 Bxe5!.
16 a4
Preventing ... Na4. After 16 Nxe4?? Nxe4 17 Qxe4 Rf4 18 Qd3 Bf5 19
Qe2 Bg4 20 Qd3 Bxf2+ 21 Kh1 e4 White is crushed.
16 ... a5
This halts a5 at the price of creating holes on b5 and c4.
17 Bb5 Bf5 18 Nc4 Qc7 19 b4!
Gareev seeks to turn the focus to the queenside.
19 ... axb4 20 Bxb4 Rac8
This move may not be correct. Perhaps better is the queenside blockading
plan 20 ... Be7 21 a5 Na6! 22 Ba3 when it’s hard for White to make progress
on the queenside.
21 Ra3!
Thinking about swinging to c3, increasing the pressure on Black’s knight.
21 ... Qe7 22 Rc3 Rc7?!
Black had better options in:
a) 22 ... Bg6 23 a5 when Black remains under pressure.
b) 22 ... Bg5 23 a5 Rf6 24 Ne3 Bxe3 25 Qxe3 Na6 26 Rxc8+ Bxc8 27
Bxa6 bxa6 28 c4 Rg6 29 g3 Bh3 30 Rc1 Rf6 31 Qxe4 Qf7 32 Be1 also looks
tough for Black to hold, despite his light-square attacking potential.
In both cases, though, his position looks better than the one he got in the

Exercise (planning): Mutual initiatives progress along parallel

trajectories – until now – but in this universe there is only room
for one. How did Gareev inflict damage to Black’s position?

Answer: 23 Ne3!
This move damages Black’s structure and endangers Black’s e4-pawn.
23 ... Bg6
23 ... Na6 24 Rxc7 Nxc7 25 Nxf5 Rxf5 26 g3 Nxb5 27 axb5 Bg5 28
Qxe4 leaves Black down a pawn for no compensation.
24 Bxc5 Rxc5 25 Rxc5 dxc5
In the aftermath, Black ends up with doubled, isolated e-pawns and
possibly a weak b7-pawn, while White gained a powerful, protected passer
on d5.
26 Qg4
Better is 26 Nc4!, intending d6.
26 ... Bg5?!
Black had to try 26 ... Qf6 27 Qe2 Rd8 when admittedly his position
looks passive, but still better than the game continuation.

Exercise (planning): How did Gareev now achieve a winning position?

Answer 27 d6!
Black’s queen must move aside, since she must continue to protect her
g5-bishop. White’s passed d-pawn forces its way to the seventh rank, where
it ties Black down to fatal levels.
27 ... Qf6 28 Bc4+ Kh8 29 d7
The d8-point is the portal through which White hopes to achieve his ends.
29 ... Rd8
A blockader is paged, urgently needed on d8. Black’s would-be kingside
attack evaporates, since his pieces busy themselves dealing with the d7-pest.
30 Qe6
The queen’s awkward stare at her f6-sister surpasses the bounds of proper
30 ... h5 31 Rb1!
Going after b7, which forces yet another concession from Black. White
won’t swap on f6 and allow Black ... gxf6.
31 ... Bxe3 32 fxe3 Qg5

Exercise (combination alert): One gets the distinct feeling that Black’s
is an insubstantial and temporary project – a person drawing in the sand at
the beach. Black threatens to take e3 with check. How would you continue as

33 Re1?!
Unnecessary. White wins immediately with the more vigorous:
Answer: 33 h4!, and if 33 ... Qxe3+ 34 Kh1 Kh7 35 Qe7 Black drops a
rook. When looking for a combination, a key factor for success is to keep our
mind free from preconceived notions. In this case 33 h4! is difficult to spot,
since e3 hangs with check and we just tend to stop our analysis there. The
sure way to miss the combination is to fit the circumstances to the idea, rather
than the other way around. Of course, this is very easy for me to say, and
odds are, I would have played 33 Re1?! myself, for exactly the reasons just
33 ... Kh7
Neither can Black save himself after 33 ... Bf5 34 Qe8+ Kh7 35 Qxe5
Qf6 (35 ... Rxd7?? hangs material to 36 Be6) 36 Qxf6 gxf6 37 Bb5 Kg6 38
Rd1 h4 (38 ... Kf7 39 Rd5 Bg4 40 Rxc5 wins) 39 Rd5 b6 40 Kf2 when he is
in zugzwang.
34 Qd6 h4 35 Be6
Halting ... h3 cheapos. Control over the light squares remains a fruitful
source of White’s domination.
35 ... Qf6?
A glum mood prevails through Black’s position. He had better survival
chances after 35 ... Bh5! 36 Qd5 Bf3 37 Bh3 Bxg2! (the bishop, long since
considered as no more than a worthless appendage, suddenly proves himself
quite useful) 38 Bxg2 h3 39 Qxe4+ Kg8 40 Rd1 hxg2 41 a5 when White’s
bind begins to release its hold and this isn’t going to be so easy to convert.

If you have only one arrow in your quiver against a heavily armed enemy,
you better not miss your shot. After 35 ... Qf6?, Black’s kingside dreams
represent discouragingly unremunerative labours.
Exercise (combination alert): White to play and win material:

Answer: Removal of a key defender.

36 Rf1!
One by one, Gareev gradually undermines his opponent’s hopes.
36 ... Qg5
Now White’s queen is free to take c5.
37 Qxc5 Ra8 38 Kh1 Rd8
38 ... Rxa4?? 39 Qf8 forces the pawn through, and, almost as an
incidental, also forces mate!
39 a5 Kh6 40 h3 Kh7
Black can do nothing but await events.
41 Bg4 Kg8 42 Qb6 Kh7 43 c4
A simple winning plan. White intends c5, a6, and then when Black takes
on a6, c6, with a pair of unstoppable passers.

43 ... Qe7 44 Rd1 Qg5 45 c5 Bh5!?

Hmm. I admit that Black’s last move doesn’t quite fit with the Platonic
ideal of defence. The long suffering bishop’s prayers become less sincere
with each passing day. Wow, this is what I call desperation! Is it possible that
Black’s long fermenting frustration rises to the surface? Well, I don’t quite
get this move, and other than describing it as absolute madness, I find no
fault in it.
46 Qxd8!?
“Remove that vile excrescence from my presence,” demands White’s
queen. The guilt-ridden Lady McBeth-like queen scrubs her body with soap
and water, yet her ablutions fail to wash away the conscience-stain of her
murder. A little joke from Timur, who sacrifices a queen rather than eat the
en prise h5-bishop with 46 Bxh5! when Black can’t recapture.
46 ... Qxd8 47 Bxh5 1-0
Black’s queen is paralyzed and can only watch helplessly as White
promotes one of his queenside pawns: 47 ... Kh6 48 Bg4 Kg6 49 a6 bxa6 50
c6 with c7 to follow, when his d-pawn’s exhausting ascent finally comes to a

Summary: As in the declined version of the Vaganian Gambit, White

achieves a steady space advantage if Black declines the 5 Nd2 gambit.

Game 59
Nassau 2009

1 d4 Nc6
Our move order runs 1 ... Nf6 2 Bg5 Nc6!?. Here are a few more oddball
second move options we should be aware of:
a) 2 ... d6 3 Bxf6 exf6 (if 3 ... gxf6 4 g3 e6 5 Bg2 d5 Black took two
moves in this version to play ... d5; 6 Nf3 was J.Hodgson-M.James, Ebbw
Vale 1997, when play might continue 6 ... c5 7 0-0 Nc6 8 c4 dxc4 9 Qa4 Bd7
10 Qxc4 Qb6 11 dxc5 Bxc5 12 Nc3 with Catalan-like play, favourable for
White) 4 c4 g6 5 Nc3 Bg7 6 g3 0-0 7 Bg2 f5 (or 7 ... Nc6 8 e3 Re8 9 Nge2
and Black’s knight looked slightly misplaced on c6, C.Lakdawala-B.Baker,
San Diego (rapid) 2013) 8 e3 Nd7 9 Nge2 and we transpose to the King’s
Indian versus Tromp chapter.
b) 2 ... c6 3 Bxf6 exf6 (3 ... gxf6 4 c4 d5 5 e3 gets us back to Chapter
Four) 4 e3 d5 5 c4 (5 g3 is the Tromp Catalan version) 5 ... dxc4 6 Bxc4 Bd6
7 Nc3 transposes to Chapter Four.
c) 2 ... h6 3 Bxf6 and thanks for the tempo! Either recapture likely
reaches Chapter Four positions a move up for us.
d) 2 ... b6 3 Bxf6 exf6 (or 3 ... gxf6 4 e4!? – of course, White can also
play the more conservative 4 e3 – 4 ... Bb7 5 Nc3 e6 6 Nge2 d6 7 Ng3 Qe7 8
d5 Nd7 9 Be2 0-0-0 10 a4 and advantage White, who dominates the light
squares and also retains the faster-looking attack, A.Zlochevskij-
A.Riazantsev, Moscow 1996) 4 e3 Bb7 5 Nf3 Nc6!? 6 a3 g6 7 c4 Bg7 8 Nc3
0-0 9 g3 Ne7 10 Bg2 d5 11 cxd5 Nxd5 12 Nxd5 Bxd5 13 0-0 Qd7 14 Rc1
when White looks better with a clearly superior structure and potential
pressure down the c-file, I.Miladinovic-P.Vernhes, French League 2004.
e) After 2 ... b5 3 Nd2 (of course, for consistency’s sake, we can also take
on f6) 3 ... Bb7 4 Ngf3 a6 5 a4 b4 6 c4 e6 7 e4!? h6 8 Bxf6 Qxf6 9 Bd3 d6 10
0-0 Nd7 11 Re1 e5 12 c5! dxc5 13 dxe5 Nxe5 14 Nxe5 Qxe5 15 Nc4 White’s
dangerous development lead and iron blockade of c4 gave him a clear
advantage, despite Black’s extra pawn in B.Chatalbashev-T.Todorov,
Krynica 1998.
2 Bg5 Nf6

The Two Knights Tango versus our Trompowsky.

Question: What is Black’s idea?

Answer: Black seeks to confuse us, keeping us up in the air, if he or she

will play ... d5 or ... e5. The Two Knights Tango doesn’t work all that well
versus Tromp, since we essentially get the structure we – not the opponent –
3 Bxf6 exf6 4 e3 d5
4 ... f5 5 Ne2 g6 6 c4 Bg7 7 Nbc3 0-0 8 g3 reaches Trompowsky versus
King’s Indian structures, which we covered in Chapter Six. But in this
version Black’s knight would be better off on d7, where it can transfer to f6.
So, in this case we get a good version.
5 c4
Essentially, we reach a Chapter Four position but with Black’s knight
possibly misplaced on c6.
5 ... Be6
5 ... Bb4+ 6 Nc3 Be6 transposes.
6 Nc3 Bb4 7 cxd5 Bxd5
I also prefer White after 7 ... Qxd5 8 Nge2 0-0-0 9 a3 Bxc3+ 10 Nxc3
Qd6, J.Bonin-D.Brown, Parsippany 2005, although Black may be okay here
due to his development lead.
8 Nge2 Bc4

Question: What is Black’s idea?

Answer: When White’s e2-knight moves, Black chops on f1, disrupting

White’s castling. However, as the game shows, this plan doesn’t seem to give
White much trouble.
9 Nf4 Bxf1 10 Kxf1 Qd7 11 Rc1 0-0 12 Ncd5?!
This and White’s coming move look premature. He should secure his
king first with 12 h4 Rfe8 13 h5 h6 14 Rh3 when White stands better, due to
his superior structure and kingside potential.
12 ... Bd6 13 Nh5
Threatening a pair of dirty cheapos on f6.
13 ... Qe6?
13 ... Qf5! pretty much forces a draw after 14 Qf3 Qd3+ 15 Qe2 (I don’t
trust White’s position after 15 Kg1 f5 since the h1-rook remains out of play,
and White can’t play 16 g3?? Nxd4) 15 ... Qf5 16 Qf3.

Exercise (combination alert): Can you find the combination which both
sides missed?

14 Qf3?
Answer: Both sides overlooked 14 Ndxf6+! gxf6 15 d5 Qf5 16 dxc6
which blows Black’s structure to smithereens.
14 ... Kh8
After 14 ... f5? 15 Ndf6+! Kh8 16 d5 Qe5 17 dxc6 Qxb2 18 Rd1 Qb5+ 19
Kg1 bxc6 20 Nxg7 Kxg7 21 Nh5+ Kh8 22 g3 White, although down a pawn,
holds an edge, since Black’s structure is in shambles and his king looks
15 g4!
We saw this same clamping idea in a few games from Chapter Four, so
let’s store it in our mental database.

Question: What are the benefits of g4?

Answer: The move clamps down on Black’s ... f5 counterplay and

increases White’s hold on the light squares.
15 ... Rfe8 16 h4 Qe4
White’s attacking potential gets Black nervous, so he takes queens off the
board. However, White retains advantage in the ending as well, due to his
light-square control and superior structure.
17 Kg2 Rac8 18 Qxe4
Both parties are agreeable to this accommodation.
18 ... Rxe4 19 Kf3 Ree8 20 Rc2
20 g5 f5 21 Ng3 Bxg3 22 Kxg3 also looks quite favourable for White.
20 ... Nb4 21 Nxb4 Bxb4 22 Rhc1 Bd6 23 Ng3 Bxg3
No choice since e4 would be a powerful post for the knight.
24 Kxg3
Externally, it feels as if Black is worse but not losing, but this might not
be the case. We feel an underlying unease, like a man who can’t enjoy
himself on vacation, due to the anxiety of a critical and unfinished business
deal back home. Black’s game is worse than it looks on the surface. Watch
how Bonin methodically improves his position:
24 ... Re7 25 d5
Threat: d6.
25 ... Rd7 26 e4 Kg8 27 g5! fxg5 28 hxg5
Otherwise the defence of h7 will be a perpetual worry for Black.
28 ... f6 29 gxf6 gxf6 30 Kf4 Kf7 31 Kf5
Let’s organize our thoughts and break down the position:
1. White’s king enjoys overwhelming superiority over his f7-counterpart.
2. Black’s rooks are tied down to defence of c7.
3. Both h7 and possibly f6 are potential targets.
4. White can play f4 and eventually e5, producing a passed e-pawn.
5. White’s e and d-pawns are both architect and foundation of his
fortunes. After that, d6 follows, due to the pin. This creates two deeply
passed pawns which paralyze Black.
Conclusion: It’s difficult not to view Black’s sagging position with a
deprecatory eye, since the evidence of decay mounts to such a degree, that we
can pronounce Black busted with unalterable conviction. The factors of
numbers 4 and 5 are decisive, and Black can do nothing about this plan.
31 ... Re7 32 f4 Rd7 33 e5! fxe5 34 fxe5 Ke8
34 ... Rxd5 35 Rxc7+ Rxc7 36 Rxc7+ is hopeless for Black.
35 d6 c6 36 Ke6?
Combinations, by their very nature, are geometric aberrations. It’s
difficult to put our finger on it, but something is aslant in White’s position – a
painting hung slightly askew on the wall. White’s foundation, once believed
to be so firm and solid, mysteriously transforms into an unstable substance.
His last move walks into a diabolical trap. Instead, the unnatural 36 Ke4!
leaves Black in a resignable position.
Exercise (combination alert): Through some mysterious force of
Black manages to forge haphazard elements in his position into a viable
saving idea. Find a stunning idea which exhibits Black’s deeply hidden
strength, while suppressing the inherent defects. Time to ruffle the laws
precedence with a bizarre geometry where Black may well save himself.

36 ... Rg7?
Indifference in a bad position can be as fatal as premature desperation.
Black (and White, for that matter) simply didn’t believe there could possibly
be a combination in such a wretched-looking position. But as we all realize,
Caissa is a notorious practical joker.
Answer: The miracle shot 36 ... Rf7!! may save the day. There is no
greater uplifter of our sagging spirits than when fate gifts us with an
unexpected combinational opportunity (of course, we still must find it), in
what would otherwise be described as an arid environment. Suddenly,
White’s king feels out of place, a bit like an ancient Christian vacationing in
pagan Rome. But the story doesn’t end here. Houdini now went on to find an
equally difficult win for White.
We must cast off the doubly misleading facade in order to reveal the
underlying truth of the position. To win, White must find the humanly
impossible-to-find continuation: 37 Rf1!! (37 Rd1? Is the human move and
the one we all would play, but actually allows Black to draw after 37 ... Rd8
38 Rcd2 Kf8! – with a nasty threat – 39 d7 Re7+ 40 Kf6 Rf7+ 41 Kg5 Ke7
42 Re2 Rg8+! 43 Kh5 Rfg7! 44 e6 Rg5+ 45 Kh4 R5g6 46 Re5 Rg2 47 Kh3
R8g3+ 48 Kh4 Rg8 is drawn) 37 ... Rxf1 38 d7+ Kd8 39 Rg2! Kc7 (not 39 ...
Rc7?? 40 Rg8+ mate) 40 dxc8Q+ Kxc8 41 Ke7 h5 42 e6 h4 43 Rg8+ Kc7 44
Rh8 Rf2 45 Rh7! Kc8 46 Ke8 Rxb2 47 Kf8 Rf2+ 48 Rf7 Rxa2 49 e7 Re2 50
e8Q+ Rxe8+ 51 Kxe8 h3 52 Ke7 Kc7 53 Ke6+ Kb6 54 Ke5 h2 55 Rh7 Kc5
56 Rxh2 a5 57 Rc2+ Kb4 58 Rb2+ Kc3 59 Rxb7 a4 60 Ra7 Kb3 61 Kd4 a3
62 Kd3 a2 63 Kd2 Kb2 64 Rb7+ Ka3 (64 ... Ka1 65 Kc3 c5 66 Rh7 c4 67
Rh1 is mate) 65 Kc2! a1N+ 66 Kc3 Ka2 67 Rb8 c5 68 Rc8 Kb1 69 Rxc5.

This book seems to be

loaded with king and knight versus king and rook endings. In this case as
well, the rook beats the knight side, since Black’s king and knight suffer
asphyxia in the corner: 69 ... Kc1 70 Ra5 Kb1 (70 ... Nc2 71 Ra2 wins) 71
Rh5 Ka2 72 Rb5 is zugzwang. White wins.
From a practical standpoint, I don’t believe there is a single human on
earth who can come up with this 3100-rated Houdini technique over the
37 Rf2 Rd8 38 Rcf1 Rg6+ 39 Rf6 Rg8

Exercise (combination alert): How did White convert his overwhelming


Answer: Deflection/pawn promotion. There are many other ways to win

as well. This one looks the most clear.
40 d7+! Rxd7 41 Rf8+ Rxf8 42 Rxf8+ Kxf8 43 Kxd7 1-0
There is no taste as vile as futile effort. Nothing can stop the e-pawn’s march
to e8.

Summary: In the Two Knights’ Tango, we reach positions we looked at in

Chapter Four, except in this case Black’s knight sits on c6, a more awkward
square than the traditional d7.
Index of Complete Games
Belikov.V-Raetsky.A, Voronezh 2007
Bonin.J-Stenzel.H, Nassau 2009
Chernin.A-Kundin.A, Biel 1997
Drazic.S-Doric.N, Mogliano Veneto 2000
Drazic.S-Papastavropoulos.A, Corinth 2000
Fedoseev.V-Zubov.A, Voronezh 2012
Finegold.B-Benjamin.J, US Championship, Saint Louis 2010
Finegold.B-Gonzales.J, World Open, Philadelphia 2001
Gareev.T-Mikhalevski.V, National Open, Las Vegas 2012
Georgiev.K-Horvath.A, European Club Cup, Fuegen 2006
Hall.J-Jensson.E, Hafnarfjordur 1997
Hodgson.J-Arkell.K, London 1991
Hodgson.J-Del Mundo.A, World Open, Philadelphia 2000
Hodgson.J-Gokhale.J, British Championship, Dundee 1993
Hodgson.J-Lalic.B, British Championship, Scarborough 1999
Hodgson.J-Lukacs.P, Kecskemet 1988
Hodgson.J-Martin.A, British Championship, Plymouth 1992
Hodgson.J-Panchenko.A, Bern 1994
Hodgson.J-Pert.R, British Rapidplay Championship, Bradford 2001
Hodgson.J-Roeder.G, Bad Wörishofen 1995
Hodgson.J-Thorhallsson.T, Istanbul Olympiad 2000
Hodgson.J-Turner.M, Kilkenny 1999
Hodgson.J-van der Wiel.J, Amsterdam 1994
Hodgson.J-Wells.P, Oxford 1998
Hodgson.J-Ziatdinov.R, Guernsey 1991
Ivanisevic.I-Solak.D, Vrnjacka Banja 2005
Kasparov.G-Carneiro.M, Sao Paulo (simul) 2004
Kasparov.G-Ribeiro.L, Lisbon (simul) 1999
Kasparov.G-Salzberg.J, New York (simul) 2000
Kinsman.A-Littlewood.J, British League 1998
Kireev.A-Rakay.K, Stare Mesto 2005
Lahiri.A-Tukhaev.A, Alushta 2005
Lakdawala.C-Banawa.J, Southern California State Championship 2010
Lakdawala.C-Bruno.R, San Diego (rapid) 2007
Lakdawala.C-Bruno.R, San Diego 2004
Lakdawala.C-Cuarta.B, San Diego (rapid) 2011
Lakdawala.C-Funderburg.J, San Diego (rapid) 2007
Lakdawala.C-Ivanov.I, Los Angeles (rapid) 2000
Lakdawala.C-Kishnevsky.D, San Diego (rapid) 2004
Lakdawala.C-Rezendes.R, San Diego (simul) 1997
Laznicka.V-Moiseenko.A, San Sebastian 2012
Laznicka.V-Zubarev.A, Vitoria 2006
Mamedyarov.S-Bagheri.A, Abu Dhabi 2003
Mamedyarov.S-Nedev.T, Dresden Olympiad 2008
Martinovic.S-Dizdarevic.E, Sibenik 2009
Miladinovic.I-Nabaty.T, Belgrade 2013
Moskalenko.V-Alsina Leal.D, Barcelona 2011
Moskalenko.V-Erdogdu.M, Angora 2010
Moskalenko.V-Llaneza Vega.M, Barcelona 2008
Movsesian.S-Kotronias.V, Moscow 2007
Nakamura.H-Lie.K, Gjovik (rapid) 2009
Piket.J-Espig.L, German League 2000
Popov.I-Grigoryan.A, Kirishi 2007
Povah.N-Ledger.D, British League 2001
Radjabov.T-Areshchenko.A, Moscow 2005
Shulman.Y-n .WYang, Ningbo (rapid) 2013
Vaganian.R-Jansa.V, Kragujevac 1974
Yusupov.A-Bischoff.K, Munich 1990
Yusupov.A-Vyzmanavin.A, Moscow (rapid) 1995

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